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Pronunciacin simplificada Presente

1 [i sk] I ask Pregunto

2 [i em] I am soy / estoy
3 [i ebl tu] I able to Soy capaz de
4 [i bikom] I become me vuelvo / me convierto
5 [i bigun] I begin empiezo
6 [i bilif] I believe Creo
7 [i brik] I break Rompo
8 [i bi] I buy compro
9 [i kl] I call llamo
10 [i kansl] I cancel cancelo
11 [i chinch] I change cambio
12 [i klin] I clean limpio
13 [i klous] I close cierro
14 [i km] I come voy
15 [i kunt] I count cuento
16 [i kt] I cut corto
17 [i dns] I dance bailo
18 [i du] I do hago
19 [i drnk] I drink tomo
20 [i driv] I drive conduzco
21 [i it] I eat como
22 [i eksplin] I explain explico
23 [i fol dun] I fall down me caigo
24 [i fil] I feel siento
25 [i find] I find Encuentro
26 [i fks] I fix arreglo
27 [i forguet] I forget olvido
28 [i guet] I get obtengo / consigo
29 [i guv] I give doy
30 [i gou] I go voy
31 [i grb] I grab tomo / agarro
32 [i jv] I have tengo
33 [i jir] I hear escucho
34 [i jelp] I help ayudo
35 [i nu] I know s
36 [i lern] I learn aprendo
37 [i liv] I leave me voy / dejo
38 [i lt] I let dejo
39 [i lik] I like me gusta
40 [i lsen] I listen escucho
41 [i liv] I live vivo
42 [i luk] I look miro
43 [i luk fr] I look for busco
44 [i lv] I love amo
45 [i mik] I make hago
46 [i nid] I need Necesito
47 [i upen] I open abro
48 [i rganais] I organize organizo
49 [i pi] I pay pago
50 [i put] I put pongo
Pronunciacin simplificada Presente
51 [i rid] I read leo
52 [i ripli] I reply respondo
53 [i rn] I run Corro / Administro
54 [i si] I say digo
55 [i si] I see veo
56 [i sl] I sell vendo
57 [i snd] I send envo
58 [i st] I sit me siento
59 [i slip] I sleep duermo
60 [i smuk] I smoke fumo
61 [i spik] I speak hablo
62 [i strt] I start empiezo
63 [i stdi] I study estudio
64 [i swim] I swim nado
65 [i tik] I take tomo
66 [i tk] I talk hablo
67 [i tch] I teach enseo
68 [i tl] I tell digo
69 [i think] I think creo / pienso
70 [i trvl] I travel viajo
71 [i tri] I try intento
72 [i nderstnd] I understand entiendo
73 [i is] I use suelo
74 [i uit] I wait espero
75 [i uik p] I wake up me despierto
76 [i uk] I walk camino
77 [i unt] I want quiero
78 [i utch] I watch veo
79 [i urk] I work trabajo
80 [i rit] I write escribo
81 [i akspt] I accept acepto
82 [i brng] I bring traigo
83 [i kum] I comb peino
84 [i dro] I draw dibujo
85 [i fol] I fall caigo
86 [i fnish] I finish termino
87 [i kip] I keep sigo
88 [i lus] I lose pierdo
89 [i mit] I meet conozco / encuentro
90 [i mv] I move muevo
91 [i pli] I play juego / toco
92 [i rimmber] I remember recuerdo
93 [i shu] I show muestro
94 [i sin] I sign firmo
95 [i sing] I sing canto
96 [i saksid] I succeed Tengo xito
97 [i trn of] I turn off apago
98 [i trn on] I turn on Enciendo
99 [i uer] I wear visto / llevo / uso
100 [i urri] I worry Me preocupo
Pronunciacin simplificada Pasado
1 [i skt] I asked ped / pregunt
2 [i us] I was yo era / yo estaba
3 [i bikim] I became me convert
4 [i bign] I began comenc
5 [i bilift] I believed cre
6 [i bruk] I broke quebr
7 [i bot] I bought compr
8 [i kold] I called llame
9 [i knselt] I cancelled cancel
10 [i chincht] I changed cambi
11 [i klind] I cleaned limpi
12 [i klust] I closed cerr
13 [i kim] I came vine
14 [i kunted] I counted conte
15 [i kt] I cut cort
16 [i dnst] I danced bail
17 [i dd] I did hice
18 [i drnk] I drank beb
19 [i druf] I drove conduc
20 [i it] I ate com
21 [i eksplint] I explained expliqu
22 [i fl dun] I fell down me ca
23 [i flt] I felt me sent
24 [i fund] I found encontr
25 [i fkst] I fixed arregl
26 [i frgot] I forgot olvid
27 [i got] I got consegu / obtuve
28 [i gueiv] I gave di
29 [i unt] I went fu
30 [i grbt] I grabbed agarr
31 [i jad] I had tuve
32 [i jerd] I heard o
33 [i jlpt] I helped ayud
34 [i ni] I knew saba
35 [i lernt] I learned aprend
36 [i lft] I left me fui / dej
37 [i lt] I let dej
38 [i likt] I liked me gust
39 [i lsnd] I listened escuch
40 [i lvt] I lived viv
41 [i lukt] I looked mir
42 [i lukt fr] I looked for busqu
43 [i lvt] I loved am / me encant
44 [i mid] I made hice
45 [i nided] I needed necesit
46 [i upend] I opened abr
47 [i rganaist] I organized organic
48 [i pid] I paid pagu
49 [i put] I put puse
50 [i rid] I read le
Pronunciacin simplificada Pasado
51 [i riplid] I replied respond
52 [i ran] I ran corr
53 [i sid] I said dije
54 [i so] I saw vi
55 [i suld] I sold vend
56 [i snt] I sent enve
57 [i st] I sat me sent
58 [i slpt] I slept dorm
59 [i smukt] I smoked fum
60 [i spuk] I spoke habl
61 [i startid] I started empec
62 [i stadid] I studied estudi
63 [i swam] I swam nad
64 [i tk] I took tom
65 [i tkt] I talked habl
66 [i tt] I taught ense
67 [i tld] I told dije
68 [i tht] I thought cre / pens
69 [i trvld] I travelled viaj
70 [i trid] I tried intent
71 [i nderstuud] I understood entend
72 [i ist] I used sola
73 [i uitid] I waited esper
74 [i uuk p] I woke up me despert
75 [i ukt] I walked camin
76 [i unted] I wanted quise
77 [i utchd] I watched v
78 [i urkt] I worked trabaj
79 [i rut] I wrote escrib
80 [i aksptid] I accepted acept
81 [i brot] I brought traje
82 [i koumd] I combed pein
83 [i dru] I drew dibuj
84 [i fl] I fell ca
85 [i fnisht] I finished termin
86 [i kept] I kept segu / mantuve
87 [i lst] I lost perd
88 [i met] I met encontr / conoc
89 [i mvd] I moved movi / me mud
90 [i plid] I played jugu / interpretar
91 [i rimmberd] I remembered record
92 [i shud] I showed mostr
93 [i sind] I signed firm
94 [i sang] I sang cant
95 [i seksdid] I succeeded logr / tuve xito
96 [i trnd of] I turned off apague
97 [i trnd on] I turned on encend
98 [i ur] I wore vest / llev / us
99 [i urrid] I worried me preocup
Pronunciacin simplificada pasado participio
1 [i jad skt] I had asked yo haba pedido
2 [i jad biin] I had been yo haba sido / yo haba estado
3 [i jad bikom] I had become yo me haba convertido
4 [i jad bgan] I had begun yo haba comenzado
5 [i jad bilift] I had believed yo haba credo
6 [i jad bruken] I had broken yo baba roto
7 [i jad bot] I had bought yo haba comprado
8 [i jad kold] I had called yo haba llamado
9 [i jad knselt] I had cancelled yo haba cancelado
10 [i jad chincht] I had changed yo haba cambiado
11 [i jad klind] I had cleaned yo haba limpiado
12 [i jad klust] I had closed yo haba cerrado
13 [i jad km] I had come yo habia venido
14 [i jad kunted] I had counted yo haba contado
15 [i jad kt] I had cut yo haba cortado
16 [i jad dnst] I had danced yo haba bailado
17 [i jad don] I had done yo haba hecho
18 [i jad drnk] I had drunk yo haba bebido
19 [i jad drven] I had driven yo haba conducido
20 [i jad iten] I had eaten yo haba comido
21 [i jad eksplint] I had explained yo haba explicado
22 [i jad flen] I had fallen yo haba cado
23 [i jad flt] I had felt yo haba sentido
24 [i jad fund] I had found yo haba encontrado
25 [i jad fkst] I had fixed yo haba arreglado
26 [i jad frgotn] I had forgotten yo habia olvidado
27 [i jad got] I had got yo haba conseguido / yo haba logrado
28 [i jad guven] I had given yo haba dado
29 [i jad gon] I had gone yo me habia ido
30 [i jad grbt] I had grabbed haba agarrado
31 [i jad jad] I had had yo haba tenido
32 [i jad jerd] I had heard yo haba odo
33 [i jad jlpt] I had helped yo haba ayudado
34 [i jad nun] I had known yo hubiera sabido
35 [i jad lernt] I had learned yo haba aprendido
36 [i jad lft] I had left yo haba dejado
37 [i jad lt] I had let yo haba dejado
38 [i jad likt] I had liked me haba gustado
39 [i jad lsnd] I had listened yo haba escuchado
40 [i jad lvt] I had lived yo he vivido
41 [i jad lukt] I had looked yo haba mirado
42 [i jad lukt fr] I had looked yo haba buscado
43 [i jad lvt] I had loved yo haba amado
44 [i jad mid] I had made yo haba hecho
45 [i jad nided] I had needed yo haba necesitado
46 [i jad upend] I had opened yo haba abierto
47 [i jad rganaist] I had organized yo haba organizado
48 [i jad pid] I had paid yo haba pagado
49 [i jad put] I had put yo me haba puesto
50 [i jad rid] I had read yo he leido
Pronunciacin simplificada pasado participio
51 [i jad riplid] I had replied yo haba respondido
52 [i jad rn] I had run yo haba corrido
53 [i jad sid] I had said yo haba dicho
54 [i jad sin] I had seen yo he visto
55 [i jad suld] I had sold yo haba vendido
56 [i jad snt] I had sent yo haba enviado
57 [i jad st] I had sat yo me haba sentado
58 [i jad slpt] I had slept yo haba dormido
59 [i jad smukt] I had smoked yo haba fumado
60 [i jad spukn] I had spoken yo haba hablado
61 [i jad startid] I had started yo haba empezado
62 [i jad stadid] I had studied yo haba estudiado
63 [i jad swom] I had swum yo haba nadado
64 [i jad tiken] I had taken yo he tomado
65 [i jad tkt] I had talked yo haba hablado
66 [i jad tt] I had taught yo haba enseado
67 [i jad tld] I had told yo haba dicho
68 [i jad tht] I had thought yo he pensado
69 [i jad trvld] I had travelled yo haba viajado
70 [i jad trid] I had tried yo haba intentado
71 [i jad nderstuud] I had understood yo haba entendido
72 [i jad ist] I had used yo haba usado
73 [i jad uitid] I had waited yo haba esperado
74 [i jad uukn] I had woken yo haba despertado
75 [i jad ukt] I had walked yo haba caminado
76 [i jad unted] I had wanted yo haba querido
77 [i jad utchd] I had watched yo haba visto
78 [i jad urkt] I had worked yo he trabajado
79 [i jad rten] I had written yo he escrito
80 [i jad aksptid] I had accepted yo haba aceptado
81 [i jad brot] I had brought yo haba trado
82 [i jad koumd] I had combed yo haba peinado
83 [i jad dron] I had drawn yo haba dibujado
84 [i jad flen] I had fallen yo haba cado
85 [i jad fnisht] I had finished yo termin
86 [i jad kept] I had kept yo haba seguido / yo haba mantenido
87 [i jad lst] I had lost yo haba perdido
88 [i jad met] I had met yo haba conocido
89 [i jad mvd] I had moved yo me haba movido / yo me haba mudado
90 [i jad plid] I had played he jugado / he interpretado
91 [i jad rimmberd] I had remembered yo haba recordado
92 [i jad shud] I had showed yo haba mostrado
93 [i jad sind] I had signed yo haba firmado
94 [i jad song] I had sung yo haban cantado
95 [i jad seksdid] I had succeeded yo haba tenido xito
96 [i jad trnd of] I had turned off yo haba apagado
97 [i jad trnd on] I had turned on yo haba encendido
98 [i jad urn] I had worn yo haba usado / haba vestido
99 [i jad urrid] I had worried yo me haba preocupado
Pronunciacin simplificada futuro
1 [i uil sk] I will ask preguntare
2 [i uil bi] I will be ser / estar
3 [i uil bi ebl] I will be able ser capaz / podr
4 [i uil bikom] I will become me convertir
5 [i uil bigun] I will begin empezar
6 [i uil bilif] I will believe creer
7 [i uil brik] I will break me rompere
8 [i uil bi] I will buy comprar
9 [i uil kl] I will call llamar
10 [i uil kansl] I will cancel cancelar
11 [i uil chinch] I will change cambiar
12 [i uil klin] I will clean limpiar
13 [i uil klous] I will close voy a cerrar
14 [i uil km] I will come vendr
15 [i uil kunt] I will count contare
16 [i uil kt] I will cut cortar
17 [i uil dns] I will dance bailar
18 [i uil du] I will do har
19 [i uil drnk] I will drink beber
20 [i uil driv] I will drive conducir
21 [i uil it] I will eat comer
22 [i uil eksplin] I will explain explicar
23 [i uil fol] I will fall me caer
24 [i uil fil] I will feel sentire
25 [i uil find] I will find encontrar
26 [i uil fks] I will fix arreglar
27 [i uil forguet] I will forget olvidar
28 [i uil guet] I will get conseguire
29 [i uil guv] I will give dar
30 [i uil gou] I will go ir
31 [i uil grb] I will grab agarrar
32 [i uil jv] I will have tendr
33 [i uil jir] I will hear escuchar
34 [i uil jelp] I will help ayudar
35 [i uil nu] I will know sabr
36 [i uil lern] I will learn aprender
37 [i uil liv] I will leave me ir / dejar
38 [i uil lt] I will let permitir
39 [i uil lik] I will like gustar
40 [i uil lsen] I will listen escuchar
41 [i uil liv] I will live vivir
42 [i uil luk] I will look mirar
43 [i uil luk] I will look buscar
44 [i uil lv] I will love amar
45 [i uil mik] I will make har
46 [i uil nid] I will need necesitar
47 [i uil upen] I will open abrir
48 [i uil rganais] I will organize organizare
49 [i uil pi] I will pay pagar
50 [i uil put] I will put pondr
Pronunciacin simplificada futuro
51 [i uil rid] I will read lo leer
52 [i uil ripli] I will reply responder
53 [i uil rn] I will run correr / dirigir
54 [i uil si] I will say dir
55 [i uil si] I will see ver
56 [i uil sl] I will sell vender
57 [i uil snd] I will send enviar
58 [i uil st] I will sit me sentare
59 [i uil slip] I will sleep dormir
60 [i uil smuk] I will smoke fumar
61 [i uil spik] I will speak hablar
62 [i uil strt] I will start comenzar
63 [i uil stdi] I will study estudiar
64 [i uil swim] I will swim nadar
65 [i uil tik] I will take tomar
66 [i uil tk] I will talk hablar
67 [i uil tch] I will teach ensear
68 [i uil tl] I will tell dir
69 [i uil think] I will think pensar
70 [i uil trvl] I will travel viajar
71 [i uil tri] I will try intentar
72 [i uil nderstnd] I will understand entender
73 [i uil is] I will use usar
74 [i uil uit] I will wait esperar
75 [i uil uik] I will wake despertar
76 [i uil uk] I will walk caminar
77 [i uil unt] I will want querr
78 [i uil utch] I will watch ver
79 [i uil urk] I will work trabajar
80 [i uil rit] I will write escribir
81 [i uil akspt] I will accept aceptar
82 [i uil brng] I will bring traer
83 [i uil kum] I will comb peinar
84 [i uil dro] I will draw dibujar
85 [i uil fol] I will fall caer
86 [i uil fnish] I will finish terminar
87 [i uil kip] I will keep seguir / mantendre
88 [i uil lus] I will lose perder
89 [i uil mit] I will meet encontrar / conocer
90 [i uil mv] I will move me mudar / mover
91 [i uil pli] I will play jugar / interpretar
92 [i uil rimmber] I will remember recordar
93 [i uil shu] I will show mostrare
94 [i uil sin] I will sign firmar
95 [i uil sing] I will sing cantar
96 [i uil saksid] I will succeed tendr xito
97 [i uil trn of] I will turn off apagar
98 [i uil trn on] I will turn on encender
99 [i uil uer] I will wear vestir / usar / llevar
100 [i uil urri] I will worry me preocupar
Pronunciacin simplificada Presente continuo
1 [i em sking] I am asking estoy preguntando
2 [i em bing] I am being estoy siendo
3 [i em bikoming] I am becoming me estoy convirtiendo en
4 [i em biguning] I am beginning estoy comenzando
5 [i em bliving] I am believing estoy creyendo
6 [i em briking] I am breaking estoy rompiendo
7 [i em biing] I am buying estoy comprando
8 [i em kling] I am calling estoy llamando
9 [i em kanseling] I am cancelling estoy cancelando
10 [i em chnying] I am changing estoy cambiando
11 [i em klining] I am cleaning estoy limpiando
12 [i em klusing] I am closing estoy cerrando
13 [i em kming] I am coming ya voy / estoy llegando
14 [i em kunting] I am counting estoy contando
15 [i em kting] I am cutting estoy cortando
16 [i em dnsing] I am dancing estoy bailando
17 [i em duing] I am doing estoy haciendo
18 [i em drnking] I am drinking estoy bebiendo
19 [i em driving] I am driving estoy conduciendo
20 [i em iting] I am eating estoy comiendo
21 [i em ikspleining] I am explaining estoy explicando
22 [i em fling] I am falling me estoy cayendo
23 [i em filing] I am feeling estoy sintiendo
24 [i em finding] I am finding estoy encontrando
25 [i em fiksing] I am fixing estoy arreglando
26 [i em forguting] I am forgetting estoy olvidando
27 [i em gueding] I am getting estoy obteniendo
28 [i em guving] I am giving estoy dando
29 [i em guing] I am going voy / ir / estoy yendo
30 [i em grbing] I am grabbing estoy agarrando
31 [i em jving] I am having estoy teniendo
32 [i em jaring] I am hearing estoy oyendo
33 [i em jelping] I am helping estoy ayudando
34 [i em nuing] I am knowing s / estoy consciente
35 [i em lerning] I am learning estoy aprendiendo
36 [i em living] I am leaving me voy / me ir
37 [i em lting] I am letting estoy dejando
38 [i em liking] I am liking me gusta / me est gustando
39 [i em lisening] I am listening estoy escuchando
40 [i em living] I am living estoy viviendo
41 [i em luking] I am looking busco / estoy buscando
42 [i em luking fr] I am looking for estoy buscando
43 [i em lving] I am loving me encanta / me est encantando
44 [i em miking] I am making estoy haciendo
45 [i em niding] I am needing necesito / estoy necesitando
46 [i em upening] I am opening estoy abriendo
47 [i em rganaising] I am organizing estoy organizando
48 [i em peing] I am paying estoy pagando
49 [i em puting] I am putting estoy poniendo
50 [i em riding] I am reading estoy leyendo
Pronunciacin simplificada Presente continuo
51 [i em riplaing] I am replying estoy respondiendo
52 [i em rning] I am running estoy corriendo / estoy administrando
53 [i em seing] I am saying estoy diciendo
54 [i em sing] I am seeing estoy viendo
55 [i em sling] I am selling estoy vendiendo
56 [i em snding] I am sending estoy enviando
57 [i em sding] I am sitting estoy sentado/a
58 [i em sliping] I am sleeping estoy durmiendo
59 [i em smuking] I am smoking estoy fumando
60 [i em spiking] I am speaking estoy hablando
61 [i em strting] I am starting estoy empezando
62 [i em stoding] I am studying estoy estudiando
63 [i em suming] I am swimming estoy nadando
64 [i em tiking] I am taking estoy tomando
65 [i em tking] I am talking estoy hablando
66 [i em tiching] I am teaching estoy enseando
67 [i em tling] I am telling te estoy diciendo
68 [i em thinking] I am thinking estoy pensando
69 [i em trveling] I am travelling estoy viajando
70 [i em triing] I am trying estoy intentando
71 [i em anderstnding] I am understanding estoy entendiendo
72 [i em iusing] I am using estoy usando
73 [i em uiding] I am waiting estoy esperando
74 [i em uiking] I am waking estoy despierto
75 [i em oking] I am walking estoy caminando
76 [i em unting] I am wanting estoy queriendo
77 [i em utching] I am watching estoy viendo
78 [i em urking] I am working estoy trabajando
79 [i em riting] I am writing estoy escribiendo
80 [i em akspting] I am accepting estoy aceptando
81 [i em brnguing] I am bringing estoy trayendo
82 [i em kouming] I am combing estoy peinando
83 [i em dring] I am drawing estoy dibujando
84 [i em fling] I am falling estoy cayendo
85 [i em finishing] I am finishing estoy terminando
86 [i em kiping] I am keeping estoy manteniendo / estoy guardando
87 [i em lusing] I am losing estoy perdiendo
88 [i em miting] I am meeting me encuentro / me reunir
89 [i em muving] I am moving me estoy moviendo
90 [i em pling] I am playing estoy jugando / estoy interpretando
91 [i em rimmbering] I am remembering estoy recordando
92 [i em shuing] I am showing estoy mostrando
93 [i em sining] I am signing estoy firmando
94 [i em snging] I am singing estoy cantando
95 [i em seksding] I am succeeding estoy teniendo xito
96 [i em trning of] I am turning estoy apagando
97 [i em trning on] I am turning estoy encendiendo
98 [i em uring] I am wearing estoy usando / llevo puesto
99 [i em urring] I am worrying me estoy preocupando

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