Está en la página 1de 25

Las seis claves

para un
de 10

¡Que el writing no te haga

suspender tu examen!



Antes de empezar... 2
Seis claves, seis preguntas (con sus ejercicios) 3
Answer key (respuestas) 18
Checklist 23


Antes de empezar... 

Aunque te parezca que te dan poco empo para escribir tu wri ng,
debes dejar por lo menos diez minutos para revisarlo. Siempre.

Como no es mucho empo, debes saber qué fallos buscar.

Aquí es donde entra este libro que he escrito para . Desde 2012
corrijo los wri ngs de candidatos a exámenes oficiales, así que
tengo una idea clara de dónde pueden estar los errores de tu wri ng.

En este libro, he ordenado y clasificado esos

errores en forma de seis claves que debes
tener en cuenta para asegurarte de que tu
wri ng está bien escrito.

Lee estas claves y haz los ejercicios que te

propongo. El primero se centra en las dos
primeras claves; los siguientes cuatro
corresponden a las claves restantes.

Por úl mo, encontrarás un ejercicio final para ejercitar a la vez las seis
claves planteadas en el libro. Y una checklist imprimible para revisar
todos los wri ngs que hagas para preparar tu examen.

See you in class!


Seis claves, seis preguntas 

1. ¿Mi writing responde a la pregunta del lector? 

Esto vale tanto para un correo electrónico de 100 palabras como para
un essay de 500 páginas sobre la elección del chorizo como
ingrediente de la paella.

Siempre escribes para sa sfacer una

pregunta de tu lector (o tuya).

En el caso del chorizo en la paella, la

pregunta es saber a quién se le
puede ocurrir semejante exabrupto y
por qué.

En el caso de un examen oficial (Cambridge, IELTS, EOI…), la

pregunta o preguntas están claramente enunciadas en las
instrucciones. Así que léelas bien y síguelas al pie de la letra.

2. ¿Mis párrafos están bien estructurados? 
Mira este correo de mi alumna Isabel a su amigo irlandés Patrick, que
iba a pasar unos días en su casa:

Hi Patrick,

How are you? I'm so glad you're staying at my place though it's
a pity I won't be there to welcome you. Here are some things
(2) you should know about my place.

The first thing (2) is how to get there. The bus stop is across
the road from the sta on. Take bus No 15 and get off at the
third stop (c/Tirso de Molina). Cross the road and walk 200
metres to your right. I live at No 22. Ring on flat 3B to collect
the keys from Conchi, my neighbour.

Regarding places to eat, buy groceries, etc. (1) you'll see

there's plenty to choose from. For groceries I go to Minimark,
which is by far the most convenient op on. If you don't feel like
preparing your own breakfast, Café Peregrino has great coffee
and delicious pastries.

And last but not least, (3) please keep the windows open at
night and close them during the day to keep the flat cool. Also,
(4) don't forget to take out the rubbish; on the fridge door you'll
see instruc ons on how to recycle.

If you need anything, just text me on 455 655 885.

Enjoy your stay!


El correo de Isabel está bien estructurado porque:

● Los párrafos siguen un orden lógico: responden a las preguntas

de Patrick en el orden en que han sido planteadas (1), yendo de
más a menos importante.

● Las ideas dentro de cada párrafo también siguen un orden
● Isabel señala las transiciones entre los párrafos repi endo los
sustan vos clave o sus sinónimos (2).
● En otros casos, esas transiciones se señalan con frases
hechas (3).
● Cada párrafo ene una y solo una idea principal.
● Isabel une las oraciones empleando linking words (4) y la
puntuación correcta.

Exercise 1 

Lee esta pregunta del examen B2 de Cambridge:

You have received this email from your English-speaking friend,

Chris na.

Thanks again for le ng me stay at your place while you

are away. Could you tell me how to get the keys? Also, if
there's anything else I should know about the flat, please
let me know.

Oh, and I'd also appreciate any sugges ons for places to
eat nearby!


Chris na

Write your answer in 140-190 words.

Ahora lee la respuesta de mi alumna Ana. Hay seis errores que debes
encontrar: uno de contenido y cinco de organización. Cada uno
corresponde a cada una de estas preguntas:

1. ¿El texto responde a las preguntas planteadas en el ejercicio?

2. ¿Los párrafos siguen un orden lógico?
3. ¿Cada párrafo trata un solo tema?
4. ¿Hay transiciones claras entre los párrafos?
5. ¿Las ideas dentro de cada párrafo siguen un orden lógico?
6. ¿Las ideas dentro de cada párrafo están bien unidas?

Céntrate en lo que te pido en este ejercicio y

olvídate de corregir cualquier otra cosa. Cada
vez que busques un fallo de gramá ca (que
puede haberlos), morirá un ga to. Empezando
por el de la foto a tu derecha.

Hi Chris na

I think the easiest will be for me to leave the keys with my

neighbour Conchi who lives in flat 2B across the corridor.

To collect them just ring Cochi's bell when you arrive and
she'll let you come in and give them to you.

You don't have to thank me for le ng you stay in my place –

it's my pleasure!

Also, there are two things you mustn't forget. One is to keep
the windows open during the night and closed during the day.
You will keep the flat cool. The other is to feed Felix, my cat.
His food is in the cabinet above the sink. Please don't forget
to change his water daily. One cup of food on his plate each
day should be enough.

If you need anything else let me know.



Ahora coge un folio y vuelve a escribir la respuesta de Ana sin sus


3. ¿Empleo el registro adecuado? 
¿A que no hablas igual en el bar con tus amigos que cuando estás
delante de tu jefe o en clase?

Pues entonces no es lo mismo un correo a tu amigo Patrick que una

le er of applica on a un recruiter que no conoces de nada.

En el primer caso, empleas el registro formal;

en el segundo, el informal.

También hay un término medio, que

podemos llamar semi-formal. Es el que
tendrás que usar con el de Recursos Humanos
cuando te haya contratado y haya cierta
confianza (pero no demasiada).

La cues ón fundamental es: no escribes para mismo/a. Ponte en

la piel de tu lector/a y emplea el tono que espera de . Así que:

1. Elige bien las palabras. Cuanto más formal el lenguaje, más

conciso. Y preciso:

Informal Semi-formal Formal

Carlos chose to study Carlos opted for Music instead of Physics.

Music instead of Physics.

Muchos phrasal verbs son propios del registro informal, así que
hay que buscar alterna vas más formales:

Informal Semi-formal Formal

The game kicked off later The game began later The game commenced
than usual. than usual. later than usual.

Pero cuidado: no todos los phrasal verbs son informales:

Informal Semi-formal Formal

Scien sts are doing Scien sts are carrying out research to find a vaccine.
research to find a vaccine.

2. Elige bien las estructuras grama cales. A mayor formalidad,

mayor preferencia por los sustan vos sobre los verbos y por la voz
pasiva sobre la ac va:

Informal Semi-formal Formal

Laura didn't say whether Ms Diaz did not confirm her a endance.
she was coming.

Police found some teens A group of adolescents was found by Police drinking
drinking in the park. in the park.

3. Elige la manera correcta de dirigirte al lector en cartas y correos


Informal Semi-formal Formal

Hi Betsy Dear Elizabeth Dear Ms Worthington

Just to say thanks for a Thank you for coming to Thank you for taking the
lovely evening … blah our weekly mee ng blah me to discuss the Sales
blahblah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah Agent posi on blah blah
blah blah ... blah … blah ...

Love Regards Yours faithfully


Exercise 2 

Lee esta pregunta del examen B2 de Cambridge:

You have received this email from your Australian friend, Dave,
who has recently moved to your country.

Jane and I are going into town tomorrow. We need to buy a

sofa for our living room – something that's good quality but
not too expensive. I know how busy you are to come with
us, but perhaps you can suggest places we should go to?



Write your answer in 140-190 words.

Ahora lee esta respuesta de Adrián y marca los tres errores de

registro. No busques otro po de errores (acuérdate del ga to 😿).

Hi Dave
I'll be happy to help you find a shop to buy your sofa. There's
two places you should definitely check out.
The first one is El Sillón de Oro, where I recently purchased my
sofa. I'm really sa sfied with it. They sell really good products
at reasonable prices, so this might be what you're looking for.
It's next to the estate agent's where you found your flat.
Another op on, also in the town centre, is a new shop called
Zaza's. I've never been there, but it is said to have really nice
furniture. The address is San Jorge Street, 15.
I'm sorry that I can't come with you tomorrow, but, at least, I
hope these ps help.
Yours faithfully

Coge un folio y vuelve a escribir la respuesta de Adrián sin sus


4. ¿Mis palabras tienen la forma y función adecuada? 

Las palabras enen que tener la forma adecuada para la función que
cumplen. Así que jate en lo siguiente:


El sujeto debe concordar con el verbo:

Everyone are is thinking about Christmas.

El sustan vo debe concordar con su

determinante o pronombre:

My wife also lost his her job last year.

These products are quite inexpensive, but

some people refuse to buy it them due to
their low quality.

The flat, that its whose owner is s ll unknown, was sold for a
million euros.

Correspondencia entre forma, categoría y significado 

A veces empleamos una terminación que no corresponde con la
categoría grama cal de la palabra. Por ejemplo, el adje vo en lugar
del sustan vo:

Nana doesn't take care of her healthy health like she should.
El sustan vo en vez del verbo:

Adver sing encourages people to consump on consume things

they don't need.
O el adverbio cuando lo que queremos es el adje vo:

The client asked for a quickly quick response.

(Pero ojito con esos adverbios que enen la misma forma que el
adje vo: He works hardly hard to earn a living)

A veces la categoría es correcta, pero no el significado. Es lo que
sucede con los adje vos con las terminaciones -ed y -ing:

The vast majority of his students think grammar is bored boring.

En este ejemplo, lo que queremos decir es que la gramá ca ‘es
aburrida’, no que ‘está aburrida’.

El problema en muchas otras ocasiones es que empleamos el verbo

en el empo, modo o aspecto incorrectos:

Many obstacles had to be overcome before

consensus was reach reached.
They work are working on a project to widen the
main cycle paths.

Y por úl mo, la eterna duda: cuando un verbo es complemento de

otro, ¿uso to + infini ve o -ing?

The council decided building to build a network of cycle paths.

Most cyclists avoid to use using the carriageway.
Recuerda que, si el verbo o frase viene acompañado de una
preposición, su complemento es -ing:

They are thinking about building more cycling paths.

Truco del almendruco 

¿Cómo saber si to es marca de infini vo o


Si puedes sus tuir el verbo del

complemento por un sustan vo, to es

Motorists must get used to bicycles.

Motorists must get used to share sharing the roads with

Exercise 3 

Marca los errores en este mini-essay sobre el futuro del inglés como
lengua internacional. Debes encontrar:

● 2 errores de concordancia
● 1 errores de forma y categoría grama cal
● 1 error de forma y significado
● 1 error de -ing o to + infini ve como complemento verbal
● 1 error de empo verbal

Even though China's rise as a world power is unstoppable, it is

unlikely that English will be replaced by Chinese as a global
language in the near future. The US is s ll a superpower, so
everybody speak English nowadays: whether for trade,
science or entertainment, English is the first foreign language
that people all over the world choose learning.
Could Spanish be a replace for English? Though it is spoken by
more than 400 million people around the globe, this
interested language hasn't yet emerged as the world's
foremost lingua franca. The fact that no Spanish-speaking
country is a world superpower may have to do with this.
S ll, we do not know what happens in fi y or one hundred
years' me. By then, Chinese, Spanish or some other language
may be the preferred language of interna onal business and
scien fic exchange. If that is the case, then people that the
first language is Spanish or English will have many difficul es
in learning Chinese.

Ahora coge un folio y vuelve a escribir el essay.

5. ¿Mis oraciones están completas? 
Pregúntate lo siguiente:

¿Me he olvidado del sujeto? 

❌ ✅

Andy finally sold that horrid Andy finally sold that horrid
bungalow of his because Ø bungalow of his because he
decided to buy a bigger one. decided to buy a bigger one.

In this book Ø discuss the In this book the author

benefits of yoga. discusses the benefits of yoga

¿Tengo más de un sujeto? 

Andy finally sold that horrid bungalow of his because he decided

to buy a bigger one, which it is closer to the beach.

¿Me he olvidado del objeto (de un verbo transitivo)? 

❌ ✅

Andy bought that horrible Andy bought that horrible

holiday bungalow but never uses, holiday bungalow but never
so he decided to sell. uses it, so he decided to sell it.

This app would make easy for This app would make it easy
Andy to sell his flat. for Andy to sell his flat.

I would appreciate if you could I would appreciate it if you

give me more informa on about could give me more
the flat. informa on about the flat.

¿Tengo más de un objeto (en un verbo transitivo)? 

Andy sold that horrible holiday Andy sold that horrible holiday
bungalow that he never used it. bungalow that he never uses.

Si conoces bien las reglas sobre cuándo omi r that, sabrás que en
este caso también puedes escribir esta oración así:

Andy sold that horrible holiday bungalow he never used.

Exercise 4 

Lee este mini-ar cle que mi alumna Tania ha escrito después de ver
un vídeo sobre el estrés postvacacional. Deberás encontrar:

● dos oraciones a las que les falta el sujeto;

● dos oraciones a las que les sobra un sujeto;
● dos oraciones a las que les falta un objeto;
● dos oraciones a las que les sobra un objeto.

Have you heard about post-vaca on stress? This is the new

term US psychologists are using it to define that feeling of
anxiety most people feel when return from their summer break.
They get back to their offices a er their two-to-five-week paid
leave and feel so overwhelmed by the amount of work that it's
wai ng for them, that they want to take another break.
Fortunately, post-vaca on stress can be prevented. In the first
place is important that you finish urgent tasks before taking
your paid leave. If you can't do, however, make a list with the
tasks that you should give priority to them when you return.
This will make easy for you to remember what to do when you
return and not panic. The first few days, do only those tasks
that they are really important.
Finally, don't forget to relax: surely your co-workers will
understand how you feel. The world is certainly not going to fall
apart if you don't do everything at once.
Ahora coge un folio y vuelve a escribir el ar cle.

6. ¿Uso bien la puntuación? 
Tanto na vos como no na vos ponemos coma en lugar de punto o
punto y coma para separar oraciones independientes.

Para no cometer este fallo, sigue este principio básico:

● Si has terminado tu oración, usa el punto (o un

punto y coma).
● Si no has terminado tu oración, puedes necesitar
una coma (otro día hablaremos de cuándo).
Lee en voz alta el siguiente ejemplo y notarás que tu entonación
desciende en la palabra curve: ahí termina la primera oración.

¿Cuál de las dos opciones refleja mejor esa lectura?

❌ ✅

This is an effec ve method of This is an effec ve method of

slowing down the infec on slowing down the infec on
curve, it was put in place in curve. It was put in place in
March just a er the pandemic March, just a er the pandemic
began. began.

También habrás notado que en la segunda oración haces una pausa

muy corta en March con entonación ascendente. Aquí debes hacer
visible esa división con una coma.

Exercise 5 

Lee los siguientes párrafos y cambia las comas por puntos donde sea
necesario. No añadas conectores ni otras palabras.

1. The book´s plot was very disappoin ng, the story didn't have
either ac on, love, mystery or humour amongst many other things
that you would expect to see in a good work of fic on, although it
was supposed to tell the adventures of a teenage explorer, it felt
more like the diary of a rather average fi een-year-old.

2. As you may already know, we are conduc ng a series of free
events in our community to raise awareness of the importance of
recycling, as we do not charge an admission fee, however, we lack
the funds to pay for some of the events and thus we are looking
for a sponsor.
3. Since many essen al services depend on computers and chaos
may occur if computers fail, we can no longer live without them,
for instance, if transport stopped working, people would not be
able to go to work or to school and society would paralyze, and
also services like cash machines would be affected, if the
computers that control them fail, nobody would be able to
withdraw money, and trade in general would suffer.
4. Had the Government reacted more quickly, we might not be in the
current situa on, I think we deserve be er leaders.
5. This saga contains everything any person could possibly want, it
features excellent wri ng and one of the most original plots I have
read, also, each of the books is just the right length, neither too
long nor too short.

Bonus exercise 
Para prac car tus edi ng skills de una forma más realista, aquí enes
una pregunta pica del Wri ng de los exámenes Cambridge, EOI,

Write about the following topic.

Write your essay in 250 words in an appropriate style. Give

reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples
from your own knowledge or experience.

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Lee la respuesta de mi alumno Javier y encuentra todos los errores.

Para que la tarea sea más fácil, imprime la checklist de la página 23

y haz tantas lecturas como ítems hay en la checklist.

Although they have been commercially available for no more
than fi een years, we seem to forgot what life was like before
smartphones appeared. It is then not surprising that children
simply cannot conceive life without it. Yet their use in the
classroom is strongly opposed by an overwhelming majority of
parents and teachers.
Research has found that the impact of the smartphone on a
child's brain is much higher than on an adult one as the former
is s ll undergoing physiological development.
Parents and teachers' main concern is the detrimental effect
that the constant use of smartphones has on children's ability
to focus. It is a concern backed by science.
The plain fact is, nonetheless, that the smartphone is already a
part of our lives in the same way that computers are. Would it
not be be er to teach schoolchildren how to use this thing
adequately, in exactly the same manner they already learn how
to use computers? Children would thus be allowed to explore
their mobiles in learning ac vi es under their teachers'
supervision. Of course, some restric ons should be put in place,
for instance, only basic models with limited func onali es
would be allowed, and only at specific class hours.
This is certainly a controversial issue that it may not be resolved
for quite some me. S ll, it cannot be denied that the
smartphone is here to stay, and, while its use entails certain
dangers, it would be wiser to prepare children to face them.

Ahora coge un folio y vuelve a escribir el essay.

Answer key 

Exercise 1 

Hi Chris na

You don't have to thank me for le ng you stay in my place – it's my pleasure! (1)

Regarding the keys (2), I think the easiest will be for me to leave them with my
neighbour Conchi who lives in flat 2B across the corridor. To collect them just ring
Conchi's bell when you arrive and she'll let you come in and give them to you (3).

Also, there are two things you mustn't forget. One is to keep the windows open
during the night and closed during the day; that way (4) you will keep the flat cool.
The other is to feed Felix, my cat. His food is in the cabinet above the sink. One cup
of food on his plate each day should be enough. Please don't forget to change his
water daily (5).

Regarding places to eat, there are a couple I can recommend: one is Tasca Pepita
on Plaza Mayor and the other one is Chez Manolo, which is right next to the flat
but is more expensive (6).

If you need anything else let me know.



(1) La posición original del párrafo no respondía a una secuencia lógica.

(2) Frase de transición.

(3) El tema de esta oración es el mismo del segundo párrafo, por lo que se ha integrado a este.

(4) Faltaba conector.

(5) La posición original de esta oración interrumpía la secuencia lógica dentro del párrafo.

(6) Ana se había olvidado de responder a esta cues ón.

Exercise 2 

Hi Dave

I'll be happy to help you find a shop to buy your sofa. There's two places you should
definitely check out.

The first one is El Sillón de Oro, where I recently purchased bought (1) my sofa. I'm really
sa sfied with it. They sell really good products at reasonable prices, so this might be what
you're looking for. It's next to the estate agent's where you found your flat.

Another op on, also in the town centre, is a new shop called Zaza's. I've never been there,
but it is said to have they say they've got (2) really nice furniture. The address is San Jorge
Street, 15.

I'm sorry that I can't come with you tomorrow, but, at least, I hope these ps help.

Yours faithfully Take care (3)


(1) Purchase es formal, adecuado para un correo de trabajo.

(2) Deja la pasiva para essays y textos centrados en el qué y no en el quién. En este caso, la alterna va
they say they've got really nice furniture es el equivalente de ‘dicen que enen muy buenos muebles'.

(3) Esta es una manera demasiado formal de cerrar un mensaje. Se trata de tu amigo Dave, no de un
ministro del Gobierno.

Exercise 3 

Even though China's rise as a world power is unstoppable, it is unlikely that English will be
replaced by Chinese as a global language in the near future. The US is s ll a superpower, so
everybody speak speaks (1) English nowadays: whether for trade, science or entertainment,
English is the first foreign language that people all over the world choose learning to
learn (2).

Could Spanish be a replace replacement (3) for English? Though it is spoken by more than
400 million people around the globe, this interested interes ng (4) language hasn't yet
emerged as the world's foremost lingua franca. The fact that no Spanish-speaking country is
a world superpower may have to do with this.

S ll, we do not know what happens will happen (5) in fi y or one hundred years' me. By
then, Chinese, Spanish or some other language may be the preferred language of
interna onal business and scien fic exchange. If that is the case, then people that the
whose (6) first language is Spanish or English will have many difficul es in learning Chinese.

(4) Concordancia sujeto-verbo.
(1) Complementación verbal (ing vs to + infini ve)
(2) Forma y categoría grama cal.
(3) Forma y significado: interested, ‘interesada'
(4) Tiempo verbal: el autor habla del futuro, no del presente.
(5) Concordancia sustan vo-pronombre rela vo.

Exercise 4 

Have you heard about post-vaca on stress? This is the new term US psychologists are using
it (1) to define that feeling of anxiety most people feel when they return (2) from their
summer break. They get back to their offices a er their two-to-five-week paid leave and feel
so overwhelmed by the amount of work that it's is (3) wai ng for them, that they want to
take another break.

Fortunately, post-vaca on stress can be prevented. In the first place it is (4) important that
you finish urgent tasks before taking your paid leave. If you can't do this (5), however, make a
list with the tasks that you should give priority to them (6) when you return. This will make it
easy (7) for you to remember what to do when you return and not panic. The first few days,
do only those tasks that they (8) are really important.

Finally, don't forget to relax: surely your co-workers will understand how you feel. The world is
certainly not going to fall apart if you don't do everything at once.

Sobra el objeto: (1) (recuerda que aquí podemos omi r el pronombre that referido a ‘the new term'), (6).
Falta el sujeto: (2), (4).
Sobra el sujeto: (3), (8).
Falta el objeto: (5), (7) (dummy pronoun).

Exercise 5 

1. The book´s plot was very disappoin ng. The story didn't have either ac on, love, mystery
or humour amongst many other things that you would expect to see in a good work of
fic on. Although it was supposed to tell the adventures of a teenage explorer, it felt more
like the diary of a rather average fi een-year-old.

2. As you may already know, we are conduc ng a series of free events in our community to
raise awareness of the importance of recycling. As we do not charge an admission fee,
however, we lack the funds to pay for some of the events and thus we are looking for a

3. Since many essen al services depend on computers and chaos may occur if computers fail,
we can no longer live without them. For instance, if transport stopped working, people
would not be able to go to work or to school and society would paralyze, and also services
like cash machines would be affected. If the computers that control them fail, nobody
would be able to withdraw money, and trade in general would suffer.

4. Had the Government reacted more quickly, we might not be in the current situa on. I think
we deserve be er leaders.

5. This story contains everything any reader could possibly want. It features excellent wri ng
and one of the most original plots I have read. Also, each of the books is just the right
length, neither too long nor too short.

Exercise 7: Essay 

Entre paréntesis marco el po de error según el orden en que los hemos visto, y que verás
también en la checklist de la úl ma página.

Dra Revised version

Although they have been commercially Although they have been commercially
available for no more than fi een years, we available for no more than fi een years, we
seem to forgot (4: tense) what life was like seem to have forgo en what life was like
before smartphones appeared. It is then before smartphones appeared. It is then
not surprising that children simply cannot not surprising that children simply cannot
conceive life without it (4: agreement). Yet conceive life without them. Yet their use in
their use in the classroom is strongly the classroom is strongly opposed by an
opposed by an overwhelming majority of overwhelming majority of parents and
parents and teachers. teachers.

Research has found that the impact of the

smartphone on a child's brain is much
higher than on an adult one as the former is
s ll undergoing physiological development.
(2: esta idea apoya la del párrafo a Their main concern is the detrimental effect
con nuación y enlaza con It is a concern that the constant use of these small devices
backed by science). has on children's ability to focus. It is a
concern backed by science: research has
Parents and teachers' main concern is the found that the impact of the smartphone
detrimental effect that the constant use of on a child's brain is much higher than on
smartphones has on children's ability to an adult one as the former is s ll
focus. It is a concern backed by science (2: undergoing physiological development.
al final del primer párrafo se habla de
parents and teachers; lo lógico es que
después vaya este párrafo, que comienza
con ese mismo topic).

The plain fact is, nonetheless, that the The plain fact is, nonetheless, that the
smartphone is already a part of our lives in smartphone is already a part of our lives in
the same way that computers are. Would it the same way that computers are. Would it
not be be er to teach schoolchildren how not be be er to teach schoolchildren how
to use this thing (3: demasiado informal e to use this device adequately, in exactly the
impreciso) adequately, in exactly the same same manner they already learn how to use
manner they already learn how to use computers? Children would thus be allowed
computers? Children would thus be allowed to explore their mobiles in learning
to explore their mobiles in learning ac vi es under their teachers' supervision.
ac vi es under their teachers' supervision. Of course, some restric ons should be put
Of course, some restric ons should be put in place. For instance, only basic models
in place, for instance (6: puntuación), only with limited func onali es would be
basic models with limited func onali es allowed, and only at specific class hours.
would be allowed, and only at specific class

This is certainly a controversial issue that it This is certainly a controversial issue that
(5: repe ción del sujeto) may not be may not be resolved for quite some me.
resolved for quite some me. S ll, it cannot S ll, it cannot be denied that the
be denied that the smartphone is here to smartphone is here to stay, and, while its
stay, and, while its use entails certain use entails certain dangers, it would be
dangers, it would be wiser to prepare wiser to prepare children to face them.
children to face them.


Editing checklist 

1. ¿Mi writing responde claramente a la pregunta? 

2. ¿Mis párrafos están bien estructurados? 

a. Siguen un orden lógico y hay transiciones claras. 

b. Cada párrafo tiene un solo tema principal. 

c. Las ideas siguen un orden y están bien unidas. 

3. ¿Empleo el registro adecuado? 

4. ¿Las palabras tienen la forma adecuada? 

a. Hay concordancia. 

b. La forma corresponde a la función y al significado. 

5. ¿Mis oraciones están completas? 

a. No me he olvidado del sujeto. 

b. No tengo oraciones con dos sujetos. 

c. No me he olvidado del objeto. 

d. No pongo dos objetos si el verbo solo necesita uno. 

6. ¿Uso la puntuación correctamente? 



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