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LORY CHAPTER 37 (221-226)

Ultimate Concerns Últimas preocupaciones
I’m soaked when I get to Wendell’s office this Esta mañana estoy empapada cuando llego al
morning. During my short walk across the despacho de Wendell. Durante mi corto
street from the parking lot to his building, the paseo por la calle desde el aparcamiento
winter’s first downpour began unannounced. hasta su edificio, el primer chaparrón del
Having no umbrella or coat, I threw my cotton invierno empezó sin avisar. Como no tenía
blazer over my head and ran. paraguas ni abrigo, me eché la chaqueta de
algodón por encima y eché a correr.
Now my blazer is dripping, my hair is frizzing, Ahora la americana me gotea, el pelo se
my makeup is running, and my wet clothes me encrespa, el maquillaje se me corre y
are sticking to my body like leeches in the la ropa mojada se me pega al cuerpo como
most unfortunate places. Too damp to sit, I’m sanguijuelas en los sitios más
standing by the waiting-room chairs, desafortunados. Demasiado húmeda para
wondering how I’m going to make myself sentarme, estoy de pie junto a las sillas de
presentable for work, when the door to la sala de espera, preguntándome cómo
Wendell’s inner office opens and out comes voy a ponerme presentable para el trabajo,
the pretty woman I’ve seen before. Again, cuando se abre la puerta del despacho
she’s wiping her tears. She lowers her head interior de Wendell y sale la mujer guapa
and rushes past the paper screen, and I hear que he visto antes. De nuevo, se está
the click-clack of her boots echoing down the secando las lágrimas. Agacha la cabeza y
building’s corridor. se apresura a pasar por delante de la
pantalla de papel, y oigo el clic-clac de
sus botas resonando por el pasillo del
Margo? ¿Margo?
No—it’s coincidence enough that she’s also No, ya es bastante coincidencia que también
seeing Wendell, but to have our weekly esté viendo a Wendell, ¿pero tener nuestras
appointments back to back? I’m being citas semanales seguidas? Estoy paranoica.
paranoid. Then again, as the writer Philip K. Por otra parte, como dijo el escritor Philip K.
Dick put it, “Strange how paranoia can link up Dick, "Es extraño cómo la paranoia puede
with reality now and then.” enlazar con la realidad de vez en cuando".
I stand there shivering like a wet puppy until Me quedo allí temblando como un cachorro
Wendell’s door opens again, this time to let mojado hasta que la puerta de Wendell
me in. vuelve a abrirse, esta vez para dejarme entrar.
I drag myself to the sofa and settle into Me arrastro hasta el sofá y me acomodo en la
position B, arranging the familiar mismatched posición B, colocando los cojines
pillows behind my back in the way I’ve desparejados a mi espalda de la forma a la
become accustomed. Wendell quietly closes que me he acostumbrado. Wendell cierra en
the office door, walks across the room, lowers silencio la puerta del despacho, cruza la
his tall body into his spot, and crosses his legs habitación, baja su alto cuerpo hasta su sitio y
when he lands. We begin our opening ritual: cruza las piernas al aterrizar. Comenzamos
our wordless hello. nuestro ritual de apertura: nuestro saludo sin
But today I’m getting his sofa wet. Pero hoy le mojo el sofá.
“Would you like a towel?” he asks. "¿Quieres una toalla?", pregunta.
“You have towels?” "¿Tienes toallas?"

Wendell smiles, walks over to his armoire, Wendell sonríe, se acerca a su armario y me
and tosses me a couple of hand towels. I dry tiende un par de toallas de mano. Me seco el
my hair with one and sit down on the other. pelo con una y me siento en la otra.
“Thanks,” I say. -Gracias,- le digo.
“You’re welcome,” he says. -De nada,- me dice.
“Why do you have towels here?” -¿Por qué tienes toallas aquí?-

“People get wet,” Wendell replies with a -La gente se moja,- responde Wendell
shrug, as if towels are an office staple. How encogiéndose de hombros, como si las toallas
strange, I think—and yet I feel so taken care fueran un elemento básico de la oficina. Qué
of, like when he tossed me tissues. I make a extraño, pienso, y sin embargo me siento tan
mental note to store towels in my office. cuidada, como cuando me lanza pañuelos de
papel. Tomo nota mentalmente de que debo
guardar toallas en mi despacho.
We look at each other in silent greeting again. Volvemos a mirarnos en un saludo silencioso.
I don’t know where to start. Lately I’ve been No sé por dónde empezar. Últimamente estoy
anxious about pretty much everything. Even ansiosa por casi todo. Incluso pequeñas
little things like making small commitments cosas, como asumir pequeños compromisos,
have left me paralyzed. I’ve become cautious, me han dejado paralizada. Me he vuelto
afraid of taking risks and making mistakes cautelosa, tengo miedo de arriesgarme y
because I’ve made so many already and I fear cometer errores porque ya he cometido
I won’t have time to clean up the mistakes muchos y temo no tener tiempo para
anymore. enmendarlos.
The night before, as I tried to relax in bed La noche anterior, mientras intentaba
with a novel, I came across a character who relajarme en la cama con una novela, me
described his constant worry as “a relentless encontré con un personaje que describía
need to escape a moment that never ends.” su preocupación constante como "una
Exactly, I thought. For the past few weeks, necesidad incesante de escapar de un
every second has been linked to the next by momento que nunca termina".
worry. I know the anxiety is front and centre Exactamente, pensé. Durante las últimas
because of what Wendell said at the end of semanas, cada segundo ha estado ligado al
our last session. I’d had to cancel my next siguiente por la preocupación. Sé que la
appointment to go to an event at my son’s ansiedad está en primer plano por lo que
school, then Wendell was away the following dijo Wendell al final de nuestra última
week, so I’ve been sitting with Wendell’s sesión. Tuve que cancelar mi siguiente
words for three weeks now. Me: What fight? cita para ir a un acto en el colegio de mi
Him: Your fight with death. hijo, y Wendell se ausentó la semana
siguiente, así que llevo tres semanas
sentada con las palabras de Wendell. Yo:
¿Qué pelea? Él: Tu lucha con la muerte.
The skies opening up on me on my way in El cielo que se me ha abierto hoy de camino
today felt appropriate. I take a deep breath me ha parecido apropiado. Respiro hondo y
and tell Wendell about my wandering uterus. le cuento a Wendell lo de mi útero errante.

Until today, I’ve never told this story from Hasta hoy, nunca había contado esta historia
beginning to end. If before I’d been de principio a fin. Si antes me había
embarrassed by it, now, as I say it aloud, I avergonzado de ella, ahora, al contarla en voz
realize how truly terrified I’ve been. Layered alta, me doy cuenta de lo verdaderamente
on top of the grief Wendell had mentioned aterrorizada que he estado. Además de la
early on—that half my life is over—has been pena que Wendell había mencionado al
the fear that I, like Julie, might be dying much principio -que la mitad de mi vida se ha
sooner than expected. There’s nothing scarier acabado-, estaba el miedo de que yo, como
to a single mom than contemplating leaving Julie, pudiera morir mucho antes de lo
her young child on this earth without her. esperado. No hay nada que asuste más a una
What if the doctors are missing something madre soltera que pensar en dejar a su hijo
that could be treated if found promptly? pequeño en este mundo sin ella. ¿Y si a los
What if they find the cause but it can’t be médicos se les escapa algo que podría
treated? tratarse si se descubre pronto? ¿Y si
encuentran la causa pero no se puede tratar?
Or what if this is all in my head? What if the ¿Y si todo está en mi cabeza? ¿Y si la
person who can cure my physical symptoms is persona que puede curar mis síntomas
none other than the person I am sitting with físicos no es otra que la persona con la
right now, Wendell? que estoy sentada ahora mismo, Wendell?
“That’s quite a story,” Wendell says when I’m -Menuda historia,- dice Wendell cuando
done, shaking his head and blowing out some termino, sacudiendo la cabeza y echando un
air. poco de aire.
“You think it’s a story?” Et tu, Brute? -¿Crees que es un cuento?- ¿Tú también,
“I do,” Wendell says. “It’s a story about -Sí,- dice Wendell. -Es una historia sobre algo
something frightening that’s been happening aterrador que te ha estado ocurriendo en los
to you over the past couple of years. But it’s últimos dos años. Pero también es una
also a story about something else. ” historia sobre otra cosa.-
I anticipate what Wendell will say: It’s a story Anticipo lo que dirá Wendell: Es una historia
about avoidance. Everything I’ve told him sobre la evitación. Todo lo que le he contado
since coming to therapy has been about desde que vine a terapia ha sido sobre la
avoidance, and we both know that avoidance evitación, y ambos sabemos que la evitación
is almost always about fear. Avoidance of casi siempre tiene que ver con el miedo.
seeing the clues that Boyfriend and I had Evitar ver las pistas de que mi novio y yo
irreconcilable differences. Avoidance of teníamos diferencias irreconciliables. Evitar
writing the happiness book. Avoidance of escribir el libro de la felicidad. Evitar hablar
talking about not writing the happiness book. de no escribir el libro de la felicidad. Evitar
Avoidance of thinking about my parents pensar en que mis padres se hacen mayores.
getting older. Avoidance of the fact that my Evitar el hecho de que mi hijo está creciendo.
son is growing up. Avoidance of my Evitar mi misteriosa enfermedad. Recuerdo
mysterious illness. I remember something I algo que aprendí durante mis prácticas: "La
learned during my internship: “Avoidance is a evitación es una forma sencilla de afrontar las
simple way of coping by not having to cope.” cosas sin tener que afrontarlas".
“It’s a story about avoidance, isn’t it?” I say. -Es una historia sobre la evasión, ¿no?- le
“Well, in some ways, yes,” Wendell replies. -Bueno, en cierto modo, sí,- responde
“Though I was going to say uncertainty. It’s Wendell. -Aunque iba a decir incertidumbre.
also a story about uncertainty.” También es una historia sobre la

Of course, I think. Uncertainty. Por supuesto. Incertidumbre.

I’ve always thought about uncertainty in Siempre he pensado en la incertidumbre en
terms of my patients. Will John and Margo términos de mis pacientes. ¿Seguirán juntos
stay together? Will Charlotte stop drinking? John y Margo? ¿Dejará Charlotte de beber?
But now so much seems uncertain in my own Pero ahora muchas cosas parecen inciertas en
life. Will I be healthy again? Will I find the mi propia vida. ¿Volveré a estar sana?
right partner? Will my writing career go up in ¿Encontraré la pareja adecuada? ¿Arderá mi
flames? What will the next half of my life—if I carrera de escritora? ¿Cómo será la próxima
even have that long—look like? I’d once told mitad de mi vida, si es que la tengo? Una vez
Wendell that it was hard to walk around le dije a Wendell que era difícil caminar entre
those prison bars when I didn’t know where I los barrotes de la prisión cuando no sabía
was headed. I might be free, but which way hacia dónde me dirigía. Puede que sea libre,
should I go? pero ¿hacia dónde debo ir?
I remember a patient who had pulled into her Recuerdo a una paciente que había entrado
garage at the end of an ordinary workday and en su garaje al final de un día normal de
was greeted by an intruder with a gun. The trabajo y fue recibida por un intruso armado.
intruder’s accomplice, she would soon learn, Pronto se enteraría de que el cómplice del
was in the house with her children and their intruso estaba en la casa con sus hijos y su
babysitter. After a horrific ordeal, they were niñera. Tras un calvario espantoso, se
saved when a neighbour called the police. My salvaron cuando un vecino llamó a la policía.
patient told me that the worst thing about Mi paciente me dijo que lo peor del incidente
this incident was that it had shattered her era que había hecho añicos su engreída
smug sense of safety, however illusory it sensación de seguridad, por ilusoria que
might have been. fuera.
And yet, whether she realized it or not, she Y sin embargo, se diera cuenta o no, seguía
still held on to that illusion. aferrada a esa ilusión.
“Do you worry about pulling into your new -¿Te preocupa entrar en tu nuevo garaje?.-
garage?” I asked when the family, too pregunté cuando la familia, demasiado
traumatized to live at the scene of the crime, traumatizada para vivir en la escena del
had moved into a new home. crimen, se había mudado a una nueva casa.
“Of course not,” she said, as if it were an -Claro que no,- dijo ella, como si fuera
absurd question. “Like this would happen una pregunta absurda. -¿Como si esto
twice? What are the chances of that?” fuera a pasar dos veces? ¿Cuáles son las
probabilidades ?-
I tell Wendell this story and he nods. “How do Le cuento esta historia a Wendell y él asiente.
you make sense of her response?” he asks. -¿Qué sentido tiene su respuesta?,- pregunta.
Wendell and I rarely talk about my work as a Wendell y yo rara vez hablamos de mi trabajo
therapist, and now I feel self-conscious. como terapeuta, y ahora me siento cohibida.
Sometimes I wonder how Wendell would be A veces me pregunto cómo sería Wendell con
with my patients, what he would say to Rita mis pacientes, qué les diría a Rita o a John. La
or John. Therapy is a completely different terapia es una experiencia completamente
experience with a different therapist; no two distinta con un terapeuta diferente; no hay
are exactly the same. And because Wendell dos exactamente iguales. Y como Wendell
has been doing this much longer than I have, I lleva haciendo esto mucho más tiempo que
feel like the student to his teacher, Luke yo, me siento como el alumno ante su
Skywalker to his Yoda. maestro, Luke Skywalker ante su Yoda.

“I think we want the world to be rational, and -Creo que queremos que el mundo sea
it was her way of having control over how racional, y era su forma de tener control
uncertain life is,” I say. “Once you know a sobre lo incierta que es la vida,- digo. -
truth, you can’t unknow it, but at the same Una vez que conoces una verdad, no
time, to protect herself from that knowledge, puedes desconocerla, pero al mismo
she convinces herself she could never be tiempo, para protegerse de ese
assaulted again.” I pause. “Did I pass the conocimiento, se convence a sí misma de
test?” que nunca podría volver a ser agredida.-
Hago una pausa. -¿He pasado la prueba?-
Wendell starts to open his mouth but I know Wendell empieza a abrir la boca, pero sé
what he’s about to say: This isn’t a test. lo que va a decir: Esto no es un examen.
“Well,” I say, “was that what you were -Bueno,- le digo, -¿era eso lo que estabas
thinking? How would you make sense of her pensando? ¿Cómo darías sentido a su certeza
certainty in the face of uncertainty?” frente a la incertidumbre?-
“The way you did with her,” he says. “The -De la misma forma que lo hiciste con ella,-
same way I’d make sense of it with you.” dice. -De la misma forma que lo haría
Wendell goes through the concerns I’ve Wendell repasa las preocupaciones que le
brought to him: my breakup, my book, my he planteado: mi ruptura, mi libro, mi
health, my father’s health, my son’s rapid salud, la salud de mi padre, el rápido
ascent through childhood. The seemingly crecimiento de mi hijo en la infancia. Las
offhand observations I’d pepper our observaciones aparentemente
conversations with, like “I heard on the radio improvisadas con las que salpimentaba
that about half of today’s Americans weren’t nuestras conversaciones, como -¡He oído
alive in the 1970s!” Everything I talk about is en la radio que aproximadamente la mitad
shaded with uncertainty. How much longer de los estadounidenses de hoy no vivían
will I live, and what will happen in that time en los años setenta!.- Todo lo que hablo
before I die? How much control will I have está teñido de incertidumbre. ¿Cuánto
over any of it? But, Wendell says, like my tiempo viviré y qué ocurrirá en ese tiempo
patient, I’ve come up with my own way to antes de morir? ¿Cuánto control tendré
cope. If I screw up my life, I can engineer my sobre todo ello? Pero, dice Wendell, al
own death rather than have it happen to me. igual que mi paciente, he encontrado mi
It may not be what I want, but at least I’ll
propia manera de afrontarlo. Si arruino mi
choose it. Like cutting off my nose to spite my
vida, puedo diseñar mi propia muerte en
face, this is a way to say, Take that,
lugar de que me suceda a mí. Puede que
no sea lo que quiero, pero al menos lo
elegiré. Como cortarme la nariz para
fastidiarme la cara, es una forma de decir:
"Toma eso, incertidumbre".
I try to wrap my mind around this paradox: Intento comprender esta paradoja: el
self-sabotage as a form of control. If I screw autosabotaje como forma de control. Si
up my life, I can engineer my own death arruino mi vida, puedo diseñar mi propia
rather than have it happen to me. If I stay in a muerte en lugar de que me suceda a mí. Si
doomed relationship, if I mess up my career, me quedo en una relación condenada al
if I hide in fear instead of facing what’s wrong fracaso, si estropeo mi carrera, si me
with my body, I can create a living death—but escondo en el miedo en lugar de afrontar
one where I call the shots. lo que le pasa a mi cuerpo, puedo crear
una muerte en vida, pero en la que yo
tomo las decisiones.
Irvin Yalom, the scholar and psychiatrist, Irvin Yalom, académico y psiquiatra, solía
often talked about therapy as an existential hablar de la terapia como una experiencia
experience of self-understanding, which is existencial de autocomprensión, razón por la
why therapists tailor the treatment to the cual los terapeutas adaptan el tratamiento al
individual rather than to the problem. Two individuo y no al problema. Dos pacientes
patients might have the same problem—say, pueden tener el mismo problema -digamos,
they have trouble being vulnerable in les cuesta ser vulnerables en las relaciones-,
relationships—but the approach I take with pero el enfoque que adopte con ellos variará.
them will vary. The process is highly El proceso es muy idiosincrásico, porque no
idiosyncratic, because there’s no cookie- hay una manera única de ayudar a la gente a
cutter way to help people through what are superar lo que en el fondo son miedos
at the deepest level existential fears—or what existenciales, o lo que Yalom llamaba
Yalom called “ultimate concerns.” "preocupaciones últimas".
The four ultimate concerns are death, Las cuatro preocupaciones últimas son la
isolation, freedom and meaninglessness. muerte, el aislamiento, la libertad y el
Death, of course, is an instinctive fear that we sinsentido. La muerte, por supuesto, es un
often repress but that tends to increase as we miedo instintivo que a menudo
get older. What we fear isn’t just dying in the reprimimos pero que tiende a aumentar a
literal sense but in the sense of being medida que envejecemos. Lo que
extinguished, the loss of our very identities, tememos no es sólo morir en sentido
of our younger and more vibrant selves. How literal, sino extinguirnos, perder nuestra
do we defend against this fear? Sometimes propia identidad, nuestro yo más joven y
we refuse to grow up. Sometimes we self- vibrante. ¿Cómo nos defendemos de este
sabotage. And sometimes we flat-out deny miedo? A veces nos negamos a crecer. A
our impending deaths. But as Yalom wrote in veces nos autosaboteamos. Y a veces
Existential Psychotherapy, our awareness of negamos rotundamente nuestra muerte
death helps us live more fully—and with less, inminente. Pero, como escribió Yalom en
not more, anxiety. Psicoterapia existencial, ser conscientes
de la muerte nos ayuda a vivir más
plenamente y con menos ansiedad, no con

Julie, with the “wacky” risks she’s been Julie, con los riesgos "descabellados" que
taking, is a perfect example of this. I never ha estado tomando, es un ejemplo perfecto
paid attention to my own death until I de esto. Nunca presté atención a mi propia
embarked on the Medical Mystery Tour—and muerte hasta que me embarqué en el
even then, Boyfriend allowed me to distract Historial Médico Misterioso, e incluso
myself from my fears of extinction, both entonces, Novio me permitió abstraerme
professional and actual. But he also offered de mis temores de extinción, tanto
me an antidote to my fear of isolation, profesionales como reales. Pero también
another ultimate concern. There’s a reason me ofreció un antídoto contra mi miedo al
that solitary confinement makes prisoners aislamiento, otra preocupación
literally go crazy; they experience fundamental. Hay una razón por la que el
hallucinations, panic attacks, obsessional aislamiento solitario hace que los presos
behaviour, paranoia, despair, difficulty with se vuelvan literalmente locos;
focus, and suicidal ideation. When released, experimentan alucinaciones, ataques de
these people often struggle with social pánico, comportamientos obsesivos,
atrophy, which renders them unable to paranoia, desesperación, dificultad para
interact with others. (Perhaps this is simply a
concentrarse e ideación suicida. Cuando
more intense version of what happens with
salen en libertad, estas personas suelen
our increasing want, our loneliness, created
sufrir atrofia social, lo que les incapacita
by our speedy lifestyles.)
para relacionarse con los demás. (Quizá
esto no sea más que una versión más
intensa de lo que ocurre con nuestra
creciente carencia, nuestra soledad,
creada por nuestros acelerados estilos de
And then there’s the third ultimate concern: Y luego está la tercera preocupación última:
freedom, and all the existential difficulties la libertad, y todas las dificultades
that freedom poses for us. On the surface, it’s existenciales que la libertad nos plantea. A
almost laughable how much freedom I have primera vista, es casi irrisorio el grado de
—if, as Wendell pointed out, I’m willing to libertad que tengo, si, como señaló Wendell,
walk around those bars. But there’s also the estoy dispuesta a andar por esos bares. Pero
reality that as people get older, they face también está la realidad de que, a medida
more limitations. It becomes harder to que la gente envejece, se enfrenta a más
change careers or to move to a different city limitaciones. Es más difícil cambiar de
or marry a different person. Their lives are profesión, mudarse de ciudad o casarse con
more defined, and sometimes they crave the otra persona. Sus vidas están más definidas y
freedom of youth. But children, bound by a veces anhelan la libertad de la juventud.
parental rules, are really free only in one Pero los niños, sujetos a las normas de sus
respect—emotionally. For a while, at least, padres, sólo son libres en un aspecto: el
they can cry or laugh or have tantrums emocional. Al menos durante un tiempo,
unselfconsciously; they can have big dreams pueden llorar o reír o tener rabietas de forma
and unedited desires. Like many people my inconsciente; pueden tener grandes sueños y
age, I don’t feel free because I’ve lost touch deseos inéditos. Como mucha gente de mi
with that emotional freedom. And that’s what edad, no me siento libre porque he perdido el
I’m doing here in therapy—trying to free contacto con esa libertad emocional. Y eso es
myself emotionally again. lo que estoy haciendo aquí en la terapia:
intentar liberarme emocionalmente de

In a way, this midlife crisis may be more about En cierto modo, esta crisis de los cuarenta
opening up that shutting down, an expansion puede ser más una apertura que un cierre,
rather than a constriction, a rebirth rather una expansión más que una constricción,
than a death. I remember when Wendell said un renacimiento más que una muerte.
that I wanted to be saved. But Wendell isn’t Recuerdo cuando Wendell dijo que yo
here to save me or solve my problems as quería que me salvaran. Pero Wendell no
much as to guide me though my life as it is so está aquí para salvarme o resolver mis
that I can manage the certainty of uncertainty problemas, sino para guiarme a través de
without sabotaging myself along the way. mi vida tal y como es, para que pueda
gestionar la certeza de la incertidumbre
sin sabotearme a mí misma por el camino.
Uncertainty, I’m starting to realize, doesn’t Empiezo a darme cuenta de que la
mean the loss of hope—it means there’s incertidumbre no significa perder la
possibility. I don’t know what will happen esperanza, sino que existe la posibilidad.
next—how potentially exciting! I’m going to No sé qué va a pasar ahora, ¡qué
have to figure out how to make the most of emocionante! Voy a tener que averiguar
the life I have, illness or not, partner or not, cómo aprovechar al máximo la vida que
the march of time notwithstanding. tengo, con enfermedad o sin ella, con
pareja o sin ella, a pesar del paso del
Which is to say, I’m going to have to look Es decir, que voy a tener que examinar más
more closely at the fourth ultimate concern: detenidamente la cuarta preocupación
meaninglessness. última: el sinsentido.
72- Permission: getting the go-
A- Permitting and agreeing that something may happen: verbs
All these verbs are formal and many are typically found in newspapers.
verb meaning example
accede accept, but often associated with The factory owner acceded to the
initial unwillingness workers’ demands.
acquiesce permit something to happen, but The Foreign Minister acquiesced in
/ˌækwiˈes/ often associated with a degree of the plan to restrict imports from
secrecy or conspiracy certain countries.
assent agree to something, often associated The shareholders assented to the
with plans, proposals, ideas, etc. takeover.
authorise give official permission. Only authorised people are allowed
condone approve or allow something which The judge condoned the use of
most people consider to be wrong. reasonable force by police officers.
countenanc consider giving assent or permission, No government would ever
e often used in negative contexts countenance abolishing taxes
endorse give official approval to something The cabinet has endorsed a proposal
to change the way universities are

B- Permitting: phrasal expressions

The committee have been given carte blanche to investigate the problem and come up with a solution.
[/,kɑ:(r)t ‘blɑ:ntʃ/] complete freedom to do whatever they think necessary; formal]
The city has given the go-ahead for / given the green light to the new car park. [given permission for
the building to start; informal]

C- Prohibiting and disapproving: verbs

verb meaning example
bar officially exclude, forbid someone Three students were barred from
access to something using the library because they had
damaged books.
clamp down use your full power to prevent or The government has decided to
limit something clamp down on illegal immigration.
outlaw make something illegal Parliament has passed a bill
outlawing smoking while driving.
veto use your official power to forbid The president has vetoed the plan to
/ˈviːtəʊ/ open membership of the club to the
Common mistakes
Regardless is not an adjective but an adverb. It means in spite of something. It can be used on
its own: Her parents said she couldn’t go to the party but she went to it regardless.
Or it can be followed by a phrase with of: They built the extension to their house regardless of
the fact that they had not received formal planning permission.
72.1- Fill the gaps with a suitable verb which expresses the meaning in brackets. There may
be more than one possible answer.
1 The committee were in favour of the proposal, but the President ________ it. (used his/her
power to forbid it)

2 I would never ________ the use of capital punishment, no matter how serious the crime.
(approve or refuse to condemn)

3 The newspaper revealed that the Prime Minister had ________ in the secret decision to sell
arms to the dictator. (agreed to it, without openly admitting it)

4 The new bill going through Parliament will ________ the use of unlicensed drugs by doctors.
(make illegal)

5 The manager has ________ the wearing of casual clothes to work on Friday. (used their
official power to permit)

6 She has been ________ from lectures because she disrupted one last term. (forbidden to

7 The President finally had to ________ to demands for his resignation. (agree after being
initially unwilling)

8 The police have announced that they are to begin to ________ on motorists who exceed the
speed limit. (take serious action to reduce the number of)

72.2- Find and correct the preposition errors in these sentences.

1 Alex parked his car outside the shop regardless the No Parking sign.

2 The Minister said he would never accede for the union’s demands.

3 It’s time the police clamped down to cyclists going through red lights.

4 The President has assented at the latest world environment plan.

5 The Minister is likely to acquiesce with the proposal.

6 The college principal has given the green light on the students’ proposal for an end-of-term

7 The company has been given the go-ahead at a new factory in the city.

8 The inspector had carte blanche for investigate every aspect of the business.
72.3- Look at these headlines containing
2 Railway franchise extended for five years

a) b) c) d)
The company will be The hope is that …at present, chips …anyone displaying
allowed to run firms will benefit and processors must threatening
services for the from less severe be home-produced behaviour will be
additional period, competition in or else… liable to immediate
provided all domestic markets if arrest…
conditions… imports are subject

1- 2- 3- 4-

You will hear three different extracts. For questions 1-6, choose the answer (A, B, or C) which
fits best according to what you hear. There are two questions for each extract.
Extract One
You hear of an interview with the editor of a book about pop music.

1- He says the public often wrongly assumes that

A) large numbers of people work on the book.
B) their queries can be answered very quickly.
C) the book is actually compiled by non-experts.

2- How does he feel about most of the complaints he receives?

A) He’s irritated when they focus on unimportant details.
B) He’s pleased that people take the book so seriously.
C) He’s not particularly interested in them.

Extract Two
You hear part of a radio programme about a photographic competition.

3- What is the presenter doing?

A) announcing a new theme for the competition
B) encouraging listeners to enter the competition
C) explaining how the competition is being judged

4- What do we learn about last week’s winner?

A) He selected the location of the shot in advance.
B) He got his subjects to pose for the shot.
C) He only got one shot of this subject.

Extract Three
You hear part of a discussion about playing games.

5- What does the man say about his family?

A) participation in group activities is optional.
B) time spent together is regarded as optional.
C) children may choose how to spend their free time.

6- He says that when asked to give a performance, some of his relations feel
A) amused at the idea.
B) reluctant to join in.
C) honoured to be asked.

5- B
6- B
Part 2
You will hear part of a talk about a type of bird called a crane.
For questions 7-14, complete the sentences with a word or shot phrase.
In parts of Asia, the crane is thought to represent both (7) ________and________.
The total population of the blue crane stands at around (8) ________ individuals.
The crane’s usual habitat is in areas of (9) ________, which are getting scarcer in Africa.
Both small animals and (10) ________ are given as examples of what cranes eat.
Cranes often collide with the (11) ________ that are now found across southern Africa.
Crane conservation in South Africa is coordinated by an organisation called (12) ________.
In one conservation scheme, local women both (13) ________ and________ the cranes when
looking after young chicks.
Cranes movements are also being tracked through the use of tiny (14) ________ linked to

Answer Key: 1 A 2 B 3 B 4 C 5 B 6 B 7. peace/ happiness (in either order) 8. 21,000/ twenty-one
thousand 9. wetlands 10. (fallen) grain 11. power(-)lines 12. Endangered Wildlife Trust 13.
behave/ dress (up) (in either order) 14. transmitters 15 B 16 C 17 A 18 D 19 D 20 C 21 D 22 C 23
F 24 A 25 B 26 G 27 C 28 E 29 A 30 H
AI extinction level threats, the study by experts. This is Breaking News English Dot Com. A
report commission by the US State Department has warned that the existential threat from
Artificial Intelligence. The Report posited a worst case scenario: extinction level-threat to
humanity. The authors identified a growing risk to National Security, post by rapidly expanding
AI capabilities, from weaponisation and loss of control. The report added that there is a clear
and urgent need for the US Government to intervene quickly and deciseably. It continued, the
rise of advanced AI has the potential to distabilise Global Security, in ways reminiscent of the
introduction of Nuclear Weapons. The report calls for a New Federal Agency, to regulate
companies developing AI tools, and to limit the growth of AI. The 247-page report was
commissioned by the State Department in November 2022. It was written by a company that
provides technical briefings and guidance on AI. The Authors spoke extensively to experts at AI
companies, like Open AI, Google Deep Mind and Meta. The authors recommended setting an
upper limit on how much computing power an AI model could have. They also recommended
making it a criminal offence to Open Source or reveal the coding behind more powerful AI
models. The future is in dot website stated, over half of the AI researchers surveyed, said
there’s a five per cent chance that humans will be driven to extinction among other extremely
bad outcomes. Thank you for listening to Breaking News English Dot Com.
"The whole nine yards" - Meaning to give everything or go all out.
"Two cents" - Offering one's opinion or viewpoint.
"On cloud nine" - Being extremely happy or euphoric.
"Six of one, half a dozen of the other" - Expressing that two alternatives are essentially
the same.
"Behind the eight ball" - Being in a difficult or disadvantageous situation.
"Third time's a charm" - Suggesting that success is more likely on the third attempt.
"Five-finger discount" - Referring to theft or shoplifting.
"The eleventh hour" - Describing a situation where something happens at the last
possible moment.
"Counting chickens before they hatch" - Making plans based on something that has not
yet happened.
"Twenty-four seven" - Meaning something is happening all the time, without

Cuando se trata de preparar el acto benéfico anual, Sarah se esfuerza al máximo,

organizando eventos para recaudar fondos, buscando patrocinadores y reuniendo

Dirigir con éxito un negocio en línea exige estar disponible las 24horas del día

Voy a dar mi opinión al respecto y luego dejaré que tú decidas qué hacer a

Tras recibir la buena noticia de su ascenso, Lisa se sintió muy feliz.

Con una deuda cada vez mayor y sin perspectivas de trabajo, Tom se encontró en la
cuerda floja y sin saber cómo cambiar las cosas.

Tras dos intentos fallidos, Sarah decidió volver a intentar la presentación, con la
esperanza de que a la tercera fuera la vencida.

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