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Mary: hello Mr. smith, how are you?

mr Smith: hello mary, I´m fine, thanks and you?

mary: I´m OK, this is my brother max

mr Smith: hello Max, nice to meet you

Max: hello Mr Smith, nice to meet you too

Mary: my brother is student in Oxford University

Mr Smith: really?

Max: yes, i study for i be lawyer

Mr Smith: wow, that´s good

Mary: well, we have to go

Max: yes, she is right.

Mr Smith: see you later then, have a nice day

Mary: thank you, have a nice day too

Max: good bye


Mary: hola Señor Smith, ¡como esta?

Señor Smith: hola mary, estoy bien, gracias ¿y tu?

Mary: yo estoy bien, este es mi hermano Max

Señor Smith: hola Max, gusto de conocerte

Max: Hola Señor Smith, un gusto conocerle también

Mary: Mi hermano es estudiante en la Universidad de Oxford

Señor Smith:¿ de verdad?

Max: sí, estudio para ser abogado

Señor Smith: guau, eso está bien

Mary: bueno, tenemos que irnos.

Max: sí, ella tiene razón

Señor Smith: los veo luego entonces,que tengan un buen día

Mary:gracias, que tenga un buen día también

Max: adios
Carla = Hi how are you? Daniel

Daniel = Yes, Hello if I'm OK here doing homework History

Maria = Ay, if I miss a lot right? I have not finished

Carla = Well, I already finished for about 20 minutes

Daniel That accident that we find in the stationery

Maria = Yes, for what cial stationery were you doing?

Carla = ahh is that my sister order a monograph that he had forgotten compar

Daniel = oh entindo whether usually happens

Daniel = good I'm going and I took the copies, we

Carla = Goodbye, see you tomorrow at school

Maria = Yeah, do not forget the picture

Daniel = True I do not forget, thanks for reminding

Maria = OK, and also because I have to go, will accompany you to your house Carla?

Carla = This well and from there I'll tell you something ...


Carla = Hola ¿como estas? Daniel

Daniel = Si, Hola si estoy bien aqui haciendo la tarea de Historia

Maria = Ay, si dejo mucha ¿no? , yo no he acabado

Carla = Vaya, yo ya la acabe desde hace unos 20 minutos

Daniel ¡Que casualidad que nos encontramos en la papeleria

Maria = Si, por ciero ¿que hacias en la papeleria?

Carla= ahh es que mi hermana me encargo una monografia que se le habia olvidado compar

Daniel = oh entindo a si suele pasar

Daniel= bueno ya me voy ya me sacaron las copias, nos vemos

Carla = Adios, nos vemos mañana en la escuela

Maria = Si, claro no se te olvide el dibujo

Daniel = Cierto no se me olvida, gracias por recordar

Maria = Esta bien, ya tambien ya me tengo que ir, ¿te acompaño a tu casa Carla?

Carla = Esta bien y de ahi te cuento algo...

Brian and José go to a Grill-Restaurant
José This restaurant is very good Do you want to eat something?
Brian Yes. Is it expensive?
José No, it's very cheap. I always like here.
Brian! Good! Because I do not have much money.
José Do not worry, I invite you.
Mozo - Good morning. They are going to have lunch?
José - Yes.
Mozo - Here they have the menu.
José - Thank you very much. What do you recommend?
Mozo - Today Sunday, the dishes of the day are: ravioli with cream, or two empanadas with a
portion of roast.
Brian - Empanadas? What is that? How are the empanadas?
Mozo - It is a dough disk filled with ground meat, hard-boiled eggs and other things and can be
baked or fried.
José - I want the ravioli with cream. Empanadas and asado as always, as it is typical here, from
Argentina. iProbá our dishes !, you will not regret.
Brian - Then I want to try the empanadas and of course the asado.
Mozo - Very good. And to drink?
José - Do we drink wine?
Brian - Yes, it's fine with me.
José - Well, then a house wine and a mineral water.
Mozo - Wine red or white?
José - Tinto.
Waiter - Mineral water, gas or no gas?
Brian - Without gas.
José - I'm a soda. Well, a sparkling water.
Mozo - Any dessert?
José - Yes. For me a custard with cream.
Brian - I want a pancake with a lot of dulce de leche.
José - Tomás coffee? I'm going to take a cut.
Brian - Two cut, please. Mozo - sugar or sweetener?
José - With sugar Brian - For me with sweetener.
Brian - It's too late. We ask for the account?
José - Good. Waiter! The account, please Mozo - Here it is. It's $ 125.50.
Brian - Do we leave a tip?
José - Sure. I always leave something to tip

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