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Una bibl iografla social y politica de publicaciones
extmn jeras, 1900-1 969

compilado por


Ediciones preliminares: 1969

Texto preparado por el

Instituto de Investigaciones
Soc ia le$

Derechos reservados conforme a fa ley

0 1969. Universidad Nacional Autdnoma de México
Ciudad Universitaria, México 20, D. F.


Impreso y hecho en México

Printed and made in Mexico

Este trabajo busca proporcionar a los estudiosos de los problemas sociales, económicos, politicos
y culturales de México, una bibliografía de las investigaciones publjcadas en idiomas extranjero$
que con frecuencia no son suficientemente conocidas o utilizadas.

Las obras incluidas en esta bibl iograf i'a son pub1icaciones aparecidas desde 1900 hasta e l presen-
te, la mayoría de las cuales se editaron'en e l extranjero: en francés, inglés, ruso, alemán, por-
tugués, italiano.... La bibliogmfia contiene principalmente estudios escritos por autores no-
mexicanos, pero también algunos estudios mexicanos traducidos y publicados en e l extranjero.
Los tipos de estudios incluidos son: libros, tesis de maestria y doctorado, artículos de revistas,
pub1icac iones gubernamentales, fol letos e investigaciones en proceso.

La bibliografia está dividida en apartados por temas. Dentro de un mismo apartado se cita un
estudio sólamente una vez, pero se lo cita cuantas veces sea necesario s i es suceptible de ser
clasificado bajo dos o mas apartados distintos. En el caso de estudios realizados por varios au-
tores, estos se citan bajo del nombre del autor principal. Los co-autores aparecen en e l indice
de autores a l final de la bibliografia.

Además, para que e l lector disponga de una fuente de información más amplia, hemos incluído
algunas reseRas críticas de libros aimportantes. También, en aquellos casos que es posible, hemos
incluido dos o más referencias de"'&bl icaciones donde puede consu ltarse la obra.

Para obtener las tesis citadas en la bibliografia, e l lector puede dirigirse a University Micro-

films, Ann Arbor, Michigan, EE.UU., o a Photoduplication Service, The Library of Congress,
Washington, D.C.; y para consultarlas simplemente, puede ver los resumenes de algunas de ellas
en Dissertution Abstracts.

E l lector debe tener en mente que los títulos de las investigaciones en proceso no son los defi-
nitivos. Para obtenerlas habr6 que consultar varias fuentes o escribir directamente a l autor en la
universidad o institución correspondiente para saber su título final y datos de publicación. La in
clusión de los trabaios en proceso se debe a que hemos querido dar una idea completa de los ;e
tudios sobre México, para evitar duplicación de investigaciones o para ahorrar tiempo a los in-
vestigadores interesados en determinados temas.

E l hecho de haber tenido que basarnos principalmente en fuentes secundarias ha dado cabida a
algunos errores que no hemos podido corregir. Sin embargo, esperamos que esta bibliografia sea
ú t i l para quienes deseen estudiar a l México contemporáneo en sus aspectos sociales y políticos.

C.W. Johnson G.C.

Ciudad Tlatelolco, iulio de 1969

Prefac io


1 Obras generales, condiciones sociales, historia y miscelánea

2 La metodologia, tecnología y orientación de la investigación soc ial

3 La sociología: historia y teoría

4 La psicología social: la y la cultura; la interacci6n de grupos pequefios;

e l conflicto, valores, actitudes y e l liderato

5 La interacción de grupos: la etnología; e l racismo y la discriminación

6 La cultura y la estructura social: la organizacidn social, la antropologia social, e l

folklore, la vida y costumbres

7 Las organizaciones complejas: la MC iología industrial-laboral; la sociolog la militar; y

la estructura burocrática

8 Cambios sociales y desarrollo económico

9 E l fenómeno de las masas: la comunicación; la opinión pública; la cultum de las
masas; e l comportamiento colectivo; los movimientos soc ia les; y la soc iología de las

10 lntemcciones políticas: entre naciones, estados, sociedades y grupos; la soc iolo-

gía de la política

11 La diferenciación social: la estratificaci6n social; la movilidad; la sociologia de

ocupaciones y profesiones; las c lases soc ia les

12 E l desarrollo comunal y rural: la sociología rural; pueblos y la tenencia de la tierra;

la agricultura; la reforma agraria; la sociología de comunidades y de regiones;
la organ i m c i6n soc ¡al de las comunidades campesinas; los indios; la integración
social; y temas conexos.

13 Las estructurus urbanas y la ecologia: la sociolog~aurbana; y la ecología urbana

14 La sociologia del arte: la sociología de la literatura y de lenguaje

15 La sociología de la educación y la enseñanza en geneml

16 La sociología de la religión y temas conexos

17 E l control social: la sociología del derecho; la ~enologíay problemas de correc-

18 La sociología de la ciencia y la tecnología

19 La demografía y la biología humana: estudios de población y migración; recursos

en general

20 La familia y la socialización: el nifio, la adolecencia y la iuventud; la sociología

del comportamiento sexual y de la familia; la asistencia social

21 La sociologia de la salud y de la medicina: la salud pública: psicología social

y la salud mental


1 Obras generales: políticas e hist6ricas

2 La historia de las ideas politicas: la ideología

3 La democracia: los derechos civiles y la libertad

4 E l socialismo; e l comunismo; e l marxismo; e l bolchevismo y la izquierda

5 E l nacionalismo

6 E l sinarquismo
7 E l gobierno y la administración: estudios generales y locales 229

! 8 La estructura del estado: los órganos de poderes y e l derecho

9 Estudios comparat ivos


10 Las funciones sociales y económicas del gobierno: el desarrollo en general 247
11 E l proceso gubernamental: la vida p61ítica; las tendencias pol Ricas y e l cambio
pol ífico 25 7

12 La revolución mexicana

13 Los grupos de presión

14 La influencia de los sectores laborales

15 La influencia de los sectores rurales

16 E l militarismo

17 La influencia de la iglesia

18 Las minorías y los factores raciales

viii viii l

19 Los partidos políticos y e l comportamiento político en general: las actitudes
políticas, sus formaciones y características 353

20 El liderazgo polRico y las elites: biografías politicas 359

21 El comportamiento electoral y las elecciones 372




1 . Obras generales, condiciones socia les, historia y miscelánea.

ALBA, Victor, The Mexicans. The Making Of a Nation. F.A.Praeger, 1967, 268p. (1 )

AUGELLI, John P. -Middle Arnerica: I t s Lands and Peoples, Englewood Cliffs, N. J., Prentice-
Hall, 1966. (2)

BACKLUND, M. G. "Mexiko e t t land med lang historia och stora naturtil lgangar", Stockholm,
s.e., 1926, 28p. (3)

BAILEY, Norman A . "The Mexican Means", Forurn, 3(otoño, 1960)46. (4)

BALDWIN, J.M. "Notes on Mexico", Nation, 82(1 mar 1906)173-174.

BANCROFT, Hubert Howe, History of Mexico, being a popular history of the Mexican people
frorn the earliest prirnitive civilization to the present time, New York, The Bancroft
Co., 1914, 581p. (6)

BATES, R. "Conversat ions in Mexico", Va. Q. R., 15(3) jul 1939:393-407.

BEALS, Carleton, "Civil War in Mexico", New Repub., 51(6 jul 1927)166-169. (8)

, Brimstone and Chili, New York, A.A. Knopf, 1927, 333p. (9)
, The Historic Background of Mexico, Boston, Mass., The Seminar on Relations
with Mexico, 1927, 62p. (10 )

, Mexican Maze, Philadelphia, Pa., Lippincott, Co., 1931, 369p. (11)

RC: HAHR, 12(feb 1932)73-75.

, "Socialism on a Platter", Nation, 140(10 abr 1935)414-416.

BEKKER, Leander Jan de, Mexiko och Mexikanska problem, Stockholm, Hugo-Gebers, Ferlag,
1924, 208p. (13)

BERGOHOFF, Stephan, Greuel in Mexiko Die Wahrheit gegen Lotscheigen und Verleumdung,
Koln Verlag und Rotationsdruck: Kolner Gorres-Haus Gmbi., 1928, 62p. (í 4)
BERSTEIN, Harry, Modern and Contempomry Latin America, Chicago, IIl., Lippincott Co., 19-
52. (15)

(Capítulo sobre México, pp. 3-158)

BESSIERES, A. Le Mexique Martyr, París, Maison de la Bonne Presse, 1928, 166p. (16)

BETETA, Ramón, et al., Mexico, Lectures before the Inter-American lnstitute of Pomona Col-
lege and ~ l a r e m o n i ~ and
e s the Pacific Southwest Academy of Political and Social
Science, February 1, 10, 11, 1928, Claremont, Calif., s.e., 1929, 104p. (1 7)
BORK, A. W. "Mexico, 1960H, Ariz. Quart ., 16(4)otoño 1960:293-310. (1 8)

BRAND, Donald D. "Mexico", Focus, 9(10)1957.

, Mexico: Land of Sunshine and Shadow, Princeton, N. J., Van Nostmnd,

Co., 1966. (20)

BRANDENBURG, Frank, The Making of Modern Mexico, Englewood Cliffs, N. J., Prentice-
Hqll, 1964. (21 .
RC: -
DAVIS, Harold Eugene, en HAHR, 45(2)1965:310-312.

BRIGHT, Roderick, The Land and People of Mexico, New York, Macmillan Co., 1958, 90p.(22)

BROWN, J.W. Modern Mexico and Its Problems, London, The Labour Publishing Co., 1927,
1 28p. (23)

, The Truth about Mexico, Londori, Watts & Co., s.f., 16p.

BROWNE, P. E. "Mexican Mess", Col lier's, 57(22 jul 1916)Il-12.

BUC KLEY, Wil liam Frank, Scrapbooks Containing Newspaper C l ippings Concerning the History
of Mexico from April, 1913, s.e., 1913, 31v. (26)

CA LL, Tomme C lark, The Mexican Venture, New York-London, Oxford University Press, 1953.
RC: BERSTEIN, Harry, en HAHR, 33(4)1953:559-560.

CALLCOTT, W.H. The Land and People of Mexico, University of Miami, Hispanic American Studie~
1939, 204p. (28)

CASE, Alden B. Thirty ~ e a r ;with the Mexicans: In Peace and Revolution, New York,.Revell, 1917,
285p. (29)

CERWIN, Herbert. These Are the Mexicans, New York, Harcourt & Brace, 1947. (30)

CHARLIER, Louis, ¿Qué savons-nous du Méxique?, Louvain, 1928, 40p. (31

CHEATHAM, Kitty, -
Mexico, New York, s.e., 1926, IOp. (32)

CLELAND, Robert Glass, The Mexican Yearbook, 1920-1921, Los Angeles, 1922. (33)
CLINE, Howard Francis, Mexico: Revolution to Evolution, 1940-1960, Royal lnstitute of Interna-
tional Affairs, 1962, 374p. (34)
RC: FITZGIBBON, R. H., en Annals, 345(ene 1963)168.
SIMPSON, Lesley Bird, ~XHR, - 43(2)1963:295-297.

The United States and Mexico, Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University

Press, 1953, 4 5 2 ~ . (35)
RC: AL'PEROVICH, M. S., en Voprosy istorii, (4)abr 1955:168-170.
CASTAREDA,Carlos, en N Y Times, p3 (22 mar 1953).
HALLETT, R.M., en Chris.~ci.Mon., p9 (27 mar 1953).
HERRING, Hubert, N Y Her.Trib.Bk.R., p3 (12 abr 1953).
HUTCHINSON, C.A., en HAHR, 45(1)1965:129-131,
MUNRO, H. B., en Am. Hist. R., 59(0ct 1953)170.
PARKES, H. B., en Sat.Rev. Lit., 36(4 abr 1953)30-31.
, en Times Lit.Sup., p575 (11 sep 1953).
CONSIDINE, John J. New Horizons in Latin America, New York, 1958.

COVARRUBIAS, Miguel, Mexico South: The Isthmus of Tehuantepec, New York, A. A. Knopf,
1946. (3 7)

CREEL, George, The People Next Door; an Interpretative History of Mexico and the Mexicans,
New York, The John Day Co., 1926, 41 8p. (38)

CUMBERLAND, Charles Curtir, The Struggle for Modernity, Oxford Univeriity Press, 1968, 394
P (39)

, "The United States-Mexican Border: $A Selective Guide to the

Literature of the Region", Rural Sociol., 25(2)1960:x-236p. (40)

CUNNINGHAM, R. R., "North and South of the Border", America, 97(17 ago l957)500-502;
Discusi6n: 97(7 sep 1957)555, 98(2 nov 195n7)122. (41
DEVERDUM, A. L. The True Mexico, Menasha, Wisc., Banta Publishing Co., 1938, 303p. (42)

DILLON, E. J. "Mexico Revisited", Conternp. Rev., 120(nov 1921)607-616. (43)

DONSKII, E. - Meksika, Cuba, Argentina, Moskva, 1929.

DREES, Charles William, Thirteen Years in Mexico, New York, Abingdon Bress, 1915, 276p.(45)

ENOCK, C. Reginald, Mexico, London, Adelphi Terrace, 1910.

EVANS, Rosalie Caden, The Rosalie Evans Letters frorn Mexico, Arreglado y comentado por
Daisey Caden Pettus, Indianapolis, The Bobbs Merril Co., 1926, 472p. (47)

GAMIO, Manuel, -
"Geographic and Social Handicaps", Annals, 208(rnar 1940). (48)
También en: CHRISTENSEN, A.N., ed., The Evolution of Latin Arnerican Government,
1951, p.113.

, -
"New Conquest", Survey, 52(1 rnay 1924)143-146. (49)

GESSLER, Clifford Franklin, Pattern of Mexico, New York, Appleton-Century, 1941. (50)

GILLETTE, C. E. "Mexico: Its People and l t s Problem", Annals, 54(jul 1914)201-210. (51

GOODRICH, Joseph King, The Coming Mexico, Chicago, III., A.C. McClurg, 1913, 2 8 0 ~ .
GORBACH, Josef, Mexiko, Feldkirch, s.f., 48p. (53)

GRAM, Jorge, A questao do Mexico, Amsterdan, 1927, 59p.

GRUENING, "The Meaning .of Mexico", en HERRING, H.C.,

Ernest, ed., Renascent Mexico,
New York, 1935. (55)

, "Mex ican Rena issances", Century, 107(12 may 1924)520-535. (5 6)

GUNTHER, John, "Mexico: Land Revolution and Peoples", en J. G., lnside Latin America,
Harper & Bros., 1940, pp.53-76. (5 7)

HACKETT, Charles William, "Mexico Plans a New Social Order", Curr. Hist., (feb 1934). (58)

HAFTER, Rudolph P., "The New Mexico", Swiss R.Wld.Aff., 12(3)jun 1962:s-8. (59)

HAGAR, Ceorge Jotham, Plain Facts about Mexico,the country, states and cities, the people,
the resources, government, and statistics, New York, Harper & Bros., 1916, 80p. (60)
HANKE, Lewis, Modern Latin America: Continent in Ferment. l. Mexico and the Caribbean;
II. South America, Princeton, N.J., Van Nostrand Co., 1967, 256p. & 2 5 6 ~ . (61

HANNA, P. "Mexico, 19211, Nation, 112(30 mar-27 abr 1921)471-472, 503-505, 532-534,
585-587 y 61 4-61 7. (62)
HERRING, Hubert Clinton, A History of Latin America, N e w York, A.A. Knopf, 1955, 796p.
(Un capítulo sobre México dedicado a un análisis general de los factores sociales y
políticos entre 1821 y 1952.)

, "Mexico and its Promise", Wld. Unity, (rnay 1930)83-89. (64)

, y TERRILL, Katherine, eds., The Genius of Mexico, New York,

Cornmittee on Cultural Relations with Latin ~rner- (65)
HILTON, Ronald, ed., Mexico, Stanford and Chicago, A. N. Marquis, 1946. (66)

HOFFMAN, Karl, "Mexiko und der Karaibische Raum", Dtsche.Rundschau, 1930. (67)

HYATT, V.A., South and Central American Conditions of Tod~y, New York, Dodd, Mead, &
Co., 1919, 212p. (68)

INGERSOLL, Ralph McAllister, In and Under Mexico, New York, The Century Co., 1924,235
P (69)

JAHN, Hans Edgad, Vom Feuerland nach Mexiko: Lateinarnerika am Scheideweg, Munchen, Gun
ter Olzog Verlag, 1962, 496p. (705
JAMES, Daniel, Mexico and the Arnericans, New York, F.A. Praeger, 1963.

1o 1o
RC: CINQUEMANI, F.L., en Libr.J., 87(15 dic 1962)4550.
JOHNSON, John J., Sat.Rev.Lit., 46(12 oct 1963)108.
KENNEDY, Paul, en N Y Times Bk.R., p36 (22 sep 1963).
PADGETT, Leon Vincent, en Amer. Pol. Sci. R., 57(1)1964:159-160.

JAMES, Preston Everett, Latin Arnerica, N e w York, Odyssey, 1942.

(Capitulo 10 sobre México.)

JASZUNSKI, Grzegorz, Sakice amerykanskie; reportaze, Warszawa, Panstwowy lnstytut Wydaw-

nicszy, 1950, 225p. (73)

JOHNSTON, Charles, "The Two Mexicos", Atlantic Mthly., nov, 1920. (74)

KIRK, Betty, "Current Social Movements in Mexico", Sociol. Soc. Res., 16(may 1931)403-416.

KNOWLTON, E. "Latest lnvasion of Mexico: Foreign Tourist Trade an lmportant Factor in Me-
xican Life", Nation, 141(1 8 dic 1935)707-708, (76)

LAFOND, Georges, Le Mexique, Paris, Editions Piere Roger, 1928, 86p.

LARRALDE, Elsa, The Land and People of Mexico, New York, Lippincott, 1950, 127p. (78)

LAWRENCE, David, The Truth about Mexico, New York, New York Evening Post CO., 1917,
LENS, Sidney, Mexico's Tired Revolution, Tésis, 1962.

LEROY-BEAULIEW, Paul, "Le Mexique au XXe. siecle", Revue Deux Mondes, s.f., -
pp. 61 1
645. (81

LILIUS, Aleko, Bland vilda Krigare i Mexiko, Stockholm, Froleen & Co., 1925, 173p. (82)

MACHUGH, Robert Joseph, Modern Mexico, Metheum, 1914, 342p.

MARTIN, R. L, "Mexican Prospects", Yale R., 25(mar 1936)511-536.

MAYER, B. Mexico as It Was and os It Is, Baltimore, Maryland, 1944.

M c N O Y , J. P. "Neighbor in a Mexican V i l lage", Survey G., 34(jun 1945)290-291. (86)

McHENRY, J. Patrick, A Short History of Mexico, New York, Doubleday & Co., 1962, 240
P. (8 7)

"MEXICO", Latin-American World, London, (sep 1944)l-74.

"MEXICO Todoy: A Symposium", Atlantic Mthly., 21 3(mar 1964)89-114. (89)

"MEXIQUE (Le) , le pays, ses institutions politiques, sociales, et culturel leo", Notes Ef. docum.
"MEXIQUE (Le)", Tiers-Monde, 4(15)jun-sep 1963:303-498.

(Contiene: GONZALEZ CASANOVA, P. "Societé pluraliste et developpement:

le cas du MexiqueU; ENJALBERT, H. "Le milieu natural et le Mexique utile";
MAURO, F. "Le Mexique en vingt ans: strategie et developpement"; MONBEIG
P. "Le mouvement demographique au Mexique"; SIROL, J. "Le reforme agrairie
au Mexique" ; FAVRE, H. " L' integrat ion socio-economique des communautes in-
diennes au Mexique" .)

MILLER, Max, Mexico Around Me, New York, Reynal & Hitchcock, 1937, 306p. (92)

MIROSCHEVSKII, V.M. "Mexico of 1870-1 918") en ROSTOVSKII, S.N.; REINSNER, I.M.;

KARA-MUREA, G. S.; y RUBTSOV, B. K., Novaia istoriia kolonial 'nykh i zu-
visi mykh stran, Moskva, Godsudarstvennoe sotsial'noekenomicheskoi izdatel'st-
vo, 1940, pp .747-754. (93)

MONTAVON, William F. The Facts Concerning the Mexican Problem, Washington, D.C., Na-
tional Catholic Welfare Conference, 1926, 63p. (94)

MORRIS, Henry, Our Mexican Muddle, Chicago, III., Laird and Lee, s.f., 159p. (95)

NIALL, Sean; y MANGAN, Katherine, "Mexico---tierra triste", No.Amer. R., 243(l)mar 1937
65-79. (96)
NICHOLSON, Irene, "Creative Activity in Mexico", The Listener,69(1762)3 ene 1963:5-7.
(9 7)

, Mexico, British Survey Series, #150, 1961, pp.1-26. (98)

, The X in Mexico: Growth within Tradition, London, Faber and Faber, 19-
65, 319p. (99)

RC: CINQUEMANI, F. L., en Libr. J., 9O(ago 1965)3284.

GODDSELL, J.N., en Chris.Sci.Món., p13 (7 ene 1966).
KEARNEY, V.S., en America, 114(7 may 1966)660.
HAHR, 47(3)1967:411-412.

NIEDERGANG, Marcel, "Mexikoll, en M.N., 20 Mal Lateinamerika, Munchen, R. Piper &

Co., Verlag, 1966, pp.479-511. (1 00)
NORCIA, Arturo, II Messice, Milano, Edit. P. Gamalero, 1923, 59p. (101

OSUNA, A. "Mexico---Before and After", Mis. R., 39(ene 1916)41-45. (1 02)

PADDOCK, John, "Oscar Lewis's Mexico", Anthrop.Quart., 34(jul 1961)129-149. (1 03)

"L'autre Mexique", Esprit, may 1966:1030-1044. (1 04)
PARKES, Henry B. A History of Mexico, Boston, 1938. (1 05)
PERIGNY, M. de, "Modern Mexico", Outlook, 85(23 mar 1907)700-707.

PHELAN, John Laddy, "Mexico y lo Mexicano", HAHR, 36(3)1956:309-318. (1 07)

PHILLIPS, W. "Native", Partisan R., 18(ene 1951)59-65.

POLLARD, Hugh B.C. Busy Time in Mexico; an unconventional record of Mexican incident,Nev
York, Duffield & Co., s.f., 243p. (1 09)

PREWETT, Virginia, Reportage on Mexico, E. P. Dutton & Co., New York, 1941 .
PRIESTLEY, Herbert Ingram, The Mexican Nation, 1923.

PROVOST, F. "New Life in Mexico", PA Mag., 25(may 191333-39.

QUIRK, Robert E., A Short History of Mexico, Investigación en proceso, University of Indiana,
se publicará en Prentice-Hall Spectrum Series, FTE-? (1 13)
RIEMENS, Hendrik, Mexico: Land, Volk, Cultuur, Baarn, Hed Wereldvenster, 1964, 221p.(l

RODMAN, Se lden, "Mexican Journa lfl, Commonwea 1, 69(16 ene 1959)416-417. (1 15)

ROSS, Stanley R., ed., 1s the Mexican Revolution Dead?, A.A. Knopf, New York, 1966.(116)

RUIZ, Ramón Eduardo, Mexico, the Challenge of Poverty and Illiteracy, San Marino, Calif .,
The Huntington Library, 1963.

RC: SCOTT, R. W., en HAHR, 44(2)1964:246-249.

I SAUER, C. O., "The Personality of Mexico", Geogr. R., 33(1941)353-364.

I 'CHLACMAN, Joseph H.L., Mexico, Land of Volcanoes: from Cortés to Alemán, Bruce Publi-
1 shing co., 1950. (1 19)

SCHMIDT, Geo A., Mexiko, Berlin, Dietrich Reimar, 1921, 138p. (1 20)

SELDES, George, The Truth Behind the News, 1918-1928, London, Faber & Gwyer, 1929, 355
P. (1 21)

SHATTUCK, George Cheever, ed., The Peninsula of Yucatan: Medical, Meteorological, and I
Sociological Studies, Washington, D.C., Carnegie lnstitution of Washington, Publi-
cation "431, 1933. (1 22)

I SHEPPARD, A. "Conditions in the Republic of Mexico", Washington, D.C., s.e., 1913. (123)

SIMPSON, Lesley Bird, Many Mexicos, University of Cal ifomia (Berkeley) Press, 1941, 349p.
(Edición revisada, 1952) (1 24)

SKEAPING, John, The Big Tree of Mexico, Bloomington, Ind., Indiana University Press, 1953.

16 16
"SOCIAL Conditions in Mexico", Annals, 18(sep 1901)331-332.

SOUSTELLE, Jacques, "Le Mexique d'hier et d'au jourd'huill, Evidences, ene 1954:lO-14. (1 27)
SPRATLING, William, Little Mexico, New York and London, Cape, 1932. (1 28)
STALEY, S. R., "Contrasts in Mexico", Mis. R., 47(mar 1924)175-177.

STARR, F., "The Mexican People", en BLAKESLEE, G. H., ed., Mexico. and the Caribbean,
1920. (1 30)

, "Mexico's Situation: Manuel Gamio's Program", Amer. J. Sociol., 24(sep 1918)129-

138. (131

STELZMANN, A., "Der mexikanische kulturkampf unserer tage", Preuss.jahrbucher, 239(1935)

223-230. (1 32)

STENTON, J. E., "Mexico Today", Canad.geogr. J ., 73(nov 1966)172-181. (1 33)

STOPPELMAN, Joseph W. F., People of Mexico, Phoenix House, 1964, 1 78p. (1 34)

STOWELL, Robert F., Outlines of Poverty: a survey of thefood, clothing, and shelter of one-
half the world's people: No. 1, Mexico, Green Leaf, Cabot, Vermont, 1959, 18~4135)

STRODE, Hudson, Timeless

Mexico, New York, Harcourt, 1944.
RC: EBENSTEIN, William, en Arner.Pol.Sci.R., 39(3)ene 1945:608.

TANNENBAUM, Frank, "Mexico, a Promise", -

Survey, 52(may 1924)129-132. (1 37)

, -
Peace by Revolution: An lnterpretation of Mexico, New York, Colum-
bia University Press, 1933. (Edición revisada: 1966.) (1 38)

, "Reflections on the Mexican Revolution", J. int. Aff.,

, 9(1)1955:37-46.
(1 39)
Tambié,n en: ROSS, S.R., ed., 1s the Mexican--Revolution Dead?, A.A. Knopf,
New York, 1964, PP. 195-209.

, " ~ t a k e sin Mexico", Survey, 51 (1 ene 1924)318bis-320bis. (1 40)

THOMAS, Alfred Barnaby, Latin America: a History, Nc-w York, Macrnillan Co., 1956, 801p.
(1 41
("Mexico", pp. 638-696)

WEEDIE, Alec, Mexico frorn Diaz to the Kaiser, New York, George H. Doran Co., s.f.,
31 2p. (1 42)
VAZQUEZ, Samuel G., A Brief Description of Actual Conditions in Mexico, Los Angeles, Ca-
lifornia, Bank Supply co., 1921, 34p. (1 43)

VELIZ, Claudio, ed., Latin America and the Caribbean: A Handbook, London, A. Blond, 196E
840p. (1 44)
(Varios artículos sobre México.)

VIVAS, Eliseo, "The Spanish Heritagel', Amer .socio.l. R., 10(2)1945:184-191 .

WALLACE, lrving Speed, Mexico Today, Boston, Mass., Meador, 1936, 364p. (1 46)

WAUGH, Evelyn, Mexico: An Object Lesson, 1938.

WERLIN, Joseph S., Understanding Mexico: an Historical and Sociological Interpretation, Hou-
ston, Texas, 1962. (1 48)

WEYMULLER, Fran~ois, Histoire du Mexique, Paris, Presses Universitaire:i de France, 1953, 126
P (149)

WHITAKER, Arthur Preston, ed., "Mexico Today", Annals, 208(mar 1940)l-186. (1 50)

(Contiene artículos por autores norteamericanos y aigunos mexicanos sobre aspectos PO-
1 i t icos y soc ia les. )

WINTER, Nevin Otto, Mexico and Her People of Today. An account of the customs, characte-
ristics, amusements, and history, advancements of the Mexicans, and the development
and resources of their country, Boston, Mass., L.C. Page, 1907, 405p. (Ediciones re-
visadas, 1912, 1918 y 1923.) (1 51

WINTON, George Beverl~, Mexico: Past and Present, Nashville, Tenn., Cokesbury Press, 1928.

19 19
, Mexico Today: social, political and re1igious conditions, Da1las, Tex
as, Smith & Lamar, 1913, 235p. (1 537
1 WOLF, Eric R., Sons of the Shaking Earth, Chicago, III., University of Chicago Press, 1959,
I 302p. (154)

Nota en: Amer. Pol .Sci. R., 54(2)jun 1960567.

YOUNGMC\S, Elmer, "Mexico Today", Bankers' Mag., ene 1936:41-83. (1 55)

ZUBRYN, Emil, "Problems and Prospects in Mexico", ---

Contemp. R., 109(nov 1956)301-303. (156)
2. La metodología, tecnología y orientación de la investigación social.

BEALS, Ralph L., et al., "Anthropological Research Problems with Reference to the Contempora-
ry Peoples of Mexico and Guatemala", Amer.Anthrop., 45(ene 1943)l-21 . (15 7)

, "Anthropology in Mexico", Amer. Anthrop., 61 (1 959)886-891. (1 58)

CHENA-GONZALEZ, Rodolfo, Perception of Extension Work in Mexico, Ithaca, New York, Cor
nel l University, tesis de doctorado, 1963. (1 597

GAMIO, Manuel, "Present State of Anthropological Research in Mexico", BUI. PAU, 58(nov 19-
24)1077-1087. (1 60)

McMURRAY, Ruth; y LEE, Muna, The Cultural Approach, Chapel-Hill, Univenity of North Ca-
rolina Press, 1947. (1 61

PASSIN, Herbert, "Tarahumara Prevarication: a problem in field method", Amer.Anthrop., 44

(abr 1942)235-247, (1 62)

PECKMAN, D. "Study Trip: Social Studies Unit on Mexico for the Sixth Grade", Imprv.Coll.
U.Teach., ló(otoñ0 1968)15-17. -3)

RADVANY 1, Laszlo, "Ten Years of Sample Surveying in Mexico", Int. J.opn.att. Res., 5(4)otoño
1951-1 952:491-51 O. (1 64)
3. La sociología: historia y teoría.

AZEVEDO, Fernando de, "A sociologia no America Latina, e particularmente no Brasil", R.

Hist., 1(3)jul-sep 1950:339-361 . 7i65)
McCRARY, J. S., Sociological Theory in a Mexicun Setting, Hanover, 1964. (1 66)

MENDIETA Y NUREZ, L., "Soziologie in Mexiko", Archiv Rechts u .soz. -Philos., 2(1964)263-
277. (1 67)

STEWARD, Julian, Theory of Cultural Change, Urbana, III., University of lllinois Press, 1955.
(1 68)
4. La psicología social: la personalidad y la cultura; la interacción de
grupos pequeños; el conflicto, va lores, actitudes y e l liderato.

ANDERSON, Harold H.; y ANDERSON, Gladys L., "Social Values of Teachers in Rio de Ja-
neiro, Mexico City, and Los Angeles County, California: a Comparative Study of
Teachers and Children", J.Soc.Psychol., (1963). (1 69) '

BEALS, Carleton, "Mexican as He Is", No.Amer.R., 214(oct 1921)538-546.

BEALS, Ralph L., "The Mexican Student Views the United States", Annals, 295(sep 1954)108-
115. (1 71

BELL, James Dunbar, Attitudes of Selected Groups in the United States toward Mexico, 1930-
- .
1940, University of Chicago, 1941 Tesis para e l doctorado. (P1945) (1 72)
BOGARDUS, Emory S., The Mexican in the United States, Los Angeles, 1934. (1 73)

RC: -
en HAHR, 18(may 1938)216.

BOHME, Frederick G., "The Italians in Mexico: A Minority's Contribution", Pac. Hist.R., 28
(1)feb 1959:l-18. (1 74)

BRIC KER, Victoria Reif ler, Zinacanteco Patterns of Humor, Harvard University, 1966. Tesis para
e l doctorado . (1 75)
CANCIAN, Francesca M., Family lnteraction in Zinacantan, Harvard U.liversity, 1963. Tesis
para e l doctorado. (176)

, .
"lnteraction Patterns of Zinacanteco Famil ies'l, Amer.soc iol R. 29
(1 964)540-550. (1 77)

CARLOS, Jr., Manuel, Political Participation and Leadership in Contemporary Mexican Peasant
Society, University of California at .Santa Barbara, 1967. Tesis para e l doctorado, (178)

COOPER, Kenneth Joseph, Leadership Role Expectations in Mexican Rural and Urban Environ-
ments, University of Stanford, 1959.. Tesis para e l doctorado. (M1959) (1 79)
CORWIN, A.F., Contemporary Mexican Attitudes toward Population, Poverty, and Public Opi-
nion, University of Florida, 1963. (180)
CRAIG, "Mexican as He Is, " Wld. Outlook, 2(feb 1916)lO.

CRAWFORD, W. Rex, "The Mexicans", en W.R.C, A Century of Latin American Thought,

Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Press, 1945. (Edic ibn revisada, 1961 , PP.
247-295. 0 82)
CULHANE, E: K., "Mexico's Youth Speaks", America, 109(12 oct 1 963)408. (1 83)
M. ; LLOPIS-PEINADO, L. ; DIAZ-GUERRERO, R. ; y FORTES, A., I1lmages of American
in the Mexican Child", en Psychological ~ ~ ~ r o a c htoe ;Intergroup and lnternational Un-
derstanding, 1956, pp.32-37. (1 84)

DENNIS, Wayne, Changing Values in Latin America, New York, City University of NewYork,
1965. (1 85)

(Basado en niños mexicanos. )

DIAZ, May Nordquist, Tona lá: Conservat ism, Responsibi lity, and Authority in a Mexican Town,
Berkeley 8, Los Angeles, University of California, 1966, 220p. (1 86)

RC: DOUGHTY, Paul, en HAHR, 47(3)1967)415-416.


EDMONSON, Munro S., "The Mexican Truck Driver", New Orleans, La., Tulane University,
Middle American Research lnstitute Publication #25, 1959, pp. 73-88. (1 87)

ERASMUS, Charles John, "The Leader vs. Tradition: a case study1I, Amer.Anthrop., 54(2)abr-
jun 1952:168-178. (1 88)


in Mexican and Puerto Rican Family Values", J .soc. Psychol., 48(2)nov-
' 1958:167-181 . (1 89)

FORM, William H .; y DIANTONIO, W i l liam V., "lntegration and Cleavage among Communi-
ty lnfluentials in Two Border Cities", Amer.sociol. R., 24(6)1959:804-814. (1 90)

; y RIVERA, Julius, "Work Contacts and lnternational Eva1uations:The Case sf a

Mexican Border Village", Soc. Forces, 37(4)may 1959:334-339. (1 91)

FOSTER, George McClel land, "Cultural Responses to Expression of Envy in Tzintzuntzan", SW J.

Anthrop., 21 (primavera 1965)24-35. m
, "The Princ iple of Equivalente In a Mexican Peasant C ~ r n m u n i t ~ ~ ~ ,
SW J. Anthrop., 20(Z)verano 1964:107-122. (1 93)

(Tzintzuntzan, Michoacan)

, "Speech Forms and ~ e r c e ~ t i oofn Social Distance in a Spanish-

speaking Mexican Village", SW J .Anthrop., 20(1964). (194)

FRIED, JOCO^, "An Interpretation of Tarahumara lnterpenonal Relations", Anthrop.Quart., 34(2)

abr 1961:110-120. c.
(1 95)

GAMIO, Manuel, comp., The Mexican Immigrant: His Life Story, University of Califomia Press,
1961, 288p. (1 96)
, "War and the Acculturation of the Masses", Annals, 210(jul 1940)28-34. (197)

GESSNER, Volkmar, llSoziologische Aspekte der Behandlung privatrechtlicher Konflikte in Mexi-

ko", Centro de Investigaciones Sociales de la Universidad de M ~ n i c h , Investigación,
FTE-? (198)

GILLIN, John, "Ethos and Cultural Aspects of Personality", en TAXI Sol, ed., Heritage 'of
Conquest: The Ethnography-- of Middle America, New York, The Free Press, 1952, pp.
193-224. (1 99)

GULLAHORN, Jeanne; y LOOMIS, Charles P., "A Comparison of Social Distance Attitudes in
the United States and Mexico", Stud.Comp. int. Dev., 2(6)1966:89-103. (200)

HEREFORD, Carl, Attitudes and Value Systems: a Cross-Cultural Studyt8, Austin, University of
Texas, 1966. *
(México y otros)

; SELZ, Nina; STENNING, Walter; y NATALICIO, Luiz, "A Cross-Cultural

Comparison of the Active-Passive Dimension of Social Attitudes", R. int. Psych
1(1 )mar 1967:33-39. 7202)
HERNANDEZ, Pedro Felix, An Analysis of Social Power in FiveMexican Ejidos, lowa State Uni
venity of Science and Technology, 1965, 326p. Tesis para e l doctorado. (2037

HEWES, Gordon W., "Mexicans in Search of the 'Mexican': Note on Mexican National Chamc- Y
ter Studies", Amer. J. Econ. Sociol., 13(2) ene 1954:209-223. (204)
HINTON, Thomas B., The Village Hierarchy as a Factor in--- ---
Cora lndian Accultumtion, Los An-
geles, University of California, 1962. Tesis para e l doctorado. (205)

HOLTZMAN, W.W., "Cross-Cultural Research on Personality Development", en BASEL., Hurnan

Development, 1965, pp. 65-86. (206J

(La ciudad de México.)

HOULE, Bettie Eckhardt Totten, Sorne Significant Characteristics Associated with ~ o ~ u l a rin
American and Mexican E lementary School---
Chi ldren, University of Chicagto, 1954. Tesis
para el doctorado. (M1954) (207)

HUMPHREY, Norman D., "Ethnic lmages and Stereotypes of Mexicans and Americans", Amer.J.
Econ. Sociol 14(3)a br 1955:305-313.

, -
"The Mexican lmage of Americans", Annals, 295(sep 1954)116-125.

INGHAM, John M., "Culture and Personal ity in a Village in Morelos", Berkeley, U n i v e r s i ~
of California, s.f. (21 0)

IWANSKA, Alicia, "The Mexican Indian: lmage and Identity", J. lnter-Amer. Stud., 6(1964)
529-536. (21 1)

KAHL, Joseph A., The Measurement of Modernism: A Study of Values in Brazil and Mexico,

30 30
Austin, University of Texas, lnstitute of Latin American Studies, 1968, 205p. (21 2)

, "Modern Values and Fertility ldeals in Brazil and Mexico", J.SOC.lssues, 23

~1%7j3?9-19-114. (21 3)

KENNEDY, John Gordon, "Testigo Complex: The Role of Beer in Tarahumara Culture", Amer.
Anthrop., 56(1963)620-639. (214)
KENNY, 'Michael, "The Cultural Resistance of Spanish lmmigrants in Mexicc and Cuba in the
Twentieth Century", Catholic, 1963. Investigación. (21 5)

KING, Genevieve, The Psychology of a Mexican Community in San Antonio, Texas, Austin,
University of Texas, 1936785P. Tesis para la maestría. (21 6)

KLAPP, Orin E., "Mexican Social Types", Amer. J. Soc. Sci., .69(4)ene 1964:404-414. (21 7)

KRANYIK, Robert Donald, A Comparison of lmages of Mexico Portrayed in Elementary Social

Studies Textbooks and Possessed by Connec t icut and Mexican Teac hers, Connec ticut,
1965. Tesis para e l doctorado. (21 8)

"Why We Are Different", Survev, 52(1 may 1924)159-160. (21 9)
LESLIE, Charles M., Now We are Civilized: a Study of the World View of the Zapotec lndians
of Mitla, Oaxaca, Detroit, Mich., wayn6 State University Press, 1960. (220)
RC: METRAUX, A., en LIHornme, (1)1961:126.

AACCOBY, Michael, "Love and Authority: Study of Mexican Villages", Atlantic Mthly., 21 3
(mar 1964)12-16. (221

, --
"On Mexican National Character", Annals, 370(rnar 1967)63-73. (222)

; MODIANO, Nancy; y lANDER, Patricia, "Games and Social Character

in a Mexican V i l lage", Psychiatry, 27(2)may 1964:150-162. (223)

MARSDEN, G., "Mexican as I saw Him", Wld.Outlook, 2(ago 191633-4.

"Mexican Traits", Survey, 44(2 ago 1920)562-564. (225)
McGINN, N.F., et a l .,
"Responses to lnterpenonal Corflict by Middle Class Males in Guada-
la jara and Michigan", Amer.Anthrop., 67(dic 1965)1483-1494. (226)

McLEAN, Robert N., That Mexican! As He Really Is, North and South of the Rio Grande,
New York, Fleming H. Revell Co., 1928, 184p. 7 2 2 7 )

MEISTER, Morgaret, Merida: Community Power Structure in a Mexican Town in Transition,Colum

bia University, New York, 1966, Tesis para e l doctorado. (2283)

MERRILL, John Calhoun, -- -

Gringo: The American as Seen by Mexican Journalists,
FIa., University of Florida Press, 1963, 52p. -Lat in American Monograph Series 152.

, The lmage of the United States Presented by Ten Mexican Daily News-
-p=rs, u ni v e r s i t i 30 i
, "The
lmage of the United States in Ten Mexican Dailies", J-ism Quart,
.39(2)primavera 1962:203-209. (231)
METZGER, Duane, "Conf lict in Chulsanto, a V i l lage in Chispas", Alpha Kop. Del., 3O(i)oto~o
1960. (232)

MILLAN, Alfonso, "Dreams of Social Character in Mexico", en V O N GRUNEBAUM, G.E.; y

CAI LLOIS, Roger, The Dream and Human Societies, Berkeley, Calif., University of
Cal iforn ia Press, 1966, pp. 321-329. (233)

MORSE, E. L. C., -
"Character of the Mexican, People", Dial, 57(juI 1914)lO-11. (234)

-, uPsychology of the Mexican Peon", Review, 3(27 oct 1920)374-375. (235)

NELSON, C., "Analysis of World ' ~ i e win a Mexican Peasant Village: an illustration", Soc.,
Forces, sep 1967:52-61. (236)
NORDHOFF, C. B., "Human Side of Mexico", Atlantic Mthly., 124(oct 1919)502-509. (237)
NUÑEZ, Jr., Theron Aldine, Conf l i c t in a Mexican V i l lag=, Berke-
ley, University of (238)

OWEN, Robert C. Marobavi, A Study of an Assimilated Group in Northern Sonora, Tucson,
University of Arizona, 1959, 53p. ~ ~ & ~ o ~ a r - P ' a ~ r ~ - # 3 .


--------u- ---------
, Culture and Environmental Adaptation in a Marginal Econ~rn:r:
-- 2

the ~aipainXañs;T ~aj a i f o r n ia,. Mexico, Los ~ n ~ e l e sUniversity
Tesis p a ~ - ~ d o c t o r a d o .
, of Californ ia,l960.

PASSIN, Herbert, "The Place of Kinship in Tarahumara Social Organization", -----

Acta Americana,
1(3)jul-sep 1943:360-383; 1(4)oct-dic 1943:471-495. (241)
, "Tarahumara Prevarication: a problem in Field Method", Amer.Anthrop., 44
'(abr 1942)235-247. (242)

PAZ, Octavio, The Labyrinth of Solitude: Life and Thought in Mexico, New York, Grove Press,

1961, 212p. (243)

RC: -
CINQUEMANI, F.L., en LibreJ., 87(15 abr 1962)1626.
JAMES, Daniel, en Sat. Rev. Lit., 45(7 abr 1962)33-34.

PECK, Robert F., "A Comparison of the Value Systems of Mexican and American Youth",
Psych., 1 (1)mar 1967:41-50. -7244)
PERRONE, Vito, An lmage of America Conceived -in Mexican
M - and - - -Argentine
- - - - - - -Social
- Studies Tex+
books, ic igan State University, 1964. Tesis p a r a T doctorad~.
RAAT, William D.,
"Leopoldo Zea and Mexican Positivism. A reappraisal," HAHR, 48(l)feb 19-

RAMOS, Samuel, --Profile --

of Man and Culture in Mexico, Austin, University of Texas Press,1962.
RC: -
CONQUEMANI, F. L., en Libr. J., 87(1 may 1962)1803.
HASELDEN, Kyle, en Christ. Cent., 79(19 sep 1962)1134.
LEONARD, lrving A., en HAHR, 43(1)1963:121-122,

RIVERA, Julius, Contacts and Attitudes toward the United States in a Mexican Border Communi-
--- e-------- ---
ty, Michigan State University, r ~ ~ - T ~ $ ~ p a m ~ r a d o . (Tm
ROMANELL, Patrick, The Making of the M e x i c a ~Mind, Lincoln, University of Nebraska Press,
1952, 2 1 3 ~ . (249)

RC: FLO'NER, Elizabeth, en HAHR, 33(4)1953:544-546.

Sociol.Soc.Res., 1953:37-

SCHWARTZ, Lola Romanucci Manzol l ilo, Moral ity, Conf lict, and Violence in a Mexican Mes-
tizo V i l lage, Indiana University, 1963. Tesis para e l d o c t o r a d r ---mo)
SEJ OURNE, Laurette, "Les Mayas d'au jourd'hui", --
Annales, 21 (1 )ene-feb 1966:32-43. (25 1
SIVERTS, Henning, "On Pol itics and Leadership among Tzel tal-speaking Indians, Chispas", Po-
mona, 1965. Investigación . (252)

STABB, Martin S., "lndigenism and Racism in Mexican Thought: 1857-1 91 1",J. inter-Amer.Stud
1(4)oct 1959:405-423. w33r

STEGGERDA, M.; . Y, MACO,MBER, E., "Mental and Social Characteristics of Maya and Navaio
'lndians as ~videnced-byá Psychological Rating Scale", J.SOC. ~sychól., 10(feb 19-
39)51-59. (25 4)

STEVENS, E. P., "Mexican 'Machismo': Pol itics and Va lue Orientation", West, Po1.Q., 18(4)dic

1965:848-857. (255T

STOKES, W.S., "The Pensadores of Latin America", en HUSYAR, G.B., ed., The lntellectuals,
s. f., pp. 422-429. -12556) I

" Understanding Mexico", Sunset, 43(dic 1919)31-33. (25 7)
THOMPSON, Wallace, ------
The Mexican Mind, A Study in National Psychology, Boston, 1922.

, -----------------------------------
The People of Mexico---Who They Are and How They Live, New York,
1921 . (259)

THOMSON, C.A., "Mexicans, an Interpretation", en -----------------

Proeeedings of Nationol Conference of

36 36
Soc ia l Work, 1928, pp. 499-503.

VI LLA ROJAS, Alfonso, " Kinship and Nagual ism in a Tze ltal Community, Southeastern Mexicol\
Amer. Anthrop., 49(oct-dic 1 947)83-86. (261 )
VOGT, E. Z., --
"Acculturation of American Indians", Annals, 31 1(may 1957)144-146. (262)

. -
e- -----
WING, Ceorge Gord~n, Octavio Paz: Poetry, Politics, and the Myth of the Mexican, Berkeley,
University of California, 1961 Tesis para e m t o r a d ~ . (263)

WOLF, Eric R., "The Virgin of Guadalupe: a Mexican National Symbol", Amer.Folklore, 7i
(279)ene-mar 1958:34-39. (264)

XIRAU, R., -- ., 2(1959)22-.

"Mexicanism: the Theory and the Reality", Texas Q (265)
YOUNG, Frank W., "Location and Reputation in a Mexican lntervillage Network", .HumanOrg,
23(primavera 1964)36-41. 7 6 1
ZINGG, R. M,, ------
"Genuine and Spurious Values in Tarahumara Culture", Amer. Anthrop., 44(ene
1912)78-92. (267)
ZURCHER, Louis A,; MEADOW, Amold; y ZURCHER, Susan Lee, "Value O:ientation, Role Cow

65 :539-548.
f l ict, and Alienation from Work: A Cross-Cultural Study", Amer.sociol. R., 30(4)ago 19-
5. La interacción de grupos: la etnología; e l racism:, y la discriminación.

ALBA, Victor, Mexique, Laussane, Ed. Recoiiire, s.f., 231p.

BEALS, Ralph L., - -- Berkeley, University of California, 1945.

Ethnology of the Western Mixe,

, "Notes on Acculturation", en TAX, Sol, ed., Heritage of Conquest: the Eth-

America, New York, The Free Press, 1952, pp.225731.---- -727)

BKENNER, Anita, " Jew in Mexico", Nation, 119(27 ago 1924)211-212.

CANC IAN, Francesca M., "lnteraction Patterns in Zinacanteco Families", Amer.sociol. R., 29(4)

ago 1964:540-550. (273)

--- , "Variations of Selected Cultural Patterns among Three Generations of

Mexicans in San Antonio, Texas", Amer.Cath.sociol. R., 19(l )mar 1958:24-34. (274)

CARRASCO PIZANA, Pedro, Tarascan Folk Religion, an Analysis of Economic, Social, and -
---------------- Reli-
gious Interactions, ~ e w Y o F k , - ~ m b i o ~ n i v e r s i 1t 954.
~, Tesis para eT d o r
torad.3. (275)

COLBY, Benjamin N ., Ethnic Relations in the Chiapus Highlands of Mexico, Cambridge, Mass.,
Harvard Univers itfl6.-9es i s para e I ~ c M > . (276)
----~ m e r . ~ n t h r o;p .y63(4)ago
V A N den BERGHE, Pierre
1961 :772-792.
L., "Ethriic Relations in Southeastern Mexico;
-----a-- (277)
Cf. "Discussion on Colby's ond Van den Berghe's 'Ethnic Relations in Southeastern Mexico"',
Amer.Anthrop., 65(abr 1963)394-399; 6(abr, oct 1964)417-418, 1155-1 158.

; Y ' , "Ladino-lndian Relations in the High-

-axSofChiapas, Mexicol', ----
~ & < - ~ ~ 1961
~ ~)63-71.
~ o c t (278)
COMAS, Juan, " LIAmerique Latine", R. int. Sci.
---Soc., 13(2)1961:286-315.
(México, América Central y Brasil; relaciones raciales y la discriminación.)

FUENTE, Julio de la, "Ethnic and Comrnunal Relations", en TAXI Sol, ed., Heritage of Con-
quest: the Ethnology of Middle Americo, New York, The Free Press, 19521-pp.76Y96.

-- in Caribbean Roce Relations: a Contribution to the Socio- )

HOETINK, Harry, The Two Variants
logy of Segmented Soc ieties, N e w Y O ~ I ; , - O X ~ O ~ ~ U ~ ~ ; ~ ,~~~P
- - - - - - - 1 - - - - 1 _ _

KAHAN, S., Meksikanishe ref leksn, Sebsteilik, 1954, 306p.


KAPLAN, B.A., " Ethnic Identif ication of an lndian Mestiza Community", --

Phylon, 14(1953)1791
KIRK, William, "Cultural Confl i c t in M e x i c a ~Life", - --
Soc. Serv. R., 15(1930-1931)352-364. (284

KRESS, D.M., "How Mexico i s Solving her Problem of Racial Differences through an lmproved
Educational System", Sch &Soc., 37(20 may 1933)657-658. (285)

, "Racial Differences as a ----

Factor in Mexico's Educational System", Education, 54
-(sepT933)27-29. (286)

LEVITZ, Jacob, The Jewish Community in Mexico---lts

---------- Life
-- and Education,
-- Dropsie, 1954. Te-
s i s para e l doctorad~. (287)

MALOOF, Louis Joseph, A Soc iological Study of Arabic-speaking

--_---- -People
- - - - _ I _ - - - - - - - - -in-Mexico,
- - - Gainesvil
le, University of morida, 1959. Tesis para eT doctorado. (2885

MARTENS, F. H., "Race Factor in Mexican anti-Clerica l ism", ---- .

Curr. Hist , 27(nov 1927)238-241 .

McDONAGH, E. G., "Attitudes toward Ethnic Farm Workers in, Coachella Val leyu, Sociol. Soc.
Res., 40(1)1955:10-18. 7 9 0 )
MURRAY, R. H., "Mexico and the Yaquis", ---
Sunset, 24(jun 1910)619-628. (291

PENINGTON, Campbell, --
1963, 267p.
The Tarahumaras of Mexico, Salt Lake City, University of Utah Press,
PI-SUNYER, O., "Historical Background to the Negro in Mexico", J.Negro Hist.,42(oct1957)
237-246. (293)
PITT-RIVERS, Jul ian, "Research on Race Relations", University of Chicago, 1965(?); investiga-
c ión . (294)

(El énfasis es sobre México y Penj.)

REDFIELD, Robert, "Race and Class in Yucatan", Washington, D.C., Carnegie lnstitution of
Washington, 1938, pp.511-532. -(295)

; y VILLA ROJAS, Alfonso, "Notes on the Ethnography of Tzeltal Cornrnuni-

ties of Chispas", Washington, D.C., Carnegie lnstitution of Washington, 1939, pp. 105
119. (296T

RONCAL, J., "The Negro Race in Mexico", --

HAHR, 24(1944)530-. (29 7)
SELBY, Henry Anderson, Ethnography of Deviant Behavior in a Zapotec Village, Chicagol A l -
. dine Press, FPU-1969. (298)

SOUSTELLE, Jacques, Tequi la. Un v i l lage nahuatl du Mexique oriental, Paris, Un iversitéde Pa-
ris, ~ r a v a u x ~ r n e r n o i r e ~ s t i dl~thnologie,
tut 1958,-268p. (299)

STARR, Betty W., "Levels of Comrnunal Relatioris", Amer. J. Soc iol ., 60(2)sep 1954:125-135.
(Tres comunidades rurales de Veracruz.)

STARR, Frederick, -
Notes on the Ethnography of . Southern Mexico, Davenport, lowa, 1900. (301 )

STAVENHAGEN, RodoIfo, "Classes, Colonial ism, and Acculturation: Essay on a System of lnter-
Ethn ic Relations in Meso-America", Stud.Comp. int Dev., 1(6)1965:53-77. (302)

(Guatemala y México: una comparación de la región maya.)

TANNENBAUM, Frank, . -., 41 (3)sep 1946:365-383.

"Technology and Race in Mexico", Pol Sci. Q

TAX, Sol, ed., Heritage of Conquest: the ethnology of Middle America, New York, The Free
Press, 1952. (304)

WOLF, Eric R., "Aspects of Group Relations in a Complex Society: Mexico", Amer.Anthrop.,
58(6)dic 1956:1065-1078. 7 5 )
6. La cultura y la estructura social: la organización social, la antropo-
logra social, e l folklore, la vida y costumbres.

ALPE'NFELS, Ethel J., "Workshop in Social Anthropology to Mexico", J.educ.Sociol -., 26(1952)
149-1 52. (306)

AUGUR, H., Zapotecs, New York, 1954.

BAI LEY, elen en -

Mi ller, Santa Cruz of the Etla Hills~ainesville, University of Florida Press, 1958,
292p. (308)

RC: STABLER, G..M., ------

Rural ~ociol.,24(jun 1959)183.

BEALS, Carleton, Land - -Yesterday and Today, New York, Abelard-Schuman,l966,

_ -of -the_Mayas: --e-

m t - "

BEALS, Ralph L., -The- -Acaxee,

- - - - - a- -Mountoin
- - - - - Tribe
- - - -of- Durango
- - - - and

Sinaloa, Berkeley, Calif .,

1933. (31 O)

- -o f ~---- . ___ __--

, ,The Conternporary - - - - -of- the
Culture -- - --- Indians,
- Cohita ---- Washington, D.C., Bureau
m e r i c a n~ n t h r o ~ o T o ~ , ~ 9 4 5 . (31 1)

- - of, SociaT
- - - lnstitute - __
Cheran: a____ _------
Sierra --- Washington, D. C., Smithsoniail
Tarascan Village,
Ant7iropoTogy, ~ a s h i ñ g t o nGovernment Printing Office, 1946.
, --- .Life, (primaveia)l 952:25-27.
"Cheran: a V i l lage of Mexico , Mex (31 3)
, "Problems in the Study of Mexican Marriage Customs", en LOWlE, R. H., ed.,
-- in Anthropology
Essays Presented to A.L. Kroeber,
------------------------ ----- Berkeley, Calif, 1936. (31 4)

BENNETT, Wendell Clark; y ZINGG, Robert Mowry, -The Tarahumara, -----. Tribe of Nor-
- - - - - - -an- lndian
-- -- Chicogo, III., unive;sity of Chicago Press, 1935, 4 1 2 ~ .
thern Mexico,
(315 )

BOAS, Franz, - , 25(1912)204-261).

"Notes on Mexican Folklore", J. Amer. Folklore (31 6)
BORAH, Woodrow, IIRace and Class in Mexico", -----
Pac. Hist.R., 23(nov 1954)331-342. (31 7')
BUSHNELL, G . H. S., "Contemporary Culture of the Cahita Indians", Nature, 158(13 jul 1946)
---- (318)

BUSHNELL, John Hempstead, San Juan Atzingo: an lnterpretation of -Folk - - Culture

- - - - -in_Central
Mexico, University of C a l i f o r n T o ' ; 7 m T e s i s pura e l o r a d o . 0 1 9)

CANCIAN, Frunk, Economics and Prestige in a Meya Community: the -Religious Cargo System in
Zinazantan, Stanford University Press, 1965, 238p. x)
CAREY, Frank, 18Ladine Society in Teklumu, Columbia-Cornell-Harvard-lllinois Summer Field
Studies Program in Mexico, 1962. Mimeo. (321 )
CLI NE, Howard Fmnc is, "The Terragueros of Gu latao, Oaxaca, Mexicoll, Acta Americana, 4
COLBY, Benjamin H., "Social Relations and Directed Culture Change among the Zinzantan",
Practic .Anthrop., 7(6)nov-dic 1960:241-250. (323)

COLIN, J. Paredes, "Marriage Customs of San Juan Miantitlantt, Mex.Mag., 3(may 1927)213-

221 (324)

CRO\N, John Arrnstrong, Mexico Today, New York, Harper & Bros., 1957, 3 3 6 ~ . (325)

RC: BRACKER, Milton, en N Y Times, p7 (10 nov 1957).

HARRISOI\I, W. K., en Cibr.J.,82(? oct 1957)2454.
HERRING, H., en N Y Her.Trib.Bk.R., p13 (24 nov 1957).

DAINE, Lawrence, Yucatan, New York, 1941 . (326)

DIAMANT, Gertrude, The Days of Ofel ¡a, Boston, Mnss., Houghton & Miff lin, 1942,226p. (327)

DIEBOLD, Jr., A. Richard, Bilingualism and Biculturation in a Huave Community, New Haven,
. __I_

Conn., University of Yale, 1961 Tesis para el doctorado. (328)

EDMOI\ISON, Munro S.A., 'tTriangulation on the Culture of Mexico", en M.S.A.E., et al.,

pp .201-240,
Synoptic Studies of Mexican Culture, New Orleans, La., Tulane University, 1957,
; CARRASCO, P..; FISHER, G.H.; y WDLFE, E.S., New Orleans, La.,
Tulane University, Middle American Research Institute,' 1957, 240p. (330)

RC: ADAMS, R. N., en Amer.Anthrop,, 60(3)ene 1958:587-588.

FISHBURNE, Jane, Courtship and Marriage in Zinacantan, Radcliffe College, 1962. A.B. Hon-
ors thesis. (331)

, "Some Aspects of the Division of Labor in a Zinacantan Househould", 1960.

Mimeo. (332)

FISHER, Glen Harry, Directed Culture Change in Latin America: the Application of Modern
Theories of Culture Change to an Analysis of the Mexican Pilot Project in Basic ~ r c a -
rion in ~ a n t i a ~ o T ~ a ~ aMexico,
rit, Chapel-Hill, N.C., University of North Carolina,
c 1953. Tesis para el doctorado. (P1953) (333)

. "Directed Culture Chanae in Navarit. Mexico: Analysis of a Pilot Pro-

ject in ~ a s i tEdueation",
' en EDMONSÓN, M.s.A.; et al., Syno i i c Studbr d Mexi-
can Culture. New Orleans, La.. Tulane Universiiv, 1957. DV T&RW-- (334)

FOSTER, George McClelland, I1Dyadic Contract: a Model for the Social Structure of a Mexican
Peasant Village", Amer.Anthrop., 63(dic 1961)1173-1192. (335)

"Reply to G.M. FOSTER'S, 'Dyadic Contract: a model for the socia! structure of a Mexi
can peasant village"', Amer.Anthrop., 64(dic 1962)1301, por E. BOURGUIGNON. (336T 1
48 48 1
, " Dyadic
Contract in Tzintzuntzan: Patron-Client Relationship",
Arner. Anthrop., 65(dic 1963)1280-1294. (337)

, ---
"lnterpersonal Relations in Peasant Society", Human O,:g., 19(4)
o= 1960-1961 :174-178; 'Di,scusiónl por Oscar LEWIS y Julian PITT-RIVERS y 'Réplica',
por G.M. McCLELLANi), pp. 179-1 84. (338)

-- --
; y asistido por OSPIMA, Gabriel, Ernpire's Children: the People
of 'Tzintzuntzan, Washington, D.C., Srnithsonian Institution, lnstitute of Social Anthropo-
logy,m- (339)

RC: JONES, G. l., en Nature, 162(14 ago 1948)270.

FURST, Peter T.; y MYEROFF, Barbara G., "Culture Change among the Huichol lndian Popula
tion of the Sierra Madre Occidental, Mexico", University of California a t Los Angeles,
1968. (341)

GALLO?, Rodney, Mexican Mosa ic, London, Faber, 1939.

GAMIO, Manuel, .
l'Cultural Pattems in Modern Mexico", Quart J. inter-Amor. Rel ., 1(2)abr 19-
39:49-61. (343)

GIPSOI\(, F., -
Cow Killers with the Aftosa Commission in Mexico, s.d. (344)
RC: SCHMIDT, L.B., Agric.Hist., 3l(oct 1957)86-87.
SWANSOr4, C.P., ----
en Quart.R.Biol., 32(mar 1957)70.

GREKO'4, N., .
"Konkistadory i . . K. Paustovskii", --
Zvezda, (1)ene 1956:191 . .(345)

Notes on Seri Indiari Culture, Sonora.. ., Gainesville,Fla., University of
Florida Press, 1960 (346)

HANNA, P., -
"Culture and the Intel lectuals", Nation, 112(20 abr 1921)585-587. (347)
DiARDY, B.C., "Cultural Encystment as a Cause of the Mormon Exodus from Mexico in 1912",
Pac. Hist. R., 34(nov 19651439-454. (348)

HARVN, H. R., "Study of the Social, Economic, and Political Structure of the Municipio of
Huixquilucan, State of Mexico: Mexico Past and Presenta', Madison, University of Wis-
consin, FEM-1963, FTE-? Investigación. (349)

HATCH, Duane Spencer, Toward Freedom from Want from India to Mexico, Bombciy-New York,
lndian Branch, Oxford University Press, 19 w P : - (350)

RC: BROMFIELD, L., The Land, 9(otoño 1950)429-430.

GRETH, M.S., ~ u r m . l6(jun
, 1951)182.

HENRIQUEZ-UREÑA, Pedro, "Mexican Culture and the Revolution", Bu1.PAU, 60(ago 1926)792-
796. (351)
HOLMES, Calixta Guiteras, 1'50cial nrganization", err ?AY, Sol, ed., Heritage of Conquest:
The ~ t h n o l oof~ Middle
~ Amcrica, New York, The Free Press, 1952, pp.96-118. (352)

HOSELITZ, Bert F., "Mexican Social Structure and Economic oevelopmentt!, Econ. Develop.
cult.Change, 1 (3)oct 1952:236-240. (353)

(Analiza e l libro de José E. Iturriaga, La estructura social y cultural de México,

México, 1951 ).
HUMPHREY, Norrnan Deymond, "The Generic Foik Culture of Mexico", Rural Sociol ., 8(4)dic
1943:364-377. (354)

HUNT, Robert; y HUNT, Eva, "Regional Social Structure (Oaxaca, Mexico)", Evanston, North
western University, FEM-1963. Investigación. (3557

KELLY, Isabel Truesdell, Folk Practices in North Mexico: Birth Custorns, Folk Medicine, and
Spiritualisrn in the Laguna Zone, Austin, Tex., University of Texas Press, 1965, 166p.
'Latin American Monographs Q2, (356)

KENNEDY, John Gordon, A Tarahurnara Gentile Comrnunity: Social Organization and Extra-

Cultural Influences, Los Angeles, University of Califomia, 1961 Tesis para el doc-
(35 7)

LAUGHLIN, Robert M., Through the Looking-Glass: Reflections on Zinacantan Courtship and
Marriage, Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University, 1963. Tesis para el doctorado.
LEA, T., "Brave Bulls and Brave Men", Sat.Rev. Lit., 34(15 sep 1951)46-47. (359)
LINDIG, Wolfgang, Die Seri, cin Heka-Wiltbeuterstammin Sonora, Mexico, Leiden, E.J.Brill,
1959, 116p. ' (360)

LINNE, S., Mexican Highland Cultures, Stockholm, 1942.

MASSEY, William Clifford, Culture History in the Cape Region of Baja Califomia, Mexico,
Califomia, 1955. --('362)

MEAD, Margaret, -
Cultural Pattems and Technical Change, New York, The American Library,
1955. (363)

MEIGS, P., The Kiliwa lndians of Lower Califomia, Berkeley, California, 1939. - (364)

"MEXICO: a Spanish-lndian Culture in a Modern Setting", Wld.Today, 5(mar 1949)108-114.


MILLER, Frank Charles, "Cultural Change among the Tzotzil lndians of Mexico", Carleton,
1964. Investigaci6n. (366)

, "Cultural Change as Decision-Making: a Tzotzil Example", Ethnology,

4(1) ene 196553-65. 7 6 7 )
Cambridge, Mass,,
, --
Social Structure and Medical Change in a Mexican lndian Community,
Harvard University, 1960. Tesis para e l doctorado. (368)

MODIANO, N ., "Chamula Life", Nat. Hi s t ., 77(ene 1968)58-63.

NADER, Laura, "Law and Comporaf ive Social Structure", Amer. Anthrop., 1965. .(370)
(Los datos fueron reunidos entre 1957-1965; la ley zapoteca.)

, Spgce and social Organ ization in Two Zapotec Communities, Radcliffe College,
1961 . Tesis para e l doctorado. (371)

NUTINI, Hugo G., San Bemardino Contla. Marriage and Family Structure in a Tlaxcalan Mu-
nic ipio, u n i v v n )

PARSONS, Elsie Clews, Mitla, Town of Souls, and other Zapotec-speaking pueblos of Oaxaca,
Mexico, Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 1936. (373)

PRESS, Irwin; y PRESS, Gloria, llCultuml Continuity and Innovation", Chicago, Univenity of
Ch icago, FTE-1964. Investigación. (374)

RAVICZ, Robert Simon, 3-

tion, Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University , 1959, Tesis para el doctorado. (375)
, "Cultural Contact and Change in Rural and Urbon MexicoN, 1962,(376)
REDFIELD, Robert, The Folk Culture of Yucatan, Chicago, III., University of Chicago, Social
Anthropology Series, "1 , 1941, 416p. (377)

RC: KOSVEN, M., Sov.etnografiia; sb.statei, 6(7)1947:299-300.

, Tepoztlan, A Mexican Village: A Study of Folk. Life, Chicago, III., Uni-

versity of C C (378)

RC: BEALS, C., en Sat.Rev. Lit., 6(19 jul 1930)1201-1202.

; y TAXI Sol, "General Characteristics of Present-Day Mesoarnerican lndian

Society", en TAXI Sol, ed., Heritage of Conquest: the Ethnology of Middle Arnerica,
New York, The Free Press, 1 9 5 1

SOBRINO, Josephíne,
Folklore of ~ e l e c t e dlndian Tribes on the- -Education
- of Mexico, Houston, Texas, Uni-
- - -

versity of Houston, 1961 Tesis para el doctorado. (380)

SPICER, Edward H., "Cultural Change in Charnula, Chiapas, and Tarascan Villages", University
of Arizona, FTE-? Investigación. (381

, tlPotam, a Yaqui V i llage in Sonorat1, Amer. Anthrop., 56(4)ago 1954:220-.

, "Soc ial Structure and Cultural Process in Yaqui Religious Accultumtionn,
Amer .Anthrop., 60(3) jun 1958:433-441.

STARR, Frederick, In lndian Mexico, Chicago, 1908. (384)

STEGGERDA, Marris, Maya lndians of Yucatan, Washington, D.C., Carnegie lnstitution cf

Washington, 1941 . (385)

STEVENSON, P., "Mexican Srnall Town", No.Amer. R., 240(dic 1935)434-Wi (386)

TERRY, L. M., -
"Courtship and Marriage in Mexico", Era, 13(ene 1904) 26-28. (387)

TOOR, Frances, A Treasure of Mexican Folkways, New Yosk, Crown Publishers, 1947, 56óp.
RC: KINZHALOV, R., en Sov,etn,, (1)1951:226-227.

TURNER, Paul R.; y BLMSTEAD, David Lo, Tequistlatecan Kinship and Limitations on Choice of
Spouse", Ethnology, 5(3) jul 1966:245-250, (389)

VAN ZANTWIJK, R.A.M., Servants of the Saints, The Social and Cultural ldentity of a Taras
can Community in Mexico, Assen, R O ~ Van
~ I Gorcum Ltd., 1967,38-3Tq

VOGT, Evon Z,, "Ceremonial Organization in Zinacantan", Ethnology, 4(1 )ene 1965:39-52.
, , "Structural and Conceptual Replicatioír in Zinacantan Culture", Amer.Anthrop,,
WAGLEY, Charles; y HARRIS, Mawin, "A Typology of Latin American Subcultures", Amer,
Anthmp., 57(3)jun 1955:428-451. 7393)

WAISANEN, F.B.; KAMATA, Hideya; y LOOMIS, Charles, "Receptivity to Change in Five

Nations", s.f. (394)

(Costa Rica, México, Japón, Finlandfa y los Estados Unidos de America,)

WALLACE, Dwight, "Research in the Tlaxcala Area in Mexico", Univenity of Oregon, FEM-
1963. Investigacibn en redaccibn. (395)
WEST, Robert C., "Cultural Geogmphy of the Modem Tarascan Area", Washington, D. C., The
Smithsonian Institution, Institi~teof Social Anthropology, Publicat ion #7, 1948. (396)

*,Raymond A., The Economic and Social Organization of a Mexican Ejido Commu-
New Haven, Conn,, Yale Univenity, 1954, 157p. Tesis para e l doctorado.
(39 7)

WILSON, C.M., "Last of the Real Mayas", Sci.Digest, 29(jun 1951)ll-15. (398)

(Los lacadones.)
ZAPATA, M. O. de, "Getting Married in a Mexican Village", Wld. Ootlook, 3(nov 1917)22-.
ZIMBALIST, Michelle S., "The Corn Fields: a Study of the Social Structure of the Grandilla,
a Milperia Paraje", 1963, mimeo, (4.00)
7. Las org~nizacionescomplejas: IQsociologra industrial-laboral; la socio-
logía militar; y la estructura burocrática,

ANNALS of Col lective Economy, "Col lective Economy in Mexico", 15(l )ene-abr 1939:49-218,

(Conflicto laboral dentro de la industria petrolera mexicana.)

RC: GO2OZHANKINA, N*, Mirokhoz,, i mir.polit., (7)jul 1940:194-196,

CARR, B., (Labour Movement in Mexico), University of Oxford, FTE-1968. Tesis para la Bo
Litt, (42)

CLARK, Marjorie Rvth, "Historical Background of Mexico's Labor Movement", Mex. Life, 1 1 (nov
1936)45-53, (403)

, OrganizeB Labor in Mexico, Chapel-Hill, N.C., Univenity of North

Carolina Press, 1934. (404)

JELLINEK, Frank, "Mexican Labor's Changing' Currents", Mex-AmereR., 15(ebr 194310-15.


LEW IS, Oscar, The Tepoztlan Project: A Report on Administrative Problems, Washington, D.C ,,
National lndian Institute, 1945. (406)
LIEUWEN, Edwin, "Curbing Militarism i n Mexico: A Case Stu)P, en TO~AASEK, Robzrt D.,
ed., Latin American Politics, New York, Anchor Books, 1966, pp.256-274. (407ji

, Mexiean Militarism: the Political Rise and Fa11 of the Revolutionaiy--Amy,

1910-1 940, Albuquerque, N.M., The Univenity of New Mexico Press, 1968, 194p.
. .
(Ofrece un análisis social también.)

MILLER, Richsrd U., "The Mexican System of Industrial Relations", Madison, Wisc., Universi-
ty of Wisconsin, Latin American Studies Program, FTE-1968. Investigación. (409)

MONTAGU, I ., "Mexico on the March", LaD,Mthly., 20(1938)437-442,

MORENO, Jean, " Labor Creeps Forward", Mod.Mex., 13(ago 1940)ll-12. (41 1)

PREWETT, Virginia, "The Mexican Arrny", For.Aff., 19(3)abr 1941:609-620. (41 2)

SPICER, Edward H., "The Military Orqlonization in Yaqui Culture",

Arizona, 1950, pp. 171-1 87.
For the Dean, Tucson,
8, Cambios sociales y desarrollo econ6;nico.

AUTRISTE, S., "Msxican Progress undea President Obregón", Curr. Hist., jun 1924. (414)

ALBA, Victor, "The Mexican Economy: State Action and Private Initiative", Wld,Today, nov
1959:451-462. - (415)
ALCOCER, Mariano, "Que lqvss apercus sur I'état social 6conomique du Mexique", Bu1l. Bimes-
tral, may-iul 195141-488, - 7 1 6)
ALISKY, Mgrvin, "Mexico's Special Districls: Municipal Civic Betterment Boardsu, Arz. S t a Univ,
PuboAff0Bu1., 4(2)1965:1-4. ' T j
AUBREY, Henry G., "Structure asid Balance in.Rapid Economic Growth: the Example of MexiccP,
PoloSic.Q .,69(4)dic 1954:517-540. (41 8)

AVIL4, Manuel, Rural-Urban Disparities and Economic Development, Univenity Of Pennsylvania

--.U..- -e

1965, 314p. Tesis para el doctorado. (4191

BACH, Federico, "The Distribution of Wealth in Mexico" , Annals, 208(maa 1940)70-77. (420)

BARTELL, Gilbert D., "The Consequences of Differing Perceived Reality: a Case Study of a Di-
rected Change Program in Sonora, Mexico", Amer. Lat., abr-¡.un 1966:67-76, (421)
, Directed Culture Change among the Sonoran Yaqui, Tucson, Arizona,
1963. Tesis p a r a ~ c t o r a d o . (422)

BATTEN, T. R., Training f o ~Cornrnunity Development: a Critica1 Study of Method, London, '
Oxford University Press, 1962, 192p. (423)

BEALS, Carleton, "Cardenas Organizes ~ a ~ i t a l i s mMexico's

: President Fulfills his Pledge to
Give the Country Back to the People", Curr.Hist., may 1937:47-54. (424)

BEALS, Ralph, "The lmpact of a Modem Economy on a Traditional Market System (Oaxaca)",
Los Angeles, University of Cal ifornia, FTE-? Investigaci6n, (425)

- , "Unilateral Organization in Maxico", Amer .Anthrop.,

- 34(1932)467-475. (426)
BELSHAW, Michael, A Village Economy: Land and People of -Huecorio, New York, Columbia
Univenity Press, 1967, 421p. (427)

RC: GILLIN, J.P., Arner.Pol.Sci.R., ól(dic 1967)1165.

BEN ITEZ, H., "Mexico Looks Forward",

Inter-Amer., may 1944.
BISHOP, Amelia, "Social Planning in Mexico", en ?he lnternational Conference of Social Worlg
12th., Athens, Greeee, 13-1 8 sep 1964, Social Progress through Social Planning: the
Role of Social Work,
--. Proceedings, New Y=, Conference of Social Work, 1965, 341p.,
BIAISER, Cole, "Studies of Social Revolution: Origins in Mexico, Bolivia, and Cuba", Lat.
Amer, Res. R., 2(3)1967:28-51. 7430)

BOGARDUS, Emory S, "Social Planning in Mexico", Socio1,Soco Res,, 19(nov 1934)173-179,


BON ILMS, Ygnacio, "The Character and Progress of the Revolution", Annals, ene 1917. (432)

BRA INERD, Gsorge W., "Changing Living Patterns of the Yucatan Maya", Amer.Anti~, 22(2)
oct 1956:162-164, (433)

BRANCH, H. N., -
Brief Analysis of Concessions in Mexico, s,e ,, 1920-1921, 16p. (434)
BRANDENBURG, Frank, "Mexico: 1966 and Beyond", CvrroHisto, 50(ene 1966)32-37-. (435)

BRODA, R,. "Minimum Wage Law Legislation in Mexicow, Bu1,PAU, 63(ago 1929)791-793.(436)

BROTHERS, Dwight; y WIONCZEK, Miguel, "Process of Economic Changev, Cambtidge, Mnss, ,

Harvard Univenity, FEM-1965. Investigación . (43 7)

BURLEY, T.M., "Mexico D, F. since Diaz", Tiids.v. Econ .Soc. Geogr., 55(ene 1964)19-23.(438)


"Mexico Forges Ahead", For.Aff., 36(l)abr 1958:491-503, (439)
CLEVEN, N. Andrew, -
"Mexico's social Re~olution'~,Events, mar 1938.
CLINE, Howard Francis, "Mexico: A Matured Latin American Revolution, 1910-196OU, Annals,
334(mar 1961)84-94. 1-

, Mexico: Revolution to Evolution, 1940-1960, Oxford University ~iess,

1962, 374p. (4.42)

COMBINED Mextcan Working Party, The lntemationa1 Bank for Reconstruction and Development,
The Economic, Deveio~mentof Mexico, 1939-1950, Baltimore, Maryland, The John
Hopkins University Press, 1953. (M)

CUMBERLAND, Charles Curtis, "Social and Economic History of Mexicol', Michigan State Uni-
versity, FEM-1960. Investigación. (444)

gram of Mexico, s.e., 1936.
Economie and Social .Pro-

DAVIS, J.S., "Economic Factors in Mexico", Amer.Econ.R., mar 1930. Suplemento. (446)
DE COUFLE, L., "Tableav de la situation economique du Mexiquel', Tien-Monde, (15)1963:499
515. (443

DOZIER, C.L., . "Mexico's Tmnsformed Northwest, the Yaqui, Mayo, and Fuerte Examplesw,
Geogr. R., (4)1963:548-571. (448)
DUFFUS, R. L., "Mexico goes Modern, UnmodernlyR, NY Times Mag., 29 sep 1957:45-46-.

ERASMUS, Charles J., "Cultural Change in Northwest Mexico", en STEWARD, Julian H., ed.,
Contemporary Change in Traditional Societies: 111. Mexican and Peruv.ian Communities,
University of lllinois Press, 1967, pp.0 -11 4. (456)

FOSTER, George McClel land, "Change in a Peasant Community", Wenner-Gren Foundation, 19

60; Harpers, 1962; FEM-1944. Cal ifornia State Col lege, Los Angeles, FTE-? investiga=

ción sigue en proceso. (451

"Messico: la ricerca della formau, Quad. Socio1 9(verano 1953)37-59.
, Signal d'une trisieme vok?, Paris, Libraire Gallimand, 1961, 13+.(453)

(M6xic0, Argentina y Brasil .)

GALBRAITH, Bessie, "The Reach for Border Markets", Mex-Amer. R., 33(oct 1965)lO-14. (454)

GARLCCH, L.A., "Development of the Laguna Region; the Ejido System of Collective Fam-
ing", Econ Geog., 20(jul 1944)221-227. (455)

GEISS, Carola; y GRUNTZIG, Johannes, -'len~icklungsproblemei n Mexico und Perun, Forschun -

gsinstitut der Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung e. "V., Bad Godesberg, Rep. Fed. Alemana, FTE-
1967. FPU-? en Verlag fur Literatur und Zeitgeschehen, Hannover, Rep.Fed. Alemana.

GELLNER, Marianne, "Mexico: New Frontiers of Progressl', Wld.Today, 20(12)die 19&:523-

532. (457)

GONZALEZ NAVARRO, M., "Le developpement economique et sociale du Mexique", Annales,

jul-ago 1966:842-858. -8)

GRENZ, Wolfgang, "Public and Private lnitiative in Professional Formation in Mexico", Insti-
tuto de Estudios Iberoamericanos, Hamburgo, Alemania, FTE-1969; FPU-1969. (459)

HAGEN, Everett E., "How Economic Growth Begins: a Project to üevelop a General Theory",
Massachusetts lnstitute of Technology, 1961 Investigación. (460)

(México, Japón, Inglaterra, Colombia e Indonesfa.)

HALPERIN, Maurice, "Mexico the Incredible: What's Happening over the Border and WhyThey
Like It", Curr.Hist., nov 19364-52. (4611

HANRATH, John L., "Development Areas of Mexico", -

Econ. Soc. G., 47(1956)85-97. (462)

HAYNER, Nonnan S., "Differential Social Change in a Mexican Town", Soc. Forces, 26(may
1948)381-390. (463)
, nMexicans at Play---A Revolution", Sociol. Soc. Res,, 38(2)nov-dic 1953:
80-83. (464)

HERRING, Hubert C l inton; y WEINSTOC KI Herbert, eds., Renascent Mexico, New York, Co-
vici, 1935. (465)

HOSELITZ, Bert F., "Mexican Social Structure and Economic Development", Econ. Develop.
cult.Change, l(3)oct 1952236-240. (466)

HUNT, Robert, "The Development Cycle of the Family Business i n Rural Mexicou, en HELM,
June, ed., t y , Proceedings of the American Ethnological
Soclety 1965 meeting, Seattle, University of Washington Press, 19ó5, pp.54-79. (4ó7)

JAFFE, A.J., People, Jobs, ,and Economic Development: A Case History of Puerto Rico Suppls
mented by Recent Mexican Experience, Glencoe, The Free Press, 1959, 38lp. (468)

RC: HARRIS, B., en Amer.sociol.R., 25(5)oct 1960:774-775.

JONES, Chester LIoyd, -

"Production of Wealth in Mexico", Annals, mar 1940:55-69. (469)
KAETSGH, Siegfried, llSozialprobleme des Erzlehungswesens in Puebla, Tlaxcala", Sozialfor-
schungsstelle an der Univenitdt Munster, Dortmund, Alemania, FTE4970. (470)

KAHL, Joseph A., The Measuremsnt of Modemism: A Study of Values in Brazil and Mexico,
Austin, Texas, Unlvenity of Texas, 1968, 205p. (471)
KONIECKI, Dieter, "Untersuchung der Wurzeln der revolutionaren Bewegung Mexicos", Sozial-
fonchungsstel le an der Universitat Munster, Dortmund, FTE-1968. (472)

KUNKEL, John H., "Economic Autonomy and Social Change in Mexican Villages'', Econ. Deve-
lop.cult.Change, lO(1)oct 1961:51-63. ( 4 7 3 )

LESLIE, Charles M., "Social Change in Mitla, Oaxaca", Pomona, Western Reserve University,
FEM-1960; FTE-1970. (474)

LEWIS, Oscar, "Mexico since Cardenas", Soc. Res., 26(l)primavera 1959:18-30. (475)

También en: BRYSON, Lyman, ed., Social Change in Latin America Today, New York,
Counc i1 on Foreign Re lations, 1960, pp. 285-345. (476)

, "Wealth Differences in a Mexican Village", Scientific Mthly., 1947:127-. (477)

LIEUWEN, Edwin; y NEEDLER, Martin, "The Process of Social Revolution in Latin America",
Albuquerque, University of New Mexico, FTE-1970. Investigación. (478)

LOOMIS, Charles P., "Cultural Diffusion and Technological Change along the United States-
Mexican Border", Michigan State University, 1962. Investigación. (479)

MacEOIN, Gary, "Successful Social Revolution---Mexico", en G.M., Latin America, the

Eleventh Hour, N e w York, P. J. Kenedy, 1962, 224p., 65-8-40)
MARGAIN, Hugo B., -
"Mexican Economic and Social Development!', Annals, 360(jul 1965)68-
77. (481

MAURO, F., "Le developpement economique de Monterrey, 1890-1 96OU, Caravel le; 2(1964)35-
132. (482)

, "Le Mexique en vingt ans: rtrategie et developpementt', Tiers-Monde, #15(1963)

361 -386. (483)

McGRATH, Mark G., "Religion

- and the Mexican Social Revol'ution", en D'ANTONIO, Wil-
liam V. ; y PIKE, Frederick B., eds., Religion, Revolution, and Reform---New Forces
for Change in Latin America, F.A. Praeger, 1964, 276p., pp.59-71. (484)

MI LLAN, Vema Carleton, Mexico Reborn, Boston, Mass., Houghton M i f f lin, 1939, 312p. (485)

RC: "Vozrozhdennaia Meksika", . ., 3(4)1940:309-310.

Intem li t

MOORE, W. E., " Industrialization and Labor: Social Aspects of Economic Development", Ithaca,
203(1951). (480
MORAN, Louis J.; - y, N U ~ E Z , Rafael, "Cross-Cultural Similarities in Association Structures",
R. int Psyc h., 1(1 )mar 1967:l-6. (488)

(Utilizan estudiantes de la U.N.A.M. para e l análisis.)

NASH, Manning, "Capital, Saving, and Credit in a Guatemalan and a Mexican lndian Pearant
, FIRTH, Raymond; y YAMEY, B.S.,
~ o c i e t ~ "en eds., Capital, Saving, and Credit in .
Peasant Soc ieties, Chicago, Aldine, 1964. ( 4 8 9 )

, "The Multiple Society in . Economic Development: Mexico and Guatemala",

Amer. Anthrop., 59(5)oct 1957:825-833. (490)

NELSON, Cynthia, The Waiting Village: Social Change in a Mexican Community, ~ n i v e r s iof
Califomia at Berkeley, 1963. Tesis para e l doctorado. (491

KIELSON, Eastin, "Some Recent Developments in Economic Thought in Mexico", lnte llectua l
Trends i n Latin America, ~ u s t i n , University of Texas, 1945. 7 4 9 2 )

NICHOLSON, Irene, "Mexico: A Revolution in Suspense", The Listener, 66(1684)6 jul 1961:5-
7. (493)

NOURSE, Hugh O., "Regional lnequality and the Process of Mexican Economic Development",
University of Illinois, FEM-1967. Investigac i6n en preparación. (494)

FADILLA, Ezequiel, -
"Mexico's Demonstration of Democracy", Survey, 31 (1 1 )nov 1942)515-516,
556-558. (495 )

PARISH, O. S., "Recent Social Distance Changes in Mexico as Affected by Article 27", Sociol.
Soc. Res., 19(5)1935:454-459. 7496)-
P.V., "Meksika---bogataia strana nishchikh", Mol .mira, (0)sep 1?52)41-44. (4? 7)

QUIRK, Robert E., "The Mexican Social Revolution", en D'ANTONIO, William V.; y PIKE,
Frederick B., eds., Rel igion, Revolution, and Reform---New Forces for Change in Latin
America, New York,1 F.A. 9 Praeger,
6 4 , 8 7 4 9 8 )

RANDALL, Laura, "Labor Migration and Mexican Economic Development", Soc .econ .stud., 11
. (1 )mar 1962:73-81. (499)

Cf., CAHNAN, W. J., "A Reply to 'Labor Migration and Mexican Economic Deve-
lopment"', Soc .econ. Stud., 11(1 )mar 1962:82-83.

GUTKIND, P. G.W., "A Rejoinder", Soc.econ.Stud., 11(1)mar 1962:83-84.

RITCHIE, J., "Analysis of Mexican State Laws on Wages and Hours of Labor, and Employment
of Women and Children", Mthly. Lab. R., 1 7(nov 1923)1179-1191 . (500)

RIVERA, Julius, "Markets to the South: a Look at some ~8cio-economic Aspects of Sonora",
Ariz.R.Bus., (6)1963:1-9. (501

ROSSI Edward Ailsworth, The Social Revolution in Mexico, New York, Century Co., 1923,
176p. (502) ,

RC: KELLEY, F.C., Cath.Wld., 117(jul 1923)489-503.

SALERA, Virgil, "A Mexican's Egalitarianism Gone Wrong", IAMEA, 15(3)1962:67-78. (503)

(Un análisis del libro de I.M. Navarette, La distribución del ingreso y e l desarrollo eco-
nómico de México.)

SCOTT, J. F., "Social Change in Two Mexican Communities", Sociologus, 2(1967)162-178.


SCHAEFFER, Wendell Gordon; y WORCESTER, Donald Emmet, "Mexico: A Study in Dynarnics",

en W.G.S.; y D.E.W., The Growth and Culture of Latin America, London & New
York, Oxford University Press, 1956, 963p., pp.823-837. (505)

SENIOR, Clarence, "Mexico in Transition", L. l. D., 6(9)1939:49-54.

, "Mexico's Road to Soc ia l Revolut ion", Soc ia list Rev iew, oct-nov 1937;ene-
feb 1938. (507)

SINGER, Morris, "Growth, ~ ~ u a l i t yand

: Mexico's Experience", Manuscrito no-pub1 icado, 1966.

SHAFER, Robert J., Mexico: Mutual Adjustment Planning, Symcuse, New York, Syracuse Un¡-
versity Press, 1967, 213p. (509)

RC: GLADE, Williarn P., -

en HAHR, 47(2)1967:280-281.
SIVERTS, Henning, Oxchujk': en Maya-Stamme í Mexico, Bergen, Norway, Universitatsforlaget
1965, 182p. (51 0)

STANLEY, Ruth H., ."A Mexican Pueblo in Transition", J. Geogr., 49(oct 1950)269-278. (51 1)

STURNTHAL, A., "Economic Development, lncome Distribution, and Capital Formation in Mexi-
co", J. polit. Econ., 63(jun 1955)183-20'1 . (5 12)

TANNENBAUM, Frank, "The Measure of a Revolution", en CURTIS, A., ed., The Caribbean:
Mexico Today, Gainesvil le, Fla., Univenity of Florida Press, 1964, pp.43-51 .
(51 3)

, "The Mexican Revolution---50 .

Years Later", Chal lenge, dic 1961 (51 4)

TAYLOR, Robert B., "Conservative Facton in the Changing Culture of a Zapotec Town",Human
Org , 25(2)vemno 1966:116-121. m
THOMSON, Charles A., "Mexico's Social Revolution", For. Pol. Rpts., 13(10)1 ago 1937:114-
124. (51 6)

WAGNER, P. L., " lndian Economic Life in ChiapasH, Econ. Geogr,, 2(1963)156-164. (51 7)

WILKIE, James W., The Mexican Revolution: Federal Expenditure and Social Change since 1910,
Berkeley and Los Angeles, University of California Press, 1967, 337p. (51 8)
RC: CINQUEMANI, F.L., en Libr.J., 91(11 jun 1967)2173.
J.N.G., en Chris.Sci.Mon., p9, 9 ene 1968.

WYGARD, J. A., "Regional Policy and lndustrialization with Special Reference to Mexico",
University of Glascow, FTE-1969. Investigación para la tesis de doctorado. (519)

YOUNG, Frank W., "Two Determinants of Community Reaction to Industrial ization in Rural
Mexico", Econ. Develop.cult .Change, abr 1960:257-264. (520)

; y YOUNG, Ruth C., l'lndividual Commitment to Industrial ization in Ru-

ral Mexico", Amer.J.Sociol., 7l(ene 1966)373-383. (521 )

;Y , "Social lntegration and Change in 24 Mexican Vil-

lages", Econ beve lop. cu (t. Change, 8(4) jul 1960:366-377. (522)
9. E l fenomeno de las masas: la comunicación; la opinión pública; cultura
de las masas; e l comportamiento colectivo; movimientos sociales; y la
sociología de las diversiones.

ALISKY, Marvin, "Early Mexican Broadcasting", HAHR, 34(nov 1954)513-526. (523)

, Educational Aspects of Broadcasting in Mexico , Austin, University of Tex-

as, 1953, 309p. Tesis para el doctorado. (524)

, "Growth of Newspapers in Mexico's Provinces", J-ism.Quart., invierno 19-

60:75-82. (525)

, "Mexico City's Competitive Radio Market", 7(3)1953:19-, IAMEA. (526)

, "Radio's Role in Mexico: a Firsthand Survey", J-ism.Quart ., 31(1)1954:66-

72. (527)

ALMEIDA, Gastao Thomaz de, "lmprensa e desenvolvimento rural", Sociologia, 27(4)dic 1965:
335-344. (528)

BARBOUR, Phi lip L., "Commercial and Cultural Broadcasting in Mexico", Annals, mar 1940:
94-1 02. (529)

BATAILLON, Claude, "Communications .de masse et vie urba ine au Mexique", Communications,
BETETA, Ramón, "Social Forces in Mexican Life", en HERRING, A.C., ed., The Genius of
Mexico, New York, 1931, pp.33-. (531 )

COSlO VILLEGAS, Daniel, "Press and Responsible Freedom in Mexico", en DEL RIO, Angel,
ed., Responsible Freedom in the Americas, New York, 1955, pp.272-290.

DOTSON, Floyd, "A Note on Participation in Voluntary Associations in a Mexican City",

Amer.socioI R.,.18(4)1953:381-386. (533)

(Guada la jara)

ERLANDSON, Erl ing Halvard, "The Press in Mexico: Past, Present, and Future", J-ism .Quart .,
41 (2)1964:232-236. (534)

, The Press of Mexico: with Special Consideration of Economic Fac

tors, Evanston, University of Northwestern, 1964. Tesis para el doctorado. (535)

FRIERSON, Edward Bernard, "Excelsior" of Mexico City: a Study of a Spanish-American News-

paper, Austin, University of Texas, 1955, 119p. Tesis para la maestría.
- (536)

KASDON, L.M. ; y KASDON, N. S., "Television: Vehicle for Library Tmining in Mexico",
Adul t Leader., 16(sep 1967)91-92. (531)
LOEB, Thomas A., "Erziehungsrundfunk und -fersehen im sozialen Wandel Lateinamerikas, dar-
-. gestellt am Beispiel von Mexiko, Kolumbien und Argentinien", Munich, Centro de Investi-
gac iones Soc ia les de la Universidad de Munich, FTE-1967. Investigación . (538)

McCALEB, W. F., "The Press of Mexico", -HAHR,

. 3(1920)443-. (539)

McCLEARY, John P., -

"The Behavior Pattern of the Mexicans", MCC, 1948. (540)

McCORMIC K, John; y SEVILLA MASCARENAS, Mario, The Complete Aficionado, London, Wei-
denfeld & Nicolson, 1967, 276p. (541

NORRIS, Renfro Cole, A History of 'La hora nacional': Government Broadcasting via Privately
Owned Radio Stations in Mexico, University of Michigan, 1963. Tesis para el doctora-
do. (542)

OESTE DE BOPP, M., "Die deutsche Presse in Mexiko", Publizistik, 6(3)may-jun 1961:145-160.


llCommunications and Transportation", Anna ls, 208(mar 1960)78-.

SCHARFIELD, A. W., "The Mexican Broadcasting Situation", J. Radio Law, 1(1931)193-. (545)

SHARP, E. W., "The Foreign Press: Mexico", J-ism.Quart., 15(1938)228-. (546)

, "The Foreign Press: Mexico and Central America", J-ism.Quart., 14(1937)212-.
TURNER, Ralph H.; y SURACE, Samuel J., "Zoot-Suiters and Mexicans: Symbols in Crowd Be-
havior", Amer. J. Sociol., 62(l)jul 1956:14-20. (548)
10. lntemcciones políticas: entre naciones, estados, sociedades y grupos;
la sociología de la política.

ALBA, Victor, "Mexican Revolution and the Cartoon", Comp. Stud.soc Hist., 9(ene 1967)121-
136. (549)

ALSCHULER, Lawrence R., Pol itical Change in the Urban Communities of Mexico, Univenity
.of Northwestern, 1966. Tesis para e l doctorado. (550)

ANDERSON, B.; y COCKCROFT, J.D., "Control and Cooperation in Mexican Politics", lnt.
J.Compar.Sociol., 7(mar 1966)ll-28. (551

BURGUM, B., "Socioilogy of Oscar Lewis or a Critique of Imperialism", Sci.& Soc., 31 (verano
1967)323-337. (552)

FRIEDRICH, Paul Williams, Cacique Recent History and Present Structure of Politics in a Tams-
can Villaae. New Haven. Conn.. Yale Universitv. 1956. Tesis Dora e l doctorado.

, "A Tamscan C a ~ i c a z g o ~en

~ , RAY, V.F., ed., Systems of Political
Control and Bureaucracy in Human Societies, Seattle, Wash., 1958, pp.23-. (554)'

LEWIS, Oscar, "Medicine and Politics in a Mexican Villagen, en PAUL, B. D., ed., Health,
Culture, and Community, New York, Russe ll Sage Foundation, 1955, 403-4435)
MARENTES, P.F., "The Party of the Revolutionary Institutions: Friend or Foe of the Mexican
Social Movement", Int Spectator, 20(16)sep 1966:1173-1184. (556)

MAULLIN, Richard, Political Recruitment and Socialization of Youth in the Mexican PRI, Los
Angeles, University of Ca lifomia,. FTE-1967. Tesis para e l doctorado. (557)

MEISTER, Margaret, Merida: Community Power Structure in a Mexican Town in Transition, New
York, Columbia University, 1966. Tesis para e l doctorado. (558)

MICHELS, Robert, Political Parties: A Sociological Study of the Oligarchial Tendencies of Mo-
dem Democracy, New York, Hearst's lnternational Library co., 1915. (559)

MOLINA PINEIRO, Luis, "La democracia en Vemcruz (estudio político-social)", Dortmund, So-
zialforschunsstelle an der Universitat Munster (COSAL), FTE-1967; FPU-1968.
PADGETT, Leon Vincent, "Power Structure and Decision-Making in a Mexican Border City",
. .,
Amer J. Sociol 65(4)ene 1960:400-406. (561)

SIVERTS, Henning, "On Pol itics and Leadershlp among Tzeltal-speaking Indians, ChiapasM, Po-
mona, 1965. FTE-? Investigación. (562)

, "Political Organization in a Tzeltal Community in Chiapasl', Alpha Kap.

-Del., 30(l )invierno 1960. ( 5 6 3 )
STEVENS, E.P., "Mexican 'Machismo': P.;llitics and Valide Orientation", West. Pol .Q., 18(4)
dic 1 965:848-857. (564)

WILLIAMSON, Rene de Visrne, Culture and Policy, Knoxville, Tenn., Univenity of Tennessec
Press, 1949. (565)
11 . La diferenciación social: la estratificación social; la mo\silidad; la so-
c iologia de ocupaciones y profesiones; las clases sociales,

BEALS, Ralph L., "Social Stratification in Latin America", Amer.J.Sociol., 58(1953)327-339.

BORAH, Woodrow, "Race and Class in Mexico", Pac. Hist. R., 23(nov 1954)331-342. (567)

BROWN, Wil lie Leonzon, Knowledge of Soc ia 1 Standards among Mexican and non-Mexican Child
ren, Austin, Texas, University of Texas, 1934, 76p. Tesis para la maestría. (568)
BROWNING, Harley L.; FEINDT, Waltraut; ZARATE, Alvan O.; BALAN, Elizabeth Jelin; y
BALAN, Jorge, "Monterrey Mobi1 ity Studyll, Austin, Texas, University of Texas,
FTE-1968. Investigación . (569)

BUTLER, J.W., "Women of Mexico", Mis. R., - 39(mar 1916)181-186. (5 70)

CLAPP, Orrin E., "Mexican Social Types", Amer. J .Social., 69(4)ene 1964. (5 71

DESHON, Shirley Kilborn, "Compadrazgo on a Henequen Hacienda in Yucatan: a Structuml Re-

, Women's Position on a Yucatan Henequen Hacienda, New Haven,

Conn., University of Yale, 1959. Tesis para el dodorado. (573)
ERASMUS, C. J., "Work Pattems in a Mayo Village", Amer.Anthrop., 57(2)1955:322-334. (574)
FISHER, L.E., "The lnfluence of the Present Mexican Revolution upon the Status of Women",
-HAHR, 22(1942)211-. (575)
FORM, William H.; y RIVERA, Julius, "The Place of Returning Migrants in a Stratification Sy-
stem", Rural Sociol., 23(3)sep 1958:286-297. (576)

GAMlO LEON, C., "Braceros Bring Home New Ways", Americas, 13(may 1961)28-30. (577)

GOLDKIND, Victor, "Class Conf lict and Cacique in Chan Kom", SW J. Anthrop., 22(invierno
1966)325-345. (578)

, "Social Stratif ication in the Peasant Community: Redf ield's 'Chan Kom' Re-
interpreted", Amer. Anthrop , 67(4)ago 1963863-884. (5 79)

GONZALEZ CASANOVA, Pablo, "L'evolution du systeme des classes au Mexique", C. int. So-
ciol., 18(39)jul-dic 1965:113-136. (580)
, "Societé pluruliste et developpement: le cas du MexiqueM,
Tiers-Monde, (15)1963:305-333. (581 )

HANCOCK, Richard Humphris, The Role of the Bracero in the Economic and Cultural Dynamics
of Mexico: a Case Study of Chihuahua, University of Stanford, 1959. Tesis para el
doctorudo. (P1959) 146p. (582)
HUMPHRN, Norman Deymond, "Social Stratif ication in a Mexican Town", SW J. Anthrop., 5
(2)verano 1949:138-146. (583)

También en: Readings in Latin American Social Organization and Institutions, East
Lansing, 1953, pp. 204-208. (584)

IWANSKA, Alicia, "Division of Labor among Men and Women in a Mazahua lndian Village of
Central Mexico", Soc iologus, 16(2)1966:173-186. (585)

JOHNSON, John J., "Mexico", en J.J.J., Political Change in Latin America: the Emergem
ce of the Middle Sectors, Stanford ltlniversity Press, 1958, 272p., pp. 128-152. (586)

KAHL, Joseph A., "Three Types of Mexican Industrial Workers"., Econ. Develop. cult .Change,8
(ene 1960)164-169. (587)

IAPSHEV, E., "Meksika---arena kassovykh bitv", Mezhdunar.zhiznl, 11(2)feb 1964:139-141.


También en: E. L., "Class Battles in M e ~ i c o ~Inter.Aff.,

~, feb 1964:103-105.

McDONAUGH, E.C. , "Status. Levels of Mexicans", Sgciol, Soc. Res.,

33(1949)449-. (589)

MORRIS, B., et a l The Status of Women in Mexico, Washington, D.C., Govemment Printing
Off ice, 1945. (590)
NEYMET, Marcele de, "Rabochii klass v meksikanskoi revoliutsii, 1910-1 91 7 gg. ", Nov. i no-
. .
ve ish i s t , 11(3)1967:90-99.

PERRON, Marius, Employment Agenc ies on the Mexican Border, Austin, Texas, Univers ity of
Texas, 1928, 50p. Tesis para la maestría. (592)

RABAN, S., "Trip to Paradise", Contemp. R., 21 0(jun 1963298-301 .

REDFIELD, Robert, "Race and Class in Yucatan", Coop.Res., 1938:511-532. (594)

RUMNEY, Michael, "Mexico's Continuing Revolution: the Sh ifting Relationship between 'peon'
and 'patron' i s the Key to ~ e x i e a nLifel', New Leoder, 43(31 oct 1960)13-15. ' (595)

STAVENHAGEN, Rodolfo, "Le reforme agraire et les clases socia les rurales au Mexique", C.
int. Sociol ., 34(1963)151-164. (596)

STEVENSON, E. R., " Emigrant Comes Home", Survey, 66(may 1931)175-177. (597)

TURNER, J. K., "Slaves of Yucatan", Amer.Mag., 68(oct 1909)525-538.

, "With the Contmct Slaves of the Valle Nacional", Amer.Mag., 69(dic 1909)
250-263. (599)

WATTLER, J. D., "Jalacingo Woman: an Individual and her Society", Phylon, l6(mar 1955)41-
55, (600)
WHETTEN, Nathan L., "The Rise of the Middle Class in Mexico", en CREVENNA, Theo R.,
ed., Materiales para el estudio de la clase media en América Latina, Washington, D.
C., Pan American Union, 1950, Vo1.2, pp.1-29. (601 )
12. El desarrollo comunal y rural: la sociología rural; pueblos, la tenencic
de la tierra; la agricultura; la reforma agraria; la sociologia de co-
munidades y de regiones; la organización social de las comunidades
campesinas; los indios; la integración soc ia 1; y temas conexos.

ADAMS, H., "The Agrarian System of Mexico", Amer. econ R.,. 7(sep 1936)409-421. (602)
ADIE, Robert F., Agrarianism in the Mexican Political System, Austin, Texas, Univenity of
Texaí, FTE-? Tesis para e l doctorado, en proceso. (603)

AGNEW, James F., -

"From Encomienda to Ejido (San Pedro de la Labor)", MCC, 1952. (604)

AGUI LAR, A., "Reforme agmire e t cooperation rurale au Mexique", Archiv. int. Sociol .Coop. ,l8
(jul-dic 1965)206-214. 6-05)

AIZENSTAT, Aron J., "Structure and Taxations of Agriculture in Mexicou, en HASKELL, Wald
P., ~ a ~ e and
. 6 Proceedings of the Conference in Agricultura1 Taxation and Econo-
mic Development, Cambridse, Mass., Harvard Universitv Printinn O f f ice. 1954. DD.

ALBA, Victor, "La reforme agraire au Mexique", R. Socio1 ., 102(dic 1956)492-500. (607)
ALEXANDER, ~ o b e r tJ., "Agrarian Reform in Latin America", For.Aff., 41 (oct 1962)191-207.
(México, Bolivia, Guatemala, Cuba y Venezuela .)
ARMSTRONG, John Milton, A Mexican Community: a Study of the Cultural Determinants of
Migration, New Haven, Conn., Ya le University, 1949. Tesis para el doctorado.

ARROYO, Antonio L., "Developpement rural e9 organisation cooperative au Mexique", Archiv.

int Sociol. Coop., 18(jul-dic 1965)43-52. (610)

ARROYO, G., "Quelques reformes agro ires", R. Act ion Pop., 167(abr 1963)447-453. (61 1)

(México, Bolivia, Cuba y Venezve la .)

BAEZ-CAMARGO, Gonzalo, "Rural Changes in Mexico Today", Mis. R., 62(abr 1939)201-.

BAGGETT, Sam G , "Article 27 of the Mexican Constitution: the Agrarian Question", Texas
Law R., 5(dic 1926)l-. (613)
BAILEY, Bemadine, "Mexico: Laboratory of the Future", U N Wld., dic 1952:47-50. (614)

BALLESTROS-PORTA, J., "Problemes de la reforme agralre mexicaine", Partisans, oct 1965:30-

39. (615)

BARBER, Charles H., "The Land Problem in Mexico", For.Agric., 3(3)1939:99-120. (61 6)
BARTELL, Gilbert D., "The YaquiU,(A Monograph based on the dynamics of intersystemic link-
ages,), lowa State University Press, 1966. (61 7)

BATAILLON, Claude, "La reforme agraire au Mexique", Notes et docum., (3490)13 may 1968:
59-66. (61 8)

BAUMGARTEN, Charlotte, "Probleme der Agrarreform in Mexiko", Dtsche .Aussenpol ¡t., 9(6)19-
66:715-725. (61 9)

BEALS, Carleton, Mexico, an Interpretation, New York, Heubsch, 1923, 112p. (620)

BEASELEY, Walter L., "The Huichol lndians of Mexico", Sci .Amer., 1908. (621 )

BELSHAW, Michael, "Aspects of Community Development in Rural Mexico", IAMEA, 15(4)pri-
mavera 1962:7l-94. (622)

, "Economic and Social Problems of a Tarascan Village", Columbia Univer-

sity Press, 1966(?). (623)

BERBULQT, Joel, "La place des e jidos dans le developpement agricole du Mexique", R. Et .coop.,

BERTRAND, Alvin L., "Study of the Relationship of the Ejido System of Land Tenure to Social
Organization and Social Participation in a Selected Area of Ruml Mexico", Baton
Rouge, La., bouisiana State University, FTE-1968. Investigación. (625)
BETTS, T, J., "lndians A l l", Va .Q. R., 34(primavera 1958)211-223. (626)

BEYNON, Abi Elizabeth, The Land Problems 07 Mexico, Washington, 1931. Tesis pata e l doc-
torado. (627)

BLANCO MACIAS, G., "Big Farm or Small?", Americas, 7(abr 1955)3-8. (628)

, "The Ejido at Work Down Mexico Way", Land Pol..R., 3(1.940)18-.


BOLANOS, G., "Land Reform in M e ~ i c o ' ~Inter.

, R.Agric. Econ., 1925:438-. (630)

BORAH, Woodrow, "Mexican Land Problem"; ldaho St. Bar, 2(3)1925-1926:125-. (631 )

BRADSHER, Julian Hill, Agrarian Reform in Mexico since 1934, Berkeley, University of Cali-
fornia, 1959. Tesis para e l doctorado. (632)

BRAND, Donald D.; y asistido por CORONA NUÑEZ, José, Quiroga: a Mexican Municipio,
Washington, D.C., Smithsonian Institution, lnstitute of Social Anthropology, 1951. '(633)

RC: -
BERSTEIN, Marvin D., en HAHR, 31 (4)1951:665-667.

BRINSMADE, Robert Turgot, The Effect of the Agrarian Reforms upon the Peon in San Luis Po-
tosi, Austin, Tex., University of Texas, 1934, 93p. Tesis para la maestría. (634)
BROWN, Philip Marshall, .
"Mexican Land Laws", Amer. J. int Law, 20(jul 1956)516-. (635)

BROWNING,Harley L.; BALAN, Jorge; y BALAN, Elizabeth Jelin, "Cedral, Mexico: a Com-
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search Center, FT E-1 969. lnvestigaci6n. (636)

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BUTTERWORTH, Douglas S., "Migration and Urbanization among Mixtec Peasants", Univenity
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También en: BLAKESLEE, G.H., ed., Mexico and the Caribbean, 1920, pp.35-.

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También en: .
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CHARDON, R.E., "Hacienda and Ejido in Yucatan: the Exarnple of Santa Ana Cucat1, A.Assoc
Arner. Geogr., (3)1963:174-193. -o-
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HICKS, W. Whitney, "Agricultural Development in Northem Mexico, 1940-1 960", Land Econ.,
43(nov 1967)393-402. 7 3 0 )

(Artículo basado en su tesis para el doctorado que presentó en la Universidad de Stan-


HINTON, Thomas B., A Survey of lndian Assimilation in Eastern Sonora, Tucson, University of
Arizona, 1959, 32p. (731

HOLDEN, David E.W.; y CHANCE, A.; RUSIC, l. la; y HENDERSON, Peta, "A Study of Me-
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KUNKEL, John Howard, Nation and Peasant Communitles in Mexico, Univenity of Michigan,
1960. Tesis para e l doctorado. (M1960) (748)

LANKS, H.C., "Otomi lndians of Mezquital, Valdez, Hidalgo", Econ. Geogr., 14(1938)184-
194. (749)

LAUGHLIN, Robert M., "The Tzotzil", en WAUCHOPE, Robert, ed., Handbook of Middle
Arnerican Indians, 1966, vol. 8. 7 7 5 0 )

LAVROV, N. M., "Agrarnyi vspros v meksikanskoi revoliutsii 1910-1 917 gg." ,. Dokl. i
fak., (10)1950:31-38. (751)

LEET, Glen, Computer-aided Community Development Reporting in Mexico, New York, Commu -
. n ity Deve lopment Foundation, 1964, 37p. (752)

LEMERT, B. F., "An Hacienda in Mexico1I, J. Geogr., 35(1936)343-.

LENG, F. B., "Rural Rebuilding In Mexico", Inter-Amer., 4(abr 1945)28-29. (754)

LEWIS, Oscar, "Aspects of Land Tenure and Economics in a Mexican Villagev, Mid.Amer.Res.
Rec., 1(13)1949:195-. (755)

, Life in a Mexican Village: Tepoztlán Restudied, Urbana, III., Univenity of II-

linois Press, 1951, 51p. (756)

RC: BEALS, R. L., en Amer.sociol.R., l 6(dic 1951)895.

HUMPHREY, N. D., en Amer. J. Soc iol ,57(ene 1 952)392.
JACKSON, J.H., en San Fran.Chr., p16, 16 ago 1951 .
PALYI, Melchior, en Chicago Sun.Trib., p3, 2 sep 1951.
SCHERR, J.M., Libr. J., 76(ago 1951)11215.
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en Rural Socio1 17(sep 1952)27%-280.

,"Peasant Culture in India and Mexico: a Comparative Analysis", en McKIM,

Marriot, Village India, Menasha, Wisc., 1955, pp. 145-1 70. (757)

También en: O. L., Village Life in Northern India, New York, Vintage Books, 1965, pp.
, Tepoztlan: Village in Mexico, New York, Holt, 1960, 104p. (758)

(Versión condensada por el autor de su Life in a Mexican Village.)

RC: SORENSON, J. L., en Rural Sociol., 25(dic 1960)451-454.

; y LEWIS, Ruth, " A Day in the Life of a Mexican Peasant Family", Marr.Fam.
Liv., 18(l)feb 1956:3-13. -9)
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de pueblos no-occidentales, Universidad Estatal de Leiden, FTE-1968. Investigación. (760)

LINKE, Lilo, "Mexico and the Land", Fortnightly R., 166(dic 1946)415-423. (761)
LITTLE, M.C., The Land Laws of Mexico, Los Angeles, Califomia, 1921 .
LUEBKE, Benjamin Harrison, Delineation of Rural Communities in the State of Oaxaca, Mexico,
Gainesville, Fla., University of Florida, 1959. Tesis para el doctorado. (M1959) (763)

LUGAN, A,, "La question agraire au Mexiquet', Correspondant, 25 mar 1931 . (764)

MADDOX, James S., Land Reform in Mexico, New York, American Field Staff, 1958. (765)
MADSEN, William, The Virgin's Children. Life in an Aztec Village Today, Austin, Tex., Uni-

108 108
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MANDELL, Paul Irving, A Review of Literature Dealing with the Effect of Mexican Agrarian
Reform upon Agricultuml Production, Univenity of Chicago, 1963. Tesis pam e l doc-
torado. (767)
MARRETT, R.H.K., An Eye-Witness of Mexico, London, Oxford Univenity Press, 1939, 268p.

MASON, 'A. B., "Cause of Revolution in Mexico", Unpop. R., 3(abr 1915)379-387. (769)

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McBRIDE, Felix McCutchen, The Land Systems of Mexico, New Haven, Conn., Yale Universi-
ty, 1921 .Tesis para e l doctorado. (P1923-American Geogmphical Research series #12).
McCULLY, C., " Land Colonization in Jalisco", For.Agric., 13(1949)235-. (772)

McNEELY, John Hamilton, The Politics and Development of the Mexican Land Program, Austin,
Tex., University of Texas, 1958, 753p. Tesis para e l doctorado. (M1959) (773)

MENDIETA Y NUREZ, L., "The Balance of the Agrarian Reform", Annals, 208(mar 1940)121-
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, "Breve histoire de la reforme agraire au Mexique", R. Dr.Contemp.,

MENDIZABAL, Miguel Othon de, "The Agrarian Problem of La Laguna", Annals Coll. Eco., 15
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Mexico, ~

MEYERHOFF, Barbara, "Nat iona l lntegrat ion of Mexican Indians", Los Angeles, University of
California, FTE-? Investigación. (778)

MIDDLETON, Russell, The Agrarian Programs of Mexico, Yugoslavia, and Israel: a Study inthe
Sociology of Social Planning, Austin, Tex., University of Texas, 1956. Tesis para
el doctorado . (779)

MILLAN, Vema Carleton, "La Laguna: an Experiment in Communal Farming", Mex. Life, 15(sep
1939)15-17. (780)

MOATS, A l ice-Leone, .
"Country Life in Mexico", Cntry Life, 76(7)-77(l )nov 1939:33-34. (781)

MODOTTI, Tina, Meksikanskie peony; ocherki krest'ianskogo dvizheniia v Meksike, Tsk Mopr
SSSR, 1932, 24p. (782)

MOORE, C.A., "Agricultural Development in Mexico", J .Farm Econ., 37(1)1955:72-. (783)

MUNGUIA, E., "The Agrarian Problem in Mexico", Inter. Lab. R., 36(jul-ago 1937)49-85, 200-
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NASH, June, "Behavior of the lndians of the Community Tzolontahal", New Haven, Conn.,
Ya le University, 1966. Investigación (785)

Cf., J. N., "Social Resources of a Latin American Peasantry: the case of a Mayan In-
dian C~mmunity~~, Soc .econ. Stud., 15(4)dic 1966353-367.

NEGRI, Ramón P. de, "Agrarian Problem", Survey, 52(1 may 1924)149-152. (786)

NELSON, Cynthia, "Analysis of World View in a Mexican Peasant Village: an illustration",

Soc. Forces, 46(1)1967:52-60. (787)

NELSON, Lowry, "Some Social Aspects of Agrarian Reform in Mexico, Bolivia, and Venezuela
Washington, D. C., Pan American Un ion, 1964. Mimeo. (788)

NIGGLI, Josephine, Mexican Village, Chapel-Hill, North Carolina, 1945. (789)

OKABE, H., "Agrarian Reform in Mexico: an interpretation", Develop. Eco., jun 1966:lil-194.

ORTIZ, Leopoldo, "How Mexico i s Solving Her lndian Problem", Inter-Amer., abr 1925. (791)
PARKS, Richard W., "Agriculture in Mexican Development", IAMEA, 18(1)1965:3-38. (792)
, "The Role of Agriculture in Mexican Economic Development, 1925-1 960",
IAMEA, 18(verano 1964)3-27. (793)

PERA, Moisés T. de la, "Problemes démogrophiques et agraires du Mexique", Soc.Belge Et.Ex-

-pan., ago-sep-oct 1950:657-661. (794)

PHIPPS, Helen, Some Aspects of the Agrarian Question in Mexico: a Historical Study, N e w
York, Columbia University, 1925, 157p. Tesis para e l doctorado. (P1926-University of
Texas Bulletin #2515.) (795)

PLATT, George Milo, Administrative and Agricultura1 Development in Mexico and Pakistan,New
York, Syracuse University, 1963, Tesis para e l doctorado. (796)

PLENN, J. H., Mexico Marches, Indiannapolis, Bobbs-Merril l Co., 1939, 386p. (797)
POWELL, T. G., "Mexican lntellectuals on the lndian Question, 1876-1 91 1",HAHR, 48(l)feb
1968:19-36. (798)

PRIESTLEY, Herbert Ingram, "Mexican Agrarian ism", No. Amer. R., 215(feb 1922)200-207. (7P9)

PRIESTLEY, Samuel Edward G., The Agrarian Problem in Mexico, New York University, 1950.
Tesis.para el doctorado. (800)

, "The Agrarian Revolution in Mexicol', (M1954). (801)

PRITCHETT, V. S., ?!PeonC, New Stotesman, 68(31 jul 1964)151-.

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ty of Warwick, FTE-1969. Tesis para e l doctorado. (803)
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RAMIREZ CABAÑAS,J., "The Tendencies of the Cooperative Movement", Annals Coll.Eco.,
14(1939)107-. 7 0 5 )

RAMIREZ CORIA, R., "Productive Societies inMexico", R. int.Coop., 49(1956)61-. (806)

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RIPPY, Merril, "Land Tenure and Land Reform in Modern Mexico", Agric. Hist., 27(1953)55-61.
(81 1)
ROBERTSON, M., "Cooperative Farming in Mexico'! , Canad. Forurn, 180 9391299-.

ROJAS CORIA, Rosendo, "Le mouvement cooperative mexica in", R. Et .Coop., 27(100)1955:126-
128. (81 3)

, "Notes sur I'histoire sociale de la cooperation mexicaine", Archiv.

. .
int soc iol Coop., 1(1 )ene-jun 1957:96-104. (81 4)

ROMNEY, Kimball; y ROMNEY, Romaine, The Mixtecans of Juxtlahuaca, Mexico, New York,
John Wiley & Sons, 1966, 150p. (815)

RC: -
MADSEN, W illiam, en HAHR, 47(4)nov 1967:547-548.

También en: WHITING, Beatrice B., ed., Six Cultures: Studies of Child Rearing,
New York, John Wiley & Sons, 1963, pp.541-691.

ROSADO, Hurnberto, The Ejidatarios' View of the Extension Service in the State of Mexico,
Cornel l University, 1957. Tesis para e l doctorado. ('816)

POSS, E.A., "Land Feaudalisrn in Mexico", New Repub., 34(28 mar 1923)131-133. (81 7')

, "Land Reform in Mexico", New Repub., 34(11 abr 1923)186-188. (81 8)

PUBlN DE LA BORBOLLA, Daniel F., "The Mexican Today", en WILGUS, A.C., ed.,
Caribbean: Mexico Todav.
,- Gainesville, Fla., University of Florida Press,
1964, pp. 121-1 31 .
, "Tarasca Project: a Cooperative Enterprise of the National
Polytechnic Institute, Mexica Bureau of lndian Affairs, and the Univenity
of California," Amer.Anthrop., 42(oct 1940)708-712. (820)

RUECKING,. Frederic k Henry, The Coahuiltecan lndians of Southern Texas and Northeastern Me-
xico, Austin, Tex., Univenity of Texas, 1955, 404p. Tesis para e l doctorado.(821)

SADY, E. J., "The Indian Service of Mexico", BuI.PAU, 75(1941)25-. (822)

SAENZ, Moisés, "lndian Mexico", en HERRING, H.C., ed., Renascent Mexico, 1935:168-.

SAlNT ALBANS, Mary, "What about the Laguna1', Mod. Mex., 11(jun 1939)9-13, 22-24. (824)

SALOMON, N .,"Feodal ¡té et capital isme au Mexique de 1856-1 91O", Pensee, 42-43(may-jura
jul-ago)1952:123-132. (825)

SANDIFORD, K., "People in Ejidos", R. int.Coop., 48(1955)68-. (826)

SANDREUTER DE BUSQUETS, V., Zwei Jahre in Mexikanischen Urwald, Basel, F. Reinhardt,

1957, 190p. (827)
SCHILLER, Otto, "Kollective Landbewirtschaftung in Mexico", Z .ausland. Land., 2(2)1963:1-
37. (828)

SCHOLES, Walter V., The Maya Chintal lndians of Acalan-Tixchel, Washington, 1948. (829)

, "Mexico: 11 literacy and Land Reforms", Curr. Hist ., 22(mar 1952)130-133.


SCWARTZ, Theodore, "L1usage de la terre dans un village a éjido du Mexique", Econ. rur., 1O
(jul -sep 1963)37-49. 7 8 3 1

SENIOR, Clarence O., "Agrarian Reform Has Brought Democracy and lncreased Production",en .
CUMBERLAND, Charles C., ed., The Meaning of the Mexican Revolution, Heath & Co.,
Boston, Mass., 1967, pp. 47-56. (832)

, "The Collective Eiido", en INFIELD, H.F., et al., Coopemtive Group

-Living, New York, 1950, pp.56-. (833)

, "The Laguna Region: Mexico's Agrarian LabomtoryI1, Quart. J. 1nter-A-

mer.Rel., 1('4)1939:67-. (834)

, Land Reform and Democracy, Gainesville, Fla., Univenity of Florida

Press, 1958, 269p. (835)
, "Tabasco's Way Out1', Arnericas, 1(jun 1949)16-21. (836)
, "Terres et payraus sans terres", en Les Ejidos mexicains, Entente Com-
munautaire, Paris, 1956, pp. 124-1 25. (837)

SHIELDS, Karena, " lnf luence of Agmrian Colonization on the lndigenous Tza ltal Community at
Octen, Chiapar", en Koreber Anthropological Papen, ~ e r k e l e ~University
, of ~ a l i f o r -
nia, o t o b 1959, pp.&-30. (838)
SHULGOVSKII, A. F., "Obshchinnoe ze'mlevladenie i agramaia reforma v MeksikeI1, Vop. ist.,
9(1965)74-87. 7 3 9 )

S IEMENS, Alfred Henry, The Character and Recent Development of Agricultuml Settlement in
Southern Veracruz, Mexico, University of Wisconsin, 1964. Tesis para el doctorado.

, "New Agricultuml Settlement along Mexico's Candelaria River: Impli-

cations of lncreased Commitment to Planning and the Ejido", IAMEA, 20(l )veruno 1966:
23-39. (841

SILVERT, K.H.; y BONILLA, Fmnk, et al., Education and the Social Meaning of Development:
a preliminory statement, New York,

SIMPICH, F., - 116(30 ene 1926)124-126.

"Mexico's Agrarian Experiment", Ind., (843)
SIMPSON, Eyler N,, The Ejido, Mexico's Way Out, Chapel-Hill, North Carolina, 1937.(844)
Cf., E.N.S., "The Mexican Agrarian Reform Problems and Progress", lnstitute of Cur-
rent World Affairs, jul 1933, 256p. Mimeo.

SIROL, Jean, "La reforme agraire et les difficultes de I'agriculture collectiviseé au Mexique",
Tiers-Monde, 4(15)1963:407-417. (845)

SMITH, T. Lynn, "The Rural Community with Special Reference to Latin America", Rural So-
ciol , 23(l )mar 1958:52-67. 7 4 6 )
SOTO Y GAMA, A.D., "The Agrarian Movement in Mexico", en HERRING, H.C., ed., The
Genius of Mexico, 1931, pp. 177-. (87

SPIELBERG, Joseph, "Study of Two Fishing V i l lages in Veracruz", Michigan State University,
FTE-'1967, Investigación. (848)

STABB, Martin S., "lndigenism and Racism in Mexican Thought, 1857-191lU, J.lnter-Amer.
Stud., 1(4)oct 1959:405-423. ( 8 4 9 )
STANDER, Jack, "Zinacantecos in Hot Country", Columbia-Cornell-Harvard-lllinois Summer
Field Studies Program in Mexico, 1961 Mimeo. (850)

STAN ISLAWSKI, Dan, The Anatomy of Eleven Towns in Michoacan, Austin, Tex., University
of Texas, lnstitution of Latin American Studies, 1950. (85 1
STARR-HUNT, Jack, "Mexico's Collective Fanns Show Prof it'!, Mod.Mex., 9(nov 1937)15-16.

STAVENHAGEN, Rodolfo, "La reforme agraire et les clases sociales rurales au Mexique", C. int.
Sociol., 34(1963)151-T64. (855r

"Soc ia 1 Aspects of Agrorian Structure in Mexico", Soc. Res., 33(3)0-

toño 19&:463-485. (854)

STEGGERDA, Morris, "A Description of Thirty Towns in Yucatan, Mexico", Washington, D. C. ,

Smithsonian Institution, Bureau of American Ethnology Bu lletin 136(1943)227-248.
STEININGER, G. Russell; y V A N DE VELDE] Paul,
Three Dollan a Year, being the story of
slope of the Sierras in Southwestern Mexico, New York, Delphic Studies, 1935.

STERLING, Henry Somers, "Busic Problems of the Agrarian Program in Central Mexico", A.Assoc.
Amer. Geogr., 32(l )mar 1942:136-138. m
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sful Product of Mexico's Agrarian Reform", A. Assoc .Amer, Geogr .., mar 1949:58-59.

, "An Evaluation of Mexico's Principal Types of Farm Operations and

their Significance to Other Latin American Countries", en PARSONS, K. H., ed.,
Land Tenure , 1956, pp. 350-. (860)

SURO, G.A., "The Mexican Agrarian Code", BuI. PAU, 68(1934)599-.

TANNENBAUM, Frank, " Land Reform in Mexico", Anna ls, 150(jul 1930)238-247. (862)
, The Mexican Agrarian Revolution, Washington, The Brookings Institute,
1929. (863)

, Mexico, the Struggle for Peace and Bread, New York, A. Knopf,1950.
293p. (864)

RC: -
ADAMS, Scott; en Libr.J., 75(1 mar 1950)400.
. .
AITON, A. S., en Am H i s t R., 56(oct 1950)163.
BRENNER, Anita, en N Y Times, p7, 26 feb 1950.
HERRING, Hubert, N Y ~ . B ~ . R p5, . , 26 feb 1950.
INMAN, S. G., en Annals, 270(jul 1950)195.
, en Survey, 86(sep 1950)418.
MAGNER, J. A., en Commonweal, 52(11 ago 1950)443.
en Chicago Sun.Trib., p2, 5 mar 1950.
, en
Sat. Rev. Lit., 33(25 feb 1950)37-38.
S IMPSON, L. B., en HAHR, 30(ago 1950)346-350.

TAPIA, A., "Public Regulation of Land Use in .Mexico", en PARSONS, K. H., ed., Land
Tenure.. .,1956, pp.637-. 7 8 6 5 )

TAY LOR, Paul S., "A Spanish-Mexican Peasant Community: Arandas in Jalisco, Mexico",lbero-
Amer , 4(1933). (8661
THOMSON, Charles A., "Agrarian Reform in Mexico", en MYRES, S. D., ed., Mexico and
. the United States, Da1las, Texas, Southern Methodist Univenity, 1938, pp.29-44.

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vernment, ,New York,' Host, 1951, pp.558372. (869)

, "Mexico's Challenge to Foreign Capital", For. Pol. Rpts., 13(11)ago

1937:126-136. (870)

TURNER, J. K., "Land Hunger in Mexico", Wld. Outlook, 2(feb 1916)13-14. (en)
ULRICH, P., Blandt Mexicos Indianere, ~ b e n h a u n , Forlaget Tiden, 1956, 242p. (8 72)

UNITED NATIONS. Economic and Social Counc il, Mission on Rural Community Organization
and Development in the Caribbean Area and Mexico, Report.. .prepared for
the Technical Assistance Administration of the United Nations, by HUSSEIN,
Ahmed; and TAYLOR, Carl G., New York, United Nations, 1953, 45p.
UNITED STATES. Department of Agriculture, Land Distribution in Mexico, Washington, D.C.,
Foreign Agriculture Service, mar 1961 . (874)

UPCHURCH, M, L., "The Partido System", J. Land Econ., 18(1942)218-.

VANZETTI, C., " I problemi fondiari del Messico", Riv. Econ .agr., 1O(1)mar 1955:62-102. (876)

VARGA, G., ("México: el problema agrario en México; el desarrollo de los grandes latifun-
dios; posición de los campesinos; y la revolución agraria"), Plan. khoz., (9)1926:137-154.

VARGAS McDONALD, Antonio, "Agrarian Reform in Mexico", Annals Coll. Eco., l 5 ( l )ene-abr
1939:120-141. (878)

V A N DE VELDE, Paul; y STEININGER, G. Russell, Three Dollars a Year, New York, Delphic
Studies, 1935. (879)
VOGT, William, Road to Survival, N e w York, 1947. (880)

VOIRONCOVA, S. M., "Razvitie kapitalizma v sel'skom hozja jstve Mexsiki" Vest .Mosk.un.
Ser. Ekon., may-jun 196653-61 . 8-81)

, "Agrarnaia reforma v Meksike: tseli i real'nost"', Nov.;,

1O(6)nov-dic 196637-7l . 8(82)
VOLKOV, A., "Agrarnaia reforma v Meksike", Mir. Khoz. i mir.polit., (6)jun 1939:113-118.

, "Nekotorye dannye o se1'skom khoziaistve Meksiki i rezul'tatakh agrarnoi re-

formyll, Na agrar.fronte, 4(2)feb 1928:llO-119. (884)

VOL'SKII, A,, "Agrarnyi vopros i krest'ianskoe dvizhenie v Meksike", N a agrar.fronte, 3(2)

fe b 1927:46-59. (885)

WAGLEY, Charles; y HARRIS, Marvin, "The lndians of Mexico", en Minorjties of the New
World, New York, Columbia Univeni.ty Press, 1958, pp .48-86. (886)

WEAVER, A. J.S., The Agrarian Problem of Mexico, Austin, Tex., University of Texas, 1924,
106p. Tesis para la maestria, (887)

WECKSTEIN, Richard S., "Mexican Land Reform: an evaluation", Williams College, FTE-1963.
Investigación . (888)
WEITZ, Raanan, "Comprehensive Rural Development" (La Laguna), Twentieth Century Fund,
FTE-1970. (889)

WHETTEN, Nathan L., "Mexico: Agrarian Question and Land Reform", For Agric. ., 15(9)sep 19-
51 :196-198. (890)

, Rural Mexico, Chicago, III ., University of Chicago Press, 1948, 67lp.

(891 )

RC: HAYNER, N.S., en Amer.sociol.R., 13(dic 1948)782-783.

HUMPHREY, N. D., ~ m e rJ. .~ociol., 55(juI 1949)115-116.
PARSONS, K, H., ed., en J. Farm Econ., 31 (may 1949)364-367.
STERLING, H.S., en Geogr. R., 39(ene 1949)139-143.
c iol , 14(mar 1949)89-90.

WILFLEY, L. R., "Land Problem in Mexico", No.Amer. R., 203(jun 1916)867-870. (892)

WILKIE, James, "Land Tenure in Mexico, 1853-1 964", Ohio State University, s.f., FTE-? In-
vest igac ión . (493)

; y WILKIE, Richard W., "Mexican Poverty at the Municipio Level since 1930fl,
University of Califomia, FTE-1968. Investigación. (894)

WOLF, Eric R., "The lndian in Mexican Societyu, Alpha Kap. Del., 30(l)invierno 19603-6.
; y MINT7, S . W . , "Haciendas and P!antation in Middle America and the An-
tilles", Soc.econ.Stud., 6(sep 1957)380-412. (896)

WOOSTER, Jul is L., "The Mexican Agricultura1 Credit System", For.Agric., feb 1943:27-38.
WY LIE, Kathryn H., "Land, Credit, and Irrigation Pol icy in Mexico", For.Agric ., 1O(10)oct
1946: 138-1 46. (898)

YOUNG, Frank W.; y YOUNG, Ruth C., "Sequence and Direction of Community Growth: a
Cross-Cultura l General ization", Rural Socio1 27(dic 1962)374-386. (899)
13. Las estructuras urbanas y la ecología: la sociología urbana; y la eco-
logia urbana.

ASCHMANN, Harold Homer, The Ecology, Demography and Fate of the lndians of the Central
Desert of Baja California, University of California, 1954. Tesis para el doctorado.
BALL, John M., The Urban Geography of Tepic, Nayarit, Mexico: a Study of Changing Func-
tions, Michigan State University, 1961. Tesis para el doctorado. (901 )
BARBOSA DASILVA, J. F., "Orienta~oes de referencia comunidade fronteiri~a", Sociologia,
27(3)sep 1965:193-208. -902)

BATAILLON, Claude, "Communications de &se et vie urbaine au Mexique", Communications,

(3)mar 1964:19-35. (903)

BIRD, Richard, "The Economy of the Federal District", IAMEA, 17(2)otob 1963:19-51. (904)

BROWN, Wil liam, "Monterrey, City of Progressu, Mex .Amer. R., dic 1952:25-26. (905)

BROWNING, Harley, Urbanization in Mexico, Berkeley, Cal if., University of Cal ifomia, 1962.
Tesis para el doctorado, (906)

CLIFFORD, Roy A., "A Sociological Study of the Growth and Decline of Mexican Population
Centers", Gainesville, Fla., University of Florida, FTE-f Investigación. (907)

DOTSON, Floyd; y DOTSON, Lillian Ota, "Ecological Trends in the City of Guadalajara, Me
xico", Soc. Forces, 32(may 1954:367-374. (90@

;Y ,
"Urban Central ization and Decentralization in Me-
xico", ~ u r a w 9 5 6 : 4 1 - 4 9 . (909)

DREWITT, Robert B., Ecologica l Conditions Affecting Social Organization in Mexico, Berkeley,
Univenity of California, 1962. Tesis para el doctorado. (910)

EASTLAKE, W., "Cleaning up Juarez", Nation, 205(2 oct 1967)300-303. (911)

FRIEDEN, Bemard J., "A Program for Housing and Urbein Development in Mexico City", AID,
Washington, D.C., 1964. Mimeo. (912)

, "The Search for Housing Policy in Mexico City", Town Plan.R., 36(2)
jul 1965:75-94. (913)

HARRIS, Louis K., Metropolitan Mexico City, Los Angeles, Univenity of California, 1956.
Tesis para el doctorado. (914)


- . The Colonias Proletarias ot Mexico C i t ~. , Low lncome Settlements on
the Urban Fringes, Cambridge, Mass., Massachusetts lnstitute of Technology,
1966. Tesis para e l doctorado. (915 )
HAYNER, Norman S., "Criminogenic Zones in Mexico City", with a discussion by E, H. SU-
THERLAND, Amer.sociol R., 11(ago 1946)428-438. (91 6)

, "Mexico City: lts Growth and Conf iguration", Amer. J. Sociol., 50(ene
1945)295 -304. (91 7)

, New Pattems in Old Mexico: A Study of Town and Metropolis , New

Haven, Conn., Col lege and University Press, 1966, 316p. (91 8)
RC: BEALS, Ralph L., en Annals, 372(iul 1967)200.
CINQUEMANI, F. L., en Libr.J., 91 (15 dic 1966)6101.
RUIZ, R. E., en HAHR, 4 7 m 7 : 4 0 9 - 4 1 0 .

, "Oaxaca: .
C ity of Old Mexico", Soc iol Soc. Res., 29(nov-dic 1944)87-95.
JOHNSON, Richard A., tlMunicipal Reconstruction: the New Guadalajara", For. Serv. J., jun
1952:20-21, 54-55. (920)

LEMERT, Ben F., "Mexico: Urban Life", J. Geogr., ene 1936:l-7.

LEWISt Oscar, "The Culture of Poverty in Mexico City: Two Case Studiesu, Econ.Wkly., Spe-
c ia l Number, jun 1960:965-972. (922)
Cf., O.L., "The Culture of the Vecindad in Mexico City: Two Case Studies", Una po-
nencia leída ante e l 33avo Congreso Internacional de Americanistas en San
José, Costa Rica, julio de 1958.

, "Manuel in the Thieve's Market", Harper's Mthly. Mag., 222(jun 1961)66-68.


, "Urbanization without Breakdown: a Case Study", Scientific Mthly., 75(jul 19-

52)31-4I . (924)

MANN, Charles Edward, A Formal Analysis of Chiapas Residence Pattems, Stanford, Cal if .,
Stanford University, 1965. Tesis para el doctorado. (925)

MEGEE, Mary C., Monterrey, Mexico: Interna l Pattems and External Relations, Chicago, IIl.,
University of Chicago, 1958. Tesis para el doctorado. (P1959) (926)

PERALOSA,Fernando, "Ecological Organization of the Tmnsitional City", Soc.Forces, 46(dic

1967)221-229. (927)

, "Urbanization in the State of Guanajuato", San Bemardino State Col-

lege, FEM-1963; FTE-? Investigación . (928)

ROGERS, Thomas Guy, The Housing Situation of the Mexicans in San Antonio, Texas, Austin,
Tex., Univenity of Texas, 1927, 65p. Tesis para la maestría. (929)
SAN DERS, W i l liam T., "Cultural Ecology of the Tehuacán Valley, Mexico", Pennsylvania
State Univenity, 1961 . (930)

SNOW, Edgar, "The Cities of America, Mexico City", Sat. Eve. Post, 12 may 1951:166-172.
(93 1
WHITEFORD, Andrew H., Two Cities of Latin America,New York, Doubleday, 1964, 266p.
. .
(Comparación entre Querétaro, México y Popayan, Colombia. )

ZARATE, Alvan O., "Fertility in Urban Areas of Mexico: lmplications for the theory of the
demographic transition", Demography, 4(1)1967:363-373. (933)
14. La sociología del arte: la sociologia de la literatura y de lenguaje.

ARMITAGE, Richard H., The Problems of Modern Mexico in the Novels of Lopez and Fuentes,
University of Ohio, 1946. Tesis para el doctorado. (934)

BRANDT, Nancy, "Pancho Villa: the Making of a Modern Legend", The Americas, 21(2)oct 19-
64146-1 62. (935)

BRUSHWOOD, John S., Mexico in Its Novel: a Nation's Search for Identity, Austin and Lon-
don, University of Texas Press, 1966, 292p. (936)

CALLICUTT, Laurie Timmons, Word Diff iculties of Mexican and non-Mexican Chi ldren, Austin,
Tex., University of Texas, 1934, 196p. Tesis para la maestria. (937)

CAMPA, David L., The Mexican Revolution as lnterpreted in the Mexican Novel, 1910-1939,
University of California, 1940. Tesis para e l doctorado. (938)

CASTAGNARO, Rosario A., Jose Ruben Romero and the Novel of the Mexican Revolution,New
York, New YO& Univenity, 1952. Tesis para el doctorado. (939)

FOSTER, George McClelland, "The Sociology of Pottery: Questions and Hypoteses Arising from
Contempomry Mexican Work", en MATSON, Frederick R., ed., Cemmics and Men,
London, Metheun a Co., 1966, 301p, pp. 43-60. 7 9 4 0 )
GENIN, A., "Notes on the Dances, Music, and Songs of the Ancient and Modern Mexicans",
Washington, D. C., Smithsonian Report, Srnithsonian Institution, Annual Report of the
Board of Regents, 1920, pp. 657-678. (941

GRIMES, Joseph E., "Rural Nayarit S pnish", Oklahoma, FTE-indefinida. Investigación. (942)

HALPERIN, Maurice, "Social Background of Conternporary Mexican Literature", PMLA, 55(sep
1940)875 -880. (943)

HOGG, A., "The Quest for National ldentity in Post-Revolutionary Mexican Literature", Lon-
don, University of London, 1967. Tesis para el doctorado. (944)

KURATH, Gertrude P., "Dance A c c ~ l t u r a t i o n ~en

~ , TAXI Sol, ed., Heritage of Conquest: the
Ethnology of Middle America, New York, The Free Press, 1952, pp.233-243. (945)

Mc INTYRE, J. C., "The Post-Revolutionary Novel in Mexico", University of Glascow, FTE-

1968. Tesis para el doctorado. (946)

NUTT, Katherine F., Nationalisrn: a Search for Unity; the role of the Mexican Government in
sponsoring contemporary f ine arts, Albuquerque, N.M., University of New Mexico, 1951 .
Tesis para e l doctorado. . (947)

PEMBERTON, D. J., Race Relations in the Mexican Novel, University of London, 1967. Tesis
para e l doctorado. . , (948)
aPLEASANTS, Edwin Hemingway, The Motivation of the Military Caudillo in Selected Mexican
Novels, 1910-1 937, s.d.; tesis para el doctorado. (M1960-University Microfilms) (949)

READ, John Lloyd, The Mexican Historical Novel, 1826-1910, New York, University of Colum
bia, 1939. Tesis para e l doctorado. (9507

RENK, Eldred J., The Mexican 'Corrido' and the Revolution: a People's-eye View of Events in
War, Religion, and Politics, Seattle, Wash., University of Washington, 1951. Tesis para
e l doctorado. (95 1)

ROBINSON, Cecil, With the Ears of Strangers. The Mexicans in American Literature, Tucson,
Ariz., University of Arizona Press, 1963, 337p. (95 2)

RUTHERFORD, J. D., "Novel of the Mexican RevoDution", University of Oxford, FTE-1968. Te-
s i s para el doctorado. (953)

SIMMONS, Merle E.,

xico, 1870-1 950,
~ Bloomington, Ind., Indiana University Press, 1957, 619p. (954)

"Novels of a Dead Revolution", Nation, 197(7 sep 1963)114-115. (955)

STEFFBRE, Volney; CASTILLO VALES, Victor; y MORLEY, Linda, "Language and Cognition in
Yucatan: a cross-cultural replication", J.Ab.S.Psych., 4(l)jul 1966:112-115. (956)

TRUEBLOOD, Felicity, The Contemporary Po1itical Novel in Mexico, Gainesville, Fla., Uni-

135 135
versity of Florida, 1962. Tesis paro la maestría. (95 7)
WOLFE, Bertram D., "Art and Revolution in Mexico: the Communist Union of Painters and
Sculpton and the League of Revolutionary Writers", Nation, 1 19(27 ago 1924)207-208.
WORTHEN, Edward Henry, The Reconquest of Mexico: a Panommic View of Mexican Litemry
Nationalism, University of Michigan, 1965. Tesis para e l doctorado. (959)
15. La sociología de la educación y la enseñanza en general.

ABRAHAM, Willard, "A City School in Mexico", Clear.House, dic 1949:205-208. (960)

ALISKY, Marvin, Educational Aspects of Broadcasting in Mexico, Austin, Tex., University of

Texas, 1953, 309p. Tesis para e l doctorado. (961 )

APSTE IN, Th., "The Universities of Mexico", Washington, Pan American Union, 1946. (962)

ARONSON, J., "Murder of Mexican Teachers", Sch. & Soc., 44(5 dic 1936)739-741. (963)

Cf ., KENNY, Michae 1, "Mexican Teachers and Teach ing", (Una contestación a

Aronson), Sch & Soc., 45(6 feb 1937)186-188.

'Discusión', Sch. & Soc., 45(9 ene 1937)64.

BAEZ-CAMARGO, Gonzalo, .
"Education i s Set Free in Mexico", Christ Cent., 59(4 feb 1942)
160. (964)

, "Mexico to make war on Illiteracy; with editorial comment",

Christ.Cent., 61 (27 sep 1944)1093, 1116. (965

, "Progress of Public Education in Mexico", SW Review, primavera

1944. (966)
BAKKE, E. Wight, "Students on the march in Mexico and C ~ l o m b i a ~Sociol.
~, Educ., 37(19#)
200-228. (967)

BARBOUR, Lizzie Messick, Federal Participation in Public Education in Mexico, 1934-1 937,
Austin, Tex., Univenity of Texas, 1939, 123p. Tésis para la maestría. (968)
9 BARRANCO, Manuel, Mexico: I t s Educational Problems, suggestions for Their Solutions, New
York, Columbia Univenity,
. - 1914. Tesis para el doctorado. (~1915-~olurnbiaUniver-
sity, 78p.) (969)

l. BEALS, Carleton, "The Calles Plan81, New Repub,, 68(2 sep 1931).

, "Frontier Teachen", BUI. PAU, 59(may 1925)443-452.

, "Mexicols Bonanzalo, Amer Merc. ., 88(ene 1959). (972)

BEALS, Ralph L. ; y HUMPHREY, Norman D., No Frontier to Learning; the Mexican Student in
the United States,
- Minneapol is, Minn ., Minnesota University Press, 1957. (973)
BENJAMIN, Harold, "Education in Mexico's Six-Year Plan", Sch. & Soc., 17 nov 1934:66-68.
1 (974)

, "Revolutionary Educat ion in Mexico", Annals, 182(nov 1935)181-189. (975)

BOOTH, George Clive, Mexico's School-Made Society, University of Southern California,l939.
Tesis para e l doctorado. (P1941-Stanford University Press) (976)

RC: en HAHR, 22(may 1942)414-415.

, "Premises of Mexico's Soc ia li s t Educational TheoryM, 'Sch. & Soc., 49

(8 abr 1939)452-455. . (977)

, "Socialist Secondary Education in Mexico", Sch R., . 47(oct 1939)602-

609. (978)

CALVERTON, Victor F., "Red Rule in Mexico's Schools", Curr.Hist., 43(dic 1935)263-266.

CARLSON, Harry John, The lmpact of the Cardenas Administration on Mexican Education, Tuc-
son, Ariz., University of Arizona, 1964. Tesis para e l doctorado. (980)

CARNOY, Martin, The Cost and Retum to Schooling in Mexico: a case study, University of
Chicago, 1965. Tesis para e l doctorado. (981

, "Eamings and Schooling in Mexico", Econ. Develop.cult.Change, jul 1967:

408-41 9. (982)

CARTER, Eula Lee, The Education Program of the Mexican Govemment, 1920-1 924, Austin, Tex.
University of Te~as, 1925, 150p. Tesis para la maestría. (983)

CASTAREDA,C. E., "Educational Revolution in Mexico", Educ. R., 68(oct 1924)123-125. (984)

CGAN, El:,?er! E., A Comparative Study of the American and Mexican Children in the 'Big
Bend' k i e a for 1935-1936,Austin, Tex., University of Texas, 1936, 47p. Tesis para la
maestrlu. (985)

COCHRANE, J. D., "Educationa l Experience of Latin American Cabinet Members: a Three Coun
tty Study", Comp. Educ. R., 11(ene 1967)197-207. (98a

COOK, kotherine M., "The House of the People: an Account of Mexico's New Schools of Ac-
tion", Washington, D.C., United States Office of Education, Bulletin #11, 1932, pp.3-
32. (987)

CORMACK, J. M., "Notes on Legal Education", J. ~ e & l Educ., 4(1952)329-. (988)

sC8RSI, E., "Education in Mexico", Outlook, 136(5 mar 1924)397-398.

CUMMBNGS, H.W., "Report of the Committee on the Mexican Centennial",. Proceedings and
Addresses of the National Education Association, 1911, pp.255-259, Ann Arbor,
Michigan, 1911 . (990)

CHI LCOTT, John, t'Enculturation in a .

Mexican Ranchería", J. Educ Sociol ., 36(1962)42-46.
(991 )
DANIELS, Blair Ellsworth, Technical and Industrial Education in the Public Schools of Mexico
City, Tempe, 1937, 87p. Tesis para e l doctorado. (P1937) (992)

DAVENPORT, Everard Lee, A Comparative of Mexican and non-Siblings, Austin, Tex., Univer-
sity of Texas, 1931, 60p. Tesis para la maestria. (993)

DAVIS, H. E., "National Schools in Mexico", Education, 58(dic 1933237-242. (994)

DAVIS, M. C., "Some Educational Movements in Mexico", Sch. & Soc., 29(27 ago 1929)547-
548. (995)

DAVIS, Russe ll G., "Sc ientif ic Engineering, and Technica l Education in Mexico", Educ .W Id.
Aff., 1967, Occasional Report #3. 7 9 6 )
DELMEZ, Albert Jaures, The History of the Cultural Missions in Mexican Education, University
of Missouri, 1949. Tesis para el doctorado. (M1949) (997)

DEWEY, J., "Mexico's Educational Renaissance", New Repub., 48(22 sep 1926)116-118. (998)

DJERASSI, C., "High Priority? Research Center in Developing Nations: excerpts from address",
. .
~e~tcmbcr, 1967, BU l. Atom Sc i , 24(ene 1968)24-25. (999)

DOERR, Marvin Ferdinand, Problem of the Elimination of Mexican Pupils from Schools, Austin,
Tex., University of Texas, 1938, 76p. Tesis para la maestria. (1000)
DUNCAN, Walter Raymond, Education and Ideology; an Approach to Mexican Political Develop
ment with Special Emphasis on Urban Primary Education, Fletcher School of Law and
Diplomacy, 1964. Tesis para e l doctorado. (1 O01)

DURAND, J. B., "New Trends in Mexican Education", Education, 51 (30 sep 1931)36-40, 287-
292. (1 002)

EBAUGH, Cameron Duncan, The National System of Education in Mexico, John Hopkins, 1931.
Tesis para el doctorado. (P1931) (1 003)

EDMIN ISTER, Diane Lee, The Role of Education in Mexican Economic Development, 1920-1 945.
University of Utah, 1962-1 963. Tesis para el doctorado. (1004)

ELDER, Jr., Glen H., "Family Structure and Educational Attainment: a cross-national ana lysis:
Amer.socioI.R., 30(1)1965:81-96. (1 005)

ELMS, James Edwin, Attendance of Mexican and Anglo Students in Two Austin, Texas Schools,
Austin, Tex., University of Texas, 1950, 108p. Tesis para la maestrra. (1006)

ELLIS, Christine Evanseline, The Relation of Socioeconomic Status to the lntelliaence and
School Success i f ~ e i i c a nChildren, Austin, Tex., University of Texas, 1952, 81p. Tesis
para la maestría. (1 007)

FERNALD, F.M., "Culture of New and Liberal Tendencies Evolved by Mexican Peoplel', -
Life, 12(abr 1927)143-146.

FISHER, Glen Harry, Directed Culture Change in Latin America: the Application of Modem
Theories of Culture Change to an Analysis of the Mexico Pilot Project in Basic Educa-
u a,
7 953. Tesis para el doctorado. (P1953) (1 009)

, "Directed Cul.ture Change in Nayarit, Mexico: Analysis of a Pilot Project

in Basic Education", en EDMONSON, M.S.A., et al., Synoptic Studies of Mexican
Culture, New Orleans, La., Tülane Liniversity, Middle ~#57,\
pp. 164-1 66. (1O1O)

GAMIO, ~ a h u e l , "The Education of Inds-Hispan ic Population", en VASCONCELOS, José, ed.,

Aspects of Mexican C i ~ i l i ~ a t i o n~, h i c & o , 1926; pp. 105-. (101 1j

GARDINER, Clinton Harvey, "Mexico's Campaign Against Illiteracy", Soc. Educ., oct 1949:277
278. (1012)

, "The Mexicans Speak for Themselves", The Americas, 11(4)abr 19-

55:575-587. (1 O13)

GARRARD, James Lathrop, A Survey on the Education of the lndians of Mexico as a Factor in
Their lncorporation into Modern Mexiccn Soc iety, Un iversity of Washington, 1956. Te-
sis para e l doctorado. (M1956) (1 O14)

GARZA, H, de la, -
"Health Education in Mexico", Amer. J. Pub. Hlth., 32(ago l042)81 1-815.

GATES, W., Rural Education in Mexico and the lndian Problem, s.e., 1935. (1 O16)

GEORGI, A. A., " Educat ion in Mexico", Educat ion, 68(mar 1948)402-406. (101 7)

, uMexico's ABC
Crusade: Educating i t s Illiteratell, Forum, 105(mar 1946)605-
(1O1 8)

GOLDBLATT, Phy llis, "The Geography of Youth Employment and School Enrollment Rates in
Mexico", en KAZAMIAS, A.; y EPSTEIN, E.H., eds., Education and Culture Chan
ge: Essays in Comparative Education, Boston, Mass., -A[ 1

GONZALEZ, Aurora Marjorie, A Study of the lntelligence of Mexican Children in Relation to

Their Socioeconomic Status, Austin, Tex., University of Texas, 1932, 45p. Tesis
para la maestria. (1 020)

GONZALEZ IRIGOYEN, R., "Monterrey Tech, a Revolution in Mexican Education", Americas,

7(may 1955)15-16. )120-'
GRUENING, Emest, - 120(17 jun 1925)683-685.
"Emerging Mexico: Education", Nation, (1022)

, "Up in Arms against Ignorante: an interview with José Vasconcelos", Col-

lier's, 72(dic 1923)8. (1 m
GUSTAFSON, L., "New School in Mexico", Indus. Educ.Mag., 24(sep 1922)75-76. (1 024)

GWIN, J. B., -
"Education in Mexico", Survey, 45(4 dic 1920)354.

HARRIS, James Kilbourne, A Sociological Study of a Mexican School in San Antonio,Texas,Au

stin, Tex., University of Texas, 1927, 98p. Tesis para la maestría. (10 2 a
HASTE, Hans, ABC far en battre varld, Stockholm, Folhet i Bilds Forlag, 1957, 148p. (1027)


HILTON, Stanley E., "The Church-State Dispute over Education in Mexico from Carmnza to
Cardenas", The Americas, 21 (2)oct 1964:163-183. (1028)

HOLMES, H.A., Land of Great Experiments: Mexico, New York, 1952.

HOOD, Anita Louise, The Reorganization of Secondary Education in Mexico since 1926, Austin,
Tex., ! J n i v e n i t y o f T e x a s , ' 1 9 5 4 , (1030)

HOWERTH, I.W., "The Federal System of Education in Mexico", $ch.& Soc., 46(11 sep 1937)
325-331 . (1 031)

, "Socialism in Mexicán Schools", Sch. & Soc., .47(30 abr 1938)553-562. (1 032)
, "Socialist Schools in Mexico", Sch. & Soc., 46(31 jul 1937)146-150. (1 033)
, "Technical, Industrial, and Commercial Education in M e ~ i c o ' ~Sch.
, & Soc..
45(26 jun 1937)884-886, -(m341

.HUGH.ES, Lloyd H., Les. missions culturel les mexicaines, Paris, UNESCO, 1950, 83p. (1035)

HUTCHISON, Cornelia, A Comparative Study of the Teaching Materials for SixbYear-Old

Children in Mexico and Texas, Austin, Tex., University of Texas, 1945, 133p. Te-
s i s para la maestría. (1036)

INMANi S. G., "Advanced Program for Mexico", Mis. R., 42(jun 1919)431-438. (1037)

, "A Glimpse at Mexico's Rural Schools", BuI.PAU, oct 1930, (1038)

IWANSKA, Alicia, "New Knowledge: the lmpact of School upon Traditional Structure of a Me-
xican Village", Sociol., 13(2)1963:137-150. (1039)

JACKSON, Doris Goforth, Educational Status of Mexican Children in a Texas Elementary

School, Austin, Tex., University of Texas, 1952, 7lp. Tesis para la maestría. (1040)

JENKINS, James F., - dic 1929.

"Teaching a Nation to Live", R.Rs., (1041)

JOHNSTON, Marjorie C., Education in Mexico, W~shington, D.C., United States Department
of Health, Education and .Welfare, 1956. (1042)
KAPLAN, S., "At Home in School", Americas, l2(feb 1960)18-21.

KHAN, Mohammed Viguar Ahmed, Rural Education in India and Mexico: a comprative study,
Houston, 1964. Tesis para e l doctorado. (1 044)

KLUCKHOHN, F.R., "Cultural Factors in Social Work Practice and Education", Soc.Serv.R.,
25(mar 1951)40-45. (rw
KNELLER, George F., The Education of the Mexican Nation, New York, Columbia Universiv
Press, 1951, 238p. (1 046)

RC: SANCHEZ, G. l., -

HAHR, 32(2)1952:263-264.

KNIGHT, M. F., "Carries T O P Cfor

~ Mexican Indians: Senator V. Campos", Christ. Sci.Mon.,
24 mar 1945:7. 1- 047)

KRESS, D.M., "How Mexico is Solving her Problem of Racial Differences through an lmproved
Educat iona l System", Sch & Soc., 37(20 may 1933)657-658. (1 048)

, "Racial Differences as a Factor in Mexicols Educational Systemu, Education, 54

(sep 1933)27-29. 1( 049)

LANDAZURI, E., "New Tendencies in the Public lnstruction in Mexico", BuI.PAU, 55(nov 19-
22)462-476. (1050)
LARROYO, F., "Half a Century of Education in Mexico!', Texas Q ., 2(1959)113. (1 051)

IAUT, A.C., "What i s the Remedy for Mexico?", Wld.Outlook, 5(ago 1919)14-15. (1 052)

LEHMAN, A. F., " New Educational Trends in Mexico", Education, 54(1924)373-. (1053)

LEIS, Ward W., The Status of Education for Mexican Children in Four Border States, Univenity
of Southem Califomia, 1932. Tesis para la maestria. (1 054)

LERDQ DE TEJADA, Carlos Trejo, "Educational Evolution in Mexico", Inter-Amer., dic 1923.

LEVI, I.J., "New Education in Mexico", Elem.Sch.J., 36(mar 1936)481-484. (1056)

LEWIS, F., "Roots of Leaming: UN'S Pilot Schoolll, N Y Times Mag., 32-33(31 may 1953).
(1o5 7)

LOCKWOOD, Dorothy Mae, Commercial Education in Mexico, Austin, Tex., Univenity of Te-
xas, 1949, 132p. Tesis para la maestría. (1058)

LOGAN, Lillian May, Kindergarten Educcsbion in Mexico, University of Wisconsin, 1953. Tesis
para el doctorado. (1059)

LOGAN, Virgil Glen, "Mexico's Unif ied School System", J. Educ. Res., oct 1953:117-126.
, Speech Education in Mexico, D. F., Univeniiy of Wisconsin, 1952.
Tesis para e l d o c t l (1061)

LOOMIS, Charles P.; y LOOMIS, Zona K., MEducationalSocial Systems: U.S.A., U.S.S.R.,
and Mexico", en ~ o c i a lSystems. Essays on their Persistente and Change, Princeton, N.
J., Van Nostrand, 1960, 349p., pp.249-297. (1062)

MAGNER, J.A., "Mexican Roundup: Outlook Favorable", America, 89(9 may 1953)155-156.

, "Socialist School in Mexico1I, Cath .Wld., 144(dic 1936)300-305. (1064)

McCORMICK, Archie T. E., "Some Observations on the Mexican Educational System", MCC,
1951 . (tO65)

MEEK, G . , 'l Better Schools, Better Mexicans", Americas, 13(dic 1961)17-19. (1066)

MINOR, H. B., "Education in the State of Tamaulipas", Sch. Life, 16(sep 1930)17-19. (1067)

MISTRAL, G., "Mexico's Eduqational Effort", Liv .Age, 330(28 ago 1926)439-444. (1068)

MONSON, Robert Al lan, Right-wing Politics in Mexican Education: the Textbook Conf lict, Wa
shington, Georgetown University, 1966. Tesis para el doctorado. (10 6 9
MOSLEY, Ramón, "Some Observations on Mexican Secondary Education", MCC, - 1949. (1070)
MURRAY, Paul V., " Some Observations on Higher Education in Contemporary Mexico", en
CORDOZO, Manuel, ed., Higher Education in Latin America, s.d. (1 071)

MYERS, Charles Nash, Education and National Development in Mexico, Princeton, N. J., Prin-
ceton University, 1965, 147p. (1 072)

NALL, Fmnk Comstock, Role Expectation Pattems among United States and Mexican High
School Students: an Empirical Study of some Applicabilities of the Social System Schema,
Michigan State University, 1959. (1 073)

NASH, Manning, "The Role of Village Schools in the Process of Cultural and Economic Moder-
nization", Soc.econ.Stud., 14(mar 1965)131-143. (1 O 74)

(México, Guatemala y Birmania .)

PANI, Alberto J., "The Sanitary and Educational Problems of Mexico", Annals, 69(ene 1917)
suplemento, 22-26. (1 075)

PARKER, William, "Juan Hangs up his Gun.. .", Curr.Hist., ago 1939. (1 076)

PEDRAZA, Roberto, Creative Education for a Democratic Mexico, Denver Universitv. 1951. Te-
sis para e l doctomdo.

PERRY, Elsie Adele, A Comparison of the Content Material in Mexican and United States Read-
ers, Austin, Tex., University of Texas, 1931, 4438. Tesis para la maestría. (1 078)

PETRICIOLI, Blanca M. de; y REYNOLDS, Clark Winston, "The Teaching of Economics in Me-
xico", Educ.Wld.Aff., 1967. (1079)

PICKARD, Edward E., A Survey of Commercial Edueation in Mexico, Rutgers, 1951 Tesis para .
e l doctorado. (1080)

POND, R., "Mexican Educat ion, 1941" , Commonwea 1, 34(may 1941)78-80. (1081)

, "Notes on Mexican Education", Cath.Wld., 142(dic 1925)334-338. (1 082)

PRESLEY, James, "Mexican Views on Rural Education: 1900-1 91O", The Americas, 20(l)jul 19-
63:64-71. (1083)

PRIESTLEY, Herbert; y SAENZ, Mois6s, Some Mexican Problems, Chicago, III., University of
Chicago, 1926. (1084)

PRIETO-YEME, G., "Technical Education for Women in M e ~ i c o ~PA

~ , Mag., 36(mar 1923)115-
118. (1085)

PUNKE, H. H., "Current Legal Basis of Education in Mexico", J. Sch. Law, 10(1942)158-.

RAMIREZ, R., "The Six-Year Plan in Education", en HERRING, H.C., ed., Renascent Mexico,
RICE, J. P., "Education of Subcultural Groups", Sch. & Soc. ,. 92(nov 1964)360-362. (1087)

RIVERA, R.A., "How Rural Teachers are Educated in Mexico", Sch. & Soc., 41 (23 feb 1935)
259-260. (1088)

ROBERTSON, Clyde Reeves, A Comparative Study of the Progress of American and Mexican Pu-
pils in Certain ~ l e n
35, 46p. Tesis para la maestría. (1089)

RODRIGUEZ, Valdemar, National University of Mexico: Rebirth and Role of the Universitarios,
1910-1957, Austin, Tex., University of Texas, 1958. Tesis para e l doctorado.
m (1090)

ROSS, Stanley Robert, " Government Control of Educat ion: Mexico", Curr. Hist .,

ROSSEA, H. Edwin, The Social Concems of Moises Saenz, Mexican Educator, 1888-1 941,Ame-
rican Univenity, 1966. Tesis para el doctorado. (1092)

RUIZ, Ramón Eduardo, "Mexico: lndianismo and the Rural School", Harvard Educ R., . 28(2)pri-
mavera 1958:105-119. (1 093)

, Mexico's Struggle for Rural Education, 1910-1950, Univenity of Califor-

nia, 1954. Tesis pc(1 094)
, "Mexico: the Struggle for a National Language", Soc. Res., 25(3)otoño
1958:346-361. (1095:

SAENZ, Moisés, "Education i s Reclaiming the Heterogeneous Masses of MexicoM, Sch. Life, 1 4
(may 1 929)172. ( 1 096)

, "lntegrating Mexico through Education", BuI.PAU, 61 (ago 1927)762-777.


También en: PRIESTLEY, Herbert; y M.S., Some. Mexican Problems, University of Chica-
go Press, 1926, pp.55-.

, " Newer Aspects of Education in Mexico", Bul. PAU, 63(sep 1929)861-877.


, "Rural Education in Mexico", Elem.Sch.J., 3l(feb 1931)407-409. (1 099)

; y STEVENS, Guy, The Mexican Situation, Foreign Policy Association, Pam-

phlet "58, Series 1928-1929, mayo de 1929. (1 100)

SANCHEZ, George Isadore, The Development of Higher Education in Mexico, New York,1944.
(1 101)

, -
"Education", Annals, 208(mar 1940)144-.
, "Education in Mexico'!, en WILGUS.. A.C.,
. . ed.. The Caribbean:
Mexico Today, Gainesvil le, Fla., University of Florida Press, 1964, pp. 145-1 51 .
(1 103)

, "Education in Mexico", en MOEHLMAN, Arthur Henry; y ROUCER,

Joseph S., eds., Comparative Education, New York, Dryden Press, 1952, pp. 85-
108. (1 104)
, "Mexico", en STILES, L. J., ed., Today's World in Focus, Boston,
Mass., Ginn 8 Co., 1966, 112p. (1 105)

, Mexico: a Revolution by Education, New York, 1936. (1 106)

RC: JACKSON, J.H., en Sat.R, Lit., 15(26 dic 1936)12.

SCHEMEL, Margaret Constance,

Schools of Mexico in the Light of i t s Historica l Development, Indiana Univenity, 1944.
Tesis para e l doctorado. (1 107)

SCHOENHALS, Louise, tlMexico Experiments in Rural and Primary Education: 1921-19301', HAHR,
44(1)1964:22-43. (lm
SILVERT, K. H.; y BONILLA, Frank, Education and the Social Meaning of Development, a Pre-
l irninary Statement, The ~ m e r i c t
(1 1 09)
SLOAN, Forrest Edward, An Evaluation of Elementary School Pupils' Knowledge of Mexico as
Related to the Opinion of Authorities, Colorado State College, 1961. Tesis para e l doc
torado. (1110)

SMITH, Cleo Dawson, Education in Mexico, Kentucky, 1947. Tesis para e l doctorado. (1 111)

SMITH, Marinobel, "Mexico's Stepped up Education Campaign", Mex. -Amer. R., 33(ene 1965)
19-22. (1 112)

SMITH, Matthew Dinsda le, Factors Contributing to the Deve lopment of Publ ic Secondary Educa-
tion in Mexico from 1867-1927, University of California, 1930. Tesis para el doctorado.

SOBRINO, Josephine, The lnf luence of the Continuing Cultural Pattems Reflected by Pertinent
Folklore of ~ e l e c t e dlndian Tribes on the Education of Mexico, University of Houston,
1961 Tesis para el doctorado. (1114)

STANLEY, Joseph Wight, La casa del pueblo: Mexico's Experiment in Rural Education,Stanford
Univers ity, 1948. Tesis para e l doctorado. (11 15)

TANNENBAUM, Frank, "Miracle School", Century, 106(ago 1923)499-504. (1 116)

TAT'IANICHEV, V., "Schastlivchik iz plemeni Otomi", Vokrug sveta, (7)jul 1962:30-31.(1117)

TEREROS, M. R. de, "llliteracy Carnpaign in Mexico", Sch. & Soc., 19(15 mar 1924)310-311.

THOMSON, C.A., " Soc ial ism in Mexico", Scholastic, 32(14 may 1938)255-285. (1 119)

TORRES BODET, Jaime, "Mexican Success in Public Education ", PA Mag., 35(oct 1922)209-
211.. (1 120)

TOWNSEND, Everett B., A Survey of Public Night Schools in Mexico City, Rutgers, 1951 .Te-
s i s para e l doctorado. (1 121)

TOWNSEND, W. C., "Mexico's Program of Rural Education", Sch. & Soc., 39(30 jun 1934)848-
851 . (1 122)

TRASIN, Walter, "Should Al1 Children Learn a Trade?---Mexico says Yes",

36(feb 1961)68-71 .
UNESCO, "Learn and Live: a way out of ignorante for 1,200,000,000 people", Paris, UNESCO,
31p. (1 124)

(Datos sobre Pátzcuaro. )

V A N PATTEN, James Jeffers, Education in the United Mexican States, Austin, Tex., University
of Texas, 1962. Tesis para el doctorado. (1 1 25)
VASCONCELOS, José, "Educational Aspirations", Survey, 52(1 may 1924)167-169. (1 126)

, " Education in Mexico: Present-Day Tendencies", BUI. PAU, 56(mar 1923)

230-245. (1127)

, lntellectual Progress in M e ~ i c o ~Bul.

~ , PAU, 49(jul 1919)54-61 . (1 128)

VILLAREAL, Albert, The Cultural Missions of Mexico, The University of Texas, 1954, 7lp. Te-
s i s para la maestría. (1 129)

WATSON, Goodwin Barbour, " Educat ion and Social Welfare in Mexico", New York, Council
for Pan-American Democracy, 1940, pp. 4-47. (11 30)

WEINBURG, F. T., "Mexico's Rapid Progress in Vocational Education", Bul. PAU, 58(jun 1924)
578-584. (1131)

WIEGAND, Oscar F., Higher Education in Mexico, Austin, Tex., University of Texas, FEM-19-
61 ; FTE-1968, Investigac i6n con informes anuales. (1 132)

WILSON, l., Mexico, a Century of Educational Thought, New York, 1941 . (1 133)

WINSLOW, Th., "Education for Mexican Life", Inter-Amer. Quart., 2(3)1940:88-. (1 134)

WOOSLEY, Arthur Wal lace, "Organization, Goals, and Accompl ishments of Mexico's Cultural
Missions", Texas Westem University, 1962; FTE-? Investigación . (1 135)
16. La sociología de la religión y temas conexos.

ALADAR METALL, Rudolf, " Die Entwicklung der mexikanischen Kirchengesetgebung", Z. Polit.,
1929. (i36)

ARCHBlSHOP in Michoacan, "The Persecution in M e ~ i c o ~Dubl

~ , in R., jul-sep 1927. (1.137)

AUER, Ludwig, "Die Verfolgung der katholischen Kirche in Mexiko, 1926-1927", Danguworth,
Zusammengestellt fur Giestliche und Laien, s.f., 31p. (1 138)

BAEZ-CAMARGO, Gonzalo, "Lighten Rule on Teaching Religion; Law to lnclude Prohibition of

anti-Religious Indoctrination", Christ .Cent., 63(16 ene 1946)85-. (1139)

; y GRUBB, Kenneth G . , Religion in the Republic of Mexico, Lon-

don, 1935. (1 140)

BANNON, John Francis, "The Church", en WILGUS, A. C., ed., The Caribbean: Mexico
Today, Gainesville, Fla., University of Florida Press, 1964, 232p., pp. 132-1 42.
(1 141)

BARNARD, George, The Mexican Reformation, London, Sheed, Ward, S .f., 73p. (1 142)

BOWERS, B., "Notes on Shaminism among the Tepehua Indians", Amer.Anthrop., 48(oct 1946)
680-683. (1 143)
CARRASCO, P., ''Pagan Rituals and Beliefs among the Chontal lndians of Oaxaca", Anthrop.
Rec., 20(1960)87-117. 7 4 4 )
CARRASCO PIZANA, Pedro, Tarascan Folk Religion, an Analysis of Economic, Social, and
Religious Interactions, New York, Columbia University, 1954. Tesis para e l
doctorado. (1 145)

CASE, Alden B., Thirty Years with the Mexicans: in Peace and Revolution, New York, Revell,
1917, 285p. (1 146)

COUVREUR, Jacques, Au Mexique, terre des martyrs, Tou louse, s.f., 63p. (1 147)

CUNEO, M., Le Mexique et la question re1igieuse, Turin, Bocca Freres, 1931, 2 6 3 ~ . (1 148)

DOMBRE, Pierre, Les martyrs du Mexique, Paris, Maison de la Bonne Presse, 1928, 32p.(1149)

DRAGON, Antonio, Au Mexique rouge, Marla de la Luz. Premiere martyre de I'Action Catho-
lique, Paris, Eds. Spes., s.f., 21 8p. (1 150)

ELIAS, Arturo M., The Mexican People and the Church, New York, s.e., 1926, 51p. (1151)

ENRIQUEZ, Ignacio C., The Religious Question in Mexico, New York, s.e., 1915, 16p.
(1 152)

FORNARO, Carlo de, What the Catholic Church Has Done to Mexico, (Dr. A.Paganel, seud.),
New York, Lat in-American News Assoc iation, 1916, 23p. (1 153)

GALLOP, R., "Pagan Cu lt Survives in Mexico", Discovery, 2(may 1939)218-227. (1 154)

GIBBS, R., "The Social History of Mexican sinarquismo, University of Warwick, FTE-1970. Te-
s i s para e l doctorado; investigacibn. (1 155)

HOOGSHAGEN, Searle, "The Mixe Supematural and Christianit);", Practic.Anthrop., ll(1)ene-

feb 1964:25-34. (1 156)

KAPlAN, L. N., "Tonal and Nagual in Coastal Oaxoca, Mexico", J.Amer. Folklore, 69(274)
1956:363-368. (1 157)

KELLEY, Francis Clement, The Book of Red and Yellow, Chicago, The Catholic Extension So-
ciety of the United States, 1915, 116p. (1 158)

, The Religious Question in Mexico, Chicago, 1926, 31p. (1 159)

LA DIVINE, Louis, Les phases de la persecution religieuse dans IIEglise du Mexique des origi-
nes a nos jours, Paris, Bloud et Gay, 1929, 199p. (1 160)

LECLER, J., "Ou va le Mexique? La revolution social e t la question religieusel', Etudes, 234
(1938)145-156, 348-357. (1 161)
MADSEN, William, "Shamanism in Mexico", SW J .Anthrop., 11(1)primavera 1955:48-57. (1 162)
MARTENS, Frederick H., "The Race Factor in Mexican anti-Clerical ism", Curr. Hist ., 27(nov
1923238-241 . (1 163)

MEYER, J., "Pour une sociologie des cathol icisme mexicaine", C. Socio1.econ., may 1965:82-
103. (1,164)

N.N., "II martorio della Chiesa nel Messico", Roma, Casa Cardinal Ferrari, 1928. (1 165)

-, Les martyn du Mexique, Paris, Maison de la Bonne Presse, 1928.

RINALDI, Felice, N e l Messico Martoriato, Roma, La Civilta Cattolica, 1928, 26p. (1 167)
ROSA, Enrico, Note e documenti intorno alla persecuzione religiosa nel Messico, Roma, La
Civilta Catto ica, (1 168)

SANDS, William Franklin, The Present Condition of the Church in Mexico, Washington, D.C.,
Saint Matthew's Book Stall, 1935, 35p. (1 169)

SILVER, Daniel B., Shamanism in Zinacantan, Harvard University, 1966. Tesis para e l doctora
do. (1 170)

SPITZER, A l len, "Notes on a Merida Parish", Anthrop. Quart ., 31 (1)ene 1958:3-20. (lln)

, "Religious Structure in Mexico", Alpha Kap. Del ., 30(l)lnvierno 1960. (1 172)

STORY, Sydney R., Spiritual Christians in Mexico: Profile of a Russian Village, Los Angeles,
Un iversity of Cal iforn ia, 1960. Tesis para e l doctorado. (1 1 73)

U. l. D. L. R.M., Bureau Central de I', "Dossiers documenta ires sur la persecution Mexicaine",
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Eduardo, The Church Question in Mexico, New York, 1935. (1 175)

ZILIANI, Luigi, Tre mesi nel Messico Martire. Storia della persecuzione. Eroismo del martiri,
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de corrección.
AGUILAR, A., "Civil Liability arising out of Traffic Accidents", en Mexico: a Symposium on
Law and Government, Miami, Fla., University of Miami School of Law, lnteramerican
Legal Studies, 1958, 125p., pp.53-. (1 171)

BATES, R.G., "How Mexico i s Meeting Rehabilitation Problem.. .",-

Dicta, 13(1936)115. (1 178)

BEALS, Carleton, "Mexico i s also going dry---but slowly", Wld. Outlook, 6(sep 1920)4-5.
(1 179)

BRADDY, Haldeen, "Running Contraband on the Rio Grande", Sou. Folklore Quart ., 25(jun 19-
61)lOl-112. (1 180)

CLEVEN, N. Andrew N., "Some Social Aspects of the Mexican Constitution of 1917", HAHR,
4(ago 1921)474-485. 'm)
, "Religious Aspects of the Mexican Constitution of 1917", Open Crt.,
35(1921)482 -. 0
DAMASCO MELGAREJO, R.A., ~ i v o r c eLaw of Sonora, Mexico, New York, 1923. (1 183)

FRIED, Jacob, Ideal Nonns and Social Control in Tarahumara Society, New Haven, Conn., The
University of Yale, 1952. Tesis para e l doctorado. (1 184)

GAITHER, R. B., "The Marriage and Divorce Laws of Mexico", Amer. Law R., 57(1923)404.
(1 185)

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HAYNER, Norman S., "Criminogenic Zones in Mexico City", with a discussion by E.H. Suther
land, Amer .socio l. R., 11(ago 1946)428-438. (1 1 8 n

, New Patterns in Old Mexico.. ., New Haven, Conn., College 8, Uni-

versity Press, 1966. (1188)

Cf., capítulos 10: Delinquency, a city problem; 11 : Homicide to thievety; y 12: Mexi-
can prisons and conjuga1 visits.

IDUARTE, A., "Sleep in the Aftemoon: Mexico's anti-Siesta Law", Free Wld., 10(ago 1945)72.

KITCHENS, John W., "Some Considerations on the 'Rurales' of Porfirian Mexicou, J. inter-
Amer. Stud., 9(3)1967:441-455. '(11 90)

MERCADO, Seraf in; DlAZ GUERRERO, Rogelio; y GARDNER, Riley W., "Cognitive Control in
the Children of Mexico and the United States", J .soc. Psychol , 59(abr 1963)199-208.
NASH, J., "Death as a Way of Life: the lncreasing Resort to Homicide in a Maya lndian Com
munity", Amer.Anthrop., 69(oct 1967)455-470. (1 19 g

RIPPY, J. Fred, -
"The New Penal Code of Mexico", HAHR, ago 1930.

ROSENQUIST, Carl M., "A Comparative Study of Juvenile Delinquency in San Antonio,Texas,
and Monterrey, Mexico", Austin, Tex., Un iversity of Texas, FTE-? Investigación.
(1 194)

SABATH, J., Divorce Laws of the United States, Hawaii, Alaska, Cuba, and Mexico,Chicagq
1932. (1 195)

SH IPLEY, M., " Homicide and the Death Penalty in Mexicon, Annals, 29(may 1907)625-629.
(1 196)

STERN, W. B., ..
"Developments in the Law of Mexican Marriages and Divorces", Calif S t Bar J .,
24(1949)305-. (1 197)

SUMMERS, Lionel M., "Divorce Law of Mexico", Law Contemp. Probl., 2(3)1935:310-315.
(1 198)

VANCE, J.T., "Divorce Laws of Yucatan", Georgetown Law J., 13(1925)227-. (1 199)
WALLER, Jr., George, "Jailbirds with a Chancen, Inter-Amer., 3(oct 1944)18-21 . (1 200)

Y A N KWICH, L. R., "Marriages and Divorces. ..", Los Angeles, 1 937. (1 201 )
18. La sociología de la ciencia y la tecnología.

FOSTER, George McClelland, ed., A Cross-Cultural Anthropological Analysis of a Technical

Aid Program, Washington, D.C., Smithsonian Institution, 1951 , (1 202)

MEAD, Margaret, ed., Cultural Pattems and Technical Change, New York, The New Ameri-
can Library, 1955. (1 203)

NITSCHKE, Christian, "Die Funktion des ~echnikersin der technischen Erziehung fur die In-
dustrialisierung in Mexico", Frienurg,R.F.A., Arnold Bergstraesser lnstitut fur kultur-
w issenschaftlic he Forschung, 1967. Tesis para e l doctorado, (1204)

TANNENBAUM, Frank, "Technology and Race in Mexico", Polit. Sci.Quart., 61 (3)sep 1946:
365-383. (1 205)

TAXI Sol, "Economy and Technology", en S.T., ed., Heritage of Conquest: the Ethnology of
Middle America, New York, The Free Press, 1952, pp.43-75. (1206)
19. La demografia y la biología humana: estudios de población y migra-
ción; recursos en general.

ANDERSON, Richmond K., e t al., "Nutritional Status during- Pregnancy of a Group of Women
in Mexico City", J.Amer.Diet.Ass., 22(7)1946. (1207)

, "A Study of Nutritional Status and Food Habits of Otomi

lndians in the Mezquita1 Val ley of ,Mexico", Amer. J. Pub. Hlth., 36(8)1946:883-903.

ARMSTRONG, John Milton, A Mexican Community: a Study of the Cultural Determinants of

Migration, New Haven, Conn., Yale University, 1949. Tesis para e l doctorado.
(1 209)
BALL, John M., "Migmtion in Mexico", University of Georgia, FTE-1968. lnvestigac ión.(l210)

BARRY, John, Mexico, the Land of Business Opportunity Review of i t s industrial, agricul tural,
mineral, and o i l development possibilities, New York, Commercial, 1920, 31p. (1 21 1)

BEALS, Ralph L., "Population of Northwest Mexico", ~mer.Anthrop., 45(jul 1943)486-489.

(1 21 2)
BEAUJEU-GARNIER, J., "Le population de Mexico", B. Assoc. Geogr.fran~., jun-sep 1967:2-
16. (121 3)

BEEGLE, J. Allen; GOLDSMITH, Harold F. ; y LOOMIS, Charles P., "Demogmphic Character-

istics of the United States-Mexican Border", Rural Sociol 25(l )mar 1960:107-162.(1214)
170 170
BILLERBECK, K., "Mexicos Wirtschaft heute", Volkswirt, 20 feb 1954:15-16. (1 215)

BLUM, Albert A., "Manpower Adjustment Programs in Mexico", FTE-1968. Investigación. (1 21 6)

BROWNING, Harley L.; BALAN, Jorge; y BALAN, Elizabeth Jelin, "Cedral, Mexico: a Com
munity of High-Out Migration", Austin, Tex., University of Texas, FTE-1969. In-
vest igac ión (1 21 7)

BURNIGHT, Robert G.; y WHETTEN, Nathan L.; y WAXMAN, Bruce D., "Differential Rural-
Urban Fert il ity in Mexico", Amer. soc iol R., 21 (1 )feb 1956:3-8. (121 8)

CALNECK, Edward, "Distribution and Location of the Tzeltal and Tzotzil Pueblos of the High-
lands of Chiapas from the Earliest Times to the Present", University of Chicago,l961.
Mimeo. (1219)

CARNEY, John Phi l lip, Postwar Mexican Migration, 1945-1 955, with Particular Reference to
the Policies and Practices of the United States Concerning i t s Control, Southern Cali-
fomia, 1957. (1220)

COOK, Robert C., "The Problem of People: Mexico", Pop. Bul., 20(7)nov 1964:173-203.(1221)

COOK, Sherburne F., "Santa Maria Ixcatlan, Habitat, Population, Subsistente", Berkeley,
University of Califomia, 1958, 75p. (1 222)
, Soil Erosion and Population in Central Mexico, Berkeley, University of
Cal iforn ia Press, 1949. (1 223)

"Distribution of Population in Mexico", Bul. PAU, 52(jun 1921)542-559.
(1 224)

"The Distribution of Population in Mexico", Geogr. R., 11(1921)227-242.

(1 225)

CHEVALIER, Fran~ois; y HUGUET, L., "Peuplement e t mise en valeur du tropique mexicainM,

Misc. Paul Rivet, Octogenario Dicata. XXI Congreso Internacional de Americanistas,
México, vol.l, s.d., 708p., pp.395-438. (1226)

DAVIES, D.I.; y SHAKUNTALA, Miranda, "Migration from Country to Town: Mobilization, In-
tegration, and Social ization", New York, Comparative Studies in Latin America, FTE-
1969-1970; FPU-1970 en New York, Basic Books y en London, Penguin Books. (1 227)

DECJHARDT, R., "Mexican Demography", Pac. Hist. R., 7(jun 1938)147-159. (1228)

DOERR, Arthur; FREILE, Luis, "Population Distribution in Mexico, 1950N, J. Geogr., may 1956:
235-242. (1 229)

DUCOFF, Louis Joseph, Human Resources of Central America, and Mexico, 1950-1980, in Re-
lation to Some Aspec ts of Economic Deve lopment, Educat iona 1 Commission for Lat in Ame
rica, 1960, 155p. (12 3 q
EC KELS, R. P., "Hungry Workers, Ripe Crops, and the non-Existent Mexican Border", Reporter,
1O(13 a br 1954)28-32, 1-

EDER, G.J., "Urban Concentration, Agriculture, and Agrarian Reform: with questions and an-
swers", Anna ls, 360(iul 1965)27-47. (1 232)

ENJALBERT, H., " La pression démographique au Mexique", C. O. -Mer., oct-dic 1960:451-460.

(1 233)
GALLEN, A.A., The Wetback, Boston, Mass., Bruce Humphries Publishers, 1961, 243p. (1 234)

GAMIO, Manuel, Mexican lmmigration to the United States: a Study of Human Migration and
Adiustment, University of Chicago Press, 1930, 262p. (1235)

GEISERT, Harold L., Population Problems in Mexico and Central America, Washington, D.C.,
George Washington University, 1959, 48p. (1236)

GOLDBERG, B., "Tuberculosis in Racial Types with Special Reference to Mexicans; with dis-
cussion", J. Pub. H lth., 19(mar 1929)274-286. (1 237)

GREBLER, Leo, ed., Mexican lmmigration to the United States: the Record and i t s Implications,
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H A N DMAN, Max Sylvius, -
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HARPER, Roland M., "Mexico: an Analysis Close-Study of 1921 Census Report Aids in Under-
standing Conditions in that Country", PA Mag., abr 1931:269-278. (1 241 )

H ICKS, W. Whitney, "A 'Reproduction Function' for Young Women in Mexico", Soc .econ. Stud
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JONES, Robert Cuba, Mexican War Worken in the United States, 1942-1944, Washington, D.
C., Pan American Union, 1945, (1 243)

KHOROSHAEVA, l . F., Sovremennoe indeiskoe naselen ie Meksiki, Moskva, Izdatel'stvo Akade-

m i i Nauk SSSR, 1955, 16p. (1244)

También en: Trudy Ins t. etn., 58(1960)156-202.

KLOSE, Frederick, "Die revolkerung von Mexiko", Peter mitt., 82(9)sep 1936:283-. (1 245)

KNOX, William John, The Economic Status of the Mexican lmmigrant ih San Antonio, Texas,
Austin, Tex., University of Texas, 1927, 66p. Tesis para la maestría. (1 246)

KOBERSTEIN, Gerhard, "Demographische Aspekte der Erziehungsproblems in Puebla, Tlaxcala",

Dortmund, Alemania, Sozialforschunsstelle an der Universitat Munster, FTE-1968.
Investigación . (1 247)
LARKIN, M., "As Many as God Sends? Family Planning in Mexico", Nation, 203(14 nov 19-
66)508-511 . (1 248)

LEON, A. P. ; y ALDAMA, A., "Population Problems", Annals, 237(ene 1945)34-44. (1 249)

LEVENSTEIN, Harvey A., "The AFL and the Mexican lmmigration in the 1920's: an Experiment
in Labor Diplomacy", HAHR, 48(2)1968:206-233. (1 250)

LIPSCHULTZ, Robert J., American Attitudes toward Mexican Immigration, 1924-1 952, Universi-
ty of Chicago, s.d., Tesis para e l doctorado. (1 251

LOPEZ MALO, Ernesto, "The Emigration of Mexican Laborers", Ciencias Soc., 5(1954)220-227.
(1 252)

MARTINEZ, John Ramon, Mexican Emigration to the Un ited States, 1910-1 930, University of
Califomia, 1956. Tesis para el doctorado. (1 253)

McWILLIAMS, Carey, "They Saved the Crops", Inter-Amer., 2(8)ago 1943:lO-14. (1 254)

M O N BEIG, Pierre, "Mouvement demog~aphi~ue au Mexique", Tiers-Monde, 4(15) jul-sep 1963:

387-406. (1 255)
MOORE, Wilbert E., Attitudes of Mexican Factory Workers toword Fertility Control", en A ~ -
proaches fo Problems of High Fertility in Agrarian Societies, Papers presented at t h e
1951 Annual Conference of the Milbank Memorial Fund, New York, 1952, 28p. (1256)

MORRISON, Paul Cross, "Population Changes in Mexico", R.Geogr., 33(59)jul-dic 1963:79-

92. (1 257)

PAEK, Pong Hyon, The Koreans in Mexico, 1905-191 1, Austin, Tex., University of Texas, ene
1968, 76p. Tesis para la maestría. (1 258)

PASSIN, Herbert, "Note on the Present lndigenous Population of Chihuahua", Amer.Anthrop.,

46(ene 1944)145-147. (1259)

PAUL, Benjamin D.; y PAUL, Lois, "The Life Cycle", en TAX, Sol, ed., Heritage of Con-
quest: the Ethnology of Middle America, New York, The Free Press, 1952, pp. 174-192.
(1 260)
PERA, Mois6s T. de la, "Problemes demographiques et agra,ires du Mexique", Soc. Belge t. Ex-
pan., ago-sep-oct 1950:657-661. (1261)

PLATT, Robert S., "Magdalena Atlipan: a Study of Terrene Occupancy in Mexico", G. S.C.
Bul., 9(1923)47-75.
- (112)
PUNKE, H. H., " lmplications of Population Composition in Mexico", Elem. Sch. J., &(mar 1945)
399-405. (1 263)

RANDALL, Laura, "Labor Migration and Mexican Economic Development", Soc .econ.Stud., 11
Cf ., CAHNAN, W. J., 'Reply', Soc.econ. Stud., 11(1)mar 1962:82-83.
GUTKIND, P.G.W., 'Rejoinder', Soc.econ.Stud., 11(1)mar 1962:83-84.

REDFIELD, Robert, "The Antecedents of Mexican lmmigmt ion to the United Statesl', Amer. J .So-
c io l., 25(1929-1930)433-438.
- )562-
ROLLER ISSLER, Anne, "Good Neighbon Lend a Hand. Our Mexican Workersu, Survey G.,
32(10)oct 1943:389-393. -66)

SABGHIR, lrving Howard, Mexican Contract Labor in the United States, 1948-1953: a Political
and Economic Analysis, Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University, 1956. Tesis para e l
doctorado. (1267)

SAUER, C. O., "Aboriginal Population in Northwestem Mexico", Berkeley, University of Cali-

fomia, 1935. (1 268)

SCHNIEDER, Oscar, The Settlements of the Zapotec and Mije Indians, State of Oaxaca, Ber-
keley, University of Cal ifomia Press, 1936. (1269)

SHEARER, John Clyde, High-Level Man-Power Resources in Overseas Operations: Experience in

Brazil and Mexico, Princeton, N. J., Princeton University, 1960. Tesis para e l doc-
torado. (M1961)- (1270)
SNY DER, D. E., "Popu lation Redistribution in Mexico", A. Assoc. Amer. Geogr., 53(dic 1963)
622. (1 271)

STAVENHAGEN, Rodolfo, "Die Struktur der Agrarbevilkerung in Mexiko", Wissenschaft Z.,11 .

(1)1962:23-34. (1 272)

STERLING, Henry S., Non-Metropolitan Occupance in the Valley of Mexico---lts Types and
Distribution, University of W isconsin, 1939. Tesis para e l doctorado. (1 273)

TAYLOR, Paul S., "Notes on Streams of Mexican Migration", Amer. J. Sociol., 26(1930-1931)
287-288. (1 274)

TAY LOR, Jr., Philip, "The Intel lectual and Economic Effects of the Spanish Republica lmmigra
tion to Mexico, 1936-1 958", New Orleans, La., Tulane University, 1959. (1 279

THOMPSON, T., "The Mexican lmmigrant Worker in Southwestern Agriculture", Amer. J. Econ.
Sociol., (1)1956:73-81 . (1 276)

TOMASEK, Robert D., "The Migrant Problem and Pressure Group Politics"*, J. Pol it., 23(2)1961:
295-31 9. (1 277)

TUBBS, Lowell Lester, A Survey of the Problems of Migratory Mexicans, Austin, Tex., Univer
sity of Texas, 1952, 117p. Tesis para la maestría. (1 m
WHETTEN, Nathan L., "Population Trends in Mexico", Pop.Bul., (7)1963:180-184. (1279)
; y BURNIGHT, G., "Interna1 Migration in Mexico!', Rural Sociol.,21
(2)mar 1956:140-151. (1 280)

También en: . ., 16(58)1958:65-77.

J. Inter-Amer. Statist Inst

WINNIE, Jr., William W., "Estimates of lnterstate Migration in Mexico, 1950-1 960: Data and
Methods", Antropologica, 14(jun 1965)38-60. (1 281 )

ZARATE, Alvan, "Fertility in Urban Areas of Mexico for the Theory of the Demographic Tran-
sition", en No.53 Offprint Series, Austin Texas, University of Texas, lnstitute of Latin
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ANDERSON, Harold H; y ANDERSON, Gladys L., "Cultural Reasctions to lnterpersonal Con-

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, "Social Welfare Work in Rural Mexicou, BUl.PAU, 56(may 1923)453-458. (1 287)

BUSHNELL, J., "La Virgen de Guadalupe as Surrogate Mother in San Juan Atzingo", Amer.
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CHAVERO, Alfredo, "Social lnsurance Reform in Mexico", Bul. int. Soc. Sec .Assoc., 2(3) jul 19-
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DE FUNIAK, W.Q., Principles of Community Property, Chicago, III., 1943, vol. l. (1 296)

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blems of Youth: Transition to Adulthood in a Changing World, Chicago, IT
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EARLY, John D., The Sons of Lorenzo in Zinacantan, Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University,
1965. Tesis para e l doctorado. (1 298)
ENGLE, Mary Margaret, The History of Public \htelfare in Mexico, 1920-1940, Tesis para la
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GERSDORFF, R., "Social lnsurance in Mexico", Bul. int. Soc. Sec .Assoc., 12(1958)79-. (1300)

GONZALEZ, Kathleen May, The Mexican Family in San Antonio, Texas, University of Texas,
1928, 69p. Tesis para la maestría. (1301)

HAYNER, Norman S., "The Family in Mexico", Marr. Fam. Liv., 16(4)nov 1954:369-373. (1302)

, "Notes on the Changing Mexican Family", Con un comentario de Ro-

,-eb . .
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HOTCHKISS, J.C., "Children and Conduct in a Ladino Community of Chispas, Mexico", Amer.
Anthrop., 69(dic 1967)711-718. (mq
HUGHES, Lois Spears, A Comparative Study of the Intelligence of Mexican and non-Mexican
Children, Austin, Tex., University of Texas, 1928, 78p. Tesis para e l doctorado. (1 305)

HUMPHREY, Normand Deymond, "Family Pattems in a Mexican Middle Town", Soc. Serv. R.,
26(2) jun 1952:195-201 . -306)

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KAHL, Joseph A., "Modern Va lues and Fertility ldeals in Brazil and M e ~ i c o ~J.~Soc.
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KELLEY, Isabel, "An Anthropological Approach to Midwifery Training in Mexico", J .Trop. Pe-
diatrics, 1(1956)200-205. -9)

LAMBERT, W i l liam W. 'Comparative Study of Soc ia lization in Six Cultures: India, Okinawa,

East Africa, Mexico, New England, and the Philippines", s. d., FTE-1962. Investiga-
c ión terminada. (1 31O)

LEWIS, Oscar, The Children of Sanchez: an Autobiography of a Mexican Family, New York, ,

1961, 499p. (1311)

RC: ADAMS, Phoebe, Atlantic Mthly., 208(oct 1961)208.

BEALS, Carleton, en Sat. Rev. Lit., 44(16 sep 1961)27.
CINQUEMANI, F.L., en LibreJ., 86(15 oct 1961)3488.
CROSSMAN, R. H. S., en New Statesman, 63(20 abr 1962)562-563.
FRIEDENBERG, D.M., en New Repub., 145(13 nov 1961)17.
HARDWICK, Elizabeth, N Y Times Bk. R., (21 ago 1961)l.
HARRINGTON, Michael, Commonweal, 75(17 nov 1961)214.
HATCH, Robert, en Nation, 193(14 oct 1961)250.
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KOMAROVSKY, Mirra, en Amer. sociol. R., 27(jun 1962)431 .
LA FARGE, Oliver, en N Y Her.Trib. Bks., (3 sep 1961)9.
MAYHEW, L. F.X., en Commonweal, 75(23 feb 1962)575.
NICHOLSON, Geoffre~, en Guardian, (6 abr 1962)12.
REDFIELD, M.P., en Chicago Sun.Trib., p3, 27 ago 1961.
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VILLAREAL, J.A., en ~anFran.Chr., p39, 28 ago 1961 .
WHETTEN, Nathan L., Polit.Sci.Q., 77(sep 1962)464.
WOLF, E. R., en Amer. Anthrop., 64(jun 1962)619.

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, Five Families: Mexican Case Studies of Poverty, New York, Basic Books, 1959.
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NELSON, L. en ~ u ~ i o l 25(mar . , 1960)165-1-66.

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Anthrop., 51 (4)oct-dic 1949:602-610. ( i )
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stitutions, 1953, pp. 23-.

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Random House, 1964, 507p. (1 31 6)

RC: BEICHMAN, Arnold, en Chris.Sci.Mon., p9, 11 jun 1964.

CARTER, William, HAHR, 45(1)1965:133-134.
CINQUEMANI, F , ~ y nLibr.J., 89(15 abr 1964)1769.
CULHANE, E. K., en America, 110(16 may 1964)682.
FUENTES, Carlos, N Y Rev.Bks., 2(25 jun 1964)3.
NARRINGTON, Michael, en N Y Times Bk.R., p3, 3 may 1964.
HARRIS, Marvin,en Sat.Rev.Liv., 47(2 may 1964)29.
JACKSON, K. G., Harper's Mthly.Mag., 228(jun 1964)123.
OPLER, M.E., en Book Wk., ( 3 may 1964)5.
PRITCHETT, V.S., en New Statesman, 68(31 jul 1964)151.
SISK, J.P., en Commonweal, 80(12 jun 1964)375.

McGINN, Noel F., "Marriage and Family in Middle-Class Mexico", J.Marr.Fam., 28(3)ago
1966:305-313. (1 31 7)

; HARBURG, Ernest; y GINSBURG, Gerald P., "Parent-Child Relationships

and Authoritarianism in Middle-Class Mexican Students", Michigan, FTE-1962. Investi-
gac ión (1 31 8)
MINTURN, Leigh; y LAMBERT, William W., Mothers of Zix Cultures: Antecedents of Child
Rearing, New York, John Wiley & Sons, 1964, 351p. (1 319)

MURRAY, Mary John, A Socio-Cultural Study of 118 Mexican Families Living a a Low-rent
Public Housing Project in San Antonio, Texas, Catholic, 1955. Tesis para e l doctorado.
(1 320)

NICHOLSON, Irene, "Social Security comes to Mexico", The Listener, 68(1739)26 jul 1962:
130. (1 321)

NUTINI, Hugo Gino, Marriage and the Family in a Nahuatl-speaking Village of the Central
Mexican Highlands, Los Angeles, University of Ca lifornia, 1962. Tesis para el doctora-
do. (1 322)

, "Polygyny in a Tlaxca lan Commun ity", Ethnology, 4(abr 1 965)123-147.

(1 323)

OtNELLI Carl W y SELBY, Henry A., "Sex Differences in the lncidence of Susto in Two Za-
potec Pueblos: an Analysis of the Relationships between Sex Role Expectations and a Folk
Illness", Ethnology, 7(1 )ene 1968:95-105. (1 324)

También en: No.56 Offprint Series, Austin, Texas, University of Texas, lnstitute of La-
tin American Studies.

ORT l Z MENA, Anton ¡o, "Le deve loppement de la sécurité socia le au Mexiquetl, B. Assoc. int.
Secur. soc., 9(1-2)ene-feb 1956:41-66.

PADDOCK, John, "Oscar Lewis's Mexico", Anthrop.Quart., 34(jul 1961)129-149. (1 326)

PATTERSON, Charles J., A Comparison of Performances of Mexican and American Children in

a Bicultural Setting on Measures of Ability, Achievement and Adjustment, Michigan
State University, 1960. Tesis para e l doctorado. (1 327)

REDFIELD, Margaret Park, "A Child i s Born in Tepoztlan", Mex.Folkways, 4(2)1928:102-108.


ROSENQUIST, Carl M., "A Comparative Study of Juvenile Delinquency in San Antonio, Texas
and Monterrey, Mexico", University of Texas, FTE-? Investigación .
(1 329)

SOMMERS,J., "Silencing the Children of Sanchez Controversy over Translation and Publica-
tion", Nation, 201 (27 dic 1965)530-533. ( 1330)

STERN, W.B., "Marriage by Proxy in Mexico", Calif.St.Bar J ., 19(1945)109-. (1 331)

, "Mexican Marriages and Divorces", J. St. Bar Calif ., 20(mar-abr 1945)53-.

(1 332)

, Mexican Marriage and Divorces, San Diego, Calif., 1952.

WATSON, Goodwin Barbour, " Education and Social Welfare in Mexico", N e w York, Council
for Pan Amerlcan Democracy, 1940, pp. 4-47. (1 334)

YOUNG, Frank W.; y YOUNG, Ruth C., "Differentiation of Family Structure in Rural Mexi-
co", J.Marr. Fam., 30(feb 1968)154-161 . (1 335)
21. La sociología de la salud y de la medicina: la salud pública; psicolo-
gía social y la salud mental.

BLAZEK, Leda Frances, Food Habits and Living Conditions of Mexican Families on Four lncome
Levels in the Upper Rio Grande Valley, Austin, Tex., University of Texas, 1937, 233p.
Tesis para la maestría. (1 336)

BUSTAMANTE, Miguel S., "Local Public Health Work in Mexico", Amer. J. Pub. Hlth., 21 (19-
31)725-. (1337)

, "Public Health and Medical Cate", Annals, 208(mar 1940)153-161.

(1 338)

CALVO DE LA TORRE, José, et al., "Nutritional Status of Economically Poor Families Fed in
a Government-operated Din ing Room in Mexico C ity", J. Amer. Diet .Ass.,
22(4)1946. (1 339)

CURRIER, R. L., "Hot-Cold Syndrome and Symbolic Balance in Mexican and Spanish-American
Folk Medicine", Ethnology, 5(jul 1966)251-263. (1 340)

DE HOYOS, Arturo, "The Mental Hospital in Mexicou, Indiana University, FTE-1964. Investi-
gac i6n. (1 341)

DIAZ GUERRERO, Rogelio, "Neurosis and the Mexican Family Structure", Amer.J.Psychol., 112
, "Sociocultural and Psychodynamic Processes in Adolescent Transtion and
Mental Healthtt, en SHERIF, Muzafer; y SHERIF, Carolyn W., eds., Problems
of Youth: Transition to Adulthood in a Changing World, eChicago,
n, . I I l
Publishing House, 1965, pp. 129-152. (1 343)

FERNANDEZ MANERO, V., "Public Health Activities against Tuberculosis in Mexico", Amer.
J.Pub.Hlth., 32(jul 1942)753-756. ( i )
GARRETSON, O l iver Kel leam, Causes of the Retardation of Mexican Children in American
Schools, Austin, Tex., University of Texas, 1926, 174p. Tesis para la maestría.
(1 345)

GWIN, J.B., "Public Health and Welfare Work in Merico", Survey, 45(1 ene 1921)507-509.

LNVIS, Oscar, "Medicine and Politics in a Mexican Village", en PAUL, B. D., ed., Health,
Culture, and Community, New York, Russel l Sage Foundation, 1955, p p . 4 0 3 - 4 3 4 . m 7 )

MADSEN, William, SocFety and Health in the Lower Rio Grande Valley, Hogg Foundation for
Mental Health, 1961, 36p. (1348)

MILLAN, V.C., "Mobilizing for Healthll, Inter-Amer., may 1943:15-18.

PANI, Alberto J., "The Sanitary and Educational Problems of Mexico", Annals, 69(ene 1917)
suplemento 22-26. (1 350)

QUERO MOLARES, José, "The Public Health Legislation in Mexico", Pan American Health Or
'gan ization, 1962. Investigación. (1 351

QUIRONES, M., "Public Heclth Organization in Mexico", Amer.J.Pub.Hlth., 33(abr1943)

353-356. (1 352)

REDFIELD, Robert; y REDFIELD, Margaret Park, "Disease and Its Treatment in Dzitas, Yucatan",
en Contributions to American Anthropology and History, 6(32)49-81. Washington, D.C,
Camegie lnstitution of Washington, Publ ication ñ523, ene 1940. (1 353)

ROBINSON, William D.; PAYNE, George C.; y CALVO DE LA TORRE, José, "A Study of the
Nutritional Status of a Population Groups in Mexico City", J.Amer.Diet.Ass., 20(5)
1944289-297. (1 354)

ROMNEY, KIMBALL; y METZGER, Duane G., "The Social Context of Medicine in Chiapas,
Mexico", s. d., FTE-? Investiga ión.

RORTY, J., "Tortillas,

P (1 355)

Beans, and Bananas", Harper's Mthly. Mag., 203(sep 1951)76-80. (1356)

SHATTUCK, George Cheever, ed., The Peninsula of Yucatan---Medical, Biological, Meteorolo-

gical, and Sociological Studies, , Washington, D.C., Carnegie lnstitution of Washing-
ton, Publication 8431, 1933. (1 357)
iAYLOR, N,, "Come and Expel the Green Pain: Use of Peyoti and r>loliuqui", rcientific
Mthly., 58(mar 1944)176-184. 7 3 5 8 )

UNITED NATIONS, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Study on Legislative and Admi
nistrative Aspects of Rehabilitation of the ~ i s a b l e din Selected Countries,
t l ~nitea5~. (1 359)

(México, Argentina y Brasil)

WISDOM, Charles, "The Supernatural World and Curing", en TAX, Sol, ed., Heritage of Con-
quest: the Ethnology of Middle America, New York, The Free Press, 1952, pp.119-141.
(1 360)
1 . Obms generales: políticas e históricas.
ALBA, Victor, The Mexicans, the Making of a Nation, New York, F.A. Praeger, 1967, 268p.

AL'PEROVICH, M. S.; y LAVROV, N.M., Ocherki novoi i noveishei istorii Meksiki, 1810-1945,
Moskva,' Izdate l'stvo sotsia l'no-ekonomicheskoi literatury, 1960, 471p. (1362)

' APPELIUS, Mario, L1aquila d i Chapultepec, M i lano, Edizione Alpes, 1929, 522p. (1 363)

BAHLSEN, Gerhard, Mexiko, Aufruhr und Beharrung, Stuttgart, Alemania, Cotta-Verlag, 1961,
299p. (1 364)

BANNON, John Francis, The American Nations, New York, McGmw-HiII, 1952, 61 7p.(2a.
ed., 1963) (1 365)

(Capítulo 21 : "Mexico from lndependence to Revolution", pp. 370-396.)

BEALS, Carleton, Mexico, an Interpretation, New York, B.W. Heaubsch, 1923, 2 8 0 ~ . (1366)

pC: IANUSH., en Merhdunar.zhizn1, (2)1926:173-174.

BERSTE IN, Harry, Modern and Contempbrary Latin America, Ch icago, Lippincott Co., 1952.
(1 361)
(Capitulo sobre México, pp. 3-158 .)

BLOUGH, William, Revolution, the PRI, and the Political Attitudes of Urban Mexicans, Chapel
Hill, N.C., Univenity of North Carolina, 1963. Tesis para el doctorado. (13687

BORK, A.W., "Mexico---1 9601', Ariz.Quart ., 16(4)oto?io 1960:293-310.

BRAND, Donald D., "Mexico", -

Focus, 9(10)1957. (1370)

, Mexico, Land of Sunshine and Shadow, Princeton, N.J., D.Van Nost-

rand Co., 1966.

BRANDENBURG, Fmnk, The Making of Modern Mexico, New Jersey, Prentice-Hall, 1964.
(1 372)

RC: -
DAVIS, Harold Eugene, en HAHR, 45(2)1965:310-312.

BRENNER, Anita; y LEIGHTON, G.P., The Wind that Swept Mexico. The History of the Me-
xican Revolution, 1910-1 942, New York, 1943. (1 373)

También en: Harper's Mag ., 185(nov 1942)619-632; 186(ene 1943)98-108, 201 -21 3.

RC: -
HAHR, 25(may 1945)259-260.
KIRK, B., en Sat.Rev.Lit., 26(29 may 1943)15.
BRIMMER, Michael F., ItMexico as a Developing Nation", Pub!. int.Aff., invierno 1963. (1 374)

CALLCOTT, W.H., The Land and People of Mexico, Miami, Fla., University of Miami, Hispa-
nic American Studies, 1939, 204p. (1 375)

, "Political Conditions in Mexico, 1900-1932", en WILGUS, A. Curtis, ed.,

The Caribbean' Area, 1934, pp. 302-. (1 376)

CASTAREDA,Jorge, "Revolution and Foreign Policy: Mexico's Experience", Pol.Sci.Q., 78(3)

sep 1?63:391-417. (1 377)

CLELAND, Robert Glass, The Mexican Yearbook, 1920-1 921, Los Angeles, Calif ., 1922.(1378)
CLINE, Howard Fmncis, ed., Latin American History, Essays o r its Study and Teaching, 1898-
1965. (1379)

, "Mexico: a Matured Latin American Revolution, 1910-1 960It, Annals,

334(mar 1 961 )84-94. 7 8 0 )

, Mexico: Revolution to Evolut ion, 1940-1 960, London, Roya l lnstitute

of lnternational Affairs, Oxford Univenity Press, 1962, 374p. (1 381 )

RC: CALLCOTT, W. H., en Amer.Hist. Rev., 68(jul 1963)1094.

FITZGIBBON, R. H., Annals, 345(ene 1963)168.
ROGERS, E.M., en Rural Sociol., 28(mar 1963)95-96.
SIMPSON, L. B., en HAHR, 43(2)1963:295-297.
TURNS, J., en Agric. Econ. Res., 16(abr 1964)58-59.

, The United States and Mexico, Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University

Press, 1953, 45~~. (1 382)

AL'PEROVICH, M. S., en Voprosy istorii, (4)abr 1955:l

CASTAREDA,Carlos, en N Y Times, p3, 22 mar 1953.
HALLETT, R.M., en Chris.Sci.Mon., p9, 27 mar 1953
HERRING, Hubert C., N Y Her.Trib.Bk.R., p3, 12 abr

MUNRO, D.G., en Am.Hist.R.,

HUTCHINSON, C.A., en HAHR, 45(1)1965:129-131.
59(oct 1953)170.
PARKES, H.B., en Sat.Rev. Lit., 36(4 abr 1953)30-31.
, en Times Lit.Sup., p575, 11 sep 1953.
VAZQUEZ AMARAL, J., en Americas, 5(jul 1953)37-38

COTNER, Thomas E.; y CASTAREDA,Carlos, eds., Essays in Mexisan History: the Charles W.
Hackett Memorial Volumne, 1958. (1 383)
CRONON, Edmund David, Josephus Dan bls in Mexico, Madiron, Wirs., University of Wiscon-
sin Press, 1960, 369p. (1 384)

RC: BURKS, D. D., en Am. Hist. Rev., 66(ene 1961)486.

FOCKLER, H.H., en Libr.J., 85(jul 1960)2580.
HERRING, Hubert C., en N Y Times Bk.R., p3, 17 jul 1960.
JOHNSON, John J., en Annals, 334(mar 1961)153.
WEISBERGER, B.A., en ~hicago Sun.Trib., p2, 14 ago 1960.

CUMBERLAND, Charles Curtis, ed., The Meaning of the Mexican Revolution, Boston, Mass.,
D.C. Heath & Co., 1967. (1 385)

, Mexico, the Struggle for Modernity, Oxford University Press,

1968, 394p. (1 386)

EWING, Russell
( C., ed., S
Economy, Literature, and Art, Tucson, Ariz., Univers ity of Arizona Press, 1966. (1 387)

RC: CINQUEMANI, F. L., en Libr.J., 91(1 dic 1966)5957.

MEYER, Michael C., en - 48(2)1968:299-301.

FERGUSSON, Erna, Mexico Revisited, New York, A. A. Knopf, 1955.

, New Mexico, New York, A.A. Knopf, 1951 . (1 389)

FOREIGN POLlCY ASSOCIATION, ed., Mexico: Land of Great Experiments, New York, 1952.
(1 390)
GUNTHER, John, lnside Latin America, New York, Harper & Bros., 1940, 498p. (1 391)

("Mexico: Land, Revolution, and Peoplell, pp .53-76.)

HALPERIN, Maurice, "lnside Mexico", Curr. Hist., 45(feb 1937)83-87.

HANKE, Lewis, Modern Latin America: Continent in Ferment, Vol.1, Mexico and the Carib-
bean, Princeton, N. J., Van Nostrand Co., 1967, 256p. (1393)
585-587, 614-61 7.
"Mexico 1921 ", Nat ion, 112(30 mar-27 abr 1921)471-472, 503-505, 532-534,
(1 394)

HELFRITZ, Hans, Mexiko und Mittelamerika, Berlin, Safaric-Verlag, 1954, 73713, (1395)

HERRING, Hubert Clinton, A History of Latin America, New York, A.A. Knopf, 1955, 796p.

, Mexico, the Making of a Nation, New York, Foreign Policy Asso-

ciation, 1942. (1 397)

HUMPHREYS, Robin A,, Modern Latin America, London, Oxford University Press, 1946, 196p.
(1 398)

("The Greater States of Latin America, 11. Chile and Mexico", pp.121-140.)
JAMES, Daniel, Mexico and the Americans, New York, F.A. Praeger, 1963. (1 399)

RC: CINQUEMANI, F.L., en Libr.J., 87(15 dic 1962)4550.

JOHNSON, John J., en Sat.Rev.Lit., 46(12 oct 1963)108.
KENNEDY, Paul, N Y Times Bk.R., p36, 22 sep 1963.
PADGETT, Leon Vincent, en Amer.Pol.Sci.R., 57(1)1964:159-160.
WEY L, Nathanie 1, Nat. R., 15(24 sep 1963)245.

JAMES, Preston Everett, Latin America, New York, Odyssey, 1942. (1 400)

(Capítulo 10, "Mexico" .)

LAWRENCE, David, The Truth about Mexico, New York, Evening Post Co., 1917, 30p. (1401)

LENS, S i dney, Mexico's Tired Revolution, 1962. Tesis para el doctorado. (1 402)

MACHUGH, Robert Joseph, Modern Mexico, Metheum, 1914, 342p.

MARTIN, P.F., Mexico in the 20th. Century, London, 1917, Vols. 1 & 2. (1 404)

McHENRY, J. Patrick, A Short History of Mexico, New York, Dolphin Books, Doubleday Co.,
1962, 240p. (1 405)

"MEXICO Today: Symposium", Atlantic Mthly., 213(mar 1964)89-114.

"MEXIQUE, Le", l l e pays, ses institutions politiques, sociales, e t culture~~es',Notes Et.docum.,
30-31 (25 oct 1963)l-32. (1 407)

"MEXIQUE, Le", Notes Et.docum., 27(8 dic 1947)17p.

NAYLOR, Robert A., "Research Opportunities: Mexico and Central America", (1 962), en CLINE,
H.F., ed., Latin American History. Essays on i t s Study and Teaching, 1898-1965.
(1 409)

NICHOLSON, Irene, "Creative Activity in Mexico", The Listener, 69(1762)3 ene 1963:s-7.
(1 41 O)

. ,
The X in Mexico: Growth within Tradition, London, Faber and Faber, 19
65, 319p. (141 1 r

RC: CONQUEMANI, F.L., en Libr.J., 90(ago 1965)3284.

GOODSELL, J. N., en Chris.Sci.Mon., p13, 7 ene 1966.
KEARNEY, V.S., America, 114(7 may 1966)660.
HAHR, 47(3)1967:41=

NIEDERGANG, Marcel, "Mexikou, en M.N., 20 Mal Lateinamerika, Munchen, R. Piper &

Co., Verlag, 1966, pp .479-511. (1 41 2)

O'SHAUGHNESSY, Edith, lntimate Pages of Mexican History, New York, George H. Doran Co.
, Diplomatic Days: a story of the Diaz and Madero Regimes, New
York, Harper & Bros., 1917, 337p. (1 414)

PARKES, Henry B., A History of Mexico, Boston, 1938.

RC: AL'PEROVICH, M, S. ; y BEKEN'KII, A., en lstorik Marxist, (6)1941:128-131.

POTASH, Robert A,, "H istoriography of Mexico since 182OU, -

HAHR, 40(3)1960:382-424. (141 6)

PRELLWITZ, Jurgen von, Sudamerika---kontinent im Aufbruch; Menschen, Machte und Natur

zwischen Mexico und feuerland, Gutensloh, C. Bertelsmann Verlag, 1963, 366p.
(141 7)
O . , THOMPSON, Lawrence S., en Lat.Amer. R. Bibl., 15(2)1965:153.

PRIESTLEY, Herbert Ingram, The Mexican Nation, 1923,

QUIRK, R~bertE., '54 Short History of Mexico:l University of Indiana, FEM-1963; Prentice-
Ha 11, Spectrum Series, FPU-? Invesf igación (1 419)

RASCHKE, Catherine Aloyce, Mexico, Our Nearest Latin American Neighbor: a resource unit,
New York University, m,Tesis para el doctorado. (IviIP50) (1420)
REICHWEIN, Adolf, Mexiko erwacht, Leipzig, Bibliographisches Institut, 1931, 274p. (1421)

RNUNENKOV, V.G., lstoriia stran Latinskoi Ameriki y noveishee vremiia, Moskva, Gosudar-
stvennoe izdatltstvo, Vyshaia shkola, 1963, 459p. (1422)

RIPPY, J. Fred, The United States and Mexico, New York, A.A. Knopf, 1926. (1934) (1423)

RIPPY, Merrill, ~ l ~ h e o rof

j . History: Twelve Mexicans", The Americas, 17(3)ene 1961 :223-239.
(1 424)

ROSS, Colin, "Vom weissen gott zum ende der weissen gotter. l., Mexiko von den conquista
bis Cardenas", Z.geopolitik, 12(1935)525-532, 614-625, 691-701 . (1425)

R.OSSI Stanley Robert, ed., I s the Mexican Revolution Dead?, New York, A.A. Knopf, 1966,
255p. (1 426)

(Contiene: ROSS, S. R., "The Peace of Porfirio"; CABRERA, L., "The Mexican Revolution-
--lts Causes, Purposes, and Resultsw; CLINE, H. F., "Mexico: a Matured Latin American
Revolution, 1910-1 960"; COSIO VILLEGAS, D., uMexico's Crisis"; ITURRIAGA, José,
"Mexico and Its Historic Crisis"; SILVA HERZOG, J., "The Mexican Revolution i s Now a
Historical Fact"; COLIN, J. R., "The Mexican Revolution: R. l.P. ";COSIO VILLEGAS, D.,
"The Mexican Revolution, Then and Now"; MORALES JIMENEZ, A., "The Permanent Re-
volution"; DlAZ SOTO Y GAMA, A., "A Thorough Attack on the Revolution"; ZEA, L.,
"Criticism and Self-Criticism of the Mexican Revolution"; REVUELTAS, J., "Crisis and
Destiny of Mexico"; JARA, H., " Judgment of the Mexican Revolution"; GERMAN PARRA,
M., "The Revolution begins a New Era"; LOMBARDO TOLEDANO, V., "A Democracy
of the People"; LOPEZ MATEOS, A., "Philosophy and Program of the Revolutionary Par-
ty" ; GONZALEZ NAVARRO, M., "The ldeology of the Mexican Revolution" ; LOYO, G.,
"The Mexican Revolution has not f inished i t s Task"; TANNENBAUM, Fran1, "Some Ref lec
tions on the Mexican Revolution"; VERA ESTAROL,J., "The Results of the Revolution";
GONZALEZ CASANOVA, P., "The Mexico which Has and the Mexico which Has Not";
y BRANDENBURG; F., "Revolutionary Achievements in Economic Life" .)

SCOTT, Robert E., "Mexico, the Established Revolution", en PYE, Lucian W.; y VERBA, Sid-
ney, eds., Political Culture and Political Development, Princeton, N. J., Princeton
Univers ity Press, 1965, pp ,330-395. (1 427)

SCHLACMAN, Joseph H.L., Mexico, Land of Volcanoes: from Cortes to Aleman, Milwaukee,
Wisc., Bruce Publishing Co., 1950. (1 428)

SEGOVIA, Rafael, "Mexico", en VELIZ, Claudio, ed., Latin America and the Caribbean, a
Handbook, London, A. Blond, 1968, pp. 150-1 66. (1 429)

SEVIN, Sergei Ivanovich, Meksika, Moskva, Molodaia gvardiia, 1931, 63p. (1 430)

S IMPSON, Lesley Bird, Many Mexicos, Berkeley, University of Cal ifom ia Press, 1941, 349p.
(Ed. rev., 1952) (1431 )
STARK, Harry, Modem Latin America, Coral Gables, University of Miami Press, 1957, 321p.
(1 432)
("Mexico: a case study" ).
STRODE, Hudson, Timeless Mexico, New York, Harcourt, 1944. (1 433)

RC: EBENSTEIN, William, Arner.Pol.Sci.R., 39(3)ene 1945:608.

TANNENBAUM, ~rank, Mexico, the Struggle for Peace and Bread, New York, A.A. Knopf,
1950, 293p. (1 434)

RC: ADAMS, Scott, en Libr.J., 75(1 mar 1950)400.

. .
AITON, A. S., en Arn Hi s t Rev., 56(oct 1950)163,
BRENNER, Anita, N Y Times, p7, 26 feb 1950.
HERRING, Hubert C., en N Y Her.Trib.Bk.R., p5, 26 feb 1950.
INMAN, S. G., en ~ n n l as t 2 f 0 ( j u i .
, en Survey, 86(sep 1950)418.
MAGNER, J.A., e n z o n w e a l , 52(11 ago 1950)443.
RIPPY, J. F., en Chicago un. ~ r i b . , p2, 5 mar 1950.
, en5 - S feb 1950)37-38.
SIMPSON, L. B., en HAHR, 30(ago 1950)346-350.

THOMAS, Alfred Barnab~, Latin Amerisa: a history, New York, Macmillan Co., 1956, 801p.
(1 435)
("Mexico", pp.638-696.)
TRITONJ, R., "Stati uniti e Messico", Rass.ltal., sep 1931.

ULLNER, R., "Mexiko und Europa, 1863-1 96311, Aussenpolitik, 14(ago 1963)556-564. (1437)

UNITED STATES, Department of State. Bureau of Public Affairs, Mexico, abr 1965. (1 438)

VELIZ, Claudio, ed., Latin America and the Caribbean: a handbook, London, A. Blond, 1968,
840p. (1 439)

WERLIN, Joseph S., Understanding Mexico: an Historical and Sociological Interpretation,

Houston, 1962. (1440)

WHITAKER, Arthur Preston, ed., -

"Mexico Today", Annals, 208(mar 1940)l-186. (1 441 )

"WHITHER Latin Ameriea?", Mthly.R., 1963, 144p. (1 442)

WILGUS, A. Curtis, qd., The Caribbean: Mexico Today, Gainesville, Fla., University of Flo-
rida Press, 1964, 232p. (1 443)

(Contiene: ChRR\ILLO FLORES, A., "Mexican Political Stability"; JOHNSON, John J.,
"Mexico's Nqtíoqalist Revolution"; MORTON, W.M., "The Mexican Political 'Establish -
ment' in Operation"; TANNENBAUM, F., "The Measure of a Revolution"; SCHMITT,
K.M., "The Role of the Military in Contemporary Mexico"; BANNON, J.F., "The
Church"; y MARTIN, E. E., "Mexican Stability and Foreign Relations" .
RC: ROSS, S. R., en The Americas, 22(3)ene 1966:330-332.
RUIZ, R. E., -
en HAHR, 47(3)1967:409-410.

WINTON, George Beverly, Mexico, Past and Present, Nashvil le, Tenn., Cokesbury Press, 19-
28. i144.4)

WOLF, Eric R., -Sons of the Shaking Earth, Chicago, III., University of Chicago Prers, 1959,
302p. (1 445)

Cf., Amer.Pol.Sci.R., 54(2)jun 1960:567.

2. La historia de ideas políticas: la ideología.

BROSE, Thomas, ldeology of the Mexican Presidential Election of 1964: a Study of the PRI,
Seattle, Washington, 1963. s(1446)

DAVIS, Harold Eugene, "Twentieth Century Legal and Political Thought in Mexico", American
University, FTE-1966; Inter-Amer. Law R., FPU-1966. Investigación. (1 447)

DUNCAN, Walter Raymond, Education and Ideology: an Approach to Mexican Political Deve-
lopment with specia1 Emphasis on Urban Primary Education, Fletcher School of Law &
Diplomacy, 1964. Tesis para e l doctorado. (1 448)

FLOWER, Elizabeth, "The Mexican Revolt Against Positivism", J. Hist. Ideas, lO(1)ene 1949:115-
129. (1449)

GONZALEZ NAVARRO, Moisés, "The ldeology of the Mexican Revolution", en ROSS, S.R.,
ed., Is the Mexican Revolution Dead?, New York, A.A. Knopf, 1966,
pp. 177-1 87. (1 450)

JOHNSON, Kenneth F., "ldeological Correlates of Right Wing Political Alienation in Mexicol:
Discurso presentado ante la Westem Po1it ica l Sc ience Assoc iation, mar 1965. (1 451)

También en: Amer. Pol. Sci. R., 59(sep 1965)656-664.

3. La democracia: los derechos civiles y la libertad.

ALEMAN, Miguel, "Democracy, a Mexican Heritage", Inter-Amer.Quart., jul 1941 . (1452)

BAKER, Charles C., "The Dispensing of Justice under the Mexican Regime", H ist. Soc. Sou.Ca-
lif .Annual, 10(3)1917:36-. (1 453)

BEALS, Carleton, "The New Democracy in Mexico", New Repub., 3 oct 1928. (1 454)

BRANDENBURG, Frank, Mexico: an Experiment in One-Party Democracy, University of Pennsyl-

vania, 1956. Tesis para e l doctorado. (1455)

BRODY, Richard A,; y TUOHY, Wil liam, "Decision-Making and Democracy in Mexico", Stan-
ford University, FTE-1968. Investigación. (1456)

(Jalapa a nivel municipal .)

et d., "Plea for Siqueiros", Nation, 193(30 dic 1961). (1457)

FITZGIBBON, Russel1 H., "A Statistical Eualuai.ion of Latin American Dem~cracy'~,West. Po1.Q.,
9(sep 1956)607-619. 7
HOROWITZ, lrving Louis, "Review of La democrucia en Mexico, by P. Gonzalez Casanova",
Amer.sociol.R., 31 (feb 1966)143-144. (1459)
LANDA, Arturo, "Mexico lmprisons i t s Greatest Artist", Mainstream, 13(dic 1960)2-9. (1 460)

LARA, H., "Against the Persecution of Democrats", Wld. Marx. R., 3(mar 1960)86-89. (1461 )

LOMBARDO TOLEDANO, Vicente, "A Democracy of the People", en ROSS, S. R., ed., Is
the Mexican Revolution Dead?, New York, A.A. Knopf, 1966, pp.
161 -1 68. (1 462)

MARCHAND, Rene, L' Effort démocratique du Mexique, Paris, Editions Fustier, 191p. (1463)

RC: GOROZHANKINA, N., en Mir. khoz. i mir.polit., (1O)oct 1939:210-212.

MICHELS, Robert, Robert, Political Parties: a Sociologica l Study of the Oligarchical Tenden-
cies of Modern Democracy, New York, Hearst's lnternational Library Co., 1915.
(1 464)

MURKLAND, Harry B., "Toward more Democracy in Mexico", For.Pol. Bul., 31 (9)15 jun 1952:
1-2. (1465)

PADILLA, Ezequiel, "Mexico's Demonstration of Democracy", Survey G., 31(1 1)nov 1942515-
516, 556-558. (1 466)

SCOTT, Robert E., "Mexico's Democratic Syndrome", en The Meaning of the Mexican Revolu-
tion, C.C. CUMBERLAND, ed., Boston, Mass., D.C. Heath & Co., 1967, pp.99-106.
(1 467)
SENIOR, Clarence O., Land Reform and Democracy, Gainesville, Fla., University of Florida
Press, 1958, 269p. (1468)

SEVERIN, Jacques, -
"Democratie Mexicaine", Esprit, 20(5)may 1952:783-808. (1 469)

TAXI Sol, "The Problem of Democracy in Middle America", Amer.sociol.R., lO(abr 1945)192-
199. (1 470)

"Thought and Expression", Annals, 208(mar 1940)162-. (1 471 )

TUCKER, W. P., "Mexico: a Developing Democracy", Parl .Aff ., ago 1958:432-442. (1 472)
4. E l socialismo; el comunismo; e l marxismo; el bolchevismo y la izquier-

BARCLAY, Hatley, How is Communism Progressing in Mexico, New York, 1938, 63p. (1473)

BEALS, Carleton, "Mexico and the Communists", New Repub., 62(17 feb 1930)lO-12. (1 474)

, ll~ocialismon a Platter", Nation, 140(10 abr 1935)414-416. (1 475)

"(Good Morning, Soviet-Mexican Friendship)", Ogonek, 37(50)dic 1959:6-7.

, "(Mexicans: Russia i s Good)", Ogonek, 37(49)nov 1959:2-3. (1477)

BRENNER, Anita, "Mexican Renaissance: I t s Rise and Eclipse", Harper's Mag., 182(ene 1941)
173-1 82. (1478)

BURNHAM, P., "No Communism in Mexico", Nat. Review, 11(18 nov 1961)335-337. (1479)

CALVERTON, V. F., "Red Rule in Mexico's Schools", Curr. Hist ., 43(1935)263-266. (1480)

CALLCOTT, W. H., "Socialism in Mexico", Hisp.Amer. Stud., 1(1939)219-. (1 481

CARTAULT, Henri, "Panorama du communisme au Mexique", Est e t Ouest, 15(feb 1963)13-25.

COCCIOLI, C., - 9(feb 1965)113-114.
"Mexico's Wobbling Left", Atlas,

ENGLISH, Richard, "Mexico Clamps Down on Stalin", Sat. Eve.Post, 225(30 ago 1952)16-17-.

GARZA, David T., "~actionalism in the Mexican Left: the Frustrotion of the MLNu, West.Pol.
Q-.,17(3)sep 1964:447-460. -
7 4 8 5
GERHARD, Peter, "The Socialist lnvasion of Baja California, 1911",Pac.Hist. R., 15(3)sep 19-
46:295-304. (1 486)
GOLDENBERG, B., "Die Kommunistische Partei Mexikos", Ostblock u. Entwick, 23(mar 1966)
46-68. (1487)

HALPERIN, Emst, Communism in Mexico, Cambridge, Mass., Massachussetts lnstitute of Tech-

nology, 1963. (1 488)
HERMAN, Donald Levis, The Comintern and the Development of Communism in Mexico, Univer
sity of Michigan, 1964. Tesis para e l doctorado. (1 4897

JAMES, Daniel, "Rumbles on the Mexican Left: the Myth of Lazaro Cardenas", New Leader,
44(30 oct 1961)16-18. T 4 9 0 )
KENNEY, Michael, No God Next Door: Red Rule in Mexico and Our Resp~nsibilit~,
New York
William ~ i r t & J. Co., 1935, 199p. (1491 )

KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS. The Supreme Council, Red Mexico: the facts, New Haven, Conn.,
1926. (1 492)

KUEHNELT-LEDDIHN, E. von, "Socialism Sí, Communism No", Nat.Review, lO(28 ene 1961)
46. (1 493)

LEDIT, J. -H., "Le debacle du communisme au Mexique", Relations, 7(abr 1947)119-122.(1494)

, "Pacte conclu entre le Comité national du mouvement de revendication du Parti

communiste et celui de ItAction socialiste unifeé", Relations, 9(abr 1949)llO-112. (1 495)

, "Quelques remarques sur le Mexique", Relations, 12(nov 1952)305-306. (1496)

MAGIL, A. B., "Mexico: Gathering Storm", Polit.Aff., ago 1953:15-28. (1 497)

MARTIN, Percy Alvin, "Four Years of Socialistic Government in Yucatan",, oct 19-
19. (1 498)

MARTINEZ, John R., Three Cases of Communism: Cuba, Brazil, and Mexico, Dubuque, lowa,
William C. Brown Book Co., 1964, 154p. (1 499)
McCULLAGH, Francis, Red Mexico: a Reign of Terror in America, Montreal and New York,
Louis Carrier Co., 1928. (1500)

MILLON, Robert Paul, Vicente Lombardo Toledano: Critic of the Mexican Revolution, Chapel-
Hill, University of North. Carolina, 1963. Tesis para el doctorado. (1501)

Cf., R.P.M., Mexican Marxist: Vicente Lombardo Toledano, Chapel-Hill, N.C., -

versity of North Carolina Press, 1966, 22213.

RC: SCOTT, Robert E., -

en HAHR, 47(3)1967:423-425.

NAFT, S., "Fifth Column near our Border: Force of 100,000 Mexicans Led by Communists",
Liv. Age, 358(jun 1940)313-316. (1502)

PEREZ SALINAS, Pedro Bernardo, "Communists Stage Resounding Flop in Mexico", Free Lab.
Wld., 7(jul 1956)20-21 . -31
POND, R., "Toledano and Mexico", Commonweal, 24(12 jun 1936)173-174. (1 504)

REVUELTAS, José, "A Headless Proletariat in Mexico", en AGUILAR, Luis E., ed., Marxism
in Latin America, New York, A.A. Knopf, 1967, pp.240-244. -5')

"Trial of Socialism in Mexico", Forum,. 56(jul 1916)79-90. (1506)

ROULAND, E., "Au Mexique: le developpement ds la politique marxiste", J. Econ., 108(mar

SCHMITT, Karl M., llCommunism in Mexico Today", West. Pol.Q., 15(l)mar 1962:lll-124.

., Communism
- in Mexico Todav: a Studv in Political Frustration: Austin.Tex.
University of Texas Press, 1965, 290p. i1509)

RC: NEEDLER, Martin C., en HAHR, 46(3)1966:327-329.

SCOTT, Robert E., en J. ~ o K 2 8 ( 2 ) m a1966:438-440.

SHAVAROSH, Zh., " O 'meksikanskom voprose' i o Kompartii Meksiki", Komm.intern.,l0(21)

may 1928:20-28. (151O)

SHELBY, B., " Smoldering Volcano at our Doorstep", Amer.Merc., 89(ago 1954)26-29. (151 1)

SHTIRNER. " O perspektivakh meksikanskoi revoliutsii i o kurse meksikanskoi kompartii", Komm.

-. intern , 1O(27-28) jul 1928:113-120. (1512)
THOMSON, B., "Mexico and the Red Flag", Sat.Eve.Post, 195(16 jun 1923)29-. (1513)

VARNEY, Harold Lord, "Today's Mexico: the Serpent i s Red Plumed", Amer. Opinion, 8(feb 19
65)13-20. (1514
VERA ESTAROL, Jorge, Carranza and his Bolshevik Regime, Los Angeles, Calif.,1920. (1515)
WASHINGTON, S. Walter, "Mexican Resistance to Communism", For. Aff., 36(abr 1958)504-
515. (151 6)

WHITE, Max, "Danger Signs in Mexico: a rising red tide at our southern border has split the
unity of the Americas, given useful sanctuary to Soviet agents, and demands an end to
complacency", Freeman, 4(14 jun 1954)665-666. (151 7)
5. E l nacionalismo.

BACH, F., "The Nationalization of the Mexican Railroads", Annals Col l.Econ., 15(l)ene-abr
1939:70-93. (1518)

BARKER, Frederick F., "New Laws and National ism in Mexico", For. Aff ., 5(jul 1927)589-604

BEALS, Carleton, "Pathetic National ism", Commonweal, 16(14 sep 1932)467-469. (1520)

BERMUDEZ, A. J., The Mexican National Petroleum Industry: a Case Study in Nationalization,
Stanford, Cal if .,
lnstitute of Hispanic American and Luso-Brazil ian Studies, Stanford
University Press, 1963, 269p. (1521)

EW ING, Floyd Ford, Carranza's Foreign Relations: an Experiment in Nationa 1ism, Austin, Tex.,
University of Texas, 1952. Tesis para el doctorado. (1522)

HAMILL, Jr., Hugh M., "The Virgin of Guadalupe and the Origins of Mexican Nationalism",
Discurso presentado ante la Ohio Academy of History, abril de 1961 . (1523)

JOHNSON, John J., "Mexico's Nationalist Revolution: an interpretation", en WILGUS, A.C.,

ed., The Caribbean: Mexico Today, Gainesville, Fla., University of Florida Press,
1964, pp.10-18. (1524)
MARCH, Jos6 Jorge, "Mexico and Oil", Lab.Mthly., 21 (mar 1939)171-177. (1525)
McREA, William S., A Comparative Study of the Mexican O i l Expropriation (1938) and the
lmnian O i l Nationalization (1951), Washington, D.C., Georgetown University, 1955. Te-
sis para e l doctorado. (P1956) (1526)

McNEELY, J. H., The Railways of Mexico, a Study in Nationalization, E l Paso, Tex., Texas
Westem College Press, 1964, 56p. (1 527)

llMEXICO'S Lciws against Foreign Land Ownership": l. Historical Development of the lssues In-
volved, J. Fred RIPPY; II. Mexico within her Sovereign Right, Manuel C. TELLEZ;
lli. A N Analysis of the Land Laws, Charles A. FRUERAUFF; IV. Mexicols Policy of
Confiscation, Wil liam H. King, en Curr. History, jun 1926. (1528)

MiCWELS, Albert Louis, Mexican Politics and Nationalism from Cal les to Cardenas, University
of Pennsylvania, 1966. Tesis para el doctorado. (1 529)

MLiIRiLkO, Gemrdo, The Mexican Revolution and the Nationalization of the Land: the Foreign
lnterest and Reaction, New York, Dr,Atl, 1915, 1l p . (1530)

PRIIESTLIEY', Herbert Ingram, "Calles and Obregon: an Essay in Nati~nalisrn~~, .

Univ.Calif Chr.,
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, "The Contemporary Program of Nationalization in Mexico", Pac .

Hitt. R., 8(1)1939:59-80. (i32)
SAENZ, MoisBs, "The Two Sides of Mexican Nationalisrn", Curr,History, sep 1927:908-912,

SAHLER, H., "Rivera ond Mexican Nationalism", Outlook, 148(18 ene 1928)92-93. (1534)

SHERIDAN, James M., "The Policy of the Mexican Govemrnent toward Foreign Property Own-
ers", Calif.St.Bar J., sep 1938. É15SE

STEWART, M. S., "Our Mexican Colonyll, The Nation, sep 1935:323-324. (1536)

TANNENBAUM, Frank, Mexico: the Struggle for Peace and Bread, New York, A.A. Knopf,
1950, 293p. (1 s7)

TURNER, Frederick C., The Dynarnics of Mexicdn Nationalism, Chapel-Hill, N.C., Univeni-
ty of North Carolina Press, 1968, 350p. 05%)
WERLIN, ~os&h S., "Mexico's Unity", Yale R., 33(2)dic 1943:268-281. 0
6. E l sinarquismo.

BAEZ CAMARGO, Gonzalo, "Mexican Attomey General Acts to Put Down Synarchist Mobsl',
Christ.Cent., 61 (26 jul 1944)884-885. (1540)

DAVIS, Harold E., "The Enigma of Mexican Sinarquism", Free Wld., 5(may 1943)410-416.

DEARING, P., " Sinarchism in Mexico", Curr. History, 5(nov 1943)247-.

DlAZ ESCOBAR, F., "Spread of Sinarquism: Extension to Cal ifornia", Nation, 156(3 abr 1943)
487. (1543)

HEIBEL, A., ed., Leaders in Mexican Economic and Social Reform Explain: Sinarquism, Oregon,
St. Benedict, 1943. - (1544)

KIRK, B., "Mexico's Social Justice Party", Nation, 156(12 jun 1943)827-831. (1545)

SHEDD, Margaret, "Thunder on the Right in Mexico---The Sinarquists in Action", Harper's Mag.
abr 1945 :414-425. (1546)

SKILLI N, Jr., Edward, "Note on Sinarquism: Mexican Movement of National Regeneration",

Commonweal, 40(9 jun 1944)174-178. " Discussion", Commonweal, 40(23-30 jun; 28
jul; 22 sep 1944)228, 254-55, 348-352, 543-544. (1547)
7. E l gobierno y la administración: estudios generales y locales.

ALISKY, Marvin, "Government of Arizona's 'other' neighbor: Baja Ca lifornia", Ariz.St.Unk,

Pub.Aff.Bul., 2(4)1963. (15w

, The Governors of Mexico, El Paso, Tex., Texas Western College, 1965,


, State and Local Government in Sonora, Mexico, Tempe, Ariz., ArizomStute

University, Bureau of Govemment Research, 1962, 20p. (E 550)
ANDERSON, Charles W., "The Mexican Civil Service: a progress report", Madison, Wisc,,
Univenity of Wisconsin, FTE-1962. Investigación. (1551)

BETETA, Ramón, "The Government of Mexico", en STORY, R.M., ed., Mexico, C~aremont,
1929, pp.6-. 0 5522
BLANDFORD, Jr., John B., "Administrative Reorganization in the Federal District of Mexloot',
Publ.Mangmt., feb 1930. (1 553)

BRODY, Richard A,; y TUOHY, Wil liam, "Decision-Making and Democracy in MexPcor\ Sbn- 7
ford, Calif., Stanford University, FTE-1969. Investigación. 0 5541
CARDENAS, Jr., Leonard, "Contemporary Problems of Local Government in Mexico'" West-.PoE.
, "The Future of Mexican Municipal Authority", Rocky Mt .soc. Sci. J,.
P abr 1967:134-143. (1556)

, M u n i c i p a l , AustA, Tex.,
University of Texas, 1964. Tesis para el doctorado. (1557)

, The Municipality in Northem Mexico, E l Paso, Tex., Texas West-

ern College, 1963, 37p. (1558)

CLONER, Alexander, "The Cultural Setting of Mexican Public Administmtion", 1952. Manuscri
to . (15 5 4

COZORT, William T., "Municipal Govemment in Mexico: the Decision-making Process in a Me-
xican Village", 1961 Investigación terminada. (1560)

CRUTCHER, Chauncey R., The Federal District of the United Mexican States, Chapel-Hill,N.C.,
Univenity of North Carolina, FTE-? Tesis para el doctorado. (1561)

D'ANTONIO, William V. , "Mexican Municipal Politics: ldeological Orientation and Party Stwc
ture in a Border City", s.d., FTE-? Investigación. (1562)-

DUMKE, G.C., "Douglas, Border Town", Pac. Hist. R., 1'f(ago 1948)283-298. (1563)
FRIEDRICH, Paul William, Cacique Recent History and Present Structure of Politics in a Taras-
can Village, New Haven, Conn., Yale University, 1956. Tesis para el doctorado.

, "Mexican Cac icazgo", Ethnology, 4(a br 1965)190-209. (1565)

, "A Tarascan Cacicazgo", en RAY, V.F., ed., Systems of Political

Control and Bureaucracy in Human Societies, Seattle, Washington, 1958, pp. 23-.

HARRIS, Louis Kenneth, b Angeles, Calif ., Uni-

Los ,
versity of California, 1956. Tesis para el doctorado. (1567)

HARRIS, N. D., "Federal Control in Mexico", Ya le Law J., 20(1911)202-. (15 68)

HARVEY, H. R., "Study of Social, Economic, and Political Structure of the Municipio of Huiz-
quilucan, State of Mexico; Mexico Past and Present", Madison, Wisc., University of
FEM-1963; FTE-lndef inida. Investigación en progreso. (15 69)

HOLMES, Henry A., How Mexico i s Governed, New York, Foreign Policy Association, 1952.

IVERSON, Kenneth R., "The 'Servicio' in Theory and Practice", Publ .Admin.R., otoiio 1951:
223-228. (15n)
JORRIN, M., Governments of Latin America, New York, 1953, pp.242-.

KENDALL, Wil lrnore, The Federal Systern in Mexico, Chicago, 11 l., 1928. (15 73)

LANGROD, G., "Administrations Latino-americaines", R.Admin., 9(14)mar-abr 1955:209-219.

(15 74)

LEWIS, Oscar, "Medicine and Politics in a Mexican Village", en PAUL, B. D., ed.,
Culture, and Community, New York, Russel l Sage Foundation, 1955, 403-434.m5)

LISTER, Florence C. ; y LISTER, Robert H., Chihuahua: Storehouse of Storrns, Albuquerque, N.

M., University of New Mexico Press, 1966, 360p. (1 576)

RC: FUGATE, Francis L., -

en HAHR, 47(4)1967:586-587.

MACMAHON, Arthur W., "The Mexican Railways under Workers' Administration", Publ.Admin.
R., 1(otoño 1941)458-471. 7
MARTIN, Percy Alvin, "Four Years of Socialistic Government in Yucatan", J. int. Rel., oct 19-

MECHAM, J. Lloyd, "Federal lntervention in Mexico", en WILGUS, A. Curtis, ed., Hispanic
~tnericanEssa S, Chapel-Hill, N.C., University of North Carolina ~reis, 194-
, "The Jefe Politico in Mexico", SW soc. Sci.Q., may 1933:133-142.

, "Mexican Federalism: Fact or Fiction? ",Annals, 208(mar 1940)23-38.


También en: CHRISTENSEN, A. N., ed., The Evolution of Latin American Govemments,
1951, pp.359-.

MEISTER, Margaret, Merida: Community Power Structure in a Mexican Town in Transition, New
^ York, ~ o l u m b i aUniversity, 1966. Tesis para el doctorado. (1583)

MORTON, Ward M., "The Mexican Political 'Establishment' in Opemtion", en WILGUS, A.C.,
ed., The Caribbean: Mexico Today, Gainesville, Fla., University of Florida Press, 19-
64, pp .19-42. (1584)

"MUNICIPAL Admin istration in Mexico", Anna ls, 22(nov 1903)531-534.

NEAL, Joe West, State and Local Govemment in Northem Mexico: Nuevo Leon, Coohuila,and
Tamaulipas, Austin, Tex., University of Texas, 1957. Tesis para e l doctorado. (M1957)

PADGETT, Leon Vincent; y KLAPP, O. E., "Power Structure and Decision-Making in a Mexican
. .
Border C ity ",Amer J. Soc iol , 65(4)ene 1960:400-406. (1587)
ROWE, L.S., "Administrative Centralization in Mexico", Yale R., 1903:232-. (1588)

SANCHEZ MEJORADA, Carlos, "Federal Form of Govemment in Mexicou, Fed. Bar Assoc. J.,
may 1944. (1 589)

También en: N Y St.Bar Assoc. Bul., oct 1944.

SCOTT, Robert E., "The Free One-Party Sy~tem~~,en TOMASEK, Robert, ed., Latin American
Politics, New York, Anchor Books, 1966, pp.274-290. 7)
, Mexican Government in Transition, Chicago, III., University of lllinois
Press, 1959, 345p. (1592)

SCHAEFFER, Wendel l K. G., National Administration in Mexico: I t s Development and Present

Status, Berkeley, Cal if., University of Cal iforn ia, 1950. Tesis para e l doctorado.


"The Diaz Conciliation Policy on State and Local Levels", HAHR, 40(nov
1960)513-532. (1594)

SCHUYLER, Jr., M., "Constitutional Govemment in Mexico", Nation, 98(9 abt 1914)390-391.

S IVERTS, Henning, "On Pol it ics and Leadership among Tze lta l Speaking Indians, Ch iapas", Po-
mona, 1965. Investigación. (1596)

, "Political Organization in a Tzeltal Community in Chispas", Alpha Kap.

-., 30(l)invierno 1960.
Del 7 5 9 7 )
STULLKEN, Virginia Pauline, Keystone of Mexican Government---the Secretaria de Gobema-
cion, Austin, Tex., University of Texas, 1954, 105p. Tesis para la maestría. (1598)

TANNENBAUM, Frank, "Personal Government in Mexico", For.Aff ., 27(l )oct 1948:44-57.


TERCERO, J., "City Govemment in Spanish-American Capitals", BUI. PAU, 67(mar 1933)177-
180. (1 600)

TUCKER, William P., The Mexican Govemment of Today, Minneapolis, Minn., University of
Minnesota Press, 1957. (1 601)

RC: BOROME, Joseph, en Libr. J .,

81(1 dic 1956)2844.
KANTOR, Harry, J. p o r 19(4)1957:682-683.
SIMPSON, Smith, en Annals, 314(nov 1957)197.
8. La estructura del estado: los órganos de poderes y e l derecho.

ALMAREZ, J., " Law and Justice", Annals, 208(mar 1940)39-.

BACKUS, R.C., Federal Zones in Mexican Law, San Antonio, Texas, 1928. (1 603)

BAGGETT, Sam G., "The Delegation of Legislative Power to the Executive under the Co~stitu-
. .
tion of Mexico" , Sou Ca lif Law R., 8(ene 1935)114-121. (1 604)

BAKER, Richard Don, The Judicial Control of Constitutionality in Mexico: a Study of Juicio de
Amparo, Chapel-Hill, N.C.,
Univenity of North Carolina, 1963. Tesis para el doctora-
(1 605)

BERNAL MOLINA, J., A Statement of the Laws of Mexico, s.d., 1955. (1 606)

"The Mexican Const itut ion of 1917 Compared with the Const itut ion of 1857",
Anna ls, 1917, suplemento. (1 607)

BURGES, William H., A Hot-House Constitution: The Mexican Constitution of 1917, s.e. ,191 7,
@P (1 608)

CARRAL Y DE TERESA, L., "The Public Authority of the Ach of Notaires and Registran in Me-
xico", Miami Law R., 11(1 957)449-. (1 609)
También en: Mexico, a Symposium on Law and Government, 1958, pp.

CASARES, N. D., "Mexican Federal Adminhtrative Lawu, Miami Law Q., 6(1952)466-. (1 610)

CLAGETT, Helen L., Administration of Justice in Latin America, New York, 1952, 49p. (161 1)

, "The Mexican Suit of Amparo", Georgetown Law J ., 33(may 1945)418-437.

(1 612)

COMSTOCK, Paul B., Fedeml and State Jurisdiction in Mexico, New York, Columbia Univer-
sity, 1950. Tesis para la maestría. (1 613)

DORANTES-TAMAYO, L., " La procedure du 'consurso c ivil' en droit mexicain", R. int. Drxomp
10(4)1958:733-769. (1 614)

DUNCAN, W. R., "The Mexican Constitution of 1917---lts Political and Social Backgroundu,
Inter-Amer. Law R., 5(jul-dic 1963)277-309. (1 615)

ECHANOVE TRUJ I LLO, Carlos A., " La procedure mexica ine d'amparou, R. int. Dr. comp. ,3(1949)
229-248. (1 61 6)

FAYERWEATHER, John, The Executive Oveneas: Administrative Attitudes and Re lationships in a .

Foreign Culture, Symcuse, New York, Symcuse Univenity Press, 1959, 195p.
FLORES, B., "Writ of Amparo under Mexican Law.. .", Amer.Bar Assoc. J., 7(1921)388-.
(1 618)

GABBERT, Jack Benton, The Evolution of the Mexican Presidency, Austin, Tex., University of
Texas, 1963. Tesis para e l doctorado. (1 619)

GAITHER, R.B., "The lnterpretation of the Confiscatory Phases of the Mexican Constitution of
1917", Amer. Law R., 56(1922)39-. (1 620)

,"The Mexican Constitution of 1917: Confiscatory Phase", Amer.Law R., 55

(1921)481-. (1 621)

GALLANT, B., "Making Laws for Mexico", Survey, 37(20 ene 1913449-451 . (1 622)

, - 55(feb 1913 182-1 84.

ltMexico's Constituent Congressu, R. Rs., (1 623)

GAVALDON SALAMANCA, Ignacio, The Mexican Writ of 'Amparo', Austin, Tex., University
of Texas, 1937, 167p. Tesis para la maestría. (1 624)

GONZALEZ ROA, Fernando, "The Constitutional ity of the Subsoil", Inter-Amer., oct 1923.

GOODSPEED, Stephen S.,' "Development and Use of Facultades Extraordinarias in MexicoN,SW

soc. Sc i.Q , 34(dic 1953)17-33. (1 6
, "Mexico: President and Constitut ion", Mid-Amer., 36(2)abr 1954:96-
115. (1 627)

, The Role of the Chief Executive in Mexico: Politics, Powers, and

Administration, Berkeley, Calif., University of California, 1947. Tesis para e l doc-
torado. (1 628)

GRIMES, W.W., "Mexico's Constitution", J. Bar Assoc. D.C., 11(1 944)116-. (1 629)

HACKETT, Charles W., "Mexico's Alien Land and Oil Laws", Curr.History, (1923556-. (1630)

KALININ, Amolld Ivanovich, Gosudantvennyi stroi Meksiki, Moskva, Gosiurizdat, 1958, 79p.
(1 631 )

KERR, Robert J ., "The New Constitution of Mexico", Alier.Bar Assoc. J., abr 1917. (1 632)

MACIAS, Anna, The Genesis of Constitutional Govemment in Mexico, 1808-1 920, New York,
Columbia University, 1965. Tesis para el doctorado. (1 633)

MANZANILLA SCHAFFER, Victor, "Separation of Powers under Mexican Constitution of 1857

and 1917", en Mexico, a Symposium on Law and Govemment, Coral
Gables, Fla , University of Miami Press, lnteramerican Legal Studies,
1938, pp.13-21. (1 634)
MARTIN, P.A., "Fecfemlism in Mexico", en READ, C., ed., The Constitution Reconsidered,
MECHAM, J. Lloyd, "Origins of Federalism in MexicoN, en READ, C., ed., The Constitution
Reconsidered, 1938, pp. 349-365. (1 636)

También en: -
HAHR, 18(may 1938)162-182.

MORTON, Ward M., "Parliamentary Criticism of Executive Policy in Mexico", Chicago, III.,
1962. Investigación. (1 637)

PADGETT, Leon Vincent, The Mexican Political System, Boston, Mas., Houghton Miff 1in Co.,
1966, 244p. (1 638)

RC: CIRIA, Alberto, Amer.Po1.S~i.R.~ 41(2)jun 1967:548-549.

SChMlTT, Karl M., en HAHR, 47(2)1967:278.
SHEA, Dona Id R., he G i c a s , 23(4)1967:448-449.

, "Mexico's One-Party System: a Re-evaluationtt, en MARTY, J.D.,

ed., The Dynamism of Change in Latin American Politics, pp.223-227. (1 639)

, Popular Participation in the Mexican 'One-Party' System, Evanston,

Northwestern University, 1955. Tesis para e l doctorado. (1 640)

PLAN K, John, .
ttDemocratic One-Party Systems: the Mexican Case", 1961 Investigaci6n. (1 641)
PORTER, Thomas A., Subversion, Opposition and Legitimacy in Mexican Politics, Cambridge,
Mass., Harvard University, 1966. Tesis para e l doctorado. (1642)

PRIESTLEY, Herbert Ingram, "Constitutional lnterpretation in Mexico", SW Pol.soc. Sci.Q.,

sep 1923:138-162. -(t643)

RICHMOND, Patricia Mclntire, Mexico: a Case Study of One-Party Politics, Berkeley, Calif.,
University of Califomia, 1965, 497p. Tesis para e l doctorado. (1 644)

ROUSSET, D., "Le pzradoxe de Mexico", Preuves, jun 1964:44-53. (1 645)

SANCHEZ MEJORADA, C., "The Evolution of Federal lnstitutions in Mexico", J.Bar Assoc.-
D.C., 11(1944)169-. 6
, "The Writ of Amparo", Anna ls, 243(1946)107-. (1647)

SCOTT, Robert Edwin, Mexican Government in Transition, Urbana, IIl., University of lllinois
Press, 1959. (Ed.rev., 1964) (1 648)

RC: ALEXANDER, R. J., en Canad. Forum,. 40tiun 1960)68.


, en
Pol.Sci.Q., 75(sap 1960)472.
BRANDENBURG, F., en Anna ls, 330(iu l 19601188.
BURKS, D. D., en ~ m e r . R.,~ 54(sep
. 1960)784-785.
CINQUEMANI, F. L., en Libr.J,, 85(15 feb 1960)766.
CLINE, H. F., en Am. Hist. Rev., 65(jul 1960)940.
RUIZ, R. E., en Amer. soc iol R., 25(ago 1960)614.
TAY LOR, P. B., en J. Po1¡t., 22(3)1960:584-585.

, "The Mexican Presidency", en TOMASEK, Robert D., ed., Latin Ameri-

can Polit ics, New York, Anchor Books, 1966, pp. 290-309. (1 649)

, Politics in Mexico, Little, 1965. (1 650)

, Some Aspects of Mexican Federalism, 1917-1 948, Madison, Wisc , Uni- .

versity of Wisconsin, 1949. Tesis para e l doctorado. (1 651)

SPAIN, A. O., .
"Mexican Federalism Revisited", West Pol .Q ., 9(sep 1956)620-632. (1652)

STANSFIELD, David E., "Enquiry into the Signif icance of Constitutiona l Forms of Decision-
making in One-party States: Mexico", University of Lancester, England, FTE-1969.
Investigación . (1 653)

STEVENS, Evelyn P., lnformation and Decision-Making in Mexico, Berkeley, Cal if ., University
of California, 1965. Tesis para el doctorado. (16 4 )

. "Mexican 'Machismo': Pol itics and Value Orientation", West. Pol. Q., 18
VELASCO, Gustavo R., "The Rule of Law in Mexicolt, en Mexico, a Symposium on Law and
Govemment, Coral Gables, Fla., University of MGmi Press, lnteramerican Legal Stu-
dies, 1958, pp.9-12. (1 656)

También en: A. Fac. Dr. Istanbul, 9(12)1959:310-315.

ZGHAL, A., " Le systeme mexicain", L'Homme, ju 1-ago-s ep 1967:119-125. (1 657)

9. Estudios comparativos.

ABBOTT, David, Pol itica l Alienation in Mexico and Italy, Chapel-H ill, University of North
Carolina, 1965. Tesis para e l doctorado. (1 658)

KAHIN, G.; PAUKER, G. J.; y PYE, L.W., "Comparative Politics in non-Western Countries"
Amer.Pol. Sci.R., 49(dic 1955)1022-1041. (16g9)

KLING, Merle, "Area Studies and Comparative Politics", Amer. Behav. Sci., 8(sep 1964)7-11
(1 6&)

MacEOIN, Gary, Latin America, the Eleventh Hour, New York, P. J. Kenedy, 1962, 224p.
(1 661)
("Successful Social Revolution---Mexico", pp. 65-86.)

MACRIDIS, Roy C., The Study of Comparative Government, New York, Random House, 1955.
(1 662)

MARTINEZ, John R., Three Case Studies of Communism: Cuba, Brazil, and Mexico, Dubu ue,
lowa, William C. Brown Book Co., 1964, 154p. 8663)

McALISTER, Lyle N., The Role of the Military in Mexico, Argentina, Peru, Colombia, and
the Dominican Republ ic, Gainesvil le, Fla., University of Florida, 1966. (1 664)
McCREA, William S., 4
lran ian O i l National ization (1951), Washington, D.C., Georgetown University, 1955.
Tesis para e l doctorado. (P1956) (1 665)

OPERATIONS and Pol icy Research Inc., lnstitute for the Comparative Study of Po1itica 1 Institu-
tions, ~ e t h o d sof E lecting National Executives and National Legislatures in Mexicq
central America, and the Caribbean, Washington, D.C., 1964, 18p. (1 666)

PRIETO, E., "Two Federal Republics: Mexico and the United States", Amer. Bar Assoc. J., 41
(oct 1955)919-923. (1 667)

ROTHMAN, Stanley, "Catholic Church and Pol itica l Deve lopment", Smith Col legel FTE-1965.
Investigac ión . (1 668)

(Mexico, Chile y Perú.)

SCOTT, Robert Edwin, "Universities and Political Change in Mexico and Perut', Washington, D.
C., Brookings Inst itute, 1967. (En prensa) (1 669)

STEPHENS, Alonzon T., Brazil, Argentina, and Mexico , Tennessee A. & l., 1963. (1670)

WORCESTER, D.C., "Mexican Question in Light of Phillippine Experience", Outlook, 107(11 jul
1 914)602-608. (1

10. Las funciones sociales y económicas del gobierno: el desarrollo en general

ALBA, Victor, "The Mexican Economy: State Action and Private Initiative", Wld.Today, nov
1959:451-462. (1 672)

AUBREY, H.G., "Deliberate lndustrialization", Soc.Res., 16(1949)158-. (1 673)

AUBREY, Robert T., ~ a c i o n a lFinanciera and Mexican

Industry: a Study of the Financia1 .Rela-
tionship betweeñ the Government and the Private Sector of Mexico, Los Angeles, Univer
u (1 674i

BAKLANOFF, Eric N., "Argentina, Chile, and Mexico: Contrasts in Economic Policy and Per-
formance", J, lñter-~mer.~tud., oct 1961 .
BARBIERI, W.M., "1s A l l Progress?", America, 106(3 feb 1962)581. (1 676)

BARBOUR, Lizzie Messick, Federal Participation i n Public Eclucation i n Mexico, 1934-1937, Au-
stin, Tex., ~ n i v e n n 6 7 7 )

BATAILLON, Claude, "Mexico, capital metis ", Le Probleme des capitales en Amerique Latine,
Paris, Editions du centre national de la Recherche Scientifique, 1965, pp.159-191.
(1 678)

BEALS, Carleton, "Cardenas Organizes Capitalism; Mexico's President Fulfills his Pledge to Give
the Country Back to the Peoplen, Curr.History, may 1937:47-54.

BRANDENBURG, Frank, "Revolutionaty Achievements in Economic Life", en ROSS, S.R. ,ed.,

Ir the Mexican ~evolutionDead?, New York, A.A. Knopf, 1966, pp.228-245.
(1 680)

BROTHERS, Dwight S y WIONCZEK, Miguel, "Process of Economic Change ",Cambridge,
Mass., H'arvard University, FEM-1965; FTE-? Investigación . (1681 )

BROWN, Donald MacKenzie, Pub1ic Po1icy in Mexico, Stanford, Cal ¡f.,Stanford University,
1931. Tesis para e l doctorado. (1 682)

CARLSON, Harry John, The lmpact of the Cardenas Administration on Mexican Education,Tuc-
son, Ariz., Univenity of Arizona, 1964. Tesis para e l doctorado. (1 683) e

CARTER, Eula Lee, The Education Program of the Mexican Government, 1920-1924, Austin, Tex.,
University of Texas, 1925, 150p. Tesis para la maestrÍa. (1 684)

CLEVEN, N. Andrew N.,

4(ago 192 1)474-485.
"Some Social Aspects of the Mexican Constitution of 1917", HAHR,

CHAMBERLAIN, Eugene K., "Mexican Colonization versus American lnterests in Lower Califor-
nian, Pac.Hist.R., 20(1951)43-55. (1686)
GILL, Clark Cyrus, The Role of the Federal Government in Public Education in Mexico, Min-
neapol is, Minn., Univenity of Minnesota, 1948. Tesis para e l doctorado. (1687)

GLADE, Jr., William Patton; y ANDERSON, Charles W., The Political Economy of Mexico,
Two Studies, Madison, Wisc., University of Wisconsin, 1963. (1688)

RC: BROTHERS, D.S., en Amer.ec0n.R ., 54(mar 1964)164.

SCOTT, Robert E., en Amer,Pol,Sci,R., 58(l)mar 1964:156-157.
1 en HAHR, 44(2)1 964:246-249.

, The Role of Government Enterprise i n the Economic Development

of Underde~elo~ed Regions: Mexico, a case study, Austin, Tex,, University of Texas,
1955. Tesis para e l doctorado. (1 689)

HEIDIGER, Ernest S., "Impact of War on Mexico's Econorny", For.Pol .Rpts., 15 jun 1943.

HERRING, H .C., "Cardenas of Mexicon, Harper's Mag ., 177(oct 1938)489-502. (1 691)

HICKS, William Trotter, Economic Effects of the Nationalization of Foreign Property in Mexico
between 1917 and 1931, Evanston, Northwestern Univenity, 1935. Tesis para e l doctorado.

HILTON, Stanley E., "The Church-State Dispute over Education in Mexico from Carranza to Car -
denasn, The Americas, 21(2)oct 1964:163-183. (1693)

HOLMAN, Robert W., Planning in the Mexican Federal District and i t s relation to the Natiorr
al Industrial ization Program under President Aleman, MCC, 1950. (1 694)

KAUFMAN, Susan B., "PoIicy-making in Mexico: a Case Study of the Profit-Sharing Decision",
New York, Columbia Univenity, FTE-1968. Investigación pam e l tesis de doctorado.
(1 695)

LICHEY, Werner, Ein Weg zur wirtschaftlichen Entwicklung zwischen staatlicher Lenkung und
privater initiative: auf der Grundlage der Forschungsergebnisse; Mexiko, Hamburg, Verlag
Wel tarchiv, Vorwort, 1958, 127p. (1695)

LINK, Max, "Die Ursachen des industriellen Aufstiegs Mexikosn, Lateinamerikanisches Institutan
der Hochschule, Gallen, FTE-1969; FPU-1969. (1696)

LONGYEAR, John M., "Development in Mexico, 1920-1934", New York, Cornell Univenity,
FTE-1967. Investigación. (1 697)

MACMAHON, Arthur W.; y DITTMAR, W.R., "The Mexican O i l lndustry since Expropriationn,
Pol.Sci.Q., mar 1942:28-50; jun 1942:161-188. (1 698)

MADDOX, J.G., Mexican Government Budget for 1956, N e w York, American Univenities
Field ~ t a f f , 1956. (1699)
MORA, José P., "The Pol itico-economic Structure of Mexico", Inter.Advert ., 7(may 1966)19-
20. (1 700)

MORTON, Ward M., "Government and Business in Mexicon, Illinois, 1961. (1 701)

MOSK, Sanford A., Industrial Revolution i n Mexico, Los Angeles and Eerkeley, University of
. .
Cal ifornia Press, 1950. (Ed rev , 1954) (1 702)

RC: ELLSWORTH, P.T., en HAHR, 31 (2)1951:316-317.

HERRING, H., en N Y Times, p4, 9 jul 1950.
ROSS, S.R., en P,O- 65(dic 1950)638.

NEWCOMER, Hale Alden, The Industrial Development of Mexico, 1945-1 955, Urbana, III , .
University of Illinois, 1956. Tesis para el doctorado. (M1957) (1 703)

NUSSBAUM, D. W., "Mexico's Second Six-Year Plan", New Repub., 103(30 sep 1940)441-442.
(1 704)

OZANNE, Robert, "Mexico Compulsory Profit-Sharing Lawn, Madison, Wisc., Univenity of

Wisconsin, The Center for lnternational Business Research, FTE-1968. Investigación.
(1 705)
PINA, Roberto, "Mexicols Runaway New Deal", Amer.Merc., feb 1939. (1 706)
RANSON, Thomas Baldwin, An lnquiry into the Rationale behind the Economic Role of the Me-
xican Government, Denver, Colo., Univenity of Denver, 1965. Tesis para el doctorado
(1 707)

RICE, Katherine E., -

Economic Development in Mexico, 1957, Washington, D .C.,
port, United States Bureau of Foreign Commerce, 1958, Nos. ,58/36, 16p.
Economic Re-
(1 708)

RIPPY, Merrill, "Mexico's Nationalized O i l Industry, 1938-1955", SW soc.Sci .Q:, 38(1957)5-.

(1 709)

ROSS, Stanley Robert, "Mexico: Government Control of Education", Curr. Hist., 40(j.un 1961)
346-352 . (1 71O)

SALERA, Virgil, "Vernon's Mexican Development Dilemma",IAMEA, 17(4)primavera 1964:59-72.

(1 71 1)

SARAMES, George N,, "Third System in Latin America: Mexico", IAMEA, 5(4)primavera 1952:
59-72. (1 712)

SCOTT, Robert Edwin, "Budget-making in Mexicon, IAEMA, 9(2)oto~o 1955:3-20. (1 n 3)

SCHEFFEY, Andrew J.W., Natural Resources and Government Policy in Coahuila, Mexico,
University of Michigan, 1959. Tesis para e l doctorado. (M1959) (1 4)

SCHEIFLER, X., "Revolution éconornique au Mexique ", R. nouv., 15(6)15 jun 1959:574-585.
(1 5)
SCHNEIDER, Jr., Franz, "The Financia] Future of Mexico", For.Aff., 7(1928)83-95. (1 71 6)

SHAFER, Robert J., Mexico: Mutual Adjustment Planning, Syracuse, N e w York, Symcuse Uni-
venity Press, 1967, 213p. (1 71 7)

SHEREMET'EV, Igor' Konstantinovich, Gosudantvennyi kapitalizm v Meksike, Moskva, Izdatelt-

stvo Akademii Nauk SSSR, 1963, 135p. (1 718)

"Mexico", Annals, 68(nov 1916)196-206. (17l9)

SH UL'GOVSKII, A., Meksika na krutom porvorotesvoe i istorii: osvobodite l 'naia i anti-impe-

ialisticheskaia bor'ba meksikanskogo naroda v 30-e gody i problema vybora puti
sotsial 'nogo razvitiia, Moskva, Izdatel 'stvo prosveshchenie, 1967, 547p. (1 720)

SINGER, Morris, "Aspects of a Democmtic Society Consistent with Economic Growth: Mexico",
N e w Haven, Conn , Univenity of Connecticut, FTE-? Investigación. (1 721)

SIROL, J., "L'économie mexicainen, R. jur.polit., 18(3)jul-sep 1 9 6 4 4 2 2 4 2 . (1 722)

TAYLOR, J.A.; y RAWKINS, T. H., "Development Problems i n Mexicon, University College of

Wales, Great Britain, FTE-1967; FPU-1968. Investigación. (1 723)

TEICHERT, Pedro C., "Mexican Experience of Balanced Economic Growthn, en P.C. T., Econo-
Policy Revolution and lndustrialization in Latln America, Univenity of Mississippi, Bu-
reau of Business Research, 1959. (1 724)

TRAINOR, Joseph Charles, A Critical Analysis of Recent Mexican Federal School Legislation,
Washington, 1941 Tesis para e l doctorado. (1 725)

USHER, Roland G ., "Carmnza's New Industrial Policyn, N0.Amer.R ., mar 1917.

VERNON, Raymond, The Dilemma of Mexico's Development, Cambridge, Mass ,, Harvard Uni-
venity Press, 1963, 226p. (1 727)
RC: BROTHERS, D.S., en Arner,econ.R., 54(mar 1964)155.
KENNEDY, P., en ,N Y- p36, 22 sep 1963.
MECHAM, J. L., en Annals, 352(mar 1964)194.
NASH, M., J. Polit. Econ , 72(feb 1964)93.
PERALOSA,F., Libr. J., 88(ago 1963)2896.
SALERA, Virgil , -EA, - 17(4)primavem 1964:59-72.
SCOTT, R. E., en Amer.sociol .R., 29(abr 1964)307.
, en HAHR, 44(2)19 64:246-249.
, ed., Public Policy and Private Enterprise in Mexico, Cambridge, Mass,,
Harvard University, 1 964, 324p. b (1 728)

(Contiene: VERNON, R., "Introduction: Publ ic Pol icy and Private Enterprise";WION-
CZEK, M.S., "Electric Power: The Uneasy Partnenhipn; SHELTON, D. H., "The Banking
System: Money and fhe Goal of Growthn; BLAIR, c:P., "Nacional Financiera: Entrepre
neurship in a Mixed Economy"; e IZQUIERDO, R., "Protectionism in Mexicon.
RC: BROTHERS, D.S., en Amer.econ.R., 55(mar 1965)213.
CINQUEMANI, F.L., en Libr.J., 89(15 dic 1964)4921.
RIPPY, J.F., en HAHR, 45m6'5:312-313.

WARNER, Louis H., Mexi~o'sProgress Demands i t s Price, Boston, Mass., Chapman and Grimes,
1937, 344p. (1 n 9 )
WINNIE, William W., Latin American Development: Theoretical, Sectoral and Operational Ap-
.- -
Los Angeles, Calif., University of Cal ifornia, Latin American Center, 1966.

(Estudia Guadala jara .)

WIONCZEK, Miguel S., "Croissance rapide avec planification explicite incomplete: Mexique ",
T ie rs-Monde, (1 5)1963:487-493. (1 731)

WYGARD, Edward J., "The lndustrialization of Mexico", en VELIZ, Claudio, ed., Latin Ameri
ca and the Caribbean: a handbook, London, A.Blond, 1968, ~p.586-596. (1 7327

Lab.R., 96(dic 1967)590-608.

YLLANES RAMOS, F., "Social Rights Enshrined in the Mexican Constitution of 1917", Inter.
(1 733)
11 . El proceso gubernamental: la vida política; las tendencias políticas y
e l cambio político.

ACKERMAN, Carl A., Mexico's Dilemrna, George H. Doran Co., 1918, 281p. (1 734)

RC: en --
HAHR, 3(may 1920)194-195.

ALBA, Victor, "Le Mexique, une revolution en veilleuse", R.Sochl ., rnay 1952:485-491 .
(1 735)

ALISKY, Marvin, "Mexican-American Pol itics i n the Borderlands", Tucson, Ariz ., Arizona Uni-
venity, FTE-1968. Investigación. (1 736)

ALSCHULER, Lawrence R., Pol itical Change in the Urban Comrnunities of Mexico, Evanston,
Northwestern University, 1966. Tesis para el doctorado. (1 737)

ALVAREZ DEL VAYO, J., "Mexico Left and Rightn, Nation, 158(13 rnay 1944)560-563. (1738)

ALLEN, H.J., "The Mexican Confiscation: together with a careful survey of the preseot revo-
lutionary trends in Mexico", Topeka St.J., 1938, 35p. (1 739)


"Various Aspects of the Mexican O i l Confiscation", Wld .Aff., 101(1938)
179-. (1 740)
BATES, R., "Future of Mexico", New Repub., 96(19 oct 1938)296-299. (1 741 )

, "Mexico's
1940n, New Repub., 1 lO(9-16 ago 1939)lO-12, 41 -43. (1 742)

BEALS, Carleton, "The Future i n Mexico: the Struggle for Power, and the Probable Outcome",
New Repub., 12 dic 1928. (1 743)
. - , "Has Mexico Betrayed her Revolution?", New Repub., 67(22 jul 1931)249-
250. (1 744)

, "Mexico Expropriates", New Repub., 71 (1 3 jul 1932)227-. (1 745)

, "Mexico Tutns to Fascist Tactics", Nation, 28 ene 1931 . (1 746)

BERMAN, Ira Bertram, flPerto,
e lrk Univenity, 1939. Tesis para e l
doctorado. (1 747)

Cf., Clark Univenity Bulletin, Abstracts of Dissertations and Theses, (145)oct 1939:

BLOCK, Harry, "From Cardenas to Camacho",

- 152(8
Nation, mar 1941)266-269. (1 748)
, "Uncerta inty i n Mexico", Nation, 28 fe b 1942:250-253.
, "War Divides Mexico", Nation, 149(4 nov 1939)490-492. (1 750)
, -
"What Next in Mexico", Nation, 148(4 mar 1939)257-259. (1 75 1)

BOROVSKI, Andrei, "Kontrrevol iutsionnyi zagovor v Meksike ", Put' Mopra, 5(6)mar 1929: 13.
(1 752)

BRADERMAN, Eugene Uaur, -

"Mexico's Political Evolution", Wld .Aff., dic 1940:240-245 (1 753)

BRADY, A.C., e t al., "Important Political Event in Mexico", Harper's Wkly., 48(17 dic 1904)
1950-1 952. (1 754)

BRANDENBURG, Frank, The Making of Modern Mexico, Englewood-Cl iffs, N. J., Prentice-
Hall, 1964. (1 755)

RC: -
DAVIS, Harold Eugene, en HAHR, 45(2)1965:310-312.

- , "Mexico: 1966 and Beyond", Curr .Hist ., 50(ene 1966)32-37-. (1 756)

, "The Relevance of Mexican Experience to Latin American Development:

Orbis, 1965:190-213. (1 757)

BRENNER, Anita, "A View of Mexico's Political Life and Influence", en WILGUS, A.C., ed.,
The Caribbean: I t s Political Problems, Gainesville, Fla ,, Univenity of Florida, 1956,
pp -290-297. (1 758)
BROSE, Thomas H., -
The Party of the Revolution and the Politics of Reform in Mexico, Simon
Fraser University, 1968. Tesis para e l doctorado. (1 759)

CALDER, R., . "Slow Motion Volcano", New Statesman, 35(3 ene 1948)7. (1 760)

CALL, Tomme Clark, The Mexican Venture: from Political to Industrial Revolution in Mexico,
New York, Oxford University Press, 1953. (1 761)

CALLCOTT, W. H., Liberal ism in Mexico, 1857-1 929, Palo Alto, Cal if., Stanford University
Press, 1931 . (1 762)

CARMICAL, J.H., "The Crisis Spreads", N Y Times, 12 jun 1938.

CARMICHAEL, Alice, "Cal les and theaMexican Malaise", Amer. Merc., 34(mar 1935)343-351.
(1 764)

CARO-COSTAS, Aida Raquel, Porfirio Diaz and the Beginning of the Mexican Political Stabi-
lization, Austin, Tex., University of Texas, 1945, 229p. Tesis para la maestria.
(1 765)

CARRILLO FLORES, A,, "Crisis in Mexico", Va.Q. Rev., 16(3)juI 1940:321-333. (1 766)

, "Mexican Political Stability", en WILGUS, A.C., ed., The Carib-

bean: Mexico Today, Ga inesvil le, Fla , University of Florida P r e m p p .
3-9. (1 767)
CROWTHER, Samuel, "Mexico Emerging", Sat. Eve. Post, 22 nov 1930. O 776)
D., "The Presidential Dilemma in Mexico", For.Aff., sep 1924.

DANIELS, ~ose~hus, Shirt-Sleeve Diplomat, Chapel-Hill, N.C., University of North Carolina,

1947, 547p. (1 778)

Cf., FITZGIBBON, Russell H., Amer. Pol. Sci. R.,

DASHEVSKII, G., "Chto proiskhodit v Meksikeu, Mir.kho2.i mir.polit., (6)jun 1937:41-62.

(1 779)

, "Meksikanskii narod v borlbe s fashizmonff, Mir. khoz. i mir.polit. ,,(4)abr 19-

38:46-69. (1 780)

DEMAS, G ., "Mexico: the Middle-Aged Revolution", Reporter, 25(28 sep 1961)32-. (1 781)

DILLON, E. J., 1111 Messico e la riconstuzione m ~ n d i a l e ~Nuova

~, Antologio, oct 1922. (1 782)

, "Mexico Revisited", Contemp. R., 120(nov 1921)607-616.

DI TELLA, Torcuato S.; ,BARRERA, Marlo; CAVAROZZI, Marcelo; y NORTH, Lisa, "Banco de
datos socio-pol Íticos para América Latina", FTE-?; The lnstitute of lntemational Stu-
dies, Berkeley, University of California, FPU-? Investigación. . (1 784)
(Estudian México, Perú, Argentina y Chile.)

DONNELLY, D., "Our Man in Mexico", Spectator, 205(23 sep 1960)428-. (1 785)

DUDON, Paul, "Au Mexique---le 'Callisme' continue", Correspondant, 10 oct 1931 . (1 786)

ELIVIN, l., "Kontrrevoliutsiia v Meksike", Sputn.mopr., (3)feb 1930:27-29. (1 787)

ESQUIVEL OBREGON, T., "Are the Mexican People Capable of Governing Themselves", J. int.
Rel., oct 1920. (if88)
También en: BIAKESLEE, G.H., ed., Mexico and the Caribbean, 1920.

, "Mexican Problems", For.Aff ., mar 1923.

ESTEP, Raymond, The Latin American Nations Today, Maxwel l Air Force Base, Documentary Re-
search Division, Aerospace Studies Institute, Air University, 1964, 300p. (1 790)

FAVRE, Henri, "La vie politique mexicaine", Notes. Et.docum., 9 sep 1966. (1 791)

FEDOROVICH, Anatole, Mexico in the Crucial Turning Point of Its History, (en ruso), Shulgov-
sky, Moskva, Enlightenment Publishing House, 1967, 547p. (1 792)

FITZGERALD, W.G., "The Mexico of Lazaro Cardenas", Nine.Cent., 124(jul 1938)52-63.

(1 75'3)
FITZGIBBON, R.H., "Revolution: Western Hemisphere", So.Atlan.Q., 55(jul 1958)267-268.

FRAINA., "(Mexico: la lucha para unirse a l prof intern)", Krasn. iintem. profsoivzov, (12)1921:
60-62. (1795)

FRANK, Andre Gunder, "Mexico: the Janus Faces of 20th Century Bourgeois Revolution",Mth-
ly R., 14(nov 1962)370-388. (m)
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. . l

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i --
M., New ~ o r k , . C o ~ i 7 n i v e r s i ~ ~ Z ~ Tpara
e s la
i smaestría, + czsss)

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,. * ' . ,. l . ' , e
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dies, Los Angeles, University of California, Report ñ170, lnstitute of Industrial Relation~
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MURRAY, J., "Behind the Drums of Revolution: the Labor Movement", Survey, 37(2 dic 1916)
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NEEF, Arthur F., Labor Law and Practice in Mexico, Washington, D.C., United States Gov-
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POWELL, J. R., "Labor Problems in the Mexican Petroleum Industry, 1938-1 940", IAMEA, 6(2)
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PRENDERGAST, L. O., "Growing Pains of Mexican Labor", Nation, 144(jun 1937)671-674.

(231 8)

RETINGER, J. H., Morones of Mexico. A History of the Labor Movement in that Country, Lon-
don Labour Press, 1926, 123p. (2319)

REVUELTAS, José, "A Headless Proletariat in Mexico", en AGUILAR, Luis E., ed., Marxism
in Latin America, New York, A.A. Knopf, 1967, 27lp., pp.240-244. ' 7 2 0 )
RO:MUALDI, 5eraf ino, "The Labor Movement in Latin America", Proceedings of Sixth Annua 1
Meeting of Industrial Re lations Reasearch Assoc iation, 7(1954)296-297. (2321)
(México, Cuba, Argentina, Venezuela y Perú.)

ROSS, E. A., "Mexico's Labor Movernent", New Repub., 34(25 a br 1923)238-240. (2322)

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STONE, R. G., Mexico: Economic and Commercial Conditions in Mexico, London, 1953, 94p.

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WEYL, Walter E., "Labor Conditions in Mexico", Bu1.U'; Dept. Lab., ene 1902. (2329)

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AVIRETTE, A., "Diaz and his Peons", Evrybdy.Mag., 24(jun 1911)758-760. (2335) '

CARLOS, Jr., Manuel, "Political Participation and Leadership in Contempomry Mexican Pea-
sant So~iety'~,Santa Barbara, University of Cal ifornia, FTE-1968. Tesis para e l doc
tomdo. (2336)

CHEVALIER, Fran~ois, "The Ejido and Po1itical Stability in Mexico", en VELIZ, Claudio, ed.,
The Politics of Conformity in Latin America, London, The Royal lnstitute of Interna-
tional Affairs, Oxford Univenity Press, 1967, pp.158-191 . (2337)

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KARPOVSKII, M., "Novoe v sgrarnoi politike burzhuaznopome~hchechleidiktatury v Meksike",

Agrar. probl ., 5/6(1934)52-70.

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KNUDSON, Jerry W., "Emiliano Zapata and the Origins of Agrarian Reform in Mexico, 1909-
1919", University of Kentucky, FTE-1968. Investigación. (2342)

LAVROV, N.M., "Agrarnyi vopros i meksikanskoi revoliutsii 1910-191 7 gg. ", Dokl. i soob. i s t .
fak., (10)1950:31-38. (2343)

McNEELY, John Hamilton, The Politics and Development of the Mexican Land Program, Austin,
Tex., University of Texas, 1958, 753p. Tesis para el doctorado. (M1959) . (2344)

MODOTT 1, Tina, Meksikanskie peony; ocherki krest' ianskogo dvi zheniia v Meksike, Moskva,
SSSR, TSK MOPR, 1932, 24p. (2345)

MORTON, Ward McKinnon, Foreign Landholdings in the Mexican Agrarian Revolution, 1915-
1927, Austin, Tex., University of Texas, 1934, 259p. Tesis para la maestría. (2346)

PAVLENKO, A., "Po sledam Vil'ia i Sapaty; ocherk o bor'be meksikanskikh krest'ian za zem-
liu---polveka nazad i teper", Nov .vrem., 21 (38,)sep 1963:25-29. (2347)

PECHURO, E. E., "Novye materialy o krest' ianskom vosstanii pod rukovodstvom Emil iano Sapaty:'
Vop. ist.,

PHILLIPS, Andrew Ramsey, Historical Background of Land Reform Politics of Mexico, Texas A. 8
l . , 1950. Tesis para la maestría. (2349)

PHIPPS, H., "Agrarian Phase of the Mexican Revolution of 1910-1 920", Pol. Sci.Q., 39(mar 19-
24)l-18. (2350)

PRENDERGAST, L. O., "Land Reform for Mexican Peons", Nation, 143(26 dic 1936)760-761.

PRICE, Robert E., "The Contempomry Law of Land Tenure ir, Mexico: Its Contribution to Agm-
rian Reform in Latin America", Land Tenure Center, 1964. Mimeo. (2352)

SEN OIR, C larence,

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"Agmrian Reform has brought Democracy and lncreased Production", en Cum
ed., The Meaning of the Mexican Revolution, Boston, Mass., D.C.
Heath & Co., 1967, pp.47-56. (2353)

, Land Reform and Democracy, Gainesville, Fla., University of Florida Pres)

1958, 2 6 9 ~ - (2354)

TANNENBAUM, Frank, The Mexican Agrarian Revolution, Washington, D.C., The Brookings
Institute, 1929. (2355)

, Mexicc: the Struggle for Peace and Bread, New York, A.A. Knopf, 19-
VOL'SKII, A., "Agrarnyi vopros i krestlianskoe dvizhenie v Meksike", N a agrar.fronte, 3(2)feb
1927:46-59. (235 7)

WALLING, William English, "Mexican Peasant Struggle for Land .ReformU, Curr.History Mag.
NY, 22(abr 1925)40-44. (2358)

WHETTEN, Nathan L., Rural Mexico, Chicago, 1948, 6 i l p . (2359)

16. E l militarismo.

ALDRIDGE-MILAS, Leo C., Mexican Militarism as Reflected in Selected Novels of the Revolu-
tion, University of Southern California, 1962. Tesis para la maestría. (2360)

BEALS, Carleton, "Mexican M i l itary Adventurers in Revolt", Curr. H istory, 30(may 1929)217-224
(2361 )

"BLASCO lbaiiez Attacks Mexican Militarism", Curr. Opinion, 69(jul 1920)88-90. (2362)

LIEUWEN, Edwin, "Curbing Militarism in Mexico: a case study", en TOMASEK, Robert D.,ed,
Latin American Politics, New York, Anchors Books, 1966, pp.256-274. (2363)

, Generals against Presidents: Neomilitarism in Latin America, New York, F.A.

Pmeger, 1964, 160p. (2364)

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Albuquerque, N.M., University of New Mexico Press, 1968, 194p. (2365)

, "Mexico", en E. L., Arms and Politics in Latin America, New York, F.A.
Praeger, 1960, pp. 106-1 17. (2366)

Cf., McALISTER, Lyle N., -

"The Military and Government", HAHR, 40(nov 1960)582-
(Critica a E. Lieuwen.)
McALISTER, Lyle N., The Role of the Military in Mexico, Argentina, Peru, Colombia, and
the Dominican Republic, Gainesville, Fla., University of Florida, 1966. (2367)

PREWETT, Virginia, .
"The Mexican Army " , For Aff ,, 19(3)abr 1941 :609-620. (2368)

RINGWOOD, O. D. K., "Mexico's Military Organization", For.Pol .Rpts., 13(1943)88-. (2369)

ROSS, Stanley Robert, "Some Observations on Mil itary Coups in the Caribbean", en WI LGUS,
A. Curtis, ed., The Caribbean: I t s Political Problems, Gainesville, Fla., University of
Florida Press, 1956, pp ,110-1 28. (2370)
SCHMITT, Karl M., "The Role of the Military in Contemporary Mexico", en WILGUS, A.C.,
ed., The Caribbean: Mexico Today, Gainesvil le, F la., University of Florida Press, 19-
64, pp. 52-62. (2371 )

TUCKER, Darrina D., The Changing Political Role of the Mexican Army, 1934-1940, Gaines-
ville, Fla., University of Florida, 1960. Tesis para la maestría. (23 72)
17. La influencia de la iglesia.

BAEZ CAMARGO, Gonzalo, "Fear New Bid for Power by the Catholic Church", Christ.Cent.,
61 (26 ene 1944)122-. (23 73)

, llMexico May Alter Law on Religion", Christ.Cent., 58(19 feb 19-

41)264-. (2374)

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5 74-5 75. (2375)

, "Query Catholic Aim in Mexico", Christ.Cent., 74(16 ene 1957)

- (2376)

BANNON, John Francis, "The Churchl', en WILGUS, A. Curtis, ed., The Caribbean:Mexico
Today, Gainesvil le, Fla., University of Florida Press, 1964, pp. 132-1 42. (2377)

BARNARD, G., The Mexican Reformation, London, Sheed & Ward, 1927.

BEALS, Carleton, "State and Church in Mexico", New Repub., 82(13 mar 1935)123-125 .(2379)

BERBUSSE, Edward J., "The Unofficial lntervention of the United States in Mexico's Religious
Crisis, 1926-1 93OU, The Americas, 23(11),1966:28-62. (2380)
BRINSMADE, Robert Bruce, llThe Religious Crisis in Mexico: the View of a Liberal18, SW pol.
BROWNING, W. E., "Changing Situation in Mexico", Mis. R., 60(jul 1937)341-342. (2382)

BUTLER, J.W., "Religious Toleration in Mexico", Mis. R., 38(mar 1915)191-196. (2383)

CABRERA, Luis, The Religious Question in Mexico, New York, 1915.

CALLCOTT, W. H., "Religious Conditions in M e x i ~ o ~en

~ ,WILGUS, A. Curtis, ed., The Carib
bean Area, Gainesvil le, Fla., University of Florida Press, 1934, pp. 339-. T)

CAMARA, Fernando, "Religion and Pol itical Organization", en TAX, Sol, ed., Heritage and
Conquest: the Ethnology of Middle America, Glencoe, The Free Press, 1952, pp.142-
173. (2386)

CASE, Alden B., Thirty Years with the Mexicans: In Peace and Revolution, New York, Revell
Co., 1917. (2387)

CIPOLLA, Arnaldo, "Church and State in Mexico, l. II.", Liv.Age, 14, 21 ago 1926. (2388)

CIRIECO, Joseph, The United States and the Mexican Church-State Conf lict, 1926-1 929, Wash-
ington, D. C., Georgetown University, 1961 Tesis para e l doctorado. (2389)

CLAUTRIAUX, J., San Mexicain, Le Martyre du P. Pro, Louvain, Eds. Rex, s.f., 32p. (2390)
CLEVEN, N. Andrew N., "Religious Aspects of the Mexican Constitution of 1917", Open Crt,
35(1921)482-. (2341)

CRONON, Edward David, "American Cathol ics and Mexican Antic lerica lism, 1933-1 936",Miss.
V. Hist. R., 45(2)sep 1958:201-230. (m
CHESTER, S. H., "Struggle in Mexico in 1927", Mis. R., 51 (mar 1928)182-186. (2393)

"CHURCH and State in Mexico", A RESIDENT, l. "A Moderate Roman Catholic Opinion"; STUT-
FIELD, Hugh E.M., II. " A Klanish British Survey"; Liv.Age, 1 ene 1927. (2394)

"THE CHURCH and State in Mexico", McGUIRE, Constantine E., l. "The ~m'ericanCatholic
View" CANNON, James, II. "The American Protestant View"; WRIGHT, Chester
M., III. "Mexico's Peaceful Revolution under Calles"; HACKETT, Charles W. ,IV.
"The Church and State Conflict in Mexico"; y BEALS, Carleton, V. "Mexico
Seeking Central American Leadershipl', Curr. History, jul-sep 1926. (2395)

DAY, Adam, Jesuit Peace in Mexico", No.Amer.R., sep 1929. (2396)

DEWEY, C., "Church vs. State in Mexico", New Repub., 48(25 ago 1926)9-10. (2397)

DIAZ, P., "State vs. Church in Mexico", No.Amer. R., 225(abr 1928)401-408. (2398)

DIKGOF-DERENTAL', A., "Bor'ba s tserkov'iu v Meksike", Rev. i kut'l., 5/6(mar 1930)94-97.

DUDON, Paul, "Au Mexique---l'anticlerica lisme en action", Correspondant, 25 feb 1932.

EDITOR, "The Clergy Return to Mexico", New Repub., 3 jul 1929. (2401 )

ELIAS, Arturo M., The Mexican People and the Church, New York, s.f. (2402)

"Dwight Morrow and the Church-State Controversy in Mexico", HAHR, 38(1958)

EL'VIN, II., "TSerkovl v Meksike", Antireligioznik, (1)ene-feb 1935:20-26. (2404)

GALARZA, Ernest, The Roman Catholic Church as a Factor in the Political and Social History
of Mex i c o , f 5 )

GOERTZ, A., "Mexico Renews Church Feud", Nat. Repub., 23(oct 1935)13-15. (2406)

GONZALEZ, Fmnklin S., Church-State Controveny in Mexico since 1929, Los Angeles, Calif.,
University of Cal iforn ia, 1948. Tesis para la maestría. (2407)

, The Mormon Church and the Mexican Government since 1879, Los
Angeles, Calif., .
Univenity of California, 1951 Tesis para e l doctorado. (2408)

GRANT, Frank, Bor'ba protiv religii v Meksike, Moskva, SSSR, Bezbozhnik, 1930. (2409)
GRUBB, Kenneth G., . ., 14(1935)674-.
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; y BAEZ CAMARGO, Gonzalo, Religion in the Republic of Mexico, New

York, World Dominion Press, 1935, 166p. (241 1)

HACKETT, Charles Wilson, llCatholic Position Rejected by Mexican Chamber", Curr.Historyf25

(2)nov 1926:287-289. 7 4 12)

, "The Cull in Mexico's Religious War", Curr.History, dic 1932.


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"Mexican Churches Reopened", Curr History, 36(a br 1932)92-93.

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, "Mex ico's Campo ign for Enforcement of Church Regulations", Curr.

History, 25(3)dic 1926409-411. m 7 1
, "Mexico's New War on the Churchll, Curr.History, 35(feb 1932)il5-
, "Mexico's Olive Branch to Catholic OpponentsU, Curr. History, 28
(ene 1928)478-479. (241 9)

HERRING, Hubert Clinton, "Mexicon Church Questionll, Curr. U istory, 43(oct 1935)304-305.

HILTON, Stanley E,, "The Church-State Dispute over Education in Mexico from Carranza to
Cardenas", The Americas, 21 (2)oct 1964163-1 83. (2421)

INMAN, Samuel Guy, "Church and State in Mexico", J. Rel., 8(3) jul 1928:385-410. (2422)

JAMES, Earle K., .

"Church and State in Mexico", For. Pol Rpts., 9(9) jul 1935:106-116. (2423)

También en: Annals, 208(mar 1940)112-120.

JONES, Chester Lloyd, "Roots of the Mexican Church Conflict", For.Aff., 14(oct 1935)135-
145. (2424)

KELLEY, Francis Clement, Blood-drenched Altars: Mexican Study and Comment, Milwaikee,
Wisc , Bruce pub1i s h p (2425)

KENNY, Michael, "Mexico's War on Religion", Commonweal, 23(20 dic 1935)212-213. (2426)
, N o God Next Door: Red Rule in Mexico, and Our Responqibility, NewYork,
William Hirten J. Co., Inc., 1935, 199p. (2427)

KNOWLTON, Robert James, The Disamortizat ion and Nqtional ization of Ecclesiastical Property
in Mexico, Univenity of lowa, 1963. Tesis para el doctorado. (2428)

LARIN, N. S., Bor'ba tserkvi s gosudarstvennyi v Meksike, Vosstanie 'kristeros' v 1926-1 929 gg.,
Moskva, SSSR, Izdatel 'stvo Nauka, 1965. (2429)

LECLER, J., "Ou va le Mexique? La revolution sociale et la question religeuse", Etudes, 234
(1938)145-156, 348-357. -(2430)

LUGAN, Abbe Alphonse, "Church and State in Mexico", Curr.History, feb 1931:64-676.

, "La lutte religieuse au Mexique et la pacification", Corres ondant,

25 sep 1929. ----!m)
MACFARLAND, Charles S., Chaos in Mexico: the Conflict of Church and State, New York,
Harper Bros., 1935. (2433)

RC: GARRISON, W.E., Christ.Cent., 52(26 ene 1935)855-856.

MURRAY, R.H., en Nation, 14ago 1935:195.
MARTENS, Frederick H., "Race Factor in Mexican anti-Clericalism", Curr.History, 27(nov 1927)
McCULLAGH, Francis, The Mexican Gang and Mexican Headquarters, s. e., 1938. (2435)

McDONALD, J. G., "Church or State?", Survey, 56(sep 1926)589-590.

McGRATH, Mark G., "Religion and the Mexican Social Revolution", en D'ANTONIO, Wm.
V.; y PIKE, Frederick B., eds., Religion, Revolution, and Reform---New Forces for
Change in Latin America, New York, F.A. Praeger, 1964, 276p., pp.59-7l. (2437)

MECHAMI J. Lloyd, Church and State in Latin America, University of California, 1934. (2a.
ed., 1967) (2438)

(ItChurch and State Conf l ict in Mexico, 1821 -1 91O", pp. 340-380 .)

, "Church vs. State in Mexico", SW Review, ene-abr 1938:274-296. (2439)

, "The Religious Question in Mexico", en MYRES, S. D., ed., Mexico and

the United States, Dalias, Tex., Southern Methodist University, 1938, pp. 118-1 37.

MILLAN, V.C., "Protestant Serpent: Religion as a Pol itical Tool in Campaign Directed aga inst
the United Statesut Inter-Amer., 4(mar 1945)17-19-. (2441 )
NEFF, C.A., "Declare Mexican lssue i s Social", Christ.Cent., 52(6 mar 1935)317-. (2442)
, "Mexican Church Tension Lessens", Christ. Cent., 52(22 may 1935)708-709. (2443)

NIEMEY ER, E .V., "Anticlericalism in the Mexican Constitutional Convention of 1916-1 91 7",
Americas, 11(jul 1954)31-49. (2444)

PARSONS, Wilfrid, Mexican Martyrdom, N e w York, Macmillan Co., 1939. (2445)

PASCOE, Harry W., "An American Catholic's Criticism of the Churchll, Curr.History, nov 19-
26. (2446)

PASCUAL DIAZ, Bishop, "State vs. Church in Mexieo", No.Amer.R., abr 1928. (2447)

PATTEE, Richard, The Catholic Revival in Mexico: a Report of the Inter-American Committee,
Washington, D. C., Catholic Association for lnternational Peace, 1944. (2448)

PHILLIPE, Charles, "Official Catholic Defense of the Church in Mexico", Curr. History, nov 19-
26. (2449)

POUR le Christ-Roi, le Pere Pro de la Compagnie de Jesus Execute au Mexigue le 23 novembre

1927, Louvain, Eds. du Museum Lessianum, 1929, 172p. (2450)
QUIGLEY, Robert Edward, American Catholic Opinion of Mexican anti-Clericalism, 1910-1 936,
University of Pennsylvania, 1965, 364p. Tesis para e l doctorado. (2451)
QUINTANILLA, Luis, The Other Side of the Mexican Church Question, Washington, D.C., 19-
QUIRK, Robert E., The Mexican Revolution and the Catholic Church, 1910-1929, an Ideologi-
cal Study, Cambridge, Mass., Harvard Univenity, 1951 Tesis para el doctorado. (2453)

RICE, E.A., The Diplomatic Relations between the United States and Mexico as Affected by the
Struggle f o g
ty of America Press, 1959, 224p. (2454)

ROTHMAN, tanl le^, "Cathol ic Church and Po1itical Development", Smith College, FTE-1966.
lnvestigaci6n. (2455)

(México, Ped y Chile.)

SANDS, William Franklin, Present Conditions of the Church in Mexico, s.e., 1935. (2456)

SCHMITT, Karl M., Evolution of Mexican Thought on Church-State Relations, 1876-191 1, Cf.,
University ~ i i ( 2 4 . 5 7

SIMPICH, Frederick, "Mexican Law and the Church; Articles of the New Land", Ind.,
ago 1926)204-206.
- 11(2458)

, "Mexico in Quest of Salvationu, Century, abr 1927.

SODERIN1, Eduardo, "Questioni americane: La penecuzione religiosa nel Messico", Nuova An-
tologia, 16 feb 1927.

TRITSCHLER Y CORDOVA, M., "Does Carranza Tolerate Liberty of Conscience? ",Outlook,ll4

(8 nov 1916)558-561. 7 4 6 1)

TURNER, F. C., "Compatibi 1 ity of Church and State in Mexico", J. inter.-Amer. Stud., 9(oct 19-
67)591-602. (2462)

WOOTEN, Dudley G., The Church and the State in Mexico, s.e., 1927, 25p. (2463)
18. Las minorías y los factores raciales.

CUMBERLAND, Charles Curtis, "The Sonora Chinese and the Mexican Revolution", HAHR, 40
(2)1960:191-211 . ( 2 4 6 4 )

HARRIS, J. H., "Native Races and Peace Terms", Contemp. R., 109(jun 1916)751-759. (2465)

HOYT, A.M., "Plea for the Yaqui", Overland M., 52(ago 1908)122-123. (2466)

MARTENS, Frederick H., "Race Factor in Mexican anti-Clericalism", Curr. History, 27(nov 19-
27)238-241. (2467)

REYNOLDS, M.M., "Surge of the Yaquis", Harper's Wkly., 52(2 may 1908)lO-12. (2468)

"STATUS of the lndians of Mexico: abstracts", Geogr. R., 32(jul 1942)491-492. (2469)

TURNER, J.K., "Barbarous Mexico: The Tragic Story of the Yaqui Indians", Amer.Mag., 69
(nov 1909)33-48. (2470)
19. Los partidos políticos y e l comportamiento politico en general: las
actitudes pol iticas y sus formaciones y caracterist icas.

ALMOND, Gabriel; y VERBA, Sidney, The Civic Culture, Princeton, ,N.J., Princeton Univer-
sity Press, 1963, 495p. (2471)

ANDERSON, B.; y COCKCROFT, James D., "Control and Cooperation in Mexican Politics",
Int.J.comp.Sociol., 7(l)mar 1966:ll-24. (244)

BAEZ CAMARGO, Gonzalo, "Mexico Outlaws Fascist Party", Christ. Cent ., 66(6 abr 1949)440-
441 . (2473)

BEALS, Carleton, .
"The Mexican Fascisti", Curr. H i s t . Mag NY, 19(nov 1923)257-261 . (2474)

BLOUGH, Wil liarn, Revolution, the PRI, and the Political Attitudes of Urban Mexicans, Chapel
Hill, N.C., University of North Carolina, 1963. Tesis' pam el doctorado. (2475)

BOTSFORD, Keith, -
"Die Mochtigen in der Provinz", Monat, mar 1964:s-12. (2476)

, "Mexicols 'Parti Unique"', New Leader, 28 oct 1963.

BRADERMAN, Eugene Maur, A Study of Political Parties and Politics since 1890, Urbana, lll.,
University of Illinois, 1938. Tesis para el doctorado. (2478)
BRANDENBURG, Fmnk, Mexico: an Experiment in One-Party Democracy, University of Pennsyl-
vania, 1956. Tesis para e l doctorado. (2479)

BROSE, Thomas, ldeology in the Mexican Presidential Election of 1964: a Study of the PRI,
Seattle, Washington, 1963. Tesis para el doctorado. (2480)

BROWN, Lyle Clarence, General Lazaro Cardenas and Mexican Presidential Politics, 1933-1940
a Study in the Acquisition and Manipulation of Political Power, Austin, Tex., Universi-
ty of Texas, 1964. Tesis para el doctorado. (2481

CONLEY, J. E. ; y TINNEY, E, L., "On Political Modernity in Mexico: Consensus and Recruit-
ment", SW soc. Sci, Q., 44(3)dic 1963. (2482;

CREAGAN, James Francis, Minority Political Parties in Mexico. Their Role in a One-Party Do-
minant System, University of Virginia, 1965. Tesis para e l doctorado. (2483)

CREEL, G., "Mexican Red: What the National Revolutionary Party i s Doing to Mexicotl, Col-
lier's, 95(16 mar 1935)12-13-. (2484)

CUMBERLAND, Charles Curtis, "An Analysis of the Mexican Liberal Party, 190611, The AmericaS
ene 1948. (2485)
D'ANTONIO, William V.; FORM, William H.; y LOOMIS, Charles P., "Political Parties and
Their Social Structure and ldeological Orientations", Evanston, Northwestern Univer
sity, FEM-1962; FTE-? Investigación. (2486r

DEL VAYO, J. Alvarez, "Mexico, Left and Rightl', The Nation, 158(13 may 1944)560-563.
354 354
DOUCE, D., "Aspects of the Structure of the Mexican P.R. l. ", University of Essex, FTE-1969.
Tesis para e l doctorado. (2488)

FITZGIBBON, Russell H., "Measurement of Latin American Political Phenomena: a Statistical

Experiment",. ,Amer. Pol. Sci. R., 45(jun 1951)517-523. (2489)

FURTA K, Robert, "Der 'Partido Revolucionario Instituc ional' und die pol itische Stabil itat in Mexi
co", Hamburg, R.F.A., lnstitut für Iberoamerika-Kunde, FPU-1968. Libro. (24907

GOLDENBERG, B., "Die Kommunistische Partei Mexikos", Ostblock u. Entwick, 23(mar 1966)
46-68. (2491)

GUNTHER, John, lnside Latin America, N e w York, Harper & Bros., 1940. (2492)

("Mexicans: Left and Right", pp.87-106.)

JENKINS, Myra E., Ricardo Flores Magon and the Mexican Liberal Party, 1900-1922, Albuquer
que, N.M., University of N e w Mexico, 1953. Tesis para e l doctorado. (2493)

JOHNSON, Kenneth F., "Political Alienation in Mexico: a Preliminary Examination of UNS

and PAN", Rocky Mt.soc.Sci.J., 2(may 1965)155-163. (2494)

, "ldeological Correlates of Right Wing Political Alienation in Mexico':

Amer .Pol .Sci R., 59(3)sep 1965:656-664. (2495)
KIRK, B., "Mexico's Social Justice Party", Nation, 1560 2 jun 1943)827-831 . (2496)

KOMAROV, M., "Na puti k edinstvu", Intem. mol., (12)dic 1935:31-33. (2497)

LEMUS, George, Partido Accion Nacional: a Mexican Opposition Party, Austin, Tex., Univer-
sity of Texas, 1956, 142p. Tesis para la maestría. (2498)

LOPEZ MATEOS, Adolfo, "Philosophy and Program of the Revolutionary Party", en ROSS, S. R.,
ed., Is the Mexican Revolution Dead?, New York, A.A. Knopf, 1966, pp.
169-1 74. (2499)

LUTZ, Ruth Hume, The Political Parties of Mexico, Pittsburg, Pa., 1949. (2500)

MARENTES, P. F., "The Party of the Revolutionary Institutions: Friend or Foe of the Mexican
Social Movement", lnt. Spectator, 20(16)sep 1966:1173-1184. (2501)

MAULLIN, Richard, Politica l Recruitment and Socialization of Youth in the Mexican PRI, Los
Angeles, University of Califomia, FTE-? Tesis para e l doctorado. (2502)

MICHELS, Robert, Political Parties: a Sociological Study of the Oligarchical Tendencies of Mod
ern Democracy, New York, Hearst's lnternational Library Co., 1915. (2503)

PADGETT, Leon Vincent, Popular Participation in the Mexican 'One-Party' System, Evanston,
Northwestern University, 1955. Tesis para e l doctorado. (2504)
PESQUEIRA, R.V., "Constitutionalist Party in Mexico: What i s i t Fighting for", -
Annals, 54(jul ,
1914)166-174. . (2505)

PORTER, Thomas A., Subversion, Opposition, and Legitimacy in Mexican Politics, Cambridge,
Mass., Harvard University, 1961. Tesis para e l doctorado. (2506)

RICHMOND, Patricia Mclntire, Mexico: a Case Study of One Party Politics, Berkeley, Calif.,
University of California, 1965, 497p. Tesis para e l doctorado. (2507)

ROUSSET, D., "Le paradoxe de Mexico", Preuves, jun 1964:44-53. (2508)

STEVENS, E. P., "Mexican 'Machismo': Politics and Value Orientation", West.Pol.Q., 18(4)
dic 1965848-857. (2509)

TRUEBLOOD, Felicity M., The Contemporary Political Novel in Mexico, Gainesville, Fla.,
University of Florida, 1962. Tesis para la maestría. (251O)

WERLIN, J.S., "Mexican Opinion of Us", So.Atlan.Q., 43(iul 1944)233-247. (251 1)

WILKIE, James W.; y WILKIE, Edna, "Mexico visto en siglo XXtt, Ohio State Univenity,FTE-
1968. Investigaci6n basada en entrevistas. (25 12)

WING, George Gordon, Octavio Paz: Poetry, Politics, and the Myth of the Mexican, Berke-
. .
ley, Calif , University of Califomia, 1961 Tesis para e l doctorado. (25 13)
WOLFE, Bertram D., llPolitics and Fiction in Mexico", Amer.Merc., 66(jun 1948)751-758.
(25 14)

WYCOFF DE CARLOS, Ann, "Mexicols National Liberation Movement---the M L N " , Palo Alto,
Calif., lnstitute of Hispanic American and Luso-Brazilian Studies, Stanford
Univenity, 1963. No-pub1 icada. (251 5)
20. E l liderazgo politico y las elites: biografías políticas.

ADOSSIDES, N.C., - 49(may

"Pancho Villa, a Man and Soldier", R. Rs., 1914)566-573. (251 6')

ALISKY, Marvin, The Govemors of Mexico, E l Paso, Tex., Texas Western College, 1965.
(251 7)

BARQUIN Y RUIZ, Andres; y HOYOIS, G., Le tmgedie mexicaine, sous I'ombre dlObregon,
Louvain,. Eds. Rex, 1929, 277p. (2518)

BARROWS, D.P., "Dove in the Bullring: the quest for a leader who w i l l give Mexico peace",
Sunset, 35(nov 1915)857-860. (2519)

BARRY, R., llZapata---the Mexican Attila", Harper's Wkly., 56(20 ene 1912)8-9. (2520)

BAXANDALL, Lee, "An lnterview with Carlos Fuentes", Stud. Left, 3(1)1962:48-56. (2521 )

BEALS, Carleton, "Mexico's New Leaders", New Repub., 11 dic 1929.

, "Modern Don Quixote", Va .Q. R., 19(2)abr 1943258-267, (2523)

, "New Democmcy in Mexico: Study of President Calles", Century, 109(mar

1925)649-658. (2524)

, "Plutarco Elias Calles: a Record of Statesmanshiplt, Curr.History, 29(ene 1929)

, Porfirio Diaz, Dictator of Mexico, Philadelphia, Pa., Lipponcott, 1932, 463
P* . (2526)

RC: -
en HAHR, 13(ago 1933)347-350.

BEER, Gabriela de, Jose Vasconcelos and his World, New York, Las Americas Publishing House,
1966, 450p. (2521)

RC: COOPER, William F., -

en HAHR, 48(2)1968:308-309.

BLUM, Albert A., "The Role of the Cientificos during the Diaz Era", Mexico, FTE-1969.

BRADDY, Haldeen, Cock of the Walk, qui-qui-ri-qui, 'the Legend of Pancho Villa, Albuquer-
que, N.M., Univenity of New Mexico Press, 1955, 174p. (2529)

BRANDT, Nancy, ItPancho Villa: the Making of a Modern Legend", The Americas, 21(2)oct 19-
64:146-162. (2530)

CARPIO, M., "Much about Villa and Carranza: Little about the Mexican People", Public, 22
(19 jul 1919)766-768. -2531 )
CLARK, Mary J., A,
Texas A. & l . , 1951.
Tesis para la maestría. (2532)

CLENDENEN, Clarence Clemens, The United States and Pancho Villa, Palo Alto, Calif ., Stan-
ford University, 1959. Tesis para e l doctorado. (M1 959) (2533)

COSlO VILLEGAS, Daniel, "Politics and Mexican Intellectuals", Texas Q., 8(inviemo 1965)38-
48. (2534)

CREELMAN, James, Diaz, Master of Mexico, New York, Appleton, 1911 . (2535)

, "lnterview with Porfirio Diaz", Pearson's Mag., 19(3)mar 1908:241-277.


, President Diaz, Hero of the Arnericas, s.e., 1908, 47p. (2537)

DE KAY, John Wesley, Dictators of Mexico. The Land Where Hope Marches with Despair, Lon-
don, England, Wilson, 1914, 218p. (2538)

DIAZ, Porfirio, "Personal Recollect ions", Cosmopol itan, 49(iu 1-sep, nov 1910)207-216, 342-354
497-505, 791-798. (2539)

DILLON, Ernile Joseph, "Alvaro Obregon: as Military Leader", Sat. Eve. Post, 193(20 nov 1920)
14-15. (2540)
, President Obregon, a World Reformer, London, 1923. (2541 )
DILLON, Richard H., The Rise of Alvaro Obregon, Berkeley, Calif., University of California,
1949. Tesis para la maestría. (2542)

DUNN, H.H., The Crimson Jest: Zapata of Mexico, New York, 1934, 312p. (2543)

EMERSON, E., "Madero of Mexico", Outlook, 99(11 nov 1911)615-621.

, "Victoriano Huerta", Fortnightly R., 100(nov 1913)844-857, (2545)

Tambi6n en: Liv.Age, 279(6 dic 1913)579-589.

FOGELQUIST, Donald Frederick, The Figure of Pancho Villa in the Literature of the Mexican
Revolution, Madison, Wisc., University of Wisconsin, 1941 Tesis para e l doctom-
do. (2546)

FORNARO, Carlo de, Carmnza and Mexico, New York, Mitchell Kennerley, 1915. (2547)

, Biaz, Czar of Mexico, New York, 1909.

, -
"General Alvaro Obregon", Forum, 55(feb 1916)229-239. (2549)
FRANK, Waldo, "Cardenas of Mexico", For.Aff., 18(l )oct 1939:91-101.

GAMIO, Manuel, 'lEmilio Portes Gil---Mexico's New Presidsnt", Curr. History, mar 1929.
(255 1)
GARCIA NAWNJO, Nemesio, Porfirio Diaz, San Antonio, Tex., s.e., 1930, 314p. (2552)

GODOY, Jose F., Porfirio Diaz, President of Mexico, New York, Putnam, 1910. (2553)

GRUENING, Ernest, -
"Alvaro Obregon", Nation, 1 ago 1928.

, -
"Calles: Mexico's Leading Citizen", Nation, 26 dic 1928. (2555)

, "Obregon, Bulwark of the Mexican Revolution", Curr.History, 28(sep 1928)

887-891 . (2556)

, "Portes Gil, Provisional President-Elect of Mexico", Curr. History, 29(nov

1938)282-284. (2557)

GUNTHER, John, "Avila Camacho of Mexico", Harper's WthlyAag., 183(oct 1941)480-489.


GUZMAN, Martin Luis, Memoirs of Pancho Villa, Austin, fex., University of Texas Press,1965,
512p. (2559)

HACKETT, Charles Wilson, "Mexico's New President", Curr. History, oct 1932. (2560)
HANNAY, David, -
Diaz, London, Constable and Co., 1917, 319p. (2561)
HERRIN~, Hubert Clinton, "Cardenas of Mexico", Harper's Mthly.Mag., 177(oct 1938)489-502
, "Mexico's New President", Curr. History, 41 (ene 1935)470-472.

JENKINS, Myra E., Ricardo Flores Magon and the Mexican Liberal Party, 1900-1922, Albuquer
que, N.M., University of New Mexico, 1953. Tesis para el doctorado. (25w

JENSEN, Amy Elizabeth, Makers of Mexico, Philadelphia, Pa., Dorrance and Co., 1953, 200
P (2565)
JOHNSON, Donald D., Alvaro Obregon and the Mexican Revolution, University of Southem
California, 1946. Tesis para e l doctorado. (25 66)

JOSEPHY, Alvin M., "Cardenas, lndian Idol", Lit. Digest, 124(23 oct 1937)18-19. (2567)

KA'LNER, Elliot, The Political Role of the Intellectual: the Experience of Mexico, New York,
Columbia University, 1968. Tesis para el ddctorado. (2568)

KELLY, John E., "Who i s Juan Almazan, and What i s his Program?", America, 7 sep 1940:594
595; 21 sep 194064-655. (2569r

KENNEDY, Captain, The Life and History of - Francisco Villa: the Mexican Bandit, Baltimore,
Maryland, M. Ottenheimer, 1916, 145p. (2570)
KUTEISHCHIKOVA, V., "Lazaro Kardenas", Ogonek, 24(10)mar 1956:8-. (2571 )

LANSFORD, Wil liam Douglas, Pancho Villa, Los Angeles, Calif ., Sherbourne Press, 1966, 283 l
P* (2572)

RC: -
en HAHR, 47(1)1967:108-109.

LAVRETSKII, losif Romual'dovich, Pancho Vil'ia, 1878-1923, Moskva, SSSR, Molodaia gvard-
iia, 1962, 25%. (2573)

"Ideas and Men in Mexico", Nation, 11O(22 may 1920)681-683. (2574)

MAGNER, James A., Men of Mexico, Milwaukee, Wisc., The Bruce Publishing House, 1943,
632p. (25 75)

(Entre otros, incluye a Porfirio Diaz, Venustiano Carranza, Plutarco Ellas Calles y
Lázaro Cárdenas.)

MARTIN, P. F., "Porfirio Diaz---Soldier and Statesman", Liv.Age, 264(1 ene 1910)3-18. (2576)

MENDOZA, Salvador, I1Ortiz Rubio, Mexico's New President", Curr. History, 31 (mar 1930)1113
1117. (2573

MEYER, Michael Carl, The Career of Pascua1 Orozco, Jr. : a Case Study of a Mexican Revolu-
tionist, Albuquerque, N. M,, Univenity of New Mexico, 1963. Tesis para e l doctorado.
(25 78)

Cf., M.C.M., Mexican Rebel. Pascua1 Orozco and the Mexican Revolution, 1910-
1915, Lincoln, Neb., University of Nebraska, 1967, 172p.

RC: RUIZ, R. E., en The Americas, 24(3)jul 1968:310.

WOMACK, J., en HAHR, 48(2)1968:304-305.

"The Victoriano Huerta Presidency", Lincoln, Neb., University of Ne-
broska, FTE-1970. Investigación. (25 79)

MILLON, Robert Paul, Vicente Lombardo Toledano: Critic of the Mexican Revolution, Chape[-
Hill, N.C., University of North Carolina, 1963. Tesis para e l doctorado. (2580)

Cf ., R. P.M., Mexican Marxist: Vicente Lombardo Toledano, Chapel-Hill, N.C.,

University of North Carolina Press, 1966, 222p.

RC: SCOTT, Robert E., -

en HAHR, 47(3)1967:423-425.

MONTERO, M. A,, " Lazaro Cardenas", Liv. Age, 352(dic 1937)329-331.

MURRAY, Robert H., "Before Diaz and After", Edit. R., abr 1910:391-403. (2582)
, "Porfirio Diaz a t First Hand", Wld. Wk , 22(jul 1911)14571-14591. (2583)
NEFF, C.A., "Cardenas Gains in Popularity", Christ.Cent., 52(25 sep 1935)1214-. (2584)

, "General Calles' Retirement", Christ.Cent., 52(10 jul 1935)925-. (2585)

PARKES, Henry B., -

"Political Leadenhip in Mexico", Annals, mar 1949:12-22. (2586)
PARKES, Wil liam, "Cardenas's Presidential Godchild", Liv. Age, jul 1939:447-449. (2587)

PAVLENKO, A., "V poiskakh uteriannykh pisem", Nov. vrem., 22(47)nov 1964:26-28. (2588)

PINCHON, Edgcumb, Zapata the Unconquerable, New York, Doubleda~, 1941, 3 3 2 ~ . (2589)

PLANK, Marion S., Venustiano Carranza'z Place in the Mexican Revolution, Tucson, Ariz.,
Univenity of Arizona, 1949. Tesis para la maestria. (2590)

PRIESTLEY, Herbert Ingram, "Calles and Obregon: an Essay in National ism", Univ.Calif .Chr.,
abr 1928. (2591)

RAAT, William D., "The Role of the Cientificos during the Diaz Era of Mexico", Moorehead
State College, FTE-1969. Tesis. (2592)

RAUSCH, George J., "The Early Career of Victoriano Huerta", The Americas, 21 (2)oct 1964:
136-1 45. (2593)
, -
"The Exile and Death of Victoriano Huerta", HAHR, 42(2)1962:133-151.
, Victoriano Huerta: a Political Biography, Urbana, III., University of
Illinois, 1960. Tesis para e l doctorado. (2595)

RIPPY, Merrill, "Who's Revolutionary in Mexico", Nation, 175(19 jul 1952)52-53. (2596)

ROEHL, Charlotte, Porfirio Diaz in the Press of the United States,. Chicago, III., University
of Chicago, 1953. Tesis para e l doctorado. (2597)

ROSS, Stanley Robert, Mexican Apostle: the Life of Francisco l. Madero, New York, Colum-
bia University, 1951. Tesis para el doctorado. (M1951) (2598)

Cf., S. R. R., Francisco l. Madero, Apostle of Mexican Democracy, New York, Columbia
University Press, 1955.

RC: ALEXANDER, R.J., en Pol.Sci.Q., 7l(jun 1956)317.

DILLON, R. H., en ~ i b i m I 1955)1585-.
MECHAM, J. L., e n m s , 304(mar 1956)194.
PLETCHER, David M . , ~ A H R ,37(1)1957:99-100.

ROYER, Fanchon, Padre Pro, New York, P.J. Kenedy, 1954, 246p.

RYAN, T.F., "Murdered in Mexico: Father Michael Pro, S.J.", lrish mes^.^ 1928. (2600)
SCULLY, Michael, "Almatan, Mexican Caballero", Curr. History, 51 (abr 1940)37-39. (2601)

18-21 .
, "President Ruiz Cortines: Mexicols Lonely Graft-Buster", -
World, jun 1954:

SCHOLES, Wal ter V., "Cardenas of Mexico", Curr. History, 26(mar 1954)166-1 H). (2603)

SIMONDS, L. C., "Victoriano Huerta: a Sketch from Life", Atlantic Mthly., 113(jun 1914)721.
732. (2604

SMITH, Lola B., Policies and Achievements of President Obregon in Mexico, 1920-1924, Ber-
keley, Calif., University of California, 1923. Tesis para la maestrra. (2605)

STARR, F., "Obregon in Mexico", New Repub., 28(2 nov 1921)293-295. (2606)

STEIN, Max, Francisco Pancho Villa, Peon Chief, Terror of Mexico, an Unbiased, Comolete,
lllustr&ed History and ~ e s c r i ~ t i oofn the ~ c i i c a nSituation, ~ h i c a ~ oIII.,
, ~ a ~ xt e i n .
Publisher, s.f., 64p. (2607)

STEVENS, Louis, Here Comes Pancho Villa. The Anecdotal History of a Genial Killer, New
York, Frederick A. Stokes, 1930, 309p. (2608)

TANNENBAUM, Fmnk, "Cardenas: that i s the way he ;S", Survey G., 26(ago 1933425-427.
TAYLOR, Frank H., "President Porfirio Diaz the Benevolent Despot of Mexico", Booklover's
Mag., 1910:763-773. 1 2 6 10)
THOMPSON, Wallace, "The lndictrnent of President Carranta of Mexico: Yo Acuso", s.e,,
1920, 8p. (261 1)

TOWNSEND, William C., Lazaro Cardenas, Mexican Dernocrat, Ann Arbor, Mich., George
Wahr Publishing Co., 1952. (2612)

TWEEDIE, A., "Diaz, the Maker of Modern Mexico", Fortnightly R., 96(jul 1911)65-74. (2613)

VASCONCELOS, Jose, A Mexican Ulysses, an Autobiography, Bloomington, Ind., 1963, 288~.


RC: HADDOX, John H., en Inter-Amer. R. Bibli., 15(1)1965:44-45.

HAHR, 45(1)1965:131-132.

WHELPLN, J. D., "Diaz and his Successors", Wld.Wk., 2(may 1901)698-703. (2615)

WILKIE, James W.; BROWN, Lyle C.; y MICHAELS, Albert L., "Lazaro Cardenas and the Po-
litics of Social Revolution in Mexico, " s. d., FTE-1968. (2616)

(Una biogmfia politica,)

WOMACK, John, Zapata and the Mexican Revolution, New York, A.A. Knopf, 1969. (2617)
WOODBRIDG E, H.C., "Mexico's Next President'l, Commonweol, 44(19 obr 1946)9-10. (261 8)
21. El comportamiento electoral y las elecciones.

BEALS, Carieton, "Mexico Changes its Presidentu, No.Amer. R., 212(ago 1920)568-180. (2619)

, "Mexicols Coming Elections", New Repub., 1 7 ago 1927. (2620) .

BLOCK, H., "Mexico's New Chance", Nation, 151(27 jui 1940)3-. (2621)

BRENNER, Anita, "Mexico: Ballots without BulletsUl Nation, 163(3 ago 1946)124-127. (2622)

CLINE, Howard Francis, "Mexico: a Maturing Democracy", Curr. Hist., mar 1953:1?6-142.

D'ANTONIO, William V.; y SUTER, Richard, "Primary Elections in a Mexican Municipiott,

University of Notre Dame, (Citado en 1966, en borrador) FTE-? (2624)

E l SENBERG, Ralph, The Mexican Presidential Election of 1952, Urbana, 1 11 ., University of

Illinois, 1933. Tesis para el doctorabo. (2625)

GERVASI, F., "Mexico Must Choose: real issue in election that will decide i t s future i s demo-
cracy vs. totalitarianism", Collier's, 106(6 jul 1940)ll-. (2626)

GRAHAM, David L., "Mexico Goes to the Polls", New Repub., 127(7 jul 1952)15-16. (2627)
HACKETT, Charles Wilson, "Bloodshed Marks Presidential Campaign in Mexico", Curr.History,
nov 1929:371-374. (2628)

"The Presidential Election in Mexico", Curr. History, ene 1930.


HI NMAN, George W., -, nov 1927.

"Presideritial Fireworks in Mexicc", R.Rt (2630)
HOBBS, M., "Gil t-Edged Candici.~te", Liv .Age, 358(jul 1940)444-446.

MAGNER, J.A., "Mexican Presidential Timber: the Candidates, their Penonalities, and Points
of View", Conimonweal, 30!1 ago 1939j390-393. (2632)

. .
"MEXIQUE: réforme constitutionnel le en matiére éleciorale ", B.Comm int Juristes, 24(dic 1965)
40-49. (2633

MORTON, Ward McKinnon, Woman Suffroge in Mexico, Gainesville, Fla., Univenity of Flo-
rida Press, 1963, 1 4 0 ~ . (2634)

MOTHERWELL, H., "Mexico Elects a President", New Repub., 103(29 jul 1940)139-. (2635)

NEEDLER, Martin C., "Changing the Guard in Mexicon, Curr.Hist., - 48(ene 1965)26-31.(2636)

CPERATIONS and Policy Research Inc., lnstitute for the Compamtive Study of Political Institu-
tions, thods of Electing National Executives and National Legislatures in Mexicq
Central America, and the Caribbean, Washington, D.C., 1964, 18p. (2637)
RUHL, A., "Mexico's Fint Real Election", Collier's, 48(4 nov 1911)19. (2638)

SKELTON, Byron G., Electoral Theories and Practices i n Mexico, as I llustmted by Presidential
Elections sincef857, Austin, Tex., University of Texas, 1928, 234p. Tesis para la
maestr ?a.


STONE, Shirley, The Mexican Presidential Election of 1940, as Seen Through the Press of the
Capital, New York, Coiumbia University, 1949. Tesis pom la rnaestrra. (2640;)
TAYLOR, Philip B., "The Mexican Elections of 1958: Affirmation of Authoritarism?", West.Po1 ,
Q , 13 (se p 1960)722-744. -mm
"Pered vybommi prezidenta v Meksike", Mir,khoz.i -_~ -
mir.polit., (5)rnay 9939:

WEBSTER, H., "Election i n Mexico", N e w Repub., 103(26 ago 1940)279. (2643 )

WRIGHT, Theodore P.,
Affairs Press, 19K4, 184p. -
American Support of Free Elections Abrood, Washington, D .C., Publ ic

Acta Americana, ACTA AMERICANA.

Adul t Leader, ADULT LEADER, Washington, D .C.
Agric .Hist., THE AGRICULTURAL HISTORY, Berkeley, California.
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Ame rica, AMERICA, N e w York
~ m e r . ~ a i . , AMERICA LATINA, Rio de Janeiro.
Amer.Anthrop., AMERICAN ANTHROPOLOGIST, Washington, D.C.
Amer.Antiq., AMERICAN ANTIQUITY, Washington, D.C.
Amer. Bar Assoc. J., AMERICAN BAR ASSOCIATION JOURNAL, Chiccigo, I llinois.
Amer.behav.Scientist, AMERICAN BEHAVIBURAL SCIENTIST, Beverly Hills, California.
ANALYSIS). .. River Forest. Illinois.
Amer.econ .R., AMERICAN ECONOMIC REVIEW, Menasha, Wisconsin.
Amer.J.Psycht., AMERlCAN JOURNAL OF PSYCHIATRY, Washington, D.C.
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Amer.Mag., AMERICAN MAGAZINE, Springfield, Ohio,
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At!antic Mthly , ATLANTIC MONTHLY, Boston, Mass.
Aussenpolitik, AUSSENPOLITIK, Stuttgart.
Austral .Quart , AUSTRALIAN QUARTERLY, Sydney .
Banker's Mag , BANKER'S MAGAZINE, Cambridge, Mass.
Book Wk., BOOK LVEEK, New York.
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Bul .Atom.Sci., .
Bull .Bimestral, BULLETIN BIMESTRAL, Beigique
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Canad. Forum, CANAD I A N FORUM, Toronto.

Camvel le, CARAVELLE, Toulouse, Fmnce
CATHOLiC DIGEST, St. Paul, Minnesota.
Cath.Wld., THE CATHOLIC WQRLD, Glen Rock, N e w Jersey.
Century, CENTURY, New York.
Ciencias Soc., CIENCIAS SOCIALES, Washington, D.C.
Civilisaiions, CIVILISATIONS, Bruxelles.
Clear.House, CLEARING HOUSE, Teoneck, New Jersey.
Collier's, COLLIER'S NATIONAL WEEKLY, Springfield, Ohio.
Commonweal, COMMONWEAL, New York .
-Communications, COMMUNICATIONS, Paris.
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Cosmopol itan, COSMOPOLITAN, New York .
Cntry .Life, COUNTRY LIFE, New York.
Croiss.ieunes nat., CROISSANCE JEUNES NATICNS, Paris.
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Curr. Hist., CURRENT HISTORY, Philadelphia, Pa.
Curr. History, CU2RENT HISTORY, New York.
Curr. Opinion, CURRENT OPINION, New York.
Chatauquan, CHATAUQUAN, Chatauqua.
Cnicago Sun.Trib., CHICAGO SUNDAY TRIBUNE, Chicago, III.
Cnrist.Cent., CHRlSTlAN CENTURY, Chicago, III.
Christ. Sci.Mon., CHRlSTlAN SCIENCE MONITOR, Boston, Mass.
Chris. Sci.Mon.Mag., CHRlSTlAN SCIENCE MONITOR MAGAZINE, Boston, Mass.
Dtsche.Aussenpolit., DEUTSCHE AUSSENPOLITIK, Berlin.
Dtsche. Rundschau, DEUTSCHE RUNDSCHAU.
Dial, DIAL, Chicago, 111.
Dicta, DICTA, (Ahora: DENVER LAW JOURNAL), Denver, Colorado.
Diogene, DIOGENE, Paris.
Discovery, DISCOVERY, London .
Dissent, DISSENT, New York.
Dokl.i soob. ist.fak., DOKLADY 1 SOOBSHCHENllA, lstoricheskii fakul'tet, Moskva, SSSR.
Dublin R., DUBLlN REVIEW, (Anteriormente: WEISMAN RE\/IEW), London.
Econ. Geogr , ECONOMIC GEOGRAPHY, Worcester, Mass.
Econ. rur., ECONOMIE RURALE, Paris.
Econ.Wkly., THE ECONOMIC WEEKLY, Bombay, India.
Education, EDUCATION, Boston, Mass.
Educ. R., EDUCATIONAL REVIEW, Garden City, New York.
Encounter, ENCOUNTER, London
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Esprit, ESPRIT, Paris.
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Events, EVENTS.
Evrybdy .Mag , EVERYBODY'S MAGAZINE, New York.
Evidences, EVIDENCES, Paris.
Experts et Coop., EXPERTS ET COOPERATION, Paris.
Fed. Bar Assoc. J., FEDERAL BAR ASSOClATlON JOURNAL, Washington, D.C.
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MINGS O N HIS 89TH BIRTHDAY, 20 SEPTEMBER 1950, Tucson, Arizona.
For.Aff., FOREIGN AFFAIRS, New York.
For.Agric., FOREIGN AGRICULTURE, Washington, D. C.
For. Serv. J., FOREIGN SERVICE JOURNAL, Washington, D.C.
Fortnightly R., FORTN IGHTLY REVIEW, London.
Forum, FORUM, New York.
Free Lab.Wld., FREE LABOR WORLD, New York.
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Gadr Danske Mag., GADR DANSKE MAGAZINE, Denmark.
Geogr. Rdsch., GEOGRAPHIE RUNDSCHAU, Braunschweig.
Georgetown Law J., GEORGETOWN LAW JOURNAL, Washington, D. C.
Guardian, GUARDIAN, Madras, India.
Harper's Mag., HARPER'S MAGAZINE, New York,
Harper's Mthly .Mag , HARPER'S MONTHLY MAGAZINE, New York.
Harper's Wkly., HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York.
Harvard., HARVARD EDUCATIONAL REVIEW, Cambridge, Mass.
Hisp.Amer.Stud,, HlSPANlC AMERICAN STUDIES, Miami, Florida.
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Ibero-Amer., IBERO-AMERICAN, Berkeley, Calif.
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Imprv.Coll. U.Teach., IMPROVING COLLEGE AND UNlVERSlTY TEACHING, Corvallis, Oregor
Ind., THE INDEPENDENT, Boston, Mass.
Indus. Educ.Mag., INDUSTRIAL EDUCATION MAGAZINE, Peoria, Illinois.
Inter-Amer., INTER-AMERICAN, New York.
Inter-Amer. Law R., INTER-AMERICAN LAW REVIEW, New Orleans, La.
Inter. Lab.R., INTERNATIONAL LABOR REVIEW, Washington, D. C.
J. Amer. Folklore, JOURNAL OF AMERICAN FOLKLORE, Austin, Texas.
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J. Comp. Psychol , JOURNAL OF COMPARATIVE PSYCHOLOGY, Baltimore, Maryland.
J.Farm Econ., JOURNAL OF FARM ECONOMICS, Ithaca, New York.
J. Geogr., JOURNAL OF GEOGRAPHY, Chicago, 1Il.
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J.lnter-Amer.Stud., JOURNAL OF INTER-AMERICAN STUDIES, Coral Gables, Florida.
J.Land Econ., JOURNAL OF LAND ECONOMICS, Madison, Wisc.
J. Marr. Fam., JOURNAL OF MARRIAGE AND THE FAMILY, Minneapol is, Minnesota.
J.Negro Hist., THE JOURNAL OF NEGRO HISTORY, Washington, D.C.
J.Polit., THE JOURNAL OF POLITICS, Gainesville, Fla.
J.Secondary Educ., JOURNAL OF SECONDARY EDUCATION, Burlingame, Calif.
J .soc. Psychol , THE JOURNAL OF SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY, Provincetown, Mass.
J-ism. ~ u a r t . , JOURNALISM QUARTERLY, Minneapolis, Minn.
Lab.Mthly , LABOUR MONTHLY, London.
Land Econ., I A N D ECONOMICS, Madison, Wisc.
The Loiid, THE LAND, FRIENDS OF THE LAND, Baltimore, Maryland.
hat.Amer. Res. H., LATlN AMERICAN RESEARCH REVIEW, Austin, Tex.
Law Contemp. Probl , LAW A N D CONTEMPORARY PROBLEMS, Durham, N.C.
Libr.~ ., LIBRARY JOURNAL, New York.
Lippincott's Mthly. Mag., LIPPINCOTTIS MONTHLY MAGAZINE, New York.
The Listener, THE LISTENER, London.
Lit. Digest, THE LITERARY DIGEST, New York.
Liv. Age, LlVlNG AGE, Boston, Mass.
Mainstream, MAINSTREAM.
Marr.Fam. Liv., MARRIAGE A N D FAMILY LIVING, Minneapolis, Minn.
m d u n a r . prob\. , MEZHDUNARODNI PROBLEMI, Beograd.
Mezhdunar.zhizn., MEZHDUNARODNAIA ZHIZN', SSSR. (Edición en inglés: INTERNATION-
htiarni Law Q., MIAMI LAW QUARTERLY, Miami, Fla.
Mid-Arner., MID-AMERICA, chicagol 111
Mid.Arner. Res. Rec.. MIDDLE AMERICA RESEARCH RECORD. New Orleans. La.
Mill & Fact., M ~ L AND L FACTORY, New York.
Miss.v. Hist. R., THE MlSSlSSlPPl VALLEY HlSTORlCAL REVIEW, New Orleans, La.
Mod.Mex., MODERN MEXICO, New York.
Mol .mira, v ~ ~ ~ (Edición
SSSR. ~ en~inglés: ~
~ ' ~ l ~ ~
Monat, DER MONAT, Berlin.
Mihly.Lab. R., MONTHLY LABOR REVIEW, Washington, D. C.

"r R., MONTHLY REVIEW, New York.

a agrur.fronte, N A AGRARNOM FRONTE, SSSR.
Nation, THE NATION, New York.
Natl. Geogr.Mag., NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC MAGAZINE, Washington, D.C.
Nat. Review, NATIONAL REVIEW, New York.
Nat. Hist., NATURAL HISTORY, New York.
Nature, NATURE, New York & London.
New .Leader, NEW LEADER, New York.
N e w e v i e w , NEW LEFT RNIEW, London.
New Repub., NEW REPUBLIC, Washington, Illinois.
New Statesman, NEW STATESMAN, London .
N Y Times, NEW YORK TIMES, New York.
News Bul., NEWS BULLETIN, Dearbom, Mich.
No. Amer. R., NORTH AMERICAN REVIEW, Mount Vemon, lowa .
Nov. i noveish. ist., NOVAIA I NOVElSHAlA ISTORIIA, SSSR.
Nov.vrem., NOVOE VREMIIA, SSSR. (Edición en inglés: NEW TIMES.)
Nov.mir., N O V Y l MIR, SSSR.
Nuova Antologia, NUOVA ANTOLOGIA, Roma.
Ohio St. Law J., OHlO STATE LAW JOURNAL, Columbus, Ohio.
Open Crt., OPEN COURT.
Outlook, OUTLOOK, New York.
Pac. Hist. R., PAClFlC HISTORICAL REVIEW, N e w York.
PA Rev., PAN AMERICAN REVIEW, Washington, D.C.
Partisan R., PARTISAN REVIEW, New Brunswick, New Jersey.
Partisans, PARTISANS, Paris.
-Pensee, LA PENSEE, Paris.
Polit.Aff., POLITICAL AFFAIRS, New York.
Pop. Bul., POPULATION BULLETIN, Washington, D.C.
Preuss jahrbucher, PREUSS JAHRBUCHER.
Preuves, PREUVES, Paris.
~ ~ r i e d . u . ~ o z i a l .PROBLEME
Psychiatryt PSYCHIATRY, Washington, D. C.
'Public, PUBLIC, New York.
m d m i n . R., PUBLIC ADMlNlSTRATlON REVIEW, Washington, D. C.
Publ. Mangmt., PUBLIC MANAGEMENT, Chicago, III.
m z i z t i k , PUBLIZIZTIK, Breme.
Put' Mopra, PUT' MOPRA, SSSR.
Quad. Sociol., QUADERNl DI SOCIOLOGIA, Turin.
Quart. R. Biol., QUARTERLY REVIEW OF BIOLOGY, Baltimore, Maryland.
= , RELATIONS, Montreal, Canada.
Reporter, REPORTER, New York.
Review, REVIEW, New York.
R. Geogr., REVISTA GEOGRAFICA, Rio de Janeiro.
Rev.¡ kul't., REVOLlUTSllA I KUL'TURA, SSSR.
R.deux Mondes, REVUE DES DEUX MONDES, Paris.
R. Dr. Contemp., REVUE DE DROlT CONTEMPORAIN, Bruxelles.
~ . f r a n ~ c. i . ~ o l i t . ,REVUE FRANEAISE DE S C ~ E POLITIQUE,
~ ~ E Paris.
R. jur.polit., REVUE JURlDlQUE ET POLITIQUE, Paris.
R. m i l i t . lnform., REVUE MlLlTAlRE D'INFORMATION, Paris.
R. nouv., REVUE NOUVELLE, Toumai, Belgique.
Rocky M t .soc .Sci .S., ROCKY MOUNTAIN SOCIAL SCIENCE JOURNAL, Fort Collins, Colo.
Rural Sociol., RURAL SOCIOLOGY, Brookings, South Dakota.
Saeculum, SAECULUM, Berlin.
San Fran .Chr., SAN FRANCISCO CHRONICLE, San Francisco, Calif.
Sat. Eve. Post, THE SATURDAY EVEN I N G POST, Philadelphia, Pa.
Scholastic, SCHOLASTIC, Pittsburg, Pa.
~ S C H O O LIFE, L Washington, D.C.
S c h . & ~ o c . , SCHOOL AND SOCIETY, New York.
Sci. Digest, SCIENCE DIGEST, New York.
Sci .Amer., SClENTlFlC AMERICAN, New York.
Scientif ic Mthly , SClENTlFlC MONTHLY.
Scribner's Mag., SCRIBNER'S MAGAZINE, New York.
Soc .econ. Stud., SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC STUDIES, Kingston, Jamaica.
Soc. Educ., SOCIAL EDUCATION, Washington, D.C. e
TION, Chapel-Hill, North Carolina.
Soc. Sec.Bul., SOCIAL SECURITY BULLETIN, Washington, D.C.
Socialist Call., SOClALlST CALLER.
Social i s t Rev.. SOClALlST REVIEW. New York.
Soc. Belge t. Expan., SOCIETE BELGE D'ETUDES ET D'EXPANSION, Bruxelles.
Sociologia, SOCIOLOGIA, Sao Paulo.
Sociol SOC IOLOGUS, Berl in.
~duc., SOCIOLOGY OF EDUCATION, Washington, D. C.
Sociol. Soc. Res., .
Sou.Calif. Law R., SOUTHERN CALIFORN lA LAW REVIEW, Los Angeles, Cal if.
(Sou. Folklore Quart., SOUTHERN FOLKLORE QUARTERLY, Gainesvil le, Fla.
SW Review, SOUTHWEST REVIEW, Dallas, Tex.
Spectator, SPECTATOR, London
Sputn .agit., SPUTNlK A G ITATORA, SSSR.
Stud. Left, STUDIES O N THE LEFT, New York.
Sunset, SUNSET, Menlo Park, Calif
Survey, SURVEY, New York.
Survey G., SURVEY GRAPHIC, New York.
Texas Law R., TEXAS LAW REVIEW, Austin, Tex.
Texas Q., TEXAS QUARTERLY, Austin, Tex.
Tien-Monde, T IERS-MONDE, Paris.
Rotterdam .
Topeka St. J., TOPEKA STATE JOURNAL, Topeka, Kansas.
Town Plan. R., THE TOWN PLANN I N G REVIEW, Liverpool.
Trudy Inst.etn .,
Tulane Law R., TULANE LAW RNIEW, New Orleans, La.
Uch.zap.po nov. i noveish. ist., UCHENYE ZAPlSKl PO N O V O l I NOVElSHEl ISTORII, SSSR.
U N ~ l d ; , UNITED NATIONS WORLD, ~ e York. w
Va.Law R., VIRGINIA LAW REVIEW, Charlottesville, N.C.
Va.Q. R., VIRGINIA QUARTERLY REVIEW, Charlottesville, N.C.
Vokrug sveta, VOKRUG SVETA, SSSR.
Volkswirt, VOLKSWIRT, Francfort .
m k n e , WELTBUKNE, Berlin.
West. Pol .Q., WESTERN POLITICAL QUARTERLY, Salt Lake City, Utah.
World, WORLD, (Ahora: WASHINGTON WORLD), Washington, D.C.
W l d . ~ ~ r i c . ~ c o n . ~ uSociol.Abst.,
Wld.Aff., WORLD AFFAIRS, Washington D.C.
Wld.Aff. lnterp., WORLD AFFAIRS INTERPRETER, Los Angeles, Calif.
W ld.Marx. R., WORLD MARXIST REVIEW, Toronto, Canada.
Wld.Outlook, WORLD OUTLOOK, New York.
Wld.Today, WORLD TODAY, London.
Wld.Unity, WORLD UNITY, N e w York.
Wld.V\lk., WORLD'S WORK, Garden City, New York.
m m a n Rghts., YEARBOOK O N HUMAN RIGHTS, New York.
Yale Law J., YALE LAW JOURNAL, New Haven, Conn.
Yale R., YALE REVIEW, New Haven, Conn.
Zvezda, ZVEZDA. Moskva. SSSR.
Cf ., Consúitese.
Comp., Comp ilador .
E¿., Editor.
FEM, Fecha que empezó.
FPU, Fecha de publicación.
FTE, Fecha de terminación.
(M1900), Publicado en microfilm en 1900.
Mimeo., Mimeograf iado .
(P1900), Publ icado en 1900.
RC:, Reseria crítica.
s. d., Datos desconocidos.
s.e., Sin Editorial.
s.f., Sin fecha.
seud., Seudón ims.

a b
t --
48(2)8 feb 1968:45-78.
c d

a - Volumen de la revista.
b - Número de la revista.
c - día, mes, año de la publicación citada.
d - Páginas.

The AGRICULTURAL Index, New York, The H.W. Wilson Co.,

sep 1956 - ago 1964.
The AMERICAN Political Science Review, Washington, D.C., The Arnerican Pol itical Sc ience
Association, 1(1)1906-1907 42(1)1968.

BAYITCH, S.A., Latin America: a Bibliographical Guide, Coral Gables, Fla., University of
Miarni Press, 1961, pp. 227-272.

BlBLlOGRAPHlC Index: a Curnulative Bibl iograph~of Bibl iograph ies, New York, The H.W. Wil-
son Co., 1937 1967.

BIBLIOGRAPHl E Geographique Internationale, Paris, Centre National de la Reserche Scientif ique,

Association de geographes fran~ais, 1954 1958, 1960, 1963.

BOLET lN lnformat ivo sobre estudios latinoamericanos en Europa, Arnsterdarn, Holanda, Centro de
Estudios y Documentación Latinoamericanos (CEDLA), Universidad de Arnsterdam, Holanda,

BOOK Review Digest, New York, The H.W. Wilson Co., 1957 - 1968.
GROWN, Lyle C., comp., Latin Arnerica: a Bibliography, Kingsville, Tex., Texas College of
Arts and Industries, 1962.
BULLETIN analytique de documentation politique, economique, et sociale contemporaine, Paris,
Presses Univenitaires de France, 1955 1968.

BULLETIN signaletique, (Anteriormente: Bulletin analysti ve), Paris, Centre de Documentation de

C.N.R.S., -
lO(1956) 15(1960)-

BUTLER, Ruth L., Guide to the Hispanic Arnerican H istorical Review, 1918-1 945, Durham, N.C.
Duke University, 1950.

CLINE, Howard Francis, "Mexican Cornmunity Studies", HAHR, 32(rnay 1952)212-242.


CUMBERLAND, Charles Curtis, "The United States-Mexican Border: a Select ive Guide to the
Literature of the RegionH, Rural ~ociol., 25(jun 1960)todo e l suplemento.

DISSERTATION Abstmcts, Ann Arbor, Michigan, University Microfilms, 1960 - 1968.

EDUCATIONAL Index, New York, The H.W. Wilson Co., 3(jul 1935) - 39(9)may 1968,
EELLS, Walter Crosby, Arnerican Dissertations on Fore ign Education: Doctor's dissertations and
master's theses written at Arnerican un iversities and col leges concern ing education or edu-
cators in foreign countries and education of nrouw of foreinn
I - birth or ancestrv in the- Uni
ted States, 1884-1 958, Washington, D.C., Committee on International ~elat;ons, Na+ion
a l Education Association of the United States, 1959, 300p.
ESSAY and General Literature Index, New York, The H.W. Wilson Co., 1900 - 1950, 1966 -
EXTERNAL Research: a li s t of recently completed studies, or in progress, "American Republicsl',
Washington, D.C., Bureau of lntelligence and Research, abr 1961 otofío 1962.

FLEMION, Philip F. ; y MacLEOD, Murdo J., Survey of lnvestigations in Progress in the Field
of Latin American Studies, Washington, D.C., Pan American Union, oct 1962.

HANDBOOK of Latin American Studies, Washington, D.C

of Congress, l(1935) 29(1967).
., Hispanic Foundation of the Libmry
H ISTORICAL Abstmcts, hasta 1968.

HUMPHREYS, Robin Arthur, Latin American History: a Guide to the Literature in English, New
York, Columbia Univenity Press, 1958, 197p.

INDEX to Latin American Periodical Litemture: 1929-1 960, Boston, Mas., Columbus Memorial
Libmry of the Pan American Union, 1962, Vols. 1-VI.

INDEX to Legal Periodicals, New York, The H.W. Wilson Co., 60(9)jun 1967 - 61(8)may 1968.
INTERNATIONAL Bibliogmphy of Economics, New York, UNESCO, 1953 - 1968.
INTERNATIONAL Bibliogmphy of the Political Sciences, New York, UNESCO, 1953 - 1968.
INTERNATIONAL Bibliogmphy of the Social Sciences, New York, UNESCO, 1953 - 1968.
INTERNATIONAL lndex to Periodicals of the Humanities, New York, The H.W. Wilson Co.,
abr 1937 - mar 1965.

INTERNATIONAL Political Science Abstracts, Paris, lnternational Political Science Association,

3(1953) -

KANTOR, Harry, A Bibliography of Unpubl ished Doctoral Dissertations and Master Theses Deal-
ing with the Government, Pol itics, and lnternat ional Relations of Latin America, Gaines
ville, Fla., Inter-American Bibliographical and Library Association, 1953, 85p.

KIDDER, Frederick Elwyn; y BUSHONG, Allen David, Theses on Pan American Topics, Wash-
ington, D.C., Columbus Memorial Library, Bibl iograph ic Series #5, 1962. (4a. ed.)

KLEIN, Maria Teresa, Bibliographie zur Soziologie und Demographie lateinamerikas, Hamburg,
lnstitut fur Ibero-amerika-Kunde ene 1968, pp. 101-1 13.

LATlN American Research Review, Austin, Tex., Latin American Studies Association, University
o f 9 6 8 .

, Supplernent, ~'Theses1961-1 965, Arnerican and Canadian!'

LAUERHASS, Ludwig, Communism in Latin America, a Bibliography: the Postwar Yeai-S, 1945-
1960, Los Angeles, Cal ifornia, Center for Latin American Sti~dies, Clni"ersity o i Co-
lifomia, 1962, 78p.

MARTINEZ RIOS, Jorge, Bibl iograf ia minima del decimoquinto congreso nacional de sociología:
Sociología de la reforma agraria, Nayarit, México, Instituto de Investigaciones
Sociales de la U.N.A.M., 1964.

OKINSHEVICH, Leo, comp.; y CARLTON, Robert G., ed., Latin America in Soviet Writings,
Boltimore, Md., The John Hopkins Press, 1966, Vol. 1, 1917-1958; Vol. 11, 1959

PUBLIC Affain lnforrnation Service, New York, 1940-1 968.

READER'S Guide to Periodical Literature, New York, The H.W. Wilson Co., l(1900) - 67(1968).
ROYAL lnstitute of lntemat iona l Affa irs, lndex to Periodica l Artic les, 1950-1 964, London, 1964,
Vols. 1-11.

SABLE, Martin H., A Guide to Latin American Studies, Los Angeles, Calif., Latin American
Center, Univenity of Califomia, 1967, Vols. 1-11.

SCHAEFER, Jurgen, Bibliographie zur Politik und Zeitgeschichte der iberoamerikanischen Lander,
Hamburg, lnstitut fur Iberoamerika-Kunde, jun 1965, pp.75-81.

SEPULVEDA Z., Orlando, e t al., Social Science in Latin America: a Selective Bibliography in
the Social Sc iences with Emphasis upon Soc iologica l Studies, Minneapol is, Minn.,
Department of Soc iology, Univenity of Minneapol is, 1964, 63p.

SOCIAL Sciences and Humanities Index, New York, 53(l)jun 1965 - 55(4)mar 1968.
SOCIOLOGICAL Abstracts, New York, 1953 - 1967.
THESES in Latin American Studies at British Universities in Progress and Compieted, London, Uni-
versity of London, lnstitute of Latin American Studies, 1966 1968.

UNIVERSITY of Texas, Latin American Research at the University of Texas, 1893-1958, Austin,
Tex., The lnstitute of Latin American Studies, University of Texas, feb 1966.

VERTICAL File Index, New York, The H.W. Wilson Co., 23(1954) - 37(may 1968).
ALISKY, Marvin, 41 7,523,524-27,961,1548
A 50,1736,251 7.
ALMAREZ, J., 1602.
A.C.J.B., 1964. ALMEIDA, Gastao Thomaz de, 528.
ABBOTT, David, 1658. ALMOND, Gabriel A., 2242,2471
ALPENFELS, Ethel J., 306.
ABRAHAM, W i1lard, 960. '
ACKERMAN, Carl W., 1734,1965. AL'PEROVICH, Moisei S., 1362,1967-68.
ACHKANOV, G., 2247. ALSCHULER, Lawrence R., 550,1737.
ADAMS, H., 602. ALVARADO, J., 1969.
ADIE, Robert F., 603,2333. ALVAREZ DEL VAYO, J., 1738,2487.
ADLER, J., 2334, ALLEN, H.J., 1739.
ADOSSIDES, N.C., 2516. ANDERSON, B., 551,2472.
AGNEW, James F., 604. ANDERSON, Charles W,, 1551.
AGUILAR, A., 605,1177. ANDERSON, Gladys L., 169,1283.
AILSHIE, W.K., 2248. ANDERSON, Harold H., 169,1283.
AIZENSTAT, Aron J., 606. ANDERSON, Richmond K., 1207-08.
ALADAR METALL, Rudolf, 1136. APPELIUS, Mario, 1363.
ALATRISTE, S., 414. APSTEIN, Th., 962.
ALBA, Victor, 1,269,415,549,607,1361,1672,1735, ARMSTRONG, John Milton, 609,1209.
1966,2249. ARMSTRONG, T.R., 1740.
ALCOCER, Mariano, 41 6. ARMITAGE, Richard H., 934.
ALDAMA, A., 1249. ARNOT, P., 2251.
ALDRIDGE-MILAS, Leo C., 2360. ARONSON, J., 963.
ALEMAN, Miguel, 1452. ARROYO, Antonio L., 610.
ARROYO, G., 61 1. BAILEY, Helen Míller, 308.
ASCHMANN, Harold Homer, 900. BAILEY, J.P., 2255.
ASHBY, Joe Charles, 2252-54. BAILEY, Norman A., 4.
AUBEY, Robert T., 1674. BAKER, Charles C., 1453,1975.
AUBREY, Henry G , 418,1673. BAKER, Richard Don, 1605.
AUER, Ludwig, 1138. BAKKE, E. Wight, 967.
AUGELLI, John P., 2. BAKLANOFF, Eric N., 1675.
AUGUR, H., 307. BALAN, El izabeth Jel in, 636,121 7.
AUSTIN, Mary, 1970-71. BALAN, Jorge, 569,636,121 7.
AVILA, Manuel, 419. BALDWIN, J.M., 5.
AVIRETTE, d A 1 1972, 2335 BALL, John M., 901,1210.
AZEVEDO, Fernando de, 165. BANCROFT, Hubert Howe, 6.
BANKS, Mary Jo, 2256.
B BANNON, John Fmncis, 1141,1365,2377.
BARBER, Charles H., 616.
BACH, Federico, 420,1518. BARBIERI, W.M., 1676.
BACKUS, R.C., 1603. BARBOUR, Lizzie Messick, 968,1677.
BAERLEIN, Henry, 1974. BARBOUR, Philip L., 529.
BAEZ CAMARGO, Gonzalo, 612,964-66,1l3PBARCLAY, Hatley W., 1473,2257.
40,1540,2373-76,2411,2473. BARKER, F.M., 2269.
BAGGETT, Sam S., 613,1604. BARKER, Frederick F., 1519.
BAHLSEN, Gerhard, 1364. BARNARD, G., 1142,2378.
BAILEY, Bernadine, 614. BARQUIN Y RUIZ, Andres, 2518.
BARTELL, Gilbert D., 421 -22,617. BECKWITH, Martin J., 2261.
BARRANCO, Manuel, 969. BEEGLE, J. Allan, 1214.
BARRERA, Marlo, 1784. BEER, Gabriella de, 2527.
BARRETT, 1976. BEKKER, Leander Jan de, 13,1986-87.
BARRON, Clarence W., 1977. BE LSHAW, Michae 1, 427,622-23.
BARROWS, David Prescott, 1978,251 9. BELL, E.I., 1988-89.
BARRY, John, 1211 . BELL, James Dunbar, 172.
BARRY, R., 2520. BENITEZ, H., 428.
BATAILLON, Claude, 530,618,903,1678. BENJAMIN, Harold, 974-75.
BATCHELDER, Roger, 1979. BENNETT, Wendell Clark, 315.
BATES, R.G., 7,1178,1741-42. BENSON, Nettie Lee, 1990.
BATES, Wilbur, 2258. BERBULOT, Joel, 624.
BATTEN, T.R., 423. BERBUSSE, Edward J., 2380.
BATY, T., 1980. BERGOHOFF, Stephan, 14.
BAUMGARTEN, Charlotte, 619. BERINGER, P.N., 1991.
BAXANDALL, Lee, 2521 . BERMAN, Ira Bertram, 1747.
BAY, C.A., 2273.
BEALS, Carleton, 8-1 2,170,309,424,620,970-
BERMUDEZ, A. J., 1521 .
72,1179,1366,1454,1474-75,1520,1679,1743 BERSTEIN, Harry, 15,1367.
46,1981 -85,2259-60,2361,2379,2474,2522-- BERTRAND, Alvln L., 625.
26,261 9-20. BESSIERES, A., 16.
BEALS, Ralph L., 157-58,171,270-71,310-14, BETETA, Ramón, 17,531,1552.
425-26,566,973,1212. BETTS, T.J., 626.
BEASELEY, Walter L., 621 . BEYNON, Abi Elizabeth, 627.
BIRD, Richard, 904. BOROVIK, G., 1476-77.
BISHOP, Arnel ia, 429. BOROVSKI, Andrei, 1752.
BLAISDELL, Lowell L., 1992-94,2243. BOTSFORD, Keith, 2476-77.
BLAISER, Cole, 430,1995. BOWERS, B., 1143.
BLANCO, Merida H., 1284. BOWYER, H., 1285-87.
BLANCO MACIAS, G., 628-29. BRADDY, Haldeen, 1180,2002,2529.
BLANDFORD, Jr., John B., 1553. BRADERMAN, Eugene Maur, 1753,2478.
BUSCO IBAÑEZ,Vicente, 1996,2362. BRADSHER, Julian Hill, 632.
BLAZEK, Leda Frances, 1336. BRADY, A.C., 1754.
BLICHFELDT, E. H., 1997. BRAINERD, George W., 433.
BLOCK, Harry, 1748051,2621 . BRANCH, H. N., 434,1607.
BLOUGH, Wil liarn, 1368,2475. BRAND, Dona Id D., 19-20,633,1370-71.
BLUM, Albert A., 1216,2528. BRANDENBURG, Frank, 21,435,1372,1455,1680,
BOAS, Fmnz, 316. 1755-57,2479,
BOGARDUS, Ernory S., 173,431 . BRANDT, Nancy, 935,2530.
BRENNER, Anita, 272,1373,1478,1758,2003,26-
BOHME, Frederick G., 174.
BOLAÑOS,G., 630. 22.
BON ILLA, Fmnk, 842,1109. BRICKER, Victoria Reifler, 175.
BON ILLAS, Ygnac io, 432,1998-99. BRIGHT, Roderick, 22.
BONSAL, S., 2000. BRIMMER, Michael F., 1374.
BOOK that Threw Mexico into Revolution, 2001.BRINSMADE, Robert Bruce, 2381.
BOOTH, George C 1ive, 976-78. BRINSMADE, Robert Turgot, 634.
BORAH, Woodrow, 31 7,567,631 . BRODA, R., 436.
BORGES, M.A., 2262. BRODY, R., 1456,1554.
BORK, A.W., 18,1369. BROOKS, - S., 2004.
BROSE, Thomas, 1446,1759,2480. BUSTAMANTE, Miguel E., 1337-38.
BROTHERS, Dwight S., 437,1681. BUTLER, J. W., 570,2009-1 0,2383.
BROWN, Donald MacKenzie, 1682. BUTTERFIELD, D., 2011-12.
BROWN, J.W., 23-24,2263. BUTTERWORTH, Douglas, 638.
BROWN, Lyle Clarence, 2481,261 6. BUVE, R. Th. J., 760.
BROWN, Philip Marshall, 635.
BROWN, William, 905..
BROWN, Willie Leonzon, 568.
BROWNE, P.E., 25. CABRERA, Luis, 2013-1 5,2384.
BROWNING, Harley L., 569,636,906,121 7. CADENHEAD, lvie E., 2016.
BROWNING, W.E., 2382. CAILLE, Alexis, 2017.
BRUERE, H., 2005. CALDER, R., 1760.
BRUSHWOOD, John S., 936. CALERO, Manuel, 2018.
BUCKLEY, William Frank, 26. CA LNEC K, Edward, 1219.
BULNES, Francisco, 2006. CALVERTON, Victor F., 979,1480.
BULLEJOS, José, 2007. CALVO DE LA TORRE, Jos6, 1339,1354.
BURGES, William H., 1608.
CALL, Tomme Clark, 27,1761
BURGUM, B., 552. CALLICUTT, Laurie Timmons, 937.
BURLEY, T.M., 438. CAMARA, Fernando, 639,2386.
BURNHAM, P., 1479. CAMERON, Charlotte, 2019.
BURNIGHT, Robert G, , 1218,1280. CAMPA, David L., 938,2020.
BURNS, Dan M., 2008. CANCIAN, Fruncesca M., 176-77,273-74,1289-
BUSHNELL, G.H.S., 318. 90.
BUSHNELL, John Hempstead, 319,1288. CANCIAN, Frank, 320,640.
CANNON, John P., 641. CASTAREDA,Jorge, 1377.
CARDENAS, Jr., Leonard, 1555-58. CASTILLO LEDON, Amalia, 646.
CAREY, Frank, 321. CASTILLO VALES, Victor, 956.
CARLOS, Jr., Manuel, 178,2336. CAVAROZZI, Marcelo, 1784.
CARLSON, Harry John, 980,1683. CERWIN, Herbert, 30.
CARMICAL, J.H., 1763. CIPOLLA, Amaldo, 2388.
CARMICHAEL, A l ice, ,1764. C IRIECO, Joseph, 2389.
CARNEY, John Phillip, 1220. CLAGETT, Helen L., b 61 1-12.
CARNOY, Martin, 981 -82. CLAPP, Orrin E., 571 .
CARO-COSTAS, Aida Raquel, 1765. CI-ARK, Marjorie Ruth, 2264.
CARPIO, M., 2531. CLARK, Mary J., 403-4,2532.
CARR, B., 402. CLAUTRIAUX, J., 2390.
CARSON, James, 643. C LELAND, Robert Glass, 33,1378,1768,2022.
CARTAULT, Henri, 1482. CLENDENEN, Clarence C lemens, 2533.
CARTER, Eu la Lee, 983,1684. C LEVEN, N. Andrew N., 440,1181 -82,1685,23 -
CARRASCO, P., 3,1144. CLEWS, H., 2023.
CARRASCO PIZANA, Pedro, 275,1145. CLIFFORD, Roy A,, 907.
CARRILLO FLORES, Antonio, 439,642,1766-67. CLINE, Howard Francis, 34-35,322,441-42,647,
CASARES, N. D., 1610. 1379-82,l 769-7Q, 2024,2623.
CASE, Alden B., 29,1146,2387. CLONER, Alexander, 1559.
CASO, Alfonso, 644-45. COALSON, George O., 2265.
CASTAGNARO, Rosario A., 939,2021 . COAN, Bartlett E., 985.
CASTAREDA,c.E., 984. COCCIOLI, C., 1483.
CASTAREDA,Carlos, .1383. COCHRANE, J.D., 986.
COCKCROFT, James Donald, 1771,2025-27,24- COSlO VILLEGAS, Daniel, 532,2030-32,2534
72. COTNER, Thomas E., 1383.
COE, John, 2266. COUSTRY, R., 652.
COHEN, Jr., Wilbur, 1291. COUTURIER, Edith Boorstein, 653.
COLBY, Benjamin N., 276-78,323,648. COUVREUR, Jacques, 1147.
COLIN, J. Paredes, 324. COVARRUBIAS, Miguel, 37.
COLIN, José R., 2028. COX, lsaoc Joslin, 2033-34.
COLLECTIVE Economy of Mexico, 2267. COY, Peter, 654.
COMAS, Juan, 279,649. COZORT, William T., 1560.
COMSTOCK, Paul B., 1613. CRAIG, A., 181.
CONDlTlONS in the Revolution of Mexico, 2029. CRAWFORD, E. H., 1774.
CONLEY, E.M., 1772. CRAWFORD, W. Rex, 182.
C O N LEY, James E., 1887,2482. CREAGAN, Jarnes Francis, 2483.
CONSIDINE, John J., 36. CREEL, G., 38,2484.
COOK, Katherine M., 987. CREELMAN, James, 2035,2535-37.
COOK, Robert C., 1221. CRONE, F.L., 2036.
COOK, Sherbume F., 1222-23. CRONON, Edmund David, 1384,2392.
COOPER, Kenneth Joseph, 179. CROW, John Armstrong, 325.
C ORMAC K, Joseph M., 988,2268-69. CROWELL, Chester T., 655,1775,2037-38.
CORNYN, J.H., 1773. CROWTHER, Samuel, 1776.
CORONA NUREZ, José, 633. CRUTCHER, Chauncey R., 1561 .
CORSI, E., 650,989,2270. CUELLAR, A.B., 2271.
CORSON, John J., 1292. CULHANE, E.K., 183.
CORTINA, A., 651. CUMBERLAND, Charles Curtis, 39-40,444,656)
CORWIN, A.F., 180. 1385,1386,2039-43,2464,2485.
CUMBERLAND, W.W., 445,657,658. CHODOROW, Nancy J., 1284.
CUMMINGS, H.H., 990. CHURCH, 2394-95.
CUNEO, M., 1148.
CURTIS, M.W., 1293.
CURRIER, R.L., 1340. D., 1777.
CUSHING, S.W., 1224-25. D'AILLY, Rene, 2047.
DAINE, Lawrence, 326.
DANIELS, Bla ir E l lsworth, 992.
CHALLIS, Philip, 2044. DANIELS, Josephus, 1778,2273.
CHAMBERLAIN, Eugene K., 1686. D'ANTONIO, William V., 190,1562,2486,
CHAMBERLAIN, J. P., 2045. 2624.
CHAMPION, Jean R., 659. .DASHEVSKII, G., 1779-80.
CHANCE, A., 732. DAVENPORT, Everard Lee, 993,1295.
CHARDON, R.E., 660. DAVIES, D. l., 1227.
CHARLIER, Louis, 31 .
CHAVERO, Alfredo, 1294.
DAVILA, G., 184.
DAVISI H., 665,2048.
CHEATHAM, Kitty, 32. DAVIS, H. D., 994,2274-75.
CHENA-GONZALEZ, Rodolfo, 159. DAVIS, Harold Eugene, 1447,1541 .
CHESTER, S. H., 2393. DAVIS, J.S., 446.
CHEVALIER, Francois, 661 -63,1226,2046,2272,23- DAVIS, M.C., 995.
37-39. DAVIS, Russell G., 996.
CHICHKOV, V., 664. DAVIS, William Brownlee, 2049.
CHILCOTT, John, 991 . DAY, Adam, 2396.
DEARING, P., 1542. DICKEN, S.N., 670.
DE COUFLE, L., 447. DIEBOLD, Jr., A. Richard, 328.
DE FUNIAK, W.Q., 1296. DIKGOF-DERENTAL', A., 2399.
DE HOYOS, Arturo, 1341 . DILLON, Emile Joseph, 43,1782-83,2055-58,
DE KAY, John Wesley, 2538. 2540-41.
DELMEZ, Albert Jaures, 997. DILLON, Richard H., 2542.
DEMAS, G., 1781 . DI TELLA, Torcuato S., 1784.
DENNIS, Wayne, 185. DJERASSI, C., 999.
DERROCHE, H., 666. DOERR, Arthur, 1229.
DESHON, Shirley Kilborn, 572-73. DOERR, Marvin Ferdinand, 1000.
DESSAU, Adalbert, 2050-51 . DOMBRE, Pierre, 1149.
DONLY, A.W., 2276.
DETER, Wolfgang, 667.
DEUHARDT, R., 1228. DONNELLY, D., 1785.
DEVERDUM, A. L., 42. DONSKII, E., 44.
DE VORE, Blanche B., 668,2052. DORANTES-TAMAYO, L., 1614.
DEWEY, C., 2397. DOTSON, Floyd, 533,908.
DEWEY, John, 998,2053. DOTSON, Lilian Ota, 908.
DIAMANT, Gertrude, 327. DOUCE, D., 2488.
DIAZ, May Nordquist, 186,669. DOUGLAS, D.W., 671,2277.
DIAZ, P., 2398. DOWSETT, C.P., 672.
DIAZ, Porf irio, 2539. DOZIER, C. L., 448.
DlAZ ESCOBAR, F., 1543. DRAGON, Antonio, 1150.
DIAZ-GUERRERO, Rogelio, 184,1191,1297,134~- DREES, Charles William, 45.
43. DREWITT, Robert B., 910.
DlAZ SOTO Y GAMA, Antonio, 2054. DUCOFF, Louis Joseph, 1230.
DUDON, Paul, 1786,2400. EISENBERG, Ralph, 2625.
DUFFUS, R. L., 449. ELDER, Glen H., 105.
DULSEY, BemardM., 2060. . ELIAS, Arturo M., 1151,2402.
DULLES, John W.F., 2061. ELMS, James Edw in, 1006.
DUMKE, G.C., 1563. ELIVIN, l., 1787,2404.
DUMONT, Rene, 673. ELLIS, Christine Evangeline, 1007.
DUNCAN, Wa lter Raymond, 1001,1448,161 5. ELLIS, L.E., 2403.
DUNN, H.H., 2543. EMERSON, E., 2064,2544-45.
DURAN, M.A., 674. ENGLE, Mary Margaret, 1299.
DURAND, J.B., 1002. ENGLISH, Richard, 1484.
DYE, Alexander V., 2062. ENJALBERT, Henri, 679-80,1233.
ENOCK, C., 46.
ENRIQUEZ, lgnac io C., 1152.
ERASMUS, Charles John, 188,450,574,681 .
EARLY, John D., 1298. ERLANDSQN, Erl ing Halvard, 534-35.
EASTLAKE, W., 91 1. ERMOLAEV, Vasil ii lvanovich, 2278.
EBAUGH, Cameron Duncan, 1003. ESCARPIT, R., 682.
ECKELS, R. P., 1231 ESCUDERO, F., 2065.
ECKSTEIN, Sa lomon, 675.
ECHANOVE TRUJILLO, Carlos A., 1616. ESTEP, Raymond, 1790.
EDER, G.J., 676,1232. EVANS, Rosalie Caden, 47.
EDER, Matthew D., 677. EWING, Floyd Ford, 1522.
EDITOR, 2063,2401. EWING, Russell C., 1387.
EDMINISTER, Diane Lee, 1004.
EDMONSON, Munro S. A., 187,329-30.
FAULKNER, S. J., 1457. FORNARO, Carlo de, 1153,2069,2547-49.
FAVRE, Henri, 683-86,1791. FORTES, A., 184.
FAYERWEATHER, John, 1617. FOSTER, A,, 695.
FEINDT, Waltraut, 569. FOSTER, George McC le1land, 192-94,335-39,
FEDOROVICH, Anatole, 1792. 451,696-98,940,1202.
FERGUSON, John Halcro, 2066. FOSTER, J., 2070.
FERGUSSON, Ema, 1388-89. FOX, A.G., .
FERNALD, F.M., 1008. FRAINA, 1795.
FERNANDEZ Y FERNANDEZ, R., 687-88. FRANK, Andre Gunder, 1771,1796.
FERNANDEZ MANERO, V., 1344. FRANK, G., 1797-98.
FERNANDEZ MARINA, R., 189. FRANK, Waldo David, 1799,2550.
FISHBURNE, Jane, 331-32. FREEBAIRN, D.K., 699.
FISHER, David F., 689. FREILE, Luis, 1229.
FISHER, Glen Harry, 333-34,1009-10. FRIED, Jacob, 195,1184.
FISHER, Lillian E., 575,690. FRIEDEN, Bemard J., 912-1 3.
FITZGERALD, W.G., 1793. FRIEDMANN, F.G., 452-53.
FITZGIBBON, Russell H., 1458,1794,2489. FRIEDMANN, G., 700.
FLANDRAU, Charles Macomb, 2067. FRIEDRICH, Paul William, 553-54,701,1564-66,
FLORES, B., 1618. FRIERSON, Edward Bemard, 536.
FLORES FERNANDEZ, Edmundo, 691-93. FUENTE, Julio, 280,702,
FLOWER, Elizabeth, 1449. FURST, Peter T., 341
FURTAK, Robert, 2490.
FOGELQUIST, Donald Frederick, 2546.
FOREMAN, W. James, 694.
FORM, William H., 190-91,576,2486.
GABBERT, Jac k Benton, 1619. GEORGI, A.A., 1017-18.
GAITHER, Roscoe B., 1185,1620-21,1800-01,2279. GERHARD, Peter, 1486,2072.
GALARZA, Ernest, 2405. GERMAN PARRA, Manuel, 2073.
GALBRAITH, Bessie, 454. GERSDORFF, R., 1300.
GALLANT, B., 1622. GERSTENHAUER, Armin, 706.
GALLEN, A.A., 1234, GERVASI, F., 2626.
GALLOP, Rodney, 342,1154. GESSLER, Cl ifford Franklin, 50.
GAMIO, Manuel, 48-49,160,196-97,343,703-5, GESSNER, Volkmar, 198.
1011,1235,2551. GHENT, W. J., 2074.
GAMlO LEON, C., 577. GIBBON, Thomas Edward, 1807.
GARCIA NARANJO, Nemesio, 2552. GIBBS, R., 1155,2075.
GARDINER, Clinton Hcirvey, 1012-1 3. GIBSON, W.M., 2280.
GARDNER, Riley W., 1191. GILL, Clark Cyrus, 1687.
GARLOCH, L.A., 455. GILL, Tom, 707.
GARZA, David T., 1485. GILLETTE, C.E., 51.
GARZA, H. de la, 1015. GILLIN, John, 199.
GARRARD, James Lathrop, 1014. GINSBURG, Gemld P., 1318.
GARRETSON, Oliver Kel leam, 1345, GIPSON, F., 344.
GATES, William, 1016,1802-4. GLADE, William Patton, 1688-89.
GEISERT, Harold L., 1236. GODOY, Jose F., 2553.
GEISS, Carola, 456,1805. GOERTZ, A., 2406.
GELLNER, Marianne, 457. GOLDBERG, B., 1237.
GENIN, A., 941. GOLDBLATT, Phyl l is, 1019.
GENRIKH, IA-n., 1806. GOLBENBERG, B., 1487,2491 .
GOLDKIND, Victor, 578-79. GREBLER, Leo, 1238.
GOLDSCHMIDT, Alfons, 2281 . GREENBIE, S., n 5 .
GREENE, G., 1813.
GOMETS, Kh., 2076.
GOMEZ, Ana M., 709. GREKOV, N., 345.
GONCAROV, A,, no. GRENZ, Wolfgang, 459.
GONZALES, Kathleen May, 1301 . GRIFFEN, W. B., 346.
GONZALEZ, Antonio, 711 . GRIGOR'EV, IA. G., 1814.
GRIMES, Joseph E., 942.
GONZALEZ, Aurora ~ a h o r i e , 1020.
GONZALEZ, Fmnklin S., 2407-8. GRIMES, W.W., 1629.
GONZALEZ CASANOVA, Pablo, 580-81. GRUBB, Kenneth G., 716,241 0-1 1 .
GONZALEZ IRIGOYEN, R., 1021. GRUEN ING, Emest, 5536,717-1 8,1022-23,
GONZALEZ NAVARRO, Moisés, 458,1450,2077- 1815-1 9,2554-57.
78. GRUNTZIG, Johannes, 456,1805.
GONZALEZ ROA, F., 712-1 3,1625,2079. GULIAHORN, Jeanne E., 200.
GOODRICH, Joseph King, 52. GUNTHER, John, 57,1391,1820,2492,2558.
GOOBSPEED, Stephen S., 1626-28. GUSTAFSON, L., 1024.
GORBACH, Joseph, 53. GUTELMAN, M., 719.
GORDON, Wendel l Chaffee, 1808-9. GUTIERREZ DE IARA, Lázaro, 2081.
GOROZHAN KINA, N,, 1810,2282. GUZMAN, Martin Luis, 2559.
GORROW, Bernard J., 2080. GW IN, 4. B., 1025,1239,1346,2082-83.
GRAHAM, David L., 1811,2627.
GRAM, Jorge, 54.
GRANDCHAMP, Rene, 1812,
GRANT, Frank, 2409. HABERMAN, R., 1186,2083.
GRAY, G.W., 714. HAC KETT, Charles W illiam, 58,720,1630,1821-
23,2084-87,2284,2412-19,2560,2628-29. HA RVEY, G , 2090-91
HAFTER, RudoIph P., 59,1824. HARVN, H.R., 349,1569.
HAHN, Bolko von, 1825. HARRIS, A*, 1831 .
HARRIS, J.H., 2465.
HAIGHT, Charles Henry, 1826.
HAGAR, George Jotham, 60. HARRIS, James Kilbourne, 1026.
HAGEN, Everett E., 460. HARRIS, Louis Kenneth, 914,1567.
HALPERIN, Ernst, 1488. HARRIS, Marvin, 886. a

HALPERIN, Maurice, 461,721-23,943,1392,1827HARRI~~ N.D., 1568.
HARTH DENEKE, Jorge, 915.
HAMILL, Hugh M., 1523. HASTE, Hans, 1027.
. HAMMOND, W.J., 2285-86. HATCH, Duane Spencer, 350,725.
HANCOCK, Richard Humphris, 582. HAWLEY, E.W., 2288.
HANDMAN, Max Sylvius, 1240. HAYNER, Norman S., 463-64,916-19,1187-88,
HANIGHEN, F.C., 1829. 1302-3.
HANKE, Lew is, 61 ,1393. HEFLIN, J. Thomas, 2092.
HANNA, P., 62,347,1394. HEIBEL, A*, 1544.
HANNAY, David, 2561. HEIDIGER, Emest S., 1690.
HANRATH, John L., 462. HELFRITZ, Hans, 1395.
HANSON, Robert C., 724. HENDERSON, Peta, 732.
HARBRON, J. D., 1830. HENDRICKS, William, 2093.
HARBURG, Emest, 1318. HENNESSY, Alistair, 2094.
HARDY, B.C., 348. HENRIQUEZ U R E ~ A ,Pedro, 351
HERBULOT, Joel, 726-27.
HARKER, Mary R., 2287.
HARPER, Roland M., 1241 . HEREFORD, Carl, 201 -2.
HERMAN, Donald Levis, 1489.
HART, A. B., 2088-89.
HERNANDEZ, Pedro Felix, 203,48. HOOGSHAGEN, Searle, 1156.
HERRING, Hubert Clinton, 63-65,465,1396-97, HOROWITZ, lrving Louis, 1459.
1691,1832-38,2420,2562-63. HOSELITZ, Bert F., 353,466.
HEWES, Gordon W., 204. HOTCHKISS, J.C., 1304.
HEWES, L., 729. HOULE, Bettie Eckhardt Totten, 207.
HIC KS, Wil1iarn Trotter, 1692. HOYOIS, G., 2518.
HICKS, W. Whitney, 730,1242. HOYT, A.M., 2466.
HILTON, Ronald, 66. HOWERTH, I.W., 1031-34.
HILTON, Stanley E., 1028,1693,2421 . .
HUASTECA Petroleurn Cornpany, 1841
HILL, Rachel N., 2289. HUDSPETH, C. B., 2096.
HILLMAN, Jacquelyn K., 2095. HUGHES, Lois Spean, 1305.
HINMAN, Jr., George Wheeler, 1839,2630. HUGHES, Lloyd H., 1035.
HINTON, Thomas B., 205,731 . HUGUET, L., 1226.
HOBBS, M., 2631 . HUMPHREY, J.P., 2097.
HOETINK, Harry, 281. HUMPHREY, Norrnan Deymond, 208-9,354,583,
HOFFMAN, Karl, 67. 973,1306.
HOGG, A., 944. HUMPHREYS, Robin A., 1398.
HOLDEN, David E.W., 732. HUNT, F., 2098.
HOLDEN, W.C., 733. HUNT, Robert, 355,467,734.
HOLMAN, Robert W., 1694. HUTCHISON, Comelia, 1036.
HOLMES, Calixta Guiterus, 352. HUTTON, D. Graham, 1842.
HOLMES, ' Henry A., 1029,1570. HYATT, N.A., 68.
HOLTZMAN, W.W., 206.
HOLLENBACK, Audrey, 1840. 1
HOOD, Anita Louise, 1030.
IDUARTE, A., 1189. JENSEN, Amy Elizabeth, 2565.
IGLESIAS, S., 2290. JOHNSON, Dale, 1771.
INFIELF, Henrik F., 735-37. JOHNSON, Donald D., 2106,2566.
INGERSOLL, Ra lph McAl 1ister, 69. JOHNSON, John J., 586,1524,1846.
INGHAM, John, 210. JOHNSON, Kenneth F., 1451,2494-95.
INMAN, Samue 1 Guy, 1037-38,1843-44,2099-JOHNSON, Richard A., 920.
103,2422. JOHNSON, William Weber, 2107.
ITURRIAGA, José, 2104. JOHNSTON, Charles, 74,2108.
IVERSON, Kenneth R., 1 5 i l . JOHNSTON, Marjorie C., 1042.
IWANSKA, Alic ja, 21 1,585,738,1039. JONES, Chester Lloyd, 469,1847,2109,2424.
JONES, Robert Cuba, 1243.
J JORDAN, H.P., 1848.
JORRIN, M., 1572.
JAC KSON, Doris Goforth, 1040. JOSEPHY, Alvin M., 2567.
JAFFE, A.J., 468. JOUBERT, W.A., 739.
JAHN, Hans Edgad, 70.
JAMES, Daniel, 7 l , 1399,1490. K
JAMES, Earle K., 2423.
JAMES, H. G., 1845. KAETSCH, Siegfried, 470.
JAMES, Preston Everett, 72,1.400. KAHAN, S., 282.
JARA, Heriberto, 2105. KAHIN, G., 1659.
JASZUNSKI, Grzegorz, 73. KAHL, Joseph A., 212-1 3,471,587,1307.
JELLINEK, Frunk, 405. KALET, A., 1308.
JENKINS, James F., 1041. KALININ, Amol'd Ivanovich, 1631,2291.
JENKINS, Myra E., 2493,2564. KALNER, Elliot, 2568.
KAMATA, Hideya, 394. KIRK, William, 284.
KAPLAN, B.A., 283. KIRKWOOD, J. E., 747.
KAPLAN, L.N.1 1157. KITCHENS, John W., 1190.
KAPLAN, S., 1043. KLAPP, Orin E., 217.
KARPOVSKI1, M., 740-43,2340-41. KLING, Merle, 1660,2244.
KASDON, L.M., 537. KLOSE, Frederick, 1245.
KASDON, N.S., 537. KLUCKHOHN, F.R., 1045.
KATZ, Friedrich, 21 1 0 i l l. KLUCKHOLM, Frank L., 1852-53.
KAUFMAN, Susan B., 1695. KNELLER, George F., 1046.
KELLEY, Franc is C lement, 1158-59,2425. KNIGHT, M.F., 1047.
KELLEY, Isabel, 356,1309. KNOWLTON, E., 76.
KELLOG, F.R., 1849. KNOW LTON, Robert James, 2428.
KELLY, John E., 2112,2569. KNOX, William John, 1246.
KEMMERER, Edwin W., 21 13. KNUDSON, Jerry W., 21 14,2342.
KENDALL, ~ i l l m o r e , 1573. KOBERSTEIN, Gerhard, 1247.
KENNEDY, Captain, 2570. KOMAROV, M., 2497.
KENNEDY, John Gordon, 214,357,744-45. KONIECKI, Dieter, 472.
KENNY, Michael, 215,1491,2426-27. KONSTANTINOV, O.M., 2292.
KERR, Robert J., 1632. KRANYIK, Robert Donald, 218.
KHAN, Mohammed Viguar Ahmed, 1044. KRESS, D.M., 285,286,1048-49.
KHOROSHAEVA, l. F., 1244. KRUMM-HELLER, Amoldo, 21 15.
KING, Clarence, 746. KUEHNELT-LEDDIHN, E. von, 1493.
KING, Genevieve, 216. KUNKEL, John Howard, 473,748.
KING, Rosa Elanor, 1850. KUNZ, Josef L., 1854.
KIRK, Betty, 75,1545,2496. KURATH, Gertrude P., 945.
KUTEISHCHIKOVA, Vera Nikolaevna, 2293,25LAUGHLIN, Robert M,, 358,750.
n. -LAUT, A.C., 1052,2120-21.
LAVRETSKII, losif Romual'dovich, 2573.
L LAVROV, N. M., 751,1362,2122-24,2343.
LAWRENCE, David, 79,1401,2125-26.
LA DIVINE, Louis, 1160. LEA, T., 359.
LAFOND, Georges, ~77. LECLER, J., 1161,2430.
LAGNAS, A., 1855. LECHARTIER, George, 1858.
LAMBERT, William W., 1310,1319. LEDIT, J.-H., 1494-96.
LANDA V., Arturo, 1460. LEE, Muna, 161 .
LANDAU, Max, 2116. LEET, Glen, 752.
LANDAZURI, E. , 219,1050. LEHMAN, A.F., 1053.
LANDER, Patricia, 223. LEIGHTON, G.P., 1373,2003.
LANE, M., 1856. LEIS, Ward W., 1054.
LANE, Ralph Norman Angell, 21 17. LEMERT, Ben F., 753,921 .
LANGROD, G., 1574. LEMUS, George, 2498.
LANKS, H.C., 749. LENG, F. B., 754.
LANSFORD, William Douglas, 2 5 4 . LENS, Sidney, 1402,1859.
LAPSHEV, E., 588,1857- LEON, A.P., 1249.
LARA, HeI 1461. LEON DE LA BARRA, F., 2127.
LARA PARDO, Luis, 21 18-1 9. LEON GARZA, Máximo de, 2128.
LARIN, N.S., 2429. LERDO DE TEJADA, Carlos Trejo, 1055.
LARKIN, M., 1248. LEROY-BEAULIEW, Paul, 81.
LARRALDE, Elsa, 78. LESLIE, Charles M., 220,474.
LARROYO, F., 1051. LEVENSTEIN, Harvey A., 1250,2294.
LEVI, I.J., 1056. LOMBARDO TOLEDANO, Vicente, 1462,2296.
LEVITZ, Jacob, 287, LONG, T.K., 2130.
LEWIS, Flora, 1057,1860. LONGYEAR, John M., 1697,2131 .
LEWIS, George King, 2245. LOOMIS, Charles P., 200,479,1062,1214,2486.
LEWIS, Oscar, 406,475-77,555, 755-59,922-24,LOOMIS, Zona K., 1062.
1311-16,1347,1575. LOPEZ MALO, Ernesto, 1252.
LICHEY, W., 1695. LOPEZ MATEOS, Adolfo, 2499.
LIER, R. von, 760. LORD, James, 2297.
LIEUWEN, Edwin, 407-8,478,1861,2363-66, . LOWENSTERN, ~ a r t h aR., 2298.
LOYO, Gilberto, 1862.
LILIUS, Aleko, 82.
LILL, Thomas R., 2129. LOWRY, Philip Holt, 1863.
LINDIG, Wolfgang, 360. LUEBKE, Benjarnin Harrison, 763.
LINK, Max, 1696. LUGAEJ, Abbe A lphonse, 764,2431 -32.
LINKE, Lilo, 761. LUTZ, Ruth Hurne, 2500.
LINNE, S., 361.
LIPSCHULTZ, Robert J., 1251 . LL
LISTER, ~lorenceC., 1576.
LISTER, Robert H., 1576. LLOPIS-PEINADO, L., 184.
LITTLE, M.C., 762.
LIUBIMOVA, V., 2295, M
LOCKWOOD, Dorothy Mae, 1058. MACCOBY, Michael, 221-23.
LOEB, Thomas A., 538. MACDONALD, A. F., 1864.
LOGAN, Lillian May, 1059. MACEOIN, Gary, 480,1661.
LOGAN, Virgil Glen, 1060-61. MACFARIAND, Charles S., 2433.
MACHUGH; Robert Joseph, 83,1403,2132. MARSDEN, G., 224.
MACIAS, Anna, 1633. MARTENS, Frederick H., 289,1163,2434,2467.
MACMAHON, Arthur W., 1578,1698. MARTIN, Edwin E., 1869.
MACOMBER, E. , 254. -. MARTIN, Percy Alvin, 1498,1579,1635.
MACRIDIS, ROY C., 1662. MARTIN, P. F. , 1404,2576.
MADDOX, J.G., 1699. MARTIN, R.L., 84.
MADDOX, James S., 765. MARTINEZ, John Ramón, 1253,1499,1663.
MADSEN, William, 766,1162,1348. MARSTON, H.D., 225.
MAGIL, A.B., 1497. MARRETT, R.H.K., 768.
MAGNER, J.A., 1063-64,1865-66,2575, 2632.MARRINI R. L., 1870.
MALOOF, Louis Joseph, 288. MASSEY, William Clifford, 362.
MANDELL, Paul Irving, 767. MASTENBROEK, Jr., A., n o .
MANDUJANO, G. , 2133. MAULLIN, Richard, 557,2502.
MANERO, Antonio, 2134. MAURO, F., 482-83.
MANGAN, Katherine, 96. MAYER, B., 85.
MANGHAM, Herbert J., 1867. McALISTER, Lyle N., 1664,2367.
MANN, Charles Edward, 925.
McBRIDE, Fel ix McCutchen, 771
McCALEB, W.F., 539.
MARCOSSON, lsaac F., 1868. McCLEARY, John P., 540.
MARCH, José Jorge, 1525. McCORMICK, Archie T.E., 1065.
MARCHAND, Rene, 1463.
McCORMICK, John, 541
McCRARY, J.S., 166.
MARENTES, P. F., 556,2501
MARGAIN, Hugo B., 481.
. McCREA, William S., 1665.
McCULLAGH, Fmncis, 1500,2435.
McCULLY, C., 772. MEISTER, Margaret, 228,558,1583. ¡
McDONAGH, E. G., 290. MEKSIKA, 2300-1 . I
McDONALD, J. G., 2436. MENDIETA Y NUREZ, L., 167,774-75,1874. I
McDONAUGH, E.C., 589. MENDIZABAL, M.O. de, 776.
McEVOY, J.P., 86. MENDOZA, Salvador, 2577. 'I
McGINN, Noel F., 226,1317-18.
McGOWAN, R.A., 445.
MERCADO, Semfin J., 1191 .
MERRILL, John Calhoun, 229-31.
McGRATH, Mark G., 484,2437. METZGER, Duane G., 232,777,1355. 1l~
McHENRY, J. Patrick, 87,1405. MEXICO, 2302-3.
MclNTYRE, J.C., 946. MEXIQUE, 2033. I1
McLAREN, A.D., 2135. MEYER, J., 1164.
McLEAN, Robert N., 227. MEYER, Michael Carl, 2138039,2578-79. ¡
McLEISH, John L., 2136. MEYERHOFF, Barbam, 778. I
McMAHON, W.E., 1871. MEYERS, Frederick, 2304.
McMURRAY, Ruth, 161. MICHAELS, Albert Louis, 1529,2232,2616.
McNEELY, John Hamilton, 773,1527,2137, 2344MICHELS, ~obert, 559,1464,2503.
McREA, William S., 1526. MIDDLETON, Russell, 779.
McSORLEY, J., 1872. MILLAN, Alfonso, 233. i
McWILLIAMS, Carey, 1254. MILLAN, Vema Carleton, 485,780,1349,1875, I

MEAD, Margeret, 363,1203. 2441.

MECHAM, J. Lloyd, 1580-82,1636,1873,2438- MILLER, Frank charles, 366-68. \
40. MILLER, Max, 92. I
MEEK, G., 1066. MILLER, Richard U., 409. i1
MEGEE, Mary C., 926. MILLER, Robert, 2140. l

MEIGS, P., 364. MILLON, Robert Paul, 1501,2580.

MINOR, H.B., 1067. MORRIS, B., 590.
MINTURN, Leigh, 1319. MORRIS, Henry, 95.
MINTZ, S.W., 896. MORRISON, Paul Cross, 1257.
MIROSCHEVSKII, V.M., 93. MOSK, Snaford A., 1702.
MISTRAL, G., 1068. MOSLEY, Ramón, 1070.
MOATS, A l ice-Leone, 781 MOTHERWELL, H., 2635.
MUNGUIA, E., 784.
MODIANO, Nancy, 223,369.
MODOTTI, Tina, 782,2345. MUNZ, C.C., 1878.
MOLINA PIREIRO, Luis, 560,1876. MUREDACH, M., 1879.
MONBEIG, Pierre, 1255. MURILLO, Gemrdo, 1530.
MONSON, Robert A l lan, 1069,1877. MURKIAND, Harry B., 1465.
MONTAGU, l., 410. MURRAY, J., 2308.
MONTAVON, Wil liam F., 94. MURRAY, Mary John, Sister, 1320.
MONTERO, M.A., 2581. MURRAY, Paul V., 1071.
MOORE, C.A., 783. MURRAY, R. H., 291,2582-83.
MOORE, Wilbert E., 487,1256,2305. MY EROFF, Barbara G., 341.
MYERS, Charles Nash, 1072.
MORA, Jos6 P., 1700.
MORALES JIMENEZ, Alberto, 2141 . MYRES, S.D., 1938.
MORAN, Louis J., 488.
MORENO, Jean, 41 1.
MORLEY, Linda, 956.
MORONES, Luis, 2306. NADER, Laura, 370-71.
MORSE, E. L. C., 234-35. NAFT, S., 1502.
MORTON, Ward McKinnon, 1584,1637,1701, NALL, Frank Comstock, 1073.
2142-43,2307,2346,2634. NASH, June, 785,1192.
NASH, Manning, 489-90,1074. NOEL, John Vasanour, 2149.
NASON, F.L., 2144. NORCIA, Arturo, 101.
NATALICIO, Luiz, 202. NORDHOFF, C. B., 237.
NATHAN, Paul, 1880. NORTH, Lisa, 1784.
NAYLOR, Robert A., 1409. NORTHRUP, Richard S., 2314.
NEAL, Joe West, 1586. NORTON, Henry Kittredge, 1883.
NEEDLER, Martin, 478,1861,1881,2636. NORRIS, Renfro Cole, 542.
NEEF, Arthur F., 2309-10. NOURSE, Hugh O., 494.
NEFF, C.A., 231 1,2442-43,2584-85. NUÑEZ, Rafael, 488.
NEGRI, Ramón P. de, 786. NUÑEZ, Jr., Theron Aldine, 238.
NELSON, C~nthia, 236,491,787. NUSSBAUM, D.W., 1704.
NELSON, Eastin, 492. NUTINI, Hugo Gino, 372,1322-23.
NELSON, Lowry, 788. NUTT, Katherine F., 947.
NEWCOMER, Hale Alden, 1703.
NNMET, Marcele de, 591,2145,2312. O
NIALL, Sean, 96.
NICHOLSON, Irene, 97-99, 493,1321,141 0-1 1.OESTE DE BOPP, M., 543.
NIEDERGANG, Marcel, 100,141 2. OKABE, 790.
O'NELL, Carl W., 1324.
NIEMEYER, Jr., E. Victor, 2146-47,2444.
NIETO, R., 2148. OPERATIONS and Policy Research Inc ., 2637.
NIGGLI, Josephine, 789. ORTIZ, Leopoldo, 791.
NIN, A., 2313. ORTlZ MENA, Antonio, 1325.
NITSCHKE, Christian, 1204. O'SHAUGHNESSY, Edith, 1413-1 4.
N.N., 1165-66. OSUNA, A., 102.
NOEL, H., 1882. OWEN, Robert C. Marobavi, 239-40.
rAUL, Benjamin D., 1260,
PAUL, Lois, 1260.
PAVLENKO, A*, 2315,2347,2588.
PAYNE, George C., 1354.
PADDOCK, John, 103,1326. PAZ, Octav io, 243,1885.
PADGETT, Leon Vincent, 561,1587,1638-40, PECK, Robert F., 244.
2504. PECKMAN, D., 163.
PADILLA, Ezequiel, 495,1466. PECHURO, E. E., 2348.
PAEK, Pong Hyon, 1258. PEDRAZA, Roberto, 1077.
PALMER, F., 2150-51. PEMBERTON, D. J., 948.
PANI, Alberto J., 1075,1350. PERA, Moisés T. de la, 794,1261
PERALOSA,Fernando, 927-28.
PARISH, O.S., 496.
PARKER, William, 1076. PENINGTON, Campbell, 292.
PARKES, Henry B., 105,1415,2586. PEREZ SALINAS, Pedro Bernardo, 1503.
PARKES, W illiam, 2587. PERIGNY, M. de, 106.
PARKS, Richard W., 792-93. PERRON, Marius, 592.
PARSONS, Elsie Clews, 373. PERRONE, Vito, 245.
PARSONS, Wilfrid, 241 -42,1884,2445. PERRY, Elsie Adele, 1078.
PASCOE, Harry W., 2446. PESQUEIRA, R.V., 2505.
PASCUAL DIAZ, Bishop, 2447. PETRICIOLI, Blanca M. de, 1079.
PASSIN, Herbert, 162,1259. PHELAN, John Laddy, 107.
PATTEE, Richard, 2448. PHILLIPE, Charles, 2449.
PATTERSON, Charles J., 1327. PH1LLIPS, Andrew Ramsay, 2349.
PAUKER, G.J., 1659. PHILLIPS, Henry Albert, 1886.
PHILLIPS, Richard Baker, 2152. POWELL, J. Richard, 1895,231 7.
t PHILLIPS, W., 108. POWELL, T.G., 798.
PHIPPS, Helen, 795,2153,2350. PRELLWITZ, Jurgen von, 141 7.
PICKARD, Edward E., 1080. PRENDERGAST, L. O., 1896-98,2318,2351.
i PIRA, Roberto, 1iO6. PRESLEY, James, 1083.
PINCHON, Edgcumb, 2081,2589. PRESS, Irwin, 374.
PINNEY, Edward, 1887. PREWETT, Virginia, 110,412,2368.
PI-SUNYER, O., 293. PRICE, Robert E., 2352.
PITT-RIVERS, Jul ion, 294. PRIDA, Ramón, 2157.
PLANK, John, 1641. PRIESTLEY, Herbert Ingmm, 111,690,799,1084,
1418,1531 -32,1643,2158-60,2591.
PLANK, Marion S., 2154,2590.
PLATT, George Milo, 796. PRIESTLEY, Samuel Edward G., 800-1,2161.
PLATT, Robert S., 1262. PRIETO, E., 1667.
PLATT, Rutherford H., 2155. PRIETO-YEME, 1085.
PLEASANTS, Edwin Hemingway, 949. PRITCHETT, V.S., 802.
PLENN, J.H., 797. PROVOST, F., 112.
PLETCHER, D.M., 2156. PUIG CASAURANC, José Manuel, 2162.
POBLETE TRONCOSO, M., 2316 , PUNKE, H.H., 1086,1263.
POLYZOIDES, Adamantios Th., 1888. PURPOSES and ldeals of the Mexican Revolution,
POLIARD, Hugh B.C., 109. 2163.
POND, R., 1081-82,1504,1889-93. PYE, L.W., 1659.
PORTER, Katherine Anne, 1894.
PORTER, Thomas A., 1642,2506.
POTASH, Robert A., 1416.
POUR le Christ-Roi, 2450. QUERO MOLARES, Jos6, 1351.
QUIGLEY, Robert Edward, 2451. REACTIONARY Revolt, 2167.
QUINTANILlA, Luis, 2452. READ, John Lloyd, 950,1353.
QUI~ONES,M., 1352. REDFIELD, Margaret Park, 1328,1353.
QUIRK, Robert E., 113,498,141 9,1899,2164-5,REDFIELD, Robert, 295-96,377-79,594,807-9,12-
2453. 65.
REED, John, 2168.
R REICHWEIN, Adolf, 1421
RENK, Eldred J., 951.
RAAT, William D., 246,2592. RETINGER, J.H., 810,2319.
RABAN, S., 593. REVUELTAS, José, 1505,2169,2320.
RABY, D., 803. REVUNENKOV, V.G., 1422.
RADVANY 1, Laszlo, 164. REYNOLDS, Clark Winston, 1079.
RAJH, Z., 804. REYNOLDS, M.M., 2468.
RAMIREZ, R., 1087. RICE, E.A., 2454.
RAMIREZ CABARAS, J., 805. RICE, Jr., J.P., 1087.
RAMIREZ CORIA, R., 806. RICE, Katherine E., 1708.
RAMOS, Samuel, 247. RICHARDS, H. Grahame, 2170.
RANDALL, Laura, 499,1264. RICHBERG, Donald Randall, 1901.
RICHMOND, Pairic ia Mclnt ¡re, 1644,2507.
RANSON, Thomas Ba ldwin, 17-7.
RASCHKE, Catherine Aloyce, 1420. RIEMENS, Hendrik, 114,1902.
RAUSCH, George J., 2593-95. RINALDI, Felice, 1167.
RAVICZ, Robert Simon, 375-76. RINGWOOD, O. D. K., 2369.
RAVIE, F., 2166. RIPPY, J. Fred, 1193,1423.
RAWKINS, T.H., 143. RIPPY, Merrill, 81 1,1424,1709,1903-4,2596.
RAYMOND, A l len, 1900. RITCHIE, J., 500.
RITCHIE, R.W.1 2171. ROSENQUIST, Carl M., 1 194,1329.
RITTENHOUSE, Floyd O., 21 72. ROSENZWEIG DIAZ, Alfonso de, 1906.
RIVERA, Julius, 191,248,501,576. ROSS, Colin, 1425.
RIVERA, R.A.1 1088. ROSS, Edward Ailsworth, 502,817-1 8,2175,2322.
ROBERSTON, M., 812. ROSS, Stanley Robert, 1O 6,1091,1426,17l0,1907-
ROBERSTON, Clyde Reeves, 1089. 8,2176-80,2370,2598.
ROBINSON, Cecil, 952. ROSSEA, H. Edwin, 1092.
ROBINSON, William D., 1354. ROTHMAN, Stanley, 1668,2455.
RODMAN, S., 115. ROTTER, M., 184.
RODRIGUEZ, Valdemar, 1090. ROULAND, E., 1507.
ROEHL, Charlotte, 2597. ROUSSET, D., 1645,2508.
ROGERS, Thomas Guy, 929. ROVILLBIN, Eugene E., 1909,2181.
ROJAS CORIA, Rosendo, 813-1 4. ROWE, L.S., 1588,2182-83.
ROJO, Juan B., 21 73. ROYER, Fanchon, 1910-1 1,2599.
ROLIAND, M.C., 1506,2174. RUBlN DE LA BORBOLLA, Daniel F., 819-20.
ROLLER ISSLER, Anne, 1266. RUDENKO, B.T., 2184.
ROMANELL, Patrick, 249. RUECKING, Frederick Henry, 821 .
ROMNEY, Kimball, 815,1355. RUHL, A., 2638.
ROMNEY, Romaine, 815. RUIZ, Ramón Eduardo, 117,1093-1 00.
ROMUALDI, Seraf ino, 2321
RONCAL, J., 297,
. RUMNEY, Michael, 595.
RUSIC, l., 732.
RORTY, J., 1356. RUSSELL, Thomas Herbert, 2185.
ROSA, Enrico, 1168. RUTHERFORD, J. D., 953.
ROSADO, Humberto, 816. RYAN, T.F., 2600.
ROSEN, R., 1905.
S SCOTT, Robert E., 1427,1467,1591-92,1648-51,
1669,171 3,191 5-1 7.
SABATH, J., 1195. SCROGGS, Wil 1 iam Oscar, 1918-1 9.
SABGHIR, lrving Howard, 1267. SCULLY, Michael, 1920,2601 -2.
SADY, E.J., 822. SCHAEFFER, Wendel l Gordon, 505,1593.
SAENZ, MoisBs, 823,1084,1533. SCHARFIELD, A.W., 545.
SHALER, H., 1534. SCHEFFEY, Andrew J.W., 1714.
SAlNT ALBANS, Mary, 824. SCHEIFLER, X., 1715.
SALOMON, N., 825. SCHEMEL, Margaret Constance, 1107.
SALERA, Virgil, 503,171 1. SCHILLER, Otto, 828.
SAL'VATOR, 1912. SCHLACMAN, Joseph H.L., 119,1428.
SAMUEL, A*, 1913. SCHMITT, Geo A., 120.
SANCHEZ, George Isadore, 1101-6. SCHMITT, Karl M., 1508-9,1594,2371,2457.
SANCHEZ AZCONA, J., 2186. SCHNEIDER, Franz, 1716.
SANCHEZ MEJORADA, Carlos, 1589,1646-47. SCHNEIDER, Oscar, 1269.
SANCHEZ SALAZAR, Leandro A., 1914. SCHOLES, Walter V., 829-30,2603.
SANDERS, William T., 930. SCHWLER, Jr., M., 1595.
SANDIFORD, K., 826. SCHWARTZ, Lola Romanucc i Manzol lilo, 250.
SANDS, Wil liam Franklin, 1169,2456. SEGOVIA, Rafael, 1429.
SARAMES, George N*, 1712. SEITZ, Ch.J., 2258.
SAUER, C.O., 118,1268. SEJOURNE, Laurette, 251.
SCOTT, J.F., 504. SELBY, Henry Andenon, 298,1324.
SELDES, George, 121
SELZ, Nina, 202.
SHUSTER, W.M., 2190.

S E N IOR, C larence, 506-7,832-37,1468, 1921 SIEMENS, Alfred Henry, 840-41 .
SILVA HERZOG, Jesús, 1929-31,2191.
SEVERIN, Jacques, 1469. SILVER, Daniel B., 1170.
SEVILLA MASCARENAS, Mario, 541. SILVERT, K.H., 842,1109.
SEVIN, Sergei Ivanovich, 1430,1923-24. SIMMONS, Merle E., 954.
SHAFER, Robert J., 509,171 7. SIMON, S. Finny, 1932.
SHAKUNTAIA, Miranda, 1227. SIMONDETTI, E.T., 2192.
SHAPIRO, S., 1925. S IMONDS, L. C., 2193,2604.
SHARP, E. W., 546-57. SIMONOV, Konstantin, 1933.
SHATTUCK, George Cheever, 122,1357. SIMPICH, Frederick, 843,2458-59.
SHAVAROSH, Zh., 1510,2323. SIMPSON, Eyler N., 844.
SHEARER, John Clyde, 1270. SIMPSON, H., 2194.
SHEDD, Margaret, 1546. SIMPSON, Lesley Bird, 124,1431 .
SHELBY, B., 1511. SINGER, Morris, 508,1721 .
SHEPPARD, A., 123. SIROL, Jean, 845,1722.
SHEREMET'EV, Igor' Konstantinovich, 1718. S IVERTS, Henning, 252,510,562-63,1596-97.
SHERIDAN, James M., 1535. SKEAPING, John, 125.
SHIELDS, Karena, 838. SKELTON, Byron G., 2639,
SHIFRIN, E., 2324. SKILLIN, Jr., Edward, 1547.
SHIPLEY, M., 1196. SLOAN, Forrest Edward, 1110.
SHIPMAN, Margaret, 2188. SMITH, Cleo Dawson, 1111.
SHIRLN, J.J., 1719. SMITH, Justin H., 1934.
SHTIRNER, A., 1512,1926,2189. SMITH, Lola B., 2605.
SMITH, Marinobel, 1112. STANLEY RIGGS, Arthur, 2198.
SMITH, Matthew Dinsdale, 1113. STANSFIELD, David E., 1653.
SMITH, Randol~hW., 2195. STARK, Harry, 1432.
SMITH, T. Lynn, 846. STARR, Betiy W., 300.
SNOW, Edgar, 931. STARR, Frederick, 130-31 ,301 ,384,2199-201 ,26-
SNYDER, D.E., 1271. 06.
SOBRINO, Josephine, 380,1114. STARR-HUNT, Jack, 852.
SODERIN 1, Eduardo, 2 W . STATUS of the Indians, 2469.
SOMMERS, J., 955,1330. STAVENHAGEN, Rodolfo, 302,596,853-54,1272.
SOTO Y GAMA, A.D., 847. STEFFBRE, Volney, 956.
SOUSTELLE, Jacques, 127,299. STEFFENS, Lincoln, 2202.
SPAIN, A.O., 1652. STEGGERDA, Morris, 254,385,855,1293.
SPENCE, Lewis, 1935,2196. STEIN, Max, 2607.
SP ICER, Edward H., 381-83,413. STEININGER, G. Russell, 856,879.
SPIELBERG, Joseph, 848. STELZMANN, A., 132.
SPIRIN, V., 1936. STENNING, Walter, 202.
SPITZER, Allen, 1171-72. STENTON, J.E., 133.
SPRATLING, William, 128. STEPHANSKY, Ben F., 2325.
STABB, Martin S., 253,849. STEPHENS, Alonzo T., 1670..
STALEY, S.R., 129. STERLING, Henry Somers, 857-60,1273.
STAMATU, Horia, 2197. STERN, George, 1937.
STANDER, Jack, 850. STERN, W.B., 1197,1331-33.
STANISLAWSKI, Dan, 851. STEVENS, Evelyn P., 255,564,1654-55,2509.
STAN LEY, Joseph Wight, 1115. STEVENS, Guy, 1100.
STANLEY, Ruth H., 51 1. STEVENS, Louis, 2008.
STEVENSON, E. R., 597. TANNENBAUM, Frank, 137-40,303,513-14,862-
STEVENSON, P., 386. 64,111 6,1205,1434,1537, 1599,1941 -45,2206-14
STEWARD, Julian, 168. 2355 -5 6,2609.
STEWART, M.S., 1536. TAPIA, A., 865.
STEWART, Walter W., 2203. TAT'IAN ICHEV, V., 1117.
STOCKING, George W., 1938. TAXI Sol, 304,1206,1470.
STOKES, W. S., 256. TAY LOR, Franc is R., 221 1.
STONE, R.G., 2326. TAYLOR, Frank H., 2610.
STONE, Shirle~, 2640. TAYLOR, J.A., 1723.
STOPPELMAN, Joseph W. F., 134. TAYLOR, N., 1358.
STORY, Sydney R., 1173. TAYLOR, Paul S., 866,1274.
STOWELL, Jay Samuel, 2204. TAYLOR, Jr., Philip B., 1275,2641.
STOWELL, Robert F., 135. TAYLOR, Robert B., 515.
STRODE, Hudson, 136,1433,1939. TEICHERT, Pedro C., 1724.
STULLKEN, Virginia Pauline, 1598. TERCERO, J., 1600.
STURNTHAL, A., 512. TERCEROS, M. R. de, 1118.
SUMMERS, Lionel M., 1198. TERRY, Hubert Hendrix, 2212.
SURACE, Samuel J., 548. TERRY, L.M., 387.
SURO, G.A., 861. THOMAS, Alfred Bamaby, 141,1435.
SUTER, Richard, 2624. THOMPSON, Arthur, 2213.
SYLVESTER, H., 1940. THOMPSON, H.C., 257.
THOMPSON, T., 1276.
THOMPSON, Wal lace, 25859,261 1
THOMSON, B., 1513.
TALBOT, E.H., 2205. THOMSON, Charles A., 260,516,867-70,1119.
THORNING, Joseph, 445. TUOHY, Wil liam, 1456.
THORD-GRAY, l., 2214. TWEEDIE, Alec, 142,2613.
TINNEY, E.L., 2482. TWEEDIE, Ethel Brilliana, 1948.
TOMASEK, Robert D., 1277,2246.
TOOR, Frances, 388.
TORRES BODET, Jaime, 1120.
TOUSSAINT, M., 1471 . ULRICH, P., 872.
TOWNSEND, Everett B., 1121 . ULLNER, R., 1437.
UNZUETA, Gerardo, 1949.
TOWNSEND, William C., 1122,2612.
TRAINOR, Joseph Charles, 1 725. UPCHURCH, M. L., 875.
TRASIN, Walter, 1123. USHER, Roland G.1 1726.
TRENT, R.D., 189.
TRITONJ, R., 1436.
TROWBRIDGE, E. D., 2215-1 6.
. VAN DEN BERGHE, Pierre L., 277-78.
TRUEBLOOD, Felicity M., 957,2510. VANCE, J.T., 1199.
TRUMAN, David B., 1946. VAN LOON, H.W., 2218.
TUBBS, Lowell Lester, 1278. VAN PATTEN, James Jeffen, 1125.
TUCKER, Darrina D., 2372. VAN ZANTWIJK, R.A.M., 390.
TUCKER, William Pierce, 1472,1601
TURNER, Frederick C., 1538,2462.
. VANZETTI, C., 876.
VARGA, G 877.
TURNER, J.K., 598-99,871,2217,2470. VARGAS McDONALD, Antonio, 878.
TURNER, Paul R., 389. VARNEY, Harold Lord, 1514.
TURNER, Ralph H., 548. VASCONCELOS, José, 1126-28, 261 4.
TURNER, Timothy Gilman, 1947. VAZQUEZ, Samuel G., 143.
VELDE, Paul van de, 879. WALLACE, Dwight, 395.
VELARDE, C.J., 2219. WALLACE, lrving Speed, 146,1952.
VELASCO, Gustavo R., 1656. WALLACE, W.M., 2223.
VELIZ, Claudio, 144,1439. WALLER, Jr., George, 1200.
VERA ESTAROL,Jorge, 1515,2220. WALLING, William English, 2224,2358.
VERBA, Sidney, 2471. WARNER, Louis H., 1729.
VERNON, Raymond, 1727-28. WARWICK, A.W., 2225.
VIGNESS, David M., 1950. WASHINGTON, S. Walter, 1516.
VILLA ROJAS, Alfonso, 261,296. WATSON, Goodw in Barbour, 1130,1334.
VILLAREAL, Albert, 1129. WATTLER, J.D., 600.
VILLASEÑOR, Eduardo, 1175. WAUGH, Evelyn, 147,1953.
VINCENT, M.J., 2327. WAXMAN, Bruce D., 1218.
VINOGRADOV, S., 2221. WEAVER, A.J.S., 887.
VIVAS, Eliseo, 145. WEBSTER, H., 2643.
VOGT, Evon Z., 262,391-92. WECKSTEIN, Richard S., 888.
VOGT, William, 880. WEINBURG, F.T., 1131.
VOIRONCOVA, S.M., 881-82. WEINFELD, A.C., 1954.
VOLKOV, A., 883-84,2642. WEITZ, Raanan, 889.
VOL'SKII, Andrei, 885,1951,2222,2328,2357. WELLS, L.C., 2226.
WERLIN, Joseph S., 148,1440,1539,1955, 2511 .
WEST, Robert Cooper, 396.
WETHERELL, Lucille, 2227.
WAGLEY, Charles, 393,886. WEYL, Nathanial, 1956.
WAGNER, P.L., 51 7. WEYL, Sylvia, 1956.
WAISANEN, F.B., 394. WEY L, Wal ter E., 2329-30.
WEYMULLER, Fransois, 149. W INTON, George Beverl~, 152,1444,1961,2235-
WHELESS, Joseph, 2228. 36.
WHELPLEY, J. D., 1957,2615. WIONCZEK, Miguel, 437,1731.
WHETTEN, Nathan L., 601,890-1,1218,1279- WISDOM, Charles, 1360.
80,2359. WOLF, Eric R., 154,264,305,895-96,1445.
WHITAKER, Arthur Preston, 150,1441 . WOLFE, Bertmm D., 958,2514.
WHITE, Max, 1517,1958. WOMACK, Jr., 2237,2617.
WHITEFORD, Andrew H.; 932. WOODBRIDGE, H.C., 2618.
WILFLEY, L.R., 892. WOOLSEY, Arthur Wallace, 1135.
WILGUS, A. Curtis, 1443. WOOSTER, Julis L., 897.
WILKES, A.T., 2229-30. WOOTEN, D. G., 2238,2463.
WILKIE, Edna, 2512. WORCESTER, D.C., 1671,2239.
WILKIE, James W., 518,893-94,1959,2231-32,WORCESTER, Donald Emmet, 505.
251 2,261 6. WORTHEN, Edward Henry, 959.
WILKIE, Jr., Raymond A., 397. WRIGHT, Frederick, 2331.
WILKIE, Richard W., 894. WRIGHT, Theodore P., 2644.
WILSON, C.M., 398. WYCOFF DE CARLOS, Ann, 2515.
WILSON, H. Lane, 2233-34. WYGARD, Edward J., 519,1732.
WILSON, l., 1133. WYLIE, Kathryn H., 898.
WILSON, R.C., 1960.
WILLIAMSON, Rene de Visme, 565. X
WING, George Gordon, 263,251 3.
WINNIE, William W., 1281,1730. XIRAU, R., 265.
WINSLOW, Th., 1134.
WINTER, Nevin Otto, 151. Y
YANKWICH, L. R., 1201
. ZENDEJAS, S.M., 184.
ZEUCH, W.E., 2332.
Y OUNG, Frank W., 266,520-22,899,1335. ZGHAL, A., 1657.
YOUNG, Ruth C., 521-22,899,1335. ZILIANI, Luigi, 1176.
YOUNGMAN, Elmer H., 155. ZIMBALIST, Michelle S., 400.
ZINGG, R. M o w ~ ~267,3150
ZORN, P., 1962.
ZUBRYN, Emil, 156.
ZAPATA, M.O. de, 399. ZURCHER, Louis A., 268.
ZARATE, Alvan O., 569,933,1282. ZURCHER, Susan Lee, 268.
ZAYAS ENRIQUEZ, Rafael de, 2240. ZWIERLEIN, F.J., 1963.
ZEA, Leopoldo, 2241 .
En l a Imprenta Universitaria, baia
l a dirección de Rafael Moreno, se
terminó l a impresión de México en
el siglo XX, el dfa 12 de septiem-
b t e m . Se tiraron 500 ejem-
pl ares.

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