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More than English

Sumérgete en el Inglés
More than English
Sumérgete en el Inglés

Por nuestra experiencia, de más de 15 años en Pueblo Inglés, nos hemos dado
cuenta de que no hay mejor manera de aprender inglés que sumergiéndote en el
idioma. Y una lengua es mucho más que sus phrasal verb o sus verbos
irregulares, es su historia, sus celebrities, sus gentes, sus anécdotas… o los lugares más
emblemáticos de la cultura anglosajona.

Por eso, en este e-book, encontrarás artículos en inglés sobre estos y muchos más
temas, escritos por nuestros profesores de Diverbo, y acompañados de un audio con
diferentes acentos. Lee, escucha, mira y aprende mucho, mucho más que
inglés, porque Pueblo Inglés es “More Than English”.

1. Grammar - UNIT 54 - Embedded questions.............1

2. Translate - UNIT 54 - Embedded questions..............2

3. Vocabulary - Common unknown verbs 1..............3

4. Grammar review - UNIT 54 - Embedded questions......4

5. Suggestions - Galway’s International Arts Festival...5

6. Idioms - Kill two birds with one stone............6

7. Business Vocabulary - Problem pairs................7

8. Suggestions - Andre Agassi...............................8

9. Common Error - 10% of discount............................9

10. Idiom - Bend the rules...........................................10

11. Phrasal Verbs - Add up........................................11

12. Prepositions - Around, about...............................12

Grammar - Embedded questions

Cuando una pregunta va dentro de otra pregunta o de una frase ya no es una

pregunta directa por lo que no se hace un intercambio del sujeto y el auxiliar:
Where can I buy the paper?
I don’t know where you can buy the paper. (No: I don’t know where can you

Who is he?
Can you tell me who he is?

Cuando la pregunta se construye con do, does o did en afirmativa, el auxiliar

desaparece y el verbo se pone en el tiempo del auxiliar:
Why does he eat there?
I don’t know why he eats there.

Si la respuesta sólo puede ser sí o no, la embedded question se introduce con if o

Are they here?
I don’t know if they are here.

Translate - Embedded questions

1. ¿Dónde está Barry? 1. Where is Barry?

2. No sé dónde está Barry. 2. I don’t know where Barry is.
3. ¿Estuvo él en la fiesta? 3. Was he at the party?
4. No sé si él estuvo en la fiesta. 4. I don’t know if he was at the party.
5. ¿Estará él en la reunión? 5. Will he be at the meeting?
6. No tengo ni idea de si estará en la reunión. 6. I have no idea if he will be at the meeting.
7. ¿Dónde estuvo ella durante la presentac- 7. Where was she during the presentation?
8. Me gustaría saber dónde estuvo ella durante 8. I would like to know where she was during
la presentación. the presentation.
9. ¿Qué haces? (en este momento) 9. What are you doing?
10. ¿Puedes decirme qué es lo que estás haci- 10. Can you tell me what you are doing?
11. ¿Dónde vives? 11. Where do you live?
12. Dime dónde vives. 12. Tell me where you live.
13. ¿A qué se dedica? (ella) 13. What does she do?
14. Quiero saber a qué se dedica ella. 14. I want to know what she does.
15. ¿A qué hora me llamaron? 15. What time did they call me?
16. No sé a qué hora me llamaron. 16. I don’t know what time they called me.
17. ¿Por qué no viene en autobús? (ella) 17. Why doesn’t she come by bus?
18. No sé por qué no viene en autobús (ella). 18. I don’t know why she doesn’t come by bus.
19. ¿Por qué no lo mandaste el jueves? 19. Why didn’t you send it on Thursday?
20. Dile por qué no lo mandaste el jueves. 20. Tell him why you didn’t send it on Thursday.
21. ¿Cuándo fue a Nueva Zelanda? (él) 21. When did he go to New Zealand?
22. Quiero saber cuándo fue a Nueva Zelanda. 22. I want to know when he went to New Zea-
(él) land.
23. ¿Nadaron en el río? 23. Did they swim in the river?
24. ¿Sabes si nadaron en el río? 24. Do you know if they swam in the river?
25. Ella no sabe si sus primos nadaron en el río. 25. She doesn’t know if her cousins swam in the

Vocabulary - Common unknown verbs 1

1. calentar 1. to heat
2. dejar caer 2. to drop
3. hacer ejercicio 3. to exercise
4. quemar 4. to burn
5. señalar (con el dedo) 5. to point
6. lanzar, arrojar 6. to throw
7. gatear 7. to crawl
8. cojear 8. to limp
9. resbalar 9. to slip
10. conocer (por primera vez) 10. to meet
11. discutir 11. to argue
12. afeitarse 12. to shave
13. fregar los platos 13. to wash up
14. agacharse 14. to bend down, to bend over
15. atar 15. to tie
16. encender (luz) 16. to turn on
17. apagar (luz) 17. to turn off
18. encender (fuego) 18. to light
19. apagar (fuego) 19. to put out
20. pelar 20. to peel
21. mojar (comida) 21. to dip
22. montar (bici, caballo) 22. to ride
23. hacer footing 23. to jog
24. despegar 24. to take off
25. aterrizar 25. to land

Grammar Review - Embedded questions

Cuando una pregunta va dentro de otra pregunta o de una frase ya no es una

pregunta directa por lo que no se hace un intercambio del sujeto y el auxiliar:
Where can I buy the paper?
I don’t know where you can buy the paper. (No: I don’t know where can you

Who is he?
Can you tell me who he is?

Cuando la pregunta se construye con do, does o did en afirmativa, el auxiliar

desaparece y el verbo se pone en el tiempo del auxiliar:
Why does he eat there?
I don’t know why he eats there.

Si la respuesta sólo puede ser sí o no, la embedded question se introduce con if o

Are they here?
I don’t know if they are here.

Suggestions - Galway’s International Arts Festival

Galway International Arts Festival

Want to be entertained, to laugh and to dream? Then the Galway International Arts
Festival is what you need to do! The Irish Times has called it “the biggest, most exciting,
most imaginative explosion of arts activity this country has.”

The festival originated by some artists who were sitting at their kitchen table one day
and wanted to attract world-class artists to Ireland. And so they did, putting Galway
on the map as a key cultural center! The two-week festival was founded in 1978 and
offers more than 200 acts of theatre, spectacle, dance, visual arts, music, literature and
comedy. It attracts some of the best artists from Ireland as well as around the word!

This year the festival will take place from July 13-26 and will feature over 500 writers,
artists, performers and musicians from America, Asia, Australia and Europe, and of
course Ireland.

Whether you are listening to the live musical performances, watching a parade,
quietly contemplating art in the galleries, or enjoying the full party atmosphere, the
experience will transform you. You will be amazed by the extraordinary design and
stage atmosphere, as well as the ambitions and innovation of the projects.
According to the festival’s website, “Worlds, cultures and dreams collide – inspiring
passion, creativity and new ways of thinking.” The Chief Executive of the arts festival,
John Crumlish, says “Our purpose is really to get people to go on holidays…in their own

Idioms - Kill two birds with one stone

Kill two birds with one stone – matar dos pajaros de un tiro

The method – and maybe even the animal– can vary from language to language,
but this expression exists in many places. Basically, regardless of the formula, it
means to make one effort that solves two problems or serves two purposes.

Walking to work kills two birds with one stone: you save money and you get
exercise. – Ir andando al trabajo mata dos pájaros de un tiro: ahorras dinero en
gasolina y haces ejercicio.

Business Vocabulary - Problem pairs

1. ayudar 1. to assist He assisted the Manager in preparing the presenta-

2. asistir 2. to attend I can’t attend the meeting, I’ll be in Berlin.
3. económico 3. economic The economic situation is getting better.
4. económico 4. economical My car isn’t very economical, but it looks great.
5. viajar 5. to travel I will travel to Chicago on the 1st.
6. (un) viaje 6. (a) trip I love travelling, but I don’t like business trips. (trave-
ling, US)
7. el orden del día 7. agenda You should all have received the agenda.
8 agenda 8. diary I’ll check my diary and get back to you.
9. sueldo (fijo) 9. salary In the UK, a salary is a fixed amount paid every
month. In America salaries are paid every 2 weeks.
10. sueldo (por horas) 10. wage I earn a good wage as a consultant.
11. personal (emplea- 11. personnel The personnel are all highly trained.
12. personal 12. personal It’s a personal matter that I don’t want to discuss.
13. subir 13. to rise Interest rates are rising quickly.
14. subir 14. to raise They raised their fees by €100.
15. mail 15. email I attached the report to the email I sent you.
16. correo 16. mail (US), post (UK) When do they deliver the mail?
17. venta / rebaja 17. sale The sale of the company was difficult.
18. vender 18. to sell They will sell the company to a British consortium.
19. puntual (llegar a 19. punctual He’s very punctual, he always arrives on time.
20. puntual (esporádi- 20. sporadic/ occa- We see him from time to time. He occasionally
co) sional comes to see us.
21. anuncio 21. advert (UK), ad (US) I like the new Movistar ad. It’s very funny.
22. publicidad 22. advertising I work in advertising.
23. llevar puesto 23. to wear I don’t like wearing suits.
24. vestirse 24. to dress I prefer to dress casually.

Suggestions - Andre Agassi

Andre Agassi
Andre Kirk Agassi, born to a former Iranian Olympic boxer dad and breast cancer
survivor mom on April 29th, 1970 in Las Vegas, was once one of the most renowned
tennis players of the times and is still regarded as such. Some even consider him one
of the biggest tennis stars of all time.
His introduction into the world of tennis was actually due to a bet his father had with a
friend, football player Jim Brown. He ended up betting the house they lived in, as he
believed that Andre was an extremely talented player that could beat pretty much
anyone. At the time, Andre was nine years old. His father ended up winning $500 in
the bet; Brown lost three times! Shortly thereafter, when Andre was thirteen, he was
enrolled in a tennis academy in Florida. After being there for about three months, the
director offered to give him full scholarship due to his great talent in the sport.
Andre had such a successful career that he held a record for most consecutive wins
by a teenage player for 17 years! This was broken in 2005 by well-known Spanish tennis
star Rafael Nadal.
In general, Andre Agassi experienced great success in his career before finally retiring
in 2006. He also dated and/or married famous celebrities, including Barbra Streisand,
and Brooke Shields (to whom he was married for two years). He is now the father
of two children and is married to Steffi Graff, a well-known female American tennis

Common Errors - 10% of discount

*Common mistake: 10% of discount

What you should say: 10% discount

There are several mistakes that come from the concept of percents. First, notice
that we don’t say ‘of discount’. Also note that we say ‘give or offer somebody a
discount’ and NOT ‘make somebody a discount’.

With this coupon, they’ll give you a 20% discount. – Con este vale descuento, te
hacen un 20% de descuento.
A 9% discount looks bad. – Un descuento del 9% queda mal.
We used your name and they gave us a 15% discount. – Dimos tu nombre y nos
hicieron un descuento de 15%.

Idioms - Bend the rules

Bend the rules – hacer la vista gorda

Similar to ‘break the rules’, but obviously not quite as bad. Although it may sound
like creative interpretation of the rules, we usually use this expression to say that
you are willing to temporarily ignore the rules so that you or somebody can
complete a task.

I’ll let you bend the rules just this one time. – Voy a hacer la vista gorda esta vez.
Maybe the librarian can bend the rules. – Igual la bibliotecaria puede hacer la
vista gorda.
She lets her friends bend the rules from time to time. – Ella hace la vista gorda a sus
amigas de vez en cuando.

Phrasal Verbs - Add up

Add up

Literal definition: add + up (to) = to calculate the total sum

Eight plus seven adds up to fifteen.
The waiter added up the bill to not include the birthday dessert.

Figurative definition: add up = to make sense

Allison usually tells the truth, but her story just doesn’t add up.
The company claims it had profits the last 3 years despite being in financial crisis.
That doesn’t quite add up.

Prepositions - Around, about

Around, about

These two prepositions are usually interchangeable and are used to mean ‘in
many places’. However, ‘around’ can also mean ‘in a circular motion or path’.
We often use ‘about’ to mean ‘regarding or concerning’.

I have been all around the world. - He viajado por todo el mundo.
What is that book about? - ¿De qué va ese libro?
Why are there no signs around here? - ¿Por qué no hay carteles por aquí?

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