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Pedophilia in Quranic perspective: A thematic analysis

La pedofilia en perspectiva coránica: un análisis temático

Abur Hamdi Usman*

Kolej Universiti Islam Antarabangsa Selangor - Malaysia

Norsaleha Mohd Salleh**

Syarul Azman Shaharuddin**
Rosni Wazir**
Mohd Norzi Nasir**
Muhammad Fakhrur Razi Shahabudin**


Pedophilia is an issue that has not been addressed as much as the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer or questioning
(LGBTQ) issues lately, although it has been going on for many years. It can contribute to a negative impact on children
and society. This issue has undermined the family institution, community, and religion as it shows that most pedophile
offenders who often make headlines are Malay Muslims. The question arises is, is there any discussion in the content of such
revelations, or any Quranic verses discussing on this problem through specific methods. Therefore, the purpose of this article
is to analyse Quranic verses on pedophilia or sexual abuse of children. By using qualitative method in collecting of Quranic
verses and looking at the view of the infidelity regarding on pedophilia. This article found that the Quran is the best source
in dealing with issues that faced by Muslims nowadays. Hence, this article as an effort to find solutions of pedophilia issues
that affecting the humanities.

Keywords: Pedophilia, Perspective, Quran, Analysis, Thematic.


La pedofilia es un problema que no se ha abordado tanto como los problemas de lesbianas, gays, bisexuales, transgénero y
queer o cuestionamiento (LGBTQ) últimamente, aunque ha estado sucediendo durante muchos años. Puede contribuir a
un impacto negativo en los niños y la sociedad. Este problema ha socavado la institución familiar, la comunidad y la religión,
ya que muestra que la mayoría de los delincuentes pedófilos que a menudo aparecen en los titulares son musulmanes
malayos. La pregunta que surge es, ¿hay alguna discusión sobre el contenido de tales revelaciones, o algún versículo coránico
que discuta sobre este problema a través de métodos específicos?. Por lo tanto, el propósito de este artículo es analizar versos
coránicos sobre pedofilia o abuso sexual de niños. Mediante el uso del método cualitativo en la recopilación de versos
coránicos y mirando la visión de la infidelidad con respecto a la pedofilia. Este artículo encontró que el Corán es la mejor
fuente para tratar los problemas que enfrentan los musulmanes hoy en día. Por lo tanto, este artículo es un esfuerzo por
encontrar soluciones a los problemas de pedofilia que afectan a las humanidades.

Palabras clave: pedofilia, perspectiva, Corán, análisis, temático.

*Corresponding author.
**Kolej Universiti Islam Antarabangsa Selangor - Malaysia

Recibido: 25/02/2019 Aceptado: 04/06/2019


Vol 4 • Nº 17 • Quito • Julio 2019
6 pp. 94-99 • ISSN 2477-9083
Pedophilia in Quranic perspective: A thematic analysis

1. Introduction

Pedophilia is not a new issue that is attacking Malaysian today, but it is an issue that the public does not care about
due to lack of awareness and knowledge among parents and children. Pedophilia or sexual harassment of children is a
serious crime in today’s Malaysian society. While this is not a frequent case, it does have a huge impact on the family
institution. And while most Malaysians do not understand what Pedophilia is, And who is at risk for the victim of
Pedophilia? And what effect does it have on the victims?

Bell (2007) states that parents should be careful about pedophilia cases and child abuse around them. Bell added
that the majority of children may be excluded from being victims of pedophilia and abuse if their parents have the
knowledge and information about pedophilia as well as seeing the incident or case happen to the person closest
to them. He also said that the government should involve in bringing awareness and knowledge to all, especially
through government programs and campaigns that could open the eyes of parents.

2. The pedophilia

Pedophilia originated from the Greek word “love” (philia) and “child” (paedo). It belongs to the symptoms of paraphilia
(Paraphilic Disorders), which is a category of ‘illness’ that has a tendency to be sexually satisfied or high sexual
excitement in ways that are beyond the norm. Other examples of paraphilia disorders are voyeurism, frotteurism,
exhibitionist and others. In the psychiatric reference book, Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders,
Fourth Edition, a pedophile is an individual who fantasizes about, is sexually aroused by, or experiences sexual urges
toward prepubescent children. According to the Kamus Dewan Edisi Keempat, pedophilia refers to the desire to have
sex with children (Noresah, 2005). Thus, these sexual offenses directly affected crimes or sexual abuse to the child.

The definition of sexually abused children is generally defined by the United Nations International Children’s
Emergency Fund (UNICEF) and the World Health Organization (WHO). According to UNICEF (2010) and
WHO (1999), sexual abuse of children is the involvement of children in sexual activities that they do not understand
well, which they cannot reasonably recognize. Sexual abuse includes acts of sexual exploitation, raping, coercing or
sexually assaulting a child, exposing confidential body parts or displaying pornographic material. Behaviors that do
not involve touch-ups, exposed body parts and obscene words spoken to children are also sexual abuse. Additionally,
exploiting children for pornography purposes through the internet and using such material to enable a child to be
used by others as a prostitute is also a form of sexual abuse. Usually, child sexual abuse is aimed at giving sexual
satisfaction to the pedophile.

Based on the paragraphs above, the definitions of sexual abuse includes three parts, which are touching, non-
touching, and child pornography. The act of touching is when there is sexual interaction on the part of a child such
as inserting an object into the vagina, mouth or rectum, oral and anal sex, kissing with or without the tongue, sexual
touching the private parts and parts of the body. While non-verbal acts include showing children obscene materials,
encouraging children with words, words manipulation, coercing or threatening children to engage in any sexual
activity or prostitution, encourages children to view private parts, obscene calls, send obscene words, record videos,
and pictures (Norazla, & Mohd Farok, 2018).

Pedophilia is also classified in the sexual orientation group as defined in the Diagnostic Statistical Manual, pedophilia
does not occur only when individuals engage in stimulant behaviors child sexual abuse, but the act of preserving,
imagining and fantasising about children sexual activity is also referred to as pedophilia (American Psychological
Association, 2000; Eher et al., 2015). Thus, every child is at risk of becoming a victim of pedophilia.

3. Thematic analysis
RELIGACION. VOL 4 Nº 17, Julio 2019, pp. 94-99

To achieve the objective of the study, to analyse Quranic verses on pedophilia or sexual abuse of children. The
thematic analysis begins with the collection of child-related sentences. Table 1 below lists some of the verses of the
Quran that have been found.

Table 1. Children’s theme in the Quran.

No. Theme Surah
1. Children are a gift al-Shura [42]: 49
2. The daughter was buried alive al-Takwir [81]: 8
3. An’am[6]: 151
Afraid of being poor
4. al-Isra’[17]: 31

Abur Hamdi Usman, et al
Sur - Sur

5. al-Nahl [16]: 72
6. Al-Isra [17]: 64
7. Maryam [19]: 77
8. Al-Kahfi [18]: 46
9. Shu’ara [26]: 133
10. Saba’[34]: 37
11. Saba’[34]: 35
12. Ghafir [40]: 67
13. al-Ahqaf [46]: 15
General children
14. al-Hadid [57]: 20
15. al-Mujadilah [58]: 17
16. Al-Munafiqun [63]: 9
17. al-Taghabun [64]: 14
18. al-Taghabun [64]: 15
19. al-Qalam [68]: 14
20. Nuh [71]: 12
21. Al-Mudathir [74]: 13
22. ‘Abasa [80]: 36
23. The Orphan al-Nisa’[4]: 127
24. Born in ignorance al-Nahl [16]: 78
25. Breastfeeding for 2 years al-Baqarah [2]: 233
26. Allah knows what is in the womb Luqman [31]: 34
27. Adopted child al-Ahzab [33]: 5
28. al-Nahl [16]:58
29. Daughter of the evil sign Zukhruf [43]: 18
30. al-Najm [53]: 21

Based on the table above, 30 verses of the Quran have been compiled based on 10 themes of children. After
examining each of these verses, it is found that there are no verses in the Quran specifically discussing the context
of pedophilia or sexual abuse of children. Most of the context of the sentences in the table above focus on the
well-being and rights of the children.

4. Pedophilia according to Quranic perspective

The Quran is the source of Islamic jurisprudence and a major reference of all Muslims all over the world. The
meaning of the Quran is divided into two, languages ​​and terms. In linguistic form, Quran means reading (qiraat,
tilawah). While the Quran in terminological meaning as described in Mu’jam al-Asasi is the word of Allah passed
on to the prophet Muhammad, the majority of the verses were revealed in Mecca and partly revealed in Medina,
consisting of 114 surahs in 30 constituencies. While in the book of Mabahith fi Ulum al-Quran, Quran means the
word of Allah revealed to Prophet Muhammad in Arabic. The Quran is written in mashaf which is passed down
from generation to generation and is rewarded by anyone who reads it. It begins with surah al-Fatihah and ends
with surah al-Nas (Al-Qattan, 1981).

To discuss pedophilia from the Quranic perspective, it is a contemporary study that needs to be addressed in order
for this issue to be resolved in light of the role of the Quran as a source of Islamic law. Thus, pedophilia in Islam is
also an act prohibited by religion and is an act of Zina, the person who commits the act commits a great sin and
is punished justly (Eko, 2016).
RELIGACION. VOL 4 Nº 17, Julio 2019, pp. 94-99

4.1 Zina

Allah says in Surah Isra’ verse 32:

“Nor come nigh to adultery: for it is a shameful (deed) and an evil opening the road (to other evils).”

Imam al-Din Abi Fida’ Ismail Ibn Kathir (d. 774 H) explained that Allah prohibits his servants from committing
adultery or getting near adulterous behavior (Ibn Kathir, 2000). The prophet Muhammad said:

“I did not see anything so resembling minor sins as what Abu Huraira said from the Prophet, who said, “Allah has written
for the son of Adam his inevitable share of adultery whether he is aware of it or not: The adultery of the eye is the looking
(at something which is sinful to look at), and the adultery of the tongue is to utter (what it is unlawful to utter), and
the innerself wishes and longs for (adultery) and the private parts turn that into reality or refrain from submitting to the
Pedophilia in Quranic perspective: A thematic analysis


[Al-Bukhari, Sahih Bukhari, Kitab al-Qadr, Bab haram ala Qurbatu ahlakhnaha Annahum la Yarji’un, No hadis

It is clear that the meaning of “do not approach” in the Quran indicates that all means that lead to Zina such as
eyesight, touch are illegal and shunned, even if they are considered as minor sins. And the eyes are the senses that
Allah commands to protect because through them men will die with lust.

Zina is defined by any unauthorized sexual intercourse. This is an act that is defined as referring to Zina. In the
sense that all premarital sex with marriage refers to Zina. There are, however, those who are married, but the
contract (akad) is not lawful or binded, either marrying a mahram or marrying someone else’s wife or marrying a
person in I’ddah (Hamka, 1983). Therefore, Allah commands the believers to lowere his gaze, as He says in surah
al-Nur verse 30:

“Say to the believing men that they should lower their gaze and guard their modesty: that will make for greater purity for
them: and God is well acquainted with all that they do.”

Because the eye is the main source of damage to the heart, as some scholars say, it is a poisonous arrow that pierces
the heart. So Allah commands that the genitals be kept, just as He commands the eyes to be kept because the eyes
are the windows of the heart (Ibn Kathir, 2000).

Imam Abu ‘Abdullah Muhammad ibn Ahmad ibn Abu Bakr al-Ansari Al-Qurtubi, when interpreting the above
verse states that Allah commanded to hold your gaze, then preserve the genitals, because the eye is the leader of
the heart.

Syeikh Muhammad ibn Muslim ibn Ubaydullah ibn Shihab al-Zuhri (d. 741) said, do not look at prepubescent
girls, even though he was young. Abu Muhammad Atha bin Abi Rabah Aslam bin Shafwan (d. 115 H) said that it
is makruh (frown upon) watching little girl relieving themselves in Mecca (Al-Qurtubi).

So the same approach should be taken against pedophiles, in the view that children can stimulate their appetite,
so lower therefore his gaze as the first step in preventing them from pushing into sexual act. The context of
prevention is stressed by Allah with the phrase ‘do not approach Zina’. Next, the discussion looks at another context
of pedophilic crime, the act of incest. The term is different compared to pedophilia but the sample and victims
are the same.

4.2 The incest

Often incidents involve older family members engaging in sexual abuse of children or adolescents in the family.
Insects, in particular, have a more serious impact on the victim as it also affects the primary support of the child, his
or her own family. Children who are victims of sexual abuse of their own family often do not receive full support
from family members (Tsun, 1999; Roesler, & Wind, 1994; Lorentzen et al., 2008). Quranic verses on incest
may also be associated with pedophilia, this is because incest can happen to children, English proverb calls it, like
leaning on a glass door it breaks when it should give you comfort. This act of incest is a cruel act and it is forbidden
by the evidence from the Quran. Allah said in Surah an-Nisa’ verses 23:

“Prohibited to you (for marriage) are: your mother daughters sisters father’s sisters mother’s sisters; brother’s daughters
sister’s daughters foster-mothers (who gave you suck) foster-sisters; your wives’ mothers; your step-daughters under your
RELIGACION. VOL 4 Nº 17, Julio 2019, pp. 94-99

guardianship born of your wives to whom ye have gone in no prohibition if ye have not gone in; (those who have been)
wives of your sons proceeding from your loins; and two sisters in wedlock at one and the same time except for what is past;
for Allah is Oft-Forgiving Most Merciful.”

Ibn Kathir (2000) This honorable verses is the verse that establish the degrees of women relatives who is not
eligible for one to marry, because of blood relations, relations established by suckling or marriage. Ibn Abi Hatim
recorded that Ibn `Abbas said, “(Allah said) I have prohibited for you seven types of relatives by blood and seven by
marriage.’’ Ibn `Abbas then recited the verses, (Forbidden to you (for marriage) are: your mothers, your daughters,
your sisters). At-Tabari recorded that Ibn `Abbas said, “Seven degrees of blood relation and seven degrees of
marriage relation are prohibited (for marriage).

The above Quranic verses prohibit the practice of incest to safeguard the family lineage. Islam is very concerned
about sexual offenses as it affects the five main purposes of Islamic law: religion, life and dignity, property, intellect,
and posterity (Al-Zuhaili, 1992). Thus, Insects is a complex form of sexual abuse to deal with and is the most
frequently secret form of abuse compared to other forms of sexual abuse and abuse perpetrated by psychological

Abur Hamdi Usman, et al
Sur - Sur

trauma (Chen et al., 2007). And it is similar to a pedophile crime case because the victim is an innocent child.

4.3 Homosexual and bisexual

Pedophiles are subdivided into several classifications. One of the first distinctions made when classifying
pedophiles is to determine whether they are “exclusively” attracted to children (exclusive pedophile) or attracted
to adults as well as children (nonexclusive pedophile). In a study by Abel and Harlow (2001) of 2429 adult male
pedophiles, only 7% identified themselves as exclusively sexually attracted to children, which confirms the general
view that most pedophiles are part of the nonexclusive group. Pedophiles are usually attracted to a particular age
range and/or sex of the child. Research categorizes male pedophiles by whether they are attracted to only male
children (homosexual pedophilia), female children (heterosexual pedophilia), or children from both sexes (bisexual
pedophilia) (American Psychiatric Association, 2000).

The percentage of homosexual pedophiles ranges from 9% to 40%, which is approximately 4 to 20 times higher
than the rate of adult men attracted to other adult men (using a prevalence rate of adult homosexuality of 2% to
4%) (Hall, R. C., & Hall, R. C, 2007). Therefore, this study looks at the arguments regarding sexually explicit acts
such as homosexuality can be qias on pedophilia issues. This is because there are pedophiles who love children of
the same sex, different sexes and both. Allah said in Surah al-A’raf verses 80-81:

“We also (sent) Lut: he said to his people: “Do ye commit lewdness such as no people in creation (ever) committed before
you? “For ye practice your lusts on men in preference to women: ye are indeed a people transgressing beyond bounds.”

Ibn Kathir (2000) in Tafsir al-‘Azim said, they did some of that none of the children of Adam or any other creatures
ever did before them. They used to have sexual intercourse with males instead of females. This evil practice was
not known among the Children of Adam before, nor did it even cross their minds, so they were unfamiliar with it
before the people of Sodom invented it, may Allah’s curse be on them.

Al-Qurtubi (2009) stated the true meaning of the word al-fahsyah in this verse is same-sex relationships between
man. The true meaning is disgusting, but Allah SWT specifies this word in surah al-Isra verse 32 which means:
“Nor come nigh to adultery: for it is a shameful (deed) and an evil opening the road (to other evils).”

The verses below are the story of the Quran which tells the story of the Sodomites whom the Almighty God
inflicted on their disobedience to God. According to Ibn Kathir’s view above, it is clear that it is an act contrary
to the original nature of human creation. Therefore, such an act is not new in Islamic history but it is a recurring
issue with the same context but different space and time. So, it is not surprising that new terms such as pedophilia
exist in the millennium today. Allah said in Surah al-Syu’ara verses 165:

“Of all the creatures in the world will you approach males.

In another verse, Allah says in surah al-Ankabut verse 29:

“Do you indeed approach men, and cut off the highway? And practice wickedness (Even) in your councils? ” But his
people gave no answer But this: they said: “Bring us the Wrath of God If thou tellest the truth.”

Other scholars argue that the meaning of this verse is that they commit abusive (homosexual) acts on travelers
(Al-Tabari, 2009). Therefore, homosexual acts resemble pedophilia, just different from several angles. The first
difference, in the age of pedophilia, is between adults and minors as stipulated by the Children Act 2001. And
second, the differences in agreement between the two parties, both parties committed homosexual relations with
RELIGACION. VOL 4 Nº 17, Julio 2019, pp. 94-99

consent. In the case of pedophiles, children are being forced by pedophiles.

5. Conclusion

The crime of pedophilia cases to this day is increasing with the number of victims among children. Every child is
exposed to victimization and every person at risk of becoming a pedophile. Although there is generally no specific
discussion of pedophilia in the Quran or the hadith, Islam provides the Qias way of finding the closest argument.
Thus, this study brought three contextual themes that are discussed through arguments and qias through the
proposition of Zina, incest, and homosexuality. This study can see the value of revelation in the discussion and
search for solutions to contemporary issues that hit the country.


Appreciation was given to Research and Innovation Grant of KUIS (GPIK) 2018. No Grant: 2018/RC/GPIK-
INHAD/003, with the tittle ‘Quranic and Nabawi Psychotherapy for Pedophilia Recovery in Malaysia’.

Pedophilia in Quranic perspective: A thematic analysis

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