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Cuadernillo de actividades para la

Continuidad Pedagógica 2020

Primera Entrega

Quinto año



Dirección Provincial de Educación Secundaria

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Cuadernillo de actividades
para la Continuidad Pedagógica

Estimadas y estimados docentes:

El material que se presenta aquí pretende acompañar este difícil contexto de manera de
sumar herramientas a las que ustedes ya están usando. El desafío es ofrecer material
relevante para las y los estudiantes y que así el alejamiento de las aulas sea sólo físico. En
este caso les proponemos centrar la atención en el lenguaje de la pandemia. Hay muchas
experiencias nuevas que se están compartiendo a nivel mundial y, por lo tanto, muchos
términos que se han ido agregando en los distintos idiomas para dar cuenta de este nuevo
fenómeno. El primer texto y sus actividades presentan algunos de esos términos. Vale la
pena recordar aquí que el término ‘respirator’ es sinónimo de ‘face-mask’ y que se refiere
al barbijo y no al respirador usado para el tratamiento del Covid-19. El respirador en inglés
se traduce como ‘ventilator’.

Con respecto al video de la charla TED, es cierto que puede presentar un desafío, pero
vale la pena recordarles a las y los estudiantes que no deben entender cada palabra sino
lo suficiente para ir haciendo las actividades. Al hacerlas, al ver y al escuchar el video
varias veces, desarrollarán habilidades necesarias para la comprensión de otro idioma. Es
importante insistir en que no se frustren si entienden poco, ya que la comprensión de otro
idioma es diferente de la de la lengua materna.

La última actividad es la más creativa. Las y los estudiantes pueden buscar imágenes
para acompañar las frases que elijan. Si necesitaran ofrecer algunas opciones de frases
típicas del contexto, las siguientes pueden ser útilies: stay at home; stay home-save lives;
wash your hands; keep your distance; keep a safe distance; wear a face mask; do not enter
without a face mask; use hand sanitizer, etc.

Por último, el trabajo está pensado para poder compartir con las y los estudiantes tal
cual aparece o para adaptar las consignas de acuerdo con las necesidades del grupo. Si
fuera necesario eliminar algunas de las explicaciones y dejar solo los títulos en negrita,
puede hacerse, o agregar algunos comentarios en español, como en el punto 2.4, donde
es importante que las y los estudiantes comprendan el sentido de la frase ‘I guess you had
to be there’ (Supongo que deberías haber estado allí / Tendrías que haber estado ahí), que
pretende explicar que hay experiencias intransferibles, que uno solo comprende al vivirlas.

Los saludamos cordialmente.

Material destinado a docentes
Quinto Año


1• Match the 1•2- (...) write 2•1- Watch 2•2- Put (...) 2•3- (…)
synonyms the words the video in order experiences
1- e 1- glove(s) 1- c 1- e; 2- f He has had
2- a 2- goggles 2- b 3- a; 4- g the following
3- c 3- face shield 3- a 5- c; 6- b experiences: 1,
4- b 4- face mask 4- c 7- i; 8- h 3, 5, 6 & 8
5- d or respirator 5- b
He hasn’t had
these: 2, 4,& 7


Body-image Financial stru- Cancer / termi- Disconnection Minority

ggle nal illness

3 1 2 5 4

Cuadernillo de actividades
para la Continuidad Pedagógica


1• Match the synonyms

1 exponential rise
2 indoors
3 lockdown
4 outdoors
5 term

a inside/at home
b outside
c quarantine/ isolation
d word
e rapid increase/boom/increase

1•1- Read and put in the right category

Social change and Linguistic change: the language of Covid-19 (adapted from https:// and other sources)

In a very short period of time there has been an exponential rise in the use of a single
word. This word has dominated global discourse for months. The word is Covid-19 (the
short form of coronavirus disease 2019). The pandemic has produced a great social
change and a great linguistic change, too.

Some of the words that we have seen in the news and social media include self-isolation
and self-isolating. Both terms describe self-imposed isolation to prevent catching or
transmitting an infectious disease. Campaigns have repeated ‘ Stay at home. Save lives’
in many languages. The word lockdown, a security measure taken by governments all
over the world to avoid the spread of the virus, refers to restricted access to buildings
or areas.

The term social distance has changed its meaning. It is now used as a synonym of
physical distance. They both mean that people should keep a distance of at least 6 feet
(two metres) between one another so as to avoid contagion. A result of this distance,
greetings have changed, too. We do not kiss or hug each other now. Instead, we give
an elbow bump.

Material destinado a docentes
Quinto Año

We have also got used to some abbreviations such as WHO ( World Health Organization)
WFH ( Working form home) PPE ( Personal Protective Equipment) including face masks
or respirators, face shields, gloves and goggles and gowns in the case of doctors or
nurses (HCW: Health Care Workers)

You can find more words simply by entering COVID-19 words or COVID-19 glossary
at a search engine like Google or similar or by reading the headlines of newspapers in
English. More words can be added to the list as the situation continues to change, too.
Remember language and society change together.

Put the words in italics in the right category



1•2- Read the text again and write the words for these items

1 2 3 4

Cuadernillo de actividades
para la Continuidad Pedagógica

2• Language and experience

2•1- Watch the video and answer the questions

1) How many languages does Poet Ali speak?

a- 1 b- 4 c- more than 83

2) How does he define his TED talk?

a- It is a presentation b- It is a conversation c- It is a lecture

3) What is the main topic of his talk?

a- Language & experience b- Grammar c- Vocabulary

4) Which of these languages doesn’t he speak in the talk?

a- Italian b-Farsi c- French

5) In his opinion, what is the most difficult language of all?

a- the language of laughter b- the language of love c- English

2•2- Watch the video again and put these points in the order they are mentioned

a- He explains the meaning of the word ‘taarof’ in Farsi.

b- He shares his experience of being a fat boy.
c- He describes economic problems.
d- He talks about cancer.
e- He can speak Italian with a glass of wine.
f- He speaks Spanish with the audience.
g- He shows the audience a special love letter.
h- He recites a love poem.
i- He uses his mobile and ignores the audience.

2•3- Which of these experiences has Poet Ali had?

1- He has felt uncomfortable with his body.

2- He has had cancer.
3 His father had cancer.
4- He has always been rich.

Material destinado a docentes
Quinto Año

5- He has had financial problems.

6- He has used his mobile in bed.
7- He has crashed his car.
8- He has been left out. He is a member of a minority.

2•4- Put the phrases in the correct category of experience

Poet Ali explains how shared experiences help people connect. He uses the following
phrase to show how important experience is to understand others

‘I guess you had to be there’

Body-image Financial Cancer or Disconnection Minority

issues struggle terminal
(e.g. being a fat (i.e. not having illness
boy) enough money)

‘Imagine two bills in my hand. One is the phone bill and one is the electric bill. (…) I might
not have enough to pay both at the current moment.’

‘When we heard the diagnosis I thought not that word.’
‘ I hate that word.’
‘Has it spread?’
‘How long, doctor. How long?’

‘I would really hope the party wasn’t at a water park because then I’d have to be in a
bathing suit.’
‘Sometimes when I approach a dressing room, my sweat glands start activating on their
‘ Every time I wanted a second plate, (…) it was a whole exercise in cost-benefit analysis.’
‘Did my cheeks have a big “pinch me” sign that I didn’t see?’

Cuadernillo de actividades
para la Continuidad Pedagógica

‘You know what it’s like when everybody’s a part of something... and you’re not’

‘Oh, no, no. I’m listening.’
‘I’m with you. I’m with you.’ (blue light shining in your face...)

The Covid-19 experience

3• Read the phrases, look at the photos and create your own poster of COVID-19

All the world shares the experience of Covid-19. Can you think of some phrases that
represent that experience?

Check your temperature Wear a face-mask.



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