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Maestra: Brenda Karina Cuevas López
El grupo A de primer grado de preescolar, consta de 5 niños y 4 niñas, en él
apliqué una evaluación diagnostica en la semana del 29 de agosto al 09 de
septiembre; con la finalidad de conocer el nivel de aprovechamiento en las
habilidades de: pre-writing, pre - reading, speaking y listening en el idioma
de inglés. Otra de las áreas que evalué fue el desarrollo personal y social de
los alumnos a través de diversas estrategias aplicadas de manera grupal, los datos
que recabé los obtuve a través de la observación participante. A continuación
detallo los resultados que obtuve en la evaluación diagnóstica.


Comenzaré a detallar los resultados de las habilidades de speaking y listening,
como resultado los alumnos mostraron un nivel madurativo poco propicio para un
primer grado de preescolar, ya que sólo 2 estudiantes logran expresarse de
manera fluida, expresando sus gustos e intereses.

Al comenzar mis situaciones didácticas, con la rutina diaria, el 10% de los

alumnos lograran identificar el vocabulario básico, tal como : hello, how are you?,
happy, sad. Al momento que realizo preguntas en inglés sólo el 10% de los
estudiantes logra comprender lo que se les cuestiona y reconocen el vocabulario
básico, tal como: Sit down, stand up, hello, How are you?, What´s your name? En
cuanto al otro 50% de grupo todavía no consolida su lenguaje oral, por falta de
estimulación en casa.
En las habilidades de pre-writing y pre - reading los alumnos obtuvieron un
nivel poco propicio, ya que sólo el 10% de los estudiantes lograron identificar los
números del 1 al 3 en inglés, así como las figuras geométricas básicas como el
cuadro, triangulo y círculo. El 10% de los estudiantes logran identificar las
partes del cuerpo y la cara en inglés, el vocabulario que más lograron identificar
fue: face, nose, ears.

En cuanto en el área de desarrollo personal y social, observé que el grupo de
primero A, les cuesta trabajo el seguimiento de instrucciones, así cómo el respeto
a los límites, en casa no hay consecuencia a sus acciones. El manejo a la
frustración es una de las áreas de oportunidad a trabajar, ya que se frustran con
STUDENT NAME: TEACHER: Brenda Karina Cuevas L.

Diagnostic Report

Work Habits
Completes work (On time) Work quality
____ Always ___ Excellent
____ Must of the time ___ Good
____ Sometimes ___ Satisfactory
____ The student is unable to ___ Need help
complete work

Overall behavior: Areas of improvement
___ Excellent ___ Listens carefully
___ Good ___ Stays on task
___ Satisfactory __ Follow directions
___ Need help ___ Follow class rules

Other benchmarks (developmental)

___ Asks for assistance, expresses needs
___ Able to go to the bathroom without assistance
___ Works cooperatively in small groups
___ Express emotions appropriability
___ Takes turns and plays cooperatively
___ Follows safety procedures
___ Respect others and personal property of other
(C: Consistently, P: progressing, N: Not meeting benchmark)
STUDENT NAME: García Carrasco Salvador TEACHER: Brenda Karina Cuevas L.

Diagnostic Report

Work Habits
Completes work (On time) Work quality
____ Always ___ Excellent
____ Must of the time ___ Good
____ Sometimes ___ Satisfactory
__X__ The student is unable to _X__ Need help
complete work

Overall behavior: Areas of improvement
___ Excellent _X__ Listens carefully
___ Good _X__ Stays on task
___ Satisfactory _X_ Follow directions
_X__ Need help _X__ Follow class rules

Other benchmarks (developmental)

_N__ Asks for assistance, expresses needs
_P__ Able to go to the bathroom without assistance
_N__ Works cooperatively in small groups
_N__ Express emotions appropriability
_N__ Takes turns and plays cooperatively
_N__ Follows safety procedures
_N__ Respect others and personal property of other
(C: Consistently, P: progressing, N: Not meeting benchmark)
STUDENT NAME: Juárez Herrera Maximiliano TEACHER: Brenda Karina Cuevas L.

Diagnostic Report

Work Habits
Completes work (On time) Work quality
____ Always ___ Excellent
____ Must of the time ___ Good
____ Sometimes ___ Satisfactory
__X__ The student is unable to _X__ Need help
complete work

Overall behavior: Areas of improvement
___ Excellent _X__ Listens carefully
___ Good _X__ Stays on task
___ Satisfactory _X_ Follow directions
_X__ Need help _X__ Follow class rules

Other benchmarks (developmental)

_N__ Asks for assistance, expresses needs
_N__ Able to go to the bathroom without assistance
_N__ Works cooperatively in small groups
_N__ Express emotions appropriability
_N__ Takes turns and plays cooperatively
_N__ Follows safety procedures
_N__ Respect others and personal property of other
(C: Consistently, P: progressing, N: Not meeting benchmark)
STUDENT NAME: Rodríguez García María Sofía TEACHER: Brenda Karina Cuevas L.

Diagnostic Report

Work Habits
Completes work (On time) Work quality
____ Always ___ Excellent
____ Must of the time ___ Good
_X___ Sometimes _X__ Satisfactory
____ The student is unable to ___ Need help
complete work

Overall behavior: Areas of improvement
___ Excellent _X__ Listens carefully
___ Good _X__ Stays on task
_X__ Satisfactory __ Follow directions
___ Need help ___ Follow class rules

Other benchmarks (developmental)

_P__ Asks for assistance, expresses needs
_P__ Able to go to the bathroom without assistance
_P__ Works cooperatively in small groups
_P__ Express emotions appropriability
_P__ Takes turns and plays cooperatively
_P__ Follows safety procedures
_P__ Respect others and personal property of other
(C: Consistently, P: progressing, N: Not meeting benchmark)
STUDENT NAME: Franco Quiroz Rodrigo Sahid TEACHER: Brenda Karina Cuevas L.

Diagnostic Report

Work Habits
Completes work (On time) Work quality
____ Always ___ Excellent
____ Must of the time ___ Good
____ Sometimes ___ Satisfactory
_X___ The student is unable to _X__ Need help
complete work

Overall behavior: Areas of improvement
___ Excellent _X__ Listens carefully
___ Good _X__ Stays on task
___ Satisfactory _X_ Follow directions
_X__ Need help _X__ Follow class rules

Other benchmarks (developmental)

_N__ Asks for assistance, expresses needs
_N__ Able to go to the bathroom without assistance
_N__ Works cooperatively in small groups
_N__ Express emotions appropriability
_N__ Takes turns and plays cooperatively
_N__ Follows safety procedures
_N__ Respect others and personal property of other
(C: Consistently, P: progressing, N: Not meeting benchmark)
STUDENT NAME: Vega San Román Patricio Elías TEACHER: Brenda Karina Cuevas L.

Diagnostic Report

Work Habits
Completes work (On time) Work quality
____ Always ___ Excellent
____ Must of the time ___ Good
____ Sometimes ___ Satisfactory
____ The student is unable to ___ Need help
complete work

Overall behavior: Areas of improvement
___ Excellent ___ Listens carefully
___ Good ___ Stays on task
___ Satisfactory __ Follow directions
___ Need help ___ Follow class rules

Other benchmarks (developmental)

___ Asks for assistance, expresses needs
___ Able to go to the bathroom without assistance
___ Works cooperatively in small groups
___ Express emotions appropriability
___ Takes turns and plays cooperatively
___ Follows safety procedures
___ Respect others and personal property of other
(C: Consistently, P: progressing, N: Not meeting benchmark)
STUDENT NAME: Mendoza López León Eduardo TEACHER: Brenda Karina Cuevas L.

Diagnostic Report

Work Habits
Completes work (On time) Work quality
____ Always ___ Excellent
_X___ Must of the time ___ Good
____ Sometimes ___ Satisfactory
____ The student is unable to _X__ Need help
complete work

Overall behavior: Areas of improvement
___ Excellent _X__ Listens carefully
___ Good ___ Stays on task
_X__ Satisfactory _X_ Follow directions
___ Need help _X__ Follow class rules

Other benchmarks (developmental)

_P__ Asks for assistance, expresses needs
_P__ Able to go to the bathroom without assistance
_P__ Works cooperatively in small groups
_P__ Express emotions appropriability
_P__ Takes turns and plays cooperatively
_P__ Follows safety procedures
_P__ Respect others and personal property of other
(C: Consistently, P: progressing, N: Not meeting benchmark)
STUDENT NAME: Torres Álvarez María Isabel TEACHER: Brenda Karina Cuevas L.

Diagnostic Report

Work Habits
Completes work (On time) Work quality
____ Always ___ Excellent
____ Must of the time ___ Good
____ Sometimes ___ Satisfactory
_X___ The student is unable to _X__ Need help
complete work

Overall behavior: Areas of improvement
___ Excellent _X__ Listens carefully
___ Good _X__ Stays on task
_X__ Satisfactory _X_ Follow directions
___ Need help ___ Follow class rules

Other benchmarks (developmental)

_P__ Asks for assistance, expresses needs
_P_ Able to go to the bathroom without assistance
_P__ Works cooperatively in small groups
_P__ Express emotions appropriability
_P__ Takes turns and plays cooperatively
_P__ Follows safety procedures
_P__ Respect others and personal property of other
(C: Consistently, P: progressing, N: Not meeting benchmark)
STUDENT NAME: Ferrari Gutiérrez Sofía Belén TEACHER: Brenda Karina Cuevas L.

Diagnostic Report

Work Habits
Completes work (On time) Work quality
____ Always ___ Excellent
_X___ Must of the time _X__ Good
____ Sometimes ___ Satisfactory
____ The student is unable to ___ Need help
complete work

Overall behavior: Areas of improvement
___ Excellent ___ Listens carefully
___ Good _X__ Stays on task
_X__ Satisfactory __ Follow directions
___ Need help ___ Follow class rules

Other benchmarks (developmental)

_P__ Asks for assistance, expresses needs
_P__ Able to go to the bathroom without assistance
_P__ Works cooperatively in small groups
_P__ Express emotions appropriability
_P__ Takes turns and plays cooperatively
_P__ Follows safety procedures
_P__ Respect others and personal property of other
(C: Consistently, P: progressing, N: Not meeting benchmark)
STUDENT NAME: Rebeca TEACHER: Brenda Karina Cuevas L.

Diagnostic Report

Work Habits
Completes work (On time) Work quality
____ Always ___ Excellent
__x__ Must of the time ___ Good
____ Sometimes _x__ Satisfactory
____ The student is unable to ___ Need help
complete work

Overall behavior: Areas of improvement
___ Excellent __x_ Listens carefully
___ Good ___ Stays on task
_x__ Satisfactory _x_ Follow directions
___ Need help __x_ Follow class rules

Other benchmarks (developmental)

_p__ Asks for assistance, expresses needs
_p__ Able to go to the bathroom without assistance
_c__ Works cooperatively in small groups
_p__ Express emotions appropriability
_p__ Takes turns and plays cooperatively
_p__ Follows safety procedures
_p__ Respect others and personal property of other
(C: Consistently, P: progressing, N: Not meeting benchmark)

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