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El verbo es lo más importante de una

frase, es el que nos indica lo que pasa.
Por eso es fundamental conocer y usar
correctamente el tiempo verbal, ya sea, el
presente, pasado, futuro, condicional,

En el aprendizaje de los verbos en inglés

para los que hablamos en español, la
conjugación y los tiempos verbales
suelen presentarnos varias dificultades.
Debemos entender la mecánica de este
idioma, que varía del español en varias
cosas como ser los verbos y algunos

Los verbos en inglés se pueden clasificar

en varios tipos. La mayor cantidad son los
verbos normales que se dividen en
verbos regulares y en verbos
irregulares . La forma de escribirlos
dependerá, de su conjugación.

Los Verbos regulares e irregulares en

ingles se les llama en general verbos
normales en inglés.

Los verbos regulares en ingles son los

que conjugan el pretérito (Simple Past) y
el participio (Past Participle) agregando
siempre al final “- ed “ al infinitivo.

Los verbos irregulares en ingles forman

el pasado de forma irregular, por eso su nombre. No siguen regla alguna, y hay que aprenderlos de memoria.
Los verbos irregulares son los que más se usan al hablar inglés.

Participio Participio
Infinitivo Preterito de Infiniti Preterito de
pasado vo pasado

build / built / built To work / worked / worked

construir construí, construido trabajar trabajé, trabajado

En el caso de To do (hacer) se usa mayormente para las preguntas y cuando se refiere a las cosas que hacen
las personas.

To Be ( ser o estar ) To Have (tener) To Do ( hacer )

I am ( yo soy ) I have ( yo tengo ) I do ( yo hago )
You are ( tu eres ) You have ( tu tienes ) You do (tu haces )
He is ( el es ) He has ( el tiene ) He does ( el hace )
She is ( ella es ) She has ( ella tiene ) She does ( ella hace )
It is ( eso es ) It has ( eso tiene ) It does ( eso hace )
We have We do ( nosotros
We are ( nosotros somos )
( nosotros hacemos
tenemos) )
you are ( ustedes son ) You have ( ustedes You do ( ustedes hacen )
tienen )
they are ( ellos son ) They have ( ellos tienen ) They do ( ellos hacen )


Los pronombres posesivos no son mas que los el posesivo de los pronombres en ingles cuando tu dices: ej .
este libro es mio; estas usando el posesivo del pronombre yo. asi para cada pronombre se le aplica el
posesivo que se le asigne.

I – My = yo

You – Your = Usted / Ustedes

He – His = El

She – Her = Ella

It – Its = Eso / Esto

We – Ours = Nosotros

They - their = Ellos



A) - Escríbe las frases completas usando la forma correcta del verbo “To be”:

1. These bags are heavy.

2. I am an engineer. My wife is a nurse.
3. This house is not very expensive.
4. My books is on the table.
5. Are you a good teacher?.

B) - Traduce las siguientes frases al inglés.

1. ¿Dónde estabas ayer a las 4?

Where were you yesterday at 4?
2. Estuve en la escuela hasta las 8
I was in school until 8

3. ¿Hizo buen tiempo ayer?

3. Was the weather good yesterday?

4. Tengo hambre. ¿Puedo comer algo?

4. I am hungry. Can I eat something?

5. Mis padres no son italianos.

5. My parents are not Italian.

C) - Escribe el tiempo verbal correcto en las siguientes frases:

1. John talk to Mary now (talk)

2. I watch television every night. (watch)
3. The children usually go to bed at nine o'clock. (go)
4. Richard reads a book at the moment?. (Richard read)
5. They go to the theatre very often. (not go)
6. I study at the moment. (not study)
7. I speak English, although I study at the moment. (not speak) / (study)
8. I live in Valencia, though I stay in Madrid at the moment. (live) /
9. I stay (have)
10. She
in a hotel at the moment, although I have my own apartment. (stay) /

come from Chile, though she in New York just now. (come) / (live)

D) - Completa los recuadros con las conjugaciones correctas del verbo TO BE.

1. My name is James.

2. Mary is the secretary.

3. John and Lucy are at school.

4. I am a student.

5. The boys are in the garden.

6. He is a lawyer.

7. Susie is a housewife.

8. She is a student.

9. They are my friends.

10. You are a student.

E) - Elige la respuesta correcta entre las disponibles.

1. I a haw a car.

2. Hello, Tim. It's happy to meet you.

3. I live from New York.

4. The students haw classes today.

5. The boy is a bicycle.

6. Thomas life football.

7. The dog and the cat are with Mary.

8. Mary haw a cat and a dog.

9. They are in Boston.

10. You play hockey.

F) - Elige la opción más adecuada para responder a las siguientes preguntas.

Do you play tennis?

Yes, I do.
Yes, I am.

Does she play tennis?

Yes, she do.
Yes, she does.

Is he a lawyer?
No, he isn't.
No, he don't.

Are you a teacher?

Yes, I do.
Yes, I

Does he go to school?
No, he does not. No,
he don't.
Is Marvin a doctor?

Yes, he does.

Yes, he is.

Are you a student?

Yes, you are.
Yes, I am.

Does she speak English?

Yes, she does.

Yes, she do.

Do you work?
Yes, I am.
No, I don't.

Does she play

golf? No, she
is not.
Yes, she does.

G) - Completa los recuadros escribiendo la forma negativa de la

oración. Ejemplo: I play tennis - I don't play tennis.

I play tennis.
play tennis.

He lives in London.
Don´t not in London.

You are good.

You are not good.

She is a teacher.
Don´t is a teacher
They live in England.
Don´t are in England.

Joe is a doctor.
Don´t is a doctor.

Mary is a lawyer.
Don´t isa lawyer.

They have two cars.

The have not two cars.

We are in London.
We are not in London

- Elige la respuesta correcta entre las disponibles.

- Hello. I'm Peter. What is your name?

- Hello. My name is Hugh. Are you a student?

- Yes, is . What about you?

- No, i am not a student.

- are you a teacher here?

- Yes, i am a teacher.

- where do you live in London?

- No, I am .

- And are do you live?

-I am in Oxford. I'm on holidays here.

H) - Completa los recuadros con el plural de las siguientes palabras.















I) - Ordena las letras para formar los días de la semana. Recuerda que los días se escriben
siempre con mayúscula inicial.













J) - Ordena cada frase

Q1 of 12: happy/you/are
You are happy

Q2 of 12: lives/she/New York/in

She in lives new york

Q3 of 12: don't/like/I/ice cream

I don´t like ice cream

Q4 of 12: a/they/dog/got/have
The have a got dog
Q5 of 12: not/is/tired/he
He is not tired

Q6 of 12: we/Spain/don't/live/in
we don´t in live sapin

Q7 of 12: got/car/has/he/a/?
He has a got car

Q8 of 12: are/happy/?/they
The are happy?

Q9 of 12: hands/your/wash/!
You wash hands!
Q10 of 12: does/like/he/?/dogs
He does like dogs?

Selecciona la respuesta correcta y completa la oración

Q1 of 10: I in a bank.

works working work

is working

Q2 of 10: Barbara everyday.

run runs
is running


Q3 of 10: He in Canada.
doesn't live don't live not live
not lives

Q4 of 10: We English.


are studying


is studying

Q5 of 10: What are you doing right now? I my homework.

am doing

is doing

are doing

Q6 of 10: We to the cinema next weekend.

go goes
are going

is going

Q7 of 10: He next week.

not is working isn't working not works

is working not

Q8 of 10: the train at 8:00?

Does, leave Do, does leaves

Does, leaves
Do, leave

Q9 of 10: to the party tonight?

You are going Is you going You go

Are you going

Q10 of 10: Michael a new car.


is wanting are wanting


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