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PLAN DE UNIDAD Versión: 00

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INTELIGENCIAS: Lingüística (extranjera), Lógico-Matemático y Naturalista,

DOCENTES: Lorena Cabrera, Omar Orozco, Andrea Carolina Gutièrrez,

Diana Marcela Manchola, Juan Ramón Hoyos, Camilo Rodríguez


INTENSIDAD HORARIA: 28 horas semanales

AÑO: 2017



Naturalistic intelligence:

¿Como percibo, exploró y cuido la naturaleza a través de mis 5 sentidos?

Logical mathematical intelligence

¿Cómo la construcción del entorno me permite ubicarme a partir de las

diferentes situaciones matemáticas que me plantea?
¿Como el tiempo me permite organizar mis acciones?
¿Como los elementos del entorno pueden ser medibles y cuantificables?
¿Como la medición me ayuda a entender el mundo?
¿Como puedo representar los elementos del entorno por medio de figuras
¿Como los cálculos lógicos me permiten resolver situaciones cotidianas?

Linguistic Foreign Language

¿De qué manera el lenguaje y las expresiones corporales me permiten


¿Como a través de la observación y la descripción puedo interpretar y
comunicar mis experiencias?
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Compara y relaciona atributos de elementos, estableciendo variables y

utilizando diferentes organizadores gráficos.


Observa y describe de manera directa características accidentales .

Secuencia de desempeños: Rally thinking

● Realización del diagnóstico inicial frente a las habilidades propias del

desarrollo del pensamiento.
● Exploración y observación de personas, objetos eventos, lugares y
● Recolección de datos a partir de la exploración y observación directa
e indirecta.
● Descripción de personas, objetos, eventos lugares y situaciones
partir de variables dadas.
● Representación de la información recolectada de manera detallada y




The student describes, asks and answers questions, uses common

greetings and applies prefabricated patterns in familiar contexts by using
simple sentences in present tenses, using proper language for working in

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Uses prefabricated patterns, answers yes/no and information questions

using everyday language, basic personal information and greetings, having
self-control when giving his/her opinions.



The student follows simple instructions and identifies the generality of the
text, sequence of different communicative situations and texts, by answering
comprehension questions using different expressions working in teams.


Relates images and words in spoken language when participating in choral

readings, showing understanding by answering questions about the graphics
from the text and following one simple command at a time having self

Secuencia de desempeños: Describing myself

Describing myself

● Visual and verbal recognition through the use of games (body

● Exploring different types of texts using demonstrative (This).
● Playing with abilities through the use of games, songs and chants.
● Gathering personal information from different sources.
● Applying descriptive language from images, people and animals.
● Using language to express preferences and personal information by
video recording. themselves




Solves math situations when following displacement instructions and

develops a sense of time in daily life, registering data by bar graphs and
showing willingness to complete a task.

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Counts and orders quantities in numerical sequences of base ten, while operating
with quantities using manipulatives with proper attitude to work in teams.

Secuencia de desempeños: Matheatletics games

● Discovering and representing quantities according to the situations.

● Establishing the order a sequence of numbers to solve situations.
● Using manipulatives to represent numbers.
● Using manipulatives to operate with quantities.
● Math competition.



Compares and relates conventional and non-conventional systems when

estimating and measuring objects. Additionally, recognizes and composes
flat shapes from basic geometric elements such as point and line, through
self improvement from feedback.


Explores objects from surroundings by measuring them using a variety of

non-conventional units of measurement. Additionally, recognizes and
composes flat shapes from basic geometric elements such as point and
straight line, showing willingness to complete a task.

Secuencia de desempeños: Representing my surrounding.

● Recognition of elements and objects from the geometric shapes.

● Graphical representation of flat shapes by using point and straight line..
● Estimation and measurement of elements of the environment and
events and their measurables properties.
● Measuring my surroundings and locating myself.
● Representing my surrounding with flat shapes.


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Solves math situations when following displacement instructions and

develops a sense of time in daily life, registering data by bar graphs and
showing willingness to complete a task.


Recognizes and compares the moments of the day with the different daily
actions and uses relative location notions to place different elements, having
self motivation.

Secuencia de los desempeños: kids Dairy

● Visual and verbal recognition of the day and night.

● Representation of day and night thought people actions.
● Compares the moments of the day with daily situations of people.
● Illustrations of data.



The student compares and relates human characteristics and healthy habits,
to make decisions when interacts with the surroundings, showing willingness
to complete a task.


Observes and describes his surroundings with each one of the five senses
collecting and registering data of his/her sensations and perceptions, having
an appropriate self image.

Secuencia de desempeños: Did you know...?

Did you know…?

● Exploring the surroundings using 5 senses.
● My sensations and perceptions to explore elements.
● Relating my body and the perceptions of my surroundings.
● Establishing attributes of different element using the perceptions of my
body gets through my 5 senses.
● Describing the elements based on the attributes.
● Describing elements using the collected information based on their 5
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senses. (taste chart)..



The student relates his actions to the impact made on the environment,
being empathetic with the effects he/she has on the environs.


Applies hygienic practices, in order to follow rules and procedures to take

care of his/her body having self care.

Secuencia de desempeños: caring my body

Caring my body.

● Exploring different kinds of hygienic practices.

● Differentiating hygienic practices from others kinds of practices.
● Creating awareness of the importance of hygienic practices.
● Sharing the way I take care of my body in the school and at home. (In a




Durante la fase exploratoria se llevará a cabo Criterios de Evaluación

planeación dirigida a la observación de intereses, como
enfoque intencional se retomará la línea de indagación Naturalista
de transformación, así mismo, esta se enfocará en los
diagnósticos de los niños. Scientific:

Pensamiento ● Cognitivo: Identifies the 5 senses

Para iniciar el proceso de desarrollo en pensamiento (sight, taste, smell, touch,
es necesario tener un diagnóstico preciso que nos hearing)
permita obtener toda la información sobre las
habilidades básicas como la observación y la ● Procedimental: Describe the use
descripción. Y por otro lado buscar sus intereses y of the 5 senses to specific body
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realizar un enganche afectivo que los inspira a seguir parts

en su proceso de aprendizaje apoyando, la
amplificación de la línea inspirada en la ● Valorativo: Uses proper language
“Transformación”. Por esta razón para estas tres to refer to his body.
semanas realizaremos los siguientes rincones.
Semana del 1 al 3 de febrero
Sesión 1 ● Cognitivo: Identifies hygienic
¿Qué podrías decir de ese objeto? Jota ● Procedimental: Follows hygienic
Los estudiantes observarán una fruta utilizando sus rules and procedures
sentidos (olfato, tacto, vista, oído, olor y sabor). Luego
de percibir el objeto los estudiantes responderán la ● Valorativo: Take care of his/her
pregunta que motiva el rincón ¿Qué podrías decir de body.
ese objeto? Estas respuestas nos permitirán saber la
amplitud en la descripción y la cantidad de adjetivos Pensamiento
que los estudiantes utilizan en la descripción. Luego
haremos lo mismo pero ya con un mango diseccionado ● Cognitivo: Observación directa e
para que los niños lo vean por dentro y puedan indirecta, descripción, variables y
describir las partes que conforman la fruta y se les atributos
preguntará ¿Qué partes tiene un mago, que podemos
decir sobre la pepa, la pulpa y la cáscara? ● Procedimental: Observar de
Tiempo: 10 minutos manera directa e indirecta, e
identificación de variables.
Formas de organización Diana y Andrea
Los niños estás en la parte exterior del ambiente, en un ● Valorativo: Autocuidado,
lugar que les facilite moverse en el espacio, se sientan autocontrol,
alrededor del docente, el profesor les dice que se van a
organizar en grupos, que tengan una característica en Lógico- matemáticas
Describir el recorrido (fluidez verbal). Omar y ● Identifies measurable
lorena properties from objects.
● Recognizes the moments of
En este rincón cada niño recibirá la siguiente the day.
instrucción: describe todo lo que viste desde que ● Identifies numerical quantities.
saliste de tu casa hasta llegar aquí. Con el propósito de
identificar la habilidad de observación indirecta, de Procedimental:
igual forma establecer que la descripción no es un ● Represents quantities using
listado de palabras. manipulatives.
Al final cada rincón tendrá retroalimentación frente al ● Operates with quantities using
desarrollo del mismo. manipulatives.
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● Locates himself/herself or objects

Semana del 6 al 10 de febrero according to a point of reference.

Sesión 2 Valorativo: Works in teams while

operating with quantitie
Omar y Lorena Lingüística Extranjera
En esta oportunidad, los estudiantes están organizados
en forma de media luna frente al smartboard. Los niños Cognitivo:
observan tres imágenes proyectadas las cuales son ● Identifies simple vocabulary.
muy similares en sus características, deben escuchar ● Relates images and words.
la descripción dada y decidir la imagen a la que
corresponde la descripción. Una vez ellos hacen la Procedimental:
selección, se pedirá que den soporte a la misma y se
discutirá la pertinencia de la misma. ● Follows one simple
Enriqueciendome ● Represents the spoken
Diana y Andrea language.
● Answers yes/no questions.
En esta sesión los estudiantes están enriqueciendo su ● Answers information
vocabulario por medio del juego “cuéntame cómo es”. questions.
Es así, que los niños tienen variedad de objetos y
describen sus características, por ejemplo un helado, Valorativo:
dicen su color, su forma, su textura, su temperatura y ● Relates images and words..
su trama, pero al describirlo el docente les pedirá que ● Listens their classmates
“lo digan pero de otra forma” es decir, si dicen que el opinions
helado es frío, pueden decir que está congelado, ● Expresses ideas having self
glacial, helado, o fresco. Si dicen que es grande, control.
pueden decir, el helado es vasto, monumental o
enorme. Los niños disponen de un banco de palabras Retroalimentación
para apoyar su descripción. Al final, los estudiantes
recordarán las palabras vistas y las usarán con otros Se realizará en forma oral por medio
objetos. de diálogos entre los niños y el
docente, donde nos permita, por
¿Y eso que es? medio de su obra y expresiones
Jota. reflexionar sobre las nociones que
Los niños tendrán diferentes objetos que a simple vista posee. Se tomará su obra y su acción
pueden parecer un objeto o elemento determinado o intervención como principal punto de
pero que al utilizar otros sentidos sabrán que es otra reflexión. También se realizarán
cosa. Por turnos cada niño tendrá su impresión visual diálogos abiertos en donde los
del elemento y tendrá que utilizar los otros sentidos estudiantes puedan participar del
para determinar qué es. Se buscará que los niños proceso reflexivo de su obra y la de
realicen descripciones utilizando diferentes palabras sus compañeros.
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ante las variables conocidas de forma, tamaño, color,

para después incluir descripciones táctiles, olfativas,
texturales, sonoras e incluso gustativas. Sobre un Observaciones:
mesa tendrán los elementos y sus descripciones se
gravarán. Las preguntas dinamizadoras ¿Qué crees ● Pensamiento:
que es?¿Porque lo dices?¿Cómo es? y ¿Cómo huele,
se siente, suena, esta hecho?¿a qué sabe?¿qué otra Durante esta sesión se evidencio que
cosa podría ser? algunos niños tuvieron dificultad a la
hora de describir lo que vieron, en vez
Semana del 13 al 17 de febrero de esto hicieron listado de palabras tal
fue el caso de mariangel e Isabella,
Sesión 3 por otro lado estuvieron muy cortos de
información es decir recordar y hacer
En esta sesión se llevó a cabo la rotación de la session la descripción de manera indirecta fue
2. compleja para Sander, Juan Mario,
Linguistic Foreign Language Salome y Lucciana aquí el docente
During this phase, the students will be working on tuvo que intervenir y a través de
different spot, some spots are focus on provocation preguntas realizaron el proceso de
around “transformation”. Other spots aim a diagnosis manera mas comoda. Por otro lado
about the previous knowledge of the kids and the Santiago Vargas, Juan Felipe,
relations they have in the school contexts. Jeronimo Guzman realizaron
descripciones detalladas y utilizaron
Week 1 January 31st - February 7th conectores de manera estructurada y
Sessión 1 organizada. El resto del grupo
All teachers realizaron descripciones cortas y con
In the search of interests and with the purpose that información general. Lorena Cabrera
children interact with their environment and their
classmates, students will play a game “fruit salad”. Durante la sesión de diagnóstico, los
students will be in a circle and the teacher will be in the niños mostraron poca fluidez verbal al
middle saying something that applies to at least 2 momento de contar con sus propias
people in the circle, for example “anyone who has a palabras el recorrido que hacen desde
pet” anyone who has a brother or sister” “Anyone su casa al colegio. La mayoría de los
wearing the color purple”. If the person’s statement estudiantes hacen una lista de objetos
applies to someone sitting in the circle, that student has que en su camino de casa al colegio.
to move from his or her seat and sit in a different chair. Además, algunos pocos logran decir
If the person says "Fruit Salad", then everyone needs con exactitud el lugar en el que viven,
to move to a different chair. The person in the middle siendo muy difícil corroborar la
tries to sit down. There'll be one person left without a información que ellos expresan. Se
chair- this kid will be the next person in the middle of hace necesario desarrollar nuevo
the circle. The standing student starts a new round by vocabulario en los niños, llevarlos de
saying a different statement with the purpose to identify las lista de cosas que ven a una
personal information. descripción más detallada buscando
que esta sea más fluida al momento
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Students will also have the chance of playing some de realizarse.

board games, in this time they will work on some Omar Orozco.
instructions and will get used to the fact of having their
teacher speaking in English by following the En la clase de pensamiento pudimos
instructions during different activities. Some of these tener una rotación completa con la
games will be supermarket list, bingo and lottery. totalidad del grupo y la experiencia fue
muy interesante. Mientras hacía la
Session 2 & 3 clase me surgían nuevas ideas y
How do I have transform? nuevos procesos como por ejemplo la
Lorena and Omar relación entre la imagen mental y la
descripción que se realiza de la
In order to work on the line of inquiry “transformation”, misma y como los niños aún no
students will have some pictures or photos about pueden describir pero si listar.
themselves and how they have grown up. After they También me permitió ver que
observe and interact with their partners the teacher will solamente 6 niños están en el nivel
be attentive to the use and recognition of vocabulary esperado para el primer periodo y
about body parts, at the end the teacher will ask them todos los demás apenas si llegan al
some questions about their physical and social básico cosa que es normal pues
changes. tenemos 8 clases para llevarlos a
donde queremos. El espacio donde lo
What changes did you find? are you the same? hicimos fue el hall pero allí no hay
How do you think your body grows? control visual ni es el mejor espacio
What do you think that changes and what is preserved para desarrollar la actividad por la
the same? cantidad de estímulos visuales. Lo
What would you like to change? que me lleva a replantear el espacio
Are your feelings the same? why? donde voy a realizar la actividad. me
llamó la atención como para los niños
Bring me something… Andrea and Diana el pensar es recordar y no están muy
In this session teacher will make a diagnostic about lejos pues también se refieren al
colors and school supplies in order to identify the proceso de visualizar y de crear la
language skills, relate images with words and also imagen mental que ellos llaman
follows one simple instruction. Students will be in two recuerdo. También veo cómo algunos
teams and the teacher will call out “bring me a ruler” “ niños ya pueden empezar a
bring me something blue”. The first team to bring one to desarrollar su amplitud en la
the teacher gets a point. observación. Me causó bastante
sorpresa el comportamiento de
Make a monster:Autonomous Samuel Salazar, se mostró consentido
y retador frente a la autoridad. Tome
In this section kids will play with the smartboard in unos minutos de la clase para hablar
order to allow them to explore the elements in an con él y explicarle las nuevas
autonomous way taking into account the interactions, dinámicas a la que él está sujeto en la
respect and sharing with others. Students will play comunidad de su grado.
“make your monster” and the teacher will be attentive
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to the use of the language (body parts) in order to their La clase de hoy no desarrollamos las
needs. Then they will have some paper sheets to draw rotaciones, sino que con el grupo de 7
their own monsters, for the next sessions they will niños trabajé a profundidad las
describe them. habilidades perceptivas que
fortalezcan la descripción incluyendo
Session 4 & 5 todos los sentidos. Para ellos es muy
Add or modify myself: Lorena and Omar fácil reconocer el objeto y mediante su
memoria relacionarlo a partir de lo que
During this session students will continue working on ven, fue común escucharlos decir,
the line inquiry “transformacion” and reviewing body porque parece, se parece yo vi algo
parts. They will have some printable photos about que…. por esa razón debemos
themselves, the purpose is that students by drawing desestabilizar los. Luego cuando
should modify or add something. Then students will empezaron a utilizar sus sentidos iban
socialize their draws and will answer some questions. cambiando sus afirmaciones, hasta
que finalmente hicieron una buena
Why did you decide to add that? aproximación hacia la verdadera
How do you feel with those changes? naturaleza del objeto independiente
de sus primeras impresiones. Sin
Discovering preferences; Diana and Andrea embargo al momento de describir no
In this spot there will be narratives and expository texts lo podían empatar y tuve que cerrar la
with the purpose to identify student's needs and actividad haciendo una recopilación
preferences . the idea is that they are going to observe de lo hecho para que ellos fueran
and make deductions from the readings. relating conscientes del proceso de describir
images with words. The teacher will be attentive to their involucrando los sentidos para ser
interactions and their comments about the it. más asertivos al momento de nombrar
What did you observe? o saber qué es lo que vemos. Me
Did you like it? why? preocupa el nivel de Luciana Garavito
What books did you read? quien se ve pequeña, consentida y
Did you explore and read something new? muy caprichosa, Hablé con ella y casi
llora solo porque aún no identifica la
Computer´s Lab: All the teachers diferencia entre el regaño y la
retroalimentación al proceso. Voy a
In this spot, kids will explore and practice the platform reportar lo visto al equipo para ver si
Raz kids. podemos tener más información que
Also they will practice language related to (adjectives, nos permita actuar de una mejor
verbs, objects, animals and so on) manera con ella. Juan Ramón
Different spots will be developed in order to identify Hoyos.
kid's abilities in numerical order, basic addition and
subtraction, recognizement about geometric shapes La clase de hoy fue muy exitosa. Los
and phonetic patterns, focused on pronunciation issues niños pudieron verse muy
by means of songs, stories and videos, and games in emocionados y al mismo tiempo
autonomous way. desarrollar su pensamiento. Es muy
interesante como los niños al verse
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Week February 6th - 10th emocionados se comprometen más,

Sesión 6 & 7 se autorregulan y ayudan a otros. Me
Modeling clay Lorena And Omar preocupa el tema de Gerónimo pues
el grupo ya lo tiene identificado y se
During this session there will be pictures about animals escuchan muchas quejas sobre el
and things that have some transformations. The comportamiento de Gero y pueden
purpose of this performance is that students should llegar a reforzar sus comportamientos
create with clay things that they believe can be inadecuados. Es un niño que acepta y
transformed as the previous examples. At the end there puede pensar sobre lo que hizo solo
will be questions to guide them to describe the falta acompañarlo, ser muy firmes con
transform process. él y al mismo tiempo darle mucho
What did you see in the pictures? amor y comprensión. Me sorprendió
How do you know it can be transformed? que Arana no quiso oler, ni tocar, solo
What did you do? hasta que vio a los otros fue capaz de
hacer y el gran olfato de violeta o la
Building stories Andrea and Diana excelente observación de emiliana
quienes son más precisas en sus
In this spot kids will have to organize the sequence of observaciones llegando hasta la
some elements that have a transformation in order to noción precisa dentro de la clase,
generate a story among students by working in a como el caso de las galletas y violeta
cooperative way. Teacher will be attentive to dijo oreo, o los pajaritos y emiliana
encourage them to speak by using a simple language dijo loro. Me preocupa Catalina, se ve
and also help them to join the parts together. muy tímida, pérdida, inmadura y es
necesario dedicarle mucho tiempo de
Self-portraits uno a uno para lograr resultados.
Omar and Lorena Juan Ramón Hoyos
This spot will be connect with naturalistic, here students
will continue working with some recycled materials the Se trabajó con los niños la agrupación
purpose is that they are going to transform those por características físicas con el fin de
materials and express their unique perspectives of how lograr una observación y descripción
they view themselves. At the end of the class they will básica; se les explicó en un inicio que
have to describe it by using the previous language. era una variable y se les dio ejemplos
(body parts, colors, shape). de cómo podríamos agruparnos (por
estatura, color o forma del cabello,
Session 8 y 9 ojos…) luego fueron ellos los que
Animals maker: Andrea and Diana propusieron nuevas variables, Antonia
Leal propuso que nos agrupáramos
Taking into account the importance of knowing body por tamaño de orejas, Nicola Arana
parts and the inquiry line “transformations” teacher will por tamaño de pies, Gerónimo
introduce the animal's parts of the body through some Guzmán por color de cabello y
questions and pictures, creating a puzzle. What is this? Emiliana Betancur por la forma de las
How do you know that? which animals do you think cejas. Por otra parte, Santiago Pérez
have the same? is similar to..?. se salió de lo físico y sugirió que nos
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Then, students will play the game “animals maker” in agruparamos de acuerdo a otras
the smart board, in which they choose the animal and variables más conectadas con gustos
they start changing their legs, head, tail and body y cualidades particulares como: un
adding other animal´s body parts. The purpose of this grupo con los niños que pudieran
spot is to make or transform the animals according to saltar alto, otro grupo con los niños
the instructions and following the clues. que pudieran correr rápido y un grupo
At the end they will describe the animal´s body parts con los niños que amarán la
“This is a frog head, dog legs and fish tail”. naturaleza.
/flash_uploads/article/node_2342/games-animal- Make a monster: in this session
maker-standard_2011_11_24.swf students play alone, in order to see
how they work in autonomous way
Week February 13th - 17th however they had some difficulties
Session 10 y 11 working in groups as we know they
didn't want to share the elements.
Board game Mariangel was crying because she
Lorena & Omar wanted the smartboard only for her.
The teacher had to intercede two
Continuing with the acquisition of language about their times in order to clarify the rules and
personal information students will play with a board organize the group.
game, there they will though the dice and answer the
questions take into account the picture. This spot was supposed to be
autonomous, but the kids were not
● What is your name? behaving to have an autonomous spot
● How are you today? yet. So, they had time for playing the
● How old are you? game and looking the way they should
● Where do you live? do it by themselves, so, during the first
● What is your favorite color/food/animal? assembly the teacher chose a kids
● What is your favorite place at school? and he was the monitor, checking who
was paying attention, in a good
Run and touch yes/ no questions position and helping their partners, the
Diana & Andrea monitor was in charge of selecting
who the next kids in the smart board
is. It is necessary to continue working
In this spot there will be some student´s pictures on the dynamic to make them be more
around the class, the teacher will ask them yes, no autonomous and aware of the role the
questions about body parts by using some adjectives. monitors have.
When the teacher ask the questions they should run
and touch the wall if the answer is yes or if the answer Photographs: The Children looked at
is not, in order to check comprehension and the correct their partners’ pictures with great
use of the language curiosity and they were interested to
show their own photographs to others
Do you have a big head? and tell the story behind them. Later,
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Do you like ice cream? the students made a circle and we

Do you have a small nose? started asking questions about the
activity in order to know their
Session 12 y 13 perceptions about their physical
changes and how they define the
Finding me concept of “TRANSFORMATION”;
Andrea and Diana hence, Santiago Perez said that it is
when days passed and one becomes
With the same photos about themselves paste on the older forgetting his past. Mariana said,
wall and the teacher is going to give the descriptions of if I grow up I will be an adult but I will
one of them, take into account the previous vocabulary be Mariana. Then, the discussion had
(body parts, adjectives,colors). Student´s aim is to be a turn and many children said that
attentive and listen the characteristics in order to find they do not forget their memories
the correct person. when they grow up, however Felipe
Logical Mathematical Intelligence Perez clarified the point and said that
During this phase, the students will be working on he cannot remember those moments
different spot, some spots are focus on provocation when he was one year old. Finally,
around “transformation”. Other spots aim a diagnosis Emanuel said that transformation is
about the previous knowledge of the kids and the evolution! Lorena cabrera - Diana
relations they have in the school contexts.
Numeric: Bring me: Children participated in an
enthusiastic way during the activity,
Week 1 January 31st - February 7th they were interested and very
Responsible: Omar - Lorena receptive; they found the object
Session 1 corresponding to the colour that they
Exploring Construction environment were asked to search most of the
Responsible: All teachers time. Nevertheless, I noticed that they
In this session, the kids explore the different elements present difficulties to identify certain
they have in the construction environment. For this, colours such as: brown, grey, white
they have some of the games and didactic toys, those and black, with exception of Violeta
are the blocks, the dominoes and the parquez. Also, Reina who has excellent English skills.
they have time to explore the other resources and the Lorena cabrera - Diana
space they have for them. The teacher will be
monitoring and taking note of the conversation and The students developed the session
topics the kids talk during the development of the appropriately; most of them could
games, observing the relations and behaviour they identify the school supplies, but they
have when sharing and making agreements on the the level of difficulty was higher when
rules for the games. they were asked to look for a specific
element with certain characteristics,
Session 2-3 for instance, the green and pink
What number is this? scissors. However, they were not
Responsible: Omar - Lorena looking for help from the teacher, they
During this session, the objective is to make a were able to get help from their
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diagnosis of the level of recognition kids have about partners, in this back up were very
numbers from 1 to 10, the kids are going to look for the important Nicolas, Sophie and
number of objects the teacher asks for, for instance, the Miranda.
teacher says, bring 4 ticks, 6 leaves, and so on. Then,
the kids look for standard form of numbers, for
instance, bring the number “3”, bring the number “5”. Add or modify myself: In this spot
The teacher will be focus on the recognition kids have most of the students said that they
of the representation of numbers using manipulatives would like to transform into a
and the recognition of numbers from their standard superhero because they could help
form. Registering the information of those kids which do other and save the world, also some
not recognize number from manipulatives and those students said that they would like to
who do not recognize the numbers from the standard modify one of their body part into an
form. animal part. Tiger, lion, dogs, bat, cat
were the animals they would like to
Week February 6th - 10th be. at the end they said that if they
Session 4 - 5 could modify or add something they
Goloza game will be themselves without change
Responsibles: Andrea-Diana their essential.
In this opportunity the kids play Goloza, this is planned
to practice the visual recognition of quantities in their This session allowed the kids to show
standard form and using manipulatives. The game is what they would like to transform into,
developed in an opened space, in the first part the most of the are interested on
teacher draws the representation of quantities using becoming super heroes and having
objects, for instance, three bananas, 5 apples. In the super powers, but when they were
second part, the children have the standard form of asked they answered they would like
numbers. During the game the students are asked to fly to know how it feels, they would
about the next number, for instance, the kid is placed like to be Hulk to know how it would
on number three, so the teacher asks what the next feel. It is an interest on looking for the
number is, the answer should be four. The information unknown or what they do not
is registered on a checklist. anderstand in life and nature.

Week February 13th - 17th

Session 6-7
Responsibles: Omar - Lorena PENSAMIENTO:
In this session the children work on creating different Se utilizaron diferentes objetos para
structures from paper boxes they have brought from mostrar a los niños texturas, formas y
home in advance. The instruction the kids receive from colores; de manera que ellos mismos
the teacher is they have to create something, they have pudieran hallar la variable con la que
to transform those boxes into something. While they se pudiera describir dicho elemento y
are playing and working on their creation, the teacher las distintas formas de hacerlo. En el
asks about the creations they are building, the meaning caso de Juan Mario Lozano, fue
of transformation for them and take note of the topics interesante notar como propuso las
and relevant information from their discussions. variables de tamaño diferenciando lo
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que era pequeño y diminuto o

Session 8-9 Santiago Vargas que hizo la distinción
Autonomous de algo grande y gigante; del mismo
In this session, kids develop a game about modo Mariana Martin encontró una
manipulatives and standard form of number from 1 to semilla en el suelo que le sirvió para
10. For this, they find a paper with a number on its sugerir la variable pegajoso y ovalado.
standard form, and represents the number using the
ones or poker chips, then they lift the from page to look Recorrido por el colegio: Este rincón
and the correct representation of the number, checking tomará tres semanas hasta su
if what they did was right of if they need to improve. In culminación, la idea es que cada
the final assembly they are asked about they think are grupo de niños recorra el colegio
quantities or numbers and the ways they can represent observando cosas de su entorno y
them. describiéndolas de acuerdo a las
variables: color, textura, tamaño,
Metric - Geometric: forma, olor y sabor (si se puede). El
Week 1 January 31st - February 7th primer grupo se mostró muy
Session 1 interesado y curioso. Santiago Vargas
Exploring Construction environment e Isabel Castillo se destacaron por
Responsible: All teachers sus participaciones asertivas en las
In this session, the kids explore the different elements que lograban identificar de manera
they have in the construction environment. For this, correcta las variables y en ocasiones
they have some of the games and didactic toys, those ampliando las descripciones con más
are the blocks, the dominoes and the parquez. Also, sinónimos y adjetivos. Samuel Salazar
they have time to explore the other resources and the e Isabella Giraldo estuvieron bastante
space they have for them. The teacher will be distraídos y muy reacios a participar,
monitoring and taking note of the conversation and cuando se les preguntaba sobre los
topics the kids talk during the development of the diferentes elementos en el ambiente
games, observing the relations and behaviour they sólo daban observaciones básicas o
have when sharing and making agreements on the simplemente repetían lo que los otros
rules for the games. anteriormente habían mencionado.
Lorena cabrera - Diana
Week February 6th - 10th
Session 4 - 5 Durante esta sesión se les pregunto a
Finding shapes into shapes los niños por la descripción del
Autonomous camino de su casa al colegio, se
For this session, the kids develop the online game escuchó a cada uno de ellos, y se pudo determinar que la mayoría de los
The kids develop the game, which is modeled by the estudiantes al realizar dicha
tutor beforehand during the first assembly, taking turns descripción lo que hacen es listar las
to play it, the children have a monitor (one of their acciones y objetos que ven en el
partners) in charge of giving the turns, this session is camino. Solo hubo tres estudiantes
video recorded in order to verify the way kids are que utilizaron conectores para dar un
behaving and organizing without a figure of authority in orden coherente y lógico a la
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taking turns games. The feedback for the different descripción, usando los conectores:
groups is given during the next session, and the kids primero, segundo, luego, y después.
reflect and agree on the possible solutions for the Esto nos lleva a darnos cuenta de que
situations observed. los estudiantes deben trabajar sobre
este aspecto, de tal forma que se
Week February 13th - 17th logre un nivel de descripción mucho
Session 6-7 más apropiado y detallado, rico en
Challenges II distance léxico y coherencia.
Responsibles: Andrea-Diana
In this session the kids are handed paper airplanes.
Next, they are asked to throw one of the airplanes into LANGUAGE:
the air, when the airplane lands they have to measure Transforming clay: The students had
the distance from the taking off place to the landing seen some pictures of transformations
place. Then, they throw their airplanes and measure in nature, such as: from cocoon to
the distances using steps. In the end of the session, the butterfly, from cloud to rain etc…
tutor throws one of the airplanes and asks the pupils to Then, they were provided with clay in
measure the distance, asking them if all got the same order to create more elements that
result and what they think a non conventional unit of have a transformation in the real
measurement is. world. For example: Santiago Vargas
made a seed that transforms into a
Session 8-9 tree, Geronimo Guzman made a
Is it similar? snowman that becomes water after it
Responsibles: Omar - Lorena melts with sunlight, Catalina Barrios
During this session the children represent the given flat made an egg that transforms into a
shapes, for this, they have the geoplanos and wool, snake; however, the most impressive
and a set of flat shapes stacked up, they have to was Samuel Salazar that made a
represent the shape using the wool, when they finish, rainbow and when he was asked what
the teacher will check and ask them the number of the transformation of a rainbow is,
straight lines it has and the points when they meet, Samuel said that when water is
then, they can continue with the next flat shape. After reached by sunlight it becomes in a
they work on the given flat shapes, they are given a rainbow.
picture of a flat shape in their notebooks for them to
transform it, using pencils and colors, into a more Questions with “do you” and “are you”:
elaborate images, for instance, a triangle into a The students practised the present
pyramid. tense questions through an activity in
which they had to answer simple
Variational: questions using: Yes, I do – No, I don’t
Week 1 January 31st - February 7th – Yes, I am – No I am not; and at the
Session 1 same time touching the signs that
Exploring Construction environment reflected their answers. Therefore,
Responsible: All teachers they had to be attentive to the
In this session, the kids explore the different elements questions and identify if they were
they have in the construction environment. For this, asked with “do” or “to be”. Santiago
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they have some of the games and didactic toys, those Vargas, Antonia Leal, Salome
are the blocks, the dominoes and the parquez. Also, Rodriguez, Violeta Reina and Emiliana
they have time to explore the other resources and the Betancur showed a quick
space they have for them. The teacher will be understanding and their participation
monitoring and taking note of the conversation and in the activity was wonderful; some
topics the kids talk during the development of the students took more time to get the
games, observing the relations and behaviour they difference between the questions and
have when sharing and making agreements on the thus how to answer them correctly
rules for the games. like: Luciana Garavito, Juan Felipe
Márquez, Catalina Barrios and
Session 2-3 Isabella Giraldo. Lorena cabrera -
Before and after Diana
Resposibles: Andrea - Diana
In this session, the kids observe images of the school The students were not listening to the
and its changes during the time. This is connected to teacher; it was necessary to take
“transformation”, so the children say the changes the plenty of time to start developing the
school have had and the way it has been transformed spot. Some kids like Luisa and Jacobo
during time. Beforehand, the teacher asks the kids promote the misbehavior; at the same
about the way houses and buildings are built, and time are distractors for their friends.
heads the conversation still they talk about the school. After they could be focused, the
For this, they follow the thinking routine I thought teacher started the game “fruit salad”,
before/ I think now and observe the images, which are it was difficult to develop due to the
placed in chronological order from the oldest to the kids do not have the vocabulary about
newest, the teacher ask the kids about the changes the family, most of them were not
they can see, and the ways the school have been recognizing the words “mom, dad,
transformed. In teams of two kids, the are handed one father, mother, sister, brother” or “dog
of the pictures, and compare it to their partners’ or cat”. It was necessary to change
establishing which of the two images was before and the dynamic of the spot and look for
after, giving reasons for their answers. In the end, the representing game, in which they had
teacher as them about the differences among the to personalize some domestic pets,
images and the meaning of “transformation” for them, but they were not saying their names
taking notes of their answers. in English. In general, the group has
lack of vocabulary related to family
Week 2 February 6th - 10th and domestic animal. Omar Orozco
Session 4 - 5
Resposibles: Omar-Jessica Computers lab: The students explored
Challenges the blog of transition, watching videos
In this session, the kids are challenged to think of the as well as listening to English songs to
different non conventional units of measurement for consolidate certain vocabulary and
some event and actions. So, the kids are asked to say some games to practise geometrical
the number of applauses they take to go from the girls figures and numbers. Geronimo
bathroom to the language environment, then they are Guzman, Martin Perez and Samuel
asked say the number of steps it takes to go from the Salazar were the few students who
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wall to the green zone in front of second grade passed the whole class reinforcing
classrooms. And finally, they have to say the numbers geometrical figures; José Ignacio
of plastic bears a pencil, notebook and cell phone decided to practice numbers and the
weigh. During the session, the teacher is telling the kids rest of children enjoyed the class
those are non conventional units of measurement, and listening to English songs. All of them
they are asked about what non conventional units of were so participative and attentive to
measurement are. each instruction. Lorena cabrera -
Naturalist Intelligence Diana
During this phase, the students will be working on
different spot, some spots are focus on provocation SCIENCE:
around “transformation”. Other spots aim a diagnosis Self-portraits with organic materials:
about the previous knowledge of the kids and the Students elaborated their self-portraits
relations the have in the school contexts. with sticks, sand, stones and little
Scientific leaves; at the beginning they wanted
to paste big rocks in their pictures but
Week January 31st - February 7th they noticed by themselves that those
Session 1 rocks were so heavy to do that, hence
Looking around they began to use small ones and
Resposibles: All teachers more sand to represent the shape of
During this session, the students have three spots, their faces; though Emanuel Barreto
those are planned to allow them to explore some of the used some sticks to show the limits of
resource the environment of Science and Physics have his face. Salome Rodriguez utilised
for them. So, the first spot is with the microscopes, they little leaves to represent her eyes,
explore the microscope telling the usage they think it Violeta Reina took the sand as the
has, and observe some of the samples, as the based on which she constructed her
mosquito mouth or the blood cell. The second spot is own picture and Luciana Garavito and
about the books the environment has, they have Geronimo Guzman were the only ones
display some books to observe them and tell a friend who used bottle caps in their
what they think the book is about, having as reference creations. On the other hand,
the images and the pictures. The teachers take notes of Mariangel Tovar, Santiago Perez and
the different conversations kids hold on during the spot. Emiliana Betancur had a discussion at
The third spot is about the tools for making the moment to share the glue and they
experiments, the children say the usage those were competing who had more glue
elements they think have, the way to use them, if it is instead of being focus on the task.
for liquids, or specific materials. During the final Lorena cabrera - Diana
assembly, the teacher ask them about the importance
of taking care of the elements they had on their hands, MATHS:
the rules they agree to follow and the consequences if Students were learning about
they do not manipulate the tools appropriately. estimation and non-conventional units
of measurement, I explained what
estimation is and how we can
Session 2 measure objects or distance in
Transformation on the world different ways, for example: using
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Responsibles: Omar - Lorena hands, shoes, steps or distinct

In this session the kids observe some images of the elements. The idea was to help them
transformation some elements, animals and natural to practise that knowledge with an
processes have in natura, the aim is to observe the activity in which they had to make
reactions, topics and conversations kids develop paper airplanes that they flew in order
around the topic and the images given, in order to to calculate the distance of the flight
identify their interests. So, the children have the images through steps. Some of them like Juan
displayed on the walls, following the order of the Mario Lozano, Luciana Garavito and
transformations, for instance, the tadpole to the frog, Sander Celemin exaggerated with
the iceberg to the sea. The teacher asks questions as their estimations saying one thousand
what transformation is, why they think objects, events steps, one hundred steps or even one
and animals get transformations one way or another, million steps. In contrast, Santiago
and what things, elements, events or animals they Vargas, Salome Rodriguez and Martin
know transforme. In the final assembly, the kids are Perez were so precise or very close in
asked to tell what they thought before and after their calculations. Lorena Cabrera
observing the images.

Session 3 LANGUAGE:
Transformation on the world II Wh- questions dice: The students
Responsibles: Omar - Lorena played with a dice that on each side it
As a continuation from the previous session, the had an image that represented a wh-
children are exposed to certain elements for building, question such as: what is your
as rocks, sticks, fabric, paper, glue, and paints. Then, favourite colour? Where do you live?
they observe images of elements people create by How old are you? What is your name?
transforming those objects, like houses, roads, and so on… they threw out the dice
dresses, books, and portraits matching them and with the objective of checking if they
supporting their ideas. The teacher asks the other kids could answer them accurately in
if the match is appropriate and the reasons to be right English. I noticed that most of them
or wrong, formulating following up questions to promote understood the questions but at the
the participation of kids. moment of answering they were very
limited and only used isolated words
Week 2 February 6th - 10th like: where do you live? – Bosque
Session 4 largo, how old are you? – Five;
Fruitlandia instead of giving the complete reply,
Resposibles: Omar-Jessica therefore it was necessary to provide
them with the prefabricated pattern: I
In this opportunity, the kids have display some am five years old – I live in Bosque
complete and dissected fruits. The children have to Largo. With the exception of Violeta
explore the fruits using their senses, for example, the Reina, Salome Rodriguez and Martin
mango is on the table and it has an image of an eyes Perez who answered with the full
by its side, the kid have to describe it using his sense of sentence and sometimes helped me
sight, the lemon is on the table and has an image of a to correct the rest of students. Lorena
tongue by its side, so the child has to taste it using his cabrera - Diana
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taste sense. The teacher is observing the reactions kids

have during the session and prepares questions based This session was developed two
on their comments they did while exploring the fruits. times, because on a first moment was
not successful, and the kids were not
Session 5 accomplishing the objective. In the
Digging into books second moment, the mediation was
Resposibles: Omar - Lorena highly and they were mentioning they
During this change, the pupils are observing the books have transform in different ways,
they have showed interest before, and they work including their size and abilities, when
deeper in those through the development of a thinking talking about abilities, they referred to
routine, I think / I am interested because / I found. So, walking, swimming and so on, making
they are free to choose one of the books the teacher clear transformation was not limited to
have arranged for them and they are not allowed to external changes but other
open it after answering what they think the book is dimensions. Omar Orozco
about. Then, they are saying the reasons they are
interested on the topic the book is about. Finally, they Run and touch yes/ no questions:
are gave permission to open and explore the books by Throughout yes/no questions students
answering the question about what they have found practised body parts and adjectives,
into the book and if it is what they were expecting. The they had to be attentive to the
answers are video recorded by the teacher. inquiries given by the teacher such as:
Do you have a big head? Do you have
Session 6 green hair? Do you have a square
I can’t see mouth? I realised that they have some
Responsibles: Omar - Lorena problems to remember certain body
In this session the kids have their nose blocked and parts yet, for example: they confuse
they taste certain stuffs to explore the taste and smell toes with feet, knees with ankles and
senses. To do so, the children have organized on a head with hair. However, Violeta Reina
table the following substances and food: ketchup, fried had a wide range of vocabulary in
eggs, lemon juice, vinegar, and candies at the same English, so she does not have any
time they have their noses blocked using clothespins, problem to identify body parts or
the kids taste the different substances and food and tell adjectives. Antonia Leal had a clear
their partner and teacher the taste of them. Then, they idea of what toes are and Santiago
have their noses unblocked and taste again the same Perez used a song to remind himself
substances and food. The idea of this experiment, is to which parts are knees and toes. In
identify the nose and tongue as the parts of the body to contrast, Jose Ignacio Martinez, Juan
taste food, the way they work together, due to if they Mario Lozano y Luciana Garavito
have their noses blocked they can taste lemon juice could not remember the majority of
without troubles, but if their nose is unblocked they can body parts, even when we tried to
taste its acid taste. The teacher is asking following up reinforce the vocabulary through
questions about the ideas and opinions from the kids. songs, TPR and oral repetition.
Lorena cabrera - Diana
Week 3 February 13th - 17th
Session 7 Computer’s lab: During the session
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The magic box the students explored the website

Responsibles: Omar - Lorena RAZ KIDS with the objective of
In this session, the kids explore some elements using helping students to be familiarised
the sense of touch. For this, they play the magic box, with the website, the contents and
which is a box with an element they can’t see, so they how to access to the digital books
have to guess the element by touching it while they tell taking advantage of all the virtual
their partners what they feel with their hands. So, the resources that the page offers to
elements kids can touch into the magic box are a kiwi them. Mariana Martin had a noticeable
fruit, sandpaper, ice cream, mud, gel, and dry leaves. disposition to work, she read a
The teacher is asking following up questions about the complete story in few minutes and she
opinions and expressions kids have during the session. could remember the whole vocabulary
During the final assembly, the children answer so easily. Nicolas Arana, Salome
questions about the parts of the body they can use for Rodriguez and Emiliana Betancur
touch sense, what touch sense is for them and why it is read very well too, they selected a
important for the daily life. story and did the exercise of listening
and reading several times until they
got the vocabulary and the
Session 8 & 9 comprehension of the tale. In contrast,
Aches and pains Juan Mario Lozano, Jose Ignacio
Resposibles: Omar - Lorena Martinez and Lucciana Garavito were
During this session, the kids work to accomplish the very dispersed and they did not
goal of relating some hygienic practice with some choose a precise story to read and
aches and pains produced from the lack of the practice retell us, they just jumped from one
of certain hygienic practices. So, the kids have to story to another without having a fully
match some flashcards with the images of some aches understanding of one of them. Lorena
and pains with the possible hygienic practice that could cabrera - Diana
prevent it. For this, the kids make groups of two
students, each is handed a flashcard with a pain or MATHS:
ache, the teacher shows them a hygienic practice and Old school photos: There were five old
the have to say their pain or ache is avoid by it. For photographs from the school, every
instance, the tutor shows an image of a stomach ache time students arrived to a certain
and one of the groups has the wash your hands place that has passed for a
flashcard, they can match them. Then, they are handed transformation, I asked them to
some parts of the body to be matched with the ache observe carefully the picture and then
and pain it feels following the same dynamic as before. tell me what had changed and how
The kids are asked about what a hygienic practice is that transformation had benefitted the
and what they are for. school. They were very surprised with
Environmental all the modifications that have had
their school and almost all of them
Week January 31st - February 7th argued that those changes were very
Session 1 useful and necessary for the
Soil, water and mud institution; however Santiago Perez
Resposibles: Andrea - Diana suggested that the volleyball court
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During this session, the kids are exposed to soil and should be rebuilt since there are
water to transform it into mud. For this, the kids are children who would enjoy playing that
asked to observe the elements exposed on a table; soil sport in a real sand court. Likewise,
and water, and they are asked to transform those Mariangel Tovar commented that
elements into something. So, the teacher asks them to instead of the coliseum in that big
touch and feel the soil, asks about the sensation they terrain it could have existed a huge
have in their hands when touch it, then, they make the sand pool in which all children could
same but with water. After that, they have to make have had so much fun. Lorena
groups of two and are requested to transform the cabrera - Diana
elements into something, the idea is that they make
mud. Then, the teacher asks them about the meaning SCIENCE:
of transformation in that specific context, and what Bread experiment: For this experiment
other elements they can transform using water. I used two loaves of bread, because
one of them would be wet while the
Session 2 other would maintain dry. First I elicit
Picture frames from kids their notions about the
Responsibles: Andrea - Diana adequate way to keep food at home,
In this change, the kids make a portrait of their own what kind of food needs to be
faces using some recycled elements. To develop the refrigerated and for how long we can
session, the kids have the photo frames, glue, scissors conserve food before it gets spoiled.
and recycled elements like paper, bottle tops, tetrapack Martin Perez, Mariana Martin, Antonia
boxes and so on, they are asked to create their own Leal and Emiliana Betancur were very
faces using the objects given. This is a provocation, it is participative and they said that most of
the first part, then it is retaken from a spot in foreign food must be refrigerated if we want to
language intelligence. have it for longer time, but principally
meat and dairy; they always told what
Session 3 their moms do when they bring food at
Experiment I home. Moreover, I made them to
Responsibles: Diana-Andrea describe the bread taking into the
During this session the kids are developing an account the known variables and in
experiment about the proper way to keep food and the order to incorporate our senses into
consequences of do not refrigerate it. So, the children the experience and have more
have some fruits on a table, they taste them and information to remember and compare
describe it, the teacher takes notes of their answers later; therefore, they smelled, touched,
and comments to compare those answer with the ones tasted and saw the bread very
given in the next session. The tutor asks them about cautiously, though they did not like too
the way they find food at home, the place their parents much the texture and the flavour of the
keep it fresh and in a good way to eat it. After they wet bread. Lorena & Diana
answer, the teacher is asking them the way they find
meat and dairy at the market (they are refrigerated too).
So, they cut the fruits in two half, one half is kept in the
fridge and the other in the environment. They are
questioned about the possible results , the tutor writes
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down the answers given by the kids, those answer are

used for the next session to check if they got the result
or not and the reasons.

Week 2 February 6th - 10th

Session 4
Experiment II
Resposibles: Diana -Lorena
This session is the moment when kids are checking if
their predictions from the experiment were appropriate
or if it was what they were not expecting. To develop
the session, the teacher is recalling the previous
session, the things they did during the experiment, and
he is telling the kids what they answered again. After
the recalling moment, the students observe, touch and
smell the fruits, establishing which of them are proper
to eat, also, , they say the differences and similarities,
and the way those fruits transformed. Each of them
think if what they predict was right and they think of the
importance of refrigerate the food.

Session 5
What happens to the bread?
Responsibles: Andrea-Diana
To continue working on the way food could be affected
if the hygienic practises are avoided. So, they are
facing the way food is affected from the environment.
So, they have displayed some bread on a table, they
taste it smell it, touch it and observe it, the tutor takes
notes of their comments and descriptions in order to
compare them with the results gathered in the next
session. Next, they are handed some water to drench
the bread. They are asked to predict what the bread
look like in one or two days, the comments are
registered for the teacher to compare them with the
result of the experiment.

Session 6
Fungus on your bread
Responsibles: Andrea-Diana
In this change, the kids are observing the importance of
the hygienic habit of keeping their food in good
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conditions for eating. So, they observe the conditions

the wet bread have acquired during the time, they use
the senses (avoiding taste) to explore and report the
transformation the bread had been through, the teacher
reads the description they gave before and they check
if the bread is the same or not. Finally, the kids are
asked about transformation in that specific context, the
importances of keeping the food separated from the
conditions that could affect it.

Week 3 February 13th - 17th

Session 7 - 8
What’s on my hands?
Responsibles: Andrea - Diana
During this session, the kids are developing an
experiment to check the importance of washing their
hands. For this, the children are asked to go to the
bathroom to wash their hands. Then, they go back to
the environment and find a recipient with clear water, all
of them have to put their hands into the water, and
observe the changes it has due to that action, the teac
in the park, forest and by the river. After the free time
game, they have to go back to the environment and put
their hand into a second recipient with clear water, they
have to compare the recipient number 1 and the
recipient number 2, they do it by smelling, observing
and touching the bottom (avoiding taste). The teacher
asks the reasons the water have changed, what
elements they can see into water and the reasons to
wash their hands when they are going to eat
something, formulating following up questions to
promote the discussion. her takes notes of their
answers and comments. Next, the pupils have free time
to play free time, they are asked to make some
mouthfuls with water and spit it into the recipient
number 2. They observe the two recipients and are
asked to report what they can observe, the teacher
asks them about what a hygienic practice is, what it is
for and what happens when people do not do it.

Session 9
What’s into my mouth?
Responsibles: Andrea - Diana
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For this session, the kids are asked to bring some

popcorn and brush teeth and tooth paste from home to
make an experiment about the importance of brushing
their teeth. To develop the session, the children have
display two recipients, number one and number two,
and water for washing their mouths. So, they are asked
to go to the bathroom to brush their teeth, next, they
make some mouthfuls with water and spit it into the
recipient number 1. Afterward, they have free time to
share the popcorn while they have a free time for
playing and talking. After that



¿Cómo, a través de la observación y la descripción,
puedo interpretar y comunicar mis experiencias?

Este proyecto nace desde el interés de los niños hacia

su entorno natural y cómo suceden las cosas en él al
utilizar el cuerpo como el instrumento de aprendizaje
para descubrir las maravillas que lo rodean,
albergando sus emociones y sus expresiones para
construir nuevas nociones en torno a las diferentes
inteligencias. Por lo anterior, se plantean los siguientes

Semana del 20 de febrero al 17 de marzo Criterios de evaluación

Para las siguientes 4 sesiones se tiene proyectado la Rincón de Observación

profundización en observación, descripción e ● Mantiene la atención en el
identificación de características accidentales de los objeto observado.
elementos por medio de la ejecución de rincones ● Identifica características
especializados. Cada sesión tendrá tres rincones accidentales de los objetos.
donde no habrá rotación sino hasta la siguiente clase, ● Desarrolla las actividades
y en la última realizaremos una serie de pruebas a mostrando autocontrol.
forma de juego por etapas donde los niños tendrán que
poner a prueba las habilidades desarrolladas en las Rincón de Descripción
sesiones anteriores. Para eso se tienen proyectadas 4 ● Reconoce la observación
sesiones de 50 minutos con cada grupo y se directa e indirecta.
desarrollaran de la siguiente manera.Para ellos se ● Da respuesta a preguntas de
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trabajará el desempeño “Rally thinking” información.

● Organiza las variables para
Rincón de Observación (jota.) realizar una descripción.

En este rincón vamos a profundizar en la observación Rincón de Nociones

e identificación de características accidentales de los ● Parafrasea sinónimos a partir
objetos. Para ello empezaremos resolviendo, de forma de los elementos dados.
individual un laberinto, para calentar nuestro sentido de
la vista y la resolución del problema manteniendo la
atención. Luego de esto. Los niños tendrán dos Retroalimentación:
imágenes similares y tendrán que encontrar las
diferencias. Y finalizando el trabajo de mesa individual Se realizará en forma oral por medio
los niños tendrán que copiar el dibujo de un robot de diálogos entre los niños y el
hecho con figuras geométricas, los niños lo verán por docente, donde nos permita, por
dos minutos y luego tendrán que dibujarlo. Luego de medio de sus ejecución, diálogos,
este trabajo individual hacemos un trabajo colectivo; ideas, expresiones o producciones
por grupos tendrán que hacer una réplica de reflexionar sobre las nociones que
construcción utilizando bloques de una construcción posee. También se realizarán diálogos
real, cada grupo tendrá que replicar dicha construcción abiertos en donde los estudiantes
utilizando los cubos. Al finalizar la sesión se realizará puedan participar del proceso
una sesión de retroalimentación donde preguntaremos reflexivo de su desempeños y los de
¿ por qué es importante la observación? ¿Cómo puedo sus compañeros.
observar mejor? ¿Cual de todas las actividades se te
dificulta y por qué?¿Si viviéramos en un mundo sin que Observaciones:
nadie pudiera ver que pasaría?
Explorando el colegio: Omar y Lorena La clase de hoy se desarrolló con
normalidad, sin embargo no
En esta sesión los estudiantes estarán en observando alcanzamos a realizar la actividad de
diferentes espacios del colegio utilizando varias partes la construcción con bloques, el tiempo
de sus cuerpos y todos sus sentidos con la intención no fue suficiente. Los niños estaban
de sensibilizarlos ante todas la posibilidades de muy compenetrados y muy
percepción a través de los sentidos. Para esto, los entusiastas con lo proyectado, siento
estudiantes inician la sesión recordando lo que se que hay un nivel general que se
trabajó la sesión anterior, que se hizo en los rincones y muestra parejo compuesto en el grupo
que se logró hacer, teniendo en cuenta si se cumplió por Gerónimo, José Ignacio, Emanuel,
con los propósitos que se les habían planteado. Luego, Mariangel, y otro nivel que está
el docente les preguntará: ligeramente por encima en donde
estan Isabel Castillo y Samuel. Y por
1. de qué formas podemos percibir el lugar donde nos debajo del nivel esperado esta
encontramos Lucciana garavito quien se muestra
2. qué sucede cuando se cierran los ojos, 3. 3. qué pequeña, algo inmadura tanto en sus
sucede cuando se toca un objeto del lugar, expresiones, relaciones como
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4. qué sucede cuando se tapan los oídos, 5. 5. qué desempeños en clase. Se le debe dar
sucede cuando respiran profundo y suave. apoyo y supervisión constante para
que logre terminar sus actividades,
Con las preguntas anteriores el docente pretende llevar bien porque aún sus procesos de
a los niños a ser más conscientes de las diferentes desarrollo se encuentran en una etapa
formas en que se puede percibir con los sentidos ,de anterior a la de sus compañeros o
manera que aprovechen toda la información sensoro porque todavía no ha alcanzado el
perceptual en la comprensión y caracterización de nivel en ciertos procesos. Siento que
objetos,lugares, situaciones, personas,acercandolos a dándoles varios medios los niños
posibles variables para organizar y expresar la pueden mostrar mejor su habilidad y
información. de esta manera tener una lectura
global de la habilidad de observación.
Luego, se dirigen a lugares poco familiares para los Juan R. Hoyos Pensamiento
niños, o que tienen condiciones diferentes a las que
ellos se han acostumbrado en las sesiones de clases Se continuó con el recorrido por el
en los ambientes. colegio con el siguiente grupo, al inicio
estaban un poco dispersos y poco
Los lugares que serán visitados por los niños son: la participativos, aún más por contar con
sala de profesores de preescolar, la rotonda entre en los comentarios distractores de
salón de danza y el ambiente de música del ciclo Geronimo Guzmán, además Nicolás
conceptual, la biblioteca, el pasillo de las zona de Arana se mostró un tanto inquieto
administrativa del colegio y el puente que está sobre la corporalmente lo cual interrumpió el
quebrada. Antes de ingresar a cada uno de los trabajo del grupo. No obstante,
espacios mencionados, se le recuerda a los niños que Mariana Martin y Emanuel Barreto
en esos lugares hay personas que están trabajando y estuvieron atentos a dar sus
que no deben ser interrumpidos, esto con el fin de que descripciones a partir de variables
sientan la regularidad del espacio sin su intervención. dadas, o en el caso de Antonia Leal
Cada vez que se ingresa uno de los lugares, los que se anticipaba a proponer la
estudiantes forman un círculo, y observan al docente y variable y hacer la descripción por ella
harán lo que el docente haga, es decir, si el profesor misma. Sin embargo, al llegar al rio
cierra los ojos, ellos también cierran los ojos, si el todos se quedaron cortos al momento
docente señala su nariz y respira lenta y de describir el agua, decían que
profundamente, los estudiantes también lo hacen, si el tenían la forma de una serpiente, que
docente toca el suelo con sus manos, los niños olía mal y que era de color café; todo
también lo hacen, si el docente les señala los ojos y porque desconocían las
mira alrededor, los estudiantes también. El tiempo características biológicas del agua.
aproximado en cada uno de los lugares es de 7 Por esta razón les mostré en dos
minutos, luego los estudiantes salen del lugar a un recipientes de forma diferente como el
espacio donde pueda hablar cómodamente y contarán agua adquiere la forma del recipiente
lo que vieron, lo que sintieron (temperatura, aire, etc) lo que la contiene, como al extraerse del
que escucharon y lo que olieron. Se les pregunta sobre rio volvía a hacer incolora e inolora; al
la forma en que ha explorado esos lugares usando su final los niños quedaron gratamente
cuerpo y la forma apropiada de hacer una observación. sorprendidos y mostraron mucho
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interés en lo que acababan de

Sinónimos (Omar) descubrir. Diana y Lorena

En esta sesión los estudiantes ampliarán sus nociones Hoy hicimos la rotación final con el
por medio de sinónimos para describir de una forma grupo faltante, por lo que pude con
diferente y variada algunos elementos a partir de la base en lo piloteado en los demás
observación directa. Para esto, se les pregunta sobre grupos hacer los ajustes tanto de
la diferentes formas que tienen para decir lo mismo: tiempo como de preguntas e
¿cómo podrías decir lo mismo pero con otras interpretaciones. En la sesión de hoy
palabras? esto se realiza por medio de un juego, en el quede extrañamente sorprendido con
que tienen una oración y en la parte de abajo esta la sander quien se mostró desmotivado,
misma oración pero deben escoger el sinónimo más varias veces se rindió y no pudo
apropiado para el adjetivo, por ejemplo, “el perro es completar ni los laberintos ni las
muy grande y peludo”, deben cambiar por “el perro es diferencias, solamente Juan Felipe
inmenso y peludo”. El nivel de dificultad asciende en el pudo completar con las 5 diferencias y
número de adjetivos y sinónimos a usar y reemplazar hacer todas las actividades de forma
ya que algunos podrían ser totalmente desconocidos. esperada al igual que salomé
En cada una de las oraciones lo niños cuentan con una rodríguez, este último grupo mostró
imagen que soporta lo que dice la oración, gran dominio de la graficación de
preguntando el significado del mismo, esperando como formas y sus dibujos estuvieron muy
respuesta que los estudiante se refieran a la palabra ajustados a la prueba, se mostró
anterior, es decir, si la palabra es bonito y la parejo el grupo con las mismas
cambiaron por hermoso, se espera que los niños habilidades. En los otros grupo si
digan que algo hermoso es algo que es bonito. notaba unos muy sobrados y otros
Después, los estudiantes serán divididos en dos muy quedados. La disposición del
equipos, el equipo 1 y el equipo 2 (los estudiantes salón ayuda y los niños de a poco se
ponen el nombre a sus grupos) y jugarán retos de acostumbran a las condiciones
sinónimos. Para esto, los estudiantes ven tres acústicas del espacio que sabemos
imágenes que tienen una palabra debajo cada una, el son complejas para ellos sobre todo
profesor lee las palabras y cuando cuente hasta tres, porque la emoción les impide
un representante del grupo debe indicar las dos controlar su voz.
palabras que son sinónimas, dejando por fuera de la Juan R. Hoyos Pensamiento
selección la palabra que no pertenece a ese grupo, por
ejemplo, los niños ven imágenes que representan las Recorrido por el colegio (última
palabras rico, adinerado, hermoso. En la serie de rotación): Este último grupo se mostró
palabras e imágenes, ellos deben seleccionar las dos más interesado en la actividad y más
que son sinónimas, dejando por fuera la que no se participativos en comparación con los
relaciona, es decir que para que escojan dos anteriores. Emiliana Betancur,
correctamente, deben escoger rico y adinerado, Santiago Pérez y Martín Pérez
dejando por fuera la palabra hermoso. identificaron con éxito las variables de
Por último, los estudiantes deben hacer una pequeña cada elemento observado y brindaban
descripción de algunos alimentos, para esto, tienen un aportes a la clase muy asertivos que
banco de palabras (banco 1), realizarán la descripción permitieron darle más significado a la
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del alimento seleccionado utilizando las palabras que actividad; por ejemplo al ir caminando
encuentra allí (la descripción es audio grabada) y luego en el bio-parque encontramos una
deben realizar una descripción similar pero con otro mariposa posada entre las hojas de
banco (banco 2) que tiene palabras que contiene los un arbusto y Santiago se le ocurrió
sinónimos del banco de palabras 1, se espera que al describirla, así que comenzó diciendo
final, las dos descripciones sean muy similares, que que tenía las de color rojo, luego sus
digan lo mismo pero con diferentes palabras. compañeros lo siguieron diciendo que
Al finalizar la sesión, los estudiantes dicen que es un tenia puntos blancos sobre sus alas,
sinónimo, en que se pueden utilizar y las razones para era pequeña y suave. Al llegar al rio e
usarlos. indagarlos sobre el agua y cómo
podríamos describirla, Emilia se
Rincón de Descripción (lorena) Hedbanz adelantó y dijo que el agua era
transparente pero que en el rio se
En este rincón se profundizará en la descripción y el veía café porque estaba revuelta con
uso de variables a partir de preguntas que tierra y Martín dijo mientras tocaba el
potencializan de manera ordenada y organizada las agua que esta era líquida entonces
descripciones, para esto se hará énfasis en que tipo de que no tenía forma que solo se
preguntas y variables son las adecuadas teniendo en escurría entre los dedos y no olía a
cuenta si son animales, objetos, situaciones o eventos. nada. Todos estuvieron muy
El docente plantea las básicas a partir de las comprometidos y dispuestos a
imágenes, sin embargo se espera que los niños trabajar ordenadamente.
descubran y generan otras preguntas, llegando a la
comprensión de que a partir de la observación se En este rincón se profundizó en el uso
pueden hacer descripciones y en este modo describir de variables, en un comienzo
para que otro adivine. establecidas por ellos mismos, sin
embargo se evidencio que solo
1. ¿Que es? utilizaban forma, tamaño y color, por
2. ¿Que tiene? el contrario cuando se les hacían las
3. ¿De qué color es? preguntas para potencializar esas
4. ¿Cual es su forma? descripciones con diferentes variables
5.¿Cuál es su tamaño? fue más complejo para ellos y ellos
6. ¿Para qué sirve? mismos lo manifestaron que los dejará
escoger sus variables. Cuando la
Para ello jugaremos Hedbanz en donde un niño tendrá docente realiza las preguntas se les
en su cabeza una imagen y el resto deberán describir hizo la retroalimentación sobre la
hasta que el estudiante adivine, en una segunda ronda importancia del uso o tipo de
quien tiene la banda en su cabeza deberá hacer preguntas y variables que son
preguntas para descubrir la imagen. Finalmente se adecuadas teniendo en cuenta si es
realizará la retroalimentación con la escalera de animal, persona u objeto. Santiago
pensamiento y las siguientes preguntas, qué es Vargas propuso muchas preguntas
descripción? para que sirven describir? cómo podemos complejas teniendo en cuenta el
usar las variables para hacer descripciones? Que es objeto, por el contrario Juan Mario se
una variable?. le dificulto adivinar, es decir no
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lograba organizar las descripciones de

Rincón de juego en etapas. sus compañeros, además cuando
debía preguntar solo utilizaba la
Este rincón tendrá una única aplicación y se variable color, de igual forma Gero
desarrollará de forma colectiva y simultánea para la solo utilizaba la variable forma,
totalidad de los niños del grupo. Por eso contaremos Samuel confunde variable tamaño con
con los tres docentes que servirán de jueces y forma, a Juan Felipe se le dificulta
reguladores en las distintas etapas del juego. En esta responder Que es? ya que confundía
sesión los niños pasarán por 4 etapas que les con para que sirve. Lucciana Garavito
permitirán, al terminar una, pasar a la siguiente. Las no logro adivinar, y cuando debía
cuatro etapas son las siguientes. proponer variables sus opiniones
estaban fuera del contexto. Se debe
1. Encuentre a javier: los niños verán una imagen en continuar con el ejercicio de nociones
gran formato con una gráfica de “Donde esta javier” sobre variables, observacion y
y tendrán que encontrar una serie de personajes en descripcion ya que se les dificultad a
la imagen. Al encontrarlos todos podrán pasar a la la mayoría.
siguiente estación o al cumplir 12 minutos. Se En este reto los se divirtieron mucho y
llevará un chek list para verificar cual encuentran y la mayoría quería dibujar más que
quien hace el descubrimiento. realizar las descripciones, sin
embargo todos lograr pasar por
2. Descubre el lugar: ambos roles, aquí se logró trabajar
En esta estación de Rally Thinking los estudiantes se observación indirecta para aquellos
sientan en un círculo y escuchan una serie de audios que debía dibujar sin ver la imagen,
que describen los diferentes lugares del colegio. El solo teniendo en cuenta lo que sus
objetivo del rincón practicar la observación directa. Los compañeros les describían, sin
niños debes esperar a que el audio termine y tienen un embargo en sus dibujos se evidencio
minuto para pensar en el lugar que es. Cuando se que hizo falta mayor información, en
inicia la descripción, los estudiantes estarán con sus especial variables como ubicación,
ojos cerrados, escuchando atentamente, durante la posición, tamaño, trama y cantidad,
descripción los niños guardan silencio y no pueden por otro lado aquellos que realizaron
decir el lugar que creen que es, en la parte final del la observación directa no hicieron una
audio se escucha el sonido ambiente del lugar que se observación detallada, tal vez por el
está describiendo, el docente les preguntará si es un ejercicio de la competencia sin
lugar tranquilo, o como creen que es a partir del sonido embargo cuando la docente realizaba
ambiental. Los estudiantes que logren acertar con el mediación con las preguntas
lugar van acumulando puntos durante el rincón. apuntando a las variables algunos
como mariana, Emiliana, Nicolás
Santiago Pérez, Martín, Salomé
3. Corre, describelo y descubrelo: lograron realizar una descripción
En este rincón los niños formaran grupos de tres, alli
un jugador tendrá una hoja y un lápiz, los otros dos Lorena y Diana
estudiantes deberán hacer relevos para correr y
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observar la imagen que encontraran lejos del lugar TR-B

donde estará el compañero dibujando lo que el otro le La clase se desarrolló con normalidad,
describe. los juegos les atraen y he logrado
Al final se socializan los dibujos y se hará enganchar a los niños con lo que
retroalimentación a partir de los mismos, ganará quien hacemos, el tener diferentes
tenga las descripciones más detalladas y ordenadas actividades que me permitan medir,
teniendo en cuenta la imagen. estimar y valorar su observación
asegura que los niños se sientan
motivados y sus resultados sean
altos. Por supuesto que cuando se
sienten retados entre sus
posibilidades muestran mejores
resultados. Me sorprendió el alto nivel
de Laura Castro quien además de
mostrarse muy segura lograba
resolver los problemas con relativa
facilidad y en menor tiempo que sus
compañeros. Juan Pablo se le vio
perdido y no completo las dos últimas
actividades que consisten en
encontrar la diferencia y dibujar el
robot o por ejemplo Jerónimo castaño
no logró realizar la representación del
robot, no porque no reconociera las
figuras sino porque todavía no las
representa con sus propiedades de
forma, entonces el ve la figura pero al
momento de representarla no realiza
el ángulo cerrado y el trazo recto y un
óvalo puede ser lo mismo que un
rectángulo o un diamante a un óvalo.
Esteban también mostró un buen nivel
tanto para resolver los acertijos como
para realizar la representación.
Observé una dificultad en la ubicación
relativa y el manejo del espacio que
podré trabajar en Atelier.
Juan R. Hoyos Pensamiento 23-02-

En el desarrollo de la sesión se
trabajó muy de cerca y fuertemente el
manejo de los sinónimos y antónimos.
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Algunos estudiantes sobresalieron

durante el rincón, entre otros,
Francisco, y Jacobo. En la primera
parte, en la que los estudiantes
desarrollaban una serie de juegos, fue
fácil para ellos encontrar los
sinónimos y antónimos de las
descripciones y palabras mostradas.
En la segunda parte, se tuvo que
replantear el rincón debido a que los
niños se mostraron aburridos
desinteresados. Para esto, se les dijo
una palabra, por ejemplo “inmenso” y
ellos debían encontrar algo que fuera
así, pero debían describirlo diciendo
otra palabra en lugar de “inmenso”,
por ejemplo “grande”. Omar Orozco

Dos semanas Del 27 de Marzo al 7 de abril Criterios de Evaluación

En estas dos semanas nos permitirán desarrollar un ● Cognitivos: Identifica variables,

control de cierre en los desarrollos planteados. reconoce observación directa e
Realizaremos una prueba estructurada y una indirecta.
retroalimentación sobre la misma y los avances ● Praxiológico: organiza variables
obtenidos en el periodo. para hacer una descripción.
Describe a partir de las variables
Desempeño de cierre de periodo dadas.
Rincón de Prueba estructurada. ● Valorativos: Desarrolla las
Los estudiantes presentarán una prueba estructurada actividades mostrando autocontrol.
de forma individual en el formato establecido donde se
evaluará el avance sobre la observación directa e Retroalimentación
indirecta estableciendo variables comunes como
tamaño, color, forma y textura en sus descripciones.
Se realizará de manera formal
Para eso cada estudiante tendrá su propia hoja donde
utilizando la prueba para ello. Se
responderán las preguntas dadas. Al finalizar cada niño
observarán los aciertos y desaciertos
deberá entregar sus respuestas que serán evaluadas y
y se resolverán los puntos y las dudas
retroalimentadas en la sesión posterior. del grupo. Cada estudiante sabrá en
Tiempo: 1 sesión qué nivel está frente a la prueba y
frente al nivel de desempeño
esperado para el periodo explicando
Rincón de Reatroalimentación de la prueba. los niveles de por encima del nivel, en
Luego de evaluar las pruebas de los niños, se les el nivel esperado, básico esperado y
entregará para que ellos observen sus aciertos y por debajo del nivel.
desaciertos en la misma. Luego se retomará cada
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pregunta resolviendo las dudas y las preguntas Observaciones:

realizadas en la prueba. Al finalizar cada niño deberá
señalar los puntos en los que debe mejorar y en cuales Tra:
están fuertes y pueden seguir avanzando. Esto se Prueba escrita de observación y
realizará en forma de plenaria donde cada niño estará descripción: Después de trabajar
acomodado revisando su prueba. De cierre de sesión durante varias sesiones en las
el docente realizará una proyección sobre los pasos nociones de observación, descripción
siguientes y hacia donde vamos a llegar con respecto y variable; reforzar vocabulario
al nivel de desempeño. referente a características físicas y
Tiempo: 1 Sesión sus relaciones con los cinco sentidos.
Se diseñó una prueba escrita que nos
permitiera identificar concretamente
quienes eran los niños que aun
presentaban falencias en la definición
de dichos términos, en la observación
detallada y en el reconocimiento de
variables. Sin Lugar a dudas,
Emiliana Betancur, Emanuel, Mariana
Martin, Santiago Vargas, Antonia Leal
y Martin Pérez son niños que tienen
muy claro que significa observar, ya
que van a detalles y tratan de brindar
una descripción teniendo en cuenta la
organización de variables. En el otro
extremo, se encuentran Juan Mario
Lozano, Jose Ignacio Martinez,
Lucciana Garavito, Isabella Giraldo y
Juan Felipe Marquez quienes aún
desconocen lo que conlleva hacer una
observación directa y una descripción

En la ejecución de la prueba se
evidenciaron algunas falencias
respecto a la estructura que se le dio
a la prueba ya que en el punto uno
hizo falta realizar una imagen para
que los estudiantes no necesitaran
mediación preguntado “que dice aquí”.

En la siguiente sesión se dio

continuidad con el anexo.
Dando continuida al anexo en el
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último punto los estudiantes debían

realizar una observación indirecta sin
embargo para muchos fue complejo
evidenciar los atributos de las
variables sabor, olor, trama y textura.

Retroalimentación de la prueba
escrita: Una vez los chicos terminaron
sus evaluaciones, fue necesario
darles una retroalimentación de sus
desempeños durante la prueba y
aquellos aspectos que aún necesitan
fortalecer para lograr describir
detalladamente y ordenadamente. Se
reforzaron nociones como: variable,
observación directa e indirecta y
descripción. Indudablemente, todos
presentan aún dudas con dichos
términos, pero se evidencia un
progreso significativo en Emiliana
Betancur, Santiago Perez, Jose
Ignacio, Catalina, Mariangel, Isabel
Castillo, Martín Pérez, y Santiago
Vargas, quienes ya tienen mucho más
claro lo que es una observación
directa e indirecta, o lo que implica
describir un objeto de manera
organizada. También Emanuel Barreto
se destacó por ser el único que tiene
una definición clara de variable y
Antonia Leal por proponer otras
variables diferentes a las dadas
Por el contrario estudiantes como
Juan Mario, lucciana, Violeta, Nicolás,
Gero, Samuel y Juan Felipe no
lograron identificar las nociones
además no lograron realizar
descripciones detalladas ya que para
ellos el uso de otras variables es
complejo y organizarlas a un más.
Diana y Lorena
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En el desarrollo de la prueba escrita,

fue muy importante contar a los niños
en lo que consistía la prueba,
haciendo énfasis en la forma en que
dicha prueba permite a los docentes
encontrar las cosas en que los niños
necesitan apoyo extra. También, se
les contó la forma en que se
desarrollaría la prueba y como debía
ser respondida.
Cuando los niños se enfrentaron a la
prueba escrita, se dividieron en dos
rincones, uno trabajaba en la
observación directa de los pollos y
otro en la observación indirecta de
otros objetos.
Al indagar sobre las diferentes
nociones en las que se han trabajado
en los diferentes rincones, se pudo
determinar que la mayoría de
estudiantes manejan hasta cierto nivel
básico las definiciones de observar,
observación directa/indirecta, variable,
describir, formas de observar.
A partir de esto, se hace necesario
desarrollar rincones en los que
estudiantes puedan trabajar con más
profundidad las nociones
mencionadas, y continuar con el
manejo del vocabulario directo al
momento de instrucciones y al
momento de que él niño se su
Omar Orozco.

¿De qué manera el lenguaje y las expresiones
corporales me permiten comunicarme?

Performance 1: Describing myself

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To discover the way the language and the body

expression allows the kids to communicate certain
information, they are working on the performance
describing myself. For this, they are focus practicing
language throughout the different adjectives to describe
the body, personal information questions allowing
recognizing the pattern to create short sentences. The
result of this performance is an audio recording in
which the kids are telling their personal information
based on a set of questions formulated by the teacher
as an interview.

Feb 20 - 24 Evaluation Criteria:

Performance 1 Describing myself
Assembly: ● Follows one simple
During this week in the initial assembly students will commands.
practice vocabulary about adjectives by listening some ● Recognizes familiar words.
songs and chants, also teacher will review them the ● Answer yes/no questions by
body parts and the use of (have/ has) by playing a following the established
memory game. structure (can).. ● Listen to their classmates.
interactive-pirate-board-game/ Feedback:
Visual and verbal vocabulary about
Session 1 adjectives and body parts would be
important during the first two weeks in
Spot 1: Detectives: Lorena & Omar order to contextualize students to get
Students will watch a video about some animals at the the language. Students will receive
school in order to contextualize the performance, in personal feedback during their
where students will be detectives, looking for them, speaking sessions, correcting
during these weeks they will have to discover the lost pronunciation and language structure (
animal (rabbit) take into account the descriptions can/ can´t - Do/ don´t).
(clues) meanwhile; there will be some questions about
the video. Observations:
Who is eating our food?
What is happening at the school? TR-A
Who are the detectives? Presentation of clues (rabbit): The
What is the name of our team? students were provided with certain
Where do we live? clues about the mysterious animal,
How do we feel? like: where does it live? What does it
eat? Etc… The idea was to connect
those wh-questions with their personal
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Spot 2: who am I ? Andrea & Diana lives, in that way they could relate
In this spot students will watch a PowerPoint what kind of activities can be done by
presentation about the mysterious animal; hence they the animal and which by them,
will receive the first clues about the animal those will be
identifying similarities and differences
some information questions; where does it live? What among species. All of them were very
is its favorite food? How old is it? How is the mysteriousenthusiastic with the clues, however
animal? What can it do?. At the end the teacher will ask Salome Rodriguez and Violeta Reina
them about the clues and if they already know how were the ones who most showed
does it look like? How they have discovered it? How interest in the activity, they
do you get the information from the animal? participated a lot and they could
recognise some vocabulary which
Session 2 & 3 helped them to be more active during
the session and have more resources
Spot 1: RECORDED DESCRIPTION Omar & Lorena for their opinions. Lorena cabrera -
Students will be given a recorded description of a Diana
mysterious animal (the rabbit) they will find there, the
purpose is to work in terms of recognizing the physical In this spot was kind of difficult for
appearance of different animals (animals parts, them when they had to listen the
adjectives) and also representing them through their descriptions, however when the
drawings accordingly to what they hear, in which they teacher act and mimic the adjectives
will have to listen carefully to what they hear as many was very easy, Violeta, Emilia, Martín
times as they want, the teacher will be checking the and Nicolas used to translate to the
way they are drawing and understanding the rest of the students into spanish. In
information. the other hand Mariangel, Lucciana,
Isabella and Juan Mario couldn´t
Spot 2: CAN YOU DO IT? Andrea & Diana understand the directions and
Students will watch some videos about animals abilities instructions. We have to continue
in order to relate their body to their movements, then working on the physical appearance
students will be given the I-pads in order to they record and vocabulary about animals parts.
themselves while they are asking what they can do.
They will have to answer the questions and show us “Can” with I-pads: With the purpose of
how they can do it? How do you know people is asking enhance the practise of the verb “can”
you? and the vocabulary of animal’s
abilities, the students were outside with the I-pads, they worked in pairs
recording videos of their peers asking
and answering some questions using
Session 4 & 5
“can” whilst they were performing
some actions; for instance: Can you
Spot 1 Raz kids rabbits Lorena & Omar
slither? Can you stomp? Etc.. At the
In this spot students will read in the platform Raz kids
beginning was a bit difficult to make
the book Rabbits, students will read about these cute,
students work by their own,
interesting animals. Although rabbits have many things
nonetheless after that first moment of
in common, such as fur and hopping, they can also be
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very different from one another. Students have the amazement they started using the I-
opportunity to compare and contrast rabbits by using pads purposefully. There is no doubt
opposites as well as to ask and answer questions. that Violeta Reina has excellent
Detailed, supportive photographs, high-frequency English skills, since on her video, it is
words (is, this) and repetitive phrases. totally fascinating how she tries to help
After that, students will complete the information in a Juan Felipe while she films, telling him
graphic organizer by drawing take into account the keywords, clues and sometimes even
characteristics of those animals and the previous correcting him. Similarly, Martin Perez
language big, black, fast, fluffy, rabbit, short, small, tall, and Emiliana Rodriguez that despite
white. they do not have the same level of proficiency as Violeta, they try to do
id=1579 their best, constructing almost the
complete answer and saying important
words to make questions. Lorena
Spot 2: Computer´s Lab: All the teachers cabrera - Diana
In this spot, kids will explore and practice the platform
Raz kids. During this session students were
Also they will practice language related to (adjectives, motivated with the platform, they
verbs, objects, animals and so on) wanted to read all the books at the
Different spots will be developed in order to identify same time because they wanted to
kid's abilities in numerical order, basic addition and win points, is necessary to work on
subtraction, recognizement about geometric shapes many adjectives and opposite for next
and phonetic patterns, focused on pronunciation issues sessions, however with the wh
by means of songs, stories and videos, and games in questions and images they could
autonomous way. follow the story. Lucciana, Catalina,
Mariangel and Emanuel didn´t
participated and when the teacher
asked them they were scattered for
that reason they didn't understand the
story. When they had to complete the
information in a graphic organizer at
the beginning was a bit difficult for
most of them because they didn´t
know how to organize the information,
that is why teacher had to model and
draw an example take into account the
vocabulary about physical
characteristics. Violeta and Mariana
recognize all the vocabulary and they
started to translate, however the
teacher explained them the important
to speak in English.
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Computers’ lab: With the aim at giving

students the chance to expand their
vocabulary of adjectives, verbs, nouns
and animals; the website RAZ KIDS
provide them the perfect opportunity to
it through fantastic stories that they
enjoy by themselves. Nicolas Arana,
Martin Perez and Santiago Vargas are
children that love reading, they are the
guys who enjoy every story and do not
hesitate to tell you the great moments
of each one and recall the new
vocabulary. Also, Geronimo Guzman
and Sander Esteban Celemin that
even though they are very dynamic
and curious they like to read, the
matter with them is that they get bored
easily, so they prefer to jump from one
story to another and surprise
themselves continuously with new
graphics, sounds and plot. Lorena
cabrera - Diana

Children just loved this song. At first
they were just listening while the
teacher follow the rhythm with the right
pronuntiation for each word. For the
second time, teacher stop on some
question using on the video and ask to
the students, Can you…?
Emphasizing on the answers: Yes, I
can. No, I can’t/cannot.
Of Course, it was easier for the when
teacher act and make the mimic or
point the action on the video. When
we play the song one more time some
students started to follow the teacher.
Some of them already know how handle
an I-pad. They were so excited and it
was kinda distraction. Thus before to
use the I-pads teacher gave a short
training about how give a correct use
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and caring of the I-pad, tools, the red

boton we woud use and we recorded
a sample video. Letting see how
important it is modulate, have the
control of the level when we talk,
watch to the camera, keep a position
while you record and the other person
when is having an interview. Then we
divided them per pairs. I was harder
for some of then who are very shy. I
am very proud of their efforts. It was
hard to let them work but themselves,
so teacher take some minutes for
each pair, helping them and checking
the I-pads can be used with a
purpose. At first every student wanted
to have the control of the I-pad but
teacher let them know that after one
student ask the questions they swtich
so of all of then could have the
opportunity to use the I-pads.

Feb 27 – March 3 Evaluation Criteria:

Performance 1 Describing myself
Assembly: ● Identifies animals vocabulary.
● Answer information questions.
During this week in the initial assembly students will be (How old//what/ where)
focus on animal´s body here students will play a game ● Answer yes/no questions by
on the smart called switchzoo, hence students will following the established
continue practicing new vocabulary about adjectives structure (Do).
(flashcards)and listening some songs and chants, also ● Uses prefabricated patterns.
teacher will review them the body parts and the use of ● Expresses ideas having self
(have/ has) by playing a memory game. control.
In additions students will play simon says to work on Feedback:
physical characteristics(body parts): Simons says touch Students will receive personal
your…. feedback and auto evaluation
following certain criteria, during their
Session 6 speaking sessions, correcting
pronunciation, language and
Spot 1 Describing the squirrel- Omar and Lorena sentences structure. (can't can- do
Student will watch a video about in order to don't). During this week students will
contextualized the performance, as students are work on answering information
detectives and they have discover the Omar’s animal, questions for that reason there will be
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during this week they will have a new mission and they two questions to guide them; How do
should discover the lost animal (squirrel) as olguita is in you get the information from people?
charge of them, students should help her to find the How do you know people is asking
rest of the animals meanwhile there they will some you?
questions about the video.
Who is eating our food? Observations:
What is happening at the school?
Who are the detectives? TR-A
How does olguita feel? Finding and describing animals: The
purpose of the activity was to make
Spot 2: Following the clues- Diana & Andrea students to practice more questions
In this spot student will watch a video about the and short answers with “do you” as
mysterious animal; hence they will receive the first well as vocabulary of animals and
clues about the animal; they will have to answer the parts of the body. Therefore, I brought
following information questions; where does it live? to class images of weird animals, like
What is its favorite food? How old is it? How is the scorpions, worms, sharks etc… then I
mysterious animal? What can it do? teacher will asked to one student of the group to
connect the questions to their students life. At the end act like one animal of these without
the teacher will ask them about the clues and if they pronouncing a word, instead the rest
already know what is the animal? How they have of the students had to start making
discovered it? How do you get the information from questions to get clues that allow them
people? How do you know people are asking you? to guess the animal. I noticed that it is
still difficult for them to structure the
Session 7 & 8 complete question, Only Violeta Reina
can fully construct the question but
Spot 1: Observe, describe and discover Lorena & she is a special case; Nevertheless,
Omar Emiliana Betancur, Antonia Leal,
Based on the needs we have for students to describe Martin Perez, Esteban Celemin and
physical characteristics students will be observing a set Nicolas Arana tried harder and they
of flashcards, 8 different pictures will be showed in the could help their partners to elicit
same slide , before the start with the describing activity information, for instance they asked:
itself, students will have the chance the check one you four legs? Two legs? you can fly?
more time to the flashcards we had worked with before You can run? you black color?
related to the basic adjectives, once after we practice Orange? I helped them to formulate
with them, they will still have the chance to work and questions and guide their inquiries,
use them by having them close, so when the teacher they liked the activity and
starts describing one of the characteristics in the slide demonstrated how their vocabulary
they can see the flash cards and support their has been enriched during this time.
understanding with them, by the end of the class Lorena cabrera - Diana
students should be able to figure out which of the
animals, the objects or people the teacher is describing Animal Dice and wh question: Using
and raise their hand to say it out loud. different animal pictures on the dice
and information questions, the
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Spot 2: Puzzles Diana & Andrea students provided personal

Students should play a puzzle game; this puzzle test information about them too; since I
student's ability to answer personal information started inquiring them about where
questions by following the animal’s clues, the purpose does the animal live? What does the
is to put together in a logical way the animal’s body, in animal eat? What can the animal do?
order to arrive at the correct solution of the puzzle. Etc… And later I transferred the
Meanwhile, they are answering questions correctly they questions to them. At the beginning I
could see the animal’s parts in order to discover it. How had to guide them with examples
many legs does the squirrel have? Where does it live? because they doubted about what
Does it have fur? they were questioned, so I gave them
my personal information as a help in
Session 9 that way it was easier for them to
follow the activity. Martin Perez is a
Spot 1 Diana & Andrea Finding and describing really clever kid, he understood very
In this spot students will be divided in groups, here the quickly the dynamic of the activity and
teacher will assign one different animal to each student; helped his partners to do it. Likewise,
the students then go around asking questions for Violeta Reina and Emiliana Betancur
example: "Do you have long legs? Do you have fur? In were good support for their partners
order to guess the animal, the person who is the animal who sometimes ask them about
should answer correctly yes, I do or no, I don´t. At the certain words that they did not know
end with the whole information got it from the questions how to say in English. Lorena
students will start describing those animals. cabrera - Diana
For example:
The tiger has 4 legs In this spot they were engaged with the
The tiger has a long tail. clues and it was a good opportunity to
introduced new wh questions about
Spot 2 Lorena & Omar Wh Dices game the mysterious animal, At the
In this session the purpose is that students answer wh beginning was a bit difficult for most of
questions, they will have some dices with different the students because of the used of
pictures of animals and there will be some dices with the questions, Juan felipe, Sander,
information questions for example;how many legs does Mariangel, Catalina, Emiliana, Jose
it have? Where does it live? What does it eat? they will Ignacio and lucciana needed a lot
have to answer the questions take into account the mediation in the comprehension of the
picture. questions, on the other hand samuel,
Santiago P, Santiago V, Mariana,
Martín and Violeta did a good job,
answering all the questions. Lorena
cabrera - Diana

Computers lab: Students explored more

stories on the website Raz kids, they
Session 10: were very focus on their readings and
entertained with the plots; Sander
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Computer´s Lab: All the teachers Celemin, Mariana Martin, Santiago

In this spot, kids will explore and practice the platform Vargas and Geronimo Guzman are
Raz kids. Also they will practice language related to the children who like reading more,
(adjectives, verbs, objects, animals and so on). since in their sites they have read
Different spots will be developed in order to identify several stories repeatedly and they
kid's abilities in numerical order, basic addition and can say what the story is about with
subtraction, geometric shapes and phonetic patterns, their own words efficiently. On the
focused on pronunciation issues by means of songs, other side, José Ignacio Martinez,
stories and videos, and games in autonomous way. Juan Mario Lozano and Lucciana
Garavito they only listen the stories
one or maximum two times and
change them, however, once they are
inquired about it, they cannot retell the
story successfully, they omit details
and they do not remember well the
vocabulary. Lorena cabrera - Diana

We organized in a circle. Before to
start we do a feedback about the
vocabulary we will use in this activity:
The animals (Bat, Owl, , Bear…)and
the body parts (Legs, Armas, Heads,
Ears, Mouth…), habitats (Park,
House, Farm, Forest, Jungle...). After
this, teacher showed them an
example. When we were ready, every
student had the opportunity to throw
the dice and answer to these
What is it? It’s a…For ex. Tiger
Where does it live? The tiger lives in…
What does it eat?
How many legs/arm does it have?
Teacher also asked them about the
description so they could use some
adjective (Long, Strong, Heavy….)

Luisa shows very dispersed, the

teacher makes several calls for
attention. She walk around, check
books and expresses that she loves
books. Teacher invited her to
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particiate, change her the place but

the moments where she is focus are
very short. Alejandro wants to keep
the control of the dices and when it is
a different student’s turn he just goes
away and it is hard for him be back to
the activiy if he does not have the

En esta sesión, los estudiantes fueron

acomodados en subgrupos de 3 o 4
estudiantes, en estos grupos se
asignaron un monitor, quien estaba a
cargo de dar unas instrucciones
específicas y monitorear si los
estudiantes de su grupo las lograban
hacer apropiadamente. El objetivo de
este rincón emergente es que los
estudiantes empiecen a reconocer a
sus pares como monitores y autoridad
en el momento de desarrollar rincones
autónomos. Esto surge debido a que
se intentó establecer rincones
autónomos que no fueron exitosos
debido a que no reconocían la
monitoria de sus compañeros de una
forma apropiada y/o como agente
organizador dentro del grupo de

March 6 -10 Evaluation Criteria:

Performance 1 Describing myself
Assembly: ● Uses action verbs to express
During this week in the initial assembly students will abilities of animals and people.
practice verbs,hence students will play some games ● Follows one simple
about can/can´t and actions. commands. ● Relates images and words.
● Expresses ideas having self
Session 11 & 12 control.

Spot 1: Lorena & Omar do you know…? Feedback:

In this spot students will read some curiosities and facts Team work will be useful during this
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about squirrels,( do you know…?) teacher will have week with the purpose to share their
some flashcards in order to guide them with the reading vocabulary among them, also
and the comprehensions processes, also teacher will permanent assessment upon in-class
ask them the following questions. activities to guide them with the new
What does it eat? What can it do? Where does it live? vocabulary and animals information.
what are its colors?
Spot 2: Diana & Andrea Mystery box
Students will have the mystery box, which is a box with TR-A
an element that they can’t see; the elements are the
clues to discover the animals (squirrel) so they have to Now the students have many clues
guess the element by touching it while they tell their about the mysterious animal and they
partners what they feel with their hands. So, the feel comfortable with that information,
elements kids can touch into the mystery box are nest, in this opportunity they read the
fur, nuts, and fruits among others. Teacher is asking images however is important to work
following up questions about the opinions and on the language especially with
expressions kids have about the clues and the previous Catalina, Isabella, Jose Ignacio and
knowledge about animal’s life and their characteristics. Emanuel because they had a good
comprehension of the story however
when the teacher ask them they
couldn't answer in some cases they
did in spanish. Lorena cabrera - Diana
Presentation of clues (Squirrel): Once
Session 13 & 14 students discovered that the
mysterious animal was a rabbit, now
Spot 1: Lorena & Omar Guess who they have a new challenge that is the
In this spot students will have to guess opponent´s search of another mysterious animal
mystery character before they guess the other´s that this time is a squirrel, so, they
students characters. Each student takes turns asking were provided with all the clues
questions, on their turns they should ask yes or no regarding to it, like: what does it eat?
questions about the mystery character: Example is your Where does it live? How does it look
person wearing a hat? or also they can ask do you like? What can it do? Etc… The
have big eyes? or use can if is an animal. the purpose students were trying to guess what the
is to ask as many questions as students can in order to animal was immediately and even
identify adjectives and body parts. Geronimo Guzman, Santiago Perez
and Violeta Reina dare to say that it
Spot 2: Diana & Andrea Map race was a squirrel, because all the clues
The mysterious animal has been a great success apply to it, that despite it does not
among students, they are very interested to know what have wings, some of them can fly
it is and with every clue they are closer to discover it. owing to under their arms they have
Therefore, it has decided to do an observation race in something that allow them do it. Also,
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which they will follow a map of images that illustrate they were surprised when they knew
different parts of the school; in each scenery they will that squirrels eat beatles since they
have to search a clue that could be images that give thought that just fruits and nuts were
them an insight of how the animal looks like or short the elements of their diet. Lorena
questions that we will read for them in order to elicit cabrera - Diana
information that can lead them to have more details of
the mysterious animal. The idea is that they use that In this spot students really loved
map to organize themselves into the school and know guess who because most of them
where to go to find more clues and at the end they will knew the game and how to play it and
be guided until the river where they will discover that was easy for most of them, however
the mysterious animal is the duck. they had to follow the prefabricated
pattern and ask and answer yes/ no
questions take into account the
Session 15 vocabulary about body parts and
adjectives, Isabella, Catalina, Juan
Computer´s Lab: Felipe, Juan Mario, Gero, Nico,
All the teachers Raz Kids Animals can move Santiago Pérez and Jose Ignacio
In this spot students will read a book called animals can needed a lot mediation asking the
move the purpose of this reading is identify animal’s questions and following the
abilities and also recognize some verbs. At the descriptions to guess the characters.
beginning of the reading teacher will ask them what
animal can hop? What animal can fly? Then students Computers’ lab: In this session
will listen and watch the images to relate the words. students had to work on the website
This nonfiction book uses factual description to tell Raz kids to read book called: animals
some of the ways that animals move. Patterned can move, in order to recognise the
sentences and photographs guide the reader through abilities of certain animals and get that
each type of movement. At the end students will vocabulary that would be useful for
complete a graphic organizer to show up their investigations of new mysterious
comprehension. animal. Similarly, they played a
videogame on the blog that consisted
on distinct animal parts such as:
heads, bodies, legs and tails; hence
kids had the opportunity to organise
them until form the complete animal or
to create a new creature. All of them
had a lot of fun and the room was
contagious with all their laughs and
smiles produced by their weird
creations. Lorena cabrera - Diana

First we started the game giving the
vocabulary necessary for the game.
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We let them clear that they should

discover an animaland they will count
with 5 clues in some different places
at the school. We take some time to
recognizes those places and
remember how say them in english:
Language-Kitchen, Round Place-
Rotonda, Park, Swimming Pool, River.
Every number correspond to a one of
those place. We were introducing
and/or strengthen new vocabulary:
Clue, Map, Cold, Warm, Hot,
Feathers, Legs, Arms. We gave them
some commands: Teacher, is over
In every place we make emphasis on
the vocabulary and to encourage them
they could receive double point. The
principal rule just in english.
JuanEs felt so frustrated so he started
to cry because of something he came
to his mind and he stopped the game.
he did not want to continue playing so
we can not let him alone.
Same Alejandro. With the first group
Nicolas was who got almost all the
clues so the other students felt
frustrated. Thus, theacher asked some
differents questions to every single
student giving them the opportunity to
get points. But definitely JuanEs and
Alejandro gave up the activity. JuanEs
said but is in english? no, I do not
want it. Sophie, Isa Rivero and
Gabriella were too distracted, so the
teacher should help them to be focus
many times with the activity. We stand
out the Mario’s participation and
Viendo la necesidad de que nos niños
sepan cómo organizarse y actuar en
caso de emergencia, y teniendo como
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detonador el temblor, los estudiantes

estuvieron en una sesión de
reconocimiento de los diferentes
puntos de encuentro en el colegio,
estableciendo lo que se debe hacer y
a donde dirigirse en función del lugar
en que se encuentren. También, se
les compartió información sobre el
triángulo de la vida y la forma de
formarlo en caso de un movimiento
telúrico. Es importante resaltar que se
debe continuar con esta práctica
durante varias sesiones para que los
niños interioricen y actúen de una
forma más natural al verse envueltos
en un caso de emergencia.

Evaluation Criteria:
March 13-17
● Uses prefabricated patterns.
Performance 1 Describing myself ● Identifies body parts
Assembly: During this week in the initial assembly vocabulary. (animals and
students will practice vocabulary about animals and people)
humans parts, adjectives (colors, shapes, size) in order ● Answers information
to reinforce physical characteristics by listening some questions.
audios about descriptions also teacher will ask them to ● Uses adjectives to make
ask to their partner's personal information questions. descriptions.
● Listens their classmates
Spot 1 Diana & Andrea Dice game opinions.
Continuing with the acquisition of language about their
personal information students will play with the dice Feedback:
game, there they will though the dice and answer the During this week there will be Self
questions take into account the picture. What is your Evaluation and coevaluation in the
name? How are you today? How old are you? Where descriptions performances, here
do you live? What is your favorite color/food/animal? students should use at least two
What is your favorite place at school? At the end of the adjectives in their simple sentences.
wh questions, teacher will ask them Why is important to
use wh questions? What is english for? How do you Observations:
get the information from people?
Spot 2 what in the world is that? Lorena & Omar Mystery box: Continuing with the idea of
discovering the second mysterious
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In this session there will be some flashcards about animal, the students had to touch
some animals, teacher will ask them about their names certain elements that are part of this
in order to identify them. Then, teacher will discuss with animal’s life such as: nuts, seeds,
students how they know each animal is. For example; fruits, dry grass to be related to the
using a picture of an elephant, teacher will ask what nest of it and a fluffy puppet to
features of the animals prove to them that it’s actually simulate the fur of the squirrel. The
an elephant's (long trunk, huge ear, tusks, and big feet) kids were very enthusiastic and more
with the purpose to guess and make descriptions about because they had to feel weird things
the animals take into account the features. For example without seeing what was inside, which
the elephant has long trunk. The elephant has huge is always so strange and fun for them.
feet. After that, Students can be animal detectives as At the beginning when everyone
they read what in the World Is That? By using the clues touched the seeds and nuts, they
in the book, can they determine what the mystery started saying that it was an squirrel
animal is before the end of the book? Students will be definitely; nonetheless, at the moment
so absorbed with the fun of unraveling the mystery that of feeling the nest they began
they won't even realize that they are learning to make doubting and even Geronimo
predictions and identify animal’s parts vocabulary. Guzman, Emiliana Betancur and
Martin Perez that were so secure of it,
they said that maybe it was a bird but
they were not sure completely, since
they were wondering, how could it be
possible that a bird climb? Besides,
Session 18 & 19 Violeta Reina said that squirrels can
make nests into the trees’ holes and
she finished saying that if they had felt
Spot 1: what has these feet? Lorena & Omar
hair before, it could not be a bird
Teacher will ask students to describe the feet they see
owing to it has feathers and its texture
and guess what animals has the feet, teacher will
is different. Lorena cabrera - Diana
encourage students to explain their thinking, then
teacher will show students entire pictures. After that
Computers’ lab: Students worked on the
students will read the book meanwhile students will try
plataform Raz Kids to continue
to make connections between the book they are
reinforcing the reading habit in them
reading and what they already know from their own
and enhancing their vocabulary as
experiences. Teacher will ask them about what they
well. Evidently, they enjoy too much
know about those animals and they will try to
the website, not just because they can
descriptions about it take into account the previous
choose the book of their preference
from several options, but also, it
makes them to think that they are
Spot 2: Pictionary Diana & Andrea
playing a videogame that it permits
Students will be divided in two teams, one student from
them to accumulate points with every
the each group come up and choose a card could be
reading and buy stuff to modify their
animals or people and silently has to draw it, while their
monsters’ profile. It is obvious their
team tries to guess what the drawing is. Teams
faces of satisfaction each time they
compete against each other to have the most guessed
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words and win the game. finish a book and they see how many
points they got from it. Raz Kids has
Session 20 been a success among children, they
have fun while they are improving their
Computer´s Lab: All the teachers listening and reading skills; they have
In this spot, kids will explore and practice the platform said that now they like reading more
Raz kids. Also they will practice language related to and they have passed from only
(adjectives, verbs, objects, animals and so on). reading a story during bedtime to read
Different spots will be developed in order to identify one or two stories in the afternoons.
kid's abilities in numerical order, basic addition and Lorena cabrera - Diana
subtraction, geometric shapes and phonetic patterns,
focused on pronunciation issues by means of songs, TR-B
stories and videos, and games in autonomous way.
We organized in a circle. Before to
start we do a feedback about the
vocabulary we will use in this activity:
The animals (Bat, Owl, , Bear…)and
the body parts (Legs, Armas, Heads,
Ears, Mouth…), habitats (Park,
House, Farm, Forest, Jungle...). After
this, teacher showed them an
example. When we were ready, every
student had the opportunity to throw
the dice and answer to these
What is it? It’s a…For ex. Tiger
Where does it live? The tiger lives in…
What does it eat?
How many legs/arm does it have?
Teacher also asked them about the
description so they could use some
adjective (Long, Strong, Heavy….)

Luisa shows very dispersed, the

teacher makes several calls for
attention. She walk around, check
books and expresses that she loves
books. Teacher invited her to
particiate, change her the place but
the moments where she is focus are
very short. Alejandro wants to keep
the control of the dices and when it is
a different student’s turn he just goes
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away and it is hard for him be back to

the activiy if he does not have the
The general group can develop the
activity better, now they know how are
the instructions with the dice.
At the end of the session during final
assembly teacher keep working with
those students who required more
time and help or they werre just very
distracted. Luisa, Jacobo Pardo,
Alejandro, Isa Rivero, Isa Linares,
Maria Juliana, Juan Salvador,

March 20 -24 Evaluation Criteria:

Performance 1 Describing myself ● Represents the spoken

Assembly: language.(graphic organizer)
During this week all the assembly will be focus on the ● Recognizes connectors of
uses prefabricated patterns, they will have to answer sequence (first, then, after,
some information questions about themselves, and finally).
also students will watch their own videos to give ● Identifies sequences in short
feedback on each student’s strengths and weaknesses. stories.
● Describes animals and people.
Session 21 & 22 ● Uses everyday language.

Spot 1: how frogs grow up Raz kids Diana and Feedback:

Andrea Teacher will make permanent
Ask students to share what they were like a babies, assessment on the use of adjectives
then teacher will discuss the life cycle, we star babies, and the connector ( and).
then teenager, after adults and finally we died. Students will receive personal
Teacher will read a book about How Frogs Grow. The feedback during their speaking
book starts as a frog lays her eggs and follows the sessions, correcting pronunciation,
journey as they make a remarkable transformation from language and sentences structure.
tadpoles to frogs. In addition to reading skills, this book Also, they will receive peer feedback
is connected to science knowledge. The purpose is to from their partners during the
work on choral reading in order to helps build students' recording process.
fluency, self-confidence, and motivation. On the other
hand Students will complete a graphic organizer to Observations:
show up comprehension; here they will have to draw
the correct life cycle of the frogs. The vocabulary in this TR-A
session will be eggs, froglets, frogs, grow lays, legs, Dice and Wh- questions: It is so crucial
smaller, tadpoles and tails. to help students to internalise wh-
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questions and the manner of giving

personal information to the other
person accurately; therefore, we try to
practice that every time it could be
possible and little by little we have
seen good results. Since, kids identify
Spot 2: Describing life cycles animals Omar and
faster what the question is about, what
they are asked for and how to answer
In this session students will do the sequences of the life
with a prefabricated sentence and not
cycle of different animals by drawing take into account
only using isolated words. That is the
the connectors of sequence (first, then, after, finally),
case of Santiago Perez, Isabel
students will have chicken, butterfly, frogs, ladybug,
Castillo, Nicolas Arana, Emiliana
among others, teacher will help kids understand how
Betancur, Mariana Martin, Santiago
certain creatures come to be what they know them as
Vargas, Salome Rodriguez, Esteban
also reinforce the use of connectors and language
Celemin and Violeta Reina of course.
about animals. Teacher will ask them some questions
On the opposite, we find some
to guide them; what words do I use to describe a
children that they continue having
sequence? How do you know when something has a
problems to recognise questions and
sequence? How you can represent a sequence?
to construct their answers, José
Ignacio, is a very intelligent kid and he
can identify correctly some questions
but he continue having troubles to
acquire specific vocabulary related to
actions, food and animals. Lorena
cabrera - Diana

This performance was very difficult for

them because of the use of
Session 24
connectors of sequence, although
most of the students knew the life
Spot 1 Memory game: Diana & Andrea
cycle of the frogs the vocabulary was
In this spot there will have some photographs of
a bit hard. At the beginning the
different people and animals and characteristics,
teacher model and draw a human´s
teacher will continue to show one body part a at time
life cycle and helped the students to
until students correctly guess, however if they want to
related it with different animals
discover the part they should answer one information
because they didn't know about cycles
question. Teacher will repeat it with different animals
notion. At the end, all the students
and people, at the end each student should make a
needed mediation when they had to
description take into account the correct adjectives and
give a short description. Lorena
body parts.
cabrera - Diana

Spot 2 Lorena & Omar Variable to make

Computers’ lab: The students continued
with the exploration of the website Raz
Students will have a set of pictures about animals, the
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purpose is that students can identify that animals and kids, they read stories with the
people can be classified into different categories take objective of being able to remember
into account their prior experiences, then, they idea is the story flow and new vocabulary
that they use the main variables or external features given by the text. Definitely, it was
such as color, shape, size, type of food, animals interesting to see how Emiliana
covering, ability and habitats in a descriptive sentence. Betancur, Mariana Martin, Nicolas
Then they will discuss all the ideas with the rest of the Arana, Salome Rodriguez, Santiago
groups. Teacher will take notes about the student’s Vargas and Martin Perez after reading
opinions. three or four times the story, they
could remember almost all the new
Session 25 y 26 vocabulary and identify the main
moments of it and even though it was
Spot 1 chants Diana & Andrea. difficult for them to do it in English,
Students will watch and listen some chants in order to they tried to use keywords to convey
guide them how to do it, practicing the previous their messages. Although the most
vocabulary and pronunciation, then with their simply impressive one was Violeta Reina who
language spoken by groups they will have to create could retell the story with their own
their own chants in a rhythm; there will be some words in English and summarising the
musical instruments. principal aspects of the text confidently. Lorena cabrera - Diana TR-B
v=97RDmFzzNlY&t=102s We work with the game ‘Guess who’
according to practice adjective for
Spot 2 iPad recording presentations 1 Omar & people description with children.
Lorena I found that we need to continue
Teacher will present a video about some parent’s practicing the adjective and provide
introduction in order to introduce personal information, them more tools for this exercise. It is
then students will make the same by using, (my name a little bit hard because as they do not
is, I’m 6 years old, I live in, my favorite color, food, toy, have the vocabulary the game must
and movie, animal). have a personalized feedback. They
are limitated in the language and if the
teacher is not with them they finish
playing in spanish. So the teacher
divided them per pairs using the
students who are better in english so
the teacher can be more focus on the
students with more difficulties. At the
end during the final assembly the
teacher keep practicing with those
who where not concentrated or need
practice more as Alejandro, Luisa.
Sophie Leguizamon was very
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distracted. She is good in english but if

she were more focus she could be
better. Jeronimo can do it when the
teacher make the mimic or show the

March 27 -31 Evaluation Criteria:

Performance 1 Describing myself ● Represent the spoken

Assembly: language (Drawings and
During this week students will play some games from graphics organizers)
the blog, also there will some session to present and ● Answer personal information
sing the chants to the rest of the groups. questions. ● Uses prefabricated patterns.
● Make descriptions take into
Session 26 account physical
Computer´s Lab: All the teachers characteristics.
In this spot, kids will explore and practice the platform ● Listens their classmates
Raz kids. Also they will practice language related to opinions.
(adjectives, verbs, objects, animals and so on).
Different spots will be developed in order to identify Feedback:
kid's abilities in numerical order, basic addition and The kids will receive group feedback
subtraction, geometric shapes and phonetic patterns, during the recording performance
focused on pronunciation issues by means of songs, developed in team work. All draft will
stories and videos, and games in autonomous way. be checked by the teacher and will
receive oral feedback take into
Session 27 y 28 account the evaluation criteria.

Spot 1 drawing myself face Omar & Lorena Observations:

In this session each students will draw their own faces,
they will have mirrors in order to guide them with their TR-A
physical characteristics, (eyelashes, eyebrows, nose, Map race: The students played to be
mouth, check, forehead, lips and chin) then students detectives, following some clues to
should make descriptions about their faces. There will find a new mysterious animal that this
be some questions to guide them. How many legs do time was a duck. Children had a map
you have? What are the colors of eyes? that they used to see where they could
go to find the clues and every time
Spot 2: iPad recording presentations 2 Diana & they arrived to the selected place, they
Andrea looked for those clues that little by little
This will be the second time for present some video were revealing more details about the
about parent’s introduction in order to introduce animal. The clues were explained with
personal information, then students will continue doing images and distinct objects such as:
the same by using iPads and the following feathers, seeds, paper wings and so
prefabricated patterns, (my name is, I’m 6 years old, I on; allowing them to do more
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live in, my favorite color, food, toy, and movie, animal. inferences about that animal. Violeta
Reina was the best one, she had the
Session 29 y 30 performance 2 best performance during the activity,
because she was very enthusiastic
Spot 1 Recorded description 2 Omar & Lorena helping others to interpret clues and
Students will be given an audio about the description of resuming the clues every time we
people and some animals, the purpose is to work in moved forward. Similarly, Samuel
terms of recognizing the physical appearance people Salazar, Juan Mario Lozano, Santiago
and animals and also representing them through their Perez, Nicolas Arana, Isabel Castillo,
drawings accordingly to what they hear take into Martin Perez and Emiliana Betancur,
account colors, adjectives and body parts, in which they did an excellent job as well,
they will have to listen carefully to what they hear only retelling the clues, looking for them
two times, the teacher will be checking the way they everywhere and making some
are drawing and understanding the information. conclusions of the possible animal
according to the clues found
Spot 2 Information texts Diana & Andrea previously. Lorena cabrera - Diana
Students will read three types of information text
animals covering, wild and farm animals and animal’s Pictionary: With the objective of
movement in order to help the students to get the reinforcing more vocabulary about
information and learn general information and some actions and daily routines, students
external features. The first reading will be “animals played to draw distinct actions while
covering,” it is about different types of coverings that the others guess what they were. At
animals have in this informational text. Also students the beginning, I thought that it would
will reinforce new language about it (armor, feathers, be difficult for them to draw quickly,
scales, shells, skin, and spines). Then students will however, they did it well and through
read the descriptions of some farm and domestic simple and clear graphics they could
animals. (Chicken, cow, dog, duck, goat, pig and illustrate the actions for their partners.
sheep). Photographs, repetitive text, and high- It was interesting to see how they tried
frequency words support student’s comprehension. to communicate their ideas with key
words or even inventing new words to
describe the particular situations. They
did a good job and they were so
familiarised with the representations of
their classmates that it was more
difficult for me to identify their
illustrations than them. Doubtless,
Nicolas Arana, Isabella Giraldo and
Emiliana Betancur are very good at
guessing and very resourceful to
convey messages with verbal and
noverbal language. Lorena cabrera -
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We were working on the blog,
interactive games, songs about
animals and actions, some
commercials about food. They should
listen carefully because in any
moment teacher stopped the video
and a random student was select to
answer any question about it.

According to the students needs and

to prepare them and give more tools
for the interview they would have with
the teacher while one of them were
having the interview the rest of the
group were also working on Wh-
Question Information so we were
playing with an interactive roulette. So
take a random student was select, the
student could spin the roulette.
The question coud be What’s your
name? How old are you? Where do
you live? What’s your favourite

For encourage the students, each

student could receive double point for
class Dojo. The teacher take in count
those who are on the red line and
need to recover more point as Luisa,
Alejandro, Juan Pablo, JuanEs. They
were so motivated, specially
Alejandro. We notice that they need to
work more.
JuanEs seems insecure when he
speaks his voice level is very low, he
expresses is hard do it in english, so
when we have a game he is so happy
but when the teacher says that the
participation should be in english, he
is very desmotivated.
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April 3 -7 Evaluation Criteria:

Performance 1 describing myself
Assembly: ● Uses prefabricated patterns.
Students are going to continue watching their own ● Make descriptions take into
videos (describing themselves). In order to give account physical
feedback on each student’s strengths and weaknesses. characteristics.
● Uses at least 2 adjectives in a
Session 31 & 32 description.
● Represent Spoken Language.
Spot 1 tongue twister Diana & Andrea (video)
Teacher will present some tongue twisters on the board ● Expresses ideas having self-
with audio with the purpose to work on pronunciation of control.
some specific words such as consonants blends, l and ● Follows one simple
R, B and V. commands.

She sells sea shells on the seashore Feedback:

A proper copper coffee pot ● Coevaluation from teachers
and students.
Around the rugged rocks the ragged rascal ran ● Auto evaluation following
Red lorry, yellow lorry, red lorry, yellow lorry certain criteria.
● Constant modelling of the
A big black bug bit a big black bear
teacher to correct
Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers, Where's pronunciation, use of coherent
the peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked words, intonation, etc
After students have repeated many times, now teacher
will ask the students to create their own tongue twisters Observations:
by using the previous language.
Spot 2 drawing myself body Omar & Lorena During this session we take advantage of
In this session each students will draw their own the time in order to do an English
bodies, they will have mirrors in order to guide them interview to every student asking them
with their physical characteristics, (ears, legs, knees, wh – questions while the rest of kids
arm, foot, toes, hand, finger, head, elbow, chest, neck, were exploring the English blog and
heel, ankle and shoulder) then, students should make playing some vocabulary games. The
descriptions about their faces by using at least 2 aim of this interviews was to observe
adjectives. There will have some questions to guide and revise if children can identify
them. How many legs do you have? Do you have long questions correctly and use
legs?. prefabricate sentences to answer
them. Some students like: Salome
Session 33 & 34 Rodriguez, Santiago Vargas, Samuel
Salazar, Isabel Castillo, Emiliana
Spot 1 iPad recording personal presentations 3 Betancur, Sander Celemin, Nicolas
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Diana & Andrea Arana and Antonia Leal, they can give
Students will continue recording their personal proper answers to the questions and
information by using iPads, the purpose is that students identify when it is a wh- question and
correct the previous mistakes and use prefabricated when it a yes/no question; as well as
patterns, (my name is, I’m 6 years old, I live in, my they can recognise when they have to
favorite color, food, toy, and movie, animal. answer using can or do. Clearly,
Violeta Reina is a totally different
Spot 2: Thinking maps Lorena & Omar case, she is a girl that speaks English
In this spot there will have 4 big posters about graphics fluently, so she can maintain an
organizers pasted around the class, here students English conversation easily.
should pass for each poster and complete the Nevertheless, Juan Mario Lozano,
information, what are the animals coverings? Classified Isabella Giraldo, Jose Ignacio
wild and domestic animals, which animals can…? Take Martinez Geronimo Guzman, Lucciana
into account the previous information related to Garavito, Juan Felipe Marquez and
animals. The idea is that all the students draw their Mariangel Tovar are students that
ideas and opinions and then students should by groups continue having problems to
organize the information gathered in order to make comprehend questions in English and
descriptions in a clear and order way. By using produce simple sentences. They just
adjectives, body parts, animals, abilities, habitats, types simplify their answers with isolated
of food, animal’s coverings, physical characteristics. words. Lorena cabrera - Diana
The kids were exploring the English
blog during the session, they liked to
listen to music and learn new
vocabulary through it. It was wonderful
to listen to their sweet voices singing
while they were watching the videos;
like Antonia Leal, Salome Rodriguez
and Lucciana Garavito. Instead,
others preferred to play some games
of animals, geometric figures, catching
animals with a camera or colouring
monsters. Sander Celemin is a very
lovely kid that enjoyed a lot to spend
time playing games of vocabulary and
identifying figures into different
settings and Santiago Vargas was the
only one who decided to practice
numbers and numerical sequence in
the class. Lorena cabrera - Diana

Session 35
We were working on questions
Spot 1 make a sandwich Lorena and Omar
informations (What’s your name? How
In this spot students will make sandwiches with the
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purpose of focusing on the skills and understanding the old are you? Where do you live? Do
sequencing/ordering and the use connector (first- you have?...Can you…? What’s your
second- next.- after- finally.) At the beginning of the favourite food/color/ animal/ place at
activity teacher will review and show them flashcards the school) so this could help to
about vocabulary of food. prepare them for the interview they
Then students will follow the simple instructions take should have individually with Omar.
into account the pictures. At the end teacher will Every student had the opportunity to
encourage the children to explain what they were doing spin the roulette, so theacher ask the
in order to check the use of the correct sequence. question and they have to give a
correct answer. For motivating them
more, for every correct answer they
get 2 points and those who have to
work more could have more more
opportunities so they should be focus,
listening and paying attention to their
friends answers.
Nicolas, Santiago, Isabel Varòn,
Gabriela, Laura, Francisco, Sophie
Leguizamon had an excellent

For improving the students

vocabulary, we were playing ZINGO
game. It is a bingo game which
encourage the children to match the
pictures, the first player with a full card
was the winner. One student was in
charge to show the picture so the
teacher ask, What’s this? and the
student who give a right answer in
english could take the card. The
student in charge to show the pic with
for Ex. an apple.
Teacher asks: What’s this? It’s a/an…
Student answer: Apple.

JuanEs was excited to play but when

he knew that it should be in english he
did not want to play. He used to go
away and the teacher should call him
many timees and find the way to
include him in the activity. Actually he
was in charge to show the cards with
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the pics and he was helping the

teacher asking what’s this? His level
tone of voice is very low. He does not
seem motivated for anything.




The kids are facing different situations in which they

have to use their logical abilities to find a solution to it.
They work on measuring using non conventional units
of measurement, use the point and line to create flat
shapes to represent different elements from their
surroundings and nature, use addition and subtraction
to solve situations contextualized in the animals’ life
and their own lives, and develop the sense of time by
analyzing and organizing the habits some animals have
and then, their own habits, developing a sense of
relative location and time.

Some of the products are developed for the book “Do

you now..” like the representation of certain elements
by flat shapes and related he uses of numbers to solve
everyday situations.

The performances have been changes due to they

were not accomplishing the expectations. So, it has
been planned the following performance, which is
applied for the last 4 weeks of the term.

So the kids are working into the performance

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Mathatletics. In this performance, the kids are

challenged to solve certain situations using a logical
order of steps. The situations are faced from the three
contents of the logical mathematical intelligence;
numerical, metric-geometic and variacional.

The objective of the performance is to allow the

students to acquire and master a set of abilities to
compete in the Mathematical games, which takes place
at the end of the term.

Feb 20 – 24 Evaluation Criteria:

First assembly - Identifies measurable
During the first assembly the kids are reflecting on the properties from objects.
meaning of flat shapes for them. They are asked about - Recognizes what a non-
the flat shapes they know, the way they create a flat conventional unit is.
shape. Also, they are playing a game about non - Recognizes the point as part of
conventional units of measurement, in this case, the the line.
“hands” to establish the measurement for some - Identifies shapes into different
elements. images.
- Represents quantities using
Final assembly manipulatives.
While the final assembly, the kids are telling the way - Operates with quantities using
they used the wool and the geoboards to represent the manipulatives.
shapes asked, making emphasis on the point and line
as key part of the flat shapes. Also, they are telling the Feedback:
way they used the “hand” unit of measurement to check The students are receiving feedback
the approximated size of the mysterious animal. from the tutor, from their partners and
from the reflexion they can develop.
Session 1-2 However, some of the feedback is
Performance guided by the questions formulated by
A mysterious animal the teacher or generated from some
Spot 1: Diana & Andrea lacks the kids can show during the
Size of the animal different sessions.
In this session, the kids are told the creature has a
specific size and they need to use unconventional units Observations:
of measurement to establish an approximate estimation
of the animal's’ size. So, they are told the animal is 4
hands long and 2 hands high, its weight is like a brick TR-A-
and it is soft as cotton. Based on those elements the Mysterious animal poster (rabbit): In
kids stablish, on craft paper, the approximate real live order to continue with the discovery of
size the mysterious animal, the students
listened to new clues about it, related
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Spot 2: Omar & Lorena to weight, height, size and texture;

In this session, the students are focus on identifying flat having that in mind they had to make
shapes and the way those flat shapes could help them a poster of the animal that they
to create more complex figure. For this, the kids thought it would be and including
represent the shape using the geoplanos and wool, those characteristics that consisted in
also, they are handed silhouette of the mysterious non-conventional units of
animal in mention, looking for different shapes into the measurement. Hence, they sometimes
silhouette. They are questioned about the way they can drew those measures instead of the
create shapes using other, for instance, creating a animal itself; as the case of Juan
square using two rectangles, or a rhombus using two Mario Lozano, Geronimo Guzman and
triangles. In the end of the session, the children Emanuel Barreto who drew hands or
compile each shape and plan the different configuration bricks; in contrast, Isabel Castillo,
they could use to create the animal shape they are Salome Rodriguez, Mariana Martin
asked for by using tangrams. and Sander Celemin made awesome
cartoons of their prospected animals
Session 3 like: small dogs, fluffy squirrels, cute
Spot 1: Diana & Andrea ducks or chubby cats. Lorena
Non conventional unit of measurement cabrera - Diana
The objective of the session is to measure using non
conventional units of measurement, in this case length In this spot they were focus on their
and height by hands and weigh by rocks. To develop shapes and following all the clues,
the spot, into a box, they approximate the weight of a they started creating different
brick, small rocks. Then, they are asked about the animals, recognizing how with
different ways they could measure an animal’s length different flat shapes they can create
and weight. The teacher takes notes of the comments many animals, however Isabella, Juan
the kids express and the improvement they show Mario and Nicolas couldn't do it alone,
during the development of the task, by asking them they were asking all the time which
again at the end of the spot. animals and shapes can they do or
use. Mariangel, sander and Samuel
had problems with the use of the
Spot 2: Omar & Lorena geoboards and they feel frustrated
During this session, the students are solving different because they can created the animals,
math situations, those situations are being more Geronimo, Mariana and Emiliana had
challenging each moment, they face situations about good abilities using the geoplanos and
the feeding habits of the animals, like, these animals also creating different animals with the
eats three baskets of grass on Monday and four on same shapes. Lorena cabrera -
Tuesday, How many baskets of grass it has eaten in Diana
the two days? Also, those math situations are about its
day/night habits, taking into account the activities it Rocks to simulate the weight of a
does during the day and during the night, the time it brick: The students taking into
takes eating, and the amount of water it is used to consideration the clues given by the
drink. The kids have the information into multiple choice teacher previously, they had to
questions, and formulates into different ways. simulate the weight of the mysterious
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animal with small rocks, remembering

that it is as heavy as a brick. However,
It was necessary to find a real brick
and make every student to carry it,
since the majority of students were
doing a wrong estimation putting into
the bucket a lot of big rocks that
overtake the target weight. Then, we
continue lifting the bucket several
times by turns until they felt secure to
say that it was enough, the first spot
got 26 rocks and the second spot
reached the goal with 29 rocks; being
the more realistic and nearer ones in
their estimations: Sander Celemin and
Santiago Vargas. Lorena cabrera -

The purpose of this activity is let them
know that we can use whatever we
find in the environment for measure.

So we were at the park with the

students and they were using leaves,
rocks, sticks, shoes, clotthes, socks,
pencils, pens, colors, markets...the
students found that even the distance
we took was the same, the measure
varied depending of the object we
used as the size of the objets to
measure. For example they used
rocks but the rocks had different sizes.

They mentioned that we can use a

ruler, a stick, a huge leave, grass,
counting, papers, ballons, toys,
whatever they want. Just Juan Pablo
talked about the Meter.

The teacher evaluated student per

student stablishing a point of
departure and let them know how
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important is do not let space when you

are measure so it is going to be closer
to the real measure.

Feb 27 – March 3 Evaluation Criteria:

Assembly 1 - Identifies measurable

The teacher asks the students about the work properties from objects.
developed the previous session, formulating key - Recognizes what a non-
questions which allow them to connect the previous conventional unit is.
session and the new one. Also, they work on the - Recognizes the point as part of
organization and the appropriate way to develop an the line.
assembly. - Identifies shapes into different
Assembly 2 - Represents quantities using
In the final assembly the kids tell what they have manipulatives.
worked in each of the spots, the way it was developed - Operates with quantities using
and what it is used for. Also, they remember the manipulatives.
recommendation for having a good level of attention in
order to have a clear idea of what they are asked for.
Session 1-2 The kids are receiving feedback from
Spot 1 Diana & Andrea the tutor; which is in charge of asking
In the session they are asked to solve a set of them key questions to allow them to
questions related to the animals they have uncover and reflect and mobilize their thoughts,
studied, The questions are related to the habits of the from their partners during the
animals, their shape and size, their diets and the food development of different games which
they used to eat. Then, they change their papers and, are focus on working in teams and
with the mediation of the tutor, they agree on the constant self evaluation guided for
correct answer, correcting of necessary their partners’ certain questions formulated during
annex. the development of the spots.

Spot 2 Omar & Lorena Observations:

They are looking for the knowledge people has about
the animals studied, the survey has questions like; Do TR-A
you know what animal lays eggs in the school? Do you Estimation and measurement with little
know what animal eats fruits in the school? What does bears: Practising estimation and
the squirrel eat? Where does a guppy eat? Which of measuring with different objects we
these footprints is from a rabbit/duck/ duck? decided to use our bodies to know the
The answers of the survey are place into the book, to width of the court, precisely we
show the knowledge of people who work and study in needed 27 children to do it, likewise
the school about those animals. they used small teddy bears to
The next two session the kids start working the same measure the body of their peers,
sequence but focus in the new animal which is the sometimes they made accurate
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squirrel. estimations, like: Martin Perez who

said that he would require 35 little
bears before measuring his partner,
indeed, he used only 34!! Either
Nicolas Arana or Mariangel Tovar who
did a really good job too, by estimating
the number of the bears almost
perfectly. Lorena cabrera - Diana

Set of questions about mysterious

animal: the idea was to reinforce the
clues of the animal asking students a
set of questions about those, they had
to draw on pieces of paper the clues
and then switch the paper with their
peers, being them the ones who
evaluated if their classmates have
done it correctly or if they omitted
details. Generally, all of them
remembered the key information and
all the agreed that the mysterious
animal was a rabbit because the clues
can just be related with that animal.
But Salome Rodriguez impressed me
since she could remind to the whole
group the difficult vocabulary that the
rest forgot easily, words like DEN,
MEADOW that even Violeta that is
bilingual could not remember at that
moment. In contrast, Juan Felipe
Marquez, Juan Mario Lozano and
Jose Ignacio Martinez were very
distracted during the class and they
just draw the simple clues. Lorena
cabrera - Diana

After give the clues the students
should guess the mysterious animal.

Then the teacher organized them per

tables so every table had enough
shapes to work in class. We were
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based on different samples so they

have the challenge to build it and find
the righ shape.

The teacher evaluate student per

student to be sure that they do not
only identify them but recognized the
shapes and reinforce the vocabulary
in english because some of they
recognize the shapes but just in
spanish. After this they try to build
some figures/animals with shapes
while the teacher asked them about
the name of the shapes and make
sure they understand the difference
between the point and the line. How
many corrners and sides every shape
had. After this it was easier for the
students recognizes that the point is
part of the line.
Even Luisa is very disperse, she had a
good performance. We do not have
enough circles.

March 6 -10 Evaluation Criteria:

- Work in teams while operating
Assembly 1 with quantities
The students are told about the performance they are - Identifies the actions
starting, they are telling the ideas about what it is and corresponding to every
they listen the recommendations to develop the spots moment of the day.
in an appropriate way. - Represents quantities using
Assembly 2 - Operates with quantities using
In the final assembly, the kids are asked about the manipulatives.
spots they developed, and they are asked certain
questions about the tasks they worked on. Also, the Feedback:
kids which did not accomplished the objectives of the The feedback the students are getting
session are listened by the teacher in order to organize is generated during the spots, it could
a pertinent strategy. be from the tutor, who asks them to
develop a certain task in order to
Matheatletics challenge their abilities, from their
session 1 Diana & Lorena partners who are working hand in
Parques Guided hand, giving constant feedback on the
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In this opportunity the kids play parques in a guided way they are developing certain
way, the objective of the spot is to allow them to works, and the self evaluation the kids
recognize the rules and the way the game works, generate during the different sessions,
making emphasis on using the dice to count up to allowing them to improve their own
twelve to know the steps their chips can move. The processes.
idea of the game is to make it simple, telling the kids
that the objective is to finish a lap quicker than their Observations:
partners, avoiding the part of jail and other rules the
game has. So, the kids make 4 groups, one per color, TR-A
and then, they start throwing the dice to go forward.
The teacher is checking the way the kids count the Parques guided: The objective of this
steps they have to move on the board, giving them game was to make students practice
feedback when necessary, also the tutor is attentative numbers, counting and get faster in
about turns the kids take, allowing all of them to play. their abilities to recognise quantities.
The teacher asks the kids about the way numbers allow Moreover, it was a way to remind them
them to play the game and what strategies they are the rules of the game and have them
using to keep the order of the turns. working in team cooperatively.
Doubtless, Samuel Salazar, Sander
Logic of daily life Diana & Andrea Celemin, Violeta Reina, Emiliana
In this chance, the kids are organizing their daily life Betancur, Geronimo Guzman, Nicolas
into a chronological way, using the size of the sun, the Arana, Martín Perez y Antonia Leal
food they eat and the moon size as reference to are students that know perfectly how
establish what they do during the morning, the to play and count, they do not have
afternoon and the evening. The task is developed any trouble to recognise quantities
individually in the notebooks, into the notebooks they and to move the chip according to the
can find a set of squares, with a number, set with specific number that the dice say.
number 1, 2 and 3. Then, on the smartboard, they have Instead, Jose Ignacio Martinez, Juan
1 for morning, represented with a sunrise and a Mario Lozano and Isabella Giraldo has
breakfast, number 2 represent afternoon, showing the certain problems to count, in fact, they
image of a lunch, and the twilight. Finally, they have skip squares at the moment of
number 3 for night, represented by stars and the moon. counting or in the case of Lucciana
So, they are asked to start drawing the actions they Garavito who does not have a clear
develop in the morning, when the teacher gives the idea of numerical sequence and she
instruction, they start with the afternoon and finally what jumps from 4 to 7, from 5 to nine or
they do at night. The tutor is telling them the time they from to ten; without noticing that it is
have to finish each step of the sequence and is aware wrong, she just repeats numbers
of the clarity on their drawing to allow a post reading of randomly. Lorena cabrera - Diana
those pictures for the next session.
In this spot most of the students had
Session 2 Lorena & Omar discovered the animal by following the
Plus and Add clues, Santiago P, said is a hamster,
In this session, the kids are working on the meaning of Nico found a lizard, Salome a duck,
addition and the symbol of plus. For this, they are Martín a crocodile however Isabel
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guided on the way to use manipulatives to solve an found a cata, the rest of the students
algorithm, it is modeled by the teacher. While the were closed, a dog, rabbit, a squirrel,.
teacher is modeling, the kids are asked to express Juan Mario didn't want to participate
orally the number of manipulatives they have as result, he was crying and he couldn't create
for instance, the kids listen “show 6 ones, now, ADD 3 animals using the shapes, also
ones, How many one do you have?”, they are Isabella, Emanuel and Mariangel only
answering aloud their result. This is developed with four recognize the simple shapes, triangle
algorithms, then, the teacher changes the word ADD and circle, is important to work on the
and say PLUS, for instance, 3 ones PLUS 2 ones…” vocabulary in foreign language.
and the answers are given by the kids the teacher Lorena cabrera - Diana
asks, those kids are those which need clarification on
the way to develop the algorithms.
Parques Students Diana & Andrea For this game some students
In this chance, the pupils are playing parques by expressed that they already know how
themselves. The mediation from the teacher is limited to play, and some of them wanted to
to the rules of the game (previously explained). The have control of the parques card and
teacher in observing the level the kids have to develop control of the game. Thus the teacher
the addition of the result of the dice, monitoring and give them the rules for the game and
asking them to repeat the addition process if it is not for better organization divide them in 3
clear. Also, the tutor is giving feedback about working in
teams for developing the game. Finally, the teacher The teacher found that Jacobo, Juan
asks the students about the way the game allowed Salvador were playing in spanish so
them to practice addition, and asks which kids feel likethe teacher should be there with them
they could improve, the last question is to allow a selfto make sure the purpose of the
evaluation of their own process, it is just to sound outgame.
the level of awareness kids have of their processes. Isa Linares and JuanEs do not want to
play so the teacher should motivated
Session 3 Diana & Andrea them a lot.
Parques students A Alejandro did not respect the rules of
The spot is developed as the previous one and the the game. He did not wait its turn and
teacher is checking the advance of the kids on the that make feel mad with the group.
addition process. Laura has an excellent performance.
Juliana seems sleeping and she
Minus and Take away Lorena & Andrea definitely does not play.
In this session, the kids are working on the meaning of
MINUS and the symbol of minus. For this, they are
guided on the way to use manipulatives to solve an
algorithm, it is modeled by the teacher. While the
teacher is modeling, the kids are asked to express
orally the number of manipulatives they have as result,
for instance, the kids listen “show 6 ones, now, tañe
away 3 ones, How many one do you have?”, they are
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answering aloud their result. This is developed with four

algorithms, then, the teacher changes the expression
take away and say minus, for instance, 3 ones minus 2
ones…” and the answers are given by the kids the
teacher asks, those kids are those which need
clarification on the way to develop the algorithms.

March 13-17 Evaluation Criteria:

Assembly 1 - Operates with quantities using
The teacher asks the students about the work manipulatives.
developed the previous session, formulating key - Represents quantities using
questions which allow them to connect the previous manipulatives.
session and the new one. Also, they work on the - Works in teams while
organization and the appropriate way to develop an operating with quantities
assembly. - Identifies the actions
corresponding to every
Assembly 2 moment of the day.
In the final assembly the kids tell what they have - Makes straight lines from
worked in each of the spots, the way it was developed points of reference on a plane.
and what it is used for. Also, they remember the - Uses straight lines to compose
recommendation for having a good level of attention in flat shapes.
order to have a clear idea of what they are asked for.
Matheatletics The feedback the kids are getting is
Session 1 based on the work they develop
Parques Students Diana & Andrea during the different sessions. The
The spot is developed as the previous one and the feedback is given based on the results
teacher is checking the advance of the kids on the of the tasks, some of those are shared
addition process. by the tutor and other by their
Logic in daily life
In this session the kids continue working on the Observations:
organization of their actions in a chronological way,
according to the instructions given before. TR-A
Logic in daily life: Students worked on
Session 2 Omar & Lorena their notebooks drawing an action into
Minus and Take way a square corresponding to a concrete
In this session the kids have some algorithms placed moment of the day. At morning, almost
around the environment, the objective of the session is everyone drew a little person waking
to solve those algorithms. For this, the students have up, either washing the teeth or having
their notebooks with some symbols, each algorithm has breakfast. At afternoon, all of them
a symbol, they have to represent the number found drew themselves having lunch or
under the symbol into the standard form and solve the watching TV. At night, they varied a bit
algorithm using the manipulatives given beforehand. in their activities, some of them
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The teacher is monitoring and checking the specified that they like playing with
understanding of the instructions, but she/he is not their brothers or sisters as: Isabella
telling them the way to operate the subtractions. In the Giraldo, Antonia Leal, Salome
end of the session, the kids go to each algorithm and Rodriguez, Samuel Salazar and
solve it, checking if the answer into their note books is Geronimo Guzman. Whilst Santiago
right. Vargas, Catalina Barrios, Emiliana
Betancur and Violeta Reina listen to
Annex 1 Omar & Lorena their parents reading a story for them
In this session the kids are developing the annex 1. The or in the case of Mariangel Tovar who
tutor is limited to the explanation of the annex, the kids said that she likes reading some
are solving each point when the instruction is given, for stories in Raz kids before going to
instance, point number 1, you are going to…, when all bed. Meanwhile, Juan Mario Lozano,
the kids in the spot finish point one, they continue to Sander Celemin, Jose Ignacio
point two. The annex is planned to take two session to Martinez y Juan Felipe Marquez enjoy
be solve and one session for the feedback. watching TV before they fall asleep.
Lorena cabrera - Diana
Session 3
Annex 1 TR-B
Continue with the development of the annex 1 as
described before. We started this activity talking about
the activities we have done yesterday
Point and line repeating the image Diana & Andrea in the morning since we woke up. The
In this session, the kids are representing an image teacher started telling them about her
using straight lines and following the points of reference daily routine using dramatization,
to create them. For this, the kids are shown a set of acting and making mimic, For ex.
images, in front of each image they have a square full Yesterday teacher Andrèa was
of ordered points, they have to represent the image into sleeping on her bed, and after she
the square, using the points as a reference to create woke up, she takes a shower…
them. For this, the children have the images and During the conversation we were
squares pasted into their notebooks, while they are trying to find some differences
developing the task, the teacher is asking them about between the three times on the day
the image they are creating, the numbers of sides it has (Morning, Afternoon, Evening).
and the corners they need to create it. In the morning the sky looks...and the
students complete the phrase. For ex.
The sky is blue and when we look up
we can see...the clouds.
When teacher considers that the
students have more clear and more
ideas about what they can draw on the
squares. The teacher socialized the 3
squeares on their notebooks. On
square #1 students should locate the
activities they do in the morning, on
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square #2 students should locate the

activities they do in the in the afternon,
on square #3 students should locate
the activities they do in the in the
evening. So we started with Square #1
: Morning.

Teacher checked every single student

activity to be sure they have clear and
they could find the differences
according their own custom or culture.
Also because their draws are not

March 20 -24 Evaluation Criteria:

- Orders numbers coherently.
Mathatletics - Operates with quantities using
Assembly 1 - Works in teams while
During the week, the students are developing a game, operating with quantities.
the game is provided by the teacher based on the lacks - Recognizes the different
the doubts the kids have had during the sessions, for relative location prepositions.
instance, if they have had situation with addition, the
game in the first assembly is about adding. Then, they Feedback:
are asked about the work developed previously, The feedback the students are getting
answering certain questions to make them remember is generated during the spots, it could
and recall key information for connecting the new be from the tutor, who asks them to
spots. develop a certain task in order to
challenge their abilities, from their
Assembly 2 partners who are working hand in
During this assembly the kids are questioned about the hand, giving constant feedback on the
spots developed, the way the did the tasks and if the way they are developing certain
objectives were accomplished. Also, they are asked works, and the self evaluation the kids
about the behaviour they had during the session and if generate during the different sessions,
it is good for their learning processes. allowing them to improve their own
Session 1 Omar & Lorena
Math situations Addition Observations:
During the session the kids solve different kind of math
situations, which are solve by additions. At this point, it TR-A
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is totally guided by the teacher and he/she is focus on After two sessions of this game, one
the understanding the kids have about the situations, for introducing rules and allow them to
the manage of clear and understandable language and be familiarised with it and the other to
solving differen doubts about the dynamic of math reinforce numbers and counting. Now,
situations. this time they had to play by their own
within groups, demonstrating that they
Annex 1 feedback Diana & Andrea can do it without the guidance of the
In this opportunity, the kids are working on the feedback teacher as well as having self-control
of the Annex 1, the Annexes have been checked by the and willingness to accomplish the
teacher before hand, each kid has a partner's’ annex, task. Geronimo Guzman, Santiago
using the smartboard the kids solve the each part of the Perez, Isabella Giraldo and Juan
annex, checking if their classmates answered correctly Mario Lozano have improved in their
or if he/she needs to improve, represented by a tick counting abilities, because they keep
and a cross respectively. The teacher asks them about in mind numerical order and language
the most difficult part of the annex, the they felt during usage; however, they did not execute
the feedback and which aspects they have to improve the task completely, they could not
on. focus on the activity for longer, they
got distracted easily and sometimes
Session 2 Omar & Diana they wanted to have the control of the
Poker game guided game generating discussions into the
In this chance, the kids are playing a poker game, but group. Instead, Violeta Reina, Martin
half of the deck of cards are numbers represented by Perez, Isabel Castillo, Emiliana
manipulatives, and the other half is the same numbers Betancur, Samuel Salazar, Salome
but in their standard form. So, each kid is handed a set Rodriguez and Esteban Celemin had
of cards (manipulatives representation) and the teacher a great attitude towards the game,
place card with a number in tits standard form. They playing collaboratively, respecting
have to continue the sequence from the number in an others’ turn and counting properly.
ascending way, when the order get to the number 10,
they start making the order of numbers in a descending Now this time students have practiced
order. If one kid does not have card for continuing the numerical order and sequence, this
order, he/she says “pass” and the child next to him/her online games were easy for most of
take the turn. In the end, the winner is the kid who does them however Lucciana and Juan
not have card in his/her hands. Mario couldn't do it by themselves. Is
important to work on numerical
My daily life day/night Andrea & Diana sequences by two or ten. Lorena and
In this session, the kids are working on a timeline of the Diana
actions the develop during the day and night. They use
the work developed before in the Logic in daily life as
a supply for the information needed. So, the position of TR-B
the sun, stars and moon on the sky gives the students Before to continue with square #2 and
the point of reference to place the action they develop #3 teacher return to the topic, so if in
at a specific moment of the day. This is developed on the afternoon/evening we do this and
the Annex 2. The kids have the opportunity to observe the sky looks like this, what we can do
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the teacher’s day life represented into a timeline to in the afternoon/evening?

have a clearer idea of what is expected from them. What did you do yesterday in the
While they are developing the work, the teacher is afternoon/evening?
asking them the way they are placing their daily actions
in relation to the position of the sun, also, for having a The students get confuse also
clearer idea of their drawings. This tasks is planned for because for example Miranda does
being developed in two session. not use to take the shower in the
morning but in the evening. The
Session 3 activities change according to their
culture or customs so we can not base
Poker game or stablish the differences of the three
In this session, the kids develop the poker game, but times of the day according to the
they do it without the guidance of the tutor. The teacher activities because they can change.
is checking the way kids work in teams, and the way
they are ordering numbers. Teacher checked every single student
activity to be sure they have clear and
My daily life day/night they could find the differences
This session is to finish the work started in the previous according their own custom or culture.
session. Also because their draws are not

March 27 -31 Evaluation Criteria:

- Operates with quantities using
Mathatletics manipulatives.
- Works in teams while
Assembly 1 operating with quantities
During the week, the students are developing a game, - Locates himself/herself or
the game is provided by the teacher based on the lacks objects according to a point of
the doubts the kids have had during the sessions, for reference.
instance, if they have had situation with addition, the - Uses a variety of non-
game in the first assembly is about adding. Then, they conventional units.
are asked about the work developed previously,
answering certain questions to make them remember Feedback:
and recall key information for connecting the new The feedback received or generated
spots. come from different sources, it is given
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by the teacher, their partners and their

Assembly 2 own reflections. The tutor gives
During this assembly the kids are questioned about the feedback of certain aspects that could
spots developed, the way the did the tasks and if the be improved checking if the necessity
objectives were accomplished. Also, they are asked continues to create new strategies.
about the behaviour they had during the session and if Their partners give feedback at the
it is good for their learning processes. moment of the development of the
spots and it is suppose to be acquired
Session 1 during the same session, and their
own reflections are developed during
Math situations subtraction. Omar & Lorena all the sessions, also the tutor
During the session the kids solve different kind of math formulates the questions planned to
situations, which are solve by subtractions. At this allow the kids to criticize their own
point, it is totally guided by the teacher and he/she is process.
focus on the understanding the kids have about the
situations, the manage of clear and understandable Observations:
language and solving differen doubts about the
dynamic of math situations. TR-A
Students played with cards that
Finding the differences in My daily life day/night simulate a poker game with the
Diana & Andrea difference that these cards had only
As the kids have finished their timelines for describing images that students used to count
their daily life, they have the chance to share with their and represent the number that the
partners and check their partners’. For this, the children teacher asked for. Every kid had 7
are divided into two teams, 1 and A, and when the cards with sets that were from 1 to 12
teacher gives the instruction, numbers 1 are looking for items. Thanks to this exercise, we
a letter A, they are looking their partners’ timelines could realise what are the children that
looking for similarities and differences. The tutor is still have problems counting and
monitoring the tasks, looking for certain students and respecting the turns of others. For
asking them questions like, what do you do first, having example: Jose Ignacio Martinez,
breakfast or having lunch? (the questions get more Lucciana Garavito and Juan Mario
complex during the session)checking the way they use Lozano are children that can
the graphic to give the information, locating the action recognise quantities in the written form
asked. but they can’t keep numerical order
and when they have to count items in
Session 2 a set they skip some of them. On the
other hand, Santiago Perez, Juan
Poker game variation 1 Omar & Lorena Felipe Marquez and Isabella Giraldo
The kids have developed the poker game following the have had considerable improvement
sequence of numbers up to ten. Now, they have to play in their math skills, now they can count
it, but they are finding two new cards (Plus + minus -). and have a numerical order easily. .
The dynamic is that they have a set of cards, it could Lorena and Diana
be manipulatives cards or standard form cards, they
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have to say the result they get from adding or

subtracting the number. For instance, they have In additions and subtractions we could
number 5, and the kid with the turn has number 2, identify that José Ignacio, Martín, Juan
he/she can choose if adds or subtracts, and say the Mario, Santiago P, Emanuel, Juan
result, like “5 minus 2 is 3” or “5 plus 3 is 8”. if the Felipe, Antonia, Isabel and Isabella
answer is not right, the child lose the turn. In the end, needed a lot mediation, they still have
wins the kid without cards. difficulties recognizing the symbols,
Lucciana didn't recognize the
Math situations Addition and Subtraction Andrea & numbers.
In this session, the kids face addition and subtraction TR-B
math situations. For this, they are listening the math For this session we found that some
situations and determine if it could be solve by addition students were out of the context, so
or subtraction processes. They work in their notebooks they should repeat the activity with the
and the answers are checked by the teacher. teacher assistant. It is why they take
an extra session that we have planned
Session 3 it.

Math situations Addition and subtraction The students get confuse also
The kids continue working on the math situations. because for example Miranda does
not use to take the shower in the
Challenges finding the length and width using your morning but in the evening.
body Andrea & Diana
In this session, the kids are challenged to determine The activities change according to
the length and the width of certain elements. For this, their culture or customs so we can not
the teacher have placed different elements from the base or stablish the differences of the
school context and says to the kids they have 1 minute three times of the day according to the
to say the length, then, they have other minute for activities because they can change.
saying the width. At a first moment, the kids have to
use their body parts for the measurements, like fingers They still get confuse when we talk
and hands. Then, they have poker chips, pencils, and about afternoon because for these
erasers, the idea is to allow them to recognize the can days the weather is not nice. It has
measure using different elements which are named non rained and the sky looks gray and kind
conventional unit of measurement. In the end, the of dark.
teacher asks them about the way they used their
bodies to solve the challenges, what it could be the They concluded that usually in the
most difficult and the easier object to measure. morning is lighter, the sky is blue, we
can see clouds in the sky and the day
starts when we wake up after a long

in the evening the sky is dark, we can

see the stars, the moon, and the day
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ends when we go to bed.

April 3 -7 Evaluation Criteria:

- Uses straight lines to compose
Assembly 1 flat shapes.
In the assembly the kids are organize and told what the - Identifies the actions
day is about, then they recall the rules for the games corresponding to every
and what it is expected from them. moment of the day.
- Recognizes the different
Assembly 2 relative location prepositions.
The students listens the recommendations for the next - Locates himself/herself or
day of games and they tell what they were working on. objects according to a point of
Mathatletics - Orders numbers coherently.
During this week the kids are in the MATHEATLETICS - Operates with quantities using
GAMES, each session is focus in a specific component manipulatives.
of the logical mathematical intelligence, in order to keep - Uses a variety of non-
a logical development of the games and challenges. In conventional units.
the last session, the kids receive the different - Establishes the measurement
recognitions, the idea is that each kid received a of objects from the
participation price and those who win certain game, the surroundings.
recognition of it.
Mathatletics variational challenges The feedback received is going to be
from the judges of the Matheatletics,
Spot 2 Omar & Lorena they are telling the kids if their
answers are correct or not.
The matheatletics have some challenges from each
component of the logical mathematical intelligence, for Observations:
this, they are facing the variational challenges, as TR-A
looking at a situation and establishing the relativeMatheatletics: Students participate into a
location of a specific object, for instance they have to competence as the final product of the
choose the object which is close to the tree. Also, they scholar period, they had to do several
are looking at a sequences and organize it into a logical activities that compile all the topics
sequence, according to the moments of the day and seen in classes, such as: estimation,
the action developed. . The teacher will be taking a measuring, geometric figures,
answers from kids to share the points the next session. numbers, addition and subtraction.
They were very participative and
Session 2 enjoyed to do every activity in the less
time possible, more because it implied
Mathatletics Numerical challenges to think fast, use toys, run from one
place to another and be outdoors.
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Spot 1 Omar & Lorena Geronimo Guzman, Nicolas Arana,

Juan Mario Lozano and Santiago
As the matheatletics have started, the kids are going to Perez were very happy and they did
face challenges about numerical sequences, number an excellent job trying to do things
ordering, addition and subtraction, and math situations. quickly, respecting instructions and
For this, the kids are handed a piece of paper for their giving the best of themselves. In
answers, like an answer sheet, and they will have the contrast Mariangel Tovar and Isabella
time to write their names, then, they are going to what Giraldo had a bad attitude towards the
the first challenge, which is about numerical game, they did not like sharing the
sequences, then, they are going to face the second same space and toys, they discussed
challenge which is about addition using manipulatives in two different moments of the activity
and counting the number of objects in the addition, and losing the target and generating an
finally, they are answering an addition and subtraction uncomfortable atmosphere for others.
represented in the standard form of numbers. The last
part, is about mah situations, in which they are finding TR-B
an appropriate answer for the situation. The answer For the session according of the
sheets are picked up by the teacher and the points will needs of the group we do not divide
be told the next session. them per spots. For better
organization of the group we did not
Session 3 divide the group so we just had one
spot. The first time it was kinda of hard
Mathletics Metric-geometric challenges for them because they did not know
how handle the paper and some of
Spot 1 Shapes patterns Lorena & Omar them write the whole information when
they just need to write the answer and
Each member of the teams should run to the other side they got confuse. It was not enough
through some obstacles and see the shapes patterns, time for some of them, because they
then he/she has to come back and select the correct are to slow to develop the process.
shape, doing so, next student could run and see the For example they did not take in count
next shape in order to complete the patterns. the symbol for subtraction or as
Santiago, he write the operation
without the symbol (+) and (=).
Spot 2 Estimated and measured Diana & Andrea The second time was better. They
Teams will have to measure liquids, players estimate already know how the developing of
how many cans full of water it will take to fill up a this activity was. They were faster
bucket, this information should be fill in a double entry than before.
chart. Players run to the container full of water, fill the This is a good exercise because we
can, and run back to the next person, who dumps the can have an evidence of the individual
water into the bucket. The race is over when the first process so we can know how help
team fills up their bucket, then students should estimate those students who are not on the
how many steps do they need to measure the volleyball same level and stablish strategies for
field? then they will have to estimate and measure the helping them too.
smart board by using the hands.
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Litlle facts
The product for the first two terms is a book titled “What does it look like?” each classroom will
have a book, one for TR-A and other for TR-B. The book has certain observations, ideas,
comments and opinions about facts of the human body, animals and nature. Each session the
kids feed the book by different sources and experiments, having as key topic the five senses
and ways the body perceives the world and the way to keep the body healthy and safe
throughout some hygienic practices.

Caring my body
For contextualize the kids for creating a chapter about hygienic practices into the book they are
creating, the nurse of the school is asked to talk to the kids about the lack of information the
library has about the topic and the importance of the information for the school community,
especially the little kids. Also, she highlights the fact that some of the kids do not follow hygienic
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practices due to they do not know what it is.

¿Cómo percibo, exploró y cuido la naturaleza a través de los cinco sentidos?

Feb 20 - 24 Evaluation Criteria
First assembly: The kids are shown some books, Session 2-3
which differ in size, topic and dynamic on shown the Spot 1
information. Then, they are asked about what a book is, ● Identifies hygienic practices.
what is it for, and the information the can fin into a
book. Spot 2
Final assembly: The students share their perception Plagues
about the spots, recalling what they worked on and the ● Characterizes hygienic practices.
objective of the spots, reflecting if it was achieved or
not. Feedback:

Performance: The book ● Coevaluation from teachers

Session 1 and students.
Spot 1 ● Auto evaluation following
Contextualizing certain criteria.
For contextualizing the kids, the school’s librarian asks ● Constant mediation of the
the students for a book, which do not exists in the teacher to agree on the
library, it must have to be about the way the human meanings/definition
body perceives the world, and ways to describe using ● Questioning about their
the senses. answers and points of view.
The kids are asked about what they need to build up
the book, for this, they develop a thinking routine Observations:
guided by the following questions:
What is a book? TR-A
What is a book for?
What information does it have? The students watch a video about the
How could they organize the book? principal hygienic practices that
everyone must develop to have a
healthy life, they could identify all the
Spot 2 cleaning habits and they started
Contextualizing comparing with their own practices,
For contextualizing the kids, the school’s nurse is like the way they take a bath, either
asking the students for a book, which do not exists in how they wash their hands or their
the library, it must have to be about appropriate ways to teeth. Violeta Reina and Santiago
keep the body healthy and safe using hygienic Perez participated a lot telling to the
practices. group their own manners to clean
The kids are asked about what they need to build up themselves or the correct way to do it
the book, for this, they develop a thinking routine according to their moms’ teachings.
guided by the following questions: Instead, Mariangel said that she does
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- What is a book? not like too much to take showers but

- What is a book for? she likes to brush her teeth until five
- What information does it have? times per day. Others guys like: Juan
How could they organize the book? Mario Lozano, Lucciana Garavito and
Juan Felipe Marquez said that they
Session 2-3 prefer to take baths at night because it
Spot 1 is too cold at mornings. In general, all
I’m a doctor children were very attentive and
In this session, the kids are telling different ways to take assure that they apply those hygienic
care of their bodies. For this, they are asked about the practices in their lives every day.
way they clean their bodies, the teacher take notes Lorena and Diana
about their answers, asking which of them make the
same actions as their partners. Then, they watch a In this spot students were engaged
video about taking care of their bodies; identifying the when heidi said that they had to create
actions they mentioned before, watch still 7:50 minutes a new book for the library, all students were participating actively, Mariangel
After the video, they relate some actions they watch, as proposed some names transformación
the pain for stomachache or headache, and they link de la naturaleza, santiago pérez said
those actions with the lack of a hygienic practice. Then, mundo desconocido. most of the
they play a game to choose a kid and represent an students know what are main parts of
ache or pain, and the other kids have to guess and say a book, the title, cover and the author.
what the cause of that is. They proposed that all the students
could carried out the book at home.
Lorena and Diana
Spot 2
Plagues TR-B
The objective of this session is that the kids look at
some hygienic practices, and to identify which of those We were checking some books of
they are following well. This is developed by listening a their interests and we were developing
song about the correct way to brush their teeth the questions suggested for this and a video activity. The parts of a book, the title is
game according to the information we find
hygiene.html on them, what can we find on the
While the children watch the video, they are questioned pages, there is a person who wrote it,
about the practices they watch; the way they do it and one person for design it and organize
which of those they do not practice yet. the images, and everything. So they
In the end of the session, the pupils say what a already know that we are going to
hygienic practice is, what is needed to practice those, create a book and it is very important
and what they could do to take care of their teeth. to understand the parts of a book and
the objective too.

We started talking about the meaning

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of hygienic After this conversation we

concluded that hygienic is when we
keep clean our body and our stuff, and
to keep clean our body there are many
different ways so we started to talk
about an specific part of the body, for
example the
The students expressed their personal
Then we watch the video where they
can compare if they were follow the
same actions and in middle of the
conversation more ideas flowed. Also
they found that on the video they
forgot to follow a sequence that they
used to do.
The teacher showed them some short
videos trying to raise awareness of the
importance to keep clean the whole
parts of our body even the smallest
detail and what would happen if we do
not do it correctly. We concluded that
when we do not keep clean our body,
it can get bad smell, some illnesses,
dermatitis, germs…

The teacher takes the real role of the

doctor wearing a lab coat and some
stuff to get them involved in this role.
We add the following link
v=pyfkcUbhbJs for this activity so the
students can count with the
vocabulary necessary to play to the
doctor. The teacher had 3 lab coats
and 3 stethoscopes for those who give
a right answer in english with the
illness mentioned on the video so they
could practice them. After some
minutes they switch so every student
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can take the role. Some of them were

lay down on the floor trying to find
what pain the patient had.

Feb 27 – March 3 Evaluation Criteria:

First assembly: The kids are focused on the Session 1-2
instruction to make the groups of each spot. Also, they Spot 1
are asked about the 5 senses, backing their answer up Perceiving the world SAND
by examples. procedimental:
Final assembly: The students report what they worked - Establishes the attributes of
on the spots, guided by the questions formulated, those variables of certain elements.
questions are about the characteristics studied on the
sand, making metacognition process. Spot 2
Performance: The book Tooth’ caring
Session 1-2
Spot 1 - Identifies hygienic practices.
Perceiving the world SAND
In this opportunity the kids are looking for different Session 3
kinds of sand, looking for it around the school and Spot 1
taking samples of it. Next, they observe the samples in Perceiving the world SAND
the laboratory (environment) using the magnifying
glasses. They have to report the color, the size of the - Describe elements based on
grain, the shape the grain has and the texture of the the given variables.
sand when touching it, the vocabulary used is:
- Color: Dark, light, brown, black, white, yellow Session 4
- Texture: lumpy, fine, soft, rough Spot 2
- Size taking as reference a bean as medium: Big, Visit from the expert
medium, small - Identifies hygienic practices.
- Describes hygienic practices
Spot 2 with a good health status
Tooth’ caring - Follows hygienic rules and
During this session, the kids are playing a game about procedures to take care his
tooth decays, for this, the children are organized body.
outside the environment in an open place. Some of
them are teeth and others represent tooth decay. The Feedback:
children which represent the teeth have to cross a
place to get an image of healthy food and tools for ● Coevaluation from teachers
vocal hygienic practices as tooth brush, dental floss, and students.
mouthwash and food with low levels of sugar, avoiding ● Auto evaluation following
the tooth decay to touch them with a ball. If they are certain criteria.
touched, they have to sit down and wait still the game ● Constant mediation of the
ends. To finish, they are asked about the way their teacher to agree on the
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teeth could be affected by tooth decays, what food meanings/definition

could be appropriate for their teeth and the way they ● Questioning about their
could protect the teeth. answers and points of view.

Session 3 Observations:
Spot 1
Perceiving the world SAND TR-A
The students are asked about the way they are In order to continue reinforcing
developing the observation process, what parts of the hygienic practices, we had the visit of
body they use and the way they can perceive the a dentist who taught students how to
different variables. Henceforth, the kids classify the brush their teeth correctly; every kid
sand into a chart, the chart is part of the book, and the had their toothbrush, toothpaste and
chart has the classification kids have done, showing glass with water in order to follow step
their perceptions, opinions and comments. Using as by step. Some students said that their
prompt “Do you know sand…” “Do you know to moms helped them to brush their teeth
describe we used…?” but the majority said that they already
do it alone. During the dialogue with
Spot 2 the dentist, they were very attentive
Session 4 and asked relevant questions like: why
Visit from the expert is it important to brush our teeth? How
In this change, the kids are being visited by an expert, many time do we have to it? What is
in this case, a dentist, she is Angelica a mom from the dental decay? How can we avoid it?
school. The kids have been prepared to be in the And so on… At the end they said that
session, they have some basic notions about dental they learned a lot and now they
care and the risks they face if they do not have an understand why it is crucial to take
appropriate buccal hygienic. For this day, the students care teeth, even they comprehended
have prepared some questions about oral care, those how candies damage their teeth and
questions have been chosen and filtered by themselves why it is true that eating vegetables is
previously, and the dentist have them beforehand to healthy for us. with this information
give short and clear answers, also, the kids bring they students will start the did you know
brush teeth, tooth paste, dental floss and mouthwash. about… in the hygienic sesión.
They follow the instructions the dentist tell them to
brush their teeth properly. In the end, the kids share TR-B
their perceptions about the visit they had; they are For this session we have the visit of a
questioned about the importance of brushing their teeth special guest, a dentist where children
and the regularity it requires. could learn how brush and keep the
teeth clean and what food can help us
to keep a dental care.
Fruits/Vegetables. We should avoid
candies in excess.

The brush. When should we replace it.

How many times we should brush our
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What should we use to brush our
The floss; There are some special for
The mouthwash.
The toothpaste.
When should we visit the dentist?

March 6 -10 Evaluation Criteria:

First assembly: The students recall the way they have Performance: The book: feeling the
analyzed the sand collected in the school, telling the sand
variables the have used. Then, they listen the Session 1
instructions to organize the groups for the spots. All the group
Second assembly: The kids are talking about the oral The mine
care, they are asked about the regularity the brush their - Works in teams.
teeth and if the follow the expert’s advice for oral - Describe elements based on
health. Finally, they tell the possible effects of avoiding the given variables.
the recommendations studied. Session 2-3
Spot 1
Performance: The book: feeling the sand Analyzing the sand
Session 1 - Collects and registers data
All the group from his/her surroundings from
The mine specific elements.
In this change, the kids are visiting the river close to the Spot 2
mine, in that river they are asked to get sand with Oral health
specific characteristics: fine and black sand, soft and - Characterizes hygienic
yellow sand, rough and white sand. The kids place the practices.
sand into the appropriate recipient. - Describes hygienic practices
with a good health status
Session 2-3
Spot 1 Feedback:
Analyzing the sand ● Coevaluation from teachers
They observe the sample they took using the and students.
magnifying glasses, telling what they observe color, ● Auto evaluation following
size and shape. Next, they describe the temperature, certain criteria.
having the attributes cold, hot and warm. Then, they ● Constant mediation of the
feel the texture, using their fingers, to establish the teacher to agree on the
suitable attribute: lumpy, fine, soft, rough. The tutor meanings/definition
shoots pictures and takes note about their comments ● Questioning about their
and answers. answers and points of view.

Spot 2 Observations:
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Oral health
During this session, the kids are representing TR-A
information into a graphic organizer. They register the Once students discovered that the
information about the good and bad things that could rabbit was the mysterious animal,
affect the oral health, like food, practices and behaviors it was pertinent to work with the
(putting strange elements in the mouth). While they are real rabbit and give them the
organizing the graphic organizer, they are asked about chance to be confronted with it
the reasons those stuffs are good or bad, they must and analyse all the variables that
support their ideas. In the end, the kids select the best could be used to describe it. Thus,
representation of the information and it will be we covered the eyes of students
represented during lengua maternal sessions, in order with blindfolds and we made them
to annex it into the book. to touch it, feel it and have a direct
encounter that provides kids with
real elements that expand their
notions of observation with five
senses. All the children were very
happy and excited, they wanted to
carry and hug the rabbit so tight
that it was necessary to control
their emotion for a moment with
the aim at eliciting information
from them and completing an
annex that includes all those
characteristics; they said that it
was soft, fluffy, medium size, oval
shape, colours: black and white
and not so heavy. Moreover, when
they were asked to propose other
variables to describe the rabbit,
Juan Felipe Marquez suggested to
add the sort of food that it is part of
its diet, Martin Perez argued that it
was important to describe its
ability, Santiago Vargas said that
its habitat could be crucial
information and Antonia Leal
wanted to specified the form of its
tail. Lorena and Diana

The students already know that we
have a special guest for this session
after to give them some instructions
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and be organized one teacher was

with the whole group and the other
one was with the special guest. The
students should ask some questions
about the abilities, habitat, food, size,
color, the special guest have, for
Can the animal fly? Can…?
Does it have 2 legs?
Does it have?
What kind of food the animal eats
Does the animal live in the
These questions according to get the
right description of the animal. While
we were searching this information
one of the students could go upstairs
and check if the description they were
giving was correct or not. They love
this session because they could have
a direct observation which permit them
give a better description after discover
the animal. They also could use their
five senses in the final assembly when
we were in a circle, they could touch it
and feel how soft was its skin.

March 13-17 Evaluation Criteria:

Performance: The book: transforming food - Caring Session: 1
of my nose and hands Spot 1
First assembly: The students are asked about what Procedimental:
they worked on the previous session, in order to check - Establishes the attributes of
and clarify the notion gathered. Then, they are told to variables of certain elements.
share with their friends what their favourite food is. Spot 2
While they are sharing their favorite food, the teacher Mucus
writes down their answer. Then, they are asked to listen
the instructions to divide the groups into the two spots. - Identifies hygienic practices

Final assembly: The students are asked to recall what - Works in teams.
they worked on during the session, reflecting on the Session 2
accomplishment of the objectives of the session and Spot 1
the stuffs which are pending. Then, they are told to ask
at home where their favourite food come from. - Describe elements based on
the given variables.
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Session: 1 - Collects and registers data

Spot 1 from his/her surroundings from
To continue with the observation processes, the specific elements.
students work on describing arepas, using their senses Spot 2
to describe it, the ingredients and where those
ingredients come from. Hence, the kids observe an - Characterizes hygienic
arepa, they are asked about the origin of the arepa, if it practices.
is from an animal, plant or other source, checking their - Describes hygienic practices
notions about the origin of food. with a good health status
Session 3
Spot 2 Diana & Andrea Spot 1
Mucus :
In this session, the kids are preparing themselves to - Describe elements based on
develop an experiment about the way the snots help the given variables.
the body to be healthy and the appropriate way and the Spot 2
regularity to remove them from the nose. For this, the
kids are questions about why the body produces snots, - Describes hygienic practices
what they are for, the appropriate way to remove them with a good health status
and the reasons they have a variety of colors. They
observe a variety of images which are related about - Follows hygienic rules and
what they have been questioned, they have two procedures to take care of
moments. Moment 1 when they are asked and look the his/her body.
images around the environment and Moment 2, when
they are called to answer the question based on what Feedback:
they have observed. ● Coevaluation from teachers
and students.
Session 2 ● Auto evaluation following
Spot 1 Omar & Lorena certain criteria.
Continuing with the origin of food, they have the ● Constant mediation of the
possibility to observe and touch a corn plant and a teacher to agree on the
corncob, describing the plants leaves and the corn meanings/definition
seeds. The description is headed by a set of questions ● Questioning about their
the kids listen about the variables they have to analyze, answers and points of view.
like what the color of the leaves are, the shape of the
corncob and seed, the texture of the leaves as their Observations:
length. They work in teams of two students and the
information is organized into a graphic organizer, like a TR-A
poster. Mucus, snots and boogers:
Undoubtedly, this is a topic that
Spot 2 Andrea & Diana creates curiosity and interest on
After the questioning moment, the children have some children. At the beginning, they were
elements displayed on the table: glue and dirt. So, they laughing and making jokes about it,
are said their hands are nasal cavities, they will play even Mariangel Tovar said loudly: “
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with the dirt during two minutes, they have to describe Uh, boogers!! And… Geronimo, who
the way their hands look like, next, they have some loves eating them” and Geronimo
glue on their hands as representing the snots or mucus nodding his head as a symbol of
body produces and will manipulate it, clap and move affirmation and smiling of pride,
them still the glue gets a dark color. After that, the confirmed it without shameless.
teacher asks them to place the glue from their hands Thereby, it was the most pertinent
on a piece of white paper, and observe the glue using start, since, I took advantage of that
the magnifying glasses and they say what they think comment to introduce the topic and
has happened. In the end, the kids are telling the way make them aware of the importance of
mucus works to take care of the body and tell the mucus in our body, its functions and
teacher the importance for do not eat them and clean why it is not a good idea to eat them.
them with some regularity agreeing on their comments They were very impressed with the
and opinions. The teacher register the information by information, in fact, they did not know
photographs, those pictures are placed in the book. why snots were there, only Santiago
Perez and Emiliana Betancur said that
Session 3 they help our nose to filter dirt, the rest
Spot 1 Omar & Lorena of the students only thought that it was
After, they are asked about the procedure people use a sticky substance that it had to be
for making flour from the corn, for this, they are asked removed as soon as it would appear in
about the way people transform the corn seeds into the nose; they had that idea owing to
flour. After they give some ideas, they examine a mill their moms always make them to blow
and some corn seed, they are questioned about the their nose when it happens. Thus,
way people use that tool to make flour, so, they watch everyone was so attentive and
and make flour using the mill and the corn, describing listening to me carefully that it was
the visual changes corn suffers and the different way great to see how they were making
feel it, if is softer or rougher. For this, they are following those faces of amazement when they
instruction from a set of images which show the way to were learning about the theme.
use the tool. In the end, they are working on the Lorena and Diana
thinking routine “first I thought, now I think”.
Spot 2 Diana & Andrea Isa Linares could not resist to watch
What’s on my hands? the short video about Mucus, snots
In this session, the kids are working on the pertinent and boogers and she threw up. It is a
care of their hands. For starting the session, the common topic between them. They
students are asked to play in the park, they play for 5 used to eat them. They showed a
minutes. Then, they go to the environment and using nasty face when they could see on the
the microscopes, they observe the different elements video children eating their snots. It is
they have on the surface of their skin. Then, they go to not the same when you do something
the bathroom and see a set of images which show and when you just face to a habit.
them the correct way to wash their hands step by step They were scandalized. After
the teacher models and they follow the sequence to everything was in calm we start to talk
wash their hands. Finally, they go back the environment about the origin of the snots. They
and observe their hands under the microscope, it is a surprised when we talk make mention
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key part, due to the kids have to formulate their that nose hair is way of protect us of
conclusions about the reasons to wash their hands the environmental pathogens such as
before eating or manipulating food, so they are asked germs, fungi, and spores. The teacher
about it by the teacher. In the final assembly, they are make emphasis that everybody has
telling the step by step for washing their hands and the nose hair. We use magnifying glasses
way it supports a good health status. to verify and casually for the weather
This session is connected with Emotional Intelligence, some of us we have been sick, with flu
due to the kids have a SPA for hands and they will so we find many snots of different
practice the hygienic practices to manipulate their colors and textures lol. After this they
friends’ bodies with suitability. felt most comfortable with the topic.
They found that the eyebrows are a
way of protection for us too. We check
the color meaning of the snots and
they understood that behind of every
color there is an illness so it is why
we should have a routine of some
hygienic practices. We make
emphasis that hygienic means to be
clean. Clean our body parts, stuff and
all around of us.

March 20 -24 Evaluation Criteria:

Performance: The book: transforming food - Caring Session 1:
my place Spot 1
First assembly: The kids are listening a song about - Identifies the 5 senses (sight,
their senses, then the teacher ask them what sense taste, smell, touch, hearing)
they use to taste food (the taste and smell sense). Also, - Relates the 5 senses to
they are questioned about the way their parents take specific body parts.
care of the place where they live, like swiping the food Spot 2
and washing the bathroom. Plagues
Second assembly: The kids share their perception
about the spots. Also, they reflect on the importances of - Works in teams.
keeping their surrounding clean to avoid plagues.
- Identifies hygienic practices.
Session 1: Session 2
Spot 1 Omar & Lorena Spot 1
When they have created the flour, they are boiling
water, for this,hey are asked about the water they drink, - Uses the 5 senses to describe.
if they drink water from rivers and why, if it is safe to Spot 2
drink water from puddles and so on. They are How is it contaminated?
questioned about the ingredient an arepa has, they
already have the flour, and now they need potable - Characterizes hygienic
water, they tell their friends about the way they think practices.
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people make potable the water. Now, the teacher boils - Describes hygienic practices
the water for the arepas and the kids give their points of with a good health status
view about the importance of boiling water, working on
a Thinking routine Before a thought, Now I think, - Follows hygienic rules and
making emphasys on the way the water changes, procedures to take care of
identifying when the water is boiling using their 5 his/her body.
senses. Session 3
Spot 1
Spot 2 Diana & Andrea
Plagues - Describe elements based on
In this change, the kids are working on the organization the given variables.
and cleanness of the surroundings. To develop it, they - Describes himself/herself by a
look some images of the following animals, which are proper language based on
considered as plagues: cockroaches, rats, mice and collected data.
flies. Then, they watch videos of plagued places,
looking the way they could contaminate food, and the Feedback:
tools humans use in their daily life. Stop ● Coevaluation from teachers
at 2:00 and students. ● Auto evaluation following certain criteria.
The kids are asked about the importance of have a ● Constant mediation of the
clean living place, like house, school and restaurants. teacher to agree on the
They work on brainstorm of ideas about the videos they meanings/definition
have watch, and the possible ways their food could be ● Questioning about their
contaminated. answers and points of view.

Session 2 Observations:
Spot 1 Omar & Lorena TR-A
Since they worked on the thinking routine, they Hand washing steps: Once students
describe the salt and sugar, using their tongues, and have identified what a hygienic
hands to tell the texture (using the attributes for practice is and its benefits in their
describing sand). Later, they have to follow the lives, it was crucial to observe if they
instruction to prepare their arepas, combining the three apply them into their daily routines.
products they have worked on and transform them into Lorena and Diana
arepas, being oven cooked by the teacher. Finally, they
are telling the way their senses allow them to identify
Thus, it was considered important to
the changes the ingredients had when transforming into
explain and perform every step of an
arepas. adequate hand washing in order to be
secure that they are not skipping any
Spot 2 Andrea & Diana part of the process and make them
How is it contaminated? aware of the relevance of washing
Taking into account the previous ideas and the brain hands regularly and keep us healthy
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storm, the kids are told that some people are not through basic cleaning habits. After,
cleaning the tables in the Tienda Escolar or the we did the practical exercise together,
cafeteria. They have to look for a way to communicate Geronimo Guzman confessed that he
people the importance of keeping a place clean to used to wash his hands only with
avoid some kinds of plagues, as they have watched. water and take normally 4 paper
So, they are describing into a time line the way the food towels at a time, the rest of children
could be contaminated by the plagues they have said that they just rubbed superficially
studied. Each kid makes his timeline and they are their hands and wash away the soap
placed on the tables were people eat in the cafeteria quickly as well as they thought that 2
and they are place into the book too. Finally, they ask paper towels were enough to get their
some people about their perceptions about the time hands dry. Finally, they affirmed that
lines they have place on the tables. onwards they will implement all those
steps into their personal routines.
Session 3 Lorena and Diana
Spot 1 Lorena & Omar
Once they have tasted the result (arepa), describing TR-B
the flavor, if it is salty or plain, if it is hard or soft. They
First, children had few minutes to play
have to develop a graphic organizer in which they have at the park. When their hands were so
to draw their arepas and around it the ingredients dirty we review with the children about
needed to prepare it, drawing them with the how important is to keep our body
characteristics they have studied, for instance, the clean and the reasons why is it
water boiling and the flour well drilled, connecting it withimportant, and the hygienic practices.
a specific part of the body that allow them to perceive it. First we hear them about the
sequence they used to do for washing
Spot 2 Diana & Andrea their hands and keep them clean and
In this session, the children work on the little facts they then teacher showed then the correct
have learnt about the way food is contaminated by sequence to follow.
plagues as rats, mice, flies and cockroaches. Those We share some examples. What
facts are quoted and placed into the book. would happen if Andrèa …
Finally we moved to the bathrooms in
order and check if they were following
the right sequence.
Every student could receive points if
they participate in english.
First, Then, Afteer, Finally…
We also talk about how many paper
towels we should use and the right
place to deposit them after we finish to
dry our hands.
We need to work more on the
awareness. Even teacher was with
them few of them used first the soap,
and took 2 paper towels and some of
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them wanted to stay for a long time

washing our hands and wasting the

March 27 -31 Evaluation Criteria:

Performance: The book: transforming food - caring Session 1-2
my body Spot 1
First assembly: The kids tell about the path they have - Works in teams.
follow on the construction of the book, recalling the - Collects and register data from
spots and information they have learnt and used, and his/her surroundings from
telling the way people could use the information. specific elements
Second assembly: The children share what they
expect from people when they know their work, and the Feedback:
way the information can be useful for taking care of
their health. Also, they say what it is pending to ● Coevaluation from teachers
continue working. and students.
● Auto evaluation following
Session 1-2 certain criteria.
Spot 1 Omar & Lorena ● Constant mediation of the
The kids work together on a poster with the graphic teacher to agree on the
organizer made before individually, expressing their meanings/definition
ideas by the prompt “Do you know the corn is transform ● Questioning about their
into flour…?” “Do you know the corn flour for arepas answers and points of view.
is..?” “Do you know you boil water to…?” “Do you know
the ingredients for arepas is..?” “Do you know what Observations:
arepa is…?”
Spot 2 Diana & Andrea It was necessary to show students
For the library! some videos about plagues in order to
As a closing work about the hygienic practices studied, deepen on the topic of hygienic
each kid is working on a graphic organizer. In the practices, it was obvious that they did
graphic organizer they have two sides, on the left they not know about plagues and they did
places images from magazines and newspapers about not consider flies and mice as
the things and practices that are good for the human plagues, in their preconception only
body and on the right side the ones which are not. In cockroaches were plagues and dirty
the end, the students agree on the one which animals. Lorena and Diana
represented in a better way the information and it is
amplified and handed to Heidy to be pasted on the So, it was nice to see how they reflect
library and a copy for the book. upon those animals and the relation
that they and their families have with
Session 3 them, because many of them said that
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Closing session, the kids work on pendings as soon as a cockroach appears on

their homes, their moms or any adult
present at the moment kills it saying
that is a disgusting animal that can
contaminate food and transmit
illnesses. It was incredible the
reactions of certain students like
Geronimo Guzman, Santiago Perez,
Samuel Salazar and Santiago Vargas
that were amazed with the easiest
reproduction of this kind of animals
and how they occupied little spaces in
our homes without being perceived by
us in some cases. Likewise, Isabel
Castillo, Antonia Leal and Isabel
Castillo were terrified with the images
of big rats, even they did not know
about their existence, they thought
that a mouse and a rat was the same
animal. Lorena and Diana

For this session we had 2 spots. One
where they could watch some videos
about plagues. And a second one they
were describing the Corn seed, the
husk, the Kemel having in count the
variables color/size/shape.

They got confuse when they should

find the shape. The shapes were in
different colors so they associate it
this variable with the color. As we just
count with one sample this was the
hard part because they work better if
everyone has their own materials.
Anyway we did it. So we divided them,
while one group where doing the
direct observation of the corn seed the
other were working on the husk.

We notice that some of the students

even they could see what we were
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describing they used a different color.

They just know the basic colors even
in spanish. So teacher explained them
that first observe the color palette and
then find which color was similar or
the same that the color they were
observing and trace an X on it.

The teacher made sure the response

of each student was the good one,
because of the reason aforementioned
and because when they select and
draw the shape, their designs are not

April 3 -7 Evaluation Criteria:

Performance: The book: transforming food and
hygienic practices Session 1
Session 1-2 Spot 1:
First assembly: The kids listen to the songs “Do you Taste chart
like?” Then, they are asked about the pending they
have, to continue working on them. - Identifies the 5 senses (sight,
Second assembly: The kids share they experience taste, smell, touch, hearing)
when creating the chart, the way they used they body - Relates the 5 senses to
to describe their favourite food. Also, the way they feel specific body parts.
about sharing information with other kids about
hygienic practices.
- Establishes the attributes of
Session 1 variables of certain elements.
Spot 1: Omar & Lorena - Uses the 5 senses to describe.
Taste chart - Describe elements based on
For continuing the description of food using the different the given variables.
senses and parts of the body, the kids are bringing - Collects and registers data
different kinds of food from home, especially food they from his/her surroundings from
prefer to eat. They are asked to taste it, touch it, specific elements.
observe it and smell it to classify it into a Tasty Chart, - Describes himself/herself by a
describing the way they identified the information they proper language based on
used. collected data.

Spot 2: Diana & Andrea Spot 2:

Sharing the findings Sharing the findings
In this session, the kids prepare a presentation the
proper way to keep their bodies healthy, it will be by - Works in teams.
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going to other environments with the permission of the Session 3

teachers Spot 2
- Describes hygienic practices
Session 3 with a good health status
Spot 1 Omar & lorena
Checking their tasty charts Feedback:
They check their friends tasty chart and give their
opinions about it, making suggestions and saying if ● Coevaluation from teachers
they are in agreement or disagreement about what their and students.
partners have shown. ● Auto evaluation following
certain criteria.
Spot 2 Diana & Andrea ● Constant mediation of the
In this session, the kids practice and share the proper teacher to agree on the
way to keep their bodies healthy, it will be by going to meanings/definition
other environments with the permission of the teachers ● Questioning about their
answers and points of view.


Cooking arepas: The idea was to
complete all the process of
transformation of the corn giving the
students the chance to prepare
Arepas with their own hands,
experiencing textures, flavours and
smells. They were very dynamic and
curious, they wanted to participate in
every step of the process touching,
tasting and smelling everything. For
them it was great to feel the texture of
the dough and have the opportunity to
knead it and make the Arepas by
themselves. Although, they very active
physically, they worked well, focused
on the task and following the
instructions properly. Lorena and

It was a hit. They were excited and
anxious. I loved see their faces Omar
opened the package or show them
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something. Their faces was full of

surprise. They were curious to touch
and when they have it on their hands
they could not believe it. Juan
Salvador could not resist the smell of
the mass, and invite to Jacobo Pardo
to smell it and feel how soft was it too.
Same case for Francisco and Sophie
Varòn Varòn. The students could use
the five senses.
They improved new vocabulary with
the ingredients of the arepas. (Milk,
Cheese, flour, boil, corn…) It was a
perfect activity to let them follow
instructions and later have hygienic
practices in the common life, follow
the right step to keep our hands clean.
Even JuanEs expressed that he did
not want eat arepas because he does
not like some of the ingredients he
participated in the activity and finally
he ate them. His participation was so
demotivated. He does not seem happy
or interest on it. He seems sad. Luisa
was a little bit distracted but later she
could be focus on the activity.
Excellent participation of Alejandro. I
can say Alejandro was the happiest to
be part of this activity. In general their
faces reflect happiness and joyful.

Materiales, herramientas y recursos

 Lápices negros y de colores, tizas, crayones y marcadores de

diferentes tipos.
 Palillos largos y cortos.
 Papeles bond de carta y oficio, papel iris, calcante, entre otros.
 Plastilina, masa.
 Tablas, grapadoras, palas, baldes, pelotas.
 Pinceles, recipientes, fichas, papel.
 Tablets, cámaras de video y fotografía, video beam, computador,
teatro en casa, smartboard, grabadores de audio, ipads.

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