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CURSO: Inglés
DOCENTE: Yaneli Valdivia Laguna
TEMA: SIMPLE PRESENT TENSE I watch television. He watches television, too.
Semana: 05 A
(Yo veo televisión. Él ve televisión también)


You wash your hair. She washes her hair, too.
El presente simple se usa para hablar de actividades y
(Tú lavas tu cabello. Ella lava su cabello también).
acciones habituales y rutinarias; también para referirnos
a hechos o verdades generales, así como para hablar de
ciertas situaciones permanentes. They miss their family. She misses her family, too).

Ellos extrañan a su familia. Ella extraña a su familia


Para formar oraciones afirmativas en Presente Simple,

escribimos el verbo en su forma original para los You fix your car. He fixes his car, too.
pronombres I, You, We, They, menos para He, She, It,
(Tú arreglas tu carro, Él arregla su carro también).
en cuyos casos generalmente se añade una "s" al final
de éste.
I go to the movies. He goes to the movies, too.

(Yo voy al cine, Él va al cine también).

I play Yo juego

You play Tú juegas 2. Si el verbo termina en "consonante + y",

eliminamos la letra “y”, para luego añadir "ies"
He plays Él juega
al final del verbo. Examples:

She plays Ella juega

You study French. He studies French, too.
It plays Juega
(Tú estudias francés. Él estudia francés también).
We play Nosotros(as) jugamos

You play Ustedes juegan I carry my books. He carries his books, too.

(Yo llevo mis libros. Él lleva sus libros tambien).

They play Ellos(as) juegan

IMPORTANTE: En las oraciones negativas se utiliza don’t o doesn’t

Existen varios casos particulares en los cuales tenemos según el pronombre o sujeto y los verbos se escriben en

que seguir ciertas reglas de ortografía para poder añadir su forma original en todos los casos (no se conjugan

"es" o “ies” al final de los verbos. con He, She, It; tal como lo hacemos en la forma
1. Si el verbo termina en "ch, sh, ss, x, o"
añadiremos "es". Examples:

Jr. Leoncio Prado n.° 1399 – 2.° piso / Jr. Dos de Mayo n.° 1450 Teléfonos: 924 884 604 / 990 583 271
I don’t play No, she doesn’t.

You don’t play Does it______? Yes, it does.

He doesn’t play No, it doesn’t.

She doesn’t play Do we ______? Yes, you do.

It doesn’t play No, you don’t.

We don’t play Do you ______? Yes, we do.

You don’t play No, we don’t.

They don’t play Do they _____? Yes, they do.

No, they don’t.

1. I don’t work in a supermarket. Examples:
(Yo no trabajo en un supermercado). 1. Do you go to the beach in the summer?
¿Vas a la playa en el verano?
2. Elizabeth doesn’t study architecture. Yes, I do. No, I don’t.
(Elizabeth no estudia arquitectura).

2. Does Fiorela listen to rock music?

3. They don’t live in the United Kingdom. ¿Fiorela escucha música rock?
(Ellos no viven en el Reino Unido). Yes, she does. No, she doesn’t.

4. My father doesn’t teach chemistry in a school. 3. Do they have English classes on Fridays?
(Mi padre no enseña química en un colegio). ¿Ellos tienen clases de inglés los viernes?

Yes, they do. No, they don’t.


4. Does he like fruits and vegetables?
ANSWERS ¿Te gustan las fritas y vegetales?
Para formular preguntas, se antepone Do o Does al
Yes, he does No, he doesn’t.
pronombre o sujeto y los verbos se escriben en su forma
original en todos los casos (no se conjugan con He, She, ADVERBS OF FREQUENCY (Adverbios de frecuencia)
It; tal como ocurre en la forma afirmativa). ALWAYS Siempre
USUALLY Usualmente
OFTEN A menudo
GENERALLY Generalmente
Do I_______? Yes, you do. SOMETIMES A veces
SELDOM Rara vez
No, you don’t. HARDLY EVER Casi nunca
Do you_____? Yes, I do.
We use adverbs of frequency to talk about how often we
No, I don’t. do something
Usamos los adverbios de frecuencia para decir cuántas
Does he_____? Yes, he does. veces hacemos algo.

No, he doesn’t. Adverbs of frequency Adverbios de frecuencia

in the sentence. en la oración
Does she ____? Yes, she does.
Miluska sometimes plays tennis on Tuesdays.

Jr. Leoncio Prado n.° 1399 – 2.° piso / Jr. Dos de Mayo n.° 1450 Teléfonos: 924 884 604 / 990 583 271
Miluska a veces juega tenis los martes.
5. Billy / to work / in the supermarket ______________
➢ Before the main verb. (antes del verbo principal). Yes, ____

Exercises : Circle the letter with the correct sentence. NIVEL II

A) She buys fish never. B) She never buys fish. 1. The sun ____ in the east.
C) She buys fish never. A) rise B) rises C) Is rises
A) they always drink soda. B) they drink soda always.
C) they drink always soda. 2. Teresa ____ this bag, but it is very small.
A) we drive minivans often. B) we often drive minivans. A) like B) am like to. C) likes.
C) we drive often minivans.
A) it opens never at 7 a.m. B) it never at opens 7 a.m. 3. My sister ____ breakfast at 9 am.
C) it never opens at 7 a.m. A) have B) is have C) has

4. Mario ____ in an office.

NIVEL I A) Work B) Works C) Is works
5. The black car____ a lot of money.
A) cost B) is costs C) costs
FORM. 6. It ____ a lot in the winter.
A) rains B) is rain C) rain
1. I (to like)_____________ lemonade very much.
7. Laura ____a pet.
2. The girls always (to listen)_____________ to pop A) doesn’t have. B) don’t have. C)is not has.
8. Your brother____
3. Janet never (to wear)____________ jeans. A) don’t play B) isn’t play. C) doesn’t play.

4. Mr Smith (to teach) __________ Spanish and French. 9. They _______

A) sings B) don’t sing C) doesn’t sing.
5. You (to do)___________ your homework after school.
10. Her daughter _________ very well
A) does not dance. B) does dance. C) is dance.
II. MAKE NEGATIVE SENTENCES. 11. It _____ in December.
A) don’t rain. B) doesn’t rain. C) isn´t rains.
1. My father makes breakfast. →____________________
12. _____ she ____ to the gym early?
2. She writes a letter. → __________________________ A) Do/goes. B) Does/goes. C) Does/go.
3. I speak Italian. → _________________________
4. Danny phones his father on Sundays. → ____________ 13. Your sister ____ to work on weekend.
A) don´t go. B) doesn’t go. C) doesn’t goes.

14. We ____ music at 4:00 every day.

III. MAKE QUESTIONS. A) listen to. B) listens to. C) to listen to.

15. I ____ the piano.

1. you / to speak / English → _____________________ A) doesn’t plays B)don’t play C) don’t plays
Yes, __________
16. ____ she ____to music in the evening?
2. when / he / to go / home →____________________ A) Do/listen B)Does/listens C)Does/listen
No, _________
17. Do you cook in the morning?____
3. they / to clean / the bathroom → _________________ A) No, I don’t. B) No, I do. C) No, I does not.
Yes, __________ NIVEL III
4. where / she / to ride / her bike →________________
Yes, ____
Tom works at a bank. He is the manager. He starts work
every day at 8:00 am. He finishes work at 6:00 pm. He

Jr. Leoncio Prado n.° 1399 – 2.° piso / Jr. Dos de Mayo n.° 1450 Teléfonos: 924 884 604 / 990 583 271
lives near the bank. He walks to work every day. His D. Yes, they do.
brother and sister also work at the same bank. But, they do E. No, you don´t.
not live near the bank so they usually go to work by train
or by bus.
In the bank, Tom helps all the workers and tells them what
to do. He likes his job. He is also very good at his job. Dear Marcos,
Hi, my name is Rebecca and I am your new pen pal. I’m
Many customers like Tom, and they say hello to him when ten years old, and I live in Barcelona, Spain. I go to the
they come to the bank. Tom likes to talk to the customers 4th grade in Saint Michael Elementary School. On
weekdays, I get up at 6 o’clock. The school starts at 7:30
and make them feel happy. Tom really likes his job and he in the morning. I have my lunch at the school cafeteria
loves what he does. and I usually leave around 3:30 in the afternoon. I am
good at math, I also like history and geography but I my
1. What time does Tom start work? favorite subject is science. I like playing basketball and
soccer. I also play tennis, and I like swimming. On the
A. At 7:00 am. weekends, I go to the movie theater with my friends. We
B. At 6:00 pm. like action movies. I usually go to church with my
parents on Sundays.
C. At 1:00 pm Please write and tell me about you and your life. What’s
D. At 8:00 am your family like? What do you like doing in your spare
E. He doesn’t work. I hope to hear from you soon.
Best wishes,
2. Does Tom drive a car to work? 1. What time does Rebecca get up ?
A. Yes, he does. A) 6:00 pm
B) Six o´clock in the morning
B. No, she doesn’t. C) At noon
C. Yes, he does.
D. No, I don’t. 2. Rebecca gets up at 6:00 am on weekends
E. No, he doesn’t.
A) True
B) False
3. Where does Tom live?
3. Does she good at Science?
A. He lives near the bank. A) No , she does
B. He lives far from the bank. B) No , she doesn´t
C) No , she isn´t
C. She lives near the bank.
D. They live in a hotel. 2. On the weekdays , she goes to the movie
theater with her friends
E. I live near the bank. A) True

4. Where do his brother and sister work? READING COMPREHENSION N°3

A. At the bank.
B. At the supermarket.
C. At home. Hi, my name is Tina. I am thirteen years old and today I
want to talk about my best friend Selena. She is my
D. At the movies. classmate and she is thirteen years old too. We attend a
E. They don’t work. very big school near Scotland. We share the same desk
and love the same school subjects. Our favorite lessons
are Arts and Physical Education. I am very good at tennis
5. Do many customers like Tom? and she is very good at volleyball. She plays volleyball at
our school team. We both have a busy life. We always
A. Yes, they does. get up at a half past six and at seven o’clock her father
B. Yes, we do. takes us to school by car. They live next door to us, so
after school we always do our homework, walk our dogs
C. No, she doesn’t. and play together. Our classes start at half past seven and

Jr. Leoncio Prado n.° 1399 – 2.° piso / Jr. Dos de Mayo n.° 1450 Teléfonos: 924 884 604 / 990 583 271
finish at 4 p.m. Her mother is a nurse. My mother is a ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS
nurse too and they work at the same hospital. Our fathers
are both engineers but they work at different companies. 1. How old is Tina ?
On Mondays, Selena has violin class and I have piano _____________________________________________
class. On Tuesdays and Thursdays she practices
volleyball at the school’s gym and I play tennis in our
2. Who is Tina´s best friend ?
school court. Friday is my favorite day because Selena
stays overnight with us. On the weekends, we usually go _____________________________________________
to the movie theater or have a picnic if the weather is
good. I am the only child, I don’t have a sister but she is 3.What are their favorite lessons at school ?
like a sister to me.

1. WHAT IS SELENA’S FAVORITE DAY OF THE 4. Does Tina play tennis ?

WEEK? _____________________________________________
A) Sunday
B) Monday
5. Does Selena play Tennis ?
C) Tuesday
D) Friday _____________________________________________
E) Thursday
6. What time do their classes finish ?
QUESTIONS YOU CANNOT ANSWER? 7. Do their mothers work at the same hospital ?
A) What time does Tina get up on weekdays?
B) Which school subjects does Tina like?
C) What music types does Tina like? 8. Does Tina have brothers and sisters ?
D) How does Selena go to school? _____________________________________________
E) What is her name ?


A) Her mother is a nurse.

B) She has a busy life.
C) She walks her dog on Saturdays.
D) She spends time with her best friend.
E) She has a nice life

Jr. Leoncio Prado n.° 1399 – 2.° piso / Jr. Dos de Mayo n.° 1450 Teléfonos: 924 884 604 / 990 583 271

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