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GUÍA 1: I write, read and talk about my self. (Escribo, leo y hablo sobre mí)

Affirmative sentences (Oraciones afirmativas):

Las oraciones afirmativas en inglés son aquellas que se utilizan para afirmar un
hecho o situación. En el caso del inglés, es igual que en español, trabajando con la
misma estructura:

Sujeto + Verbo + Predicado

Algunos ejemplos:

• My dog is black. Mi perro es negro.

• She is 7 years old. Ella tiene 7 años.
• You have a big apartment. Tienes un departamento grande.

Negative sentences (Oraciones negativas)

En el caso de las oraciones negativas en inglés, se usan para informar de algo
incorrecto o expresar negaciones en supuestos, hechos y situaciones. Tiene la misma
estructura que una oración afirmativa en inglés, con la diferencia que el verbo se
acompaña de su auxiliar y el not (la negación).

Sujeto + auxiliar + not + verbo + predicado

Veamos su aplicación:

• I don’t want hotcakes from breakfast. Yo no quiero panqueques para

• Will we not buy any tickets tonight? ¿No compraremos entradas esta
Un par de reglas que debemos tener en cuenta a la hora de las oraciones negativas en
inglés son:

• Los auxiliares de los verbos (do, be, have), en este caso estamos
usando do que es presente y did para pasado. Van antes del verbo
• Las contracciones de DO+NOT, que son comunes: don’t, y DID+NOT:


1. Utilizando el diccionario y los esquemas de las oraciones afirmativas y

negativas, escribo un texto en inglés sobre mi presentación personal: Cómo
me llamo, dónde vivo, qué me gusta, que no me gusta, con quién vivo, etc. El
texto debe de ser de toda una página.

2. Luego de haber realizado el escrito sobre ti mismo, trata de empezar a leerlo

y pronunciarlo correctamente.

3. Léelo en voz alta con tus compañeros y docente. (Reading)

4. Para la próxima clase deberás mejorar la pronunciación del texto con las
sugerencias hechas por tu maestro y nuevamente lo dirás, pero ya de
memoria. (Speacking)

GUÍA 2: Reading Comprehension (Comprensión lectora)

Whether it's literature, science, social studies, or mathematics, students are required
to read and comprehend textbooks, articles, instructions, and exam questions. Strong
reading comprehension skills enable students to grasp the content, extract relevant
information, and answer questions accurately. (Traduce el mensaje)
Read the text and answer the questions:


Jacob takes the ladder and leans it against the tree. He starts to climb up and tries not
to look down. He cannot believe he is doing this. His neighbor’s cat climbed up the
tree in front of the house and cannot climb down. Now normally, Jacob would not
offer to rescue a cat in a tree. He is afraid of heights, ladders and cats. But his
neighbor, Anita, is gorgeous and rescuing her cat would be the perfect way to be a
hero and get her attention.

He is almost there. The ladder begins to shake and he looks down and realizes how
high he is. He looks at his beautiful neighbor and decides that it is not worth it. He
screams loudly “HELP!!! I’M FALLING!!!” The cat suddenly jumps from the tree
onto his head. They both fall to the ground and the cat runs to her owner. Anita runs
to Jacob, who is lying on the ground.

“Thank you so much”, she says. “That was very heroic! I hope you are not hurt.”

“It was nothing”, he whispers. “By the way, if it’s not too much trouble, would you
be so kind as to call me an ambulance?”

A) Make a summary of the text and copy the unknown words and traslate

B) Read the text and answer the questions:

1. What is Jacob doing and why?

2. Why does Jacob offer to rescue the cat even though he is afraid?

3. Why does he fall off the ladder?

4. Do you think Jacob is hurt at the end? Why?

5. Do you think he has a chance of going out whit Anita? Why?

GUÍA 3: Dialogue with Friends (Diálogo con amigos)

Con un compañero copia y traduce el siguiente diálogo en el cuaderno. Luego asigna

quién será “David” y quién será el familiar de él, Alex. Cuando lo tengas listo y
aprendido acércate al profesor y realiza el diálogo frente tus compañeros.

David has a video call with a new language partner to practice the language a
little bit before his trip.

– Alex: Hi, David, it’s nice to meet you!

– David: Hi, Alex, nice to meet you, too! I do not speak English very well, but I’m

– Alex: No problem. I’m here to help you. How old are you?

– David: I’m 30.

– Alex: Where do you live?

– David: I live in New York.

– Alex: Awesome! It’s always been my dream to visit your city. I want to learn
more about it.

– David: It’s a very exciting place with a lot of things to see and do.

– Alex: That sounds awesome. I definitely want to go there.

– David: First I want to become fluent.

– Alex: I’m sure you will, don’t worry. What do you do?

– David: I’m a history student. What about you? What do you do for a living?

– Alex: I teach math at school.

– David: Oh, that’s very cool. Listen, I have to go.

– Alex: Let’s talk again soon, OK?

– David: Sure. Talk to you later.

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