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El libro de los libros de Traduccin

Bibliografa con 260 libros con acceso a texto completo sobre Lingstica,
Traduccin e Interpretacin

Compilado por Julio Alonso Arvalo


El libro de los libros de

Bibliografa con 260 libros con acceso a

texto completo sobre Lingstica, Traduccin
e Interpretacin

Compilado por Julio Alonso Arvalo

Bibliotecarios de la Facultad de Traduccin y Documentacin de la Universidad de


Febrero 2016

La bibliografa que tienes entre manos es parte del trabajo de compilacin de Fuentes
de Informacin llevado a cabo por la Biblioteca de Traduccin y Documentacin de la
Universidad de Salamanca, es una obra que irmos enriqueciendo con ms ttiulos
durante las prximas ediciones.

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Tenis tutoriales de como hacerlo en mi slideshare (all hay unos 62 tutoriales)*

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Un saludo afectuoso

Julio Alonso Arvalo

Slideshare de Julio Alonso Arvalo


[e-Book] Mapping best multilingual business practices in the EU European

Commission. Texto completo:

The digital age and globalisation have together changed the European business
environment for good. As companies and their employees deal with different
languages and cultures on a daily basis, multilingualism can no longer be
considered just as an asset or a competitive advantage, but rather as a fact of life.
Thus, multilingualism has become a global issue as well as a transversal issue
within organisations, since digital communication is erasing national and
linguistic boundaries. Faced with this multilingual reality, companies have
adopted a number of innovative business practices described in the case studies
carried out in European companies. These include intercomprehension (the
parallel use of different languages which have similar structures and
vocabularies), collaborative interpretation and use of language technology tools,
such as machine translation. However, social networks and collaborative methods
have led to increasingly complex and technical content. Human resources will
always be needed to validate translations, both the machine-generated and the
human variety. As well as case studies and analysis, this study on multilingual
business practices contains a set of recommendations to enhance multilingualism
in business. These include the development of multilingual business strategies,
the establishment of a European Observatory of Multilingual Business Practices, a
quality label for multilingual European company websites translated into more
than four languages, and support for the European Company Statute

[e-Book] Quantifying quality costs and the cost of poor quality in translation:
Quality efforts and the consequences of poor quality in the European
Commission's Directorate-General for Translation. Luxemburg, European
Commission,. Texto completo:

The present study makes the case that quality efforts in translation are
indispensable and worth paying for, as these costs actually save money in the
long run. It aims to provide a methodology for calculating: 1. The quality-related
costs, i.e. quality investment, which in addition to quality control measures in the
translation activity includes recruitment, training, IT and translation tools,
terminology, etc. 2. The costs of poor quality, i.e. the costs of corrigenda, poorly
written originals, IT problems, poor quality of external translations, as well as the
costs, financial or otherwise, for the Commission, the EU and society in general.
The first part will put the concepts of "quality", quality costs and the "cost of
poor quality" in a theoretical framework. After that, the study will provide an
overview of DGT's activities that have an impact on the quality of its translations,
and indicate how the costs and benefits of DGTs quality efforts and the costs of
poor quality for DGT can be quantified (chapter 4). Chapter 5 will look into the
consequences of poor quality outside DGT, i.e. for the Commission and EU
companies and citizens, followed by the conclusions in chapter 6

(1983). [e-Book] Gua para la redaccin de artculos cientficos destinados a la

publicacin. Paris, Unesco. Texto completo:

En 1962, la UNESCO public las Normas que deben aplicarse en materia de

publicaciones cientficas (documento UNESCO / NS / 177), preparado por el
entonces comit de enlace FIDCIUC-FIAB-OIUN. Dicho comit haba sido creado
para examinar los medios de llevar a cabo una actividad internacional eficaz que
permitieran mejorar la situacin de la informacin cientfica. El comit consider
que la falta de disciplina libremente aceptada en materia de redaccin y de
publicaciones de informaciones cientficas era una de las causas principales del
intil aumento de los documentos publicados, as como de los gastos que
entraa su publicacin primaria y el posterior tratamiento de las publicaciones en
los servicios de indizado y de extractos y en las bibliotecas. Por consiguiente, el
comit estableci en las normas, en la forma ms concisa posible, las reglas que
debieran seguir los autores de publicaciones cientficas y los redactores de
revistas cientficas. La UNESCO y la Oficina de Resmenes Analticos del CIUC
difundieron ampliamente las normas en espaol, Francs, Ingles y Ruso;
asimismo, se publicaron versiones en Alemn, Esperanto, Polaco y Portugus.
En presente edicin de la Gua, se mantiene y ampla el enfoque de una norma
explicativa. La nueva edicin refleja, adems, la evolucin registrada desde 1.968
en el mundo de las publicaciones cientficas, sobre todo dentro de las
asociaciones de jefes de redaccin agrupadas en la IFSEA y que cuenta con
patrocinio de la UNESCO. En primer lugar, la publicacin de trabajos cientficos es
ahora ms profesional, por lo que la presentacin de publicaciones cientficas se
centran ms en el editor y en el usuario que en los bibliotecarios y
documentalistas. Actualmente, se hace mayor hincapi en la ergonoma, la
economa y las tcnicas ms recientes de produccin de publicaciones, teniendo
muy en cuenta los hbitos de trabajo del lector y, por supuesto, las necesidades
de los servicios auxiliares. En segundo trmino, las nuevas tcnicas de
tratamiento de textos y de la palabra han eliminado la clara lnea divisoria que
exista entre la produccin tipogrfica y la de manuscritos. La presente Gua trata
de la preparacin tcnica del manuscrito para su composicin profesional, y no
de las tcnicas, ms o menos desarrolladas, que utiliza cada autor para elaborar
un texto mecanografiado, listo para reproducirlo en una publicacin
relativamente efmera. No obstante, los principios bsicos deberan ser similares.

(1997). [e-Book] BBT Book Production Series. Volume 2: Readings in General

Translation Theory. Saddle River, NJ, Prentice Hall. Texto completo:

The present volume of the BBT Book Production Series is a collection that gives
the BBT translator some basic theoretical understanding about the nature of
translation, provides him with knowledge about principal approaches to
translation, and broadens the range of his information of language. In selecting
the articles, we have asked ourselves: (1) How useful will they be for the BBT
translator's immediate work, and (2) Will a layman translator be able to
understand them? Thus we have rejected some major works that are considered
to have played a great role in the development of linguistic thought. Instead we
have included quite a few papers about Bible translation, considering their
greater relevance to BBT translator's needs

(2002 b). [e-Book] The Guide to Translation and Localization : Preparing Products
for the Global Marketplace. Portland, Oregon, ATA. Texto completo:

The search for professional linguists should start with the American Translators
Association (ATA). Founded in 1959 and headquartered in Washington, DC, ATA
is the United States largest association of professional translators and
interpreters (with over 8,500 members in more than 60 countries). ATAs primary
goals are to foster and support the professional development of translators and
interpreters and to promote the translation and interpreting professions. ATA
members have the opportunity to become credentialed in any of 25 different
language combinations by passing one of ATAs accreditation examinations. ATA
translators and interpreters are at the forefront of this new era in communication
and welcome the opportunity to help global businesses succeed. ATA is very
pleased to join Lingo Systems in publishing this fourth edition of the
award-winning Guide to Translation and LocalizationPreparing Products for the
Global Marketplace. This book provides users of translation and localization
services with the information needed to have critical business and marketing
materials translated and localized to effectively reach customers and suppliers
around the world. This guide gives you insight into the complicated process of
transferring messages across languages and cultures. More importantly, it helps
you do business internationally.

(2004). [e-Book] Gua de oportunidades profesionales para traductores e

intrpretes en organizaciones internacionales. Madrid, Ministerio de Asuntos
Exteriores y de Cooperacin. Texto completo:

El incremento de la presencia de espaoles y la difusin del idioma espaol en las

instituciones y organizaciones internacionales constituye uno de los objetivos
estratgicos de la poltica exterior y multilateral de Espaa. Para atender a dicho
objetivo, el Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores y de Cooperacin est impulsando
una poltica sistemtica de promocin de la presencia de espaoles en
organizaciones internacionales que implica el desarrollo de diferentes programas
y acciones en los mbitos de la informacin, la formacin y el desarrollo
normativo. Para ello, este Ministerio ha creado la Unidad de Funcionarios
Internacionales, nombrando a su frente a un Embajador en Misin Especial. Su
finalidad consiste en desarrollar, con vocacin esencial de servicio pblico hacia
la ciudadana, diferentes iniciativas en dichos mbitos. La Gua ofrece una
informacin completa sobre las oportunidades profesionales para traductores e
intrpretes en aquellas instituciones y organizaciones internacionales que tienen
el espaol como lengua oficial, as como sobre los diferentes apoyos a la
traduccin ofrecidos por las organizaciones internacionales. Con ella se pretende
dar a conocer las oportunidades profesionales en el mbito de la traduccin e
interpretacin tanto entre los expertos e interesados como entre universidades,
colegios profesionales, y otras entidades relevantes de la sociedad espaola.

(2004). [e-Book] Guide to localization management, Rubric. Texto completo:

Localization can bring a great deal of value to a company. Many world-class

companies already generate in excess of 60% of their revenue outside of their
core domestic market, forging relationships with many global markets rich with
opportunities. It is only logical that for many products and services, localized
versions generate better results and engender deeper loyalty with your target
audience. However, localization can be a complex process and requires effective
management. Effective localization management can generate tremendous cost
efciencies in the production process. Taken to its optimal level, it can change the
way in which a company develops its core products and authors its source
content. A company ideally translates these efciencies across departments,
resulting in further localization production gains in an ongoing
efciency-generation cycle. This can lead to solid production
return-on-investment (ROI).Producing versions of products and services to be
sold globally can generate signi-cant revenue increases. Through proper
collaboration with executive management and other departments, localization
management can help the company to achieve not only production ROI, but also
business ROI objectives. These would include increasing global revenue and
market share, satisfying global customers, enhancing global brand equity,
reducing relative support costs and positively affecting the companys share

(2004). [e-Book] Guide to Localization Management, Rubric. Texto completo:

Localization can bring a great deal of value to a company. Many world-class

companies already generate in excess of 60% of their revenue outside of their
core domestic market, forging relationships with many global markets rich with
opportunities. It is only logical that for many products and services, localized
versions generate better results and engender deeper loyalty with your target
audience. However, localization can be a complex process and requires effective
management. Effective localization management can generate tremendous cost
efficiencies in the production process. Taken to its optimal level, it can change the
way in which a company develops its core products and authors its source
content. A company ideally translates these efficiencies across departments,
resulting in further localization production gains in an ongoing
efficiency-generation cycle. This can lead to solid production
return-on-investment (ROI). Producing versions of products and services to be
sold globally can generate signifi- cant revenue increases. Through proper
collaboration with executive management and other departments, localization
management can help the company to achieve not only production ROI, but also
business ROI objectives. These would include increasing global revenue and
market share, satisfying global customers, enhancing global brand equity,
reducing relative support costs and positively affecting the companys share

(2004). [e-Book] A National Code of Ethics for Interpreters in Health Care.

Washington The National Council on Interpreting in Health Care Texto
As the profession of health care interpreting in the United States matures and
evolves, the importance of creating shared understandings of what is considered
high quality and ethically appropriate principles and practices in the field
becomes imperative. To this end, the National Council on Interpreting in Health
Care identified three steps that needed to take place on a national level in order
to standardize the expectations that the health care industry and patients should
have of interpreters and to raise the quality of health care interpreting. The first
step was to create and build support for a single Code of Ethics that would guide
the practice of interpreters working in health care venues. The second step was
to develop a nationally accepted, unified set of Standards of Practice based on
the Code of Ethics that would define competent practice in the field. The third
step was to create a national certification process that would set a standard for
qualification as a professional health care interpreter.

(2006). [e-Book] Interpretation Guidelines, National Health and Nutrition

Examination Survey (NHANES). Texto completo:

The diversity of the United States population continues to increase. According to

NHANES data collected during 1999-2004, nearly 16 percent of sample persons
(SPs) spoke a language other than English. Of these, approximately 96 percent
spoke Spanish and the remaining 4 percent spoke an array of other non-English
languages. The major difference between the two terms is that an interpreter
relays a message orally, whereas a translator works with the written word.
Consequently interpreters and translators develop different skill sets. Interpreters
must have the capacity to work on the spot and convey spoken words from one
language to another, in both directions. In contrast, translators require strong
writing abilities and will typically convert written text from a second language
into their native language, in one direction.

(2008). [e-Book] Developing Quality Cost Effective Interpreting & Translating

Services For Government Service Providers In Ireland. Ireland, Government
Service Providers In Ireland. Texto completo:
Over the past few years, the NCCRI has been involved in working with
Government bodies to improve services to members of minority ethnic groups.
This work has ranged from involvement in drafting the National Action Plan
Against Racism (20052008) (NPAR) and in contributing to intercultural strategies
arising from commitments in the NPAR, such as the Health Services Executives
National Intercultural Health Strategy 20072012; to managing cross-border
research on improving services to minority ethnic groups in Ireland, Scotland and
Northern Ireland.1 Throughout this work, a recurring theme has been the need
for professional, accurate, high quality interpreting and translating services for
people with low proficiency in English; this was confirmed in the NCCRI Advocacy
Paper2 Interpreting, Translation and Public Bodies in Ireland: The Need for Policy
and Training in 2007

(2008). [e-Book] Professional Standards and Ethics for California Court

Interpreters. San Francisco, Judicial Council of California. Texto completo:

This manual is intended to inform interpreters of their professional and ethical

responsibilities so that they are better able to deal with the difficulties that
commonly arise in matters involving non-English-speaking parties in the judicial
system. It also serves as a reference and springboard for discussion in
conjunction with the Judicial Council Ethics Workshop, which is provided as an
integral part of the education and certification or registration of court interpreters
in the State of California. In addition to the regulations and recommendations
provided here, it is important to note that different courts have their own rules
and ways of conducting business. It is the interpreters duty to learn and follow
these rules as well. In the courtroom, the judge is the final arbiter of what is
appropriate. The more prepared and informed you are about professional
practices and the purpose of established norms and principles, the more you,
together with all officers of the court, will be able to further the interests of
justice. This manual is based largely on the rules and principles set forth in rule
2.890 of the California Rules of Court (Professional conduct for interpreters,
see appendix A); California Standards of Judicial Administration adopted by the
Judicial Council of California for interpreted proceedings (Standard 2.10 and
Standard 2.11; see appendix C); the Standards for Performance and Professional
Responsibility for Contract Court Interpreters in the Federal Courts (see
appendix E) and W. E. Hewitt, Court Interpretation: Model Guides for Policy and
Practice in the State Courts, Publication R-167 (Williamsburg, Virginia: State
Justice Institute, 1995).

(2009). [e-Book] Congreso Mundial de Traduccin Especializada. La Habana, Unin

Latina. Texto completo:

El Congreso Mundial de Traduccin Especializada fue celebrado en el ao 2008,

que fuera proclamado por las Naciones Unidas Ao Internacional de los Idiomas.
En ese contexto, con el propsito de destacar la importancia del traductor como
uno de los factores primordiales en la preservacin de la diversidad lingstica, el
Congreso congreg a diversos especialistas que trataron mltiples aspectos de la
profesin del traductor bajo el gran lema Lenguas y dilogo intercultural en un
mundo en globalizacin. Cont con cerca de 300 participantes, en su mayora
traductores, provenientes de los cinco continentes que pudieron expresarse en
los cinco idiomas oficiales del Congreso: espaol, francs, ingls, portugus y
ruso. As, se ofrecieron durante este encuentro una variedad de comunicaciones
que estudiaron, desde un punto de vista ms poltico que cientfico, diferentes
facetas de la traduccin a escala internacional. Los grandes temas en los que se
clasificaron las ponencias fueron: La traduccin en organismos internacionales y
en las patentes y normas Traduccin automatizada Herramientas lingsticas y
recursos en lnea Corpus lingsticos y estudios de caso La profesin del
traductor: especializacin, formacin y sinergias La traduccin es muy cara y
lenta o mentiras del monolingismo

(2009). [e-Book] La traduction la Commission: 1958-2010. Luxemburg, European

Commission. Texto completo:

Some evidence why translation was crucial to the building of Europe and how
our translators help to make the European Union accessible to all.
(2009). [e-Book] Programme for quality management in translation. Luxemburg,
European Commission. Texto completo:

Overview of measures taken by the European Commission's translation service to

ensure sustained quality management in translation.

(2009). [e-Book] Programme for Quality Management in Translation 22 Quality

Actions. Luxembourg, European Commission. Directorate-General for Translation
Texto completo:

Quality has always been a key concern to DGT, ever since the start of the
Commission's translation service more than fifty years ago. Ensuring quality is
also a duty for DGT as part of the European Public Service, and a requirement,
since DGT must ensure legal certainty of texts that provide rights and obligations
for citizens and stakeholders. Translators are also by profession and by their very
nature strongly attached to the delivery of the highest quality texts. Moreover,
quality is a key competitive advantage of the European public translation service,
beyond the multilingual coverage it can deliver, and the state of the art
technologies that it uses. Many actions to develop and strengthen quality of the
translations and the translation process have been undertaken over the recent
years. However, these actions have sometimes been uncoordinated, partial or
short lived. Some actions also may lag behind changes in the translator's working
environment. Moreover, recent enlargements, combined with zero growth of
resources have focused attention to demand management and the delivery of
required volume within strict deadlines. Also, over the last five years, the
translation service has expanded, with more than 1000 new recruitments, with a
subsequent need of adjustment to the quality requirements of the service. The
present publication reflects the collective and unprecedented effort of the
Directorate General Translation and proves that quality management and
improvement in translation is not only a key concern, but also a fruitful and
inclusive exercise yielding encouraging results.

(2009). [e-Book] Web translation as a genre Luxemburg, European Commission.

Texto completo:

Why is translating for the web fundamentally different from translating legal
texts? This study sheds some light on the work translators do for EUROPA the
EU's multilingual website.

(2010). [e-Book] tude portant sur la contribution de la traduction la socit

multilingue dans l'Union europenne Luxemburg, European Commission. Texto

Economic, cultural, legal and political dimensions of translation in the EU, and
different countries' perceptions of translation. Translation (transposing a text
from one language into another) unquestionably plays a major role in todays
world (daily life, information, interaction, cultural and economic activities, etc.)
and that role is growing with globalization and the consequent proliferation of
interactions in which the partners speak different languages. In an ordinary day, a
European citizen may drink coffee imported from Peru, on which the label has
been translated, read an article in a newspaper translated by a news agency,
check his or her emails on a localized interface installed on a computer with a
localized operating system, read a translated Finnish novel in the bus or tube,
operate a machine tool at work, of which the manual is translated, use an
automatic translation website to obtain up-to-date news on events in Iceland, go
home to watch a TV series with subtitles, and so on.
(2010). [e-Book] Gua Introductoria de Redaccin Cientfica Madrid, Asociacin para
el Avance de la Ciencia Psicolgica. Texto completo:

Ante los numerosos problemas de conocimiento que enfrenta la psicologa

actualmente, la necesidad de mantener un modelo cientfico de investigacin
resulta imperativa. No se trata de una opcin o visin particular de la disciplina,
sino de la responsabilidad asumida a la hora de brindar conocimientos evaluados
de modo sistemtico, que ayuden a resolver problemas tericos y puedan
funcionar como recursos para promover el bienestar social, a travs de diferentes
actores y mecanismos de articulacin tericoprctica. La redaccin de textos que
den cuenta de una indagacin cientfica constituye una tarea fundamental de
todo proceso de investigacin y configuran una instancia de organizacin de los
resultados en el marco de aquello que dio origen al proyecto como de las
implaciones del nuevo estado de conocimiento alcanzado. En este sentido, un
formato comn funciona como medio de comunicacin que nos permite
comprender y aprovechar el trabajo de colegas de diferentes lugares del planeta
a la hora de realizar nuestras investigaciones. Por ello es que la demanda de un
estilo de escritura y citacin de bibliografa, redunda en un beneficio para todos
los psiclogos, por su practicidad. De lo contrario nos encontraramos en una
torre de Babel, ya que podran existir tantos modos de escribir y citar como
psiclogos en el mundo. La presente gua se encuentra basada
fundamentalmente en el Manual de Publicacin de la Asociacin Americana de
Psicologa, material indispensable para la comprensin integral de los aspectos
de estilo que aqu ofrecemos con un formato didctico y esquemtico.

(2010). [e-Book] Study on the size of the language industry in the EU. Luxemburg,
European Commission. Texto completo:
A study on the rapid growth of the language industry, covering translation,
interpreting, software localisation, website globalisation, language technology
and related fields. Includes country factsheets.

(2011). [e-Book] Libro Blanco de la traduccin y la interpretacin institucional :

conocer para reconocer. Madrid, Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores. Texto

La idea de elaborar un Libro Blanco sobre la situacin de traductores e

intrpretes en la Administracin espaola se lanz en la II Jornada de Traduccin
y Terminologa Institucional, celebrada en la primavera de 2009. El objetivo era
realizar una radiografa lo ms amplia posible de las condiciones en las que
trabajan estos profesionales y, en funcin de unos resultados que ya preveamos
poco halageos, formular las pertinentes propuestas para una reforma que
sigue siendo acuciante en el sector que nos ocupa. Con este fin y a ttulo
particular, aunque con el apoyo de la Comisin Europea y del Ministerio de
Asuntos Exteriores y de Cooperacin, los integrantes de la Red de Intrpretes y
Traductores de las Administraciones Pblicas (RITAP) hemos trabajado para
obtener la instantnea ms precisa posible de esa figura un poco borrosa que es
la del traductor o el intrprete que trabaja en los servicios administrativos. Esa
imagen est adquiriendo caracteres ms ntidos en los ltimos tiempos, gracias a
la aparicin de reportajes periodsticos o de noticias no siempre lisonjeras
que se refieren a nuestra profesin. Sin embargo, lo cierto es que buena parte de
la actividad de los organismos pblicos, incluso la defensa de algunos derechos
fundamentales de las personas, sera muy difcil o directamente imposible sin
la labor de profesionales de la traduccin/interpretacin y que ello no siempre se
ve recompensado por las condiciones de trabajo que la Administracin les ofrece.
Es preciso decirlo en voz bien alta: aunque existen excepciones, las condiciones
en las que se desarrolla el trabajo de los traductores e intrpretes en nuestro
sector pblico distan mucho de ser las adecuadas. El presente Libro Blanco ha
sido elaborado por los integrantes de la Red de Intrpretes y Traductores de la
Administracin Pblica (RITAP): Elhassane Benhaddou Handi, Maite Fernndez,
Catalina Fiol, Ramn Garrido Nombela, Luis Gonzlez, Alfonso Mantecn Sancho,
M. Dolores Ortigosa Lorenzo, Sonsoles Plaza Blzquez, Brbara Navaza, Leandro
Valencia Alonso
(2011). [e-Book] Libro de estilo interinstitucional de la Unin Europea (UE)
Bruselas,Luxemburgo, Unin Europea Texto completo:

Esta obra, publicada en 1997 en once lenguas y ms tarde ampliada a veintitrs,

constituye un proceso de armonizacin lingstica nico en su gnero. Su
objetivo es convertirse en la herramienta de referencia de todos los documentos
escritos por la totalidad de instituciones, rganos y organismos de la Unin
Europea. Para llevarla a cabo, fue necesario crear un Comit de Direccin
Interinstitucional, Comit que design a una serie de representantes en cada
institucin y para cada lengua que realizan su trabajo bajo la tutela de un grupo
de coordinacin radicado en la Oficina de Publicaciones. El esfuerzo de
armonizacin necesario entre prcticas a veces divergentes se realiza teniendo en
cuenta la perspectiva de multilingismo de las instituciones, que exige que los
textos en todas las lenguas oficiales sean comparables, al tiempo que se respeta
el carcter especfico de cada lengua. La primera parte contiene las normas de
estricta aplicacin para la redaccin de los actos publicados en el Diario Oficial de
la Unin Europea, mientras que en la segunda figuran las principales normas
tcnicas y de redaccin relativas a las publicaciones de carcter general. Por otro
lado, adems de las convenciones especficas de cada lengua, reagrupadas en la
cuarta parte, los veintitrs grupos han logrado ponerse de acuerdo en una serie
de convenciones de trabajo, comunes a todas las lenguas, que figuran en la
tercera parte de la obra. Esta constituye un autntico catalizador del proceso de
armonizacin entre todas las lenguas y en todas las instituciones. En principio, las
convenciones uniformes que figuran en el Libro de estilo prevalecen sobre
cualquier otra solucin que pueda proponerse o que se haya utilizado
anteriormente, por lo que su aplicacin es obligatoria en todas las fases del
procedimiento escrito. Por ltimo, esta obra pretende, ante todo, impulsar la
interaccin dinmica entre todos sus usuarios, ya que, por su propia naturaleza,
es objeto de una actualizacin permanente.

(2011). [e-Book] Lingua Franca: Chimera or Reality? . Luxemburg, European

Commission. Texto completo:
The intensification of exchanges in our globalised world has dramatically
increased the need for a common language. More and more often this common
language is English, considered by many to be today's lingua franca and only
secondarily the mother tongue of specific communities of speakers. The issue,
however, is extremely controversial and raises as many questions as it tries to
answer. English is not the first language to play this role, other languages have
been used as lingue franche in the past and others may therefore acquire this
status in the future. Moreover, the concept of lingua franca itself is often
questioned. Before examining the status of English in order to see whether it can
be considered a lingua franca or, more precisely, today's lingua franca, the very
concept of lingua franca needs to be defined more precisely. In addition, a review
of other lingue franche can provide a clearer image of how they develop and
disappear, as well as the needs they are supposed to meet, in relation to the
present situation. Based on the definition, this study will focus on the lingua
franca as a vehicular language which allows inter-comprehension among people
speaking different mother tongues, as a neutral language or jargon of which
nobody can claim ownership, but also as the mother tongue of one of the parties
in the exchange. Based on this analysis, the second part of the study will be
devoted to English to try and define more precisely its new status as a global
language and to explore the implications of this new role

(2011). [e-Book] Open Translation Tools, FLOSS. Texto completo:

This manual was collaboratively designed and written by a community of Open

Translation innovators using the FLOSSManuals platform. It is the product of the
first-ever Open Translation Tools Book Sprint, and builds on work done at two
Open Translation Tools convergences, a pair of live events designed by Aspiration
( and realized in collaboration with a wonderful set of
partner organizations and the support of generous and forward-looking funders.
The Open Translation Tools Book Sprint was held in De Waag, a beautiful historic
building located in the center of Amsterdam, kindly provided as a venue by De
Waag Society for Old and New Media ( Many thanks to Lucas
Evers and Christine van den Horn for organising the venue and being fantastic
hosts. The first Open Translation Tools Convergence (OTT07) took place in late
2007 in Zagreb, Croatia, co-organized by Aspiration and Multimedia Institute
( Supported by the generosity of the Open Society Institute
(, with additional support provided by TechSoup Global
(, this event produced the initial framing paper on Open
Translation, .The second
Open Translation Tools event was held in Amsterdam in June 2009, and was
coorganised by Aspiration, FLOSS Manuals (, and OTT09 was again supported by the Open Society Institute, with
generous additional travel support from the Ford Foundation
( OTT09 was held at Theater de Cameleon
(, who provided a stunning facility and top-notch hospitality.

(2011). [e-Book] Research into barriers to translation and best practices : A study
for the global translation initiative Conducted by Dalkey Archive Press.
March 2011, Dalkey Archive Press. Texto completo:

For the purposes of this report, contemporary works in translation include:

literary fiction, poetry, drama, literary criticism, and creative on fiction. The
Anglophone world includes: the United Kingdom, Ireland, the United States,
Canada, Australia and New Zealand. This report examines translations of
contemporary works from any languages in the world into English. In the
university survey, funders include those who provide government and university
funding, as well as foundations and individual philanthropists. In the publishers
and translators survey, funders include all bodies that provide funds for
literature (whether domestic or foreign, agencies, foundations or individual

(2012). [e-Book] Crowdsourcing translation: Studies on translation and

multilingualism. Luxembourg, European Commission. Texto completo:
The advent of the Internet and its rash development in the past few decades
have revolutionised our habits and patterns of behaviour. It offers huge
opportunities for communication or access to information, but is often blamed
for disrupting human relations. We all and especially young people spend
more and more hours in front of the screen. An increasing number of tasks, which
in the past involved direct human contacts, are now performed through a
machine from carrying out banking transactions or buying plane tickets, to
playing interactive games with people living thousands of kilometres away, or
even donating money for a worthy cause. However, new forms of communication
are emerging thanks to the Web, notably the Web 2.0 web applications that
facilitate participatory information sharing, interaction and collaboration among
users and creation of user-generated content, like social networks, blogs, and
wikis. Among these applications, crowdsourcing deserves great attention. The
term crowdsourcing was created at the end of the 1990s to indicate a new way of
getting work done, by involving the crowd. It is constantly gaining ground and
has by now penetrated a wide range of highly diversified areas. And yet, it
remains for many an obscure concept. What does crowdsourcing exactly mean
and what does it imply, notably in translation where it has lately become a hot

(2012). [e-Book] Intercomprehension: Exploring its usefulness for DGT, the

Commission and the EU, European Commission. Texto completo:

Intercomprehension is a relatively new field in linguistic research, which has

focused mainly on the usefulness of intercomprehension in language teaching.
The present study aims at broadening this scope. The study does not pretend to
be academic, but to describe how intercomprehension is used in organisations,
companies and society at large, and look into how the European Commission
could benefit from intercomprehension. Intercomprehension refers to a
relationship between languages in which speakers of different but related
languages can readily understand each other without intentional study or
extraordinary effort. It is a form of communication in which each person uses
his/her own language and understands that of the other(s). Intercomprehension
is used in society, education and the business world. Since its precondition is the
existence of more languages, the same as for translation, it seems logical to
explore to what extent translation can benefit from intercomprehension. The
study aims to examine the potential of intercomprehension for: society and the
European citizens, multilingualism within the European institutions

(2012). [e-Book] Open translation tools, Texto completo:

The first wave of the internet revolution changed expectations about the
availability of information a great deal. Information that was stored in libraries,
locked in government vaults or available only to subscribers suddenly became
accessible to anyone with an internet connection. A second wave has changed
expectations about who creates information online. Tens of millions of people are
contributing content to the modern internet, publishing photos, videos, and blog
posts to a global audience. The globalization of the internet has brought
connectivity to almost 1.6 billion people. The internet that results from
globalization and user-authorship is profoundly polyglot. Wikipedia is now
available in more than 210 languages, which implies that there are communities
capable of authoring content in those tongues. Weblog search engine Technorati
sees at least as many blog posts in Japanese as in English, and some scholars
speculate that there may be as much Chinese content created on sites like Sina
and QQ as on all English-language blogs combined.

(2012). [e-Book] Study on language and translation in international law and EU

law : final report : prepared by the research team of P & V International,
European Commission, Directorate-General for Translation Texto completo:

The study on Language and Translation in International law and EU law explores
the role of language and translation in the global environment with special
regard to legal instruments. Divided into four thematic chapters and supported
by two case studies, the study gives an overview of the language regime applied
in international fora, presents the language-related aspects of the treaty-making
powers of the EU, including the specific translation methods of treaties concluded
by the EU and the impact of the terminology of international law on EU
legislation, highlights the main regulatory instruments of international law on
language rights and identifies the role and nature of linguistic rights, investigates
the relationship between linguistic diversity and economic efficiency in view of
the smooth functioning of the internal market and in a broader context, based on
two case studies (one on labelling and the other on patents). The research was
based on a thorough analysis of the relevant literature and of other publicly
available documents, on replies received to previously prepared questionnaires
and on personal interviews

(2012). [e-Book] Translation and language learning, European Commission,

Directorate-General for Translation Texto completo:

This study asks how translation, both written and spoken, can contribute to the
learning of a foreign or second language (L2) in primary, secondary and higher
education. It is based on questionnaire surveys that were responded to by a total
of 963 experts and teachers; the qualitative research process further benefited
from input by 101 contributors. The study includes case studies of the
institutional and pedagogical relations between translation and the preferred
language-learning methods in seven Member States (Croatia, Finland, France,
Germany, Poland, Spain and the United Kingdom) and three comparison
countries (Australia, China and the United States). The general finding is that L2
teachers, in Europe and elsewhere, prefer communicative teaching
methodologies but often do not see that translating is a communicative act. In
many cases translation is frowned upon in the L2 classroom, along with the use of
L1 generally. If stakeholders believe that L1 should be excluded from the L2
classroom, in tune with ideals of immersion and the teacher as a native speaker,
then translation activities are automatically excluded as well. Translation
nevertheless remains present as scaffolding to help learners initially, as a
traditional means of checking on acquisition, and in learners mental translation
processes, when they internally relate L2 to L1 even when L1 is not used in class.
The predominant ideologies of language learning can create a sense of guilt
associated with the use of translation it is something teachers and learners do,
but they feel they should not be doing and there may even be a sense of
translation as a retrograde pedagogical activity, a remnant of the
nineteenth-century grammar

(2013). [e-Book] Dbordements : Mlanges offerts Michel Callon. Paris, Presses

des Mines. Texto completo:

MICHEL CALLON a marqu les sciences humaines et sociales par sa production

acadmique, par ses activits danimateur de la communaut scientifique et par
son rle de mdiateur entre la recherche et le monde de la politique, de
ladministration et de lentreprise. Il a multipli les espaces dentente et de
confrontation, en se dplaant aussi bien sur le terrain de la sociologie que sur
celui des politiques de recherche et dinnovation, de lanthropologie conomique,
de la scientomtrie, de la science politique ou de lanthropologie de la mdecine.

(2013). [e-Book] Document quality control in public administrations and

international organisations, European Commission, Directorate-General for
Translation Texto completo:

The development of document quality control (DQC) policies is a continuous

process that needs constant adjustment. An overall dynamic approach must be
followed to understand current practices and to outline possible improvements.
The present study adopts both a theoretical and a comparative perspective

(2013). [e-Book] English Style Guide: A handbook for authors and translators in
the European Commission 2013, European Commission Directorate-General for
Translation. Texto completo:
This Style Guide is intended primarily for English-language authors and
translators, both in-house and freelance, working for the European Commission.
But now that so many texts in and around the EU institutions are drafted in
English by native and nonnative speakers alike, its rules, reminders and handy
references aim to serve a wider readership as well. In this Guide, style is
synonymous with a set of accepted linguistic conventions; it therefore refers to
recommended in-house usage, not to literary style. Excellent advice on how to
improve writing style is given in The Plain English Guide by Martin Cutts (Oxford
University Press, 1999) and Style: Toward Clarity and Grace by Joseph M. Williams
(University of Chicago Press, 1995), and the European Commissions own How to
write clearly, all of which encourage the use of good plain English. See also Clear
English Tips for EU translators, Tips on translating from Slovak into English and
A brief list of misused English terms in EU publications. For reasons of stylistic
consistency, the variety of English on which this Guide bases its instructions and
advice is the standard usage of Britain and Ireland (for the sake of convenience,
called British usage or British English in this Guide). The Guide is divided into
two clearly distinct parts, the first dealing with linguistic conventions applicable in
all contexts and the second with the workings of the European Union and with
how those workings are expressed and reflected in English. This should not be
taken to imply that EU English is different from real English; it is simply a
reflection of the fact that the European Union as a unique body has had to invent
a terminology to describe itself. However, the overriding aim in both parts of the
Guide is to facilitate and encourage the writing of clear and reader-friendly
English. Writing in clear language can be difficult at the Commission, since much
of the subject matter is complex and more and more is written in English by (and
for) non-native speakers, or by native speakers who are beginning to lose touch
with their language after years of working in a multilingual environment. We
must nevertheless try to set an example by using language that is as clear, simple,
and accessible as possible, out of courtesy to our readers and consideration for
the image of the Commission. In legislative texts, accuracy and clarity are of
course paramount. But legal or bureaucratic language that we might regard as
pompous elsewhere has its place in both legislation and preparatory drafting,
though the specialist terms must be embedded in rock-solid, straightforward
English syntax. In some cases departmental memos or papers for specialist
committees we may regard Eurospeak as acceptable professional shorthand;
searching here for plain English periphrases wastes time and
simply irritates readers.

(2013). [e-Book] Sociologie de la traduction : Textes fondateurs. Paris, Presses des

Mines. Texto completo:

Au dbut des annes 80, un groupe de chercheurs de lcole des mines se

penche sur un aspect du monde contemporain nglig par les sciences sociales :
les sciences et les techniques. Comment sont-elles produites ? Comment leur
validit ou leur efficacit sont-elles tablies ? Comment se diffusent-elles ?
Comment contribuent-ils transformer le monde ? Ces travaux donnent
naissance une approche aujourdhui reconnue : la sociologie de la traduction,
dite aussi thorie de lacteur rseau, avec ses concepts clefs, la traduction,
lintressement, le script, la controverse, etc. Cette thorie est si fconde que les
sciences sociales mobilisent dsormais trs largement ses concepts, mais aussi
ses rgles de mthodes et ses outils de travail. Or, nombre de ses textes
fondateurs ntaient pas ou plus disponibles en franais. En rassemblant des
textes de trois de ses pionniers, Madeleine Akrich, Michel Callon et Bruno Latour,
on permettra au lecteur de comprendre les dveloppements de la sociologie de
la traduction et la manire dont elle a interrog le lien social, les machines, les
objets, les usagers, les pratiques scientifiques. Pour montrer en conclusion
comment cette approche permet de renouveler lanalyse sociologique classique.

(2014). [e-Book] El espaol: una lengua viva. Informe 2014. Madrid, Instituto
Cervantes. Texto completo:

El espaol es una lengua que hoy hablan ms de 540 millones de personas como
lengua nativa,segunda o extranjera. Es la segunda lengua del mundo por nmero
de hablantes nativos y elsegundo idioma de comunicacin internacional. Es
conveniente distinguir entre los territorios donde el espaol es lengua oficial,
nacional o general, de aquellos en los que su presencia es minoritaria. La mayor
parte de los habitantes de los primeros tiene un dominio nativo del espaol, cosa
que no ocurre en los territorios no hispnicos.. Casi 470 millones de personas
tienen el espaol como lengua materna y si en ese recuento se incluyen los
hablantes de dominio nativo, los de competencia limitada y los estudiantes de
espaol como lengua extranjera, la cifra supera los 548 millones. El espaol es la
segunda lengua materna del mundo por nmero de hablantes, tras el chino
mandarn, y tambin la segunda lengua en un cmputo global de hablantes
(dominio nativo + competencia limitada + estudiantes de espaol). Por razones
demogrficas, el porcentaje de poblacin mundial que habla espaol como
lengua nativa est aumentando, mientras la proporcin de hablantes de chino e
ingls desciende. En 2014, el 6,7% de la poblacin mundial es hispanohablante
(un total de casi 470 millones de personas con dominio nativo del espaol),
porcentaje que destaca por encima del correspondiente al ruso (2,2,%), al francs
(1,1%) y al alemn (1,1%). Las previsiones estiman que en 2030 los
hispanohablantes sern el 7,5% de la poblacin mundial. Dentro de tres o cuatro
generaciones, el 10% de la poblacin mundial se entender en espaol. Casi 20
millones de alumnos estudian espaol como lengua extranjera. La poblacin
hispana de los Estados Unidos ronda actualmente los 52 millones de personas.
Ms de la mitad del crecimiento de la poblacin de los Estados Unidos entre
2000 y 2010 se debi al aumento de la comunidad hispana. En 2050 Estados
Unidos ser el primer pas hispanohablante del mundo.

(2015). [e-Book] BC Reads: Adult Literacy Fundamental English - Reader 4 Canada,

BCcampus OpenEd. Texto completo:
1/1/?attachment.uuid=708692ea-2f96-4a5f-bd6b-c0bd022170ff (PDF)
tachment.uuid=666398ee-b676-4c56-b5ab-bcda24a79090 (ePub)
tachment.uuid=81b74905-aea7-4d21-9c10-d96dce061800 (Mobi)

This reader contains nine original stories written specifically for adults, and is
designed to accompany the BC Reads: Adult Literacy Fundamental English -
Course Pack 4. This level 4 reader, one of a series of six readers, is roughly
equivalent to grades 4.5 to 6 in the K-12 system. New vocabulary are set in bold
throughout each story, and then summarized and defined in a Glossary found in
the appendix. Font size and line spacing can be adjusted in the online view, and
have been enhanced for the print and PDF versions for easier reading. This reader
has been reviewed by subject experts from colleges and universities.

(2015). [e-Book] BC Reads: Adult Literacy Fundamental English - Reader 5

BCcampus OpenEd Resources. Texto completo:
/1/?attachment.uuid=2a6654ac-e2f7-43ba-8457-c51fe9b845dc (PDF)
achment.uuid=1f3d404d-33f4-4a2d-8b74-f754aa3871ff (ePub)
achment.uuid=5bf7c0e8-cdd7-4a50-b882-a8f8ac903751 (Mobi)

This reader contains nine original stories written specifically for adults, and is
designed to accompany the BC Reads: Adult Literacy Fundamental English -
Course Pack 5. This level 5 reader, one of a series of six readers, is roughly
equivalent to grades 6 to 7.5 in the K-12 system. New vocabulary are set in bold
throughout each story, and then summarized and defined in a Glossary found in
the appendix. Font size and line spacing can be adjusted in the online view, and
have been enhanced for the print and PDF versions for easier reading. This reader
has been reviewed by subject experts from colleges and universities.

(2015). [e-Book] Country Compendium A companion to the English Style Guide.

May 2015. Bruselas, European Commission. Directorate-General for Translation.
Texto completo:

This Style Guide is intended primarily for English-language authors and

translators, both in-house and freelance, working for the European Commission.
But now that somany texts in and around the EU institutions are drafted in
English by native and non-native speakers alike, its rules, reminders and handy
references aim to serve a wider readership as well. In this Guide, style is
synonymous with a set of accepted linguistic conventions; it therefore refers to
recommended in-house usage, not to literary style. Excellent advice on how to
improve writing style is given in The Plain English Guide by Martin Cutts (Oxford
University Press, 1999) and Style: Toward Clarity and Grace by Joseph M. Williams
(University of Chicago Press, 1995), and the European Commissions own How to
write clearly, all of which encourage the use of good plain English. See also Clear
English Tips for Translators, Tips on translating from Slovak into English and A
brief list of misused English terms in EU publications. For reasons of stylistic
consistency, the variety of English on which this Guide bases its instructions and
advice is the standard usage of Britain and Ireland (for the sake of convenience,
called British usage or British English in this Guide). The Guide is divided into
two clearly distinct parts, the first dealing with linguistic conventions applicable in
all contexts and the second with the workings of the European Union and with
how those workings are expressed and reflected in English. This should not be
taken to imply that EU English is different from real English; it is simply a
reflection of the fact that the European Union as a unique body has had to invent
a terminology to describe itself. However, the overriding aim in both parts of the
Guide is to facilitate and encourage the writing of clear and reader-friendly
English. Writing in clear language can be difficult at the Commission, since much
of the subject matter is complex and more and more is written in English by (and
for) non-native speakers, or by native speakers who are beginning to lose touch
with their language after years of working in a multilingual environment. We
must nevertheless try to set an example by using language that is as clear, simple,
and accessible as possible, out of courtesy to our readers and consideration for
the image of the Commission.

(2015). [e-Book] English Style Guide: A handbook for authors and translators in
the European Commission: Seventh edition: August 2011 - Last updated:
May 2015. Bruselas, European Commission. Directorate-General for Translation.
Texto completo:

This Style Guide is intended primarily for English-language authors and

translators, both in-house and freelance, working for the European Commission.
But now that somany texts in and around the EU institutions are drafted in
English by native and non-native speakers alike, its rules, reminders and handy
references aim to serve a wider readership as well. In this Guide, style is
synonymous with a set of accepted linguistic conventions; it therefore refers to
recommended in-house usage, not to literary style. Excellent advice on how to
improve writing style is given in The Plain English Guide by Martin Cutts (Oxford
University Press, 1999) and Style: Toward Clarity and Grace by Joseph M. Williams
(University of Chicago Press, 1995), and the European Commissions own How to
write clearly, all of which encourage the use of good plain English. See also Clear
English Tips for Translators, Tips on translating from Slovak into English and A
brief list of misused English terms in EU publications. For reasons of stylistic
consistency, the variety of English on which this Guide bases its instructions and
advice is the standard usage of Britain and Ireland (for the sake of convenience,
called British usage or British English in this Guide). The Guide is divided into
two clearly distinct parts, the first dealing with linguistic conventions applicable in
all contexts and the second with the workings of the European Union and with
how those workings are expressed and reflected in English. This should not be
taken to imply that EU English is different from real English; it is simply a
reflection of the fact that the European Union as a unique body has had to invent
a terminology to describe itself. However, the overriding aim in both parts of the
Guide is to facilitate and encourage the writing of clear and reader-friendly
English. Writing in clear language can be difficult at the Commission, since much
of the subject matter is complex and more and more is written in English by (and
for) non-native speakers, or by native speakers who are beginning to lose touch
with their language after years of working in a multilingual environment. We
must nevertheless try to set an example by using language that is as clear, simple,
and accessible as possible, out of courtesy to our readers and consideration for
the image of the Commission.

(2015). [e-Book] How to Translate E-learning Courses Effectively : The Ultimate

Guide to Train Your Multicultural Workforce. India, CommLab. Texto

It is well-known that globalization has resulted in revolutionary changes in the

world of Learning and Development. As companies expand their sphere of
operations into overseas markets,the need to impart highly effective training to
international staff members is gaining paramount importance. So, how can you
train workforces who speak several languages and have diverse cultural
backgrounds efficiently? Well, you can meet the learning needs of your
multinational personnel effectively, by using eLearning to deliver training in their
native languages. Providing training in the languages of your people goes a long
way in enhancing the comprehension of the subject matter, resulting in better
learning, and it is common knowledge that better learning leads to better
performance. Here is a free eBook that tells you how to get online course
translations of the highest quality in quick time with minimal expenditure. It deals
with the following topics.Process of translating your digital courses effectively in a
quick and cost-effective manner. E-learning courses that often require
translations. Benefits of outsourcing your eLearning project and tips to select the
right vendor. We have also provided our recommendations, which are based on
14 years of experience in the field of eLearning translations. These go a long way
in helping you get better translations for your eLearning courses. Download this
eBook to impart the best training to your international workforce and maximize
your profits.

(2015). [e-Book] Traduction et lusophonie : Trans-actions ? Trans-missions ?

Trans-positions ? Montpellier, Presses universitaires de la Mditerrane. Texto

Le prsent volume constitue le recueil des interventions au colloque Traduction

et Lusophonie qui sest tenu luniversit Paul-Valry, Montpellier III, du 6 au 8
avril 2006. Il inclut un large ventail de communications portant sur la traduction
de documents en langue franaise et portugaise, documents aussi divers que les
textes potiques et thtraux, la posie classique et contemporaine, la chanson et
le sous-titrage de films. Les rflexions menes par des universitaires de nombreux
pays (France, Portugal, Italie, Belgique, Espagne, Roumanie, quateur, Brsil) sont
illustres par le tmoignage de deux crivains de la jeune gnration, lun
portugais (Pedro Sena-Lino), lautre angolais (Ondjaki). De la diversit des
approches proposes par les intervenants, il ressort une richesse de perspectives
explores et toujours exploitables ds lors que lon sattache comprendre les
mcanismes permettant le passage dune langue une autre. Traduire les
lointains est sans nul doute laxe fdrateur de lensemble des articles de ce

Aas, A. (2004). [e-Book] The reception of Alice in Wonderland and

Winnie-the-Pooh by Estonian children: issues of translation and
translatability. Tartu University of Tartu Library. Texto completo:

The reception of Alice in Wonderland and Winnie-the-Pooh by Estonian children:

issues of translation and translatability. DSpace/Manakin Repository

Adams, N. Y. (2014). [e-Book] Working with agencies demystified : A guide for

freelance translators, NYA Communications Texto completo:

As self-employed translation professionals, we are free to work with whatever

clients and in whatever area of specialisation we choose. Some translators decide
to work only for agencies, some work with a mix of select agencies and direct
clients, and some prefer to work only with direct clients. Each business model is
legitimate. When starting out, most freelancers will initially target translation
agencies rather than direct clients, and this is perfectly acceptable. Even some
established freelance translators prefer to work for (high-end) agencies rather
than direct clients, as they enjoy the constant workflow without having to take
care of administrative tasks, sales and client acquisition. Lets take a look at what
to bear in mind and how to go about generating paid work through agencies, as
well as the potential pitfalls.

Adams, N. Y. and A. Morris ( 2014). [e-Book] The Bright Side of Freelance

Translation, NYA Communications. Texto completo:

Health warning: the reading of these stories is liable to seriously inspire you. This
e-book is not about translators who are genetically predisposed to be happy or
look only on the bright side of life, but rather those who realise that the solutions
to the ups, downs, bounties and challenges of life as a freelance translator are in
their hands, and their hands alone, who buckle down, refuse to whinge and get
on with the job. Its sometimes a slow journey, full of twists and turns, and there
are occasional setbacks as well as lucky breaks, but there is no going back, and
certainly no looking for outside sources on which to blame all our woes.The path
towards transforming your business life starts with taking a look at yourself: your
values and your needs, the way you present yourself both in person and online,
the way you promote your services. Its also about the organisation and discipline
you bring to your work and the way you value your own services and skills. Even
when all that is in place, its about not standing still, but continually growing,
pushing yourself, broadening your horizons.If you start to work on all these
fronts, encouraged and motivated by some of the stories you are about to read,
then there are simply no limits to the discoveries you might make. So sit back,
make yourself a cup of your favourite beverage, and open up your mind to the
possibilities that lie ahead.

Ahmedaja, A. (2011). [e-Book] European Voices II, Bhlau Texto completo:

Although the fundamental meaning of basic terminology is well established for

every scholarly discipline, many concepts are often questioned and redefined. In
the case of ethnomusicology, this process is all too familiar, as researchers within
the discipline focus on the most diverse of music cultures. The manifold
worldviews of the resource persons, as holders and presenters (in both meanings
of the word) of a tradition make the matter more complex. Such a situation has
particular significance in the context of multipart singing because of the specific
musical aesthetics and vocabularies established among singing groups.
Additionally, it is accentuated by processes of change within every musical
culture and those of ethnomusicology.Examining this question from the
viewpoint of folk terminology means primarily considering specific and individual
concepts of cultural listening, in the sense of 'paying attention', 'con-centrating'
and 'focusing on'. These concepts are established on the one hand through the
processes of music listening and music making and on the other hand through
the local dis-course, in which singers and musicians as well as local communities
are very much involved. The discourse as a communication category with which
people communicate about the claim to validity of rules also plays an important
role in processes of legitimating and power within the community. An essential
part of the discourse is singing itself. The music therefore becomes the object
and subject of research. Of particular relevance in this framework are questions of
gender, applying to communities in which women practice multipart singing and
others where they are mostly listeners, although contributing decisively in the
discourse processes.A specific role become issues of brain research. In this
context the functionality of an exact motor control system within the body for
precise timing, sequencing and the spatial organisation of movements during
musical performance become particularly important. Performing and listening to
music are culturally conditioned, but they are at the same time natural human
abilities. Therefore the study of underlying processes is crucial and promises to
uncover fun-damental properties of the human brain.The different theoretical
viewpoints in the first three chapters of the book are followed by ap-proaches of
a "Lexicon of Local Terminology on Multipart Singing in Europe". These reflect
the situation of a few but different communities and areas in Europe, helping to
obtain additional insights into the topics in question.<p>Die grundlegende
Bedeutung der Terminologie steht fr jede Wissenschaft zwar auer Streit, viele
Termini werden aber oft in Frage gestellt und immer wieder neu definiert. In der
Ethnomusikologie ist dieser Vorgang eine all zu bekannte Erscheinung,
beschftigen sich doch die Forscher dieser Disziplin mit unterschiedlichsten
Musikkulturen. Die mannigfaltigen Weltanschauungen der Gewhrspersonen, die
gleichzeitig Trger und Darsteller (im doppelten Sinn des Wortes) der jeweiligen
Tradition sind, machen die Frage noch komplexer. Dieser Zustand nimmt in
Fragen vokaler Mehrstimmigkeit eine besondere Stellung ein, auf Grund der
eigenen musikalischen sthetik und des eigenen Vokabulars, die sich unter
Sngergruppen etabliert haben. Er wird zustzlich durch nderungsprozesse in
jeder Musikkultur und jene in der Ethnomusikologie betont.Diese Frage vom
Blickwinkel der Volksterminologie zu erkunden, erfordert zuerst spezifische und
individuelle Konzepte des kulturellen Hrens im Sinne von Aufmerksamkeit
schenken', sich konzentrieren auf' und Aufmerksamkeit ausrichten auf' in die
Untersuchungen mit einzubeziehen. Diese Konzepte sind einerseits durch
Prozesse des Musikhrens and Musikmachens, andererseits durch den lokalen
Diskurs, in dem Volkssnger- und -musikanten, wie auch die jeweilige lokale
Gemeinschaft mitwirken, etabliert.Der Diskurs als jene Art der Kommunikation,
durch die sich Personen ber den Geltungsanspruch von Normen verstndigen
spielt eine wichtige Roll in den Prozessen von Legitimation und Macht innerhalb
einer Gemeinschaft. Ein wesentlicher Teil des Diskurses ist das Singen selbst. Die
Musik wird daher Objekt und Subjekt der Untersuchungen. Von besonderer
Bedeutung sind in diesem Zusammenhang Gender-Fragen. Sie betreffen
Gemeinschaften in denen Frauen aktiv in der Praxis der vokalen Mehrstimmigkeit
teilnehmen sowie andere, in denen sie vor allem Zuhrerinnen sind, trotzdem
aber eine entscheidende Rolle in den Diskurs-Prozessen spielen.Eine spezifische
Rolle kommt Fragen der Hirnforschung zu. Besonders wichtig in diesem
Zusammenhang ist die Funktionalitt eines exakten motorischen Kontrollsystems
innerhalb des Krpers fr die przise Zeitmessung, die Sequenzbildung und die
Raumorganisation der Bewegungen whrend der musikalischen Interpretation.
Musikinterpretation und -hren sind kulturell bedingt, aber sie sind gleichzeitig
natrliche menschliche Fhigkeiten. Die Untersuchung der zugrunde liegenden
Prozesse ist daher entscheidend und verspricht die Entdeckung grundlegender
Merkmale des menschlichen Gehirns.Die unterschiedlichen theoretischen
Blickwinkeln in den drei ersten Kapitel des Buches werden von Annherungen an
ein "Lexikon der lokalen Terminologie zur vokalen Mehrstimmigkeit in Europa"
gefolgt. Diese widerspiegeln die Situation weniger aber unterschiedlicher
Gemeinschaften und Regionen in Europa und helfen zustzliche Einsichten zu
den gestellten Fragen zu gewinnen.

Allen, E. (2007). [e-Book] Ser traducido o no ser, Institut Ramon Llull. Texto completo:

Informe pen / irl sobre la situacin internacional de la traduccin literaria. Este

informe, pues, empieza con la evaluacin de la influencia sin precedentes del
ingls y el estado actual de la traduccin literaria en el mundo de habla inglesa,
especialmente en los Estados Unidos, que se llevar a cabo en el primer captulo.
A continuacin, y para contrastar y contextualizar la situacin del ingls, el
segundo captulo reflexiona sobre las respuestas que enviaron varios centros PEN
de todo el mundo a un cuestionario sobre la traduccin literaria elaborado por
PEN Internacional. Con el fin de aportar ms puntos de comparacin, el informe
presenta en el tercer captulo la situacin de la traduccin literaria en diferentes
reas del mundo: los Pases Bajos, Argentina, Catalua, Alemania, China y Francia.
De este modo, se presentan de manera precisa diferentes modelos de lo que
podramos llamar la economa de la traduccin. El captulo siguiente, el cuarto,
sobre las experiencias alrededor del fomento de la traduccin literaria, describe
las logradas iniciativas de una serie de Centros PEN para hacer frente a la
necesidad de que haya ms traducciones al ingls, as como los significativos
esfuerzos de otras instituciones, tanto pblicas como privadas, para
comprometerse en este tema y para ayudar a cambiar las cosas. Finalmente, las
conclusiones resumen los principales hallazgos del informe y ofrecen una visin
general de la traduccin literaria en el mundo actual. Tres escritores distinguidos,
Paul Auster, Narcs Comadira y Ngu~g~ wa Thiongo, han dado profundidad
literaria a lo que, de lo contrario, hubiese sido un documento lastimosamente
tecnocrtico, con sus textos sobre el tema de la traduccin escritos
especialmente para este informe. para este informe.

Alonso, J. A., J. Durand, et al. (2014). [e-Book] El futuro del espaol en Estados
Unidos: La lengua en las comunidades de migrantes hispanos. Madrid,
Fundacin telefnica. Texto completo:

Estados Unidos se erige en la actualidad como el segundo pas con mayor

nmero de hispanohablantes del mundo. Una consecuencia del dominio nativo
que de esa lengua tiene parte de la poblacin norteamericana, pero tambin de
la poblada y creciente dispora de migrantes hispanos llegados al pas.Dado el
liderazgo de Estados Unidos, la persistencia en su seno del espaol como lengua
viva constituir un poderoso factor de respaldo a la fortaleza del espaol en los
escenarios internacionales. En este volumen un elevado nmero de especialistas,
todos ellos profesores de origen latino ubicados en diversas universidades
norteamericanas, analizan, desde diversas perspectivas, los diferentes factores
que pueden estar influyendo en la vitalidad presente y futura del espaol como
segunda lengua norteamericana.El resultado es una obra rica y compleja, sobre
un tema crucial, que habr de influir en el futuro del espaol como lengua

Amy, C. and N. Alistair (2009). [e-Book] Sounds in translation : Intersections of

music, technology and society, ANU E Press Texto completo:

Sounds in Translation: Intersections of music, technology and society joins a

growing number of publications taking up R. Murray Schafer?s challenge to
examine and to re-focus attention on the sound dimensions of our human
environment. This book takes up his challenge to contemporary audiologists,
musicologists and sound artists working within areas of music, cultural studies,
media studies and social science to explore the idea of the ?soundscape? and to
investigate the acoustic environment that we inhabit. It seeks to raise questions
regarding the translative process of sound: 1) what happens to sound during the
process of transfer and transformation; and 2) what transpires in the process of
sound production/expression/performance. Sounds in Translation was conceived
to take advantage of new technology and a development in book publishing, the
electronic book. Much of what is written in the book is best illustrated by the
sound itself, and in that sense, permits sound to ?speak for itself?.

Amy, C. and N. Alistair (2009). [e-Book] Sounds in translation : Intersections of

music, technology and society. Texto completo:

Sounds in Translation: Intersections of music, technology and society joins a

growing number of publications taking up R. Murray Schafer?s challenge to
examine and to re-focus attention on the sound dimensions of our human
environment. This book takes up his challenge to contemporary audiologists,
musicologists and sound artists working within areas of music, cultural studies,
media studies and social science to explore the idea of the ?soundscape? and to
investigate the acoustic environment that we inhabit. It seeks to raise questions
regarding the translative process of sound: 1) what happens to sound during the
process of transfer and transformation; and 2) what transpires in the process of
sound production/expression/performance. Sounds in Translation was conceived
to take advantage of new technology and a development in book publishing, the
electronic book. Much of what is written in the book is best illustrated by the
sound itself, and in that sense, permits sound to ?speak for itself?.

Amy, C. and N. Alistair (2009). [e-Book] Sounds in translation : Intersections of

music, technology and society. Canberra, The Australian National University.
Texto completo:

ounds in Translation: Intersections of music, technology and society joins a

growing number of publications taking up R. Murray Schafer's challenge to
examine and to re-focus attention on the sound dimensions of our human
environment. This book takes up his challenge to contemporary audiologists,
musicologists and sound artists working within areas of music, cultural studies,
media studies and social science to explore the idea of the soundscape and to
investigate the acoustic environment that we inhabit. It seeks to raise questions
regarding the translative process of sound: 1) what happens to sound during the
process of transfer and transformation; and 2) what transpires in the process of
sound production/expression/performance. Sounds in Translation was conceived
to take advantage of new technology and a development in book publishing, the
electronic book. Much of what is written in the book is best illustrated by the
sound itself, and in that sense, permits sound to speak for itself.

Andjar Moreno, G. (2012). Anlisis comparativo del campo semntico del enojo en la
obra "L'lgance du hrisson" y en sus traducciones al castellano, cataln e ingls.
Sendebar: 159-175.
Los mecanismos lingsticos que expresan sentimientos y emociones poseen
unos contornos semnticos difusos que, aunque pueden incluirse en categoras
semnticas universales, no siempre tienen una correspondencia sencilla en otras
lenguas. En este trabajo presentamos un anlisis contrastivo del campo
semntico del enojo en la novela francesa contempornea L'lgance du hrisson
(2006), de Muriel Barbery, y sus traducciones castellana (2007), catalana (2007) e
inglesa (2010). El estudio, que se sita en la lnea de trabajos anteriores de la
autora pero ampla la perspectiva incluyendo el francs como lengua origen,
tiene por objetivo describir las soluciones traductoras que se han aplicado en las
versiones para determinar si se han producido divergencias de punto de vista e
intensidad semntica, motivadas por la subjetividad del traductor. Finalmente, se
analizan las posibles consecuencias que estas divergencias podran implicar para
los lectores de las traducciones. (A)

Aneca (2004). [e-Book] Titulo de Grado de Traduccin e Interpretacin: Libro

Balnco. Madrid, Agencia Nacional de Evaluacin de la Calidad y Acreditacin.
Texto completo:

Se trata de un proyecto bien estructurado, bien documentado y con una

planificacin del ttulo, por lo que respecta a competencias, perfiles y distribucin
de crditos coherente, si bien se plantean dos posibilidades bastante diferentes.
Hay que destacar la exhaustividad de las informaciones presentadas y la
presencia de grficos y valoraciones de los mismos que ayudan
significativamente a interpretar los datos. Se valora especialmente la inclusin de
una amplia Introduccin en la que se revisa la tradicin universitaria de estos
estudios en Espaa y se justifica la pertinencia del ttulo y su relacin con otros
ttulos del actual catlogo. Asimismo, la inclusin de tabas, grficos y anexos es
muy adecuada. Por lo que respecta al aspecto de contenidos, se valora muy
positivamente la inclusin de un apartado de valoracin de ventajas e
inconvenientes de la implantacin del ttulo con 180 o 240 crditos, ya que da
idea de la profundidad con que se ha abordado por parte de la comisin el
aspecto de la duracin de los estudios en relacin con las competencias y
perfiles. La titulacin que proponen responde, en principio, a los parmetros
exigidos por Europa. Por tanto, pensamos que cumple con los objetivos de la
convocatoria. Estudio presentado por los centros espaoles que imparten la
actual Licenciatura en Traduccin e Interpretacin, en el marco de la segunda
convocatoria de ayudas para el diseo de planes de estudios y ttulos de grado
de la Agencia Nacional de Evaluacin de la Calidad y Acreditacin (programa de
convergencia europea)

Arnswald, U. (2009). [e-Book] In Search of Meaning : Ludwig Wittgenstein on

Ethics, Mysticism and Religion, KIT Scientific Publishing Texto completo:

The essays collected in this volume explore some of the themes that have been at
the centre of recent debates within Wittgensteinian scholarship. In opposition to
what we are tentatively inclined to think, the articles of this volume invite us to
understand that our need to grasp the essence of ethical and religious thought
and language will not be achieved by metaphysical theories expounded from
such a point of view, but by focusing on our everyday forms of expression.

Arribas Abeledo, A. (2012). [e-Book] La interpretacin judicial: el intrprete de la

Ciutat de la Justcia. Texto completo:

Austermhl, F. and C. Mirwald (2010). [e-Book] Images of Translators in Localization

Discourse, T21N. Texto completo:,Mirwald.pd
This article aims to determine the image of professional translators in the
localization industry. Based on a corpus consisting of white papers published by
leading industry representatives and applying mainly quantitative analysis
methods, we identify an increasing degree of industrialization within the
language services market. The consequence of this development is a
marginalization of the translator within professional translation processes. This
image of the translator projected in industry discourses of localization is in stark
contrast to the one that has been established by Translation Studies.

Austin, M. and M. T. Decker (2010). [e-Book] Peculiar Portrayals: Mormons on the

Page, stage, and Screen, Utah State University, University Libraries Texto

In a time when Mormons appear to have larger roles in everything from political
conflict to television shows and when Mormon-related topics seem to show up
more frequently in the news, eight scholars take a close look at Mormonism in
popular media: film, television, theater, and books.Some authors examine specific
works, including the Tony-winning play Angels in America, the hit TV series Big
Love, and the bestselling books Under the Banner of Heaven: A Story of Violent
Faith and The Miracle Life of Edgar Mint. Others consider the phenomena of
Mormon cinema and Mormon fiction; the use of the Mormon missionary as a
stock character in films; and the noticeably prominent presence of Mormons in
reality television shows.

Bahameed, A. S. (2009). [e-Book] ThinkAloud Protocols: Translating Proverbs:

Applying think-aloud protocols to hadhrami proverbs: towards a
descriptive model of the translation process London Sayyab Books. Texto
ThinkAloud Protocols: Translating Proverbs is the first monograph published by
Sayyab Books to meet the need for a specialist-publishing house. The aim is to
enhance translation studies by providing the reader with high-quality books and
monographs in the field of translation in general.

Baker, M. and K. Malmkjaer (2001). [e-Book] Routledge encyclopedia of translation

studies. New York, Routledge. Texto completo:

The Routledge Encyclopedia of Translation Studies has been the standard

reference in the field since it first appeared in 1998. The second, extensively
revised and extended edition brings this unique resource up to date and offers a
thorough, critical and authoritative account of one of the fastest growing
disciplines in the humanities.

Bassnett, S. (2002). [e-Book] Translation Studies. New York Routledge. Texto


In the late 1970s a new academic discipline was born: Translation Studies. We
could not read literature in translation, it was argued, without asking ourselves if
linguistics and cultural phenomena really were translatable and exploring in
some depth the concept of equivalence. When Susan Bassnetts Translation
Studies appeared in the New Accents series, it quickly became the one
introduction every student and interested reader had to own. Professor Bassnett
tackles the crucial problems of translation and offers a history of translation
theory, beginning with the ancient Romans and encompassing key
twentieth-century work. She then explores specific problems of literary
translation through a close, practical analysis of texts, and completes her book
with extensive suggestion for further reading. Twenty years after publication, the
field of translation studies continues to grow, but one thing has not changed:
updated for the second time, Susan Bassnetts Translation Studies remains
essential reading

BBC (2007). [e-Book] Directrices Editoriales: Valores y Criterios de la BBC. Madrid,

Asociacin de la Prensa de Madrid. Texto completo:

Es un Manual extenso, detallado, casustico, meditado y fruto de la experiencia y

de un trabajo continuado y riguroso. No es un Manual para despacharlo en un
rato, ni para una lectura apresurada o selectiva. Es un Manual de referencia, de
consulta y reflexin. Eso nos anim a traducirlo al espaol para repartirlo a todos
los colegas, impreso y en su exacto contenido. Pedimos autorizacin a la BBC que
nos la dio inmediatamente con la nica exigencia de que una vez traducido les
enviramos una copia. Aunque el Manual puede parecer largo, detallista, muy
minucioso, su inters es evidente y por eso lo reproducimos ntegro sin seleccin
de textos, ni resta, adicin o adaptacin al caso espaol. Se trata de un texto
abierto, al que se van incorporando modificaciones permanentes como fruto de
la experiencia y de la reflexin. Y es un texto profesional, no terico, aunque tiene
mucha teora y mucha doctrina, pero que nace desde la experiencia, desde lo
concreto y prctico. Un texto que da para una asignatura acadmica completa,
troncal, anual, que debera ser imprescindible y obligatoria en nuestras facultades
de Periodismo. Cada uno de sus captulos da para una semana de clase, para
casos prcticos y para muchos trabajos complementarios de refutacin o
afirmacin. En Espaa, la influencia y vigencia de libros de estilo y similares es
modesta, muy limitada, ms aparente que efectiva. El debate profesional sobre la
tcnica y el permetro del trabajo es infrecuente en los medios. Probablemente es
una de las causas de los males de la profesin. Si en la BBC, a pesar de la
evidente preocupacin por los estndares de calidad de su trabajo, se producen
conflictos, problemas y deficiencias, cmo no las va a haber en pases donde
este debate est por producirse?

Benjamin, H. (2013). [e-Book] Memoir American, punctum books. Texto completo:
In the dead letter office, you will find a Memoir American. The texts which
comprise it forms of essay, talk, dialogue at one time saw themselves as
individualists who went somewhere (to small press magazines) on their own. Now
they are here, collected with the chance of going nowhere together. As it should
be: since they represent the fate of language and translation in the memory of
aliens living inside America like a family going nowhere together, but at
home.The philosopher Jacques Derrida and his family are part of this family in the
dead letter office, and curiously they are named going nowhere together at
home. Along the way, so are the poets Charles Reznikoff and William Carlos
Williams and Emmanuel Hocquard and Juliette Valery and Charles Olson, as well
as Horaces Odes in translation.You will find in this Memoir what it means for an
alien to search for his family in a book outside the time of its writing. You will find
him discovering that translation is a personal story and that poetry might not
have a home without it. You will find him wondering: whose voices are these
which we hear around us as we write, as Babel turns to rumor through the fact of
translation, wherein a book is being made and remade from American to French
and back again? You will find him through translation like a Being in the Poetry of
the Extraterritorial, an un-owned territory which is neither French nor American
but is negotiated by the rumor of a poetry which emerges from both, a future
condition (tat) which seeks the name it could be but is not.Follow this alien
Beings trajectory: he is not of America but grows up in it. He publishes a book in
French translation before it appears in the American English original. He becomes
native to a writing whose eloquence is always in question, at times because it is
passive, at other times because it is unpronounceable.Who, over time, finds his
Memoir?In the dead letter office, we do. We find someone somewhat like
ourselves, who uses language and translation as if these were a poets gifts in the
making of history, a history which is foreign yet integral to his homeland. We find
someone who uses it to return to his own people and place, so that he can only
stand more/revealed. We find someone who will act the new basis for his
identity the consciousness whose coming into Being must be premised on his
existence in another world.

Besamusca, B. and A. Bouwman (2009). [e-Book] Of Reynaert the Fox : Text and
Facing Translation of the Middle Dutch Beast Epic Van den vos Reynaerde.
Amsterdam, Amsterdam University Press Texto completo:
The mid thirteenth-century Dutch beast epic Van den vos Reynaerde is a
fascinating reworking of the most popular branch of the Old French Roman de
Renart and one of the finest examples of this popular genre, consisting of a
lengthy cycle of animal tales which provided a satirical commentary on human
society. Featuring the archetypal sly fox, the epic is also one of earliest examples
of a longer literary work written in the Dutch vernacular. This charmingly
illustrated edition contains the first-ever version of the Dutch text with a facing
English translation, making the undisputed masterpiece of medieval Dutch
literature accessible to international scholarly audiences otherwise unable to read
the narrative in the original. The critical text and the parallel translation are
accompanied by an introduction, interpretative notes, an index of names, a
complete glossary, and a short introduction to Middle Dutch, making it an
excellent choice for undergraduate or graduate study of medieval European
literature.<p>Het dertiende-eeuwse meesterwerk van de middeleeuwse
Nederlandse letterkunde, Van den vos Reynaerde, wordt samen met een
moderne parallelvertaling in dit boek uitgegeven. De hedendaagse vertaling, die
in het Engels gesteld is om een zo groot mogelijk publiek te bereiken, volgt de
middeleeuwse tekst op de voet. Een inleiding en literair-historische
aantekeningen geven de lezer volop steun bij het begrijpen van het
middeleeuwse werk. Het boek bevat tevens een glossarium op de volledige
woordvoorraad en een beknopte introducleerling tie op het Middelnederlands.
Deze uitgave is zeer geschikt voor gebruik in het hoger onderwijs.

Bielsa, E. (2005). [e-Book] Globalisation as Translation: An Approximation to the

Key but Invisible Role of Translation in Globalisation, CSGR Texto completo:

Two fundamental features of globalisation are the overcoming of spatial barriers

and the centrality of knowledge and information. These developments, which
result in the increased mobility of people and objects and a heightened contact
between different linguistic communities (mass tourism, migration, information
and media flows) signal, in spite of the predominance of English as a global
lingua franca, an exponential growth in the significance of translation, which
becomes a key mediator of global communication. Yet language and translation
have been systematically neglected in the current literature on globalisation. This
article critically examines current theories of globalisation and interrogates their
lack of attention towards translation. It formulates an attempt to understand the
significance of translation in a global context, conceptualising its analytical place
in globalisation theory and its key role in the articulation of the global and the

Bloomfield, L. (2001). [e-Book] Die Sprache, Edition Praesens Texto completo:

Leonard Bloomfield's "Language" (1933) is one of the most important books on

linguistics and it is also one of the most frequently quoted. It is very unusual that
a scientific book that has been on the market for 67 years has not become
outdated. Unbelievably enough, it has never been translated into German,
although Bloomfield spoke German like his mother-tongue. His family came from
Austria an he specialized in Germanic linguistics.This edition of ,Language" aims
to fill this gap and furthermore tries to reflect Bloomfield's ideas in the light of
modem linguistics. Therefore it is not a mere translation but a commentated
reader , of Bloomfield's ,,Language" and a scientific publication in its own
right.<p>Leonard Bloomfields Buch "Language" (1933) zhlt zu den Klassikern
der Sprachwissenschaft, es ist eines der meistzitierten Bcher auf diesem Gebiet.
Es kommt nicht oft vor, dass ein geisteswissenschaftliches Werk im siebenten
Jahrzehnt nach seinem Erscheinen kaum veraltet ist. Eigenartigerweise existierte
bislang keine deutsche bersetzung, und das, obwohl Bloomfield, der
altsterreichischer Herkunft war und Deutsch wie seine Muttersprache
beherrschte, als ausgebildeter Germanist das Deutsche in seinem Werk
besonders ausfhrlich behandelt. Diese Lcke soll diese deutsche Erstausgabe
schlieen, wobei im Kommentar ausfhrlich auf die vergangenen 66 Jahre
Forschungsgeschichte eingegangen wird. Dadurch geht diese Ausgabe aber auch
ber eine reine bersetzung hinaus erhlt den Charakter einer eigenstndigen
wissenschaftlichen. Publikation.

Boaglio, G. (2012). [e-Book] Geschichte der italienischen Literatur in sterreich,

Bhlau Texto completo:

The present monograph focuses on the history of Italian literature and language
in Austria's Habsburg past, covering the period from the Peace of Campoformido
between Napoleon and Francis II in 1797 to the end of the Habsburg monarchy
in 1918. The study reveals that Italian court poetry was amazingly alive in the 19th
century as it gradually had been adapted to the changes in the fields of politics,
society, and the press. After analyzing the end of the golden era of Italian poetry
in Austria, the author presents Archduchess Maria Beatrice d'Este and her literary
circle. She was the last patroness of Italian artists and poets and kept up the
old-style tradition of court poetry until her death in 1829. During the 19th
century, however, this tradition faced an ever increasing popularization, with
Italian language books and instruction getting more and more common. The
Italian language was never discriminated against in the Habsburg monarchy. On
the contrary, it was even extensively taught at universities because officials with a
good command of Italian were needed both in the federal government and in the
Italian regions of the monarchy. Moreover, the Habsburgs' language policy
favored the publication of quality papers and literary magazines in Italian. The
study also deals with Italian school books and anthologies for schools in the
Italian parts of the monarchy, which were usually written and published in Vienna.
In the last part of this chapter, records of the future Emperor Franz Joseph's
Italian instruction are presented and analyzed on the basis of archive materials.
Anachronistically, court poetry survived the 1848/1849 revolution and continued
until World War I. The Emperor was popularized in jubilee editions, newspapers,
and ceremonies, but also in the Italian poetry which was no longer of high
quality, but still instrumental in presenting Franz Joseph as the "father of the
nation".<p>Der Friede von Campoformido (17.10.1797) zwischen Napoleon und
Franz II. ist der Ausgangspunkt dieser Monographie, die auf die Geschichte der
italienischen Literatur und Sprache in jenen Lnderteilen der
Habsburgermonarchie fokussiert ist, die dem heutigen sterreich entsprechen.
Der Endpunkt ergibt sich aus dem Zusammenfall der Monarchie im Jahr 1918. Die
Studie zeigt, dass sich die Huldigungsdichtung in italienischer Sprache im 19.
Jahrhundert in sterreich den neuen Gegebenheiten des Pressemarktes, den
vernderten politischen Verhltnissen und den soziopolitischen Entwicklungen
angepasst hatte und erstaunlich lebendig war. Nachdem die Grnde und die
Modalitten fr das Ende der goldenen Epoche der poetischen Tradition in
italienischer Sprache in sterreich beleuchtet werden, widmet sich der Autor der
Knstlergruppe um Erzherzogin Maria Beatrice von Este, die in Wien die letzte
Gnnerin italienischer Knstler und Dichter wurde und die Tradition der
Hofdichtung bis zum ihrem Tod 1829 nach altem Muster pflegte. Diese Tradition
ist im 19. Jahrhundert jedoch mit einer fortschreitenden Popularisierung
konfrontiert, wobei sich die Sprachlehren des Italienischen und der
Sprachunterricht wachsender Beliebtheit erfreuten. Die Sprachpolitik der
Habsburgermonarchie stellte das Italienische als Kultursprache nie in Frage. Im
Gegenteil, die Behrden frderten das Erlernen der Sprache an den Universitten,
um die Anzahl der sprachkundigen Studenten zu erhhen, die spter als Beamte
in der Zentralverwaltung wie auch in den italienischen Kronlndern eingesetzt
werden konnten. Auerdem begnstigte die Sprachpolitik das rege Erscheinen
von anspruchsvollen Zeitungen und literarischen Zeitschriften in italienischer
Sprache. Da in den italienischen Kronlndern der Unterricht in Italienisch erfolgte,
behandelt die Studie auch italienische Schulbcher und literarische
Schulanthologien, die in Wien gedruckt und meistens auch verfasst wurden. Im
letzten Teil dieses Abschnittes wird aufgrund zahlreicher Archivmaterialien der
Italienischunterricht des zuknftigen Kaisers Franz Joseph dargestellt und
analytisch untersucht. Die Hul igungsdichtung berlebte die Revolutionsjahre
1848/1849 und setzte sich anachronistisch bis zum Ersten Weltkrieg fort. Die
unaufhaltsame Popularisierung der Kaiserfigur fand in unzhligen Prunkwerken
zu den Herrscherjubilen, in Zeitungen, Festen aber auch durch italienische
Dichtung statt, die zwar keinen hohen poetischen Wert mehr hatte, doch zur
Stilisierung Franz Josephs als Vater der Nation beitrug.

Boaglio, G. (2012). [e-Book] Geschichte der italienischen Literatur in sterreich.

Wien Kln Weimar, Bhlau Verlag. Texto completo:

The present monograph focuses on the history of Italian literature and language
in Austrias Habsburg past, covering the period from the Peace of Campoformido
between Napoleon and Francis II in 1797 to the end of the Habsburg monarchy
in 1918. The study reveals that Italian court poetry was amazingly alive in the 19th
century as it gradually had been adapted to the changes in the fields of politics,
society, and the press. After analyzing the end of the golden era of Italian poetry
in Austria, the author presents Archduchess Maria Beatrice dEste and her literary
circle. She was the last patroness of Italian artists and poets and kept up the
old-style tradition of court poetry until her death in 1829. During the 19th
century, however, this tradition faced an ever increasing popularization, with
Italian language books and instruction getting more and more common. The
Italian language was never discriminated against in the Habsburg monarchy. On
the contrary, it was even extensively taught at universities because officials with a
good command of Italian were needed both in the federal government and in the
Italian regions of the monarchy. Moreover, the Habsburgs language policy
favored the publication of quality papers and literary magazines in Italian. The
study also deals with Italian school books and anthologies for schools in the
Italian parts of the monarchy, which were usually written and published in Vienna.
In the last part of this chapter, records of the future Emperor Franz Josephs
Italian instruction are presented and analyzed on the basis of archive materials.
Anachronistically, court poetry survived the 1848/1849 revolution and continued
until World War I. The Emperor was popularized in jubilee editions, newspapers,
and ceremonies, but also in the Italian poetry which was no longer of high
quality, but still instrumental in presenting Franz Joseph as the father of the

Boberg, C., S. Ash, et al. (2005). [e-Book] The Atlas of North American English:
Phonetics, Phonology and Sound Change, De Gruyter Texto completo:

The Atlas of North American English provides the first overall view of the
pronunciation and vowel systems of the dialects of the U.S. and Canada. The
Atlas re-defines the regional dialects of American English on the basis of sound
changes active in the 1990s and draws new boundaries reflecting those changes.
It is based on a telephone survey of 762 local speakers, representing all the
urbanized areas of North America. It has been developed by Bill Labov, one of the
leading sociolinguists of the world, together with his colleagues Sharon Ash and
Charles Boberg. The Atlas consists of a printed volume accompanied by an
interactive CD-ROM. The print and multimedia content is alsoavailable online.
Combined Edition: Book and Multimedia CD-ROM The printed volume contains
23 chapters that re-define the geographic boundaries of North American dialects
and trace the influence of gender, age, education, and city size on the progress of
sound change; findings that show a dramatic and increasing divergence of
English in North America; 139 four color maps that illustrate the regional
distribution of phonological and phonetic variables across the North American
continent; 120 four color vowel charts of individual speakers. The interactive
multimedia CD-ROM supplements the printed articles and maps by providing a
data base with measurements of more than 100,000 vowels and mean values for
439 speakers; the Plotnik program for mapping each of the individual vowel
systems; extended sound samples of all North American dialects; interactive
applications to enhance classroom presentations. Online only Version: Print and
Multimedia Content The online only version offers simultaneous access to the
print and multimedia content to all users in the university/library network;
presents a wider selection of interactive data, maps, and audio samples that will
be recurrently updated; provides students with concurrent access to research
material for classroom assignments. Key Features: a multimedia reference tool,
overthrows previously heldhypothesesin North American dialectology, sound
samples on CD-ROM easily accessible through clearly designedinteractive maps.
System Requirements for CD-ROM and Online only version: Windows PC:
Pentium PC, Windows 9x, NT, or XP, at least 16MB RAM, CD-ROM Drive, 16 Bit
Soundcard, SVGA (600 x 800 resolution). Apple MAC: OS 6 or higher, 16 Bit
Soundcard, at least 16MB RAM. Supported Browsers: Internet Explorer, 5.5 or 6
(Mac OS: Internet Explorer 5.1)/Netscape 7.x or higher/Mozilla 1.0 or
higher/Mozilla Firefox 1.0 or higher. PlugIns: Macromedia Flash Player 6/Acrobat
Reader.; William Labov and Sharon Ash, University of Pennsylvania, USA; Charles
Boberg, McGill University, Montr?al, Canada..; ""ANAE is very much a standalone
piece. [...] But such splendid isolation is the privilege of the giants of a discipline,
and giants in the world of scholarship is definitley what the authors of this
volume are. This is a landmark study, a unique reference point of dialectological
scholarship for decades to come and an inspiration for generations of
linguistics.""Edgar W. Schneider in: English World-Wide 1/2008 ""The ANAE is a
massive collection of dialect data and an unprecedented accomplishment in
North American English dialectology.""Joshua Wilbur in: English Language and
Linguistics 1/2007 ""ANAE is a landmark study that will shape research trends for
years to come.""Matthew J. Gordon in: Linguist List 17.2299 Coverage in the
press: ""Talking the Tawk"" The New Yorker""Sound Decision: New Atlas Divides
the US by Dialect"" The Chicago Tribune and""Continental Drift""
The Pennsylvania Gazette""Is there a Rocky Mountain Accent"" New West""North
American Dialects"" National Geographic""Mayor's Accent Deserts Boston for
New York"" New York Times""It's not the Sights, it's the Sounds"" New York
Times""Mapping North American English"" Associated Press

Bogucki, . (2010). [e-Book] Teaching Translation and Interpreting: Challenges and

Practices. Cambridge, Cambridge Scholars Publishing. Texto completo:

Translator and interpreter training has recently received ample attention,

manifested in numerous articles, books and conference papers. However, many
central issues still appear controversial. Should translation and interpreting be
taught within the curricula of language studies or independently? What is
translator competence made up of? Which of its elements can be developed
through practice and which require coaching? What kind of translators and
interpreters, if any, are "born, not made"? In an attempt to address these and
other questions as well as to exchange experience and expertise regarding
translation curricula in Poland and abroad, the Department of Translation Theory
and Practice, part of the Chair of English Language and Applied Linguistics at
Lodz University, has organised two conferences under the title "Teaching
Translation and Interpreting"; the first was held in April 2008, the second almost
exactly a year later. The present volume is an outcome of these two events. It is
meant as a response to the developments in translation didactics which result
from the recognition of the role of the translator/interpreter and the
consolidating status of Translation Studies. The rationale behind the publication
is manifold. First, there is evidently a need among translation scholars and
translators to exchange information on the process of becoming a translator
issues like the optimum profile of a translation adept, the most efficient methods
for guiding students who wish to pursue the career or balancing formal
education with practical training. What is more, the volume hopes to offer an
opportunity to discuss the design of translation and interpreting teaching tracks
as they actually function in different institutions within Poland and across Europe.
The contributions talk about the challenges and solutions in a translation and
interpreting classroom by combining theory and practice, hence allowing for
implementation of the different methods in real-life situations. As the authors
come from a number of institutions and countries, the volume offers varied
perspectives on analogous issues to arrive at a comprehensive up-to-date
account but also to discuss outlooks for the future.

Bogucki, . (2010). [e-Book] Teaching Translation and Interpreting: Challenges and

Practices Cambridge, Cambridge Scholars Publishing. Texto completo:

Translator and interpreter training has recently received ample attention,

manifested in numerous articles, books and conference papers. However, many
central issues still appear controversial. Should translation and interpreting be
taught within the curricula of language studies or independently? What is
translator competence made up of? Which of its elements can be developed
through practice and which require coaching? What kind of translators and
interpreters, if any, are "born, not made"? In an attempt to address these and
other questions as well as to exchange experience and expertise regarding
translation curricula in Poland and abroad, the Department of Translation Theory
and Practice, part of the Chair of English Language and Applied Linguistics at
Lodz University, has organised two conferences under the title "Teaching
Translation and Interpreting"; the first was held in April 2008, the second almost
exactly a year later.

Brandi, L. and B. Salvadori (2004). [e-Book] Dal suono alla parola. Firenze, Firenze
University Press Texto completo:

An up-to-date manual conceived to guide the reader through the most

interesting and recent theories in the vast field of psycho-neuro-linguistics. After
a review of the latest theories on the perception and production of language in
adult and developmental age, the most recent studies on the relations between
anatomy and cerebral functions are also discussed, opening up new perspectives
on the study of language too.<p>Manuale aggiornato che si prefigge di
orientare il lettore tra le teorie pi interessanti e recenti del vasto campo della
psico-neuro-linguistica. Dopo aver passato in rassegna le ultime teorie sulla
percezione e produzione del linguaggio in et adulta ed evolutiva, vengono
illustrati gli studi pi recenti sul rapporto fra anatomia e funzioni cerebrali che
aprono nuove prospettive anche sullo studio del linguaggio.

Broekhuis, H. (2013). [e-Book] Syntax of Dutch: Adjectives and Adjective Phrases.

Amsterdam, Amsterdam University Press Texto completo:

The Syntax of Dutch will be published in at least seven volumes in the period
2012-2016 and aims at presenting a synthesis of the currently available syntactic
knowledge of Dutch. It is primarily concerned with language description and not
with linguistic theory, and provides support to all researchers interested in
matters relating to the syntax of Dutch, including advanced students of language
and linguistics. The two volumes Nouns and Noun Phrases discuss the internal
make-up as well as the distribution of noun phrases. Topics that will be covered
include: complementation and modification of noun phrases; properties of
determiners (article, demonstratives), numeral and quantifiers; the use of noun
phrases as arguments, predicates and adverbial modifiers.<p>De afgelopen
vijftig jaar zijn er talloze wetenschappelijke en vaak specialistische werken over
grammatica verschenen. In diezelfde periode is echter niet alleen de discussie
over grammatica veranderd, maar ook de presentatie van formele structuren en
de interpretatie van informatie. Gedegen antwoorden over de structuur van een
bepaalde taal zijn daarom niet eenvoudig te vinden. Syntax of Dutch slaagt hier
echter uitstekend in. Het werk richt zich op n enkel kernaspect van de
Nederlandse grammatica: de zinsbouw of de syntaxis. Ondanks het specialistische
onderwerp bestaat het uit maar liefst zeven delen, waaraan in totaal meer dan
tien jaar is gewerkt. Het resultaat is een uniek naslagwerk voor taalkundigen n
genteresseerde leken die meer willen weten over de syntactische eigenschappen
van de Nederlandse taal

Brooks, G. (2015). [e-Book] Dictionary of the British English Spelling System, Open
Book Publishers Texto completo:

This book will tell all you need to know about British English spelling. It

Butterss, P. (2013). [e-Book] Adelaide: a literary city. Texto completo:

From the tentative beginnings of European settlement to todays flourishing

writing scene, Adelaide has always been a literary city. Novelists, poets and
playwrights have lived here; readers have pored over books, sharing them and
discussing them; literary celebrities have visited and sometimes stayed; writers
have encouraged each other and fought with each other. Adelaide is literary, too,
in the sense of having been written aboutsometimes with love, sometimes with
scorn. Literature has been important not only to the citys cultural life but to its
identity, to the way it has been seen and, most importantly, to the way it has seen
itself.Today, literary Adelaide is thriving. The printers, schoolmasters and
schoolmistresses, booksellers, authors, publishers, and even reviewers that
Wakefield imagined more than 180 years ago have been augmented by other
infrastructure such as the South Australian Writers Centre, the University of
Adelaides creative writing program, by ArtsSA, by an online literary culture that
connects the city to the rest of the world, and by countless reading groups and
public readings. Adelaide is home to a vast array of interesting writers, such as
Peter Goldsworthy, Sean Williams, Dylan Coleman, Vikki Wakefield, Jan Owen,
Roseanne Hawke, Stephen Orr, Fiona McIntosh, Brian Castro, and many others.
This flourishing literary life continues to be an important component of one of
Adelaides most significant identitiesas a city of creativity and culture. Adelaide:
a literary city hopes to broaden and deepen our understanding of that long
component of the citys life.

Desde los inicios de la colonizacin europea el florecimiento de de la escritura estuvo

presente en Adelaida, siempre ha sido una ciudad literaria. Los novelistas, poetas
y dramaturgos han vivido aqu; lectores han estudiado minuciosamente los libros,
compartirlas y discutirlas; celebridades literarias han visitado ya veces quedado;
escritores han fomentado entre s y lucharon entre s. Adelaida es literaria,
tambin, en el sentido de haber sido escrito acerca de, a veces con el amor, a
veces con desprecio. La literatura ha sido importante no slo para la vida cultural
de la ciudad, pero a su identidad, a la forma en que se ha visto y, sobre todo, a la
forma en que ha visto itself.Today, Adelaide literaria est prosperando. Los
'impresoras, maestros y maestras, libreros, autores, editores, e incluso los
revisores que Wakefield imagin ms de 180 aos se han aumentado con otras
infraestructuras como el Centro de Sur de Australia de Escritores, la Universidad
de programa de escritura creativa de Adelaida, por ArtsSA, por una cultura
literaria en lnea que conecta la ciudad con el resto del mundo, y por un
sinnmero de grupos de lectura y lecturas pblicas. Adelaida es el hogar de una
amplia gama de escritores interesantes, como Peter Goldsworthy, Sean Williams,
Dylan Coleman, Vikki Wakefield, Jan Owen, Roseanne Hawke, Stephen Orr, Fiona
McIntosh, Brian Castro, y muchos otros. Esta vida literaria floreciente sigue siendo
un componente importante de una de las identidades como ms significativos de
Adelaida una ciudad de la creatividad y la cultura. Adelaida: una ciudad literaria
espera ampliar y profundizar nuestra comprensin de esa larga componente de
la vida de la ciudad.

Cadena, S. and E. Narvez (2009). [e-Book] Manual de Redaccin Cientfica:

Comprender y Producir Textos Escritos para Investigar. Cali, Valle del Cauca,
Colombia, Universiadad Autnoma de Occidente. Texto completo:

Consideramos que la investigacin es un fenmeno complejo que implica

distintos momentos y exige diversidad de competencias para quienes se
involucran en ella; si bien son tiles las tcnicas, la investigacin no se reduce a
ellas y demanda todo el potencial analtico, sinttico y creativo por parte del
investigador. En especial, la investigacin est relacionada con procesos de
comprensin y composicin de textos escritos de modo transversal. Es probable
que pensemos que tales demandas son ms evidentes en la fase inicial, en la que
se planea el proyecto, y en la ltima fase en la que se elabora el informe final; sin
embargo, en la mayora de los casos, la investigacin exige un proceso de
divulgacin que tambin pasa por la escritura, como es el caso de la elaboracin
de ponencias, artculos para revistas cientficas y, por supuesto, la publicacin de
un libro completo. Dado el contexto anterior, un investigador (o grupos de ellos)
requiere(n) el desarrollo de competencias de comprensin y composicin de
textos escritos para hacerse consciente(s) sobre el modo en que funcionan los
textos escritos que circulan para ser ledos, y sobre el proceso que se debe
desarrollar para producirlos durante el proceso investigativo en sus diferentes

Cagnolati, B. E. [e-Book] La traductologa: Miradas para comprender su

complejidad. Buenos Aires, Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de
Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educacin Texto completo:

Las reflexiones sobre la actividad de traduccin y sus resultados han estado

marcadas histricamente por el mayor o menor alejamiento respecto de la obra
original. Tambin a travs del tiempo se ha intentado dar respuesta a la pregunta
qu es una buena traduccin? con la formulacin de reglas generales, es decir,
prescribiendo. Afortunadamente, hacia mediados del siglo XX, comienza a
sistematizarse el estudio de la actividad de traduccin y se entiende la
complejidad que la sustenta, ya que en ella confluyen aspectos diversos, tanto
lingsticos como cognitivos, culturales o comparativos. De all en ms, los
estudios sobre la traduccin abandonan la prescripcin y asumen una mirada
descriptiva y explicativa, que se relaciona con las normas del gnero discursivo
que se traduce, con las normas sociales del pblico para el cual se traduce y con
las que se establecen entre la editorial o cliente y el traductor. Desde las
aparentemente ingenuas definiciones de traduccin, pasando por un recorte
histrico de la evolucin de su estudio, este libro recorre la relacin entre
lingstica y traduccin, discute la evolucin de los conceptos de unidad de
traduccin y equivalencia, expone la problematizacin del sentido en la
lexicologa y la terminologa, que son campos afines con la traduccin, e
introduce la relacin entre cultura y traduccin.

Carrujo Covas, L. M. (2008). [e-Book] Worte am Werk : Wittgenstein ber Sprache

und Welt, KIT Scientific Publishing Texto completo:

not yet available<p>Im Zentrum der vorliegenden Untersuchung des Werkes

Wittgensteins steht die Frage nach der Verbindung zwischen Sprache und Welt.
Whrend diese Frage im Tractatus eine prominente Rolle spielt, scheinen die PU
sie als sinnlos zu entlarven. Die sprachunabhngige Welt, meint man, habe im
Sprachspiel-Modell der Untersuchungen keinen Platz. Doch stimmt das? Auf der
Suche nach einer Antwort hierauf entwirft das Buch eine Skizze von Wittgensteins
Denkweg, die mit manchem gngigen Vorurteil aufrumt.

Cedergren, M. and S. Briens (2015). [e-Book] Mdiations interculturelles entre la

France et la Sude: Trajectoires et circulations de 1945 nos jours, Stockholm
University Press Texto completo:

History of literature, Sociology of literature, Translations studies, Cultural

transfers, Imagology, History of literary reception<p>"Ce livre porte sur les
relations culturelles entre la France et la Sude de 1945 nos jours. Il runit les
articles prsents loccasion de la confrence internationale, Frankrike-Sverige
Tur och retur , qui a eu lieu Stockholm en janvier 2014, organise par
lUniversit Paris-Sorbonne et lUniversit de Stockholm. Ces vingt-deux articles
tracent ensemble une histoire croise des mdiations matrielles et immatrielles,
dynamiques et complexes, ayant permis la construction des identits culturelles
dans trois domaines principaux : les reprsentations et limaginaire ; la mdiation
et les vecteurs de transmission ; la traduction, la rception et la circulation des
oeuvres.Denna bok behandlar kulturella relationer mellan Frankrike och Sverige
frn 1945 till vra dagar. De olika artiklarna bygger p den forskning som
presenterades p den internationella konferensen Frankrike-Sverige Tur och
retur i Stockholm i januari 2014. Konferensen organiserades av
Sorbonne-universitetet i Paris och Stockholms universitet. De tjugotv bidragen
ger tillsammans en bild av de komplexa och rrliga samband och kontaktpunkter
som genom historien uppsttt mellan de bda lnderna. Tre huvudsakliga flt har
identifierats dr kulturella identiteter skapats ver nationsgrnserna:
representationer och frestllningsvrldar; mediering och frmedling;
versttning, mottagande och cirkulering av verk."

Cerezo Merchn, B. (2012). [e-Book] La didctica de la traduccin audiovisual en

Espaa: Un estudio de caso emprico-descriptivo. Castelln, Universitat Jaume
I. Departament de Traducci i Comunicaci. Texto completo:

La presente tesis doctoral se enmarca dentro del rea de la Traduccin e

Interpretacin, y ms concretamente, en el mbito de la didctica de la
Traduccin. Se trata de un estudio emprico-descriptivo de la didctica de la
traduccin audiovisual (TAV) en Espaa a nivel universitario. Los cambios
educativos que trae consigo el Espacio Europeo de Educacin Superior, la
reciente implantacin de materias de traduccin audiovisual en la universidad
espaola y el enorme desarrollo del que ha gozado la traduccin audiovisual en
estos ltimos aos, nos sitan en el momento idneo para reflexionar sobre la
didctica de esta modalidad de traduccin en nuestro pas.

Cervulle, M., J. Lindgaard, et al. (2014). [e-Book] Cultural Studies : Gense, objets,
traductions. Paris, ditions de la Bibliothque publique dinformation. Texto
N en Angleterre dans les annes soixante, le courant de recherche des Cultural
Studies invite questionner la notion de culture dans toutes ses dimensions.
Attentives aux cultures populaires, aux subcultures et la rception des
mdias de masse, rsolument transdisciplinaires, les Cultural Studies ont ouvert
de multiples champs d'tude : genre, gnration, fans, queer, postcolonialisme
Quel que soit leur objet, elles s'attachent mettre en vidence les enjeux de
pouvoir dont la culture est porteuse. Lors de ce colloque, les interventions et
dbats de chercheurs franais et anglais ont montr en quoi les Cultural Studies
permettent d'apprhender les identits multiculturelles de nos socits

Chakhachiro, R. [e-Book] Translating Irony: An Interdisciplinary Approach With

English and Arabic as a Case in Point. London Sayyab Books. Texto completo:

The main premise of this book is that the translation of irony is not amenable to
conventional translation theories. Taking English and Arabic as a case in point,
the way speakers of this pair of languages employ this pervasive tool to express
their attitude reflects the linguistic and cultural distance between these
languages, and adds a significant translation problem to the interpretive

Claudio, F. and Z. Federico (2015). [e-Book] New directions in corpus-based

translation studies, Language Science Press Texto completo:

Corpus-based translation studies has become a major paradigm and research

methodology and has investigated a wide variety of topics in the last two
decades. The contributions to this volume add to the range of corpus-based
studies by providing examples of some less explored applications of corpus
analysis methods to translation research. They show that the area keeps evolving
as it constantly opens up to different frameworks and approaches, from appraisal
theory to process-oriented analysis, and encompasses multiple translation
settings, including (indirect) literary translation, machine(-assisted) translation
and the practical work of professional legal translators. The studies included in
the volume also expand the range of application of corpus applications in terms
of the tools used to accomplish the research tasks outlined.

Contreras, A. M. and R. J. Ochoa Jimnez (2010). [e-Book] Manual de Redaccin

Cientfica: Escribir artculos cientficos es fcil, despus de ser difcil: Una
gua prctica. Guadalajara, Jalisco, Ediciones de la noche. Texto completo:

En el Manual de Redaccin Cientfica: Escribir artculos cientficos es fcil, despus

de ser difcil. Una gua prctica, se ilustran las vicisitudes de los investigadores en
la elaboracin del mensaje principal a partir de los resultados de la investigacin,
as como la redaccin del manuscrito y la publicacin del artculo cientfico. Todo
este proceso significa una inversin considerable de tiempo, de recursos
intelectuales y materiales, a veces molestias e incomodidades para los pacientes
o para terceros, y siempre un gran esfuerzo de todos los participantes. No es raro
que un solo estudio de investigacin exija la dedicacin de varios aos y hasta de
una vida completa. Sin embargo, no es excepcional que la investigacin se frustre
por dificultades en alguna de las etapas o por la falta de resultados, pero lo ms
lamentable es observar con qu frecuencia todo el esfuerzo no culmina porque
los participantes en la investigacin carecen de habilidades para la redaccin: ya
hicieron todo lo dems, probablemente lo ms arduo y laborioso, pero la
gestacin acaba en distocia que malogra el valioso producto: la publicacin del
artculo cientfico. Y es que el asunto no es sencillo, porque no slo debe tenerse
competencia tcnica en el proceso mismo de investigacin y en sus contenidos,
en el conocimiento profundo de lo que concierne al tema que se indaga, sino en
la gramtica, la expresin escrita, la descripcin literaria y la comunicacin.
Muchos notables investigadores han mostrado serias debilidades en estos
aspectos, y algunos recurren a asesores o redactores externos. Una situacin
comn es una autocrtica excesiva que les impide escribir o culminar el escrito.
Algo parecido ocurre con los egresados de las carreras universitarias de letras,
quienes son formados con mucho nfasis en la crtica de textos, por lo que muy
pocos acaban escribiendo porque nunca les satisface su escrito, hasta que
aprenden que lo perfecto es enemigo de lo bueno.
Coulthard, M. and A. Johnson (2010). [e-Book] The Routledge handbook of forensic
linguistics, Routledge. Texto completo:

Cummings, W. (2007). [e-Book] A chain of kings : the Makassarese chronicles of

Gowa and Talloq. Texto completo:

The chronicles of Gowa and Talloq are the most important historical sources for
the study of pre-colonial Makassar. They have provided the basic framework and
much of the information that we possess about the origins, growth, and
expansion of Gowa during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. During this
period Gowa and its close ally Talloq became the most powerful force in the
eastern Indonesian archipelago, and historians have relied heavily on the
chronicles to chart the developments of this period. Available for the first time in
English translation, the two texts will offer historians and other scholars an
invaluable foundation on which to base interpretations of this crucial place and
time in Indonesian history.This volume is required reading for scholars of
pre-modern Southeast Asia, including historians, linguists, anthropologists, and
others.William Cummings is an associate professor of history at the University of
South Florida. He is the author of Making blood white; Historical transformation
in early modern Makassar (2002) and numerous articles about Makassarese
history and culture.

de Jong, R. E. (2011). [e-Book] A Grammar of the Bedouin Dialects of Central and

Southern Sinai, Brill Texto completo:

After publishing A Grammar of the Bedouin Dialects of the Northern Sinai Littoral:
Bridging the Linguistic Gap between the Eastern and Western Arab World
(Brill:2000), Rudolf de Jong completes his description of the Bedouin dialects of
the Sinai Desert of Egypt by adding the present volume. To facilitate direct
comparison of all Sinai dialects, the dialect descriptions in both volumes run
parallel and are thus structured in the same manner. Quoting from his own
extensive material and using a total of 95 criteria for comparison, De Jong applies
the method of 'multi-dimensional scaling' and his own 'step-method' to arrive at
a subdivision into eight (of which seven are 'Bedouin') typological groups in Sinai.
An appendix with 68 maps and dialectrometrical plots completes the picture.

De Zordo, O. (2008). [e-Book] Saggi di anglistica e americanistica. Firenze, Firenze

University Press Texto completo:

"Saggi" brings together the results of the research activity carried out on the PhD
course in English and American Studies (Department of Modern Philology,
University of Florence). The contributions relate to the theatre, narrative, poetry,
autobiographical writing and correspondence, and range from the Renaissance
up to the present day. The heterogeneity of the material illustrates the free
choice of the young academics who, in the climate of collaboration that was
established, decided to address the technical and editorial aspects of the book as
a team in the open access editorial workshop of the Department.<p>"Saggi"
raccoglie i risultati dell'attivit di ricerca svolta all'interno del Dottorato di
Anglistica e Americanistica (Dipartimento di Filologia Moderna, Universit di
Firenze). I contributi toccano il teatro, la narrativa, la poesia, la scrittura
autobiografica e la corrispondenza, spaziano dal Rinascimento alla
contemporaneit. L'eterogeneit del materiale testimonia la libera scelta dei
giovani studiosi i quali, nel clima di collaborazione che si creato, hanno deciso
di curare l'aspetto tecnico redazionale del volume collettivamente, nel
Laboratorio editoriale open access del Dipartimento.

De Zordo, O. (2008). [e-Book] Saggi di anglistica e americanistica. Firenze, Firenze

University Press Texto completo:
"Saggi" brings together the results of the research activity carried out on the PhD
course in English and American Studies (Department of Modern Philology,
University of Florence). The contributions relate to the theatre, narrative, poetry,
autobiographical writing and correspondence, and range from the Renaissance
up to the present day. The heterogeneity of the material illustrates the free
choice of the young academics who, in the climate of collaboration that was
established, decided to address the technical and editorial aspects of the book as
a team in the open access editorial workshop of the Department.<p>"Saggi"
raccoglie i risultati dell'attivit di ricerca svolta all'interno del Dottorato di
Anglistica e Americanistica (Dipartimento di Filologia Moderna, Universit di
Firenze). I contributi toccano il teatro, la narrativa, la poesia, la scrittura
autobiografica e la corrispondenza, spaziano dal Rinascimento alla
contemporaneit. L'eterogeneit del materiale testimonia la libera scelta dei
giovani studiosi i quali, nel clima di collaborazione che si creato, hanno deciso
di curare l'aspetto tecnico redazionale del volume collettivamente, nel
Laboratorio editoriale open access del Dipartimento.

Dethier-Ronge, M. (1989). Sobre unos problemas de traduccin. Actas del IX Congreso

de la Asociacin Internacional de Hispanistas : 18-23 agosto 1986 Berln, Frankfurt ;
Main : Vervuert, 1989. 1: 103-112.
As quisiera suministrarles una serie de problemas prcticos con los que se
enfrentaron mis estudiantes. Me doy cuenta de que, en muchos de los casos, es
difcil dar una resolucin tajante que obedeciera a las reglas de la teora de la
traduccin, sin vacilar. Se ha establecido firmemente que no basta una enseanza
prctica para formar traductores. Y no sera digno de su nombre el instituto que
no dara a los alumnos
una base lingstica seria.

Daz Fouces, . and M. Garca Gonzlez (2008). [e-Book] Traducir (con) software
libre Granada, Comares. Texto completo: (sumario)

Doyle, M. S. (2012). Una biopsia de la traduccin de "The sunset limited" de Cormac

McCarthy: siguiendo la pista del proceso re-creativo. Sendebar: 79-109.
Los anlisis anteriores de las traducciones de la narrativa de Cormac McCarthy al
castellano de Luis Murillo Fort se hicieron con el propsito de crear, por medio
de autopsias de traduccin, un mapa retrospectivo de los mtodos del traductor.
En el presente caso, sin embargo, el traductor espaol ha permitido un
seguimiento de su trabajo mientras se realizaba, ms semejante a hacerle una
biopsia en la que las muestras de las versiones tempranas y posteriores, an
vivientes en ese momento, se examinaron con la ayuda de comentarios
encadenados por parte del traductor. El presente artculo hace uso de la
metodologa del seguimiento [shadowing] como una herramienta nica e ntima
para explorar retos ilustrativos de cmo traducir. El propsito es comprender
mejor los procesos mentales y las soluciones de un traductor consumado
mientras se halla en el acto mismo de traducir una obra literaria de gneros
mezclados, escrita por un icono de las letras norteamericanas. (A)

Durn Muoz, I. and G. Corpas Pastor (2011). [e-Book] El trabajo ontoterminogrfico

aplicado a la traduccin de textos del turismo de aventura (espaol, ingls,
alemn): fases de preparacin, elaboracin y edicin. Mlaga
Universidad de Mlaga Texto completo:

Esta tesis doctoral aborda la necesidad de elaborar recursos terminolgicos

dirigidos a traductores para satisfacer sus necesidades concretas a la hora de
realizar traducciones de textos especializados. En este sentido, ofrece un estudio
de los diferentes recursos terminolgicos disponibles en la actualidad y propone
una metodologa de trabajo basada en la ontoterminografa para elaborar dichos
recursos. As, en el captulo I se lleva a cabo una revisin exhaustiva del estado de
la cuestin en terminologa y terminografa, concretamente en la terminografa
basada en corpus y la terminografa basada en ontologas, y se analiza la
influencia de las disciplinas lingsticas afines: la Lingstica de Corpus, la
Lingstica Computacional y la Lingstica Cognitiva. El captulo II se centra en las
competencias traductoras y en las necesidades documentales de los traductores
a la hora de realizar traducciones de calidad y propone una metodologa basada
en la ontoterminografa para elaborar recursos terminolgicos para traductores
segn los resultados de una encuesta ad hoc realizada para conocer las
necesidades y expectativas de estos usuarios. Tras el establecimiento de la
propuesta metodolgica en el captulo II, en los siguientes captulos se presenta
la aplicacin de dicha metodologa en un dominio especfico: el turismo de
aventura, y para unas lenguas de trabajo determinadas: espaol, ingls y alemn.
En el ltimo captulo, adems, se procede al diseo, implementacin y evaluacin
de una aplicacin informtica integradora, flexible y novedosa (Trandix) a fin de
satisfacer las necesidades de los traductores con respecto a la bsqueda y
consulta terminolgica.

Durand Guiziou, M.-C., F. A. Muoz Ojeda, et al. (1994). Los falsos amigos en su
contexto. Actas del II Coloquio sobre los estudios de filologa francesa en la Universidad
espaola : (Almagro, 3-5 de mayo de 1993), [Cuenca] : Servicio de Publicaciones de la
Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, 1994: 103-110.
Este trabajo se inscribe dentro de una lnea de investigacin sobre los falsos
amigos, fruto de unas observaciones pedaggicas llevadas a cabo en el aula
universitaria y que han dado lugar a varias publicaciones (vase Gonzalez
Santana R.D. y al., 1993a) y 1993b)). La presente comunicacin est orientada
hacia las implicaciones de estos falsos amigos en la adquisicin de la
competencia traslativa as como a su tratamiento mediante unas aplicaciones
prcticas. Los falsos amigos dan lugar a faltas que perjudican la comunicacin en
el aprendizaje del
francs lengua extranjera. El contacto entre dos lenguas vecinas como el castellano y
el francs da lugar a numerosas interferencias1. El problema de las palabras
supuestamente amigas en el plano semntico LM/LE y LE/LM (lengua
materna/lengua extranjera) tiene igualmente consecuencias importantes en la
adquisicin de la actividad traslativa.

Enfield, N. J. (2014). [e-Book] Natural causes of language: Frames, biases, and

cultural transmission. Texto completo:

What causes a language to be the way it is? Some features are universal, some
are inherited, others are borrowed, and yet others are internally innovated. But no
matter where a bit of language is from, it will only exist if it has been diffused and
kept in circulation through social interaction in the history of a community. This
book makes the case that a proper understanding of the ontology of language
systems has to be grounded in the causal mechanisms by which linguistic items
are socially transmitted, in communicative contexts. A biased transmission model
provides a basis for understanding why certain things and not others are likely to
develop, spread, and stick in languages. Because bits of language are always
parts of systems, we also need to show how it is that items of knowledge and
behavior become structured wholes. The book argues that to achieve this, we
need to see how causal processes apply in multiple frames or 'time scales'
simultaneously, and we need to understand and address each and all of these
frames in our work on language. This forces us to confront implications that are
not always comfortable: for example, that "a language" is not a real thing but a
convenient fiction, that language-internal and language-external processes have
a lot in common, and that tree diagrams are poor conceptual tools for
understanding the history of languages. By exploring avenues for clear solutions
to these problems, this book suggests a conceptual framework for ultimately
explaining, in causal terms, what languages are like and why they are like that.

Europea, C. (2004). [e-Book] Glosario Europeo Sobre Educacin: Volumen 1

Segunda Edicin: Exmenes, Certificados y Ttulos. Madrid, Eurydice. Texto

Cada sistema educativo utiliza una terminologa propia para describir las
caractersticas de su organizacin y funcionamiento. Intentar comprender y
comparar las diferentes realidades educativas de Europa significa tambin hacer
frente a cuestiones de orden terminolgico. Resulta por tanto esencial disponer
de tiles de referencia para favorecer una comprensin mutua y una
cooperacin de calidad entre los pases europeos. Para responder a esta
necesidad, la Red Eurydice ha creado una coleccin titulada Glosario Europeo
sobre Educacin. Desde 1999, se han publicado cuatro volmenes sobre temas
diferentes. El primer volumen trata de los exmenes, certificados y ttulos, el
segundo de las instituciones educativas (2000), el tercero del profesorado (2002)
y el ltimo del personal encargado de la gestin, seguimiento, evaluacin y
supervisin (2003). Estos cuatro volmenes del glosario constituyen adems una
base de datos dinmica a la que se puede acceder desde el sitio web de la Red
Eurydice ( La terminologa referente a exmenes,
certificados y ttulos evoluciona rpidamente en una Europa cada vez ms grande
en la que la movilidad de los estudiantes y los profesores, as como la apertura
de los sistemas educativos y de formacin al mundo exterior, son objetivos
esenciales de cooperacin. Es por ello que la Red Eurydice ha decidido actualizar
el primer volumen del glosario publicado en 1999. A diferencia de la edicin
anterior, que inclua 24 pases (los 15 Estados Miembros de la Unin Europea, los
pases de la AELC/EEE y los primeros seis pases de Europa central y oriental que
participaron en las actividades de la Red), este glosario incluye adems los pases
blticos, Eslovenia, Chipre y Malta. Ofrece una presentacin detallada de la
terminologa utilizada a nivel nacional para designar los exmenes, certificados y
ttulos oficiales y especficos de cada sistema educativo. Cada trmino en la
lengua original va acompaado de una descripcin sinttica y estructurada que
permite una comprensin y una comparacin fcil de una informacin cada vez
ms indispensable para los expertos e investigadores en educacin comparada,
as como para los responsables de la movilidad en Europa, traductores y
numerosos actores del mundo de la educacin. Se incluye una gua para la
utilizacin de este glosario a modo de introduccin. Contiene todas las
definiciones tiles y una presentacin de las diferentes dimensiones cubiertas en
la nota explicativa de cada trmino.

Faiq, S. and A. Clark (2010). [e-Book] Beyond Denotation in Arabic-English

Translation London Sayyab Books. Texto completo:

This book is theoretically practical and practically theoretical. It seeks to establish

a dialogue between the various theories of language use beyond denotation and
applications that relate theory to practice with reference to translation. The book
will surely be enjoyed by those looking for theories and their relevance to
Arabic/English translationtheories that can also be applied to other
languagesand by those looking for practical testing of such theories.

Fairchild, G. and K. Rai (2011). [e-Book] Perdido en la traduccin: The Opportunity

in Financial Services for Latinos. Virginia, University of Virginia. Texto completo:

This report is the culmination of over a year of research, engaging multiple

researchers and methodologies to answer our research questions. We marshal
data from a number of sources in our analyses, including state and federal
demographics, educational and financial statistics, surveys, interviews and
anthropological fieldwork with Virginias Latino households. While many
fingerprints are on the work you find here, we at the Tayloe Murphy Center take
responsibility for any errors or oversight

Fernndez lvarez, E. (2011). [e-Book] Refranes y refranes modificados en la prensa

alemana: propuestas prcticas de traduccin al espaol a partir de ejemplos
de la Sddeutsche Zeitung. Texto completo:

[ES] El estudio de esta tesis supone una novedad al intentar sentar las bases para
una orientacin traductolgica desde la que no se suele considerar la cuestin de
la equivalencia. Al mismo tiempo, ofrece el marco terico necesario para
comprender los procesos de modificacin, el porqu de la aparicin de refranes,
casi siempre modificados, en la prensa alemana y los factores considerados para
su trasvase al espaol. El objetivo principal se concreta en demostrar la elevada
frecuencia con la que se emplean las paremias alemanas en la actualidad y como
segundo objetivo, emprender una bsqueda de soluciones traductolgicas para
las paremias modificadas.; [EN] The study of this thesis is newfangled at the try to
lay the foundations for an orientation from which translation studies not usually
considered the issue of equivalence. At the same time, offers the theoretical
framework necessary to understand the processes of change, the reason for the
emergence of proverbs, usually modified in the German press and the factors
considered for shift to the Spanish. The main objective is to demonstrate the high
specific frequency of German proverbs are used today and as a second objective,
to undertake a quest for translation solutions to the proverbs modified.

Fernndez Garca, J. R. (2003). [e-Book] La Traduccin en el mundo del Software

Libre: Anlisis del estado de las herramientas lingsticas, proyectos actuales
y necesidades de la comunidad del software libre. Texto completo:

Anlisis de las herramientas lingsticas de que dispone la comunidad de

software libre, de los proyectos de traduccin y de los desafos que presenta el
tratamiento informtico de los lenguajes naturales.

Fox J, J. (2014). [e-Book] Explorations in Semantic Parallelism, ANU Press Texto


This collection of eighteen papers explores issues in the study of semantic

parallelism a world-wide tradition in the composition of oral poetry. It is
concerned with both comparative issues and the intensive study of a single living
poetic tradition of composition in strict canonical parallelism. The papers in the
volume were written at intervals from 1971 to 2014 a period of over forty
years. They are a summation of a career-long research effort that continues to
take shape. The concluding essay reflects on possible directions for future

Frances, M. and R. S. Benjamin (2007). [e-Book] The Social Effects of Native Title :
Recognition, Translation, Coexistence. Australia, ANU E Press Texto completo:

The papers in this collection reflect on the various social effects of native title. In
particular, the authors consider the ways in which the implementation of the
Native Title Act 1993 (Cwlth), and the native title process for which this Act
legislates, allow for the recognition and translation of Aboriginal law and custom,
and facilitate particular kinds of coexistence between Aboriginal title holders and
other Australians. In so doing, the authors seek to extend the debate on native
title beyond questions of practice and towards an improved understanding of the
effects of native title on the social lives of Indigenous Australians and on
Australian society more generally. These attempts to grapple with the effects of
native title have, in part, been impelled by Indigenous people?s complaints about
the Act and the native title process. Since the Act was passed, many Indigenous
Australians have become increasingly unhappy with both the strength and forms
of recognition afforded to traditional law and custom under the Act, as well as
the with socially disruptive effects of the native title process. In particular, as
several of the papers in this collection demonstrate, there is widespread
discomfort with the transformative effects of recognition within the native title
process, effects which can then affect other aspects of Indigenous lives.

Francesco, C. (2014). [e-Book] Prosodic detail in Neapolitan Italian. Texto completo:

Recent findings on phonetic detail have been taken as supporting

exemplar-based approaches to prosody. Through four experiments on both
produc tion and perception of both melodic and temporal detail in Neapolitan
Italian, we show that prosodic detail is not incompatible with abstractionist
approaches either. Specifically, we suggest that the exploration of prosodic detail
leads to a refined understanding of the relationships between the richly specified
and continuously varying phonetic information on one side, and coarse
phonologically structured contrasts on the other, thus of fering insights on how
pragmatic information is conveyed by prosody.

Freixa, A. and J. G. Lpez Guix (2010). [e-Book] Actas Del Ii Coloquio Internacional
Escrituras De La Traduccin Hispnica San Carlos De Bariloche, 2010.
Cerdanyola del Vall, Universitat Autnoma de Barcelona. Texto completo:

El presente volumen recoge un conjunto de textos que tienen como origen las
intervenciones de conferenciantes y ponentes invitados al II Coloquio
Internacional Escrituras de la Traduccin Hispnica, que tuvo lugar en San
Carlos de Bariloche entre el 5 y el 7 de noviembre de 2010, acogido por la
Sede Andina de la Universidad Nacional de Ro Negro (Argentina). Al igual que el
primer coloquio, acogido por la Facultad de Filosofa y Letras de la Universidad
Austral de Chile en el 2008, este segundo coloquio fue el mbito de presentacin
no slo de investigaciones en torno a la traduccin, sino tambin de experiencias
traductoras, tanto en las mesas de discusin como a travs de talleres. La
aspiracin de los organizadores fue que esta perspectiva amplia, inclusiva,
permitiera sumar la reflexin de los propios traductores a las miradas ms
tericas o acadmicas, con el objetivo de intercambiar ideas y debatir sobre la
reescritura hispnica, tanto peninsular como latinoamericana, de otras trdiciones
literarias y culturales, sobre su presente y su historia, as como sus razones, usos,
aciertos y desaciertos.

Galn Maas, A. (2009). [e-Book] La enseanza de la traduccin en la modalidad

semipresencial. Barcelona, Universitat Autnoma de Barcelona. Departament de
Traducci i d'Interpretaci. Texto completo:

Esta tesis ha tenido como objetivo elaborar una propuesta pedaggica para la
enseanza de la traduccin en la modalidad semipresencial. Dicha propuesta
pedaggica partiendo del enfoque por tareas de traduccin, as como de la
formacin por competencias, ha abarcado tres materias: iniciacin a la
traduccin, traduccin cientfico-tcnica y traduccin jurdico-administrativa, y
distintas combinaciones lingsticas: del ingls, francs y portugus al espaol.
Concretamente, las unidades didcticas que se han propuesto son las siguientes
en las combinaciones lingsticas que se especifican en cada caso: - Iniciacin a la
traduccin: Traduccin de referentes culturales (del ingls, francs y portugus
al espaol) Traduccin de textos narrativos (del ingls, francs y portugus al
espaol) - Traduccin cientfico-tcnica: El mercado laboral de la traduccin
cientfico-tcnica (del ingls, francs y portugus al espaol) La traduccin de un
manual de instrucciones (del ingls, francs y portugus al espaol) La
traduccin de un documento tcnico en soporte audiovisual (del ingls al
espaol) - Traduccin jurdico-administrativa: La traduccin jurada y la
traduccin jurdica (del portugus al espaol) La clasificacin y caracterizacin
contrastiva de los gneros jurdicos (del portugus al espaol) La traduccin de
textos administrativos (del portugus al espaol)

Garca Delgado, J. L., J. A. Alonso, et al. (2013). [e-Book] El espaol, lengua de

comunicacin cientfica. Madrid, Fundacin Telefnica. Texto completo:

Esta obra, decimosegunda entrega del proyecto Valor econmico del espaol
promovido por Fundacin Telefnica, est dedicada al anlisis del espaol como
lengua cientfica. El libro se estructura en tres partes. Ante todo, se recogen tres
estudios referidos al papel del espaol en cada uno de los grandes campos del
saber. Primero, explorando en el dilatado territorio de las ciencias sociales;
segundo, en el mbito de las ciencias de la naturaleza, las ciencias biomdicas y
las disciplinas tcnicas, y, en tercer lugar, en las humanidades. La segunda parte
ofrece dos aportaciones que completan los captulos previos a travs de dos
perspectivas complementarias. Primero, con un estudio bibliomtrico de la
publicacin cientfica en espaol en cada una de las grandes reas de
conocimiento; luego, estudiando el papel que el espaol ha tenido en la
atraccin de universidades internacionales. Por ltimo, la tercera parte recoge
una sntesis de las opiniones ofrecidas por quince expertos.

Garca Delgado, J. L., J. A. Alonso, et al. (2013). [e-Book] El espaol, lengua de

comunicacin cientfica. Madrid, Fundacin Telefnica. Texto completo:

Esta obra, decimosegunda entrega del proyecto Valor econmico del espaol
promovido por Fundacin Telefnica, est dedicada al anlisis del espaol como
lengua cientfica.El libro se estructura en tres partes. Ante todo, se recogen tres
estudios referidos al papel del espaol en cada uno de los grandes campos del
saber. Primero, explorando en el dilatado territorio de las ciencias sociales;
segundo, en el mbito de las ciencias de la naturaleza, las ciencias biomdicas y
las disciplinas tcnicas, y, en tercer lugar, en las humanidades. La segunda parte
ofrece dos aportaciones que completan los captulos previos a travs de dos
perspectivas complementarias. Primero, con un estudio bibliomtrico de la
publicacin cientfica en espaol en cada una de las grandes reas de
conocimiento; luego, estudiando el papel que el espaol ha tenido en la
atraccin de universidades internacionales. Por ltimo, la tercera parte recoge
una sntesis de las opiniones ofrecidas por quince expertos.

Georg Rehm, H. U. (2013). [e-Book] META-NET Strategic Research Agenda for

Multilingual Europe 2020, Springer-Verlag GmbH Texto completo:
The unique multilingual setup of our European society imposes grand societal
challenges on political, economic and social integration and inclusion, especially
in the creation of the single digital market and unified information space targeted
by the Digital Agenda. As many as 21 European languages are at risk of digital
extinction. ey could become victims of the digital age as they are
under-represented online and underresourced with respect to language
technologies. Moreover, huge market opportunities remain untapped because
of language barriers. If no action is taken, many European citizens will find that
speaking their mother tongue leaves them at a social and economic
disadvantage.Future-proofing our languages requires a modest investment which
will return a strong competitive advantage, since the technologies needed to
overcome language barriers and support languages in the digital age are key
enabling technologies for the next IT revolution.

Gerzymisch-Arbogast, H., G. Budin, et al. (2008). [e-Book] LSP Translation Scenarios,

ATRC Group. Texto completo:

The present volume highlights a selection of contributions to the topic ofLSP

Translation Scenarios within the Marie Curie Conference Series MuTra:
Multidimensional Translation held between 2005 and 2007 at Saarbrcken,
Copenhagen and Vienna. In Part I and II, it discusses fundamental theoretical
concepts in LSP translation from text terminology to intercultural discourse,
including the interrelationship of knowledge and text with reference to
translation and simultaneous interpreting. In Part III and IV, it portrays the
technological support offered by computerized applications and offers an
authentic example of how LSP translation is taught at post-graduate level today

Gerzymisch-Arbogast, H., G. Budin, et al. (2008). [e-Book] LSP Translation Scenarios:

Selected Contributions to the EU Marie Curie Conference. Vienna 2007.
Viena, ATRC Group. Texto completo:
The present volume highlights a selection of contributions to the topic of LSP
Translation Scenarios within the Marie Curie Conference Series MuTra:
Multidimensional Translation held between 2005 and 2007 at Saarbrcken,
Copenhagen and Vienna. In Part I and II, it discusses fundamental theoretical
concepts in LSP translation from text terminology to intercultural discourse,
including the interrelationship of knowledge and text with reference to
translation and simultaneous interpreting. In Part III and IV, it portrays the
technological support offered by computerized applications and offers an
authentic example of how LSP translation is taught at post-graduate level today.

Gerzymisch-Arbogast, H. and S. Nauert [e-Book] Challenges of Multidimensional

Translation : Saarbrcken 2-6 May 2005 : Proceedings. Saarland, Advanced
Translation Research Center (ATRC). Texto completo:

The following article is a revised and updated version of the opening address to
the first event of the Marie Curie conference series Multidimensional Translation
(MuTra) held on May 2nd, 2005 in Saarbrcken. It describes the concept and
methodology of Multidimensional Translation as a research project proposed to
and accepted for funding by the European Union. The EUs generous financial
support made it possible to develop the topic as described below and provide
momentum to a research area in intercultural communication transfer which
integrates the disparate subfields of audiovisual translation, audiodescription,
theater translation, knowledge management & LSP translation and various types
of interpreting within a framework of a common theoretical profile. My special
thanks go to the European Union for making this possible and to all contributors
o this conference on translation in its multidimensional forms.

Ghazala, H. (2011). [e-Book] Cognitive stylistics and the translator. London Sayyab
Books. Texto completo:

Stylistics and Translation are two well established fields which are usually treated
separately as two independent disciplines. However, in this work they have been
presented as two interdisciplinary subjects in the area of translation studies. This
is made possible through the extraordinary importance of style in translation. The
book is set out in two parts. The First Part of this book has been assigned to
different schools of stylistics, old and new, Arabic stylistics, stylistic analysis, style
and choice and the distinguished position of style in language studies of texts,
especially literary texts in theory and practice.

Ghazala, H. (2011). [e-Book] Cognitive stylistics and the translator. London Sayyab
Books. Texto completo:

Stylistics and Translation are two well established fields which are usually treated
separately as two independent disciplines. However, in this work they have been
presented as two interdisciplinary subjects in the area of translation studies. This
is made possible through the extraordinary importance of style in translation. The
book is set out in two parts. The First Part of this book has been assigned to
different schools of stylistics, old and new, Arabic stylistics, stylistic analysis, style
and choice and the distinguished position of style in language studies of texts,
especially literary texts in theory and practice.

Gildenhard, I. (2011). [e-Book] Cicero, Against Verres, 2.1.5386: Latin Text with
Introduction, Study Questions, Commentary and English Translation, Open
Book Publishers Texto completo:

This volume provides a portion of the original text of Ciceros speech in Latin, a
detailed commentary, study aids and a translation. Ingo Gildenhards
commentary will be of particular interest to students of Latin at both high school
and undergraduate level. It will also be of help to Latin teachers and to anyone
interested in Cicero, language and rhetoric, and the legal culture of Ancient
Rome. A free online interactive edition is also available.
Gaz, A., D. Danaher, et al. (2013). [e-Book] The Linguistic Worldview. Berln, De
Gruyter Texto completo:

The book is concerned with the linguistic worldview broadly understood, but it
focuses on one particular variant of the idea, its sources, extensions, its critical
assessment, and inspirations for related research. This approach is the
ethnolinguistic linguistic worldview (LWV) program pursued in Lublin, Poland,
and initiated and headed by Jerzy Bartmiski.In its basic design, the volume
emerged from the theme of the conference held in Lublin in October 2011: The
linguistic worldview or linguistic views of worlds? If the latter is the case, then
what worlds? Is it a case of one language/one worldview? Are there literary or
poetic worldviews? Are there auctorial worldviews? Many of the chapters are
based on presentations from that conference, and others have been written
especially for the volume. Generally, there are four kinds of contributions: (i) a
presentation and exemplification of the Lublin style LWV approach; (ii) studies
inspired by this approach but not following it in detail; (iii) independent but
related and compatible research; and (iv) a critical reappraisal of some specific
ideas proposed by Jerzy Bartmiski and his collaborators.

Gomez Gmez, C. (2011). [e-Book] Traduciendo en Comunidades de Software Libre.

San Francisco, California, Sol OpenSystems. Texto completo:

Este documento viene a complementar las principales ideas expuestas en la

ponencia que present, con motivo de las VI Jornadas de Software Libre 20111,
bajo el ttulo Traduciendo en comunidades de software libre. Su propsito es el
de orientar, de una manera prctica, la forma de colaborar con una comunidad
de software libre, tratando de esclarecer algunos de sus entresijos. Se usar la
Traduccin como una de las formas de colaboracin posible, sin que sea
necesario tener que ser un programador o experto en software. Al mismo tiempo,
se plantea y trata de responder algunas cuestiones importantes: Cmo funciona
una comunidad de software libre?; Qu caracteriza la traduccin de software?;
Cul es la motivacin de las comunidades?. En definitiva, su fin ltimo persigue
impulsar una nueva andadura en las formas colaborativas.
Gonzlez Davies, M. and R. Oittinen (2008). [e-Book] Whose Story? Translating the
Verbal and the Visual in Literature for Young Readers. Cambridge, Cambridge
Scholars Publishing. Texto completo:

The book1 youre holding in your hands is based on two seminars coordinated by
Maria Gonzlez Davies and led by Riitta Oittinen at the University of Vic, Spain, in
2003 and 2005. At the seminars, doctoral students and researchers from around
the world met and discussed issues related to translating, not only the verbal, but
also the visual in literature for young readers.

Gonzlez, L. and P. Hernez (2004). [e-Book] Las palabras del traductor: Actas del II
Congreso El espaol, lengua de traduccin 20 y 21 de mayo, 2004 Toledo
Bruselas, ESLETRA. Texto completo:

Este volumen recoge las ponencias y comunicaciones presentadas en el II

Congreso El espaol, lengua de traduccin, que, dedicado al tema Las
palabras del traductor, se celebr en San Pedro Mrtir, sede de la Facultad de
Ciencias Jurdico-Sociales de la Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha en Toledo, los
das 20 y 21 de mayo de 2004. Unos doscientos especialistas venidos de todo el
mundo se reunieron para escuchar y consultar a una treintena de reconocidos
especialistas de la traduccin procedentes del mundo institucional, acadmico y
empresarial. En sus ponencias y comunicaciones dibujaron estos oradores una
amplia panormica de la materia esencial del traductor, la palabra, esa plastilina
verstil y fructfera con la que crea y recrea nuevas ideas, y ms en concreto su
sistematizacin lgica y orgnica, pues, cuando termina un trabajo de
recomponer pensamientos ajenos, queda en sus manos una masa de
conocimientos cuya compilacin en diccionarios, tesauros, glosarios,
vocabularios, listas, etc., volver a ser til, a l o a sus colegas. Sin duda algunos
nombres importantes quedaron fuera del programa, pero el abanico de
intervenciones representa fielmente lo que se hace actualmente en los diferentes
campos de la traduccin al espaol.
Gonzlez, L. and C. Las Heras (2010). [e-Book] La traduccin y la interpretacin
contra la exclusin social: Actas de la Jornada La traduccin y la
interpretacin contra la exclusin social: Madrid 1 de octubre de 2010.
Madrid, Representacin de la Comisin Europea en Espaa. Texto completo:

El 1 de octubre de 2010 se celebr en la sede de la Representacin de la

Comisin Europea en Espaa, dentro de las actividades del Ao Europeo de
Lucha contra la Pobreza y la Exclusin Social, la Jornada La traduccin y la
interpretacin contra la exclusin social, organizada por la Direccin General de
Traduccin y el Servicio de Traducciones de la CEAR (Comisin Espaola de
Ayuda al Refugiado), con la colaboracin de las Universidades de Alcal y
Salamanca y del Ministerio de Sanidad, Polticas Sociales e Igualdad. Participaron
en este encuentro beneficiarios de los servicios pblicos de traduccin e
interpretacin, profesionales de la traduccin, la interpretacin y la mediacin
social, responsables de servicios sociales o asistenciales en asociaciones y ONG,
profesores y representantes institucionales.

Gross, S. (2006). [e-Book] Internationalization and Localization of Software.

Michigan, Eastern Michigan University. Texto completo:

This thesis is a review paper that covers and summarizes the way software is
prepared for international markets nowadays. Internationalization and
localization of software are the key topics this thesis deals with. Therefore it first
analyzes and portrays major differences in culture and language and gives advice
about how to deal with these differences when developing internationally usable
software. Then it describes some internationalization recommendation for
helping to prepare software for easy localization. In this context a standard
encoding scheme for international characters and text is explained. Furthermore,
an example is provided of how internationalization and localization of software is
done by means of a popular existing operating system platform. Finally, some
commercial software localization tools and Open Source XML standards are
shown making the processes of internationalization and localization easy and

Gunn, A. (2008). [e-Book] Open Translation Tools:Disruptive Potential to Broaden

Access to Knowledge, Open Society Institute. Texto completo:

Open Translation Tools was co-organized by Aspiration and Multimedia Institute

(MI2), and was supported by the generosity of the Open Society Institute, with
additional support for participant travel provided by TechSoup. The OTT07
agenda was collaboratively developed by participants and event organizers in the
time leading up to and during the gathering, and the proceedings were directed
using Aspiration's collaborative approach to event facilitation.

Hatim, B. and J. Munday (2004). [e-Book] Translation: An advanced resource book.

New York, Routledge. Texto completo:

Translation, both commercial and literary, is an activity that is growing

phenomenally in todays globalized world. The study of translation, an
interdisciplinary field known as Translation Studies, has also developed
enormously in the past twenty years. It interfaces with a wide range of other
disciplines from linguistics and modern languages to Cultural Studies and
postcolonialism. This book attempts to investigate both the practice and the
theory of translation in an accessible and systematic way. It is designed
specifically with the needs in mind of students of Masters degrees and nal year
undergraduates in translation or applied linguistics, research students beginning
to investigate the eld, and practising translators who wish to examine the theory
behind the practice. It is hoped that it will also provide useful insights and
examples for more experienced researchers.
Haul, M. (2009). [e-Book] Stele und Legende : Untersuchungen zu den
keilschriftlichen Erzhlwerken ber die Knige von Akkade, Universittsverlag
Gttingen Texto completo:

to be completed<p>berlieferte Originalstelen mit Inschriften der groen Knige

Sargon undNarm-Sn von Akkade, die im 23. Jahrhundert v. Chr. als erste ein
Weltreicheroberten, sowie mndlich tradierte Sagen haben diesen beiden
Knigen einenherausragenden Stellenwert in der historischen Erinnerung der
Babylonier undAssyrer verschafft. Dies fhrte zu einer Reihe erzhlender Werke,
die zum Teilwie echte Heldenlieder gestaltet sind, zum Teil sich aber auch als
authentischeKnigsinschriften gebrden.Das Verstndnis dieser heterogenen
Textgruppe in verschiedenen Fragerichtungenzu erhellen, ist das Ziel
vorliegender Studie. Zu den Fragestellungen gehren dieBestimmung der
Gattungen, denen die Texte angehren, und ihre Scheidung vonden
authentischen Knigsinschriften, die durch das Merkmal der Fiktionalitt
gekennzeichnetist. Des Weiteren soll die zum Teil hohe literarische Qualitt
dieserWerke herausgearbeitet werden. Schlielich wird untersucht, inwiefern sich
andiesen Werken die Mechanismen und Bedingungen ihrer berlieferung
ablesenlassen, ob sie Spuren eines mndlichen Sargon- und
Narm-Sn-Sagenschatzesaufweisen und welche literarischen Funktionen sie

Heemskerk, E. M. (2007). [e-Book] Decline of the Corporate Community : Network

Dynamics of the Dutch Business Elite. Amsterdam, Amsterdam University Press.
Texto completo:

From its inception, big business in the western industrialised world has been
organised in national business communities. Central elements of these business
communities are corporate board interlocks that constitute the notorious 'Old
Boys Network'. This corporate elite connects the centres of corporate
governance. In recent times, these networks of the corporate elite show signs of
decline. Heemskerk investigates how the decline of the old boys network in the
Netherlands has affected Dutch capitalism. Combining formal network analysis
with insights from interviews with key corporate elite members, he shows how
during the last quarter of the 20th century the Dutch business community has
disappeared. This is interpreted as a drift towards a liberal market economy.
However, as the study shows, even in a liberal market economy corporate
directors need social networks to communicate and coordinate their strategic
decisions. Hence, the corporate elite shift its meeting network to private and
informal circles. To order this book, mail to
""><p>Sinds jaar en dag verbindt het 'Old
Boys Netwerk' de top van het bedrijfsleven in een hecht netwerk. Maar sinds
enige tijd vertoont dit elitenetwerk tekenen van verval. Heemskerk brengt dit
uiteenvallen scherp in kaart, en hij is daarbij een van de eerste onderzoekers die
grondig reflecteert op de onderliggende oorzaken hiervan. Het boek geeft inzicht
in de bestuursnetwerken van de top van het Nederlandse bedrijfsleven. Het
brengt de verschuivingen in het netwerk in kaart en laat zien hoe sociale relaties
binnen de 'corporate elite' ook in de 21ste eeuw van groot belang blijven. De
studie heeft een zeer rijke empirische basis. De eerdere analyse van het netwerk
van 250 bedrijven in 1976 is aangevuld met nieuwe gegevens over 1996 en 2001,
waardoor er een unieke vergelijking over tijd mogelijk is geworden.
Elitenetwerken staan momenteel erg in de belangstelling. Deze publicatie sluit
qua thematiek goed aan op het recent verschenen boekje van de Volkskrant over
de serie 'De top 200 van Nederland'. Behalve voor onderzoekers is dit boek
uitermate geschikt voor (top)managers en commissarissen van grote bedrijven,
(management) consultants, bedrijfsadviseurs en studenten aan de internationale
business schools.

Heemskerk, E. M. (2007). [e-Book] Decline of the Corporate Community : Network

Dynamics of the Dutch Business Elite. Amsterdam, Amsterdam University Press.
Texto completo:

From its inception, big business in the western industrialised world has been
organised in national business communities. Central elements of these business
communities are corporate board interlocks that constitute the notorious 'Old
Boys Network'. This corporate elite connects the centres of corporate
governance. In recent times, these networks of the corporate elite show signs of
decline. Heemskerk investigates how the decline of the old boys network in the
Netherlands has affected Dutch capitalism. Combining formal network analysis
with insights from interviews with key corporate elite members, he shows how
during the last quarter of the 20th century the Dutch business community has
disappeared. This is interpreted as a drift towards a liberal market economy.
However, as the study shows, even in a liberal market economy corporate
directors need social networks to communicate and coordinate their strategic
decisions. Hence, the corporate elite shift its meeting network to private and
informal circles. To order this book, mail to
""><p>Sinds jaar en dag verbindt het 'Old
Boys Netwerk' de top van het bedrijfsleven in een hecht netwerk. Maar sinds
enige tijd vertoont dit elitenetwerk tekenen van verval. Heemskerk brengt dit
uiteenvallen scherp in kaart, en hij is daarbij een van de eerste onderzoekers die
grondig reflecteert op de onderliggende oorzaken hiervan. Het boek geeft inzicht
in de bestuursnetwerken van de top van het Nederlandse bedrijfsleven. Het
brengt de verschuivingen in het netwerk in kaart en laat zien hoe sociale relaties
binnen de 'corporate elite' ook in de 21ste eeuw van groot belang blijven. De
studie heeft een zeer rijke empirische basis. De eerdere analyse van het netwerk
van 250 bedrijven in 1976 is aangevuld met nieuwe gegevens over 1996 en 2001,
waardoor er een unieke vergelijking over tijd mogelijk is geworden.
Elitenetwerken staan momenteel erg in de belangstelling. Deze publicatie sluit
qua thematiek goed aan op het recent verschenen boekje van de Volkskrant over
de serie 'De top 200 van Nederland'. Behalve voor onderzoekers is dit boek
uitermate geschikt voor (top)managers en commissarissen van grote bedrijven,
(management) consultants, bedrijfsadviseurs en studenten aan de internationale
business schools.

Heredero de Pedro, C. (2013). [e-Book] Otras miradas: aportaciones de las mujeres

a la lengua y literatura castellanas : para integrar en el curriculum de
Secundaria Madrid, Instituto de la Mujer. Texto completo:

Esta Gua, Aportaciones de las Mujeres a la Lengua y Literatura castellanas, al

igual que su predecesora en la coleccin Otras Miradas, se realiza con el
propsito de suplir las insuficiencias que los actuales manuales de texto tienen en
relacin con las aportaciones de las mujeres, a lo largo de la historia, a la Lengua
y la Literatura castellanas, as como a los estudios lingsticos. En esta ocasin
hemos elegido un total de 89 escritoras, algunas de ellas especializadas en
Filologa y Lingstica, a las que hemos dedicado ms o menos espacio,
dependiendo de la importancia que la crtica especializada les ha dado, as como
de la repercusin social que han tenido, o bien, considerando nuestro especfico
criterio feminista. Somos conscientes de que muchas de ellas se merecen ms
pginas de las que les hemos podido dedicar, puesto que esta publicacin tiene
tambin sus propias limitaciones de espacio.Esta Gua se divide en seis grupos de
autoras, creados en base a criterios cronolgicos. En cada autora se ha tratado de
abordar su biografa y su obra, contextualizndola en su poca cuando el espacio
lo ha permitido. Prcticamente la totalidad de las autoras son espaolas.

Heuckelom Van, K., D. Bruyn De, et al. (2012). [e-Book] Van Eeden tot heden :
Literaire dwarsverbanden tussen Midden-Europa en de Lage Landen. Tilburg,
Academia Press Texto completo:

Ranging from Polish inspirations in contemporary authors such as Bernlef, Frank

Westerman and Erwin Mortier, over the Central European successes of the now
forgotten Jo van Ammers-Kller, to the Bulgarian character Firmin Debeljanov in
The Sorrow of Belgium: with its focus on the various interrelations between the
contemporary literature of the Low countries and the so-called smaller literary
cultures located between the German and the Russian language areas, the
volume Van Eeden tot heden offers a multi-faceted perspective on a hitherto
barely explored topic in twentieth-century European literature. Due to the
academic background of the contributing authors the emphasis is on Polish,
Hungarian and Czech case studies, though the Balkans are also being dealt with
albeit less prominently. Whereas some contributions search for contacts, links
and influences between literatures and literators, some other chapters set up
textual encounters in which authors and their works are compared from a
thematic, poetic, stylistic or generic angle. Apart from these comparative
endeavors, another group of contributors offer reception analysis regarding the
overall topic. In the last part of the volume the focus is on issues of (national)
representation and the discursive strategies that are used for it.

Higueras Garca, M. (2007). [e-Book] Estudio de las colocaciones lxicas y su

enseanza en espaol como lengua extranjera, Ministerio de Educacin,
Centro de Investigacin y Documentacin Educativa. Texto completo:
Hiligsmann, P., L. Rasier, et al. (2011). [e-Book] Nederlands in het perspectief van
uitspraakverwerving en contrastieve taalkunde, Academia Press. Texto

Nederlands in het perspectief van uitspraakverwerving en contrastieve taalkunde

(Dutch from the point of view of pronunciation acquisition and contrastive
linguistics) gives an overview of linguistic research carried out on Dutch by
specialists from different parts of Europe. As the title suggests, the book covers
two topics: (1) recent developments in the research into the pronunciation of
Dutch as a second or foreign language, including research into pronunciation
norms and the teaching of pronunciation; (2) recent theoretical and
methodological developments in contrastive linguistics providing new insights
about various cross-linguistic issues, including translation.

Hiligsmann, P., L. Rasier, et al. (2011). [e-Book] Nederlands in het perspectief van
uitspraakverwerving en contrastieve taalkunde, Academia Press Texto

Nederlands in het perspectief van uitspraakverwerving en contrastieve taalkunde

(Dutch from the point of view of pronunciation acquisition and contrastive
linguistics) gives an overview of linguistic research carried out on Dutch by
specialists from different parts of Europe. As the title suggests, the book covers
two topics: (1) recent developments in the research into the pronunciation of
Dutch as a second or foreign language, including research into pronunciation
norms and the teaching of pronunciation; (2) recent theoretical and
methodological developments in contrastive linguistics providing new insights
about various cross-linguistic issues, including translation.

Howard, E. R., J. Sugarman, et al. (2007). [e-Book] Guiding Principles for Dual
Language Education, Center for Applied Linguistics. Texto completo:

The following document is designed to be used by dual language programs as a

tool for planning, self-reflection, and growth. The guiding principles described
here are based in large part on the Dual Language Program Standards developed
by Dual Language Education of New Mexico ( this document,
the term dual language refers to any program that provides literacy and content
instruction to all students through two languages and that promotes bilingualism
and biliteracy, grade-level academic achievement, and multicultural competence
for all students. The student population in such a program can vary, resulting in
models such as these: - Developmental bilingual programs, where all students are
native speakers of the partner language, such as Spanish - Two-way immersion
programs, where approximately half of the students are native speakers of the
partner language and approximately half of the students are native speakers of
English - Foreign language immersion programs, where all of the students are
native speakers of English, though some may be heritage language learners

Ivits, S. (2014). [e-Book] BC Reads: Adult Literacy Fundamental English - Course

Pack 3 Canada, BCcampus OpenEd. Texto completo:
b/1/?attachment.uuid=3e0eed07-d651-4dd0-bf98-ec4c1ea68dd4 (PDF)
ttachment.uuid=2d89da78-9eb7-4808-bd63-b943f2a449f2 (ePub)
ttachment.uuid=654f55b6-ec19-4379-a43f-1a36562b6d30 (Mobi)

This course pack is designed to meet the learning outcomes for Adult Literacy
Fundamental English Level 3 (roughly equivalent to grades 3 to 4.5 in the K-12
system). Every chapter within the three units includes a level-appropriate,
high-interest reading of between 350 and 500 words. The readings are freely
available in a separate reader with convenient links to the readings in each
chapter of this course pack. For students using this program in a self-paced
format, there are audio clips embedded throughout the course pack. These clips
narrate the denser sections of text. Font size and line spacing can be adjusted in
the online view, and have been enhanced for the print and PDF versions for easier
reading. This course pack has been reviewed by subject experts from colleges
and universities

Ivits, S. (2014). [e-Book] BC Reads: Adult Literacy Fundamental English - Course

Pack 4 BCcampus OpenEd. Texto completo:
e7/1/?attachment.uuid=82107c4a-92d5-48fb-b03f-f4bd081cab12 (PDF)
ttachment.uuid=ae069a5f-4651-4c84-a8fc-6ab5c46cdd70 (ePub)
ttachment.uuid=0c771212-7601-47c4-9cd6-fa318993ab3f (Mobi)

This course pack is designed to meet the learning outcomes for Adult Literacy
Fundamental English Level 4 (roughly equivalent to grades 4.5 to 6 in the K-12
system). Every chapter includes a level-appropriate, high-interest reading of
between 400 and 500 words. The readings are freely available in a separate
reader with convenient links to the readings in each chapter of this course pack.
Font size and line spacing can be adjusted in the online view, and have been
enhanced for the print and PDF versions for easier reading. This course pack has
been reviewed by subject experts from colleges and universities.

Ivits, S. (2014). [e-Book] BC Reads: Adult Literacy Fundamental English - Reader 3.

Canada, BCcampus OpenEd Resources. Texto completo:
c/1/?attachment.uuid=001faf04-61ed-458c-b137-eadbd43ed820 (PDF)
tachment.uuid=6a67128f-91f4-4df0-82b9-8225dd1e25da (ePub)
tachment.uuid=6465c163-b3aa-4630-848f-74bf704dc443 (Mobi)

his reader contains nine original stories written specifically for adults, and is
designed to accompany the BC Reads: Adult Literacy Fundamental English -
Course Pack 3. This level 3 reader, one of a series of six readers, is roughly
equivalent to grades 3 to 4.5 in the K-12 system. New vocabulary and word
patterns are highlighted throughout each story, and then summarized at the end.
Font size and line spacing can be adjusted in the online view, and have been
enhanced for the print and PDF versions for easier reading. This reader has been
reviewed by subject experts from colleges and universities.

Jimnez, J. C. (2013). [e-Book] Valor econmico del espaol. Madrid, Fundacin

Telefnica. Texto completo:

La creciente entidad econmica del espaol, en tanto que lengua de

comunicacin internacional, sirve de punto de partida a un amplio estudio
promovido desde 2006 por Fundacin Telefnica, bajo el rtulo general Valor
econmico del espaol: una empresa multinacional. Este libro culmina la
primera fase de tal investigacin. Concebida, pues, como remate de sucesivas
entregas (9 monografas le han precedido), esta obra, adems de ser en parte
balance y recapitulacin de las principales aportaciones dadas a conocer
previamente, incorpora, a modo de corolario, consideraciones para disear una
poltica de proyeccin internacional del espaol. Tambin en la economa de la
lengua, la poltica cuenta, y mucho. El conjunto de la investigacin encuentra as
un cierre lgico: tras la delimitacin del marco terico y una vez realizado el
anlisis de carcter cuantitativo, es hora de realizar propuestas de poltica
lingstica que se apoyen y se justifiquen en los resultados de la cuantificacin.

Jnior Silva, P. A. d. (2010). [e-Book] Anlisis de errores: estudio de las estructuras

verbales y discursivas en el aprendizaje del espaol- le por parte de alumnos
brasileos (produccin escrita). Salamanca, Universidad de Salamanca. Texto

[ES]El objetivo de este trabajo es conocer las dificultades que poseen los alumnos
de dos niveles de la Universidade do Estado do Rio Grande do Norte de la
Licenciatura en Lengua y Literatura Espa??ola, en las estructuras verbales y
discursivas, a trav??s de an??lisis cualitativo y cuantitativo.

Ketelaar, E., J. Dijck van, et al. (2006). [e-Book] Sign Here! : Handwriting in the Age
of New Media. Amsterdam, Amsterdam University Press Texto completo:

Sign Here! Handwriting in the Age of New Media features a number of articles
from different fields, reaching from cultural and media studies to literature, film
and art, and from philosophy and information studies to law and archival studies.
Questions addressed in this book are: Will handwriting disappear in the age of
new (digital) media? What happens to important cultural and legal concepts, such
as original, copy, authenticity, reproducibility, uniqueness, and iterability? Where
is the writing hand to be located if handwriting is performed not immediately 'by
hand' but when it is (re)mediated by electronic or artistic media? Sign Here!
Handwriting in the Age of New Media is the first part in the series
Transformations in Art and Culture.<p>Zal het handschrift verdwijnen in het
tijdperk van de nieuwe (digitale) media? En wat gebeurt er dan met culturele en
juridische concepten als originaliteit, imitatie, authenticiteit, reproductie, uniciteit
en herhaling? Waar moeten we de schrijvende hand localiseren als het schrijven
niet 'handmatig' wordt uitgevoerd maar door een tweede medium? En wat is de
relatie van het handschrift tot dit tweede medium waarin het wordt afgebeeld,
gereproduceerd of misschien zelfs verbeterd? In Sign Here! gaan de auteurs in op
deze en andere vragen over de toekomst van het handschrift.

Khwira, Z. H. T. (2010). [e-Book] Strategies and Motivations in Translated Children's

Literature: Defoe's Robinson Crusoe as a Case Study. Nablus, Palestine., Najah
National University. Texto completo:

The study investigates the translation of children's literature, in general, and the
translations of Defoe's Robinson Crusoe, in specific. It highlights mistranslations
and likely breakdowns caused by cultural and ideological differences among Arab
and foreign cultures. Owing to this, the breakdowns are categorized into: a-
ideological, and b- cultural. The study also examines the various strategies
obtained by the translators in dealing with these breakdowns. Analyses show that
the translators have attempted to bridge the gap that might result from literal
translation. The findings reveal that

Koehn, P., M. Federico, et al. (2007). [e-Book] Open Source Toolkit for Statistical
Machine Translation: Factored Translation Models and Confusion Network
Decoding, Johns Hopkins University. Texto completo:

The 2006 Language Engineering Workshop Open Source Toolkit for Statistical
Machine Translation had the objective to advance the current state-of-the-art in
statistical machine translation through richer input and richer annotation of the
training data. The workshop focused on three topics: factored translation models,
confusion network decoding, and the development of an open source toolkit that
incorporates this advancements. This report describes the scientific goals, the
novel methods, and experimental results of the workshop. It also documents
details of the implementation of the open source toolkit.

Koetsenruijter, W., J. Jong de, et al. (2011). [e-Book] Bending Opinion : Essays on
Persuasion in the Public Domain. Leiden, Leiden University Press Texto

With communication playing an increasingly important role in contemporary

society, rhetoric appears to have gained in influence and importance. The
ancients knew all along: power belongs to those who know how to use their
words. Nowadays, we know that rhetoric pervades all discourse. There is no
communication without rhetoric. In a society with ever-increasing amounts of
information, and with media whose significance cannot be overestimated, we
need to know all the mechanisms playing a role in the gathering, making and
reporting of information and opinions, and its processing by an audience.
Rhetoric is, from both a practical and a theoretical perspective, essential to the
conduct, analysis and evaluation of public debates. After all, the idea of
democracy is closely intertwined with the ideal of transparent decision-making
on the basis of open, informed discussions in the public domain, in political,
organizational and journalistic discourse. Bending Opinion cites a host of relevant
examples, from Barack Obama to Geert Wilders, as well as compelling case
studies.<p>Het belang van communicatie neemt steeds verder toe in de huidige
samenleving, en daarmee blijkt ook retoriek aan invloed te winnen. Het was al
bekend in de Oudheid: de macht behoort hen toe die weten hoe ze hun woorden
moeten gebruiken. Tegenwoordig beheerst retoriek het publieke debat, en is er
geen communicatie zonder retoriek. In een samenleving die wordt gekenmerkt
door een overvloed aan informatie en zeer invloedrijke media, is het van groot
belang belang inzicht te krijgen in de mechanismen die een rol spelen bij het
verzamelen, maken en het overbrengen van informatie en meningen, en de
manier waarop het publiek deze verwerkt. Retoriek is, zowel vanuit praktisch als
theoretisch oogpunt, essentieel voor de uitwerking, analyse en evaluatie van het
publieke debat. Uiteindelijk is het idee van democratie nauw vervlochten met het
ideaal van transparante besluitvorming op basis van open, goed-ge
nformeerderde discussies in het publieke domein en het politieke en
journalistieke discours.

Korsten, F.-W. and J. Bloemendal (2012). [e-Book] Joost van den Vondel (1587-1679)
: Dutch Playwright in the Golden Age, Brill Texto completo:

Joost van den Vondel (1587-1679) was the most prolific poet and playwright of
his age. During his long life, roughly coincinding with the Dutch Golden Age, he
wrote over thirty tragedies. He was a famous figure in political and artistic circles
of Amsterdam, a contemporary and acquaintance of Grotius and Rembrandt, but
in general well acquainted with Latin humanists, Dutch scholars, authors and
Amsterdam burgomasters. He fuelled literary, religious and political debates. His
tragedy 'Gysbreght van Aemstel', which was played on the occasion of the
opening of the stone city theatre in 1638, was to become the most famous play
in Dutch history, and can probably boast holding the record for the longest
tradition of annual performance in Europe. In general, Vondels texts are literary
works in the full sense of the word, complex and inexhasutive; attracting
attention throughout the centuries. Contributors include: Eddy Grootes, Riet
Schenkeveld-van der Dussen, Mieke B. Smits-Veldt, Marijke Spies, Judith
Pollmann, Bettina Noak, Louis Peter Grijp, Guillaume van Gemert, Jrgen Pieters,
Nina Geerdink, Madeleine Kasten, Marco Prandoni, Peter Eversmann, Mieke Bal,
Maaike Bleeker, Bennett Carpenter, James A. Parente, Jr., Stefan van der Lecq, Jan
Frans van Dijkhuizen, Helmer Helmers, Kristine Steenbergh, Yasco Horsman,
Jeanne Gaakeer and Wiep van Bunge

Kraak, A. (2006). [e-Book] Homo loquens en homo scribens : Over natuur en

cultuur bij de taal. Amsterdam, Amsterdam University Press Texto completo:

Dutch and Flemish language; Philosophy; Psychology<p>De gesproken taal komt

vr de geschreven taal, zowel bij het taallerende kind als in de geschiedenis van
de mensheid. De homo loquens was er eerst, pas veel later werd hij ook homo
scribens. Daarom beschouwt de taalwetenschap de gesproken taal ook als haar
primaire object van onderzoek. We, de taalgebruiker maar ook de
taalwetenschapper, zijn echter zo vertrouwd met de geschreven taal, dat we de
gesproken taal steeds waarnemen door de bril van die geschreven taal. Dat heeft
tot gevolg dat we allerlei kenmerken van de geschreven taal op de gesproken
taal projecteren. Zo zouden letters corresponderen met afzonderlijke klanken en
zouden zinnen gedachten uitdrukken. In dit boek worden vraagtekens geplaatst
bij deze aannames die we voor 'natuurlijk' houden maar die in feite 'cultuurlijk'
zijn. Het boek laat ook zien hoe onze visie op het ontstaan van het schrift en op
het proces van leren lezen en schrijven door de schriftelijke bril gekleurd wordt.
Dat maakt dit boek tegelijk een kritische reflectie op de taalwetenschap en haar

Kramer, A. and J. Rhnert (2010). [e-Book] Literatur - Universalie und

Kulturenspezifikum, Universittsverlag Gttingen Texto completo:

The debate on universals has been stimulated by advances in cultural studies and
the humanities in general. Considering literature as a universal feature that can
be found in any culture, the question is: a) what are the characteristics of
literature as an anthropological constant? b) which specific occurrences of
literature can be found in different times, cultures and languages and how is it
possible to compare them? c) How has literature been able to mediate over time
between different cultures and their often opposing concepts? The wide field of
literature transgressing and bridging borders comes into play here, e.g.
translations, multilingual and intercultural literatures, travel journals and
ethnographic interpretations. The main part of the anthology highlights the
interplay of cultural impregnation and a universal motivation to express oneself
by means of literature by theoretical approaches as well as by studies with a
view on German literature from the outside and/or a focus on the representation
of the world in German literary texts. The closing chapter, intercultural text
workshop enables the reader to gain insight into an ever more important feature
of present-day literature: texts from authors who deliberately opted for German
as their literary language - Marica Bodroi, Tzveta Sofronieva, Yoko Tawada, Jos
F.A. Oliver and Ilija Trojanow.<p>Die Kultur- und Geisteswissenschaften haben in
jngster Zeit die Debatte um sogenannte Universalien neu angeregt: Betrachten
wir auch Literatur als Universalie, die in jeder Kultur anzutreffen ist, so knnen wir
uns fragen: a) was zeichnet Literatur als anthropologische Konstante aus; b)
welche spezifischen Prgungen von Literatur sind in den verschiedenen Sprach-,
Zeit- und Kulturrumen anzutreffen und wie lassen sie sich vergleichen; c) wie ist
es der Literatur im Verlauf der Kontaktgeschichte menschlicher Kulturen
gelungen, zwischen verschiedenen, oft divergierenden Auffassungen zu
vermitteln? Dabei wird auch das weite Feld literarischer Grenzenberschreitungen
und Brckengnge angeschnitten: bersetzungen, polyglotte oder interkulturelle
Literaturen, Reise- und ethnographische Berichte. Der Hauptteil des Bandes
widmet sich dem Wechselspiel von kultureller Geprgtheit und universalem
literarischen Ausdruckswillen theoretisch fundiert; in Beispielanalysen mit Blick
von auen auf die deutschsprachige Literatur sowie in der Frage nach der
Reprsentation von Welt in Texten der deutschsprachigen Literatur. Das
Schlusskapitel Interkulturelle Textwerkstatt gibt Einblick in einen zunehmend
zentral werdenden Aspekt der Gegenwartsliteratur: Vorgestellt werden Gedichte
und Erzhlungen von Autorinnen und Autoren, die sich bewusst fr Deutsch als
ihre Schreibsprache entschieden haben - Marica Bodroi, Tzveta Sofronieva,
Yoko Tawada, Jos F.A. Oliver und Ilija Trojanow.

Lassaque, L. F. (2006). [e-Book] La traduccin de los contratos (ingls castellano y

castellano ingls) : elementos tericos y traducciones comentadas. Buenos
Aires, Luisa Fernanda Lassaque. Texto completo:
El presente libro no pretende ser otra cosa que la recopilacin de todos los
conocimientos que se nos imparte a los futuros traductores en las aulas de la
Universidad de Buenos Aires, en la carrera de Traductorado de Ingls, y que
quedan como conocimientos que se transmiten en forma meramente oral o
con apuntes sueltos. Creo que ya es hora de que todo ese valioso conocimiento
quede reunido por lo menos, de manera preliminar, y sujeto a ampliaciones y
modificaciones en un volumen.

Lon, J. (2015). [e-Book] Histoire de l'automatisation des sciences du langage.

Lyon, ENS ditions. Texto completo:

The book, dedicated to the history of the mathematization-computerization of

the language sciences, is in the area of the history and epistemology of the
language sciences. It pertains to history of present time. Two steps can be
distinguished : machine translation in the 1950s and large computerized corpora
in the 1990s with the unprecedented development of computers. Early Machine
Translation was devised as a war technology originating in war sciences, and was
intended to provide mass translations for the strategic purposes of the cold war.
Linguistics, which did not belong to war sciences, did not play any role at the
beginning of Machine Translation. The book attempts to show, in a comparative
approach, how the languages sciences have integrated that technology to
engage in the process of the second mathematization of language which can be
called the computational mathematization of language. This integration takes
various forms in different cultural and linguistic traditions (USA, ex-USSR, Great
Britain and France). On the opposite, large corpora are a continuation of familiar
topics in the language sciences, including the study of spoken and written texts
and lexis.,Cet ouvrage, consacr l'histoire de l'automatisation-mathmatisation
des sciences du langage, se situe en histoire et pistmologie des sciences du
langage. Il s'inscrit dans lhistoire du rcent. Deux moments sont distingus : la
traduction automatique dans les annes 1950, et les tudes sur corpus
informatiss dans les annes 1990 avec le dveloppement indit des ordinateurs.
La traduction automatique, issue des sciences de la guerre, a t conue comme
technologie de guerre froide aux tats-Unis pour fournir des traductions en srie
des travaux sovitiques. Elle a t conue en dehors de la linguistique. Louvrage
sattache montrer, selon une approche comparative, comment les sciences du
langage ont intgr cette technologie pour amorcer leur automatisation. Cette
intgration revt diverses formes selon les traditions culturelles et linguistiques
des pays impliqus (tats-Unis, ex-URSS, Grande-Bretagne et France). Les tudes
sur corpus au contraire se situent dans la continuit de thmatiques familires
aux sciences du langage, notamment ltude des textes, crits et oraux, et du

Lira Dias, M. M. (2010). [e-Book] Los conectores discursivos desde la retrica

contrastiva: uso y contraste espaol-portugus. Salamanca, Universidad de
Salamanca. Texto completo:

[ES]La presente tesis de doctorado se centra en un an??lisis de tres grupos de

conectores discursivos en espa??ol y en portugu??s: los opositivos, los
causales-consecutivos y los aditivos, desde una perspectiva ret??rico-contrastiva
(RC), fundamentada en las contribuciones te??ricas de Portol??s (1998;1999,2004);
Montol??o (2001); Mart??n Zorraquino y Portol??s (1999), Dom??nguez
(2002;2007), Connor (1996;2001) y Trujillo (2001,2002 y 2003), con el fin validar o
matizar la hip??tesis de la RC cuando sostiene que existen diferencias
significativas en la organizaci??n de los textos escritos en distintas lenguas y en
diferentes contextos culturales. Por tanto, el objetivo fundamental de ese trabajo
ha sido el de identificar las semejanzas y diferencias existentes en el uso de los
conectores que marcan relaciones argumentativas en esas dos lenguas, en el
g??nero discursivo cartas. Para ello, se analiz?? una muestra compuesta 240
cartas: un corpus de referencia textual en lengua espa??ola, con 120 cartas
escritas por estudiantes brasile??os para el examen de Diploma de Espa??ol
Lengua Extranjera - DELE, en el nivel superior (DSE), y el otro, con 120 cartas
escritas por lectores de una revista de circulaci??n nacional en Brasil, la Revista
Veja. Con base en esos corpora se han seleccionado los conectores y analizado
su comportamiento discursivo, con el fin de identificar el grado de similitud, las
diferencias sem??ntico-pragm??ticas, los valores socioling????sticos relacionados
a la frecuencia de uso y las interferencias provocadas por la L1 en el uso de esos
elementos en la L2. Concretamente, en el campo de la RC ese estudio discursivo
nos ha permitido afirmar que desde el punto de vista de la utilizaci??n de los
conectores argumentativos, dichos elementos, en su gran mayor??a, establecen
relaciones argumentativas con id??nticos valores y matices
sem??ntico-pragm??ticos en espa??ol y en portugu??s, lo que nos permite
acercamos m??s al t??rmino transferencia que interferencia en su uso

Lisboa, M. M. (2011). [e-Book] The End of the World: Apocalypse and its Aftermath
in Western Culture, Open Book Publishers Texto completo:

This book examines historical and imaginary scenarios of apocalypse, the

depiction of its likely triggers, and imagined landscapes in the aftermath of global
destruction. Its discussion moves effortlessly from classic novels including Aldous
Huxleys Brave New World, George Orwells Nineteen Eighty-Four and Margaret
Atwoods Oryx and Crake, to blockbuster films such as Blade Runner,
Armageddon and The Terminator. The author also takes into account religious
doctrine, scientific research and the visual arts to create a penetrating,
multi-disciplinary study that provides profound insight into one of Western
cultures darkest and most enduring preoccupations.

Lpez Lpez-Gay, P. (2009). [e-Book] La autotraduccin literaria: traducibilidad,

fidelidad, visibilidad. Anlisis de las autotraducciones de Agustn
Gmez-Arcos y Jorge Semprn, Universitat Autnoma de Barcelona.
Departament de Traducci i d'Interpretaci. Texto completo:

Esta tesis engrana las piezas de un trabajo en curso que comenz hace aos.
Pretendemos no slo posicionarnos dentro del campo que nos ocupa, la
reflexin sobre autotraduccin y por ende, tambin sobre traduccin-, sino
adems sugerir al lector posibles modos de aprehender ese objeto. Uno de
nuestros propsitos es ofrecer una lectura crtica de textos tericos sobre
traduccin y autotraduccin, puestos en dilogo en la primera parte, "La
(auto)traduccin literaria". Algunos de los puntos ah tratados resurgirn
intermitentemente a travs del anlisis comparativo entre originales y
autotraducciones. La segunda parte, "Estudios de caso", presenta tambin dos
captulos, cada uno de los cuales analiza una autotraduccin literaria
contempornea. La produccin de Agustn Gmez-Arcos y la de Jorge Semprn
han ocupado siempre lugares muy distantes entre s, tanto en el campo literario
espaol como en el francs. Ambos autores son, no obstante, sujetos histricos
que -adscritos a un mismo contexto, en un momento determinado- tradujeron al
espaol una obra previamente publicada en francs. Uno y otro texto exponen
una toma de posicin ideolgica con respecto del campo cultural espaol. El
estudio de Un pjaro quemado vivo (Gmez-Arcos, 1986) es fruto de varios aos
de investigacin en las Universidades de Granada y Pars 7 Denis Diderot. Para su
realizacin, contamos en esta ltima institucin con el apoyo financiero del
Ministerio de Educacin francs. El anlisis presentado parte, sin limitarse a sta,
de una sntesis revisada y parcial de (Auto)traduccin y (re)creacin. El estudio
sobre Federico Snchez se despide de ustedes (Semprn, 1993) fue concebido
como otro proyecto, financiado esta vez por la Generalitat de Catalunya y la
Universidad Autnoma de Barcelona, en un primer estadio, y por la Universidad
de Nueva York, en un segundo estadio. Subrayamos pues la independencia inicial
de los captulos aqu reunidos, sin olvidar que estas pginas son, adems,
resultado de un trabajo de relectura desde el presente de nuestra investigacin.
Ubicamos este trabajo en la cartografa de mtodos vigentes en investigacin
literaria de acuerdo con el cuadro sinptico propuesto por Helena Tanqueiro,
reproducido en el apartado "Metodologa" de la segunda parte. Baste aqu con
apuntar que esta tesis oscila, dentro de los estudios sincrnicos, entre el mtodo
no emprico (teorizacin) y el mtodo hipottico deductivo en los estudios
emprico observacionales (se construye en parte sobre la observacin y el anlisis
de estudios de caso). La primera parte es terica, mientras que la segunda se
sita entre la teora y la observacin de dos ejemplos de autotraduccin literaria
contempornea. Tomadas una a una, guardan gran autonoma. La primera parte,
"La (auto)traduccin literaria", es la ms reciente cronolgicamente, y contiene
una reflexin sobre la traduccin y la autotraduccin; sin restringirse a ello,
aporta un marco terico y un posicionamiento en la teora sobre el que se apoya
la relectura de las obras analizadas en la segunda parte, "Estudios de caso". El
trabajo que aqu comienza se propone mostrar el desarrollo de una reflexin an
en curso. Aunamos as estudios realizados en distintos momentos de nuestra
experiencia investigadora; siendo producto de un engranaje cuyos resortes no
escondemos, ambas partes deberan completarse.

Lpez Snchez, R. (2014). [e-Book] Gua bsica de Software para traductores.

Barcelona, StockInDesign Press. Texto completo:
La gua est compuesta por siete artculos que pretenden resumir de una manera
estructurada el software y herramientas utilizados por los traductores. Se ha
realizado a lo largo de toda la gua una clara diferenciacin entre herramientas
generales y especializadas. Adems, tambin se ha hecho hincapi en enfocar
dichas herramientas a varios perfiles diferentes de traductores, como por ejemplo
el traductor audiovisual, el localizador o el traductor general.

Luc, L. S. (2015). [e-Book] The Talking Heads experiment: Origins of words and
meanings, Language Science Press Texto completo:

The Talking Heads Experiment, conducted in the years 1999-2001, was the first
large-scale experiment in which open populations of situated embodied agents
created for the first time ever a new shared vocabulary by playing language
games about real world scenes in front of them. The agents could teleport to
different physical sites in the world through the Internet. Sites, in Antwerp,
Brussels, Paris, Tokyo, London, Cambridge and several other locations were linked
into the network. Humans could interact with the robotic agents either on site or
remotely through the Internet and thus influence the evolving ontologies and
languages of the artificial agents. The present book describes in detail the
motivation, the cognitive mechanisms used by the agents, the various
installations of the Talking Heads, the experimental results that were obtained,
and the interaction with humans. It also provides a perspective on what
happened in the field after these initial groundbreaking experiments. The book is
invaluable reading for anyone interested in the history of agent-based models of
language evolution and the future of Artificial Intelligence.

Madramany Bonet, C. (2011). [e-Book] Tcnicas de doblaje aplicadas al corto

Heartless: The Story of the Tin Man. Valencia, Universidad Politcnica de
Valencia. Texto completo:
El objeto de estudio de esta tesina es el cortometraje Heartless: The Story of the
Tin Man. Se trata de una produccin de la compaa Whitestone Motion
Pictures ubicada en Atlanta. Esta productora ha autorizado, con ines
educativos, a que se apliquen las tcnicas de doblaje y postproduccin a su
cortometraje, para obtener la versin en espaol.

Maquieira, H. F., Claudia N. ((2012). [e-Book] Tradicin y traduccin clsicas en

Amrica Latina. La Plata, Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de
Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educacin. Texto completo:

Desde muy temprano Amrica Latina entabl un dilogo -todava hoy vivo- con
la Antigedad Grecolatina, contribuyendo a la transmisin, traduccin,
interpretacin y hasta tergiversacin de su cultura. Casi nunca la ha considerado
un legado inerte que salvaguardar, sino ms bien una presencia activa, que
puede inclusive interpelarse. En el uso de la Tradicin Clsica los autores
latinoamericanos adoptaron enfoques diversos: hubo quienes mostraron una
actitud purista, de respeto hacia un pasado prestigioso, muchos otros la
adaptaron a las circunstancias de la sociedad en y para la que escriban, mientras
otros la parodiaron y manipularon irreverentemente. Lo clsico supo adems
recrearse fundindose con elementos autctonos mediante un proceso de
fagocitacin cultural. La traduccin de textos clsicos, por su parte, tambin es un
ejemplo de compromiso e interpretacin del pasado; permite que una obra
antigua perviva en el tiempo. De todo ello nos habla este libro, que ahonda en
las huellas de lo clsico en la poesa, la prosa y el teatro latinoamericanos, por un
lado, y, por otro, analiza las traducciones al espaol y al portugus de textos de la
Antigedad Clsica, especialmente Ilada y Odisea. Sus autores pertenecen a la
Universidad Autnoma de Madrid (Espaa), a la Universidad de La Habana
(Cuba), a la Universidad Estadual de Ro de Janeiro (Brasil) y a la Universidad
Nacional de La Plata (Argentina). Se trata de un trabajo en equipo que tuvo como
primer objetivo mostrar cmo la cultura clsica sigue proveyendo un vehculo
para debatir ideas y problemticas contemporneas, a la vez que celebra la
disolucin de fronteras geogrficas en pos de intereses y objetivos comunes.

Mari Mutt, J. A. (2005). [e-Book] Manual de Redaccin Cientfica. Madrid,

Universidad de Alcal de Henares. Departamento de Ecologa. Texto completo:

Esta obra fue escrita para estudiantes y para profesionales que inician sus
carreras como investigadores y autores de artculos cientficos. El manual se
prepar especficamente para ayudarte a redactar y publicar los resultados de tus
investigaciones; con un conocimiento prctico del tema aumentars la
probabilidad de que tus artculos sean aceptados y de que se publiquen con un
mnimo de correcciones. Algunos lectores preguntan por qu esta obra contiene
material y ejemplos en el idioma ingls. Hay una explicacin y un propsito. La
explicacin es que el ingls es la lengua internacional de la ciencia y es probable
que tarde o temprano quieras publicar artculos en este idioma. El propsito es
demostrar que los principos de la redaccin cientfica aplican en ambas lenguas;
se puede escribir con precisin, claridad y brevedad en cualquier idioma.

Marian, K. (2014). [e-Book] The Alor-Pantar languages -- History and typology.

Texto completo:

The Alor-Pantar family constitutes the westernmost outlier group of

Papuan(Non-Austronesian) languages. Its twenty or so languages are spoken
onthe islands of Alor and Pantar, located just north of Timor, in eastern
In-donesia. Together with the Papuan languages of Timor, they make up
theTimor-Alor-Pantar family. The languages average 5,000 speakers and areunder
pressure from the local Malay variety as well as the national lan-guage,
Indonesian.This volume studies the internal and external linguistic history of
thisinteresting group, and showcases some of its unique typological features,such
as the preference to index the transitive patient-like argument onthe verb but not
the agent-like one; the extreme variety in morphologi-cal alignment patterns; the
use of plural number words; the existence ofquinary numeral systems; the
elaborate spatial deictic systems involvingan elevation component; and the great
variation exhibited in their kinshipsystems.Unlike many other Papuan languages,
Alor-Pantar languages do not ex-hibit clause-chaining, do not have switch
reference systems, never suffixsubject indexes to verbs, do not mark gender, but
do encode clusivity intheir pronominal systems. Indeed, apart from a broadly
similar head-finalsyntactic profile, there is little else that the Alor-Pantar
languages sharewith Papuan languages spoken in other regions. While all of
them showsome traces of contact with Austronesian languages, in general,
borrow-ing from Austronesian has not been intense, and contact with Malay
andIndonesian is a relatively recent phenomenon in most of the

Marn Gallego, C. (2007). [e-Book] La traduccin para el doblaje de pelculas

multilinges: Babel. Texto completo:

Cmo traducimos una pelcula en la que aparecen diferentes lenguas? Qu

tcnicas de traduccin adoptamos? Subtitulacin o doblaje para una pelcula
multilinge? Adaptamos los referentes culturales? Todas estas preguntas
surgiran al encontrarse con un encargo de traduccin de este tipo. Posiblemente
muchas de ellas las respondera el estudio de doblaje, teniendo en cuenta al
cliente y a la audiencia. Sin embargo, este trabajo intenta responder a estas
preguntas teniendo en cuenta tambin la teora de la traduccin y de los estudios
culturales, tomando como ejemplo la pelcula Babel.

Marn Garca, M. P. (2012). [e-Book] Los referentes culturales de tipo jurdico en la

ficcin narrativa: anlisis descriptivo en un corpus de novelas en lengua
inglesa y su traduccin a espaol (Fecha de defensa: 09-09-2010) Texto

El objetivo de esta tesis es el estudio de la traduccin (ingls-espaol) de

referentes culturales jurdicos en la ficcin jurdica, especialmente en relacin con
las tcnicas de traduccin de los referentes culturales. Por ello, realizamos una
revisin de las relaciones entre derecho, literatura y traduccin. Asimismo,
consideramos fundamental la revisin de la nocin de tcnica de traduccin y de
sus denominaciones afines as como del concepto de norma de traduccin.
Ambas nociones constituyen las herramientas tericas de este trabajo. Su
aplicacin a los datos obtenidos en nuestro corpus nos permite establecer
relaciones entre pares de segmentos y tcnicas, lo que a su vez nos permite
ofrecer generalizaciones aplicables a la traduccin de referentes culturales de
tipo jurdico mediante el concepto de norma.

Martn Garca, M. C. (2011). [e-Book] Inhibitory control in bilingualism. Granada,

Universidad de Granada. Departamento de Psicologa Experimental y Fisiologa
del Comportamiento. Texto completo:

Tesis Univ. Granada. Departamento de Psicologa Experimental y Fisiologa del

Comportamiento. Leda el 4 de noviembre de 2011

Martin, T. (2007). [e-Book] Culture and Translation: recovering he legacy of R.H

Mathews, ANU E Press Texto completo:

R. H. Mathews (1841-1918) was an Australian-born surveyor and self-taught

anthropologist. From 1893 until his death in 1918, he made it his mission to
record all ?new and interesting facts? about Aboriginal Australia. Despite falling
foul with some of the most powerful figures in British and Australian
anthropology, Mathews published some 2200 pages of anthropological
reportage in English, French and German. His legacy is an outstanding record of
Aboriginal culture in the Federation period. This first edited collection of
Mathews? writings represents the many facets of his research, ranging from
kinship study to documentation of myth. It include eleven articles translated from
French or German that until now have been unavailable in English. Introduced
and edited by Martin Thomas, who compellingly analyses the anthropologist, his
milieu, and the intrigues that were so costly to his reputation, Culture in
Translation is essential reading on the history of cross-cultural research. The
translations from the French are by Mathilde de Hauteclocque and from the
German by Christine Winter.

Martin, T. (2009). [e-Book] Culture and Translation: recovering he legacy of R.H

Mathews, Australian National Unicersity. Texto completo:

R. H. Mathews (1841-1918) was an Australian-born surveyor and self-taught

anthropologist. From 1893 until his death in 1918, he made it his mission to
record all ?new and interesting facts? about Aboriginal Australia. Despite falling
foul with some of the most powerful figures in British and Australian
anthropology, Mathews published some 2200 pages of anthropological
reportage in English, French and German. His legacy is an outstanding record of
Aboriginal culture in the Federation period. This first edited collection of
Mathews? writings represents the many facets of his research, ranging from
kinship study to documentation of myth. It include eleven articles translated from
French or German that until now have been unavailable in English. Introduced
and edited by Martin Thomas, who compellingly analyses the anthropologist, his
milieu, and the intrigues that were so costly to his reputation, Culture in
Translation is essential reading on the history of cross-cultural research. The
translations from the French are by Mathilde de Hauteclocque and from the
German by Christine Winter.

Mathijssen, J. W. (2007). [e-Book] The Breach and the Observance : Theatre

retranslation as a strategy of artistic differentiation, with special reference
to retranslations of Shakespeare's Hamlet (1777-2001) Utrecht, Utrecht
University. Texto completo:

The subject of "The Breach and the Observance" is retranslation for the theatre.
Besides offering a model that incorporates the findings of previous scholarship, it
casts new light on the motivation behind retranslation, using the case of
translations of Shakespeare's Hamlet on the Dutch stage. The history of Dutch
Hamlet performances shows a number of constants in the retranslation of the
play. Since the establishment of a Hamlet tradition and the rise of the director's
theatre, the retranslations that functioned within the community of Dutch theatre
were the fruit of the collaboration of translators with directors. Each translator
changed its strategy towards at least one cardinal norm to be different from his
theatrical predecessor. This new strategy formed an intrinsic part of the strategy
of the director, who used the new text to support a new interpretation of the play
that also differed from his predecessor's. Staging a retranslation can therefore be
said to be a strategy to differentiate a theatre production from previous theatre
productions through the application of differing translational norms.

Mayoral Asensio, R. (1997). [e-Book] La traduccin de la variacin lingstica. Sevilla,

Excma. Diputacin Provincial de Soria. Texto completo:

La traduccin de la variedad lingstica estudia la traduccin de las formas de

hablar relacionadas con parmetros sociolingsticos y situacionales, no slo
aquellos aspectos que dependen de la definicin del perfil de un texto sino
tambin en los niveles microtextuales sealados por marcadores especficos. La
descripcin del problema se hace a la luz de las aportaciones anteriores de la
lingstica, la sociolingstica y los estudios de traduccin. Tras una crtica de
estas aportaciones, que todava encuentran un enorme eco en el anlisis de la
traduccin de nuestros das utilizando modelos lingsticos que
-sorprendentemente- ya van hacia las cuatro dcadas de vida, este trabajo ofrece
nuevas perspectivas de anlisis del problema basadas en estudios empricos,
enfoques cognitivos y aportaciones de la teora funcionalista de la traduccin.

Mndez Gonzlez, R. (2012). [e-Book] Traduccin & paratraduccin de videojuegos:

textualidad y paratextualidad en la traduccin audiovisual y multimedia.
Vigo, Universidad de Vigo. Texto completo:

La primera tesis doctoral de la Universidad espaola sobre traduccin y

paratraduccin de videojuegos tena que presentarse en la UVigo. Ramn
Mndez Gonzlez, doctorando del Grupo T&P, nos presenta su investigacin
sobre la textualidad y la paratextualidad en traduccin audiovisual y multimedia
utilizando los videojuegos como corpus. Un crtico y exhaustivo anlisis sobre los
aspectos tericos, formativos y profesionales ms sobresalientes del rico
mercado de la localizacin de videojuegos. El doctorando no ha olvidado tratar
incluso en su tesis doctoral el importante tema del servicio de interpretacin en
los encuentros internacionales del sector de los videojuegos.

Mertens, M., A. Pos, et al. (2012). [e-Book] Ieder zijn eigen Arnon Grunberg.
Vertaling, promotie en receptie in Itali, Spanje, Cataloni, Portugal en
Roemeni, Academia Press Texto completo:

This third volume of Lage Landen Studies offers a glimpse of recent international
and internationalizing trends in Dutch Studies. It presents a comparative view of
the virtually synchronic dynamics of the translation, promotion and reception of
contemporary Dutch author Arnon Grunberg in five Romance languages between
1996 and 2009.This interdisciplinary approach, which focuses on the crossroads
of language, literature and culture, as well as on aspects of the sociologies of
literature and translation, is combined with views from translation studies,
comparative literature, and bibliology in order to build bridges between theory
and practice.The first part is devoted to the seldom-heard perspective of the
translator and dissects the circumstances in which works by Arnon Grunberg
and by his heteronym Marek van der Jagt are translated, promoted and
received in five Romance languages. The function and visual translation of book
covers are also analyzed. Notwithstanding the relative homogeneity of the
languages, their cultural background and geographical location, remarkable
differences come to light. The first part rounds off by looking at the promotional
possibilities of writers tours and translation workshops in the target countries.

Middeke, A. (2010). [e-Book] Entwicklungstendenzen germanistischer

Studiengnge im Ausland: Sprache Philologie Berufsbezug,
Universittsverlag Gttingen Texto completo:

21 articles give insights into German Studies outside the German-speaking

countries. The contributions cover as wide a range as reports country by country,
descriptions of individual profiles and local study plans, conceptual cross-country
approaches and analyses of specific aspects of general relevance. In all their
diversity, the articles demonstrate, besides the basic consensus that German and
Germany are to be taught as manifestations of another culture, further
similarities: Almost without exception German studies have entered a transitional
phase that is not only characterized by curriculum reforms but also by discussions
about the identity of German studies themselves. Here, the practical orientation
seems to be a central point since, more and more, German Studies are seen as a
professional education, too.<p>21 Beitrge beleuchten germanistische
Studiengnge im Ausland. Die Palette der Beitrge reicht von Lnderberichten zu
Standort- und Profilbeschreibungen, von allgemeinen, lnderbergreifenden
Gesichtspunkten zu spezifischen Einzelaspekten. Bei aller Vielfalt des
Gegenstandes zeigen sich neben der elementaren Gemeinsamkeit, dass das
Deutsche als Fremdsprache und Deutschland als fremde Kultur vermittelt werden,
weitere bereinstimmungen: Fast ausnahmslos befinden sich die Studiengnge in
einer Umbruchsituation, in der ber curriculare Reformen auch das
Selbstverstndnis des Faches neu verhandelt wird. Eine wichtige Rolle spielt dabei
der Praxisbezug, da die germanistische Ausbildung zunehmend als
berufsvorbereitende Qualifizierung angesehen wird.

Miklas, H. and J. Fuchsbauer (2013). [e-Book] Die kirchenslavische bersetzung der

Dioptra des Philippos Monotropos. Bd. 1, Holzhausen Texto completo:

This volume is dedicated to the Church Slavonic version of the Dioptra of

Philippos Monotropos. It focuses on the transmission of the Slavonic text.
Furthermore, a critical edition of the prefaces and the first book of the poem,
together with a Greek parallel text, is given.<p>Der Band behandelt die
kirchenslavische bersetzung der Dioptra des Philippos Monotropos. Im Zentrum
steht die berlieferungsgeschichte des slavischen Textes. Weiters wird eine
kritische Edition der Vorworte und des ersten Buches, jeweils mit griechischem
Paralleltext, geboten. ,
( Monotrops
) 1095 . ,
x .
IV .

Slavia orthodoxa,
200 .


Milian i Massana, A. (2008). Rocognition of the Basque Language in EU Law: a Pending

Issue? The legal status of the basque language today: one language, three
administrations, seven different geographies and a diaspora / Gloria Totoricagena,
Iigo Urrutia, eds., Donostia : Eusko Ikaskuntza = Sociedad de Estudios Vascos, D.L.
2008. 1: 93-114.
El trabajo ofrece un anlisis de la legislacin de la Unin Europea en material
lingstica y de los efectos de la poltica de la unin en las lenguas no estatales. El
proceso constructor de la Unin Europea ha supuesto la transferencia de poder
de los Estados miembros (y las Regiones con poder legislativo) a las instituciones
de la UE, que tienen sus propios poderes legislativo, administrativo y judicial. El
impacto de la UE sobre la situacin de las lenguas es doble y supone, por un
lado, operabilidad de un plurilingismo integral aplicado con carcter excluyente
con respecto a las lenguas no estatales y, por otro, el ejercicio de la libertad de
circulacin y movimiento, la cual perjudica a las lenguas no estatales.

Minnaard, L. (2009). [e-Book] New Germans, New Dutch : Literary Interventions.

Amsterdam, Amsterdam University Press Texto completo:

In the globalised world of today, traditional definitions of national Self and

national Other no longer hold. The unmistakable transformation of German and
Dutch societies demands a thorough rethinking of national boundaries on several
levels. This book examines how literature of migration intervenes in public
discourses on multiculturality in Germany and the Netherlands, epitomised in the
strikingly parallel debates on the 'German Leitkultur' and the Dutch 'multicultural
drama' in the year 2000. By juxtaposing detailed analyses of literary work by the
Turkish-German writers Emine Sevgi zdamar and Feridun Zaimoglu and the
Moroccan-Dutch writers Abdelkader Benali and Hafid Bouazza, New Germans,
New Dutch offers crucial insights into the specific ways in which this literature
negotiates its national context of writing. This book demonstrates how German
literature of migration seeks alternative forms of community outside the national
parameters, whereas the Dutch literature negotiates difference and re-imagines
Dutchness within the national framework.<p>De etnische transformatie van de
Duitse en Nederlandse samenleving vraagt om diepgaande reflectie op het
omstreden concept van nationale identiteit. Literatuur levert een belangrijke
bijdrage aan dit proces van reflectie. New Germans, New Dutch onderzoekt
migratieliteratuur in de Nederlandse en Duitse context. Literaire werken van de
Turks Duitse schrijvers Emine Sevgi zdamar en Feridun Zaimoglu en de
Marokkaans-Nederlandse schrijvers Abdelkader Benali en Hafid Bouazza worden
beschouwd als kritische buiteninterventies in polariserende debatten over het
'multiculturele drama' en de 'deutsche Leitkultur'. De Duits-Nederlandse
vergelijking biedt een verrassend inzicht in de nationale specificiteit van zowel
deze interventies als van de verbeeldingen van nationale identiteit in deze
literatuur. Dit is de eerste uitgave in de reeks Palimpsest: Disorientations.

Mocali, M. C. (2009). [e-Book] Testo. Dialogo. Traduzione. Per una analisi del
tedesco tra codici e variet. Firenze, Firenze University Press Texto completo:

"Testo. Dialogo. Traduzione. Per una analisi del tedesco tra codici e variet"
applies the terminology and methods of various subfields addressing textual
analysis in German, namely textual linguistics, semiotics, pragmatics, speech
linguistics and linguistic psychology, which are brought together in this study to
attempt to develop, along with the specific research, a methodology for the
science of the text in its general characteristics. Some translations of the
nineteenth-century humorist Wilhelm Busch, the Italian version of a key test of
the Bauhaus and the transcription of the TV electoral duel of 2005 between
Angela Merkel and Helmut Schrder illustrate the broad chronological and
typological spectrum of the investigation.<p>"Testo. Dialogo. Traduzione. Per
una analisi del tedesco tra codici e variet" applica la terminologia e i metodi di
analisi di diverse discipline che, in area tedesca, si occupano di analisi testuale,
ovvero la linguistica testuale, la semiotica, la pragmatica, la linguistica del
discorso e la psicologia linguistica, che si ritrovano unite in questo studio per
tentare di sviluppare, insieme alla ricerca specifica, una metodologia della scienza
del testo nei suoi caratteri generali. Alcune traduzioni dall'umorista ottocentesco
Wilhelm Busch, la versione italiana di un testo chiave del Bauhaus e la trascrizione
dal duello televisivo elettorale tra Angela Merkel e Helmut Schrder del 2005
documentano l'ampio spettro cronologico e variazionale dell'indagine.
Mocali, M. C. (2009). [e-Book] Testo. Dialogo. Traduzione: Per una analisi del
tedesco tra codici e variet. Firenze, Firenze University Press,. Texto completo:

Questo volume1 raccoglie saggi e traduzioni da ambiti diversi: il filo rosso che li
lega la lingua tedesca. Scrutata e rivissuta attraverso la traduzione oppure
seguita, letta, ascoltata, scavata nei saggi, studiata con approcci metodologici
diversi, quali la linguistica testuale, la pragmatica e la applicazione pratica della
teoria della traduzione. Se il tedesco, in variet diamesiche diverse e attraverso
codici differenti lunit di fondo attorno a cui si coagulano i tre studi, un
secondo legame, meno appariscente ma fecondo, lidea di

Mllers, C., T. Mann, et al. (2011). [e-Book] Aktuelle Probleme des

Wissenschaftsrechts, Universittsverlag Gttingen Texto completo:

to be completed<p>Wissenschaft meint seit jeher nicht nur theoretische

Reflexion, sondern immer auch gesellschaftliche Praxis. Heute steht diese Praxis,
die Welt der modernen Wissenschaften und ihrer institutionellen Formen mitten
im Strom tiefgreifender Vernderungen Exzellenzinitiativen und Clusterbildung,
Studiengebhrenfinanzierung und Bologna-Prozess, Wettbewerbsstrukturen,
Globalhaushalte und externe Management-Mastbe sind hierfr nur einige
illustrierende Schlagworte. Den Handlungsdrang der deutschen Hochschulpolitik
im Blick gert naturgem auch das Wissenschaftsrecht in Bewegung. Fragen
seiner verfassungsrechtlichen Grundierung und seiner verwaltungsrechtlichen
Feinzeichnung sind so umstritten wie lange nicht. Das Leitmotiv, ob das heutige
Wissenschaftsrecht in erster Linie dem Schutz der individuellen
Forschungsleistungen einzelner Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler dient
oder ein Baukasten zur Modernisierung der Hochschulen ist, fhrt wiederkehrend
zu den Grundfragen des modernen ffentlichen Rechts. Diese Entwicklungen vor
Augen beging das Institut fr ffentliches Recht an der Juristischen Fakultt der
Georg-August-Universitt Gttingen seine Neugrndung mit einer Arbeitstagung
zum Thema Aktuelle Probleme des Wissenschaftsrechts. Die Beitrge der
Tagung enthlt dieser Band. Er ist der erste einer neuen Schriftenreihe zum
ffentlichen Recht.

Mondt, K. and N. Gontier (2006). [e-Book] Dynamisch Inter(- en Trans)disciplinair

TaalOnderzoek. De nieuwe taalwetenschappen, Academia Press Texto

Language research is currently in a state of flux. The phenomenon of language is

not merely the topic of investigation in linguistics, it is examined by a multitude
of scholars with different scientific backgrounds. In order to examine how these
various disciplines approach language, a think-tank was founded in 2002, called
DITO, Dynamisch Inter(-en trans)disciplinair onderzoek, or Dynamic Inter- (and
trans)disciplinary Research. The think-tank is located at the Belgian Vrije
Universiteit Brussel (Free University of Brussels). This book provides short
introductory articles to the language research conducted by some of the
think-tanks most important members, from within the point of view of the
following 5 disciplines: philosophy of evolutionary biology, cognitive science,
neuroscience, sign language research and artificial intelligence.

Moneglia, M. and C. Nicolas Martinez (2005). [e-Book] Computers, Literature and

Philology CLiP 2003. Texto completo:

The book presents the proceedings of the international conference CLiP 2003,
Computer Literacy and Philology, held in Florence on 4 and 5 December 2003
within the framework of the celebrations for the 80th anniversary of Florence
University. The aim of the conference was to integrate humanistic disciplines with
ICT technologies, and the publication is oriented to issues related to
multilingualism. The contributions illustrate different types of IT tools now
available to facilitate access to and management and study of the cultural
heritage, more specifically that aspect of the heritage with which philologists and
linguists are typically concerned.<p>Il volume ospita gli atti della conferenza
internazionale CLiP 2003, Computer Literacy and Philology, tenutasi a Firenze il 4
e 5 dicembre 2003 nell'ambito delle manifestazioni degli 80 anni dell'Ateneo
Fiorentino. L'obiettivo della conferenza stato l'integrazione delle discipline
umanistiche e delle tecnologie dell'informazione e della comunicazione, ed il
volume orientato alle tematiche relative al multilinguismo. I contributi raccolti
illustrano vari tipi di strumenti informatici oggi disponibili per l'accesso, la
gestione e lo studio del patrimonio culturale, in particolare quella parte del
patrimonio a cui si interessano tipicamente i filologi e i linguisti.

Morillas, E. and J. Alvarez (2000). [e-Book] Las herramientas del traductor. Mlaga,
Ediciones del Grupo de Investigacin Traductologa. Texto completo:

El traductor y el intrprete, cuando trabajan, no estn solos. Desde el momento

en que asumen el compromiso de verter un texto en una lengua diferente de
aquella en que fue creado, hasta aquel otro en que entregan su trabajo para que
pase a formar parte del acervo de la cultura destino, su quehacer pasa por una
serie de fases que tienen dos objetivos principalmente. El primero de ellos,
permitir la comprensin del texto de partida sacando a la luz, de un lado, la
estructura y jerarquizacin de los conceptos en l presentados; de otro, los
efectos y relaciones que este artefacto tiene en el entorno cultural en el que se
produjo. El segundo de dichos objetivos ser la elaboracin de un texto que,
respetando las normas de produccin textual propias de la cultura destino,
traslade a sta en el mayor grado posible los aspectos anteriormente sealados
de la cultura origen. En cualquiera de las dos fases, el traductor y el intrprete
recurren a materiales y conocimientos diversos que tienen una funcin
instrumental y a los que nos referimos aqu con el nombre de herramientas.
Las herramientas del traductor pretende reflexionar, desde un enfoque
terico-prctico ligado a su quehacer habitual, sobre algunas de las
caractersticas y uso de estas ayudas que facilitan la tarea traslaticia y posibilitan
un resultado ms feliz. Tras El papel del traductor (MORILLAS, Esther-Juan Pablo
ARIAS, eds., Salamanca: Colegio de Espaa, 1997), los integrantes del Grupo de
Investigacin Traductologa proponemos nuevos ensayos para la reflexin y el
anlisis. Comenzamos por el que puede considerarse el til por antonomasia del
traductor: el diccionario. Su uso est presente en cualquiera de las fases de la
traduccin y, a menudo, plantea dificultades de todo tipo. De una de ellas, la
palabra inencontrable, se ocupa Carmen Mata Pastor. En su estudio se plantea
las razones de que la relacin entre traductor y diccionario no sea siempre lo
eficaz que sera deseable, analizando en qu medida esto es responsabilidad del
propio traductor, de los obstculos derivados de las caractersticas y
funcionamiento de las lenguas en juego, de las peculiaridades del texto objeto de
traduccin, o de las obras de consulta utilizadas.

Morn Martn, M. (2012). La figura del traductor-intrprete en procesos de

internacionalizacin: el caso de las convocatorias de becas del ICEX. Sendebar: 251-274.
La empleabilidad del traductor e intrprete ha sido objeto de estudio,
especialmente, en los ltimos aos cuando, auspiciados por la reforma del
Bolonia (1998) y el Espacio Europeo de Educacin Superior (EEES), los estudios
universitarios haban de demostrar su potencial de empleabilidad y orientar al
egresado a unas determinadas profesiones o sectores de desempeo. Son
muchos los trabajos con los que contamos a la fecha que han atendido esta
realidad, aunque con ciertas limitaciones respecto a la representatividad de sus
conclusiones (Calvo 2006). Sin embargo, lo cierto es que se introdujo un cambio
de paradigma que parece no haya trascendido an a otras esferas, como, por
ejemplo, al mercado laboral, como nos disponemos a presentar en el caso que
nos ocupa. Este artculo pretende animar a la reflexin sobre la necesidad del
mercado de adaptarse a este cambio de paradigma, tomando como base, y
centrndonos en la formacin de traductores, intrpretes y expertos en
comunicacin internacional, un ejemplo concreto: la poltica de reclutamiento de
becarios del ICEX (Instituto Espaol de Comercio Exterior). Finalmente, este
artculo pretende contribuir a la reflexin y fomentar la consolidacin del perfil
del egresado en Traduccin e Interpretacin en el mercado laboral. (A)

Mukherjee, D. (2011). [e-Book] National Language Planning and Language Shifts in

Malaysian Minority Communities : Speaking in Many Tongues. Amsterdam,
Amsterdam University Press Texto completo:

Controversies and problems with regard to language policy and language

education still exist in Malaysia. Despite the attempts of language policy makers
to promote multilingualism, the implementation has been marred by political and
religious affiliations. Malaysia is a melting pot of many different cultures and
ethnicities, the three largest being Malay, Chinese and Indian. Therefore, an
analysis of the language variation in this polyglot nation will help in
understanding the variety of languages and those who speak them. This book
gathers the work of researchers working in the field of language change in
Malaysia for over two decades. As there is no book published internationally on
the language policy in Malaysia and the effects on the language change in urban
migrant populations, this book is a timely contribution not only to an
understanding of Malaysian linguistic pluralism and its undercurrents, but also to
an understanding of the Indian Diaspora.<p>Maleisi is een smeltkroes van veel
verschillende culturen en bevolkingsgroepen, waarvan Maleisirs, Chinezen en
Indiase immigranten de drie belangrijkste groepen vormen. Ondanks diverse
pogingen van de overheid om meertaligheid te bevorderen, bestaan in
Maleisi&amp;#235; nog steeds controverses als het gaat om taal- en
educatiebeleid. Bovendien be&amp;#239;nvloedt de politieke en religieuze
samenstelling de uitvoering. Dit boek is het enige internationaal gepubliceerde
onderzoek naar taalbeleid in Maleisi en de gevolgen van taalverandering in
stedelijke migrantenpopulaties.

Mulligan, B. (2015). [e-Book] Cornelius Nepos, Life of Hannibal: Latin Text, Notes,
Maps, Illustrations and Vocabulary, Open Book Publishers Texto completo:

Trebia. Trasimene. Cannae. With three stunning victories, Hannibal humbled

Rome and nearly shattered its empire. Even today Hannibal's brilliant, if ultimately
unsuccessful, campaign against Rome during the Second Punic War (218-202 BC)
make him one of history's most celebrated military leaders. This biography by
Cornelius Nepos (c. 100-27 BC) sketches Hannibal's life from the time he began
traveling with his father's army as a young boy, through his sixteen-year invasion
of Italy and his tumultuous political career in Carthage, to his perilous exile and
eventual suicide in the East.As Rome completed its bloody transition from
dysfunctional republic to stable monarchy, Nepos labored to complete an
innovative and influential collection of concise biographies. Putting aside the
detailed, chronological accounts of military campaigns and political machinations
that characterized most writing about history, Nepos surveyed Roman and Greek
history for distinguished men who excelled in a range of prestigious occupations.
In the exploits and achievements of these illustrious men, Nepos hoped that his
readers would find models for the honorable conduct of their own lives. Although
most of Nepos' works have been lost, we are fortunate to have his biography of
Hannibal. Nepos offers a surprisingly balanced portrayal of a man that most
Roman authors vilified as the most monstrous foe that Rome had ever
faced.Nepos' straightforward style and his preference for common vocabulary
make Life of Hannibal accessible for those who are just beginning to read
continuous Latin prose, while the historical interest of the subject make it
compelling for readers of every ability.

Mychko-Megrin, I. (2012). [e-Book] Aproximacin pragmtica a la traduccin de la

irona: Problemas traductolgicos en la traslacin al castellano de los relatos
de M. Zschenko y M. Bulgkov (Fecha de defensa: 29-09-2011) Barcelona,
Universitat de Barcelona. Departament de Filologia Romnica. Texto completo:

: El presente estudio est dedicado a la traduccin del gnero satrico y, en

particular, de la irona, como una tcnica expresiva (o un recurso retrico) en
obras de este tipo. Para el anlisis traductolgico hemos elegido los relatos
satricos de Mijal Zoschenko y Mijal Bulgkov, ambientados en la Rusia sovitica,
posrelovucionaria. Se trata de una poca concreta, un pblico determinado, y un
discurso muy especial, sobre todo por factores histricos, polticos y
socio-culturales. Ya tuve ocasin de abordar la obra de Mijal Bulgkov en el
trabajo de la suficiencia investigadora (DEA), ledo el 30 de octubre de 2007 y
titulado Traduccin e intertextualidad. Voces ajenas en la novela de M.
Bulgkov El maestro y Margarita y su interpretacin en la traduccin al castellano
de Amaya Lacasa.

Neuhofer, M. (0206). [e-Book] "crire un seul livre, sans cesse renouvel", Vittorio
Klostermann GmbH Texto completo:

The study examines Jorge Sempruns literary reflections on his experiences made
in the concentration camp of Buchenwald in "Le grand voyage" (1963), "Quel
beau dimanche!" (1980), "Lcriture ou la vie" (1994) and "Le mort quil faut"
(2001) with the aim to show the development in his retrospective treatment of
the past. Therefore the texts are not considered as a unified "ecriture" but as a
progressing approximation to his experiences in Buchenwald.The study deals in
narratological and poetological terms with Sempruns growing awareness of what
Buchenwald means to him: While "Le grand voyage" is deeply influenced by the
authors communistic view. "Quel beau dimanche!" reflects Sempruns
disconcertion caused by his awareness of the parallel existence of concentration
camps in Nazi-Germany and in the Soviet Union. "Lecriture ou la vie" and "Le
mort quil faut", for their part, are written by an author who considers himself as
survivor and witness.This process is accompanied by Sempruns shift to literature
as a universe implying sense and creating identity. This becomes vitally important
after his dissociation from communism and enables him to speak extensively
about his experiences with death. Therefore Sempruns conception of
"witnessship" can be described as diametrically opposed to factual
documentation. It is rather intended to function within a literary field: Only the
intensive use of intertextuality allowes Semprun to comprehend Buchenwald
finally as the centre of his life and as the origin of his own identity as well as to
communicate his "truth" to the reader.<p>Die Studie untersucht Jorge Sempruns
literarische Gestaltung seiner Erfahrungen des Konzentrationslagers Buchenwald
in "Le grand voyage (1963), "Quel beau dimanche!" (1980), "Lecriture ou la vie"
(1994) und "Le mort quil faut (2001). Ziel der Arbeit ist es, Entwicklungslinien und
Tendenzen in der retrospektiven Auseinandersetzung und literarischen
Bearbeitung des persnlich Erlebten aufzuzeigen. Demzufolge werden die Texte
nicht als einheitliches Sprechen, sondern als fortschreitende erzhlerische
Annherung an den miterlebten Tod von Buchenwald betrachtet. Die
narratologisch und poetologisch ausgerichtete Studie fokussiert den
Bewusstwerdungsprozess, der in den Texten zum Ausdruck gelangt: Whrend "Le
grand voyage" noch deutlich vom kommunistischen Weltbild des Autors geprgt
ist, spiegelt sich in "Quel beau dimanche!" - geschrieben im Bewusstsein ber die
gleichzeitige Existenz nationalsozialistischer und stalinistischer Lager - die
existentielle Verunsicherung Sempruns, wohingegen in "Lecriture ou la vie" und
"Le mort quil faut" die Selbstdefinierung als berlebender und Zeuge
dominiert.Paralell zu dieser Entwicklung vollzieht sich Sempruns Hinwendung zur
Literatur als identitts- und sinnstiftendem Universum, das, insbesondere nach
der Lossage vom Kommunismus, verstrkt in den Vordergrund rckt und erst die
umfassende Sagbarkeit der Erfahrung ermglicht. Sempruns Konzeption von
Zeugenschaft steht folglich in direkter Opposition zu einem dokumentarischen
Bezeugen und bewegt sich stattdessen innerhalb eines genuin literarischen
Feldes. Nur durch den intensiven Einsatz intertextueller Bezugnahmen gelingt es
dem Autor, die Erfahrung von Buchenwald als Zentrum seines Lebens sowie als
Ursprung seines Ichs zu begreifen und diese "Wahrheit" dem Leser mitzuteilen.

Neves, J. (2005). [e-Book] Audiovisual Translation: Subtitling for the Deaf and
Surrey University of Surrey . School of Arts, Roehampton University. Texto completo:

The present thesis is a study of Subtitling for the Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing (SDH)
with special focus on the Portuguese context. On the one hand, it accounts for a
descriptive analysis of SDH in various European countries with the aim of arriving
at the norms that govern present practices and that may be found in the form of
guidelines and / or in actual subtitled products. On the other hand, it is the result
of an Action Research project that aimed at contributing towards the
improvement of SDH practices in Portugal. These two lines of research are
brought together in the proposal of a set of guidelines Sistema de Legendagem
vKv for the provision of SDH on Portuguese television. This research positions
itself within the theoretical framework of Translation Studies (TS) by taking a
descriptive approach to its subject. Nonetheless, it takes a step beyond to seek
reasons and to propose change rather than to simply describe objects and
actions. Given its topic and methodological approach, this research also drank
from other fields of knowledge such as Deaf Studies, Sociology, Linguistics and
Cinema Studies, among others. In this context, SDH is addressed as a service to
Deaf and hard-of-hearing viewers, thus implying a functional approach to all that
it entails. In order to arrive at an encompassing understanding of the subject, in
the body of this work, we may find a summary of the history of SDH, as well as an
overview of the overriding and specific issues that characterise this type of
subtitling. Following this, the Portuguese situation is made known through the
account of five case studies that were carried out in the course of 2002 and 2003.

Nolan, J. (2005). [e-Book] Interpretation Techniques and Exercises Clevedon. Texto


Over recent decades the explosive growth of globalization and regional

integration has fueled parallel growth in multi-lingual conferences. Although
conference interpreting has come of age as a profession, interpreter training
programs have had varied success, pointing to the need for an instructional
manual which covers the subject comprehensively. This book seeks to fill that
need by providing a structured syllabus and an overview of interpretation
accompanied by exercises, developed for the classroom, in the main aspects of
the art. It is meant to serve as a practical guide for interpreters and as a
complement to interpreter training programs, particularly those for students
preparing for conference interpreting in international governmental and business

Nolan, J. (2005). [e-Book] Interpretation: Techniques and Exercises. Clevedon,

Multilingual Maters. Texto completo:

Over recent decades the explosive growth of globalization and regional

integration has fueled parallel growth in multi-lingual conferences. Although
conference interpreting has come of age as a profession, interpreter training
programs have had varied success, pointing to the need for an instructional
manual which covers the subject comprehensively. This book seeks to fill that
need by providing a structured syllabus and an overview of interpretation
accompanied by exercises, developed for the classroom, in the main aspects of
the art. It is meant to serve as a practical guide for interpreters and as a
complement to interpreter training programs, particularly those for students
preparing for conference interpreting in international governmental and business
settings.It is assumed students have mastered their active and passive working
languages and the fundamentals of translation. Those exercises which deal with
lexicon focus on expanding the students range of expression in order to build
vocabulary to the level needed for conference interpreting. The texts used in the
exercises have been selected both to illustrate various aspects of translation and
interpretation and to introduce the student to the wide range of topics and
perspectives that arise in the international fora where conference interpreters

Nuss, A., D. Engster, et al. (2012). [e-Book] Von der bronzezeitlichen Geschichte zur
modernen Antikenrezeption, Universittsverlag Gttingen Texto completo:
to be completed<p>Der erste Band der Schriftenreihe Syngramma umfasst
Vortrge aus demSommersemester 2008 sowie Wintersemester 2008/09, die im
Rahmender altertumswissenschaftlichen Vortragsreihe am Althistorischen
Seminar derGeorg-August-Universitt Gttingen prsentiert worden sind.Die
thematische Spannweite der einzelnen Beitrge reicht in diesem Band
geographischvon der eurasischen Seidenstrae bis zu dem prominenten
Kampfplatzvon Kalkriese (mit Spuren einer rmisch-germanischen
Auseinandersetzung inder augusteischen ra) und chronologisch von den Zeiten
des bronzezeitlichenWestkleinasien und des hethitischen Groreiches bis zur
Rezeptionsgeschichteder klassischen Antike im 18. Jahrhundert.

Pavan, S. (2009). [e-Book] Gli anni Sessanta a Leningrado. Firenze, Firenze University
Press Texto completo:

This book offers a portrait of Leningrad in the 1960s, of its cultural life in those
years permeated by a great hope for change. Leningrad, now St. Petersburg, is
the heir and witness of the rise and fall of the 'Soviet hope' for an authentic
change, its evolution and its inevitable decline. Through an analysis of the poems
of Iosif Brodskij, Stefania Pavan maps out the process that led the intelligencija of
Leningrad to disclose their claims, to give shape to the intellectual conscience of
the city, and that subsequently constrained them to adopt the opposite
approach, concealing in a semi-visible space and in the myriad modes of the
'samizdat' the values, names and images of the hope of change. Through an
analysis of the linguistic peculiarities of The dregs , one of the 'classic' short
stories of Boris Ivanov, Simonetta Signorini proposes a micro-history of the
Russian language in the 60s, to which the study carried out by Ljudmila Zubova
on the poems of Viktor Sosnora makes a useful contribution. The essay by Irina
Dvizova highlights an aspect of the culture of Leningrad that can be considered
extremely topical, in terms both of argument and as a method of reading literary
history: the relation between the city and the Dostoevskij museum.<p>Il volume
propone un ritratto di Leningrado degli anni Sessanta, della sua vita culturale
nell'Unione Sovietica, in quegli anni attraversata da una forte speranza di
cambiamento. Leningrado, oggi San Pietroburgo, erede e testimone della
parabola della 'speranza sovietica' di un mutamento autentico, del suo evolversi e
inevitabile esaurirsi. Stefania Pavan, attraverso l'analisi dei versi di Iosif Brodskij,
disegna il percorso che ha condotto l'intelligencija di Leningrado nel 'disvelare' le
proprie istanze, nel dare forma alla coscienza intellettuale della Citt, e che l'ha
vista costretta ad adottare successivamente la via inversa, a 'celare' in uno spazio
semivisibile e tramite infinite modalit del 'samizdat', i valori, i nomi e le immagini
della speranza del cambiamento. Con l'analisi delle particolarit linguistiche di La
feccia, uno dei racconti 'classici' di Boris Ivanov, Simonetta Signorini propone una
micro-storia della lingua russa negli anni Sessanta, alla quale lo studio di Ljudmila
Zubova condotto sui versi di Viktor Sosnora d un utile contributo. Il saggio di
Irina Dvizova mette in evidenza un aspetto della cultura di Leningrado che da
considerare molto attuale sia come argomento che come metodo di lettura della
storia letteraria: il rapporto fra la citt e il Museo Dostoevskij.

Peter Spyns, J. O. (2013). [e-Book] Essential Speech and Language Technology for
Dutch, Springer-Verlag GmbH Texto completo:

In this introductory chapter, we briefly present the context of the STEVIN

programme (Sect. 1.1), in particular its rationale and main scientific goals.
Subsequently, a short overview is given of all the STEVIN projects results (Sect.
1.2). The first subsection (1.2.1) lists the scientific projects, which will be treated in
detail in the subsequent chapters of this volume. The following subsection (1.2.2)
presents the other (types of) projects that had no explicit scientific aim, but rather
an economic and/or dissemination goal. In the concluding section 1.3.1, we
discuss how the results of the scientific projects address the STEVIN scientific
priorities (Sect. 1.3.1) and how they are interrelated (Sect. 1.3.2). Finally, we
explicate in section 1.4 the organisation of this volume.

Petit, C. (2014). [e-Book] Discurso sobre el discurso. Oralidad y escritura en la

cultura jurdica de la Espaa liberal. Texto completo:
Este estudio pone de relieve los componentes orales que recorren la cultura
jurdica de la Espaa isabelina - aunque, con alta probabilidad, muchas de las
hiptesis aqu lanzadas son perfectamente aplicables a otras tradiciones
americanas y europeas. Con el abogado-orador como modelo de jurista perfecto
y piedra de toque de la referida cultura, se analizan sucesivamente las prcticas
universitarias (lecciones, discursos de apertura, oposiciones a ctedra), la
profesin forense (saberes, bibliotecas, gestos...) con atencin particular a la
literatura sobre elocuencia y, en fin, la actividad parlamentaria y legislativa. Se
pretende as observar desde nuevas perspectivas los textos del momento liberal.

Pietzuch, J. and K. Peuschel (2001). [e-Book] Kaleidoskop der jungen

DaF-/DaZ-Forschung, Universittsverlag Gttingen Texto completo:

The articles in this anthology display the diversity of innovative approaches

chosen in ongoing or concluded PhD and professorial dissertations in the field of
German as a Foreign or Second language. They include studies in text
comprehension research, critical needs analysis, discourse analysis, empirical
didactics and analyses of the learning process in its cultural context. In line with
the characteristics of the kaleidoscope, the editors do without any systematic
classification of the contributions and do not claim to establish some kind of
carthography of the current state of young GFL/GSL reaearch. They would rather
invite the reader to look optimistically on the development of young GFL/GSL
research and reflect upon the structure and the instruments of support to young
GFL/GSL researchers.<p>Die Beitrge des Sammelbands bieten einen
kaleidoskopischen Blick auf innovative Forschungsfragen und -instrumentarien
laufender oder abgeschlossener Qualifikationsprojekte im Wissenschaftsbereich
Deutsch als Fremd-/Zweitsprache. Unter anderem werden Studien aus der
Textverstehensforschung, der critical needs analysis, der sozialwissenschaftlichen
Diskursanalyse, der empirischen Didaktik und der kulturbezogenen
Lernprozessforschung zur Diskussion gestellt. Dem Prinzip der lebendig-bunten
Bilderfolge eines Kaleidoskops entsprechend, verzichten die Herausgeber auf
eine fachsystematische Einordnung der Beitrge und erheben keinen Anspruch
auf eine Kartografie des derzeitigen Stands junger DaF-/DaZ-Forschung.
Vielmehr betont das Bild des Kaleidoskops das Fragmentarische der
Dokumentation, ermuntert aber auch dazu, die Funktionsweise eines solchen
optischen Spielzeugs als Leseperspektive anzunehmen. Im Sinne des
Schnbildschauers (kals: schn; edos: Gestalt, Bild; skopen: schauen) erffnet
der Band einen optimistischen Blick auf die Entwicklung der jungen
DaF-/DaZ-Forschung und regt dazu an, den Dialog ber Struktur und
Instrumente der DaF-/DaZ-Nachwuchsfrderung zu intensivieren.

Pchhacker, F. (2003). [e-Book] Introducing interpreting studies, Routledge. Texto


Pormeister, E., S. Pasewalck, et al. (2011). [e-Book] Nationalepen zwischen Fakten

und Fiktionen. Tartu, University of Tartu Press Texto completo:

Since the 19th century national epics have had an important function in the
cultural scene of almost every nation, and the same is true for the Central and
East European countries that have regained their independence after 1989. The
programmatic national epic was brought to life by the German Romanticism,
especially by writers such as Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm. The contributions in this
volume analyse the development, relationship, and reception of European
national epics. They rely on a wide concept of epic and offer studies on various
texts, such as the Icelandic sagas, the Nibelungenlied, the Poems of Ossian,
the Kinder- und Hausmrchen of the Grimm brothers, Schillers Wilhelm Tell,
Boena Nmcovs Babika, Esaias Tegnrs verse epic Frit(h)iofs saga, the
Finnish national epic Kalevala and the Estonian national epic
Kalevipoeg.<p>Seit dem 19. Jahrhundert bernehmen Nationalepen eine
wichtige Funktion im kulturellen Haushalt fast jeder Nation wie sich nicht
zuletzt in den nach 1989 neu entstandenen Lndern (Mittel-)Osteuropas
eindrcklich besttigt hat. Installiert worden ist das nationalepische Programm
von der deutschen Romantik, insbesondere von Jacob und Wilhelm Grimm. Die in
diesem Band versammelten Aufstze analysieren die Entstehung, die Vernetzung
und die Rezeption von europischen Nationalepen. Ausgehend von einem weiten
Epos-Begriff wenden sich die Beitrge solchen Texten zu, die fr die
Nationsbildung konstitutive Bedeutung erhalten sollten, wie den Islndersagas,
dem Nibelungenlied, den Poems of Ossian, den Kinder- und Hausmrchen
der Brder Grimm, Schillers Wilhelm Tell, Boena Nmcovs Babika, Esaias
Tegnrs Versepos Frit(h)iofs saga, dem finnischen Nationalepos Kalevala und
dem estnischen Nationalepos Kalevipoeg.

Pozo Trivio, M. d. and C. Toledano Buenda (2015). [e-Book] Interpretacin en

contextos de violencia de gnero. Vigo, Universidad de Vigo. Texto completo:

El da 1 de noviembre de 2012 echaba a andar oficialmente el proyecto piloto

europeo Speak Out for Support (SOS-VICS) para la formacin de intrpretes con
especializacin en el trabajo con mujeres vctimas de violencia de gnero.
Cofinanciado por el Programa Justicia Penal de la Unin Europea y las nueve
universidades socias, el proyecto naca con la vocacin de apuntalar uno de los
derechos fundamentales de las vctimas extranjeras de delitos, recogido en el
artculo 7 de la Directiva 2012/29/UE: el derecho a la asistencia lingstica de
aquellas vctimas que no hablen la lengua o las lenguas del pas en el que
residen. Al amparo de este marco normativo y motivado por la necesaria labor
que se le haba encomendado, SOS-VICS inici una trayectoria que ha durado
dos aos, en los que un equipo multidisciplinar de investigadores excelentes
procedentes de toda la geografa espaola trabaj para conseguir dos objetivos
principales: crear materiales de formacin para intrpretes especializadas/os en la
atencin a vctimas y supervivientes de violencia de gnero, y contribuir a la
sensibilizacin de todas las personas implicadas en la asistencia a vctimas sobre
la necesidad de trabajar con intrpretes profesionales que cuenten con
cualificacin y especializacin en violencia de gnero.

Printz-Phlson, G. (2011). [e-Book] Letters of Blood and other English works by

Gran Printz-Phlson, Open Book Publishers Texto completo:

This collection brings together for the first time select works in English by the
major Swedish modernist poet and critic Gran Printz-Phlson. It was
Printz-Phlson who introduced poetic modernism to Scandinavia, and his essays
and poems delve deeply into English, American, and continental modernist
traditions. The volume includes Printz-Phlsons poetic tour de force, Letters of
Blood, as well as some of his most erudite academic essays on style, irony,
realism and American poetry.

Pustakalaya, M. P. (2010). [e-Book] Guide to Localization of Open Source Software

Ottawa, Canada, International Development Research Center. Texto completo:

The release of NepaLinux 1.0 in December 2005, by Madan Puraskar Pustakalaya

was a major breakthrough for software localization in Nepal. The open source
nature and no licensing cost of NepaLinux provided a viable alternative to more
costly proprietary software in Nepali. This localization work was based on existing
open source distributions in Linux. While the open source movement has
provided free, open and easy access to the source code, accelerating localization
development, the need to document the processes involved has also become
equally important to trigger further localization for under-resourced languages.
This Linux localization guide is a compilation of the experiences of the Madan
Puraskar Pustakalaya localization team while they worked on the localization of
Debian and Morphix based GNU/Linux Distribution in Nepali. Special attention
has been given in making the content useful to those undertaking the localization
work for the first time for other languages in their respective languages.
Illustrations in most cases are based on the works in the Nepali language.
However, information about the basic steps and procedures for localization has
been made as generic as possible, in order to ensure that any language may fit
into the description provided. During the preparation of this guide, a large
number of resources invaluable to both beginners and experts of localization
have been consulted. References have been provided for further reading for
these topics.

PWC (2012). [e-Book] Translation Bureau Benchmarking and Comparative Analysis

: Final Report May 15, 2012. Otawa, PWC. Texto completo:

The Government of Canadas Translation Bureau (the Bureau) engaged

PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP (PwC) between January 16 and May 15, 2012 to
conduct a benchmarking and comparative analysis study. The objectives of the
comparative analysis study were to provide: Information and analysis on the
capacity of the Canadian industry to meet national and government demand; and
Benchmarks for good practices in linguistic services with other organizations of
comparable size at the national and international level.

Pym, A. (2012). [e-Book] Teoras contemporneas de la traduccin (exploraciones

pedaggicas) London, Intercultural Studies Group. Texto completo:

El presente libro describe muchas teoras en trminos de pocos paradigmas. As

ofrece un marco a la vez pluralista y orientador para el estudio de la traduccin.
Nuestro enfoque se limita a teoras occidentales, principalmente de la segunda
mitad del siglo XX. Demostramos que buena parte de las teoras pueden
organizarse alrededor de cinco conceptos centrales: la equivalencia, la finalidad
(Skopos), la descripcin, el indeterminismo y la localizacin. El libro tiene sus
races en un curso de Mster que impartimos por primera vez en la Monash
University de Melbourne, Australia, en 2003. Hemos repetido y desarrollado los
materiales cada ao desde entonces, en contextos muy diversos, que van desde
la formacin avanzada de traductores e intrpretes en Monterey, California, a los
cursos de Mster y de Doctorado que impartimos en Tarragona, Espaa. A cada
paso hemos intentado integrar las reacciones de los numerosos alumnos que
hemos tenido en el transcurso de los aos. Como buena parte del libro es fruto
de la interaccin con estudiantes, agradecemos sinceramente sus comentarios,
crticas y animada participacin. Huelga decir que la enseanza de la teora
debera basarse, a nuestro juicio, en una invitacin constante a la discusin, de
preferencia entre alumnos, y con el profesor preparado para aprender.
Intentamos extender la misma invitacin en este libro, presentando por una parte
una serie de datos e ideas de referencia, y reproduciendo por otra parte la
naturaleza dialctica de los debates, actuales o posibles, en las secciones
Discusiones frecuentes que cierran la mayora de los captulos. As esperemos
ofrecer un libro a la vez til para la enseanza, estimulante para la lectura ms
profesional, e informativo para quien pensara que la traduccin no es ms que
un asunto de tcnicas lingsticas.

Pym, A., A. Perekrestenko, et al. (2006). [e-Book] Translation Technology and its
Teaching (with much mention of localization). Tarragona, Intercultural Studies
Group. Texto completo:

More people than ever are being trained to translate. However, the most dynamic
sector of the labor market requires more than mere translation. The demand is
increasingly for professional competence in a range of new technologies.
Translators now need professional competence in the use of programs for
translation memories, terminology management, sometimes content
management, and increasingly the integration of various forms of automatic or
semi-automatic translation. At the same time, the use of these technologies is
being associated, rightly or wrongly, with the development of what is known as
the localization industry. Faced with these new technologies, and with the new
terms, many of the institutions that traditionally train translators are asking how,
and to what extent, the existing curricula need be changed. The papers brought
together in this volume seek to address this question in various ways. All have
been drawn from various activities organized by the Intercultural Studies Group
in recent years. The first papers seek to give a general background to the recent
developments in translation technology. The paper on Technology and
Translation, by Jos Ramn Biau Gil and Anthony Pym, was first written as a
chapter of a university-level coursebook in translation, to be published in Italy. Its
aim is not only to introduce the range of new tools available, but to encourage
critical thought about the use of electronic technologies. The second paper in this
introductory section, Bert Esselinks The Evolution of Localization, was first
published in 2003 and has been updated for this volume. It tells a similar story of
technology, but this time from within the industry. Esselink traces the expansion
of the localization industry from a narrow concern with software to a major way
of thinking about the marketing of products across borders. Section two of this
volume is drawn from the online conference on Localization and Translator
Training, which took place on the ITIT list (Innovations in Translator Training)
from 19 to 29 November 2003, with about 530 participants. The conference was
based on number of position papers written by representatives of some of the
main translator-training institutions. In most cases, those papers were responses
to a brief questionnaire designed to explore the relations between the terms
translation and localization with specific reference to training needs. The
replies reproduced here are by Minako OHagan from Dublin City University in
Ireland, Bob Clark, Jo Drugan, Tony Hartley and Daming Wu from the University
of Leeds, UK, and Patrick Drouin from the University of Montreal. The online
discussions that followed those papers can be seen on the ITIT list
( What we present here are summaries of
some of the main topics, written up by students in the Tarragona PhD program

Ramrez Ziga, A. (2003). [e-Book] Doblaje versus subtitulaje : Comparacin

traductolgica, Universidad Nacional. Texto completo:

El presente trabajo consiste en una investigacin acerca del doblaje y subtitulaje

audiovisual a travs de la comparacin de ambas modalidades en trminos de
gnero y contexto diferentes. El propsito del anlisis se har en funcin de
determinar los procesos traductolgicos empleados como lo es definir la labor
del traductor dentro de un rea muy moderna y por tanto flexible para poner en
prctica la traduccin profesional. Esta monografa se basa en la traduccin
audiovisual, que contrasta el doblaje y el subtitulaje como modalidades
traductolgicas distintas que tienen por meta dar a conocer a miles de
espectadores, pelculas producidas en pases extranjeros. La idea consisti en
escoger dos pelculas, Shrek y The Sound of Music de las cuales se seleccionaron
tres pasajes o dilogos. Luego, se procedi a escribir las transcripciones,
utilizando la versin original en ingls, la subtitulada y la versin doblada al
espaol, de manera que se delimitara el proceso y trabajo traductolgico, el tipo
de acepcin, el contexto o ambiente y ms; todo esto con el nico objetivo de
determinar cual modalidad requiere de ms trabajo por parte del traductor.
Como resultado se da la bsqueda de equivalencias segn contextos socio
culturales y se destaca el tiempo como factor indispensable en el desarrollo de la
traduccin audiovisual, sin dejar de lado consideraciones respecto a polticas
lingsticas o restricciones sociales, lxico, mensaje, cliente y pblico meta. La
investigacin en s, fue favorable al revelar muchos detalles ocultos en la
traduccin de pelculas, la variacin de gnero cinematogrfico cambia el tipo de
lxico y la intencionalidad y a grandes rasgos se puede decir que el doblaje en
trminos traductolgicos es mucho mejor en las dos pelculas estudiadas, aunque
cabe destacar que la idea original del subtitulaje, es decir en pocas palabras lo
que sucede en una imagen junto con el dilogo, y el doblaje por su parte
consiste en cambiar la banda sonora, es decir, las voces sern al espaol y
debern ir sincronizadas con los movimientos visuales y gestuales de un actor.

Ross, D., M. Mertens, et al. (2012). [e-Book] Ieder zijn eigen Arnon Grunberg;
Vertaling, promotie en receptie in Itali, Spanje, Cataloni, Portugal en
Roemeni. Tilburg, Universiteit van Tilburg. Texto completo:

This third volume of Lage Landen Studies offers a glimpse of recent international
and internationalizing trends in Dutch Studies. It presents a comparative view of
the virtually synchronic dynamics of the translation, promotion and reception of
contemporary Dutch author Arnon Grunberg in five Romance languages between
1996 and 2009.This interdisciplinary approach, which focuses on the crossroads
of language, literature and culture, as well as on aspects of the sociologies of
literature and translation, is combined with views from translation studies,
comparative literature, and bibliology in order to build bridges between theory
and practice.The first part is devoted to the seldom-heard perspective of the
translator and dissects the circumstances in which works by Arnon Grunberg
and by his heteronym Marek van der Jagt are translated, promoted and
received in five Romance languages. The function and visual translation of book
covers are also analyzed. Notwithstanding the relative homogeneity of the
languages, their cultural background and geographical location, remarkable
differences come to light. The first part rounds off by looking at the promotional
possibilities of writers tours and translation workshops in the target countries.

Rozan, J. F. (2001). [e-Book] Note-taking in Consecutive Interpreting. Cracow.,

Tertium. Texto completo:
The following text is taken from a new translation of Jean-Francois Rozan's
masterpiece "Note-taking in Consecutive Interpreting" which is now available
again, this time in English and Polish translations. It is reprinted here without the
permission of the publishers Tertium, Cracow, Poland. If you like the extract
below please visit their site and buy THE text on Consecutive interpreting there.

Rubio Liniers, M. C. (1999). [e-Book] Tesauro de historia contempornea de Espaa.

Madrid CSIC. Texto completo:

Tesauro especializado en Historia Contempornea de Espaa, compuesto por

4.101 trminos en total, de los cuales 3.776 son principales y 325 son sinnimos o
equivalentes. Los trminos se encuentran estructurados en 11 reas temticas.
Las relaciones establecidas entre ellos son de jerarqua, equivalencia, y asociacin.
El tesauro consta de un ndice alfabtico, otro jerrquico y un tercero permutado
tipo KWIC. Tambin presenta un anexo con nombres de instituciones, sociedades
y partidos polticos espaoles de los siglos XIX y XX. Adems, este tesauro va
precedido de una introduccin terica extensa compuesta por dos partes
diferenciadas. En la primera parte se describen las caractersticas y peculiaridades
del discurso histrico y se analiza la tipologa de los trminos histricos en un
sistema documental. A continuacin, se presenta un panorama de la
documentacin histrica. La segunda parte est dedicada a los lenguajes
documentales y en ella se analiza el soporte terico del tesauro como lenguaje
controlado, planteando ventajas e inconvenientes. Tambin se pasa revista a los
distintos lenguajes utilizados en Historia Contempornea.

Ryan, O., G. Mulvey, et al. (2014). [e-Book] Report on the ImplementatIon of the
RIght to InterpretatIon and Translation Services In Criminal Proceedings,
Justicia European Rights Network Texto completo:
This report was commissioned by a trans-European legal entity, called the Justicia
European Rights Network, of which the Irish Council for Civil Liberties is the lead
organisation. The Network is comprised of 11 Network Member organisations at
present: Bulgarian Helsinki Committee, European Center for Human and
Constitutional Rights (Germany), Greek Helsinki Monitor, Helsinki Foundation for
Human Rights (Poland), Human Rights Monitoring Institute (Lithuania),
Hungarian Civil Liberties Union, Irish Council for Civil Liberties (ICCL), Latvian
Centre for Human Rights, League of Human Rights (Czech Republic), Open
Society Justice Initiative (Hungary) and Statewatch (UK). The Network is funded
by the Criminal Justice Programme of the European Commission.

Salvadori, B. and L. Brandi (2004). [e-Book] Dal suono alla parola. Firenze, Firenze
University Press Texto completo:

An up-to-date manual conceived to guide the reader through the most

interesting and recent theories in the vast field of psycho-neuro-linguistics. After
a review of the latest theories on the perception and production of language in
adult and developmental age, the most recent studies on the relations between
anatomy and cerebral functions are also discussed, opening up new perspectives
on the study of language too.<p>Manuale aggiornato che si prefigge di
orientare il lettore tra le teorie pi interessanti e recenti del vasto campo della
psico-neuro-linguistica. Dopo aver passato in rassegna le ultime teorie sulla
percezione e produzione del linguaggio in et adulta ed evolutiva, vengono
illustrati gli studi pi recenti sul rapporto fra anatomia e funzioni cerebrali che
aprono nuove prospettive anche sullo studio del linguaggio.

Samuelsson-Brown, G. (2009). [e-Book] A Practical Guide for Translators (Topics in

Translation) London Multilingual Matters. Texto completo:

This is the fourth revised edtion of "A Practical Guide for Translators". It looks at
the profession of translator on the basis of developments in the late 20th/early
21st centuries and encourages both practitioners and buyers of translation
services to view translation as a highly-qualified, skilled profession and not just a
cost-led word mill.

Snchez Rondn, E. (2007). T cantas? Yo canto: El estudio de la msica como tema

desarrollado en la expresin oral general, en el marco de la enseanza de espaol con
fines especficos, Onda. Jorge Mart Contreras , 2007: 425-436.
El espaol se ha convertido en una de las lenguas ms demandadas y el Marco
Comn Europeo de Referencia para las lenguas, nos sirve de gua para conocer
qu patrones de referencia debemos utilizar en el proceso de enseanza,
aprendizaje y evaluacin de lenguas. Por tanto, teniendo esto muy en cuenta
ante todo, presentamos esta comunicacin atendiendo a una de las
competencias comunicativas que recoge el Plan Curricular del Instituto Cervantes,
la fase de expresin oral muy importante en la clase de E/LE, llamada por
nosotros EOG (Expresin Oral General). El Plan Curricular es un instrumento de
carcter pedaggico que permite dar coherencia a los programas de enseanza,
al tiempo que unifica criterios sobre los procedimientos adecuados para
garantizar una enseanza ms eficaz. Intenta mostrar y cumplir la coherencia
entre los distintos mbitos de planificacin de la enseanza -los fines y objetivos
generales y especficos, los contenidos, la metodologa y la evaluacin- y que
permita analizar desde una perspectiva amplia todos los factores que intervienen
en el proceso de enseanza y aprendizaje.Por todo ello, aqu exponemos los
resultados con un grupo de trabajo formado por chicos y chicas adolescentes,
que estudiaban espaol el verano pasado dentro de un programa lingstico
residencial intensivo. Con ellos se trabajaron las distintas competencias
comunicativas que recoge el Plan Curricular del Instituto Cervantes, atendiendo
en este caso: al nivel B1, eran chicos y chicas de distintas nacionalidades; y con
ellos se intentaba profundizar y trabajar en la expresin oral. Por tanto,
recogemos aqu los resultados obtenidos con ellos durante una semana de
trabajo, realizando el estudio de la msica que era el tema estudiado en la fase
de EOG. Mostraremos el desarrollo de la misma y los resultados obtenidos

Scheungraber, C. and F. E. Grnzweig (2014). [e-Book] Die altgermanischen

Toponyme sowie die ungermanischen Toponyme Germaniens, Fassbaender
Texto completo:
This handbook of Old Germanic toponyms is a comprehen-sive collection of
Germanic, possibly Germanic and non-Germanic geographical names of Magna
Germania and the adjacent provinces. The selection of headwords is based on
Hermann Reicherts Lexikon der altgermanischen Namen (LaN). In the articles, the
current state of research concer-ning the localization of the ancient places (,
rivers, forests and mountains) and concerning the etymology and word
formation of the toponyms is documented and critically dis-cussed.<p>Die
vorliegende Monographie behandelt systematisch die altgermanischen Orts-,
Fluss-, Wald- und Bergnamen bis einschlielich 600 n.Chr. sowie auch die
ungermanischen Toponyme Germaniens; in den einzelnen Artikeln wird neben
Lokalisierung und Kontext der mit den Toponymen bezeichneten rtlichkeiten
hauptschlich die Etymologie der Toponyme selbst in Augenschein genommen
und die verschiedenen Deutungsversuche der Namen kritisch beleuchtet. Dieser
Band setzt somit die Reihe der Interpretationsbnde zu Reicherts Lexikon der
altgermanischen Namen (2 Bde.) fort (zuletzt erschienen: Sitzmann / Grnzweig
2008, Die altgermanischen Ethnonyme - ein Handbuch zu ihrer Etymologie).Der
vorliegende Band ist ein umfassendes etymologisches Handbuch der
altgermanischen Toponyme sowie der unger-manischen Toponyme Germaniens,
wofr als Grundlage das Lexikon der altgermanischen Namen (LaN) von
Her-mann Reichert diente. Unter den alphabetisch angeordne-ten Lemmata
werden die Belege mit Angabe der wichtigsten Lesarten sowie eine
Kurzausfhrung zu Lokalisierung und Kontext gegeben. In den darauf folgenden
etymologischen Kommentaren wurde versucht, einen forschungsgeschichtli-chen
berblick ber die Literatur zu den jeweiligen Namen durch ein kritisches Referat
der bisher geuerten etymolo-gischen Deutungen mit Wertung nach
Wahrscheinlichkeit zu geben.

Schrott, A. and H. Vlker (2005). [e-Book] Historische Pragmatik und historische

Variettenlinguistik in den romanischen Sprachen. Gttingen
Universittsverlag Gttingen Texto completo:

Die im vorliegenden Band versammelten Beitrge gehen aus der Sektion

Historische Pragmatik und historische Variettenlinguistik. Wissenschaftspraxis
und Methodologie - Divergenzen und Konvergenzen hervor, die am 29. und 30.
September 2003 auf dem XXVIII. Deutschen Romanistentag in Kiel stattfand.
Konzeption und Planung dieser Sektion waren getragen von der Einsicht, dass
historische Pragmatik und historische Variettenlinguistik in ihren Objekten und
Methoden zahlreiche Berhrungspunkte und berschneidungen aufweisen, sich
aber institutionell und in ihren Forschungstraditionen auf recht unterschiedlichen
Wegen entwickelt haben. Vor diesem Hintergrund haben die Beitrge der Sektion
zum Ziel, Konvergenzen und Divergenzen der beiden Disziplinen im Rahmen
eines reflektierten Dialogs zu benennen und zu kommentieren. Besonderes
Augenmerk wurde fr dieses Unterfangen auf die enge Verzahnung von
Wissenschaftspraxis und Methodologie gelegt.

Schweiger, I. and H. Casper-Hehne (2009). [e-Book] Kulturelle Vielfalt deutscher

Literatur, Sprache und Medien. Gttingen, Universittsverlag Gttingen. Texto

This book is a documentation of the alumni summer schoolKulturelle Vielfalt

deutscher Literatur, Sprache und Medien. The collected articles explain the
discussion about education in multi-cultural societies in providing an insight into
intercultural didactics and intercultur in different texts and media.

Schweiger, I. and H. Casper-Hehne (2010). [e-Book] Kulturelle Vielfalt deutscher

Literatur, Sprache und Medien, Universittsverlag Gttingen Texto completo:

This book is a documentation of the alumni summer schoolKulturelle Vielfalt

deutscher Literatur, Sprache und Medien. The collected articles explain the
discussion about education in multi-cultural societies in providing an insight into
intercultural didactics and intercultur in different texts and media.<p>Fr die
Georg-August-Universitt Gttingen sind ihre ehemaligen Studierenden,
Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler wichtige Partner auf dem Weg hin zu
einer der fhrenden Forschungsuniversitten in Europa, an der begabte junge
Menschen fr die groen Herausforderungen der Zukunft gerstet werden. Mit
Frderung durch den Deutschen Akademischen Austausch Dienst (DAAD) bietet
die Georgia Augusta ihren auslndischen Ehemaligen in Sommerschulen und
Expertenseminaren regelmig die Mglichkeit zur wissenschaftlichen
Fortbildung und zum akademischen Austausch mit Kolleginnen und Kollegen an
ihrem ehemaligen Studienort. Der vorliegende Band ist eine Dokumentation der
Alumni-Sommerschule Kulturelle Vielfalt deutscher Literatur, Sprache und
Medien, zu der die Interkulturelle Germanistik der Georg-August-Universitt
eingeladen hatte. Vernderungen durch Migration und mehrfach kulturell
geprgte Gesellschaften sind lngst ein europisches Phnomen geworden, was
die wissenschaftliche Analyse und Erforschung aber auch die bildungspolitische
Praxis und die Umsetzung gewonnener Erkenntnisse notwendig macht. Die
versammelten Beitrge sind Dokumentationen dieser Auseinandersetzungen,
wenn sie Interkulturalitt in unterschiedlichen Texten und Medien nachspren
oder aber Einblicke in interkulturelle Didaktikkonzepte geben.

Service, Q. H. I. (2007). [e-Book] Working with Interpreters Guidelines. Queensland,

Queensland Health Interpreter Service. Texto completo:

These guidelines were based on a review of existing guidelines used by

government and non-government agencies in Queensland and Australia. These
guidelines were developed by the Interpreter Services Working Party which
comprised representations of National Accreditation Authority for Translators and
Interpreters (NAATI), Australian Institute of Interpreters and Translators
Incorporated (AUSIT), Multicultural Affairs Queensland, Queensland Deaf Society,
Multicultural Development Association (Brisbane), Spiritus, Local Government
Association Queensland, Policy and Legislation Branch, Southside Health Service
District, Mater Hospitals, Princess Alexandra Hospital, Queensland Transcultural
Mental Health Centre, Royal Brisbane and Womens Hospital and West Moreton
Health Service District.

Sevilla Muoz, J., A. Fernndez-Pampilln Cesteros, et al. (2011). [e-Book] El

Laboratorio de Idiomas | EtnasSoft. Madrid, Editorial Complutense. Texto
Este libro recoge, de forma novedosa, la amplia experiencia de uso de los
Laboratorios de idiomas para la enseanza de las lenguas de la Facultad de
Filologa de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM). Se trata de una
coleccin de textos, que han sido objeto de una revisin por pares, escritos a
partir de las ponencias presentadas en la III Reunin Cientfica sobre Informtica,
Tecnologa y Filologa el 25 de febrero de 2010. El objetivo de la reunin era
recoger, compartir y reflexionar sobre las experiencias docentes y de
investigacin realizadas en los Laboratorios para conocer exactamente cul es la
finalidad de los Laboratorios de idiomas en la enseanza e investigacin

Sherwood-Gabrielson, P., V. Newington, et al. (2008). [e-Book] Consecutive

Interpreting:An Instructors Manual : A 45-hour generic interpreting course
for bilingual speakers. Builds on the Program in Translation and
Interpretings Introduction to Interpreting: An Instructors Manual.
Minnesota, Program in Translation and Interpreting, University of Minnesota.
Texto completo:

This manual is the result of a process that began in 1991 when the first version of
this course was offered at the University of Minnesota. In developing and
teaching this course, we have relied upon the expertise of many colleagues. We
would like to acknowledge the contributions of all the individuals who have
worked with us, both directly and indirectly. The original purpose of this manual
was to provide instructors with a framework for teaching the Consecutive
Interpreting course at the University of Minnesota. However, as interest in
interpreter training grows throughout the country, it also serves as a tool for
those who plan to initiate interpreter training elsewhere or to supplement their
existing courses.

Shiyab, S. M., M. G. Rose, et al. (2010). [e-Book] Globalization and Aspects of

Translation. Cambridge Cambridge Scholars Publishing. Texto completo:
The present book came to light as a result of the ideas discussed during our 1st
International Conference on Translation/Interpretation and the Impact of
Globalization, held at the United Arab Emirates University. I am grateful to
Marilyn Gaddis Rose, Juliane House, and John Duval for their dedication, efforts
and professionalism. Their vision and every-present energy helped me
understand and in fact appreciate the many venues within the fields of language,
linguistics and translation. This book has attempted to capture the quintessence
or the epitome embodied in the concepts of translation and globalization. It also
attempted to bridge the gap between the globalizing and globalized realms.
Above all, it brings to light the diversity of areas in globalization and aspects of
translation that have impacted the notions of cultural communication,
translators code of ethics, metaphorical meaning, code switching, media, etc.
Scholars from all over the world contributed to this book, representing counties
such USA, Canada, Germany, Portugal, Switzerland, Belgium, Austria, Tunisia,
Bahrain, Jordan, and United Arab Emirates. Those scholars have done their
research in their home countries on other parts of the world. Because of this
diversity, I believe this book genuinely offers an international experience. In
Chapter 1, Said Shiyab examines different aspects of globalization in relation to
translation. Faces of globalization are highlighted to make the point that
globalization does not only evolve around language and/or translation changes,
but also around information technology. One of the most significant points that
this chapter addresses is that scholars, including translators and interpreters,
cannot control how languages change as globalization is a result of technological
advancements our society is witnessing these days and, as a consequence of this,
our languages changes in accordance with the translation market needs and
those who use it for marketing purposes.

Sijs van der, N. (2009). [e-Book] Cookies, Coleslaw, and Stoops : The Influence of
Dutch on the North American Languages. Amsterdam University Press Texto

In 1609, the first Dutch settlers arrived in America and established trading posts,
small towns, and forts up and down what we now call the Hudson River. To this
day, American children are taught the thrilling history of the transformation of
this settlement, New Netherland, and its capital, New Amsterdam, from landmark
port into present-day New York State and the island of Manhattan. But, the Dutch
legacy extended far beyond New York, as Cookies, Coleslaw and Stoops reveals.
From Santa Claus (after the Dutch folklore saint Sinterklaas) and his sleigh (the
pronunciation of the Dutch slee is almost identical) to a dumbhead talking
poppycock, the contributions of the Dutch language to American English are
indelibly embedded to some of our most vernacular terms and expressions. The
menu in most of our restaurants sports some originally Dutch names, and even
our dollar is named after a Dutch coin (daalder). In this captivating volume, the
renowned linguist Nicoline van der Sijs glosses over 300 Dutch loan words like
these that travelled to the New World on board the Dutch ship the Halve Maan,
captained by Henry Hudson, which dropped anchor in Manhattan more than 400
years ago. Surprisingly, the Dutch also gave several Native American languages
words for everyday things like "pants", "cat" and "turkey". Lively and accessible,
the information presented in this volume charts the journey of these words into
the American territory and languages, from more obscure uses which maybe
have survived in only regional dialects to such ubiquitous contributions to our
language like Yankee, cookie, and dope. Each entry marks the original arrival of
its term into American English and adds up-to-date information on its evolving
meaning, etymology, and regional spread. Not to be missed by anyone with a
passion for the history behind our everyday expressions, Cookies, Coleslaw and
Stoops is the perfect gift for the linguistic adventurer in us all.<p>Van Santa
Claus (Sinterklaas) en zijn slee (sleigh) tot aan de dollar (vernoemd naar de
daalder) en Yankees (Jan Kees), de Nederlandse taal is van grote invloed geweest
op het Amerikaans-Engels. Yankees, cookies en dollars laat zien hoe de
Nederlandse erfenis tot ver buiten New York reikt en zelfs terug te vinden is in de
indianentalen. Dit jaar wordt herdacht dat vierhonderd jaar geleden, in 1609,
Henry Hudson met zijn VOC-schip voor anker ging bij Manhattan. In zijn kielzog
landden Nederlandse kolonisten op het eiland die de stad Nieuw-Amsterdam
stichtten. In de loop van vierhonderd jaar is het gebied getransformeerd van
landbouwgrond naar de huidige wereldstad New York. Hoewel er veel is
veranderd, is de invloed van de Nederlandse taal nog steeds hoorbaar. Wat is de
ontwikkeling geweest van het Nederlands in de Verenigde Staten? Hoelang is dit
gesproken en is het ongewijzigd gebleven? Hoe groot was en is de invloed van
het Nederlands op het Amerikaans-Engels? Welke Nederlandse woorden zijn
door indianentalen overgenomen? In dit boek gaat taalkundige Nicoline van der
Sijs in op deze en andere vragen. Ze geeft up-to-date informatie over de
veranderende betekenis, de etymologie en de regionale spreiding van de
Nederlandse leenwoorden. Cookies, Coleslaw and Stoops verschijnt ook in het
Nederlands als
ankees, cookies en dollars. In het kader van Holland on the Hudson (400 jaar
handelsrelaties tussen Nederland en New York) wordt het boek op 10 september
gepresenteerd op Columbia University te New York. Onder andere minister
Ronald Plasterk van OC&amp;W is hierbij aanwezig. "As a kid in New York's
Mohawk Valley I played along the laag kill, called out Kip, Kip, Kip! to our
chickens at feeding time, talked to friends on their stoeps after school, and got
winklehawks in my blue jeans from scrambling through barbed wire fences. It
wasn't until years later that I realized how many Dutch expressions survived in my
dialect. This book is a linguistic treasure chest for anyone who grew up in the
area covered by the Dutch colony of New etherland." Charles Gehring, New
Netherland Project, New York State Library

Simon, E. (2010). [e-Book] Voicing in Contrast. Acquiring a Second Language

Laryngeal System. Gent, Academia Press Texto completo:

Drawing on both rule-based and constraint-based approaches, Voicing in

Contrast examines typological differences in the laryngeal systems of Dutch and
English and investigates the extent to which native speakers of Dutch acquire
English obstruent voicing. The analysis is based on a substantial new data
collection of conversational Dutch and English speech by speakers of different
varieties of Dutch. The results of the study show that the English interlanguage of
advanced learners contains a mixed laryngeal system with elements from Dutch
as well as from English. The book discusses how this system could emerge and
analyses the extent to which learners succeeded in suppressing neutralizing
processes of devoicing and voice assimilation. The results of the empirical
analysis are examined in the light of existing theoretical approaches to laryngeal
systems. Although the focus is on Dutch and English, the frequent references to
other languages invite the reader to carry out comparable analyses for other
languages with similar laryngeal systems. A detailed description of the
methodology also makes the book of interest to scholars working with large
databases of spoken first and second language speech. A sample of the data is
available on a CD-rom accompanying the book.

Simon, E. (2010). [e-Book] Voicing in Contrast. Acquiring a Second Language

Laryngeal System, Academia Press Texto completo:

Drawing on both rule-based and constraint-based approaches, Voicing in

Contrast examines typological differences in the laryngeal systems of Dutch and
English and investigates the extent to which native speakers of Dutch acquire
English obstruent voicing. The analysis is based on a substantial new data
collection of conversational Dutch and English speech by speakers of different
varieties of Dutch. The results of the study show that the English interlanguage of
advanced learners contains a mixed laryngeal system with elements from Dutch
as well as from English. The book discusses how this system could emerge and
analyses the extent to which learners succeeded in suppressing neutralizing
processes of devoicing and voice assimilation. The results of the empirical
analysis are examined in the light of existing theoretical approaches to laryngeal
systems. Although the focus is on Dutch and English, the frequent references to
other languages invite the reader to carry out comparable analyses for other
languages with similar laryngeal systems. A detailed description of the
methodology also makes the book of interest to scholars working with large
databases of spoken first and second language speech. A sample of the data is
available on a CD-rom accompanying the book.

Simon, E. (2010). [e-Book] Voicing in Contrast. Acquiring a Second Language

Laryngeal System, Academia Press Texto completo:

Drawing on both rule-based and constraint-based approaches, Voicing in

Contrast examines typological differences in the laryngeal systems of Dutch and
English and investigates the extent to which native speakers of Dutch acquire
English obstruent voicing. The analysis is based on a substantial new data
collection of conversational Dutch and English speech by speakers of different
varieties of Dutch. The results of the study show that the English interlanguage of
advanced learners contains a mixed laryngeal system with elements from Dutch
as well as from English. The book discusses how this system could emerge and
analyses the extent to which learners succeeded in suppressing neutralizing
processes of devoicing and voice assimilation. The results of the empirical
analysis are examined in the light of existing theoretical approaches to laryngeal
systems. Although the focus is on Dutch and English, the frequent references to
other languages invite the reader to carry out comparable analyses for other
languages with similar laryngeal systems. A detailed description of the
methodology also makes the book of interest to scholars working with large
databases of spoken first and second language speech. A sample of the data is
available on a CD-rom accompanying the book.

Simpson, A. (2015). [e-Book] Using Games in the Language Classroom. New York,
Smashwords, Inc. Texto completo:

The justification for using games in the classroom has been well demonstrated as
benefiting students in a variety of ways. These benefits range from cognitive
aspects of language learning to more co-operative group dynamics. The benefits
are as follows: Affective: - games lower the affective filter - they encourage
creative and spontaneous use of language - they also promote communicative
competence - games are both motivating and fun Cognitive: - games reinforce
learning - they both review and extend learning - games focus on grammar in a
communicative manner Class Dynamics: - games are extremely student centered
- the teacher acts only as facilitator - games build class cohesion - they can foster
whole class participation - games promote healthy competition Adaptability: -
games can be easily adjusted for age, level, and interests - they utilize all four
skills - games require minimum preparation after the initial development stage.
You can successfully use games in many ways, such as for a quick review, after
material has been covered or as a cool-down activity at the end of a lesson to
practice what has been covered (as well as to inject an element of fun). You could
also use a game to practice specific new language in groups or pairs for a limited
time, as a short introduction to new vocabulary or a concept, as a prompt for
writing work, even as a link into a new part of the lesson. Games may even be
used merely to change the pace of a lesson.
Sitaru, L. M., A. I. Anamaria, et al. (2010). [e-Book] Translations from Arabic into
Romanian (1990-2010) Texto completo:

According to Ioana Feodorov in her study The Arab World in the Romanian
Culture (1957-2001) , in Romania, the systematical study of the Arabic language
and literature was initiated in 1957, although the Arabic language had been
taught and learned sporadically here, at different times, in certain high-schools
with a special profile (for instance, at the Muslim Theological Seminar). In short,
we may say that it is possible to speak of a translation activity directly from
Arabic and a research activity in the field of Arabic language and literature in
Romania since the beginning of the 60-70 of 20th century, though attempts
worthy of mentioning were made as early as the 19th century, and first of all
those of Timotei Cipariu (1805-1887), a great philologist, with a good mastery of
the Arabic language. However, the great number of the publications reflects the
special interest paid to the Arabic cultural area, to the Islamic world, by the
researchers, writers, journalists in Romania, as well as the interest of a wide range
of readers, which led most of the translations and works dedicated to this area to
become out of print in a short

Slavitt, D. R. (2012). [e-Book] The Metabolism of Desire: The Poetry of Guido

Cavalcanti. Athabasca, Athabasca University Press Texto completo:

The fact that Cavlacanti?s friend, Dante Alighieri, was a supremely fine poet ought
not blind us to Cavalcanti?s own, rather different excellence. Both men were
attracted to the dolce stil nuovo, the ?sweet new style? that emerged in
thirteenth-century Florence. While Dante?s poetry was devoted to his childhood
sweetheart, Beatrice, Cavalcanti?s poetry had more the tang of real-world
experience: he struggled against unruly passions and sought instead to overcome
love ? a source of torment and despair. It is chiefly through the translations of
Rossetti and Pound that English-speaking readers have encountered Cavalcanti?s
work. Pound?s famous translation, now viewed by some as antiquated, is
remarkably different from the translation provided here in the graceful voice of
poet David Slavitt. Working under the significant restraints of Cavalcanti?s
elaborate formal structures, Slavitt renders an English translation faithful to the
original poetry in both rhyme and rhythm.

Slype, G. v., P. Hpola, et al. (1991). [e-Book] Los lenguajes de indizacin:

concepcin, construccin y utilizacin en los sistemas documentales. Madrid,
Fundacin Germn Snchez Ruiprez; Pirmide. Texto completo:

La historia de los lenguajes de indizacin, si bien es breve, est en ebullicin, lo

cual es sntoma de la rpida evolucin de los mtodos de almacenamiento y
bsqueda de informacin documental. Al principio existan los lenguajes de
clasificacin, que se remontan a la ms lejana antigedad (pinsese, por ejemplo,
en la primera clasificacin de los conocimientos establecida desde el siglo IV a. C.
por Aristteles) y que haban encontrado su consagracin a fines del ltimo siglo,
con la construccin de esos monumentos que son la Clasificacin Decimal
Universal, la Clasificacin de Dewey y la Clasificacin de la Biblioteca del
Congreso. La aparicin de los primeros thesaurus, a principios de los aos
sesenta, provoca primeramente una especie de guerra de religin, que nosotros
personalmente hemos vencido: las grandes clasificaciones provenan de la
experiencia acumulada de muchas generaciones de bibliotecarios y resulta que
unos documentlogos iconoclastas se permitan poner en cuestin esta arcana

Soler Caamao, E., M. Trics Preckler, et al. (2007). [e-Book] La calidad en formacin
especializada en interpretacin: anlisis de los criterios de evaluacin de un
jurado en un posgrado de interpretacin de conferencia mdica. Texto

Lavaluaci de la qualitat en interpretaci al final del procs formatiu de postgrau

hauria de coincidir, si ms no majoritriament, amb les expectatives de qualitat
professionals respecte a un intrpret novell. Partint daquesta hiptesi, i
inspirant-nos tan en estudis de satisfacci o expectatives de qualitat dusuaris
dinterpretaci (perspectiva professional) com en els protocols davaluaci aplicats
a diverses universitats (perspectiva acadmica), aix com en els Models dels
esforos de Daniel Gile, la nostra recerca emprica i observacional suposa una
contribuci a la identificaci dels criteris de qualitat en interpretaci.Es va
enregistrar i transcriure un ampli corpus amb un total de 69 avaluacions de 18
estudiants davant dun total de 7 examinadors en un postgrau dinterpretaci de
conferncia mdica. Desprs didentificar els indicadors de qualitat (67)
considerats pels avaluadors, es va dur a terme una anlisi estadstica, lestabliment
de categories (6) i la identificaci de trets distintius entre els avaluadors. La
innovaci rau en el fet dhaver desgranat els criteris de qualitat implcits a partir
del corpus (avaluacions en un postgrau despecialitat), en el mtode emprat per
identificar les categories i en el seu processament. Els resultats mostren, entre
altres qestions, que la quantitat de comentaris positius o negatius fets pels
avaluadors prcticament no influeixen en la puntuaci atorgada als
estudiants.Resumen La evaluacin de la calidad en interpretacin al final del
proceso formativo de posgrado debera coincidir, al menos mayoritariamente,
con las expectativas de calidad profesionales respecto a un intrprete novel.
Partiendo de esta hiptesis, e inspirndonos tanto en estudios sobre satisfaccin
o expectativas de calidad de usuarios de interpretacin (perspectiva profesional)
como en los protocolos de evaluacin aplicados en distintas universidades
(perspectiva acadmica), as como en los Modelos de los esfuerzos de Daniel Gile,
nuestra investigacin emprica y observacional supone una contribucin a la
identificacin de los criterios de calidad en interpretacin.Se grab y se
transcribi un amplio corpus con un total de 69 evaluaciones de 18 estudiantes
ante un total de 7 examinadores en un posgrado de interpretacin de
conferencia mdica. Tras identificar los indicadores de calidad (67) considerados
por los evaluadores, se procedi a un anlisis estadstico, al establecimiento de
categoras (6) y a la identificacin de rasgos distintivos entre los evaluadores. La
innovacin radica en haber desgranado los criterios de calidad implcitos a partir
del corpus (evaluaciones en un posgrado de especialidad), en el mtodo utilizado
para identificar las categoras y en su procesamiento. Los resultados muestran,
entre otros extremos, que la cantidad de comentarios positivos o negativos
realizados apenas influyen en la puntuacin que otorgan a los estudiantes.
Assessing interpreting quality at the final stages of a students training process at
the postgraduate level should be, for the most part, in keeping with quality
expectations for novel practitioners. On the basis of such hypothesis, and inspired
by studies on quality satisfaction or users expectations (professional approach),
assessment protocols used in different training schools (academic approach), and
Daniel Giles Efforts Model, our research empirical and observational aims to
contribute to identify quality-defining criteria in interpreting.A large corpus was
recorded and transcribed, with a total of 69 post-exercise assessments of 18
interpreters taking a specialization course in medical interpreting by 7 instructors.
The assessments were scrutinized for evaluative comments which were analyzed
statistically. This involved also classifying them in categories (67) and later
merging them into 6 category groups. The innovation lies in the very concept of
working backwards from a corpus towards implicit quality criteria, in the work on
this corpus type (assessments during a postgraduate training course), in the
method used to identify categories and in the further processing of the
categories. The findings give some solid indications and show that assessors are
not too influenced by the number of positive or negative comments they make
when deciding what mark they will grant to the students.

Somacarrera, P. (2013). [e-Book] Made in Canada, Read in Spain: Essays on the

Translation and Circulation of English-Canadian Literature. Texto completo:

Made in Canada, Read in Spain is an edited collection of essays on the impact,

diffusion, and translation of English Canadian literature in Spain. Given the size of
the worlds Spanish-speaking population (some 350 million people) and the
importance of the Spanish language in global publishing, it appeals to publishers,
cultural agents and translators, as well as to Canadianists and Translation Studies
scholars. By analyzing more than 100 sources of online and print reviews, this
volume covers a wide-range of areas and offers an ambitious scope that goes
from the institutional side of the Spanish-Anglo-Canadian exchange to issues on
the insertion of CanLit in the Spanish curriculum; from nation branding,
translation, and circulation of Canadian authors in autonomous communities
(such as Catalonia) to the official acknowledgement of some authors by the
Spanish literary system -Margaret Atwood and Leonard Cohen were awarded the
prestigious Prince of Asturias prize in 2008 and 2011, respectively.

Somssich, R., J. Vrnai, et al. (2010). [e-Book] Lawmaking in the EU multilingual

environment Luxemburg, European Commission. Texto completo:

La politique du multilinguisme de l'Union europenne poursuit trois objectifs: -

Encourager l'apprentissage des langues et promouvoir la diversit linguistique
dans la socit; - Favoriser une conomie multilingue performante; - Donner aux
citoyens un accs la lgislation, aux procdures et aux informations de l'Union
europenne dans leur propre langue. La prsente tude aborde le troisime volet
de cette politique, et plus prcisment le processus d'laboration multilingue du
droit europen, le rle des diffrents acteurs institutionnels dans ce processus et
les mthodes visant assurer la bonne qualit rdactionnelle, juridique et
linguistique des actes juridiques produits par les institutions europennes.

Soto, U. and M. F. Mayrink (2012). [e-Book] Linguagem, educao e virtualidade,

Editora UNESP. Texto completo:

A coletnea de textos deste livro analisa os desafios e as possibilidades de uma

educao que transcenda os muros da sala de aula e se abra para as linguagens e
prticas do mundo. No novo cenrio que vai se delineando para a educao do
sculo XXI, o contexto de ensino e aprendizagem de lnguas j vem mostrando os
efeitos da "Idade Mdia" em que vivemos, sinalizando, tambm, o importante
papel que as novas ferramentas de natureza tecnolgica vm desempenhando
na definio de novas posturas e modalidades pedaggicas. Tais aspectos so
discutidos por pesquisadores de renomadas instituies de ensino superior,
nacionais e internacionais, que propem trs eixos centrais de reflexo:
linguagem, educao e virtualidade. Partindo de suas experincias didticas e
reflexes tericas, os autores colocam em pauta assuntos de relevncia para a
compreenso das novas demandas que refletem diretamente em reas como a
formao inicial e continuada de professores, o trabalho docente na sala de aula
presencial e virtual, o design de materiais didticos e a forma como os novos
meios e prticas incidem no funcionamento da linguagem e no surgimento de
novos gneros discursivos.

Speller, J. R. W. (2011). [e-Book] Bourdieu and Literature, Open Book Publishers

Texto completo:
Bourdieu and Literature is a wide-ranging, rigorous and accessible introduction to
the relationship between Pierre Bourdieu's work and literary studies. It provides a
comprehensive overview and critical assessment of his contributions to literary
theory and his thinking about authors and literary works. One of the foremost
French intellectuals of the post-war era, Bourdieu has become a standard point of
reference in the fields of anthropology, linguistics, art history, cultural studies,
politics, and sociology, but his longstanding interest in literature has often been
overlooked. This study explores the impact of literature on Bourdieu's intellectual
itinerary, and how his literary understanding intersected with his sociological
theory and thinking about cultural policy. This is the first full-length study of
Bourdieu's work on literature in English, and it provides an invaluable resource for
students and scholars of literary studies, cultural theory and sociology.

Stewart, K., A. Witter-Merithew, et al. (2009). [e-Book] Best Practices: American Sign
Language and English Interpretation Within Legal Settings. New York,
National Consortium of Interpreter Education Centers. Legal Interpreting
Workgroup. Texto completo:

: This document sets forth the Best Practices and Protocols for American Sign
Language interpreters working within legal settings. The mission of the National
Consortium of Interpreter Education Centers (NCIEC) is to build and promote
effective practices in interpreting education. The NCIEC draws upon the wisdom
and energy of experts, consumers and other stakeholders to advance the field.
The NCIEC is dedicated to challenging the status quo by promoting innovation,
strong partner networks and multiculturalism throughout its programming. As
responsible stewards of public funding, NCIEC is committed to products,
programs and services that maximize resources and are replicable, measurable,
sustainable and non-proprietary. Towards the goal of increasing the number of
qualified interpreters and advance the field of interpreting education, the NCIEC
has established a number of work teams dedicated to a specific area of
specialization. One such workgroup is the NCIEC Legal Interpreting Workgroup,
comprised of a group of core and expert members focused on defining the best
and effective practices associated with legal interpreting. Interpreting in the legal
setting is a long-recognized area of specialization in the field of ASL-English
interpreting. Tradition from the field of spoken language interpreting and legal
community contribute to the conventional way legal interpreting work is
performed. As well, practices have been conceived by ASL-English interpreter
practitioners over time through a process of application of theory drawn from the
professions scholarship. As more scholarship and research emerge, practices
evolve, improve, and change.

Svandrlik, R. (2008). [e-Book] Elfriede Jelinek. Firenze, Firenze University Press Texto

This volume consists of a collection of essays by five German scholars from

various Italian universities R. Calabrese, R. Caruzzi, M. Fancelli, L. Perrone
Capano, R. Svandrlik (editor) and N. libar from the University of Lubiana, that
meld formal research and musical pace and structure with the pitiless radicalism
and the consistency of the issues addressed, first and foremost the oppression
inherent to power relations. In the commitment to reveal the mechanisms of
manipulation, from the most obvious to the most subtle, the author herself
becomes a manipulator of language of exceptional creativity and daring, with the
guiding thread of the gender perspective. The volume is completed by the
translation of the speech made by the Austrian writer when she was awarded the
Nobel prize in 2004, and by a bibliography (edited by Claudia Vitale), focused in
particular on the reception in Italy and on the scarcity of Italian scientific
studies.<p>Elfriede Jelinek. Una prosa altra, un altro teatro una raccolta di
saggi, di cinque germaniste di varie universit italiane, R. Calabrese, R. Caruzzi, M.
Fancelli, L. Perrone Capano, R. Svandrlik (curatrice), e N. libar dell'Universit di
Lubiana. Le autrici evidenziano come ricerca formale, struttura e andamento
musicale si coniugano con la radicalit spietata e con la coerenza dei temi, in
primo luogo con la denuncia della sopraffazione all'interno dei rapporti di potere.
Nell'impegno a svelare i meccanismi manipolatori, da quelli pi evidenti a quelli
pi sottili, l'autrice diventa essa stessa una manipolatrice di linguaggio
dall'eccezionale creativit e audacia, con il filo conduttore del punto di vista di
genere. Il volume si chiude con la traduzione del discorso che la scrittrice
austriaca tenne in occasione del conferimento del Nobel nel 2004, e con una
bibliografia (a cura di Claudia Vitale) che d conto in particolare della ricezione in
Italia e della scarsit di studi scientifici in ambito italiano.
Takeda, K. (2006). [e-Book] Sociopolitical aspects of interpreting at the
international military tribunal for the far east (1946-1948), Bar Ilan University.
Texto completo:

Tarnopolsky, O. (2012). [e-Book] Constructivist Blended Learning Approach to

Teaching English for Specific Purposes. Berln, De Gruyter Texto completo:

This monograph analyzes an innovative approach to teaching English for Specific

Purposes (ESP) in tertiary education. This "constructivist blended learning
approach" is based on students "constructing" for themselves their own
knowledge and professional communication skills in English by making extensive
use of Internet sites in English, combining traditional in-class learning with in-
and out-of-class learning through the Internet (blended learning). Dr.
Tarnopolsky offers a thorough analysis of the principal forms of learning activities
in English for this approach and suggests five principles underlying its practical

Tasso, I. and P. Navarro (2012). [e-Book] Produo de identidades e processos de

subjetivao em prticas discursivas. Brasilia, SciELO Books. Texto completo:

Os artigos que compem esta organizao esto divididos em trs grandes eixos
temticos. Na primeira parte, os textos discutem, em linhas gerais, o controle do
corpo e o governo dos sujeitos. Na segunda parte, os artigos versam sobre
representaes do brasileiro marginalizado em interface com a excluso e a
incluso. Os textos da terceira e ltima parte abordam as representaes do
masculino e do feminino no pblico e no privado, a produo de identidades do
sujeito poltico e os processos de subjetivao docente. Deseja-se que, ao final
do trajeto empreendido pelos autores, os possveis interlocutores possam extrair
dele um caminho terico e metodolgico que permita compreender como se
materializa a produo do sujeito em discursos miditicos. Mais ainda, espera-se
que o trabalho de descrio e compreenso desses discursos possa lanar luz
sobre tantos outros estudos que reclamam, hoje, um gesto poltico de
pesquisadores comprometidos.

Team, N. and M. P. Pustakalaya [e-Book] Guide to Localization of Open Source

Software Lahore, Pakistan, Center for Research in Urdu Language Processing.
Texto completo:

The release of NepaLinux 1.0 in December 2005, by Madan Puraskar Pustakalaya

was a major breakthrough for software localization in Nepal. The open source
nature and no licensing cost of NepaLinux provided a viable alternative to more
costly proprietary software in Nepali. This localization work was based on existing
open source distributions in Linux. While the open source movement has
provided free, open and easy access to the source code, accelerating localization
development, the need to document the processes involved has also become
equally important to trigger further localization for under-resourced languages.
This Linux localization guide is a compilation of the experiences of the Madan
Puraskar Pustakalaya localization team while they worked on the localization of
Debian and Morphix based GNU/Linux Distribution in Nepali. Special attention
has been given in making the content useful to those undertaking the localization
work for the first time for other languages in their respective languages.
Illustrations in most cases are based on the works in the Nepali language.
However, information about the basic steps and procedures for localization has
been made as generic as possible, in order to ensure that any language may fit
into the description provided. During the preparation of this guide, a large
number of resources invaluable to both beginners and experts of localization
have been consulted. References have been provided for further reading for
these topics.

Thomas, M. (2007). [e-Book] Culture and Translation: recovering he legacy of R.H

Mathews, ANU Press Texto completo:

R. H. Mathews (1841-1918) was an Australian-born surveyor and self-taught

anthropologist. From 1893 until his death in 1918, he made it his mission to
record all new and interesting facts about Aboriginal Australia. Despite falling
foul with some of the most powerful figures in British and Australian
anthropology, Mathews published some 2200 pages of anthropological
reportage in English, French and German. His legacy is an outstanding record of
Aboriginal culture in the Federation period.This first edited collection of Mathews
writings represents the many facets of his research, ranging from kinship study to
documentation of myth. It include eleven articles translated from French or
German that until now have been unavailable in English. Introduced and edited
by Martin Thomas, who compellingly analyses the anthropologist, his milieu, and
the intrigues that were so costly to his reputation, Culture in Translation is
essential reading on the history of cross-cultural research.The translations from
the French are by Mathilde de Hauteclocque and from the German by Christine

Thomas, M. and H. David (2012). [e-Book] Beowulf: A Translation, Punctum Books

Texto completo:

Many modern Beowulf translations, while excellent in their own ways, suffer from
what Kathleen Biddick might call melancholy for an oral and aural way of poetic
making. By and large, they tend to preserve certain familiar features of
Anglo-Saxon verse as it has been constructed by editors, philologists, and
translators: the emphasis on caesura and alliteration, with diction and syntax
smoothed out for readability. The problem with, and the paradox of this desired
outcome, especially as it concerns Anglo-Saxon poetry, is that we are left with a
document that translates an entire organizing principle based on oral
transmission (and perhaps composition) into a visual, textual realm of writing and
reading. The sense of loss or nostalgia for the old form seems a necessary and
ever-present shadow over modern Beowulfs.What happens, however, when a
contemporary poet, quite simply, doesnt bother with any such nostalgia? When
the entire organizational apparatus of the poeminstead of being uneasily
approximated in modern verse formis itself translated into a modern
organizing principle, i.e., the visual text? This is the approach that poet Thomas
Meyer takes; as he writes,[I]nstead of the texts orality, perhaps perversely I went
for the visual. Deciding to use page layout (recto/ verso) as a unit. Every
translation Id read felt impenetrable to me with its block after block of nearly
uniform lines. Among other quirky decisions made in order to open up the text,
the project wound up being a kind of typological specimen book for long
American poems extant circa 1965. Having variously the look of Pounds
Cantos, Williams Paterson, or Olson or Zukofsky, occasionally late Eliot, even
David Jones.A glance anywhere in Meyers text demonstrates the stunning
results. One place he turns it to especially good effect is the fight with Grendel in
Fit 11, transforming the famously hyper-condensed syntax of the scene from a
discouraging challenge for the translator into a visually pleasing strength:The
eyes of Hygelacs kin watched the wicked raiderexecute his quick attack:without
delay,snatching his first chance,a sleeping warrior,he tore him in two,chomped
muscle, sucked veinsgushing blood,gulped down his morsel, the dead
man,chunk by chunk,hands, feet before hadsinherd feared anything so.Here the
reader is confronted with the words themselves running together, as if in panic, in
much the same way that the original passage seems in such a rush to tell the
story of the battle that bodies become confused. This is just one example of the
adventurous and provocative angle on Beowulf to which Meyer introduces us. His
Beowulfcompleted in 1972 but never before publishedis sure to stretch
readers ideas about what is possible in terms of translating Anglo-Saxon poetry,
as well as provide new insights on the poem itself.

Thomson-Wohlgemuth, G. (1998). [e-Book] Children's Literature and its Translation.

Surrey, University of Surrey. Texto completo:

This paper describes the status of translation and publication of East German
childrens literature during the period of the Cold War. It briefly gives an
indication of the high value placed on translation and translators in the socialist
regime. Finally it focuses on the main criteria influencing the translation and
publication of childrens books with the economic and ideological factors being
the most significant and gives brief examples
from the East German censorship files.
Tortosa, V. (2013). [e-Book] Escrituras digitales: tecnologas de la creacin en la era
virtual, Universidad de Alicante. Texto completo:

En el final de siglo ltimo emerge una nueva cultura que tiene en el desarrollo de
las tecnologas su mayor acicate al romper toda clase de esquemas
preconcebidos. La escritura hipertextual condiciona hoy cualquier tipo de
comportamiento social. Destacados especialistas en las diversas ramas del saber
se congregan aqu para trazar una panormica ambiciosa que tiene en el DVD,
que acompaa a este volumen, un amplio muestrario con que guiar al lector
entre la diversidad artstica generada en esta incipiente era digital.

Valero Garcs, C. (2012). Estudios de traduccin y ecocrtica. Un ejemplo: pjaros que no

siempre llegan a su destino. Sendebar: 141-157.
Este artculo trata sobre las relaciones entre los Estudios de Traduccin y la
Ecocrtica. Mi intencin es doble. En primer lugar, mi objetivo es llamar la
atencin de la Ecocrtica sobre la importancia de la traduccin en el nacimiento
de una nueva disciplina y, en segundo lugar, quiero hacer hincapi en la apertura
de una nueva lnea de investigacin en los Estudios de Traduccin al aplicar los
presupuestos de la Ecocrtica a la traduccin de textos relacionados con la
cultura, la literatura y el medio ambiente. Para llevar a cabo esta tarea, en primer
lugar, har una breve introduccin sobre la influencia recproca del
biorregionalismo o medioambiente en el lenguaje; en segundo lugar, tratar de
ilustrar brevemente la importancia de la traduccin en la construccin de una
nueva rea de estudio como es la Ecocrtica. Finalmente, mostrar la influencia de
la traduccin y el traductor en la transferencia de significado. Para ilustrar estos
puntos utilizar ejemplos de referencias a pjaros en obras literarias y su
traduccin. (A)

Vella Ramrez, M. and A. B. Martnez Lpez (2012). Anlisis de estrategias y

procedimientos traductolgicos utilizados por "El Pas" en la traduccin de ttulos de
prensa del espaol al ingls. Sendebar: 177-206.
En el presente artculo se pretende realizar un anlisis de las estrategias y los
procedimientos traductolgicos que sigue el peridico El Pas en su versin
digital para la traduccin de titulares de prensa del espaol al ingls. Tras repasar
someramente los conceptos bsicos de 'tcnicas', 'estrategias' y 'procedimientos'
desde un punto de vista traductolgico, pasaremos a explicar las peculiaridades
que presenta la elaboracin de titulares de prensa, en ingls y en espaol,
adoptando un enfoque interdisciplinar, que incluye no slo la dimensin
lingstico-discursiva, sino tambin las aportaciones de los Estudios Culturales y
las propuestas metodolgicas de la Traductologa. Por ltimo, utilizando como
corpus de referencia una serie de titulares de prensa de la edicin en ingls del
peridico digital, analizaremos las estrategias seguidas por este
rotativo en la traduccin de estos titulares, comparando los resultados con las
estrategias utilizadas en la traduccin de otro tipo de ttulos, como los ttulos de
pelculas. (A)

Venuti, L. (2000). [e-Book] The Translation Studies Reader. London and New York.
Texto completo:

THIS READER GATHERS essays, articles, and book chapters that represent many
of the main approaches to the study of translation developed during the
twentieth century, focusing particularly on the past thirty years. It was during this
period that translation studies emerged as a new academic field, at once
international and interdisciplinary. The need for a reader is thus partly
institutional, created by the rapid growth of the discipline, especially as evidenced
by the proliferation of translator training programs worldwide. Recent surveys
indicate more than 250, offering a variety of certificates and degrees,
undergraduate and graduate, training not only professional translators, but also
scholar-teachers of translation and of foreign languages and literatures
(Caminade and Pym 1995; Harris 1997). This growth has been accompanied by
diverse forms of translation research and commentary, some oriented toward
pedagogy, yet most falling withinor crossingtraditional academic disciplines,
such as linguistics, literary criticism, philosophy, and anthropology. The aim of the
reader is to bring together a substantial selection from this varied mass of
writing, but in the form of a historical survey that invites sustained examination of
key theoretical developments. Of course, edited volumes always work to define a
field, a body of knowledge,a textbook market, and so they create as much as
satisfy institutional needs,especially in the case of emergent disciplines. In
translation studies, the broad spectrum of theories and research methodologies
may doom any assessment of its current state to partial representation,
superficial synthesis, optimistic canonization. This Reader is intended to be an
introduction to the field recognizable to the scholars who work within it. But the
intention is also to challenge any disciplinary complacency, to produce a
consolidation that is interrogative, to show what translation studies have been
and to suggest what they might be. The readings are organized into five
chronological sections, divided into the centurys decades and the date of
publication for each reading appears at the foot of its first page. Whether a
decade stands on its own or is combined with others depends solely on the
volume of translation commentary published within it, sheer bibliographical
quantity (cf. the bibliographies in Morgan 1959, Steiner 1975, Schulte and
Biguenet 1992). The sections are each prefaced by introductory essays which
present a history of main trends in translation studies, establishing a context for
concise expositions of the readings and calling attention to the work of influential
writers, theorists, and scholars who are not represented by a reading. The section
introductions are historical narratives that refer to theoretical and methodological
advances and occasionally offer critical evaluations. Yet the stories they tell avoid
any evolutionary model of progress, as well as any systematic critique. I wanted
to outline, however rapidly, the history of the present moment in translation
studies. And to some degree this meant asking questions of the past raised by
the latest tendencies in theory and research.

Vila Barbosa, M. M. (2012). Traducir la literatura brasilea: traicin, imposibilidad o

milagro. Reflexiones sobre la recepcin de la literatura brasilea en Espaa. Sendebar:
La literatura brasilea traducida en Espaa ocupa un puesto muy discreto en el
ranking de las literaturas ms traducidas al espaol. A excepcin de Jorge
Amado, y, sobre todo, de Paulo Coelho, los autores brasileos apenas son
conocidos en nuestro pas. En un anlisis de las causas de esta invisibilidad,
barajamos variables como la dificultad de verter al espaol el exotismo y las
sutilezas del lenguaje literario brasileo, la falta de una poltica cultural de
exportacin en el sistema de origen y el poco espacio dedicado a la promocin
de la literatura brasilea en Espaa. De la mano de Nlida Pion y Guimares
Rosa, revisaremos algunas de las caractersticas de la traduccin del portugus
brasileiro al espaol. Adems de presentar la cartografa de las letras brasileas
en Espaa, abordaremos las dinmicas actuales adoptadas desde Brasil y Espaa
para el desarrollo de polticas concretas de apoyo y difusin de la literatura y
cultura brasileas. (A)

Vlchez Romn, C. M. and A. A. Vara Horna (2009). [e-Book] Manual de Redaccin de

Artculos Cientficos. Lima, Universidad San Martn de Porres. Texto completo:

Este es un manual prctico, sencillo, directo y est integrado con material

multimedia y una metodologa de trabajo colaborativo va virtual. El manual est
organizado en 11 sesiones de aprendizaje, y es una obra complementaria del
Manual de Investigacin Empresarial Aplicada (Vara, 2008), que con xito se viene
usando en la Facultad para promover las competencias tcnicas de investigacin
en los estudiantes de pre y postgrado. En cada sesin de este manual, se
presentan ejemplos de demostracin, as como autoevaluaciones y trabajos
prcticos. Cada sesin tiene un video-clase demostrativo que sintetiza los
aspectos clave. Tambin se presenta un foro de discusin para opinar, absolver
dudas y discutir con los colegas. Las autoevaluaciones se pueden realizar en lnea,
y los trabajos prcticos deben ser enviados al tutor responsable para su revisin y

Vlker, A. (2001). [e-Book] Die orientalischen Knpfteppiche im MAK. Texto


On account of its focus on unique 16th- and 17th-century Safavid (Persia, Iran)
and Mamluk (Egypt, Kairo) carpets and their specific provenances, the collection
of Oriental carpets of the MAKAustrian Museum of Applied Arts /
Contemporary Art in Viennais one of the most famous of its kind. However, the
museum never appointed a specialized curator for its Orient Collection; this is
perhaps one of the reasons why an inventory catalog did not appear until 2001.
Most of the world-famous pieces originally belonged to the Imperial House of
Habsburg and ultimately found their way into the museum after the end of the
monarchy. In 1868, the museum itself began collecting in this sector. The carpets
from a third source, the Kaiserliches Knigliches Handels Museum [Imperial
Royal Austrian Trade Museum], were purchased in 1907. This diverse background
has had a formative influence on the specific structure of the Vienna collection.
Mamluk Carpets are among the highlights of the Viennese collection, especially
celebrated for the sole silk Mamluk Carpet existing in the world today. Equally
famous and precious are the 16th-century silk Hunting Carpet, a Herat Scrolling
Vine and Animal Carpet, a so-called Portuguese Carpet, several Isfahan carpets,
carpets from the Ottoman court workshop, among them the Vienna niche rug
and an Indian landscape carpet, also the renowned Indian Millefleur carpet. The
catalogue contains the one hundred-and-fifty pieces from the Vienna collection
starting with five Mamluk Carpets, followed by five Ottoman pieces (Turkey,
Istanbul), one small so-called chessboard carpet, nineteen Anatolian carpets and
fifteen Iranian carpets from different regions. There are four Indian rugs and rug
fragments and seventeen rugs from Central Asia, also one Moroccan piece. The
catalogue meticulously characterizes every carpet and locates and dates every
piece. It states the provenance and measurements, also important technical
details such as the thread material of warp, weft and knots, the knot count, and
the condition of sides and ends of each rug. Every carpet is shown in full length.
The most important ones are pictured with several details. The introduction
describes the history of the Vienna Carpet Collection, followed by extensive
captions to every carpet in the collection. The catalogue continues with a list of
lost pieces, a glossary, an extensive bibliography, and finishes with the
concordance of the catalogue entries with the acquisition numbers.<p>Der
vorliegende Katalog der orientalischen Knpfteppiche des sterreichischen
Museums fr angewandte Kunst (MAK) ist der erste Katalog, der zu dem
wertvollen Bestand der Textilsammlung des Museums erscheint. 150
Knpfteppiche aus gypten, der Trkei, aus Syrien, Persien und Indien, dem
Kaukasus und aus Zentralasien werden beschrieben und entsprechend der
aktuellen Forschungsergebnisse wissenschaftlich bestimmt sowie technisch,
ihrem Material und ihrer Knpfung nach analysiert. Neben einer
zusammenfassenden Beschreibung wird jeder Teppich in seinen historischen,
lokalen, zeitlichen, formalen und technischen Zusammenhang eingeordnet und
mit Orientteppichen in anderen Sammlungen verglichen. Die Einleitung
beschreibt die sehr spezifische Sammlungsgeschichte, der ein Katalog der 150
Teppiche nach regionaler und chronologischer Zugehrigkeit folgt. Diesem ist
eine umfangreiche Bibliographie angefgt. Glossar, Konkordanz nach
Inventarnummern und Register runden das Werk ab. Der weltberhmte, in seiner
Gesamtheit aber bislang unbekannte Bestand an orientalischen Knpfteppichen
der Wiener Sammlung wird so bearbeitet und vorgestellt und vermittelt ein
przises und dem aktuellen Forschungsstand entsprechendes Bild der Wiener

Vlker, H. and A. Schrott (2005). [e-Book] Historische Pragmatik und historische

Variettenlinguistik in den romanischen Sprachen, Universittsverlag
Gttingen Texto completo:

Die im vorliegenden Band versammelten Beitrge gehen aus der Sektion

Historische Pragmatik und historische Variettenlinguistik. Wissenschaftspraxis
und Methodologie - Divergenzen und Konvergenzen hervor, die am 29. und 30.
September 2003 auf dem XXVIII. Deutschen Romanistentag in Kiel stattfand.
Konzeption und Planung dieser Sektion waren getragen von der Einsicht, dass
historische Pragmatik und historische Variettenlinguistik in ihren Objekten und
Methoden zahlreiche Berhrungspunkte und berschneidungen aufweisen, sich
aber institutionell und in ihren Forschungstraditionen auf recht unterschiedlichen
Wegen entwickelt haben. Vor diesem Hintergrund haben die Beitrge der Sektion
zum Ziel, Konvergenzen und Divergenzen der beiden Disziplinen im Rahmen
eines reflektierten Dialogs zu benennen und zu kommentieren. Besonderes
Augenmerk wurde fr dieses Unterfangen auf die enge Verzahnung von
Wissenschaftspraxis und Methodologie gelegt.

Welie, M. v. (2009). [e-Book] (How) Does One Tell The Truth? Utecht, University of
Utecht. Texto completo:

The research question of this MA thesis is "How do the different translations and
adaptations of "Uncle Tom's Cabin" in Dutch reflect the contemporary opinions
about the child, children's literature, and society?" In the thesis the translation
history of "Uncle Tom's Cabin" in Dutch is analysed. Besides,it is briefly
investigated whether the publication of "Uncle Tom's Cabin" influenced the
abolition of slavery in the Netherlands. As the thesis focusses on adaptations of
"Uncle Tom's Cabin" for children, it analyses how writing and translating for
children is described within Translation Studies. Besides, three representative
translations are analysed in-depth, namely A.G. Bruinses'"Een kijkje in de hut van
oom Tom" (1853), P. de Zeeuw's "De hut van oom Tom" (1939) and E. Franck's
"De hut van oom Tom" (2003). The analyses show how the translators faced a
dilemma, as maintaining the historically faithful account of slavery often conflicts
with conservative norms about children's literature. The translations are
representative of the time they appeared in and reflect contemporary opinions
about children's literature and society.

Wolf, M. (2012). [e-Book] Die vielsprachige Seele Kakaniens. Berlin, Bhlau Texto

In the last few decades, the discipline of Translation Studies has been
characterized by a considerable increase of interdisciplinary approaches which
both helped to sharpen its profiling and to promote its multilayered
epistemological discussions. The contribution of this book to these developments
is located on various levels. I claim that in view of its multifaceted forms,
translation as practiced in the late Habsburg Empire to a high degree contributed
to the construction of cultures in the pluri-cultural space of the Habsburg
Monarchy: on the one hand, I have revealed the various layers of translations
constructive character and then on the basis of Pierre Bourdieus sociological
framework shed light on the various construction processes on behalf of
detailed analyses which focus on the agents involved in these processes. These
considerations are then reflected in the delineation of a model which I call the
pluri-cultural communication space of the Habsburg Monarchy. In terms of
methodology, I have drawn on post-colonial theoretical frameworks. On such a
basis, I have sketched a concept of culture which aims to correspond to the
hybrid constellations characteristic to vast parts of the Monarchy and which
claims to detect the symbolic forms of ethnically articulated dominance. The
metaphorically inspired translation concept developed in the wake of these
reflections (cultural translation) results in conceptualizing a typology of various
translation forms which claim to do justice to the complexity of the Monarchys
translatorial practices in the continuum between communication and
translation. Primarily on the basis of archival sources, the analysis covers the
translatorial practice in the various ministries (Commission of Terminology
,Bureau of Redaction of the Imperial Law Gazette, Section of Ciphering and
Translatorial Work), in court (sworn interpreters), and in the diplomatic service,
among others. On the other hand, I have worked on extensive corpora analyzing
the translation flows both between various languages of the crown lands and
with countries outside the Monarchy by adopting numerous parameters (focus:
translations into German). Finally, the focus is laid on the translations from Italian,
with a particular emphasis on laying bare the construction processes operating in
the selection, production, distribution and reception of these translations. The
features which make up the construction of culture in the Habsburg context can
be particularly detected in two instances: first, in the tensions related to national
conflicts which are inscribed in all translation types dealt with in the period under
investigation. Secondly, in the phenomenon of bi- and multilingualism which
according to the territory and the legal situation respectively represented a
basic prerequisite for the translation and interpreting activity and as such in many
cases made a professional and qualitatively differentiated formation in translation
at least at first sight avoidable. Nevertheless, it has been able to reconstruct a
gradual institutionalization of the translatorial activity.<p>Die
Translationswissenschaft der vergangenen Jahre ist durch eine zunehmende
interdisziplinre Auseinandersetzung gekennzeichnet, die der Disziplin zu einer
ausgeprgten Profilierung verhalf und vielschichtige wissenschaftstheoretische
Diskussionen vorantrieb. Der Beitrag der vorliegenden Arbeit zu dieser
Konturierung ist auf mehreren Ebenen zu orten: Zum einen werden, ausgehend
von der These, dass das Phnomen der bersetzung in seinen vielfachen
Ausformungen wesentlich zur Konstituierung des plurikulturellen Raumes der
Habsburgermonarchie beitrug, verschiedene Schichten des Konstruktcharakters
von bersetzung freigelegt, zum anderen auf der Grundlage des
kultursoziologischen Theorierahmens von Pierre Bourdieu die einzelnen
Konstruktionsprozesse vor dem Hintergrund detaillierter akteurInnenbezogener
Analysen ausgeleuchtet und in die Skizzierung eines plurikulturellen Kommunika
ionsraumes der Habsburgermonarchie bergeleitet.Zur Bestimmung des
Beitrages des bersetzerischen Phnomens zur Konstruktion der habsburgischen
Kultur im Untersuchungszeitraum 1848-1918 wird in der postkolonialen Theorie
Anleihe genommen und ein Kulturkonzept skizziert, das der auf weite Teile der
Monarchie zutreffenden hybriden Befindlichkeit zu entsprechen und die
symbolischen Formen ethnisch artikulierter Herrschaft zu erfassen sucht. Unter
Anwendung des daraus konzipierten metaphorischen Translationsbegriffs
(kulturelle bersetzung) wird anschlieend auf der Basis der translatorischen
Praktiken der Habsburgermonarchie eine Typologie der verschiedenen
bersetzungsformen entworfen, die der Vielschichtigkeit dieser Praktiken entlang
der Bandbreite von Kommunikation bis Translation entsprechen. Untersucht
wird vorrangig auf der Grundlage von Archivquellen zum einen die
translatorische Praxis in den Ministerien (Terminologiekommission,
Redaktionsbureau des Reichsgesetzblattes, Sektion fr Chiffrewesen und
translatorische Arbeiten), bei Gericht (gerichtliche beeidete Dolmetscher), im
diplomatischen Dienst etc., zum anderen werden anhand umfangreicher Korpora
die bersetzungsstrme zwischen den einzelnen Sprachen der Kronlnder und
auch mit Lndern auerhalb der Monarchie nach zahlreichen Parametern
aufgearbeitet (Schwerpunkt: bersetzungen ins Deutsche). Der Fokus dieser
letztgenannten Untersuchungen wird schlielich auf die bersetzungen aus dem
Italienischen gelegt, wobei besonderes Augenmerk auf die durch Selektion,
Produktion, Distribution und Rezeption dieser bersetzungen vorgenommenen
Konstruktionsprozesse gelegt wird. Der kulturkonstruierende Charakter der
Translationspraktiken im habsburgischen Kontext ist an zwei wesentlichen
Momenten festzumachen: Zum einen an den nationalittenbezogenen
Spannungen, die allen genannten Translationstypen im Untersuchungszeitraum
eingeschrieben sind; zum anderen an der Bi- und Plurilingualitt, die, je nach
Territorium und jeweiliger gesetzlicher Lage, eine grundstzliche Voraussetzung
fr die bersetzungs- und Dolmetschttigkeit darstellte und als solche eine
professionelle und qualitativ differenzierte translatorische Ausbildung
vordergrndig nicht erforderlich machte. Dennoch ist eine sukzessiv erfolgende
Institutionalisierung der translatorischen Ttigkeit rekonstruierbar.

Wolf, M. (2012). [e-Book] Die vielsprachige Seele Kakaniens, Bhlau Texto completo:

In the last few decades, the discipline of Translation Studies has been
characterized by a considerable increase of interdisciplinary approaches which
both helped to sharpen its profiling and to promote its multilayered
epistemological discussions. The contribution of this book to these developments
is located on various levels. I claim that in view of its multifaceted forms,
translation as practiced in the late Habsburg Empire to a high degree contributed
to the construction of cultures in the pluri-cultural space of the Habsburg
Monarchy: on the one hand, I have revealed the various layers of translations
constructive character and then on the basis of Pierre Bourdieus sociological
framework shed light on the various construction processes on behalf of
detailed analyses which focus on the agents involved in these processes. These
considerations are then reflected in the delineation of a model which I call the
pluri-cultural communication space of the Habsburg Monarchy. In terms of
methodology, I have drawn on post-colonial theoretical frameworks. On such a
basis, I have sketched a concept of culture which aims to correspond to the
hybrid constellations characteristic to vast parts of the Monarchy and which
claims to detect the symbolic forms of ethnically articulated dominance. The
metaphorically inspired translation concept developed in the wake of these
reflections (cultural translation) results in conceptualizing a typology of various
translation forms which claim to do justice to the complexity of the Monarchys
translatorial practices in the continuum between communication and
translation. Primarily on the basis of archival sources, the analysis covers the
translatorial practice in the various ministries (Commission of Terminology
,Bureau of Redaction of the Imperial Law Gazette, Section of Ciphering and
Translatorial Work), in court (sworn interpreters), and in the diplomatic service,
among others. On the other hand, I have worked on extensive corpora analyzing
the translation flows both between various languages of the crown lands and
with countries outside the Monarchy by adopting numerous parameters (focus:
translations into German). Finally, the focus is laid on the translations from Italian,
with a particular emphasis on laying bare the construction processes operating in
the selection, production, distribution and reception of these translations. The
features which make up the construction of culture in the Habsburg context can
be particularly detected in two instances: first, in the tensions related to national
conflicts which are inscribed in all translation types dealt with in the period under
investigation. Secondly, in the phenomenon of bi- and multilingualism which
according to the territory and the legal situation respectively represented a
basic prerequisite for the translation and interpreting activity and as such in many
cases made a professional and qualitatively differentiated formation in translation
at least at first sight avoidable. Nevertheless, it has been able to reconstruct a
gradual institutionalization of the translatorial activity.<p>Die
Translationswissenschaft der vergangenen Jahre ist durch eine zunehmende
interdisziplinre Auseinandersetzung gekennzeichnet, die der Disziplin zu einer
ausgeprgten Profilierung verhalf und vielschichtige wissenschaftstheoretische
Diskussionen vorantrieb. Der Beitrag der vorliegenden Arbeit zu dieser
Konturierung ist auf mehreren Ebenen zu orten: Zum einen werden, ausgehend
von der These, dass das Phnomen der bersetzung in seinen vielfachen
Ausformungen wesentlich zur Konstituierung des plurikulturellen Raumes der
Habsburgermonarchie beitrug, verschiedene Schichten des Konstruktcharakters
von bersetzung freigelegt, zum anderen auf der Grundlage des
kultursoziologischen Theorierahmens von Pierre Bourdieu die einzelnen
Konstruktionsprozesse vor dem Hintergrund detaillierter akteurInnenbezogener
Analysen ausgeleuchtet und in die Skizzierung eines plurikulturellen Kommunika
ionsraumes der Habsburgermonarchie bergeleitet.Zur Bestimmung des
Beitrages des bersetzerischen Phnomens zur Konstruktion der habsburgischen
Kultur im Untersuchungszeitraum 1848-1918 wird in der postkolonialen Theorie
Anleihe genommen und ein Kulturkonzept skizziert, das der auf weite Teile der
Monarchie zutreffenden hybriden Befindlichkeit zu entsprechen und die
symbolischen Formen ethnisch artikulierter Herrschaft zu erfassen sucht. Unter
Anwendung des daraus konzipierten metaphorischen Translationsbegriffs
(kulturelle bersetzung) wird anschlieend auf der Basis der translatorischen
Praktiken der Habsburgermonarchie eine Typologie der verschiedenen
bersetzungsformen entworfen, die der Vielschichtigkeit dieser Praktiken entlang
der Bandbreite von Kommunikation bis Translation entsprechen. Untersucht
wird vorrangig auf der Grundlage von Archivquellen zum einen die
translatorische Praxis in den Ministerien (Terminologiekommission,
Redaktionsbureau des Reichsgesetzblattes, Sektion fr Chiffrewesen und
translatorische Arbeiten), bei Gericht (gerichtliche beeidete Dolmetscher), im
diplomatischen Dienst etc., zum anderen werden anhand umfangreicher Korpora
die bersetzungsstrme zwischen den einzelnen Sprachen der Kronlnder und
auch mit Lndern auerhalb der Monarchie nach zahlreichen Parametern
aufgearbeitet (Schwerpunkt: bersetzungen ins Deutsche). Der Fokus dieser
letztgenannten Untersuchungen wird schlielich auf die bersetzungen aus dem
Italienischen gelegt, wobei besonderes Augenmerk auf die durch Selektion,
Produktion, Distribution und Rezeption dieser bersetzungen vorgenommenen
Konstruktionsprozesse gelegt wird. Der kulturkonstruierende Charakter der
Translationspraktiken im habsburgischen Kontext ist an zwei wesentlichen
Momenten festzumachen: Zum einen an den nationalittenbezogenen
Spannungen, die allen genannten Translationstypen im Untersuchungszeitraum
eingeschrieben sind; zum anderen an der Bi- und Plurilingualitt, die, je nach
Territorium und jeweiliger gesetzlicher Lage, eine grundstzliche Voraussetzung
fr die bersetzungs- und Dolmetschttigkeit darstellte und als solche eine
professionelle und qualitativ differenzierte translatorische Ausbildung
vordergrndig nicht erforderlich machte. Dennoch ist eine sukzessiv erfolgende
Institutionalisierung der translatorischen Ttigkeit rekonstruierbar.

Wolf, M. (2012). [e-Book] Die vielsprachige Seele Kakaniens, Bhlau Texto completo:

In the last few decades, the discipline of Translation Studies has been
characterized by a considerable increase of interdisciplinary approaches which
both helped to sharpen its profiling and to promote its multilayered
epistemological discussions. The contribution of this book to these developments
is located on various levels. I claim that in view of its multifaceted forms,
translation as practiced in the late Habsburg Empire to a high degree contributed
to the construction of cultures in the pluri-cultural space of the Habsburg
Monarchy: on the one hand, I have revealed the various layers of translations
constructive character and then on the basis of Pierre Bourdieus sociological
framework shed light on the various construction processes on behalf of
detailed analyses which focus on the agents involved in these processes. These
considerations are then reflected in the delineation of a model which I call the
pluri-cultural communication space of the Habsburg Monarchy. In terms of
methodology, I have drawn on post-colonial theoretical frameworks. On such a
basis, I have sketched a concept of culture which aims to correspond to the
hybrid constellations characteristic to vast parts of the Monarchy and which
claims to detect the symbolic forms of ethnically articulated dominance. The
metaphorically inspired translation concept developed in the wake of these
reflections (cultural translation) results in conceptualizing a typology of various
translation forms which claim to do justice to the complexity of the Monarchys
translatorial practices in the continuum between communication and
translation. Primarily on the basis of archival sources, the analysis covers the
translatorial practice in the various ministries (Commission of Terminology
,Bureau of Redaction of the Imperial Law Gazette, Section of Ciphering and
Translatorial Work), in court (sworn interpreters), and in the diplomatic service,
among others. On the other hand, I have worked on extensive corpora analyzing
the translation flows both between various languages of the crown lands and
with countries outside the Monarchy by adopting numerous parameters (focus:
translations into German). Finally, the focus is laid on the translations from Italian,
with a particular emphasis on laying bare the construction processes operating in
the selection, production, distribution and reception of these translations. The
features which make up the construction of culture in the Habsburg context can
be particularly detected in two instances: first, in the tensions related to national
conflicts which are inscribed in all translation types dealt with in the period under
investigation. Secondly, in the phenomenon of bi- and multilingualism which
according to the territory and the legal situation respectively represented a
basic prerequisite for the translation and interpreting activity and as such in many
cases made a professional and qualitatively differentiated formation in translation
at least at first sight avoidable. Nevertheless, it has been able to reconstruct a
gradual institutionalization of the translatorial activity. English version of the
book:<p>Die Translationswissenschaft der
vergangenen Jahre ist durch eine zunehmende interdisziplinre
Auseinandersetzung gekennzeichnet, die der Disziplin zu einer ausgeprgten
Profilierung verhalf und vielschichtige wissenschaftstheoretische Diskussionen
vorantrieb. Der Beitrag der vorliegenden Arbeit zu dieser Konturierung ist auf
mehreren Ebenen zu orten: Zum einen werden, ausgehend von der These, dass
das Phnomen der bersetzung in seinen vielfachen Ausformungen wesentlich
zur Konstituierung des plurikulturellen Raumes der Habsburgermonarchie
beitrug, verschiedene Schichten des Konstruktcharakters von bersetzung
freigelegt, zum anderen auf der Grundlage des kultursoziologischen
Theorierahmens von Pierre Bourdieu die einzelnen Konstruktionsprozesse vor
dem Hintergrund detaillierter akteurInnenbezogener Analysen ausgeleuchtet und
i die Skizzierung eines plurikulturellen Kommunikationsraumes der
Habsburgermonarchie bergeleitet.Zur Bestimmung des Beitrages des
bersetzerischen Phnomens zur Konstruktion der habsburgischen Kultur im
Untersuchungszeitraum 1848-1918 wird in der postkolonialen Theorie Anleihe
genommen und ein Kulturkonzept skizziert, das der auf weite Teile der Monarchie
zutreffenden hybriden Befindlichkeit zu entsprechen und die symbolischen
Formen ethnisch artikulierter Herrschaft zu erfassen sucht. Unter Anwendung des
daraus konzipierten metaphorischen Translationsbegriffs (kulturelle
bersetzung) wird anschlieend auf der Basis der translatorischen Praktiken der
Habsburgermonarchie eine Typologie der verschiedenen bersetzungsformen
entworfen, die der Vielschichtigkeit dieser Praktiken entlang der Bandbreite von
Kommunikation bis Translation entsprechen. Untersucht wird vorrangig auf
der Grundlage von Archivquellen zum einen die translatorische Praxis in den
Ministerien (Terminologiekommission, Redaktionsbureau des
Reichsgesetzblattes, Sektion fr Chiffrewesen und translatorische Arbeiten), bei
Gericht (gerichtliche beeidete Dolmetscher), im diplomatischen Dienst etc., zum
anderen werden anhand umfangreicher Korpora die bersetzungsstrme
zwischen den einzelnen Sprachen der Kronlnder und auch mit Lndern
auerhalb der Monarchie nach zahlreichen Parametern aufgearbeitet
(Schwerpunkt: bersetzungen ins Deutsche). Der Fokus dieser letztgenannten
Untersuchungen wird schlielich auf die bersetzungen aus dem Italienischen
gelegt, wobei besonderes Augenmerk auf die durch Selektion, Produktion,
Distribution und Rezeption dieser bersetzungen vorgenommenen
Konstruktionsprozesse gelegt wird. Der kulturkonstruierende Charakter der
Translationspraktiken im habsburgischen Kontext ist an zwei wesentlichen
Momenten festzumachen: Zum einen an den nationalittenbezogenen
Spannungen, die allen genannten Translationstypen im Untersuchungszeitraum
eingeschrieben sind; zum anderen an der Bi- und Plurilingualitt, die, je nach
Territorium und jeweiliger gesetzlicher Lage, eine grundstzliche Voraussetzung
fr die bersetzungs- und Dolmetschttigkeit darstellte und als solche eine
professionelle und qualitativ differenzierte translatorische Ausbildung
vordergrndig nicht erforderlich machte. Dennoch ist eine sukzessiv erfolgende
Institutionalisierung der translatorischen Ttigkeit rekonstruierbar. Englische
Version des Buches:

Yin Fong Sin, I. (2011). [e-Book] Insights from book translations on the
international diffusion of knowledge. Stanford Stanford University. Texto

Increases in the stock of ideas possessed by societies are central to modern

economic growth. The implications of idea ows are striking: Klenow and
Rodr__guez-Clare (2005) estimate world production would be just 6% of its
current level if countries did not share ideas. Yet, although theoretical economists
have studied ideas and their di usion extensively, empirical studies are scarce
because ideas are inherently di_cult to measure. Previous empirical studies of
idea ows have tended to use proxies such as trade ows, foreign direct
investment, migration, and patent citations. However, with the exception of the
latter, these measures are not pure idea ows, and do not capture the key
properties of ideas, namely non-rivalry and disembodiedness. My research
proposes a novel measure of idea ows, namely book translations,and uses it to
study the factors that a ect the international di usion of ideas. Book translations
are an attractive way to quantify idea ows because they are both non-rival and
disembodied; they are a pure measure of idea ows rather than a by-product of a
process such as trade or migration, and their key purpose is to make the ideas
contained in the book accessible to speakers of another language

Yueh-Wen, F. (2012). [e-Book] Falsos amigos espaol-ingls en estudiantes de

espaol como lengua extranjera: el caso de taiwans. Salamanca, Universidad
de Salamanca. Texto completo:

[ES] Esta tesis estudia los falsos amigos entre los idiomas espa??ol-ingl??s que se
le presentan a estudiantes taiwaneses en el proceso de aprendizaje de la lengua
espa??ola, y se proporcionan algunas soluciones a este tipo de problemas.

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