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Conozca a la mujer que lidera

la presencia de TIDAL en las
redes sociales y ayuda a
diferenciar la marca en el
espacio de transmisión
Paulina Reid Colaborador Sénior
Cubro a las mujeres líderes que están dando forma al Seguir

30 de junio de 2022, 08:37 a. m. EDT

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Melanie Mercedes, Gerente de Redes Sociales (Community + Insights Lead) en

En el mundo conectado digitalmente de hoy, construir una

comunidad es fundamental para el éxito y la longevidad de una
empresa. Encontrar el término medio entre la promoción
estratégica y el compromiso auténtico es a menudo la línea más
fina con la que las marcas se enfrentan a la hora de ofrecer
contenido que resuene en los consumidores. Si una marca no logra
crear interacciones significativas con su público objetivo en los
espacios en los que se reúne virtualmente, se pierde una
oportunidad importante para mejorar su exposición, credibilidad y
retención de clientes.

Cultivar una presencia social que demuestre que una marca conoce
las necesidades e intereses de su audiencia requiere de alguien en el
equipo que pueda ocupar hábilmente dos carriles: una influencia
respetada en la sala de juntas, al mismo tiempo que es la voz y los
oídos confiables de la empresa en las plataformas sociales. Los
Community Managers logran el equilibrio adecuado entre estos dos
mundos. Si bien los orígenes de la administración de la comunidad
comenzaron como un rol que las marcas aprovecharon para
enfocarse en el mantenimiento diario de los foros en línea, hoy en
día se ha convertido en una posición que es mucho más estratégica
que simplemente producir copias dirigidas en gran medida por
ejecutivos. Cuando las empresas invierten en la gestión de la
comunidad, se posicionan mejor para involucrar y fomentar las
relaciones con su audiencia, para obtener la retroalimentación
necesaria para mejorar la experiencia general del cliente. y crear
interacciones que generen confianza en la marca. Para cumplir con
estos objetivos, las marcas deben asegurarse de que los
administradores de la comunidad que contraten sean estrategas
impulsados ​por el conocimiento con una gran experiencia en
marketing digital, relaciones públicas y comunicaciones, y que
tengan un asiento en la mesa de toma de decisiones.

For Melanie Mercedes, Social Media Manager (Community +

Insights Lead) at TIDAL, keeping the values, beliefs, and interests
of the streaming platform’s audience at the forefront of business
decisions is how the brand continues to add a clear value for its
audience. Growing up, Mercedes spent her childhood testing her
music trivia knowledge to make sure she knew everything about her
favorite artists. Today she leverages this skill to identify and
connect with the platform’s most passionate music fans. Mercedes
has been steadily growing TIDAL’s share of voice (SOV) over the
past two years and has generated over 200 press hits in the last six
months alone as a direct result of concentrating efforts on the
brand’s most engaged followers, or “TIDAL Stans”, as she prefers to
call them.

An NYU graduate with an academic background in Public Relations

and Corporate Communications, Mercedes understands brand
positioning. She leads both the grassroots community online
interactions, as well as social analytics to monitor insights that
inform overarching plans across the subscription-based service.
“I'm in these Twitter streets. I keep my ear to the community we've
built – our audience – and report back on behalf of the people,”
said Mercedes. Her intentional approach to crafting this
multidimensional voice for TIDAL sets the brand authentically
apart from competitors in this space.

Sustaining this connection between brand and consumer is

invaluable. However, it is often dependent on businesses that trust
the process. To accomplish this coveted feat, brands must take a
leap of faith with their community managers and place their
confidence in the rapport they are able to build with consumers.
“My success as a Community Manager requires a certain level of
autonomy and that can be scary for brands,” admits Mercedes. “But
herein lies the difference between a social community manager like
myself and a marketing person running the brand’s social handles.
Spoiler alert: your followers on social media can spot the
difference.” Audiences know a pitch when they see one. By enabling
a direct-to-consumer approach through community management
and insight gathering, businesses will reap the benefits of
authentically bridging the space between themselves and the
audience they most want to connect with.

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Here, Mercedes shares her best strategy for designing a community

management approach that captures and maintains an audience’s
attention online:

Move With Purpose

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To cultivate an impactful presence online, brands must take a two-

pronged approach: first, identify the purpose for being on a social
media platform, and then master the message they will consistently
deliver. “I think brands fail to realize that your purpose should
slightly vary from platform to platform,” advised Mercedes. “You
shouldn't have the exact same presence across the board. How are
you using each channel to educate your audience, engage them, and
drive meaningful awareness for the brand?”

Mercedes also suggests that instead of cross-distributing content,

brands should consider localizing everything to better target and
serve the audiences of each platform. Although there will be some
crossover, your audience on Twitter is not identical to your
audience on TikTok. As a result, the way your message is received
will vary across all platforms. Brands should consider leveraging
the local capabilities of each channel to boost engagement in as
authentic as possible.

“On TikTok for instance, UGC capabilities stretch far and wide with
the duet feature. When Megan Thee Stallion dropped her viral hit
track 'Body,' instead of doing the standard awareness post
informing users they can now stream the song in-app, we prompted
our TikTok followers to duet a clip of her music video with a video
of themselves dancing along to the new track. This call-to-action
which leveraged the platform's native features resulted in a highly
engaging post that garnered over 1M views and 77K likes.”

Meet Audiences Where They Are

Consumers stay loyal to brands that share their purpose and

interests. The best ways to exemplify this alignment are to
understand the style of vernacular these online community
members use and find a way to add your authentic voice to the
topics that have them talking.

For example, the seemingly age-old conversation amongst music

lovers and Jay-Z fans online has been whether it is more valuable to
receive half a million dollars or have a dinner conversation with the
hip hop artist and business mogul. A single tweet from Tidal’s
Twitter account humorously ended the debate and had the internet
talking. Mercedes explained the brand rationale, “There's the
obvious brand association with Jay-Z that played a factor in the
success of this tweet. But the words themselves, "Take the 500 K"
with no context coming from our brand account, it definitely makes
followers feel like we’re listening and that we are paying attention.
Had the words come from any other account, it probably would
have fallen flat.” Mercedes’ strategy is to take a community-first
approach to engage the brand’s followers and communities at eye-
level. She learns the jargon of stan communities to target them
directly. Whether it’s the Barbz (“Um, chile, anyways, so..”) or the
Hov-avengers (“Take the 500K.”), it’s easier for these communities
to digest brand messaging when it is spoken in their language.

Use Culturally Relevant Moments to Your Advantage

When Kanye first began teasing DONDA release dates, fans became
increasingly frustrated at streaming services for not having the
album on the promised dates. Instead of remaining silent or
providing generic responses to anxious tweeters, TIDAL used the
moment to have some fun. “Through a series of live commentary on
Twitter, I leveraged this moment to poke fun at the situation and
position our brand as a fan eagerly awaiting the drop as well,”
recalled Mercedes. “Much of the commentary from TIDAL went
viral, and even garnered us recognition from TIME magazine for
the hilarious play-by-play.” TIDAL’s brand came out on top in
terms of setting themselves apart from their streaming
counterparts by driving home the point that, as a brand, they are
music stans, just as their users are.

Bring Data to Life

In her previous role as Social Analyst at Sony, Mercedes learned

how to leverage data to create impactful social strategies.
“Admittedly, this is a blind spot in marketing. You should be able to
read the data, understand it, and use it to inform your strategy,”
said Mercedes. “At Sony, I had to learn anywhere upwards of like
seven different social listening tools to really sift through large data
sets specific to social and different artists' social handles to help
advise and inform their campaigns.” She uses this same analytical
approach to guide the content strategy at TIDAL. Instead of relying
on intuition, data empowers brands by focusing on hard analytics
to guide their decisions. “Social listening tools enable us to
benchmark performance para identificar realmente los temas que
más le importan a nuestra audiencia y medir el sentimiento
general”, dijo Mercedes. “Una vez que construyes esa cadencia,
estableces confianza. Si sabe cuáles son las pasiones compartidas y
los puntos débiles de su audiencia, sabrá qué tema o tema los
involucrará. Y también sabes lo que debería estar fuera de los
límites. Así es como las marcas generan confianza con los
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