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Conversación de Williams y García

El :Buenos días, Doctor Williams. ¿Qué tal?

Ella : Muy bien. ¿Cómo está, Doctor García?

El :¡Estoy muy bien!

Ella :Fantástico. Bien, hoy estamos haciendo un poco de juego de rol.

Ella: Porque, como sabes, verás a tus primeros pacientes mañana.

Ella : Así que voy a ser el paciente y tú eres el doctor.

Ella : Aquí está la información que tiene sobre el paciente, señora Rhodes.

El : Bien, creo que me iré y volveré.


Ella: Pase .

El : Buenos días, Srta. Soy el Doctor García.

El: ¿Qué te trae hoy?

Ella:Hola, doctor. Bueno, estoy teniendo (tengo) algo de dolor en mi cadera izquierda.

El: Bien, ¿cuánto dolor sientes en una escala del 1 al 10?

Ella: Mm... Quiero decir tal vez un 5.

El: Bien, ¿cuál es tu rutina de ejercicios actual?

Ella : Bueno, corro de 3 a 4 veces a la semana.

Ella:Y hago pesas y luego nado dos veces a la semana.

El: De acuerdo. ¿Te estiras antes y después de hacer ejercicio?

Ella: Trato de calentarme siempre y refrescarme.

Ella : Pero, honestamente, a veces me olvido

El: Ok, parece que podría ser tu banda de TI.

El: Pero quiero hacerme una radiografía para descartar cualquier fractura por estrés. Um...

Ella : ¡Buen trabajo! Permítanme mostrarles el sistema que usamos para solicitar radiografías.

Good morning, Dr. Williams. How's it going ?

Just fine. How are you, Dr. Garcia?

I’m doing great!

Fantastic. OK, today we're doing a bit of a role play.

Because, as you know, you're seeing your first patients tomorrow.

So I’m going to be the patient and you’re the doctor.

Here is the info you have on the patient, Mrs. Rhodes.

OK, I think I’ll leave and come back in.

Come in.

Good morning, Ms. Rhodes. I’m Dr. Garcia.

What brings you in today?

Hi, doctor. Well, I’m having (have) some pain in my left hip.

OK, how much pain are you feeling on a scale from 1 to 10?

Mm... I want to say maybe a 5.

OK, what is your current exercise routine?

Well, I run 3 to 4 times a week.

And I do weights and then I swim twice a week.

OK. Do you stretch before and after you work out?

I try to always warm up and cool down.

But, honestly, sometimes I forget

OK, it sounds like it might be your IT band.

But I want to get an X-ray to rule out any stress fractures. Um...

Great job! Let me show you the system we use to request X-rays.
Hi, Carlos. Where are you going?

─ Hi Yoli, I'm going to school.

─ On saturday? What are you studying?

─ I'm studying the Italian language.

─ Really? Why? will Youl travel to Italy?

─ Yes Yoli, my family will travel to Rome in summer. We'll going to visit my grandparents.

─ Thats so nice. Your family is from Italy?

─ Yes, They come America around 30 years ago.

─ And where your grandparents are living?

─ They are living in Spinaceto, near Rome.

─ Thats lovely. Will you take me some photos?

─ Of course, I'll take you a lot of pictures, also I'll send it to you by email.

─ OK, Carlos, thanks. Now run, you're going late.

─ Bye, Yoli. See you later.

─ Bye.

Otra conversacion

Hi Sam, ¿how are you today?

-Hey! I'm ok. What about you?

-I'm great! I think I'm passing my English exam

-Really? And what about that book you've got?

-Oh, it's my mathematic's book, I'm studying for tomorrow's test

-Is it easy? Do you like maths?

-Well, this unit is very easy and I love maths. What have you got there, Joe?

-Oh, you saw it! It's a mistery novel I'm reading

-Is it interesting?

-Yeah,it's pretty good. If you want I'll lend it to you when I finish it

-Am, ok, thanks.

-Gosh! You look really tired, too much studying, right?

-Yeah, I'm planning to go on vacation after all this exams because right now I'm freaking out!
-You know what? I'm having pizza for dinner, would you like to come?

-Yeah, sure. I need a break. Oh, and after that we can watch a film they're putting on TV tonight

-Do you mean the comedy film?

-Yes, they say it's a good one.

-Ok. Oh, outside here it's really cold, I'm freezing.

-Well, actually I'm boiling hot. Anyway, I'll see you tonight. Bye!


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