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Palabra Básica “want”
Construcción A-Construcción Afirmativa
Organice: Observe las palabras detenidamente y ubíquelas de acuerdo
con el orden sugerido.

FP + PB + PA

Basic Program
1. read/want/they/to They want to read.
FP + PB + PA
2. you/work/to/want You want to work.
FP + PB + Obj
3. want/the/we/apple We want the apple.
Título de la obra:
Basic Program Practice Book
FP + PB + PA + Obj
ISBN: 4. the/cook/he/to/ He wants to cook the dinner.
Alfredo Clark Lindo
Edgar Aguirre
Ítalo Lamboglia Complete: Escriba una Palabra Básica, una Palabra de Acción o un Objeto,
para completar y darle sentido a la Construcción.
Derechos patrimoniales de autor:
Jesús Oviedo Pérez

Editor: 1. He wants to eat .

(Knowledge of English) KOE Editores, S.A.
Obra Inédita
Segunda Edición Revisada 2. You want the apple.
Segunda Impresión

Diseño y diagramación:
IO Asesores Publicidad, E.U. 3. I want to answer.
Agradecimiento especial para:
Tatiana García Arenas y Carlos Daniel Rodríguez 4. She wants the Coke.
Impreso en Bogotá, Colombia - Enero de 2009
Grupo OP Gráficas, S.A.

Derechos reservados.
Prohibida la reproducción total o parcial.

P R A C T I C E B O O K 3

O C orrija: Señale el error en cada una de las Construcciones
y escriba la versión correcta.
Palabra Básica “want”
1. We wantsx to cook We want to cook.
Construcción B-Construcción Negativa
2. She wants to drive She wants to drive. Transforme: Cambie las siguientes Construcciones de afirmativas
a negativas y viceversa.

x dinner
3. I want to I want the dinner.
1. She wants to answer the telephone. She doesn´t want to answer the telephone.

4. You wants x clean

x the You want to clean.
2. I don't want the book. I want the book.

3. He doesn't want to clean the kitchen. He wants to clean the kitchen.

Concuerde: Trace una línea para unir cada Palabra de Acción
con la imagen que corresponda. 4. They want to work. They don´t want to work.

Complete: Realice Construcciones Negativas con “want” usando las imágenes

de la izquierda que representan Formas Personales y los Objetos
de la derecha.
to answer to drive

to drink to buy

to work to sell 1. I don´t want to drink the Coke.

2. We don´t want to read the book.

3. She doesn´t want to eat the bread.

4. He doesn´t want to cut the apple.

4 P R A C T I C E B O O K

P R A C T I C E B O O K 5
Encuentre: Ubique 2 Objetos y 2 Palabras de Acción en el cuadro
E y luego haga una Construcción Negativa con cada palabra. Practique:
Palabra Básica “want”
Construcciones C, D & E-Construcciones
S T Y W M Q N X Interrogativas
D E U A Z A H W Dialogue: Complete el diálogo respondiendo las preguntas con la
información sugerida.

I I L X E B O Z B1
ning !
a. Good mor e you?
Hello, how ar
N O C I K E V R b. Responda co
n un saludo simila

t to eat?
a. Do you wan Yes,I want to ea
E M J O S A H I b. Responda co
n una Construcc
ión Afirmat iva.

t to eat bread? d
a. Do you wan ant to eat brea
No, I don´t w
R W Y A B D I O b. Responda co
n una Co nstrucción Ne

t do you want to ea e apple
a. Then, wha I want to eat th
A N U R F X L T b. Conteste afirm
ativamente co
n el Obj “the ap

1. You don´t want to sell the bread.

2. They don´t want to cook the dinner.

? Pregunte: Haga las preguntas de acuerdo con los elementos
sugeridos y luego respóndalas.
Señal + FP + PB + PA + Obj ?
3. She doesn´t want to read the book. PA “to cook”/Obj “the dinner” Does he want to cook the dinner?
Yes, he wants to cook the dinner.
4. We don´t want to buy the movie.
1. PA “to eat”/Obj “the bread” 3. PI “What”/PA “to clean”
Do you want to eat the bread? What do they want to clean?
No, I don´t want to eat the bread. They want to clean the kitchen.

2. PI “What”/PA “to answer” 4. PA “to sell”/Obj “the movie”

What does she want to answer? Do you want to sell the movie?
6 P R A C T I C E B O O K She wants to answer the telephone. No, I don´t want to sell the movie.

P R A C T I C E B O O K 7

Complete: Complete la pregunta usando los elementos de la Construcción Practique:

que faltan y responda apropiadamente de acuerdo con la imagen. Palabra Básica “need”
Construcción A-Construcción Afirmativa
a. Does he (PA) drink the Coke?
Relacione cada construcción con la imagen que corresponda,
uniéndolas con una línea.
Yes, he drinks the Coke.

1. She needs to wash. 3. She needs to

make breakfast.

b. (Señal) does she (PB) want to clean the telephone?

No, she doesn't want to clean the telephone.
2. He needs to hear 4. He needs to
the radio. watch television.

Complete: Lea y luego rellene los espacios de cada Construcción con las tres Palabras
c. Does (FP) she (PB) want (PA) to cook the dinner? de Acción y los dos Objetos que se encuentran ocultos en el crucigrama.

Yes, she wants to cook the dinner.

1. They need to carry the money. l

ge t
2. We need to read the letter .
d. Does he want (PA) to read (Obj) the magazine?
3. I need to bring the lunch.
c o a t
No, he doesn't want to read the magazine.
a e
4. He needs to get the job. r b r i n g
5. She needs to wash the coat . y
8 P R A C T I C E B O O K

P R A C T I C E B O O K 9

Organice: Organice y escriba correctamente cada Construcción en las Palabra Básica “need”
casillas de abajo. Al final descubra la Palabra de Acción formada
al unir las casillas azules. Construcción B-Construcción Negativa
Transforme: Cambie las siguientes Construcciones Afirmativas a la
1. house/to/we/see/the/need Forma Negativa.

W e n e e d t o s e e t h e h o u s e . 1. I need the money. I don´t need the money.

2. She needs to sleep. She doesn´t need to sleep.

2. need/the/carry/I/coat/to
3. We need to make breakfast. We don´t need to make breakfast.
I n e e d t o c a r r y t h e c o a t .
4. He needs to use the car. He doesn´t need to use the car.

3. job/needs/the/he
O C orrija: Señale el error en cada una de las Construcciones
y escriba la versión correcta.
H e n e e d s t h e j o b .
x need to work.
1. I not I don´t need to work.
4. to/you/lunch/need/make/the
x need to bring the coat. She doesn´t need to bring the coat.
2. She don't
Y o u n e e d t o m a k e t h e l u n c h .
x the car.
3. We don't need to We don´t need the car.

5. need/I/the/to sell/radio
4. He doesn't needsx to carry. He doesn´t need to carry.
I n e e d t o s e l l t h e r a d i o .
x need the job. They don´t need the job.
5. They doesn't
Palabra de Acción: “to watch”.

10 P R A C T I C E B O O K P R A C T I C E B O O K 11

Practique: Practique:
Palabra Básica “need” Palabra Básica “have”
Construcciones C, D & E-Construcciones Construcción A-Construcción Afirmativa
Complete: Llene los espacios con las palabras que faltan de acuerdo con la
Transforme: Haga 4 Construcciones Interrogativas usando los Objetos y Construcción sugerida. Use la Palabra Básica “have”.
Palabras de Acción representadas en las siguientes imágenes.
Recuerde: Señal + FP + PB + PA + Obj ? 1. FP + PB + PA + Obj 2. FP + PB + PA
I have to pay the bill. She has to order.

3. FP + PB + Obj
He has the tire.

Do you need to watch television ? Does he need to hear the radio ? Organice: Haga Construcciones Afirmativas con los elementos del cuadro.
Tenga en cuenta que los elementos pueden estar conectados uno
con el otro en cualquier dirección.

money to deposit to pay the lunch I

they have we to order have

Does he need to carry the package? Do they need to wear the coat ?
the to change
to ask question have to buy
Dialogue: Complete el diálogo respondiendo o haciendo preguntas. the
has she to answer purchase the tire
DIALOGUE you have to make has he
e you?
a. Hello, how ar ilar. I´m fine.
co n un saludo sim
b. Conteste
a. Do you need
to wash? Ejemplo: 1. We have to answer the question.
irm ativamente.
b. Responda af
Yes, I need to
u need to was
h? 2. They have to change the tire.
a. What do yo O bj “the coat”.
e co n el
b. Contest
h the coat.
I need to was 3. I have to buy the lunch.
at in the hous e coat in the ho
to wash the co ed to wash th
a. Do you need N o, I do n' t ne
b. Responda ne
4. He has to make the purchase.

5. You have to ask the question.

12 P R A C T I C E B O O K P R A C T I C E B O O K 13

Practique: Practique:
Palabra Básica “have” Palabra Básica “have”
Construcción B-Construcción Negativa Construcciones C, D & E-Construcciones
Encuentre: Cada una de las siguientes Construcciones tiene un error.
E Encuéntrelo y reemplácelo con una de las opciones que Escoja: Halle el Objeto apropiado para completar cada pregunta
se encuentran en los cuadros de abajo. y escríbalo en cada línea. Luego complete la respuesta.

1. x
1. Do they have to deposit the check?
2. x
Yes, they have to deposit the check.
3. x
4. x
2. Does he have to examine the patient?
have doesn't do don't Yes, he has to examine the patient.

Construya: Realice Construcciones Negativas con la Palabra Básica

“have” empleando los elementos sugeridos.
3. Do you have to ask the doctor?
1. FP “he”/Obj “the purchase” Yes, I have to ask the doctor.
He doesn´t have to make the purchase .

2. FP “you”/PA “to charge”

You don´t have to charge. 4. Does she have to take the medicine?
No, she doesn´t have to take the medicine.

4. FP “she”/PA“to change” 5. Do we have to change the tire?

She doesn´t have to change the tire. No, we don´t have to change the tire.

14 P R A C T I C E B O O K P R A C T I C E B O O K 15

Palabra Básica “wish”
Dialogue: Responda las preguntas para completar el diálogo.
Construcción A-Construcción Afirmativa
Construya: Realice Construcciones Afirmativas con la Palabra
Básica “wish” usando las palabras sugeridas.
DIALOGUE 1. FP “he”/PA “to wear” 3. FP “she”/PA “to borrow”
He wishes to wear the suit. She wishes to borrow the money.
re you?
a. Hello, how a am fine.
co n u n sa lu do similar. I
b. Conteste 2. FP “you”/Obj “the movie” 4. FP “they”/Obj “the picture”
a. Do yo u have to pay? to pay.
m a tiv a m e n te . Yes, I have You wish to see the movie. They wish to paint the picture.
b. Responda afir
to pay the bill e bill.
a. Do you have n ´t have to pay th
ativamente. N o , I d o Encuentre: Descubra cinco Palabras de Acción en el cuadro que corresponden
b. Conteste neg E a las ilustraciones abajo. Luego haga una Construcción Afirmativa
o you have to e medicine.
a. Then, what d e d ic in e ”. I have to pay th
usando la Palabra Básica “wish” con cada una de ellas.
n el Obj “the
b. Responda co
N E P O R C I 3. They wish to finish the conversation.

1. He wishes to leave the house. 4. She wishes to open the package.

2. She wishes to cut the bread. 5. He wishes to write the letter.

P R A C T I C E B O O K 17

16 P R A C T I C E B O O K
Palabra Básica “wish” Practique:
Construcción B-Construcción Negativa Palabra Básica “wish”
Construcciones C, D & E-Construcciones
Transforme: Cambie las siguientes Construcciones Afirmativas a Negativas.
1. You wish to wear the coat. 3. We wish to leave the house. Organice: Al organizar cada Construcción Interrogativa se dará cuenta que les falta
la Palabra de Acción en cada una. Busque las 5 acciones en el crucigrama
You don´t wish to wear the coat. We don´t wish to leave the house. y ubíquelas en la Construcción correspondiente.

2. She wishes to write. 4. He wishes to open the package. 1. door/do/you/the/wish/to/ close

She doesn´t wish to write. He doesn´t wish to open the package. Do you wish to close the door?

2. does/dinner/ start /to/she/wish/the

Construya: Forme cinco Construcciones Negativas usando la Palabra Básica Does she wish to start the dinner?
“wish” y los elementos de los recuadros.
3. spend /to/money/we/wish/the/do
leave Do we wish to spend the money?
spend money
the doctor 4. coat/the/he/does/to/ wear /wish
start the letter
she don't/doesn't Does he wish to wear the coat?
borrow the car
prepare the 5. they/what/wish/to/do/ cut
What do they wish to cut?
1. I don´t wish to leave the building. C Y U S H O Q G

2. The doctor doesn´t wish to prepare the medicine. I L A Z T K E N

3. She doesn´t wish to spend money.
4. They don´t wish to start the letter. A G O P E X W T

5. He doesn´t wish to borrow the car. R E A E F I K U

18 P R A C T I C E B O O K

P R A C T I C E B O O K 19

Dialogue: Complete el diálogo elaborando las preguntas indicadas. Palabras Básicas “can”, “must”
Construcción A-Construcción Afirmativa
B1 Construya: Elabore tres Construcciones Afirmativas con la Palabra Básica “can” y
tres con la Palabra Básica “must” usando los elementos en el cuadro.
”ye l Obj “the bo
ta S im p le co n la PB “wish
Pregu n
b. Haga una to write the book? FP PA PB Obj PA
Do yo u w is h
the book. she build can the bus read 1. She can read the magazine.
wish to write
a. No, I don't at”.
E xp a n si ó n con la PI “wh Obj PB PA PB Obj
Pregunta d e
b. Haga una
t d o you wish to
write? the
picture can begin must
2. They can build the house.
T h e n , w h a
a. I wish to w
rite the letter. PB “wish”, 3. We can count the money.
n e l O b j “t h e doctor”, la we find you a job I
le co
regunta Simp
b. Haga una P ” y el Obj “the letter”. PB Obj PB PA PB
la PA “to rea
d the letter? 4. I must park the bus.
d o ct or wish to rea can the must call must
Does the magazine
e letter.
w is hes to read th
a. Yes, th e d o ct o r PA FP Obj PA Obj 5. He must find a job.
park the the
he class move house

FP PA PB Obj FP 6. You can move the picture.

they count must doctor I

O C orrija: Señale el error y escriba la Construcción correcta.

x discuss the problem

1. I must to I must discuss the problem.

x sweep the floor

2. She cans She can sweep the floor.

x move the package

3. You can to You can move the package.

x lesson He must learn the lesson.

4. He must learns

20 P R A C T I C E B O O K P R A C T I C E B O O K 21
Palabras Básicas “can”, “must” Practique:
Palabras Básicas “can”,“must”
Construcción B-Construcción Negativa
Construcciones C, D & E-Construcciones
Escoja: Seleccione la opción correcta para completar cada Construcción Interrogativas
Dialogue: Siga las instrucciones indicadas para completar el diálogo
1. I mustn't lock the door. 3. You can not discuss the problem. respondiendo y haciendo preguntas.
a. to lock a. don't B1
b. lock b. not DIALOGUE
“to lock”
2. She can't wait for the doctor. 4. He must not fill up the gas tank. a. Hi. Pregunta Si mple con la PA
simila r y haga una
con un saludo
b. Conteste
a. not can a. must not y el Obj “the
lock the bus?
yo u? Must you
b. can't b. doesn't must Hi, how are Obj “the bus”
a. Yes, I must lo
ck the bus.
o dr iv e” , la PB “can” y el
ple con la PA
Pregunta Sim
b. Haga una
Organice: Organice y escriba correctamente cada Construcción en las casillas Can you drive
the bus?

de abajo. Al final descubra el Objeto formado al unir las casillas azules.

drive the bus. “to drive”.
a. No, I can't
ta de Ex pa nsión con la PA
b. Haga una e?
Th en , w ha t can you driv
1. mustn't/I/for/the/wait/food. ca r.
a. I can drive a

1. I m u s t n t w a i t f o r t h e f o o d

2. application/an/can/complete/I.
Complete: Organice el dialogo y llene los espacios vacíos con las palabras adecuadas
2. I c a n c o m p l e t e a n a p p l i c a t i o n para darle sentido a las Construcciones Interrogativas. Luego responda la
3. must/magazine/find/you/the. a. Then, (PI) what (PB) can he (PA) finish?
He can finish the lesson.
3. y o u m u s t f i n d t h e m a g a z i n e

4. the/can/sign/he/letter. b. (PB) Must she answer the question?

No, she must answer the telephone.
4. h e c a n s i g n t h e l e t t e r
c. (PB) Can (FP) he (PA) cook the dinner?
5. not/she/money/can/the/count. Yes , he can cook the dinner.

5. s h e c a n n o t c o u n t t h e m o n e y d. (PI) What (PB) must he move (PA)?

Object: fence He must move the sofa.
22 P R A C T I C E B O O K

P R A C T I C E B O O K 23

Practique: Practique:
Palabra Básica “will” Palabra Básica “will”
Construcción A-Construcción Afirmativa Construcción B-Construcción Negativa
Complete: Descubra según el contexto de las Construcciones, las dos Palabras de Escoja: Elija la opción correcta para completar cada Construcción.
Acción y los dos Objetos que hacen falta en ellas. Use los cuadros de
abajo como ayuda para descubrir dichas palabras.
1. You won´t cause the accident. 3. I will not discuss the problem.
1.I will celebrate the birthday. 2. She will give the gift. a. not will a. will don't
b. don't will b. not
3. You will continue the conversation. 4. They will choose the suit.
c. won't c. will not
1 2
2. He won´t wait for the doctor. 4. We will not paint the door.
B i r t h d a y g i v e a. will no
a. will not to
b. won't b. willn't
3 4
c. doesn't will c. will not
c o n t i n u e s u i t
Construya: Realice Construcciones Negativas con la Palabra Básica “will”
Organice y Transforme: Ordene y escriba las Construcciones. Luego aplicando los elementos sugeridos.
reescríbalas usando la Palabra Básica “will”.

1. FP “he”/PA: “to cause”

1. song/sing/they/the 3. the/I/suit/own He won´t cause the accident.
They sing the song. I own the suit.
They will sing the song. I will own the suit. 2. FP “they”/PA: “to paint”
They will not paint the wall.
2. wall/the/measures/he 4. she/the/clothes/picks up 3. FP “I”/Obj: “the milk”
He measures the wall. She picks up the clothes.
He will measure the wall. She will pick up the clothes. I won´t drink the milk.

4. FP “you”/Obj: “the clothes”

You will not change the clothes.

24 P R A C T I C E B O O K P R A C T I C E B O O K 25

Practique: Practique: Palabra Básica “going”

Palabra Básica “will”
Construcciones C, D & E-Construcciones Construcción A Construcción Afirmativa
Complete y Construya: Fijándose en las imágenes, rellene los espacios con los
Complete: Complete cada Construcción Interrogativa usando la Palabra Básica “will” Objetos correspondientes. Luego use cada uno de
y las Formas Personales y/o Palabras de Acción mostradas en la ilustración éstos para hacer Construcciones Afirmativas con la
de la izquierda. Luego responda apropiadamente de acuerdo con la imagen. Palabra Básica “going”.

a. (PB) Will they (PA) give the milk? 1
1. I am going to buy a cigarette.
No, they won´t give the milk.
5 p a y c h e c k
They will give the gift. 2. He is going to earn the paycheck.
a i
i g 3. We are going to apply the paint.
b. Will (FP) he (PA) sing the song? n a
Yes, He will sing thw song. 4. She is going to use the dress.
t 4 d r e s s
e 5. They are going to find the key.
c. (PB) Will (FP) he leave the house? t
No, he will not leave the house. t
d. Will they (PA) celebrate?
Yes, they will celebrate . Escoja: Teniendo en cuenta la Forma Personal, elija entre las tres opciones,
la Palabra Auxiliar correcta para completar las Construcciones.

1. He is going to rent the dress. 2. We are going to practice English.

Complete: Complete las preguntas según el contenido de las respuestas
en el cuadro.
a. are a. am
b. am b. is
c. is c. are
a. Will you sign?
3. They are going to repay the debt. 4. I am going to paint the building.
b. Yes, I will sign.
a. is a. am
a. Will you sign the application? b. are b. is
b. No, I won't sign the application. c. am c. are
a. Then, what will you sign?
5. She is going to apply for the job.
b. I will sign the check.
a. am
b. are
c. is
26 P R A C T I C E B O O K P R A C T I C E B O O K 27
Palabra Básica “going”
Construya: Realice Construcciones Negativas con la Palabra Básica “going”,
Construcción B-Construcción Negativa aplicando los componentes sugeridos.

Organice y Transforme: Ordene las piezas para formar las Construcciones

Negativas. Luego cámbielas a Construcciones 1. FP “ I”/PA: “to mail”/Obj: “the letter”
I am not going to mail the letter.

the going patient follow to they are not 2. FP: “you”/PA: “to apply for”/Obj: “the job”
You are not going to apply for the job.
They are not going to follow the patient.
3. FP: “we”/PA: “to rent”/Obj: “the dress”
They are going to follow the patient.
We aren't going to rent the dress.

the fill up not I going to package am 4. FP: “they”/PA: “to forget”/Obj: “the name”
They are not going to forget the name.
I am not going to fill up the package.
I am going to fill up the package.

not forget to is he name going the

He is not going to forget the name.

He is going to forget the name.

trunk lock not going the are to we

We are not going to lock the trunk.

We are going to lock the trunk.

28 P R A C T I C E B O O K

P R A C T I C E B O O K 29

Practique: Practique:
Palabra Básica “going” Palabra de Acción+ing
Construcciones C, D & E-Construcciones Construcción A-Construcción Afirmativa
Forme: Realice cinco Construcciones Afirmativas con la PA+ing en cualquier dirección,
Transforme: Cambie las siguientes Construcciones Afirmativas a Negativas. usando los elementos de la colmena. No salte ninguna casilla, pues los
elementos de la Construcción deben estar conectados.

P/Aux + FP + PB + PA + Obj ? FP
the floor 1. I am comparing the price.
P/Aux PA
Obj P/Aux FP
2. You are telling the story.
She is going to move the paint. am the price are you

She is not going to move the paint. FP

the guitar
3. They are playing the guitar.
I am going to accept the offer.
I am not going to accept the offer.
the story
the stairs
4. We are climbing the stairs.

We are going to follow the law. FP

the door
5. They are crying.
We aren't going to follow the law.

You are going to practice English. Organice: Organice y escriba tres Construcciones Afirmativas con
You are not going to practice English. la terminación ing usando las palabras que se am
encuentran en la escalera. lm
Dialogue: Siga las instrucciones indicadas para completar el diálogo. th
1. I am climbing the wall. I
B1 te
DIALOGUE 2. You are telling the time.
a. Hi.
ilar. Hello.
3. He is teaching Spanish. tim
un saludo sim
b. Conteste con e
to paint the ho int the house.
a. Are you going not going to pa
tivamen te . N o, I am Sp e
b. Responda nega an
you going to do is
a. Then, what are I am going to
repair. h
do la PA “to repair”. te is
b. Responda us an
ing to repair? kitchen”. hi
a. What are you go he w indow” y “the ng
or ”, “t He
los Obj “the do w and the kitc
b. Responda con or , the windo.
repa ir th e do
I am going to

30 P R A C T I C E B O O K P R A C T I C E B O O K 31
Palabra de Acción+ing
Concuerde: Una las Palabras de Acción con los Objetos con que mejor se relacionen
Construcción B-Construcción Negativa y luego haga una Construcción Negativa con cada combinación usando la PA+ing .

Complete: Analice el sentido de cada Construcción y rellene los espacios vacíos

con las palabras adecuadas para completar el rompecabezas.

I am not play ing sweep sing the song the debt

the guitar.

We are not enjoy ing the vacation.

say repair the furniture the room

He is not climb ing pay the price

the stairs.

You are not clean ing the furniture.

1. He is not sweeping the room.

2. We aren't singing the song.

3. I am not repairing the furniture.

4. They are not paying the debt.

5. She isn't saying the price.

32 P R A C T I C E B O O K

P R A C T I C E B O O K 33
Practique: Palabra de Acción+ing
Complete: Complete cada Construcción Interrogativa usando las Formas Personales
Construcciones A,B,C,D & E- y/o Palabras de Acción mostradas en la ilustración de la izquierda. Luego
Construcciones Afirmativas, Negativas e responda apropiadamente de acuerdo con la imagen.
Dialogue: Siga las instrucciones indicadas para completar el diálogo.
a. (P/Aux) Is she (PA+ing) teaching?
Yes, She is teaching.

g, how are you b. (P/Aux) are (FP) they climbing ?
a. Good mornin
ludo. I am fine
b. Conteste el sa No, They are not climbing.
ying the guitar?
a. Are you pla I a m not playing the
guitar. They are learning.
n te . N o ,
b. Responda n
u doing?
a. What are yo
am telling.
n te st e co n la PA “to tell”. I
b. Co
a. What are you ”. I am telling a st
ory. c. (P/Aux) Is (FP) he (PA+ing) playing ?
b j “a s to ry
n el O
b. Responda co
Yes, he is playing.

d. Is (FP) he (PA+ing) calling ?

Yes, he is calling.

34 P R A C T I C E B O O K

P R A C T I C E B O O K 35

Palabra Auxiliar “to be”, Forma Personal “It” Organice: Encuentre y organice una Construcción Afirmativa, una Negativa y
una Pregunta Simple con la Forma Personal (FP) “It” y escríbalas abajo.
Construcciones A,B,C,D & E-
Construcciones Afirmativas, Negativas
e Interrogativas
Complete: Complete las Construcciones Afirmativas, Negativas e Interrogativas
escribiendo la Palabra Auxiliar “to be”, las Formas Personales y los
Objetos donde corresponda. Luego responda las preguntas teniendo it
en cuenta las imágenes. a tree
(P/Aux) Is she (Obj) a nurse ? a
Yes, she is a nurse .

is not
dog it IS H
(P/Aux) Is (FP) it an adult? FIN
No, It is not an adult.
Then, what (P/Aux) is (FP) it ?
(FP) It (P/Aux) is (Obj) a baby .
(P/Aux) Is (FP) it a woman?
No, It is not a woman.
Then, what (P/Aux) is (FP) it ?
(FP) It (P/Aux) is (Obj) a man.

1. It is a dog. (Construcción Afirmativa).

What (P/Aux) are (PF) they ?

2. It is not a cat. (Construcción Negativa).
(PF) They (P/Aux) are (Obj) children. 3. Is it a tree? (Construcción Interrogativa).

36 P R A C T I C E B O O K P R A C T I C E B O O K 37

Palabra Interrogativa “where” Construya: Forme ocho Preguntas Generales con la Palabra Interrogativa
“where” usando los elementos del cuadro. Responda cada
Construcción D-Construcción Interrogativa pregunta con los Indicadores de Lugar sugeridos.

Construya: Forme cinco Preguntas Generales con la Palabra Interrogativa

“where” uniendo con una línea los elementos que lleva cada
marciano y luego respóndalas. Use las guías a continuación: she we you he I
PI + Señal + FP + PB + PA ?/PI + P/Aux +FP + PB + PA ?
to live to dance to go to walk to play

where are want to live? can
going have can wish need

Señal Señal P/Aux P/Aux P/Aux

do does am is are
where wish to go? will where
where where where where where

Indicadores de Lugar: “far”, “in”, “outside”, “near”, “in front of”, “there”, “here”, “at”, “on”.
dance? where walk? going to sit?

Preguntas Generales Respuestas

1. Where does she wish to play? She wishes to play outside.
we / he /
does where does she / they / you
2. Where are we going to walk? You are going to walk near the store.

Preguntas Generales Respuestas 3. Where can you dance? I can dance in front of the house.

4. Where does he need to go? He needs to go there.

1. Where does he want to live ? 1. He wants to live in the country .
2. Where will they dance ? 2. They will dance at the party . 5. Where do I have to live? You have to live in the city.
3. Where can you walk? 3. I can walk in the city. 6. Where is she going to play? She is going to play here.
4. Where does she wish to go? 4. She wishes to go to the store.
7. Where can we walk? You can walk at the restaurant.
5. Where are you going to sit ? 5. We are going to sit on the chair .
8. Where does he wish to go? He wishes to go far.

38 P R A C T I C E B O O K P R A C T I C E B O O K 39

Palabra Interrogativa “when” Dialogue: Complete las preguntas y sus correspondientes respuestas con las
palabras que faltan. Luego organícelas en forma de diálogo siguiendo
Construcción D -Construcción la numeración.
Construya: Elabore las preguntas con la Palabra Interrogativa “when” para cada
3. Are you going to return to school? 4. No, I'm not going to return to school.
una de las siguientes respuestas. Tenga en cuenta los elementos
dados en cada pregunta para completarlas adecuadamente:

1. He is going to dance tomorrow. 7. When do you want to return? 8. I want to return now.

2. They must go to the doctor soon.

3. I am looking for a restaurant now.

5. Then,where are you going to return? 6. I am going to return home.

4. She wants to arrive today.

? to
? 1. Hello! 2. Good morning .
ant dance
res ur
t a

lookin going
you he

are is

must Does
they she
go want
to the e
docto to arriv

? ?
40 P R A C T I C E B O O K P R A C T I C E B O O K 41

Palabra Interrogativa “how” Yes, Responda: Lea el texto y responda las preguntas a continuación:

Construcción D -Construcción
Interrogativa This is Susan. She wants to speak English correctly.
Construya: Haga las Preguntas con la Palabra Interrogativa She has to go to a restaurant after the English class.
“how” usando la Construcción sugerida en cada cuadro. She works in the restaurant.
Luego responda con el Calificador de Acción indicado.
She can go there by bicycle.
She is always tired after work.
PI + can + PI + must + FP PI + P/Aux +
FP + PA ? + PA + Obj ? FP + going + PA ?

softly loudly hard

PI + Señal + FP PI + Señal + FP PI + Señal + FP

1. How does she want to speak English?
+ want + PA ? + have + PA ? + wish + PA ?
She wants to speak English correctly.
quickly correctly slowly
2. Where does she have to go after the English class?

PI + Señal + FP PI + will + PI + P/Aux + FP +

She has to go to a restaurant.
+ need + PA ? FP + PA ? PA + ing + Obj ?

carefully quietly well 3. Where does she work?

She works in a restaurant.

1. How can they speak? 5. How do we have to learn? 4. How can she go to work?
They can speak softly. We have to learn correctly.
She can go to work by bicycle.
2. How must he sing the song? 6. How does he wish to drive?
He must sing loudly. He wishes to drive slowly. 5. How is she after work?
3. How
. is she going to work? She is always tired after work.
She is going to work hard.

4. How do you want to ride?

I want to ride quickly.

42 P R A C T I C E B O O K P R A C T I C E B O O K 43

Practique: Palabras Interrogativas “how much” & “how many” Complete: Escriba el Objeto que falta en cada Construcción de acuerdo con la imagen.
Luego haga la Pregunta General para cada frase usando las Palabras
Construcción D -Construcción Interrogativas “how many” o “how much” según el contexto.

O C orrija: Las preguntas a continuación tienen elementos mezclados dentro
de cada Construcción. Detecte qué elementos van en qué Construcción, They must change a lot of money.
para reescribir las preguntas correctamente; luego respóndalas con los
diferentes Indicadores de Cantidad. How much money must they change?

1. How much weight do they want to gain?

They want to gain a little weight. We have two children.
How many children do you have?
x will they to
2. How many pounds do x put in the food?
They will put enough pounds in the food.
She is teaching three students.
3. How much money are they going to use?
How many students is she teaching?
They are going to use plenty of money.

4. How many dollars are they losing? He is going to eat plenty of food.
They are losing many dollars.
How much food is he going to eat?

44 P R A C T I C E B O O K P R A C T I C E B O O K 45

Practique: Palabra Interrogativa “which” A. Responda: Lea el texto y responda las preguntas a continuación:

Construcción D -Construcción
Susan is going to wear the red dress tonight.
Organice: Ordene las fichas para formar Preguntas Generales con la Palabra She is going to a party.
Interrogativa “which”. Luego responda cada pregunta.
They will invite a lot of people.
Mary wishes to dance a lot.
During the party, she wants to dance
water you to drink which wish do
with the tall man, not with the short one.

Which water do you wish to drink?

I wish to drink the cold water.
1. Which dress is Susan going to wear?
which will fry meat you She is going to wear the red one .

2. Where is she going?

Which meat will you fry?
I will fry the red one. She is going to a party.

3. How many people will they invite?

are people helping you which
They will invite a lot of people.

Which people are you helping? 4. How much does she wish to dance?
I am helping those people. She wishes to dance a lot.

must wash plates which you 5. Which man does she want to dance with?
She wants to dance with the tall man.
Which plates must you wash?
I must wash the small ones.

46 P R A C T I C E B O O K P R A C T I C E B O O K 47

Practique: Practique:
Palabra Interrogativa “who” Palabra Interrogativa “why”
Construcción D -Construcción Construcción D -Construcción
Interrogativa Interrogativa
Construya: Realice Preguntas Generales con la Palabra Interrogativa “who”, F Falso o Verdadero: Las Construcciones a continuación responden a la Palabra
de acuerdo con las palabras sugeridas. Luego seleccione palabras Interrogativa “why”. Cuatro de ellas con razones que no les
de la siguiente lista para responder cada pregunta: “the boyfriend”, corresponden. Señale con falso si son equivocadas y con
“the butcher”, “the friend”, “the family”. verdadero si son correctas. Reubique las razones que así lo
1. FP “he”/PB “can”/PA “to visit”
Who can he visit? He can visit the family. 1. Why are you going to rent the office?
2. FP “you”/PB “going”/PA “to congratulate” I am going to rent the office because she doesn't have money.
Who are you going to congratulate? I'm going to congratulate the butcher.
because I am going to work on it.
3. FP “we”/PB “need”/PA “to accompany”
Who do we need to accompany? We need to accompany the friend. 2. Why do they wish to write the song?
They wish to write the song because I am going to work on it.
4. FP “she”/PB “wish”/PA “to marry”
Who does she wish to marry? She wishes to marry the boyfriend. because they wish to sing it.

Complete: Utilizando las palabras al interior del recuadro, llene los espacios 3. Why does he need to arrange a meeting?
vacíos para completar la conversación.
He needs to arrange a meeting because they wish to sing it.
a. Hello!
b. Responda el saludo. Hi. because he must discuss the problem.
it I
a. Is it John?
he they
b. No it (P/Aux+not) isn't him. 4. Why are you going to the house?
a. Then, (PI) who is it? who o
We are going to the house because we are celebrating the birthday.
b. (FP) It is Rick.
a. Who is (FP) he? will goin
b. He is a (Obj) friend .
going talk 5. Why does she have to charge the bill?
a. Are you (PB) going to (PA) talk to him?
She has to charge the bill because he must discuss the problem.
b. No, (FP + P/Aux + not + PB) I'm not going to talk to him. friend
talk am
a. Then, (PI) who (PB) will you talk to? not because she doesn't have money.
b. I (PB) will (PA) talk to them. isn’t, hi
a. (PI) Who are they?
b. (FP) They are the family.

48 P R A C T I C E B O O K P R A C T I C E B O O K 49

Complete: Observe el ejemplo y luego complete la mitad que haga falta para Palabras Auxiliares “was”, “were”
terminar cada Construcción. Tenga en cuenta la información
dada para completarla lógicamente. Luego realice la pregunta Construcciones A,B,C,D & E-
que corresponde a cada una de esas respuestas. Construcciones Afirmativas, Negativas e
Complete: Siga las instrucciones indicadas para completar el diálogo respondiendo
We must learn English we need it for the job. y haciendo preguntas.
I am going to eat I'm hungry. you?
a. Hi, how are fine.
a el saludo. I am
b. Respond nt after work? ork.
in the restau ra aurant after w
a. W er e yo u
N o, I w as n´t in the rest
He is driving quickly because he is late. b. Conteste ne
a. Then, where
were you?
t” y el O bj “t he park”. I was
at the park.
n el Ind/Lug “a
b. Responda co ?
u at the pa rk ppy.
a. Why were yo ause I was ha
she is working very hard. “happy”. Bec
She is tired b. Conteste co
n el C al ifi ca do r

a. Were yo u w ith the familiy? t with the fam

ne ga tiv am en te. No, I wasn´
b. Conteste
ere you with? with the friend.
They will go to the store a. Then, who w friend”. I was
they need to buy food. b. Responda co
n el O bj “t he

Why must we learn English?

Complete y Construya: Llene los espacios con las palabras correspondientes a las
imágenes. Luego use cada una de ellas para hacer
Why are you going to eat? Construcciones Afirmativas, Negativas e Interrogativas
con las Palabras Auxiliares (P/Aux) “was”, “were”.
Why is he driving quickly?
1. (FP)He (P/Aux) was (Obj) a child .
2. (FP) She (P/Aux) was in the(Obj) city .
Why is she tired? 6
r 5 3. (FP) She (P/Aux+not) was not a doctor.
e t (FP) she (P/Aux) was (Obj) a teacher.
Why will they go to the store? 1 c h i l d h
o i 4. (P/Aux) Was (FP) it (Obj) a guitar ?
a 4 g u i t a r Yes, it was a guitar.
e s 5. (FP) It (P/Aux+not) was not a cat.
2 c i t y t (FP) It (P/Aux) was (Obj) a dog.
3 6. (FP) He (P/Aux) was (Calificador) thirsty.

50 P R A C T I C E B O O K P R A C T I C E B O O K 51
F A S E 10

Practique: Practique: Palabras Básicas “wanted”, “needed”, “had”, “wished”

Palabra Básica “going”, Palabra de Acción+ing
Construcciones A,B,C,D & E- Construcciones A,B,D -Construcciones
Construcciones Afirmativas, Negativas e Afirmativas, Negativas e Interrogativas
Construya: Use las fórmulas: PI + Señal + FP + PB + PA + Obj ?, o,
Transforme: Cambie las siguientes Construcciones expresando lo que usted iba a hacer. PI + Obj + Señal + FP + PB + PA ? y haga las preguntas correspondientes
Use la palabra en paréntesis en la nueva construcción. a las siguientes respuestas:

1. I am going to sweep the house. (she) .

She was going to sweep the house.
1. I wanted to mail the letter soon.
2. Are they riding the bicycle? (he) He was going to ride the bicycle.
When did you want to mail the letter?
3. She is not choosing the clothes. (to pay) She wasn't going to pay the clothes.
2. She needed to cross the street carefully.
4. He can climb the tree. (they) They were going to climb the tree.

5. Are you going to dance? (to walk) Were you going to walk?
How did she need to cross the street?

6. Is he living in the country? (you/city) Were you going to live in the city? 3. We wished to know the city because it's big.

Why did we wish to know the city?

A. Responda: Lea y responda las preguntas acerca del texto.
4. They wanted to live in the white house not in the blue one.

1. Which house did they want to live in?

2. 5. He had to drink water in the country.

Susan was happy because she was going to visit
the family in the country. She was buying some
gifts before the trip. She couldn't buy many
Where did he have to drink water?
3. gifts because she didn't have
enough money. The family was
preparing a big party for Susan.
At the party, Susan was saying
she was going to return during
4. the next vacation. She could
spend a good time with the

52 P R A C T I C E B O O K P R A C T I C E B O O K 53
F A S E 11

Transforme y Continúe: Lea cada Construcción detenidamente y cámbiela Palabras de Acción Regulares e Irregulares
expresando lo que usted hizo. Luego continúe la historia
con “because” usando las Palabras Básicas “want”, Construcciones A,B,C-Construcciones
“need”, “have” y “wish”. Afirmativas, Negativas e Interrogativas
1. They don't want to cause an accident… Construya: Elabore Construcciones Afirmativas expresando lo que usted hizo con
los elementos del tablero. Haga las Construcciones en sentido diagonal
They didn´t want to cause an accident como muestran las flechas grises.
because they know how to drive very well.
we the
2. I have to begin the class correctly… to to
I had to begin the class correctly owe pay
because I wished to learn. you she
to to
build see
3. He doesn't need to choose a gift…
I the you
He didn´t need to to choose a gift house
because he didn´t have enough money. to to
rent ride
they I
4. You have to drive a bus soon… bicycle
You had to drive a bus soon
because you needed to arrive early. We owed the bill.
He paid the guitar.
5. She doesn't wish to ask a question… She saw the house.
She didn´t wish to ask the question
You rode the bicycle.
because she had to remember it.
You built the house.
I rented the bicycle.
They rented the house.
She paid the bill.
You saw the guitar.

54 P R A C T I C E B O O K P R A C T I C E B O O K 55
F A S E 11-12

Construya: Realice Construcciones Afirmativas, Negativas o Interrogativas según Palabras Básicas “like,” “love” & “expect”
el signo en el centro del círculo. Exprese lo que usted hizo usando
los elementos alrededor. Construcciones A,B,C,D & E-
Construcciones Afirmativas, Negativas e
tell we
Dialogue: Complete el diálogo de acuerdo con las instrucciones dadas.

(?) (-)


tea the
th ory



u? fine.
Hi, how are yo “fine”. I am
1. Do you tell the story? 2. We don´t obey the teacher. a.
sa lu do co n el Calificador
b. Respo
nda el
e country? e country.
D o yo u lik e to walk in th lik e to walk in th
a. N o, I do n´ t
a negativamen
b. Respond to do?
do you like
a. Then, what y el Obj
He I b. Responda co
n PA “to go”
ca ti o n ”. I like to go on va .
“the va xt? tside the city.
re do yo u ex pect to go ne e ci ty ”. I ex pect to go ou
(+) (?) a. Whe
b. C on te st e con Ind/Lug “o
utside” y el O
bj “t h


you hope to re

tbeia the

a. When do una pregunta

oon” y haga

return soon.

po “s

Ti em
b. Conteste
con In d/
co u n tr y”. I hope to

y Obj “t h e
”, PA “to go”
con PB “love try?
go to the coun
Do you love to
go there.
a. Yes, I love to
3. He comes late. 4. Do I ride the bicycle?

She They

(-) (+)


tleea the


5. She doesn´t begin the class. 6. They study the lesson.

56 P R A C T I C E B O O K P R A C T I C E B O O K 57
F A S E 12

Complete: Observe la imagen para completar la Construcción Interrogativa en cada Palabras Básicas “know how” & “necessary”
cuadro y después dé la respuesta adecuada.
Construcciones A,B,C,D -Construcciones
Afirmativas, Negativas e Interrogativas
(Señal) Does he (PB “like”) like (PA) to read
(Obj) the book? x
O C orrija y Transforme: Señale y corrija el error en las siguientes Construcciónes. Luego
exprese lo que usted hizo en cada una.
Yes, He likes to read the book.

x how to fix the kitchen.

1. I knows I know how to fix the kitchen.
What did she (PB “expect”) expect to do?
I knew how to fix the kitchen.
She (PB “expect”) expected to see (Obj) the family.

2. It is necessary paying the bill. It is necessary to pay the bill.

It was necessary to pay the bill.

What (Señal) does (FP) he (PB “like”) like to do? x he know how to deposit a check? Does he know how to deposit the check?
3. Is
He (PB “like”) likes (PA) to sleep.
Did he know how to deposit the check?

4. It doesn't necessary to leave early. It isn´t necessary to leave early.

What (Señal) did (FP) he (PB “hope”) hope to do?

It wasn´t necessary to leave early.
He (PB “hope”) hoped to find (Obj) the keys.
x know how to roast a chicken. I don´t know how to roast the chicken.
5. I not

I didn´t know how to roast the chicken.

Does (FP) he (PB “love”) love to ride the bicycle? x it necessary to discuss it during the class? Is it necessary to discuss the class?
6. Does
No, (FP) he (Señal+not) doesn´t (PB “love”) love to ride the bicycle.
Then, what (Señal) does (FP) he (PB “love”) love to do? Was it necessary to discuss the class?
(FP) he (PB “love”) loves (PA) to watch television.

58 P R A C T I C E B O O K P R A C T I C E B O O K 59
A. Responda: Lea el texto y responda las preguntas.

Susan wanted to change the job at the restaurant because she was
a little tired. She was going to apply for a job in a school.
The employer in the school said it
was necessary to know Spanish.
Susan didn't know how to speak,
write or read it. She was sad
because she knew how to cook
well and play the guitar. It was
necessary for Susan to continue
looking for a job. She hoped to find it soon.

1. Why did Susan want to change the job at the restaurant?

She wanted to change the job because she was a little tired.

2. What was necessary for her to do in the school?

It was necessary for her to know Spanish.

3. Did she know how to speak, write or read in Spanish?

No, she didn't know how to speak, write and read it.

4. What did she know how to do?

She knew how to cook well and play the guitar.

5. What was necessary for Susan to continue doing?

It was necessary for her to continue looking for a job.

60 P R A C T I C E B O O K

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