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Resolución de Reconocimiento de Estudios Nº 7969 del 23 de noviembre de 2018
de la Secretaría de Educación y Cultura del Tolima.
NIT: 800012461-6 CÓDIGO DANE N° 173319000072


Grado: 8.

Guía: 11.

Profesora: Teresa Sandoval.


El estudiante puede dar información acerca de hábitos alimenticios.

Hacer preguntas sobre el texto referente a las fuentes de nutrientes.
Leer y traducir el texto en español.

Tomatoes are not vegetables as many people think. They are a fruit. They
Come in different sizes and colors. Tomatoes are a basic ingredient of many
Popular foods like pizzas and ketchup and healthier dishes like salads and
Sauces of all kinds-
Tomatoes contain essential nutrients and high in vitamin C: This vitamin helps
The body to grow and It can help to repair it. In addition, tomatoes are a source of
Vitamin H. This vitamin helps the body in the production of energy.
Tomatoes also contain minerals like potassium and copper. These minerals help
To regulate body functions. Finally, tomatoes can help digestion because they are
A good source of fibre.

Etapa de exploración:
Selección de ideas principales y segundario del texto.


Etapa de estructuración:
Participación en un diálogo.

1. Does your partner describe the food and its appearance?

Yes, my partner describes the food and its appearance.

2. Do you describe essential nutrients’?

Yes, I describe essential nutrients
“Ser Caldista honor que enaltece”
Resolución de Reconocimiento de Estudios Nº 7969 del 23 de noviembre de 2018
de la Secretaría de Educación y Cultura del Tolima.
NIT: 800012461-6 CÓDIGO DANE N° 173319000072

3. Did they contain nutrients and are high in Vitamin C?

Yes, they contained nutrients and are high in vitamin C.

4. Will you eat tomatoes in your daily life?

Yes, I will eat tomatoes in my daily life.

Etapa de transferencia: Traducir el texto a español:


Ordenar las frases gramaticalmente.

1. You / eat / tomatoes / Do / the?


2. Did / help / regulate / they / functions / body/ to?


3. They / tomatoes / didn´t / the / eat / the / life / in / daily /


4. Yes / Tomatoes / the / in / come / sizes / different / colors / and /


5. What / breakfast / Do / eat / you / for / the?


6. Create / infographic / summarize / an / to / information / nutritional /


“Ser Caldista honor que enaltece”

Resolución de Reconocimiento de Estudios Nº 7969 del 23 de noviembre de 2018
de la Secretaría de Educación y Cultura del Tolima.
NIT: 800012461-6 CÓDIGO DANE N° 173319000072


Grado: 8.

Guía No: 12.

Profesora: Teresa Sandoval.

El estudiante puede describir emociones y sentimientos.

Leer los textos y confrontarlo con las preguntas: EVERY BODY IS DIFFERENT

A: What is body image?

B. Why is self-esteem important?
c. How Does the media affect people negatively?

1, In our lives, we all interact with different kinds of media which provide information
And messages hat influences our perception of reality. This influence can turn
negative if we cannot process the messages in a critical and healthy way.
First of all, if we believe in the ideal of a perfect body that media promotes, We will
Frustrated at not being beautiful enough. This can create a negative body image.
Secondly, If We let the media tell as how to be happy and successful, we will spend
a lot of time, money and energy going after the wrong ideals and values.

2.The picture we create in our mind of how we look is called body image but this
perception is not just an image or an idea. It is a feeling that influences our
personality and our behavior. If you have a positive body image, you will feel good
about who you are, not only about how you look. If you are unhappy with your
image body, this can affect your self-esteem and create negative feelings. If those
feelings continue, they can turn into serios illnesses like eating disorders or

3. the value you attribute to your self is your self-esteem. IT is important because it
Is something that influences your personality and your emotions. I f you have high
Self-esteem, you will be in yourself be confident in all areas of your life. On the
contrary, if you have low self-esteem, you may be unhappy, anxious or extremely

“Ser Caldista honor que enaltece”

Resolución de Reconocimiento de Estudios Nº 7969 del 23 de noviembre de 2018
de la Secretaría de Educación y Cultura del Tolima.
NIT: 800012461-6 CÓDIGO DANE N° 173319000072

Eapa de exploración:

Selección de vocabulario nuevo del texto.


Etapa de estructuración:

Teacher: Do you interact with different kinds of media which provide information
And messages that influence our perception of the reality?

Student: Yes, I interact with different kinds of media which provide information and
Messages that influence our perception of the reality.

Teacher: Do you believe in the ideal of a perfect body?

Student: No, I don´t believe in the ideal of a perfect body

Teacher: are you unhappy with your body image?

Student: No, I´m not unhappy with my body image

Etapa de transferencia:

Ordenar las frases gramaticalmente en forma correcta.

1. Will / believe / to / you / values / your / ? /


2. Did / positive / you / have / a / image / ? /


3. Why / self-esteem / important / is / ? /


4. Can / have / you / negative / a / image / your self / about / ? /


Traducir los textos a español

Every body is different

“Ser Caldista honor que enaltece”

Resolución de Reconocimiento de Estudios Nº 7969 del 23 de noviembre de 2018
de la Secretaría de Educación y Cultura del Tolima.
NIT: 800012461-6 CÓDIGO DANE N° 173319000072


Grado: 8.

Guía No: 13.

Profesora: Teresa Sandoval.


El estudiante puede solicitar y dar información sobre experiencias.


Formular preguntas a cerca de un diálogo.

Conversation 1.
Lisa: What´s the matter? Tomás
Tomás: I have just got my exam grades, they are really bad
Lisa: If you feel unhappy you need to talk about it.
Tomás: Well, I Worked really hard. And now I feel I´m not good enough for my
parents. I´m not the perfect student they want.
Lisa: I am sure they don’t think that. Anyway, no one is perfect. We had bad days.

Conversation 2.
Felipe: So, Gina are you ready for the presentation we have to do today?
Gina: Oh, no I forgot. Is it today?
Felipe: I am anxious about it.
Gina: Don´t worry Felipe, you always do a good job..
Felipe: It is easy for you. You are a confident person. i get really anxious when I talk
in front of a lot people.
Gina: Come on, we will do it together.

Etapa de exploración:

Seleccione 8 palabras nuevas del texto.


Etapa de estructuración:
“Ser Caldista honor que enaltece”
Resolución de Reconocimiento de Estudios Nº 7969 del 23 de noviembre de 2018
de la Secretaría de Educación y Cultura del Tolima.
NIT: 800012461-6 CÓDIGO DANE N° 173319000072

Ejercicios en Pasado simple.

1. Did you feel unhappy?

Yes, I felt unhappy

2. Did you get your exam grades?

Yes, I got my exam grades

3. Did you do some activities?

Yes, I did some activities

4. Did you forget your presentation?

Yes, I forgot my presentation

Etapa de Transferencia:


Teacher: Did you work very hard?

Student: ____________________

Teacher: did you need to talk about it?

Student: ______________________

Teacher: Are you ready for the presentation we have to do today?

Student: ____________________________________________

Teacher: Did you do a good job?

Student: _____________________________________________

teacher: Did you forget the English lessons?

Student: _____________________________________________

teacher: Are you a confident person?

Student: ____________________________________________

“Ser Caldista honor que enaltece”

Resolución de Reconocimiento de Estudios Nº 7969 del 23 de noviembre de 2018
de la Secretaría de Educación y Cultura del Tolima.
NIT: 800012461-6 CÓDIGO DANE N° 173319000072


Grado: 8.

Guía No: 14.

Profesora: Teresa Sandoval


El estudiante puede solicitar y dar información acerca de sugerencias.


Leer las definiciones y confrontar cada comportamiento de la “A” a la “D” para ser
vigilante y consiente.

Mindful: Paying attention to your own actions, emotions and sensations

Self- conscious: Paying too much attention to what others think of you

A. Look in the mirror and see the good qualities in your body. ____________

B. Exercise every day to try to have a perfect body. _______________

C. Eat slowly and concentrate on the flavours and textures of the food. ___________

D. Dance thinking about what others think of the way you dance. ___________

“Ser Caldista honor que enaltece”

Resolución de Reconocimiento de Estudios Nº 7969 del 23 de noviembre de 2018
de la Secretaría de Educación y Cultura del Tolima.
NIT: 800012461-6 CÓDIGO DANE N° 173319000072

Etapa de exploración:

Escriba el vocabulario nuevo con su respectivo significado.


Etapa de estructuración:

Observe el ejemplo. Y escriba dos o más oraciones en cadena.

Sleep well / (not) feel stressed / concentrate more easily in class / get good grades)

You won’t feel you will concentrate You’ll get good

Stressed more easily in class grades.
01 02 03 04 05 06
If you sleep If you don’t feel If you concentrate
Well stressed. Easily in class.

Etapa de transferencia:

Hacer en Cadena 2 oraciones Como el ejemplo


“Ser Caldista honor que enaltece”

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