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Reading comprehension- Book

Questions -English IV

1. Where does the story take place? Describe the city/town.

2. Who are the main characters? Describe your favorite character.

3. Think about one problem in the story. How would you attempt to solve a problem

in the story?

4. How does the story end?

5. How was the main problem of the story solved?

6. What is the main idea of the story?

7. How can you relate to the story? Can you relate to any of the characters?

8. Who is the author? Where is the author from?

9. Can think of another tittle for this story? Explain.

10. Is the story fiction or nonfiction? Explain.

11. Did you like the story? Why or why not?

12. What is the social message of the story? What did you learn from the story?

Libro de comprensión de lectura

Preguntas-Inglés IV

1. ¿Dónde tiene lugar la historia? Describe la ciudad / pueblo.

En Boston, en el estado de Massachusetts. Es un pueblo pequeño de 1600

2. ¿Quiénes son los personajes principales? Describe tu personaje favorito.

Roger chilinwort, hester pryme, Pearl, Arthur dimmsdale

3. Piensa en un problema en la historia. ¿Cómo intentarías resolver un problema?

¿en la historia?
un problema seria la religion ortodoxa, esta deberia ser mas laxa

4. ¿Cómo termina la historia?

dimmsdale confiesa su pecado en publico, y luego muere en brazos de hester

5. ¿Cómo se resolvió el problema principal de la historia?

contando la verdad antes de morir, para descansar sin culpa

6. ¿Cuál es la idea principal de la historia?

Que el precio de nuestros pecados puede ser alto

7. ¿Cómo te puedes relacionar con la historia? ¿Puedes relacionarte con alguno de los personajes?
Alguna vez todos nos hemos relacionado sentimentalmente con alguien que no nos conviene, Arthur

8. ¿Quién es el autor? ¿De dónde es el autor?

Nathaniel Hawthorne, nació en Salem

9. ¿Se puede pensar en otro título para esta historia? Explique.

El demonjo y hester. Haciendo referencia a la protagonista y a lo malo que es chillinwort

10. ¿Es la historia ficción o no ficción? Explique.

Esta basada en hechos reales del siglo 17 según cuenta al principio el autor

11. ¿Te gustó la historia? ¿Por qué o por qué no?

No estuvo mal, pero pensé que era de terror, y resulto más de romance, lo cual me decepciono

12. ¿Cuál es el mensaje social de la historia? ¿Qué aprendiste de la historia?

Que debemos ser tolerantes, y no juzgar a los demás sin mirarnos primero

1. Where does the story take place? Describe the city / town.

 In Boston, in the state of Massachusetts. It is a small town

2. Who are the main characters? Describe your favorite character

Roger Chilinwort, Hester Pryme, Pearl, Arthur Dimmsdale

Is brave, honest and devoted

3. Think of a problem in the story. How would you try to solve a problem?

in the history?

a serious problem is the orthodox religion, this should be more lax

4. How does the story end?

dimmsdale confesses his sin in public, and then dies in the arms of hester

5. How was the main problem in the story solved?

telling the truth before dying, to rest without fault

6. What is the main idea of the story?

That the price of our sins can be high

7. How can you relate to the story? Can you relate to any of the characters?

Have we all been romantically related to someone who does not suit us?

8. Who is the author? Where is the author from?

Nathaniel Hawthorne, was born in Salem

9. Can you think of another title for this story? Explain

The demon and hester. Making reference to the protagonist and to the bad that is chillinwort

10. Is it fiction or non-fiction? Explain

It is based on real events of the 17th century according to the author's account at the beginning

11. Did you like the story? Why or why not?

It was not bad, but I thought it was horror, and it turned out more about romance, which
disappointed me

12. What is the social message of the story? What did you learn from the story?

That we should be tolerant, and not judge others without looking at ourselves first

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