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Benefits of sprouted grain over whole dry grain feeding of Livestock

• Contains enzyme inhibitors
• High in Phytate • Packed full of minerals which allows full absorption

• May cause acidosis • No acidosis. Safe!

• Need to introduce slowly to allow time to ad- • May feed until full
just Rumin Biology
• Requires roughage, hay, silage to balance ra- • Can take up to 100% of ration if necessary
tion if no pasture available
• Requires high mineral supplementation to • Low mineral supplementation
compensate for Phytate effect
• May require rolling or crushing to assist di-
• Grain oxidizes after being crushed and the • No oxidation—fresh daily
quality reduces after 6 weeks in storage
• Feed buffers such as Sodium Bi-carb or Ben- • May be wilted to increase consumption
tonite are required to enhance digestion
• Ruminents were not meant to eat grain, like • Plant material ideally suited to livestock
man most animals have evolved to absorb
minerals from fibrous plants and vegetables
Phytates are enzyme inhibitors found in varying degrees in cereal grains. We need to look to nature to understand the benefits of
sprouting grain. The only animal residing on earth meant to eat whole grains is a bird. The mechanism a bird possesses allowing
it to digest grain is a crop. Controlling temperature and moisture within this organ until the seed sprouts sufficiently for the bird to
a ccess the minerals and vitamins held within.

When a seed germinates in the soil and grows into a plant fit for consumption by man or beast the effect of Phytates are
eliminated and allow the maximum absorption of nutrients contained within this capsule. If we can maximize the nutrition within
the seed by producing crops grown on healthy balanced mineralzed soils we give the livestock consuming the sprouted grain
the greatest opportunity to prosper. All healthy life on earth is reliant on diverse mineral uptake to enhance the immune system
to resist attack by detrimental viruses and bacteria's’ causing disease and sometimes death.

We acknowledge research work conducted by world renown animal nutritionist & biological farming consultant from the USA,
Jerry Brunetti for improving our understanding of the effects of enzyme inhibitors and the problems relating to feeding livestock
whole grains.

Good management, attention to detail using good quality grains and water are imperative to maximize daily weight gain. The type,
age and condition of the animal are important variances to be considered when determining daily weight gain. There are also
other factors which include, the quality of pasture, roughage, such as hay or silage, availability to free choice minerals in the form
of loose licks, along with separate iodized salt. We then need to determine whether the stock are to be fattened or kept alive in a
drought management program. As you can see there are a lot of factors to consider when estimating the value of sprouted
grains, not just weight gain.

The experience of clients using the FodderTech system has been, when in a livestock (cattle) fattening operation using good
quality grain and proven animal husbandry procedures, weight gains of 800gms to 1.2kg per day have been achieved. Weather
conditions such as high or extremely low ambient temperatures, lack of shelter or adequate clean drinking water, may effect
body condition. On going research by FodderTech staff is aimed at increasing conversion of mineral dense cereal sprouts into
weight gains, but most importantly growing healthy balanced animals with an immunes system than can assist in reducing
infection and disease.
Copyright remains with the author Larry Palmer, SWEP Analytical Laboratories

Fodder Technologies 11 Capital Place Carrum Downs Vic 3201 Australia W
ABN 25 132 583 923 P +61 03 9770 8993 F +61 03 9770 8994

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