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Proyecto Video Presentacion de un problema

Fecha de entrega 26 de Agosto

• Para este proyecto deberan crear una presentacion grabada de una explicacion de
un problema del curso en ingles en una mini presentacion de maximo 10 minutos.
• Requisitos del problema
• Problema seleccionado debe ser aprobado por su professor hasta el dia Domingo 21 de Agosto
(Enviar mensaje via Microsoft Teams para aprobación)
• (Cada estudiante tiene un problema distinto por lo que es importante verificar la disponibilidad del mismo
dado que una vez seleccionado un problema por un estudiante no puede ser utilizado por otro estudiante)
• Deberan explicar la teoria detras del problema
• Problema seleccionado debe tener un componente de IHT y entregar el mismo codigo IHT
• Presentacion debe ser en ingles
• Se debe crear diapositivas de la resolucion en ppt siguiendo la metodologia establecida
• Se debe incluir explicacion del codigo IHT en la presentacion
• Problema debe ser de los capitulos 5, 6, 7 o 12
• Problema no puede ser uno de los problemas desarolladas en clase/practica o las
• Deben mostrar en video su camara
• Diapositivas deberán ser subidas para su revisión
Rubrica de calificacion
Resultado de Aprendizaje 3b

La capacidad de comunicarse en inglés.

Criterio Unsatisfactory Developing Satisfactory Exemplary

Lacks logical organization. It shows Some information presented in logical Shows high degree of attention to logic and reasoning of points.
Is coherent and logically organized. Transitions
some coherence, but ideas lack sequence. Some points remain displaced and Clearly leads the reader/listener to the conclusion and stirs thought
1 Oral and Written Presentation Structure used between ideas and paragraphs to create
coherence. Vocabulary is limited, stray from the topic. Vocabulary is sometimes regarding the topic. Vocabulary is highly appropriate for the
coherence. Vocabulary is clear.
casual, and colloquial. vague. context. It is very clear.

Is not logical,Ideas are present with

details that may be irrelevant, Is logical and solid.Ideas are present but could
Is well-presented.Ideas are detailed, developed Is exceptionally well presented and argued. Ideas are detailed, well
inappropriate, or inaccurate. be more fully extended. Shows a pattern of
2 Written presentation /Task achievement and supported. Has few errors in spelling, developed and supported with specific evidence and facts. Is free
Continuous errors in spelling, errors in spelling, grammar, syntax and/or
grammar, syntax and punctuation. of distracting spelling, grammar, syntax and punctuation errors.
grammar, syntax and/or punctuation punctuation.
making it difficult to read.

Speech is slow, hesitant & strained

Oral Presentation Fluency and except for short memorized phrases; Speech is relatively smooth with some Fluid speech; few hesitations; a slight search for Fluid speech; few to no hesitations; no attempts to search for
Pronunciation inaudible. More than three hesitation and unevenness Volume wavers. words. Inaudible word or two. words. Volume is excellent. No mispronounced words.
mispronounced words

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