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1. Escriba en la línea al lado de cada oración en Direct Speech el tiempo verbal en el que
debe ser reportada en el lenguaje indirecto. Recuerde prestar atención a las frases entre
comillas. Criterio de Corrección Absoluto. [4 pts. 0,5 pts. C/U].
Ejemplo: Robert said: “the face mask is helping to contain the pandemic”. PASADO

“He touched by my hands now”, Tamara said. PASADO SIMPLE

Trina said: “Our cousin goes to Moscow this week”. PRESENTE SIMPLE
Tom asked: “Where have you played soccer today?”. PASADO PERFECTO
“My aunt will celebrate her birthday next week,” Paul told me FUTURO
“You’re writing that email for me yesterday”, Jessica said. PASADO PROGRESIVO.
Emily said: "Our teacher will go to Madrid tomorrow". FUTURO
"I was writing a letter yesterday", Helen told me. ”. PRESENTE SIMPLE
"Tim went to the Stadium yesterday", Peter said. PASADO SIMPLE

2. Pareo: Escriba en el espacio en blanco al lado de cada oración en la Columna A, en

DIRECT SPEECH; la letra que representa a su equivalente en INDIRECT SPEECH, de
entre las opciones en la Columna B. Preste atención a la estructura gramatical de cada una.
Criterio de Corrección Absoluto. [4 pts. 0.5 Pts. C/U).
3. Encierre en un círculo la forma correcta del verbo en paréntesis que corresponda a cada
oración a continuación en INDIRECT SPEECH. Recuerde aplicar las reglas del back-
shifting. Criterio de Corrección Absoluto. [4 pts. 0.8 C/U].

Ejemplo: Are the gloves being found by people now?

¿Están siendo encontrados los guantes por la gente ahora?

• Paul said that the coronavirus (HAVE, HAS, HAD) affected Venezuelan people lives
since the las month.

• The reporter said that most of the infected people (COMES, CAME, COME) from Spain
and Italy the previous weeks.

• The experts said that the face masks hadn’t (BE, BEEN, BEING) found at drugstores for

• Roman said that Spain, France, Italy & China (WAS, ARE, WERE) conquered by the
pandemic’s effects.

• Immunologists said that 14.000 COVID - 19 tests (WILL, WOULD) be done to Sucre
State Population the following days.

4. Complete el siguiente cuadro comparativo escribiendo al lado de cada estructura a la

izquierda en DIRECT SPEECH, su equivalente según las normas del BACKSHIFTING, en
INDIRECT SPEECH a la derecha. Criterio de Corrección Relativo. [2 pts. 0,4 pt. C/U].
5. Transcriba las siguientes oraciones del DIRECT SPEECH al INDIRECT SPEECH,
correctamente. Criterio de Corrección Relativo. [6 pts. 0,5 pts. C/U].

Ejemplo: Ron said: “I help people with my joy”.

Passive: Ron said that he helped people with his joy.

• “Wendy and Lucy drunk their coffee in a twist”, Peter said.

Passive: He said that Wendy and Lucy drink their coffee in a twist,

• “The Coronavirus is affecting south American countries now”, Experts said:

Passive: They said that The Coronavirus was affecting south American countries now

• The government speaker said: “Ministers have promoted some health policies to avoid the
pandemic escalation”

Passive: They said that Ministers had promoted some health policies to avoid the pandemic

• Pilar said: “I haven’t accomplished the quarantine measures properly”.

Passive: she said that She hadn’t accomplished the quarantine measures properly

• “Rose’s father won’t clean the kitchen surfaces with chlorine tomorrow”, Tom said.

Passive: He said that Rose’s father wouldn’t clean the kitchen surfaces with chlorine the

• “European Scientists can find the COVID – 19’s Vacuum soon”, the journalist said.

Passive: the journalist said that European Scientists could find the COVID – 19’s Vacuum

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