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Flashcards 9-18 should be used throughout this unit to
OVERVIEW present and review vocabulary.
Introduction. ears, eyes, hands, mouth, nose Poster
New sounds. /s/ The unit 2 poster can be used to help pupils gain
Vocabulary. hear, see, smell, taste, touch confidence and develop their language skills in the
following areas:
Entrepreneurs. How many sense organs have we got?
What can we do with each sense organ? • Unit language: parts of the body and the five senses

Story. The Birthday Party • General classroom language: colours

Think. Do our senses work separately or together? The unit 2 poster also includes all of the suggested
objects for the senses mystery box from the Apply
ICT. Video: The Senses Review section.
Get ready! Video: How to Make a Senses Mystery Box
Apply. Final task: Make a senses mystery box STORY CARDS
Time for me. Portfolio work: Five senses mini-book In the unit 2 story, Mr. Chat goes to a friend’s birthday
party. The story deals with the issue of how we sometimes
Evaluation. Unit review
feel different to other people. The story offers simple
answers to the questions posed in the Entrepreneurs
DISCUSSION TOPICS AND VALUES section that can then be built upon:
 hich parts of the body are associated with the five • How many sense organs have we got? (5)
senses? •W
 hat can we do with each sense organ? (ears-hear,
 o our senses work separately or together? eyes-see, hands-touch, mouth-taste, nose-smell)
 hat do our sense organs help us to do? It also answers the story question:
• Who buys flowers for Inés? (Mr. Chat)
LANGUAGE Story card 1
Routines Mr. Chat arrives at the party. He feels nervous because
Hi! he is different to the other children at the party. Inés
Bye! welcomes him and invites him in. The vocabulary in the
Find box reviews parts of the body and colours from
I/We have got (one nose). the unit.
I /We have got (two eyes).
Story card 2
The children at the party are excited to meet Mr. Chat
and talk about his eye and his hands. In turn, Mr. Chat
Numbers 1-10
tells the children what he uses his eye and hands for. The
you/your vocabulary in the Find box reviews boy and girl from
Extra resources unit 1 as well as three more colours.
Action verbs: close, touch, wave Story card 3
I can… The children at the party talk about Mr. Chat’s nose and
mouth and he tells them what he uses them for. The
The Happy Birthday song vocabulary in the Find box reviews excited and happy
separate, together from unit 1 as well as three parts of the body from unit 2.
feather, flowers, glasses, sweet, triangle Story card 4
Finally, the children talk about Mr. Chat’s ears and he tells
them that he uses them to hear the Happy Birthday song
with. All of the children sing happy birthday to Inés. The
unit mystery object (an apple) is hidden behind Mr. Chat.
Vocabulary from units 1 and 2 appears in the Find box.

The final task of the unit is to make a senses mystery
box. A video is available in the digital book to help
explain how to complete the task step by step.
Materials: a box, materials to decorate the box, objects
corresponding to the five senses to put in the box, a
blindfold, 5 trays or large plates.



Tarjetas de vocabulario
Se deberían utilizar las Flashcards 9-18 a lo largo de la
OVERVIEW unidad para presentar y repasar vocabulario.
Introduction. ears, eyes, hand, mouth, nose Mural
New sounds. /s/ El póster de la unidad 2 se puede utilizar para ayudar
Vocabulary. hear, see, smell, taste, touch a los estudiantes a ganar confianza y desarrollar sus
habilidades del lenguaje en las siguientes áreas:
Entrepreneurs. ¿Cuántos órganos de los sentidos tene- •V
 ocabulario de la unidad: partes del cuerpo y los 5 sen-
mos? ¿Qué podemos hacer con cada órgano de los sen-
• Vocabulario general de la clase: colores
Story. The Birthday Party
El póster de la unidad 2 también incluye todos los obje-
Think. ¿Nuestros sentidos trabajan por separado o jun- tos sugeridos para la caja misteriosa de los sentidos de
tos? la sección Apply.
ICT. Vídeo: The Senses Review
Get ready! Vídeo: How to make a Senses Mystery Box
En el cuento de la unidad 2, Mr. Chat va a la fiesta de
Apply. Tarea final: hacer una caja misteriosa de los sen- cumpleaños de un amigo. El cuento trata el tema de
tidos cómo a veces nos sentimos diferentes del resto. El cuen-
Time for me. Trabajo para el portfolio: Un mini-book de to ofrece respuestas sencillas a las preguntas formula-
los cinco sentidos das en la sección Entrepreneur:
Evaluation. Repaso de la unidad • ¿Cuántos órganos de los sentidos tenemos? (5)
 Qué podemos hacer con cada órgano de los sentidos?
(oídos-escuchar, ojos-ver, manos-tocar, boca-saborear,
 Qué partes del cuerpo están asociadas con los cinco
También responde a la pregunta del cuento:
• ¿Quién compra flores para Inés? (Mr. Chat)
• ¿Nuestros sentidos trabajan por separado o juntos?
Tarjeta del cuento 1
 Qué nos ayudan a hacer nuestros órganos de los sen-
Mr. Chat llega a la fiesta. Está nervioso porque es dife-
rente de los otros niños de la fiesta. Inés le da la bienve-
nida y le invita a que entre. El vocabulario en la Find box
LANGUAGE repasa las partes del cuerpo y los colores de la unidad.

Routines Tarjeta del cuento 2

Hi! Los niños y las niñas en la fiesta están ilusionados por
Bye! conocer a Mr. Chat. Hablan de su ojo y sus manos, y
Mr. Chat les dice para qué los utiliza. El vocabulario de la
I/We have got (one nose).
Find box repasa boy and girl de la unidad 1 además de
I/We have got (two eyes).
tres colores más.
Tarjeta del cuento 3
Numbers 1-10 Los niños y las niñas en la fiesta hablan de la nariz
y la boca de Mr. Chat y él les dice para qué los usa. El
you/your vocabulario de la Find box repasa excited y happy de la
Extra resources unidad 1, además de tres partes del cuerpo de la unidad 2.
Verbos de acción: close, touch, wave Tarjeta del cuento 4
I can… Finalmente los niños y las niñas hablan de las orejas de
Mr. Chat y él les dice que las utiliza para escuchar la can-
The Happy Birthday song
ción Cumpleaños feliz. Todos los niños cantan Cumplea-
separate, together ños feliz a Inés. El objeto misterioso de la unidad (una
feather, flowers, glasses, sweet, triangle manzana) está escondido detrás de Mr. Chat. El vocabu-
lario de las unidades 1 y 2 aparece en la Find box.

La tarea final de la unidad es hacer una caja misteriosa
de los sentidos. Hay un vídeo disponible en el libro digi-
tal que ayuda a explicar cómo hacerlo paso a paso.
Materiales: una caja, materiales para decorar la caja, ob-
jetos que se corresponden con los 5 sentidos para colo-
car en la caja, una venda, 5 bandejas o platos grandes.

2 My Five Senses 7


I ntroduction
Extra resources

• Say the ‘Hey, Hey’ chant and do the actions. Introduction
Hey, hey, close your mouth. Language
Hey, hey, touch your nose. close, touch, wave
hey, wave your hands.
hey, your eyes are closed. New sounds
Hey, ho, five senses, go! Phonemic symbol: s
Phonemic transcription

Say the names of the parts of the body and stick to

’sεnsiz senses
ears, eyes, hands, mouth, nose

• Say the ‘Hey, Hey’ chant again. Point at the parts of your body when your hear
the words in the chant. make a monster!

Pupils first say the name of the body parts that appear
as stickers. Then, they create their own monster with
the stickers.
• Say the names of the parts of the body and stick to make a monster!

N ew sounds

07 • Listen to the sound and the word senses.

• What animal makes this sound? A snake! Sssssssssssssss…

Routine 1: Opener. Refer to the routines section on the New sounds

following page.
07 Listen to the sound and the word senses.
Routine 2: TPR. Refer to the routines section on the
Audio script available at the end of the Teacher’s Guide.
following page.
Pupils listen to the sound and the word. Once they have
heard both a few times, ask them to and repeat the sound
Warmer and the word. Explain that our mouth, nose, hands, ears
and eyes make up our senses. Point to each body part as
Ask the following questions with pupils pointing to the
you name them.
correct body part to answer: What do you use to smell
flowers? (Pupils point to their nose.) What do you use to Extra resources
taste food? (Pupils point to their mouth.) What do you
Phonemic transcription
use to hear music? (Pupils point to their ears.) What do
you use to see the sky? (Pupils point to their eyes.) What /‘sensiz/ 8 senses
do you use to touch the grass? (Pupils point to their The phonemic transcription is included for your reference
hands.) only.
 hat animal makes this sound? A snake! Sssssssssssssss…
Language: close, touch, wave.
Teach/Review these verbs with pupils before saying or Say the name of different animals as pupils stand still.
playing the chant. Use your hands to represent each When they hear the word snake pupils start to slither
action visually. around the classroom making the sound of a snake. They
do this until they hear the word snake again, then they
stop and stand still again.
06 Say the ‘Hey, Hey’ chant and do the actions. Routine 3: Clean up! Say or play the clean-up chant.
The words can be found on page 19 of the Teacher’s
Audio script available at the end of the Teacher’s Guide.
Do the actions as you hear them in the chant (close your
mouth, touch your nose, wave your hands and close your Suggested search engine keywords
eyes). Pupils copy the actions. Parts of the face song (this song also includes chin and
cheeks), storybots say yes to s

ears, eyes, hands, mouth, nose

 ay the ‘Hey, Hey’ chant again. Point at the parts of your
body when you hear the words in the chant.

Say the chant again, this time showing the flashcards of

each body part as they appear in the chant. As they see
the flashcards, pupils point to the corresponding body
part on their own body.

¡Hola! Stickers
 ay the ‘Hey, Hey’ chant again. Point at the correct
Say the names of the parts of the body and stick to flashcards when you hear the words in the chant.
make a monster! Recite el chant de nuevo, esta vez mostrando las tarjetas
Los estudiantes primero nombran las partes del de cada una de las partes del cuerpo a medida que
cuerpo que aparecen como pegatinas. Luego, crean aparecen en el chant. Cuando los estudiantes vean las
su propio monstruo con las pegatinas. tarjetas, señalarán en su propio cuerpo la correspondiente
parte del cuerpo.

New sounds
Rutina 1: Introducción. Remitirse a la sección de rutinas
07 Listen to the sound and the word senses.
al final de la página.
El guion del audio está disponible al final de la propuesta didáctica.
Rutina 2: TPR. Remitirse a la sección de rutinas al final
de la página. Los escolares escuchan el sonido y la palabra. Una vez
que los hayan escuchado varias veces, hágales repetir el
Calentamiento sonido y la palabra. Explíqueles que nuestra boca, nariz,
manos, orejas y ojos forman nuestros sentidos.
Formule las siguientes preguntas con los estudiantes
señalando la parte del cuerpo correcta para responder a:
Extra resources
What do you use to smell flowers? (Los estudiantes
señalan su nariz.) What do you use to taste food? (Los Transcripción fonética
estudiantes señalan su boca.) What do you use to hear
/‘sensiz/ 8 senses
music? (Los estudiantes señalan sus orejas.) What do you
use to see the sky? (Los estudiantes señalan sus ojos.) La transcripción fonética se incluye solo como referencia.
What do you use to touch the grass? (Los estudiantes
señalan sus manos.) W
 hat animal makes this sound? A snake! Sssssssssssssss…
Diga el nombre de los diferentes animales mientras los
Lenguaje: close, touch, wave alumnos y las alumnas se paran al escuchar las palabras.
Enseñe/Repase estos verbos con el alumnado antes Cuando escuchen la palabra snake, los estudiantes co-
de cantar el chant. Utilice sus manos para representar menzarán a deslizarse por la clase imitando el sonido de
visualmente cada acción. una serpiente. Seguirán así hasta que escuchen de nuevo
la palabra snake, entonces se pararán de nuevo.

Introduction Rutina 3: ¡A recoger! Recite o cante el chant ¡A recoger!

06 Say the ‘Hey, Hey’ chant and do the actions. Encontrará la letra en la página 19 de la propuesta
El guion del audio está disponible al final de la propuesta didáctica.

Realice las acciones a medida que las escucha en el chant

(cerrar la boca, tocar la nariz, mover las manos y cerrar Palabras clave sugeridas para el buscador
los ojos). Los estudiantes imitan las acciones. Parts of the face song (this song also includes chin and
cheeks), storybots say yes to s

ears, eyes, hands, mouth, nose

Routines Language
1 Opener: Teach the structures I have got one... and I Key vocabulary
have got two... by giving pupils an example. For example, ears, eyes, hands, mouth, nose
say I have got two eyes, pointing to yourself as you say I,
showing two with your fingers and pointing to your eyes. Extra resources
Pupils say one of the two sentences then add the words close, touch, wave
ears, eyes, hands, mouth or nose at the end. Make sure
they use the correct structure, based on if they have got
I have got one... / I have got two...
one or two of that body part.
2 TPR: Put pupils in a circle and, one by one, they each
say one of the sentences from the opener routine. They
should point to themselves when they say I, then show
one or two fingers based on the sentence they say, then
point to the body part they say.

2 My Five Senses 8


V ocabulary
Extra resources

ears, eyes, hand, mouth, nose
hear, see, smell, taste, touch
I can...

• Look, listen to your teacher and repeat. Which sense organ is missing?
• Make faces! Which organs do we have two of?
• Sing the song ‘My Five Senses’. Point to the sense organs as you sing.
Senses, senses.
Senses, senses.
With my ears, I can hear.
Follow the key and colour the apples. Say the numbers:
With my mouth, I can taste.
With my hands, I can touch. 1, 2, 3!
With my eyes, I can see.

Pupils colour the apples with a 1 in red, with a 2 in green

With my nose, I can smell.
Senses, senses.
Senses, senses.

• Bring an apple from home. Follow the instructions and answer the questions.
and with a 3 in yellow.
– Wash the apple.
– Touch the apple. How does it feel?
– What colour are apples?
• Think about how big the
mystery box needs to be.
– Do apples have a smell? Choose a box as a class.
– Take a bite of the apple! Crunch the apple next to a classmate’s ear.

• Follow the key and colour the apples. Say the numbers: 1, 2, 3!

Routine 1: Opener. Repeat the activity proposed for Extension

worksheet 7. In small groups, pupils match the flashcards of the senses
Routine 2: TPR. Repeat the activity proposed for with the flashcards of the sense organs. You could also
worksheet 7. play a memory game with pupils in teams, putting the
flashcards of the five senses and five sense organs face
down on the table and asking a representative from each
Warmer team to turn them over two by two.
Repeat the warmer proposed for worksheet 7, changing
the things being smelled, tasted, heard, seen and touched. B
 ring an apple from home. Follow the instructions and
answer the questions.
Put pupils in small groups to complete the activity. To
Flashcards help groups answer the questions, write a short word
ears, eyes, hands, mouth, nose list on the board: smooth, red, green, yellow, yes and no.
hear, see, smell, taste, touch Give another examples of something that is smooth (like
a tomato) as this word may be unfamiliar to pupils.
Look, listen to your teacher and repeat. Which sense
organ is missing? Final task

Show the flashcards while saying the word on each one. In the final task, the class will make a senses mystery box
Say each word a few times before pupils repeat it. Remove together. Have different-sized boxes available that pupils
a flashcard and repeat the previous activity. Pupils have can choose from. Have them think about how big the box
to say which flashcard from the set is missing. should be if there are five senses and they will want a few
different objects for each sense.
Make faces! Which organs do we have two of?
Draw faces on the board that include each of the sense ? Extra help
organs. Ask pupils which sense organs they have two Review the colours red, yellow and green by presenting
of. Once they have answered, name each sense organ, objects of those colours to pupils. Count the objects to
specifying how many of each we have: one nose, one practise the numbers 1 to 5.
mouth, two ears, two hands, two eyes.
 ing the song ‘My Five Senses’. Point to the sense Language Assistant

organs as you sing. Show the class different objects and ask them which
Audio script available at the end of the Teacher’s Guide. sense that object relates to. For example, a photograph
(sight) or a piece of material (touch). Some objects may
Play the song. Each time pupils hear the word senses, be related to more than one sense.
they lift up their hands to show their five fingers (to
represent the five senses). Play the song again. This time,
they point to the sense organs when they hear them. Routine 3: Clean up! Say or play the clean-up chant.
The words can be found on page 19 of the Teacher’s
Language: I can...
Introduce the structure I can... using the song words
and the information being taught about the senses. Use
Suggested search engine keywords
the structure I can (smell) with my (nose), changing
the sense and sense organ each time. The Five Senses The Dr. Binocs Show Educational Videos
For Kids

Lenguaje: I can...
Follow the key and colour the apples. Say the
Presente la estructura I can… utilizando las palabras de
numbers: 1, 2, 3!
la canción y la información que se ha enseñado sobre
Los alumnos y las alumnas colorean las manzanas con los sentidos. Utilice la estructura I can (smell) with my
un 1 en rojo, con un 2 en verde y con un 3 en amarillo. (nose), cambiando cada vez el sentido y el órgano del

Rutina 1: Introducción. Repita la actividad que se pro-
En grupos pequeños, los estudiantes emparejan las tarje-
pone para la ficha 7.
tas de los sentidos con las tarjetas de los órganos de los
Rutina 2: TPR. Repita la actividad que se propone para sentidos. También puede jugar a un juego de memoria
la ficha 7. con los escolares por equipos, colocando las tarjetas de
los cinco sentidos y los cinco órganos de los sentidos
boca abajo sobre la mesa, y pidiendo a un representante
Calentamiento de cada equipo darles la vuelta de dos en dos.
Repita la actividad de calentamiento propuesta en la
ficha 7, cambiando las cosas que olemos, saboreamos, B
 ring an apple from home. Follow the instructions and
oímos, vemos y tocamos. answer the questions.
Coloque a los estudiantes en pequeños grupos para
Vocabulary completar la actividad. Para ayudar a los estudiantes a
responder a las preguntas, escriba una pequeña lista de
Flashcards palabras en la pizarra: smooth, red, green, yellow, yes y
ears, eyes, hands, mouth, nose no. Facilite otros ejemplos de algo que sea suave (como
hear, see, smell, taste, touch un tomate), ya que puede que los estudiantes no estén
familiarizados con esta palabra.

 ook, listen to your teacher and repeat. Which sense Final task
organ is missing? En la tarea final, toda la clase realizará una caja misterio-
Muestre las tarjetas mientras va diciendo la palabra en sa de los sentidos. Tenga preparadas cajas de diferentes
cada una de ellas. Diga la palabra varias veces antes de tamaños para que los estudiantes puedan elegir. Hágales
que la repitan los estudiantes. Quite una tarjeta y repita entender en lo grande que tiene que ser la caja habiendo
la actividad anterior. Los estudiantes tienen que decir cinco sentidos y teniendo que poner unos pocos objetos
cuál es la tarjeta del grupo que falta. diferentes para cada sentido.
? Ayuda extra
 ake faces! Which organs do we have two of?
Repase los colores rojo, amarillo y verde presentando ob-
Dibuje caras en la pizarra, asegurándose de que incluyen jetos de esos colores a los alumnos y las alumnas. Cuente
cada órgano de los sentidos. Pregunte a los estudiantes los objetos para practicar los números del 1 al 5.
en qué casos hay dos órganos para un sentido. Una vez
que hayan respondido (dos orejas, dos manos, dos ojos), Auxiliar de conversación
nombre cada órgano de los sentidos, especificando Muestre a la clase diferentes objetos y pregúnteles con
cuántos tenemos: una nariz, una boca, dos orejas, dos qué sentido se relaciona ese objeto. Por ejemplo, una fo-
manos, dos ojos. tografía (vista) o un trozo de tela (tacto). Algunos obje-
tos se pueden relacionar con más de un sentido.
08 Sing the song ‘My Five Senses’. Point to the sense
organs as you sing.
Rutina 3: ¡A recoger! Recite o cante la canción ¡A reco-
El guion del audio está disponible al final de la propuesta didáctica. ger! Encontrará la letra en la página 19 de la propuesta
Reproduzca la canción. Cada vez que los estudiantes es-
cuchen la palabra senses, levantan sus manos para mos-
trar sus cinco dedos (para representar los cinco senti- Palabras clave sugeridas para el buscador
dos). Reproduce la canción de nuevo. Esta vez, señalarán The Five Senses The Dr. Binocs Show Educational Videos
los órganos de los sentidos cuando los escuchen. For Kids

Key vocabulary
ears, eyes, hands, mouth, nose
hear, see, touch, taste, smell
Supporting structures
I can...

2 My Five Senses 9


E ntrepreneurs
Extra resources

• Think and share your ideas with the class. Story

– How many sense organs have we got? Language
– What can we do with each sense organ? The ‘Happy Birthday’ song

S tory
Draw lines to match the children from the story to the
Story opening routine:
1, 2, 3.
parts of Mr. Chat’s body.
Look at me.

Pupils draw a line to match Jero, Diana, Joseph and

1, 2, 3.
Listen to me.
1, 2, 3.


• Look and listen to the story ‘The Birthday Party’. Answer the question.
Yolanda to the part of Mr. Chat’s body that each one
– Who buys flowers for Inés?

• Draw lines to match the children from the story to the parts of Mr. Chat’s body.
mentions in the story.
• Decorate the mystery box!
Divide into groups and decide
• Find Mr. Chat’s hidden object in the story pictures. (Clue! This object is crunchy, what type of decoration each
delicious and smells great!)
group will make.
Story closing routine:
From 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10.
That is the end!

05 Look and listen to the story ‘The Birthday Party’. Answer

Routine 1: Opener. Refer to the routines section on the
ICT the question.
following page.
Audio script available at the end of the Teacher’s Guide.
Routine 2: TPR. Refer to the routines section on the
following page. Pupils listen to the story via the story cards or the digital
book. When the story is finished ask them the question
Who buys flowers for Inés? (Mr. Chat!)
Language Assistant

Draw objects on the board and ask pupils to name a

related sense organ. Also review the numbers 1 to 5 by Ask pupils what they most love to do when it is their
counting the parts of the face of 2 or 3 pupils. birthday.

Entrepreneurs Language: The Happy Birthday song

Teach the Happy Birthday song. The words are available
Think and share your ideas with the class. in the Language section on the following page. Sing it
Ask pupils the questions and let them respond in their to someone in class who has a birthday coming up or
own way, with words or gestures for example. There is look for a famous person who has a birthday that day!
more information about how to work on this section
in the first section of the Teacher’s Guide. If the pupils Extension
use gestures to express their ideas, help them with any
associated new vocabulary. Make a birthday calendar with all of the pupils’ birthdays
on it. Hang it on the wall.
To answer the first question, ask them if the answer is 1,
2, 3, 4 or 5. Review the senses if necessary. To answer the F
 ind Mr. Chat’s hidden object in the story pictures. (Clue!
second question, use the unit flashcards. Stick all of the This object is crunchy, delicious and smells great!)
sense organs in a column on the left side board and then Pupils have to guess and find Mr Chat’s mystery object
all the senses in a column on the right side of the board. (an apple) in the story card pictures. To finish, follow the
Ask pupils to come to the front and draw a line to match story closing routine.
the sense organs to the senses.
Final task
Divide the class into small groups of 4 or 5. Each group will
Language: Look! / Listen! / Numbers 1-10 make its own decoration for the box. To help differentiate
groups, you could assign each group different materials,
colours or shapes to work with. Allow pupils to decide
Story what their group will do.

Before starting to read the story, help pupils to settle

down by following the story opening routine. Remember Routine 3: Clean up! Say or play the clean-up chant.
that this routine is also available as an audio in the digital The words can be found on page 19 of the Teacher’s
book. Guide.

Suggested search engine keywords

Happy Birthday To You Song for Kids The Kiboomers

05 Look and listen to the story ‘The Birthday Party’. Answer
Draw lines to match the children from the story to the the question.
parts of Mr. Chat’s body. El guion del audio está disponible al final de la propuesta didáctica.

Los estudiantes trazan una línea para unir a Jero,

Los estudiantes escuchan el cuento usando las tarjetas
Diana, Joseph y Yolanda hasta la parte del cuerpo de
del cuento o el libro digital. Cuando acabe el cuento, pre-
Mr. Chat que cada uno menciona en el cuento.
gunte: Who buys flowers for Inés? (Mr. Chat!)

Auxiliar de conversación
Pregunte a los estudiantes qué es lo que más les gusta
Rutina 1: Introducción. Remitirse a la sección de rutinas hacer en su cumpleaños.
al final de la página.
Rutina 2: TPR. Remitirse a la sección de rutinas al final
de la página. Lenguaje: The Happy Birthday song
Enseñe la canción Happy Birthday. Las palabras están
disponibles en la sección Language de esta página.
Calentamiento Cante la canción a algún alumno o alumna que tenga
Dibuje objetos en la pizarra y pida a los estudiantes que próximo su cumpleaños o busque a una persona famo-
nombren el órgano de los sentidos que esté relacionado. sa cuyo cumpleaños sea ese día!
Además repase los números del 1 al 5 contando las partes
de la cara de 2 o 3 alumnos.
Entrepreneurs Haga un calendario con los cumpleaños de todos los es-
 hink and share your ideas with the class. tudiantes. Cuélguelo en la pared.
Los escolares reflexionarán sobre las siguientes pregun-
tas: F
 ind Mr. Chat’s hidden object in the story pictures.
(Clue! This object is crunchy, delicious and smells great!)
– ¿Cuántos órganos de los sentidos tenemos?
Los escolares tienen que adivinar y encontrar el objeto
– ¿Qué podemos hacer con cada órgano de los sentidos?
secreto de Mr. Chat (una manzana) en las imágenes del
Para responder a la primera pregunta, pregúnteles si la cuento. Para terminar, siga la rutina de cierre del cuento.
respuesta es 1, 2, 3, 4 o 5. Repase los sentidos si fuera
necesario. Para responder a la segunda pregunta, utili- Final task
ce las tarjetas de la unidad. Pegue todos los órganos de
Divida la clase en grupos pequeños de 4 o 5 personas.
los sentidos en una columna en el lado izquierdo de la
Cada grupo decora su caja a su manera. Para ayudar a
pizarra y luego todos los sentidos en una columna en el
diferenciar los diferentes grupos, puede asignar a cada
lado derecho. Pida a los estudiantes que se acerquen a
uno materiales, colores o formas diferentes con las que
la pizarra y dibujen una línea que una los órganos de los
trabajar. Permita a los estudiantes decidir lo que van a
sentidos con los sentidos.
hacer en su grupo.

Lenguaje: Look! / Listen! / Numbers 1-10

Rutina 3: ¡A recoger! Recite o cante la canción ¡A reco-
ger! Encontrará la letra en la página 19 de la propuesta
Story didáctica.
Antes de empezar a leer el cuento, ayude a los alumnos
y las alumnas a sentarse y centrarse siguiendo la rutina
de apertura del cuento. Recuerda que esta rutina está Palabras clave sugeridas para el buscador
también disponible como audio en el libro digital. Happy Birthday To You Song for Kids The Kiboomers

Routines Language
1 Opener: Repeat the sentences I have got one... and I have Supporting structures
got two..., adding one of the sense organs at the end of We have got…
the sentences. Then, add the following sentence: With my
(name of sense organ), I can (name of sense). For example: Extra resources
I have got two ears. With my ears, I can hear. This structure Happy birthday to you!
can also be presented starting with the I can clause. Happy birthday to you!
2 TPR: Pupils say the sentences working with the sense Happy birthday dear (name of person).
organs and senses from the previous lesson. Then, they
Happy birthday to you!
should do the same using we: We have got… Make sure
they understand the difference between I and we by Look! / Listen! / Numbers 1-10
saying I and pointing at yourself and then saying we and
indicating the whole group.

2 My Five Senses 10


T hink
Extra resources

• Think and share your ideas with the class. Think

– Do our senses work separately, or together, or both?

What kinds of things can we put in the senses mystery

separate, together

box? Circle the things that can’t go in the box.


ICT • Watch the video ‘The Senses Review’. How much did you remember? Before doing the activity, draw objects on the board
that could go into the mystery box (for example an
G et ready! apple, a musical triangle or perfume). Then, draw a few
• What kinds of things can we put in the senses mystery box? Circle the things
that can’t go in the box.
objects that couldn’t go into the box (because they are
ICT • Watch the video ‘How to Make a Senses Mystery Box’ in preparation for the final
too big). Make sure that pupils understand why these
can’t go into the box. Pupils can work in small groups
to do the activity.

that pupils are aware that the associated senses are

Routine 1: Opener. Repeat the activity proposed for called hearing and sight.
worksheet 9.
Routine 2: TPR. Repeat the activity proposed for ICT
worksheet 9.
ICT Watch the video ‘The Senses Review’. How much did
you remember?
Warmer After watching the video, ask pupils to talk about what
Pupils take turns miming actions that use the senses. they saw and heard. Ask them questions such as: What
Give an example for them to follow first to help them are the five senses? What are the five sense organs? They
understand what they need to do (you could mime can answer using words or just by pointing to the correct
listening to music, or eating for example). One pupil at sense organ.
a time then goes to the front of the class and mimes
an action. Alternatively, pupils could be put into small Extension
groups and the groups assigned actions for them to
Play the video again and pupils can point to the correct
perform for the other groups to guess the sense being
sense organ on their bodies for each section of the video.
Get ready!
Language: separate, together ICT Watch the video ‘How to Make a Senses Mystery Box’ in
To answer the Think question, pupils will first need to preparation for the final task.
understand the words separate and together. To explain Pupils watch the video to better understand what they
these terms, ask for several volunteers to come to the will do in the final task. This is a good time for them to
front of the class. First, place all the volunteers apart start thinking of objects they would like to put into the
and say separate. Then, group them all together and senses mystery box. Suggestions appear in worksheet 11
say together. Separate them again giving examples of and these objects also appear in the unit poster.
how they can work separately, then again bring them
together and give examples of how they can work
together. For example, they work separately to draw,
but then they work together to make the mystery box This is a good moment to organise a class Show-and-Tell.
for the final task. Each pupil brings one object to class to tell the other
pupils about. They should say which sense their object is
most related to. These objects can then be used for the
Think senses mystery box.

 hink and share your ideas with the class.
Routine 3: Clean up! Say or play the clean-up chant.
Ask pupils what senses they use when they are in class. The words can be found on page 19 of the Teacher’s
Pupils should come to the conclusion that our senses Guide.
work together. In the cases of hear and see, make sure

What kinds of things can we put in the senses mystery
box? Circle the things that can’t go in the box. ICT Watch the video ‘The Senses Review’. How much did you

Antes de hacer la actividad, dibuje objetos en la pi- remember?

zarra que pudieran colocarse dentro de la caja miste- Después de ver el vídeo, pregunte a los estudiantes sobre
riosa (por ejemplo, una manzana, un triángulo musi- lo que vieron y oyeron. Hágales preguntas del tipo: What
cal o un perfume). Luego, dibuja unos pocos objetos are the five senses? What are the five sense organs? Pue-
que no puedan entrar dentro de la caja (porque son den responder usando palabras o, simplemente, señalan-
demasiado grandes). Los estudiantes pueden traba- do el órgano de los sentidos correcto.
jar en grupos pequeños para hacer la actividad.
Reproduce el vídeo de nuevo y los alumnos y las alumnas
pueden señalar en su cuerpo el órgano de los sentidos
Rutina 1: Introducción. Repita la actividad que se pro- correcto para cada sección del vídeo.
pone para la ficha 9.
Rutina 2: RFT. Repita la actividad que se propone para
la ficha 9.
Get ready!
ICT Watch the video ‘How to Make a Senses Mystery Box’ in
preparation for the final task.
Los estudiantes ven el vídeo para entender mejor lo que
Los estudiantes hacen turnos imitando las acciones que
harán en la tarea final. Esta es una buena oportunidad
utilizan los sentidos. Deles un ejemplo para que les ayu-
para que empiecen a pensar en los objetos que les
de a entender lo que tienen que hacer (por ejemplo,
gustaría colocar en la caja misteriosa de los sentidos.
puede hacer que está escuchando música o comiendo).
Hay sugerencias en la ficha 11 y estos objetos también
Un alumno o una alumna se coloca delante de la clase e
aparecen en el mural de la unidad.
imita las acciones. Como alternativa, se puede agrupar a
los escolares en grupos pequeños. Cada grupo tiene que Tip!
representar acciones y el resto de los grupos tendrá
que adivinar el sentido que se está imitando. Es un buen momento para organizar en la clase la
actividad ‘Show and Tell’. Cada alumno o alumna trae un
objeto a clase para hablar sobre el resto. Deberían decir
Lenguaje: separate, together con qué sentido está más relacionado el objeto. Estos
Para responder a la pregunta de la sección Think, los objetos se pueden utilizar para la caja misteriosa de los
estudiantes primero necesitarán entender las palabras sentidos.
separate y together. Para explicar estos términos, pida
voluntarios para que se coloquen delante de la clase.
Rutina 3: ¡A recoger! Recite o cante la canción ¡A reco-
Primero, coloque a los voluntarios separados y diga
ger! Encontrará la letra en la página 19 de la propuesta
separate. Luego, agrúpelos y diga together. Sepáreles
de nuevo y ponga ejemplos de cómo pueden trabajar
separados; luego, júntelos de nuevo y ponga ejemplos
de cómo pueden trabajar juntos. Por ejemplo, traba-
jan separados para dibujar, pero luego trabajan juntos
para hacer la caja misteriosa para la tarea final.


 hink and share your ideas with the class.
Los escolares reflexionarán sobre la siguiente pregunta:
– ¿Nuestros sentidos trabajan por separado o juntos?
Pregunte a los estudiantes qué sentidos utilizan cuando
están en clase. Deberían llegar a la conclusión de que
nuestros sentidos trabajan juntos. En los casos de hear y
see, asegúrese de que los escolares saben que los senti-
dos asociados son hearing y sight.

Extra resources
separate, together

2 My Five Senses 11


A pply
Extra resources

• Draw lines to match the parts of the body with the mystery box objects. Apply

• Prepare the objects for the senses mystery box! Language

feather, flowers, glasses,
Hearing (Hear)
sweet, triangle
– musical instruments: a harmonica, maracas, a triangle, a tambourine, a party
Sight (See)
– baby photos, glasses, binoculars, a magnifying glass, landscape photos. Draw lines to match the parts of the body with the
– perfume, flowers, air freshener, old socks, garlic.
mystery box objects.
– different types of sweet, sour and salty foods.
– kitchen foil, toys, clothes, sand, cotton wool, feathers, hard and soft sponges. Pupils draw lines matching the sense organs on the
• Put on the blindfold. Put your hand in the box and choose an object. Can you
guess what it is? Put it on the correct tray to match the object to the sense organ
it corresponds to.
left, to the objects in the column on the right based on
which sense is used most with each object.
T ime for me

• Follow the instructions to make a five senses mini-book to include in your

– Find some old newspapers or magazines.
– Look for pictures that represent the five senses. Ask an adult to cut them out
for you.
– Look for other objects to add to your book to represent the five senses. For
example, pasta, a photograph, wool…
– Bring the objects to class. Your teacher will show you how to make the book.

• Look at radar number 2 at the back of your portfolio. Colour the radar for you.

? Extra help
Routine 1: Opener. Refer to the routines section on the
following page. If doing this in small groups is too difficult for pupils, this
Routine 2: TPR. Refer to the routines section on the activity can also be done as a class. Choose an object
following page. from the box and ask pupils to say which sense tray it
should go on. Put the object on the tray of the sense
most mentioned.
Play ‘Whispers’. Everyone sits in a circle. One pupil Time for me
whispers the name of a sense to the pupil on their right.
One by one, pupils whisper the sense they hear to their Follow the instructions to make a five senses mini-book
neighbour on the right. The last pupil to hear the word to include in your portfolio.
says it out loud. Is it the same as the sense said by the Pupils find materials at home and bring the materials to
first pupil? Correct as necessary. class to complete the activity. To make their mini-book
they will fold a piece of A4 paper as indicated in the
Apply video that appears in the Suggested keywords below.
Help them to cut the paper as indicated in the video.
 repare the objects for the senses mystery box.
Once they have their own mini-book, pupils stick their
Together, pupils put the objects they have chosen into the materials in the book, using one page for each sense.
box. The list of objects on this page are only suggestions, Make sure they keep the last page blank so that they can
but make sure there are a variety of different types of glue it into their portfolio.
objects for each of the senses.
Mr. Chat’s Challenge: On the radar!
Language: feather, flowers, glasses, sweet, triangle L
 ook at radar number 2 at the back of your portfolio.
While choosing objects to put into the box, teach Colour the radar for you.
pupils the name of each object. Say the name of each
object a few times and have them repeat each one. All This self-assessment activity offers pupils the opportunity
of the objects in the list appear in the unit poster. to reflect on the four actions that appear beneath the
radars that are found at the end of their portfolios. The
instructions appear in the information for worksheet 5.
 ut on the blindfold. Put your hand in the box and
choose an object. Can you guess what it is? Put it on the
correct tray to match the object to the sense organ it Routine 3: Clean up! Say or play the clean-up chant.
corresponds to. The words can be found on page 19 of the Teacher’s
Pupils can work in small groups. One by one, they help
each other put on the blindfold. Once one blindfolded
pupil has chosen an object, they use their senses to
Suggested search engine keywords
guess which sense the object they chose relates to and
their partner puts it on the tray of that sense. Groups How to Make a Quick and Easy Mini-Book From One Piece
take turns until the mystery box is empty and all of the of Paper youtube
objects are on the trays. Look at the trays with pupils and
ask them to relocate objects they think should be on a
different tray. Should some objects be on more than one

qué sentido se relaciona el objeto y sus compañeros y
Draw lines to match the parts of the body with the compañeras lo colocarán en la bandeja de ese sentido.
mystery box objects. Los grupos hacen turnos hasta que la caja misteriosa se
vacíe y todos los objetos estén en las bandejas. Observe
Los estudiantes trazan líneas uniendo los órganos las bandejas con los alumnos y las alumnas, y pídales que
de los sentidos a la izquierda con los objetos en la coloquen de nuevo aquellos objetos que crean que de-
columna de la derecha, basándose en el sentido que berían estar en una bandeja diferente. ¿Algunos objetos
más se utiliza con cada objeto. deberían estar en más de una bandeja?
? Ayuda extra
Si hacer esto en grupos pequeños es demasiado difícil
Rutina 1: Introducción. Remitirse a la sección de rutinas para los estudiantes, la actividad también se puede de-
al final de la página. sarrollar en grupo. Elija un objeto de la caja y pida a los
Rutina 2: TPR. Remitirse a la sección de rutinas al final escolares que digan a qué bandeja de los sentidos de-
de la página. bería ir. Ponga el objeto en la bandeja del sentido más

Calentamiento Time for me

Juegue a ‘Whispers’. Todo el mundo se sienta en círculo.
 ollow the instructions to make a five senses mini-book
Un estudiante susurra el nombre de un sentido al estu-
to include in your portfolio.
diante de su derecha. Uno a uno, los escolares susurran el
sentido que han escuchado a su compañero o compañe- Los alumnos y las alumnas traen a clase materiales que
ra de la derecha. El último alumno o alumna que escucha han encontrado en casa para completar la actividad.
la palabra la dice en voz alta. ¿Es el mismo sentido que Para hacer el mini-book, doblarán una hoja de papel A4,
dijo el primer estudiante? Corrija si fuera necesario. tal y como se indica en el vídeo que aparece abajo en la
sección Suggested keywords. Ayúdeles a recortar el pa-
Apply pel tal y como se indica en el vídeo. Una vez que tengan
su propio mini-book, los estudiantes pegan sus materia-
 the objects for the senses mystery box. les en el libro, utilizando una página para cada sentido.
Los estudiantes todos juntos colocan los objetos que han Asegúrese de que mantienen la última página en blanco
elegido dentro de la caja. La lista de objetos que aparecen para que la puedan pegar en el portfolio.
en esta página son solo sugerencias, pero asegúrese de
que hay variedad de objetos para cada uno de los sentidos. Mr. Chat’s Challenge: On the radar!

 ook at radar number 2 at the back of your portfolio.
Lenguaje: feather, flowers, glasses, sweet, triangle Colour the radar for you.
Mientras eligen qué objetos colocar dentro de la caja,
Esta actividad de autoevaluación ofrece a los alumnos y
enseñe a los estudiantes el nombre de cada objeto.
las alumnas la posibilidad de reflexionar sobre las cuatro
Nombre cada objeto varias veces y haga que los alum-
acciones que aparecen en una lista debajo de los radares
nos y las alumnas repitan cada palabra. Todos los obje-
al final de sus portfolios. Las instrucciones aparecen en la
tos de la lista aparecen en el mural de la unidad.
información para la ficha 5.

 ut on the blindfold. Put your hand in the box and Rutina 3: ¡A recoger! Recite o cante la canción ¡A reco-
choose an object. Can you guess what it is? Put it on the ger! Encontrará la letra en la página 19 de la propuesta
correct tray to match the object to the sense organ it didáctica.
corresponds to.
Los estudiantes pueden trabajar en grupos pequeños.
Uno a uno se van ayudando a colocarse la venda. Cuan- Palabras clave sugeridas para el buscador
do uno de los alumnos con los ojos vendados haya ele- Make a Quick and Easy Mini-Book From One Piece of
gido un objeto, utilizará sus sentidos para adivinar con Paper youtube

Routines Language
1 Opener: Put pupils in pairs. Pupil A says the sentences Extra resources
presented in the previous Opener routine: I have got feather, flowers, glasses, sweet, triangle
(one mouth). With my (mouth), I can (taste). Pupil B then
repeats the sentence using our/we. We have got (one
mouth). With our (mouth), we can (taste). Pupils then
switch roles.
2 TPR: Pupil A completes the TPR activity from worksheet
10. Then, when Pupil B says their sentence, they point to
their partner and say you/your, and point to the sense
organ on their partner when they say the name of the
sense organ: With your ears, you can hear.

2 My Five Senses 12


E valuation

ears, eyes, hand, mouth, nose
hear, see, smell, taste, touch
• Look and say the names of the pictures on the flashcards.
• Match the sense organs to the senses.
Look at the picture of the park. Stick the sense organs
in the correct place.
• Look at the picture of the park. Stick the sense organs in the correct place.
• Look at battery number 2 at the back of your portfolio. Colour the battery for
Pupils observe what each person in the picture is
doing before deciding where to put the stickers of the

sense organs. Only one sense organ sticker should be

placed next to each person.

Don’t forget to r
the sticker on

This self-assessment activity is a continuation of the one

Routine 1: Opener. Repeat the activity proposed for that appears in the Time for Me section. This time, pupils
worksheet 11. are asked to reflect on three new actions.
Routine 2: TPR. Repeat the activity proposed for
worksheet 11. Investigator’s passport
Congratulate pupils on successfully completing the unit
and task by saying Well done! Tell them that they can
now add the unit 2 sticker to their passport.
Put folded pieces of papers with the names of the senses
or sense organs on them in a container. Each pupil
chooses a piece of paper. They go around the class acting
Routine 3: Clean up! Say or play the clean-up chant. The
out the word they chose to try to find their partner (the
words can be found on page 19 of the Teacher’s Guide.
pupil that has the sense or sense organ that goes with
the word they chose).

ears, eyes, hands, mouth, nose
hear, see, smell, taste, touch

 ook and say the names of the pictures on the flashcards.
Pupils stand in lines in groups of 10 or less. Show the
two pupils at the front of each line a flashcard from
the unit. The first to name the sense or sense organ
on the flashcard wins. Those players then go to the
back of the line and the game continues. You could also
incorporate flashcards from unit 1 here too. The team that
guesses the most flashcards, wins!

 atch the sense organs to the senses.
Stick all of the flashcards on the board. Ask volunteers to
go to the front of the class and draw a line to match one
sense to one sense organ.

Language Assistant

Ask pupils questions like: Can you hear with your ears?
(yes) Can you taste with your hands? (no) Pupils answer
yes or no for each question.

Mr. Chat’s Challenge: You’re in charge!

 ook at battery number 2 at the back of your portfolio.
Colour the battery for you.

¡Hola! Stickers
Investigator’s passport
Look at the at the picture of the park. Stick the sense Felicite a los alumnos y a las alumnas por completar con
organs in the correct place. éxito la unidad y las tareas diciendo Well done! Dígales
que ya pueden añadir la pegatina de la unidad 2 a su
Los estudiantes observan lo que cada persona está
haciendo en la fotografía antes de decidir dónde po-
ner las pegatinas de los órganos de los sentidos. Solo
una pegatina de un órgano de los sentidos debería Rutina 3: ¡A recoger! Recite o cante la canción ¡A reco-
colocarse al lado de cada persona. ger! Encontrará la letra en la página 19 de la propuesta

Rutina 1: Introducción. Repita la actividad que se pro-

pone para la ficha 11.
Rutina 2: TPR. Repita la actividad que se propone para
la ficha 11.

Coloque en un contenedor trozos doblados de papel con
los nombres de los sentidos y con los de los órganos de
los sentidos. Cada alumno elige un trozo de papel. Los
estudiantes van por la clase representando la palabra
que eligieron para intentar encontrar a su compañero o
compañera (el alumno o la alumna que tenga el sentido
o el órgano de los sentidos que va con la palabra que

ears, eyes, hands, mouth, nose
hear, see, smell, taste, touch

 ook and say the names of the pictures on the flashcards.
Los estudiantes se colocan en fila en grupos de 10 o
menos. Muestre a los dos estudiantes al frente de cada
fila una tarjeta de la unidad. El primero en nombrar el
sentido o el órgano de los sentidos en la tarjeta gana.
Entonces esos jugadores van al final de la fila y el juego
continúa. Aquí también podría incorporar tarjetas de la
unidad 1. El equipo que adivine más tarjetas es el que

 atch the sense organs to the senses.
Pegue todas las tarjetas en la pizarra. Pida voluntarios
para acercarse a la pizarra y trazar una línea que una un
sentido con un órgano de los sentidos.

Auxiliar de conversación
Haga a los alumnos y las alumnas preguntas tipo: Can
you hear with your ears? (yes) Can you taste with your
hands? (no) Los estudiantes responden yes o no a cada

Mr. Chat’s Challenge: You’re in charge!

 ook at battery number 2 at the back of your portfolio.
Colour the battery for you.
Esta actividad de autoevaluación es una continuidad de
la que aparece en la sección Time for Me. Esta vez se les
pide a los estudiantes que reflexionen sobre tres acciones


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