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Inglés técnico 2
Unidad 1 Clase 2


Gabriela Salto impersonal del verbo haber)
Módulo didáctico
Al finalizar la clase de hoy ya
podrás entender:
| La forma impersonal del verbo
haber (there is, there are) de modo
afirmativo, negativo e interrogativo.
tehere are

| El pasado simple del verbo “to be”

en su forma afirmativa, negativa e
tehre is

| La estructura en pasado del verbo
there is/there are (there was/there
There is, there are: estructuras
que denotan existencia
¡Bienvenidos al segundo encuentro con IT2! Además trabajaremos con el pasado simple del
Hoy trabajaremos con there is / there are (que verbo to be, también en su forma afirmativa,
se traducen como hay). Estas son estructuras negativa e interrogativa.
que denotan existencia y responden a la forma
impersonal del verbo haber. Finalmente, estudiaremos el pasado del verbo there
is / there are cuya estructura es there was / there
Los temas que abordaremos son los siguientes: were y que se traduce como hubo o había.
| La estructura there is que es la que se emplea con

sustantivos incontables o con sustantivos contables Recuerden ir realizando los ejercicios que les
en singular, en su forma afirmativa, negativa e proponemos ya que les ayudarán a terminar de
interrogativa. comprender el funcionamiento de estas estructuras.
| La estructura there are empleada con sustantivos

contables en plural en su forma afirmativa, negativa Good Luck!

e interrogativa.
Hello, hello! How are you today? Vamos a comenzar
con nuestra segunda clase. Es bueno aclarar que
para aprender cualquier idoma es necesario ir
comprendiendo paso a paso los contenidos, porque
estos son acumulativos y se retoman de una clase a la

Is there
There is a book willingness to
of English. learn?

No Dice: “Hay un libro de

entiendo ingles” “¿hay ganas de
nada… aprenderlo?” Para comprender estas
oraciones vamos a estudiar las
páginas siguientes, hacé los
ejercicios y cuando vuelvas a
releer ya las entenderás.
There is, there are

Usamos esta estructura para denotar existencia. Es la

forma impersonal del verbo haber.
Traducimos THERE IS y THERE ARE como HAY.

| Usamos THERE IS con | Usamos THERE

sustantivos contables ARE con sustantivos
en el singular y con contables en el plural.
sustantivos incontables.

Observemos los siguientes esquemas:



Estructura Artículo Objeto Traducción

There is a printer. Hay una impresora.

some Hay algo de información.
There is little Hay poca información.
a lot of Information. Hay mucha información.
more Hay más información.


Estructura Adverbio Artículo Objeto Traducción

There is not a printer. No hay una impresora.
There is not any information. No hay nada de información.
much No hay mucha información.
| También podemos formar el negativo utilizando :

There is no information No hay información

in this chapter. en este capítulo.


Estructura Artículo Objeto Traducción

Is there a printer? ¿Hay una impresora?

Is there any information? ¿Hay algo de información?
more ¿Hay más información?


Estructura Adjetivo Objeto Traducción

There are many input and output Hay muchos dispositivos de entrada y salida.
several devices. Hay varios dispositivos de entrada y salida.
some Hay algunos dispositivos de entrada y salida.
a lot of Hay muchos dispositivos de entrada y salida.
(a) few Hay unos cuantos dispositivos de entrada y salida.


Estructura Adverbio Adjetivo Objeto Traducción

There are not any input and output No hay ningún dispositivo de entrada y salida.
many devices. No hay muchos dispositivos de entrada y salida.
a lot of No hay muchos dispositivos de entrada y salida.
| También podemos formar el negativo utilizando :


There are no input and No hay dispositivos de

output devices entrada y salida.


Estructura Adjetivo Objeto Traducción

Are there any input and output ¿Hay algunos dispositivos de entrada y salida?
many devices? ¿Hay muchos dispositivos de entrada y salida?
several ¿Hay varios dispositivos de entrada y salida?
Desempeño 4
Realicen la traducción del siguiente texto y subraye las
formas there is/are:

Optical fibre cable maintenance support, monitoring input. There are several fibre-optic components in
and testing system for optical fibre cable networks optical fibre cable maintenance systems for optical
carrying high total optical power fibre cable carrying a high total optical power. When
the components have a larger optical loss than
System requirements for optical fibre cable usual, this may pose a fire-hazard in the worst case.
maintenance systems for optical fiber cable carrying It is important for optical fibre cable maintenance
high total optical power systems to be able to detect faults in optical fibre
cable networks, because this makes it possible for
There are two kinds of safety issue as regards optical network operators or physical plant to avoid dangerous
fibre cable carrying a high total optical power.One situations. There are several ways to implement
is human safety, and this problem relates to the maintenance functions: OTDR testing for optical
exposure of eyes or skin to high power light.The other fibre cable, optical loss testing and the optical power
is component safety when there is a high power light monitoring of optical signal or pump power using OPM.
Therefore, optical fibre cable maintenance systems project was adding staff to try to meet the deadline.
must have optical branching devices for test light When it became evident that the deadline would not
insertion (e.g., an optical coupler). be met, a new FP count was conducted. The GSMS
had grown to 900 FPs. Besides the original 500 plus
FUNCTION POINTS AT NIELSEN 20%, there were 300 FPs attributable to features and
Nielsen Media used function point analysis (FPA) for functions that had crept into the project.
an upgrade to the Global Sample Management System
(GSMS) for Nielsen Media/NetRatings, which keeps How did that happen? The way it always does:
track of the Internet rating sample, a group of 40,000 The developers and users had added a button here, a
homes nationwide that volunteer to participate in new feature there, and soon the project was much
ongoing ratings. larger than it was originally. But Nielsen Media had put
a stake in the ground at the beginning from which they
In late fall of 1998, Nielsen Media did an FP count could measure growth along the way.
based on the current GSMS. (FPA is always easier and
more accurate when there is an existing system.) The best practice is to run the FPA and productivity
Nielsen Media had its counters—three quality model at the project’s launch and again when there is a
assurance staff—do their FPA, and then input their full list of functional requirements. Then do another
count into Knowledge-Plan, a productivity modeling analysis anytime there is a major modification in the
tool. In early 1999, seven programmers began writing functional definition of the project.
code for the system, which they were expected to Source: “Ratings Game,” CIO Magazine, October 2000,
complete in 10 months. As November approached, the by Bill Roberts.
Pasado Simple Del Verbo “To Be”

Como ya vimos en IT1 el verbo TO BE es un verbo

irregular. Esta irregularidad se manifiesta en la no
utilización de verbos auxiliares en la formación del
negativo e interrogativo y también en la construcción
de los tiempos presente y pasado. En esta unidad
vamos a considerar la construcción del pasado simple.

Incluimos aquí los cuadros con ejemplos del verbo
en sus formas afirmativa, negativa e interrogativa y la
correspondiente traducción.

Pronombre Verbo Adverbio Traducción

Personal TO BE

I was at the (Yo) estaba en la oficina.

You were office. (Usted) estaba en la oficina.
He was (El) estaba en la oficina.
She was (Ella) estaba en la oficina.
It was (El/Ella) estaba en la oficina.
We were (Nosotros) estábamos en la oficina.
You were (Ustedes) estaban en la oficina.
They were (Ellos) estaban en la oficina.


Pronombre Verbo Adverbio Adverbio Traducción

Personal TO BE

I was not at the (Yo) no estaba en la oficina.

You were office. (Usted) no estaba en la oficina.
He was (El) no estaba en la oficina.
She was (Ella) no estaba en la oficina.
It was (El/Ella) no estaba en la oficina.
We were (Nosotros) no estábamos en la oficina.
You were (Ustedes) no estaban en la oficina.
They were (Ellos) no estaban en la oficina.

Verbo Pronombre Adverbio Traducción

TO BE Personal

Was I at the ¿Estaba en la oficina?

Were You office. ¿Estaba en la oficina?
Was He ¿Estaba en la oficina?
Was She ¿Estaba en la oficina?
Was It ¿Estaba en la oficina?
Were We ¿Estábamos en la oficina?
Were You ¿Estaban en la oficina?
Were They ¿Estaban en la oficina?

| En los esquemas anteriores el verbo TO BE está
usado con el significado ESTAR, pero también se usa
en el pasado con el significado SER.

1 | I visited a site while it was still under construction. 1 | Visité un sitio mientras estaba todavía en
The diagnosis for my PC was good: it was virus-free. construcción. El diagnóstico para mi PC fue bueno:
2 | Gravity 1.0 was the most automated reader we estaba libre de virus.
evaluated. 2 | Gravity 1.0 fue el lector más automatizado que
Desempeño 5
Realicen la traducción del siguiente texto

Integrated Circuit in complex devices like sophisticated control

The first integrated circuits were created in the late systems and handheld programmable calculators.
1950s in response to a demand from the military Several companies were in competition to produce
for miniaturized electronics to be used in missile a breakthrough in miniaturized electronics, and
control systems. At the time, transistors and printed their development efforts were so close that there
circuit boards were the state-of-the-art electronic is some question as to which company actually
technology. Although transistors made many new produced the first IC. In fact, when the integrated
electronic applications possible, engineers were circuit was finally patented in 1959, the patent was
still unable to make a small enough package for the awarded jointly to two individuals working separately
large number of components and circuits required at two different companies.
Lea el siguiente texto, identifique y subraye los verbos
en pasado simple del TO BE.

In April 1999, one of Capital Blue After listening to input from the user teams, the
Cross’ health-care insurance plans had been in the stakeholders proposed three options. One was to
field for three years, but hadn’t performed as well as persevere with the current manual method of pulling
expected. data from flat files via ad hoc reports and retyping it
into spreadsheets.
The ratio of premiums to claims payments wasn’t
meeting historic norms. In order to revamp the The second option was to write a program to
product features or pricing to boost performance, dynamically mine the needed data from Capital’s
the company needed to understand why it was customer information control system (CICS). While
underperforming. The stakeholders came to the the system was processing claims, for instance, the
discussion already knowing they needed program would pull out up-to-the-minute data at a
better extraction and analysis of usage data in given point in time for users to analyze.
order to understand product shortcomings and
recommend improvements. The third alternative was to develop a ecisionsupport
system to allow users to make relational queries
from a data mart containing a replication of the
relevant claims and customer data.

Each of these alternatives was evaluated on cost,

benefits, risks, and intangibles.

1 | What are three costs, benefits, risks, and
intangibles associated with each project?
2 | Based on your answer to question 1, which
project would you choose?
Source: “Capital Blue Cross,” CIO Magazine, February
15, 2000, by Richard Pastore.
Esta estructura es el pasado de THERE IS / THERE
ARE. Se traduce como HUBO / HABIA.

1 | There was an error 1 | Había un mensaje

message. Ignoring it, de error. Ignorarlo, fue
was devastating to your devastador para su
program. programa.

2 | There were some 2 | Había algunos

error messages. Ignoring mensajes de error.
them, was devastating to Ignorarlos, fue
your program. devastador para su

Con este tema damos por finalizada la clase de hoy.
Lean todo lo presentado. Es muy importante que lo
entiendan bien.

En la próxima clase seguiremos trabajando con el

pasado simple, pero de otros verbos.

See you next class!

Have a nice week!

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