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Institución Educativa Técnica Comercial e Industrial de Palmar de Varela

Licencia de Funcionamiento Mediante Resolución No. 2253 de 10 de diciembre de 1999 - Decreto de Fusión No. 000241 de 06 de julio de 2004
Reconocimiento de Carácter Oficial Mediante Resolución No. 07827 de 25 de noviembre 2009 - Nit: 890.105.087-1 *Registro DANE: 108520000041 - Dirección: Carrera 6 No. 2-39


Nombre del Docente Mg. Nombre del Estudiante: Fecha de inicio:
Fecha de Curso: Unidad Temática: EXPERIENCES AND
Entrega: 11º. EMOTIONS
Objetivo (s): Identificar puntos Competencia: Lingüística DBA: Identifica el Estrategia de comunicación:
centrales e información Pragmática propósito de textos Comunicación asincrónica, WhatsApp- correo electrónico-
específica en diferentes textos Sociolingüística orales y escritos de guías impresas.
escritos y orales sobre temas de mediana longitud Sincrónica: Conferencias Meet (Estudiantes con conectividad)
interés personal y académico. relacionados con temas El proceso para el desarrollo de la guía es el siguiente:
de interés general y de Los estudiantes recibirán asesorías en cada hora de clases, a
su entorno académico y través de la herramienta WhatsApp. En cada sesión se hará una
la comparte con otros. explicación del tema a tratar ayudándonos de audios, textos
escritos, videos. El estudiante irá desarrollando las actividades
propuestas y enviando evidencias de su trabajo al docente.
Durante las sesiones se aclararán las dudas de los estudiantes,
se mecanizarán los conceptos y se harán ejercicios todo esto
encaminado a que el educando comprenda cada una de las
temáticas propuestas. El estudiante enviará a su docente las
evidencias de su trabajo en el tiempo estipulado para tal efecto.
Recursos: Guías impresas de Aprendizaje- Banco de preguntas SABER INGLES 11, Tiempo de Duración: 4 semanas (1 mes)
plataformas digitales WhatsApp, Meet, Zoom, blog de clase, Google Classroom etc.

Herramientas Conceptuales: DESARROLLAR:

Present Perfect tense- Simple present- Present Continous- Past Tense- Past Continous- Second Conditional- Third Conditional- COMPETENCIAS SABER INGLES

Evaluación: ¿Cómo se va a realizar, ¿Dónde va a ser enviada? (correo del docente): –
Evaluación cualitativa y cuantitativa, acorde con los logros y desempeños de la asignatura.
Bibliografía: BANCO DE PEGUNTAS ICFES- Saber inglés-, Documentos British Council. Scholastic Learning Zone.

Institución Educativa Técnica Comercial e Industrial de Palmar de Varela
Licencia de Funcionamiento Mediante Resolución No. 2253 de 10 de diciembre de 1999 - Decreto de Fusión No. 000241 de 06 de julio de 2004
Reconocimiento de Carácter Oficial Mediante Resolución No. 07827 de 25 de noviembre 2009 - Nit: 890.105.087-1 *Registro DANE: 108520000041 - Dirección: Carrera 6 No. 2-39

Present Perfect Tense is used to express an event

that started in the past and the impact of the event
is now continuing (or a long-running event that
started in the past and is still going on). This tense
is used to express actions completed recent past. In
this tense, it is important whether the event occured
or not. ( or the result of the event is important, not
the time of the event )
The Present Perfect Tense is formed by putting “to
have ( have or has )” before the past participle of
the verb.
POSITIVE FORM (+) : Subject ( I, YOU, WE, YOU,
THEY ) + HAVE + V3 ( third form of main verb –
past participle )
Subject ( HE, SHE, IT ) + HAS + V3 ( third form of
main verb – past participle )
NEGATIVE FORM (-) : Subject ( I, YOU, WE, YOU,
THEY ) + HAVE + NOT + V3 ( third form of main
verb – past participle ) QUESTION FORM (?) : HAVE + Subject ( I, YOU, WE, YOU, THEY ) + V3 ( third form of main verb – past participle )
Subject HAS + Subject ( HE, SHE, IT ) + V3 ( third form of main verb – past participle )
2 ( HE, SHE, IT ) + HAS + NOT + V3 ( third
form of main verb – past participle )
Institución Educativa Técnica Comercial e Industrial de Palmar de Varela
Licencia de Funcionamiento Mediante Resolución No. 2253 de 10 de diciembre de 1999 - Decreto de Fusión No. 000241 de 06 de julio de 2004
Reconocimiento de Carácter Oficial Mediante Resolución No. 07827 de 25 de noviembre 2009 - Nit: 890.105.087-1 *Registro DANE: 108520000041 - Dirección: Carrera 6 No. 2-39


¿Cuál palabra (A-H)

concuerda con la descripción
¿Dónde puede ver estos avisos? En las preguntas del 1-4 marque A, B ó C en la hoja de respuesta.
de cada frase de la izquierda
1. Basketball game this evening at 7
1. This part of the day goes
A. at a playground
B. on a street
from twelve to six p.m ( )
C. in a school
Responda las preguntas 6 a 10 de acuerdo con el ejemplo. Lea las descripciones de 2. You wear it to know what
2. Please, do not give food to the animals, Thanks
la columna de la izquierda (6-10) y las palabras de la columna de la derecha (A - H). time it is. ( )
¿Cuál palabra (A – H) concuerda con la descripción de cada frase de la izquierda (1- 3. This is when we wake up
A. In a garden
B. In a zoo 5)? En las preguntas 6-10, marque la letra correcta A – H en su hoja de respuestas and have breakfast. ( )
C. On a beach 6. When you open it, you find something to drink inside A. Banana 4. It starts after a work day
3. White chocolate balls and stops before going to bed.
A. On a milk box 7. This big fruit is yellow and brown inside, and orange outside B Coconut 5. We all know it is the day
B. On a candy box 8. It is red inside with small black things you don’t eat C. Grape before today. ( )
C. On a cake box 6. Its first day is Sunday and the
4. Clean the board in the afternoons 9. Some people eat vegetable salads with its juice D. Lime last one is Saturday. ( )
A. In a classroom 10. It is very small and can be purple or green E. Mango
B. In a hall A. afternoon B. morning.
C. In a bookshop F. Pear C.evening D. Dock. E.Birthday.
5. Today, take beautiful oranges, grapes and G. Pineapple F. Week. G. Yesterday.
coconuts for $3 H.Watch
A. In a sport store H. Watermelon
B. In a flower store
C. In a food store 1. Consulta sobre otros ejemplos de este tipo de preguntas “Donde puedes ver estos AVISOS”.
Selecciona 20 items, resuelve y anexa tu trabajo a esta guía. Envía tu trabajo. Realice su
ACTIVITY. Write descriptions for this words: glosario de palabras o vocabulario.
VILLAGE- SKY-LAKE-HILL-ISLAND-FOREST-FARM- BEACH 2. Consulta sobre otros ejemplos de este tipo de preguntas “Descripción y palabra”. Selecciona
20 ítems, resuelve y anexa tu trabajo a esta guía. Envía tu trabajo. Realice su glosario de
Write vocabulary about 10 places and objects you can find in those palabras o vocabulario.
places. 3. Siga el sgte link (si cuenta con conectividad) y realice esta Prueba Saber o solicite su pdf a su profesor.
Institución Educativa Técnica Comercial e Industrial de Palmar de Varela
Licencia de Funcionamiento Mediante Resolución No. 2253 de 10 de diciembre de 1999 - Decreto de Fusión No. 000241 de 06 de julio de 2004
Reconocimiento de Carácter Oficial Mediante Resolución No. 07827 de 25 de noviembre 2009 - Nit: 890.105.087-1 *Registro DANE: 108520000041 - Dirección: Carrera 6 No. 2-39


WRITING ACTIVITY. Write about yourself: where you are from, what you do every day and on weekends…) , what you like,
your hobbies, and write about a typical day in your life. Use the simple present tense. (100 words)

Select several pictures from a magazine, or book. Describe several pictures using present continuous tense to describe what
each person is doing. (5 pictures)

Writing a message: Imagine you are writing a message while you are sitting on the balcony of a hotel room, on the beach or
outside a café. Describe what is happening at the moment you are writing (e.g. “The sun is shining” or “The children are
playing beach volleyball”) (50- 80 words)

(Anexe desarrollo de este punto a esta guía)

Institución Educativa Técnica Comercial e Industrial de Palmar de Varela
Licencia de Funcionamiento Mediante Resolución No. 2253 de 10 de diciembre de 1999 - Decreto de Fusión No. 000241 de 06 de julio de 2004
Reconocimiento de Carácter Oficial Mediante Resolución No. 07827 de 25 de noviembre 2009 - Nit: 890.105.087-1 *Registro DANE: 108520000041 - Dirección: Carrera 6 No. 2-39
ACTIVITY. READ THE TEXT “My Artistic Adventure”AND WRITE A TEXT- Subraya las formas verbales en pasado simple y continuo.
Escribe un texto similar comentando sobre una aventura personal, o anécdota (50-80 palaras) Incluya verbos en pasado y los
conectores when –while.

ANSWER QUESTIONS. Where was the painter from? What was he was mostly excited by ? How often did she
watch the show? Why couldn’t she get oil paints? Was stopping painting her own decision?

Institución Educativa Técnica Comercial e Industrial de Palmar de Varela
Licencia de Funcionamiento Mediante Resolución No. 2253 de 10 de diciembre de 1999 - Decreto de Fusión No. 000241 de 06 de julio de 2004
Reconocimiento de Carácter Oficial Mediante Resolución No. 07827 de 25 de noviembre 2009 - Nit: 890.105.087-1 *Registro DANE: 108520000041 - Dirección: Carrera 6 No. 2-39

WRITING ACTIVITY: Winning the Lottery. Just imagine that one day do win the lottery and win $100.000 millions.
What would you do if you won the lottery? Think about: Write a paragraph. (you can change the situation)
What would you do with the money.
What you would buy for you/ family/ friends.
Who you would give some to.
How your life would change. (Anexe a la guía desarrollo de este punto)
Institución Educativa Técnica Comercial e Industrial de Palmar de Varela
Licencia de Funcionamiento Mediante Resolución No. 2253 de 10 de diciembre de 1999 - Decreto de Fusión No. 000241 de 06 de julio de 2004
Reconocimiento de Carácter Oficial Mediante Resolución No. 07827 de 25 de noviembre 2009 - Nit: 890.105.087-1 *Registro DANE: 108520000041 - Dirección: Carrera 6 No. 2-39


1. If I had come to the party, I ___________________________________

2. If I had had a tot of homework las night, I_________________________
3. If I had learned English as a child, I ______________________________
4. If I had known it was going to rain, I _____________________________
5. If I had brought my bathing suit, I _______________________________

Institución Educativa Técnica Comercial e Industrial de Palmar de Varela
Licencia de Funcionamiento Mediante Resolución No. 2253 de 10 de diciembre de 1999 - Decreto de Fusión No. 000241 de 06 de julio de 2004
Reconocimiento de Carácter Oficial Mediante Resolución No. 07827 de 25 de noviembre 2009 - Nit: 890.105.087-1 *Registro DANE: 108520000041 - Dirección: Carrera 6 No. 2-39

Life in Aroan Times

We know a lot about how Aroans lived from ruins of house which have been found. Archeologists are people who put together history from this kind of ruins. Most Aroans were farmers,
who lived in houses near the Chinampas parts of ground next to lakes. They fished for food and grew all kinds of vegetables on their farms. Also, they cooked on a plate on three rocks
over a fire. Other people had very little; they made their own clothes and slept on the bard floor. The Aroans were very religious and believed they could talk to their gods. They thought
that their gods made the sun come up, rain fall, and fire burn.
The Aroans believed that they lived in the fifth of five ―suns‖. One day this time would end, but they thought that if they kept loving and giving live animals as food to their gods, the
end of their time would never come. They had lots of ceremonies to please their gods. Special religious people, who wore black clothes and never cut their hair, started the ceremonies,
and the oldest member of the group closed them.

1 Aroans believed their gods 4.Aroans lived THE MONARCH BUTTERFLY

A. loved them a lot. A. in Chinampas This amazing butterfly is easily seen by its orange and black colors. Unfortunately, one of the last areas of the
monarch butterfly may soon be gone. The place is in Pacific Grove, California. That town calls itself Butterfly U.S.A.
B. were in the sun. B. close to Chinampas
In this town, there is a woman who has a wild garden where the butterflies like to live. She wants to sell it to a
C. listened to them C. far from Chinampas
building company that is interested in building homes, but the city doesn't want her to do this, because the
butterflies will not have a home. Instead, people from the town would like to make it a place just for butterflies, but
they cannot do this because they don't have money to pay for it.
2. The majority of Aroans 5. Aroans farmers
normally Millions of butterflies have followed the same paths for thousands of years. They start their trip in Mexico and
A. got food from their farms return to California to leave their eggs in the trees. They go to Pacific Grove to find the right temperature and stay
A. slept on beds. warm.
B. had few things to live
B. ate hot food. The monarch butterfly is the symbol of Pacific Grove. Many people come to the city each year to see them. The
C. bought their clothes
C. swam on lake money these visitors bring is very important for the town. Some people say that more butterflies used to come; not
as many come now, so they think all of the new buildings will make the monarch butterflies disappear from this
3. Aroans gave animals to 1. For the monarch 3. The number of butterflies in
2. What have the butterflies been
their gods butterfly, Pacific the city is now
6. Special religious people doing
A. for rain to fall Grove is A. less than before.
A. ended the ceremonies for a long time?
B. for a longer life A. one of its homes. B. the same as before.
B. had long hair A. making the same journey
C. for communication B. its only home. C. larger than before.
C. wore bright colors B. leaving California
C. a woman's home. C. visiting the city center

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