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JUNIO Ingles

SEMANA 2 -3 Claudia Sepúlveda Soto

(Viernes 12 al Viernes 19) 4° Básico A y B
Liceo Antonio Varas
Lago Ranco
Nombre del estudiante: ____________________________________________________
Objetivo de la actividad: Dar consejos sobre salud a personas con síntomas
Escribir oraciones simples sobre salud siguiendo un patron

- Si no puedes imprimir la guía, no te preocupes, escribe solo las respuestas en tu
cuaderno especificando el numero de la guía.
- Ante duda o consulta, puedes hacerlo a mi whatsapp personal o al correo
- Esta guía evaluada tiene como plazo de entrega el día Viernes 26 de Junio.
por medio de envió de foto a correo mencionado.

● Tu cuaderno de inglés o 2 hojas en blanco
 Diccionario de Ingles español o aplicación de diccionario en teléfono
● Lápiz grafito, goma.

1. Write the name of each part of the body in the crossword

2. Who´s who? Write the names under the pictures.

1. John has a sore throat.

2. Harry has a cut in his hand.

3. Jack has a broken arm.

4. Michael has a temperature.

5. Phil has a toothache.

6. Patrick has a stomachache.

7. Sergio has a headache.

8. Tim has a pain in his shoulder.

9. William has a broken finger.

3.Look the meaning of the following advices in a dictionary

1. stay at home __________________________________________________________________

2. carry heavy things
3. take painkillers
4. drink lemon and mint tea.
5. blow your nose
6. wash your hand
7. eat candies
8. rest
9. got to the doctor
10. have cold drinks
11. go to the dentist _______________________________________________________________
12. eat junk food _________________________________________________________________

Cuando una persona esta enferma le podemos dar consejos de como solucionar sus dolores o enfermedades,
por medio de consejos. Para eso utilizamos las palabras SHOULD Y SHOULD NOT, significan DEBERIAS
Peter: What’s the matter Javier? ……………………………… ¿Que te pasa?
Javier: I have a stomachache ………………………………………Tengo dolor de estomago
Peter: You SHOULD got to the doctor ……………………………. Tu deberias ir al doctor

4. Write should or should not

 She has a cold . She ……………. stay at work.

 He has backache. He ……………. carry heavy things.

 She has a headache. She …………… take painkiller.

 Steve has stomachache. He ………….. drink lemon and mint tea.

 You have runny nose. You ………… blow your nose.

 My brother has toothache. He ………… eat candies.

 Jennifer has a broken arm. She ………… play volleyball.

 He feels tired. He ………….. have a rest.

 Caroline has a sore throat. She ……….. go to a doctor.

 He has a cough. He …………….. drink cold drinks.

 She has toothache. She ………… go to a dentist.

 Alice has cold. She …………. have a rest.

 She has headache. She ……………….. take medicine.

5. Look at the pictures and complete the sentences

- What’s the matter? - What’s the matter?

- I’ve got a ___________________. - I’ve got a ___________________.
-You should ___________________ -You should ___________________
_________________________________ _________________________________

- What’s the matter? - What’s the matter?

- I’ve got a ___________________. - I’ve got a ___________________.
-You should ___________________ -You should ___________________
_________________________________ _________________________________

- What’s the matter? - What’s the matter?

- I’ve got a ___________________. - I’ve got a ___________________.
-You should ___________________ -You should ___________________
_________________________________ _________________________________

- What’s the matter? - What’s the matter?

- I’ve got a ___________________. - I’ve got a ___________________.
-You should ___________________ -You should ___________________
_________________________________ _________________________________

- What’s the matter? - What’s the matter?

- I’ve got a ___________________. - I’ve got a ___________________.
-You should ___________________ -You should ___________________
_________________________________ _________________________________

- What’s the matter? - What’s the matter?

- I’ve got a ___________________. - I’ve got a ___________________.
-You should ___________________ -You should ___________________
_________________________________ _________________________________
6. Escribe una conversación de un doctor y un enfermo. Usando vocabulario visto en clases.
Sigue el siguiente patrón:

Doctor: Good Morning, What’s your name?

Patient: My name is _____________________________________________________
Doctor: What’s the matter?
Patient: __________________________________________________________________
Doctor: You _______________________________________________________________
Patient: Thank you doctor!
Doctor: Bye Bye

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