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Manual Técnico

Sandra Yaned Escandón Campos

Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje (Sena)

Ficha 2175817: Análisis y desarrollo de sistemas de información

Ins. Laura Vanessa Contreras

Mayo 25 de 2021

Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje (Sena)

Regional Santander Centro Agroempresarial y Turístico los Andes



Esta evidencia se realizó como actividad transversal de inglés en la fase 3 de diseño en la

actividad de proyecto 4.

Una vez se estudió el material de formación y complementario sobre tiempo presente y

pasado, se procedió a elaborar en el idioma inglés, un manual de usuario de un programa de

software, utilizando los conceptos de cómo elaborar un manual de usuario.

Para cumplir con el desarrollo de esta guía en inglés, se analizaron varios pasos para

hacer un manual que de verdad le sirva al o los usuarios; estos pasos son: planificar el manual

del usuario, incluir información importante, describir los cuidados que se deben tener para el uso

correcto del programa y para finalizar, escribir un manual que sea legible y fácil de entender.




Salud y Economía

Version 1.1|May 2021

Table of Contents

1. Welcome………………………………………………………………………………... 5

2. Introduction…………………………………………………………………………….. 5

3. About this document………………………………………………………………….. 5

4. System login…………………………………………………………………………… 5

5. Main Menu …………………………………………………………………………….. 6

5.1 Inventory module…………………………………………………………………. 6

5.2 Products module………………………………………………………………….. 6

5.3 Purchase module…………………………………………………………………. 6

5.4 Sales module……………………………………………………………………… 7

5.5 Supplier module…………………………………………………………………… 7

5.6 Administrative management module……………………………………………. 8

5.7 Financial management module………………………………………………….. 8

5.8 Reports and inquiries module……………………………………………………. 8

5.9 Inventory tweaks module…………………………………………………………. 9

5.10 Help……………………………………………………………………………….. 9

5.11 Log out…………………………………………………………………………….. 9

6. Warnings………………………………………………………………………………… 10

7. Contact Us………………………………………………………………………………. 10

8. Application Security……………………………………………………………………..10

9. Questions about This Software……………………………………………………….. 10

10. About This User Guide………………………………………………………………… 10

11. Glossary………………………………………………………………………………… 10

1 Welcome

Welcome to SIDAI software, the information system that will allow you to inventory

management and control

2 Introduction

The SIDAI is an information system create to solution needs of the system to pharmacy. It

manual will help you interact with SIDAI more efficiently.

3 About this document

This contains the database to know SIDAI software, what you need to use it, how to log in,

how to use function menu.

4 System Login


1) Double click system icon SIDAI, Login screen is displayed

2) Input your user and password

3) Press bottom enter

4) If you don´t remember the password, click on “forgot password”, here, you digit

email and the system send you a new password

5) To change password, click on “change password”, digit new password and you

should confirm it

5 Main Menu

Here, you can choose different functions of system by clicking the function name and then

choose the screen that you want or according to each user profile

5.1 Inventory module

Click on “Inventory”, you can access and to consult or to select the appropriate option.

Click on “Product”, each product of the inventory has been register; you can consult their

movements and all information that you need

Click on “Physical inventory”, you can generate a report about the value of inventory

Click on “Stock”, it option can give you current stock and informs you if you have to buy a

product, also, informs you if a product is not selling

5.2 Products module

Click on “products”, the system will give you the following options:

To create a product, click on “create product” and enter the code, name, purchase, cost,

and price

To update a product, click on “update product”, you can update any information

To deactivate a product, click on “deactivate product” enter the code product and click on

sure deactivate yes or not

5.3 Purchases module


To purchase order click on “order”, you choose the supplier and the products

To enter invoice click on “enter billing”, here you must enter invoice number.

5.4 Sales module

To verify the sales, simply click on “Daily sale” and select the date in the calendar

To validate the sales for seller, click on “seller sale”, enter the seller code you want to


To sale click on “billing”, digit code client, check in product or products (one by one) that

has chosen the customer, finish transaction and click on “finish sale”, click on print

5.5 Supplier module


To create a supplier click on “create seller”, enter all data, name, nit, address, email

To eliminate a supplier click on “eliminate seller”, enter the code supplier and click on sure

eliminate yes or not.

To update supplier click on “update supplier”, here you can update any information

5.6 Administrative management module

The management will can create user, password, seller and store. In addition, he will can

generate report or consult, deactivations and adjustments.

5.7 Financial management module

If you need to enter costs and other expenses click on “costs” or “expenses”, enter value

in every concept

To generate report breakeven click on “breakeven” and enter date

To generate report earnings and loses click on “e&l” and enter date

5.8 Report and inquiries module


To generate reports, you must choose which report need and then click on “reports”

Sales, stock, total inventory at cost and sale, sales by seller.

5.9 Inventory tweaks module

To generate tweaks, you must click on “inventory tweaks” and enter the codes that you

want tweaks, first the code that come out and second the code to enter

5.10 Help

Click on the next icon, hare you can to consult about any question

5.11 Log out

To log out of the system, click on in the icon

6 Warnings

Before begin a user this software, please, first read this user guide carefully.

In case of problems with the system, contact the software developer immediately.

Every user have access limited, in case of questions turn to your immediate boss.

7 Contact Us

When you need to communicated whit we, please contact us in phone 555-555555 and

we will answer you

8 Application Security

SIDAI has a strict privacy policy that applies to this software.

9 Questions about This Software

If you have any questions about SIDAI software, please contact SIDAI customer care:

10 About This User Guide

All information about SIDAI to contain in this guide is proprietary and confidential and

cannot be disclosed or duplicated without prior authorization


Icon: is a pictogram or ideogram displayed on a computer screen in order to help the user

navigate a computer system.

Information system: a computer system or set of components for collecting, creating, storing,

processing, and distributing information, typically including hardware and software, system users,

and the data itself: the use of information systems to solve business problems

Menu: is a set of options presented to the user of a computer application to help the user find

information or execute a program function

Module: Typical characteristics of modular components include portability, which allows them to

be used in a variety of systems, and interoperability, which allows them to function with the

components of other systems.


Password: is a set of secret characters or words used to authenticate access to and secure a

digital system

SIDAI: is a system information pharmacy Al Instante

Software: is a collection of instructions and data that tell a computer how to work. This is in

contrast to physical hardware, from which the system is built and actually performs the work

User:  is a person who utilizes a computer or network service

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