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Cover letter – New Zealand

Ejemplo e instrucciones para completar estas preguntas

Se trata de responder a las preguntas que te especificamos más abajo. En ellas debes explicar que irte a
estudiar a Nueva Zelanda va a ser bueno para tu futuro profesional según tu CV y por qué, explicado

No es suficiente con poner que “este curso va a ser bueno para mi futuro profesional porque es un país
multicultural y además mejoraré mi inglés”. Esta frase debe estar MUY JUSTIFICADA ya que esta carta es
tu única manera de explicarle a inmigración tus intenciones.

Comentarios que NO DEBEN aparecer bajo ningún concepto

- Que quieres trabajar allí (aunque sean las 20 hrs semana permitidas) o que es un país con muchas
oportunidades profesionales

- Que te quieres quedar de forma permanente

1 –Your reasons for choosing to undertake the course(s) of study specified in your application. An outline of your study
plans. An idea of what you want to do once you have finished your study.
Razones por las que has elegido el curso o cursos en los que te has matriculado. Un resumen de tus planes de estudio.
Una idea de lo que quieres hacer al terminar tus estudios.

Explica las razones por las que has elegido ese curso concreto. Si vas a estudiar un curso difícil de
encontrar en tu propio país, lo puedes comentar. Quedará más justificado todavía tu motivo para ir a Nueva
Zelanda a estudiar. Si es un curso de menor nivel del que tú tienes puedes nombrar que en ciertos
aspectos es más específico y por éso va a ser bueno para tu futuro.
Y si es un curso de inglés puedes nombrar que te va a permitir mejorar tu futuro, tu trabajo, tus
expectativas, tu comunicación si viajas.....

I have decided to study General English because this kind of course allows me to take up my studies from any
level, even to level up as I improve my English.
XXXXXXXXXX is a country where international education is considered an important advantage and going to an
English-speaking country for a period of time, proves that I am able to deal with a day a day conversation. The
main reason why I choose New Zealand is because of the great academic level, the offer to study English and the
friendly and open culture.

2 – The reasons why you chose this education provider

Razones por las que has elegido esa escuela

Quizá el motivo sea la buena reputación de la misma, o el programa de estudios además de las
instalaciones, programa de ayuda para estudiantes….(lo que sea que te haya ayudado a decidirte) Si has
comparado con otras puede ser bueno que las nombres y digas las razones concretas de por qué has
elegido la que has elegido.

I have also chosen XXXXX because I have read excellent reviews online about its teaching methods and riendly
teachers. Furthermore I had a friend who studied at the same college and said it was a good college with nice

3 – Your reasons for choosing to study in New Zealand rather than in your home country or usual country of residence.
You can compare New Zealand with other English-speaking countries.
Razones por las que has elegido estudiar en Nueva Zelanda en vez de en tu país de origen o en tu actual país de
residencia. Puedes comparar Nueva Zelanda con otros países de habla inglesa.

Explica por qué yendo a clase en el extranjero puede expandir tu capacidad de aprender e interpretar
nueva información. También añade los beneficios culturales de irte a otro país, sobre todo uno tan
multicultural como New Zealand . Además intenta justificar por qué quieres estudiar de nuevo si has estado
muchos años sin estudiar en tu país (si es el caso)

I am sure that nowadays you can study English in every country, but I am also sure that English best taught
and learned in the English Speaking countries. I am more than sure that English skills can be improved
more rapidly when you are learning it in English Speaking Environment.
Your Government seems to support my view that studies in New Zealand is a far better option than
studying at home. By studying English in New Zealand, you will gain a huge range of life skills you cannot
get at home. Invaluable skills like problem-solving, leading diverse teams of people, and applying your
English to real-world situations – abilities you will draw on for the rest of your life. With a multicultural mix of
students in our educational facilities, you will learn the world’s language in a truly international environment.

Billions of people around the globe are desperately trying to learn English — not simply for self-
improvement, but as an economic necessity. It’s easy to take for granted being born in a country where
people speak the  main language of global business, but for people in fast growing economies such as
XXXXXXX, where English is not the official language, good English is a critical tool, which people rightly
believe will help them tap into new opportunities at home and abroad.

And off course, I have chosen New Zealand amongst other English speaking countries because your
country’s nature, culture and amazing people. I have chosen New Zealand , as this could be a good
opportunity to see your country, to travel around other Ocean countries and to have our journey of life
before starting a family here, in XXXXXXXX.

4 – Your planned living arrangements in New Zealand. Please give details of how you are paying for your study in New
Zealand, including: – a summary of the evidence you are providing with your application and where this money has
come from. If you are supported by a financial guarantor, explain how you are related to them.
Tus planteamientos sobre tu forma/hábitos de vida en Nueva Zelanda. Por favor da detalles de cómo pagarás tus
estudios y tu estancia en Nueva Zelanda, incluyendo: – un resumen de los documentos que estás presentando y de
dónde proviene este dinero. Si te ayudas de un avalista, explica la relación que os une.

Explica en este apartado que formas y hábitos de vida vas a llevar en New Zealand sobre todo en lo
referente a dónde vas a vivir al llegar (hostel, hotel...), qué tipo de vivienda vas a buscar (compartida con
gente extranjera, casa para ti solo...)

I want to keep living in the same apartment that I am currently living. The apartment is in XXXX and I really love the
area because it is close to the city and at the same time is more quiet than the CBD.

I will book a room in a hostel for the first 2 weeks. Upon my arrive to Australia I will start looking to rent a room in a
house with other international students in order to meet new people from all over the world at the same time that I
practice English everyday.

5 – The relevance of your course(s) of study to your academic and/or employment background. Please give details of
what education and training you have completed in the past or are currently completing. Please provide information
about what you did during any gaps in your recent education or work history.

La relevancia del curso/s elegido/s en tu carrera y/o background profesional. Por favor da detalles de los estudios que
has completado anteriormente o estás terminando. Por favor explica lo que hiciste durante los periodos de tiempo sin
estudios y/o trabajo.

Explicar detalladamente por qué crees que el curso elegido va a ser beneficioso para tu futuro profesional
y/o académico en tu país (mejor sueldo, mejores ofertas laborales...)

The benefits of English in my professional development are:

- Work: Most of the companies in my country require a high level of English for working and
communicate with international clients or suppliers, and for filling some documentation.

- Training: I plan to do a master ́s degree (MBA) abroad, which demands high level of English
and the approval on International English Exams, so being in this program is really a must.

- Researches for my course or job: Most papers, manuals or articles are available in English.
Improving my English reading skills will allow me to have a better knowledge about the topics
for my XXXXX

6 – The relevance of the course(s) of study to your future career and/or educational plans. What are your plans upon
return to your country:
La relevancia que tiene el/los curso/s elegido/s en tu futuro laboral y/o académico. Cuáles son tus planes a tu regreso a
tu país.

Qué planes tienes al terminar y explica muy bien que yendo a New Zealand vas a poder completar ciertos
requerimientos (explica cuáles) que te ayudarán para tu futuro profesional.

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