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• El IELTS (International English Language

Testing System) es el examen internacional
de inglés más utilizado y reconocido en el

• El próximo año IELTS celebra 30 años de

estar brindando oportunidades a la comuni-
dad educativa a nivel global.

• Con un máximo de 2 horas 55 minutos, el

IELTS es el único examen que garantiza una
evaluación más justa de sus habilidades en
un tiempo razonable.

• El IELTS es un examen confiable y muy

seguro, que cumple con todos los estándares
de calidad en su diseño y administración.


Las universidades de Colombia se enfrentan a retos do. Además, gracias a su enfoque en redacción y
importantes en la búsqueda de la excelencia para estar comprensión de textos, el IELTS ofrece técnicas
a la vanguardia en la educación superior. Los rankings importantes para la vida académica. El examen es
internacionales son cada vez más competitivos y un ele- copropiedad del British Council, Cambridge Assess-
mento clave es el perfil bilingüe de la institución. ment English e IDP, y es un examen que evalúa las
habilidades comunicativas para estudiar, trabajar y
En este contexto es crítico tener metas lingüísticas
desenvolverse en situaciones cotidianas.
coherentes, alcanzables y alineadas con estándares
internacionales, además de un sistema de evaluación EL TIEMPO, en alianza con el British Council, se
completo y confiable. De acuerdo con lo anterior, las uni- complace en presentar este coleccionable de 20
versidades necesitan demostrar el desarrollo del nivel del salidas que ofrece a los estudiantes universitarios y a
bilingüismo, siendo esta la razón por la cual cada vez más todos los candidatos a presentar el examen, un com-
instituciones educativas adoptan el examen IELTS como plemento perfecto de preparación para el IELTS.
la prueba con mayor reconocimiento global y garantía de
precisión en resultados y seguridad.
En Colombia, las mejores universidades reconocen •IELTS Listening: Task 1
el IELTS como prueba válida para el requisito de gra- •Reading, Writing and Speaking

Más información en

OCTUBRE SALIDA Reading passage 1 OCTUBRE SALIDA Writing tasks NOVIEMBRE SALIDA Listenig, writing, NOVIEMBRE SALIDA Speaking, writing, NOVIEMBRE SALIDA Reading, writing, NOVIEMBRE SALIDA Listening task,
writing, listening listening, reading speaking and listening and speaking and reading, writing
JUEVES and speaking MARTES and speaking JUEVES reading MARTES reading JUEVES listening MARTES and speaking

The IELTS Listening This is a sample of the listening section 1. You will
The IELTS Listening test is designed to assess a test is broken down
practise form completion and short answer will help you experience the
wide range of listening skills, including how well you: into four sections:
tasks. Other task types are possible in this section types of tasks you will be
• Understand main ideas and specific factual SECTION
of the test. asked during the test session
information. W W W. B I T. LY / 2 QX H E M S
of the academic IELTS version.
You listen to a conver- Use this material to carry out
• Recognise the opinions, attitudes and purpose sation between two
timed exercises and develop
of a speaker. people set in an every-

• Follow the development of an argument.

day social situation, e.g.
a conversation in an
Questions 1–6 Questions 7–10 REMEMBER: your test technique. Find the
answers to the questions,
accommodation agency, • This is the first section and also
the easiest. You should be able to model responses and
QUESTIONS and answer questions
Complete the form below. Answer the questions below. get a high score on this section – complementary material on
There are 40 questions. A variety of question types is on your comprehension.
it is important to be relaxed and
used, and you may be asked to: Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS AND/OR A Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER
calm so that you don’t miss any
• Answer multiple choice questions.
NUMBER for each answer. for each answer. answers. Practise some deep brea- examen/ielts
• Label a plan, map or diagram. thing or other relaxation exercises
• Fill in a form. that you can use on exam day to
• Complete a table. You listen to a monolo- help you settle quickly.
• Complete a flow-chart. gue set in an everyday How many items may a visitor member borrow at one • Listen to the introduction (which
• Give short answers. social situation, e.g. a time? sets the scene) and use the time
speech about local faci- Example
given to look at the first set of
MARKING lities or a talk about the
questions. You are then less likely
Each correct answer receives one mark. arrangements for meals
Purpose of visit: Exchange to miss an answer.
Scores out of 40 are converted to the IELTS 9-band during a conference.
scale. Scores are reported in whole and half bands. How long is the loan period for a “hot book”?. • It is important to keep up with
the recording. If you do miss an
AUDIO RECORDING SECTION Family name: Sunderland El IELTS me dio la
answer, don’t stop, move on to the
• You will hear a variety of accents e.g. British, Ameri- next question. Later you can guess confianza para aplicar
can, Australian.
You listen to a con- First name: ………………...........................
an answer for the missed one. a mi universidad.
• Answer the questions as you listen because the versation between How much is the deposit to borrow a laptop to use in the • Part-way through section 1, time Adriana Uribe
recording is played once only. up to four people set
library?. will be given for you to look at the
• Some time is allowed during the recording to preview in an educational or Nationality: ………………........................... next set of questions.
the questions. training context, e.g. a
• Answers are in the same order as the information on university tutor and a • At the end of section 1, you
Address: ……………….. Road, Winton
student discussing an
will be given time to check your
the recording.
assignment, or a group Name ONE method of renewing items on loan. answers. Use this time wisely –
of students planning a check spelling, words that may
You are allowed an extra Proof of address: ………………........................... Once you have completed the
research project. need final ‘s’, and make guesses if
10 minutes to transfer your exercise, check your answers on
answers from your question you have to. There is no penalty
MINUTOS for a wrong answer.
booklet to your answer sheet. SECTION
Telephone number: 0405 492 451

Date of proposed departure: ………………..........................

You listen to a mono-
LEARN logue on an academic
MORE subject, e.g. a university Passport number: ………………...........................
EL MATERIAL aportado por el BRITISH COUNCIL es de carácter formativo y pedagógico y, por lo tanto, no corresponde a las preguntas que
se formularán en el examen. Los autores y editores no se hacen responsables por los resultados obtenidos en el mismo. Todos los derechos
lecture. reservados. Prohibida su reproducción total o parcial. ©BRITISH COUNCIL / Casa Editorial EL TIEMPO 2018.
For both modules: Illegible handwriting counts
• A mark is given for each as a wrong answer. LA NUEVA FORMA
correct answer. DE PRESENTAR IELTS
• Answer the questions as
• Spelling is important. A you read and transfer to the En el 2019 tendrás la opción
spelling mistake counts as answer sheet immediately. de tomar el examen en un
a wrong answer.
• IELTS accepts both Ame- computador.La prueba oral
• Grammar is important: rican and British English mantiene su formato de
e.g. writing a singular spelling but be consistent. entrevista cara a cara, que es
instead of a plural noun la manera que más favorece
counts as a wrong answer. • A hyphenated word (e.g. al candidato.
absent-minded, flow-chart)
• Write answers clearly. counts as one word.


Make the most of your
Writing test:
• Analyse each task properly and spend some time ma-
king notes.

• Highlight or underline key words in the tasks to make

sure that you focus on what you have to do.

• Plan your answers.

• Use paragraphs clearly; put one idea in each paragraph. CURSO DE Prepárate para
• Do not repeat ideas using different words.

• Do not copy whole sentences from the question – you

EN LÍNEA un excelente
will receive no marks for this.
puntaje en IELTS
• Keep to the topic; do not write about unrelated subjects.


Make the most of your

Speaking test:

• Try to talk as much as • Develop your answers.

you can.
• Speak more than the
• Talk as fluently as possi- examiner.
ble and be spontaneous.
• Ask for clarification if ¿Tienes preguntas? Contáctanos:
• Relax, be confident and necessary. ¿Quieres IELTS para tu institución? Contacto: Andrés Giraldo Medellín: Gerente de Red de Exámenes
enjoy using your English. Colombia, Ecuador y Panamá.

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