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Carabela a remo y vela _________________________________________

Vehículo gigantesco (60ft x 20ft)
Capacidad: 20 Tripulantes + 10 Pasajeros.
Capacidad de carga: 80 tons AC 12
Velocidad: 5 millas por hora (120 millas por día) Hit points: 100 (-1 milla de velocidad por cada 20 hp
de daño)
20(+5) 7(-2) 17(+3) 0 0 0 ACCIONES

Moverse (vela): Se mueve a una velocidad de 45ft en

un turno. 15ft si está contra el viento y 60ft a favor
Inmunidad de daño: veneno y psíquico. del viento.
Moverse (remo): Se mueve a una velocidad de 15 ft
Casco a velocidad normal con todos los remos ocupados,
se puede mover el doble de su movimiento si se
AC 15 realiza una tirada exitosa de fuerza y una Dash
Hit points: 300 (Daño solo sobre 15) Action. Se necesitan 6 personas para capacidad
_________________________________________ máxima.

Timón Ballesta: Range Attack 300ft – 500ft max (+1) 7 (2d8

+1 dmg). Desventaja en distancias bajo 50ft.
AC 18
Hit points: 50 Catapulta: Ataque range Range Attack 200 – 400ft
Puede rotar 90º cada 5 millas. Si están rotas la nave (+1) (2d12+1)
no puede girar.

Lxs PC inician en donde terminaron, planeando su escape y motín desde el salón de remos, diremos que
han estado remando un buen rato.

Favria y Fun Li están arriba tomando y ganan desventaja en checks debido a esto. Si se les emborracha
aún más podrían ganar desventaja en ataques también.


En el momento en que lxs PC inician la partida Favria ha ordenado a para que suba al a ver cómo está el
clima para izar las velas.

- Comenta que la neblina está más cerca de la orilla sur esta vez, extrañamente cerca de la costa esta vez


El barco se dirigirá hacia Luskan al norte, sin mayores encuentros y con la posibilidad de descansar si lxs
PC quisieran llegar hasta ahí (se trata de solo 2 días de viaje, pero además tardarán un día extra para no
pasar por una tormenta que se divisa al comenzar el segundo día de viaje, se realizarán checks. En caso
de fallar, véase ¡Peligro en el mar!).

- ¡Peligro en el mar!

Un día luego de zarpar, durante la tarde una tormenta se armará de pronto en el mar, gatillando un
pequeño desafío de manejo del barco:

- Sacar velas,

Las velas deben ser bajadas y aseguradas, de no hacerse el mastín y ellas reciben 3d6 daño de fuerza y
2d8 daño contundente cada inicio de su turno.

- Proteger de las olas o efectos

Lair action: Las olas golpean el barco, DEXS DC 10 o prone, además hacen 1d8 daño contundente al
casco. Una ola enorme se sube al barco y quienes reciben su golpe deben hace una CONSDC 13 (incluso
la nave) o recibir 2d8 de daño Se recupera cada con un 6 en 1d6.

- Mantener lejos de la orilla

Lair action: Las olas mueven el barco 60ft hacia la costa, donde corre el riesgo de varar. Un giro del
timón puede arreglar, tomando atención de las reglas de movimiento.

- Rayos que causan daño: reparar daños.

Lair action: 1d4, en 1, un rayo cae en la nave, con menos de 90% suerte sobre una criatura. La nave y la
criatura (si ocurre)


A la llegada a Luskan se ve un paisaje que motivarlos la ambición de cualquier pirata, un sinfín de barcos
y banderas de agrupaciones (legales e ilegales) de encuentra estacionado,

-Relato de distintos barcos y grupos, piratas y qué no.

-Relato y evento en el puerto,

A) Dos piratas hacen bully a otros dos piratas desde su barco para entrar al puerto. La banda
pirata Bully, Los Patrones, son bastante mas grandes e intimidantes. La banda de piratas que está siendo
molestada consta solo de 4 miembros, La rosa del atardecer.

B) Evento de compraventa de esclavos.


Enfrentamiento con Favria y Fu Lin

El enfrentamiento entre Favria y Fun Li será complicado por la sinergia que se dan entre ambas, una
dándole ventaja a los ataques más fuertes y ágiles de la otra.

- Bladed Hand Crossbow
- Fire Scepter
- 20 piezas de platino en manos de Favria,
- Un bolso con distintos venenos con Fun Li


Mordan Veil

Esta en su alcoba (que está haciendo) - Arlos está preso.

En la mansión no hay NPCs mayores solo soldados y oficiales, cultistas y demases del Ashmadai.


¿Y Caltrix?

DC : 13 - Encuentran pistas que Caltrix fue dejando en su viaje al norte. Ha avanzado, pero previendo
que sus nuevos ‘tutores’ regresarían ha dejado ramas en el camino para que den cuenta de su paradero.
Restos de sus alimentaciones se pueden ver en el cerro que da luego al despeñadero y el mar.

Pasan por pradera la que finalmente llega a la costa en un risco, en la cosa se nota la neblina.
En la neblina se encuentran con qué se trata de que fue atraída por un Dragón Mist y se encuentra con
el hanging out.

El dragón Mist les hablará de algo de la historia de los dragones, de sus alineaciones y de que se puede
esperar de una dragona blanca si la siguen apoyando.

¿Por qué esta Caltrix ahí?

Thalagyrt was a very old male mist dragon living in a series of caverns north of Port Llast
He was always damp, but not bothered by that.
Thalagyrt was pedantic, fearless, grumpy, and often bored, though possibly a romantic at heart.
His hobby was collecting lore from the sentient races of the North, especially pertaining to
singular items of note.

He enjoyed watching sentient peoples and recording their deeds. He never seemed to forget
anything, though his recall could be slow. People could trade knowledge with him, though he
never gave out extensive information. Such a trade usually cost a large amount of gold, and he
often viewed it as a last resort.

He was very good at riddles and contests of wit, but found such things tiresome. Even though he
easily could, he would never maliciously deceive another person. He viewed all peoples with
humor and compassion, and plausibly understood their natures better than most of them did.

He was loyal and helpful to his friends, who could be of any race. He was known to have come
to the rescue of particularly close friends. He was hostile to those who intended to steal, destroy,
or kill. He was contemptuous of bullies and blackmailers, and could not be intimidated.[2]

He despised aggressive dragons and believed that dragons lost their previous
mastery over Faerûn because of their arrogance, ruthlessness, and selfishness. He avoided
fighting other dragons and ignored the concept of dragon territories.[2]

His favorite meal was buttered fried snails and Chultan jungle tree slugs (which could reach
8 feet (2.4 meters) or more in length). He considered any slug or turtle—including dragon turtles
—a delicacy. He often subsisted on mist and washed-up algae, those these did not excite him. He
enjoyed sweets and liquors gifted by visitors, but disliked being bribed with food, and such
attempts could backfire. He was rumored to have an amazing constitution and could consume
anything, even saltwater, poisons, or mist-dragon flesh. He ate large meals about twice a month.

He used his wealth to hire people to discover small pieces of information, often seemingly
insignificant, and preferably from eyewitness accounts. He used this information to fill in the
small gaps in his extensive knowledge of the Realms.

He was happy enough to provide mundane information to local peoples who could pay, but had
less patience for those seeking magical information, or information he had recently given out to
someone else

He never mated or consorted with another dragon to anyone's knowledge.

Thalagyrt could project three-dimensional scenes he recalled from his memory, which was very
extensive. He had many memories of peoples' intimate and private moments, such as their last
words before dying, as well as many memories from historically significant events.

He knew the identities of the Lords of Waterdeep, and which noble Waterdhavian families met
secretly with the Arcane Brotherhood or the Cult of the Dragon. He also knew the fate
of Gondegal, the Lost King of Cormyr. His knowledge was more accurate the older it was and
always stopped a year before the current date.
He knew almost all known human wizard spells of low and moderate levels, and a good number
of the very highest levels. His known spells included gemfire, mistclaw, and Muritho's

Thalagyrt laired in a cliffside network of cold, wet caverns on the coast that were protected by a
kind of ward-mist that was put in place by an unknown previous owner. He could control these
mists to hide himself and change the lighting and temperature of the affected caves, creating
effects equivalent to spells such as cloudkill, dancing lights, dispel magic, shadow
monsters, solid fog, telekinesis, wall of fog, wall of force, and wraithform (gaseous form). This
magical protection also provided resistance to mind-affecting magic, psionics, and
enchantment/charm magic, as well as some intermittent protection against sight-based

His cavernous lair contained long curving tunnels that he himself could barely fit through. Its
easternmost parts were a circle of natural caverns that contained his food, treasure, books, lore-
tablets from old realms, and stone markers from lands lost to the ocean. Some of these caves
were connected to a central sleeping-cavern large enough for several dragons, which contained a
glowing mound of mosses studded with phosphorescent mushrooms

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