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Denominación del Programa de Formación: CONTABILIDAD Y FINANZAS
Código del Programa de Formación: 123112
Nombre del Proyecto: implementación de sistemas de información contables financieros y
auditoria para el buen gobierno corporativo de los entes económicos.
Fase del Proyecto: ANALISIS
Actividad de Proyecto: P2: Medir el hecho económico de acuerdo con la normatividad
legal vigente contable y tributaria
Competencia: Producir textos en inglés en forma escrita y oral.
Resultados de aprendizaje a alcanzar
Participar en intercambios conversacionales básicos en forma oral y escrita en inglés en diferentes
situaciones sociales tanto en la cotidianidad como en experiencias pasadas.



People in Britain, however, eat a wide variety of foods based on the cuisines of Europe, India, and
other parts of the world.

In this guide you will learn and practice about new vocabulary, grammar, listening and writing

1.1 Observation. Check the video titled “British food” and answer the following questions.
Observar el video “Comida Británica” y responder las siguientes preguntas.


a) What is British food would you like to try? - ¿Qué comida británica te
gustaría probar?

b) Fish and Chips, what does it mean?. Fish and Chips, ¿qué significa?

c) Toad in the hole means pastel de salchichas. In our country is it similar to?. Toad
in the hole, significa pastel de salchicha. En nuestro país a que es similar?

d) What is your favorite food? Describe its ingredients. ¿Cuál es tu

comida favorita? Describe sus ingredientes.


e) What country would you like to know? Why? - ¿Qué país te gustaría
conocer? ¿Por qué?

f) What is the most beautiful place in your hometown? - ¿Cuál es el

lugar más hermoso de tu ciudad natal?

1.2 Observation. Watch and analyze the information below (links a. b.) about foods and fill
the chart with vocabulary.
Links a.

A) Colombian food B) Foreign food

2. Actividades de contextualización e identificación de conocimientos

2.1 Complete the following chart with the verb in the box./ Escriba y complete el
recuadro con los siguientes verbos en infinitivo y pasado:

2.2 Fill in blanks with the correct verb before the verb in brakes. / Completar con la acción
correcta antes del verbo entre parenthesis.

A Short history of American Growth and Immigration

1. Columbus “discovered” America in 1492. This was (be) the first time that most
Europeans (hear) anything about the “New World.”

2. The Spanish (take) advantage of the discovery immediately. During the next
century they (find) and (fight) with the greatest nations of the
Americas and conquered them. By 1600 they _ (have) profitable colonies in
Mexico, Peru, and the Caribbean.

3. The English (begin) permanent settlements in the Americas more than a century
after the Spanish, starting with Jamestown in 1607.

In 1620-21, the local Indians helped the Pilgrims survive their difficult first year in New
England. That story of cooperation (be-singular) one of the few bright
moments in a long history of conflict between the English settlers and the native
American tribes.

4. During the 17th and 18th centuries (1607-1775), 13 English colonies (be- plural)
established in the area that (become) the United States. People (come)
to the colonies from England and Scotland, as well as from France, Germany, and other
parts of Europe.

5. In addition, slave traders (bring) many Africans to work the land as slaves.
Slaves (be- plural) (buy) and (sell) in the U.S. until the 1860s,
although many Americans opposed slavery.

6. The British government (do) not want the colonies to expand to the west. In part,
it (be- singular) trying to protect the Indians. Legal limits (do) not stop the land-
hungry settlers, however. Before the American Revolution as well as after, many hunters,
trappers, and then settlers, (go) west looking for opportunity.

7. After the U.S. (win) its independence, it (grow) even more rapidly. In 1803
the U.S. (buy) the Louisiana Territory from France and doubled in size. More
immigrants (come) to the U.S. from all over Europe.

3. Actividades de apropiación del conocimiento

3.1 Listening and complete the correct verb in past. Take the screen and do the
correction below of it.

4. Actividades de transferencia del conocimiento.

4.1 Describe your birthplace or a favorite place which did you visit beforely,
minimum ten sentences. - Describa su lugar de nacimiento o un lugar favorito
que visitó anteriormente. Mínimo diez oraciones. Ejemplo:

*cobbled: adoquinado

Writing composition: Talk about a place, people, weather, food, something new, how did
you feel, etc. – Composición escrita acerca de un lugar, personas, clima, comida, algo
nuevo, cómo se sinte, etc,

Ambiente Requerido:

notebook, personal computer Google classroom

or apps, etc. Support materials
Evidences system Zoom - Google meet
independant resources Leaning guides
Home resources Free and practice exercises


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