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Inglés 

 › Gramática › Tiempos verbales › Present Simple › Present Simple - ejercicios

Present Simple - ejercicios

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Escribe los verbos en la forma correcta de present simple.

1. Anne (work)   in a language school.

2. She (be)   a teacher.

3. She (teach)   English.

4. Her students (come)   from all over the world.

5. Anne usually (go)   to school by bus.

6. On the bus she (have)   time to correct a few tests.

Forma oraciones negativas.

1. The children (be/not)   tired.

2. Carol (have/not)   any brothers or sisters.

3. I (drink/not)   milk.

4. She (like/not)   maths.

5. I (be/not)   from England.

Forma oraciones interrogativas con los elementos entre paréntesis.

1. (have/you/a dog)  

2. (speak/they/English)  
 
3. (be/I/right)  
4. (play/he/tennis)  

5. (be/you/on holiday)  

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 

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