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What’s STEEL?
 Steel is an iron alloy with an amount of carbon that can vary between 0.03% and 1.075%
by weight of its composition, depending on the grade.
 Steel isn’t the same as iron and both materials shouldn’t be confused.
 Iron is a tenacious, hard metal with an atomic diameter of 2.48 Å, with a melting
temperature of 1535 °C and a boiling point of 2740 °C.
 Steel retains the metallic characteristics of iron in its pure state, but the addition of carbon
and other elements improves its physic-chemical properties, especially its resistance.
 There are many types of steel depending on the
alloying elements that are present. Each type of
steel will allow different applications and uses,
it’s versatile material and widespread in modern
life, where we can find it widely.
Los dos componentes principales del acero se encuentran
en abundancia en la naturaleza. El acero se puede reciclar
indefinidamente sin perder sus atributos, lo que favorece
su producción a gran escala. Esta variedad y
disponibilidad lo hace apto para numerosos usos como la
construcción de maquinaria, herramientas, edificios, obras
públicas, industria, etc. contribuyendo al desarrollo
tecnológico de las sociedades industrializadas, pues
ningún material logra igualarlo cuando se trata de
resistencia al impacto o la fatiga.


Pig iron: Fluxes:

From the blast furnace, it is With the same functions as in the
usually transported in a blast furnace, and which will lead
molten state. to the formation of slag.

Scrap: Ferroalloys:
Provides iron oxides. Alloys with high content of other elements
(chromium, boron, tungsten, molybdenum,
copper, nickel...) to provide new properties
and facilitate subsequent steel treatments.
Obtención del acero
El acero es un metal que se obtiene mediante la aleación (mezcla de uno o más
elementos) de hierro (Fe) y carbono (C) siempre que el porcentaje de carbono
varié entre el 0.035 y 2.14%. A menudo suelen incluirse en la aleación otros
materiales como el cromo (Cr), el níquel (Ni) o el manganeso (Mg) con el fin de
brindarle al material ciertas propiedades en especial, éstos son llamados aceros
aleados. Para conseguir esta aleación se deben introducir los materiales dentro de
un horno a muy altas temperaturas para ser fundidos por el calor y eliminar las
impurezas presentes en el hierro.

Para evitar la oxidación causada por el oxígeno presente en el aire o el agua en el

proceso de aleación se incorpora cromo (Cr) el cual crea una capa protectora
conocida como capa activa, que es la encargada de impedir que el oxígeno
penetre el material.
Methods for making steel
01 The manufacture of iron:
In a first step, the raw materials of iron ore, coke and lime are melted in a blast
furnace. The resulting molten iron - also known as "hot metal" - still
contains 4-4.5% carbon and other impurities that make it brittle.

Primary Steelmaking: 02
Primary steelmaking methods differ between BOS and EAF methods. BOS
methods add recycled scrap to molten iron in a converter.

03 Secondary Steelmaking:
Secondary steelmaking involves treating the molten steel produced from both
the BOS and EAF routes to adjust the composition of the steel.
04 Fundición continua:
En esta etapa, el acero fundido se echa en un molde enfriado haciendo que una cáscara de
acero delgada se solidifique. La hebra de la cáscara se retira utilizando rodillos guiados
y se enfría completamente y se solidifica.

Formación primaria: 05
El acero que se funde entonces se forma en varios perfiles, a menudo por laminación en
caliente, un proceso que elimina defectos del molde y alcanza la forma requerida y
la calidad superficial.

06 Producción, Fabricación y Acabado:

Finalmente, las técnicas de formación secundarias dan al acero su forma y
propiedades finales.

La producción del

Mercury Venus Mars

It’s the closest planet to the Venus has a beautiful name Despite being red, Mars is
Sun and the smallest in the and is the second planet actually a cold place. It’s
Solar System from the Sun full of iron oxide dust
El hierro fundido escurre hacia abajo, acumulándose en la base del alto horno. El hierro fundido de primera fusión,
o arrabio se vacía periódicamente en carros cuchara o carros torpedo con los cuales se llenan lingoteras o bien se
conducen a mezcladoras calientes donde se almacenan y se mezclan con otras fundiciones para curarse
posteriormente en algún proceso de obtención del acero (refinación de arrabio). Los lingotes se someten a una
operación de enfriamiento para convertirse mediante procesos metalúrgicos posteriores, en: hierro fundido de
segunda fusión, hierro dulce, hierro maleable o bien acero.
Proceso tecnológico de la extracción del mineral
de hierro
La producción del hierro y del acero empieza
con las menas de hierro y otros materiales
requeridos (mena = mineral metalífero,
principalmente el de hierro, tal como se extrae
del yacimiento y antes de limpiarlo).
— Someone Famous
Some biochemistry facts

Fact no.1 Fact no.2 Fact no.3

Mercury is the closest Venus has a beautiful name, Despite being red, Mars is a
planet to the Sun but it’s hot cold place

Fact no.4 Fact no.5 Fact no.6

Jupiter is the biggest planet Saturn is a gas giant and the Neptune is the farthest
in the System only planet with rings planet from the Sun

Biochemistry in
bigger picture
You can enter a subtitle here if
you need it
A picture is
worth a
Big numbers catch your audience’s
386,000 333,000
Despite being red, Mars Saturn is a gas giant with
is a cold place rings

Venus has a very
beautiful name
Percentage comparisons

35% 75%

Saturn Venus
Saturn is the planet and the only Venus has a beautiful name but
planet with rings is very hot
This is a map

Saturn is the planet
with a ring around it

Venus has a beautiful
name but is very hot
Learning plan

Mars Mercury Saturn Venus

01 02 03 04

Despite being red, Mercury is the Saturn is a gas giant Venus has a
Mars is a very cold closest planet to the and the only planet beautiful name, but
place full of iron Sun with rings it’s hot
Data visualization

Mercury is the closest
planet to Sun

It has a beautiful name,
but it’s very hot

Follow the link in the graph to modify its data and then paste the new
one here. For more info, click here
How popular is biochemistry?

Neptune is the farthest
planet from the Sun

Mercury is the closest
planet to the Sun Follow the link in the graph to modify its data and then paste
the new one here. For more info, click here
Molecular structures

Mars 75%
Despite being red, Mars
is a very cold planet

● Saturn is a gas giant
and has several rings
Mercury ● Its atmosphere
Mercury is the closest composed mostly of
planet to the Sun hydrogen and helium
Here’s a table

Molecule 1 Molecule 2 Molecule 3

Mercury 235 128 327

Mars 0.11 0.53 0.38

Saturn 12 32 11
More percentages

60% 30% 80%

Mercury Venus Mars

Mercury is the closest planet Venus has a beautiful name Despite being red, Mars is a
to the Sun but it’s very hot very cold place
1,500 Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun and the
smallest one in the Solar System—it’s only a
bit larger than the Moon

2,700 Venus has a beautiful name and is the second
planet from the Sun. It’s hot and has a
poisonous atmosphere

3,000 Saturn is a gas giant and has several rings. It's
composed mostly of hydrogen and helium. It
was named after a Roman god
Mercury is the closest planet to the
Sun and the smallest one in the Solar
System—it’s only a little bit larger
than our satellite, Moon
Question 1
Which molecules can break
Disaccharidases enzymes?

A Fructose C Starch

B Sucrose D Your own answer

Question 2

A 1000-2000

How many
glucose units B 2000-3000
are in starch?

C 3000 or more
Question 3

Aerobic respiration is one of the example

of oxygen dependent metabolism that
breaks down organic compounds and
produces ATP

True False
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