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<Project Name>

COCOMO II Estimation Sheet

1 Document Information
Title COCOMO II Estimation Sheet Version 0.1
Project <Project Name> Status Draft/Reviewed/Approved
Client <Client Name> Type Document
Rec # XYZ-COCOMO II Estimation Sheet Created 28-May-2006
Author <Author Name> Updated 29-May-2006

1.1 Revision History

Distribution Change
Ver. # Revision Date Author Date Ref. Brief Description
0.1 28-May-2006 12-Apr-2007

1.2 Distribution List

<Company Contact Person>
<Project Team>

1.3 Review and Approvals

Approved By / (Role) Reviewed By / (Role) Version #
La hoja de estimación basada en TS Cocomo II es un conjunto de herramientas para el dimensionamiento y estimación de so
puede estimar el tamaño del trabajo utilizando FP y SLOC. Luego se estima el esfuerzo utilizando Cocomo II. Luego se puede
el esfuerzo en diferentes fases del proyecto y se calcula el costo del proyecto. Hay una hoja de tarifas para seleccionar la tari
adecuada para este cliente específico.

FP (Function Points)
Los puntos de función son una unidad de medida para el software, muy similar a lo que una hora es para medir el tiempo, las
medir la distancia o los Celsius para medir la temperatura.

Línea de código fuente, una línea en un programa de computadora. En muchos idiomas, cada SLOC termina con un punto y
SLOC se utiliza en COCOMO como base para estimar el tiempo de desarrollo de software.

Cocomo II
COCOMO es un modelo diseñado por Barry Boehm para dar una estimación del número de meses-programador que llevará
un producto de software.

How to estimate project size using this toolkit?

"El requisito previo para utilizar esta hoja es que el usuario esté familiarizado con los puntos de función (FP). Debe conocer la
conteo de FP. En la hoja de FP para cada característica/componente de la aplicación, estime el recuento y la complejidad de
interna. Archivos (ILF), Archivos de interfaz externa (EIF), Entradas externas (EI), Salidas externas (EO) y Consultas externas
3 columnas Baja, Promedio y Alta en cada categoría; estas columnas deben tener el recuento de componentes de baja, medi
complejidad frente a cada característica de la aplicación. Las pautas sobre cómo juzgar la complejidad se proporcionan en los
comentarios de ILF, EIF y otros encabezados en la parte superior. Los totales se calculan automáticamente.

Si hay algunas funciones en las aplicaciones que no admiten la creación de front-end o el mantenimiento de tablas de back-e
entonces FP no puede medir su tamaño. Un ejemplo de tales características son las bibliotecas de códigos especiales que se
según lo programado o mediante algún otro medio para realizar determinadas funciones. Para tales funciones, calcule las líne
código en la hoja SLOC. Proporcione detalles de la característica, el lenguaje de programación en el que se escribirá y el recu
LOC estimado y el sistema calculará automáticamente sus FP".

How to estimate effort using this toolkit?

"Después de estimar los FP y SLOC, vaya a la hoja de esfuerzo y estime los factores de escala y los multiplicadores de esfue
pautas sobre cómo seleccionar el valor apropiado para un multiplicador de esfuerzo o el factor de escala se proporcionan en
comentarios de su descripción respectiva. Después de haber seleccionado Para conocer los valores apropiados, verifique las
estimaciones de tamaño y esfuerzo consolidadas a continuación.
Ahora se calcula el esfuerzo y es hora de dividirlo en diferentes fases del proyecto. Establezca los porcentajes en la hoja ""Di
del esfuerzo"". Asegúrese de que todos los porcentajes sumen 100%. Después de establecer los porcentajes, verifique el des
esfuerzo en la hoja "Resumen de esfuerzo".

How to estimate Cost using this toolkit?

"Después de estimar el tamaño y el esfuerzo, es hora de estimar el costo. Primero vaya a la hoja "Tarifas" para seleccionar lo
de tarifas primarios y secundarios. Después de seleccionar el factor, verifique cuál es el nivel de tarifas seleccionado por el sis
Aparecen mayúsculas y minúsculas"" junto a la tarifa seleccionada, luego debe verificar si la tarifa seleccionada es apropiada
Después de seleccionar la tarifa vaya a la hoja de costos y ajuste el esfuerzo para cotizar. Redondea los números de esfuerz
consideras apropiado. Compruebe también si la tarifa mixta es adecuada y competitiva."
How to estimate schedule using this toolkit?
Una vez completada la estimación de costos, vaya a la "Hoja del plan" para verificar si el proyecto se puede terminar en la du
adecuada. Ajuste los recursos, las holguras y otros factores y luego verifique si la duración estimada del proyecto es apropiad
para el cliente. Si el cronograma no es apropiado, entonces reajuste los recursos, etc. para verificar si se puede lograr la dura
requerida del proyecto.
Features Comments Reference Low Avg High Low Avg High Low Avg High Low Avg
1EI - History and Ailment
1EQ - Searching through
History and Ailment
Patient History and 2 EO - 2 other view or
Clinical Information reports 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 5 1 0 0

Integration through EDI with

Government or one other
1 EI Employee Salary
2 EQ - Account Receivable
Billing and Payable
Total Artifacts 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 5 1 0 0

Total FP 32
High Low Avg High Total FPs DEV Days DEV Hours Total Days

0 1 0 0 32 10.66 85.00 28.06

0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00

0 1 0 0 10.66 85.00 28.06
Features Comments Reference Language
Estimated SLOC Total FPs Dev Days Total Days
0 0.0000 0 0
0 0.0000 0 0
Cocomo II

PM = A*Size^E*Product(All Effort Multipliers - EM)

Exponent E = B+(0.01*SUM(Scaling Factors))

Scaling Factors
SF Description Level Value
Maturity Process Maturity Nominal 4.68

Experience of similar
PREC Projects Nominal 3.72
Flexibility required in the
FLEX System Nominal 2.03

TEAM Team Cohesiveness Extremely High 0

Project Risk and
RESL Architectural Complexity Nominal 2.83

Effort Multiplier EM
EM Description Level Value
System reliability,
complexity and size
RCPX indicator Extra Low 0.49
Reusability concern with
respect to current and
RUSE future projects Low 0.95
PDIF Platform Difficulty Very Low 0.87

Personal capability of
team. Like technical
capability of Programmers,
PERS Designers and testers. High 0.83
Application, Language and
PREX tool experience High 0.87
Using Case tools for
FCIL development etc High 0.87
SCED Schedule Pressure Nominal 1

Constants Value
B 0.91
B2 1.23
A 2.94
E 1.0426
EM 0.254422511595

Consolidated Size and Effort

Technology Java,JSP,J2EE
Increase due to
lifecycle 0%
SLOC per FP 60
SLOC 1920
PM 1.4766
Man-days 28.0560
FP from LOC 32.0000
Hours per FP 7.0140 Usually this number should be between 6 to 10 hours depending up


Very Low 6.20 0.00 5.48
Low 4.96 1.01 4.38
Nominal 3.72 2.03 3.29
High 2.48 3.04 2.19
Very High 1.24 4.05 1.10
Extremely High 0.00 5.07 0.00


Extra Low 0.49 0.95 0.87
Very Low 0.60 0.95 0.87
Low 0.83 0.95 0.87
Nominal 1.00 1.00 1.00
High 1.33 1.07 1.29
Very High 1.91 1.15 1.81
Extremely High 2.72 1.24 2.61
Recommended values for CMMi level 2 companies is Nominal. For Level 3 its High

For Projects of new domain (that is domain we have not worked on) always select low. Select
Nominal or High for projects that we are creating from scratch but we have some knowledge
about domain. Select very high or extremely high for Next Releases of existing projects

We usually use Nominal but check comments on description for details

Team Cohesiveness is always extremely high in projects where team is small and not
distributed across the globe

We usually use Nominal but check comments on description for details


The kind of projects we have in Technosoft we normally use extra low or very low. Check
comments on description for details

We usually use Low but check comments on description for details

We usually use Very Low but check comments on description for details

We usually use High but check comments on description for details

We usually use High but check comments on description for details

We usually use High for .NET and Nominal for java but check comments on description for
We usually use Nominal but check comments on description for details
umber should be between 6 to 10 hours depending upon above parameters

RESL Maturity
0.00 7.80
1.41 6.24
2.83 4.68
4.24 3.12
5.65 1.56
7.07 0.00

2.12 1.59
1.62 1.33
1.26 1.22
1.00 1.00
0.83 0.87
0.63 0.74
0.50 0.62
1.43 1.00
1.30 1.00
1.10 1.00
1.00 1.00
0.87 1.14
0.73 1.43
0.62 1.43
Summary Units
Category Percentage of Development
Requirements Analysis 7%
Architecture & Design 7%
Development 38%
Customer Review Changes 10%
Test Planning 4%
Testing 10% 24%
Bug Fixes 10%
Documentation 0%
Training 0% 2%
Deployment 2%
Project Planning 2%
Project Monitoring 6%
CM 2%
Audits 2%

NOTE: Above numbers are estimated distribution on the basis of experience and on the basis of previous projects
the basis of previous projects
Category Effort (Days) Effort (Hours) Comments/Assumptions
Requirements Analysis 1.96 15.71 Requirements Analysis Hours
Architecture & Design 1.96 15.71 Architecture, FS and A&D Hours
Development 10.66 85.29
Customer Review Changes 2.81 22.44
Test Planning 1.12 8.98 Output are Test Plan and Test Cases
Testing 2.81 22.44 Output is Test Results
Bug Fixes 2.81 22.44
Outputs are Deployment and Build
Documentation 0.00 0.00 Documents
Training 0.00 0.00
Deployment 0.56 4.49 Effort to deploy application
Project Planning 0.56 4.49
Project Monitoring 1.68 13.47
CM 0.56 4.49
Audits 0.56 4.49
Total Effort 28.06 224.45
Cost Units
Units per hour per days
Architect/Designer 0 0
Developer (Blended rate for
Senior and Junior Developer) 0 0
Testing Lead 0 0
Tester 0 0
Technical Writing Cost 0 0
Manager 0 0
On-site Manager 0 0

Discount Percentage: Comments (Reason for Discount):

We have kept some margin because team is new but this
Discount by Dev Team: 10.0% shouldn't be billed to customer
Discount by Sales Team: 15.0% New Customer Discount
Total Discount: 25.0%

Total Project Cost

Effort (Days) Effort for Rounded Effort
Category Estimated Sales Effort (Hours)
Requirements Analysis 2.0 1.5 1.5 12.00
Architecture & Design 2.0 1.5 1.5 12.00
Development 10.7 8.0 8.0 64.00
Customer Review Changes 2.8 2.1 2.5 20.00
Test Planning 1.1 0.8 1.0 8.00
Testing 2.8 2.1 2.5 20.00
Bug Fixes 2.8 2.1 2.5 20.00
Documentation 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.00
Training 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.00
Deployment 0.6 0.4 0.5 4.00
Project Planning 0.6 0.4 0.5 4.00
Project Monitoring 1.7 1.3 1.5 12.00
CM 0.6 0.4 0.5 4.00
Audits 0.6 0.4 0.5 4.00
Total 28.1 21.0 23.0 184.00
Blended Rate

Effort and Cost to Quote

Category Effort (Days) (Hours) Cost
Analysis and Design 3.0 24.00 0.00
Development 8.0 64.00 0.00
Customer Review Changes 2.5 20.00 0.00
Test Planning 1.0 8.00 0.00
Testing 2.5 20.00 0.00
Defect Fixation during Internal
Testing 2.5 20.00 0.00

User Manuals and Install Guides 0.0 0.00 0.00

Training 0.0 0.00 0.00
Deployment 0.5 4.00 0.00
Project Management 3.0 24.00 0.00
Total 23.0 184.0 $0.00

Total Support Cost

Man Months 1
Man Days 5
Category Hours per day Total Hours Cost
Designers 0.5 2.5 $0
Developers 8 40 $0
Testers 1 5 $0
Managers 0.5 2.5 $0
Total $0
use team is new but this


Test Planning, Documentation and Management activities are carried out

in parallel to other main activities of design, development and testing

Designers 1
Developers 1
Testers 1
Comunication Delay in Analysis
and Design 25%
Possible Critical Chain Delay in
Development 15%
Possible Fixation Delay in
Testing 20%
Working days in a month 21
Ratio of calendar days 1.47619047619

Project Plan - Waterfall

Phase Duration (days) Duration (months)
Requirements/Design Phase 3.8 0 Month 6 Day
Development Phase 9.2 0 Month 14 Day
Testing Phase 3.0 0 Month 4 Day
Total 16.0 0 Month 24 Day
Slack 4.0
Grand Total 20.0 0 Month 29 Day

Iterative Plan
Iteration Duration
Iterations 2 (without Slacks)
1 50% 7.98
2 50% 7.98
3 0% 0.00
4 0% 0.00
5 0% 0.00
Total 100%
Initial Ramp-up 1
Deployment for testing etc 1
Code/Peer Reviews 1
Shipment Packaging & Review 1

Total Slack 4

Requirements/Design Development Testing

2.0 5.0 2.0
2.0 5.0 2.0
0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0

Test Planning, Documentation and Management activities are carried out

in parallel to other main activities of design, development and testing

Business Analyst 1
Architects & Designers 1
Developers 1
Testers 1
Comunication Delay in Analysis
and Design 25%
Possible Critical Chain Delay in
Development 15%
Possible Fixation Delay in
Testing 20%
Working days in a month 21
Ratio of calendar days 1.47619047619

Project Plan - Waterfall

Phase Duration (days) Duration (months)
Requirements Analysis 1.9 0 Month 3 Day
Design Phase 1.9 0 Month 3 Day
Development Phase 9.2 0 Month 14 Day
Testing Phase 3.0 0 Month 4 Day
Total 16.0 0 Month 24 Day
Slack 4.0
Grand Total 20.0 0 Month 29 Day

Iterative Plan
Iteration Duration
Iterations 3 (without Slacks)

1 20% 6.00
2 50% 5.00

3 30% 6.00
4 0% 0.00
5 0% 0.00
Total 100%
Initial Ramp-up 1
Deployment for testing etc 1
Code/Peer Reviews 1
Shipment Packaging & Review 1
Total Slack 4

Includes A&D Phase plus percentage of
Development Phase
Percentage of development phase
Percentage of development phase and

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