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Consejo Directivo Central

Prof. Dr. Robert Silva García – Presidente
Dr. Juan Antonio Gabbito Zóboli – Consejero
Profa. Dora Araceli Graziano Marotta – Consejera
Prof. Juan Pérez – Consejero
Prof. Mtro. Oscar Aníbal Pedrozo Cabrera – Consejero

Dirección Ejecutiva de Políticas Educativas

Dra. Adriana Aristimuño

Dirección de Políticas Lingüísticas

Prof. Dr. Aldo Rodríguez

Consejo de Educación Secundaria.

Profa. Lic. Jennifer Cherro Pintos – Directora General
Profa. Reina Pintos Ganón – Consejera
Prof. Carlos Rivero Baptista – Consejero

Consejo de Educación Técnico Profesional

Prof. Ing. Agr. Juan Pereyra
Profa. Dra. Laura Otamendi
Mtro. Téc. Freddy Amaro

Equipo referente del Proyecto

Insp. Profa. Gabriela Zazpe, CES Prof. Victor Da Costa, ATD CETP
Insp. Profa. Mariella Marino, CES Profa. Zahida Mansur, ATD CETP
Insp. Profa. Sandra Núñez, CES Profa. Mercedes Pérez, ATD CETP
Insp. Prof. Antonio Stathakis, CETP Dr. Aldo Rodríguez, DPL - CODICEN
Profa. Marcela Da Col, ATD CES
Mag. Antonella Suárez, ATD CETP
Prof. Alexis Garcia, ATD CETP

Equipo contenidista
Profa. Jimena Martínez Spangenberg Profa. Dra. Ana Laura García
Profa. Verónica Velázquez Pérez Prof. Gustavo Pereira Méndez
Mag. Andrea Joyce Profa. Simone Masullo
Profa. Nancy González Barrios Prof. Aldo Rodríguez
Profa. Alice Zapata

Edición y diseño Diseño Editorial

Profa. Carolina Bustos Nomade Estudio

Corrección de estilo
Profa. Kelly Christensen

Montaje y creación de personajes

Profa. Verónica Velázquez Pérez Profa. Jimena Martínez Spangenberg
Prof. Gustavo Pereira Méndez Profa. Mag. Andrea Joyce

Profesores que contribuyeron con sus materiales y/o feedback

Walter Andrés Farías Surraco Melissa Adriana Pérez Camano María Amelia Cardozo Dos Santo
Nadia Da Silva Armendáriz Fabiana Cristina Andrada Núñez Silvia María Martín Rondan
Claudia Correa Yanes Ana Laura Lagrega Nostrani Marianne Dos Santos Grecco
Daniela Iorio Clavijo Ginamaría Carolina Orofino Gil María Verónica Corujo Pinto
Leticia Judith Gómez Romero Juan Carlos Queijo Carrato María Jimena Larraz Spinelli
Claudia Soledad Castro Serrano Gina María Olivera Rodriguez Beatriz Elizabeth Iriarte Ferreira
Valeria Zabrina Pérez Novo Katherin Carolina Braida Rodríguez Silvia Carla Hernández Arguimbao
Cecilia María Corbo Grassi María Natalia Pereira Ramírez Pablo Gabriel Fernández Beri
Elizabeth Canova Núñez Gladys Mabel Guerisoli Abreu María Alejandra Martínez León
Gabriela Sandra Gaione Catepon Mariana Patricia Fernández Sánchez Laura Fernández Silveira
Gabriela Cabrera Tabeira Freddy Eduardo López Carballo Patricia Suárez
Andrea Lorena Pérez Devera
La realización de este manual fue posible debido al esfuerzo de muchos actores de la
comunidad educativa. Es imprescindible poder agradecerle a cada uno de ellos.
Seguramente, en el listado de los mismos nos olvidemos de mencionar a alguien y si
es así pedimos disculpas por ello.

A la Comisión Fulbright Uruguay por el apoyo en este proyecto, así como en todos
los proyectos que promueven la mejora en los procesos de enseñanza y aprendizaje
del inglés.
A todos los English Teaching Assistants (ETAs) de la Comisión Fulbright que
contribuyeron con sus materiales, su voz o su tiempo en la realización de lecciones
para este manual. En especial vaya el agradecimiento para la ETA Susie Zavala.
A la embajada de Estados Unidos en Uruguay por el apoyo a través de la obtención
de un corrector de estilo, el uso de recursos de libre uso así como del apoyo
permanente en la mejora de los procesos de aprendizaje y enseñanza de la lengua.
Al grupo de inspectores del Consejo de Educación Técnico Profesional y a las
inspecciones de Historia, Geografía y Educación Social del Consejo de Educación
Secundaria. Asimismo queremos agradecer al Inspector Coordinador del CETP
Antonio Stathakis y al Inspector Coordinador del CES Ariel Fripp.
A los deportistas Victoria Martínez, Susana Selios, Matías Presa, Diego Forlán y
Chris Namús.
A las profesoras Gabriela Kaplan, Martina Fernández Facciolo y Andrea Joyce.
A la cantante y profesora Fernanda Ferreira de la ciudad de Salto.
Al mago Daniel K., a la artista Erika Castro de la ciudad de Montevideo, al artista
Santiago Flores de la ciudad de Young, al compositor, estudiante y artista Emanuel
Olivera y su familia de Minas y al payador Mario Tarde de la ciudad de Mercedes.
Al complejo Tierra Pura y a la Reserva Tálice en el Departamento de Flores, a la
empresa Werba S.A. y a los liceos 1 y 2 de Dolores así como a sus comunidades
educativas y sus equipos de gestión.
A los casi 200 profesores uruguayos que estuvieron contribuyendo con su feedback
e incluso con fotos y videos de cada una de las actividades.
A todas y cada una de las personas que contribuyeron con una foto, con su voz para
crear un audio o para realizar un video.
A Ceibal en Inglés por la realización de los planes para las Conversation Classes que
nuestros alumnos disfrutarán.
Agradecemos a CERESO (Centro de Recurso para Sordos) y a sus coordinadoras
María Eugenia Rodino y Mag. Viviana Linale. Asimismo, agradecemos al CER
(Centro de Recursos) y a su coordinadora Beatriz Santiago.

Los planes de clase que corresponden al programa Conversation Class fueron

elaborados por la profesora Alicia Patrón, la licenciada Serrana Echenagusía y la
magister Gabriela Kaplan del equipo de Ceibal en Inglés.





Find information in the web / Use your PC to find

more info.

Write/ Jot down ideas / Brainstorm ideas.

Talk / Present / Introduce / Speak.

Get in pairs/ Find a pair / Exchange ideas with a peer.

Get in groups / Discuss with your group / Exchange

ideas in groups.

Let’s play a game!

Conversation Class.
El programa de Conversation Class de Ceibal en Inglés tiene dos objetivos
fundamentales: el desarrollo de habilidades de oralidad y el mejoramiento de
habilidades de interculturalidad. Para cumplir con estos objetivos, los estudiantes y
sus docentes reciben un profesor remoto a través de un equipo de videoconferencia
una vez por semana.
Todos los grupos de Educación Media están invitados a participar, previa inscripción.
El ícono señala las lecciones en donde existe coordinación entre los materiales de este
libro y los del Conversation Class Program.
Unit 1

become acquainted with vocabulary related to food. talk and share ideas about the food people like
and the food people don’t like.
n r an on o i an i r n
between omnivores, vegetarians and vegans. understand the praxis behind a dialogue at a
become aware of eating diseases such as diabetes,
lactose intolerance or celiac. express emotions that food may trigger.
use the concepts of healthy and unhealthy food get used to multiple contexts related to food.
related to the eating diseases or even with eating
disorders. express quantities and describe amounts of
understand and cook a recipe.


Let’s meet your

friends in this book!!!

Hello everyone! I’m Lua. I like doing physical

exercise to lead a healthy lifestyle. I practice on my
own because there are no gyms over here as I live
in a rural area. I have achieved many of my goals
like stop gaining weight. I live with my dad; he’s
the best dad ever! My mom lives in the States. I
miss her a lot but she texts me or videocalls me
every day.

Hi. I’m Nico! I live in a crowded city with my

families. Yeap! My families! I usually spend some
days with my mom, my aunt, and my grandpas.
The rest of the week I stay at my dad’s house
i im i i nifi an o r an m ran ma
I like living in both houses because all of them
help me with my work from school.

Hi. I’m Emma. I like playing and listening to all

kind of music. I can play the ukulele and the bass.
I’m also studying singing lessons. My dream is to
have a rock band. Hope I can do it as it sounds
ra r i l in a mall o n li i m
grandparents and I Iove them. They support me
and sometimes they even sing with me!

UNIT 1 Eating
3 MyFamily
habits 07

Lua is reading a magazine containing recipes. There is a word puzzle she can’t solve.
Help her solve it. All the 10 words refer to food.

P I N E A P P L E P The ten words are...

e.g. pineapple

My favorite of these foods is the

pineapple. The white pineapple is very
sweet and juicy. I buy it in cities on the
border with Brazil. It is a Brazilian
pineapple. Which of these foods is
your favorite? Use what I say to write.

My favorite food...

UNIT 1 Eating habits 08



Hello guys, how are you? I just arrived from

the local supermarket. Here is the basket
with the fruit I bought. These fruits are my
favorite. See the basket and the shopping
list. Let’s see how much you know, did I
bring everything I needed?

As you could see, there are two apples,

there is a bunch of bananas and there is
an orange.

But there were things that I didn’t bring

from the local supermarket. Do you see the
empty basket? Draw them there. Here is the
list: 2 mangoes, a pineapple, 3 peaches and
2 pears.

UNIT 1 Eating habits 09


This is the dialogue

I had with my grandma
Did yo fin ev r in on li

orr ran ma m a t r i an
o l n r m m r.

mm r Too m a in an a a in an v r li l
wor L a r a in a l

o r i n any r i an oran

OK. Are there two man o

o r ar n r i a n o anana

OK. Are there an a l

Y re ar n a i all o l o a to the
lo al rmar an in mi in

O o an om a imm iat ly. Yo irl

Rol la i i a ar n r an t ll m ow you l

UNIT 1 Eating habits 10


How much do you

remember about
the characters
of the book?
They are the three friends that are helping you with your English course. They have
i r n a in a i i n an ma a i ar a i i orr on in

For example, Nico is an omnivore.

He eats anything.

Vegetarians: eat fruit and vegetables, but can also eat dairy, eggs or honey.
Vegans: eat fruit and vegetables, but not dairy, eggs or honey.
Omnivores: eat everything.

Each of them describes what’s in each of their refrigerators. Read their descriptions
and guess which of these refrigerators may correspond to each of the characters.

There is a bottle of water.

There are three bananas.
There is a carton of milk. 3
r ar fi oran
There is a piece of cheese There is a bottle of juice.
There are two slices of ham.
2 There is an apple.
There is a chicken leg.
There are two bottles of r ar o r a o o r
soda. There is a bag of sugar.
There is cabbage.
There are two watermelons.
There is a carrot.

UNIT 1 Eating habits 11


What about your fridge? Create your own fridge and invent what’s in there. Take some
notes to describe the fridge to any of the three characters.

There is a...
There is an...
There are...
There are some...
There aren’t any...


Find a classmate to talk with.

Ask him/her what character he/she described the refrigerator to.
Exchange drawings with that partner and describe the content of his/her fridge.
Use the S.O.S. box to help you.
Share with the rest of the class when the teacher asks you to do that.

UNIT 1 Eating habits 53


Lua and Nico are playing a game called: What’s in the box?
They guess what is inside the box. Look at what they say.

It is rounded. It is as big as a tennis

ball. It is cold. It seems to be fruit. It
seems to be citrus.

Is it a lemon? Yummy!!!

You got it! It’s a lemon! I love it, too!

As you know now, I am vegan. In my class, not many of my classmates

know what being vegan entails. How much do you know about being
i n o an r al in a o i r n n in
arian an in an a ar i r n o an a
the script in this link


UNIT 1 Eating habits 13

Emma has found an article about the topic. Let´s read it. #livingUruguay2

The basics of Veganism

Do you know what veganism is? It might be a complete mystery for you or maybe you know a vegan,
maybe you are a vegan yourself. AA To be vegan people cannot eat any animal
products or byproducts; so veganism is not eating meat, but also egg, cheese, butter, etc. Everything needs
to be of a vegetable origin; so, instead of drinking cow milk, they drink almond milk or coconut milk.

At the beginning it may sound difficult but not necessarily. Usually people gain interest in veganism
because they heard it somewhere, it can be a friend, or a family member, or even a YouTuber who
promotes vegan lifestyle, such as Freelee the banana girl. There are many reasons why people decide to go
vegan. BB But there’s also a matter of health; there are several studies that claim a
vegetable-based diet helps lower blood pressure and cholesterol and some scholars even say it can prevent
heart diseases.

Going vegan is not so easy, anyway. The first weeks of transitions are very difficult because your body is
used to getting animal protein, so you first need to detox. You need to be very cautious because otherwise
it could be bad for your health. You can’t just stop eating meat and dairy one day. C

It is a good idea to start by having the vegetable-based dishes you already like more often.
D That implies hard work, spending a lot of money on expensive products and you
even run the risk of not liking it. Start with simple dishes like salad, stuffed eggplant or squash, lentil stew,
or even pasta if you don’t have any vegetables at home.

Another important fact is that veganism is not only about vegetables, you need to keep a controlled
balance of all the nutrients your body need. So you should split equally between fruit and grains, such as
rice. If you decide
D to transition, you should be ready to learn a lot about the way your body works, how
important your diet is, how to read food labels, etc. Deciding to become a vegan usually comes with a
consciousness of your body and your health. EE Yet this is not because veganism is a
synonym of health but because they all share an individual desire of feeling and being healthy.

Many people usually associate veganism with deprivation but, having many vegan friends myself, I can
assure you there are plenty of vegan preparations and recipes that are simply delicious, and you can eat
chocolate cakes, ice-creams, pizzas, even hamburgers; you just have to find the right ingredients.

Now, here’s the ideas you should bear in mind if you ever consider going vegan: It is not something you can
do in the blink of an eye; you will not suffer or force yourself to eat things you don’t like, it will improve your
health as long as you attend to it. Finally, I’d like to share one of my most precious principles, this is
something I didn’t mention before, you must be respectful of other people’s diet and cannot impose your
decisions onare the sentences to put into the correct blank

Written by Martina Fernández Facciolo.

Here are the sentences to put into the correct blank.

1 4
Do not start with a recipe Many times it is
somebody shared on related to animal
Instagram. exploitation and
the industry’s
2 It is important to make a smooth cruelty in its means
transition and cut down the and quantity.
amount of meat and processed
food intake while you increase
vegetable-based meals. 5 Veganism is very
3 I do not know any vegans nowadays, all
who are not healthy, truly. throughout the
world and in
UNIT 1 Eating habits 14

M _ lk
M__t B r_ _d
S_g _r P _ pp _r

One thing I love is to solve puzzles.

Fl_ _r Fr_ _ t
Look at the following puzzle I found in a magazine.
Fill in the missing spaces with vowels (A-E-I-O-U) .

V_g _t _ bl_ s
_r_ ng _/ j _ _c _
C_ rr_t s
M_ y _ n n_ _s _

These are some of my favorite

foods. Do you know where I can
fin m in o r o n


o an fin am r r a oo r ar mo li io on

UNIT 1 Eating
UNIDAD habits
3 MyFamily 15

These are some of the meals we cooked

for the School Gastronomic Fair. Can
you recognize the ingredients we used?
Write them down...

top left: bottom middle:
zo-wok-1349594/ ma-1227842/
top middle: bottom right:
guette-los-tomates-3540405/ to-placa-arepa-salchicha-5486525/
top right:
bottom left:

Your opinion matters!

After discovering the ingredients Nico,
Emma and Lua used to cook these
meals, do you consider them healthy or
unhealthy food? Give reasons for that.

UNIT 1 Eating habits 53


Hey guys, we are at

a wonderful place

We recorded part of our conversation here.

Discover where we are.

We are at

the hospital.

Here you have some options. the restaurant.

the amusement park.


You were right. We are there... Listen to

us again and see what happens. Choose
the best option from the questions

Did both of us order

The order was...
or just one of us?

One Hamburger
Both Salad

We got ____ for drink
The order was ___ pesos

Ginger Ale

UNIT 1 Eating habits 17

Here’s the script of the conversation at the restaurant.

Read it and check the answers from the previous exercise.



Good morning!

Can I take your order?

Yes, a hamburger and a Caesar salad,
Anything for her?

No, I’m OK thanks!

Anything to drink?

A fountain coke, please.

For here or to go?

For here.
It’s 180 pesos.

Here you are.

Thank you. And here’s your order.

Thank you.
Have a good day!

Have a good one!

Now, let’s role play the dialogue with a classmate.

UNIT 1 Eating habits 18


Pancakes are very popular in different areas of the world. In the United States, pancakes are
part of most of the families’ breakfast. There is even a chain restaurant that specializes in
pancakes. In Uruguay, pancakes are slightly different. They are usually associated with a
dessert rather than a main dish. When pancakes are the main dish they are called cannelloni
and they have an Italian origin. Do you like pancakes?

Go to the Internet and find an American chain restaurant that specializes in pancakes.
Go to a menu and choose the pancake you think you would like the most.
How much do you know about pancakes?
See the following sentences and say whether they are true or false.

1 Pancakes are basically a flat cake.
2 They are cooked on a hot pan.
3 It is a very modern dish.
4 It is a good meal for lactose intolerant people.
5 In North America, pancakes are fluffy.

Check your answers in the following website

Coo in an a i no r i l
Here I found my grandma’s recipe from her
recipe book. But there are some things I
don’t still understand. Help me cook them.

These are the utensils we need to cook the pancakes.

Match the utensils with their names.

1 2 3
frying pan bowl sieve

4 5
spoon measuring cup

6 7
whisk spatula

UNIT 1 Eating habits 19


This is the procedure, but there are some spots or some blanks in it.
Use words from the previous exercises and complete the procedure.
You also need to use some ingredients.

1 i o r an al in o a
2 r a in mi r These are the ingredients
3 in o o r to cook pancakes:
4 Add the milk and whisk until it is smooth.
1 egg
5 Heat the frying pan and put the in it. 1 cup of milk
6 o r a r in o o a oon o o r
1 pinch of salt
7 Flip the pancakes over and cook on the other side.
1 tablespoon of oil

Easy, isn’t it? Thanks for your help. What

about cooking them? What would you like to
fill m i l l aram l
Chocolate? Jam?

What you like to
eat really matters!
A Draw an empty plate on a sheet of paper.

B Think and draw your favorite dish on the plate.

C Choose three ingredients and draw them separately on

the plate.

D Support your choice.

E The aim is to connect your choice of ingredient to the

emotional relationship you may have with them.

F Get in groups and describe your drawing with your peer

sitting on your right.

UNIT 1 Eating habits 20


Lunch is served!
Lunch is one of the four traditional meals of the
day. We usually have breakfast in the morning, we
have lunch at around midday, we have tea or
o in a rnoon an a inn r a

For some cultures, breakfast is the most important

meal. That is probably the case of the United
States of America. For other cultures, lunch is the
most important meal of the day. That could be the
case of most Latin American countries such as
Uruguay. Finally, there are other countries in which
dinner could be very important.

ro l n an i r n l r in
i r n o n ri a a loo a
following pics.

Look at these plates. They are 4 types of lunch.

They are familiar to us because the Uruguayan Did you know?
population is mostly formed by immigrants. Tea time was created in the
United Kingdom. It is said
that Anna, the seventh
Duchess of Bedford, in the
year 1840, invented a meal to
shorten the time between
lunch and dinner. She started
with the tradition of having
tea with sandwiches at 5
o’clock. This tradition is still
common nowadays in Britain
and in other countries.
Source: https://www.dailymail.-

UNIT 1 Eating habits 21


Where are these

types of lunch from?
Label each picture.




Here are the descriptions of the plates. Match the description to the pic.

1 Pea soup, beet salad, carrot salad, bread and pannakkau (dessert pancake) with fresh berries.
2 Fried "popcorn" chicken, mashed potatoes, peas, fruit cup and a chocolate chip cookie.
3 Steak, carrots, green beans, cheese and fresh fruit.
4 Sautéed shrimp over brown rice and vegetables, gazpacho, fresh peppers,
bread and an orange.
5 o al fi on a o ar la a a i oma o a a r ala
baguette and some grapes.
6 Mashed potatoes with sausage, borscht, cabbage and syrniki (a dessert

UNIT 1 Eating habits 22


Look at the following extracts from

recipes. Which of the dishes from the
previous exercises are the ones

B 4 qt. water
14 oz. beef stock
1 large tomato, sliced 1 small head of cabbage

into 8 slices 5 large potatoes
8 oz fresh mozzarella, 1 large carrot
4 eggs sliced into 8 slices 1 med. beetroot
3/4 teaspoon salt 5-6 basil leaves, sliced 1 med. onion
2 1/2 cups milk 2 tsp extra virgin olive oil 1 bay leaf
o r 1 tsp balsamic vinegar, 2 tablespoons tomato
1/4 cup sugar salt and fresh pepper paste 3-5 cloves garlic
4 tablespoons butter

What do you eat for breakfast?

What would your ideal breakfast look like?

Breakfast is a very important meal to me. I usually

get up with plenty of time to have my breakfast.
You know that I am vegan so I don’t eat eggs or
cheese but I love almond or soy milk with cereal and
om an o ola m n an a la o
orange juice. I am interested in knowing more about
what people have for breakfast internationally.
Look at this text and help me put the titles below
into the right blank.

UNIT 1 Eating habits 23

It’s time for an

breakfast! Did you know?
Pay attention to the spelling of some words in the
text. For example, favourite and savoury have the
British spelling. The American spelling is favorite and
Read the text and match the subtitles savory. In the case of realised (BrE), it can also be
with the corresponding paragraph: written realized (AmE).

a i r n r a a a i
b The importance of having breakfast d finall a r
c First try, then judge e i r n la i r n a

1 I bet you don’t have breakfast most mornings, do you? Here in Uruguay, most people don’t have
breakfast or they just eat something on the run. That isn’t healthy at all because breakfast is a very
im or an m al a all all o r m al ar i o r a a o ar o a i o
needed energy. Do you sometimes feel tired and weak in the morning? Breakfast might be the answer!

2 Some years ago, I went on a scholarship to the US and I stayed at a place with people from all over the
world. During that time, I saw what the fellows had for breakfast and let me tell you there's a great
i r n in a o l oo o a or r a a o no o n ri o a na ional i
li o r a a o an a ar i r n oo in ia or am l r i r n i an
on r or m i a i l o in o a r a a a o n in l r a or mil

3 r a a i a o mil an r a or a oa om o l a la o i no ar
and some sweet biscuits, others would have just cereal and my Tunisian friend ate a toast with hot
sauce on it! How crazy are these people? But then I tried their breakfast; one day I had only cereal, the
ollo in a a arl o i i i an o on lo a on o

4 n m ri an am an o r om ram l i a on an al o l i a oo
much for the morning, I tried it. Guess what? I loved it too! The French drank hot chocolate while the
Vietnamese would ask for hot water for his noodles, and of course, everyone was staring at my mate.

5 n o o r i a mo o a ri i r n a an a i an r ali a
we all enjoyed the experience…after all, that’s what internationality is all about, right? C’mon, try
some international breakfast at home. You’ll love it.

Written by Martina Fernández Facciolo.


UNIT 1 Eating habits 24


Let’s talk about you and your breakfast. Take a look at the following table.
Read the questions and think of the answers for 2 or 3 minutes. You can
answer the questions or take notes under the column that says “me”.

My friend Me

What time do you usually have breakfast?

Who do you have breakfast with?

Where do you have breakfast?

Do you prepare your own breakfast?

Do you have a hot drink? Which one?

Do you eat any cereal or bread?

What do you have?

Do you eat any fruit? What kind?

1 Now get in pairs and ask and answer questions with your partner.
Write down some information your partner gives you.

2 Write a short report of what your classmate does for breakfast.

Do you do similar things? Compare them. You can use phrases from the S.O.S. Box.

E.g. Martin usually has breakfast in the kitchen. He has black coffee and toast, etc. or
Gonzalo usually has coffee for breakfast in the same way that I do. However, he has
cookies, while I prefer eating an apple.

Just as... - Like - Alike - Similarly - In the same way -

Both... and .... - Neither...nor... - Also - Too / Either

S.O.S. While - On the other hand - Although - In contrast -

i r n
BOX However - On the contrary - But - Unlike - Despite

UNIT 1 Eating habits 25


An internationally
popular dish

This is my secret favorite dish. Let’s see if you

guess it.

1- It’s a traditional Latin American dish.

i ma i orn o r or a o r
all fill i m a or i n r
are also veggie options.
4- It was exported to the US and other countries as
5- It’s quite popular everywhere.
6- It’s original from Mexico.

I know...

How much do So, Emma's

you want to secret favorite
know about it? dish is....

If not, how much Have you ever

do you know eaten Emma's I want to know...
about it? favorite dish?

UNIT 1 Eating
3 MyFamily
habits 26

This is the menu of my favorite restaurant, La

Salsa... Read the menu, what taco would you like
to try?

Discuss with a classmate about

the things you know and what
you want to know. The answers
to what you want to know may
be next to you.


li o r a
love.../it’s tasty/ etc.

VIDEO What do

To know more
Emma found this video in the about the people
How do in the video
internet. Watch it and see which
they celebrate Where
taco is mentioned: it?
do they
celebrate it?

click here

UNIT 1 Eating habits 27


Having friends over!
Having Is what you prepared
friends ealthy or healthy
over! for your friends?
You prepared
pizza and carrot
cake and you have
some sodas
You invite your (sodas are soft
group of friends drinks such as Coke).
to your house.

Maria is
Juan is lactose

Patricia is E.g.: For Daniel, the meal could be
friends’ diet
vegetarian unhealthy but I didn't include any
sugar. I used stevia and the soda is
Mariana is
Daniel is

UNIT 1 Eating habits 28


Planning a
party for all!

Remember you cannot spend more

than the money given!!

1 2 3

You are given Discuss with your Do you plan to have

$2000 to plan classmates what an appetizer, entree
a party for the to eat. and dessert?
whole class.


With this project you can ask the
Math teacher, the Biology teacher, the
Chemistry Teacher, the Physics teacher,
a nutritionist and even a cook to
participate. In addition, the Art teacher
could help with the decorations and the
Music teacher could help with the
karaoke and the music for the party.

UNIT 1 Eating habits 29


Project with

You will work with the following video:

Is being vegan more environmentally friendly?

Watch the video and memorize the food they see. click here

Students are working at word level but they

will remember some of the vocabulary that they
learned in this unit.

The teacher writes on the board some food,

the students tick the ones they remember from
the video and add two more to the list.

They watch the video again to check

UNIT 1 Eating habits 30


ice cream cake


Which of these
foods do vegans
strawberries eggs


To be healthy

To save the planet

Which of these reasons Because it is on fashion

to go vegan are mentioned
in the video?

To be thin

Because vegan food is delicious

Students get in pairs to practice the short exchanges between Johnno and
Ruby at the beginning and at the end of the video, they get ready to role
play. Teacher checks pronunciation and intonation.

UNIT 1 Eating
3 MyFamily
habits 31

Transcript of the video

Johnno: Ruby, Happy World Vegan Day! I made you this cake.
an o nno m fini l an

Vegans can be hard to cook for. Like vegetarians, they don't eat meat. But they also rule
out other animal products, like eggs, milk and sometimes even honey.

r ar i r n r a on o l oo o an li animal l ar or a a a o
eat healthier.
But there's another reason that's been getting a lot of attention recently. Last month, a
i am o loo in in o o r oo a on n ironm n n i o n
that eating less meat is one of the most important things we can do to help the planet.

You see a huge amount of the earth's resources go into raising livestock for meat. In
some places, forests are cleared to make space for animals and to grow their food. They
also use a lot of water. And these ones in particular create a lot of carbon emissions. Cow
burps and farts account for about 16 per cent of global greenhouse gas emissions. The
study says, to prevent permanent damage to our planet, the average world citizen needs
to eat 75 per cent less beef, 90 per cent less pork and 50 per cent fewer eggs.

Of course, not everyone's going to go vegan or give up eating meat completely. But
swapping your beef for beans or your chicken for chickpeas every so often might not be
such a bad idea

Ruby: All right, Johnno, try this.

Johnno: Mmm. This is vegan?
Ruby: Yeah. It's not all rabbit food..

Four corners: Teacher sticks four papers on the corners of the classroom:
-Strongly agree
-Strongly disagree

Gi n i r n rom or m o oo orn r a or in o ir
opinion. Once in the corner each group discusses the reasons for their opinion. They
share the reasons orally:

“I think that eating only vegetables is enough for a healthy diet”

“I consider that eating meat is very important for a healthy diet”
“I don’t think we should buy any animal products: clothes make up, etc”
Tip for teachers: this activity can easily be used for any purpose.

UNIT 1 Eating habits 32


Scientists have researched that we

perceive the different tastes with
i r n ar o on r
the food is salty, sour, bitter or sweet, with
the part of the tongue that intervenes is
a i r n on n ollo in i r
you will see what part of the tongue is

in charge of perceiving each type of

Original painting by Sofía Milsev and

digitalization by Verónica Enss

Search in Google for information...

UNIT 1 Eating habits 33


Having mate is very popular among Uruguayans of all ages.
People drink mate all day, every day.

1 But how much do you know about mate?

2 Where does it come from?
3 What’s the origin? Uruguay's
most popular Interdisciplinary
4 Is it healthy? Why? tradition Project

Sociology, MATE

The legend of Yerba Mate

The Guarani tribes worked the land and became excellent craftsmen. At certain moments, the
ri o l l ar ar o or lan manio an orn a r o r or fi ar oil
would be worn out and the tribe had to move on.
Once an old Indian refused to go on and preferred to stay where he was. The youngest of his
daughters, beautiful Jary, had to choose between going with the tribe or stay to help the old
man until death would take him. At the end, she stayed with her father.
This love gesture deserved a prize. One day, an unknown shaman arrived at the ranch and asked
Jary “What do you want to be happy?” The girl didn't say anything. But the old man said: "I want
new forces to go on." The shaman gave him a very green plant, perfumed with kindness, and told
im o lan i i l a r m on fir rin m i in a o r a ol
or o a r an i in ion n i n ra o ill fin a al om an r
this, he went away. In this way a new beverage was born, mate.
Sipping the green sap, the old man recovered, gained new strengths and was able to continue
his long journey to meet the tribe. They were received with the greatest joy.
And the whole tribe adopted the habit of drinking the green herb, bitter and sweet, that gave
strength and courage and would comfort friendships at the saddest hours of solitude.

Text adapted from:

UNIT 1 Eating
3 MyFamily
habits 34

Did you know?

Mate is known or perceived by English speakers as green tea. Each time the expression mate
has been heard in movies, the translation used is “green tea”. You know that mate comes from
a bush, which is similar to tea, and you can have it hot (as in Uruguay) or cold (as in Paraguay).
The gourd is the container in which yerba mate is put, together with a straw. There are some
beliefs about mate…read about the following situations and what each of them means. What
do you think? Do you have any other beliefs about mate?

What about having a “mate” (green tea in a gourd)?

om on i o a i r ma i m an a r on i ra r in i r n
to you.
If you have a sweet mate, it means friendship.
If someone serves you a very sweet mate, it means that person is interested
in you.
If someone serves you a pretty hot mate, that person is in love with you.
If the mate is cold, it means the server doesn’t care about others.
n om on o r o a ma i innamon i m an a r on i
absolutely interested in you.
If someone gives you a mate with burnt sugar, it’s because that person feels
you can be a good friend.
If the mate has orange peel, that person needs you to help him.
If someone includes tea in the mate, it means that the person doesn’t care
whether you are going back or not.
n om on o r a ma i o r on i or i in o or
something wrong you may have done.
If you get mate with milk, it means you are considered to be a nice person.
A hot-water mate means a marriage is about to happen.
If you have to try hard to drink the mate, it means someone is rejecting you.
If it happens to have a sparkling or foamy mate, it means people feel
comfortable with you.

UNIT 1 Eating habits 35


Project 5

y arte

Tema Hábitos alimenticios

Tópico n ifi ar i r n r a r ra la ifi arla n l la o O

Objetivo Repasar o volver a enseñar vocabulario relacionado a la alimentación:

frutas, plantas y verduras.

Asignaturas Biología, Dibujo, Geografía, Informática e Inglés


Profesores Verónica Vaz Kenia Fleitas Fabián García Juan Queijo

involucrados (Dibujo) (Biología) (Geografía) (Inglés)

Materiales Diferentes imágenes que utilizan la técnica de collage para la

r a i n r ra o ili an o r a r ra or

Resumen ejecutivo del proyecto:

Pretendemos por la realización de este proyecto familiarizar al estudiante con elementos
que generen el intercambio sobre la variedad de frutas, plantas y verduras que pueden
formar parte de una dieta balanceada. Al mismo tiempo que habilite a descubrir la
ro n ia o r fi a lo i in o om on n la ifi a i n n lo r o
alimentos propuestos por OMS/ OPS. En las áreas artístico-tecnológicas, trabajar la técnica
de trabajo y edición sobre una imagen.

Sustento teórico:
ESINER, Elliot W. El ojo ilustrado: Indagación cualitativa y mejora de la práctica educativa.
Paidós Educador, 1990. GOLDSTEIN, B. Working with Images. CUP, Handbooks for
Language Teachers, 2009.

UNIT 1 Eating habits 36


Clase de inglés
1 r n a la ima n a lo ian n o a la fi a a i i a
2- En binas, se les pide que marquen entre la lista de palabras de vegetales, frutas y plantas
llo n o ian la ifi an la r a r ra or n la ol mna orr a
de un wordmap. Pueden usar el diccionario para ayudarse. Algunas pueden pertenecer a
m na a oría r i a l air na m a an fi ar rin
3- Se pone en común la actividad. Se pregunta ¿Cuáles de todas las frutas y verduras
consumen con mayor frecuencia?, ¿cuáles consumen con menor frecuencia?, ¿cuáles no
consumen nunca?
4- Los estudiantes dialogan sobre la procedencia de las distintas frutas, plantas y verduras.
n ifi an o l l i an n l r a l no Como o i n ro n i a i n
los estudiantes investigan sobre los lugares y técnicas de producción y procesamiento para
el consumo que se aplican a aquellas producidas en el exterior. Por los temas tratados en
geografía y biología los alumnos extrapolan e integran y producen información obtenida en
esos espacios educativos.
5- Lectura del texto adaptado “TheHealthyEatingPyramid”, adaptado de
mna i om a al ar i l m o ian r ali an n r i io
de "True, False or Doesn’t say".
6- Los estudiantes escuchan una entrevista a un especialista hablando sobre la pirámide de
alimentos. Ellos deben marcar los items que el entrevistado menciona y que no aparecen en
la ilustración.
7- Los estudiantes observando la ilustración completan la tabla en la columna correcta:
8- En binas, los estudiantes observan la ilustración y le cuentan a su compañero sobre sus
hábitos alimenticios. Luego cambian roles. (Present Simple.

En clase de dibujo e informática

Los estudiantes abordan diferentes técnicas para trabajar sobre una fotografía o retrato y
om on r i ar la ima n ili an o r a or r ra o ian oman o
una fotografía aplican la técnica.

En clase de Geografía
Los estudiantes indagan sobre la procedencia de aquellos items que no son autóctonos.
Indagan sobre cuánto reporta a los países productores, cuáles son los procesos de
exportación internacional.

En clase de Biología
Los estudiantes indagan sobre los procesos de cultivo y producción de los distintos items.
Indagan sobre los nutrientes que aportan al ser humano sobre su consumo. Incluso, si el
grupo le interesa o permite se indaga sobre el consumo de alimentos que en uruguay no se
realiza, por ejemplo insectos. Por esto se espera que el estudiante profundice sobre
i amina ro ína l m n o n ri ional la i in a r a or r ra

UNIT 1 Eating habits 37


ro o final
a. Utilizando las técnicas trabajadas en Dibujo e Informática se espera que los estudiantes
sean capaces de producir una fotografía o retrato.

b. o ian r aran na r i n l la o in l n o r ra r a or a
cada uno de los cuatro grupos. Asi como una presentación explicando los criterios para
incluirlos en cada uno de los grupos y los nutrientes que aportan.


Project Song: Tom’s diner

Suzzane Vega

I am sitting in the morning And I'm turning to the horoscope

At the diner on the corner And looking for the funnies
I am waiting at the counter When I'm feeling someone watching me
or man o o r o And so I raise my head

n fill i onl al a There's a woman on the outside

And before I even argue Looking inside, does she see me?
He is looking out the window No, she does not really see me
At somebody coming in Ca ro nr ion

"It is always nice to see you" And I'm trying not to notice
Says the man behind the counter That she's hitching up her skirt
To the woman who has come in And while she's straightening her stockings
She is shaking her umbrella Her hair has gotten wet

And I look the other way Oh, this rain it will continue
As they are kissing their hellos Through the morning as I'm listening
And I'm pretending not to see them To the bells of the cathedral
Instead, I pour the milk I am thinking of your voice

I open up the paper And of the midnight picnic once upon a time
There's a story of an actor Before the rain began...
Who had died while he was drinking n fini m o
It was no one I had heard of And it's time to catch the train

UNIT 1 Eating
3 MyFamily
habits 38
1 Students listen to the song while they read the lyrics.

n or in in ro o o r ra i i r n mom n o on a
they choose following the layout of a comic with some scripts that describe what
is going on in each square. This activity can be coordinated with the Art teacher.

After that, they invent how the story described continues and draw it in the last
two squares.

The students tell the story based on the notes that they produced in their charts
and make a video using any app.
The students watch the videos of all their classmates

1 2 3 4

5 6 7 8

2 The students, divided into the small groups, are assigned a stanza from the song and they have
some minutes to rehearse the actions of that stanza. Then, each group will roleplay that stanza to
the rest of the classmates while listening to the song.
On ro rol la fir an a ano r on on on an o on a o o r all
lyrics of the song. Meanwhile the rest of the students pay attention to their peers’ performances.

3 The teacher provides students with another version of the song in which there are some
lan in fir an on an a n a o in o i r n or an
phrases to complete those blanks in order to create a new version of the song.

Finally, each group sings the new version that they have created.

I am in the .

At the on the corner.

I am in the .

For the man to the

And he and before I even argue.

He is at somebody coming in.

UNIT 1 Eating habits 39

Unit 2

learn about national and popular athletes, their likes, show development of cultural understanding by
and routines. sharing accounts on less traditional sports and
research on topics of interest related to your healthy
lives and routines. account present and past experiences.
recognize your own abilities through a growth share some news with others.
mindset perspective.
develop a more balanced integration of the
develop online etiquette by using webpages skills.
or on m l i i i linar ro i
learn English by means of ludic techniques. promote the development of oracy skills.
r ion a ar o m a o ni i ra i romo i n ifi l arnin ro i r n
of the course. ways of conducting research.


Welcome to the
second part of our
adventure together!

Hey girls, are you ready? This time we are

going to do some exercise and meet some new
and interesting Uruguayan and foreign people.
Ready, Lua?

orr am la o l n fin m
rainbow cap. I am already very
enthusiastic about this new adventure!

I am ready, too! And I have a surprise for all of

you! A friend of mine is visiting the family. He
will arrive soon. His name is Freddie and he is a
little shy. He is one of my childhood friends and
I love him a lot. There he is. Hey Freddie, nice
you could make it! How are you?

Hey, hi Emma, hi guys! How are you

doing today? I’m Freddie. I’m Emma’s
ri n i om o ll oin o in
this new adventure.

UNIT 2 Sports and leisure activities 41


Writing your own free time

poem: Get in groups of no more
than 5 people. Think of the
words free time and leisure
time. Jot down ideas and words
which come to your mind.

Free time and leisure time

Now, use those words to write your poem.

UNIT 2 Sports and leisure activities 42


Word search
Your friends Lua, Emma, Nico and Freddie are talking about
some free time activities.

Look at the following word search r ar fi i n

words related to free time activities. Find them.

The words can be horizontal , vertical or diagonal .

The characters share their

favorite free time activities in
this unit. Go through the unit and
fin i o fi a i i i
each of the characters like.

and Lua
their free

UNIT 2 Sports and leisure activities 43

Freddie wants Nico, Emma and Lua to know what his
free time activities are. He gives them 5 pictures.
Label them to learn what they are.

going jogging cooking

fishing playing videogames

As you can see, sports are an
important part of free time
activities. Look at the text I
wrote for school and underline
or o fin

r i i oo or o o o o a o i o l an o fi an loo
fantastic, but sometimes they do not choose the correct sport and they lose interest. This
i r ar fi n r o i a i o l oo a ro ria

For example, people who like to be with other people can choose a sport like squash, golf,
basketball, football, or hockey because they can be part of a team. However, if you prefer
o on o r o n o o l o or o immin

There is another factor that should be taken into account. Do you like competing? If you
really like competing, you can try a sport like running or a racket sport such as tennis or
badminton. But if competing is not something you really like, there are other activities
like dancing that you can choose. Dancing is an activity in which you do not need to show
you are better than another person.

Finally, you have other options like weightlifting or cycling. You can also take Taekwondo
or skiing lessons. As you can see, there is no excuse for not doing any exercise.

UNIT 2 Sports and leisure activities 44


According to the passage, where would you put the sports from the text?

All answers might be correct.

Team sports Individual sports

Competitive sports Recreational sports

Indoor sports Outdoor sports

My teacher wants us to organize the vocabulary

related to sports into thinking maps. Choose
three of the sports from the text, draw a bubble
thinking map and write vocabulary related to
each of them. You can include gear, rules, and
any other info you consider as relevant. Here you
have an example.



name of the sport


UNIT 2 Sports and leisure activities 45


With sports, we normally use:

Play for team sports and ball sports.
I play basketball.
Go for sports that end in –ing

S.O.S. He goes swimming.

BOX Do for individual sports not ending in –ing and with
competitive sports even if they end in – ing do
gymnastics, do karate, do boxing, do weightlifting.

As you know, I love sports, but I am not

familiar with the rules of sports. I was
given this quiz at school. I don’t know
the answers. Can you help me put the
two halves together?

1 There are two goals A with a racket on a tennis court.

2 There are eighteen holes B you hit a ball over a net with your hands.
3 You hit a ball over a net C in a football pitch.
4 People wear goggles on their eyes D in a golf course.

5 In volleyball E when they go swimming.

1 2 3 4 5

Emma and Nico are

learning how to play shouldn’t - catch - ball - hands - into - players - goals
handball. Do you know
about this sport? Here’s a
text with some words to
fill in lan Handball is an exciting sport. There are two teams in
handball and there are seven in each team.
To play handball you must have a and two
. You can and throw the ball
with your , actually its name comes from
this fact. But you run far with the ball. To
get points, players must throw the ball
the goal.

UNIT 2 Sports and leisure activities 46


around Uruguay
Emma, Lua and Nico have a particular free time
activity. They love traveling. In the picture you
see the three of them in Young, a city in Rio
Negro. Read the texts and write the name of
the character in each box (Lua, Nico or Emma).
“I think that Young is a beautiful city. It is a city that
is on the way to Montevideo for those who live in
the northwest of Uruguay. In Young you can visit
several places: there are a lot of green spaces such
Photo by Veronica Velázquez
as squares and parks. My favorite square is the one
that has the train. I also like the local dairy company.
Its products are delicious. My favorite food is the
mango yogurt”.

“I agree with you Emma, Young is a beautiful city. People are very nice there. Everybody
waves and says hello. There are a lot of tourists and travelers in the city. There are a lot of
restaurants and bars. Restaurants have traditional Uruguayan dishes including barbecue,
beef sandwich (chivito), steak and homemade salads. I also love the desserts these
r a ran r a mil o a in ri in a an mo

“I agree with you, girls. I also like the natural aspect of Young. I have seen some typical
gauchos. They dress with unique clothes and they ride their horses. I love riding horses
and it is easy to do it here. Another thing that I like from Young is the new bus terminal.
It’s a very modern place for the many people who travel in the area. I also like the
croissants from the bakeries in Young. They are delicious”.

Did you know?

The city of Young was named after Carlos Young, an engineer who built the railways in
the city. When the city was settled, its name was pronounced in English but later on, and
until now, people pronounce the name as /yun/. Young has one of the most fertile soils in
Uruguay and for that reason a good part of the rural production of the country comes
from that area. Dairy products and dairy farms are of excellent quality in this area.

UNIT 2 Sports and leisure activities 47


Project Let’s work in groups:

The three accounts give information about Young. Design
a poster with all the info you have about Young. Now
share information about one city the group likes. Give an
account of the place you want to share. Record a video,
create an Instagram Story or a Facebook post, or make a
TikTok video about the city and what you want to say
about it.

ri or ro
presentations at the
end of this book.

I have several acquaintances who like doing

i r n in in ir r im ll a i i i
they do are very interesting. I wrote these
sentences about them, but there are some blank
spaces. Read the sentences and complete them
with the appropriate word or phrase from the
bubble. There are extra options.

1 Ana’s really into . She goes to the

go bowling cinema every weekend.
reading books
a in film 2 I like . My favorite writer is Joanne Rowling.
board games
listening to music
volleyball 3 Pablo’s keen on . He plays for the
o o in school team.

4 Emma likes . Her favorite singer is Adele.

5 Nico’s really interested in . He likes looking

at movie websites.

6 I quite like especially in the sea.

7 Javier doesn’t like playing . He prefers

outdoor games such as football.

UNIT 2 Sports and leisure activities 48


What about you? Do you like these activities?

Give your opinion. You can use the box below.

1- I but I .

2- I but I .

3- I but I

Freddie shared information about what his friends and colleagues like doing in
their free time. Do the same with your classmates and friends. Do some research
and ask your classmates about the following activities.

The question is: How often do you ... (include three more activities)

Always Usually Often Sometimes Never

…watch TV? e.g. Juan

…play basketball?

…ride a horse?


…go out with friends?

…go dancing?

…listen to music?

For example:
You: How often do you watch TV?
Juan: I always watch TV

UNIT 2 Sports and leisure activities 49


Write a report about what your classmates and friends like doing in
their free time. For example: Luisa never goes dancing because she
doesn´t like it. Steven usually watches TV because he loves football
and watches any match played around the globe!

ri or ro
presentations at the
end of this book.

According to the answers and the reasons from the survey, do you
think people follow a healthy or unhealthy routine?
Write some ideas about the topic and then share them with the rest
of the class!

ri or ro
presentations at the
end of this book.

I think…
I believe…
I firmly believe
I’m completely sure that
I don’t think…
BOX E.g.: I think most of the people have an
unhealthy routine as they never do physical
activities and they watch TV a lot!

UNIT 2 Sports and leisure activities 50


a i a in o o or on a ro all i r
activities in your neighborhood”. Include information
a o o lo o ill fin in r ion

ri or ro
presentations at the
end of this book.

What do you do in your leisure time?

Which activities do you practice at home?
Which ones in other places? Where?
Extra project

1- In groups of four investigate what activities, festivals, and shows

or na r ar o r in o r o n or n i or oo

2- You should include the following information:

a. The names of the activities
b. Places where you can practice or attend them (e.g. sports
l oo all fi l l r n r
c. If the activities are free or how you can buy the tickets.
d. The most popular of those activities among teenagers.

3- Cr a a o r an o r or an in o ra i i in orma ion
you found.

4- Present it to your classmates. Listen to the other groups, take notes

an om ar o r fin in a a i i i o l o li o ra i
i o or a i i i ar no o r in o r n i or oo o ill
i na o r ri or o ill o r a a o r ri i o r
teacher. Assess your classmates’ work based on the criteria shared.

5- Write a letter to the local government asking for more options and
proposing more leisure activities for teenagers. In your letter, introduce
o r l a a ro o n ri fin in o o r
investigation and suggest ideas for new activities or shows that could be
o r in o r o n

Dear Mr / Mrs ….
e are a group of students...
We are writing in reference to leisure activities for
teenagers and we would like to make some suggestions....
We found out that…
S.O.S. There is / is not…
BOX There are / are not...
We would like…
We suggest that you should…

UNIT 2 Sports and leisure activities 51


Tip for teachers

Show this picture and

brainstorm ideas about it.

oo C

What can you see?

What is going on? Where was this picture taken?


UNIT 2 Sports and leisure activities 52


Hey buddy, I can see that you like

sports. Who’s your favorite athlete?

I admire many athletes. I think Forlán is a

great player and a better coach. I admire
Deborah Rodriguez a lot. She was my
neighbor years ago. Do you want to know
who she is? Here is some information that
will be useful for you.

Deborah Rodríguez Guelmo was born in Montevideo on 2nd December,

1992. She is a popular athlete and a model, too. Deborah lives with her
parents and her brother Angel. Angel is also a famous athlete. He plays in
the professional Uruguayan football league.

ora om in ra an fi l ro ionall or a r a on
practices every day at the track next to Centenario Stadium. She always
gets up at six o’clock, has a light breakfast (fruit and milk) and takes the
bus to the stadium at seven o’clock. She trains for three hours, has some
chicken or salad for lunch and trains for three or more hours with her
coach. She wears very comfortable athletic clothes. She loves wearing
r l ir an i or n nin i an o o
bed early, usually before ten o’clock.

She participated in the Winter Games in Rio. She has won eight medals
from local and regional championships, but she is training hard to achieve
ro i o innin an Ol m i m al

Source: Caras y Caretas

Nico is telling Emma about

Freddie and his favorite Deborah likes comfy clothes.
athlete. Is he correct?

Freddie lived in
She trains for
Montevideo years ago.
3 hours a day.

Deborah usually goes to

bed at midnight. Deborah is the only one in the
family who loves sports.

UNIT 2 Sports and leisure activities 53


In the text, Deborah says that she likes comfortable

clothes. I love comfy clothes, too. I wear them on
the weekend or in my free time. Today, I am wearing
a light blue cap with a rainbow stamped on it. It’s
my favorite cap. I am also wearing a pair of pink
pants, a white polo shirt, blue sneakers and a red
an l a o o li arin om lo
What are you wearing now?

Today I am wearing...

On o m a ori or i immin on im lo a in immin

ra an i i a or a ollo in Ol m i On imm r loo
to is Dan. Listen to an interview with Dan.

Write down an activity he does in his daily life.

Dan mentions several activities he does every day. Have a look at the
following activities and highlight the one he does not mention.
getting up going to university
meeting friends having lunch
having breakfast going swimming

In the audio, there are several things said about Dan. Highlight TRUE,
or O or n n

Dan gets up early. T F DS

He has a small breakfast. T F DS
He is a student. T F DS
Dan has lunch at home. T F DS
He goes swimming after classes. T F DS
Dan watches TV and goes on Internet before bed. T F DS

UNIT 2 Sports and leisure activities 54


This is Dan’s swimming club membership form. Take a look at it.

Los Sauces Swimming Pool - Uruguay

Full name Dan Rodriguez

O Jan 5, 1994
Age 26
Address 1778, 18 de Julio, Ave.
Any medical conditions Diabetes and laparoscopic surgery of appendix
O r in r Football, reading books and having mate.

O a o ir

Do you like swimming? Why? Why not? Imagine you do. Fill in the form
to become part of the club.
Then, discuss with a partner why you like it. Use the phrases below.

Los Sauces Swimming Pool - Uruguay

Full name
Any medical conditions
O r in r

I like swimming because

I love swimming because
I don’t like swimming because
I hate swimming because

it is a complete sport.
it is easy to practice.
I love water sports.
I am afraid of water.
the club is pretty expensive.
I prefer other sports.

UNIT 2 Sports and leisure activities 55


Hey guys! Lua likes swimming. But, like my dad,

I prefer more unusual sports. My dad told me
about his favorite sport when he was a child.

“When I was a child, I used to play with broomstick horses. They are called hobby
horses. I remember we used to play with a stick with a small horse head like the
one in the picture. I remember hobby horses from the store were really expensive.
Grann o ma m or or o la i room rom
om o an r a o la i r l anin
o n ol a rnoon la in or ri in om i ion a
so funny!
Nowadays, there are real competitions. Did you know there is a competition in
Finland? Finns compete in an annual hobby horse championship. We could watch
some videos one of these days”.

Photo by Veronica Velázquez

What did your father use to play with when he was a child?

Was it easy to get the elements to do it?

Could he buy hobby horses?

Did he use to compete in that sport?

Are there any competitions related to the sport he liked?

UNIT 2 Sports and leisure activities 56


A day in
the life of

Photo by Victoria Martínez


Hello! My name is Victoria Martínez, “Vicky” for short. I was born on 3rd March,
2003 in Montevideo. I am a student and a football player. A typical day in my life
starts early in the morning. I usually get up at 6 am, except for the weekends
when I never get up early. First I dress, I brush my teeth, and comb my hair. Then,
I tidy my bedroom. Next, I prepare breakfast; I often have toast with cheese and
o r i r al or o i mil an r i or l a om r ar
mate to take to my lessons.
At 6:40 I have to take the bus. I study at the UTU called Instituto Superior de
Com r io mini ra i n on ar a rin min r a
play table tennis or I play cards with my classmates. Around midmorning, I go to
an n an a r i or a r al ar n l on fini o a o
canteen to have lunch and I also do some homework. For lunch, I often have
chicken with salad or tuna salad.
After that, I go to the Centenario Stadium to train with the team. I play football
in Liverpool and in Uruguay's national team. We have an hour trip to arrive at the
la r rain r ra i fini m ri n an a a o r
and then we have a snack together. We always have rice cookies and yoghurt
with cereals, almonds and walnuts.
Finally, I arrive home at around 9:30 pm and I spend some time with my family
while we have dinner. We sometimes have spinach omelets or lentil hamburgers
with salad. Next I play a bit with my dog. I brush my teeth and I prepare the bag
for the following day. The last thing I do before sleeping is to lay down in bed and
chat with my friends.
Text by Victoria Martinez, translation by #livingUruguay team

In the text, Victoria shares her a) 1 She prepares her mate.

routine with all of us. Read the text
b) 7 She gets online.
and put these activities in order.
c) She trains.

d) She goes to UTU.

e) She comes back home.

f) She has a shower.

g) She plays with her classmates

UNIT 2 Sports and leisure activities 57


In her account, Victoria talks about her meals. What does

she usually get for breakfast, lunch, and dinner? Draw what
she usually gets in each meal.

Breakfast Lunch Dinner

Go back to the text and underline all the

activities that are similar to your own routine.

These words appear in the text. They refer to the times an

activity happens. Put them in order from the least frequent
to the most frequent.

sometimes – usually – always – never - often

0% 100%

With those activities, and 5 more that you add, Thanks for sharing your
write your own routine to share with Freddie. Don’t routine with me.
forget to order them chronologically.

Tell me more about you. What sports do you

practice? Do you watch sports on TV or attend
sport events?

UNIT 2 Sports and leisure activities 58


I had the pleasure to meet Susana Selios.

She was Victoria’s teacher. Susana has been
a teacher for 30 years, but she also has other
passions. Let’s meet her.

Photo by Susana Selios

Name Susana Selios

Marital status




Teacher For more than 30 years.

These are Freddie’s notes about Susana. Read them and listen to Susana
speaking. Decide whether they are true or false.

A She started swimming when she was a little girl.

B She competed professionally at the age of 20.
C She swims indoors during winter and outdoors in summer.
D The youngest person in her masters’ team is 34 years old.

E She won 4 national competitions.

UNIT 2 Sports and leisure activities 59


ana m n ion i a i n o ana a ain an fin r a on

why she mentions them in the second column.

1 85 A In her free time

2 40 B A member in the team
3 Amateur C Charity event
4 San Gregorio de Polanco D Crossed the river

5 Cufre E The members in the team

6 Practice sports F ar immin

1 2 3 4 5 6

At the end of her talk, Susana talks

a o n fi o immin

Tick ( ) the ones she mentions

It helps with mental health.

It helps you breathe better.
It helps you accept challenges.
It helps you relax your feet.
It helps you work toward your
Photo by Matias Presa o i
It is a social activity.
Emma admires Matias Presa, You travel a lot.
a amo an ar or in
Uruguayan athlete from It's a competitive sport.
Melo, in Cerro Largo. Here is
a picture of him. By looking
at the picture, what can you
say about him? Now, read
this text that Matias wrote
for you.

UNIT 2 Sports and leisure activities 60


To make an
effort is worthy

A) 6- Place and date of birth

nam i a ía r a a orn on O o r in lo r a n o
ool n m r rom a i a a r a il oo al a no i l
because I come from a family of cyclists who would take part in competitions.

B) ________________________

In my teenage years, I practiced sports professionally. I used to play football for Boca
Juniors in Melo. After some time, I decided to follow my grandfather and uncle’s steps.
a o ar i i a in fir i l ra in a n i or oo o lo all
“Barrio Modelo”. Even though the bicycle I used for that race was a common one, I
arrived in second place. From that day on, I felt a strong vocation towards cycling and I
a o m l ll im o i a i i

C) ________________________

Later, I started taking part in races with teams from other provinces such as the
la n rom a ar m la o a rom an a ia a ll a i lo al
team “Club Ciclista Cerro Largo”.

D) ________________________

With a lot of dedication and perseverance, I started reaching some of my goals. I was
able to participate in international championships with the Uruguayan Cycling team in
ral ra in i r n o n ri a i o r n ina C il Colom ia ra il
and Bolivia. I was also on two Spanish teams. In 2017, I was part of “Kuota” a team from
Asturias. In 2019, I raced with the team “Cortizo” from Galicia. It was a wonderful
experience because I won some races and in others I was ranked among the top 10.

E) ________________________

In my career I learned a lot from success but I learnt more from failure. It is important
not to give up and be gritty. “You guys: always try to improve and be a better version of
yourselves, because “every race” in life is a new opportunity”.

UNIT 2 Sports and leisure activities 61


1. Succeeding abroad.
As you could see, the text has some blank 2. irst professional steps.
spaces. These spaces are for the
3. The importance of effort.
subheadings of the text. Put the
4. iscovering my passion.
following subheadings into the correct
blank space. There is an extra one. 5. Childhood and teenage years.

Look for information about your favorite sportsperson and

write about him/her. Consider personal information and
ar r r ion rom O o

ri or ro
presentations at the
end of this book.

He / She was born…

At the age of…
When he / she was… years old, he / she…
In… (year) he / she...
S.O.S. Some time later
rom that date on
After some time...

UNIT 2 Sports and leisure activities 62


At home
with Diego Forlán
What do you know about Diego Watch Diego’s video and listen to what
Forlán? What do you think he he says. Check the answers for the
eats in his free time? previous two questions.
Watch Diego Forlán again and choose
the right option for each question.
atch the video until minute

1 What time does Diego get up in

the mornings?

A. Between six and seven a.m.

B. n fi an i a m
C. Between nine and ten a.m.

2 What does he do in the


A. He goes swimming.
B. He goes running.
C. He goes to the gym.

3 When do the kids have

Photo by Diego Forlán
lunch early?

A. When Diego has to work.

B. When he is at the gym.
C. When he is playing football.

4 What time of the day does he

cook with his kids at?

A. At tea time.
B. In the morning.
C. In the evening.

UNIT 2 Sports and leisure activities 63


These are some of the

activities Diego does
in his free time.
Describe the pictures.

Photos by Diego Forlán

In my opinion
I think…
I believe…
I guess…

S.O.S. I suppose
BOX I consider…
As far as I am concerned

Were your predictions right or wrong? Write the activity he mentions in the
following bubble thinking map. Include the other activities from the pictures.


UNIT 2 Sports and leisure activities 64


Do you and Diego do similar activities in your free time?

Complete your own bubble thinking map.


After you complete your bubble thinking map, get with a classmate and
tell him/her about the activities you do in your free time.

Do Diego and you have activities in common? Now you can draw and complete a
o l l in in ma li on mma r a an am l

hang out
play golf
with friends

go out with
my family Diego cook Me go to the

watch series
horse riding
on TV

UNIT 2 Sports and leisure activities 65


Work with a partner again. You will write the activities you and Diego
do in common, the ones Diego does and the ones you do. Add extra
in orma ion o a a i i o l l in in ma
and the following language box to help you

In his free time, iego

In my free time, I
In our free time, both iego and I

For example: In our free time, both iego and I

cook. He cooks with his children and I cook with
my mom. His favorite dish is Spinach uiche
Pascualina and my favorite dish is milanesa.

Kobe Bryant was a mega super star from the NBA who passed away in a helicopter
accident. Freddie loves basketball and he especially admires Kobe. He had to write
a text about a person he admires and he wrote the following one. There are three
ideas that are not correct. Find them.

The person I admire is Kobe Bryant. He was born in Chicago in 1978.

When he was six, his family moved to Italy. When he came back to the
ni a ll in i ool a all an oin
n a am amo in a fir oo in
guard in basketball history to be drafted out of school. He played with
The Lakers and he was the season’s MVP (Most Valuable Player) in
or orl a in o n ar i in a
helicopter accident when it fell down in the city of Calabasas, in Los
Angeles, California on 6th January 2020. He was 45 years old. He
ra ll i o l in l in i ar ol a r Gianna

Tip for students: You can surf the internet and

fin a in orma ion i ron in i

UNIT 2 Sports and leisure activities 66


Lua does not know who Kobe Bryant was. She wants to ask
Freddie some questions but she doesn’t know what to ask.
See what Freddie answers and write the questions.

He was a famous basketball player.

He played in The Lakers.

The accident was in Calabasas, LA.

No, he wasn’t alone in the helicopter.

I didn't know much about Kobe Bryant and it's a real pity he
passed away. Now, I want to know more about the
a i n Can o l m fin in orma ion r n
and get info to complete this chart about the accident.

Date and time of accident

Cause of the accident

Why his daughter was in the vehicle

Kobe’s house location


Final destination of the flight

UNIT 2 Sports and leisure activities 67


Kobe had a Uruguayan friend and colleague, Enrique

Tucuna. Enrique, or Quico for short, used to play
basketball at the NBA several years ago. You can google
for information about Enrique. In his last visit to the USA,
Enrique shared a song with his friends. This song was
written by the Uruguayan singer Fernanda Ferreira. click here
Enrique wants to remember Kobe with this song.

You will stay with me

Fernanda Ferreira

Crossing continents, rivers and cities You taught me in a very few (sic) time.
I can see your face. many important things.
Between the memories and magic Each hug making me feel better,
places growing all my dreams.
I can keep the pain away. And your picture always comes to me,
And your picture always comes to me close to my voice.
to protect my soul. Smile for me forever
Smile for me forever and I'll sing this simple song.
and I never feel alone.

You will stay with me.

I know you will stay with me.

Time for reflection

Get in pairs and have a look at the following words:

calmness - energy - enough sleep - fitness - friendship - nutrition - study

Do sports cause any of the words above in you? What other aspects
o a r on li an or in n i i a ar n r an i
n ar or an r ion rom O o

In my opinion
rom my point of view,
I have the feeling that ..

S.O.S. I am sure that...


UNIT 2 Sports and leisure activities 68


Group Survey

How important are sports in your life?

Name Emma
Very important

More or less important x

Not very important

Share your findings with the whole class.

Alternatives: Work with the survey in the Math

class and ask the IT teacher to help you with the
use of charts in Excel.

Hello guys, let’s play a game. Its name is Jeopardy.

Divide the class into at least two groups. Choose one
question and answer it. If your answer is correct you
get the points of the column. If not… another team
has the chance. Good luck!!!

100 200 300 400

The sport of riding on The sport or activity of The sport or activity of A Japanese style of
waves while standing riding a bicycle. moving over snow on wrestling in which
on a narrow board. skies, especially as a competitors are
sport. extremely large.

A game played by two An American game played by A game played on ice A game in which two
am o fi la r two teams of 11 players, using by two teams of 11 or four players use
using a large ball which an oval ball which players players, with curved rackets to hit a ball
players try to throw kick, throw, or carry up and sticks and a small hard backwards and
into a high net hanging o n la in fi l ball (puck). Teams try to forwards across a net
from a ring. Teams try to put the ball over hit the ball into the on a special court.
the other team’s line. other team’s goal.

C The group has to The group has to The group has to The group has to
describe one sport. describe one sport. describe one sport. describe one sport.

An aquatic game played by A ball game played between The art of attack and
A sport in which two two teams of seven o am o nin on a fi l n i fi
D unarmed individuals imm r a o i a iamon a practiced as a sport.
struggle hand to hand being to score goals by circuit of four bases. It is
with each attempting pushing, carrying, or passing la i in
to subdue or unbalance an in a all an o in i Canada, Latin America, and
the other. into the opponent's goal, East Asia.
defended by a goalkeeper.

UNIT 2 Sports and leisure activities 69

All the people in this unit have something in
common. They have some special talents, abilities
and competences. To round up this unit we will
in ro o o an in rna ional fi r a
some special abilities.

a fir ar o a i o an an r ion

A Do you know who he is?

B What’s his occupation?
C Where is he from?

Now watch and check

i ani l ian a i ian

Talk to the person next to you and make predictions
about these questions.

A When do you think he started preparing to become a magician?

B Who helped him at the beginning?

Good verbal communication

Having a sense of humor
in i l
What abilities does a magician Good hand skills
need to develop? With your Motricity
partner choose appropriate Concentration
answers from the list below. Being a good writer
Singing well
Speaking a second language
Being a good listener
Watch the third segment and a in l onfi n
identify the ability he mentions. Showing a personal style
Why is this ability important for Playing a musical instrument
him to follow his passion? Using technology
Building good rapport with the
Driving a car
Being attractive

Time for
reflection The purpose of this activity is for
you to realize that the most
important aspect of learning
Daniel makes some mistakes when he English is communication. It
speaks but, can he communicate? doesn’t matter if you make
Do you understand him? mistakes. If you can communicate
and you can convey the message
you are on the right track.

UNIT 2 Sports and leisure activities 70


Watch the following video and pay attention

to the reaction of the audience. click here

o o l in a i n no o
How do you know that?

Work with a partner and discuss: Is he using the

abilities mentioned previously? Give examples.

UNIT 2 Sports and leisure activities 71


Which of these abilities are needed to
perform the activities shown below?
ri or ro
presentations at the
end of this book.

Match the abilities to the pictures.

Creativity Manual Coordination


Singing Good Voice Communicative

Management Skills

Physical Language Negotiation

Imagination Recognize the Awareness

Combination of Aesthetics
of Color

UNIT 2 Sports and leisure activities 72


About Which of these abilities do

you think you have?
you and
your special
Rate the abilities from 1 to 5 being 1
abilities... the least developed and 5 the most

Ability 1 2 3 4 5

Communicative Skills
Manual Skills
Good Voice Management
Doing Physical Exercise
Awareness of Aesthetics
Recognize the Combination of Color

I speak, we speak.

Consider the abilities you rated in columns 4 and 5;

which occupation requires those abilities?
Which occupation would you like to pursue?
Discuss with a partner.

UNIT 2 Sports and leisure activities 73


The person you want to be… Photo by Aldo Rodríguez

Part 1 – The message in the bottle

Now imagine you achieved your dream. You became that person you dreamed of.

Write a letter to yourself from the future being that person you dreamed of. Tell
yourself who you are, where you are, how you got there, and who helped you.
Explain everything you did to achieve your dream.

Remember the layout of a letter:

ri a
ar o rl r a r in r on o ar ri in o ar
ri on n o l r in o ara ra
ini o rl r i a r in an o r i na r o r in r l
l r in o a mall o l or on ain r a o i in i r a i on
a shelf so as you can have it nearby to remind you of how important your dream is.

If you want to succeed in something , you should

In order to achieve your goal, you have to…
You may
S.O.S. You should ask for advice to…
No matter how difficult things may be, never give up.

Part 2- Who I was born to be

ri or ro
presentations at the S.O.S.
Now that you are that person you dreamed of, end of this book. BOX
record a video characterized as your future self.
r in o fi a o o l arin an
the tools or equipment that you would be using to
perform that activity. Tell us about who you are,
r o ar o r ail a i i i a o no I am a
I became a by
about your occupation and the steps you followed to
ith the help of I became a
achieve your dream. To do this I had to…
Upload the video to CREA, watch at least three of hat I really like about my occupation is
your classmates’ videos and leave a comment in I have to… really hard.

each one. Use the following set of rubrics (see I am passionate about
I really enjoy…
attachment below) to assess your classmates’ work.
I’m keen on...

UNIT 2 Sports and leisure activities 74


What about
your abilities?
All of us have a special ability. Let’s share them!

Each of you is going to share a special ability. It could be something you study or
practice, like traditional activities teenagers do (practicing a sport, playing an
in r m n llin o ri in o m i o l al o om in o
l arn o r l or on n rn oo in imi a in oi a in
crafting, etc.).
It could be a class in the patio or another place where each of you can show your
ability (dancing, singing, and acting) or the product you make (a painting, a
drawing, a handcraft, etc.).

Tip for teachers: The following class, the teacher can work with a thinking map to
organize information. For example, students can say how they started practicing the
activity, how they feel...etc. In this way, each student will show that there is a
connection between our feelings and our art, and that each of us has a special ability.
i an la a r ri in a i i in i n r o l or
how they express their feelings by acting, dancing, playing football, etc
ri or ro
presentations at the
end of this book.

Project ro o r r a
activities in the media.

The teacher asks the students what they do when they are at home. The teacher
asks the students to record a video with the activities they do in their free time.
The video and the activities from this unit could help the learners develop
vocabulary and structures to express their ideas. A possible suggestion could be
to include a poster presentation, a video presentation, an Instagram story or a
TikTok video about their lives at home.

UNIT 2 Sports and leisure activities 75

activities at
my school.
i ro an im l m n i ario
teachers: Spanish teacher, English teacher, PE
teacher, Science teachers, Art teacher, among

Have a look at the following post you found in

the website of Políticas Lingüísticas.

What type of text is this?

What is the objective of the text?
ere can ou nd it
Do you think it is useful? Why?

Your school is developing students’ participation in athletics. Create a poster to

romo all a i i i a ar o r a ool
Write an email applying to take part in any of the teams. Include in the email: your
personal information, the sport you want to practice, the reasons to practice that
sport and any other information you consider relevant to be chosen.

Project Project
The activity I A day with a
used to do when person I admire.
I was a child.
o an o i ro i ani a r
English teacher, the Art teacher, the PE teacher, the
Science teacher and any teacher who wants to be on
Take a look at the text board.
that Emma’s father In this unit you read about and listened to very famous
wrote. Think of any people from Uruguay. These people were very generous,
activity you or any and they shared the activities they do in their free time or
member of your family the sports they practice.
used to do and you or You may have an athlete or a popular person from Uruguay
they liked. Make a that you admire. Imagine that you invite this athlete or
personality to spend a day with you in your city. Think of
presentation with
that day and all the activities you could do together.
pictures or drawings to
Create an avatar of this person or cut a picture of this
your classmates. person. Take pics of you and the person in those places.
Create a presentation (poster, video, oral presentation, Tik
Tok, etc.) to share with your classmates what you did with
the person you admire.

UNIT 2 Sports and leisure activities 76


Project Reporting on our

school’s healthy lifestyle.
Students are given the following interview. They have to ask the
questions of the interview to 30 people at school. Then, they have
to report on the responses and the possible reasons for them.

Have you got a healthy lifestyle?

Do our quick test and find out:

1 Do you participate in any sports?

A Yes, I do. I play football and tennis.
B No, I don’t, but I love riding my bicycle.
C No, I don’t. I watch TV every afternoon.

2 What do you do during the weekend?

A I relax at home. I watch series or read a book.
B I go to a park, to the promenade, or to the riverside.
C I surf the Internet and eat fast food.

3 What do you do after school?

A I do my homework and relax.
B I hang out with my friends.
C I watch television and spend time with my family.

If the answers lead to the idea that those people have a healthy lifestyle,
students will make a proposal to keep on improving this healthy style.
If the answers lead to the idea that the interviewees do not carry a healthy life,
students will make a proposal on how to change that in the school.
i i a ro a m o r ra l ri n o i o l
presented orally.

UNIT 2 Sports and leisure activities 77


Olympic and
Project Paralympic games.

The teacher asks the

students to look at this
picture and describe what
they see.

Students have to conduct some

research using the following
questions as a guide.
an no on lo n aro n la olim ia a

a i i r n n Ol m i Gam an aral m i
a o Ol m i rin m an
n ar n Ol m i Gam oin o a la
How many disciplines are there? What are the most popular?
r r an amo Ol m i or r onali i in o r o n r

There are some A- Ol m i or o l onl or m n

stereotypes about
B- Men and women should compete against one another
Ol m i an
Paralympic games. C- Football should only be for men
Address them in D- Gymnastics should only be for women
your research.
E- Men like sports more than women

i ro a a What is the meaning of the word “sexist”? Look it up in a

ron in n on dictionary if you need it!
the topic “Sports
o o in Ol m i Gam ar i no
and Gender”. Use
Provide examples!
these sentences to
keep on In which disciplines do you notice female participation is
researching. more than masculine one?
In which disciplines do you notice masculine participation is
more than feminine one?

Do you agree that the Answer all these questions by

aral m i an Ol m i creating a poster of your own! You
take place separately? Why can use cardboard or it can also be
/Why not? digital using any App you want!

UNIT 2 Sports and leisure activities 78

Unit 3

l arn a o i r n li l an a o li in r a a o a ol n li o an ar o r
in r an i a
no mor a o o r ri an ri o o r
l arn a o immi ra ion in r a
a ar o oi o a in li
i o r o inion a o om in r in o i


My choices...
a a oi
C oi i o i ili o a o oo om in

n o a mor an on o i l a o a or in o oo

o r ro on ai

The Road Not Taken


Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, And both that morning equally lay
And sorry I could not travel both In leaves no step had trodden black.
And be one traveler, long I stood h, I kept the first for another day
And looked down one as far as I could Yet knowing how way leads on to way, I
To where it bent in the undergrowth; doubted if I should ever come back.

Then took the other, as just as fair, I shall be telling this with a sigh
And having perhaps the better claim, Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Because it was grassy and wanted wear; Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
Though as for that the passing there I took the one less traveled by,
Had worn them really about the same, And that has made all the difference.

o an li n oi r click here

oi ro or Ga ri la a lan

There are times in life

in which you can choose.
o an oo o ar l or o ar r o an oo o a or o
r main il n

o an oo o a r oo r o l ri or no i l a o n o i

UNIT 3 Choices in life 80


al o la ill or i m o ar mma ro

o r al ill or i m o ar a ro

Let’s play with the parachutes!

1. a rn an a al r in n li o i o r o i o l on

2. l r i in o i ro on in

3. l r i no in o i ro i an o ra on ro o ara

4. ro an nam o o i on i i ro ra
on ro o ara an o r ro on in


n a i a ion o o in o l ar no r a all

ri o or r i a ion o an l o r l i ll on in
ran la or or o an a a la ma or a r o l o
n i i a ar n r

UNIT 3 Choices in life 81


ar om o amo o l
ar r a o a o ali a m an o
o in

i on o o a r i mo o o
o in a or o o l

“Equality is not in regarding “One child, one teacher, one book, raise oice not so t at can
different t in s si ilarl e ualit one en can c an e t e world shout, but so that those without a
is in re ardin different t in s alala o a ai oice can e eard
differentl om o in alala o a ai

ot er alwa s told e ide

nd in t e end t e lo e ou a e your face people are looking at “There are two powers in the
is e ual to t e lo e ou ta e ou would re l it does not world; one is the sword and the
a l atter a also loo in at t e ot er is t e en ere is a t ird
alala o a ai power stronger than both, that of
wo en alala o a ai
“Equality is the soul of liberty;
there is, in fact, no liberty without “With guns you can kill terrorists,
it ran ri with education you can kill “When the whole world is silent,
terroris alala o a ai e en one oice eco es ower ul
alala o a ai
“True friends are never apart,
a e in distance ut ne er in told sel alala ou a e
eart l n ll r alread aced deat is is our one an can destro e er t in
second li e on t e a raid i ou w can t one irl c an e it
are a raid ou can t o e alala o a ai
e reali e t e i ortance o our orward alala o a ai
oices onl w en we are silenced
alala o a ai
“The Taliban could take our pens
and books, but they couldn’t stop
our inds ro t in in
alala o a ai

Advocate i a r on a fi or om in or or a a

Searching on the web: a ra o li mo on a ro r an fin

in orma ion a o a or o o in in o a o r i rom an
om im or an n in i r li

an o r o l a an i a a
r i ir ro a o o r o l
r ar o r ir

UNIT 3 Choices in life 82

roni a l

i o r
ir o o li

a o a ion a ar
rom o l
o on o r

an o ar ir i n i o o o li i
r a i r o m i final ro

Project o an
or ro r
o r ri
n a ion a
n o i oo

Designing your own T-shirt

1. in an oo a ra or o a o li

2. a r a o no nam o a or o o

3. G a ir o rin or ra o r i n

4. l ma rial o n o im rin o r ir

5. lan i o on o fi in a o a on ir

6. Cr a o ro n i n an a o ro n ir

o o o la o r a in o ro n ir

You o r la ma
I feel happy to express myself.

The activity was OK.

I love to be considered.

I didn’t like it very much.

Ask your partner about how he/she feels about the activity.
Use the question in the chart to ask.
UNIT 3 Choices in life 83
i o a an mma ar la in
i m om am a o amil
l m ol #livingUruguay2
He He

Nico’s favorite activity…

Description 1

For example: She is my mother. She likes practicing sports.

a a loo a ollo in i r olla an a i o a ori a i i i


UNIDAD 3 MyFamily 53

Photos by Jimena Martínez Spangenberg, Carla Hernández, Nancy

González and Aldo Rodriguez

la ar all in r a o o no
r in r a a n

o no lo ra lin a a ro l m
on a mon o ra l n mm r n o
fin a ol ion a o o in an o

in o o l
n m o inion o o l
S.O.S. r o o l

o i i a ar n r an om i a on l ion o
a i o an o o a mon

UNIT 3 Choices in life 84

in amil m m r #livingUruguay2
Thank you for all your ideas! a m o n ol ion oo ill
al o m a an i a r i ol ion o n
i n o o r on r a ion an a m ol ion i

1 i n o i o a ain an an r ollo in ion

2 1. r o i o an o o
2. o ill mon
3. o i a ra r i i o i a
4 4. r ill i o or
5. o o in i o a r in a a
a. a o i oo all n in or an a ol n
6 b. a ill no no mon
c. a o o ial r o

Finding a solution
i o ill a i in or a o i mon i ai r
oo a oli a a or a ol n an a r o l o an a
a i i i o l o
Places Accomodation 1 Accomodation 2 activities

Cabo Polonio hostel $720 hostel $950 fishing

Almirón Hot practicing

cottage $ 600 camping $300
Springs sports

Aquatic Park hotel $1956 hotel $ 1580 having fun

in Salto

r o o in ill o a a i i i ill o G in air an i a

n o r o inion ill o o
in ill
in ill n

UNIT 3 Choices in life 85

o an
ro arin la o an o o o r ri or oral
r n a ion a
n o i oo

1. rin on i r or fin a i r o la o an o o on mm r
on om r
2. a on ion rom r io a in o o rn oli a
3. ri la orall an a o o ill mana o o

First impressions...
o o li in fir im r ion

First timers
No a
Do you elie e in lo e at first sight

Do you act as others do

Are you comfortable asking

questions to people when you
don t know the

Do you crack a lot of jokes the

first ti e you eet a erson
re you a raid o s eaking in u lic

a a loo a i r a ri o in o
o ol ar o l a ar ir ro ion

oo a i r o i la a o l o a a o r

r nam i an o l
l arn a o r
a i i o rom o min

o an a i a i l in n li

click here
o r loa i im ia or
i i ia ommon an o l

UNIT 3 Choices in life 86


Susan Boyle

s she ro a ig city

ow old is she

How does the audience

react to her

hat s her drea


Time for reflection

a i n ini iall r a a ain r o o an an in ir a i
a a rom an ir l or or ra o ar a
r r o i r a ion

cynical stunning beautiful against you wake-up-call

G in air an i ollo in ion

a o o in a o r r orman

o o in ill a om li r oal

Judging and being judged

an o l a r ima o o in o an no a r on a
on a loo li o o o r ir loo a o r n
o r ima

UNIT 3 Choices in life 87


G in rio an o o l
o l ir ima
an a a a o m

1. o l o ar i r in
2. o l i a oo
3. o l i r a lo

On n in rio 4. o l arin i
r or o la in on 5. m n i lon air
n n n n 6. m n arin in
on ri i o ri a 7. om n la in o r
8. om n oin manl a i i i
9. o l li in on r
10. o l arin r a in la
11. o l o ar o r i
o an a r i i o in
o l a on ir loo 12. in l ar n
on r a a ro r or an 13. o l o ar no a iona l
a o ma r o ool a ar 14. o l arin ni orm
o i i 15. ol o l
oin ano r air an or on a
16. o l arin ra

My rights, your rights...

a a loo a ollo in i r o o r o ni o o l in i ar

o ma no i amo
n ian oman
a in ro arli r in i
man al

o r in r om in
UNIT 3 Choices in life 88
o o i ll n i a o an alala i in r o alala i an
a o a or ri ali a i o n il an an r a ri i an
a o a or

n a o a i a r on a n man ri
alala i an a o a or ri o

Watch the video and guess the answer for the following questions:
1. ll n o an o
2. ll n in alala i
3. a a n o alala

4. a o in i n am
5. n a in o i al alala r i

Watch the video again and answer the questions with the right answer a, b or c

Ellen shows Ellen thinks Malala is What happened to Malala?

a a film a im r i a a an a i n
b a oo b in ira ional b a a a
c a ma a in c inno a i c a i

e da o t e incident s e eca e When she was in hospital, Malala received

a ron r a ar
b o l b mail
c a r cl r

was alala tin or education ead and watc t e ideo a ain

rite t e reasons s e as to t or education s t ere an ot er

reason you could add?

UNIT 3 Choices in life 89


Time for reflection

o o o ri o a ion in r a

click here

o an ollo in a o ar o r o inion

click here

click here

click here

Breaking stereotypes
a o o in i r

i rin o o no

a o mo rin a in ommon

Being a princess...
a o in a rin im l i o a an mma ar a in a i o o
an llo a i n i ar anima mo i oo a ollo in ra an ir l
on m n ion in mo i a ri a rin

has friends
a mo i
makes a deal kidnapped
with a sea magic hair everywhere an o a i i

mor ra
helps poor a ma i n i a
people magical ra i ional rin
needs help
from a big doesn’t have voice rom a io
strong man a mother

UNIT 3 Choices in life 90


Everyday royals...
rin o a ar io ro al o an o a rin or a rin
in o r r a li

i o an a ar arin ir i o ri in i o a m in il n

nm r a li li a o
a rin a o a ni an
oo r on a o in o
o r an a o li n o
o l o lo m a o or
ar o a an a o
a o r a ar no o i
r n a oa
m l a a man in o i al o
im r

oo im na ar in an n r

nm r a li li a o
a rin a o a oo
r on l in o r an on
a o in a oo r on a
o a oo ri n a o
in r an lo al o m lo
on a o ollo m a ion
an m r am oa i m
oal a o r r an or
ar a o ri

oo l o o ri

i li all ara ri i an r a ro al a a o r or o l o
in a o ro al rin or rin ro a r

UNIT 3 Choices in life 91


You as an ara ri i

am an
ara ri i r a ara ri i
a ara ri i o ro al
o in o r l a an
r a ro al

ara ri i

1. in a i r o o r l an ra a ro n on o o o r a
2. i a rom l in in ma o ra a ara ra a o o r l a an
r a ro al
3. on or o ri ll n n i n a ion a n
ri or ro
r n a ion a
n o i oo

UNIT 3 Choices in life 92


Proud of my look,
my personal style
i o orm o o ar o o li li
i o m o l o on i r r in o l a
i o m o l o n r r o l n r r


body painting

henna tattoo


o r
loa i im ia or
ommon i im ia or
i a a om

o a a loo a i r a
o o ar o o

UNIT 3 Choices in life 93

i r orr on o n in li o a n all ri a
Can o r i or r o i r



oo ri a Ca ro

a an oo i r or a ara ra mor an on i r ma orr

My name is Erika Castro and I am 17 years old. When I was 9, I started studying music with
teachers from SODRE. The classical instrument I chose was the viola and I still enjoy playing it.
The rehearsals were in School N°170 in Montevideo. At the age of 13, I was selected to be part of
SODRE National Choir for Children. At present I continue singing but now as part of the SODRE
choir for youth.

For me, music is a lifestyle, it is a way of expression that occupies a very important place in my
life. Every time I am on stage I experience wonderful sensations. Music has changed my
perspective of life and the ways of expressing myself. I feel proud of choosing it everyday.

UNIT 3 Choices in life 94

mma i al in o ri a oo a an r an r a a ain o
ma ion mma i a in ri a

1. ri a Ca ro
2. ar ol
3. iola
4. O C oir or o
5. ar a an r an ma
6. o a a oo o a r l l a lo m i

ma in o ar o r ar ol o o l o r l ormal Ca al in a
o mian r Ori inal ra a an ri o r l in l lo in i m
a oo an air l

o l ar in a lo li a
o l a a oo o a in m n o l n r a

My choices for the future

a r n o on a olar i an i i a ool oo
r r a a i r o m a on i r n ool all
o or ni a m an i n i or in a on r
o ra llin i a in m a imilar i on i o r a ori
a roa

or am l
in a in an
oi ar im or an or

UNIT 3 Choices in life 95


oo imon a llo

G in ro o an i i o fi m a mmari
n ral i a o on ollo in a i o r oi

UNIT 3 Choices in life 96


Making my own personal choices for the future

nam i oanna Ca ro am ar ol an am oin o ll o a o on o

mo im or an i ion o m li an o i in n r on am o a
n a an a a n in mi l ool n m r r ali an o a
la r a a in r in i an man ri o i o l a r a
a o l o r o i om air r a im a mi l ool a on r l
ma r an il ron on i i r n o l o ar ill m ri n

a al a n a oo n fini ool in im an ar in
la a ni r i a o o r om lo o all n in i n a a li a
ni r i a r man in or na l o o i an ollo m a ion
fini ni r i o ar a o an no a an r am omin a

rin all a a an a lo l i r i r n or am l
n a a mi l ool o ar olor l lo n or n on
o a a ar ormal lo li ir an ro r n a a na r m
air a rl an no r r o a i rai an n a l om al o ar
la a o o ar la a mi l ool a ll i n li o
loo nn a o a la ar a n am n al ar o m o fi a
im i n ar an ma i r an no o

i i no a o ro am r ra l or o i ion oo an o
ri n n ro a r on am o a i a r l o a

i or ri a an ma o al o n n

1 e 2 3 4 5 6

1. On o mo im or an i ion o r li a a. in i i im or an
2. r im a i ool a r a a b. i n li o loo
3. i o a la r a c. ma a lo o ri n
4. a o a man all n a d. ar ormal lo
5. o a a r l i r i r n a e. i in o a la r
6. a o ar la a i ool f. li a ni r i i r man in

UNIT 3 Choices in life 97


o ar a i r in no
on ar i an mor
o ar no
o n ar
o a or air
BOX no a i lon
o a or air
no a i lon

o o ar rom oanna n fir on oanna a an

a ol n n on on oanna i a o n oman
Com ar o i r

then now
ri a o o n o r a il an
o r li o a n l o r i al a aran
an o r a ori a i i i

n a a il no

UNIT 3 Choices in life 98


Choices and styles

a a all n or o oo a ollo in l r
lo an ma or

om or


or r la o o i o l on o a A O
i o r or in l


a oo ma fin a r on l a ar a an a an i a an a o a in a a oo

i a an a a an a

i o mma an a ro om n n a o a oo
a o o in a o n n
o o a r i m or no

1. a oo ar an r ion o ar
2. a oo ar irr r i l
3. a oo ar no r r r n a i
4. a oo onor o l lo
5. a oo o r llio n
UNIT 3 Choices in life 99

a r i n n
a a oo ar ar i i

ra in ar a i l

i a r i n n
a on n r an
ra in

om ri n o o r a n om
i r o ir a oo a a loo a
i r

n o r o inion
i i mo r a i
i i mo n al
i i mo olor l
i i mo in r in

n i r an o irl
ar in a in On irl a
lon air r i a ar
n irl m o
lo a o r

Photos by Michaella Rodriguez, Valentina Alpuin, Carolina Martínez,Lucia Ignelzi, Sofía Ardao,
Virginia Cecias, Vicente Texeira Núñez & Federico Mondueri.

C oo on o m an ri i oo a am l i on i ri
a ian i a mma an i o ri n n ma i o a i

a i i oa o
i oi a o

UNIT 3 Choices in life 100


a i o a ain an a r i a ar r al
or no m n ion a ian

1. a ian a r a oo
2. o l li o a ano r on in r
3. o l li o a an n ian a
4. an i ro r a am a oo
5. in o l a a oo a rin l

i i an ia o lor i a a oo ar i
li in o n a mall i in io ro
i an ar i a a alon all
a oo lo ra in an a ooin
a in a a oo an a n an
o r om im ar r olor l an
om im ar in la an i n
oo i ma in a a oo o al a or ali
r amo ain r an ar i r ar
i r n o a oo om o l
r r nna a oo a i a ar
a ra il i a oo i a rman n on

oo an ia o lor

nam i al a or m a a r o no m ri n an ia o
i a a oo ar i ar om o i ra in

r a ri ion an ma m i i r

i a oo o a o a oman
ro a l in a in a r ion
i arin a na a an a na r
a a ir on r n an a o r on r a
am o r i in oman i a oo
r r n lo or r om an o an
na ora ion ar a r r n a ion o o an
ir an o r ar a r r n a ion o r om
Cr a an ia o lor

UNIT 3 Choices in life 101


i a oo o a olor l fi i a o lar fi
o an fin in r a an ri r m a i
n r an a n fi i an a l i an
i mor an ilo an i an r all i
o a o ron o fi a i li i

Cr a an ia o lor

i a oo o o a o na oman
o ar
r i r in an r
ar ar i a a olor l r on r
or a i a oo r oo an
a r an li la an i
a o li

Cr a an ia o lor

o o a r i in r r a ion or o o in r r i i r n l

ma in o o l a a oo ra a oo i n o o l li o a
a a n ion o olor a ima m anin o a oo

ri o r ra in o a la ma an lain a i m an

Gi o r o inion a o o r la ma a oo

UNIT 3 Choices in life 102


Pursuing my
interests, my dreams…

o ar oin o li n o a a i l on an
o l i no ro o o i
G i l o on or rin or


o ar oin or i a ar o on in a ar o li n o on
G r a o o o ron o room i o r ar a oon a o ar i
o oi ll a n o on l ri o l in or r

li n a ain o o r or

a an a on ollo in a in an r o a ion
r a in orr on in an a r i on ion or a on

r i ar all o r in STANZA 1

a or r o STANZA 2

o l mor onfi n no a i no a irl STANZA 3

a o an o o no STANZA 4

n a a il a i a or r o o r al n STANZA 5

Cr a o ra in a ill ra an ol ion i o an o an a or

UNIT 3 Choices in life 103


i o an mma ar al in a o n r i
a an om l i i orr a i
rom a l lo

o a orn o
oo n r ri n l nn
Susan Boyle

n a a il
o l in in r
n ar a on in r
a r in in o m nam n a a i a la in all im a
am no a irl
a a lo o ri n a an o ial
a no n a o a
n a finall ro n o li n a a a i n a in amil

ill all am aro n a ain m in an i n no a r on a al a

om m m o i m a lo o r i
C or in a a o
n o ma no
no an r
an finall a am r
n i ion
a r o li n o r a il
m r n
am o a orn o
na ra o ial ri n l r lia l

n o r am a oin la nn rio la l
O n arm an r a o an
o orl in m an
n i l li m rn o

n a a il a an
C or
a a i a no or

n a a il
r r o r a loom in ni
na rai o a in li
na am o a ra ar

C or

am o a orn o

o r a l ri om l ri
an o l oi a orn o ml

UNIT 3 Choices in life 104


Choosing Uruguay
to live
ru ua land o i i rants
o e acts a out i i ration in ru ua

r ar a o alian immi ran in r a

r ar a o rm nian immi ran in r a
r n immi ran arri in r a in nin n n r
r ar a o ri i o l o mo o r a
n r a r ar ian an G rman oloni in io ro
i oloni in Colonia
r r o mo m n o immi ra ion o r a a m l in o an
a ala o l n m l in o all l r m l n ala o l
all l r an i r n ia

om r a an om an or r ro immi ran
oo a ollo in ra an om an fin ori in

tea the word "ojalá" pasta the word "cuchilar" siesta

Shepard’s pie football candombe lehmeyun cheese

UNIT 3 Choices in life 105


m in ro o om ri n ma

ma an o ar om
i r a o i om lan
oo a ollo in i r
an ri a o

oo n r a o

1. a o o in i
2. r i rom r a or rom a or i n o n r
3. o in ar no rom r a r o o in ma om lan i

ma i rom ri a r o a i n n i a a o i o n r

r i on l r in ol m in or r o orm nam o o n r
1. A ri a n lar o n r
2. Amon mo o lar i i n
3. Gol r an la ar olor o a
4. L an a i a i al i
5. Nami ia an am ia a or r i i o n r
6. On mo rn a ion r a r i r a lo

o o no r ma i rom ar an om l i a fil a o
i om o n r

UNIT 3 Choices in life 106


i o no n ma i r
Fact file r i a lon o n la
r nam i n r a o
an a i a r a an n li a r
C rr n
li in on i o li
in ri a or a il m ma
i al i an a il r n an or
a ral r o r
i m

o lar animal

ma r or an a io ll o om in orma ion a o i o n r
i n o im an ri o n r in a

Thing 1

Thing 2

Thing 3

Sharing customs!
innin o la al a o om im or om
in om r a an om an ar m i ma orall
r ar a or oral r n a ion a o i
o an
o r ri or oral
ma an o ra i i na i lan a ra l o or r r n a ion a
i ra il an i r a in a o o o lar ra i ion a om n o i oo
rom ra il arro il a an orr

UNIT 3 Choices in life 107


r a
G a o r ira n

r r a in ma a o om l i ar an ll a ra o o
l ra ion Com l i or im an ll a la ma a o o r fin in
Farroupilha Forró
What's its origin?

How is it celebrated?

Historical facts

What is it?

Anything interesting
you want to share?

UNIT 3 Choices in life 108


o an
o r ri or oral
r n a ion a
n o i oo

o o an o no mor a o o i al an l ra ion in mor

in orma ion o ar n la

Poster presentation: o o a an l ra ion or i al in o r o n o an

o ar i ma r ar a o r o a r i n
n l n an r i ill a la i r an an o r r l an in orma ion

Educating in justice
an o in i o o a o ra m n o r
o lar film fir ra m n i rom mo i
i i i i rnin o r ra m n i rom
mo i o in ri a ama

Your opinion matters!

a ar film a o o a li a a im o i r n i i o a

oo or ni r al lara ion o man i rom in i an r a i

o i i lara ion onn i mo i

UNIT 3 Choices in life 109

in o ollo in o i #livingUruguay2

r om
a ion
oo n r ri n l nn

G n ral m l ro laim i ni r al lara ion o man i a a ommon

an ar o a i m n or all o l in all na ion r in i i al all ri
a in an a ion o romo r or ri an r om
r i l ll man in ar orn r an al in i ni an ri ar n o
i r a on an on i n an o l a o ar on ano r in a iri o ro r oo

r r a in an r r on
a ri o li
n r an in i
r am l a la
a r or i or
a ra o o r
na ional on i ion
Human rights for me
or i on o m or
r a om ar o i o
o n om o o r i a
a o man ri

Choosing the
countryside to live
i On o in lo i o in on a
i na r m a o om ion

o o li li in in i

o l o li o li in o n r i

o o no om o o li in o n r i

o i r n i r a li r

r o o l rom o n r i mil
r o o mil
UNIT 3 Choices in life 110

i o an o in ro o o ario
i a a a or o i o mo o
o n r i lo li in r
a i or

nam i ario am ar ol a orn in

o a ra a r ral ar a in oriano a orn in a
i amil an li in a a i l arm lo o
ra r am

Photo by Mario Tarde

ran ma a o a an a a l on
o ra or or na ional l on om an
r r no ll on a a im o l all r an ran rr all o
ri li n On n all o o r ll o r r mor
an o l in l in o in a n i n l an ri n o r li amil
ar r an ol r o l al a r ar m il la
oo all ro a or or la a or ion or i ar

a al a lo o la i ar an lo o r a m o n l ri n o n r i
i i all a a a am a a a or an ar r ral om r ral lo in
an r ral iri r r all o o ro o an in in r n oriano
ro o ar r o lar an i i na ion i amo o r ro o on a or a in almi a
oo or in orma ion an am r o ill o n ar

ario o a lo o a i i i in o n r i a a loo a a i i i o
ra a a i i o

1. r a ri i or ro ni ri on or a r r
2. n mornin all mil o a onl on o ar ari a
mil o i r ar air ro an rin
3. n om a r or rin ma all a om or a
ri a i ma
4. n nin all la i ar n o fir
5. On n o on o i a ori a i i i r ar om ma
aram l an i mil rom ar ari a

UNIT 3 Choices in life 111


1 2

4 5

ar om o ra i i i a ario o in i r im ri a n n a o
a i r

a a i a ra i ional am
a o l rom
o n r i la a ai
ma rom o on
C il r n la a a or n

o r i a a om
a a o r Gallo a ra a o ro io
CC ommon i im ia or
in ri

o o o n a o i ar in ma in i l an ma

UNIT 3 Choices in life 112


Did you know?

la in a a o r ommon o l o am l i i a i i
or i r a on am lin i a a i no ro i i la

o no ario i a a a or ro i
a a a or o ani r ion

i n n l am o a ria o n m n o lo ali a o
a l a on an no lan a iariam n
in n r n in an r ararno i nam n
i n o mil arro a o ara ar i n i a o
m lir n a o ola o on io r ara o
or ro i n o fi ra a n ario
ario ar na an ral o ra n i ioma
on n n ir an ro n o no ir a n o o la o
a r ar al m n o ara ar om ni a o
lo mi a a l ra i ioma l in l

la ro ia i n i a o o al no m ía
l r a mi i rra n a o a lan o n in l
on l a o mi mo n i rra o on m a n a
la i oria la li r a onri n o lo orr ía
ím olo la r a m r aro ía a ía
a ia n amino ro ara n ma ana m or
on firm a a ro a ra o al ro or
o m ra l ni o arm o n ia
n la io la n n ri n om la on i n ia
l o aa l ro a ra l a a or
UNIT 3 Choices in life 113

Enjoying life
without money

n i i a ion or la o l o li n o i on
o o l o li n o i on i
n i on i a olor

Did you know?

Color a al a n a o ia i mo ion n olo

arm olor a r oran an llo ar a o ia i o i i mo ion
an lin Cool olor a l r n or r l ar o r a n or
almn n n li n o on l oo o an a l l
n o l l o an o alon an o an o a alon i o r mo ion

o o l l in an o i a ion a n n i r or o r a i o lo

1. l l n o l l in on r
2. l l n fin r o
3. l l n r ol o l or in
4. l l n anno o m a ori a i i
5. l l n am lo o n

a mma an i o ar la in a am a o ma i r i a ion
l m o a i i


o r i a a om

UNIT 3 Choices in life 114
Put my heels on.
it the dance oor.
Paint my nails.
Do my hair.
Turn the radio on.
Put my makeup on.
Thank you!
n l n an r i ill a la i r an an o rr l an in orma ion
i on i all C a rill ia in i in n rn an li n oi

Com on om on rn ra io on a on n ollar ill o a

ri a ni an on lon n oni
Go a 1. 2. lo a rill
ri a ni an on lon a on n ollar ill o a
n oni
il 3. lo a rill
i an oor on n no mon
o all n lon a an l a
o ain o a on n no mon
ain o a lon a an in
o o a on n no mon
a on n ollar ill o a n oni lon a an l a
lo a rill on n no mon
a on n ollar ill o a n oni lon a an in
lo a rill O o
on n no mon
lon a an l a a on n ollar ill o a
on n no mon n oni
lon a an in lo a rill
a on n ollar ill o a
Com on om on 4. n oni
a r a an on lon lo a rill
Go a 5. 6. on n no mon
a r a an on lon lon a an l a
on n no mon
il i an oor lon a an in
i an oor a la la la la la la lo a rill
o all n a la la la la la la lo a rill
o ain o a a la la la la la la lo a rill
ain o a a la la la la la la lo a rill
o o a
Songwriters: Greg Kurstin / Sia Furler
UNIT 3 Choices in life 115

i on i a o mon an oin an in in r ion or ra r la o

o i in

Money Going Dancing

or in o l ri o in r a mon o o la o a

a. in r a lo a rill a ar o r a rill
b. ia o n n mon a lon a an l a an an in

a a o o Com l n n lo

on n mon a lon a

or in ro i n o ro al m r a ia on ainin i on

n i iom i a or or ra i m an om in i r n rom i li ral m anin

a l arn i iom lo in r n li l on l r ma m o orr
n n r i an am l

a. ll a li r i no ol
b. l li a million
c. on o rn
d. Co an arm an a l
e. a or a rain a
f. oor a a r mo

1. o a r n i a r i d
2. om im r ar onomi ro l m i i im or an o
3. on lo r a
4. am o a o a a an am
5. on a a o am
6. o ri n a o a innin a on m n n

UNIT 3 Choices in life 116


re these idio s si ilar to any in S anish Do you know

any other idio s a out oney in S anish sk a relati e to
find ore e a les.
o an
o r ri or ro
r n a ion a
n o i oo

Project 1 The Healing Wall

r ar a all o ar o r lin i ommon a

na r r rom r r o mi r a m n
il o o i ool i i all ll in
r on oo r o r i all a ll
om im o lin an r an
n ar a l o loo or l n o r i a ion
n an a ro l arin ir ro l m i
a l in ool

n i la o ill a l o ar an n a i
ri n a o n ro o an r
o r lin a o ri n in i o a
r in mi r a o r o l o an
al o ar an ri n o r o l a a

o r a r on all anon mo l ra
o l o a an n an r on i in a
or an r a i o a i or or o o r
la ma ll omm n o l ri n in a
r l a

Project 2 Switcheroo

1- G in ro o or o l an i in 7- ri a o i l ol ion in a n n
a ir l 8- r a min a a r on o o r
2- ri a ro l m or i l i a ion ri
o ar oin ro on a i o 9- a a r o r i
a r 10- ri a on n n ol ion o a
3- ol a r o on o o r la ro l m
ma an ro l m 1- Con in n il o o ro n a r
4- a a r on o la ma on 11- a ol ion o o r la ma
o r ri o ill al o r i a r an an m or ir or
rom o r la ma on o r l 12- o o a ol ion o o r
5- a a r o r i ro l m or i l i a ion
6- a o o a a min o ri a
ol ion o ro l m a a a
o o

UNIT 3 Choices in life 117

Project 3
The right to education
in 5 countries.
o r a r ill ar i ran in i o click here

r o n ri ar ran a or in o li ra ra

o ill r ar i on ri o a ion in a l a o n ri

n o ill oo amon o n ri o li o a o in l o n ri rom o o li

r a an o r o n ri rom lo r ar o li

i ro o l arri o i o ial i n a r i or an o ra ani

a r ma a r o n r an fi r an al an an o r a r o an o ar o i

The strength she gets...

Project 4 Father
o ou re e er alala
My family as the
strength for advocacy Sibilings

r o an a o a o an a i on o ar no an a o a oo on
a o o l li o or in o o o r amil an ri n i o click here
r n ofi or a i o arin i a o orl


Project 5 no ool
lan o o o ni r i
om im l li on fi in
Cross the room. am nn
i a i i an r orm or am rio
r in m in r m r am n o ar
no m i
ara n in o o ro a or in no i n
o om in a in ommon ll a ar o m ro r an i r
ro o an on o o i i o room am a oo an r
or am l r on o n o a ion on ar a o l in o m
mo i an on on i o room am ro o o am
r on o no om i an on l li m amil or m
o o i i a a m n lo amil o n n r an m
r im a a m n a a li oa a r an n a ool on n r an m
n i r a n o l ro o li or a
o r i o room am a i m li
n o a ion
am oo a or
UNIT 3 Choices in life 118

Unidad 4

no mor a o lo al an in rna ional fi r o arr o a i i i i a r rom o r

ma a i r n in i or
r o r o inion an lin in n li ro or i ro
oral r n a ion o m ialo la
or i li rar or rom ario a or


Unrecognized talents
oo a i r o ar

Oscar Wilde & Vincent Van
Joaquin Torres Garcia:

a nam i i r a o

Oscar Wilde Joaquin Torres García Vincent Van Gogh

oo a ollo in ar r i in orma ion a o oo

r o l a o

a a o m on n rn ro in orr
in orma ion an i orr on

Full name ario oa ín orr Gar ía

Date of birth l
Place of birth r
Nationality r a an
Pieces of work ra r in n on
an Com l m n ari
n r m ri a
Physical appearence a a all man i rai air
Interesting facts i al olor in i or r n
oran la an i

UNIT 4 History makers 120


ar a o O ar il i in om l ar on Goo l or in orma ion

an om l i n l om orr in orma ion an om in orr in orma ion

Full name O ar in al il O la r i ill il

Date of birth O o r
Place of birth
Pieces of work
Physical appearence
Interesting facts

Work in pairs. ar o r ar i a la ma o r la ma a o i
orr in orma ion an a o ro in orr in orma ion

Webquest: in fi mor i o in orma ion a o a a or

o r i i ia or

ri or ro
r n a ion a
Project n o i oo

The Happy Prince.

1. i n o a ri r ion o O ar il la i

2. ri o n n o r o ni in or

3. G in mall ro an ar o n

4. i n o or a ain a a n ion o rin a allo l an o l

5. Go a o n o o n an a mor in orma ion o m

6. a ra in o n m in or r an r a a i o in r or in an o r ra in

7. ar o r ro i la

Did you know?

i i a i r o O ar il
om in ari ran a i
i i o an o o l r
ar i a ra i ion o i om
o l a l li i on ir mo
an n i om

or in o's_tomb
UNIT 4 History makers 121

Did you know?

in n an Go a no onl r on i a nam r
r in n an Go in i amil i ol r ro r a
am nam i o no in n a a a r or
omin an ar i
an ar i a no r l rin i li im r
i on ro r a o i illn an n im l i ar

or in r in a in

Did you know?

On ri r i a i r oa in orr Gar ía i
i r i a mo o rn r in or O
orr Gar ia al o air i amo ar i n oni Ga i
an or o r

or in r in a a o oa in orr Gar ía r

click here Photo by Aldo Rodriguez

Famous resilient people

Who is this famous Uruguayan?

i amo

o no li
r on i a man

in r a a mom n
3. la a or or a li in

4. i marri oa r a an an a r il r n

5. i a ilan ro i

UNIT 4 History makers 122


a o o no a o i amo r a an r on

a no a l arn a an o no

Cla i in orma ion o a in a ori il oo ar r innin

ro ional r n r onal li an r im

i n o i amo r a an an in orma ion o a

om l i n in orma ion o l arn

in o in orma ion o o l li o a o i r on

loo a ollo in n a r a lin

ili n non m
r i n
na io

a om ar i l an fin i a o or i a lin

o o a r i i i l r n rn an fin in orma ion a o im

or in mall ro an ri n n o or o r an r
on or o in l a i a an ir o r

UNIT 4 History makers 123

i m

a o l o li o l arn a o i ri r in Description
o 1
an o l arn

1. __________________________ Ga i a i a a a a
2. __________________________ r a i on ar ol
i mall an la i
3 i o a l
an a or ail

o r ar an fin in orma ion a o r in o an
o no a o

ar in orma ion i la

Fighting racism MyFamily

r ar man i a r la o ra i m i i a in a i r n a 53
la C C O i i in o o ro an oo a n m r an a l r o la

1 2 3

A o
a a i a a n
o a ar a in i o G or lo

r i a a o l mor
a o
B no o ia
om n o
fir im
or nni r a r n
on a ain
in orma ion a o
m an in r a ra i m
a o nin
n a in
a o ommon
o o in main ara ro a i
C l in on o o ri r
n n li man arn o in ria
in or in r G

or i ro an ri n n in a n a in ommon
n o r o inion n
or n
li a n

UNIT 4 History makers 124


r a a o n rom
1 C C O

UNIT 4 History makers 125


C i a o rnali a i orr or i i i a n

1. ri r i no a n ra o or fi or ra i m
2. no o ia m an ar o ran r
3. o a ar a o a or a ion or om n
4. in r i lo or a in on

UNIT 4 History makers 126


illiam am am a i main ara r in film o o arn

in o i la n r o

1. in lo or rail r o mo i
2. in r a on or im o n r o

a a i a i in mo i Cir l or a ri im

r i n i ill mo i a

o ra o ra ro l m ol r r ra

i o no

r on an n r o illiam i a o
n i imini
i rimina or r a

illiam o a ain ra i m o r an o ial in ali

r im l ro i in n ion O r o l roo or ali
in ario a

e.g. ennifer awrence created a Twitter account to support the fight against racism.

ri a in no mor an ara r o r o r o inion a o ra i m

Famous scientists
o a ill no mor a o i r a i n i a l an om l
ro or l

1. M
2. A
3. R
4. I
5. E

6. C
7. U
8. R
9. I
10. E

UNIT 4 History makers 127


1. r a r ar 6. an na ionali
2. r a rom 7. a n
3. a i 8. X-_____
4. on o l ri in C mi r an 9. om l m n
5. r ro ion 10. ri on

am a an o ari C ri a a i ionar
a ollo in a fil an orr
ro or a o r r i mor in orma ion
a o r

Full name: aria alom a o o a l r in in

Date of birth: o m r ar

Place of birth: ar o ia olan lm r m r

Nationality: oli G rman

Occupation: i i i i

Marital status: marri o i rr C ri marri o l a in in

marri o il a ari

Nobel Prize: i an C mi r i

Discoveries: ra ioa i i lo ial an

n ral ori o r la i i

r i in orma ion mi in a o ari C ri a r io ra on n rn

Com l or an an in orma ion o in i no orr

i i n i i l r in in
r l a lo in ool an in li
ar Goo l or in orma ion a o
im an or o r an r
UNIT 4 History makers 128

li in r a n a r i loo in or ar i l a o amo i n i
o ill mi a ara ra on l r in in ri n n in on a o
ari C ri rom ro or a an am l a n n a ain or r m
rom mo n ral o mo on r

Gi o r n n o a la ma o l o im ro n n
a ara ra a ain an n i o ma a in

l r an ari m in r l in r a a on r n
a o o in al a o

G in air
ma in a on o o i l r in in an o r on i ari C ri
an an r ion a o o r li o an ri ialo or a i o

r i o i
n i o
a i o
S.O.S. o i o
i o

Shout it up!

oo or in orma ion a o a i n i
a in orma ion o lo o o r la ma
i o r o i n i i

or am l a l ill al a all rom r

You can also look for information and make a poster

about the scientist you chose.

Special talents
a o ar ol o in r a li i a i i i o normall o

i i
i i
i i
i i
i i

UNIT 4 History makers 129


o ar ri ar ol o all i oo a i i an i
a mom n i or i nam i a i o an i rom ni a
a a i oa o im

click here

Why is Jack Rico an ordinary guy? hat makes ack ico different
Write reasons in the hat Write reasons in the hat

r a in i o a i omm ni l ra in C oo on o ion

1. a ra a ion rom ool

2. a ir a ar
3. a ra a ion rom ll r on Coll

a i o a ain an a i a m n ar r or al

1. a arn r
2. On r i in i o am
3. arn i r in o ar
4. i a min lon
5. ill a a a ni r i

o a no a ni i ar
an a an o i a na io an
ri l arn mor a o im

UNIT 4 History makers 130

Facts about Jack Rico

a o r a ar a in oll
o i i i o a o r n
a ir a r n a l n

arn i o r a i no a ni
a o ia r a or r all ar
a o ir n

no n in im
lo i o am i i o in an i
i r i a i m

ar n rn an fin on mor i o in orma ion a o im

o an o on ra la a an ll im a o o r l
in o in rom li lo o an o on ra la im on
o al o n o in a o in o an o ar a o o r l
in o la r o li an amil o a

in o im in o o r o i amil o a

Gr a on r l o an o omm ni a i a o no mor a o im
a o l a a o omm ni a o ial m ia ri

ri a o or o ial m ia o oo in or r o on ra la a an ll
im a o o

i i li all o o i rom ina

in ro in o a all a
a a ial al n
o o no o i

You need effort, devote time to practice,

perseverance and passion.
There will always be an obstacle but you have
to keep moving forward. I do the same with
learning English. It’s difficult for me, but I study a lot. Source: ANEP

man l Oli ra
UNIT 4 History makers 131

a a i o in ro im l i o r a i ial al n i
a a o man l Oli ra an i ial al n

man l i m ri n lo m i li o o a o
r a ar i l o o in li o li n o m i or o
la m i a o m i o li an in r m n

UNIT 4 History makers 132


Let’s see how much you remember about my friend.

Are these statements true or false ead the first part and answer.
There is an example.

1. Emanuel played soccer before playing the violin.

2. His dad took him to the Symphonic Orchestra.
3. He started playing the violin because he bought one. False
4. He admires Lalo Alonso.
5. He is now playing several instruments at the orchestra.
6. Knowing to play the violin is something temporary.

E.g. He started playing the violin because there were many

people playing it at the orchestra.

a on ar o in r i an fin in orma ion r la o or or ra

every day

soccer He prefers basketball over soccer. I prefer basketball over soccer .




a final ar o in r i an an r ollo in ion

1. a i man l i o im l
2. a an a r ar i i a in in al n o
3. o o la o o l
4. o o in a im a a m on o l

ma in o a an o ar i i a in in a al n o
a o al n o o l i o l o li o ar i i a

UNIDAD 3 MyFamily 133


oo a li o i nifi an in n ion lo

l on
li l
air lan
_____ paper
n rn

or in air an or r in n ion rom mo im or an an l

n m r o l a n m r or o

i o r i r a in n ion or i la i

i or a r n an o in i i al r o r a oll r r
ir oll or n im r

n ion ano r i nifi an in n ion Gi r a on i in n ion i im or an

or o or or man in Con in or in in air an a r mor o li

ar in n ion a o o im or an a

1. an ra l a oo r 3. an a on r a ion i o l all o r orl

o n ri or on in n 4. an mo i l rom on la o ano r

2. an omm ni a 5. an an on in i o ra i i i a ni

in orm an ar or in orma ion 6. an ra an ri on i in a n il

i o a r
a r n
o o an o inion
in or m a o
i nifi an
in n ion

UNIT 4 History makers 134


a o a o an la i r ion in ol in o a ori

Gi o inion Gi r a on

o ri o r o n l in n ion o on i r im or an an i r a on
o or o r an r on or o a r or i a r i r io o

Significant Uruguayan
mma i in orl i in n ion a ool i
rio o l arn a o r a l arn i r
om o l a on ri o an an im ro
o r li i ori inal in n ion or i o ri o o
no an r a an in n ion i o r or
on ri ion o orl

G in ro an i
ar om o mo i nifi an r a an in n ion i o ri r a ion
n o r ro in a o a ma r r o

1. a ma r
2. r ali a ion a l o i n a lan
3. m l o in lo
4. C i i o
5. mo il r on ni
6. amo or l ra ion
7. fir orl C a i m
8. o ial inno a ion
9. ammo ra amina ion
10. in i l i r ra

o r a i l in orr on in la an ma a
ara ra i orr i r

UNIT 4 History makers 135


9 Things You Never Realized Uruguay Gave the World

lii or no om in a o l no
an no a a r a all in n
r a an i o n r r a r ri in l
i r on i l or om ro n r a in
i o ri a o r li o fin o om
n in n ion an i a a o
i n no ori ina in r a
r a i a a

o o l n li i a a r a an o a r on i l or ra ma all
ri n n l o a r la ifi a a ar lan n m ro n an
i o ri l oan fini ion o rm lan i l o n or na l
i n lfill

n o r a an in rna ional ra o om fir o n r o
r orm a l a ma r im lan on a man in o or Or ian ra
an o r o io a om li i r mar a l a in r a in ian ra n
on o o n a a ma r man a rin om an o on in lo in i
an i i ill o n o i a

n a oo all Ol m i Gam r a a i rlan rin o

ol m al an orl i l n o am a a i n r
la r i o o a la o fi l a in in a r ia ion a a
innin o a i no no n in ani a l a olím i a or ol m i ro n
r la r o aro n fi l l ra in a in o a i n an i la in
ir ro i a r innin an im or an om i ion

in a o in lo o i n i m ara rom r o
fin r imilar o i n o mi n i a an ro o o o r a
o l a il r a ir m or a i n all o o on ano r n
r a an o a rino in n o in lo no o a i
m a l a a

oa a r ra o l an o r in i l rom in i o ar a
in n in r a an or i i a ra ar ri r on o i
in i l l ar o m rin ra

UNIT 4 History makers 136

fir r orl C a l in r a a in or
o a ion r a il a io C n nario i a n
o rin l o na ional am in on am ion i
a ar il in i ill mo im or an a i m in
o n r an man r ial ma ar la r

r a an ra iolo i a l or n a in ol in ini ial o ar a

no o a a mammo ra amina ion n lo o
ra iolo o in n a m o o i r n ia in n ni nan an mali nan
mi ro al ifi a ion i a an m n a n o r a mammo ra
amina ion

on o
a in m i al ar ro ional o ir a i n in an am lan
i i r in n ar o r orm r o i al ro r a in n
r a an o or o rra i ar ino an ario lla C lla in
in n ion i a finan r r a ll o r o orl
n fi in a i n o or an o i al ali ni or a a fil r or a i n
o on a r n n o o i al ar

r a an ar ro r a or o n on o r ain a ori an i i
ma i a an i i orl amo an a i r a on om i i r a
ra i ional C i i o i ma i rill r a ma onnai a in a oma o
l am an a mo ar lla onion r n oli an On o o a i an
al o in l ar o alm r r i l a l m room an o r
in r i n n in on r a ran n i a a n no i all om
i r n ri an ian ala oao a an arro i ma onnai

3 5
1 2 4

6 7 8 9

o r
na oa om o r ifi a i loma m al a ar m allion ron m al ri on ri inn r ron om i ion l
ra ion ro on a a
i a a om o o lim ia ara ri a
ommon i im ia or i i il C i i o Cana i n
i a a om oo m C i a mar a a o
i a a om o o am lan ia r i io am lan ia
i a a om oo ar mammo ra
i i ia or i i r a n la Co a n ial C ol m ia r i o r a G
i or
i i ia or i i l C n lan a nano

n r ar om a i a ri in n ion i o ri r a ion
n rlin m an ir m anin

UNIT 4 History makers 137


i o an mma ar al in a o i r n in n ion ar i in ir o inion

a o o in a o in n ion an i o ri a i rom a l

l im or an r l an l ori inal raor inar

r ol ionar inno a i n i an ro ra in nio
r ri n l in n i i a r rar an a i in al a l
in nio r lia l rillian

n m o inion in rn i an
raor inar in n ion
i ll on i
BOX on i r a a in ar

o r o inion ma r a a ain an an r ion

i i mo r ri in in n ion or i o r or o
i i mo l or man in
i i l a im or an
i on a a r a an o o l mo ro o

oo or ano r r a an in n ion or i o r an ri a or ara ra

a o i n l n r an o r a i a i i or an o r
o inion a o i an O o a o a mo l

i oi a m m loo in a om on r l ain in n ima in

im l in a ain r an oin i o n l or rai

Let's learn together

about some famous
worldwide artists!
G in ro o o r a or in o ar o r i
On o o ill r i nam o ar i i an am l o on o i r
ain in an o r r r mor ain in o am ar i
an an fin o r amma

UNIT 4 History makers 138


Andy Warhol Juan Manuel Leonardo Vincent

Blanes Da Vinci Van Gogh

Marylin Monroe –
Juan Manuel Blanes-
Leonardo Da Vinci -
Vincent Van Gogh –
Frida Kahlo –
Joaquin Torres Garcia –
Salvador Dalí –

Frida Kahlo Joaquín Salvador

Torres García Dalí

n o r ro
1. i a a in ommon in a rn amon ain in or i
ar a r i or a r an o ra a r o no mor a o
ain in
2. Gi o r o inion a o ain in o o li m o l o on o m in
o r room
3. a nam o ain in i orr on in or o ar

Campbell Soup –
Brown Spot:
Marylin Monroe –
Straight of Magellan -
Artigas at the Ciudadela –
The Paraguayan -
Mona Lisa -
Lady with an ermine –
Salvator Mundi -
Soft Watch -
Smooth grooves and melted clocks -
The rainbow –
Garden at Arles –
Starry Night -
Bedroom in Arles –
Self-portrait by Frida Kahlo -
Me and my parrots –
Fulang-chang and me –
Inverted America –
The fish
City landscape –

UNIT 4 History makers 139


Leonardo Da Vincent Van Frida Kahlo Andy Warhol

Vinci Gogh
l or rai Cam ll o
al a or n i arr ni an m an
ona i a Gar n a rl arro ro n o
a i an room in lan C an aril n onro
rmin rl an

Joaquin Torres Juan Manuel Salvador Dalí

García Blanes
o a
fi r i a a moo roo
n r m ri a Ci a la an m l lo
Ci lan a ara a an rain o
rai o a llan

Con in or in in ro ar o fin in orma ion a o ar i o ar

or in i an om l a fil lo


a o ir

la o ir


o mo amo
or o ar
C ara ri i o i r
ain in
o r a ori or o ar
a an la o a

C oo a o r on or all m m r r n in orma ion o ar i

o la om l n n

o li n o o r la ma om l ollo in a l i
in orma ion ro i a ro

Gro Gro Gro Gro Gro Gro

am o ain r
la o ir
C ara ri i o
i r ain in
am o o r ri n
a ori or o ar

UNIT 4 History makers 140


o a o a l arn a o i r n ain r an ir l o o o li mo

or i ar a r o l arn mor a o ar o ain in

a o an r a a or o ar o o ro n

Let’s sing!

oo a i r o r i a an im rin ir r i a amo in r on
i o o no o i o o no a i nam i o on no a an
m m r o o r amil

ar n ar an o i in r an a nam a r im
li n o i m i all im i i m a on li n
o i an ri a or o nam in o

e.g. I would dedicate this song to my

grandmother because she is my inspiration.

o o l o i a i on o
o l li o i a i on o a

UNIT 4 History makers 141


r a l ri o on an ir l or a r r o o r i r r l
a o a r on

Go a o l ri an a i lin i o i i an a i lin i n a i

o o i i n a i i a lin oo a al

somehow a lot

a little

r i r r a a r in n ial in r ar n rn an fin in orma ion

a o im i in orma ion om l ollo in a fil

Freddie Mercury
Real name

amil ori in

om amo on

in r in a
a o i li

o r i a a om
a r i r r a i or ma r

The love of my life.

a on i ao on oo a on a o an o i a o om on
in o r li ri a n n a in o an o o a an a r on i
lo o o r li o i l a a i r o a r on l ri o on
an n n o i a on o a r on

UNIT 4 History makers 142


Uruguayan women
in history
a a o m n ar a o r a an om n
o i a lo or o n r

oo a i r on o o no o i i n

On il in a r ira
o ll a r nam
onorin r ar or

r nam i a lina i i a a o r

On romin n r a an oman i a lina i i i i a al a ro feminist

mo m n in o n r o r a a a r in lli n an ra oman
a orn in r n ina in r mo r aria r a o fina ani i a o oli
n an r a r n l i i am rom an alian an r o l mo o
r a in

n am fir oman in o n r o o ain a m i al r an a
i l r a fir mal i ian an r on a ra a rom
Medicine ool o ni r i a la li a ni r i o r a r
i r Clo il i i a fir r a an oman o a a l o a o
ni r i o li

a lina r r n r a in in rna ional om n conferences an ra l

ro o ro n ar or or om n rights in r a
an m ri an Con r n o om n nam a lina i i an onorar i r i n
o m in an on in o an a i i n il r a a om n ri o

a no onl a i ian al o a teacher an rimar i or o ma a in

i n m nina i in a a o ar ol

Adapted from:

UNIT 4 History makers 143

r r a in a a lina i i amo
a lina i i a amo a

oo a or n rlin in o ma i fini ion

i n a i al an r o i a
a r on o or mini m
o r or ri il o i on i l n i l
a r on o ro i a ion or n
a ormal m in or i ion

a an om l ra i or ani r

r onali rai
amil an arl li

a on i a
am i or ma r
ro ion O a ion ir a
a a

ma in o an ra l in im a ion o l o a r in i a ar n r

i o m i in

a lina an i or o o r o n r fi in or an n ial ri or
r a an om n in in orma ion a o ano r mal a i i o ma im or an
on ri ion o i or Com l ra i or ani r

UNIT 4 History makers 144


r onali rai
amil an arl li

a on i a
am i or ma r
ro ion O a ion ir a
a a

Chris Namús
ai r i a ill in r i C ri am r a ori a l a ar o r
n li om or o r ar in r i a i l arnin or r la o i or
a or i i r

o in lo o in oa

o in an ra a ar

n in a o mi

mo ar boxer

o in o m
Source: and

UNIT 4 History makers 145


o a rail r o C ri a ori mo i Girlfi an i or

rom r io a i i a o i n i in i o

ar om omm n a n rom rail r o o in a ar o i i or

n a i a m o ir orr on in m anin

___ 1. You are worthless

___ 2. You are nothing but trouble
___ 3. You will prove them wrong

a. You will succeed.

b. You have no value.
c. You only bring problems.

ommon or al n o l or o l in r m i ian or i omm n
li a a innin o ir ar r Can o m n ion om am l o amo o l
a a i l i a innin ar in n rn o an r ion

o o in a oman o l li o om a o r
a i l i o o in C ri a o om a o r

Match the questions Lua asked her to Chris’ answers.

1. a i o r ll nam n an r r o orn
2. o in a mainl n on i r a or or m n o i o in r in i
3. n i o ar ra i in o in
4. o o in r ar mor o or ni i or om n a li o in an in a
5. n o r o inion a ar n fi o o in
6. a i l i i o a a innin
7. o in ir o oa i o r r am
8. a i o r mo m mora l fi

UNIT 4 History makers 146

amil a al a or m an
a i n am n al o r m r am
a al o in ir om n aro n
orl o a a om li a fir i l a a
an li ar la a rom r n ina a om n r no a
an C ilia ra rom or a in m r ol in i
ro l m a al a n on
mor o am or oa
b an r no r i l
ar ill r in o ol i
fini l li r a n
a om n o ar o r
om ro r n ar om n
arn m l an m n oin
r no a in mna i m in
am o
on i o a ar or m o on in
a o in oa o rain m inall i i
o a a r ar man om n o in
a ama r or ro ional
ar ra i in a a
m fir an onl ama rfi
ll nam i C ri ian ria na am n a a a
Corral o l all m C ri or ro ional o r
or a orn on O o r r in
on i o

e i or i m li m a ion an i
am m o i a r om l

a ain C ilia ra i
or o or all o r o an i
mo m mora l on a i m
r in or al li om anion i
i ol an o l fi r i n in
an lo al ma a lo o ri n
fi m r orman a o oo
il rainin i m al
a all m o rain i r in
l arnin ri n al an man
i r n ar o orl
o r in

ar in in r in o in a o a mo i n o a
ra i mar ial ar in a a n r o a o o in a n
oin an or a a mo i all Girlfi r a oman a o in
a a mom n n r ali an o ra i a or

UNIT 4 History makers 147


a an r a ain an ma on o omm n rom rail r o mo i

Girlfi rom r io a i i i i on o C ri an r omm n r

___ 1. o ar or l
___ 2. o ar no in ro l
___ 3. o ill ro m ron

ai r a in a o r i in orma ion rom in r i ill r n a o

C ri am o r la ma l r o om l i

a an la o ir

i l i

C all n


o l a mir

n an

n fi o o in i a i or ma r

a i C ri oin in i r a i r i orr on in a i i i

1. i r in r o on n
2. i o in
3. i n in r o on n
4. i l ra in r i or
5. i in r o on n
6. i milin an o in rm l

UNIT 4 History makers 148





i i a m ral o C ri am r a
ar i o Gallino o o li i Cr a
a or o ar r r n in ano r im or an
oman in i or o ma an o or i o r
ar a r

i r i ol onr a
ral o Gallino

UNIT 4 History makers 149


Uruguayan poets
and nature

a ra ana ar o ro

or ra a
or o a rama on ri
ol n o i a a la i ra

n mi in a a i n r ol llo
ir lo r on o
limon ro r o
naran o ro l ro o

n la rima ra
o o llo r n or
n orno a la i ra

o r i a a o r in o r la o r ar an ri
lin r a o r a an on a o or i o n n a
o m a r a o a llo i

or o
a a o a o a la o
i o ro ran o
a r l al r mi a n o
la i ra l m llo
lo r ol o o l ro
i lla a
i om r n l i ioma n a lo
l ra an on a ar ni o
n alma n i l r ol
al a la no
an o l i n o a ani o a
m ria a a o ol n
o a mí m i ron rmo a

oo G a o r ira

UNIT 4 History makers 150

la i i r a l ro l ario n i

o i al na l a a a oa
ro l ar ín o ni o n ar ormi o
n l no n ir r ol o r imo
i m r an o m la n r i io o i al na l a a a oa
r io ro o o rrir ron o no a i r a
la i a i a ran ilam n l o n r ali a ra a al o m ola o
no o amor n alo a ar
l r o a o ar i amo n n ron o io no a mi or i n lo
oír a ra l air a mi r i o
m ro í n la a on rn ra
mo n ill n alo an lo ran ía lla a o a on ra la or a
í n l a il an o r r o
o i al na l a a a oa lla on rna mi rio am n
ro l ar ín o ni o i m r a ni o
na a ra a l ro n i n a lo o ara mí lm a o i i n o
a lo in o an or la i rna lo i a n l ar ín o ni o
la m lan olía a or lo ra o
a a no i rra lo o la a ra a

o o l r o mirar a ia o i al na l a a a oa
arriba ro l ar ín o ni o n ar ormi o
r mo la n i an la o a lo i r a on la ll ia
r mo lo ni o i an lo aro
ora la l ima n ar lo ar
o i al na l a a a oa no mo an o omo al r m n i o
a ro la ar a n al o ni o
a i n an n a io a n na n l r o n orr r on r a ion
a lan or lo om n ma im or an a fin no ma ar nin n ara a o
miran an i am n a lo o o no i ar lo on o a ro an
omo i l amor ra n r í imo n l ara na ar ra am n
llo on m laran or n ro
amor in r n ion m o l a i n
llo o a la i i r a l ro l
llo o or m lo a la i i r a l rno on i o n la ll ia
roble i i n o i n a il n io
am i n o ría llamarlo alm n ro o ara aria o i al na l a a a oa
ra ia a mi la na o r an inn o ro an o la ll ia a o r l o ni o
a lan or lo i o la ala ra a í an lo lo an a ma
an onmo i a a mirarlo n ir
a a mí no m ll an ni i i ra lo o om o
o i al na l a a a oa
ro lin í imo ima inar i n
o r o o i lm r na rami a
lla a n a ao o r l
o r o o i l i n lo o ri

lla i r onr ír ro no

ara mí lm a o i i n o
lo i a n l ar ín o ni o
o r i a a om

UNIT 4 History makers 151


o on o o m a o na r rom r a an o

Name of the poem

Poet’s name

Main content

Key words

Author’s feelings

Your feelings

a or r la o na r o an o m o in ir o ri o r or o n
an on o r la ma a oo n o a i i o o l a a l a or

or am l

a il oo r om a animal o a o
r air or mira l ri n i

i li o or o a rom i la ri a o m r arran or an
a an n ar on

r ar am l rom a i o an mma ri n ri o r o m in a oo an
ar i i all ool

oin an ar o m

ar no r al
o ai mira l o r il oo
a in o ri n
r om r air r air
r a a a O m il oo
ll o animal a ar a i l oa i
o an r om
o ai a i no o om
i a m a o a a a a o in oo an im al li in r
n no i o
a in orro r air or m in om o
r no
r a o ri n i an animal r a o ai la in a
a an r om
on r l mira l l a r nalin o i i
a a il o l an r a o r air ri n in r al ri n
a a m o an i a a a or a mira l or or
o aro n o
n o in r air or an m a in m ma i al animal a
ri n r r
i a m o n il oo a mira l a
mira l a l
r al a a a o
a i n r ar a a
r al a
an or m mor
an or a
an or r om
im na ar ín an or a
r ni a l G a o r ira

l o o rí

UNIT 4 History makers 152


o an o r ri
or ri in a i i i a
n o i oo

Project 1
r ili n r on no ri a o a r on a o no o l a amo r on
or om on rom r a li or am l o o l ri m ran ma
ar o or ani o r ri in n l in o no a o r on an in
o an o no al o r on or o o l o an i o in orma ion a o
r on o om l a ar o an in l a i r o r on or an an o
or an an o a o im r a r or ani r ili n orn r i all

Project 2
a r or i film o o arn in r a in
rail r or r a in lo fin an i in ro l m or i rom o r n i or oo or
omm ni in o a o ol in i or a i o ma a o r or ri a m a o
ar o r i a

Project 3
a i o ra i ri i a mom ri n ar o i li rar or ran la
ra rom ora io iro a la ar ran la ion i o or i
ri in la an r or a i o a in la

UNIT 4 History makers 153


Las Obras
de Quiroga
English translation by Travis Price,
Former Fulbright ETA.

Las Obras de Quiroga

A La Deriva – Part 1 Paulino, Dorotea, Narrator

a lino n ra a lo m o arra ran o i rna

a lino oro a G m a a (Dorotea! Dame caña!)
m r orri on n a o ll no l om r or i n r ra o
a lino a o or a a no a r G m a a Te ped ca a, no agua
am a a
oro a i i a a a lino Pero es ca a, Paulino

a lino o o a m a r ol o a a No, me diste agua a a, te digo

am r orri o ra ol i n o on la ama ana l om r ra no ra o ro o

a o ro no in i na a n la ar an a

a lino miran o i m rm ran o i i in a (Bueno; esto se pone feo)

Narrator: o olor l ran ían n on in o r lam a o ll a an

a ora a la in l a a ro a ar an a l ali n o ar ía al ar m
a m n a a a la ar

a lino omi a

Narrator: ro l no ría morir n i n o a a la o a i a anoa n

n la o a om n a al ar a a l n ro l aran llí la orri n l río n
la inm ia ion l a orr i milla lo ll aría an in o ora a
a r

UNIT 4 History makers 154


Las Obras de Quiroga

La Gallina Degollada – Part 1 Mazzini, Berta, Narrator, Bertita, 4 Idiots

Narrator: o o l ía n a o n l a io n n an o a an lo a ro i o i io a l
ma rimonio a ini rra nían la l n a n r lo la io lo o o i o ol ían la
a a on la o a a i r a l linar l ol lo i io a nían fi a l fin r ían
r i o am n on iona o or la mi ma ilari a an io a miran o l ol on al ría
ial omo i ra omi a

n ran a ini r a miran o a lo i io a man ni n o na i an ia llo

a ini o i o o o an in i m a l ri (¿Creo que no vas a decir que yo

tenga la culpa, no
r a O no or min ima in m rm ran o

ll a a all n Ah, no pero yo tampoco, supongo

¡No faltaba más!
a ini a a all o n no al a a m

r a an on i o lam i no m
a a an o a i al i n i n la l a no o o
o lo ría ir

o o miran n mom n o on o io

a ini ro i (¡Dejemos!)

r a ar i o a r o a (A las órdenes.)

Narrator: l rim r o l i ron o ro ro n la in i a l

r on ilia ion alma nían on o l arr a o lo ra or o ro i o a i a í na
ni a i i ron o a o on la an ia a or alma ran o i m r lla am i n
ol i ra o ra i io a a a a in m ar o lo a r i ron n lla o a
om la n ia la a ll a a a lo m r mo lími l mimo la mala rian a

i a n n lo l imo i m o r a a ini i a an i m r i o al na r llo

ol i aron a i l o o lo o ro olo r r o lo orrori a a omo al o a ro lo
i ran o li a o a om r

UNIT 4 History makers 155


Las Obras de Quiroga

La Gallina Degollada – Part 1 Mazzini, Berta, Narrator, Bertita, 4 Idiots

Narrator; n ía al o in rr m i a lo i io a n l an o rmana an a a in o
ora a rnal ría o r ar or n a ni a al i l r o mira a n a i a la
r a

a rmana in n a r ar arri a l ar rr n on a n a n ro n
in in o o o r fi o l a olo ar r i al l m l on lo al ri n a

El Almojadon De Pluma: Parts 1 & 2 Jordan, Doctor, Alicia, Servant, Narrator

Narrator; o m i o ol i ron in ilm n a ía allí lan llo na i a

a a a a an r n o ía a ía ora a ora in a r a ol am n mo n la l ima
on l a li ia a ía n or mi n ra llo la l a an a n o no a o ro la m a
in r ao r aron lar o ra o n il n io a aron al om or

o or oo i a rio a r li l a an o n a o rio o o
a a r
or n ri a all n lo om al a a

Narrator: ran l ía no a an a a n rm a ro a a ma ana aman ía lí i a n

ín o a i ar ía ni am n no l ra la i a n n a ola an r
l r r ía a na o ía mo r la a a

a ir i n a n ra l a omo a la a ana a li ia
Alicia: o no no m oo a or o o n mo m illo
(Ahora no. Soy demasiado debil aún para arreglar el

a ir i n a al
Narrator: rror r lar a an aron n orma mon r o arra ra an
a a la ama r a an ifi l o am n or la ol a

a a an la l n i n n li ia l o or no n olo or an la ir i n a

UNIT 4 History
3 MyFamily
makers 156

Part 2:

Narrator; ri or fin

a ir i n a n r a a r la ama ola a mir n ra o ra a a l

almo a n

r an ir r ar mar on i illo a loo li loo

(Señor...En el almohadón hay manchas que parecen de
or n a r a r i am n o l a

r an loo li i (Parecen picaduras.)

or n i i in o li (Levántelo a la luz)

a ir i n a lo l an ro n i a lo a r miran o a a l lí i a
m lan o

Jordán: What’s wrong? (¿Qué hay?)

Servant: It’s really heavy (Pesa mucho)

a ir i n a lo l an ro n i a lo a r miran o a a l lí i a
m lan o

La Gallina Degollada – Part 2 Mazzini, Berta, Narrator, Bertita, 4 Idiots

o a ro i io a la mira a in i r n ro la mira a lo i io a a ía anima o

n am n a an aron a ia l r o

r i a G a a rom m G o o m (¡Soltáme! ¡dejáme!)

r i a om O om om a am mam am a

o i io a l a arran ri o on in an a a la l a a an

UNIT 4 History
3 MyFamily
makers 157

A La Deriva – Part 2 Paulino, Narrator

Narrator; l ol a ía aí o a an o l om r mi n i o n l on o la anoa o
n iol n o alo río ron o on a om ro n r a am n la a a n ía
m or a i rna l olía a na la i min ía o li r a a ría n l n a
in ira i n

a lino r a omo a n la anoa

Narrator; l i n ar a an a a on l na omnol n ia ll na r r o o n ía a
na a ni n la i rna ni n l i n r i iría a n om a r Gaona n a r a o
i ra am i n a a r n mí r o al al r i i or l o ra

a lino o lon a i n in n m ol o o al

a lino a o ra

a lino a a a i ri a o (Cual día fue? Viernes? No.)

a lino ir l n am n lo o la mano

a lino r a r a

UNIT 4 History
3 MyFamily
makers 158
Unit 5

n r an i r n a o l na r i i a r la o o r r i
o ar na r
no o o i o inion an or m
r a a o na ional om ani an GO
ri la a ion an ro r la o n in na r
na r

Are you #livingUruguay2

green? o r i a a om
o r G a o r ira n

i r on ain an oa
afi r an r a an
ri r ario n i an
ana ar o ro
a i onn ion
n o r i r

o on r m m r o a o
r io l on in i oo an
onn ion
o r m o in
o ion om i i m i
a a m o ana i ar o ro o r loa i im ia or i i
ia ommon ario n i C

ana ar o ro
an ario n i
r on o na r
r o on o
na r
fin o o
r n o ar i
i i

r o an r
ollo in a
or r l

UNIT 5 Nature consciousness 160


a n rom oll i

o o l o im ro
n ironm n

ri n o min r all lo na r
an n m i i o rom
GO Gr n a a no a o
ollo in a ori

an o ran or

o an a i o ar om o r a an
ollo in i lin click here or ani a ion ar or
in orma ion an om l a ar
or GO
i i o o
a ion a Gr n a Or ani a ion nam
o o o no an
r a an or ani a ion
a ro na r a o o n a ion

ri nam o a o ro
GO in ra i a a ion
or ani r

UNIT 5 Nature consciousness 161


ar a o a l arn a o r a an or ani a ion

ro a o r l a or a o romo or ani a ion

O no na O G ri n ra a n Con nio
n rin i ional in ran l ini rio i i n a Or nami n o
rri orial io m i n la ni r i a la li a la in o
in n n ia la r i n l aí

O r or ani a ion o an ar or in orma ion an ar

Revista SEA - Sustentabilidad en Acciones. Medio de
Plantatón Uruguay. Organización para la conservación
del medioambiente.
Sierras de Maldonado. ...
Red Uruguaya de ONGs Ambientalistas
Grupo As

Global warming

What do you see in

the pictures?
Describe them.

Why do you think

this happens?
What are the
causes of this?

UNIT 5 Nature consciousness 162


Glo al armin i a il n ro l m
o a ar o ar a o o i

in or r la o lo al armin

ar n a r a lin a o lo al
armin a m an a r ar r
or al n o fini oo l or in orma ion
an o r an r

a Glo al armin i a onl na ral a or

b Glo al armin i a in onl om o n ri in

om ar a o orl
c ni a i o n r i i
amo n o ar on mono i in orl

d a ar or ar on io i o i r in
a mo r

e r i animal a man i n i on i r mo
ln ra l o in ion o lo al armin ar
olar ar

a a lo al armin a ar main o i

UNIT 5 Nature consciousness 163

a a ain an om l am l i o in in ma o
a an o lo al armin

ause ect


in o o r omm ni i an o n ral i a a l o m

E.g. carbon monoxide. There are a lot of carbon

monoxide emissions because there are a lot of
cars in Montevideo. Most cars don’t use eco fuel.

in o o r o i l a an a
mi i in o r omm ni i o nri
o in in ma o a r a

Global warming is a problem that can be solved

by becoming more aware of nature. Think of
possible ways of addressing the issue.

ri on o i l ol ion o o i
on o r no oo

For example: I think global warming

can be solved if….

Nature bee
oo a a r all
or C oo r o
n r orm birds m ri m
on ar

roo r
a r
mo io

ri r an ir

UNIT 5 Nature consciousness 164

Listen to the recording and circle what you hear. For
example, if you
hear “water” and you wrote the word water in the chart,
circle it.

When you circle the three words say “bingo”.

What do the things you hear have in common? The

hidden word is the answer.

We know that nature is divided into smaller areas, according to
shared characteristics. They are called biomes.

Biomes (pron)
/ˈbaɪəʊm/ What biomes do you know?

Types of Biomes
Oceans / Tropical forests / Tropical savanna / Arid deserts / Steppes /
Temperate grasslands / Mediterranean forest / Temperate humid
forests / Coniferous forests / Taiga / Arctic tundra / High mountains

click here

What are the characteristics of each biome?


UNIT 5 Nature consciousness 165


What kind of biome is Uruguay a part of?

r a i a ar o m ra Gra lan iom

m ra ra lan ar a ar o a lar r iom ro in o ra lan a in l
ro i al a anna o iom ar a ori a on ra al o a o
man i r n
nli a anna a om im a r an r a r a o an ar a
m ra ra lan on a r or r
m ra r in m ra ra lan an ar rama i all an i an a a r a
im a on ro in lan an animal in ir o m
m ra ra lan n o a l rain all
On ma a o r a i lo a in m ra Gra lan iom
m ra ra lan olor on ma i llo
a ar a on li
a on n on lo a ion an i i i in nor rn mi r or o rn
mi r

a n rom r a lima l om ar iom an o m ml

r r an iom in o r o n r

i on

r iom o orl am o iom in r a

i in orma ion a o iom orr a r i ion

1 n mm r m ra r r a in a

2 a ra m ra r in a i C

3 r a a ol in r o n o i ion

i o a n i oin om r ar i n o r an
i in orma ion a o iom

UNIT 5 Nature consciousness 166


in o r i a a o iom an a i o a n ai a o
m ri r n n o mmari i a o a

Natural wonders
O r orl a man an ari on r
r o a om am l
n i n man ma

a i
Ca an o r
a all
C ri m r
Gr a all o C ina
ri o or no la i r
ian rami
i l o r
Gran Can on

o rn man ma

Cla i m in o
orr a or
a ral

UNIT 5 Nature consciousness 167


ar on i r
on r
o l o r r o i i
na ral on r or
man ma on r

a a i o
a o on r
ar o n in i

o om a CO r o a i o
o o o la o
peace - happiness - admiration - stress - on r
love - care - anxiety - worry - amazement -
or o l o
curiosity -immensity -sadness

a on r l in ar
o n Can o nam m

a i o a ain a a n ion o a io
an ma o al o n n

1 r o r n A a a on r l orl

2 m loom B ar a r ni

3 n in om l C r ro oo

4 i o l D a a on r l orl

5 ri l a E an lo o i

6 n in om l F or m an o

1 2 3 4 5 6

UNIT 5 Nature consciousness 168


Con in li nin o a io an fill in lan i on or

olor o rain o
o r in
r al o on a o o l oin
a in an
a in o o o
r r all a in o
ar r in
m ro
ll l arn m mor
an ll r no
n in om l
a a on r l orl
in om l
a a on r l orl

a l ri an n rlin l m n o
na r r n in i o

no r r a li ar rro n
na ral on r om im on
a r ia m in o na ral a i
rain o o r i a a i l o
in o r o n or i a a min o
r a o on an r a a an a in
rom lo

UNIT 5 Nature consciousness 169

a a o na ral on r an
lo a a on in ma

7 Natural Wonders of the World

O r lan i ll o ama in an on r l i ar om o mo amo

1. The Grand Canyon i in in a o ri ona i a r i ol in ro n i i r

a i l olor Cr a o r million ar a o Colora o i r an on i o r mil
lon lima r i r r

2. The Great Barrier Reef r in o r mil i lar oral r on ar i lo a in

oral a o nor a oa o n lan ralia r on ain in i i al r
an i lan i om o mo amo lo nfi o mo i in in mo o an
i rom a

3. The Harbor of Rio de Janeiro i a a ina in na ral lan a r o an m or an

arloa mo n ain i ian i oni a nam C ri m r a o o o n
Cor o a o i lar a in orl rro n i mo n ain

4. Mount Everest i i mo n ain in orl i lo a in imala a in ia

mo n ain ran n al an i r a laim li o o l

5. Aurora Borealis al o no n a olar li i a i la o na ral li in i all

o rrin in ar an r no i a l a ni ar a olar in ar al o
no n a nor rn li or o rn li

6. Paricutin Volcano in i oi onl ol ano o ir in a n an o m n

man i m r all r i la r ion in i ill n r r a ain

7. Victoria Falls o n in o rn ri a n am ia an im a i on o lar all in

orl ro i a i a or ral ni i o lan an animal
ar n na ral on r o orl om o mo a i l la r a na r
i l an ll n oil man ar r a a in ma i al an on r l

Adapted from:

UNIT 5 Nature consciousness 170


la ar ama in n ion a a a
all o r a n ion a o a on

1 Gran Can on
2 Gr a arri r
3 ar or o io an iro
4 o n r
5 rora or ali
6 ari in ol ano
7 i oria all

mma i o a r i an ma ar al in a o on r
a ara ri i o la o l li o i i an l
m i o r r on or a o m

O r ri n

mma li i o li i in a li ol r i li ma li
a r an an an a li a r an i o rin i an
o o o ri a n o ni on r in lim in
r r n al o m ri a
iall i a
on r l i
o o an

on r
o l o o

Let’s compare some wonders. Using these adjectives: i lar lon a i l

oo or lim in a or lim in an ro r ol

UNIT 5 Nature consciousness 171

a a loo a om am l

o n r i i r an o n on a a
o n r i r or lim in an ari in ol ano
Clim in o n r i mor an ro an i i in arloa o n ain
Gran Can on i ri r an o n r

r o l o o C oo o la an om ar m o i o r r a on

ollo in ar om im or an or rom i l on ir ma m
i ir orr on in fini ion n fin m in or ar

1- Canyon 2- Landscape 3- Shore 4- Mountain range 5- Bay

6- Mountain 7- Volcano 8- Falls 9- Harbor 10- Coral Reef

A An area of water next to the coast where ships shelter 9

B ro or lin o mo n ain i a ar i lar nam
C ar o oa r lan r in
D a r ro in rom a i r o a lo r oin om im rom a r a i
E n ar a o oral a om im an n rom a o a
F mo n ain i a ol a o rom r la a an or o
G ar o ar ra i r an a ill o an o r in no
H lan alon o a a la or i ri r
I lar ol in ro n
J lar ar a o o n r i NATURAL WONDERS

UNIT 5 Nature consciousness 172


to protect
ar i r o an animal
oo a i r an i o r a animal i i

i r orr on o i r n ar o
o o animal Can o nam m

ar o ri a i a ar n r

UNIT 5 Nature consciousness 173

ar m or a i i a a la or ra


i n o a mma i o ma an r i orm r
o ra a r al in a o o i an orr
o r an r

om or oi an r l ar in an r o in ion
ar m i an GO a ro r l an or oi
in r a an a roa

Go o or oi Cla room in lin click here

n r ollo in ion

1 a o ar m o
2 a o ro ional a ar in ar m
3 a ar o i ar m a

r ar o r o r l in ar m a ar Com l ar

r l

r l
r l

r l

or in ro G in ro ro oo on o
r l Go o ar m i an fin in orma ion a o i
n rn o a an o r in orma ion o fin

Cr a a o r an nam a o r on
ar o r fin in o la

Did you know?

amo Gr
la ri l
a ill n an
a l ro a r l
on i a

UNIT 5 Nature consciousness 174


Let’s learn
how to recycle
a i o ma i la i a a o
ri o a la i a a a li o la i i i

r o i n i o rn
i i a lo al ro l m i o r click here

or i or a o ra a
ri ion i orr on in i r

1 2 3
ra al a i Onl o a ra i a i ro l m r r ar a on o
a m n i n a a i ar mor o l an mor ro a a almo on on
ro l m i i a r i r n in o ra an o ra
a a lo o room or i a r o l lo ar

4 5 6
a a ro l m i ra rnin i rnin ra ro in i in o an
a a m nn r a an a air oll ion i oll a r oo
o ri o i ri

7 8 9
r in i r i n n a ar a lin m an r in o r ra
no m lan n ar i i o n an a o ol in a o in ri o i
ro l m all C C G in am ma rial a ain
a o r na ral r o r



a rom n i l oll i om n li l or o a lar n ironm n r or i or ra

UNIT 5 Nature consciousness 175


a a ain an fin

i r n o ra

r a on ra i a ro l m

i r n a o alin i ra

Did you know?

or r i ar a an ra ar non m
or r i i rom ri i n li an or
ar a an ra om rom m ri an n li

The Recycle Symbol-The three R's

Each of the three arrows in the Recycle Symbol
can represent one step in a three-step process
that forms the recycling loop.

o r ommon i im ia or
i i il l
Or r

r la l ma rial ar man a r in o n ro

o l ll an n ro ma rom
r l ma rial loo i no om l

o l oll r la l ma rial an m in
orr on in in n ma rial ar a n o a lo al oll ion
n r om o l l an an ara m o r
a rom m

Tips for students and schools:

n ar n an a r an all ma a i r n in r in a
a ool ra i in o a r ion r r an
r l an all o o r ar

UNIT 5 Nature consciousness 176

C oo i o o ri n l

or ar in n ool ar r la ar ma rial n ool

ma rial
a lo o la i ool o C oo ool ma rial ma rom r l
ro a a la i a an o r a a in a a a in olor a r
ar on an o r i m or ar an ra ro
a ar o n an n il m in o r n il a a r la o r
n an n il on oor an in la room
n lo all im r or l ol lo in an oo r l
rom m li a
ona lo in o o no ar an mor ro a a lo in o o no ar
an mor

Adapted from:

Gi a i o a ri n in i a o an mo al o l o l n

o should r la ar ma rial

o o r l o o
r l ro o o
ara o r ra

n mma ool n
an a r ar ara in
ra a i r n in
or i r n ma rial l
m o lo
in o orr on in in

in la i r lin in in a a li o la r o in r
o r o n a ma rial an o o l r lin in i i im or an
in r o a o in r

Plastic Paper E-waste Organic

UNIT 5 Nature consciousness 177


The importance
of water
a o a r or in o r o a a li o i r n
i a r im or an ill in ro o a r i o ri a

n r a ar ri il a a oa l
r nnin a r in o r o or in o O O ra
ani aria l a o o r a an a a o
oa l a r l o ri o a a o a ri
r n in o r Con i ion ar a a n am n al man
ri i i n ial o a oi illn a a ar n
on a oa l a r

n or na l i i no a in om o n ri oo a
i r a o o a i r la ion i n
o o an o a r r ar rom


oo n r a o

UNIT 5 Nature consciousness 178


a ail ro l m r la o a r o o in
o l rom i r a

a an oo a i r or C a
ill ra n rlin i a

Lack of water in Africa

On o mo im or an ro l m in ri a i la o a o l an rin in
a r an ro r ani a ion o l in ri a ar no onl on i al n o in
o l on lan o no a a o l an a a r

la o a ri a o a l o an ro oo o an il o in o
an a al o an a in ool an o an or in

(1) For women and children especially, this crisis is real. It affects every minute of the
day. (2)Water sources are often far away from people’s homes, so they have to spend
hours each day finding and transporting water. o on a m im or o r
a i i i li in or in an n o in li

ran or in a r i no a i al on ain r or a r oll ion in ri a

i r a i al n o a ar ol il (3) Apart from that the water taken
from a river is not potable which can be a source of illnesses.

a an ma ar or in on a ool ro a o
a in a r ar ir i a l m
i li in m or m n

1 m m n lo a n ar r in o r
2 m m n r o r o l an no a m all im
3 m m n r l a r n o i l
4 m m n r r a ional a r o
5 m m n a a r
6 m m n r n a in ma in i i i no ll
7 m m n a or r o r
8 m m n rn o a n am ooin o r air
9 m m n rain a r or a rin lan o o r ar n

Did you know?

n o l o l or
o l n in a o m or m n
an m n ar ri i n li

UNIT 5 Nature consciousness 179


Being naturist
a o o in a o ollo in
i a ion C oo orr an r or o

1 lo oin o oor a i i i I agree completely.

2 on li o ro na r
3 li r la in
4 n o l arnin a o o r li l
5 in a ar m ro
6 am n on in na ral ro
7 lo n in im in r air
8 a ar a o o a an o l li o r i
9 li li nin o o n o na r lo all in o ir
r an l ar inal ar m a ori
10 on li o mi al a oa or am oo
11 lo a l la r an n o na r

o o no o l o li na r a a i i i o
o a ar r l o na rali

UNIT 5 Nature consciousness 180

a n n o a na ri arm
all i rra ra lo o iri oli
r o a a ro r ro o
ar i o

Lua, Nico, Emma, Salvador, Luis and

Freddie are looking for a place to go.
Read the text and say if Tierra Pura is
a good place to go or not.

i o r all n o ra i in or
o i o l li o fin a la
o la oo all i i ri n
la n o a a oo all i
o r i a an n o om
o a an a oo a r fini in
ma i rra ra i lo a on a o lan i
oa o r a o n r i an a
i o an i o in lo n in lan a om o r o ma a ni
im o r li am in an la Ori inall i a a air arm or an
in in an la in i ar n o o a a o i rn in o a na r r r
fir r na i a na an ora ar ro
n i rra ra o an na r r o man
a a ori a i i i ir in r n ion ma ra ional o
a in n o r oin i r o r a na r ro i n i rra ra
lo r r i ali or ani an na ral o m i ar
ro a a a an a o n fi o
Luis lo oin o in i lo al r i al o a oo la or o
in r in na r lo an l arn r la a ion ni r la o o a
om or an nolo an li i i or ar l om o an o o i rra ra
i o in rn or a or a a o an o r la o an
n a a o r an n o la mall
mma l i no or in omm ni o o o li in na r o n in
no on r a ion m i i rra ra a ni la o i i o an o o
o n l om or a l i r r o an i i a r
rr n li l n a a o
o in ira ion o r la an o or fini l i rra ra i an in r in la o
on r on o no an n o

al a or lo animal a ar
a r a la in r a r
o an m il animal in o ma in o ar on o ara r
an ro li a i i i a ri a o ial m ia o a in a o r
i im an a r nalin r
ri n r a li
Freddie lo n in im i
ri n r all n o a in ri o ial m ia o on ir
mo i la in i o am or ri n a i rra ra
oo in n r i

ool a a lo o
an ar r

UNIT 5 Nature consciousness 181


a fir ar o a i o o min a o an
oran an an a li l irl oran an i in li l irl
room i ma in a m r a ion in or r click here

ro all o m o lan
ro a a m o ola
la i all m i
orro in m o
on o in

n air in o o i l r a on oran an i in r room

a on ar o i o an oo
orr an r or ion r ma
mor an on orr o ion

1 i oran an in r room
A li irl room
B o n li li in in or
C man ar ro in r om

2 o i oran an lin
A la
B ar
C n io

3 r a ol ion or oran an ro l m a ar irl i a

A ill fi o a oran an om
B ill in i oran an o li i r
C ill ar r or o o r an fi oo

UNIT 5 Nature consciousness 182


i i a irl a a n r i no
ri n ill ma r i i o r a o o in i
m an o a im o o om in a o i
i a ion on i o i r la ma

in o in ira ional ra o ma o r a a ion

on i ro l m

i m ri n n o
ali r r a a o i

a an an r ion

A r i ali o ar lo a
B a a i i i an o o r
C o man animal ar r
D i i an o ar

UNIT 5 Nature consciousness 183

ali r r a man i r n la o i i o an
ri r o anno in o o ar in a ar oo
a ma lo o ario la o an i i

la i ali om

n r ar r ar om r la ion in o a o ion o
o an in a ar man a or m or or i n m n an
in a ar r omm n a l o o o l

a a loo a r l lo C oo on a ro ria or an o ar

1- o m n al in ar a r animal li
2- o m n animal
Did you
3- o o l n ro r i in in
4- o an il a fir o ma a ar
n o l o l
5- o an o animal or o l n in a o
m or m n an
6- o an a oo o animal an lan a m n ar ri i n li

7- o an oo or rin in an n
8- o o l o or a im in la

UNIT 5 Nature consciousness 184


ma in o ar oin o o on a ool ri o ali r r ir o n o om

amiliar i ar oo a ma an ri a n n a ri i

E.g. In Talice Eco Park, there is a souvenir store next

to a lake and there are benches near the bus stop.

o a o ar mor amiliar i ar l in a o a i i i o
ar oin o o i o r ri n on ool ri o r a r lann an o r
i i o lan o r o r ar ll

First, we are going to see the “Valle

de los Ciervos”. There, we are going
to take some photos of the deer.
Then we are going to …
S.O.S. After that, we are going to…

in o ano r
r r a ion in r a
an or in ro o
r a a imilar l a
o on o ali
o ar
i r o l o

o r ali om

UNIT 5 Nature consciousness 185


ar ma o o ali o ar
l arn mor a o m
i nam i an o i a r l lo l arnin a i
i all r a in onlin li a in an
no a in i no l on o o r a lo lo o
l m ma a r orl i ni on an al o a
r am r i om im i ri n alo l im o
a mor ri i ion

in orma ion a o alo o r o o r ali om

ar ma o an in ro im o a ar n r
a rn al in a o im n n or
am l i nam i alo i a ma
Name: alo
Animal: ma
Loves: ro a
Character: nn la l r am r
oo ar
Job: i
Other characteristics: oo ar n r
a i im l i an i ra
Best friend: an o

o a o no mor a o an o an alo ima in a a in

ir li in o ar a o o ri a ara ra
o r ali om

UNIT 5 Nature consciousness 186


Renewable energy
mma loo fini ion o
n r or r i n om or

“Power derived from the utilization of physical or chemical resources,

especially to provide light and heat or to work machines.”

fini ion rom O or i ionar

a or om o o r min n
o in o rm n r Energy
i n r im or an
n r i all aro n in na r om o r o n r ill n rr no o a
n r i no n a r n a l n r or r n n r O r o r o n r
ar a aila l in ifi amo n an ill no r n ra o ma
non r n a l n r i i n r rom a o r a ill r n o

a i o an i o r o n r a a ar click here

wind water

solar geothermal

propane natural gas

petroleum nuclear

o r i a a om
UNIT 5 Nature consciousness 187
Cla i o r o n r in o r n a l an non r n a l


a o n r i orr on in ri ion

G o rmal



a r


a i o n r om rom li in in li r an lan

b in n r i on r o l ri i ro o r in

c i o n r om rom n
d i o n r i ro o ro n a ar ra

e ro o ri r a on r in n r o mo in a r in o l ri i

mma i in r n a l n r a ool o n i r
la ma an a a r o i i ool n m r in a r i rr
i i a l arn

fir aina l li ool o r a an a in
m ri a i in a r i rr in o rn ro in o
Can lon i ool i l i n in l ri
n r oa l a r an a in r i al o a ar o
il in a a ma i r la l ma rial

UNIT 5 Nature consciousness 188


a o r o n r an o o in i r

o r i r n a la rim ra la n a l r a am ri a la ina om l o lo al

Dying out
oo a i r
a r a
on oar r
ar r animal a
al a i r an a
an a

ri r
animal on or they
o in l are
extinction of

ir i al danger
ri ion
ir a ili i
n in o an
o a a o m o r in r in

UNIT 5 Nature consciousness 189


r animal a om in in ommon a i a
ara ri i n ram l ollo in n n

o m o o no a o animal

r o animal li

an a
i r

a o normall a

an a
i r

ar in an ro in ion i ri o ion

hunters oll ion no oo na ral i a r

an a
i r

i n o a ra io ro ram in i an r i
al in a o animal
i in o o in l i orr or no BOX

r ar om i a in animal
a o o in a o m

1 oll ion i i ro l m in orl o a

I agree with #1 because…
2 ron o ill animal o ma r oa I don’t agree with #1 because…
I think #1 is correct because…
3 o l animal in ir
I don’t think #1 is correct because…

4 il animal an a or ma in If I could, I would…

UNIT 5 Nature consciousness 190


A warming world
ar om i r la o n ironm n

Forest devastation Acid rain

Ozone layer depletion Nuclear waste disposal

an o l no an r o lo al armin n r an i
r n o i a rm o ri o na ral a li ar on io i an
m an an man ma oll an l arm ar a ri in
a mo r an orm a lan a r ain n r rom n n a r a
ar an i i ra ia a in o a o ar i arm
or ar i n i a ai a r n o ar al r man a i i i
in r a o m ra r ill a a i a ro im a on a r a rn an on
lan an animal li

Ga a ar a in lo al armin ar ar on io i loro oro ar on C C

an m an i ar on io i om rom o r a ion ar an om
C C ar mi al a om rom ra an oam ion ar on
ro ro o on i l a ro ar rom l ra iol ra ia ion
Clima olo i r i a m ra r ill ri o r n om r ion a
rai in m ra r ill l a o an in r a in rain an mor r an ro in o r
o n ri a m ra r ri ill i a ro

Glo al armin ill l a o r i ro om ar a ma om mi r

o an o l ri

i n i a a n o fin ol ion On o i ili i o on rol n r

on r a ion m o an an in l o l lan mor r an
o rnin rain or n o a a n ion o a o r ili r ar
in ri a ar a in oo r on o l or o r o o i lo al
armin O r i n n on i

UNIT 5 Nature consciousness 191

i o mma an ar a
l m an r ion

1 a ar om man ma oll an a ro a l a a
n a i im a on r n o
2 a i r n o
3 i a o o in o l limi fir a on
ir a a or in ali i

Causes E ects Possible solutions

a ral a

ro i
ar on io i

an C C

i in m ra r
on ar

o l n ironm n o l o l o l n o om
in a r in i A i in in i B

1 Become A ol n a r an ma a in

2 Waste B ir i o ool

3 Coll C members of a Green Club.

4 lan D a lo o r an o r

5 Wash E a r or l ri i

6 i F ir ar i a an no a o i

1 C 2 3 4 5 6

UNIT 5 Nature consciousness 192


Organic garden
a o o no a o or ani ar n
a o o l or ani ar n or

Or ani Gar n a a i on C i a o Comm ni or ani ar n oron o Cana a

oo l o o ri oo l o o ri

or an mor o l or ani oo an a all or ani oo i mor n i an

or inar oo i ro a ma oo mor n i r a a o i

Or ani ar nin i n iall ar nin i o in n i ro li
r ili r an i i

arm r na ral ro o ro lan a lan ar ar o

na ral m a ar i oil an in l a r l il li
in an o l oo or ani ar n r o a i i i in armon i
na ral o m

Or ani ar n i a rminolo a r r o ro in lan a l an

r i in na ral a

r ar r ma or ar a o main ain o i o or ani ar nin

ar oil mana m n mana m n an on rol

UNIT 5 Nature consciousness 193


r r a in o a mor
in orma ion a o or ani ar n
Can o l m an r ion

1 a i an or ani ar n
2 o arm r na ral ro in ar n
3 o or ani ar nr r o ro in lan
4 i ar r ma or ar a o main ain o i
o or ani ar nin

n or r o ar an or ani ar n o n o ollo i r n Or r m

A STEP BY STEP process to start an Organic Garden

a C oo ri lan
b a oo om o
c lan ro in
d r ar oil #1
e r ar o r ar n
f ro i n ri n o o r lan
g a ar o o r or ani ar n
h o or ani r ili r
i a r ro
j in

o n fi or ani
ar n a li i ene ts o or anic ardenin
im or an o ar m i
o r amili an i or ani 1 amo n o i i o
ar n a r an m rom an o r amil
mo im or an o l a
2 l in on r in n ironm n
im or an in o r o inion
3 r n o a mi ion
4 oo an a l a r
5 a mon

UNIT 5 Nature consciousness 194


Natural disasters
ollo in i r o na ral i a r oo
r ifi a ion rri an a or fir i r m l in an
ar a a orna o a ol ani r ion ro an a la i r
m l in a l i r i orr on in nam

4 6

2 7

3 8

5 10

oo Can a om

a ollo in n n an om l i a na ral i a r

1 i n a r ro a i or a o n

2 i a o r l in loo li a ol mn o air in

3 n an lan o n an mo ro il in an i i

4 or a n n lo o r ar rnin

5 n i li a mo n ain o ro n a r in a

o o r m m r an na ral i a r a in la in r a

UNIT 5 Nature consciousness 195


i o a an mma ar ri in a o na ral i a r
i na ral i a r ar ri in a o

n r a a rri l orna o in r a a an a fir ar o
or ro a l orna o i in o a o m a i i o in orma ion
r o r o m r o r a ri o mo

On o mo a la in o n r a
i o olor in oriano ro in orna o an a
m an fini a a o m o o o a o r n in a i a ion
r ro i ool il in olla an li i a o l o oi
man r ll o n o r in a orna o

orm la ral min an i a rri l

a lo an fin o

a o l an o l n o o in a o a orna o o r a
on ar o an o r an r i im or an
a o r a i i a ra i

n a orna o o should
Go in oor i o ar o i or on i al
Clo all oor an in o
i n r a a l or

o shouldn’t
Go n ar in o
n or a oor
O n oor
G o o ar

n r m m r ro a l a la o
ro o r l i a room

UNIT 5 Nature consciousness 196

a a n ion o n m r an a a r r o

EF3: type of tornado

330: kilometers per hour

One day in the future

i a l a on a a orl i r ar a a in r a ro r an
an olo i lo o ro na r an o ro animal n ro
a on all ar on o o o orl a a a nin o na r
n i i o ma r i ion a o r o na r

a o ar o ar on i o a o r a i
a ar o i l on n or na r a or ra in i o

r i n r ain an om on n rom
a ion ar a in no a a loo a ollo in r i ion

i r ill on amina
o l on a l o r a i o o n ma
nimal ill i onl in na r r r
o l ill om on io a o illin o animal
Go rnm n ill n mon o ro a r a a na ral r o r
a r loi a ion ill imini r la an om im ro i i
o l ill a o ar ma o al on r
r on r n an mor
ill ar
r on li in i in a
r ill onl ar ifi ial ra
o l ill l a n ironm n al mani a ion o ro ar

o an o r n i rom a nin or in ro

o a i r n i a ion a o l a n in r r n ar all
ar o a na r or ani a ion m an i ol ion o all ro l m

UNIT 5 Nature consciousness 197


Electronic waste
a o o o i an ol ll on n o an on
oo a ollo in i a ion an an r a a a o o ri a

1 a o o o n o r om r ar r i

a ro i a a

b i on n r no

c r l m

2 om oa r ro an o o an on a o o o i ol on

a ro i a a

b i on n r no

c r l i

3 o ar al in on r an o fin a air o a ri
a o o o
a ro ma a

b i on n r no

c r l m

4 ma in o an ll on a a r n
a o o o i ol on
a ro i a a

b i on n r no

c r l i

5 m r n r a

a ro i a a

b i on n r no

c r l i

UNIT 5 Nature consciousness 198


oo a ollo in i r
a o o in i

a o o in a i
a o i in l

a i

a in l i

Check your definition by reading

click here
paragraphs 1 and 2 in this text:

r ar om na ional om ani o o
i on r lin a Go o i i
r a a om in an r a
fir r a

a o o no a o i r lin om an Can o
n a m n ion in i o i om an

Read the article about Werba S.A. company and complete this chart

r a

l roni a
or i
on i o in r a

Co n ri a or
r l m al o


UNIT 5 Nature consciousness 199


a a o r a a ain an a i
a m n ar r al or o n a

1 r a or o man o n ri or a in m ri an on
2 r a i a amil om an
3 om an a n in mar or a o ar
4 r l all o a ri
5 r a ll i ro o ralia an alan
6 o ial r on i ili i ar o om an mi ion

o an o l r a a om li i mi ion in o i a o arr o
lo all in or r o l r a i ir o ial r on i ili mi ion

Project 1: Making my community more aware of global warming.

a ra n o oo on o
o i l ol ion am i a o
a r i a ol ion rin a r Con io n
air or i n Cl all a la arl in
i r n ro in n ro o or n r ar
a all an i i ion a ma a o r or a i i al
r n a ion o ar rin n i a i i an
oor ina i i n a r ar a r
ani a r ma a r an an a r or
omm ni m m r o in a an on ri o
ri n o ro

Project 2: Biomes in Uruguay

r a in or i iom in orl or i o ra a r an
l arn mor a o iom in r a n o on o r ar a an a iom o
a n l lan an animal a ar ara ri i o a la

Projet 3- The Ninja Turtles

a o r ar a o amo ar oon in a r l o o r m m r
ir nam in o a o ir nam an r onal in orma ion
i o no a in a r l r nam a r om amo ar i rom
nai an oo or in orma ion a o o r i ir mo ll no n
i o or r am o amo
a r ill l o no o o ill ar o r fin in o r o la

UNIT 5 Nature consciousness 200


Project 4- Uruguayan native turtle in focus - the morrocoy

r ar om mi on ion a o i animal om o l li a
i i a nomo r il i i am ar or in orma ion a o i
na i animal o r a an r a a o r o i r n i o la or
ma a la i i ion i all o r r a

Project 5- The importance of water.

o a l arn o im or an a r i ar all
r on i l or a in ar o i n am n al r o r
a a loo a i lo o oo a i ail
Cr a a imilar on i a i r n ra in an m a
o l rai a ar n on i

Project 6: Organic products made in Uruguay.

i rra ra i a na ri la an ma a lo o or ani o m i an ro or
i i n a r o ra a r an an o r a r o an o
ar i i a in or r o no mor a o o o ro na ri ro i im or an o
r a a o ara ri i an ro r i o lan an r ori inal m i in a a
on i ilo o
a a lo a ro r a o r a a oo a or an o r m an oa r i la

Project 7: Natural places all over Uruguay.

or i o ra an r a r o fin o o r la in r a a
l a a imilar li l o i rra ra
a a lo a ro r a o r a a oo a or an o r m an o ma
la a ar o o la

Project 8- Producing electricity:

or in ro fin o i o r o n r ar o ma l ri i in o r
o n r ar a r n o r fin in o la

Project 9- Make your school self-su cient:

or in ro ima in o a o ma o r ool l i n a
an o l o im l m n in o a i n o il a aina l
ool o ma an o a a r o o r a ll r n o r
fin in o la

UNIT 5 Nature consciousness 201

Project 10 - The panda and my favorite
endangered Uruguayan animal
n ra io ro ram o al a o an a li in C ina ar an a
o im or an in C in l r C in o l an a a a m ol o o ra
ri n i n rn i oi r in r in C in l r an rol o
an a in a l r oo or in orma ion an r a a o r o ar l o in l an
animal a i in an r o in ion in r a fin in orma ion an a
in orma ion on o am o r o an or i o ra a r an an
o r a r o an o ar i i a

Project 11: Joining a green club

n o r in mall ro a ro a o r a a l in i
ill arr o a ion o l al ar o ar an r l an l an an
an a in a or o lan

Project 12- Organic Gardens at school:

n an a r il or ani ar n a i ool ni al ool an
in l aroma i lan a
a ron n o r ro mar m
• echinacea la n r a il min

a on in an romo allian i lo al a ori i an n i or o

o r r a ion o omm ni or ani ar n
On in on a an ar allo a ori i in i ool n i or
a a fir in an
n l a ro o ol omm ni o il or ani ar n a lo al
ar n i or ar n an lo al a n

Project 12- Organic Gardens at school:

n i o no ion o r a a o fir r or orna o in r a
oo la in or i o r i or a r o r i n a r an an a r
o an o oin in an ar or in orma ion a o a a a nin in orl
a a im n l in orma ion i r an i o a o o n C oo om
o o n o ar m in a o r or r n a ion o an in
a in in o a o n a n ar n on orm an orna o mo i a r
or i a mo i r la o o i orna o or n o orm
n or i r a in a i i i a
a o o o in n or i il a in
mo i a i i i
o o o in o l ma l a ar main n in mo i
a m orolo i al n ma o a na ral i a r r la o
in mo i orm a n
o i o l mana o a
m orolo i al n

UNIT 5 Nature consciousness 202

Project 14- How do you see yourself in the future?
ra o r l an in l r i m or i a ion o r i ill
a n o r r onn i na r

Project 15: The vehicle of the future

a ra n o in a o ir r i l i a ar i om
o a lar o l n n ra ir r i l n ri a
ara ra a o ir i al i l or r

m ro l
m ro a
a rial

O r
ra o r r i l a or in o o r ri ion

ri a ara ra a o o ri al r i l

Project 16- Designing a time machine

a ra n o i n a im ma in n a o rmin o
ma in ill or an a a o r ma in ill o m n
a o r a i r o a o l ill il in ma in an ill
ri a
n al rna i o l o ri o n in r ion o ma in

Project 17- A letter to myself in the future.

n ri a l r o ir r l an ll a o l no a o ir a
an i im r a m a on or o in l om in orma ion a o o r r n
a o o ri a a o r o r oal in li an an in l o an o a

o an al o r r o ro am a in o l

UNIT 5 Nature consciousness 203

Unit 6

understand the various ways to celebrate and use graphic organizers and thinking maps to
commemorate important dates. do process writing.
write and speak about important celebrations n r an o l a in i i r n
students like. accents and varieties of English.
give opinions about celebrations and festivals. work autonomously and research with the
guide of the teacher.


A 15th
Look at these two girls.
ar in i r n
countries, but they have
something in common.
What do they have in
common? What are they
Photos by Aldo Rodriguez (left)
and Jimena Martinez
Spangenberg (right).

My classmates and I, and probably you, are about to celebrate our

15th birthday. I asked my relatives about the tradition to celebrate
the quinceañeras in Uruguay. Here’s a list of the things they told me.

Send an Wear high-heels

invitation card

Dance the waltz Give presents to

with relatives the quinceañera

Wear a white Huge cake served

princess dress after the main meal

A court of the best friends hand in Give the candles to

o r an an l important people

Give away souvenirs to the

Dress up for the occasion
attendees to the party

o an r ar i r n a o
celebrating a 15th birthday. Have a look at what
Agustina has to say about her celebration.

UNIT 6 Celebrations around the world 205


Look at the picture of Emma and Lua’s friend Agustina and

predict the answers to these questions:

1. Did she have a birthday party?

2. Did she wear a traditional dress?

3. Did her celebration include a cake?

4. Did she dance the waltz with her

relatives and friends?

5. Did the guests give her a present?

Photo by Jimena Martinez Spangenberg

Listen to Agustina
talking about her 15th
birthday party. Check
your predictions.

Listen to Agustina again

and answer the questions
about her party.

Agustina celebrated
her birthday according
to her preferences.
How would you like to
celebrate your 15th

Look at the picture of

the other quinceañera.
This girl is from Mexico
but lives in the US.
How do people in other
cultures celebrate their
15th birthday?

UNIT 6 Celebrations around the world 206

New Year’s Eve #livingUruguay2

Look at the calendar.

It’s the last day of the
year. It is called New
Year’s Eve. How do
people usually
celebrate this day?
How do you and your
family celebrate New
Year’s Eve?

Do you know any traditions related to New Year's Eve? Match the pictures with
their meaning. There are two extra meanings that you don’t need to use.

2 5

8 10



a. Eat 12 grapes. g. Break the peppermint pig.

b. Kiss a loved one. h. Light a candle.
c. Visit one of your neighbours. i. Keep the windows open. m. Add something extra
d. Jump into the new year. j. Choose your underwear. to the champagne.
e. Have Hoppin’ John for dinner. k. Wear white. n. Make a wish for
f. Pack light. l. Throw water out of the window. next year.

1 2 3 4 5 6

7 8 9 10 11 12

UNIT 6 Celebrations around the world 207


Are you familiar with these New Year’s Eve traditions? Have you
ever tried any of these traditions? Which one would you like to try?

Do you know how people celebrate New Year’s Eve

around the world? I am working with a text about
New Year’s Eve. Help me do my homework. I have to
correct the wrong facts of these sentences.

People celebrate
New Year’s Eve in a
quite homogeneous

In the United States
of America people
wait for the ball
dropping in the
main cities, for
example in Chicago.

In the US, people
drink German
sparkling wine to

People in England
usually jump from a
chair as a way of
showing they are
jumping into the
New Year. 5. 6.
Celebrating in Estonia One of the largest New Year’s
involves eating all the Eve celebrations takes place in
food on the plate. Silvester city, in Berlin.

UNIT 6 Celebrations around the world 208


Some people listen to special songs on New Year’s Eve. This

song is Firework by Katy Perry.

Firework by Katy Perry

Do you ever feel like a plastic bag(1)
Drifting thought the wind
Wanting to start again
Do you ever feel, feel so paper thin (2)
Like a house of cards (3)
One blow from caving in
Do you ever feel already buried deep
Six feet under (4) scream
But no one seems to hear a thing
Do you know that there's still a chance for you (5)
'Cause there's a spark in you (6)
You just gotta ignite the light (7)
And let it shine
Just own the night
Like the Fourth of July
'Cause baby you re a firework
Come on show 'em what your worth
Make 'em go "Oh, oh, oh!"
As you shoot across the sky-y-y
a o r a fir or
Come on let your colors burst (9)
Make 'em go "Oh, oh, oh!"
You're gonna leave 'em fallin' down down down
You don t have to feel like a waste of space
You're original, cannot be replaced
If you only knew…

o r a l ri om l ri a rr fir or ml

In the song, Katy Perry mentions a very

important celebration for her. What’s
that celebration? Why do you think that
ACT 1 celebration is important to her?

ACT 2 The author predominantly uses pessimistic

language. In the other part, the author uses
predominantly language of hope. Can you
ACT 3 actually see the two parts?

Choose one negative phrase and share a

ACT 4 situation in which you felt like that.
Choose one positive phrase and share a
situation in which you felt like that.

Use the highlighted expressions to complete

a Venn diagram. Place those expressions
that have a negative connotation.
Place those that have a positive message
and the neutral expressions.

UNIT 6 Celebrations around the world 209


A regional festival
Look at the following
map of Uruguay. You
ill fin i r n
provinces and an
important festival or
celebration of that
region. Circle the
ones you know.

Look at these other Find more information and

click here
celebrations: Place them onto check your answers in this link:
the right provinces in the map.

1 Farroupilhas Week
As you can see there are
2 Nostalgia Night several celebrations in
our country. One of them
3 Llamadas Parade is a National Festival
involving adolescents like
4 San Fernando Week us. It’s the Spring Fest in
Dolores, Soriano. Let’s
5 The motorcyclists meeting Fest take a look at some of the
pictures we have here.

UNIT 6 Celebrations around the world 210


Fotos gentileza de grupo de padres de 1eros unidos del Taruselli 2019 y Susana Loitey

oo a r io i r an fin
i m in o r

Group work: describe the picture you

are assigned.

Remember to use:

In the picture, I can see…

There is a…
There are…
In the foreground, I can see…
In the background, I can see…
On the right / left, I can see…
In the middle, I can see…

Aren’t the pictures gorgeous? I want to know

more about the Spring Fest Parade in Dolores.
Lua attended the parade last year. Let’s see
what she has to say about it.

UNIT 6 Celebrations around the world 211


1- When does the Spring Fest Parade take place?

2- Where do people parade?
3- Who participates in the parade?
r o mon o on r oa an o m
5- When do they choose the queen and the king of the celebration?
6- Does the celebration take place only for one day?

This is a challenge for you:

How much does it take to create those
o r o r mo ori oa

UNIT 6 Celebrations around the world 212


Listen to Lua’s friend from Dolores, Uruguay. She is talking about the
i r n a o ro o il a oa a no a o
the stages and what happens in each one.

Stage What they do

You can use the set

Now you know about the Spring Parade in Dolores. What festivals of rubrics for oral
do you have in your area? Search for information about any local or presentations at the
end of this book.
regional festival or celebration. It can also be a national celebration
with a particular way of celebrating it in your area.

Honoring the dead

in other cultures
Look at the following pictures. What do they refer to?
a. People making handicrafts.
b. People honoring death. Photos by Adrián Torres de la Torre
c. People preparing masquerades.

UNIT 6 Celebrations around the world 213


oo a i r an fin a ll o r
photo frames, candles and a mask.

Look at the following ideas related to the

pictures and match them.

People go to restaurants and dress up with

1 traditional clothes and masks.

2 Craftsmen build the skull in the workshop.

n ar i ora ll i o r
3 It is a traditional decoration in Mexico.

People put the skulls together with photo frames with

4 their beloved ones, candles and sometimes food.

After the skull is decorated, an artist paints it with bright

5 colors. Celebrating death is not something sad for Mexicans.

6 A person crafts the skull.

After the skull is decorated and painted,

7 it has to dry and it’s ready to use.

1 D 2 3 4 5 6 7

UNIT 6 Celebrations around the world 214


There are other ways of celebrating death.

oo a ollo in an fin
information about 5 ways of celebrating it.

Celebration Name Country

Here’s the link to the text: click here

ar l rall i r n a o l ra in
passing of a beloved one. Let’s focus on 2 that have been
viral in social media in Uruguay…

Go back to the text and read about the celebrations in Ghana and the celebrations in Mexico.
Which of the two celebrations would you like to see? Why?

I would like to see because .

What do you know about the origin of the celebration?

Look for information in the text and on the Internet.

Celebration Origin of the celebration

UNIT 6 Celebrations around the world 215


C l ra in a in i an a a n immor ali in ral film

On o la film a Co o in lo o mo i on n rn

Answer the following questions:

1 Who is Miguel?
2 What does his family want him to do?
3 Who is Miguel’s good friend?
4 Who is Coco?
5 Why was Miguel’s trip to death important?
6 What did Miguel discover?

Death does not need to be something sad. For many cultures the
dead take care of us. How would you celebrate death?

1 Get in groups and write down one idea of how you can honor and celebrate the dead.
2 Share the ideas in the small groups.
3 If time allows, share the group ideas with the whole class.

Remember it is OK to feel sad. It’s part of life. There is no need

to hide the feelings but it is good to remember the good
moments lived with the ones who already passed.

a film Co o

Pre-watching activity.

a o r ar or a film Co o

Coco is a movie about how people remember

their beloved ones who passed away.
r i i a a ma a ar in film an
write them in a bubble thinking map. The words
under the mariachi hats may help you.

UNIT 6 Celebrations around the world 216


happiness sorrow relief empathy

While watching: Complete the following chart.

It’s time to enjoy… a e o the fil


Main character

haracters that call your attention

ou got interested in the ecause they are...

funny shy

courageous friendly

tenacious other?

ew words or e ressions you disco ered or liked...


Post-watching ideas lothes custo s attires that sur rised you.

o on o i r n
dialogues between the characters
of the movie you liked the most.

Dress up like the characters you hat s your ain eeling a out the fil
chose, and record the acting.

UNIT 6 Celebrations around the world 217




Source: Inti

Look at these two pictures and the two words.
What is the relationship among them?

Do you know how indigenous people celebrate their beliefs?

What do they do? Let's watch a video about the Inti Raymi sun
festival. The video is in this link:
click here

Watch the video and pay

attention to the images, the
Emma watched this video about how South places and the words you hear.
American native peoples of the Andes a a n ion o i r n
actions as well.
celebrate Inti Raymi. She liked it so much that
she asked her family to take her there and they
went. Let’s learn more about this celebration!

Watch the video again and complete this chart.


I love the Inti
Where? Raymi
What do they celebrate? Read about it
and how it was
How do they celebrate? celebrated in
the past.

UNIT 6 Celebrations around the world 218

om ni a ion li a ion fi a ra i ional l r a


Listen to Lua, Emma, Nico, Duma and Freddie’s former

geography teacher talking about the topic and correct
your answers.

Inti Raymi, the Inca New Year celebration on June 24, honors Inti, the ancient
Inca god who is represented by the sun. It was the source of the Inca king’s
power and authority. The sun is essential to both survival and agriculture.
n i no o l a a lo m io i m all n fi ial r la ion i
with the land and are often good astronomers. They watched the days shorten
as the winter solstice approached, and worried that the sun might just
disappear completely. The purpose of the Inti Raymi is to bring the sun back.
he ncient nti ay i ele ration
The festival was held in the main plaza of Cuzco, Peru, the old Inca capital city.
Community leaders gathered at the Palace of the Inca king to bring the sun
a r a rifi a ion fasting in o l o r a feast with lots of
chicha (Inca corn beer). The festival included a parade of mummies and llama
a rifi la ra i ional n i a mi a in a r i aniar
prohibited it.

Inti Raymi is still celebrated.

Do you know how?
Would you like to discover it?

Source: Wikimedia Commons

The Modern Inti Raymi Celebration

Today’s Inti Raymi is a cultural celebration that reenacts the ancient ceremonies. It
was recovered by indigenous groups in the mid-20th century. It’s still held in Cuzco.
Similar festivals are held throughout the former Inca Empire, but this is the biggest
one. It’s a huge festival with thousands of reenactors and hundreds of thousands of
visitors. The most prestigious acting roles are the Inca king and queen, the Sapa Inca
and Mama Occla.
For about a week, the roads around Cuzco’s main plaza become a big street fair.
There are ceremonial reenactments with feasting, music and dancing in the
nin n i i a fill i r moni
It starts in front of Santo Domingo church which was built over an ancient Sun
Temple. After blessings, the Sapa Inca is carried on a golden throne in a procession
to the ancient Inca fortress of Sacsayhuamán in the hills above Cuzco.
There the Sapa Inca climbs the sacred altar, gives a speech and performs a theatrical
llama a rifi i no r al a an o rin o a amama o r ar n
people dance around on res. Then the procession returns to Cuzco.

Adapted from:

UNIT 6 Celebrations around the world 219

Match the words in bold from the text
i orr on in fini ion

1. fasting A. An event where lines of people walk through a public

place to celebrate a special day.
2. feast
B. A line of people or cars that moves forward slowly as
3. parade
part of a ceremony or public event.
4. fair
C. To eat no food for a period of time.
5. procession
D. Relating to a religion or considered to be holy.
6. sacred
E. lar fir in o n air o n il o l ra
7. onfir

F. An event at which companies, organizations, or groups

show what they do or sell their products or services.

G. A large meal, especially to celebrate something special.

Read the text and choose the correct option in each case:

1. a) The aim of the ceremony is to take back the Sun.

b) The aim of the ceremony is to celebrate life.

2. a) Everybody went to celebrate at the king’s palace.

b) Leaders went to celebrate at the king’s palace.

3. a) In the mid-twentieth century Spaniards recovered the Inti Raymi ceremony.

b) Native people recovered the Inti Raymi ceremony in the mid-twentieth century.

4. a) o a a r al animal ar o r o a amama
b) o a a r ar no animal a rifi

5. a) At sunset people dance in the open air

b) At sunset people dance in the palace.

Read the text again.

Compare the two
celebrations (ancient
an mo rn fin Ancient Modern
similarities and celebration celebration
i r n n

UNIT 6 Celebrations around the world 220

i e or reflection

Do you think it is important to maintain native celebrations? Why?

In Uruguay we also had indigenous peoples. The most famous ones

were the Charrúas.

Look for information about the Charrúas' customs and celebrations.

I suggest this link for you to go:
click here

Take the most relevant information and then share with your
classmates what called your attention.

Some useful phrases you can use:

Something that called my attention was You can watch the documentary “El
Something I want to share is país sin Indios”. It’s free. Find its
I think that… Facebook page.

Look at the following pictures. Describe them. Labor Day

Top left:

Top middle:
i or
Top right: //
Middle left:
Middle right:
Bottom left:
in r om in
o om ri r om n oo

UNIT 6 Celebrations around the world 221


Workers have rights and obligations. Can you mention some?

Work in pairs and classify these statements into rights and

obligations. Write R for rights and O for obligation.

Receive a salary for their job. R

o a ifi in or in on ra
Be respected in their human dignity.
Be careful with the tools and equipment.
Have weekly rest days.
Work up to 8 hours. Source:

Go to work in good mental and physical conditions.

UNIT 6 Celebrations around the world 222


How much do you know about the history and

celebration of Labor Day? Let’s read a text with Nico
and Lua to learn more about this holiday.

Labor Day

Labor Day is an annual holiday celebrated all over

the world. It originated from the eight-hour day
movement in the nineteenth century. Labor unions
fought for eight hours for work, eight hours for
play, and eight hours for sleep. Today, it is a holiday
and sometimes people forget the origins of this
important day. Most countries celebrate this day on
May 1. In some countries it is called May Day and in
others it is known as International Workers’ Day.

The date was chosen due to events in the US. In

1884, the American Federation of Organized
Trades and Labor Unions demanded an
i o r or a o om in o a o
May 1st 1886. That resulted in the general strike
and riot of 1886. The riots at Haymarket Square
in Chicago began as peaceful demonstrations for
the legal establishment of an eight-hour
workday. At a protest rally on May 4th 1890, a
bomb was detonated resulting in the death of
ral oli o r an om i ilian

The events in Chicago inspired similar protests across Europe, establishing May
1st as the day to recognize the workers’ rights across the world. Curiously, the
ni a l ra a or a on fir on a o m r a i
Loyalty Day, a legal but not widely recognized holiday in the United States).

o l aro n orl l ra a or a in i r n a r ar man

i al an ara or ani i r n la or or ani a ion an o l fill
the streets for huge parties around the world. For most people, it is a chance to
enjoy the nice weather and have a picnic with family, friends and co-workers.
om o l a a ar or o o a Go rnm n o o
o ool an man in ar lo on a a

o r i i ia or an a or i o oli a om oli a la o r a

UNIT 6 Celebrations around the world 223


ri r no al a r n or r rom all o r orl a ofi o

on r m a an ma or o ir orr on in fini ion

1. employees a. a special day of the year

2. barbecue b. holiday to honor workers
3. unions c. laws to protect workers
4. holiday d. meal eaten outside
5. Labor Day e. meat cooked on a grill
6. picnic f. organizations that represent workers
7. workers’ rights g. a violent disturbance of the peace by a crowd
8. strike h. workers
9. riot i. a public holiday or day of festivities in honor of working people

1 H 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

How much do you know about the history and celebration of Labor Day?
Read the text and order the events chronologically.

There was a strike and a riot in Chicago in 1886.

Labor Day is now a holiday celebrated all over the world.
a or nion ar ofi or an i o r or a
In Europe, workers started to protest inspired by the events in Chicago.
In the protest, a bomb was detonated and people died.

Complete this mind Labor Day is on...

map with information
about Labor Day.
i fir a or a a in ar

Labor How do Uruguayans

We celebrate it because... celebrate Labor Day?

What do you want to be

when you grow up?

UNIT 6 Celebrations around the world 224

National #livingUruguay2

historical dates
llo n r a r ar a o a a
you have a holiday because you don’t work. Of those, 3
of them have a historical background. What are they?

Date What do we celebrate?

Look at these important dates for Uruguayan history.

What do we commemorate those days?
Dates in English
n Formal
n ri i n li
May 18, 1811 n m ri an n li
April 19, 1825
S.O.S. Informal
BOX 19th June (BrE)
February 28, 1811
June 19 (AmE)
September 23, 1830

Have a look at the “S.O.S. box” and write each national historical date
using the American English format and the British English format.
Then, read the dates aloud. For example:

British English American English

ou write: The Battle of Las ou write: The Battle of Las
Piedras was on 18th May, 1811. Piedras was on May 18th, 1811.
ou say: “The Battle of Las ou say: “The Battle of Las
Piedras was on the eighteenth Piedras was on May the
of May, eighteen eleven.” eighteenth, eighteen eleven.”

UNIT 6 Celebrations around the world 225


Nico’s mother is teaching a lesson on national historical dates,

these are the texts that she is using. Let’s read with her!

The Battle of Las Piedras (May 18) remembers the history of

Uruguayan leader José Artigas leading patriot forces to victory
against Spain. History states The Battle of Las Piedras was a
i nifi an o ar r a an n n n amo lin
“Clemencia para los vencidos”, meaning “Mercy on the
vanquished”, was pronounced by Artigas referring to the Spanish
and prisoners in 1811. Historians believe this battle was crucial for
the survival of the revolution in Uruguay and Argentina.

Adapted from:

Read the text and match the two halves of the sentences:

1. This battle was fundamental A. in reference to the Spanish and prisoners.

2. Artigas was the leader B. to gain independence for Uruguay.

3. Artigas claimed: C. to continue the revolution in Argentina, too.

“Clemencia para los vencidos”

4. The Battle of Las Piedras D. of patriot forces to defeat Spain.

was important

1 B 2 3 4

UNIT 6 Celebrations around the world 226


Look at this picture. This

picture pays tribute to the 33
patriots painted by Blanes. It
is made out of tiles. Where is
this monument? Who made
it? When was it made?

Photo by Noel Martinelli

The previous picture shows a painting representing the Landing of the 33 Patriots.
Read the following text to know more about this historical moment.

Did you
Soriano Coat of Arms says
“the homeland was born
here” and the Landing of
the 33 Patriots is the
reason why this happens.

On April 19, Uruguay celebrates the anniversary of the Landing of the 33 Patriots,
which marks the beginning of the country’s struggle for independence. It was the
33 patriots, also known as the 33 Orientales, the ones who started this struggle.

At the beginning of the 19th century, the territory of modern Uruguay became part
of the Empire of Brazil. Then it was known as Oriental Province, or Banda Oriental.
Uruguayan patriots continued crusading for independence started by José Gervasio
Artigas, who was exiled to Paraguay in 1820.

The 33 Orientales were a group of exiled Uruguayan revolutionaries led by Juan

Antonio Lavalleja. On April 19, 1825, they returned to Uruguay from Buenos Aires,
secretly crossing the Uruguay River and landing at Agraciada Beach, in the
Uruguayan province of Soriano.

r lan a a i o l om no n a la o r in a
Tres, and took an oath to end the Brazilian rule over Uruguay.


UNIT 6 Celebrations around the world 227

Read the text and look for:

Another way to call the “33 Orientales”:

Another way to say “Banda Oriental”:

The place where Artigas went:

The name of the leader of the revolutionaries:

The place where the revolutionaries arrived:

Photos by Aldo Rodríguez his is another te t a out a historical

date. t descri es the nde endence
rocess in ruguay. ead it.

This picture is from Piedra Alta,


Independence Day of Uruguay is

celebrated on August 25. This
national holiday commemorates
the declaration of Uruguayan
independence from the Brazilian
Empire in 1825.

In 1512 the Portuguese arrived in the region of what Uruguay is today. Four years later, the Spanish
arrived in the region. Uruguay became a zone of contention between the two colonial empires. In
rri ori on a o r a i r an a Ori n al am ar o ani
Viceroyalty of Rio de la Plata.

However, several years later the Banda Oriental was annexed by the Portuguese to Brazil. In 1822,
the Brazilian Empire achieved independence from Portugal. Three years later, a group of
Uruguayan revolutionaries led by Juan Antonio Lavalleja (Thirty-Three Orientales) arrived in
Montevideo. On August 25, 1825, they declared the independence of Uruguay from Brazil.

Uruguay Independence Day is a public non-working holiday celebrated nationwide. Celebrations

l on n n n a on i o li olor l a rio i ara a rai in
and wreath-laying ceremonies.

o r an a i om al n ar

ead the te t a out 1. When was independence 4. How did Uruguay

declared? start the process of
the nde endence
gaining independence?
Day and answer 2. Were Portugal and
these questions: Spain colonial empires in 1512?
5. How do people
3. Was the Banda Oriental celebrate Independence
part of Portuguese Brazil? Day in Uruguay?

UNIT 6 Celebrations around the world 228

Read the three texts and complete the timeline
with the most important events mentioned:

Look for information about Artigas’ birthdate or Constitution Oath and

write a short paragraph about it. You may want to work with your history
teacher as well. Remember to include: what happened, who was involved,
when it occurred, and why this date was important.


Who were

was it?

Why was it

UNIT 6 Celebrations around the world 229


Well done!!!

UNIT 6 Celebrations around the world 230


Have a look at the following two pictures. They refer to massive festivals.
Guess the decade in which those two pictures were taken.

Photo taken from wikipedia

Photo taken from

How much do you know about these kinds of festivals?

Let’s read about them.

a an fin i r n l m n ar o m i
cities, and numbers). Highlight the information.

The Woodstock Music and Art Fair was the most famous of the 1960s rock festivals. It was
celebrated on a farm in New York from August 15–18, 1969. There were nearly half a million
young people in attendance. Famous rock and roll icons like Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin and
the band The Who, among others, played their music. Few tickets were sold, but
approximately 400,000 people entered for free because there wasn’t enough security.

Woodstock is considered a symbol of the 1960s hippie culture. It became a major cultural
n a n o ra a o lar o m n ar film an m i am a m ol
of an era. The message in the advertisement for the Woodstock Music and Art Fair was
“Three Days of Peace and Music.”

Woodstock was an opportunity for people to escape into music and spread a message of
unity and peace as at that time the country was deep into the controversial Vietnam War
and the civil rights movement.

o r a lan i om oo oo o oo

UNIT 6 Celebrations around the world 231


Lollapalooza is an annual four-day music festival in Chicago, Illinois, at Grant Park,

founded in 1991 and since expanded to other countries. Performances include but are not
limited to alternative rock, heavy metal, punk rock, hip hop, and electronic music.
olla aloo a a al o ro i a la orm or non rofi an oli i al ro an ario
visual artists. The four-day music festival in Chicago's Grant Park hosts an estimated
400,000 people each year and sells out annually. Lollapalooza is considered one of the
largest and most iconic music festivals in the world and one of the longest running in the
United States. In 2019, its Brazilian edition was the world's third most grossing festival,
with revenues of $14.5 million.


Let’s learn a bit more about the Woodstock festival! Look at the pictures and
describe what the people are doing and what they are wearing.
Do you like this style Do you ha e si ilar clothes or accessories

3 This photo shows a

1 In this picture I can see 2 In this photo the man is... girl and a boy...
that the singer is...

4 In this picture there

5 In this picture there is a band…
is a girl …

oo o r a lan i om oo oo o oo

UNIT 6 Celebrations around the world 232


Massive gatherings
Hello guys! Do you know of any massive
gatherings? My parents told me about the Rock
Festival in Durazno, El Prado in Montevideo and the
National Spring Festival in Soriano.

The massive gatherings I know of are…

Hey Emma, my mom told me about a massive event

in the US. It is called the Super Bowl. She sent me
this info about it. Let’s all read about it.

The Super Bowl

American football is the U.S. national

sport. Each year, more than 111 million
o l a final am o
season, the Super Bowl. It is the most
watched broadcast of the year on
American television. The word “Bowl” is
used because football stadiums are
shaped like a bowl.

The Super Bowl is the annual championship game of the National Football League (NFL)
played in early February. The game is so popular that people celebrate it like a national
holiday. Even people who do not like American football watch the game because it is a
tradition and also to see the half-time show and the commercials.

Super Bowl commercials are the funniest and most expensive of

the year. They’re part of the Super Bowl experience; the game
stops so that people can watch more commercials on TV. Many
people watch the game just to see top music stars play the
halftime show. Then, the stadium transforms into a giant concert.

On Super Bowl Sunday, Americans have parties with friends and

family. It is the second biggest day of food consumption of the
year, after Thanksgiving. Seven million Americans don’t go to
work the next day because they are sick.

Adapted from:

UNIT 6 Celebrations around the world 233


Read about the Super Bowl and answer these questions.

1 Why is it called the Super Bowl?

2 Who organizes the event?
3 When is it played?
4 Why do people watch it?
5 What do they do on Super Bowl Sunday?

oo or in orma ion a o r o l l ra ion in i r n ar

and complete the chart. Then, write two sentences about them.

Year: Location: Performers:

1999 Miami Gardens, Florida Gloria Estefan, Stevie Wonder,

Big Bad Voodoo Daddy, Savion Glover



or example In the Super owl was celebrated in Miami Gardens, lorida. The singers that
performed were Gloria Estefan, Stevie onder, ig ad oodoo, addy and Savion Glover.

i o r o l final o l o a no mo
I would have enjoyed the one in year because reason .

In the 2020 Super Bowl half time, two Latino popular singers were in charge of
performing in front of the spectators. Find the video of their performance and
complete these posters. Include a picture of the singers.

Name: Name:

Nationality: Nationality:

Songs performed: Songs performed:

UNIT 6 Celebrations around the world 234


Duma needs information about what

Uruguayans do when the national soccer
team plays. Write a text similar to the one
about the Super Bowl to help him. Include
where people watch the game, what they
eat, who they watch it with, and why they
like watching it so much.

r a

Imagine you had the possibility to go to one

of these two massive gatherings: the
oo all orl C final or r o l
where would you like to go? Why?

UNIT 6 Celebrations around the world 235


Sports events
Look at the following picture. It is a picture from the Uruguayan team and their
participation in the Soccer World Cup.


Research on the following information

about this picture:
Did you know?
1 When was this picture taken?
2 Where was this picture taken? G a fir i ion o
the Soccer World Championship. It
3 Who are the people in the picture? took place between July 13 and 30
of that year.
4 What are the names of these people in FIFA decided to hand over the
the picture? organization of the tournament to
Uruguay in commemoration of the
centenary of the Oath to the
5 How was the Uruguayan performance in National Constitution which the
the Soccer World Cup? nation celebrated during July of that
year, among other reasons.

UNIT 6 Celebrations around the world 236

Emma has to solve these three puzzles about Soccer World
Cups. She has to write sentences with the phrases from the
ball. She could solve one, help her with the other two.

The information is about the 2010

Soccer World Cup. It was held in
South Africa. This country held the
event. Spain won the competition
and got the trophy. Diego Forlán
was chosen as the best player.
Shakira created a song called
Waka Waka which was the
anthem of the competition.

UNIT 6 Celebrations around the world 237


Online events

Do you like to watch concerts,

performances and festivals through
streaming? What do you need to
attend those events?

In the year 2020, with the pandemic and

the appearance of COVID-19 there were
a lot of virtual events.

Ask people from your family and friends about online events prior to the pandemic and
post pandemic. Work in pairs and write 5 questions you would ask people to know before
and after the pandemic.

Question Prior to the pandemic Post pandemic

There are many musicians around the world who decided

to do virtual recitals. The reason is to entertain people and
connect with their followers in these times of quarantine
due to the pandemic. In 2020, the singer of Coldplay,
Chris Martin, joined this trend and delighted thousands of
people on an Instagram live.

ro o ial a o n o an m i ian
spent 20 minutes singing the songs the public requested.
"I'm practically alone in the house where I live," he told his
fans. "Today we were supposed to get together with the
Source: an ar all in i r n o n ri o an play together. I thought it would be nice to connect with
i ia ommon Col la
you and know where you are and what I can do to cheer
you up a bit. Here I'll be at everyone's service for a while. "
C ro

UNIT 6 Celebrations around the world 238


Worldwide shows
Look at the following game. It is called parachute. Let’s divide the class into two
big groups. You have to discover the hidden word. Each group takes turns and
say vowels and consonants in English. If the letter is not present, the team loses a
turn. If the letter is present, they continue guessing.

Big events need many things: budget, resources, connection and experience,
among other things. Money is important but as an event organizer, there are
many things that should be taken into consideration. You have to know how to
handle logistics, planning, and event advertising. Music festivals are among the
most popular events worldwide. Some of the most important are:

Burning Man Glastonbury Coachella

in Nevada, where is the biggest music has grown into a
people live an and performing arts cultural phenomenon
alternative lifestyle festival in the UK. in the USA. You can
for a week. The O r o l enjoy genres of music
organizers build a attend each year. and impressive art
village for a week. installations.

Oktoberfest Tasting Australia Fuji Rock

attracts 120,000 Australia is famous is the biggest rock
attendees. You can for its barbies (not festival in Japan. It
eat sausages and the dolls), but it is includes skiing,
drink a one-liter stein about tasting the wellness and rock’
full of beer. Australian cuisine. n’roll.

UNIT 6 Celebrations around the world 239


Read the texts and complete the following chart.

Festival Country/city One characteristic

Burning Man


Fuji Rock



Tasting Australia

Which of the festivals is not a musical Festival?

Imagine you organize a

festival: What kind of
festival would it be? Think
about: music style - place
- activities - duration.

UNIT 6 Celebrations around the world 240


Uruguay is a country of immigrants. Most of its
celebrations come from other countries. Look at this
map of Uruguay and to the list of celebrations. Place “Patria Gaucha”
the celebrations onto the place where it takes place. Beer Fest
Folklore Festival
Olimar Festival
San Fernando’s Week
The White Night

ere you ha e the laces and dates.

atch the to the cele rations.

Montevideo; February
Durazno; February
La Floresta, Canelones; January
Maldonado; January
March/April; Paysandú
March/April; Treinta Y Tres
March; Tacuarembó

UNIT 6 Celebrations around the world 241


Do you know other celebrations that come from other

countries? Include them on the map.

Choose one of those celebrations and write down information.

Name of the Date and Where people

celebration origin celebrate it

How people Any other

celebrate it today information

Write sentences about the celebration on your notebook.

Write a paragraph about the celebration you chose.

You can use the set

of rubrics for oral
presentations at the
end of this book.

UNIT 6 Celebrations around the world 242


Celebrating success
llo i i m fir im in
With friends and neighbors we are
following the tradition to celebrate success.
Guess what we are celebrating.

Did you know?

Thanksgiving is a compound word
that is formed with Thanks and
giving. People give thanks for the
crops and for abundance just before Source:
winter starts

Here’s an article sharing 10

facts about Thanksgiving.
Read it.

Here there are 10 facts about Thanksgiving.

1. fir an i in a l ra in o ra r a ar i al

2. r a n on m n a fir an i in ni on oo o r lo r l an
fi r li l r alon i m in an ran rri

3. Abraham Lincoln proclaimed Thanksgiving a national holiday in 1863.

4. The US president is presented with two turkeys. The president pardons one of them. The pardoned
turkey goes to a petting zoo.

5. In the United States there are four towns called “Turkey.”

6. The average number of calories consumed on Thanksgiving is 4,500.

7. There is a telephone line to ask for recipes to cook turkey. The line answers more than 100,000
turkey-cooking questions.

8. The turkey meat is quite dry so cooking it is a work of art.

9. ra i ion o oo all on an i in an in i a am n al an rin on

fir am r la on an i in in

10. Nowadays, millions of people travel during the Thanksgiving holiday every year.

UNIT 6 Celebrations around the world 243


Did you know?

n n li nam o animal i om im i r n o
name of the meat of that animal. For example:

Animal Meat
pig pork
deer venison
cow beef
sheep mutton
calf veal

Most words related to the animals have an Anglo-Saxon origin

and most names of cooked meal come from the Normans.
See more:

After reading the text, choose one fact that is

interesting to you. Why is it interesting?

For me, one of the most interesting aspects

about Thanksgiving is when the president
pardons a turkey. Have you ever heard of this?

Go fin a i o in i a r i n ar on r

Watch it and write the main stages the president follows to pardon it.

This is former president Obama pardoning the turkey: click here

m in

UNIT 6 Celebrations around the world 244


Pardoning the turkey is one of the traditions in Thanksgiving, but

cooking and having a meal with family and friends is a big
an i in ra i ion a mo r oo r or fir
time. She prepared mustard and herbs turkey.

How do you like it?

I like it a lot. I think it’s delicious

because it is crunchy.
I love it. It’s tasty.
BOX I don’t mind it.
I don’t like it. The meat is too dry.

Photo by Aldo Rodriguez

Do you know how to cook a turkey and the ingredients it takes?

Jot down your ideas.



UNIT 6 Celebrations around the world 245


Listen to Lua’s mom and see if you guessed the ingredients and the
procedure. How would you cook the turkey? Would you include
mashed potatoes, salad, fries or roasted vegetables? What veggies
options would you prepare? Draw and describe the plate.

in o i r n a o l ra in an i in C oo
food you will prepare, who to invite to the dinner and what to thank
for. How much money do you need to prepare this meal?

My own way of thanking life celebration



Food to prepare

Ingredients I need



5 people I want to invite

What I want to thank for

UNIT 6 Celebrations around the world 246

r ar ill i r n a a o an i in a a no n
mentioned or discussed. Take one, and in groups research more about
it. For next class make a presentation to the rest of the group.

The topic we chose is…

If you like desserts,
One new aspect we found is…
don’t forget the
Another aspect we found is…
pumpkin pie to
The third aspect we found is…
celebrate Thanksgiving.
Our group believes that…

Look at the following picture. What are the characters doing?
Why are they doing it?

Why do you think the video call is

called farewell? When do you plan
farewells? Jot down three ideas.

We plan farewells when…

UNIT 6 Celebrations around the world 247


r ar i r n a o oin a ar ll a o ara r
a a i r n on i n o m an ma a a o ir
classes prepared.

Eating out

An outing

on re

A costume party

Listen again and complete the following chart.

Where? When?





What about you? What would you do to celebrate the end of the school year?

Why do you want to celebrate it?

What do you want to do?

Where do you want to hold the party?

When do you want to celebrate it?

UNIT 6 Celebrations around the world 248


I don’t want to say good-bye, I prefer saying see

you soon! It was so rewarding to have shared these
years with you. Thanks for your support with my
ideas. I really felt it! For example, when I told my
dad I wanted to work as a baby-sitter. I know you
understood what my purpose was. Don’t you feel
like we have grown together? I do!

It was a wonderful year, full of joy and

excitement. Thanks for being part of it and for
doing your best and being the best version of
yourselves. I’m looking forward to seeing you all
next year!

Thanks for being with us one more year. I really

loved sharing this year with you all and telling you
about my passion for music and entertainment.
Next year we will have more stories to tell and
enjoy. Stay with us!

I couldn’t have enjoyed this year more. It was

great to be together and learn about so many
things. What I enjoyed the most was learning
about Uruguay. I’m sure next year we will learn
more about our beautiful country. I wish you all
the best for next year.

UNIT 6 Celebrations around the world 249


Projects You can use the set

of rubrics for oral
presentations at the
end of this book.

Project: Planning my 15th birthday party.

Think about your 15th birthday party. It does not matter if you are a boy or a girl.
a no a o i r n i m r la o ar r n o r lan o
rest of the class.

Project: Create your own music festival.

The Vietnam War inspired the Woodstock festival. In groups, think of a moment in
history that could inspire the organization of a music festival. Work with the history,
music and art teachers to discuss ideas about your festival. Decide the name of the
festival, the place to be held, the bands that will perform, the type of music that will
la o fi o ar an o lon i o l la
Create a poster with a logo and message to advertise it. Decorate a van with the main
topic of the festival (think of the drawings and the phrases you would include). To give
you some ideas look at the poster and van from the Woodstock festival.

Finally, present your festival

to the rest of the class.

UNIT 6 Celebrations around the world 250


Project: Thanksgiving bookmarker.

On Thanksgiving people thank the crop and abundance. More recently, people are
thankful for their jobs, their families and health. What would you be thankful for?
Write a strip of paper saying “I’m thankful for...” and make a bookmarker with it.


Project: Giving thanks or

celebrating success in Uruguay.

Do you know any celebration or festival that celebrates

success here? What do you know about the event?
Where does it take place? What do people celebrate?
(For example- graduation ceremonies).

UNIT 6 Celebrations around the world 251


¿Cuál sería nuestro
estudiante ideal?

Uso de imágenes.
Las imágenes sirven como un hilo conductor, como ayuda memoria, y como estrategia
para que los compañeros entiendan lo que está presentando.

Uso de imágenes. La tecnología deberá estar presente? ¿Será elemento


Contacto visual con los compañeros. Trabajar lo no verbal.

Sugerencia: “Developing and promoting eye contact”: actividad de reconocimiento
entre estudiantes con miradas y abrazos.

Postura del estudiante.

Sugerencia: “Developing and promoting eye contact”: actividad de reconocimiento
entre estudiantes con miradas y abrazos.

oco en fluide no en recisi n lin stica e nion t eor

alance entre calidad cantidad

l estudiante se alinea con las ro resiones de rendi a e ara el ra o ara

e undas len uas en uas e tran eras

ralidad roducci n ra o

oluci n sint ctico se ntica

Produce oraciones conectando dos o más ideas sobre temas que le son familiares o de su particular interés.

onciencia onol ica se ental

Produce los sonidos de la segunda lengua en forma autónoma logrando mayor precisión en aquellos sonidos que
presentan cierta similitud con los de su L1.

onciencia onol ica su ra se ental

Pronuncia correctamente en enunciados breves y lo hace con la entonación adecuada.

ralidad o rensi n

oluci n sint ctico ra tica

Comprende oraciones que pueden incluir más de una idea interconectada y puede seguir la secuencia de eventos de
n i r o o na ral ro i o on a o o i ni o l n a al o r ma l on amiliar o

relevantes para su cotidianeidad. Comprende diálogos contextualizados breves vinculados a temas que le son

amiliar i n ifi a in orma i n ífi a i m r an o a ori n a o

onciencia onol ica

Realiza hipótesis y comienza a sistematizar su conocimiento sobre los sonidos y la entonación de la l2.

ane o l ico
Comprende vocabulario relacionado a temas generales de su interés.


reaci n de ti os te tuales
ri o m n o omo io ra ía im l o ma r ina ri ion no ili a a i o
y adverbios de uso frecuente para enriquecer el texto.

s ecto sint ctico co erencia co esi n

Escribe una serie de frases y oraciones sobre temas familiares uniéndolas con conectores simples tales como «y»,
«pero» o «por- que».


rocesos de co rensi n
Lee y comprende textos más largos recurriendo al apoyo visual y la estructura textual para lograr la comprensión del
mi mo ono i a rin i al lo ali a in orma i n lí i a infi r in orma i n im lí i a a l
r la ion n r l í lo l o a n an o a no an lí i a n ifi a i r n ari a o
reconoce algunas características que hacen a su formato. Opina sobre el texto, reconoce su propósito y distingue
n r o o inion n ifi a na ari a mar a or i r i o n n o i la n ia
narrativa de un texto presentado de forma cronológica sin necesidad de apoyo visual.

nteracci n ediaci n
nteracci n estrate ias de co unicaci n
Interactúa con comodidad en situaciones estructuradas e intercambios breves, siempre y cuando reciba ayuda de
otra persona en caso de necesidad.
Participa de forma sostenida en conversaciones acerca de temas que le son familiares.
Escribe notas o posteos simples y estructurados en línea conteniendo información personal. Responde a preguntas
y comentarios.
ono la o rr n ia ifi l a n la ran mi i n lm n a in i a l ro l ma a in rlo or
an o l n a im l


Primeros Estás en Estás llegando Has llegado

pasos (1) el camino (2) a la meta (3) a la meta (4)

El texto que has El texto que has El texto posee párrafos En el texto has incluido
presentado se puede presentado diferencia bien diferenciados. No oraciones bien
ver como un solo ideas pero no se existen problemas de diferenciadas. Se puede
cuerpo. Las oraciones diferencia en párrafos o mezcla de ideas entre ver que has construido
Silueta textual se encuentran se realizan párrafos pero párrafos. párrafos.
incompletas. Las se entremezclan las Sin embargo, no se Se encuentran
ideas están ideas. encuentran diferenciadas las
entremezcladas y no No se encuentran diferenciados las diferentes partes del
se ve una diferenciadas las partes diferentes partes del texto, ya sea a través de
diferenciación en del texto. texto solicitado. subtítulos o a través de
párrafos. las diferenciación en
No se ven las párrafos separados por
diferentes partes del un espacio.
texto solicitado.

Si bien es cierto que Has tenido en cuenta Has tenido en cuenta Has tenido en cuenta
tienes idea de lo que menos de la mitad de los todos los temas de la todos los temas que
se te ha solicitado, no temas que se te han consigna y argumentas, forman parte de la
tratas los temas que solicitado en la ri m lifi a on i na ra a o
Contenido se establecen en la consigna. más de la mitad de ellos, Cada uno ha sido
on i na ra a o O has tratado todos los aunque no todos. desarrollado, es decir, no
Te expandes en ideas temas pero has logrado Puede suceder que solo se nombra sino que
que no están desarrollar, argumentar trates más de la mitad agregas ideas referidas al
relacionadas con el o m lifi ar m no de los temas y que todos mismo. Además, el tema
tema solicitado. la mitad de ellos. están fundamentados, posee argumentos o
descriptos o m lo il ran la
m lifi a o in ideas.
embargo no has hecho Cada párrafo contiene un
i o ra a o on o o tema concreto y no una
los elementos mezcla de los mismos.
solicitados en la

Las ideas del Los errores de lengua El proyecto ha sido El proyecto ha sido
proyecto no se hacen que tus ideas no presentado en su formato presentado en su
Lenguaje encuentran resulten claramente escrito y oral de forma formato escrito y oral de
conectadas de expresadas por clara. Tus errores no orma lara i a
manera de lograr una momentos. Existen in rfi r n on la Se nota la preparación
comunicación algunos errores de presentación del para la presentación, es
efectiva. Los errores lengua y pronunciación proyecto, aunque algunos decir tu audiencia logra
de lengua y que hacen que la llo l i an i om r n r l m n a
pronunciación han transmisión de tus que quieres comunicar.
impedido la ideas sea poco clara.
transmisión de tus

Primeros Estás en Estás llegando Has llegado
pasos (1) el camino (2) a la meta (3) a la meta (4)

Al realizar tu Al presentar tu Al momento de Durante tu

presentación te has proyecto te diriges a la exponer te paras de presentación te paras
parado detrás del clase por momentos y tal manera que logras al frente de la clase y te
material. ¿Crees en otras ocasiones contacto visual y así desplazas manteniendo
que has mantenido pierdes contacto visual conectar con tus contacto visual con tus
Presentación contacto visual con con tus compañeros. compañeros la mayor compañeros,
tus compañeros La clase debe poder parte del tiempo. involucrándolos en tu
como para verte y oírte de forma Tu voz es clara pero presentación. Hablas
involucrarlos en la clara para así aún necesitas buscar fuerte y claro
presentación? comprender todo lo más estrategias para demostrando
a la a o i n a que tratas de ran mi ir m n a seguridad, ya que no
en tus compañeros comunicar. lees ni dudas al
del fondo que expresar tus ideas.
también deben
y quieren

Haber incluido Has usado imágenes Has usado imágenes Las imágenes incluidas
imágenes que si bien están relacionadas al han permitido que tus
Elementos relacionadas al relacionadas al contenido de lo que om a ra o
paralingüísticos contenido de tu contenido de lo que has has presentado. ro ora al i r
presentación, tal presentado, lo podrías Debes tratar de llegar persona que vea tu
como habíamos haber usado como a un balance entre ra a o a n n r
acordado en la ayuda para que tus cantidad de imágenes lo que estás
negociación de las om a ra o incluidas, y su compartiendo con ellos,
a a ra a o ro ora lo r n relación con la además de hacer el
hubiese hecho que entender con mayor información ra a o m a ra i o
el contenido de tu claridad lo que has planteada. Las
proyecto fuera más planteado. imágenes no siempre
claro y atractivo. ayudan a entender o a
hacer atractivo tu
ra a o

Has presentado tu Has presentado tu Has presentado tu Has presentado tu

ra a o in l n o ra a o in l n o ra a o in l n o ra a o in l n o
contenido contenido pertinente. contenido pertinente. contenido pertinente.
Compromiso interesante aunque Has incluido ideas de Has incluido ideas de Lo has presentado
y ética hacia no está relacionado otras fuentes sin haber otras fuentes aunque usando tus propias
al problema inicial. r iona o o r lla no en todos los casos palabras, intercalando
el trabajo. Has incluido ideas o haber citado al autor. las has citado o has r ion r onal
de otras fuentes sin r iona o o r sobre el contenido que
a rr iona o ellas. has incluido, e
sobre ellas o haber incluyendo citas sobre
citado al autor. r ion
entendidos en la


Primeros Estás en Estás llegando Has llegado

pasos (1) el camino (2) a la meta (3) a la meta (4)

Los contenidos que se Has incluido algunos de Has incluido todos los Has incluido todos los
te pidieron en la los temas que se temas pero no los has temas que se te pidieron
consigna no se solicitan en la consigna desarrollado. en la consigna y lo has
encuentran pero no los has hecho desarrollando las
Contenido presentes. desarrollado. ideas.
Los puntos que
incluiste no han
sido desarrollados.

Tu producción está Tu producción incluye El texto que has El texto que has
formada por un listado de oraciones producido incluye producido incluye
oraciones completas sin conexión algunas oraciones oraciones que se
Organización incompletas que no entre sí. cohesionadas con encuentran unidas y
se encuentran conectores básicos. ordenadas de manera
ordenadas de manera ra a o r n a na lógica con variedad de
lógica. estructura ordenada on or ra a o
que incluye una presenta una estructura
introducción, un ordenada que incluye una
desarrollo y una introducción, un
conclusión. desarrollo y una

El vocabulario que Utilizas hasta 5 Se observa que has Se observa que has
utilizas no palabras del incorporado el incorporado el
Manejo corresponde al vocabulario relacionado o a lario ra a a o n o a lario ra a a o n
léxico ra a a o n con el contenido de la clase clase ya que utilizas más
clase y acordado propuesta y ya que utilizas entre 5 y de 10 palabras
con el docente acordado con el 10 palabras relacionadas relacionadas con el tema,
para la propuesta. docente. con el contenido de la demostrando variedad.
Se observa cierta propuesta.

Tu producción El texto que has El texto que has El texto que has
presenta errores producido presenta producido presenta producido presenta
gramaticales oraciones simples con entre 3 y 5 errores errores gramaticales
Uso del r n o más de 5 errores que gramaticales que no mínimos que no afectan
lenguaje incorrecto de en ocasiones impiden impiden la la comprensión. Se
tiempos verbales, la comprensión. comprensión. aprecia variedad de
errores en uso de estructuras gramaticales.
auxiliares, etc.)
que impiden la
de las ideas.

Tu producción no Tu producción requiere Tu producción es Tu producción es clara

presenta un mucho esfuerzo de comprensible para el y fácilmente comprensible
Comunicación m n a laro parte del lector para lector a pesar de los para el lector.
comprensible ser comprendida. errores.
para el lector.

Estás llegando Has llegado
Primeros Pasos Estás en el camino
a la meta a la meta

Se nota la tensión al Se nota tensión Logras una Tienes una postura

presentar ya que al aunque por momentos comunicación efectiva corporal comunicativa y
realizar tu lo ra r la ar l aunque no siempre r la a a a ran
presentación te has presentar tu proyecto r la a a l mom n o presentación te paras al
Lenguaje parado detrás del te diriges a la clase exponer te paras de tal frente de la clase y te
corporal material. ¿Crees que por momentos y en manera que logras desplazas manteniendo
has mantenido otras ocasiones contacto visual y así contacto visual con tus
contacto visual con pierdes contacto conectar con tus compañeros,
tus compañeros como visual con tus compañeros la mayor involucrándolos en tu
para involucrarlos en compañeros. La clase parte del tiempo. presentación. Hablas
la presentación? debe poder verte y Tu voz es clara pero aún fuerte y claro
a la a o i n a n oírte de forma clara necesitas buscar más demostrando seguridad,
tus compañeros del para así comprender estrategias para ya que no lees ni dudas al
fondo que también todo lo que tratas de ran mi ir m n a expresar tus ideas.
deben y quieren comunicar.

Has tenido en cuenta Has tenido en cuenta

todos los temas de la todos los temas que
Si bien es cierto que Has tenido en cuenta consigna y argumentas, forman parte de la
tienes idea de lo que menos de la mitad de ri m lifi a on i na ra a o
se te ha solicitado, no los temas que se te más de la mitad de ellos, Cada uno ha sido
Contenido tratas los temas que han solicitado en la aunque no todos. desarrollado, es decir, no
se establecen en la consigna. Puede suceder que solo se nombra sino que
on i na ra a o O has tratado todos trates más de la mitad agregas ideas referidas al
Te expandes en ideas los temas pero has de los temas y que todos mismo. Además, el tema
que no están logrado desarrollar, están fundamentados, posee argumentos o
relacionadas con el argumentar o descriptos o m lo il ran la
tema solicitado. m lifi ar m no m lifi a o in ideas.
la mitad de ellos. embargo no has hecho Cada párrafo contiene un
i o ra a o on o o tema concreto y no una
los elementos mezcla de los mismos.
solicitados en la

Los errores de lengua Los errores de lengua Tus errores de lengua y Los errores de lengua y
y pronunciación han y pronunciación hacen pronunciación no pronunciación son
impedido la que tus ideas no in rfi r n on la menores y sin
Uso de la transmisión de tus resulten claramente claridad de tus ideas importancia ya que tu
lengua y ideas y por ende la expresadas por aunque algunos de ellos audiencia logra
comunicación momentos. Usas un l i an i a om r n r l m n a
vocabulario efectiva. Al hablar vocabulario adecuado i a om l a a ra que quieres comunicar.
usas las mismas aunque te falta del uso de vocabulario Utilizas vocabulario
palabras. a r arl a i o o aprendido en clase y te a ro ia o i nifi a i o
darle más arriesgas a compartirlo.
om l i a a

Haber incluido Has usado imágenes Has usado imágenes Las imágenes incluidas
imágenes que si bien están relacionadas al han permitido que tus
relacionadas al relacionadas al contenido de lo que has om a ra o
contenido de tu contenido de lo que presentado. ro ora al i r
presentación, tal has presentado, lo Debes tratar de llegar a persona que vea tu
como habíamos podrías haber usado un balance entre ra a o a n n r
Material acordado en la como ayuda para que cantidad de imágenes lo que estás
negociación de las om a ra o incluidas, y su relación compartiendo con ellos,
a a ra a o ro ora lo r n con la información además de hacer el
hubiese hecho que el entender con mayor planteada. Las ra a o m a ra i o
contenido de tu claridad lo que has imágenes no siempre
presentación oral planteado. ayudan a entender o a
fuera más claro y hacer atractivo tu
atractivo. ra a o

n i a m orar la adecuada a la tarea dinámica y comunicativa

Actitud disposición


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