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Universidad Autónoma de Coahuila

Facultad de Medicina U.T

Estudio autodirigido

Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy

Arely Margarita Salazar López

8vo semestre “D”

Pablo Ruiz Flores

26 / Mayo / 2023
Torreón, Coahuila
La distrofia muscular de Duchenne es una enfermedad grave, progresiva y de desgaste
muscular. Los primeros síntomas son dificultades para subir escaleras, los niños se tambalean
y caídas frecuentes; los pacientes presentan estos síntomas alrededor de los 2 o 3 años de
edad. La mayoría se vuelven dependientes de la silla de ruedas entre los 10 y 12 años y
necesitan ventilación asistida alrededor de los 20 años.
Esta causada por mutaciones en la DMD (codifica la distrofina) que miden la producción de la
isócrona muscular de la distrofina (Dp427m). Las mutaciones en la DMD también pueden
causar distrofia de Becjer. En la DMD, las mutaciones de cambio de marco (eliminaciones o
duplicaciones que implican una cantidad de nucleótidos no divisible por tres) o las mutaciones
sin sentido (una mutación puntual en la que el código de un codón para un aminoácido se
cambia a un codón de parada) provocan el truncamiento prematuro de la traducción de la
proteína, lo que lleva a una distrofina no funcional e inestable.
Las distrofinopatías son trastornos recesivos ligados al cromosoma X que afectan a 1 de cada
5000 a 1 de cada 6000 nacidos vivos de sexo masculino. En mujeres es muy rara (<1 por
millón) y se limita a informes de casos de individuos con síndrome de Turner
Aproximadamente el 60-70% de las mutaciones en pacientes con DMD son deleciones, el
5-15% son duplicaciones y el 20% son mutaciones puntuales, pequeñas deleciones o
inserciones. Las deleciones y duplicaciones se agrupan en regiones de puntos críticos en DMD,
que se encuentran en los exones 45–55 y 3–9; aproximadamente el 47 % y el 7 % de los
pacientes con DMD tienen mutaciones en estos puntos críticos, respectivamente.Se han
informado algunos casos de translocaciones que involucran DMD; estas translocaciones
causarán DMD tanto en hombres como en mujeres, la última debido a la inactivación X no
aleatoria del cromosoma X no afectado. En estos casos, las células con inactivación del
cromosoma X mutado (células que en teoría podrían producir distrofina) no son viables por el
efecto de inactivación de la translocación cromosómica sobre el autosoma. Solo serán viables
las células en las que el cromosoma X no afectado esté inactivo. Sin embargo, estos no
producirán distrofina debido a la translocación cromosómica que afecta a la DMD . Por lo tanto,
las mujeres con estas translocaciones no pueden producir distrofina.
DMD y distrofina
Es principalmente una enfermedad de degeneración muscular y necrosis. DMD codifica la
distrofina específica del músculo (Dp427m) además de otras dos isoformas de longitud
completa de los promotores Dp427c y Dp427p; estas isoformas se expresan en neuronas
corticales y células de Purkinje cerebelosas, respectivamente. En el músculo estriado, la
distrofina interactúa con el sarcolema, el citoesqueleto (microfilamentos de actina, filamentos
intermedios, microtúbulos y otras proteínas estructurales relacionadas), proteínas de canal y
proteínas de señalización o andamiaje, ya sea directa o indirectamente. Colectivamente, la
distrofina y sus socios de unión forman el complejo proteico asociado a la distrofina (DAPC). La
deficiencia de distrofina da como resultado el desmontaje de la DAPC y la pérdida de la
interacción entre la actina F y la matriz extracelular. Como el DAPC tiene importantes funciones
mecánicas y de señalización para mantener la integridad estructural de las células musculares
y la actividad contráctil, el desmontaje de DAPC conduce a una amplia gama de consecuencias
en la función de las células musculares.
Debilitamiento del sarcolema
En DMD, el desmontaje de DAPC debilita el sarcolema, que se vuelve altamente susceptible al
daño por contracción. Se han detectado desgarros del sarcolema (las llamadas lesiones 'delta')
mediante microscopía electrónica en el músculo de pacientes con DMD. Además, la ruptura del
sarcolema se puede detectar mediante la filtración pasiva de proteínas o colorantes circulantes,
como albúmina, IgG y azul de Evans, y la filtración de enzimas musculares, como la creatina
quinasa (CK) del músculo a la sangre.
Daño de radicales libres
Los músculos de pacientes con DMD producen significativamente más radicales libres que el
músculo normal. Además, las células inflamatorias infiltrantes y las mitocondrias disfuncionales
producen más radicales libres en el músculo DMD. Colectivamente, esta producción de
radicales libres conduce a un aumento de los marcadores de oxidación de proteínas, lípidos y
ADN en el músculo con DMD, lo que indica daño oxidativo continuo y recurrente. El músculo
distrófico también es más vulnerable que el músculo sano al estrés oxidativo. El glutatión
reducido es uno de los antioxidantes más abundantes e importantes que protege el músculo
contra la lesión oxidativa dañina; sin embargo, los niveles de glutatión disminuyen
significativamente en el músculo distrófico y, por lo tanto, la capacidad para hacer frente al
estrés oxidativo se reduce en gran medida en el músculo con DMD.
Sobrecarga de calcio citosólico
La concentración de calcio citosólico en reposo en el músculo de modelos de DMD y en
modelos de células derivadas de pacientes es mayor que la del músculo sano. La disfunción
mitocondrial inducida por la sobrecarga de calcio da como resultado defectos metabólicos y la
sobrecarga de calcio también contribuye directamente a la muerte muscular al desencadenar
vías degradativas como la calpaína proteasa y la fosfolipasa A2 dependientes del calcio y la
necrosis dependiente de las mitocondrias.
Fallo de regeneración
La falta de regeneración subyace en el desgaste muscular, la fibrosis y el reemplazo de grasa
en la DMD.
Consecuencias del daño muscular
Las células musculares degeneradas y dañadas se detectan y eliminan mediante la infiltración
de células inflamatorias. En pacientes jóvenes con DMD (2-8 años), estos infiltrados consisten
principalmente en macrófagos y células T. En la fase temprana de la inflamación, los
macrófagos M1 proinflamatorios promueven la lisis de las células musculares a través de la
producción de NOS inducible. En fases posteriores, los macrófagos M1 son sustituidos por
macrófagos M2 antiinflamatorios, que favorecen la regeneración y la fibrosis. Los linfocitos T
auxiliares CD4 + ayudan a otras células inmunitarias mediante la producción de citoquinas
inflamatorias y los linfocitos T citotóxicos CD8 + desencadenan la muerte de las células
musculares a través de un mecanismo mediado por perforina. Los neutrófilos, los mastocitos y
los eosinófilos también contribuyen a la inflamación y la patología inmunomediada en el
músculo distrófico.
Miocardiopatía y manifestaciones cognitivas
La miocardiopatía es una manifestación tardía de la DMD. Como se mencionó anteriormente,
las mutaciones que impiden la producción de distrofina muscular también impiden la producción
de otras dos isoformas cerebrales de distrofina de longitud completa y, dependiendo de la
ubicación de la mutación, una o más más cortas. Por lo tanto, no sorprende que muchos
pacientes con DMD tengan déficits cognitivos. De hecho, un tercio de los pacientes con DMD
tienen deterioro cognitivo y también son comunes las dificultades de aprendizaje y los
problemas de conducta. En el cerebro, la distrofina se expresa en las neuronas inhibidoras
GABAérgicas postsinápticas en la amígdala, el hipocampo y las células de Purkinje del
Diagnóstico, tamizaje y prevención
Debe sospecharse DMD en varones jóvenes (de 2 a 4 años de edad) que presenten hitos
motores retrasados, debilidad muscular, pantorrillas hipertróficas y el signo de Gowers en el
cual el niño tiene que usar sus manos para escalar sobre sus muslos para impulsar su cuerpo
hasta ponerse en posición erecta (de pie). Como se mencionó anteriormente, el 30 % de los
pacientes con DMD tienen deterioro cognitivo en el momento de la presentación y el retraso del
habla es común; por lo tanto, estos hallazgos también deben hacer sospechar DMD.
La CK plasmática debe medirse en niños con síntomas de DMD ya que los niveles de CK
generalmente aumentan sustancialmente en pacientes con DMD desde el nacimiento, con
niveles de >20,000 U / L no son infrecuentes. En particular, los niveles plasmáticos de aspartato
transaminasa (AST) y alanina transaminasa (ALT) también aumentan en pacientes con DMD
debido al daño muscular continuo y la alta expresión de estas enzimas en el músculo
esquelético, es crucial identificar la mutación DMD en esos individuos para confirmar el
diagnóstico. Inicialmente, se debe usar la amplificación de sonda dependiente de la ligadura
multiplex (MLPA) o la hibridación genómica comparativa (CGH) para identificar las variantes
causantes de la DMD; sin embargo, si no se identifica una variante causal (que ocurre en ~25%
de los pacientes), se debe usar un análisis de mutaciones pequeñas. Los niños sin una variante
causante identificada después del análisis de mutaciones pequeñas deben derivarse para una
biopsia muscular y análisis de proteínas o ARNm.
Tamizaje y detección prenatal
La medición de los niveles de CK en plasma a partir de gotas de sangre seca es factible y se
puede utilizar para el cribado neonatal de DMD.
La adopción en la atención prenatal de rutina del cribado prenatal no invasivo basado en el
análisis de ADN libre de células en el suero materno plantea nuevos desafíos. Esta técnica
detecta aneuploidías fetales, típicamente trisomía 21, 13 y 18, pero también revela variaciones
en el número de copias maternas (CNV), cuyas implicaciones deben evaluarse
A pesar de los importantes avances terapéuticos de los últimos 30 años, no existe una cura
para la DMD. Sin embargo, un enfoque médico, quirúrgico y de rehabilitación multidisciplinario
dirigido a los síntomas de la DMD puede alterar el curso natural de la enfermedad, mejorando
la calidad de vida y la longevidad.
Cuidado respiratorio
Las pautas para el cuidado respiratorio incluyen la evaluación de la función respiratoria
anualmente desde el diagnóstico y cada 6 meses después de la pérdida de la deambulación.
Además, las guías también incluyen el uso de ventilación asistida mecánicamente y la provisión
de soporte respiratorio a través de ventilación mecánica en aquellos con hipoventilación.
Cuidado cardiaco
La afectación cardíaca en la DMD se caracteriza por el desarrollo de una miocardiopatía
dilatada progresiva, que resulta en insuficiencia cardíaca congestiva, insuficiencia cardíaca,
anomalías de la conducción, arritmia ventricular o supraventricular y riesgo de muerte súbita
temprana. El manejo de las manifestaciones cardíacas de la DMD incluye la detección
temprana de los síntomas de insuficiencia y arritmias a través de la evaluación en el momento
del diagnóstico y cada año posterior. Esta evaluación debe incluir exploración física,
electrocardiografía, ecocardiografía o, cuando sea posible, resonancia magnética cardiaca..
Tras el inicio de los síntomas cardíacos, la frecuencia de exploración debe aumentar a criterio
del cardiólogo. Los síntomas de insuficiencia cardíaca y arritmias se tratan con inhibidores de la
enzima convertidora de angiotensina (ECA) y betabloqueantes. Se recomienda el inicio precoz
de IECA como tratamiento cardioprotector en pacientes próximos a los 10 años.
Manejo ortopédico
La DMD se caracteriza por el desarrollo de contracturas musculares en las extremidades (un
acortamiento de los músculos que conduce a la deformidad) y escoliosis. La indicación de
intervenciones ortopédicas y procedimientos quirúrgicos debe ser evaluada y planificada con
los miembros del equipo multidisciplinario, en el que participan fisioterapeutas, terapeutas
ocupacionales y ortesistas.
El manejo ortopédico en pacientes que deambulan se enfoca en la prevención de
contracciones de los tendones de Aquiles, flexores de rodilla y cadera y bandas iliotibiales con
fisioterapia y el uso de ortesis para preservar la estabilidad y la capacidad ambulatoria. En
pacientes que no deambulan, se debe prestar más atención a una postura adecuada para
sentarse para mejorar la comodidad y prevenir (empeoramiento de) la escoliosis y las
contracturas en las extremidades inferiores y en la prevención de contracturas en las
extremidades superiores y las manos, que podrían afectar la actividades motoras.
El tratamiento con glucocorticosteroides ha reducido la ocurrencia de escoliosis severa que
requiere cirugía en adolescentes con DMD. Por lo general, se recomienda una radiografía de
columna inicial para detectar fracturas vertebrales en todos los pacientes, con evaluaciones de
seguimiento anuales cuando el paciente deja de ser ambulatorio. Si se encuentra una fractura
vertebral por compresión, se puede considerar el tratamiento con bisfosfonatos intravenosos.
Los riesgos perioperatorios de la fusión espinal posterior deben limitarse mediante la
participación de un equipo multidisciplinario con experiencia en trastornos neuromusculares y
anestesiólogos informados sobre los riesgos específicos relacionados con esta población,
como la rabdomiólisis aguda, la crisis suprarrenal debido al tratamiento crónico con
glucocorticoides y el aumento de los riesgos de complicaciones cardiorrespiratorias.
Manejo endocrinológico
El manejo endocrinológico debe abordar el deterioro del crecimiento, la salud ósea, el
metabolismo de la glucosa y las grasas y el retraso de la pubertad, todos los cuales están
comprometidos en pacientes con DMD y se ven afectados aún más por los
glucocorticosteroides. El hipogonadismo y el tratamiento de la pubertad retrasada deben
ajustarse al estándar de atención para aquellos con retraso puberal patológico en la población
adolescente. Desde el diagnóstico se debe proporcionar un consejo dietético centrado en
hábitos alimentarios saludables, reducción de grasas y azúcares refinados, y una ingesta
adecuada de calcio y vitamina D para minimizar el riesgo de sobrepeso.
Manejo gastrointestinal
Los síntomas de afectación del músculo liso visceral, como retraso en el vaciado gástrico y
paresia intestinal, se vuelven más evidentes en adultos con DMD. Además, el estreñimiento y
la enfermedad por reflujo gastroesofágico (ERGE) son complicaciones muy frecuentes y
frecuentes de la DMD, respectivamente. Las medidas preventivas y las intervenciones
farmacológicas deben abordar estos síntomas gastrointestinales. El tratamiento diario con
laxantes osmóticos o lactulosa puede ser necesario para pacientes con DMD y estreñimiento, y
los enemas retrógrados pueden ser útiles en aquellos con impactación fecal. El tratamiento de
la ERGE consiste en la supresión del ácido gástrico con antagonistas de los receptores de
histamina 2 (como ranitidina) o inhibidores de la bomba de protones (como lansoprazol u
omeprazol). La debilidad orofaríngea y la dismotilidad esofágica pueden poner en peligro la
ingesta adecuada y segura de alimentos y provocar desnutrición, lo que debe conducir al uso
de una sonda de gastrostomía endoscópica percutánea para optimizar el estado nutricional y
limitar el riesgo de aspiración.
Manejo urológico
Los hombres con DMD pueden desarrollar signos y síntomas de disfunción de la vejiga y del
tracto urinario, como vejiga de pequeña capacidad, vejiga hiperrefléxica y disinergia del esfínter
detrusor (alteración de la coordinación muscular), lo que resulta en urgencia urinaria, retención
y falta de flujo. Estos síntomas requieren manejo urológico y pueden paliarse con un abordaje
farmacológico como la oxibutinina, que puede disminuir los síntomas del tracto urinario y puede
mejorar la calidad de vida.
Neurodesarrollo y manejó neuropsicológico
Los pacientes con DMD tienen una mayor incidencia de deterioro cognitivo, trastorno por déficit
de atención/hiperactividad, trastorno del espectro autista, ansiedad y trastorno
obsesivo-compulsivo en comparación con la población general. Es posible que se requiera
apoyo educativo y será impulsado por los resultados de las pruebas neuropsicológicas, que se
realizan cada vez más como parte de la atención de rutina.
Calidad de vida
La DMD es un trastorno progresivo, incapacitante y limitante de la vida que afectará la vida de
los pacientes y sus familias. Algunos estudios de calidad de vida en pacientes con DMD
informaron una calidad de vida reducida, mientras que otros no encontraron diferencias en
comparación con individuos sanos; estas diferencias se relacionan con los instrumentos
utilizados para evaluar la calidad de vida y el hecho de que la calidad de vida relacionada con
la salud y la calidad de vida se usan indistintamente.
En general, se asume que la capacidad física reducida y una mayor gravedad de la
enfermedad son los principales factores que determinan el deterioro de la calidad de vida en
individuos con un trastorno neuromuscular y esta asociación ha sido confirmada en algunos
estudios que han encontrado una reducción de la calidad de vida relacionada con la salud en
pacientes con DMD en comparación con lo publicado.

Análisis crítico
El artículo está muy completo ya que comienza describiendo las generalidades del síndrome, la
incidencia, nos describe todos los mecanismos y alteraciones genéticas a por el cual se puede
desarrollar este síndrome. También nos menciona un poco de la variante distrofia muscular de
Becker que en comparación con la de Duchenne esta variante se presenta en hombres adultos,
tiene una progresión más lenta y permite al paciente una calidad de vida con todas las
posibilidades que le permitiría a una persona sana al menos por un tiempo y en la de Duchenne
la mayoría de los pacientes tienen una menor calidad de vida y además del negativo pronóstico
que todos los pacientes.
Se nos describe su diagnóstico tanto clínico que nosotros como médicos generales las pruebas
que podemos realizarle. Para poder sospecharlo por diferentes síntomas que presente el niño
como lo es varones jóvenes (de 2 a 4 años de edad) que presenten hitos motores retrasados,
debilidad muscular, pantorrillas hipertróficas y el signo de Gowers. Así como el diagnóstico
molecular y la importancia de las secciones génicas que afecta.
En si no existe un tratamiento curativo pero el uso de esteroides puede alargar la esperanza de
vida sin embargo su uso provoca inmunodeficiencias. También nos hace mención de las
distintas complicaciones por los diferentes aparatos y sistemas que puede ocasionar y cómo
tratarlas para que el paciente tenga una mejor calidad de vida.
Por último el artículo concluye las nuevas áreas de las cuales podrían surgir tratamientos
adecuados o mejor adaptados a la enfermedad, tales como la terapia celular, supresores de
transcripción génica, uso de oligonucleótidos y nuevos fármacos que tiene una actividad similar
a la distrofina.
Es muy importante conocer esta enfermedad ya que el tratamiento es multidisciplinario y muy
difícil, es probable que en el futuro se utilice una combinación de enfoques para restaurar la
distrofina y mantener la calidad muscular y para ralentizar la progresión de la enfermedad tanto
como sea posible y al conocer todo el panorama podemos ofrecerle una menor calidad de vida
al paciente.

Referencia bibliográfica

Duan, D., Goemans, N., Takeda, S., Mercuri, E., & Aartsma-Rus, A. (2021). Duchenne muscular
dystrophy. Nature Reviews Disease Primers, 7(1).
Duchenne muscular dystrophy
Dongsheng Duan 1, Nathalie Goemans2, Shin’ichi Takeda 3
, Eugenio Mercuri4,5
and Annemieke Aartsma-Rus 6 ✉
Abstract | Duchenne muscular dystrophy is a severe, progressive, muscle-wasting disease
that leads to difficulties with movement and, eventually, to the need for assisted ventilation
and premature death. The disease is caused by mutations in DMD (encoding dystrophin)
that abolish the production of dystrophin in muscle. Muscles without dystrophin are more
sensitive to damage, resulting in progressive loss of muscle tissue and function, in addition to
cardiomyopathy. Recent studies have greatly deepened our understanding of the primary and
secondary pathogenetic mechanisms. Guidelines for the multidisciplinary care for Duchenne
muscular dystrophy that address obtaining a genetic diagnosis and managing the various
aspects of the disease have been established. In addition, a number of therapies that aim
to restore the missing dystrophin protein or address secondary pathology have received
regulatory approval and many others are in clinical development.

Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) is a severe, pro- and extracellular matrix binding domains and are
gressive, muscle-wasting disease. The earliest symp- therefore partially functional (Fig. 1).
toms are difficulties with climbing stairs, a waddling This Primer provides a comprehensive introduction
gate and frequent falls; patients present with these to DMD, starting with epidemiology, inheritance pattern
Department of Molecular symptoms around 2–3 years of age1. Most patients and pathophysiology. Also discussed are the standards
Microbiology and become wheelchair dependent around 10–12 years of of care for the diagnosis and multidisciplinary manage-
Immunology and Department age and need assisted ventilation at around 20 years ment of patients with DMD to enhance their quality of
of Neurology, School of
of age1. With optimal care, most patients with DMD life (QOL) as much as possible. In addition, the thera-
Medicine; Department
of Biomedical Sciences, die between 20 and 40 years of age from cardiac and/or peutic approaches that have been approved and others
College of Veterinary respiratory failure1. in clinical development are reviewed.
Medicine; Department of DMD is caused by mutations in DMD (encoding
Biomedical, Biological & dystrophin) that prevent the production of the muscle Epidemiology
Chemical Engineering, College
of Engineering, University of
isoform of dystrophin (Dp427m)2. Mutations in DMD Dystrophinopathies are X-linked recessive disorders
Missouri, Columbia, MO, USA. can also cause Becker muscular dystrophy (BMD)2, affecting 1 in 5,000 to 1 in 6,000 live male births5–7. The
Department of Child which is a milder disease with a later onset and a slower prevalence of DMD is less than 10 cases per 100,000 males
Neurology, University progression than DMD1. The different spectra of the and seems to be the same between regions6–8. By con-
Hospitals Leuven, diseases can be explained by the ‘reading frame rule’3. trast, the prevalence of BMD is less than 8 cases per
Leuven, Belgium.
In muscle, dystrophin links cytoskeletal F-actin with the 100,000 live male births7. Whether the prevalence of
National Center of extracellular matrix via its N-terminal and C-terminal DMD has changed over time is not known owing to a

Neurology and Psychiatry,

Tokyo, Japan.
domains. In DMD, frameshifting mutations (deletions lack of data.
or duplications that involve a number of nucleotides not With optimal care, patients with DMD can survive
Centro Clinico Nemo,
Policlinico Gemelli,
divisible by three) or nonsense mutations (a point muta- to live in their forties, mainly owing to the development
Rome, Italy. tion where the code for a codon for an amino acid is of guidelines for care and management and to improved
Peadiatric Neurology, changed into a stop codon) cause premature truncation treatment for cardiopulmonary dysfunction6. The sur-
Catholic University, of protein translation, leading to non-functional and vival of patients with DMD has improved over time;
Rome, Italy. unstable dystrophin. Nonsense-mediated decay does not indeed, a study in France found that the median life
Department of Human seem to affect these dystrophin transcripts but epigenetic expectancy was 25.77 years for those born before 1970
Genetics, Leiden University changes cause a reduction in transcript production4. and 40.95 years for those born after 1970 (ref.9).
Medical Center, Leiden,
The Netherlands.
By contrast, in BMD, mutations in the middle of the DMD in females is very rare (<1 per million) and
✉e-mail: a.m.aartsma-rus@ gene maintain the reading frame (deletions or duplica- is limited to case reports of individuals with Turner tions containing a number of nucleotides divisible by syndrome10–12, a translocation involving DMD or those three) and allow the production of dystrophins with with bi-allelic DMD mutations13. Female carriers (that
s41572-021-00248-3 fewer spectrin-like repeats but that have both F-actin is, those with a DMD mutation on one X chromosome)

Nature Reviews | Disease Primers | Article citation ID: (2021) 7:13 1


Dp427b, Dp427m, Dp427p

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27

ABD H1 R1 R2 R3 H2 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8

Dp260 Dp140

28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53

R8 R9 R10 R11 R12 R13 R14 R15 R16 R17 R18 R19 H3 R20 R21

Dp116 Dp71, Dp40

54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79

R21 R22 R23 R24 H4 CR CT

b Normal dystrophin: ABD connects to extracellular matrix with CR domain

c ABD 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 CR CT

c Duchenne muscular dystrophy: dystrophin cannot fulfil linker function because cysteine domain is lacking


d Becker muscular dystrophy: dystrophin is partially functional, crucial domains are present


Fig. 1 | Schematic depiction of DMD and dystrophin protein. a | The F-actin-binding domain (ABD; encoded by exons 1–8), rod (R; encoded by
~2.4 Mb full-length DMD gene contains eight promoters and 79 exons. Three exons 8–64), cysteine-rich (CR; encoded by exons 64–70) and C-terminal
upstream promoters (Dp427b, Dp427m and Dp427p) produce the ~11.4 kb (CT; encoded by exons 71–79) domains. The rod domain can be further
full-length cDNA and the 427 kDa full-length dystrophin protein. Four divided into 24 spectrin-like repeats and four interspersed hinges. c | In
internal promoters (Dp260, Dp140, Dp116 and Dp71) generate N-terminal patients with Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD), protein production is
truncated non-muscle isoforms of dystrophin. Alternative splicing at the prematurely truncated and the resulting protein is not functional. This leads
3’-end and alternative polyadenylation (the addition of a poly(A) tail to RNA) to the loss of connections between the cytoskeleton and the extracellular
yield additional isoforms of dystrophin such as Dp40. The full-length protein matrix. d | By contrast, in patients with Becker muscular dystrophy, a partially
generated from Dp427m is the primary muscle isoform. b | Full-length functional dystrophin is produced that contains the crucial domains
dystrophin can be divided into four major domains, including the N-terminal required to connect to F-actin and the extracellular matrix.

are usually asymptomatic but, in rare cases, resemble duplications, and 5–10% are point mutations, small
BMD. Approximately 2.5–19% of carriers have skele- deletions or insertions2,18,19. Deletions and duplications
tal muscle symptoms and 7.3–16.7% develop dilated cluster in hotspot regions in DMD, which are located
cardiomyopathy14; carriers may also have additional car- at exons 45–55 and 3–9; approximately 47% and 7% of
diac symptoms, including an abnormal echocardiogram patients with DMD have mutations in these hotspots,
without muscle involvement. Up to 13.3% of female car- respectively20,21.
riers with BMD mutations have skeletal muscle symp- Although >99% of patients with DMD or BMD have
toms and dilated cardiomyopathy but respiratory defects a deletion, duplication or small mutation, larger genomic
do not usually occur14. A systematic analysis into how rearrangements between an X chromosome and an auto-
these manifestations affect the lifespan of carriers of some (non-sex chromosome) have also been reported.
DMD and BMD has not been carried out, but a single A few cases of translocations involving DMD have been
review study in Scotland suggested that lifespan was reported22; these translocations will cause DMD in both
normal in carriers with cardiomyopathy15. males and females, the latter owing to non-random
X-inactivation of the unaffected X chromosome. In these
Genetics cases, cells with inactivation of the mutated X chromo-
Thousands of different mutations in DMD have been some (cells that could, in theory, produce dystrophin)
found in patients with DMD or BMD2,16. Approximately are not viable owing to the inactivation effect of the chro-
60–70% of mutations in patients with DMD are deletions, mosomal translocation on the autosome. Only the cells
5–15% are duplications, and 20% are point mutations, where the unaffected X chromosome is inactivated will
small deletions or insertions2,17. By contrast, in patients be viable. However, these will not produce dystrophin
with BMD, 60–70% of mutations are deletions, 20% are owing to the chromosomal translocation affecting DMD.

2 | Article citation ID: (2021) 7:13


Therefore, females with these translocations are unable dystrophin and DMD as the causative protein and gene,
to produce any dystrophin. respectively30,31 (Fig. 1), although in contrast to the initial
De novo mutations are common in DMD and BMD; hypothesis, dystrophin is a subsarcolemmal rather than
indeed, DMD and BMD are caused by de novo germline a sarcolemmal protein.
mutations in one-third of patients18,23–26. Notably, moth- DMD encodes the muscle-specific dystrophin
ers who are not somatic carriers of DMD mutations but (Dp427m) in addition to two other full-length isoforms
who have children with DMD or BMD are at risk of hav- from the promoters Dp427c and Dp427p32,33 (Fig. 1); these
ing another child with DMD or BMD owing to germline isoforms are expressed in cortical neurons and cerebellar
mosaicism (a percentage of her oocytes carries the muta- Purkinje cells, respectively32,33. The Dp427p isoform was
tion). The frequency of germline mosaicism in oocytes identified in mice and research suggests that Dp427p
or sperms varies per individual but can be up to 14%27. expression in human cerebellum is very low during
embryonic development and postnatally34. In addition to
Mechanisms/pathophysiology the full-length dystrophin isoforms, shorter dystrophin
DMD and dystrophin isoforms are produced by four internal promoters. These
DMD is primarily a disease of muscle degeneration and isoforms are primarily expressed throughout different
necrosis28 (Fig. 2), although the mechanisms underly- tissues; Dp260 is expressed primarily in the retina35,
ing muscle death have been elusive. Several hypotheses Dp140 is expressed in the central nervous system,
of muscle death were debated before the discovery of kidney36 and at high levels in embryonic brain34, Dp116
dystrophin, including muscle ischaemia, motor neuron is primarily expressed in peripheral nerves and Schwann
abnormality, nutritional deficiency, metabolic defects, cells37, and Dp71 is expressed ubiquitously but at higher
aberrant calcium regulation and sarcolemmal damage29. levels in neuronal cells than in other cell types38. Another
Of these, the sarcolemmal hypothesis gained the most isoform, Dp40, arises from the same promoter as Dp71
popularity as it seems to explain many clinical findings but is polyadenylated in intron 70 (ref.39).
of DMD. According to the sarcolemmal hypothesis,
DMD is caused by structural and/or functional defects Dystrophin-associated protein complex
of a sarcolemmal protein owing to mutations in the The elucidation of dystrophin-binding partners involved
encoding gene29; subsequent investigations identified a combination of studies in human cell models and ani-
mal models along with the study of biopsy and autopsy
tissues from patients with muscular dystrophy. In stri-
HE MT Dystrophin Laminin
ated muscle, dystrophin interacts with the sarcolemma,
a b c d cytoskeleton (actin microfilaments, intermediate
filaments, microtubules and other related structural
proteins), channel proteins, and signalling or scaffolding
proteins either directly or indirectly (Fig. 3). Collectively,
dystrophin and its binding partners form the dystrophin-

associated protein complex (DAPC)40. The traditional

DAPC was discovered in the early 1990s and was called
the dystrophin glycoprotein complex (DGC) as sev-
eral components are glycoproteins. The DGC contains
11 proteins: dystrophin, the dystroglycan subcom-
plex (α-dystroglycan and β-dystroglycan), the sarco-
e f g h glycan subcomplex (α-sarcoglycan, β-sarcoglycan,
γ-sarcoglycan and δ-sarcoglycan), sarcospan, syntro-
phin, dystrobrevin and neuronal nitric oxide synthase
(nNOS)41. Since the discovery of the DGC, our under-
standing on dystrophin-interacting partners has

improved. More binding partners have been identified

and the interaction domains of many of these proteins
have been mapped. In addition, the dynamic nature of
the DAPC is appreciated; different DAPCs exist in dif-
ferent tissues or cells and even in different regions of the
same myocyte. Collectively, these data have improved
our understanding of DMD pathogenesis.
Dystrophin interacts with the sarcolemma through
Fig. 2 | Healthy muscle and DMD muscle histology. Cross-sectional staining of healthy four binding domains located in spectrin-like repeats
muscle (panels a–d) and skeletal muscle from a patient with Duchenne muscular dystrophy R1–3 and R10–12 and in the cysteine rich (CR) and
(DMD; panels e–h). Haematoxylin and eosin (HE) staining shows centrally nucleated
C-terminal (CT) domains42 (Fig. 3). Dystrophin–actin
myofibers, inflammatory cell infiltration, variable myofiber size, and endomysium and
perimysium connective tissue deposition (panels a and e). Masson trichrome (MT) staining binding (mainly with filamentous γ-actin in the cyto-
shows increased fibrosis (blue staining) in a patient with DMD compared with healthy plasm) occurs via the actin-binding domain (ABD)
muscle (panels b and f). Immunofluorescence labelling of dystrophin and laminin shows (by two calponin-homolog motifs) and R11–15 (by elec-
a lack of dystrophin in a patient with DMD compared with healthy muscle (panels c and g) trostatic interaction)43. The microtubule–dystrophin
and variation in myofiber size in DMD muscle (panels d and h). interaction occurs via R4–15 and R20–23 (refs44,45).

Nature Reviews | Disease Primers | Article citation ID: (2021) 7:13 3


Sarcolemma Microtubule α-Syntrophin β-Syntrophin Sarcolemma

H1 H2 H3 H4
ABD 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 CR CT

γ-Actin Integrin PAR1b γ-Actin NOX2 Microtubule

α-Actin (heart only) (satellite cells) synemin
Keratin 19 nNOS (skeletal muscle only)

Agrin α-DG Ankyrin

Biglycan Caveolin 3 NCX Calmodulin
Laminin Dynamin (CNS) Plectin
Cardiac-specific partners Perlecan GRB2 Synemin
Ahnak Cavin CRYAB Cypher Neurexin (CNS only) Rapsyn β-DG


Biglycan Integrin α-Actinin Dysbindin Desmin Calcineurin PKA Myospryn

Sarcoglycan–sarcospan complex α-Catulin Dysbindin, syncoilin, synemin, plectin

Calcium channel, potassium channel, sodium channel, water channel, PMCA α-Dystrobrevin
ARMS, calmodulin DGK-z, G protein, GRB2, myocilin, nNOS, SAPK3 β1-Syntrophin
Carm 1 and p38γ (satellite cells) β2-Syntrophin


Cytoskeletal proteins Cytosolic signalling and scaffolding proteins Transmembrane proteins Extracellular proteins Endocytic proteins

Fig. 3 | Dystrophin and binding partners. Dystrophin binding partners can be categorized as cytoskeletal proteins,
transmembrane proteins, extracellular proteins, cytosolic signalling and scaffolding proteins, endocytic proteins, and
cardiac-specific interacting proteins. ABD, actin-binding domain; CNS, central nervous system; CR, cysteine-rich domain;
CT, C-terminal domain; DG, dystroglycan; NCX, sodium-calcium exchanger; nNOS, neuronal nitric oxide synthase; NOX2,
NADPH oxidase 2; PMCA, plasma membrane calcium ATPase.

In addition, dystrophin directly associates with two channel proteins (sodium channels Nav1.4 and Nav1.5,
intermediate filament proteins, keratin 19 (via the potassium channels Kiv2 and Kiv4.1, calcium channels
N-terminal ABD) and synemin (via R11–15 and TRPC1 and TRPC4, and the water channel aquaporin 4)
the CR domain)46,47. In addition to synemin, the CR and other signalling proteins (calmodulin, G proteins,
domain also interacts with the transmembrane protein Grb2, myocilin, diacylglycerol kinase-ζ, SAPK3 (also
β-dystroglycan48, membrane docking protein ankyrin49 known as MAPK12 or p38γ MAPK) and ARMS
and the intermediate filament-associated protein (also known as KIDINS220))40,55,56. α-Syntrophin also
plectin50. The connection between dystrophin and sig- works with R16/17 to jointly anchor nNOS to the sar-
nalling and scaffolding proteins is more complex as it colemma in skeletal muscle55–57. β1-syntrophin recruits
involves direct and indirect connections. Dystrophin the signalling and scaffold proteins p38γ MAPK and
directly binds to PAR1b (also known as MARK2, via CARM1 (also known as PRMT4) to establish satellite
R8–10)51, nNOS (via R16 and R17)52, α-syntrophin cell polarity58. β2-Syntrophin engages the signalling and
(via two syntrophin-binding sites at the CT domain scaffold proteins MAST205 and SAST59. α-Dystrobrevin
and R17), β1-syntrophin and β2-syntrophin (via the links intermediate filament-associated protein plectin,
CT domain and R22), α1-dystrobrevin, α2-dystrobrevin intermediate filament protein syncoilin and syne-
and α3-dystrobrevin (via two coiled-coil motifs at min, coiled-coil protein dysbindin, signalling protein
the CT domain), calmodulin (via the CR domain)53, α-catulin, and sarcoglycan–sarcospan complex to the
and myospryn (also known as CMYA5, via the CR and DAPC55,56. Myospryn interacts with dysbindin, micro-
CT domains)54. filament protein α-actinin, intermediate filament pro-
α-Syntrophin brings several other proteins to the tein desmin, and signalling protein calcineurin and
DAPC: plasma membrane calcium ATPase (PMCA), protein kinase A55,56,60.

4 | Article citation ID: (2021) 7:13


In addition to these proteins, the dystroglycan sub- humans and mice63. Moreover, muscle damage correlates
complex and sarcoglycan–sarcospan complex bring in with muscle stress64; the most stressed muscles, such as
additional tertiary interacting proteins to the DAPC. the diaphragm, are affected earlier and more severely
These proteins include extracellular matrix proteins (such than less-stressed muscles. Finally, muscle disease is
as laminin, agrin, perlecan and neurexin61), the extra- significantly attenuated in animal models by even a
cellular signalling or structural protein biglycan, the partial restoration of cytoskeleton, sarcolemma and
transmembrane signalling or structural protein integrin, extracellular matrix linkage using a highly abbreviated
signalling proteins (such as Src, Grb2, Tks5 and rapsyn), micro-dystrophin protein65.
and endocytic proteins (caveolin 3 and dynamin 1)40,55,56,61.
Functional ischaemia. Small clusters of muscle degen-
Consequences of dystrophin deficiency eration and regeneration are the first observable muscle
Dystrophin deficiency results in the disassembly of the lesions in patients with DMD and are readily detected in
DAPC and in loss of the interaction between F-actin and haematoxylin and eosin-labelled cross sections on a skel-
the extracellular matrix. As the DAPC has important etal muscle biopsy in the first year of life before symptom
mechanical and signalling roles in maintaining muscle onset66,67. This finding is explained by the discovery that
cell structural integrity and contractile activity, DAPC dystrophin (specifically dystrophin spectrin-like repeats
disassembly leads to wide-ranging consequences on R16 and R17) anchors nNOS to the sarcolemma to pro-
muscle cell function. duce and release nitric oxide to the surrounding vascula-
ture in exercising muscle, leading to vasodilation52,68 and
Sarcolemma weakening. Force is generated through ensuring blood perfusion in contracting muscles. In the
repeated cycles of contraction and relaxation of the absence of dystrophin, nNOS is mislocalized to the sar-
sarcomere, which requires the efficient handling of coplasm and the total cellular nNOS level is reduced,
mechanical stress by the sarcolemma. In healthy mus- thereby compromising protective vasodilation and
cle, the integrity of the sarcolemma is maintained via leading to ischaemic damage to muscle69. Importantly,
the linkages between the cytoskeleton, sarcolemma and R16-containing and R17-containing dystrophins effec-
extracellular matrix through the DAPC and the integ- tively restore sarcolemmal nNOS and ameliorate muscle
rin complex. In DMD, DAPC disassembly weakens the pathology in mouse and dog models of DMD52,70,71.
sarcolemma, which becomes highly susceptible to con-
traction damage (Box 1). This mechanism is supported Free-radical damage. Muscles from animal models and
by several observations. For example, sarcolemmal tears patients with DMD produce significantly more free rad-
(so-called ‘delta’ lesions) have been detected using elec- icals than normal muscle. A major source of free radicals
tron microscopy in muscle from patients with DMD62. in muscle is the production of reactive oxygen spe-
In addition, sarcolemma rupture can be detected by cies (ROS) by NADPH oxidase 2 (NOX2). NOX2 is
passive leaking-in of circulating proteins or dyes, activated by the microtubule-associated protein Rac1
such as albumin, IgG and Evans blue, and leaking-out upon mechanical stretching of the muscle, leading
of muscle enzymes, such as creatine kinase (CK) from to ROS production by NOX2 (refs72,73). The process
muscle into the blood, especially after exercise in both of NOX2-mediated ROS production is significantly
enhanced in DMD as the microtubule lattice becomes
dense and disorganized due to the loss of dystrophin–
Box 1 | Muscle activity and DMD pathogenesis microtubule interaction44,72,73. Reactive nitrogen spe-
cies, generated by the cytosolic activation of delocalized
Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) cannot be explained by a single mechanism218;
nNOS, are another important source of free radicals
indeed, overlapping yet distinctive pathogenetic processes are likely involved at
different stages of the disease and account for different clinical presentations in
in DMD muscle74. In addition, infiltrating inflamma-
various organ systems. tory cells and dysfunctional mitochondria produce
Muscle tissue is specialized for contraction and forms the basis of body movement, further free radicals in DMD muscle. Collectively, this
ventilation and pumping blood. Contractile activity also generates substantial free-radical production leads to increased markers of
mechanical stress that, if not properly managed, will damage muscle. The failure to protein, lipid and DNA oxidation in DMD muscle, indi-
manage muscle activity-induced mechanical stress constitutes a central theme in cating ongoing and recurring oxidative damage75,76. The
DMD pathogenesis. dystrophic muscle is also more vulnerable than healthy
Several lines of evidence suggest the involvement of muscle activity in the muscle to oxidative stress77. Reduced glutathione is one
initiation and progression of muscle disease in DMD. For example, dystrophin is of the most abundant and important antioxidants that
expressed early in human gestation219; however, patients have minimal symptoms
protects muscle against harmful oxidative injury; how-
until 2–3 years of age when they start to walk. Similarly, the onset of muscle necrosis
coincides with increased cage activity in dystrophin-deficient mdx mice and limb
ever, glutathione levels are significantly decreased in
immobilization prevents muscle degeneration in mdx mice220. In addition, the dystrophic muscle78,79 and therefore the ability to cope
diaphragm is the primary ventilation muscle at rest and is the most severely affected with oxidative stress is greatly reduced in DMD muscle.
muscle. Dystrophin expression patterns and dystrophin-associated protein complex Despite the accumulating evidence implying oxidative
(DAPC) composition further point to the importance of muscle activity. Specifically, stress in DMD pathogenesis, generic antioxidant therapy
dystrophin is highly enriched at muscle sites that receive the most mechanical stress has not yielded convincing clinical benefits in patients75.
such as the myotendinous junction, the costamere (which connects the sarcomere
to the sarcolemma) and the Z-disc network. The DAPC connection at the costamere Cytosolic calcium overloading. The resting cytosolic
is further strengthened by additional interactions through α-actinin, ankyrin, desmin, (especially subsarcolemmal) calcium concentration
syncoilin and synemin.
in muscle from DMD models and in patient-derived

Nature Reviews | Disease Primers | Article citation ID: (2021) 7:13 5


cell models is higher than that of healthy muscle80. Consequences of muscle damage. DAPC disassembly-
Calcium overloading-induced mitochondrial dys- induced muscle damage (such as sarcolemmal leakage,
function results in metabolic defects and calcium ischaemic injury, oxidative and nitrosative stress, and
overloading also directly contributes to muscle death aberrant activation of calcium-dependent protease
by triggering degradative pathways such as calcium- and phospholipase) causes defective organelles and
dependent calpain protease and phospholipase A2 and altered cellular constituents in dystrophic muscle. In
mitochondrial-dependent necrosis81. normal muscle, defective organelles and protein aggre-
Calcium overloading is partially caused by abnormal gates are removed by autophagy93; however, autophagy
sarcolemmal calcium entry through the calcium chan- is severely repressed in DMD owing to the activation of
nels (stretch-activated, store-operated, voltage-gated and Akt, a potent autophagy inhibitor94. DAPC disassembly
receptor-operated channels), plasma membrane Ca2+ contributes to Akt activation through the ROS-mediated
ATPase (PMCA), sodium-calcium exchanger (NCX) activation of the Src/PI3 kinase pathway95. Integrin
and microtears on the sarcolemma56. Interestingly, upregulation and integrin–laminin binding also contrib-
stretch-activated calcium channels, store-operated cal- ute to Akt activation through the PI3 kinase pathway96.
cium channels and PMCA are DAPC-associated pro- Impaired autophagy leads to the unchecked accumula-
teins and NCX is linked to the DAPC via calmodulin56. tion of dysfunctional proteins and defective organelles
Despite these data, calcium channel blockers have and, eventually, to muscle cell degeneration97.
demonstrated almost no clinical benefit in patients with Degenerated and damaged muscle cells are sensed
DMD82, suggesting that calcium channel-mediated entry and cleared by infiltrating inflammatory cells. In young
may only play a minor role in pathogenesis. patients with DMD (2–8 years of age), these infiltrates
The involvement of the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) mainly consist of macrophages and T cells98. At the early
in DMD has gained attention. Calcium is released from phase of inflammation, pro-inflammatory M1 macro­
the SR via the ryanodine receptor (RyR) during mus- phages promote muscle cell lysis through the production
cle contraction and is pumped back to the SR by sarco/ of inducible NOS. In later phases, M1 macrophages are
endoplasmic reticulum calcium ATPase (SERCA) dur- replaced by anti-inflammatory M2 macrophages, which
ing relaxation. In DMD, RyR is nitrosylated and phos- promote regeneration and fibrosis99. CD4+ helper T cells
phorylated owing to nitrosative/oxidative stress and assist other immune cells by producing inflammatory
abnormal signalling (such as via the DAPC member cytokines and CD8+ cytotoxic T cells trigger muscle
protein kinase A)83,84, respectively, which reduce the cell death through a perforin-mediated mechanism99.
binding of calstabin (a protein that stabilizes the RyR Neutrophils, mast cells and eosinophils also contri­bute
channel)84. The disassociation of calstabin increases to inflammation and immune-mediated pathology in
RyR channel opening, leading to calcium leakage from dystrophic muscle98,99. During the early phase of the
the SR 85. By contrast, RyR stabilizers significantly disease, degenerated muscle is repaired by regeneration;
reduced muscle pathology in the mdx mouse model however, in later phases, dead muscle cells are ultimately
of DMD84,86. SERCA activity is significantly reduced in replaced by fatty and fibrotic tissue owing to the impaired
dystrophic muscle largely due to the increased expres- regenerative capacity and upregulation of TGFβ in the
sion of sarcolipin, a small peptide that negatively reg- chronic inflammatory milieu of DMD muscle100.
ulates SERCA activity. Overexpressing SERCA or
depleting sarcolipin effectively ameliorated skeletal Genotype–phenotype correlation
muscle disease and cardiomyopathy in symptomatic Genotype–phenotype correlation studies have provided
DMD mouse models87,88. unique perspectives on DMD pathogenesis. Studies in
patients with BMD have corroborated basic research
Regeneration failure. The failure to regenerate underlies findings on the relationship between dystrophin struc-
muscle wasting, fibrosis and fat replacement in DMD. ture and function. For example, patients with BMD who
Some studies have suggested that the DAPC plays a lack the ABD or R16/R17 nNOS-binding domain often
direct role in muscle regeneration58,89. Indeed, in healthy have more severe disease than patients with BMD who
muscle, injury is repaired by the asymmetric division of have other variants2,101. Genotype–phenotype correlation
satellite cells and the interactions of DPAC proteins (dys- studies have also implicated regions of dystrophin that
trophin–PAR1b and β1-syntrophin–p38γ/Carm1) are are important for cardiac disease (such as R16–R19)
essential for this process58,89. DAPC disassembly compro- and cognitive deficiency (such as the CT domain)102–104.
mises the myogenic commitment of activated satellite The mechanism behind these findings remains unclear.
cells, thus impairing regeneration. Although this theory Our understanding on DMD and BMD pathogene-
reveals a potential direct effect of the loss of dystrophin sis has also benefited from studying patients with BMD
on regeneration, more work is needed to demonstrate (even within the same family) that have the same muta-
how impaired asymmetric satellite cell division leads to tion but have variations in severity and from studying
regeneration failure in both animal models and patients. patients with DMD who all lack dystrophin but show
In addition to the potential defect in myogenic commit- variations in the speed of disease progression. These
ment, failed regeneration occurs due to the indirect studies have highlighted the importance of genetic
consequences of changes in the microenvironment modifiers, whereby variations in genes involved in, for
from the loss of dystrophin such as matrix restructuring, example, inflammation or fibrosis formation, can influ-
epigenetic changes and chronic inflammation (reviewed ence disease outcome. For example, genetic variations
in refs90–92). in a region close to CD40 influences the expression of

6 | Article citation ID: (2021) 7:13


CD40, which is involved in T cell polarization. The vari- milestones, muscle weakness, hypertrophic calves and
ant causing increased expression of CD40 was associated the Gowers sign (where patients use their hands to ‘walk’
with a slower disease progression, where patients carry- on their lower limbs when getting up from the floor to
ing the protective allele of this variant lost ambulation compensate for weakness in the upper leg and hip mus-
significantly later in five cohorts of patients with DMD105. cles). As mentioned earlier, 30% of patients with DMD
Six potential genetic modifiers that slow down disease have cognitive impairment at presentation and speech
progression have been identified. These include variants delay is common; therefore, these findings should also
that affect the expression and function of SPP1, LTBP4, prompt suspicion of DMD118.
CD40, THBS1, ACTN3 and TCTEX1D90,106. More genetic Plasma CK should be measured in boys with symp-
modifiers are likely to be identified in the future. As toms of DMD as CK levels are generally substantially
DMD is a rare disease, identifying these genetic modifi- increased in patients with DMD from birth, with levels
ers is challenging and it is important to validate the find- of >20,000 U/L not uncommon. Notably, plasma aspar-
ings in independent cohorts, as with the CD40 modifier, tate transaminase (AST) and alanine transaminase
to exclude false positive results due to small sample sizes. (ALT) levels are also increased in patients with DMD
owing to ongoing muscle damage and the high expres-
Cardiomyopathy and cognitive manifestations sion of these enzymes in skeletal muscle; however, AST
The heart is the most stressed muscle in the body but and ALT levels are not usually assessed as part of a
cardiomyopathy is a late manifestation of DMD. This standard diagnostic work-up of patients with suspected
observation is likely due to differences in dystrophin DMD as CK levels are a more specific marker of muscle
expression and DAPC composition. Specifically, only in damage. DMD is likely in young males who present with
the heart is the Dp427m form of dystrophin expressed typical DMD symptoms and elevated plasma CK levels;
in t-tubules107, dystrophin directly binds to contractile it is crucial to identify the DMD mutation in those indi-
apparatus (α-actin) at the Z-discs108, and dystrophin viduals to confirm diagnosis119. In addition, identifying
interacts with cypher, AHNAK1, cavin 1 and CRYAB, the causative mutation is required to initiate multidis-
four cardioprotective proteins109. ciplinary care, to permit carrier analysis of the mother
As previously mentioned, mutations that prevent and genetic counselling, and to determine whether the
the production of muscle dystrophin also prevent the patient is a candidate for the mutation-specific therapies
production of two other full-length and, depending on currently approved in several regions120. Of note, as ele-
the location of the mutation, one or more shorter brain vation of plasma CK is a non-specific marker for skeletal
isoforms of dystrophin. It is therefore not surprising that muscle damage, DMD cannot be diagnosed based only
many patients with DMD have cognitive deficits. Indeed, on elevated plasma CK levels; genetic confirmation is
one-third of patients with DMD have cognitive impair- crucial, as indicated in the guidelines.
ment and learning difficulties and behavioural issues are Although exome sequencing or gene sequencing will
also common110. Cognitive impairment is apparent from likely be routine for all patients with suspected inherited
an early age but is not progressive. MRI of 29 patients diseases in the future, at present, it is more economical
with DMD revealed no gross abnormalities in the to perform a genetic diagnosis for dystrophinopathies
brain, although quantitative analysis revealed reduced using a step-wise approach117,119 (Fig. 4). First, the pres-
grey matter volume, white matter abnormalities and ence and abundance of the 79 DMD exons is evaluated
reduced cerebral perfusion compared with age-matched using generally multiplex ligation-dependent probe
controls111. In the brain, dystrophin is expressed at amplification (MLPA) or array comparative genome
the postsynaptic inhibitory GABAergic neurons in the hybridization (array CGH). MLPA is used by most
amygdala, hippocampus and cerebellar Purkinje genetic diagnostic laboratories as is it easier to imple-
cells112,113. Some studies have correlated cognitive impair- ment owing to the availability of commercially available
ment with mutations that affect the shorter isoforms of kits121. As ~75% of patients harbour DMD deletions or
dystrophin (such as Dp140)114 . Furthermore, the differ- duplications2, MLPA or array CGH will detect the caus-
ences observed by MRI were more apparent in patients ative mutation in most patients. Of note, if MLPA identi-
with DMD who lacked Dp140 than in those with Dp140 fies a single exon deletion, it is important to confirm this
expression111. However, little is known about the exact finding with a secondary test to rule out whether one of
roles of the different dystrophin isoforms expressed in the probes was unable to bind due to a small mutation.
the brain. The relationship between DAPC disassem- If MLPA or array CGH fail to identify a mutation, small
bly and cognitive impairment is even less clear115,116. mutation analysis using Sanger sequencing is required,
Interestingly, in the brain, DAPC has distinctive compo- during which each of the 79 exons and flanking intronic
sitions and includes several unique components such as regions are sequenced.
neurexin and γ-syntrophin112. Future studies are needed MLPA is implemented in diagnostic laboratories
to clarify the connection between dystrophin deficiency around the world in middle-income and high-income
and cognitive manifestations. countries; however, small mutation analysis is often
available only in specialized laboratories. In low-income
Diagnosis, screening and prevention countries, only multiplex PCR may be available. Multiplex
Obtaining an accurate genetic diagnosis PCR sets are available that assess the presence or absence
Guidelines for the genetic diagnosis of DMD should be of frequently deleted DMD exons based on the way dele-
followed117. DMD should be suspected in young males tions cluster in two hotspots122. However, as these sets
(aged 2–4 years old) who present with delayed motor do not assess all DMD exons, this analysis only reveals

Nature Reviews | Disease Primers | Article citation ID: (2021) 7:13 7


Suspected dystrophinopathy

Check for deletions/duplications involving ≥1 exon

using MLPA or array CGH

Deletion or Single exon deletion No deletion and/or

duplication detected detected by MLPA duplication detected

Perform confirmatory study Perform small mutation analysis

Single exon deletion Single exon deletion Causative variant Causative variant
confirmed not confirmed found not found

• Muscle biopsy
and protein and/or
Dystrophinopathy mRNA analysis
confirmed • Differential diagnosis

Fig. 4 | Diagnostic decision tree to confirm the genetic diagnosis of dystrophinopathies. Boys with typical symptoms
of a dystrophinopathy and increased plasma creatine kinase (CK) levels should undergo genetic testing to confirm the
diagnosis. Initially, multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification (MLPA) or array comparative genome hybridization
(CGH) should be used to identify causative DMD variants; however, if a causative variant is not identified (which occurs
in ~25% of patients), small mutation analysis should be used. Boys without an identified causative variant after small
mutation analysis should be referred for muscle biopsy and protein or mRNA analysis.

that some exons are missing and other exons are present mothers who are not carriers have a risk of up to 14%
and it is unclear exactly which exons are involved in the of having another son with DMD owing to germline
deletion. For example, when it is known that exon 43 mosaicism27.
and exon 46 are present while exon 45 is absent, the dele- A muscle biopsy is not required for a diagnosis of
tion can involve only exon 45 (out-of-frame) or exon 44 DMD for most patients and is indicated only when
and exon 45 (in-frame)119. Thus, this approach does no mutations are detected using MLPA, array CGH or
not permit the assessment of whether the deletion is Sanger sequencing. In these cases, the purpose of muscle
in-frame or out-of-frame or whether a patient is eligible biopsy is to assess whether dystrophin is properly local-
for a mutation-specific treatment. Furthermore, this test ized (using immunofluorescence analysis) or absent/
only reliably allows the identification of deletions and reduced (using Western blotting and immunofluores-
not of other mutation types and, accordingly, multiplex cence, absent levels are diagnostic of DMD) or has an
PCR is not recommended for the genetic diagnosis for altered size (using Western blotting, an altered size is
DMD and BMD. However, if MLPA, array CGH and diagnostic of BMD). Often, these cases are caused by
small mutation analysis are not available, multiplex PCR deep intronic mutations and mRNA can be isolated from
is preferable to not conducting any genetic analysis. the biopsy for further analysis119. Care can be initiated in
When interpreting the effect of the mutation, one those without an identified causative mutation; however,
has to bear in mind that the clinical symptoms are lead- genetic counselling is more challenging and it is unclear
ing in deciding whether someone has DMD or BMD. whether a patient is eligible for mutation-specific ther-
In >90% of cases, in-frame mutations will lead to BMD apies. Notably, dystrophin protein analysis by Western
and out-of-frame mutations to DMD2; however, excep- blotting or immunofluorescence analyses is challenging
tions have been reported. In the case of discordance owing to the large molecular size and low abundance
between symptoms and genetic mutations, such as an of dystrophin123. As such, it is not widely available in a
in-frame mutation and symptoms of DMD, one could diagnostic setting in low-income and middle-income
consider a muscle biopsy and protein analysis to assess, countries.
for example, whether alternative splicing can explain the
discordant phenotype. Newborn screening
In cases whereby a causative mutation has been The measurement of plasma CK levels from dried blood
identified in the patient, the mother should undergo spots is feasible and can be used for DMD newborn
testing to assess whether she is a carrier. If the mother screening (DMD-NS)5,124,125. In those with elevated CK
is confirmed as a carrier, her mother and sisters and, levels, testing for DMD mutations should be used to
potentially, maternal aunts and cousins may also be car- confirm the diagnosis5.
riers and should be offered counselling. Mothers who Of note, screening for CK elevation can identify
are carriers have a 50% chance of having another son other muscle diseases. Indeed, in a review of 10 pilot
with DMD or a daughter who is also a carrier. Notably, DMD-NS studies, ~20% of positive results were due to

8 | Article citation ID: (2021) 7:13


non-DMD disorders, including BMD and limb girdle require a coordinated, multidisciplinary, patient-centred
and congenital muscular dystrophies126. The ability to approach throughout the different stages of the disease.
detect disorders other than DMD using this method This approach should occur from diagnosis to end of
highlights the need for follow-up testing algorithms to life and should anticipate the specific needs of the indi-
evaluate patients who lack DMD mutations. The rate vidual according to the stage of the disease, including a
of false negatives using this screening method was low transition from paediatric to adult care and advanced
(20 per 1,800,000)126. care planning, and it should also address broader aspects
Aside from local or regional pilot studies in, for of health and QOL. In addition to a core team of physi-
example, Wales, Germany and the USA, no DMD-NS cians who have expertise in patients with DMD, nurses,
programme has been adopted. In general, neonatal physiotherapists, speech therapists and dieticians are key
screening is considered for neonatal-onset disorders partners in the prevention and management of symp-
for which early treatment shows strong evidence of toms for patients with DMD. In addition, psycholo-
improved outcome. Although DMD does not fully meet gists, occupational therapists and social workers should
these criteria, advocacy groups are in favour of an early provide assistance to address psychosocial issues, to
diagnosis to enable early management and interventions. improve participation and to support the achievement
Emerging therapies that might be more effective when of life goals.
used in an early stage of the disease before irreversible Best care guidelines have been published for DMD.
muscle damage has occurred strengthen their request These guidelines are most often not evidence-based as
to include DMD in newborn screening127. In addition, large-scale randomized controlled trials for this disease are
an early diagnosis of DMD should result in a prompt lacking. However, these recommendations are based on
referral for genetic counselling and will identify the car- the expertise of key opinion leaders on the best available
rier status of the mother. Reproductive choices, such as evidence that was collected and analysed with acknowl-
pre-implantation genetic diagnosis or prenatal genetic edged methodologies to reach a consensus117,134,135.
testing through chorionic villus or amniotic fluid sam- These recommendations should be seen as guidance for
pling, can be offered to female carriers, limiting the risk the care and management of DMD but should be tailored
of DMD recurrence in these families. Furthermore, to the need and preferences of individual patients and
female carriers should be informed about the recom- should be adapted according to emerging new evidence
mendations related to the higher risk of developing a in the care of DMD.
Respiratory care. Improved respiratory care for patients
Prenatal screening for DMD with DMD has considerably increased life expectancy9,136.
The adoption in routine prenatal care of non-invasive Guidelines for respiratory care include the assessment
prenatal screening based on the analysis of cell-free DNA of respiratory function annually from diagnosis and
in the maternal serum raises new challenges. This tech- every 6 months after loss of ambulation. In addition, the
nique detects fetal aneuploidies, typically trisomy 21, 13 guidelines also include the use of mechanically assisted
and 18 (ref.128), but also reveals maternal copy-number coughing and the provision of respiratory support via
variations (CNVs), the implications of which need to be mechanical ventilation in those with hypoventilation137.
assessed. CNVs in DMD are among the most commonly Symptoms of nocturnal hypoventilation, such as morn-
observed maternal CNVs, some of which have unknown ing headaches, fatigue, anorexia and frequent nocturnal
significance129. The prediction of the phenotype caused awakenings, should trigger sleep studies to detect and
by the CNV and subsequent genetic counselling are treat this issue134.
based on family history, segregation analysis (assessing
how the variant is inherited within a family, for example, Cardiac care. Cardiac involvement in DMD is char-
if it is present in a healthy grandfather, then pathogenic- acterized by the development of a progressive dilated
ity can be excluded) and using databases with genotype– cardiomyopathy, resulting in congestive heart failure,
phenotype correlations of DMD variants (Leiden Open cardiac insufficiency, conduction abnormalities, ven-
Variation Database (LOVD) and the UMD-DMD France tricular or supraventricular arrhythmia, and risk of
Database2,130). Applying the frameshift rule to identified sudden early death9,136. The improvement in respiratory
CNVs allows DMD to be distinguished from BMD with care for patients with DMD and the provision of respira-
~90% accuracy119. tory support has resulted in a shift in causes of death
from primarily respiratory failure to acute cardiac events
Management owing to dilated cardiomyopathy, cardiac fibrosis and
Multidisciplinary management of DMD conduction disturbances, and cardiac insufficiency.
Despite major therapeutic advances over the past Management of the cardiac manifestations of DMD
30 years, there is no cure for DMD. Nevertheless, a includes early detection of the symptoms of insufficiency
multidisciplinary medical, surgical and rehabilitative and arrhythmias via assessment at diagnosis and every
approach targeting the symptoms of DMD can alter subsequent year. This assessment should include a physi-
the natural course of the disease, improving QOL and cal examination, electrocardiography, echocardiography
longevity131–133. Although DMD primarily affects car- or, when possible, cardiac MRI134,138. After the onset of
diac and skeletal muscles, there are also a multitude cardiac symptoms, the frequency of examination should
of extra-muscular manifestations and secondary con- increase at the discretion of the cardiologist. Symptoms
sequences of muscle weakness; these manifestations of cardiac insufficiency and arrhythmias are treated with

Nature Reviews | Disease Primers | Article citation ID: (2021) 7:13 9


angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors and Endocrinological management should address impaired
beta-blockers. The early initiation of ACE inhibitors as growth, bone health, glucose and fat metabolism, and
a cardioprotective treatment is recommended in patients delayed puberty, all of which are compromised in
approaching 10 years of age, as prophylactic treatment patients with DMD and are further affected by gluco-
with ACE inhibitors has been suggested to delay the corticosteroids. Hypogonadism and delayed puberty
onset of cardiac symptoms139–141. treatment should conform to the standard of care for
those with pathological pubertal delay in the adolescent
Orthopaedic management. DMD is characterized by the population117. Dietary advice focusing on healthy eating
development of limb muscle contractures (a shortening habits, reduction of fat and refined sugars, and adequate
of the muscles leading to deformity) and scoliosis. In intake of calcium and vitamin D should be provided from
addition, impaired bone metabolism with reduced bone diagnosis to minimize the risk of overweight. Of note,
mineralization is a well-known feature of DMD and is dietary advice on caloric intake should be adjusted based
negatively affected by corticosteroid therapy and can on the decline in physical activity in patients with DMD
predispose individuals to compression fractures. The and should address the excessive appetite often associated
overall aim of orthopaedic management is to optimize with glucocorticosteroid treatment117.
or preserve the weakened muscle function and to pre-
vent severe deformities such as contractures or scoliosis. Gastrointestinal management. Symptoms of involve-
The indication for orthopaedic interventions and sur- ment of visceral smooth muscle, such as delayed gastric
gical procedures should be assessed and planned with emptying and intestinal paresis, become more apparent
the members of the multidisciplinary team, involving in adults with DMD. In addition, constipation and gas-
physiotherapists, occupational therapists and orthotists. troesophageal reflux disease (GERD) are very frequent
Orthopaedic management in patients who are and frequent complications of DMD, respectively.
ambulant focuses on the prevention of contractions Preventative measures and pharmacological interven-
of Achilles tendons, knee and hip flexors, and iliotib- tions should address these gastrointestinal symptoms.
ial bands with physiotherapy and the use of orthoses to Daily treatment with osmotic laxatives or lactulose
preserve stability and ambulatory capacity. In patients might be necessary for patients with DMD and consti-
who are non-ambulant, further attention should be pation and retrograde enemas might be helpful in those
paid to adequate sitting posture to improve comfort and with faecal impaction. Treatment of GERD consists
prevent (worsening of) scoliosis and contractures in of gastric acid suppression using histamine 2 receptor
the lower limbs and to the prevention of contractures antagonists (such as ranitidine) or proton-pump inhib-
in the upper limbs and hands, which could impair fine itors (such as lansoprazole or omeprazole). Dietary
motor activities. approaches to prevent GERD symptoms include eating
Glucocorticosteroid treatment has reduced the occur- smaller, more frequent meals and decreasing dietary
rence of severe scoliosis requiring surgery in adolescents fat intake117. Oropharyngeal weakness and oesopha-
with DMD142; however, careful clinical and radiologi- geal dysmotility may jeopardize safe and adequate food
cal monitoring of the spine is still indicated in patients intake and result in undernutrition, which should lead
receiving glucocorticosteroids as scoliosis can develop to the use of a percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy
at a later age, particularly when corticosteroids are tube to optimize nutritional status and limit the risk
stopped134. Typically, a baseline spine x-ray to detect of aspiration (breathing food into airways). As with
vertebral fractures is recommended in all patients, many manifestations of DMD, there is heterogeneity in
with annual follow-up assessments when the patient the timing onset of symptoms of dysphagia (difficulty
becomes non-ambulant. If a vertebral compression swallowing) and percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy
fracture is found, treatment with intravenous bisphos- tube placement should be dictated by the symptoms. As
phonates may be considered134. If scoliosis is present, the many patients with DMD survive into adulthood, there
clinical and radiological assessment should be repeated is a corresponding increase in the number of patients
ever 6–12 months depending on the curve and skeletal that require tube feeding. At the first sign of gastric
maturity134. These assessments will guide the decision to symptoms, proton-pump inhibitors should accompany
perform a posterior spinal fusion based on age, velocity treatment with glucocorticosteroids to limit the risk of
of the evolution of the scoliosis, skeletal maturity and gastric ulcers117.
general condition of the patients. The perioperative risks
of posterior spinal fusion should be limited by involv- Urological management. Men with DMD can develop
ing a multidisciplinary team with experience in neuro­ signs and symptoms of bladder and urinary tract dys-
muscular disorders and anaesthesiologists informed function, such as small capacity, hyper-reflexive blad-
about the specific risks related to this population such der and detrusor sphincter dyssynergia (disturbance
as acute rhabdomyolysis, adrenal crisis owing to chronic of muscle coordination) resulting in urinary urgency,
glucocorticosteroid treatment and increased risks of retention and hesitancy of stream. These symptoms
cardiorespiratory complications. require urological management and may be palliated
with a pharmacological approach such as oxybutynin,
Endocrinological management. Although corticoster- which can decrease urinary tract symptoms and may
oids are associated with improvements in DMD disease improve QOL143,144.
course and survival, they are also associated with treatment- The dystrophin isoform Dp71 is highly expressed
related adverse effects that affect multiple systems. in the kidneys. Although the exact function of Dp71 is

10 | Article citation ID: (2021) 7:13


not fully known, its structure suggests a role in the pro- DMD study (NCT01603407), is assessing the long-term
tection of renal epithelial cells143–145. Renal dysfunction efficacy and safety of prednisone and deflazacort at dif-
has been reported as a frequent complication in patients ferent regimens and will hopefully help to address some
with advanced DMD, which is aggravated by inadequate of these issues.
fluid intake and the use of diuretics (the latter can be pre- The exact mechanism by which glucocorticoster-
scribed by cardiologists for the management of cardiac oids delay disease progression in DMD are not fully
insufficiency associated with oedema); these patients elucidated, as glucocorticoid receptor activation has
should be referred to a renal specialist145. pleiotropic effects. However, it has been suggested
that glucocorticosteroids decrease inflammation and
Neurodevelopmental and neuropsychological manage- increase total muscle mass and strength in patients with
ment. Specific attention should be paid to the manage- DMD through the stimulation of insulin-like growth
ment of neurodevelopmental and neuropsychological factors, decreased cytokine production, decreased lym-
disorders in patients with DMD34,146. Patients with DMD phocyte reaction, enhanced myoblast proliferation and
have a higher incidence of cognitive impairment, atten- upregulation of synergistic molecules154 . Furthermore,
tion deficit/hyperactivity disorder, autism spectrum glucocorticosteroids like prednisone and deflazacort also
disorder, anxiety and obsessive-compulsive disorder display mineralocorticoid activity (that is, they activate
compared with the general population146. A referral for mineralocorticoid receptors in addition to the glucocor-
neuropsychological evaluations should be considered ticoid receptors), which may play a role in a wide range
at diagnosis of DMD but is essential when concerns of adverse effects associated with this treatment, includ-
about developmental progress arise. Educational sup- ing hypertension, fluid retention, weight gain and skin
port may be required and will be driven by the results atrophy. Whether these adverse effects can be limited
of neuropsychological tests, which are increasingly using a dissociative steroidal drug with some miner-
performed as part of routine care. The treatment of alocorticoid antagonistic activity (vamorolone) is being
attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder or other behav- evaluated in a clinical trial for DMD155.
ioural or psychiatric problems is based on the symp-
toms and follows guidelines for the treatment of these Clinical trials and approved therapies
disorders in the general population. Further research Over the past two decades, several therapeutic approaches
to improve the knowledge of these manifestations of have focused on the different steps of DMD pathophys-
DMD and to provide guidelines to identify, monitor iology. These approaches can be broadly divided into
and treat these manifestations is crucial as they have a those targeting the restoration of dystrophin production
major effect on functioning and QOL of both patients and those trying to reduce the secondary consequences
and their families. of dystrophin deficiency. Several of these approaches are
being evaluated in clinical trials and are not available in
Glucocorticosteroid treatment clinical settings (see Outlook). However, some of these
The most recent guidelines strongly recommend the use approaches have received regulatory approval in the
of the glucocorticosteroids prednisone or deflazacort in USA, Europe and Japan1.
boys with DMD when their motor development stops
or starts to decline and to continue treatment through- Small molecules targeting nonsense mutations. Two
out life117. The age of initiating steroids varies between randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trials
patients but should not be before the patient reaches of ataluren156,157, an orally bioavailable small molecule
2 years of age and is generally around 4–5 years of age. that induces ribosomal read-through of nonsense muta-
There is no clear indication on which glucocorticoster- tions, failed to achieve the 48 weeks primary endpoint
oid should be used as both have evidence of improv- of improved distance walked in the 6-minute walk test
ing strength and motor function and can delay loss of (SMWT) compared with patients who received placebo
ambulation and pulmonary function, reducing the need treatment. However, these trials found a clear trend of
for scoliosis surgery and delaying the onset of cardiomy- therapeutic efficacy, specifically a 29-meter increase in
opathy. Following earlier evidence that prednisone was the SMWT and an improvement in timed function tests
more often associated with increased weight gain and in those who received ataluren compared with placebo,
deflazacort with cataracts147, recent studies have reported which, together with a favourable safety profile, led to
a possible better role of daily deflazacort compared with conditional approval by the EMA158. Accordingly, this
daily prednisolone in delaying loss of ambulation and drug has been used in Europe for over 4 years. Results of
in increasing survival148,149. This aspect, however, is still the European Drug Registry (STRIDE) confirm the effi-
controversial150 as a similar delay in loss of ambulation cacy and safety profile of the pivotal studies159. Another
has also been reported in a cohort treated with daily confirmatory placebo-controlled study to assess the
prednisolone in another study151. The delay in loss of functional effects of ataluren is ongoing. This drug has
ambulation varies according to the treatment regimen; not been approved by the FDA160.
the average delay in those patients taking daily steroids
is 2 years, whereas the delay is 1 year in those taking an Antisense oligonucleotides for out-of-frame deletions.
on/off regimen152. There is no consensus on regimen, as The exon-skipping approach is based on the finding that
daily treatment is associated with more adverse effects out-of-frame mutations result in severe DMD, whereas
and more recent studies have suggested the possibility of in-frame mutations result in milder BMD. The aim
a twice-weekly regimen153. An ongoing study, the FOR of this approach is to restore the reading frame of

Nature Reviews | Disease Primers | Article citation ID: (2021) 7:13 11


dystrophin transcripts so that partially functional, affect life satisfaction and QOL170,171. Indeed, some
BMD-like dystrophins can be produced. Reading frame studies have found that long-term ventilated adults
restoration is achieved with antisense oligonucleotides with DMD report only moderately affected QOL171,172.
(ASOs), small pieces of modified RNA that specifically Despite the negative impact of muscle weakness, loss of
bind to a target exon during pre-mRNA splicing. This function, and pain and fatigue, satisfaction with care and
binding prevents the inclusion of the exon into mRNA. management, social interaction and support, adjusted
ASOs are very small (20–30 nucleotides) and can be expectations, and acceptance can help mitigate the neg-
systemically delivered in humans161. ative effects of DMD on QOL173,174. Indeed, patients with
The ASO approach is mutation specific as different DMD adapt to their disabilities and develop new goals,
exons need to be skipped depending on the size and loca- values and expectations175.
tion of the mutation. However, as most patients carry a Although children and young adults with DMD
deletion in hotspots, the skipping of certain exons is appli- rate their life as satisfactory, parents and care givers
cable to larger groups of patients. A proof-of-concept tend to underestimate the QOL of the patient with
for ASO-mediated exon skipping and dystrophin res- DMD using their own values176,177. This finding raises
toration has been achieved in cell and animal models. concerns about the effect of a subjective assessment of
However, due to ASO, transcript and protein turnover, QOL by health-care providers, which could interfere
repeated treatment is required. Clinical development is with the decision-making process for life-sustaining
most advanced for ASOs targeting exons where the skip- interventions in addition to decision-making for
ping applies to the largest groups, that is, exon 51 (14%), care and management in acute situations. This con-
exon 45 (8%), exon 53 (8%) and exon 44 (6%)8. cern has been highlighted recently in relation to the
ASO-mediated exon skipping uses weekly systemic COVID-19 pandemic, where triages in countries
administration of ASO in boys with DMD who harbour experiencing a heavy strain on their health-care sys-
eligible out-of-frame deletions to manipulate pre-mRNA tem would disadvantage patients with neuromuscu-
by removing one exon adjacent to the deletion to gener- lar disorders in later disease stages in the access to an
ate an in-frame mutation. Three ASOs that are designed intensive care unit178. This underscores the need for a
to skip exon 51 (eteplirsen)162,163 or exon 53 (golodirsen164 regular assessment of perceived QOL and advance care
and viltolarsen165) have shown some evidence of induced planning.
dystrophin restoration in small cohorts of patients and A diagnosis of DMD in their children will profoundly
have been granted conditional approval by the FDA affect the life of parents. Feelings of isolation, depres-
(eteplirsen, golodirsen and viltolarsen) and the Japanese sion, stress, anxiety, anger and exhaustion are frequently
Ministry of Health, Welfare and Labour (viltolarsen). reported by parents of children with DMD179–181. In
Confirmatory studies to assess the clinical benefit are addition, practical issues, financial difficulties, physical
under way for exon 51 and 53 skipping (NCT03218995, exhaustion and sleep deprivation add to the grief and
NCT03532542, NCT03985878, NCT03992430, worries for their child and may put an additional strain
NCT04060199, NCT04179409 and NCT04337112) on their spousal relationship. Furthermore, mothers who
as well as for exon 45 skipping (NCT03532542 and are carriers may have feelings of guilt for passing on the
NCT04179409). disorder to their child182.
Acceptance and effective coping skills are the most
Quality of life important determinants for QOL175. Improving access to
DMD is a progressive, disabling and life-limiting dis- external resources, such as patient or caregiver support
order that will affect the lives of patients and their fam- groups, and to a multidisciplinary care team with a com-
ilies. Some QOL studies in patients with DMD have prehensive approach of all aspects of the condition as
reported a reduced QOL whereas others have found well as participation in social and leisure activities could
no differences compared with healthy individuals; these all support the individual and their family in developing
differences relate to the instruments used to assess QOL appropriate coping mechanisms.
and the fact that health-related QOL and QOL are used
interchangeably166. Outlook
Reduced physical ability and a greater disease severity Many therapeutic approaches for DMD are in develop-
are generally assumed to be the main factors determin- ment and can be split into approaches aiming to restore
ing impaired QOL in individuals with a neuromuscu- dystrophin and approaches targeting the downstream
lar disorder and this association has been confirmed in effects of loss of dystrophin to preserve muscle tissue for
some studies that have found a reduced health-related as long as possible. The therapeutic approaches for DMD
QOL in patients with DMD compared with published do not restore muscle tissue and function that is lost;
normative data167–169. However, QOL is a broader, multi- therefore, it is important to treat patients as early as pos-
dimensional concept relating to one’s fulfilment of indi- sible. Furthermore, the efficacy of dystrophin-restoring
vidual needs, desires and expectations, encompassing therapies will rely on the quality of muscle, as only
more than mere functional abilities and physical health. muscle will express dystrophin (transcript targeting)
Emotional well-being, self-assessed health, social life, or benefit from dystrophin expression (genome edit-
family support, perceived control, recreational opportu- ing and gene delivery). It is likely that a combination
nities and sexual relations have the strongest correlation of approaches will be used in the future to restore dys-
with life satisfaction170. In addition, some studies have trophin and maintain muscle quality and to slow down
found that impairment and disability do not significantly disease progression as much as possible.

12 | Article citation ID: (2021) 7:13


Stem cell transplantation can be partly functional (as evidenced in patients with
Of the dystrophin restoring strategies, stem cell trans- BMD), ‘mini-dystrophin’ and ‘micro-dystrophin’ con-
plantation has the longest history. The rationale of stem structs have been generated. The micro-dystrophin
cell transplantation for DMD is appealing as trans- constructs lack all but the most crucial domains (the
planted cells will contain a functional copy of DMD and N-terminal ABD, 4–5 spectrin-like repeats, 2–3 hinge
will contribute to muscle repair upon transplantation. regions and the CR domain). The cDNA for these
However, in practice, the abundance of muscle (>30% of micro-dystrophins fits in AAV vectors and the expres-
body mass) and the number of individual skeletal mus- sion of these micro-dystrophin constructs improves
cles (>700) pose severe challenges to the development of pathology in mouse and dog models of DMD65.
an efficient stem cell therapy approach. Clinical trials evaluating the systemic delivery of dif-
Stem cell transplantation can be either allogenic ferent versions of micro-dystrophin cDNA using differ-
(which requires immunosuppression in the recipient) ent serotypes of AAV vectors at high doses (1–3 x 1014
or re-transplantation of corrected patient-derived cells. vectors/kg) are ongoing186. Preliminary results from
In addition, several types of stem cells can be used for these studies have confirmed micro-dystrophin expres-
transplantation, including satellite cells (myoblasts), sion in the majority of muscle fibres (>80%) in muscle
bone marrow-derived cells, pericytes and mesenchymal biopsies at levels of over 60%120,187, although it is not yet
stem cells. Satellite cells (myoblasts) are muscle stem clear whether treatment will ameliorate disease progres-
cells that are quiescent and reside underneath the basal sion. However, severe adverse events have been observed
lamina (the layer of connective tissue that surrounds in a subset of patients, including transient renal failure
each muscle fibre). These cells are activated upon mus- (likely due to an innate immune response) and tran-
cle damage to proliferate, self-renew and repair. Bone sient elevation of liver enzymes (likely due to a cellular
marrow-derived cells, pericytes and mesenchymal stem immune response to the vector)65,187. Notably, all treated
cells have the capacity to enter muscle and contribute patients included in these studies were pre-screened to
to myogenesis and can also be used for transplantation. rule out a pre-existing humoral immune response to the
Of note, all these cell types have only a limited capac- viral capsid used and all patients were pre-treated with
ity to be expanded in vitro. Induced pluripotent stem high doses of steroids to suppress an immune response
cells differentiated into myogenic lineages offer another to the virus. Additionally, AAV administration induces
option that does not face this challenge; however, this an anti-AAV capsid neutralizing antibody, which pre-
approach has a risk for unlimited growth and teratoma cludes retreatment. Furthermore, some patients already
formation. have pre-existing AAV neutralizing antibodies, which
For each type of cell used, delivery is not optimal, as excludes them from receiving this treatment. Strategies
myoblasts do not exit the blood vessels following delivery to counter this antibody response, such as plasmapher-
and, although the other stem cells can enter the muscle, esis, alternative AAV serotype and immune-modulating
only a very small percentage of transplanted stem cells drugs, are being explored.
actually do so. Systemic trials have failed to induce sig- Although the preliminary results are promising, AAVs
nificant dystrophin restoration. Some trials using local rarely integrate into the host genome and it is possible
high-density myoblast injections found some dystrophin that, with muscle turnover, the micro-dystrophin trans-
restoration around the needle tracks183,184; however, this gene will disappear with time. Whether this happens
approach is only feasible for small, superficial muscles. and how long it takes remain unknown. Furthermore,
As an alternative approach, stem cell transplantation how functional the micro-dystrophins are in humans
has also been used to improve muscle quality. The ration- and their corresponding therapeutic effects are also
ale is that the transplanted cells produce factors that have a unknown.
positive effect on skeletal muscle repair and heart pathol- With the development of genome editing systems,
ogy. This effect is transient as the transplanted cells will such as CRISPR/Cas9, it is now possible to make tar-
perish. In a trial using cardiosphere-derived cells, treat- geted modifications in the genome. CRISPR/Cas9 uses
ment is repeated every 3 months. Preliminary results guide RNAs that hybridize to specific complementary
from a phase I/II clinical trial showed treatment was well regions in DNA and guide the Cas9 enzyme to induce
tolerated and were suggestive of a positive effect on upper a double stranded break at the targeted locations188.
limb and heart function185. These breaks are then repaired by the DNA repair sys-
tems. In dividing cells, error-free repair can occur via
Gene therapy homologous recombination, thus providing a possibil-
Gene therapy for DMD aims to restore the missing ity to correct mutations. By contrast, in non-dividing
dystrophin by providing a functional copy of DMD or cells, the error-prone, non-homologous end-joining
by repairing DMD. Gene addition therapy uses viral system is used. As the most affected tissues in DMD are
vectors to deliver a cDNA copy of functional DMD post-mitotic, the focus on genome editing therapy for
to affected tissues. Although most viruses do not DMD has been on using non-homologous end joining.
have a natural tropism for skeletal muscles and heart, Inspired by the exon-skipping approach, guide RNAs
adeno-associated viruses (AAVs) are an exception and are designed such that they restore the reading frame.
can infect these tissues very efficiently. However, AAV This can be achieved in multiple ways through, for
only has a limited carrying capacity of ~4.7 kb, whereas example, deleting an exon, abolishing a splice site such
the Dp427 muscle isoform of dystrophin is encoded by that the exon is not included in the mRNA or reframing
an ~11.4 kb cDNA. As internally deleted dystrophins an exon (Fig. 5).

Nature Reviews | Disease Primers | Article citation ID: (2021) 7:13 13


a Micro-dystrophin: minimalistic dystrophin proteins containing the most crucial domains are delivered by adeno-associated vectors

b Exon skipping
Exon 1–51 Exon 53 Exon 54–79 Exon 1–51 Exon 53 Exon 54–79

Splicing Exon 53 hidden by AON: skipped during splicing

Exon 1–51 Exon 53 Exon 54–79 Exon 1–51 Exon 54–79

Out-of-frame mutation Reading frame restored

Dystrophin translation prematurely truncated Partially functional dystrophin produced


c Genome editing
Exon 1–51 Exon 53 Exon 54–79 Exon 1–51 Exon 53 Exon 54–79

Transcription Transcription

Exon 1–51 Exon 53 Exon 54–79 Exon 1–51 Exon 54–79

Splicing Splicing

Exon 1–51 Exon 53 Exon 54–79 Exon 1–51 Exon 54–79

Out-of-frame mutation Reading frame restored

Dystrophin translation prematurely truncated Partially functional dystrophin produced


d Stop codon readthrough

Exon 1–52 Exon 53 Exon 54–79
Stop codon (*) in exon 53 Exon 1–52 Exon 53 Exon 54–79

Dystrophin translation prematurely truncated Stop codon (*) in exon 53 partially repressed

cABD Low levels of full-length dystrophin produced


Fig. 5 | Dystrophin-restoring approaches. a | Micro-dystrophin gene therapy. To accommodate the limited

capacity of adeno-associated viral vectors, cDNA constructs encoding only the most crucial parts of dystrophin
have been generated to enable the expression of micro-dystrophins. b | Exon skipping. Antisense oligonucleotides
(AONs) are used to target a specific exon during pre-mRNA splicing. The AON hides the targeted exon from
the splicing machinery causing it to be skipped, thus restoring the reading frame, allowing the production of a
Becker-like dystrophin. c | Genome editing. Guide RNAs are used to direct Cas9 to target regions in the DNA to
delete an exon from the gene, thereby restoring the reading frame of mRNA produced from this gene, allowing the
production of Becker-like dystrophin. d | Stop codon readthrough. For patients with nonsense mutations (indicated
by an asterisk), compounds can suppress the premature stop codon use, facilitating instead the inclusion of an
amino acid. Thus, a full-length dystrophin can be produced. ABD, actin-binding domain; CR, cysteine-rich domain;
CT, C-terminal domain.

14 | Article citation ID: (2021) 7:13


Proof-of-concept of this approach has been achieved, to treat larger groups of patients. Here, the focus is on
confirming that genome editing can restore dystrophin exon 45–55 skipping as patients with BMD and deletion
production in DMD cell and animal models189,190. Some of exons 45–55 generally have a very mild phenotype20.
studies further demonstrated efficient editing of muscle In addition, the delivery of antisense genes using AAV
stem cells in the mouse model191,192. Genome editing is a vectors is being explored. In these studies, the U7 small
mutation-specific approach because different exons need nuclear ribonucleoprotein (snRNP) gene is modified
to be deleted for different mutations. Efforts to make this such that the RNA sequence that normally binds to
approach less mutation specific are being undertaken histone RNA binds to target exons. This approach is a
such as by deleting exons 45–55 (ref.193) or exons 47–58 combination of gene therapy and exon skipping and has
(ref.194). However, all the genome-editing work is still in shown promising results in animal models201. A clini-
a preclinical phase and multiple challenges have to be cal trial to assess exon 2 skipping is ongoing in patients
overcome to apply this approach systemically in humans, with DMD with exon 2 duplications based on promising
including optimal delivery of the genome-editing com- preclinical results202.
ponents, the risk of off-target editing and the risk of an
immune response against Cas9 (ref.195). Alternatively, Nonsense mutation readthrough
patient-derived cells could be edited ex vivo and then In addition to ataluren, which has been approved by the
transplanted back. However, this route is suboptimal EMA, gentamicin has stop codon readthrough capac-
owing to the inability to efficiently deliver cells to the ity and has been evaluated as a treatment for DMD203.
musculature. However, due to its safety profile, long-term treatment
Rather than delivering a functional copy of the is not an option. Various other chemical compounds
(micro-)dystrophin gene, efforts are also ongoing to have been screened to identify a readthrough drug with
deliver cDNA of genes that encode proteins that can a better safety profile.
improve muscle mass (such as follistatin196) or target dis-
ease mechanisms (such as SERCA2a)88. This approach Utrophin upregulation
has the advantage that it applies to all muscular dys- Utrophin — a ubiquitous protein that is enriched at
trophies. However, it will likely have a more limited neuro­muscular junctions — shares a high level of homol-
impact on disease progression as the primary cause of ogy with dystrophin and can recruit most of the proteins
the disease is not addressed. involved in the DAPC. In developing muscles, utrophin is
expressed in the same regions of muscle fibres as dystro-
Exon skipping phin but utrophin production is downregulated in mus-
As previously mentioned, three ASOs are now approved cle when dystrophin expression commences. Utrophin
for DMD, although the approval was based on low levels is often upregulated in patients with DMD and animal
of dystrophin restoration rather than on a confirmation of models that lack dystrophin and further upregulation
functional effects. Drisapersen, another exon 51-skipping of utrophin in mouse models ameliorated the pathol-
ASO with a 2’-O-methyl phosphorothioate modification, ogy of DMD204,205. High-throughput screening identi-
has been evaluated in placebo-controlled trials; however, fied ezutromid as a potential compound to upregulate
the FDA did not approve this drug owing to a lack of utrophin expression in muscle; however, this compound
convincing evidence of functional efficacy and due to the showed very limited bioavailability and no therapeu-
occurrence of injection site reactions, proteinuria and, in tic effect was observed in a placebo-controlled trial in
a subset of patients, thrombocytopenia197. patients with DMD206. Based on these data, the clinical
ASOs are mutation-specific approaches and different development of ezutromid has been abolished. However,
dystrophin proteins will be formed after skipping differ- ezutromid was found to upregulate utrophin by acting
ent exons for different mutations. In fact, skipping the as an aryl hydrocarbon receptor antagonist and other
same exon can lead to the formation of different dys- aryl hydrocarbon receptor antagonists were also found
trophins; for example, the deletion of exons 47–50, to upregulate utrophin207; accordingly, other compounds
48–50, 49–50 and 52 can be restored by exon 51 skip- may be able to upregulate utrophin.
ping. However, the dystrophins produced after exon 51
skipping will vary. Similarly, a deletion of exon 52 can be Approaches to preserve muscle
restored by either exon 51 or exon 53 skipping, resulting Therapeutic approaches that target the secondary con-
in two different dystrophins. Although in-frame dys- sequences of dystrophin loss are under development
trophins are partially functional if they have an ABD for DMD. For example, as the chronic use of glucocor-
and a CR-rich domain, their functionality depends on ticosteroids is accompanied by many adverse effects,
the connections between spectrin-like repeats198; for alternative steroids that have a better safety profile are
example, the connection between spectrin-like repeats being explored such as vamorolone208,209. Vamorolone
can be close to normal, normal or disjointed and some seems to be well tolerated in patients and adverse
disjointed connections impede the binding of proteins effects are seen at doses that exceed those used for
such as nNOS199,200. prednisone and deflazacort210. This compound is now
Techniques to improve ASO efficiency and uptake being tested in placebo-controlled trials. Edasalonexent
by skeletal muscle and heart are being explored such (an NF-κB inhibitor and, therefore, a potent inhibitor
as different chemical modifications, arginine-rich pep- of inflammation) is also in clinical development for
tide conjugates or muscle-homing conjugates. In paral- DMD. However, although it was well tolerated211, no
lel, multiexon skipping is being explored as an option efficacy was observed in a double-blind, randomized

Nature Reviews | Disease Primers | Article citation ID: (2021) 7:13 15


placebo-controlled trial and development of this drug Approaches to improve mitochondrial function in
was stopped. DMD have also been studied. These compounds are
Compounds to improve muscle mass have also been expected to reduce oxidative stress and fibrosis. One
evaluated for the treatment of DMD. One such exam- compound targeting mitochondrial function, ide-
ple is myostatin (a growth factor of the TGFβ family benone, demonstrated a reduced decline in respiratory
that inhibits muscle growth); as animals and humans function in patients with DMD not using corticoster-
lacking myostatin are extremely muscular212,213, the oids in a placebo-controlled trial216; however, studies
inhibition of myostatin was explored as a way to com- in patients using corticosteroids were prematurely
pensate for the loss of muscle tissue in patients with terminated as no therapeutic effects were found in the
DMD. Soluble myostatin receptors (ActIIB) resulted in interim analysis (NCT02814019 and NCT03603288).
improved muscle mass in healthy volunteers; however, In addition, histone deacetylase inhibition has been
longer-term treatment in patients with DMD was not explored as a method to improve regeneration and
feasible owing to adverse effects, including spontaneous reduce inflammation in patients with DMD. Givinostat
bleeding214, which was likely due to interference with was tested in a small open-label study, where treatment
activin signalling. A more specific approach involved reduced fibrosis in all patients based on muscle biopsies
myostatin antibodies; however, results from two large taken before and after the clinical trial217. A phase III
placebo-controlled trials with two different myostatin placebo-controlled trial is ongoing to assess the func-
antibodies215 did not find a therapeutic effect. In hind- tional effects of givinostat treatment in patients with
sight, this finding is not unexpected as myostatin levels DMD (NCT02851797).
are very low in patients with DMD, so further inhibition
Published online xx xx xxxx
may not be possible.

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Neuromuscul. Disord. 17, 38–46 (2007). 207. Wilkinson, I. V. L. et al. Chemical proteomics and Introduction (A.A.-R.); Epidemiology (S.T. and A.A.-R.);
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the randomized HOPE-Duchenne trial. Neurology 92, receptor as a molecular target of the utrophin screening and prevention (A.A.-R. and N.G.); Management
e866–e878 (2019). modulator ezutromid. Angew. Chem. 59, 2420–2428 (N.G., E.M. and S.T.); Quality of life (N.G. and E.M.); Outlook
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systemic in Duchenne muscular dystrophy patients. 208. Heier, C. R. et al. VBP15, a novel anti-inflammatory
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of rAAVrh74.MHCK7.micro-dystrophin in children 1569–1585 (2013). Biosciences and an equity holder of Solid Biosciences. D.D. is
with duchenne muscular dystrophy: a nonrandomized 209. Reeves, E. K. M., Hoffman, E. P., Nagaraju, K., an inventor on patents licensed to various companies. D.D.
controlled trial. JAMA Neurol. 77, 1122–1131 (2020). Damsker, J. M. & McCall, J. M. VBP15: preclinical has served as an ad hoc consultant for 4DMT, Decibel
188. Wang, D., Zhang, F. & Gao, G. CRISPR-based characterization of a novel anti-inflammatory delta Therapeutics, Evox, Primary Insight, Vida Ventures, Global
therapeutic genome editing: strategies and in vivo 9,11 steroid. Bioorg. Med. Chem. 21, 2241–2249 Guidepoint and GLG consultancy in the past 3 years. The lab
delivery by AAV vectors. Cell 181, 136–150 (2020). (2013). of D.D. has received research support from Solid Biosciences
189. Chemello, F., Bassel-Duby, R. & Olson, E. N. 210. Hoffman, E. P. et al. Vamorolone trial in Duchenne and Edgewise Therapeutics in the past 3 years. N.G. has
Correction of muscular dystrophies by CRISPR gene muscular dystrophy shows dose-related improvement received compensation as member of scientific boards or as
editing. J. Clin. Invest. 130, 2766–2776 (2020). of muscle function. Neurology 93, e1312–e1323 speaker at symposia from Sarepta, Pfizer, Italpharmaco and
190. Nelson, C. E., Robinson-Hamm, J. N. & Gersbach, C. A. (2019). PTC Therapeutics. S.T. has patents on sequences for exon skip
Genome engineering: a new approach to gene therapy 211. Finanger, E. et al. Phase 1 study of edasalonexent by antisense nucleic acids as a member of NCNP together with
for neuromuscular disorders. Nat. Rev. Neurol. 13, (CAT-1004), an oral NF-kappaB inhibitor, in pediatric Nippon Shinyaku. As principal inventor of these patents, S.T.
647–661 (2017). patients with Duchenne muscular dystrophy. is entitled to a share of royalties. S.T. discloses being an ad hoc
191. Nance, M. E. et al. AAV9 edits muscle stem cells in J. Neuromuscul. Dis. 6, 43–54 (2019). consultant for Ono Pharmaceutical, Daiichisankyo, Asahikasei
normal and dystrophic adult mice. Mol. Ther. 27, 212. Shelton, G. D. & Engvall, E. Gross muscle hypertrophy Pharma, Teijin Pharma, AGADA Biosciences, and Wave and
1568–1585 (2019). in whippet dogs is caused by a mutation in the myostatin being a member of the scientific advisory boards of Nippon
192. Kwon, J. B. et al. In vivo gene editing of muscle stem gene. Neuromuscul. Disord. 17, 721–722 (2007). Shinyaku, Taiho Pharma and Sarepta therapeutics. S.T.
cells with adeno-associated viral vectors in a mouse 213. Aiello, D., Patel, K. & Lasagna, E. The myostatin gene: received speaker honoraria from Japan Health Science
model of Duchenne muscular dystrophy. Mol. Ther. an overview of mechanisms of action and its relevance Foundation and Astellas Pharma and has also received
Methods Clin. Dev. 19, 320–329 (2020). to livestock animals. Anim. Genet. 49, 505–519 (2018). research supports from Taiho Pharma, Daiichisankyo, Nippon
193. Ousterout, D. G. et al. Multiplex CRISPR/Cas9-based 214. Campbell, C. et al. Myostatin inhibitor ACE-031 Shinyaku, Takeda Pharmaceutical and the Noguchi Institute
genome editing for correction of dystrophin mutations treatment of ambulatory boys with Duchenne in the past 3 years. E.M. is a Principal Investigator in clinical
that cause Duchenne muscular dystrophy. Nat. muscular dystrophy: results of a randomized, trials and advisory board member for Sarepta, Santhera,
Commun. 6, 6244 (2015). placebo-controlled clinical trial. Muscle Nerve 55, PTC, Roche, Italfarmaco, NS Pharma and Pfizer. A.A.-R. dis-
194. Duchêne, B. L. et al. CRISPR-induced deletion 458–464 (2017). closes being employed by Leiden University Medical Center
with SaCas9 restores dystrophin expression in 215. Wagner, K. R. et al. Randomized phase 2 trial and (LUMC), which has patents on exon-skipping technology,
dystrophic models in vitro and in vivo. Mol. Ther. open-label extension of domagrozumab in Duchenne some of which has been licensed to BioMarin and subse-
26, 2604–2616 (2018). muscular dystrophy. Neuromuscul. Disord. 30, quently sublicensed to Sarepta. As co-inventor of some of
195. Wasala, N. B., Hakim, C. H., Yang, N. N. & Duan, D. 492–502 (2020). these patents, A.A.-R. is entitled to a share of royalties.
Questions answered and unanswered by the first 216. Buyse, G. M. et al. Efficacy of idebenone on respiratory A.A.-R. further discloses being an ad hoc consultant for PTC
CRISPR editing study in the canine model of Duchenne function in patients with Duchenne muscular dystrophy Therapeutics, Sarepta Therapeutics, CRISPR Therapeutics,
muscular dystrophy. Hum. Gene Ther. 30, 535–543 not using glucocorticoids (DELOS): a double-blind Summit PLC, Alpha Anomeric, BioMarin Pharmaceuticals
(2019). randomised placebo-controlled phase 3 trial. Lancet Inc., Eisai, Astra Zeneca, Santhera, Audentes, Global
196. Mendell, J. R. et al. A phase I/IIa follistatin gene 385, 1748–1757 (2015). Guidepoint and GLG consultancy, Grunenthal, Wave, and
therapy trial for Becker muscular dystrophy. 217. Bettica, P. et al. Histological effects of givinostat BioClinica, having been a member of the Duchenne Network
Mol. Ther. 23, 192–201 (2015). in boys with Duchenne muscular dystrophy. Steering Committee (BioMarin), and being a member of the
197. Goemans, N. et al. A randomized placebo-controlled Neuromuscul. Disord. 26, 643–649 (2016). scientific advisory boards of ProQR, Hybridize Therapeutics,
phase 3 trial of an antisense oligonucleotide, 218. Petrof, B. J. Molecular pathophysiology of myofiber Silence Therapeutics, Sarepta Therapeutics and Philae
drisapersen, in Duchenne muscular dystrophy. injury in deficiencies of the dystrophin-glycoprotein Pharmaceuticals. Remuneration for these activities is paid to
Neuromuscul. Disord. 28, 4–15 (2018). complex. Am. J. Phys. Med. Rehabil. 81 (Suppl. 11), LUMC. LUMC also received speaker honoraria from PTC
198. Iyombe-Engembe, J. P. et al. Efficient restoration S162–S174 (2002). Therapeutics and BioMarin Pharmaceuticals and funding for
of the dystrophin gene reading frame and protein 219. Clerk, A., Strong, P. N. & Sewry, C. A. Characterisation contract research from Italpharmaco and Alpha Anomeric.
structure in DMD myoblasts using the CinDel method. of dystrophin during development of human skeletal Project funding is received from Sarepta Therapeutics.
Mol. Ther. Nucleic Acids 5, e283 (2016). muscle. Development 114, 395–402 (1992).
199. Nicolas, A. et al. Assessment of the structural and 220. Mokhtarian, A., Lefaucheur, J. P., Even, P. C. & Peer review information
functional impact of in-frame mutations of the DMD Sebille, A. Hindlimb immobilization applied to Nature Reviews Disease Primers thanks J. Novak, who
gene, using the tools included in the eDystrophin 21-day-old mdx mice prevents the occurrence of co-reviewed with T. Partridge, P. Clemens, H. Gordish-Dressman,
online database. Orphanet J. Rare Dis. 7, 45 (2012). muscle degeneration. J. Appl. Physiol. 86, 924–931 M. Ryan, J. Tremblay, and the other, anonymous, reviewer(s)
200. Delalande, O. et al. Dystrophin’s central domain forms (1999). for their contribution to the peer review of this work.
a complex filament that becomes disorganized by
in-frame deletions. J. Biol. Chem. 293, 6637–6646 Acknowledgements Publisher’s note
(2018). The laboratory of A.A.-R. is part of the Duchenne Center Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional
201. Goyenvalle, A. et al. Rescue of dystrophic muscle Netherlands. Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) research claims in published maps and institutional affiliations.
through U7 snRNA-mediated exon skipping. Science in the laboratory of A.A.-R. is currently supported by
306, 1796–1799 (2004). Duchenne Parent Project, Duchenne UK, Prinses Beatrix © Springer Nature Limited 2021

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