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Instrucciones de operación

Motor diesel
12 V 4000 3B grupo G73
16 V 4000 Aplicación G73

MS150054 / 02E
Impreso en Alemania

© 2012 Copyright MTU Friedrichshafen GmbH

Esta publicación está protegido por copyright y no se puede utilizar en cualquier forma, ya sea en su totalidad o en parte, sin la previa autorización por escrito de MTU Friedrichshafen

GmbH. Esta restricción también se aplica a los derechos de autor, la distribución, la traducción, la filmación micro y almacenamiento o procesamiento en sistemas electrónicos,

incluyendo bases de datos y servicios en línea. Se proporciona este manual para su uso por personal de mantenimiento y de funcionamiento con el fin de evitar mal funcionamiento o

daños durante el funcionamiento.

Sujeto a modificaciones y enmiendas.

Tabla de contenido

1 Seguridad 4.9 Después de parar el motor - poner el motor fuera

de servicio 38
1.1 Condiciones Generales 5
1.2 El personal y los requisitos de organización 6
1.3 Transporte 7
1,4 cigüeñal dispositivo de bloqueo de transporte 8 5 Mantenimiento
1.5 Normas de seguridad para el arranque y funcionamiento 11
5.1 Mantenimiento tabla de referencia tarea [QL1] 39
1.6 Riesgo de explosión al retirar la cubierta un orificio
de inspección del motor 12
1.7 Normas de seguridad para trabajos de mantenimiento y

reparación 13 6 Solución de problemas

1.8 Líquidos y lubricantes, prevención de incendios y protección del

medio ambiente dieciséis 6.1 Solución de problemas 40

1.9 Convenciones para las instrucciones de seguridad en el texto 6.2 Limitador del motor ADEC (ECU 7) para la Serie 4000 motores

18 de Petróleo y Gas - Avisos de error 43

2 Información general 7 Descripción de la tarea

secundarios y cilindro designaciones 2.1 motor 19 7.1 motor 63

7.1.1 Motor - Salvo manualmente 63
2.2 diseño del motor 20
7.1.2 Motor - Salvo con el sistema de arranque 64
2.3 sensores, actuadores y los inyectores - Información
7.1.3 Motor - Prueba de funcionamiento sesenta y cinco
general 21
7.2 Cilindro Liner 66
7.2.1 liner Cilindro - El examen endoscópico 66
7.2.2 Cilindro de revestimiento - Instrucciones y comentarios sobre el
3 Datos técnicos
examen endoscópico y visual 68

3,1 12, 16V 4000 de datos del motor G73, emissions- optimizado
7.3 Respiradero del cigüeñal 70
(EPA - Tier 2) 25 7.3.1 Respiradero del cárter - sustitución del elemento separador de aceite,
Para 3.2 cocción 28 comprobación y sustitución del diafragma

3.3 motor - Dimensiones principales 29 70

7.4 Drive Válvula 72

7.4.1 engranaje de la válvula - Lubricación 72
4 Funcionamiento 7.4.2 Separación de la válvula - comprobación y la regulación 73
tapa de la culata de cilindros 7.4.3 - Levantamiento y la
4.1 Poner el motor en funcionamiento después de períodos instalación 76
extendidos fuera de servicio (> 3 meses)
30 7.5 Bomba de inyección de la bomba / HP 77
7.5.1 bomba AP - Llenar con aceite de motor 77
4.2 Poner el motor en funcionamiento después de programada
fuera-de-servicio-período 31
7.6 Válvula de inyección / inyector 78
4.3 Arranque el motor en modo manual (modo de prueba) 7.6.1 Inyector - Sustitución 78
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32 7.6.2 Inyector - Levantamiento y la instalación 79

4.4 Arranque del motor en situaciones de emergencia (modo de
anulación) 33 Sistema 7.7 Combustible 84
7.7.1 Sistema de combustible - Purga 84
4.5 controles operacionales 34
4,6 Pare el motor en modo manual (modo de prueba)
Filtro de combustible 7.8 85
35 7.8.1 Filtro de combustible - Sustitución 85
parada de emergencia 4,7 36 7.8.2 limpieza del prefiltro de combustible 86
4.8 Después de parar el motor - motor queda listo para 7.8.3 Combustible prefiltro - Medidor de presión diferencial y
funcionar 37 el ajuste 87
7.8.4 Combustible prefiltro - Drenaje 88

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7.8.5 Combustible prefiltro - Flushing 89 7.16.1 refrigerante del aire de carga - Comprobar el nivel 126
7.8.6 Combustible prefiltro - sustitución del filtro de 91 7.16.2 refrigerante del aire de carga - Cambio 127
7.16.3 refrigerante del aire de carga - Drenaje 128
Refrigeración 7.9 carga de aire 93 7.16.4 refrigerante del aire de carga - Llenado 129
7.9.1 Intercooler - Comprobar si existen fugas de drenaje y la 7.16.5 bomba de refrigerante del aire de carga - cheque orificio de aireación 132
obstrucción 93
7,17 transmisión del cinturón 133
7.10 Filtro de aire 94 7.17.1 cinta Drive - La comprobación del estado 133
7.10.1 Filtro de aire - Sustitución 94
7.10.2 Filtro de aire - Levantamiento y la instalación 95 7,18 recarga de baterías Generador 134
7.10.3 manguitos de goma entre el codo de admisión de aire y el 7.18.1 de carga de batería generador - Comprobar 134
turbocompresor - Sustitución 96 ajuste de tensión de la correa - 7.18.2 conducción de generador de carga de

batería 135
7.11 Toma de aire 97 7.18.3 conducción de generador de carga de batería - La correa de
7.11.1 indicador Contaminación - señal de comprobación de posición del anillo transmisión y sustitución tensor de la correa 136
aletas de aire de cierre 7.11.2 emergencia - Control de funcionamiento 7,19 Mando del ventilador 137
con accionamiento eléctrico 98 7.19.1 ventilador de la unidad - La correa de transmisión comprobación / ajuste 137
7.11.3 manguitos de goma en la tubería de aire antes de reemplazo de la correa de transmisión - unidad 7.19.2 Ventilador 139
intercooler - Sustitución 99
7.20 Cableado (general) para el motor / caja de cambios / Unidad 140
7.12 Equipo A partir 101 7.20.1 cableado del motor - Comprobar 140
7.12.1 arranque Aire - Manual de Operación 101
7.21 Accesorios para el sistema (electrónico) del motor
7.13 Sistema de aceite lubricante, aceite lubricante Circuito 102 gobernador / control 141
nivel de aceite del motor 7.13.1 - Comprobar 102 7.21.1 gobernador del motor y conectores - Limpieza 141
7.13.2 aceite del motor - Cambio 103 7.21.2 UEM y conectores - Limpieza 142
7.13.3 Engine-aceite - extracción de muestras y análisis 105 7.21.3 gobernador del motor - Comprobar las conexiones

enchufables 143
7,14 filtración de aceite / Refrigeración 107 7.21.4 UEM - Comprobación de las conexiones enchufables 144
el filtro de aceite del motor 7.14.1 - Sustitución 107
7.21.5 ECU gobernador del motor 7 - Levantamiento y la instalación
7.14.2 automática del filtro de aceite - Aceite de reemplazo de
bujías filtrantes 108
7.21.6 UEM 7 - Levantamiento y la instalación 146
7.14.3 del filtro de aceite indicador - Comprobar 111
7.14.4 filtro de aceite centrífugo - limpieza y sustitución de la manga

del Filtro 113

7.15 Circuito de refrigerante, el general, circuito de alta 8 Apéndice A

temperatura 116
Control de nivel - 7.15.1 refrigerante del motor 116 8.1 Abreviaturas 147
7.15.2 refrigerante del motor - Cambio 117 8.2 MTU contactos socios / servicios 150
7.15.3 refrigerante del motor - Drenaje 118
7.15.4 refrigerante del motor - Llenado 120
7.15.5 bomba de refrigerante del motor - cheque orificio de aireación 123
7.15.6 refrigerante del motor - la extracción de muestras y análisis 9 Apéndice B
7.15.7 filtro de líquido refrigerante - Sustitución 125
9.1 Herramientas especiales 151
9.2 Índice 154
7.16 Circuito de baja temperatura 126
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4 | Tabla de Contenidos | MS150054 / 02S 2012-02

1 Seguridad

1.1 Condiciones Generales


Además de las instrucciones de esta publicación, se deben observar la legislación específica de cada país aplicables y demás normativa obligatoria
com- respecto a la prevención de accidentes y protección del medio ambiente. Este motor de estado-of-the-art ha sido diseñado para satisfacer
todas las leyes y regulaciones aplicables. El motor, sin embargo, puede presentar un riesgo de lesiones o daños en los siguientes casos:

• El uso incorrecto

• Operación, mantenimiento y reparación por personal no cualificado

• Las modificaciones o conversiones
• El incumplimiento de las instrucciones de seguridad

El uso correcto

El motor está destinado únicamente para uso de acuerdo con los acuerdos contractuales y el propósito envis- edad para que en la entrega.
Cualquier otro uso se considera un uso inadecuado. El fabricante del motor no asume responsabilidad alguna por daños o lesiones
resultantes en tal caso. La responsabilidad recae en el usuario solo.

El uso correcto también incluye la observación y el cumplimiento de las instrucciones de funcionamiento y especificaciones nance y reparación

Las modificaciones o conversiones

Las modificaciones realizadas por el motor representan un riesgo para la seguridad.

MTU no aceptará las demandas de responsabilidad o garantía por los daños causados ​por modificaciones no autorizadas o conversiones.

Piezas de repuesto

Only genuine MTU spare parts must be used to replace components or assemblies. MTU accepts no liability whatsoever for damage
or injury resulting from the use of other spare parts and the warranty shall be voided in such case.

Reworking components

Repair or engine overhaul must be carried out in workshops authorized by MTU.

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1.2 Personnel and organizational requirements

Personnel requirements

Work on the engine must only be carried out by appropriately qualified and instructed personnel. Observe the minimum

legal age.

Responsibilities of the operating, maintenance and repair personnel must be specified by the operating company.

Organizational measures

This publication must be issued to all personnel involved in operation, maintenance, repair or transporta‐ tion.

Keep it handy in the vicinity of the engine such that it is accessible to operating, maintenance, repair and transport personnel at all

Use the manual as a basis for instructing personnel on engine operation and repair. In particular, person‐ nel must have read and
understood the safety-relevant instructions.

This is especially important for personnel who work on the engine only on an occasional basis. These persons shall receive
repeated instruction.

Use the Spare Parts Catalog to identify spare parts during maintenance and repair work.

Working clothes and protective equipment

Wear proper protective clothing for all work.

Depending on the kind of work, use the necessary personal protective equipment.

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1.3 Transport


Levante el motor sólo con los agujeros de transporte previstos. Las argollas de elevación están

diseñados para el transporte del motor solamente. Utilice únicamente el equipo de transporte y

elevación aprobado por MTU.

El motor sólo debe transportarse en posición de montaje, máx. permisible diagonal de tracción 10 °. Tomar nota del centro

motor de la gravedad.

En el caso de un envase especial con papel de aluminio, suspender el motor en los ojos de elevación de la plataforma de transporte o transporte
con equipos para cargas pesadas (montacargas).

Antes de transportar el motor, es imperativo para instalar dispositivos de bloqueo para el transporte del cigüeñal del motor y monturas.

Asegure el motor frente a la inclinación durante el transporte. El motor debe estar especialmente asegura contra el deslizamiento o
inclinación al subir o bajar pendientes y rampas.

Ajuste del motor hasta después del transporte

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Coloque el motor solamente en una superficie plana y firme.

Garantizar la capacidad consistencia y de soporte de carga adecuada de la superficie del suelo o apoyo. Nunca coloque un motor en el cárter de aceite, a

menos que expresamente autorizado por MTU en una base de caso por caso para hacerlo.

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1,4 cigüeñal dispositivo de bloqueo de transporte

herramientas especiales, materiales, piezas de repuesto

/ Utilización Nº de pieza Cant.

llave de torsión, 10-60 Nm F30510423 1

llave de torsión, 60-320 Nm F30047446 1

Aceite de motor

dispositivo de bloqueo Transporte

Nota: El dispositivo de bloqueo protege los cojinetes de cigüeñal de golpes y daños por vibración durante el transporte del motor.

Para la instalación y extracción del dispositivo de bloqueo de transporte, siga las instrucciones a continuación:

1. El dispositivo de bloqueo para transporte debe permanecer instalado el mayor tiempo posible durante la instalación del motor con el fin de evitar daños.

2. Starting or barring the engine is allowed only with the transport locking device removed. If the generator is already mounted on the
engine, ensure that the transport locking device of the generator is also re‐ moved.

3. Prior to every engine transport, the transport locking device must be reinstalled on both sides according to the instructions.

4. If the engine is to be moved together with the generator, the transport locking device for the generator must also be installed.

Removing guard plates and engine mounting

brackets (if applicable) on driving end (KS)

1. Remove screws (4) om both sides and take off with

washers (3), guard plates (1) and engine mounting
brackets (2).
2. Store the removed parts of the transport locking
device carefully for possible reuse. TIM-ID: 0000004010 - 007

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Fitting the transport locking device on
driving end (KS)

Nota: Siempre use los tornillos suministrados con o instaladas en el dispositivo de transporte de bloqueo para asegurarlo en la en- gine.

1. Para sujetar las dos placas (2) con tornillos (6) y las arandelas (5) en los orificios en ambos lados de la carcasa del volante y apretar
al par de apriete especificado.

Nombre tamaño Tipo Lubricante Valor / Estándar

Tornillo M16 par de apriete (Aceite de motor) 250 Nm 25 Nm

2. tuerca de tornillo (3) en los tornillos (4) hasta el final de la rosca.

3. Montar las cerraduras (1) a través de las aberturas de las placas (2) y fijar con los tornillos (4).

4. Apretar los tornillos (4) alternativamente con llave de torsión para el par de apriete especificado.

Nombre tamaño Tipo Lubricante Valor / Estándar

Tornillo M10 par de apriete (Aceite de motor) 30 Nm 3 Nm

5. Tornillo en tuercas (3) de los dos tornillos (4) en las placas (2) y seguro.
6. etiqueta Fit (7) para marcar el motor como "Montado con dispositivo de transporte de bloqueo".

Extracción de la de transporte del

dispositivo de bloqueo de extremo de accionamiento (KS)

1. Soltar las tuercas de seguridad (3) en ambos lados de la carcasa

del volante, quitar los tornillos (4) y despegar las dos
cerraduras (1).
2. Retirar los tornillos (6) con las arandelas (5), la etiqueta (7) y las
placas (2) ..
3. Almacenar las piezas desmontadas del dispositivo de bloqueo de

transporte con cuidado para su posible reutilización.

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Instalación de placas de guarda y de montaje
del motor paréntesis (si es aplicable) en el

extremo de accionamiento (KS)

Nota: Siempre use los tornillos suministrados con el o retirados

de las placas de protección y soportes de montaje del
motor para asegurarlos en el motor.

1. Instalar de montaje del motor soportes (2) en ambos lados con

placas de protección (1) arandelas (3), y los tornillos (4).

2. Apretar los tornillos (4).

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1.5 Normas de seguridad para el arranque y operación

Requisitos de seguridad para el funcionamiento inicial

Prior to initial operation of the unit, install the assembly or unit according to the specifications and check the installation according
to the MTU specifications. Before putting the device or plant into operation, always ensure:

• that all maintenance and repair work is completed,

• that all loose parts have been removed from rotating machine components,
• that nobody is in the danger area of moving machine parts.

Immediately after putting the device or plant into operation, make sure that all control and display instru‐ ments as well as the
signaling and alarm systems work properly.

Safety requirements for operators

The procedures for cases of emergency must be practiced regularly. The operator must be familiar with the control and display

elements. The operator must be familiar with the consequences of any operations performed. During operation, the display

instruments and monitoring units must be permanently observed with re‐ gard to present operating status, violation of limit values

and warning or alarm messages. The following steps must be taken if a malfunction of the system is recognized or reported by the


• inform supervisor(s) in charge,

• analyze the message,
• if required, carry out emergency operations e.g. emergency engine stop.

Engine operation

The following conditions must be fulfilled before starting the engine:

• Wear ear protection.
• Ensure that the engine room is well ventilated.
• Do not inhale engine exhaust gases.
• Asegúrese de que el sistema de escape está libre de fugas y que los gases son descargados a la atmósfera.
• Absorber cualquier fluido y lubricantes filtrados o derramados inmediatamente o empaparse con un agente de unión adecuado.

• Proteger terminales de la batería, terminales de carga baterías y cables contra el contacto accidental.
• Cuando el motor está en marcha, no liberar refrigerante, aceite, combustible, de aire comprimido o conductos hidráulicos.

El funcionamiento de los equipos eléctricos

Cuando el equipo eléctrico está en funcionamiento, ciertos componentes de estos aparatos están en tensión. Tenga en cuenta las instrucciones de

seguridad para estos dispositivos.

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1.6 Riesgo de explosión al retirar la cubierta un orificio de inspección del motor

El riesgo de explosión debido a los vapores de aceite.

Riesgo de lesiones graves - peligro para la vida!

• Deje que el motor se enfríe antes de abrir el cárter!

• Evitar las llamas abiertas, chispas eléctricas y fuentes de ignición.

Las instrucciones de seguridad

u Antes de comenzar los trabajos de mantenimiento, permita que el motor se enfríe durante al menos 10 min. (Peligro de explosión
debido a los vapores de aceite).

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1.7 Normas de seguridad para trabajos de mantenimiento y reparación

Normas de seguridad para trabajos de mantenimiento y reparación

Tienen trabajos de reparación llevada a cabo por personal cualificado y autorizado mantenimiento y. Deje que el motor se enfríe antes de

comenzar los trabajos de mantenimiento (riesgo de explosión de vapores de aceite). Antes de iniciar el trabajo, aliviar la presión en los sistemas y

líneas de aire comprimido que son para ser abierto. Tenga especial cuidado al retirar los tornillos de ventilación o el tapón del motor. Cubrir el

tornillo o tapón con un trapo para evitar que los fluidos escapen bajo presión. Tenga especial cuidado al drenar fluidos calientes ⇒ Peligro de


Al cambiar el aceite del motor o trabaje en el sistema de combustible, asegúrese de que la sala de máquinas se ventila adecuadamente.

Deje que el motor / sistema se enfríe antes de comenzar a trabajar. Tenga en cuenta las

instrucciones de mantenimiento y reparación.

Nunca se debe efectuar trabajos de mantenimiento y reparación con el motor en marcha menos que las instrucciones para hacerlo.

Asegurar el motor contra el arranque accidental. Desconectar la batería cuando están

instalados los arrancadores eléctricos.

Cerrar la válvula principal en el sistema de aire comprimido y ventilar el conducto de aire comprimido, si está equipado arrancadores neumáticos.

Desconectar el equipo de control del conjunto o sistema.

Utilice sólo herramientas, calibrados adecuados. Observar los pares de apriete durante el montaje / desmontaje. Llevar a cabo un trabajo sólo en

ensambla y / o unidades que están asegurados correctamente. Nunca use líneas para la escalada.

Mantenga las líneas y conexiones de inyección de combustible limpio.

sellar Siempre conexiones con las tapas o cubiertas si una línea se retira o se abre. Tenga cuidado de no dañar las líneas, en particular, las

líneas de combustible, durante los trabajos de mantenimiento y reparación. Asegúrese de que todos los retenedores y los amortiguadores se

han instalado correctamente.

Asegúrese de que todas las líneas de inyección de combustible y aceite a presión se instalan con una holgura suficiente para evitar con- tacto con otros

componentes. No coloque combustible o aceite líneas cerca de los componentes calientes. No toque los sellos elastoméricos si tienen la apariencia carbonizada o

resinosa menos que las manos están protegidos piedades Ly.

Nota tiempo de enfriamiento para los componentes que se calientan para la instalación o eliminación ⇒ Riesgo de quema. Cuando se trabaja de alta en el

motor, siempre use escaleras y plataformas de trabajo adecuados. Asegúrese de componentes se colocan en superficies estables.

Observe special cleanness when conducting maintenance and repair work on the assembly or system. After completion of
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maintenance and repair work, make sure that no loose objects are in/on the assem‐ bly or system.

Before barring the engine, make sure that nobody is standing in the danger zone. Check that all guards have been reinstalled and
that all tools and loose parts have been removed after working on the engine. The following additional instructions apply to starters
with beryllium copper pinion:
• Breathing protection of filter class P2 must be applied during maintenance work to avoid health haz‐ ards caused by the
beryllium-containing pinion. Do not blow out the interior of the flywheel housing or the starter with compressed air. Clean the
flywheel housing inside with a class H dust extraction de‐ vice as an additional measure.

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Welding work

Never carry out welding work on the assembly, system, or engine-mounted units. Cover the engine when welding in its vicinity.

Do not use the assembly or system as ground terminal.

Do not route the welding lead over or near the wiring harnesses of MTU systems. The welding current may otherwise induce an
interference voltage in the wiring harnesses which could conceivably damage the electrical system.

Remove parts (e.g. exhaust pipes) which are to be welded from the engine beforehand.

Hydraulic installation and removal

Check the function and safe operating condition of tools and fixtures to be used. Use only the specified devices for hydraulic
removal/installation procedures.

Observar al máximo. push-en permisible presión especificada para el equipo. No intente doble ni

aplique fuerza a las líneas. Antes de comenzar el trabajo, prestar atención a lo siguiente:

• Vent la herramienta de instalación / extracción hidráulico, las bombas y las líneas en los puntos relevantes para el equipo para ser utilizados (por ejemplo,

abiertas tapones de ventilación, la bomba hasta que emerge de aire libre de burbujas, cerca de tapones de ventilación).

• Para la instalación hidráulica, tornillo en la herramienta con el pistón retraído.

• Para la eliminación hidráulica, tornillo en la herramienta con el pistón extendida.

Para una herramienta de instalación / extracción hidráulica con suministro central de presión de expansión, el tornillo del husillo en el extremo del eje hasta que se

establece el sellado correcto.

Durante la instalación hidráulica y remoción, asegúrese de que nadie se encuentre en la proximidad inmediata del componente a instalar /

Trabajando en montajes eléctricos / electrónicos

Siempre obtener el permiso de la persona a cargo antes de comenzar el trabajo de mantenimiento y reparación o apagando cualquier parte

del sistema electrónico necesario para hacerlo. De-energizar las áreas apropiadas antes de trabajar en conjuntos.

No dañe el cableado cuando los trabajos de retirada. Al volver a instalar el cableado asegurar que no se dañe durante el funcionamiento por contacto

con objetos afilados, por el roce contra otros componentes o por una superficie caliente. No fijar los cables en las líneas que transportan fluidos. No

utilice sujetacables para fijar los cables. Siempre use pinzas para apretar conectores conectores.

Se somete el dispositivo o sistema para un control del funcionamiento de la finalización de todos los trabajos de reparación. Almacenar piezas de repuesto

adecuadamente antes del reemplazo, es decir, protegerlos de la humedad, en particular. Empaque de- componentes electrónicos fective y conjuntos de una

manera adecuada en caso de envío para la reparación, es decir, particular- mente protegido contra la humedad y al impacto y envuelto en papel de aluminio

antiestático si es necesario.

Trabajando con un equipo láser

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Cuando se trabaja con equipos láser, siempre use gafas especiales de protección láser ⇒ diación RA- centrado en gran medida.

El equipo láser debe estar equipado con los dispositivos de protección necesarias para el funcionamiento seguro de acuerdo con el tipo y aplicación.

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Para la realización de los procedimientos de la luz de haz y el trabajo de medición, sólo los siguientes dispositivos láser deben utilizarse:

• Los dispositivos láser de las clases 1, 2 o 3A.

• Los dispositivos láser de clase 3B, que tienen máxima de salida en el rango de longitud de onda visible (400 a 700 nm), una salida máxima
de 5 mW, y en el que el eje del haz y la superficie están diseñadas para evitar cualquier riesgo para los ojos.
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1.8 Líquidos y lubricantes, prevención de incendios y protección del medio ambiente

Prevención de fuego

Rectify any fuel or oil leaks immediately; even splashes of oil or fuel on hot components can cause fires - therefore always keep the
engine in a clean condition. Do not leave cloths soaked with fluids and lubri‐ cants lying on or near the assembly or unit. Do not
store inflammable material near the assembly or unit. Do not weld pipes and components carrying oil or fuel! Before welding, clean
with a nonflammable fluid. When starting the engine with an external power source, connect the ground lead last and remove it first.
To avoid sparks in the vicinity of the battery, connect the ground lead from the external power source to the ground lead of the
engine or to the ground terminal of the starter.

Always keep suitable firefighting equipment (fire extinguishers) at hand and familiarize yourself with their use.


El ruido puede conducir a un mayor riesgo de accidente si se ahogan señales acústicas, gritos o ruidos que indican el peligro de advertencia.

Utilice protectores de oídos en áreas de trabajo con un nivel de presión de sonido en exceso de 85 dB (A).

la protección del medio ambiente y eliminación

La modificación o eliminación de los componentes mecánicos o electrónicos o la instalación de componentes adicionales, así como la ejecución de los

procesos de calibración que puedan afectar a las características de emisión del motor están prohibidas por las normas de emisiones. unidades de

control de emisión / sistemas sólo pueden ser man- CONTENIDA, intercambiado o reparado si los componentes utilizados para este fin son aprobados

por MTU o equiva- componentes Cuaresma. El incumplimiento de estas pautas podría representar una violación de la Ley de Aire Limpio y consiste en

la terminación de la licencia de explotación por las autoridades de emisión. MTU no acepta ninguna responsabilidad por violaciónes de las

regulaciones de emisiones. MTU proporcionará asistencia y asesoramiento para las emisiones si los componentes relevantes están destinados a ser

modificada. Las Listas de MTU de mantenimiento aseguran la ty reliabili- y el rendimiento de los motores MTU y deben ser cumplidas durante todo el

ciclo de vida del motor. Utilizar gasolina de calidad prescritos para cumplir con los valores límite de emisión. Disponer de fluidos usados, lubricantes y

filtros de acuerdo con las regulaciones locales. Dentro de la UE, las baterías pueden ser devueltos de forma gratuita a MTU FN / MTU Onsite Energy

donde son sometidos a procedimientos de reciclaje adecuados.

Fluidos y lubricantes

Use solamente fluidos y lubricantes que han sido probados y aprobados por MTU.

Mantenga fluidos y lubricantes en recipientes adecuados, debidamente designados. Al utilizar fluidos, lubricantes y otras sustancias químicas,
siga las instrucciones de seguridad que se aplican al producto. Tenga especial cuidado al usar materiales calientes, refrigerados o cáusticos. Al
utilizar materiales inflamables, evitar todas las chispas y no fumar.
TIM-ID: 0000000880 - 014

Aceite usado

El aceite usado contiene residuos de la combustión nocivos. Frote crema

protectora en las manos. Lavar las manos después del contacto con el

aceite usado.

16 | seguridad | MS150054 / 02S 2012-02


• Cuando se trabaja con plomo o compuestos que contienen plomo, evitar el contacto directo a la piel y no inhalar conducen vapores.

• Adoptar medidas adecuadas para evitar la formación de polvo de plomo.

• Conectar el sistema de extracción.
• Lavar las manos después del contacto con plomo o sustancias que contienen plomo.

Aire comprimido

Observar las indicaciones de seguridad especiales para trabajar con aire comprimido:

• Prestar especial atención al nivel de presión en la red de aire comprimido y la presión del recipiente.
• Asambleas y equipo a conectar ya sea deben estar diseñados para esta presión, o, si la presión permitida para los elementos de
conexión es inferior a la presión requerida, una válvula de reducción y válvula de seguridad (ajustado a presión permitida) de
presión debe formar un intermedio conexión.
• acoplamientos de manguera y conexiones deben estar bien unidos.
• Use gafas cuando sopla desde componentes o soplar lejos fichas.
• Proporcionar el hocico de la tobera de aire con un disco de protección (por ejemplo, disco de caucho).

• Primero apagado líneas de aire comprimido antes de equipo de aire comprimido está desconectado de la línea de suministro, o antes de equipo o
herramienta va a ser reemplazado.
• El uso no autorizado de aire comprimido, por ejemplo, forzando a los líquidos inflamables (clase de peligro AI, AII y B) fuera de los contenedores, resultados en

un riesgo de explosión.

• Forzando el aire comprimido en recipientes de pared delgada (por ejemplo, recipientes hechos de estaño, plástico y vidrio) para fines de secado o para

comprobar si hay fugas, resulta en un riesgo de estallido.

• Llevar a cabo la prueba de fugas de acuerdo con las especificaciones.


• En la realización de trabajos de pintura fuera de los stands de aerosol provistos de sistemas de extracción de humos, ES- asegurarse de que el área esté
bien ventilada. Asegúrese de que las áreas de trabajo vecinos no se vean afectadas.
• Evitar las llamas.
• No Fumar.
• Observar las normas de prevención de incendios.

• Siempre use una máscara de proporcionar protección frente a la pintura y los vapores de disolvente.

Nitrógeno líquido

• Almacenar nitrógeno líquido sólo en pequeñas cantidades y siempre en recipientes de regulación sin cubiertas fijas.
• Evitar el contacto del cuerpo (ojos, manos).

• Use ropa protectora, guantes de protección, zapatos cerrados y gafas protectoras / máscara de seguridad.
• Asegúrese de que el área de trabajo esté bien ventilada.
• Evitar todos los golpes y tarros a los contenedores, accesorios o piezas de trabajo.

Los ácidos y las soluciones alcalinas

• Cuando se trabaja con ácidos y álcalis, usar gafas protectoras o mascarilla, guantes y ropa de protección.

• Si este tipo de soluciones se derrama sobre la ropa, quítese la ropa inmediatamente afectada.
• Enjuague partes lesionadas del cuerpo a fondo con agua limpia.
• Enjuagar inmediatamente los ojos con gotas para los ojos o agua limpia del grifo.
TIM-ID: 0000000880 - 014

MS150054 / 02S 2012-02 | seguridad | 17

1.9 Convenciones para las instrucciones de seguridad en el texto

En caso de peligro inmediato.
Consecuencias: la muerte o lesiones graves
• Las medidas correctivas

En el caso de situaciones potencialmente peligrosas.
Consecuencias: la muerte o lesiones graves
• Las medidas correctivas

En el caso de situaciones peligrosas.
Consecuencias: lesiones leves o daños materiales
• Las medidas correctivas

Nota: Este manual contiene destacó las advertencias de seguridad de acuerdo con la norma estadounidense ANSI Z535, que comienzan con una de las
palabras de señal indicados anteriormente, según la gravedad del peligro.

Las instrucciones de seguridad

1. Leer y familiarizarse con todas las consignas de seguridad antes de la puesta en marcha o la reparación del producto.
2. Transmitir las instrucciones de seguridad a su personal de operación, mantenimiento, reparación y transporte.

TIM-ID: 0000000881 - 015

18 | seguridad | MS150054 / 02S 2012-02

2 Información general

secundarios y cilindro designaciones 2.1 motor

lados del motor siempre se designan como se ve desde el lado de accionamiento (KS).

Los cilindros del lado del motor izquierda se designan "A" y los del lado derecho "B" (según DIN ISO
1204). Los cilindros de cada banco se numeran consecutivamente, comenzando con el número 1 en el extremo de accionamiento del motor.

Otros componentes se numeran de la misma manera, es decir, comenzando con el número 1 en el extremo de conducción.

1 = KGS extremo libre 2 lado 3 KS = conducción extremo 4

derecho del motor Izquierda lado del motor

TIM-ID: 0000000863 - 015

MS150054 / 02S 2012-02 | Información General | 19

2.2 diseño del motor

Ilustración aplicable también a 16 V

1 Refrigerador de aceite 2 del 8 Intercooler 9 del volante 10 de 18 Filtro de combustible 19 de la bomba de

cárter respiradero tubo 3 de escape elevación ojo 11 de arranque 12 del combustible HP filtro de aceite 20 del motor,

tubo del aire de carga 13 de (automat-

con- entrada 4 de aire de combustión montaje del motor 14 Aceite de filtro de aceite ic es opcional) filtro

nection (codos son op- cional) cuello de llenado 15 Culata de 21 de refrigerante 22 del filtro de aceite

cilindro 16 de cebado la bomba de centrífugo, (2

5 de escape del turbocompresor de combustible 17 del cárter de aceite filtros de aceite centrífugas se

escape 6 con- salida de gas instalan si está equipado filtro de

nection gobernador del aceite automático)

motor 7

designación de modelo del motor

La clave para el modelo de motor designaciones 12/16 V 4000 Gxy

12/16 Número de cilindros

V Arreglo de los cilindros: motor V

TIM-ID: 0000009975 - 002

4000 Serie

sol Solicitud

X Segmento de aplicación (7)

y Índice de diseño (3)

20 | Información General | MS150054 / 02S 2012-02

2.3 sensores, actuadores y los inyectores - Información general

Ilustración aplicable también a 16 V

una versión con cambio fácil 3 F46 de fugas moni- nivel de combustible tempera- aceite de motor B07 7
filtrar hacer sonar ture 8 XY44 Electroválvula
b Versión con fil- automática 4 M8 restrictor de succión (HP de
ter bomba) 5 F25 aceite de motor embrague del ventilador

1 Inyectores Y39.1 a Y39.n diferencial

(Aparte) presión después de filtro 6 de presión

presión 2 B34 de combustible después de de aceite del motor B05


Los inyectores están debajo de la cabeza del cilindro cubre del cilindro. el reemplazo del inyector y actividades ry necessa- (→ página 78).
TIM-ID: 0000012918 - 002

MS150054 / 02S 2012-02 | Información General | 21

1 B50 cárter presión 2 B05 motor de 5 B01 del árbol de levas de velocidad 6 tem- refrigerante del motor 8 B06
presión de aceite de temperatura 3 B33 B43 Charge-aire refrigerante peratura
de combustible en presión 7 B26 Charge-aire
Common Rail 4 B48 presión de refrigerante
combustible en temperatura
Carril común

TIM-ID: 0000012918 - 002

22 | Información General | MS150054 / 02S 2012-02

1 Inyectores Y39.11 a Y39.n 3 B10 presión del aire de carga 4 Aceite gobernador del motor 6
(Lado B) XM2 bomba de cebado 5 B09
PRESION refrigerante del motor B16 2 Charge-aire tempera-
Por supuesto tura

Los inyectores están debajo de la cabeza del cilindro cubre del cilindro. el reemplazo del inyector y actividades ry necessa- (→ página 78).
TIM-ID: 0000012918 - 002

MS150054 / 02S 2012-02 | Información General | 23

velocidad 1 B13 cigüeñal

TIM-ID: 0000012918 - 002

24 | Información General | MS150054 / 02S 2012-02

3 Datos técnicos

3,1 12, 16V 4000 G73 datos del motor, las emisiones optimizadas (EPA - Tier 2)


Abr. Sentido
DL Árbitro. Valor: Potencia continua

licenciado en DerechoRef. value: Fuel stop power

A Design value

G Guaranteed value

R Guideline value

L Limit value, up to which the engine can be operated without changes (e.g. of power set‐ ting)

N Not yet defined value

- Not applicable

X Applicable

* Data not yet available when at time of publication


Engine model 12V 4000 16 V4000

G73 G73

Application group 3B 3B

Intake air temperature °C 25 25

Charge-air coolant temperature °C 45 45

Barometric pressure mbar 1000 1000

Site altitude above sea level m 100 100

POWER-RELATED DATA (power ratings are net brake power to ISO 3046)

Number of cylinders 12 16

Engine rated speed A rpm 1200 1200

Continuous power as per ISO 3046 (10% overload capability) (rated power A kW 1105 1390
DIN 6280, ISO 8528)
TIM-ID: 0000011082 - 002

GENERAL CONDITIONS (for maximum power)

Number of cylinders 12 16

Intake air depression (new filter) A mbar 15 15

Intake air depression, max. L mbar 50 50

Exhaust backpressure A mbar 30 30

Exhaust back pressure, max. L mbar 50 50

MS150054/02E 2012-02 | Technical Data | 25

MODEL-RELATED DATA (basic design)

Number of cylinders 12 16

Engine with turbochargers (ETC) and charge-air cooling (CAC) X X

Uncooled exhaust lines X X

Working method: four-stroke diesel engine, single-acting X X

Combustion method: direct injection X X

Cooling method: treated water X X

Direction of rotation: c.c.w. (viewed on driving end) X X

Number of cylinders 12 16

Cylinder configuration: V angle Degrees (°) 90 90

Bore mm 170 170

Stroke mm 210 210

Cylinder displacement liter 4.77 4.77

Total displacement liter 57.2 76.3

Compression ratio 16.4 16.4

Cylinder heads: Single cylinder heads X X

Cylinder liners: wet, replaceable X X

Number of inlet valves, per cylinder 2 2

Number of exhaust valves, per cylinder 2 2

Standard flywheel housing flange (engine main PTO) SAE 00 00


Number of cylinders 12 16

Charge-air pressure before cylinder - DL R bar abs 3.3 3.0


Number of cylinders 12 16

Coolant temperature (at engine connection: outlet to cooling equipment) A °C 100 94

Coolant temperature after engine, warning R °C 102 102

Coolant temperature after engine, shutdown L °C 104 105

Antifreeze percentage in coolant, max. L% 50 50

Pressure-loss in off-engine cooling system, max. L bar 0.7 0,7


TIM-ID: 0000011082 - 002

Number of cylinders 12 16

Coolant temperature before intercooler (at engine connection: inlet from A °C 45 45

cooling equipment)

Antifreeze percentage in coolant, max. L% 50 50

Pressure-loss in off-engine cooling system, max. L bar 0.7 0.7

26 | Technical Data | MS150054/02E 2012-02


Number of cylinders 12 16

Lube oil operating temperature before engine, from R °C 88 84

Lube-oil operating temperature before engine, to R °C 98 94

Lube-oil temperature before engine, warning R °C 99 99

Lube-oil temperature before engine, shutdown L °C 101 101

Lube oil operating pressure before engine, from R bar 4 4.5

Lube oil operating pressure before engine, to R bar 6 6


Number of cylinders 12 16

Fuel pressure at supply connection on engine, min. (when en‐ gine is starting) L bar - 0.1 -0.1

Fuel pressure at supply connection to engine (when engine is starting), max. L bar 1.5 1.5


Number of cylinders 12 16

Coolant preheating: preheating temperature (min.) R °C 40 40

Firing speed, from R rpm 80 80

Firing speed, to R rpm 120 120


Number of cylinders 12 16

Engine coolant, engine side (without cooling system) R liter 137 175

Charge-air coolant, engine side R liter 44 42

Engine oil capacity, initial filling (standard oil system) (Option: max. operating R liter 221 295

Oil pan capacity, dipstick mark min. (standard oil system) (Op‐ tion: max. L liter 160 *
operating inclinations)

Oil pan capacity, dipstick mark max. (standard oil system) (Op‐ tion: max. L liter 210 260
operating inclinations)


Number of cylinders 12 16

Engine dry weight (basic engine configuration acc. to specified scope of supply) R kg 6300 7400
TIM-ID: 0000011082 - 002


Number of cylinders 12 16

Exhaust noise, unsilenced - DL (sound power level LW, ISO R db(A) 125 124

Engine surface noise with attenuated intake noise (filter) - DL - (sound-power R db(A) 120 *
level LW, ISO 6798)

MS150054/02E 2012-02 | Technical Data | 27

3.2 Firing order

Number of cyl‐ Firing order


12 V A1-B5-A5-B3-A3-B6-A6-B2-A2-B4-A4-B1

16 V A1-A7-B4-B6-A4-B8-A2-A8-B3-B5-A3-A5-B2-A6-B1-B7

TIM-ID: 0000023263 - 001

28 | Technical Data | MS150054/02E 2012-02

3.3 Engine – Main dimensions

Engine – Main dimensions

Length 12V approx. 2550 mm

16V approx. 3020 mm

Width (B) 12V approx. 1590 mm

16V approx. 1590 mm

Height (C) 12V approx. 1870 mm

16V approx. 1870 mm

TIM-ID: 0000010032 - 001

MS150054/02E 2012-02 | Technical Data | 29

4 Operation

4.1 Putting the engine into operation after extended out-of- service periods
(>3 months)


☑ Engine is stopped and starting disabled.

☑ MTU Fluids and Lubricants Specifications (A001061/..) are available.

Putting into operation after long out-of-service periods (>3 months)

Item Action

Engine Depreserve (→ MTU Fluids and Lubricants Specifications A001061/..).

Valve drive Lubricate valve drive every ≥ 6 months (→ Page 72).

Lube oil system Check engine oil level (→ Page 102). Bar engine with starting

equipment (→ Page 64).

Fuel prefilter Fill with fuel (if fitted).

Coolant circuit If engine is out of service for more than one year, change engine coolant (→ Page 117).

Change charge-air coolant (→ Page 127).

Coolant circuit Check engine coolant level (→ Page 116); Check

charge-air coolant level (→ Page 126).

Coolant circuit Preheat coolant with coolant preheating unit (if applicable).

Engine governor Check plug connections (→ Page 143).

HP fuel pump Only for engines without oil priming pump Fill HP fuel pump with

new engine oil (→ Page 77).

TIM-ID: 0000002200 - 004

30 | Operation | MS150054/02E 2012-02

4.2 Putting the engine into operation after scheduled out-of- service-period


☑ Engine is stopped and starting disabled.

Putting into operation

Item Action

Lube oil system Check engine oil level (→ Page 102).

Coolant circuit Check engine coolant level (→ Page 116), check charge-air coolant level (→ Page 126).

Coolant circuit Preheat engine coolant with coolant preheating unit, if fitted.

Fuel prefilter (if fitted) Drain water and contaminants, see manufacturer's documentation.

Engine control system Switch on.

TIM-ID: 0000010642 - 002

MS150054/02E 2012-02 | Operation | 31

4.3 Start engine in manual mode (testing mode)


☑ Generator (if provided) not connected to network. ☑ External

start interlock is not activated.

Unguarded rotating and moving engine components.
Risk of serious injury – danger to life!
• Before barring or starting the engine, make sure that nobody is in the danger zone.

Engine noise above 85 dB (A).
Risk of damage to hearing!
• Wear ear protectors.


Item Task

Operating mode selector switch Change to manual mode.

(if provided)

Preheating pump (if provid‐ ed) Switch ON.

Starting the engine

Item Task

Switchgear cabinet, control panel If coolant temperature is

etc. (depending on manufacturer) • > 40 °C (with preheating equipment), or
• > 5 °C (without preheating equipment): Press

start button.
• Automatic starting sequence is performed;
• Engine speed display instrument indicates increasing crankshaft speed;
• After the starting sequence is completed, engine is running at rated speed.

Connect generator to network (if provided), run engine to reach operating temperature )

Item Task

Switchgear cabinet, control panel Close the generator circuit breaker.

TIM-ID: 0000002226 - 002

etc. (depending on manufacturer)

Engine Apply full load only after engine has reached operating temperature (cool‐ ant temperature
approx. 75 °C).

32 | Operation | MS150054/02E 2012-02

4.4 Starting the engine in emergency situations (override mode)

Safety functions and engine shutdown alarms will be disregarded.
Serious damage to plant!
• Initiate emergency start only in emergency situations.


Item Task

Operating mode switch Set to emergency mode.

Starting the engine in emergency situations

Item Task

Control cabinet Actuate switch/button for ECU override input.

Control cabinet • Automatic starting procedure is performed; any safety functions and alarms leading to
engine shutdown are disregarded;
• Tachometer indicates increasing crankshaft speed;
• Engine is running at rated speed when the starting sequence is com‐ pleted.

Connecting the generator (if fitted) to mains

Item Task

Control cabinet If generator is not connected to mains: Close generator circuit breaker.

Engine Operate engine at rated power.

TIM-ID: 0000010665 - 001

MS150054/02E 2012-02 | Operation | 33

4.5 Operational checks

Unguarded rotating and moving engine components.
Risk of serious injury – danger to life!
• Take special care when working on a running engine.

Engine noise above 85 dB (A).
Risk of damage to hearing!
• Wear ear protectors.

Operational checks

Item Task

Control and display panels Check readings of operational data (speed, temperature, pressures).

Engine oil Check engine oil level (→ Page 102).

Engine operation Check engine visually for leaks and general condition; Check for abnormal running noise,
exhaust discoloration and vibrations (→ Page 40).

Battery-charging generator Check battery-charging generator for contamination, clean as necessa‐ ry (→ Page 134).

Air filter Check differential pressure indication at gauge (if fitted).

Exhaust system Check exhaust color (→ Page 40).

Fuel prefilter Drain water and contaminants at the drain cock of fuel prefilter (if fitted) (→ Page 88)

Check reading on vacuum gauge of fuel prefilter (if fitted).

Intercooler Check condensate drain(s) for water discharge and obstruction (→ Page 93).

Engine coolant pump Check relief bore (→ Page 123).

Charge-air coolant pump Check relief bore (→ Page 132). TIM-ID: 0000028413 - 002

34 | Operation | MS150054/02E 2012-02

4.6 Stop engine in manual mode (testing mode)


☑ Generator (if provided) not connected to network. ☑ Engine is

running in manual mode.

Stopping the engine when it is running at full load causes extreme stress to the engine.
Risk of overheating, damage to components!
• Before stopping the engine, operate it at idle speed until operating temperatures decrease and stable values are

Preparing the generator drive (only with generator breaker)

Item Task

Engine After opening the generator breaker (if provided), allow to cool down off- load for approx. 5

Preparing the pump drive (diesel-mechanical/diesel-electric)

Item Task

Engine Allow to cool down for approx. 5 minutes at reduced engine speed. Ob‐ serve natural
resonance of engine (installation-dependent)!

Stopping the engine

Item Task

Switchgear cabinet, control panel Press stop button.

etc. (depending on manufacturer)
• Automatic stopping sequence is performed;
• Engine is stopped.

After stopping the engine

Item Task

Coolant pump Allow to run on for sufficient time after stopping.

TIM-ID: 0000002285 - 001

MS150054/02E 2012-02 | Operation | 35

4.7 Emergency stop

An emergency stop causes extreme stress to the engine.
Risk of overheating, damage to components!
• Initiate emergency stop only in emergency situations.

Emergency stop

Item Action

Emergency stop pushbut‐ ton Press EMERGENCY STOP button.

• Engine is stopped by disconnecting the power supply to the ECU;

• Emergency air shutoff flaps close (if provided);
• signalization (e.g. by horn, beacon) is activated.

After emergency stop

Item Action

Switchgear cabinet, control panel Press pushbutton for alarm acknowledgment.

etc. (depending on manufacturer)
• Audible and visual signalization stops.

Engine Manually open emergency air shutoff flaps (if provided).

• Engine is ready for starting.

TIM-ID: 0000002307 - 002

36 | Operation | MS150054/02E 2012-02

4.8 After stopping the engine – Engine remains ready for operation

After stopping the engine

Item Action

Engine/generator/pump control Select operating mode, e.g. MANUAL, AUTOMATIC OPERATION.

TIM-ID: 0000000983 - 002

MS150054/02E 2012-02 | Operation | 37

4.9 After stopping the engine – putting the engine out of service


☑ MTU Fluids and Lubricants Specifications (A001061/..) is available.

After stopping the engine

Item Task

Cooling system Drain engine coolant (→ Page 118); Drain

charge-air coolant (→ Page 128) if:

• freezing temperatures are expected and the engine is to remain out of service for an
extended period and coolant has no antifreeze additive;
• the engine room is not heated;
• the coolant is not maintained at a suitable temperature;
• the antifreeze concentration is insufficient for the engine-room tempera‐ ture;

• antifreeze concentration is 50 % and engine-room temperature is below

- 40°C.

Engine/generator/pump Switch OFF.


Air intake and exhaust sys‐ tem If the engine is to remain out of service for more than 1 week, seal the engine's air and
exhaust sides. If the engine is to remain out of service for more than 1 month, preserve
engine (→ MTU Fluids and Lubricants Speci‐ fications A001061/.. ).

TIM-ID: 0000002706 - 001

38 | Operation | MS150054/02E 2012-02

5 Maintenance

5.1 Maintenance task reference table [QL1]

The maintenance tasks and intervals for this product are defined in the Maintenance Schedule. The Maintenance Schedule is
a stand-alone publication.

The task numbers in this table provide reference to the maintenance tasks specified in the Maintenance Schedule.

Task Maintenance tasks

W0500 Check engine oil level (→ Page 102)

W0501 Visually inspect engine for leaks and general condition (→ Page 34)

W0502 Check intercooler drain (if fitted) (→ Page 93)

W0503 Check air filter service indicator (→ Page 97)

W0505 Check relief bores of coolant pump(s) (→ Page 123)

W0506 Check engine for abnormal running noises, exhaust color (→ Page 34)
and vibrations

W0507 Drain water and contaminants from fuel prefilter (if fitted) (→ Page 34)

W0508 Check vacuum gauge reading on fuel prefilter (if fitted) (→ Page 34)

W0525 Check battery-charging generator for contamination, clean if (→ Page 134)


W1001 Replace fuel filter or fuel filter element (→ Page 85)

W1005 Replace air filter (→ Page 94)

W1006 Replace fuel injectors (→ Page 78)

W1008 Replace engine oil filter at each oil change or when the time (→ Page 107)
limit (years) is reached, at the latest

W1009 Check layer thickness of oil residue, clean and replace filter (→ Page 113)
sleeve (if fitted)

W1011 Perform endoscopic inspection of combustion chambers (→ Page 66)

W1024 Check (electric) operation of emergency air-shutoff flaps (→ Page 98)

W1036 Replace coolant filter (→ Page 125)

W1046 Crankcase breather: Replace filter or filter element (→ Page 70)

W1241 Check condition of belt drive and replace if necessary; adjust (→ Page 133)
belt tension

W1247 Lubricate emergency air-shutoff flap lubrication points W1250

Replace all rubber sleeves (→ Page 96) (→

Page 99)
TIM-ID: 0000035708 - 001

W1251 Replace all hose lines

W1294 Check valve clearance, ATTENTION! Initial adjustment after (→ Page 73)
500 operating hours!

Table 1: Maintenance task reference table [QL1]

MS150054/02E 2012-02 | Maintenance | 39

6 Troubleshooting

6.1 Troubleshooting

Engine does not turn when starter is actuated

Component Cause Action

Battery Low or faulty Charge or replace (see manufacturer's


Cable connections defective Check if cable connections are proper‐ ly secured

(see manufacturer's docu‐ mentation).

Starter Engine wiring or starter defective Check if cable connections are proper‐ ly
secured, contact Service.

Engine cabling Faulty Check (→ Page 140).

Engine/generator Secure seating of assemblies or con‐ nectors Perform visual inspection (see manu‐ facturer's
control not provided documentation).

Engine governor Plug-in connections are loose Check plug-in connections (→

Page 143).

Engine Running gear blocked (engine cannot be barred Contact Service.


Engine turns but does not fire

Component Cause Action

Starter Poor rotation by starter: Battery low or defective. Charge or replace battery (see manu‐ facturer's

Engine cabling Faulty Check (→ Page 140).

Fuel system Air in fuel system. Vent fuel system (→ Page 84).

Engine governor Faulty Contact Service.

Engine fires unevenly

Component Cause Action

Fuel injection equip‐ ment Injector faulty. Replace (→ Page 78).

Engine cabling Faulty Check (→ Page 140).

Fuel system Air in fuel system. Vent fuel system (→ Page 84).

Engine governor Faulty Contact Service.

TIM-ID: 0000002545 - 002

Engine does not reach rated speed

Component Cause Action

Fuel supply Fuel prefilter clogged. Replace

Easy-change fuel filter clogged Replace (→ Page 85).

Air supply Air filter clogged. Check signal ring position of service in‐ dicator (if
fitted) .

40 | Troubleshooting | MS150054/02E 2012-02

Component Cause Action

Fuel injection equip‐ ment Injector faulty. Replace (→ Page 78).

Engine cabling Faulty Check (→ Page 140).

Engine Overload Contact Service.

Engine speed not steady

Component Cause Action

Fuel injection equip‐ ment Injector faulty. Replace (→ Page 78).

Speed sensor Faulty Contact Service.

Fuel system Air in fuel system. Vent fuel system (→ Page 84).

Engine governor Faulty Contact Service.

Charge air temperature too high

Component Cause Action

Engine coolant Incorrect engine coolant concentration. Check (MTU test kit).

Intercooler Contaminated Contact Service.

Engine room Air inlet temperature too high. Check fans and intake/exhaust lines.

Charge-air pressure too low

Component Cause Action

Air supply Air filter clogged. Check signal ring position of service in‐ dicator (if
fitted) .

Intercooler Contaminated Contact Service.

Exhaust turbocharger Faulty Contact Service.

Coolant leaks at intercooler

Component Cause Action

Intercooler Leaking, major coolant discharge. Contact Service.

Black exhaust gas

Component Cause Action

Air supply Air filter clogged. Check signal ring position of service in‐ dicator (if
fitted) .

Fuel injection equip‐ ment Injector faulty. Replace (→ Page 78).

TIM-ID: 0000002545 - 002

Engine Overload Contact Service.

MS150054/02E 2012-02 | Troubleshooting | 41

Blue exhaust gas

Component Cause Action

Engine oil Too much oil in engine. Drain engine oil (→ Page 103).

Oil separator of crankcase breather Replace (→ Page 70).


Exhaust turbocharg‐ er, Faulty Contact Service.

cylinder head, pis‐ ton rings,
cylinder lin‐ er

White exhaust gas

Component Cause Action

Engine Not at operating temperature. Run up to operating temperature.

Fuel system Water in fuel. Check fuel system on fuel prefilter; Drain

fuel prefilter

Intercooler Leaking Contact Service.

TIM-ID: 0000002545 - 002

42 | Troubleshooting | MS150054/02E 2012-02

6.2 Engine governor ADEC (ECU 7) for Series 4000 Oil &Gas engines – Fault

The fault code numbers are generated by the engine governor and transmitted to the display below.

The fault code (1) comprises three digits.

Fault messages may also be caused by faulty sensors/actuators. Contact Service to have sensors/actua‐ tors tested and replaced
as necessary if troubleshooting as described in the table below proves unsuc‐ cessful.

The table below lists possible fault codes:

Fault code No. parameter
Designation Meaning Task No.

Preliminary warning: Fuel 2.0122.93 1

003 HI T-Fuel temperature too high. Contact Service.

Main warning: Fuel temper‐ ature

too high; engine shut‐ down. 2.0122.93 2
004 SS T-Fuel Contact Service.

1. Reduce power.
Preliminary warning: Charge-air
temperature too high 2. Check intercool‐ er. 2.0121.93 1
005 HI T-Charge Air

1. Reduce power.
Main warning: Charge-air
temperature too high; en‐ gine 2. Check intercool‐ er. 2.0121.93 2
TIM-ID: 0000016865 - 001

006 SS T-Charge Air shutdown.

Charge-air coolant tempera‐ ture too

HI T-Coolant Intercool‐ er high (1st limit val‐ ue). 2.0124.93 1
009 Reduce power.

Main warning: Intercooler

SS T-Coolant Intercool‐ er coolant temperature too high; 2.0124.93 2
010 engine shutdown. Reduce power.

MS150054/02E 2012-02 | Troubleshooting | 43

Fault code No. parameter
Designation Meaning Task No.

Check oil level, top up as

Oil pressure too low (1st necessary (→ Page 102). 2.0100.92 1
015 LO P-Lube Oil limit value).

1. Check oil level, top up

as necessa‐ ry (→ Page

Oil pressure too low (2nd limit 2. Attempt to re‐ start

value), automatic engine engine (→ Page 32). 2.0100.92 2
016 SS P-Lube Oil shutdown.

1. Check cabling (→
Exhaust temperature of cyl‐ inder
Page 140).
bank A too high (1st limit value).
019 HI T-Exhaust A 2. Contact Service. 2.0126.93

1. Check cabling (→
Exhaust temperature of cyl‐ inder
Page 140).
bank A too high (2nd limit value).
020 SS T-Exhaust A 2. Contact Service. 2.0126.93

1. Check cabling (→
Exhaust temperature of cyl‐ inder
Page 140).
bank B too high (1st limit value).
021 HI T-Exhaust B 2. Contact Service. 2.0127.93

1. Check cabling (→
Exhaust temperature of cyl‐ inder
Page 140).
bank B too high (2nd limit value).
022 SS T-Exhaust B 2. Contact Service. 2.0127.93

Check coolant lev‐ el in expansion tank

(→ Page 116). 2.0152.92
Coolant level too low (1st
023 LO Coolant Level limit value). 1

Check coolant lev‐ el in expansion tank

(→ Page 116). 2.0152.91
Coolant level too low (2nd
024 SS Coolant Level limit value). 2

Replace oil filter

Oil filter differential pressure too candles (→ Page 2.0154.93 1
025 HI P-Diff-Lube Oil high (1st limit value). 108).

Alarm configuration limit value 1;

Preliminary warn‐ ing: Oil filter Replace oil filter
differential pressure too high. candles (→ Page 2.0154.93 2
026 SS P-Diff-Lube Oil 108).

1. Check fuel sys‐ tem.

Leak fuel level too high (1st limit

027 HI Level Leakage Fuel value). 2. Contact Service. 2.0151.93

HI ETC Idle Speed too High Idle speed of ETC 2 too high. 1.8004.20 6
TIM-ID: 0000016865 - 001

029 Contact Service.

1. Acknowledge

2. Attempt to re‐ start 2.2510.93 2

030 SS Engine Overspeed Engine matic
shutdown. engine.

44 | Troubleshooting | MS150054/02E 2012-02

Fault code No. parameter
Designation Meaning Task No.

Alarm configuration limit value 1;

preliminary warn‐ ing: speed of
primary turbo‐ charger too high. 2.3011.93 1
031 HI ETC1 Overspeed Contact Service.

Automatic power
reduction by en‐ gine
control sys‐ tem.
ETC 1 – overspeed (2nd limit Check air fil‐ ters. 2.3012.93 2
032 SS ETC1 Overspeed value)

Alarm configuration limit value 1;

preliminary warn‐ ing: speed of
1. Reduce power.
secondary tur‐ bocharger too high.
036 HI ETC2 Overspeed 2. Contact Service. 2.3013.93

Alarm configuration limit value 2;

main warning: speed of secondary
turbo‐ charger too high. Fuel limi‐
1. Reduce power.
tation to a fixed value.
037 SS ETC2 Overspeed 2. Contact Service. 2.3013.91

1. Reduce power.
AL ETC Speed Devia‐ tion Synchronization error be‐ tween
038 ETCs 1 and 2. 2. Contact Service. 1.8004.20

1. Reduce power.

039 AL ETC2 Cutin Failure ETC2 failed to cut in. 2. Contact Service. 1.8004.20

L1 Coolant Level Inter‐ cooler Charge-air coolant level too Check coolant lev‐ el (→ 2.0153.92 1
044 high/low (1st limit). Page 126).

Lube oil temperature too high 2.0125.93 1

051 HI T-Lube Oil (1st limit). Reduce power.

1. Reduce power.

2. Check engine oil level

Lube oil temperature too high (→ Page 102). 2.0125.93 2
052 SS T-Lube Oil (2nd limit).

Coolant pressure too low (1st Check coolant cir‐ cuit. 2.0101.92 1
057 LO P-Coolant limit).

Automatic engine
shutdown. Check
Coolant pressure too low (2nd coolant level (→ Page 2.0101.92 2
058 SS P-Coolant limit). 116).

1. Reduce power.

2. Replace filter el‐ ement of oil sepa‐

rator (→ Page 70). 2.0106.93
TIM-ID: 0000016865 - 001

Preliminary warning: Crank‐ case

063 HI P-Crank Case pressure too high. 1

1. Contact Service.

Main warning: Crankcase 2. Replace filter el‐ ement of oil sepa‐

rator (→ Page 70). 2.0106.93
pressure too high; engine
064 SS P-Crank Case shutdown. 2

MS150054/02E 2012-02 | Troubleshooting | 45

Fault code No. parameter
Designation Meaning Task No.

Check fuel lines for

leaks. Clean fuel prefilter.
Flush fuel prefilter.
Replace filter ele‐ ment
of fuel prefil‐ ter. Replace
fuel filter (→ Page 85).

Fuel supply pressure too low 2.0102.92 1

065 LO P-Fuel (1st limit).

Check fuel lines for

leaks. Clean fuel prefilter.
Flush fuel prefilter.
Replace filter ele‐ ment
of fuel prefil‐ ter. Replace
fuel filter (→ Page 85).

Fuel supply pressure too low 2.0102.92 2

066 SS P-Fuel (2nd limit).

Coolant temperature too high 2.0120.93 1

067 HI T-Coolant (1st limit). Reduce power.

1. Allow the engine to

cool down;

2. Contact Service.

3. Check coolant
cooler, clean if

Coolant temperature too high 4. Restart engine (→ 2.0120.93 2

068 SS T-Coolant (2nd limit). Page 32).

Pressure gradient in rail is too low

during starting or too high during
stopping; HP system leaky, air in
sys‐ tem). 1.8004.04 6
081 AL Rail Leakage Contact Service.

Rail pressure > set value; DBR fuel

limitation, start of injection
readjusted towards late; (suction
restrictor of HP fuel block jamming
TIM-ID: 0000016865 - 001

or HP fuel control block wiring

HI P-Fuel (Common Rail) faulty) 2.0104.93 1
082 Contact Service.

Rail pressure <set value; DBR fuel

limitation; (suction restrictor of HP
fuel control block defective or
LO P-Fuel (Common Rail) leakage in HP fuel system) 2.0104.92 1
083 Contact Service.

46 | Troubleshooting | MS150054/02E 2012-02

Fault code No. parameter
Designation Meaning Task No.

Preliminary warning: Recir‐ culation

temperature too high. 2.0128.93 1
085 HI T-Recirculation Reduce power.

Main warning: Recirculation 2.0128.93 2

086 SS T-Recirculation temperature too high. Reduce power.

Engine speed did not attain 200

SS Engine Speed too Low rpm. A stop is activat‐ ed. Check for addition‐ al 2.2500.03 0
089 messages.

Alarm configuration limit value;

SS Idle Speed Not Idling speed was not attained. 2.1090.92 5
090 Reached Contact Service.

Alarm configuration limit value;

SS Release Speed Not Runup speed was not attained. 2.1090.92 4
091 Reached Contact Service.

Alarm configuration limit value;

Starter speed was not attained;
Termination of starting sequence;
Starter rotates too slowly or does
SS Starter Speed Not not rotate at all. 2.1090.92 3
092 Reached Contact Service.

Alarm configuration limit value 2;

Main warning: pre‐ heating
temperature too low; coolant
temperature too low for engine
start; en‐ gine start interlock active. 2.1090.92 2
093 SS T-Preheat Check preheater.

Alarm configuration limit value 1;

Preheating temper‐ ature too low;
coolant tem‐ perature too low for
engine start. 2.1090.92 1
094 LO T-Preheat Check preheater.

Check oil priming 2.1090.92 0

095 AL Prelubrication Fault Alarm configuration;
ming fault. Oil pri‐ system.

Invalid fuel consumption display,

checksum error in EDM/EEPROM
AL Cons. Counter De‐ fect 1 (redun‐ dant data record 1). 1.8004.62 4
102 Contact Service.

AL Eng Hours Counter Defect Checksum error of hour me‐ ter in

104 EDM/EEPROM 1 . Contact Service. 18004.623

Check ECU supply

TIM-ID: 0000016865 - 001

LO ECU Power Supply Supply voltage too low (1st limit voltage. Contact Service. 2.0140.92 1

118 Voltage value).

Check ECU supply

LOLO Power ECU Supply voltage too low (2nd limit voltage. Contact Service. 2.0140.92 2

119 Supply Voltage value).

Check ECU supply

HI ECU Power Supply Supply voltage too high (1st limit voltage. Contact Service. 2.0140.93 1

120 Voltage value).

MS150054/02E 2012-02 | Troubleshooting | 47

Fault code No. parameter
Designation Meaning Task No.

Supply voltage too high (2nd limit

Check ECU supply
value); automatic engine shutdown
HIHI ECU Power Sup‐ ply (configu‐ rable). voltage. Contact Service. 2.0140.93 2

121 Voltage

1. Improve engine
room ventilation.
Temperature in ECU hous‐ ing too 2.0132.92 1
122 HI T-ECU high (1st limit value). 2. Reduce power.

Internal voltage (-15 VDC) faulty;

15V POS ECU DE‐ automatic engine shutdown. Replace engine
134 FECT governor.

Internal voltage (-15 VDC)

15V NEG ECU DE‐ missing; automatic engine
136 FECT shutdown. Contact Service.

Contact Service.
Check sensors;
Replace engine
139 L1 TE BUFFER TEST Supply ture
voltage of tempera‐
sensors faulty. governor.

Contact Service.
Check sensors;
Replace engine
140 TE BUF. ECU DEFECT Supplyture
voltage of tempera‐
sensors faulty. governor.

Power output stage for con‐ trol of

the solenoid valves on bank 1 is
faulty; Engine does not start. Replace engine
142 BANK1 ECU DEFECT governor.

Power output stage for con‐ trol of

the solenoid valves on bank 2 is
faulty; Engine does not start. Replace engine
144 BANK2 ECU DEFECT governor.

15V_GOOD ECU DE‐ FECT Power supply faulty; auto‐ matic Replace engine
145 engine shutdown. governor.

Replace engine
146 L1 AD-TEST1 SUPPLY Supplyer
too low.A/D convert‐ governor.

AD-TEST1 ECU DE‐ FECT Electronic fault; automatic engine Replace engine
147 shutdown. governor.

Replace engine
148 L1 AD-TEST2 SUPPLY Supplyer
too low.A/D convert‐ governor.

AD-TEST2 ECU DE‐ FECT Internal electronic fault; au‐ tomatic Replace engine
149 engine shutdown. governor.
TIM-ID: 0000016865 - 001

Replace engine
150 L1 AD-TEST3 SUPPLY Internaltomatic
electronic fault;
engine au‐
shutdown. governor.

AD-TEST3 ECU DE‐ FECT Internal electronic fault; au‐ tomatic Replace engine
151 engine shutdown. governor.

Alarm configuration; No (ap‐

propriate) LifeData backup system
available, ECU re‐ set after
AL LifeData not availa‐ ble expiration of time- out period. 2.4000.00 4
176 Contact Service.

48 | Troubleshooting | MS150054/02E 2012-02

Fault code No. parameter
Designation Meaning Task No.

Alarm configuration; This error

message is generated if a CRC is
faulty during a data upload to ADEC
(indi‐ cated for each indiv. mod‐
AL LifeData restore in‐ ule). 2.4000.00 6
177 complete Contact Service.

Alarm configuration; Con‐ nection

to a node on CAN bus 1 failed. 2.0500.68 0
180 AL CAN1 Node Lost Contact Service.

Alarm configuration; Con‐ nection

to a node on CAN bus 2 failed. 2.0500.68 1
181 AL CAN2 Node Lost Contact Service.

Alarm configuration; Incor‐ rect

AL CAN Wrong Param‐ eters parameter values en‐ tered in data 2.0500.68 2
182 record. Contact Service.

Alarm configuration; A CAN mode

has been selected in which
communication with the PU data
module is ini‐ tialized. However, the
re‐ quired PU data module is not
available or not valid. 2.0500.68 3
183 AL CAN No PU-Data Contact Service.

Alarm configuration; A pro‐

gramming error occurred when
attempting to copy a received PU
AL CAN PU-Data Flash Error data module into the Flash 2.0500.68 4
184 module. Contact Service.

Contact Service. Inspect

CAN bus for short circuit
and rectify short circuit
as necessary. Check
CAN 1 in Bus-Off state: Ei‐ ther shielding, improve as
short circuit on bus. Or massive neces‐ sary.
magnetic fields dis‐ rupting the bus. 2.0500.68 6
186 AL CAN1 Bus Off

Contact Service. Check

that at least one CAN
station is available.
Check cabling as re‐
quired. Check shielding,
CAN 1 in Error-Passive state, improve as necessary.
minor bus disruption or CAN 2.0500.68 7
TIM-ID: 0000016865 - 001

187 AL CAN1 Error Passive station missing.

Contact Service. Inspect

CAN bus for short circuit
and rectify short circuit
as necessary. Check
CAN 2 in Bus-Off state: Ei‐ ther shielding, improve as
short circuit on bus. Or massive neces‐ sary.
magnetic fields dis‐ rupting the bus. 2.0500.68 8
188 AL CAN2 Bus Off

MS150054/02E 2012-02 | Troubleshooting | 49

Fault code No. parameter
Designation Meaning Task No.

Contact Service. Check

that at least one CAN
station is available.
Check cabling as re‐
quired. Check shielding,
CAN 2 in Error-Passive state, improve as necessary.
minor bus disruption or CAN 2.0500.68 9
189 AL CAN2 Error Passive station missing.

Alarm configuration; EMU

AL EMU Parameter Not parameters are not support‐ ed. 2.0500.69 0
190 Supported Contact Service.

1. Check cabling.

Sensor B06 faulty (coolant 2. Replace if nec‐ 1.8004.57 0

201 SD T-Coolant temperature). essary.

1. Check cabling.

Sensor B33 faulty (fuel tem‐ 2. Replace if nec‐ 1.8004.57 2

202 SD T-Fuel perature). essary.

1. Check cabling.

Sensor B09 faulty (charge- air 2. Replace if nec‐ 1.8004.57 1

203 SD T-Charge Air temperature) A side. essary.

1. Check cabling.

SD T-Coolant Intercool‐ er Sensor B26 faulty (charge- air 2. Replace if nec‐ 1.8004.57 4
204 coolant temperature). essary.

1. Check cabling
Sensor B4.21 faulty (ex‐ haust
temperature) engine A side. 2. Replace if nec‐ 1.8004.57 6
205 SD T-Exhaust A essary.

1. Check cabling.
Sensor B4.22 faulty (ex‐ haust
temperature) engine B side. 2. Replace if nec‐ 1.8004.57 7
206 SD T-Exhaust B essary.

Check sensor and cabling, replace as

necessary. Error cleared after re‐
starting the engine. 1.8004.56
Sensor B10 faulty (charge- air
pressure), short circuit or wire break
208 SD P-Charge Air 6

1. Check cabling.

Sensor B05 faulty (lube oil 2. Replace if nec‐ 1.8004.56 3

211 SD P-Lube Oil pressure). essary.
TIM-ID: 0000016865 - 001

1. Check cabling.

Sensor B16 faulty (coolant 2. Replace if nec‐ 1.8004.56 4

212 SD P-Coolant pressure). essary.

1. Check cabling.

SD P-Coolant Inter‐ Sensor B43 faulty (inter‐ cooler 2. Replace if nec‐ 1.8004.56 9
213 cooler coolant pressure). essary.

50 | Troubleshooting | MS150054/02E 2012-02

Fault code No. parameter
Designation Meaning Task No.

1. Check cabling.

Sensor B50 faulty (crank‐ case 2. Replace if nec‐ 1.8004.56 8

214 SD P-CrankCase pressure). essary.

1. Check cabling.
Sensor B48 faulty (rail pres‐ sure,
HP regulator); emer‐ gency mode 2. Replace if nec‐ 1.8004.56 7
215 SD P-HD active. essary.

1. Check cabling.

Sensor B07 faulty (lube oil 2. Replace if nec‐ 1.8004.57 5

216 SD T-Lube Oil temperature). essary.

1. Check cabling.

Sensor B03 faulty (intake air 2. Replace if nec‐ 1.8004.57 3

219 SD T-Intake Air temperature). essary.

1. Switch system OFF

and ON again;

2. Check error

3. Check cabling;

4. Contact Service;
SD Level Coolant Wa‐ ter Sensor F33 faulty (coolant level 1.8004.58 4
220 1). 5. Check sensor.

1. Check sensor and


2. Replace if nec‐
essary. Error cleared
after restarting the en‐

Sensor F25 faulty (lube oil gine. 1.8004.58 5

221 SD Diff-Lube Oil differential pressure).

1. Check sensor and


2. Replace if nec‐

222 SD Level Leakage Fuel Sensorfuel).

F46 faulty (leak 3. Contact Service. 1.8004.58

1. Check sensor and

SD Level Coolant Inter‐ cooler Sensor F57 faulty (charge- air
223 coolant level). 2. Contact Service. 1.8004.58
TIM-ID: 0000016865 - 001

Check sensor and cabling, replace as

SD alarm configuration; Sensor necessary. Error cleared after re‐
starting the engine. 1.8004.62
B5.3 (lube oil pres‐ sure before
filter) faulty; short circuit or wire
227 SD P-Oil before Filter break. 0

1. Check cabling.

AL Stop Camshaft Sen‐ sor Crankshaft and camshaft speed 2. Contact Serv‐ ice.; Check sensor.
229 Defect sensor faulty. 2

MS150054/02E 2012-02 | Troubleshooting | 51

Fault code No. parameter
Designation Meaning Task No.

1. Check sensor and


230 SD crankshaft Speed Sensor B13

shaftfaulty (crank‐
speed). 2. Contact Service. 1.8004.49

1. Check sensor and

Sensor B1 faulty (camshaft
231 SD Camshaft Speed speed). 2. Contact Service. 1.8004.49

1. Check sensor and

Sensor B44 faulty (turbo‐
232 SD Charger 1 Speed charger speed 1). 2. Contact Service. 1.3011.12

1. Check sensor and

Sensor B44.2 faulty (turbo‐
233 SD Charger 2 Speed charger speed 2). 2. Contact Service. 1.3011.12

1. Check sensor and

Sensor B34 faulty (fuel
240 SD P-Fuel pressure). 2. Contact Service. 1.8004.56

1. Check sensor and

Sensor B49 faulty (recircu‐ lation
241 SD T-Umblasen temperature). 2. Contact Service. 1.8004.58

1. Check sensor and

Redundant coolant temper‐ ature
242 SD T-Coolant (R) sensor faulty. 2. Contact Service. 1.8004.62

Check sensor and cabling, replace as

SD alarm configuration; Re‐ necessary. Error cleared after re‐
starting the engine. 1.8004.62
dundant lube oil pressure sensor
faulty; Short circuit or wire break.
244 SD P-Lube Oil (R) 1

SD ECU Power Supply Sensor fault (ECU operating Replace engine

245 Voltage voltage). governor. 2.8006589

1. Check cabling.

External speed demand faulty. 2. Check speed 2.8006.58 6

266 SD Speed Demand demand.

Check cabling, re‐ place

as necessa‐ ry. Error

SD alarm configuration; Fil‐ tered cleared after restarting

analog signal of load pulse the en‐ gine.

missing; short circuit or wire break. 2.8006.58 8
SD Loadp.Analog filt
TIM-ID: 0000016865 - 001


1. Check cabling.

2. Contact Serv‐ ice.;

Check set‐ point speed
Frequency setting sensor faulty. trans‐ mitter. 2.8006.59 0
270 SD Frequency Input

52 | Troubleshooting | MS150054/02E 2012-02

Fault code No. parameter
Designation Meaning Task No.

Replace injector
concerned if the fault
Timing Bank 1 (solenoid valve 1) message ap‐ pears
AL Timing Cylinder ... Timing Bank 1 (solenoid valve frequently (→ Page 78). 1.8004.50 0
301 (A1-A10) 10)

1.8004.50 1

1.8004.50 2

1.8004.50 3

1.8004.50 4

1.8004.50 5

1.8004.50 6

1.8004.50 7

1.8004.50 8

1.8004.50 9

Replace injector
concerned if the fault
Timing Bank 2 (solenoid valve 1) message ap‐ pears
AL Timing Cylinder (B1- ... Timing Bank 2 (solenoid valve frequently (→ Page 78). 1.8004.51 0
311 B10) 10)

1.8004.51 1

1.8004.51 2

1.8004.51 3

1.8004.51 4

1.8004.51 5
TIM-ID: 0000016865 - 001

1.8004.51 6

1.8004.51 7

1.8004.51 8

1.8004.51 9

MS150054/02E 2012-02 | Troubleshooting | 53

Fault code No. parameter
Designation Meaning Task No.

1. Check solenoid
Wiring Bank 1 (solenoid valve 1)
AL Wiring Cylinder (A1- A10) ... Wiring Bank 1 (solenoid valve
321 10) 2. Contact Service. 1.8004.52

1.8004.52 1

1.8004.52 2

1.8004.52 3

1.8004.52 4

1.8004.52 5

1.8004.52 6

1.8004.52 7

1.8004.52 8

1.8004.52 9

1. Check solenoid
Wiring Bank 2 (solenoid valve 1)
AL Wiring Cylinder (B1- B10) ... Wiring Bank 2 (solenoid valve
331 10) 2. Contact Service. 1.8004.53

1.8004.53 1

1.8004.53 2

1.8004.53 3

1.8004.53 4

1.8004.53 5

1.8004.53 6

1.8004.53 7
TIM-ID: 0000016865 - 001


1.8004.53 8

1.8004.53 9

1. Check solenoid
Open Load Bank 1 (sole‐ noid
AL Open Load Cylinder (A1- valve 1) ... Open Load Bank 1
341 A10) (solenoid valve 10) 2. Contact Service. 1.8004.54

54 | Troubleshooting | MS150054/02E 2012-02

Fault code No. parameter
Designation Meaning Task No.

1.8004.54 1

1.8004.54 2

1.8004.54 3

1.8004.54 4

1.8004.54 5

1.8004.54 6

1.8004.54 7

1.8004.54 8

1.8004.54 9

1. Check solenoid
Open Load Bank 2 (sole‐ noid
AL Open Load Cylinder (B1- valve 1) ... Open Load Bank 2
351 B10) (solenoid valve 10) 2. Contact Service. 1.8004.55

1.8004.55 1

1.8004.55 2

1.8004.55 3

1.8004.55 4

1.8004.55 5

1.8004.55 6

1.8004.55 7

1.8004.55 8
TIM-ID: 0000016865 - 001

1.8004.55 9

Alarm configuration; Internal

electronic fault (electronics possibly
faulty: Start ITS). If the ITS
1. Check solenoid
diagnosis result is "electronics OK",
valve cabling.
note fur‐ ther fault messages (e.g.
cabling faults). 2. Replace engine 1.8004.49 6
361 AL Power Stage Low governor.

MS150054/02E 2012-02 | Troubleshooting | 55

Fault code No. parameter
Designation Meaning Task No.

Alarm configuration; Internal

electronic fault (electronics possibly
faulty: Start ITS). If the ITS
1. Check solenoid
diagnosis result is "electronics OK",
valve cabling.
note fur‐ ther fault messages (e.g.
cabling faults). 2. Replace engine 1.8004.49 7
362 AL Power Stage High governor.

1. Check cabling.
Alarm configuration; Internal
electronic fault (electronics possibly 2. Attempt to re‐ start 1.8004.56 0
363 AL Stop Power Stage faulty: Start ITS). engine.

Alarm configuration; Injector cabling

fault. If bit "1.1020.021" (Power
Stage Failure: Stop Engine) is set,
engine will be shut down as
additional measure. 1. Short circuit
of positive connection of one or
more injectors to ground 2. Short
circuit of negative connection of one
1. Check cabling.
or more injectors to ground .
AL Stop MV-Wiring 2. Attempt to re‐ start 1.8004.56 1
365 Ground engine.

1. Check turbo‐
charger valve/ca‐
bling, repair as
Alarm configuration; Short circuit or
wire break on tran‐ sistor output 1 2. Replace engine 1.8004.63 4
371 AL Wiring TO 1 (TO 1). governor.

1. Check recircula‐ tion

valve/cabling, repair as
necessa‐ ry

Alarm configuration; Short circuit or

wire break on tran‐ sistor output 2 2. Replace engine 1.8004.63 5
372 AL Wiring TO 2 (TO 2). governor.

Alarm configuration; Short circuit or

wire break on tran‐ sistor output 3 1.8004.63 6
373 AL Wiring TO 3 (TO 3). -

Alarm configuration; Short circuit or

wire break on tran‐ sistor output 4 1.8004.63 7
374 AL Wiring TO 4 (TO 4). -

Alarm configuration; Short circuit or

wire break on tran‐ sistor output,
TIM-ID: 0000016865 - 001

plant-side 1 (TOP 1). Check cabling to 2.8006.63 8

381 AL Wiring TOP 1 plant.

Alarm configuration; Short circuit or

wire break on tran‐ sistor output,
plant-side 2 (TOP 2). Check cabling to 2.8006.63 9
382 AL Wiring TOP 2 plant.

56 | Troubleshooting | MS150054/02E 2012-02

Fault code No. parameter
Designation Meaning Task No.

Alarm configuration; Short circuit or

wire break on tran‐ sistor output,
plant-side 3 (TOP 3). Check cabling to 2.8006.64 0
383 AL Wiring TOP 3 plant.

Alarm configuration; Short circuit or

wire break on tran‐ sistor output,
plant-side 4 (TOP 4). Check cabling to 2.8006.64 1
384 AL Wiring TOP 4 plant.

1. If alarm is only
temporary, no ac‐ tion

Alarm configuration; DBR/ MCR 2. <if alarm is con‐

function: MCR has been tinuously active, contact 1.1085.00 9
390 AL MCR exceeded exceeded. Service.

Alarm configuration limit value 1;

Preliminary warn‐ ing: Redundant
coolant temperature reading too
1. Check cabling.
392 HI T-Coolant Red 2. Contact Service. 2.0129.93

Alarm configuration limit value 1;

Main warning: Re‐ dundant
1. Check sensor and
coolant tempera‐ ture reading too
high; en‐ gine shutdown.
393 SS T-Coolant Red 2. Contact Service. 2.0129.93

Alarm configuration limit value 1;

1. Check sensor and
Preliminary warn‐ ing: Redundant
lube oil pressure reading too low.
394 LO P-Lube Oil Red 2. Contact Service. 2.0112.92

Alarm configuration limit value 2;

1. Check sensor and
Main warning: Re‐ dundant lube
oil pressure reading too low.
395 SS P-Lube Oil Red 2. Contact Service. 2.0112.92

1. Check sensor and

Alarm configuration; Maxi‐ mum
AL T-Coolant Max De‐ coolant temperature deviation.
396 viation 2. Contact Service. 1.8004.62

1. Check sensor and

Alarm configuration; Maxi‐ mum
lube oil pressure devi‐ ation.
397 AL P-Oil Max Deviation 2. Contact Service. 1.8004.62

1. Check cabling.
TIM-ID: 0000016865 - 001

2. Contact Serv‐ ice.;

Alarm configuration; Line disruption
on digital input 1; Cabling faulty or
AL Open Load Digital Input no resist‐ ance over switch. 3. Check input of 2.8006.62 5
400 1 target device.

1. Check cabling.
Alarm configuration; Line disruption
on digital input 2; Cabling faulty or 2. Contact Serv‐ ice.;
AL Open Load Digital Input no resist‐ ance over switch. Check input of target 2.8006.62 6
401 2 device.

MS150054/02E 2012-02 | Troubleshooting | 57

Fault code No. parameter
Designation Meaning Task No.

1. Check cabling.
Alarm configuration; Line disruption
on digital input 3; Cabling faulty or 2. Contact Serv‐ ice.;
AL Open Load Digital Input no resist‐ ance over switch. Check input of target 2.8006.62 7
402 3 device.

1. Check cabling.
Alarm configuration; Line disruption
on digital input 4; Cabling faulty or 2. Contact Serv‐ ice.;
AL Open Load Digital Input no resist‐ ance over switch. Check input of target 2.8006.62 8
403 4 device.

1. Check cabling.
Alarm configuration; Line disruption
on digital input 5; Cabling faulty or 2. Contact Serv‐ ice.;
AL Open Load Digital Input no resist‐ ance over switch. Check input of target 2.8006.62 9
404 5 device.

1. Check cabling.
Alarm configuration; Line disruption
on digital input 6; Cabling faulty or 2. Contact Serv‐ ice.;
AL Open Load Digital Input no resist‐ ance over switch. Check input of target 2.8006.63 0
405 6 device.

1. Check cabling.
Alarm configuration; Line disruption
on digital input 7; Cabling faulty or 2. Contact Serv‐ ice.;
AL Open Load Digital Input no resist‐ ance over switch. Check input of target 2.8006.63 1
406 7 device.

1. Check cabling.
Alarm configuration; Line disruption
on digital input 8; Cabling faulty or 2. Contact Serv‐ ice.;
AL Open Load Digital Input no resist‐ ance over switch. Check input of target 2.8006.63 2
407 8 device.

Alarm configuration; Line

1. Check cabling.
disruption on the input for
emergency stop; Cabling faulty or 2. Contact Serv‐ ice.;
AL Open Load Emerg. Stop no resistance over switch. Check input of target 2.8006.63 3
408 Input ESI device.

1. Check cabling.

2. Check power
Alarm configuration limit value 1;
Preliminary warn‐ ing: Injector
410 LO U-PDU voltage too low. 3. Contact Service. 2.0141.92

1. Check cabling.

2. Check power
Alarm configuration limit value 2;
Main warning: In‐ jector voltage
411 LOLO U-PDU too low. 3. Contact Service. 2.0141.92
TIM-ID: 0000016865 - 001

1. Check cabling.
Alarm configuration limit value 1;
2. Check power
Preliminary warn‐ ing: Injector
voltage too high.
412 HI U-PDU 3. Contact Service. 2.0141.93

58 | Troubleshooting | MS150054/02E 2012-02

Fault code No. parameter
Designation Meaning Task No.

1. Check cabling.

2. Check power
Alarm configuration limit value;
Main warning: Injec‐ tor voltage
413 HIHI U-PDU too high. 3. Contact Service. 2.0141.93

Alarm configuration limit value 1;

HI Level Water Fuel Warning: water lev‐ el in fuel 2.0156.93 1
414 Prefilter prefilter too high. Drain water.

Alarm configuration limit value 1;

Preliminary warn‐ ing: Coolant
LO P-Coolant Intercool‐ er pressure in in‐ tercooler too low. Top up coolant (→ 2.0107.92 1
415 Page 129).

Alarm configuration limit value 2;

Main warning: Coolant pressure in
inter‐ cooler too low. engine shut‐
SS P-Coolant Intercool‐ er down. Top up coolant (→ 2.0107.92 2
416 Page 129).

Check sensor and cabling, replace as

SD alarm configuration; Sensor for necessary. Error cleared after re‐
starting the engine. 1.8004.59
water level in fuel prefilter faulty;
SD Level Water Fuel short cir‐ cuit or wire break.
417 Prefilter 4

Alarm configuration limit value 1;

Input signal of Aux 1 has Determine and rectify
exceeded/not at‐ tained limit value reason for limit value
1, depend‐ ing on configuration. viola‐ tion. 2.0160.92 1
420 L1 Aux 1

Alarm configuration limit value 1;

Input signal of Aux 1 has Determine and rectify
exceeded/not at‐ tained limit value reason for limit value
2, depend‐ ing on configuration. viola‐ tion. 2.0160.92 2
421 L2 Aux 1

Alarm configuration limit value 1;

Preliminary warn‐ ing:
Temperature signal of Aux 1 has Determine and rectify
exceeded / not attained limit reason for limit value
value 1, de‐ pending on viola‐ tion. 2.0130.92 1
428 L1 T-Aux 1 configuration.

Alarm configuration limit value 1;

Preliminary warn‐ ing: Pressure
signal of Aux 1 has exceeded / not Determine and rectify
at‐ tained limit value 1, depend‐ ing reason for limit value
TIM-ID: 0000016865 - 001

on configuration. viola‐ tion. 2.0110.92 1

440 L1 P-Aux 1

Alarm configuration limit value 2;

Preliminary warn‐ ing: Pressure
signal of Aux 1 has exceeded / not Determine and rectify
at‐ tained limit value 2, depend‐ ing reason for limit value
on configuration. viola‐ tion. 2.0110.93 1
442 L2 P-Aux 1

MS150054/02E 2012-02 | Troubleshooting | 59

Fault code No. parameter
Designation Meaning Task No.

SD alarm configuration; In‐ jector

power stage sensor defect;
Internal fault in ECU7. Replace ADEC 1.8004.57 8
444 SD U-PDU (ECU 7).

SD alarm configuration; Ambient air

pressure sensor faulty. Replace engine 1.8004.58 0
445 SD P-Ambient Air governor.

Alarm configuration limit value 1;

Preliminary warn‐ ing: Charge-air
pressure too high. 2.0103.93 1
448 HI P-Charge Air Contact Service.

Alarm configuration limit value

2; Main warning: Charge-air
pressure too high. 2.0103.93 2
449 SS P-Charge Air Contact Service.

Check signal sen‐ sor

and cabling, replace as
neces‐ sary. Error

SD alarm configuration; In‐ put cleared after restarting

signal for initial/final tor‐ que faulty; the en‐ gine.

SD Idle/end Torque In‐ put Short circuit or wire break. 2.8006.59 2
450 [%]

1. Note further fault


2. Determine and
SS Power Reduction Active Alarm configuration; power rectify reason for 2.7000.01 1
454 reduction is active. power reduction.

Alarm configuration limit value 1;

Input signal of Aux 1 (plant side) Determine and rectify
has exceed‐ ed/not attained limit reason for limit value
value 1, depending on configuration. viola‐ tion. 2.8006.65 0
455 AL L1 Aux 1 Plant

Alarm configuration limit value 2;

Input signal of Aux 1 (plant side) Determine and rectify
has exceed‐ ed/not attained limit reason for limit value
value 2, depending on configuration. viola‐ tion. 2.8006.65 1
456 AL L2 Aux 1 Plant

Alarm configuration limit value;

1. Check cabling.
EMU exhaust tem‐ perature
460 HI T-Exhaust EMU value too high. 2. Contact Service. 2.8006.65
TIM-ID: 0000016865 - 001

Alarm configuration limit value;

1. Check cabling.
EMU exhaust tem‐ perature
461 LO T-Exhaust EMU value too low. 2. Contact Service. 2.8006.65

Alarm configuration limit value; EMU

coolant temper‐ ature value too Check configura‐ tion 2.8006.65 4
462 AL L1 T-Coolant EMU high/low. with DiaSys.

60 | Troubleshooting | MS150054/02E 2012-02

Fault code No. parameter
Designation Meaning Task No.

Check signal sen‐ sor

and cabling, replace as
neces‐ sary. Error

SD alarm configuration; An‐ alog cleared after restarting

input signal for Aux 2 faulty; Short the en‐ gine.

circuit or wire break. 1.8004.59 1
463 SD AUX 2

Check pressure sensor

and ca‐ bling. Error

SD alarm configuration; An‐ alog cleared after restarting

input signal for Aux 1 pressure the en‐ gine.

faulty; Short circuit or wire break. 1.8004.58 9
464 SD P-AUX 1

Check pressure transmitter and ca‐

bling, replace as necessary. Error
cleared after re‐ starting the engine.
SD alarm configuration; An‐ alog
input signal for Aux 2 pressure
faulty; Short circuit or wire break.
465 SD P-AUX 2 8

Check temperature sensor and ca‐

bling, replace as necessary. Error
cleared after re‐ starting the engine.
SD alarm configuration; An‐ alog
input signal for Aux 2 temperature
faulty; Short circuit or wire break.
466 SD T-AUX 2 6

Alarm configuration limit value 2;

Preliminary warn‐ ing:
Temperature signal of Aux 1 has Determine and rectify
exceeded / not attained limit reason for limit value
value 2, de‐ pending on viola‐ tion. 2.0130.92 2
467 AL L2 T-Aux 1 configuration.

SD alarm configuration; An‐ alog

input for Aux 1 temper‐ ature faulty. Replace engine
468 SD T-AUX 1 governor. 1.8004579

Check signal sen‐ sor

and cabling, replace as
SD alarm configuration; An‐ alog neces‐ sary. Error
input signal for Aux 1 faulty; Short cleared after restarting
circuit or wire break. the engine. 1.8004.59 0
469 SD AUX 1

Check sensor and cabling, replace as

TIM-ID: 0000016865 - 001

SD alarm configuration; necessary. Error cleared after re‐

starting the engine. 1.8004.58
Temperature sensor for ECU
faulty; Short circuit or wire break.
470 SD T-ECU 7

Check sensor and cabling, replace as

SD alarm configuration; Control of necessary. Error cleared after re‐
starting the engine. 1.8004.59
HP fuel control block faulty; Short
circuit or wire break.
471 SD Coil Current 2

MS150054/02E 2012-02 | Troubleshooting | 61

Fault code No. parameter
Designation Meaning Task No.

Alarm configuration; Engine stop,

since all shutdown channels have
1. Check cabling.
"sensor faul‐ ty".
472 AL Stop SD 2. Contact Service. 2.8006.59

Alarm configuration; Cable break

1. Check cabling.
or short circuit on channel
473 AL Wiring PWM_CM2 PWM_CM2. 2. Contact Service. 1.8004.59

Alarm configuration; Cable break

1. Check cabling.
or short circuit on channel FO.
474 AL Wiring FO 2. Contact Service. 2.8006.65

Alarm configuration; initiat‐ ed Determine and rectify

when crash recorder is triggered cause of triggering /
AL CR Trigger Engine Stop due to engine shutdown. engine shutdown. 1.8010.00 9

AL Crash Rec. Init. Er‐ ror Alarm configuration;

Check setting with Crash recorder initialization error. 1.8010.00 7
476 DiaSys.

Alarm configuration; YEL‐ LOW

AL Comb. Alarm Yel summary alarm from plant. Note further fault 2.8006.00 1
478 (Plant) messages.

AL Comb. Alarm Red Alarmfurther

Note configuration;
fault RED summary alarm from plant. 2.8006.00 2
479 (Plant) messages.

Alarm configuration limit value;

Input signal has ex‐ ceeded/not Determine and rectify
attained limit value, depending on reason for limit value
AL Ext. Engine Protec‐ tion config‐ uration. viola‐ tion. 2.0291.92 1

TIM-ID: 0000016865 - 001

62 | Troubleshooting | MS150054/02E 2012-02

7 Task Description

7.1 Engine

7.1.1 Engine – Barring manually


☑ Engine is stopped and starting disabled.

Special tools, Material, Spare parts

Designation / Use Part No. Qty.

Barring device F6555766 1

Ratchet with extension F30006212 1

Unguarded rotating and moving engine components.
Risk of serious injury – Danger to life!
• Before barring the engine, ensure that nobody is in the danger zone.

Engine – Barring manually

1. Remove guard plate.

2. Engage barring device (2) with ring gear (3) and install
on flywheel housing.
3. Place ratchet (1) onto barring device (2).
4. Rotate crankshaft in engine direction of ro‐ tation. Apart
from the normal compression resistance, there
should be no further re‐ sistance.

5. For barring device removal, follow reverse sequence

of working steps.
TIM-ID: 0000000917 - 007

MS150054/02E 2012-02 | Task Description | 63

7.1.2 Engine – Barring with starting system

Unguarded rotating and moving engine components.
Risk of serious injury – danger to life!
• before barring or starting the engine, ensure that nobody is in the danger zone.
• After working on the engine, check that all protective devices have been reinstalled and all tools removed from the

Engine – Barring with starting system

1. Release latch of connector X4.

2. Remove connector from engine governor.
3. Bar engine in unloaded condition: Press START button.
4. Let the crankshaft rotate until oil pressure is indicated.
5. Engine start is automatically interrupted when specified starting period has passed. If necessary, re-start the engine after approx.
20 seconds.
6. Connect connector X4 to engine governor and latch in position.

TIM-ID: 0000000918 - 004

64 | Task Description | MS150054/02E 2012-02

7.1.3 Engine – Test run

Unguarded rotating and moving engine components.
Risk of serious injury – danger to life!
• Before barring or starting the engine, make sure that nobody is in the danger zone.

Engine noise above 85 dB (A).
Risk of damage to hearing!
• Wear ear protectors.

Engine – Test run

1. Start engine (→ Page 32).

2. Perform test run not below 1/3 load and at least until steady-state temperature is reached.
3. Carry out operational checks (→ Page 34).
4. Stop engine (→ Page 35).
TIM-ID: 0000000870 - 007

MS150054/02E 2012-02 | Task Description | 65

7.2 Cylinder Liner

7.2.1 Cylinder liner – Endoscopic examination


☑ Engine is stopped and starting disabled.

Special tools, Material, Spare parts

Designation / Use Part No. Qty.

Rigid endoscope Y20097353 1

Preparatory steps

1. Remove cylinder head cover (→ Page 76).

2. Remove injector (→ Page 79).

Positioning crankshaft at BDC

1. Using barring device, turn crankshaft until crankshaft journal of the cylinder to be inspected has reached BDC.

2. Insert endoscope into cylinder liner through injector seat.

Endoscopic examination of cylinder liner

Findings Action

• Thin carbon coating on circumference of carbon scraper ring No action required

• Slight localized additive deposits at top edge
• Localized smooth areas at bottom edge
• Carbon deposits on circumference in clearance between top piston ring and bottom
edge of carbon scraper ring
• First signs of marks left by top piston ring
• Bright mark on entire circumference
• Consistent honing pattern without objections
• First signs of marks left by lower cooling bores
• Running pattern seems darker

• Dark areas with even or varying degrees of discoloration Further endoscopic examina‐ tion
• Beginning and end of the discoloration are not sharply defined and do not cover the required as part of main‐ tenance
entire stroke area work
• Dark areas in the upper section of the cooling bore, remaining cir‐ cumference
without objections
• Piston rings without objections

• On the entire circumference, apart from light areas of discoloration (that do not Cylinder liner must be re‐ placed;
impair operation) clearly darker stripes that start at the top piston ring Service must be con‐ tacted
TIM-ID: 0000000015 - 011

• Heat discoloration in the direction of stroke and honing pattern dam‐ age

• Heat discoloration of piston rings

1. Compile endoscopy report using the table.

2. Use technical terms for description of the liner surface (→ Page 68).
3. Depending on findings:
• Do not take any action or
• carry out a further endoscopic examination as part of maintenance work or
• contact Service; cylinder liner must be replaced.

66 | Task Description | MS150054/02E 2012-02

Final steps

1. Install injector (→ Page 79).

2. Install cylinder head cover (→ Page 76).
TIM-ID: 0000000015 - 011

MS150054/02E 2012-02 | Task Description | 67

7.2.2 Cylinder liner - Instructions and comments on endoscopic and visual examination

Terms used for endoscopic examination

Use the terms listed below to describe the condition of the cylinder-liner surface in the endoscopic exami‐ nation report.

Findings Measure

Minor dirt scores Minor dirt scores can occur during the assembly of a new engine (honing prod‐ ucts, particles,
broken-off burrs). Removed cylinders clearly show such scoring on the running surface under
endoscope magnification. Cannot be felt with the fingernail. Findings not critical.

Single scores Clearly visible scores caused by hard particles. They usually start in the TDC area and cross
through the hone pattern in the direction of stroke. Findings not critical.

Scored area These areas consist of scores of different length and depth next to one anoth‐ er. In most cases,
they are found at the 6-o'clock and 12-o'clock positions (in‐ let/exhaust) along the transverse
engine axis. Findings not critical.

Smoothened area Smoothened areas are on the running surface but almost the whole honing pattern is still
visible. Smoothened areas appear brighter and more brilliant than the surrounding running
surface. Findings not critical.

Bright area Bright areas are on the running surface and show local removal of the honing pattern. Grooves
from honing process are not visible any more.

Discoloration This is caused by oxidation (surface discoloration through oil or fuel) and tem‐ perature differences
around the liner. It appears rather darker within the honed structure in contrast to the bright metallic
running surface. The honing pattern is undisturbed. Discolorations extend in stroke direction and
may be interrupt‐ ed.

Findings not critical.

Corrosion fields / spots Corrosion fields / spots result from water (condensed water) with the valves in
the overlap (open) position. They are clearly visible due to the dark color of the honing groove

This corrosion is not critical unless there is corrosion pitting.

Black lines Black lines are a step towards heat discoloration. They are visible as a clear discoloration from
TDC to BDC in the running surface and the start of localized damage to the honing pattern.

Cylinder liners with a large number of black lines around the running surface have limited
TIM-ID: 0000000014 - 010

service life and should be replaced.

68 | Task Description | MS150054/02E 2012-02

Findings Measure

Burn mark This is caused by a malfunction in the liner / ring tribosystem. Usually they run over the whole
ring-travel area (TDC/BDC), starting at the first TDC-ring and becoming more visible from the
second TDC-ring 2 onwards and less pro‐ nounced from TDC-ring 1. The honing pattern is usually
no longer visible and displays a clearly defined (straight) edge to the undisturbed surface. The
dam‐ aged surface is usually discolored. The circumferential length varies. Liners with burn marks,
or heat discoloration, starting in TDC ring 1 have to be replaced.

Seizure marks, scuff‐ ing Irregular circumference lengths and depths. Can be caused either by the pis‐ ton skirt or the piston
crown. Material deposits on the liner (smear), heavy dis‐ coloration. Severe, visible scoring.
Replace liner.

Evaluation of findings and further measures

The findings in the start phase of oxidation discoloration and heat discoloration are similar. A thorough investigation and compliance
with the above evaluation criteria allow an unambiguous evaluation. To avoid unnecessary disassembly work, it is recommended
that another inspection be carried out after fur‐ ther operation of the engine.
TIM-ID: 0000000014 - 010

MS150054/02E 2012-02 | Task Description | 69

7.3 Crankcase Breather

7.3.1 Crankcase breather – Oil separator element replacement, diaphragm check and replacement


☑ Engine is stopped and starting disabled.

Special tools, Material, Spare parts

Designation / Use Part No. Qty.

Torque wrench, 6-50 Nm F30027336 1

Ratchet adapter F30027340 1

Engine oil Filter

element (→ Spare Parts Catalog)

Diaphragm (→ Spare Parts Catalog)

Gasket (→ Spare Parts Catalog)

Hot oil.
Oil can contain combustion residues which are harmful to health.
Risk of injury and poisoning!
• Wear protective clothing, gloves, and goggles / safety mask.
• Avoid contact with skin.
• Do not inhale oil vapor.

Replacing oil separator element

1. Remove cover (2) with O-ring (3).

2. Remove filter element (1) from housing (4).
3. Insert new filter element in housing (4).
4. Install cover (2) with new O-ring.

TIM-ID: 0000000017 - 006

5. Use torque wrench to tighten the screws of cover (2) to the specified torque.

Name Size Type Lubricant Value/Standard

Screw Tightening torque (Engine oil) 10 Nm − 2 Nm

6. Replace further oil separator elements in the same way.

70 | Task Description | MS150054/02E 2012-02

Checking diaphragm

1. Remove cover (4).

2. Remove spring (5), gasket (2) and dia‐ phragm
3. Check diaphragm (3) for damage, fit new diaphragm if
used one is damaged.
4. Install diaphragm (3) on housing (1).
5. Install new seal (2) and spring (5) together with cover

6. Use torque wrench to tighten the screws of cover (4) to the specified torque.

Name Size Type Lubricant Value/Standard

Screw Tightening torque (Engine oil) 10 Nm − 2 Nm

7. Check diaphragms in further oil separators in the same way.

TIM-ID: 0000000017 - 006

MS150054/02E 2012-02 | Task Description | 71

7.4 Valve Drive

7.4.1 Valve gear – Lubrication


☑ Engine is stopped and starting disabled.

Special tools, Material, Spare parts

Designation / Use Part No. Qty.

Engine oil

Valve gear – Lubrication

1. Remove cylinder head covers (→ Page 76).

2. Fill oil chambers of valve bridges with oil.
3. Fill oil chambers of rocker arms and adjust‐ ing screws
with oil.
4. Install cylinder head covers (→ Page 76).

TIM-ID: 0000000921 - 007

72 | Task Description | MS150054/02E 2012-02

7.4.2 Valve clearance – Check and adjustment


☑ Engine is stopped and starting disabled. ☑ Engine

coolant temperature is max. 40 °C. ☑ Valves are closed.

Special tools, Material, Spare parts

Designation / Use Part No. Qty.

Feeler gauge Y20010128 1

Torque wrench, 60-320 Nm F30047446 1

Ring socket, 24 mm F30039526 1

Preparatory steps

1. Remove cylinder head cover (→ Page 76).

2. Install barring device (→ Page 63).

3. Rotate crankshaft with barring device in en‐ gine direction

of rotation until "OT-A1" mark and pointer are aligned.
TIM-ID: 0000012221 - 003

MS150054/02E 2012-02 | Task Description | 73

Diagram for 12V engines (two
crankshaft positions)

Diagram for 16V engines (two

crankshaft positions)

Checking valve clearance at two crankshaft positions

1. Check TDC position of piston in cylinder A1:

• If the rocker arms are unloaded on cylinder A1, the piston is in firing TDC.
• If the rocker arms are under load on cylinder A1, the piston is in overlap TDC.
2. Check valve clearance with cold engine:
• Inlet valves (long rocker arm) = 0.2 mm
• Exhaust valves (short rocker arm) = 0.5 mm
3. Check all valve clearances in two crankshaft positions (firing TDC and overlap TDC of cylinder A1) as per diagram.
TIM-ID: 0000012221 - 003

1 Cylinder A1 is in firing TDC 2 Cylinder

A1 is in overlap TDC I Inlet valve X
Exhaust valve

4. Use feeler gauge to determine the distance between valve bridge and rocker arm.
5. If the deviation from the reference value exceeds 0.1 mm, adjust valve clearance.

74 | Task Description | MS150054/02E 2012-02

Adjusting valve clearance

1. Release locknut (1).

2. Insert feeler gauge between valve bridge and rocker
3. Using Allen key, set adjusting screw (2) so that the
specified valve clearance is provid‐ ed.

4. Feeler gauge must just pass through the gap.

5. Tighten locknut (1) to 90 +9 Nm, holding adjusting

screw (2) firmly.
6. Replace or rectify adjusting screws and/or locknuts
which do not move freely.
7. Check valve clearance.

Final steps

1. Remove barring device (→ Page 63).

2. Install cylinder head cover (→ Page 76).
TIM-ID: 0000012221 - 003

MS150054/02E 2012-02 | Task Description | 75

7.4.3 Cylinder head cover – Removal and installation


☑ Engine is stopped and starting disabled.

Special tools, Material, Spare parts

Designation / Use Part No. Qty.

Grease (Kluthe Hakuform 30-10/Emulgier) X00058061

O-ring (→ Spare Parts Catalog)

Removing cylinder head cover

1. Clean very dirty cylinder head covers (3) prior to

2. Remove screws (1) and washers (2).
3. Take off cylinder head cover (3) with O- ring (4)
from cylinder head (5).

Installing cylinder head cover

1. Clean mounting surface.

2. Check O-ring (4) for damage, replace if necessary.
3. Coat O-ring (4) with grease.
4. Position O-ring (4) in groove of cylinder head cover (3).
5. Fit cylinder head cover (3) on cylinder head (5).
6. Install cylinder head cover (3) with screws (1) and washers (2).
TIM-ID: 0000012309 - 007

76 | Task Description | MS150054/02E 2012-02

7.5 Injection Pump / HP Pump

7.5.1 HP pump – Filling with engine oil


☑ Engine is stopped and starting disabled.

Special tools, Material, Spare parts

Designation / Use Part No. Qty.

Engine oil

Fuels are combustible.
Risk of fire and explosion!
• Avoid open flames, electrical sparks and ignition sources.
• Do not smoke.

Oils/oil vapors are combustible.
Risk of fire!
• No open flames, no electric sparks. Do not smoke. Avoid ignition sources.

Fuel system high-pressure pump not filled with engine oil.
Damage to components, major material damage!
• Make sure that the high-pressure fuel pump is filled with engine oil before installation or initial operation.

Filling HP pump

1. Fill fresh engine oil into a clean receptacle.

2. Fill HP pump (1) at connection (2).
TIM-ID: 0000001640 - 007

MS150054/02E 2012-02 | Task Description | 77

7.6 Injection Valve / Injector

7.6.1 Injector – Replacement

Special tools, Material, Spare parts

Designation / Use Part No. Qty.

Injector (→ Spare Parts Catalog)

Replacing injector

u Remove injector and install new injector (→ Page 79).

TIM-ID: 0000000022 - 011

78 | Task Description | MS150054/02E 2012-02

7.6.2 Injector – Removal and installation


☑ Engine is stopped and starting disabled.

Special tools, Material, Spare parts

Designation / Use Part No. Qty.

Installation/removal tool F6789889 1

Milling cutter F30452739 1

Torque wrench, 0.5-5 Nm 0015384230 1

Torque wrench, 10-60 Nm F30452769 1

Torque wrench, 60-320 Nm F30452768 1

Assembly paste (Optimoly Paste White T) 40477 1

Grease (Kluthe Hakuform 30-10/Emulgier) X00029933 1

Engine oil

O-ring (→ Spare Parts Catalog)

Fuels are combustible.
Risk of fire and explosion!
• Avoid open flames, electrical sparks and ignition sources.
• Do not smoke.

Preparatory steps

1. Shut off fuel supply to engine.

2. Remove cylinder head cover (→ Page 76).

Removing injector

1. Disconnect cable connector on injector.

TIM-ID: 0000000925 - 006

MS150054/02E 2012-02 | Task Description | 79

2. Remove HP fuel line (4).
3. Remove return line (5).

Note: The injector accumulator will be emptied when

removing the adapter.
4. Remove adapter (3).
5. Remove screw (2) and take off hold-down clamp (1).

6. Install installation/removal tool on cylinder head.

7. Remove injector with installation/removal tool.

8. Remove installation/removal tool.

9. Remove sealing ring (4) from injector or use a self-made

hook to take it out of the cylin‐ der head.

10. Remove O-rings (3), O-ring (2) and damper ring (1) from
11. Clean all mating and sealing surfaces.
12. Cover all connections and bores, or seal with suitable
TIM-ID: 0000000925 - 006

80 | Task Description | MS150054/02E 2012-02

Installing injector

1. Remove plug before installing the injec‐ tor. (Do not

remove the plug from the HP line before installing
the adapter.)
2. Coat injector with assembly paste at the seat of the
nozzle clamping nut.
3. Fit new sealing ring (4) (included in the scope of
supply of the injector) with grease on injector, observe
installation position of sealing ring (4).

4. Fit new O-rings (3) (included in the scope of supply of

the injector), O-ring (2) and damp‐ ing ring (1) onto the
injector and coat with grease.

5. Clean sealing face on cylinder head and protective

sleeve with milling cutter.
6. Insert injector into cylinder head, ensuring that the HP
line adapter is correctly aligned.
7. Use installation/removal tool to press in in‐ jector.

8. Remove installation/removal tool.

TIM-ID: 0000000925 - 006

MS150054/02E 2012-02 | Task Description | 81

9. Coat screw head mating face (2) and thread with
engine oil.

10. Fit hold-down clamp (1) in the correct position and use torque wrench to tighten screw (2) to the specified initial tightening torque.

Name Size Type Lubricant Value/Standard

Screw M12 Preload torque (Engine oil) 5 Nm to 10 Nm

Note: Ensure special cleanness.

11. Coat thread and sealing cone of adapter (3) with engine oil.

12. Install adapter (3) and use torque wrench to tighten to the specified initial tightening torque.

Name Size Type Lubricant Value/Standard

Adapter Preload torque (Engine oil) 5 Nm to 10 Nm

13. Tighten screw (2) with torque wrench to the specified tightening torque.

Name Size Type Lubricant Value/Standard

Screw M12 Tightening torque 100 Nm + 10 Nm

14. Tighten adapter (3) with torque wrench to the specified tightening torque.

Name Size Type Lubricant Value/Standard

Adapter Tightening torque 100 Nm + 10 Nm

15. Install return line (7). Note:

Ensure special cleanness.

16. Coat thread and sealing cone of HP line (5) with engine oil. Note:

Two HP line versions (single- and double-walled) with different torques as described below.
17. Mount single-walled HP line (5) and use torque wrench to tighten to the specified torque. Tightening se‐ quence:
TIM-ID: 0000000925 - 006

1 Rail (6) 2
Adapter (4)

Name Size Type Lubricant Value/Standard

Union nut / thrust Tightening torque 30 Nm + 5 Nm


82 | Task Description | MS150054/02E 2012-02

18. Mount double-walled HP line (5) and use torque wrench to tighten to the specified torque. Tightening sequence:

1 Adapter (4) 2
Rail (6)

Name Size Type Lubricant Value/Standard

Union nut / thrust Tightening torque 40 Nm + 5 Nm


19. Fit cable connector onto injector.

Final steps

1. Install cylinder head cover (→ Page 76).

2. Open fuel supply to engine.
TIM-ID: 0000000925 - 006

MS150054/02E 2012-02 | Task Description | 83

7.7 Fuel System

7.7.1 Fuel system – Venting


☑ Engine is stopped and starting disabled.

Special tools, Material, Spare parts

Designation / Use Part No. Qty.

Diesel fuel

Fuels are combustible.
Risk of fire and explosion!
• Avoid open flames, electrical sparks and ignition sources.
• Do not smoke.

Venting LP fuel system

1. Open threaded vent plug (1).

2. Unlock fuel priming pump (2), screw out handle by
turning it counterclockwise.
3. Operate the pump with the handle (2) until bubble-free
fuel emerges at the threaded vent plug (1).

4. Close threaded vent plug (1).

5. Screw in handle by turning it clockwise.
6. Verify that fuel priming pump (2) is locked: Handle
must be tightened.

TIM-ID: 0000004709 - 005

84 | Task Description | MS150054/02E 2012-02

7.8 Fuel Filter

7.8.1 Fuel filter – Replacement


☑ Engine is stopped and starting disabled.

Special tools, Material, Spare parts

Designation / Use Part No. Qty.

Filter wrench F30379104 1

Engine oil Easy-change

filter (→ Spare Parts Catalog)

Fuels are combustible.
Risk of fire and explosion!
• Avoid open flames, electrical sparks and ignition sources.
• Do not smoke.

Replacing fuel filter

1. Remove easy-change filter using filter wrench.

2. Clean sealing surface on filter head.

3. Slightly lubricate seal on the easy-change filter.

4. Screw on easy-change filter by hand until the seal

connects and tighten manually.
5. Vent fuel system (→ Page 84).
6. Replace other easy-change filters in the same way.
TIM-ID: 0000000927 - 003

MS150054/02E 2012-02 | Task Description | 85

7.8.2 Fuel prefilter cleaning


☑ Engine is stopped and starting disabled.

Special tools, Material, Spare parts

Designation / Use Part No. Qty.

Diesel fuel

Sealing ring (→ Spare Parts Catalog)

Fuels are combustible.
Risk of fire and explosion!
• Avoid open flames, electrical sparks and ignition sources.
• Do not smoke.

Fuel prefilter cleaning

1. Shut off fuel supply.

2. Remove nuts from filter head.
3. Take off filter housing and drain fuel into
appropriate container.
4. Remove filter-element securing nut and re‐ move filter
element by pulling it downwards.
5. Wash filter element in clean fuel using a smooth
6. Wash filter housing with clean fuel.
7. Insert filter element into filter housing and secure
with nut.
8. Place new sealing ring into groove in filter head.

9. Fit cover with seal and secure it with nuts crosswise.

10. Open fuel supply.

TIM-ID: 0000004936 - 001

86 | Task Description | MS150054/02E 2012-02

7.8.3 Fuel prefilter – Differential pressure gauge check and adjustment

Unguarded rotating and moving engine components.
Risk of serious injury – danger to life!
• Take special care when working on a running engine.

Engine noise above 85 dB (A).
Risk of damage to hearing!
• Wear ear protectors.

Adjusting differential pressure gauge

1. When installing the new filter element: align adjustable

pointer (2) with pressure-indicat‐ ing pointer (3) of
pressure gauge (1).
2. Check differential pressure.

Checking differential pressure of fuel prefilter

1. With the engine running at full load or rated power, read off pressure at gauge (1).
2. If differential pressure as indicated between position of adjustable pointer (2) and pressure-indicating pointer (3) of pressure
gauge is ≥ 0.3 bar, flush filter element of the cut-in filter (→ Page 89).
TIM-ID: 0000004925 - 004

MS150054/02E 2012-02 | Task Description | 87

7.8.4 Fuel prefilter – Draining


☑ Engine is stopped and starting disabled.

Special tools, Material, Spare parts

Designation / Use Part No. Qty.

Diesel fuel

Gasket (→ Spare Parts Catalog)

Fuels are combustible.
Risk of fire and explosion!
• Avoid open flames, electrical sparks and ignition sources.
• Do not smoke.

Fuel prefilter – Draining

1. Cut out filter to be drained. I Left

filter cut in II Right filter cut

2. Open threaded vent plug (5) of filter to be drained.

3. Unlock drain valve (6) by pressing toggle and open it.

4. Drain water and contaminants from filter un‐ til pure fuel
5. Close drain valve (6).
6. Remove screws for cover and take off cov‐ er (2).

Fill filter housing with clean fuel.

TIM-ID: 0000004929 - 003


8. Place new gasket in cover (2).

9. Fit cover with gasket and secure it with screws.

10. Cut in the cut-out filter again.

11. Close threaded vent plug (5) when fuel emerges.

88 | Task Description | MS150054/02E 2012-02

7.8.5 Fuel prefilter ‒ Flushing

Special tools, Material, Spare parts

Designation / Use Part No. Qty.

Diesel fuel

Gasket (→ Spare Parts Catalog)

Unguarded rotating and moving engine components.
Risk of serious injury – danger to life!
• Take special care when working on a running engine.

Fuels are combustible.
Risk of fire and explosion!
• Avoid open flames, electrical sparks and ignition sources.
• Do not smoke.

Engine noise above 85 dB (A).
Risk of damage to hearing!
• Wear ear protectors.

Fuel prefilter ‒ Flushing

1. Cut out clogged filter. I Left

filter cut in II Right
filter cut in
TIM-ID: 0000004937 - 012

MS150054/02E 2012-02 | Task Description | 89

2. Open threaded vent plug (5) of filter to be flushed.

3. Unlock drain valve (6) by pressing toggle, open it and

drain fuel.
Result: Fuel flows from filtered side back to the un‐ filtered
side, flushing the filter deposits downwards out of the
4. Close threaded vent plug (5) and drain valve (6).

Fuel prefilter – Topping up with fuel

1. Stop engine (→ Page 35) and disable engine start.

2. Remove screws for cover and take off cover (2).
3. Fill filter housing with clean fuel.
4. Place new gasket in cover (2).
5. Fit cover with gasket and secure it with screws.
6. Check differential pressure (→ Page 87).
Result: If flushing did not lead to an improvement of the differential pressure, replace filter element of fuel prefil‐ ter (→ Page 91).

TIM-ID: 0000004937 - 012

90 | Task Description | MS150054/02E 2012-02

7.8.6 Fuel prefilter – Filter element replacement


☑ Engine is stopped and starting disabled.

Special tools, Material, Spare parts

Designation / Use Part No. Qty.

Diesel fuel Filter

element (→ Spare Parts Catalog)

Gasket (→ Spare Parts Catalog)

Fuels are combustible.
Risk of fire and explosion!
• Avoid open flames, electrical sparks and ignition sources.
• Do not smoke.

Replacing filter element

1. Cut out filter to be drained. I Left

filter cut in II Right filter cut
TIM-ID: 0000004944 - 003

MS150054/02E 2012-02 | Task Description | 91

2. Open threaded vent plug (5) of contaminat‐ ed filter.

3. Unlock drain valve (6) by pressing toggle and open it.

4. Drain water and dirt from filter.

5. Close drain valve (6).
6. Remove screws securing the cover and take off
cover (2).
7. Remove spring housing (4) and filter ele‐ ment (3).

8. Insert new filter element (3) and spring housing

9. Fill filter housing with clean fuel.
10. Place new gasket in cover (2).
11. Fit cover with gasket and secure it with screws.

12. Cut in the cut-out filter again.

13. Close threaded vent plug (5) when fuel emerges.

14. Adjust the differential pressure gauge (→ Page


TIM-ID: 0000004944 - 003

92 | Task Description | MS150054/02E 2012-02

7.9 Charge-Air Cooling

7.9.1 Intercooler – Check drain for coolant leakage and obstruction

Unguarded rotating and moving engine components.
Risk of serious injury – danger to life!
• Take special care when working on a running engine.

Engine noise above 85 dB (A).
Risk of damage to hearing!
• Wear ear protectors.

Compressed air
Risk of injury!
• Do not direct compressed-air jet at persons.
• Wear protective goggles / safety mask and ear protectors.

Intercooler – Check drain for coolant

leakage and obstruction

1. Verify that air emerges from condensate drain bore(s)

on left and right engine sides at driving end when
engine is running. If no air emerges:

• Clean drain bore(s)

• Blow out with compressed air
2. If a large amount of coolant is continuously
discharged, the intercooler is leaking. Con‐ tact

Emergency measures prior to engine start with a leaking intercooler

1. Remove injectors (→ Page 79).

2. Bar engine manually (→ Page 63).
3. Crank engine on starting system to blow out combustion chambers (→ Page 64).
TIM-ID: 0000000955 - 002

4. Install injectors (→ Page 79).

MS150054/02E 2012-02 | Task Description | 93

7.10 Air Filter

7.10.1 Air filter – Replacement

Special tools, Material, Spare parts

Designation / Use Part No. Qty.

Air filter (→ Spare Parts Catalog)

Air filter – Replacement

1. Remove air filter and install new one (→ Page 95).

2. Reset signal ring of service indicator (→ Page 97).

TIM-ID: 0000000903 - 004

94 | Task Description | MS150054/02E 2012-02

7.10.2 Air filter – Removal and installation


☑ Engine is stopped and starting disabled.

Air filter – Removal and installation

1. Release clamp (2).

2. Remove air filter (3) and clamp (2) from flange of
intake housing (1).
3. Verify that there are no objects in the flange of the
intake housing (1) and clean it.
4. Place new air filter (3) with clamp (2) onto intake
housing (1).
5. Tighten clamp (2).
TIM-ID: 0000005457 - 004

MS150054/02E 2012-02 | Task Description | 95

7.10.3 Rubber sleeves between air intake elbow and turbocharger – Replacement


☑ Engine is stopped and starting disabled.

Special tools, Material, Spare parts

Designation / Use Part No. Qty.

Rubber sleeve (→ Spare Parts Catalog) 4

Also applicable to 12 V

Preparatory steps

u Remove air filter (→ Page 94).

Replacing rubber sleeves

1. Remove screws (3), loosen clamps (1) and take off elbow (4).
2. Pull off rubber sleeve (2) from turbocharger intake flange.
3. Clean connecting flange of turbocharger and check for obstructions.
4. Fit new rubber sleeve (2) on turbocharger intake flange.
5. Fit both clamps (1) on rubber sleeve (2), slide on elbow (4) and secure with screws (3).
6. Align clamps (1) and tighten.
7. Replace further rubber sleeves in the same way.

Final steps

u Install air filter (→ Page 94).

TIM-ID: 0000013404 - 002

96 | Task Description | MS150054/02E 2012-02

7.11 Air Intake

7.11.1 Contamination indicator – Signal ring position check


☑ Engine is stopped and starting disabled.

Checking signal ring position

1. If the signal ring is completely visible in the control

window (2), replace air filter (→ Page 94).

2. After installation of new filter, press reset button (1).

Result: Engaged piston with signal ring moves back to initial

TIM-ID: 0000005484 - 005

MS150054/02E 2012-02 | Task Description | 97

7.11.2 Emergency air-shutoff flaps – Functional check with electric actuation

Unguarded rotating and moving engine components.
Risk of serious injury – danger to life!
• Before barring or starting the engine, make sure that nobody is in the danger zone.

Air flaps close abruptly.
Risk of injury!
• Before actuating, ensure that nobody is in the danger zone.

Engine noise above 85 dB (A).
Risk of damage to hearing!
• Wear ear protectors.

Emergency air-shutoff flaps –

Functional check with electric

1. Start engine (→ Page 32).

2. Activate the appropriate function to trigger emergency
air-shutoff flaps (depending on installation), e.g. by
carrying out overspeed test. Check the following items:

• The emergency air-shutoff flaps must close as

soon as the set point is reached.

• The levers must be in position B.

• Emergency engine stop must be initiat‐ ed.

3. Open the emergency air-shutoff flaps man‐ ually after

completion of test so that the lev‐ ers are in position
4. Observe fault message.
TIM-ID: 0000013435 - 001

98 | Task Description | MS150054/02E 2012-02

7.11.3 Rubber sleeves in air pipework before intercooler – Replacement


☑ Engine is stopped and starting disabled.

Special tools, Material, Spare parts

Designation / Use Part No. Qty.

Rubber sleeve (→ Spare Parts Catalog)

O-ring (→ Spare Parts Catalog)

Also applicable to 12 V

Preparatory steps

u Remove air filter (→ Page 94).

Replacing rubber sleeves on right engine side

1. Release clamps (1).

2. Remove screws from elbow (8), remove elbow and pull off rubber sleeves (2).
3. Remove charge-air pipe (9), pull off rubber sleeve (2).
4. Clean charge-air pipe and elbow and check for obstructions.
5. Fit new rubber sleeves on exhaust turbocharger and charge-air pipe.
6. Slide clamps onto all rubber sleeves.
7. Insert elbow (8) and charge-air pipe (9) ends into rubber sleeves.
8. Secure elbow (8) with new O-ring on intercooler.
9. Align clamps (1) and secure.
TIM-ID: 0000013614 - 002

MS150054/02E 2012-02 | Task Description | 99

Replacing rubber sleeves on left engine side

1. Release clamps (3).

2. Remove retainer (5) on charge-air pipe.
3. Remove screws from elbow (7) and remove elbow.
4. Pull off charge-air pipe (6).
5. Clean charge-air pipe and elbow and check for obstructions.
6. Slide new rubber sleeves (4) onto exhaust turbocharger and charge-air pipe (6).
7. Slide clamps onto all rubber sleeves.
8. Insert elbow (7) and charge-air pipe (6) ends into rubber sleeves.
9. Secure elbow (7) with new O-ring on intercooler.
10. Align clamps (3) and secure.
11. Install retainer (5) on charge-air pipe (6).

Final steps

u Install air filter (→ Page 94).

TIM-ID: 0000013614 - 002

100 | Task Description | MS150054/02E 2012-02

7.12 Starting Equipment

7.12.1 Air starter – Manual operation

Unguarded rotating and moving engine components.
Risk of serious injury – danger to life!
• Before barring or starting the engine, make sure that nobody is in the danger zone.

Engine noise above 85 dB (A).
Risk of damage to hearing!
• Wear ear protectors.

Air starter – Manual operation

1. Operate pushbutton for manual start (ar‐ row) and

2. Allow compressed air to enter the air start‐ er, until
the engine fires evenly.
3. Release pushbutton.
TIM-ID: 0000006077 - 001

MS150054/02E 2012-02 | Task Description | 101

7.13 Lube Oil System, Lube Oil Circuit

7.13.1 Engine oil level – Check


☑ Engine shut down and starting disabled.

Checking oil level prior to engine start

1. Withdraw oil dipstick from guide tube and wipe it.

2. Insert oil dipstick into guide tube up to stop, withdraw

after approx. 10 seconds and check oil level. Note:

After extended standstill, the oil level may exceed the

mark (1) by up to 2 cm. This can be caused by oil
flowing from e.g. oil fil‐ ter or heat exchanger back to
the oil pan.
3. The oil level must reach mark (1) or exceed mark (1)
by up to 2 cm.
4. Top up with oil to mark (1) as necessary (→ Page
5. Insert oil dipstick into guide tube up to the stop.

Checking oil level after the engine is stopped

1. 5 minutes after stopping the engine, remove oil dipstick from the guide tube and wipe it.
2. Insert oil dipstick into guide tube up to stop, withdraw after approx. 10 seconds and check oil level.
3. Oil level must be between marks (1) and (2).
4. Top up with oil to mark (1) as necessary (→ Page 103).
5. Insert oil dipstick into guide tube up to the stop.

TIM-ID: 0000000931 - 009

102 | Task Description | MS150054/02E 2012-02

7.13.2 Engine oil – Change


☑ Engine is stopped and starting disabled. ☑ Engine

is at operating temperature.

☑ MTU Fluids and Lubricants Specifications (A001061/..) are available.

Special tools, Material, Spare parts

Designation / Use Part No. Qty.

Torque wrench, 40-200 Nm F30027337 1

Ratchet adapter F30027341 1

Engine oil

Sealing ring (→ Spare Parts Catalog)

Hot oil.
Oil can contain combustion residues which are harmful to health.
Risk of injury and poisoning!
• Wear protective clothing, gloves, and goggles / safety mask.
• Avoid contact with skin.
• Do not inhale oil vapor.

Procedure without pump: Draining oil via drain plug(s) on oil pan

1. Provide a suitable container to collect the oil.

2. Remove drain plug(s) and drain oil.
3. Install drain plug(s) with new sealing ring.

Procedure with pump: Oil extraction

1. Provide a suitable container to collect the oil.

2. Extract all oil from oil pan using the pump.

Draining residual oil at equipment carrier

1. Provide a suitable container to collect the oil.

2. Remove drain plug (1) and drain oil (ap‐ prox. 7 liters)
from oil heat exchanger and oil filter.

3. Remove drain plugs (2) and (3) and drain oil:

TIM-ID: 0000006152 - 004

• at drain plug (2) approx. 12 liters

• at drain plug (3) approx. 5 liters
4. Install drain plug(s) with new sealing ring.

MS150054/02E 2012-02 | Task Description | 103

5. Tighten drain plugs (2) and (3) with torque wrench to the specified torque.

Name Size Type Lubricant Value/Standard

Screw M26 x 1.5 Tightening torque (Engine oil) 100 Nm +10 Nm

Filling with new oil

1. Open cover on filler neck.

2. Fill oil through filler neck up to "max." mark at oil
3. Close cover on filler neck.
4. Check engine oil level (→ Page 102).

TIM-ID: 0000006152 - 004

104 | Task Description | MS150054/02E 2012-02

7.13.3 Engine-oil – Sample extraction and analysis


☑ MTU Fluids and Lubricants Specifications (A001061/..) are available.

Special tools, Material, Spare parts

Designation / Use Part No. Qty.

MTU test kit 5605892099/00 1

Unguarded rotating and moving engine components.
Risk of serious injury – danger to life!
• Take special care when working on a running engine.

Hot oil.
Oil can contain combustion residues which are harmful to health.
Risk of injury and poisoning!
• Wear protective clothing, gloves, and goggles / safety mask.
• Avoid contact with skin.
• Do not inhale oil vapor.

Engine noise above 85 dB (A).
Risk of damage to hearing!
• Wear ear protectors.

Engine-oil sample extraction and

analysis, variant A

1. With the engine running at operating tem‐ perature, open

screw on flange of centrifu‐ gal oil filter by 1 to 2
2. Drain approx. 2 liters engine oil to flush out the oil
3. Drain approx. 1 liter engine oil into a clean container.

4. Close screw.
5. Using the equipment and chemicals of the MTU test kit,
examine oil for:
• Dispersion capability (spot test);
• Water content;
• Dilution by fuel.
TIM-ID: 0000014111 - 001

MS150054/02E 2012-02 | Task Description | 105

Engine-oil sample extraction and
analysis, variant B

1. With the engine running at operating tem‐ perature, open

screw on automatic oil filter by 1 to 2 rotations.

2. Drain approx. 2 liters engine oil to flush out the oil

3. Drain approx. 1 liter engine oil into a clean container.

4. Close screw.
5. Using the equipment and chemicals of the MTU test kit,
examine oil for:
• Dispersion capability (spot test);
• Water content;
• Dilution by fuel.

TIM-ID: 0000014111 - 001

106 | Task Description | MS150054/02E 2012-02

7.14 Oil Filtration / Cooling

7.14.1 Engine oil filter – Replacement


☑ Engine is stopped and starting disabled.

Special tools, Material, Spare parts

Designation / Use Part No. Qty.

Filter wrench F30379104

Engine oil Oil

filter (→ Spare Parts Catalog)

Hot oil.
Oil can contain combustion residues which are harmful to health.
Risk of injury and poisoning!
• Wear protective clothing, gloves, and goggles / safety mask.
• Avoid contact with skin.
• Do not inhale oil vapor.

Engine oil filter – Replacement

1. Remove engine oil filter using filter wrench.

2. Clean sealing surface on connecting piece.
3. Check condition of new engine oil filter sealing ring
and coat it with engine oil.
4. Screw on and tighten new engine oil filter by hand.

5. Replace further engine oil filters in the same way.

6. Check engine oil level (→ Page 102).

7. After oil change and oil filter replacement, bar engine
with starting system (→ Page 64).
TIM-ID: 0000000957 - 003

MS150054/02E 2012-02 | Task Description | 107

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