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11/11/23, 23:46 PMI Módulo 3: revisión de intentos

Página Principal / Mis cursos / PMISep-202320 / 3. Marcos teóricos y metodologías ágiles / PMI Módulo 3

Comenzado el lunes, 30 de octubre de 2023, 18:07

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Finalizado en sábado, 11 de noviembre de 2023, 23:45
Tiempo 12 días 5 horas
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Pregunta 1
Finalizado Puntúa 1,00 sobre 1,00

In an agile project, who is in charge of learning the needs and expectations of the client?

a. The sponsor

b. The product owner

c. The development team members

d. The team facilitator

The product owner is in charge of learning the needs and expectations from the client in agile projects. This individual is responsible for the
business orientation of the product, and so they meet with clients and possible product users to identify their requirements. They will also meet
periodically with the development team to make sure that the work is in line with the requirements. The product owner defines the backlog of
work to be done by the production team and is in charge of prioritizing and organizing the elements of this list.

The development team members are not in charge of learning the needs and expectations of the client in agile projects. This team specifies
how they are going to carry out the work defined by the product owner and does the work.

The team facilitator is not in charge of learning the needs and expectations of the client in agile projects. The team facilitator serves the whole
team, including the product owner and the development team members, by organizing meetings, promoting the development team's self-
organization, helping the team to make sure that the work responds to the requirements, and eliminating any impediments that might block

The sponsor is not in charge of learning the needs and expectations of the client in agile projects. The sponsor is usually associated with
traditional projects, not agile ones, and their role is to provide high-level support to the project. This means tasks like analyzing viability studies
and authorizing the project if it provides sufficient business value.


Agile Practice Guide, 2017, PMI, Chapter 4.3.2

La respuesta correcta es:

The product owner 1/20
11/11/23, 23:46 PMI Módulo 3: revisión de intentos

Pregunta 2
Finalizado Puntúa 0,00 sobre 1,00

In a project that is managed with an agile approach, at what point does the client define the requirements of
the deliverables?

a. All requirements must be defined at the beginning of the project

b. The requeriments are not usually defined by the client

c. The requeriments are defined at the end of the project

d. The requeriments are defined throughtout the project

In a project that is managed with an agile approach, the client defines the requirements of the deliverables throughout the project. The client
defines the requirements based on the feedback obtained from previous iterations. In a changing environment, the client specifies the
characteristics of the final product iteration by iteration. The client works with the deliverables and feedback they receive to specify the
requirements of the next deliverables. For example, if the project is to make a website and parts of it have been delivered, new ideas may arise
for the parts that are still pending.

In a project that is managed with an agile approach, the client does not define the requirements of the deliverables at the beginning of the
project because they do not know the final deliverable they want to obtain. In addition, the environment in which they operate is very
changeable, so it is better to go little by little when specifying the requirements.

In a project that is managed with an agile approach, the client does not define the requirements of the deliverables at the end of the project.
The team always works based on specific requirements, which means that if all the requirements are clear from the beginning, they face a
predictive project approach, and if the requirements are more difficult to obtain or are less clear, they would have to work in short cycles. They
would therefore be managing the project with an agile approach.

In a project that is managed with an agile approach, the client must always define the requirements or approve them, and they always have the
last word on what they want to obtain. It is the client who has the need or the problem that must be solved with the project that is being
developed, and so their opinion is essential.

In general, projects with predictive approaches would be used when all the requirements are known at the beginning of the project, and when
costs of introducing changes when the project is underway are substantial. Agile approaches would be used when the deliverable
requirements are not known at first, or are volatile, but the cost of changes is not high.


PMBOK Guide, v6, PMI. Chapter 5

La respuesta correcta es:

The requeriments are defined throughtout the project 2/20
11/11/23, 23:46 PMI Módulo 3: revisión de intentos

Pregunta 3
Finalizado Puntúa 0,00 sobre 1,00

Which of the four approaches to project management is the most suitable when there is a high degree of
change and product delivery frequency is low?

a. Iterative

b. Predictive

c. Incremental

d. Agile


When there is a high degree of change and product delivery frequency is low, the most appropriate project management approach is the
iterative approach. This approach allows you to continue performing iterations, even if products that bring value for the user or customer are
obtained at the end of the process. An example of an iterative approach is the development of a vaccine. To achieve this, you must carry out
iterations and tests, and with the result of each iteration you draw conclusions to improve the product. However, during these intermediate
steps, the product is of little use.Only on concluding the process, can the product be delivered to the customer or user. Working through
iterations means working with work cycles of between two and six weeks during which time the team performs the agreed stories and
deliverables. At the end of the iteration, the client validates the deliverables carried out and agrees to when the next iteration or work cycle will
begin.When there is a high degree of change and product delivery frequency is low, a predictive approach is not appropriate. Predictive
approaches are suitable when the degree of change is low and the frequency of delivery is also low. This is the case with construction projects,
where you must plan well to avoid changes, because such changes are expensive to implement. Also the product is only of value at the end of
the project, that is, when the building is finished.When there is a high degree of change and product delivery frequency is low, agile approaches
are not suitable. Agile approaches are useful when the degree of change is high and the frequency of delivery is high. An example of this is
software development, where you can frequently deliver part of the final product and put it into operation immediately.When there is a high
degree of change and product delivery frequency is low, an incremental approach is not appropriate. Incremental approaches are suitable
when there is a low degree of change and the frequency of product delivery is high. An example of this would be a development of 500 homes,
where you carry out delivery phases to build them in groups of 50. The requirements are known at the beginning and the changes will be
minimal and only include those essential to improve the process. The advantage of this approach is that you do not have to wait until the end of
the project to add value for the customer.

References: Agile Practice Guide, 2017, PMI. Chapter 3.1

La respuesta correcta es:
Iterative 3/20
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Pregunta 4
Finalizado Puntúa 1,00 sobre 1,00

Which two are part of the four Agile Manifesto values? (Choose 2.)

a. Continuous attention to technical excellence and good design enhances agility.

b. Our highest priority is to satisfy the customer through early and continuous delivery of valuable software.

c. Individuals and interaction over processes and tools.

d. Working software over comprehensive documentation.


Individuals and interaction come before processes and tools, and software that works comes before complete documentation are two of the
values of the Agile Manifesto.In agile methods, individuals and interactions before processes and tools means that knowledge is in the people,
and therefore interaction between team members must be facilitated. On the other hand, in predictive methods, knowledge or know-how is in
the process.Software that works before full documentation is based on delivering products with value, where the measure of progress is in the
finished product, not a product that is almost finished. It's Useless to create a lot of documentation if the product obtained does not meet the
agreed requirements.Continuous attention to technical excellence and good design enhances agility is not a value of the Agile Manifesto, but
instead it is one of the 12 principles on which the Agile Manifesto is based and developed. This principle means that it is important to have the
best people on the team and choose the best techniques to carry out the work in order to get things right the first time. This will avoid doing
rework.Our highest priority is to satisfy the customer through early and continuous delivery of valuable software is not a value of the Agile
Manifesto, but one of the 12 principles on which the AgileManifesto is based and developed. This value means that if you deliver a valuable
product to the customer on a frequent basis, you will get feedback from him sooner, which will allow you to better understand his opinion about
the product and continue to improve it.

References Agile Practice Guide, 2017, PMI. Chapter 2.2

Las respuestas correctas son:

Working software over comprehensive documentation.,

Individuals and interaction over processes and tools. 4/20
11/11/23, 23:46 PMI Módulo 3: revisión de intentos

Pregunta 5
Finalizado Puntúa 1,00 sobre 1,00

Which of the following characteristics is not typical of an agile team?

a. Dedicated people

b. Stable working environment

c. Made up of only specialists

d. Multidisciplinary members


The characteristic that is not typical of an agile team is that it is made up only of specialists.Agile teams are made up of mixed specialists and
generalists. Specialists provide specific knowledge, while generalists provide flexibility on who does what, so that all work is completed. For
Example, a specialist would be a developer who is an expert in a specific programming language, and who is the person that does that work in
all the company's projects. On the other hand, ageneralist would be a programmer who has a working knowledge of several programming
languages. This developer could do more basic, general jobs with each of them, but he would not know how to complete more difficult,
complex tasks with those languages.Dedication is a typical characteristic of agile teams. Dedicated team members help to improve
concentration and productivity. Agile teams typically have a maximum of 10 people.A multidisciplinary team is a characteristic of agile teams.
Being multidisciplinary helps the team integrate all activities that must be carried out in order to deliver the finished product. Multidisciplinary
team is one that is made up of professionals with different knowledge, who complement each other to achieve the expected result.A stable
work environment characteristic is typical of agile teams because it facilitates relationships and communication between team members,
minimizing the time wasted by unnecessary interruptions.

References: Agile Practice Guide, 2017, PMI. Chapter 4.3

La respuesta correcta es:

Made up of only specialists 5/20
11/11/23, 23:46 PMI Módulo 3: revisión de intentos

Pregunta 6
Finalizado Puntúa 1,00 sobre 1,00

Which three statements belong to the 12 principles of the Agile Manifesto? (Choose 3.)

a. Customer satisfaction by rapid delivery of useful software

b. Responding to change over following a plan

c. Continuous attention to technical excellence and good design

d. Working software is the principal measure of progress

e. Individuals and interactions over processes and tools


The three principles that belong to the Agile Manifesto are:

1. Customer satisfaction by rapid delivery of useful software

2. Working software is the principal measure of progress

3. Continuous attention to technical excellence and good design.

Customer satisfaction by rapid delivery of useful software is one of the 12 principles of the Agile Manifesto. It indicates that you should work on
products that add value to the customer, providing deliverables that are useful. These deliverables must be carried out as quickly as possible.
This is so that customer feedback can be obtained, and you can know if the developed product meets the requirements set.Working software is
the principal measure of progress is one of the 12 principles of the Agile Manifesto. It indicates that only when the product is finished and
validated by the client can the project be considered to have advanced. Even if you have worked long hours, if the product does not work when
it is shown to the customer, there will be no progress.Continuous attention to technical excellence and good design is one of the 12 principles of
the Agile Manifesto. It indicates that the best way to add value and avoid wasting time is to train the team with the best professionals and apply
the best available techniques during the development of the agile project.

Individuals and interactions over processes and tools is not one of the 12 principles of the Agile Manifesto. This is one of the four values of the
Agile Manifesto. It indicates that since environments change, it is better to have good professionals and encourage their interaction so that they
adapt better to change than to use processes and tools that are slower and more bureaucratic.Although processes and tools are necessary,
people and iterations are more important.Responding to change over following a plan is not one of the 12 principles of the Agile Manifesto. This
is one of the four values of the Agile Manifesto. It indicates that it is more important to react quickly to change and adapt quickly to new
circumstances than to be bureaucratic and slow in reaction.ReferencesAgile Practice Guide, 2017, PMI. Chapter 2.2

Las respuestas correctas son:

Continuous attention to technical excellence and good design,
Working software is the principal measure of progress,

Customer satisfaction by rapid delivery of useful software 6/20
11/11/23, 23:46 PMI Módulo 3: revisión de intentos

Pregunta 7
Finalizado Puntúa 1,00 sobre 1,00

Which agile tool is ordered by stories and shows only the pending tasks of a team?

a. Iteration backlog

b. Work breakdown structure (WBS)

c. Increment

d. Product backlog


The product backlog is the agile tool that shows only the pending work of a team and is ordered by stories. The product backlog is divided into
stories based on the needs of the client that the project must resolve. The stories must define and specify the requirements of each element in
the backlog, ordering them based on importance or priority. The product backlog is always open,which means new stories can emerge at any
time and can be added to the stack. In the product backlog of a project designing a website, you could have the following stories: home page,
payment gateway, product catalog, and customer contact page.The iteration backlog is the set of tasks or activities that team members must
perform to get the story or stories they are going to develop in a sprint. Each of these tasks must have at least one description, including the
person responsible for performing it, and an estimate of the effort required to carry it out.Increment is the result of each iteration or sprint.
During the iteration, the team elaborates the story or stories that it agreed to elaborate. In the planning meeting, the stories are broken down
into tasks, and each team member works on them. At the end of the iteration, the story must meet the requirements. This result is called an
increment.The work breakdown structure (WBS) is the tool that shows all the deliverables that need to be done in predictive, not agile,
approaches. Unlike the product backlog, which is continually refined as the project progresses, the WBS is known from the beginning in a
predictive project, and the changes it undergoes are usually minimal.

References: Agile Practice Guide, 2017, PMI. Chapter 5.2

La respuesta correcta es:

Product backlog 7/20
11/11/23, 23:46 PMI Módulo 3: revisión de intentos

Pregunta 8
Finalizado Puntúa 0,67 sobre 1,00

Which three techniques can be used to bring the principles of agile methodology to an entire company or
organization? (Choose 3.)

a. LeSS

b. Kanban

c. SAFe

d. Scrum of Scrums

e. Functional organization chart

The tools that can be used to bring the principles of the agile methodology to an entire company or organization are: Scrum of Scrums, Scaled
Agile Framework (SAFe®), and Large Scale Scrum (LeSS). Transferring the way an agile team works to the entire company is called scaling. One
of the objectives when scaling agile principles to the entire organization is to provide the organization with tools that allow it to adapt quickly to
changes in its environment.

Scrum of Scrums is a technique used when two or more Scrum teams that work in parallel sharing the same product stack from the same
project need to coordinate their work. A representative from each team attends a meeting with the other team representatives two or three
times a week. The meeting is conducted in a similar way to the daily stand up meetings in Scrum, where the representative reports on the work
completed, the next set of work, any current impediments, and possible future impediments that could block the other teams. The goal is to
ensure that teams coordinate work and remove impediments in order to optimize the efficiency of all teams.

Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe®) focuses on providing a knowledge base to scale work agilely across all levels of the company. It is primarily
based on having an economic vision, applying the same way of thinking to the entire organization, and building incrementally with fast and
integrated learning cycles.

Large Scale Scrum (LeSS) is a framework for organizing multiple development teams towards a common goal that extends the Scrum method
The basic organizing principle is to retain as far as possible the elements of the conventional single-team Scrum model. Several teams work in
parallel sharing the same product stack.

A functional organization chart is not a technique that can be used to bring the principles of agile methodology to an entire company. The
organization chart of a company indicates the distribution of personnel by departments, such as the technical department, commercial
department, financial department, etc. This type of functional organization organizes people into tight departments or organizational silos,
which prevents the implementation of various agile principles, such as favoring direct communication or the exclusive dedication of team
members to the project.

Kanban is a technique used to control the flow of operations or work in a process. It is not a technique to scale agile management to the entire
organization. It is often applied in the management of repetitive operations and jobs, such as industrial or manufacturing environments.


Agile Practice Guide, 2017, PMI, Annex 3

Las respuestas correctas son:

Scrum of Scrums,

LeSS 8/20
11/11/23, 23:46 PMI Módulo 3: revisión de intentos

Pregunta 9
Finalizado Puntúa 0,67 sobre 1,00

In an agile project, what three elements should be indicated in the team's tasks during an iteration? (Choose

a. Effort

b. Person in charge

c. Iteration end date

d. Description of the task

e. Amount charged

The elements that should be indicated in the team's tasks during an iteration are effort, person in charge, and description of the task.

Effort is measured in points. Points can be actual hours of work, lines of code required to perform a function, etc. The sum of the effort of the
tasks assigned must be balanced among all team members. The effort of all tasks assigned to each team member must be reasonable and
achievable during the iteration. Effort must be distributed proportionally and equally among the team members.

The person in charge is the person in charge of doing the task or ensuring it is done. Their mission is to complete the task inside the estimated
effort, and if a completion date has been indicated, ensure it is completed by the agreed date. They are the person in charge of reporting the
progress of the task during the daily meeting and updating its status on the board when necessary.

The task must include at least a brief description of the work to be done. During the planning meeting, the team breaks the work down into tasks
and describes them in enough detail for them to be understood by all team members. The clearer the task is described, the less margin for erro
there will be when estimating the effort required to perform it. For example, the task could be described as Programming the Web Payment
Gateway, but it would be better described as Programming the Web Payment Gateway using the WooCommerce application. This option gives
more information to estimate the effort, since specifying the application to be used helps the team to understand how difficult it will be to do
the job.
The completion date of the iteration should not be indicated in the team's tasks during an iteration. The iteration end date indicates when the
story or stories to be delivered to the customer or product owner should be completed. This date is agreed upon during the planning meeting at
the beginning of the iteration, but it is not necessary to include it on the card for each task to be performed during the iteration.
The amount to be charged for the task or work performed is not the responsibility of the team.


Agile Practice Guide, 2017, PMI. Chapter 5.3

Las respuestas correctas son:

Description of the task,

Person in charge 9/20
11/11/23, 23:46 PMI Módulo 3: revisión de intentos

Pregunta 10
Finalizado Puntúa 1,00 sobre 1,00

Which element does not appear on a Kanban board?

a. The status states that the tasks go through

b. The responsible team member for each task

c. Work in progress (WIP)

d. The amount you will charge a client for a job

The amount you will charge the client for a job does not appear on a Kanban board. This amount will appear in the estimate that is sent by your
company to the client, but not on your Kanban board.

A Kanban board includes the different status states that tasks go through during their development. It is possible that not all the tasks go
through all the status states. For example, in a garage that uses a Kanban board to manage its operations, it is probable that some cars will not
need to go through every section of the garage to be repaired.

A Kanban board includes the work in progress (WIP). WIP indicates the number of tasks that can be in the same state simultaneously. There
should never be more than the number of tasks shown in the WIP in any of the board's status states. Tasks can only be advanced into another
state when there is a gap for them in the state they are moving into. That means that you have to analyze whether there is a gap in the next state
before moving the task.
A Kanban board includes the team member responsible for each task. This allows you to identify who is responsible for advancing a task,
resolving issues that might happen with that task, and achieving the task's successful completion.


Agile Practice Guide, 2017, PMI. Chapter 5.3

La respuesta correcta es:

The amount you will charge a client for a job 10/20
11/11/23, 23:46 PMI Módulo 3: revisión de intentos

Pregunta 11
Finalizado Puntúa 1,00 sobre 1,00

On a scrum board, how many different types of status are there?

a. Four

b. Three

c. Five

d. Two

There are three types of status that can appear on a scrum board. The three statuses are: open, in progress, and done. Scrum is an agile
management technique that consists of working in iterations of two or three weeks to quickly and frequently finish deliverables in a project. A
product owner defines and prioritizes the deliverables, and a team defines and develops the most efficient way to achieve them. At the end of
the work cycle, the client should approve each deliverable and agree on when the team will start the next iteration.

All the tasks that have not been begun by the team will appear as open. This means that no work has been carried out related to these tasks. All
the tasks that the team is currently working on (and which have not yet been finished) will appear as in progress. The tasks that have been
completed will appear as done.

It is important to note that even if tasks are nearly finished, they will stay in the in progress status until they are entirely completed. It is an error
to consider a task as nearly done, even if there appears very little left to do. This is because setbacks can occur at the end of a task that can
cause delays.

The team members distribute all the tasks among themselves and move them across the board, changing their status according to the
progress that they make with each one. The team should work in an autonomous and independent way.

The Scrum Guide, edited by, Ken Schwaber & Jeff Sutherland, November 2020

La respuesta correcta es:

Three 11/20
11/11/23, 23:46 PMI Módulo 3: revisión de intentos

Pregunta 12
Finalizado Puntúa 1,00 sobre 1,00

What characteristics are typical of an agile project leader? (Choose 3.)

a. Give clear and inflexible orders

b. Maintain strict economic control.

c. Attend to the needs of team members.

d. Listen.

e. Promote safety, respect, and trust.


The three characteristics of an agile project leader are:

Attending to the needs of team members

Promoting safety, respect, and trust

An agile project leader is a facilitator who is a servant leader. That is to say, the leader is at the service of the team to help them in the
development of the project both from a technical point of view (making sure that they understand the work to be done) and from a logistical
point of view (ensuring that they work as comfortably as possible). Therefore, it is essential to be a good communicator and listener, as well as
to understand all members of the team.Another characteristic of an agile project leader is to be available to attend to team members when
they have doubts or needs so as to quickly respond to these incidents and help them continuewith their work.A third characteristic of an agile
project leader is to promote safety, respect, and trust among team members. This helps to empower the team, leading to an improvement in
performance and autonomy. This will ensure that, over time, the team and its members work better and become better professionals, with
better results and consequently a higher degree of competitiveness for the company. Giving clear and inflexible orders is not a characteristic of
agile project leaders. This would limit the independence and empowerment of the team. In agile projects, the knowledge and ability to carry out
a task well resides in the people who make up the team. Therefore, you have to make sure that you have responsible professionals who have the
freedom to develop their work without the need for excessive guidance.Strict economic control is not a characteristic of agile project leaders.
By not having a closed and known scope, agile approaches cannot work with a closed and known budget from the beginning.Therefore, the
agile leader must know how to adapt the budget to the changes in the project.

ReferencesAgile Practice Guide, 2017, PMI. Chapter 4.2

Las respuestas correctas son:

Promote safety, respect, and trust.,


Attend to the needs of team members. 12/20
11/11/23, 23:46 PMI Módulo 3: revisión de intentos

Pregunta 13
Finalizado Puntúa 0,00 sobre 1,00

What name is given to the set of tasks to be developed by the team during an iteration?

a. Product backlog

b. Increment

c. Work breakdown structure (WBS)

d. Iteration backlog


The set of tasks to be performed by the team during an iteration is called the iteration backlog. The iteration backlog is the set of tasks or
activities that team members must perform to get the story or stories that will be developed in a sprint. Each of these tasks must have at least
one description, including the person responsible for carrying it out, and an estimate of the effort required to carry it out. An example of an
iteration backlog for the home page of a website would be to write text, get photos, design the menu, and program the menu, etc.The product
backlog is not the set of tasks to be developed by the team during an iteration. The product owner creates the stories that make up the backlog
based on the customer needs that the project must solve. The stories must define and specify the requirements of each element in the backlog
and order them based on their importance or priority. The product backlog is always open,meaning new stories can emerge at any time and can
be added.The increment is not the set of tasks to be performed by a team during an iteration. Increment is the result of each iteration or sprint.
During the iteration, the team elaborates the story or stories that they agreed to elaborate. In the planning meeting, the stories are broken down
into tasks and each team member works on them. At the end of the iteration, the story must meet the requirements.This result is called an
increment.The work breakdown structure (WBS) is not the set of tasks to be developed by a team during an iteration. The WBS is the tool that
shows all the deliverables that need to be done in predictive,not agile, approaches. Unlike the product backlog, which is continually refined as
the project progresses, the WBS is known from the beginning in a predictive project, and the changes it undergoes are usually minimal.

References Agile Practice Guide, 2017, PMI. Chapter 5.2

La respuesta correcta es:

Iteration backlog 13/20
11/11/23, 23:46 PMI Módulo 3: revisión de intentos

Pregunta 14
Finalizado Puntúa 0,00 sobre 1,00

How many statuses appear on a Kanban board?

a. Five

b. Three

c. It depends on the workflow you want to represent

d. Four

The number of statuses that appear on a Kanban board depends on the workflow you want to represent. On a Kanban board, each status is a
step that you have to complete to finish the final product or service. For that reason, the number of statuses that the board has depends on the
project you are working on.
For example, if you had a garage that handled bodywork and painting jobs for cars, you would have four statuses: open, bodywork, painting,
and done. When the car entered the workshop, it would be in open. When a gap opened up in bodywork, it would pass into the bodywork
status. After the bodywork is done, it would move to painting when possible. Finally, when the painting is completed, it would move to the done
status. To represent each of these statuses, you can use a physical board and post-it notes or stickers that the team can move as they work.
You can also use virtual boards, like Trello, Planner, or Jira, if the team is not all in the same physical location.

Agile Practice Guide, 2017, PMI. Chapter 5.4

La respuesta correcta es:

It depends on the workflow you want to represent 14/20
11/11/23, 23:46 PMI Módulo 3: revisión de intentos

Pregunta 15
Finalizado Puntúa 0,00 sobre 1,00

In what situation are agile management approaches suitable?

a. In projects that have stable and known requirements from the beginnning of the project

b. In projects with high complexity and change rates

c. In projects where the cost of change is high

d. In continuous and repetitive jobs

Agile management approaches are suitable in projects with high complexity and rates of change. This is due to the fact that the team will need
to adapt to change quickly, and agile methods facilitate this, working in short work cycles based on the evaluation of the result and feedback.
An example of this is the development of a website for a client where the client has an approximate idea of what he is looking for, but not a
concrete idea of all the details. In this scenario, you are deliver the website in parts, and you adjust it little by little to suit the client's needs, so as
to obtain a customized product.

Agile management approaches are not suitable in projects that have stable and known requirements from the beginning of the project. These
are characteristics of predictive approaches, where you can plan all the project work from the beginning. Predictive projects are, for example,
construction projects, where before the project begins, all the requirements of the project you want to build can be collected. They are easily
plannable since the requirements are known at the beginning.

Agile management approaches are not suitable for continuous and repetitive jobs. This is the definition of an operation, not a project.
Operations are, for example, jobs that are conducted in factories. They are continuous and repetitive jobs.

Agile management approaches are not suitable in projects where the cost of change is high. This is a feature of predictive projects. As
mentioned, a predictive project is, for example, building a bridge. In this case, it is obvious that making changes when the bridge is being built
would be expensive to implement, so it would be better to avoid changes. In agile approaches, the cost of making changes when the project is
under way is cheap, so changes can be made continuously. In agile projects this is possible because costs are mainly related to labor, which is


Agile Practice Guide, 2017, PMI. Chapter 2.2

La respuesta correcta es:

In projects with high complexity and change rates 15/20
11/11/23, 23:46 PMI Módulo 3: revisión de intentos

Pregunta 16
Finalizado Puntúa 1,00 sobre 1,00

What are T-type professionals?

a. Those who are external collaborators in the project

b. Those who do not have extensive knowledge in any specific area, but who know a little about everything

c. Those who have extensive knowledge in a specific area and less extensive knowledge in other areas

d. Those who have extensive knowledge in a specific area, but no knowledge about other areas

T-type professionals are those who have extensive knowledge in a specific area, and who also have knowledge in other areas, but not as
extensive. For this reason, T-type professionals are extremely valuable in agile teams, because they help to carry out different types of work,
bring projects together, and help fill gaps in tasks that do not have specialists. Companies that have many T-profiles among their employees
have an easier time creating agile teams than those that do not.

T-type professionals are not those who only have extensive knowledge in one specific area. These are type-I profiles. Type-I professionals work
on specific tasks in projects. The problem with creating teams with only type-I profiles is that there may be tasks that no team member knows
how to do.

T-type profiles are not those that do not have extensive knowledge in any area, but who know a little about everything. Highly qualified
members are required in agile teams, so you must be an expert in at least some related area. If this is not the case, the team member becomes
a drag, wasting the rest of the team's time.

T-type profiles are not the external collaborators in the project. These external collaborators may or may not be necessary. This will depend on
each individual situation. Also, they may collaborate on one specific task or throughout the project. Normally, external collaborators are type I,
since they provide specialized knowledge that is not found among the different members of the company.


Agile Practice Guide, 2017, PMI. Chapter 4.3

La respuesta correcta es:
Those who have extensive knowledge in a specific area and less extensive knowledge in other areas 16/20
11/11/23, 23:46 PMI Módulo 3: revisión de intentos

Pregunta 17
Finalizado Puntúa 0,33 sobre 1,00

Which three characteristics are unique to iterative and incremental management approaches? (Choose 3.)

a. Person in charge

b. Description of the task

c. Amount charged

d. Effort

e. Iteration end date


The three distinctive characteristics of iterative and incremental management approaches are: short feedback cycles, frequent deliveries, and
redefinition of priorities.Short feedback cycles help to avoid large project deviations. The more uncertainty there is in the project, the shorter
the work cycle should be in order to ensure that the path followed is correct.This way, any deviation can be detected early.Frequent deliveries
help to add value for the customer as indicated by one of the Principles of the Agile Manifesto. These deliveries also allow for frequent customer
feedback and give the ability to know first-hand if the product is in line with the customer's expectations.The redefinition of priorities means tha
the client, or any other stakeholder, can change or add objectives or requirements that modify the priorities or the order of work. Adapting
quickly to achieve these goals can be a competitive advantage for companies that want to release new products onto the market on a frequent
basis.Fixed plans defined at the beginning of the project is not a practice in agile approaches. Due to the high uncertainty of projects, they
cannot be planned in the long term. Due to the continuous changes that may arise in the course of the project, plans are updated regularly.Few
changes is a characteristic of predictive projects where the scope is known at the beginning of the project, and when long-term planning can
be done.

Las respuestas correctas son:

Person in charge

Description of the task,

Effort 17/20
11/11/23, 23:46 PMI Módulo 3: revisión de intentos

Pregunta 18
Finalizado Puntúa 0,67 sobre 1,00

What is attained when a team is empowered to improve its value flow? (Choose 3.)

a. Less time is spent on unnecessary tasks.

b. The team is expressly told what work needs to be done.

c. The benefit of the project increases.

d. Tasks are finished earlier.

e. Collaboration between team members improves.


When a team is empowered to improve the project's value flow, the collaboration between team members improves. This is because they are
more motivated and they must coordinate with each other better in order to define how to carry out the work. Although there is a greater
predisposition for collaboration, it is important when selecting team members to look for those who show teamwork skills.Tasks are also
generally finished earlier, since all non-productive work tends to be eliminated. Therefore, team members are almost completely focused on
and dedicated to the project. This Minimizes interruptions from other tasks that are not related to the project in question.Also, less time is spent
on unnecessary tasks, since the team focuses on meeting the objective of each iteration. This minimizes the tasks that do not add value to the
product you want to produce at the end of the iteration.When a team is empowered to improve the project's value flow, the team is not
expressly told what tasks need to be carried out. In fact, the opposite is true. It is the team that must define the work to be done in order to
achieve the agreed deliverables. When the team is given freedom, it defines the necessary tasks and the order in which they must be carried
out, which is typical of agile teams. When the work to be done is indicated, the team does not have freedom of decision, which goes against the
idea of empowerment. This is typical of teams in predictive projects.When a team is empowered to improve the project's value flow, the benefit
of the project does not increase. The benefit is the economic amount that the company will earn from the project.However, in some cases, the
team may choose ways to better carry out the project that are not the cheapest.

References Agile Practice Guide, 2017, PMI. Chapter 4.3

The project manager should not deal with this situation in the iteration review meeting. In these meetings, you analyze the work that has been
produced in the iteration. You do not discuss topics related to how the team has been working.

ReferencesAgile Practice Guide, 2017, PMI, Chapter 5.2

Las respuestas correctas son:

Less time is spent on unnecessary tasks.,
Collaboration between team members improves.,

Tasks are finished earlier. 18/20
11/11/23, 23:46 PMI Módulo 3: revisión de intentos

Pregunta 19
Finalizado Puntúa 0,00 sobre 1,00

What is the Agile Manifesto composed of?

a. Five values and 10 principles

b. Four values and 10 principles

c. Four values and 12 principles

d. Five values and 12 principles


The Agile Manifesto consists of four values and 12 principles. The values and principles of the Agile Manifesto form the basis of agile thinking. The
four values are developed in 12 principles.The four values are:

1. Individuals and interaction over processes and tools

2. Working software over comprehensive documentation

3. Customer collaboration over contract negotiation

4. Responding to change over following a plan

The 12 principles are:

1. 1. Our highest priority is to satisfy the customer through early and continuous delivery of valuable software.

2. 2. Welcome changing requirements, even late in development. Agile processes harness change for the customer’s competitive

3. 3. Deliver working software frequently, from a couple of weeks to a couple of months, with a preference to the shorter timescale.

4. 4.Business people and developers must work together daily throughout the project.

5. 5. Build projects around motivated individuals. Give them the environment and support they need, and trust them to get the job done.
6. 6. The most efficient and effective method of conveying information to and within a development team is face-to-face conversation.

7. Working software is the primary measure of progress.

8. Agile processes promote sustainable development. The sponsors, developers, and users should be able to maintain a constant pace

9. Continuous attention to technical excellence and good design enhances agility.

10. Simplicity–the art of maximizing the amount of work not done–is essential.

11. The best architectures, requirements, and designs emerge from self-organizing teams.

References: Agile Practice Guide, 2017, PMI. Chapter 2.2

La respuesta correcta es:
Four values and 12 principles 19/20
11/11/23, 23:46 PMI Módulo 3: revisión de intentos

Pregunta 20
Finalizado Puntúa 0,00 sobre 1,00

Which of the following charts are used in agile projects to monitor progress? (Choose 2.)

a. Burn down

b. Burn up

c. RACI matrix

d. Gantt Chart

The two charts used in agile projects to track progress are burn up and burn down charts.

The burn up, or product graph, shows the work carried out. It is used to make projections about when the product will be completed. For
example, if the team has an average of 100 story points per iteration, and it estimates that there are another 500 points remaining, the team
will estimate that there are about five iterations remaining. The burn down chart measures the work that remains to be done in an iteration. On a
daily basis, the team estimates how many points remain to be done to finish the products in the current iteration.

Gantt charts are not used in agile projects to monitor progress. The Gantt chart is a tool used to measure progress in predictive projects where
the percentage of work done is usually measured, and where tasks are sequential. Tasks are usually shown as bars proportional to the duration
of each of the activities they represent.

The responsibility assignment matrix (RACI matrix) is not used in agile projects to monitor progress. The RACI matrix indicates the roles and
responsibilities assumed by each of the team members and any other stakeholders. It helps to identify the tasks developed by the people who
participate and collaborate in the project, but it does not help to measure its progress.


Agile Practice Guide, 2017, PMI. Chapter 5.4

Las respuestas correctas son:

Burn up,

Burn down

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