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Grade: 9th-01 Date: 19-08-21 Year: 2021

English teachers: Nubia Jaimes Cubides / Wendy Caballero

First name: Edwin Leandro Last name Castellanos Esteban

Distance learning - Second term WK#3



E l presente material tiene como objetivo brindarle una he r ra mi e n ta i n d e pe n di e nte de

t r a ba j o que requiere solamente de su concentración y l a cor r e c ta lectura y e j e c uc i ó n de l a s i n st r u c ci on e s p r e s e nt a d a s

a n te s de ca da e j e r c i c i o .

 C o m o herramienta básica, se requi e re e l uso de u n di c ci o na r i o fí si c o y /o v i r t ua l ( se r e c om ie n da el

si g ui en t e : htt ps : //di c t i o n a r m br i dg e . org /e s/ ).
 E s importante respetar y se g u i r l o s mo m e n to s de e st a g u í a e n e l o rde n ex p ue sto .

 Reconocer situaciones de inequidad en materias como acceso a la educación y género.

 Identificar estructuras básicas en los adjetivos en forma comparativa y superlativa.
 Identificar similitudes y diferencias de situaciones de inequidad en el ambiente social.
 Usar adecuadamente el segundo condicional para expresar opiniones de equidad en la sociedad.

GE NE RA LE S DE NP/NN 3 .5 - 3.9 4.0 - 4.5 4.6 - 5.0

No ha participado
en n i nguna No cumple con las E n t r e g a t o d o s lo s E n t r e g a t o d o s lo s
a c t iv id a d fechas de plazo, inform es inform es
O p o r tu n i d a d propuesta desde per o c um pl e con s o l i c i ta d o s e n l as s o l i c i ta d o s e n l as
el área y por ende no el enví o d e los fec h as fec h as
ha enviado t ra ba jo s. e s ta b l e c i d a s . e s ta b l e c i d a s .

Logra los
D e m u e s t ra u n ob j e t i v o s d e es t a
Cumple con los
a d ec u a d o m a nej o guía de forma
tiempos para la
No ha participado de los conceptos c o m p l e ta m e n t e
entrega de
en n i nguna d es ar r ol l a do s en c o rr e c t a .
tra b a j o s .
a c t iv id a d l a g u ía .
P e r ti n e n c i a propuesta desde Se apoya en otras
No logra los
el área y por ende no No logra los fuentes, es decir,
ob j e t i v o s d e es t a
ha enviado ob j e t i v o s d e es t a i n v e s t i g a p a ra
g u í a d e m a n e ra
nada. guía de forma c o m p l e m e n t a r la
c o m p l e ta y / o
c o m p l e ta m e n t e informa ción
c o rr e c t a .
c o rr e c t a . requ eri da po r el

Asume una
Su s tr a ba jo s se
No ha participado posi ció n cr íti ca
lim i tan a repe tir
en n i nguna para el a n á l is i s de Desarrolla la
la i nforma ci ón
a c t iv id a d l a r e a l i da d . temática
env i ad a por el
R e l e va n c i a propuesta desde p ro p u e st a con un
docente, pero no
el área y por ende no Propone niv el cr ítico
evidencian n i nguna
ha enviado alternativas para la s ob r e s a l i e n t e .
parte creativa del
nada. solución d e los
It´s time to stop Reading Comparatives Short, long and irregular Comprehension
the inequities in Writing Superlatives adjectives Comparisons
our society. Speaking Second Conditional Express opinion .
Equalities inequities Use of grammar in
Opposites singular/Plural comparisons and
nouns: superrlatives
woman: women
Man – men
Child - children
Person – people
Just – unjust
Wrong – right
Fair – unfair
Lack of…

Activity one (2 points): About the inequities: To match the definitions´ with the words .

Education Phisics, Inequitie
health psicologic s
Entertainment distribution of
emotional and
resources in a
features - Also socoety t
include Imposibility to
on Social
experiences of get resources
life diference
3 2 s
Kinds, of
Inequities in
Based on
Unjust values, like To be right Wrong
dishonest and
or inmoral act equitable
respect and Social
independence Inequities
5 1 6
Activity two (2 points):
Singular and plural nouns / opposites… Meaning
 Woman Women mujer / mujeres
 Man Men Hombre/ Hombres
 Child Children Niña/ Niñas
 Person People Persona/ Personas
Alone Solo/ Solos
 Just
 Wrong Wrongs Equivocado/ Errores
 Fair fairs Justo/ Ferias

VOCABULARY Activity three (2 points): About the adjectives Select the adjectives from the list in a
right way

Short adjectives Long adjectives Irregular adjectives

 Fast  Important  Good

 Tall  Interesting  Bad
 More  Boring  Far
 Old  Dishonest  Young
 Small  Angry  Less

 Fast  Good  less

 Important  Old  young
 Tall  Interesting  more
 Angry  Dishonest  bad
 Boring  Far
 small
Actinty four (4 points): Make or find from internet 5 cartoons that represent these inequities
Activity five (3 points): Read the sentences and put a tick ( ) If you are agree or an (X) if you
are disagree
SENTENCES Agree Disagree
1. In Colombia there are more women than men 
2. Public schools have less resources than private schools X
3. In many parts of world, women have better salaries than men 
4. Chocoan region is the poorest place in Colombia X
5. Colombia is one the richest country in biodiversity 
6. I am the most respectful person in my family 
7. Colombia people earn the lowest salaries in the world 
8. Colombia has the most expensive fuel of the world X
9. Bogota is the most dangerous city of Colombia X
10. My school is better quality than others 

Activity six (6 points): According to the last activity, select two sentences where you are agree
and two where you are disagree and give the reasons. Follow the examples:

I agree I disagree
Example Example
Chocoan región is the I am the most respectful person
poorest place in Colombia. in my family

They don´t have

I say vulgar words


They live in bad I have a bad
conditions communicatio
The goverments don´t n

pay I don´t help them

attention to their
I agree I disagree
Escribe aqui la frase Escribe aqui la frase
In Colombia there are more Bogota is the most dangerous
women than men city of Colombia

According to DANE there are Cali and Cúcuta are the most
more women than men. unsafe cities


Bogota has good security

Women are occupying all men's


Women are more dedicated Bogota is safe

I agree I disagree
Escribe aqui la frase Escribe aqui la frase

Colombia is one the richest country in Colombia has the most expensive
biodiversity fuel of the world
Not because it is one of the
Colombia is the fourth
15 in the world rate.
cheapest gasoline.


It is one of the best places It is cheaper than other

for animals and plants. countries like Africa

It has the largest number of Colombia is the fourth

hummingbirds on the planet. cheapest gasoline.
GRAMMAR: link – video de comparativos y superlativos

Activity seven - Exercises (8 points): use the right way of comparatives and superlatives,
following the example. Look at these three animals. compare using the adjectives:
EXAMPLE: Make two compative sentences and two superlative sentences

 An ant is faster than a turtle

 A snail is slower than a turtle
 The ant is the fastest of the 3 animals
 The snail is the slowest of the 3 animals
1. Compare three people using the adjectives Realiza o inserta las imágenes en cada

Jason is the moretall man.

Life's too more short to worry about the past.
The vase is more lower than the lamp

2. Compare three football teams using the adjectives


Miguel makes a good team with Juan

He was a more bad team
He Barcelona is the team more good

3. Compare three people using the adjectives: OLD / YOU

that man is the oldest of all
you are smarter than him
that car is the oldest of all

Activity eight (6 points): Apply the second conditional


 If I had much money, I would help to many people.

 If I were the Colombian president, I would pay a fair salary to the workers.
 If the politics were honest, they would accomplish the promises.
 If the children educated well, they would not be punished after.

Following the examples of the second conditional, complete these exersices:

1. If I were a teacher in a public school,
I would be very strict with my work.

2. If I could help to the poorest people,

I would form a reformatory for the homeless.

3. If I were a doctor in this time of pandemic,

I would help a lot of people.
4. If I had the opportunity to study in a university,
I would study at UIS.

5. If I were a reporter of a Colombian chanel,

I would be honest with the people.

6. If I were a police,
I would protect animals.
Activity nine (3 points): Make a box of comparisons of your family compare the age,
physical appearance, emotional state
My relatives

feature My mom My sister My brother

Age 75 years old 33 years old 50 years old
Physical appearance Short 1.50 meters Short 1.56 meters Short 1.58 meters
Emotional state Serious Funny Angry

Usted prepara el speaking hablando sobre sus parientes, realiza aqui su cuadro.

My relatives

feature My mom My sister My sister

Age 38 yerars old 14 years old 12 years old
Physical appearance Short 1.50 meters Short 1.55 meters Short 1.55 meters
Emotional state Fun would Fun

Y luego usted realizara comparaciones y frases superlativas, asi

 My mom is older than my sister

 My mom is the oldest
 My sister is the taller than my brother
 My Brother is shorter than my sister
 My mom is the shortest
 My sister is the funniest, of the 3 people
 My brother is the angriest of the 3 people
 My mon is the most serious of the 3 people

El estudiante prepara el speaking sobre el cuadro que complete.





Activity 10 (3 points)

Growing up poor
My name is Mike, and I was born in a very poor neighbourhood in Los Angeles. When I was little,
my mother took care of my brother and me, because my father left before I came to this world, and
he wasn’t too interested in being a part of our lives. My mother had to work two jobs that didn’t pay
much. She had to work very hard so that we could have food, clothes, and a place to live. She was
great; we loved her and appreciated her efforts.

Every day, she usually arrived home very late, and she was exhausted. Still, she always cooked nice
meals for us, played with us, and made sure that we did our homework. She always insisted on how
important it was to get a good education. She couldn’t finish school because she got pregnant with
me when she was just a teenager. “I couldn’t finish school, and that’s why I must work so hard now,
and I earn so little money,” she often said.

Children were very violent in my neighbourhood; you needed to be violent if you wanted to survive.
There were lots of crime, vandalism, and drugs. It wasn’t easy to be a good student for any child
who lived in our neighbourhood. The other children hated you if you got good grades, so I wasn’t
very popular. The only positive thing about living in that place is that you needed to be very clever
to survive, and that helped me later in life.

Finally, my brother and I could finish high school. I went to university because I was a very good
basketball player, and basketball paid for my university degree. On the day of my graduation, my
mother was in tears. And she was in tears again the day I showed her our new apartment, away from
the neighbourhood. Do you know how difficult it is to get out of a poor neighbourhood? It’s very
hard, but I did it, and it was thanks to my mum. Now she doesn’t have to work two jobs anymore,
and I take care of her.
Activity ten (3 points): Mark true or false

1. Mike didn’t know his father v

2. His mother didn´t have enough money to buy food v
3. She didn´t finish school because she had Mike f
4. Mike took drugs v
5. He got good grades at school f
6. He thinks living in his neighbourhood was very positive v
7. He isn´t living with his mother at the moment

Activity eleven (3 points): Multiple choice. Select the right answer.

1. The Mike´s family members are:

(a) 2
(b) 3
(c) 4

2. The mike´s mom was:

(a) a great women
(b) a bored woman
(c) an angry woman

3. Mike and his brother were:

(a) good students
(b) good sporters
(c) good soccer players

4. Why was the Mike´s mom in tears?

(a) Because Mike got his graduation and bought a new apartment for them
(b) Because they didn´t live in the neighbourhood anymore
(c) Because Mike won a basketball match in the university
Activity twelve (8 points): Read the reading again: “ Growing up poor “ and
Para los estudiantes que trabajan en medio físico, la guía desarrollada
deben enviarla a: plataforma classroom o al correo de la profesora:
Fecha plazo máximo para enviar la guía # 3 es: 9 de Junio
(miercoles),hasta las 11:59 pm


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