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Datos para la integración en Lituania/ Data for integration in Lithuania


Name and surname
Fecha de nacimiento 1986-02-21
Estado civil, Single
nombre, apellido y
fecha de nacimiento
de cónyuge
Marital status, name,
surname and date of
birth of spouse
Niños hasta 18 años Ivahnova Valentina Gomez Blanco, daughter, birth date 2007-08-03.
a su cargo (fechas de Brandon Alexander Gomez Blanco, son, birth date 2011-04-10.
sus nacimientos)
Children up to 18
years of age (dates
of their births)
Lengua materna Spanish
(suya y de sus
Mother tongue
(yours and your
Idiomas Spanish only.
Estudios y profesión Graduated the high school in 2002.
Studies and
Estudios y profesión ---------------------
de su cónyuge
Studies and
profession of your
Experiencia laboral, I have worked at selling furniture, liquor, houses, food, personal items, a little bit in general sales. Position saleswoman, and
en que área, in some jobs I achived a supervisor but nothing certifiable.
duración y cargo
Work experience, in
which area, duration
and position
Experiencia laboral, ---------------------
en que área,
duración y cargo de
su cónyuge
Work experience, in
which area, duration
and position of your
¿Tiene algunos I don’t have any problems with my health.
problemas de salud?
En caso afirmativo
especifique que tipo
Do you have any
health problems? If
yes, specify what
¿Tiene algunos ---------------------
problemas de salud
su cónyuge? En caso
positivo especifique
que tipo
Does your spouse
have any health
problems? If yes,
specify what type
¿Tiene algunos For my both children is diagnosed attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, vision problem is hyperopia astigmatism. There
problemas de salud are being used only sigcology consultations. But they are fully functional children.
sus hijos? En caso
positivo especifique
que tipo
Do your children
have any health
problems? If yes,
specify what type
Su preferencia de la Vilnius.
cuidad para
Your city preference
for integration
Su trabajo deseable I have knowledge in aesthetics of ladies and gentlemen. I have all my experience in sales, so my desirable work is in this
(que podría o está branch.
capaz de ejercer)
Your desirable job
(that you could or
are able to do)
Niños están Daughter goes to the class 5 of the primary school. Son goes to the class 2 of the primary school
escolarizados? A que
clase van?
Children are in
school? What class
do they go to?
Si niños van a No.
If children go to
Otras necesidades I do not have a size M winter jacket, I do not have size M winter warm clothes, I do not have size 38 winter warm shoes I do
especificas not have a winter warm scarf, I do not have a warm winter hat, I do not have winter gloves. Learn Lithuanian as fast as
Other specific needs possible. To get support by looking for work at the beginning of life in Lithuania. I intend to open my own business in
Otros deseos My wish is to be able to settle down in a quiet place, have a stable job and home so that I can enjoy and let educate my
Other wishes children without worries.
To receive assistance by work searching.

- Si tiene algunos documentos, por favor, adjunten…

- - If you have any documents, please attach ...

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