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La leyenda del Charro Negro

Cuando el sol comienza a esconderse, las madres meten a sus hijos, las puertas de las casas
son atrancadas y los viajeros apresuran el paso mientras rezan, nadie quiere encontrarse con
el Charro Negro.
Se trata de un ente que recibe el nombre por su vestimenta. Siempre que se aparece, porta un
elegante traje de Charro color negro con detales de oro o plata. Se le puede ver montado sobre
su caballo, un gran animal cuyos ojos son dos bolas de fuego que parecen hurgar en el alma
de la víctima.
Esta es la leyenda
El Charro proviene de una familia humilde. Por mas que trabajaba, el dinero nunca le
alcanzaba y tenia que andar todo el día con las manos llenas de tierra.
Tiempo después, murieron sus padres. Al quedar solo, la miseria del Charro aumento
considerablemente por lo que tomó una decisión que cambiaria su vida: invocar al diablo para
pedirle riqueza.
No se sabe como lo consiguió, pero finalmente, Lucifer apareció. Aquella entidad supo leer los
ojos y el espíritu del hombre que lo había llamado, así que de inmediato le ofreció cantidades
de dinero que ni siquiera en dos vidas podría gastar. Lo único que pedía a cambio, era su alma.
El Charro lleno de avaricia acepto.
Paso el tiempo y poco a poco la juventud del Charro comenzó a despedirse. De repente, se dio
cuenta de que estaba cansado de gastar sus riquezas en mujeres, apuestas, vino y costosos
trajes. Que no era querido por lo que era si no por su dinero.
El Charro se dio cuenta que aquel trato lo maldijo ya que Lucifer apareció para recordarle que
la hora del cobro estaba cerca y el Charro se asustó como nunca.
El terror lo invadió y cada día recordaba su deuda y por cobardía comenzó a ocultarse, mando
al personal de su hacienda a poner cruces por toda su propiedad y a construir una pequeña
capilla, pero todo eso no era suficiente la deuda pendiente lo atormentaba y no lo dejaba estar
en paz.
En un arranque de miedo tomo a su mejor caballo junto con una bolsa de monedas de oro y
emprendió su viaje durante la madrugada para que nadie lo viera huir
Sin embargo, Lucifer se dio cuenta que el Charro faltaría a su palabra, así que volvió a
aparecer frente al jinete y su caballo, pero esta vez con el fin de llevárselo
Cuando su caballo se dio cuenta, enojado trato de patear al demonio, pero era demasiado
tarde el demonio tomo el alma de su dueño y por fiel el caballo también fue maldito, así ambos
se acompañarían al infierno.
Lucifer le comento que si quería ser libre debía convertirse en su cobrador de almas a quienes
hicieron tratos con el y convencer a otros de tener un trato con el diablo.
The legend of the Charro Negro
When the sun begins to hide, the mothers put their children, the doors of the houses are locked
and the travelers hurry up while they pray, nobody wants to meet the Charro Negro.
It is an entity that receives its name for its clothing. Whenever he shows up, he wears an
elegant black Charro suit with gold or silver details. He can be seen riding on his horse, a large
animal whose eyes are two balls of fire that seem to delve into the victim's soul.
This is the legend
El Charro comes from a humble family. As much as he worked, money never reached him and
he had to walk all day with his hands full of dirt.
Some time later, his parents died. When he was alone, Charro's misery increased considerably,
so he made a decision that would change his life: summon the devil to ask for wealth.
It is not known how he got it, but finally, Lucifer appeared. That entity knew how to read the
eyes and spirit of the man who had called him, so he immediately offered him amounts of
money that he couldn't even spend in two lives. All he asked in return was his soul.
El Charro full of greed accepted.
Time passed and little by little the Charro's youth began to say goodbye. Suddenly, he realized
that he was tired of spending his wealth on women, bets, wine and expensive costumes. That
he was not loved for what he was but for his money.
El Charro realized that the deal cursed him since Lucifer appeared to remind him that the time
for payment was near and Charro was scared like never before.
Terror invaded him and every day he remembered his debt and because of cowardice he began
to hide, he sent his farm personnel to cross all his property and build a small chapel, but all that
was not enough, the outstanding debt tormented him and he did not Let him be in peace.
In a scary boot he took his best horse along with a bag of gold coins and began his journey
during the early morning so that no one would see him run away
However, Lucifer realized that Charro would miss his word, so he reappeared in front of the
rider and his horse, but this time in order to take it away
When his horse realized, angry he tried to kick the demon, but it was too late the demon took
the soul of his owner and for faithful the horse was also cursed, so both would accompany each
other to hell.
Lucifer told him that if he wanted to be free he should become his soul collector to whom they
made deals with him and convince others to have a deal with the devil.

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