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Nombre y Apellidos _____________________________________________


1. Read the image and answer the following questions:

1. Mikel and Lucia were friends from school.

o True

o False

2. They work for a company that sells things.

o True

o False

3. The new offices are in a very good location.

o True

o False

4. There is a metro next to the offices.

o True

o False

5. Mikel has never seen snow before.

o True

o False

6. Mikel and Lucia had dinner together.

o True

o False

7. Mikel doesn't have Lucia's email address.

o True

o False
8. Lucia wants to send Mikel some documents.

o True

o False

2. En un parrafo describe tu rutina diaria en el trabajo (si estas trabajando en algo

relacionado a la Carrera que actualmente estudias) si estas solo estudiando imagina tu
rutina cuando obtengas un trabajo en tu Carrera, minimo 4 renglones usa vocabulario
relacionado a tu carrera.

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