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Can # Must # Mustnt # Should # Could

1. Elige la traduccin correcta.

a. Sabes hablar ingls?
Can you speak English?
Could you speak English?
Must you speak English?
b. T padre debera ir al mdico.
Your father must go to the doctor.
Your father could go to the doctor.
Your father should go to the doctor.
c. Su madre debe trabajar todos los das.
Her mother should work every day.
Her mother must work every day.
Her mother can work every day.
d. Yo saba leer cuando tena 3 aos.
I could speak when I was 3 years old.
I can speak when I was 3 years old.
I must speak when I was 3 years old.
e. No debes aparcar aqu (est prohibido)
You mustnt park here.
You shouldnt park here.
You couldnt park here.
f. No deberas aparcar aqu (es mejor hacerlo en otro
You mustnt park here.
You shouldnt park here.
You couldnt park here.
g. Puedo ir al concierto?
Must I go to the concert?
Should I go to the concert?
Can I go to the concert?

2. Traduce las siguientes frases.

a. Ana podra escribir

b. Deberas beber agua. Hace calor.

c. Sabes tocar el piano?

d. Podan tus padres conducir?

e. No deberan hablar en clase.

f. Pedro y yo podemos ir a vuestra casa esta noche.

3. Pon las palabras en orden para hacer frases correctas en

a. Speak languages-she- can-four

b. How-you-swim-fast-can-?

c. Use-tepelphone-can-your-I-?

d. Corridors-we-in-mustnt-run-the

e. Minutes-children-can-the-fifteen-the-run

4. Can o could? Elige la forma correcta (negativo,

interrogativo, afirmativo) para cada oracin.

a. Sue play the piano really well.

b. I remember his name. Do you know it?
c. You .drive a car until you are 18.
d. We .. go to the party because we
were in Italy.
e. I swim when I was a baby.
f. Last week she come to the school
because she was ill.

5. Explica para qu se utiliza cada verbo modal en ingls.






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