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9 Elaborar el plan de acción de mercadeo

El proceso de planeación debe abarcar todas las áreas de la empresa. El desarrollo de esta
evidencia confirmará que han alcanzado el siguiente resultado de aprendizaje:

 Comprender las ideas principales de textos complejos en inglés que tratan de temas tanto
concretos como abstractos, incluso si son de carácter técnico, siempre que estén dentro de
su campo de especialización

Evidencia 3
Formato Brief

¿Qué se debe entregar?

Formato Brief diligenciado y presentación de la campaña publicitaria

¿Cuáles son los criterios de evaluación asociados a esta evidencia?

Traduce del inglés documentos técnicos sencillos en tiempo presente y pasado.

Dramatiza en inglés una historia breve utilizando verbos regulares e irregulares.
¿Cuál es el procedimiento?

Estudie el material “Creative Brief”.

De manera individual y teniendo en cuenta su producto o servicio, complete el Formato


Lea comprensivamente el material “How to create an advertising campaign” (Pautas para

crear una campaña publicitaria).

Una vez diligenciado el formato, seleccione un ítem y prepare una campaña publicitaria en
inglés en tiempo pasado, a través de alguno de los medios sugeridos en el material:

o Una campaña radial

o Un comercial de televisión
o Una campaña promocional

Envíe el formato al instructor y solicite las instrucciones para presentar la campaña.

A continuación, encontrarán el espacio donde deben redactar las respuestas:

 Diligencie cada una de las casillas de acuerdo con los criterios y el tiempo verbal que se

1. Company information Present tense

Name of the company LIVE PLANET

Trade’s name LIVE PLANET
Company’s activity Jewelery manufacturing
2. Company history Past tense

History of the company in detail

Advertising has been traditionally A broshure was created, in which the
done? main jewels and information of the
company were exhibited, along with
business cards.

What kind of advertising and what The advertising that was used in the
issues were addressed? beginning was by means of flyers, and by
social networks using voice to voice as a
means of dissemination.
What were the objectives of previous
Our main objective was to publicize the
campaigns? brand and how our products are made.

The jewelry in its beginnings was made

What are the characteristics of your only in leather, with the passage of time
product or service? was added accessories made in recyclable

Within the craft jewelry market this

What is the current position of your business idea is not found, as it is totally
product in the market? new in the market
Present tense
3. The product or service

Description of the product or service Description of the product or service with

with all its features: all its characteristics:
 Physical (if it has) • Physical: Jewel made of leather retal,
with metal adaptations and resins.
 Chemical characterization (if it • Chemical characterization: the resin in
which the jewel decorative pendant is
composed of materials that are friendly
to the environment, are non-toxic resins.
• Packaging: The packaging is made of
 Packaging (if it has) soda bottle plastic, which is molded
according to the jewel.
 Benefits • Benefits: The materials from which the
jewelry is manufactured are recyclable,
which makes them eco friendly with the
 Trajectory (how long was it • Trajectory: At present, the LIVE
released) PLANET product line is only found as a
business idea.
 Lifecycle • Legislation of the life cycle: The
Legislation company and its products are projected
into the future with very good profits

Present tense
4. SWOT matrix (Strengths, 4. SWOT matrix:
Weaknesses, Opportunities and (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities
Threats) and Threats)

 Weaknesses (they are internal to • Weaknesses

the company) -As a company we can not provide
product satisfaction to our potential
-We can not get the raw material of our
-To have companies that make the same
products at a lower cost.
• Opportunities:
 Opportunities (they are external, -To have good products and affordable
what the sale opportunities are) prices so that our potential customers
feel satisfied and turn it into the best
option when it comes to showing off our
-Get great alliances in the market so that
our products are sold in the best jewelries
in the country.
-To be a company with great acceptance
of our designs so that the production of
these is on the rise and thus generate
 Strengths (they are internal) • Strengths:
Threats (they are external) -Be a company with designs
-Satisfying our clientele with personalized
customer service.
- Arrive with our products with affordable
prices for all social strata
-To be an avant-garde company with
desires to pose as one of the best.
• Threats:
• Threats:
-The main threat of our companies are
the competitors that with the decrease of
costs in their products and thus our
clients prefer them to the competition.
-We can not get the quality raw material
to be able to manufacture the products
we produce.
-The unfair competition, plagiarism of our
5. Budget Present tense

It’s the money assigned to the This is in for a projection of

project. approximately 15 million Colombian pesos
to start with the business model

6. Consumer/Target Audience Present tense

Describe the three types of

 End consumer: The person who For the company LIVE PLANET your ideal
consumer would be the real or objective
consumes the product, but doesn’t
since it is the person who makes the
decide on the purchase.
purchase decision, but being realistic with
 Real consumer or objective: The the society in which we live, within the
person who makes the purchase market we can find all types of clients,
decision. the idea is that the staff is in full capacity
 Potential Consumer: The person to meet and meet the needs of
who has a provisional contact with consumers.
the product or who will be the
consumer in the future.
Describe the profiles
 Demographic profile
 Geographic profile
Psychographic profile
Present tense
7. Competition/Positioning

Describe the type of competition your The jewelery sector in Colombia is quite,
product or service has: the type of competition that we tended
 Direct to be direct, although the idea of our
business is innovative, it does not mean
 Hint
that it does not contain a high risk, since
 Main Competition it may end up being plagiarized by our
future competitors.
Present tense
8. Project objectives

Describe the goal to be achieved in The main objective of the company are
your project. the following:
- Achieve a profitability of the production
of our product higher than the investment
cost and thus obtain profitability with our
products in order to make our project
viable and sustainable.

Present tense
9. Market research

Explain the market research you have The market research carried out in the
made in your project: which are the LIVE PLANET project has been to find the
latest changes of consumers and the basic need to contribute in some way to
target public? the conservation of the environment, this
idea makes the interviewees interested in
buying something that makes them
participate in this change, in the last 2
years of research, consumers of products
that contribute to the care of the
environment have increased, which would
favor the business idea of LIVE PLANET.

Present tense

10. Schedule 10. Schedule

Include the distribution channels for Include the distribution channels of the
the products of your project: products of your project:
 Direct • Direct: the company LIVE PLANET acting
 Indirect as a manufacturer is responsible for
getting your product to the final customer
without intermediaries. Therefore, it
does not delegate storage, transport or
customer service processes.
• Indirect: this would be carried out
through intermediaries, but these should
be head of household factors affected by
the armed conflict that functions as an
intermediary between the company LIVE
PLANET and the final consumer, through
catalog sales or other alternatives.

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