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GUIA # 8

FECHA DE ENTREGA: 19 de Octubre de 2021

TEACHER / Profesora: Nancy Novoa Navarro E-mail:

CICLO: V –VI 10mo-11mo

TOPICS / Temas: QUESTIONS TAGS/Preguntas Coletillas, Gerunds and Infititives/Gerundio e

Infinitivos en inglés

CONTENT/ Contenido: gramática

CLASS OBJECTIVE / Objetivo: To learn the correct use of questions tags in a sentence. To identify
the correct use of the verbs between infinitive and gerunds

LINK: For more information, please check this link and watch the video:
Question Tags:

Gerundio vs Infinitivo:

Tema 1- QUESTIONS TAGS-Preguntas Coletillas

Con las "question tags" en inglés terminamos las frases con una pregunta corta, de signo
contrario, la cual se usa para pedir la opinión o buscar la aprobación del interlocutor. Equivalen
en español a: ¿no es verdad?, ¿no?, ¿no es así? ¿en serio? Ejemplos:

You eat meat, don’t you?(Comes carne, ¿verdad?)

She doesn’t like to dance, does she?(No le gusta bailar, ¿no?)
Alex and Sergio are friends, aren’t they?(Alex y Sergio son amigos, ¿no?)

La estructura es:

Para oraciones afirmativas: Oración afirmativa + coma + auxiliar

negativo + subject pronoun?

Annie is the tallest in class, isn’t she? / Annie es la más alta de la

clase, ¿verdad?
Para oraciones negativas: Oración en negativo + coma + auxiliar en
afirmativo + subject pronoun?

o Annie isn’t the tallest in class, is she? / Annie no es la más alta de la

clase, ¿verdad?
Los 3 pasos que debes seguir para usar las “Questions Tags”

Paso 1: primero debes analizar el tiempo verbal en el que vas a hacer tu

oración, ya que dependiendo de esto, se usa un auxiliar diferente en cada

Simple present (do-does):

Present continuous (am, is, are):
Verb to be in past (was-were):
Simple past (did):
Past continuous (was-were):
Future (will):
Present perfect (have-has):
Past perfect (had):
Modals (can, could, should, would, must):

Paso 2: en seguida debes recordar que tu tag question debe ir en el sentido

opuesto de tu frase inicial

Ejemplo oración en afirmativo + tag en negativo: this movie is extremely

boring, isn’t it? / Esta película es extremadamente aburrida, ¿o no?

Ejemplo frase en negativo + tag en afirmativo: this movie isn’t

interesting, is it? / Esta película no es interesante, ¿o sí?

Paso 3: después debes recordar que debes cambiar el sujeto de la frase, ya

que no debes repetir el que usaste en un comienzo sino el sujeto pronombre
del inglés.

o Jessica – she
o Daniel – he
o This tv show – it
o Miami – it
o My sisters and I- we
o The soldiers – they

o Jessica is working now, isn’t she? / Jessica está trabajando ahora, ¿no
es así?
Activity 1 -Question Tags Exercise

English Grammar
Add appropriate question tags.

1. She is not here, ………………………………? (is she / isn’t she / does she)
2. You eat too much, ………………………….? (do you / don’t you / didn’t you)
3. He does not smoke, …………………………..? (does he / doesn’t he / has he)
4. She came yesterday, …………………………? (did she / didn’t she / hadn’t she)
5. You met him, …………………………..? (did you / didn’t you / hadn’t you)
6. He has been to England, ……………………….? (has he / hasn’t he / doesn’t he)
7. Mohan is ill, ……………………………….? (is he / isn’t he / has he)
8. She sings really well …………………………..? (does she / doesn’t she / did she)
9. He knows you, …………………………. (does he / doesn’t he / didn’t he)
10. You have never been to the US, ………………………………? (have you /
haven’t you / hadn’t you
Escribe los verbos que están entre paréntesis en gerundio o infinitivo.
Sample Q6
I have no experience in ____
I hope ____ (go) to England (work) with children.
next year.
to go
We're looking forward to
Q1 ____ (meet) you!
They enjoy ____ (work)
Carla doesn't feel like ____
Q2 (cook) tonight, so we are
David quit ____ (smoke) a going to a restaurant.
year ago.

Q3 Sue was relieved ____
Do you want ____ (study) (learn) that she didn't have
with me tonight? cancer.

Q4 Q10
We were anxious ____ (take) We can't afford _____ (go)
the exam. on holiday.
We can't afford (go)
Q5 on holiday.
He always takes a nap after
____ (eat) a big meal.

Reading text
Resuelve el siguiente ejercicio de lectura fácil con base en el siguiente texto.
My favorite things
Hello, I am Ross from Glasgow and I want to tell you about my two favorite things.
My car is my second favorite on my list of favorite things. I am a single father and I have 4
small children. Because of that, I need a mode of transportation to take my children to
school, to the movies, or to visit their mother and her new husband in a city near Glasgow.
First place on my list is my phone; what I mean is, my smartphone. I use it all day. In the
morning I use it as an alarm to wake up; then I listen to music on the bus when I go to
work; in the afternoon I send messages to my friends and my girlfriend on Facebook or
WhatsApp. Right now I am studying French and I use some of the apps on my phone to
improve my French.
1. What is the text about? ¿De qué se trata el texto?
o It is about the importance of cars and electronic devices
o It is about Ross, his wife and his family
o It is about a man who talks about his favorite things

2. Why is the car your second favorite thing? ¿Porque su carro es su segundo
objeto favorito?


3. What is your first favorite thing and why? ¿Cuál es su primer objeto favorito y


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