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Learning activity 3 / Actividad de aprendizaje 3

You will practice more with adjectives ending in -ed, -ing and with wh-question
words. / Usted praticará más sobre adjetivos terminados en -ed, -ing y los

When you want to make comparisons you can use comparison forms. / Cuando
usted quiere hacer comparaciones usted puede usar formas comparativas.
Presentation / Presentación

This is a summary of adjectives ending -ed and -ing and compartive forms as ...
as, not as … as and les ... than. / Este es un resumen sobre adjetivos
terminados en -ing y -ed y las formas comparativas tan … como, no tan …
como, menos … que.
Adjectives ending in -ing describe characteristics about something or someone
and they are used after the verb to be. / Los adjetivos terminados en -ing
describen características de algo o alguien y son usados después del verbo ser
o estar.

Adjectives ending in -ed describe feelings or emotions and they are used after
the verbs to be or to feel. / Los adjetivos terminados en -ed describen
sentimientos o emociones y son usados después de los verbos ser, estar o

In English you can ask questions including a noun, and adjective or an adverb
after the Wh-questions What and How. Using What add a noun. Using How
add an adjective or an adverb. Look at the examples below: / En inglés usted
puede hacer preguntas incluyendo un sustantivo, un adjetivo o un adverbio
después de los interrogativos What and How. Usando What añada un
sustantivo. Usando How agregue un adjetivo o un adverbio. Mire los ejemplos
a continuación:

Question word / Interrogativo Use / Uso

What kind. Ask about description. / Preguntar
acerca de descripción.
What time. Ask about time. / Preguntar acerca de
How many. Ask about quantity (countable). /
Preguntar acerca de cantidad
How much. Ask about price, amount
(uncountable). / Preguntar acerca de
precio, cantidad (no contable).
How long. Ask about length (time or space). /
Preguntar acerca de duración (tiempo
o espacio).
How often. Ask about frequency. / Preguntar
acerca de frecuencia.
How far. Ask about distance. / Preguntar
acerca de distancia.
How fast. Ask about speed. / Preguntar acerca
de velocidad.
How old. Ask about age. / Preguntar acerca de

We can make comparisons using the comparative forms as … as, not as … as

and less … than. / Podemos hacer comparaciones usando formas
comparativas tan … como, no tan … como y menos … que.

Comparative form / Forma

Conjunction / Conjunción

Comparative form as … as. / Forma As … as. / Tan … como.

comparativa tan … como.
Not as … as. / No tan… como.
Comparative forms not as … as and less
… tan. / Formas comparativas no tan …
como y menos … que.
Less … than. / Menos … que.

Practice / Práctica

A. Select the correct form of the adjective ending -ed or -ing to complete
sentences. / Seleccione la forma correcta del adjetivo terminado en -ed o
-ing para completar las oraciones.
Adjectives /
Sentences / Oraciones
1. The journey was ______. We went to sleep as soon
tired / tiring
as we got home.
2. We were completely ______ by the terrible food on disgusted /
the airplane. It was tasteless. disgusting
3. That movie you recommended to me was very interested /
______. interesting
4. Speaking in public is the most ______ situation for horrified /
me. I don´t feel comfortable. horrifying
5. My dad is ______ by the new book he is reading. He fascinated /
can’t put it down. fascinating
6. I felt really ______ to hear about your new job. It is a
excited / exciting
great news.
shocked /
7. The car accident was ______. Three people died.
8. She felt ______ about what you told her. She didn’t confused /
know what to say. confusing
9. She was ______ when he proposed. She did not surprised /
expect that. surprising
10. I felt really ______ when I saw her again. I thought I astonished /
couldn’t see her again. astonishing

B. Organize the following words to make questions. Then, answer the

questions. / Organice las siguientes palabras para hacer preguntas. Luego
Example / Ejemplo:

you / How / are / old

How old are you?
I’m 21 years old.
1. seas / many / are / How / world / the / in / there

2. dolphin / fast / can / How / swim / a

3. long / live / without / How / can / drinking / person / a / water

4. much / a / water / how / can / day / camel / per / drink /


C. Look at the prompts and write the comparison using the comparative form
not as … as. / Observe palabras y escriba la comparación usando la forma
comparativa no tan … como.

1. Seagull - eagle Strong

2. Empire State
Building - New
York Times

3. Dove - humming

4. Ostrich - condor Big

5. Everest - K2 High

D. Write comparisons using the comparative form less … than. Search on

internet to clarify the difference. / Escriba comparaciones usando la forma
comparativa menos… que. Consulte en internet para aclarar la diferencia.

1. Brazil / Russia /

2. Sao Paulo /
Mexico city /

3. Switzerland /
USA / rich

4. Athena / Rome /
5. Barcelona /
France / visited

Production / Producción

Write a short text describing the following pictures. Use comparative forms as
… as, not as … as and less … than. / Escriba un texto corto que describa las
siguientes fotos. Use las formas comparativas tan… como, no tan… como y
menos… que.

Picture A Picture B
Document control / Control del documento

Name Position Dependence Date

Theme expert
Dirección de
Asesor English
Johana Méndez formación September
Author Dot Works -
Sarmiento profesional. 2014
Programa de
Dirección General

Copy editor – Centro

Rachman October
Adaptation Línea de Agroindustrial.
Bustillo Martínez 2014
producción Regional Quindío

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