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By AIiiI,dy Ch'lmM,J$ 8: IGa,",i'n 1ihorpe [Ri~ [Ptie _lley &, Andy K- ttlJeweu

Book;;l Gallagher

Af1lIKjffl:- JI!!!ti.mi 0l.a..rd'J,(J'. W.&\YM ~~ Dos Hl;iIWy. N$Y ~. TOIl!! I-t~. pap) Smilirl I. Jo'M 't-'fIS '/,

Gudo!LiI , ..... ~ 1I"Jr..,' _~II!,_~~"'I05>._'I'fI'- _. '~""~,",,d~r.w.;...v.:cL ~

~ ~ ~ ~loo ~ ~;'(II' ~ '_ Q:'!i_ ""*'- ....,..... C\ooal1 ,_ 'ltd _ tr~"'" . ~!,n

.!I.l--.;o<1II o.-~.""",,,"<,"~,~'h! ~~~ .... t_.,~~ __ ..,~"",~_,. ,_ '~""~~"""'"", ;;-.,.,.1. ilI"I!!~~~~.,nt~I)Il~~tJ.:l

o~a..- ~li11"'1' .... r' ~

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W1 IJ:Ht fII) 1IIn1~ NO'ITI"';_iJ (lI"l.II NO~:>II¥(l


aAl!!EB IY'tii!KSlfO!!' If;I(:, L51~1:If'l'd ~E.N 1'QFi'. 1oIAI'IY~ ~,1laI ,6OOi

~!\C!HG fl.MIEiS;'IWliIl~

~~. ~1"LIoZA.

L ~ I"tW:li s I I!jIo liEi Q,! WJ

~'II~ OWEs, 'Jio'(Jf;(l{!jffip.

l'J, lNE iJU'OOI.. IT Ni;l UIUFlill N.~·!"'~

ltiUlUlA (LI;IjI - S WOfIii$I.

I ~~M 1.1''''''. II-n.rI.!J~ r~l~1'11'J:)


IN[",RQourno.'\I ",. __ - , .J

...... ~ OIL BE.GfNNUN'G' ", .. " , , , ... .. , 5

1ii~EKT01'I,I'N lllJDA"f , , , .. ., , , 11

CREATJNG A MOfl. ", - -. , _ 22

STAKJilN' OUT .. _ . . .., _ .. _ . . .. 22

MOB &: BU'C"£Y ROSTtxs . _ . _ .. _ ....

. .. _ .• 2.71

MOJHOK tliiRI .. - - .... , , , , ..... __ - - - ., ,2:-1

\IEHtCLES _.... . .. _ . _ .. _ . . . . . _ . 'IJ

~1'IEAro: ... ;'.J, _ .. _ . . .. .. . ,. . .. _ . _ .. _ , . "l7

MOB'S QO[JV'UN , _ _ , 27

~!.E~J"OJo.r UST.~ , .. _ _ , , _ .. _ . _ 2Il

. ~MfPlt MOBS _ .... - .. , ,. . _ .. _ . _ .. - .. " .. 29

,PAJ.NTIr-lG /"ND MOnElUN(~ .". JJ

C AMPA[GNS - - , , , , _ - - - - - , , 51]

:JTARTIi\C n~ - C,..\MI'AOCiN , .. _ _ .. _ 50

F'lJlI.Y.lNG TI[EC ... ,'MfI'~\ic.."o,l . _ .. _. _ .. _.. . .. 50 n I F; MOB Rr'i.TL,,{G ., _ .. :. " .. _ .. _ . _ .. , . . .. . 51 5EIUI."JL"$ mNJUIRLES .. _ .. _ . _ .. _ . _ ., , .. . ... _ .. S1 ~\'Ato:JI:[(JiJt5 Dill''''''' ..... T THE EI\"D or A \.""1\11 E . 5] 5ERtOU':; U'r.'/HNJ.E:5 T.l1.ISU" .... _ ..... _ . -;2

Cil:11~1~[_ED VEl 11'( L.ES ., _ _ . , " .. . .. 5J

r.mlr.'C n pl, CD . ... _ _ . . . . ,53

V[~ 1J'CU:: P'E;U'I'A.NENT DA.i\.'rA~~~ rtUH . .E ... _ .... _ ~

EXr)ER[E.."'JCF. .,'" , , , .. '" . 5o!l

fAIL .... I;XC IDiF'p.I!Hr-..:C£ .. _ . _ . . . . . .., .... 5!i

1L',,",nf R:f 1(.1(;5 .. _ .. , .. _ . . . . ,.. _ .. _ . . . . 56

nI'I:i:RJE'I1Cf .... 'i.VVr"l.r.;CE1o _. _ ., .," _ .. _ . _ . So1

11 OOJ"5 .... _ . _ . _ .. "" •.. _ . _ .. _ _ ., , ... 58

C..()~MMOi\:Nt ':ID'WIoi"r.'CoE J'AflL!:: . _ .. _ . _ 58

:-JT:W &1< I L.LS .. _ . _ .. _ . _ . . .., , ... _ _ . . .. ~,

CtIAIt-\cr~RISTf(' iN{_·R.EA5E: .. _ .. - ... ,

•. .. 5..11

SKU_L'::; ..

. , , , , .. - - ,5A

S".F..IU rAf:ln~ ..... _ .... _.

, •• _ •••• - ••••• 1'0(1

D .. \ FORT ,', '" - - • , , , _ 1'14

I'KOMF. . . _ _. _ _" _ _M

COU_K"'iI1NG TF.FiF , '.,. _ . _ .. _ .. _ . _ .., ., . !liS

CAPTTV£S _. _ .. _. -., ,_ .. _. __ . _ .. _.,., M

l:AVE-I~",lS . _ . _ , ,. _ . _ .. _ . _ .. _ ....• , . _ .. _ . 65

'i\RDROy:.::; 11(.1NU5 .. _ ..... ", .. _. _., _ .. _. -. iJ>5 ::;'1'E_'{m,,",c DA TI:.I::t: . _ .. _ . _ .. _ . _ " .... _ .. _ ... (..;


MIE.KTOWN ",. ,"., - - .. "., •. _ .... " .~

ST'EtomING 'IfHf .. _ . _ . _ .. - .. . SLOt' 5~[Q:rs AN10 IUlEWHOC -5 . - - •• , ,_ ... _ .. £6

m~HT5 .. _._ .

FTGHliTN' Exnll:LEKCE . - .... , . , _ , fil

11M JUB m'OLI! . - . . .. . - "., . - iII

I"..TE"\ \1 EQU 1J',~,lE."'IT . _ . . .., .. "" .. _ !o$

GUUI5rN"S , , .. _ . _ .... _ . . .. .

.Mr:;Krov.IIIfORK_~OPS , .. _ .. -- , ,., ._ .. ,!Ie

'Dll1(S , , .. _ . _ .. _ . _ . . .. . ". . __ . , • , .•

\''';E-~EN Tn mm' _ .. _... " .. __ .. _ ..

SF.E.lIl'.(j .... _ .... _ .

VEAll1 OF.ilI, ~~'AKIUO.R _ .. _., .,' .. _ .• Eo!

Vu\TI"E or:- i\ SI'A.i\ f'.I:::K ... _ . . . . . . . • __ .. _. _. ~

DF.,.\TH Of A51L·\'1rER .. " ." ._ .•

[JEAn'l OF A \'I:HICL'E .. , _ .. _ ",. ... - .• ,i'tI

AD] UST.lNG 11 IF.. ~10fl. IV!.TlI\"{i - ... , , , , .. _. -.70

THE MEiK8{)Y'S WORKSHm' .. ,. __ . _. _ .. " ,11 a06'S A COOD ·UN T.'\IBL~, \ Er'l.~ .....• ' .n JOIJr'S A (i()(Jl) 1)1\1 l·I"'l.IfLES: \l'f;111'(l.ES ..... __ . _, iJ;

D.()l"'S, SERj'EJN ..... ,",. .... - - .. , , ••.... 15

roo'S A GOQ[H ~ TABLB .. - .. -.,. -." , __ .. -.f(!

PLAY!NG CAM!" [ _ ........• , .. _. _. __ " ,gs

T'IU!-BJ" nt.E. S1:QUIE.'llCil .. ., ,. _ ... . , , •. 0Ci

l>(lST-BAlin.r, SIFQUfNCi:: .. _ . _ .. _ .. , , • .. _ .. ~

DISAA \I LlII\""G (GI'VlIN' UP) .. _ .. _ _ •••.. _,. ~

REliTR1NC W'A lI::.EZY LI F'I=) , .. . _ " ,_ ss

~.:e:'\J.I-\ R!OS . - . , " , . __ --1Ji

PiCKI':-':GA TABU weI:: _ .. _., _ ", ... __ ._~

PI.~\(,lJ\lG '1 ERIK.I\]N .... . .. _ .. __ , , , . _. _.;j;

LEAVII\,'\. TI-IE hUll]; _......... , . _ _., ~

OCEI\ r\i(ID SI'ITI,\ 1. IW LI:."S _ . . . .. .,' _ _ .. ,

fIOfTUN' OIL -,- ..... _ .. _ ... __ " , . _ ...

'SCIV't.1I" CO "" 11:::1<5 ... _ .... IlA FOR.1" .. _ . . .. ..

nEE SCE"'" .\11:100

HJlA RLlMBE.F _ .. _ ,9L

2" ~\'E ~J,i01: 'lIRE IFUll:~n _ .. _ " _ .. 92

:J.: 100TAS. _ . . , _ , , , •.. ~

~: D, [l'[t-;11lr . , ., _ . _ .,. , . _ _. ,7.i

5. Of\ CH,Ii,S[ .... -' -.. . ..... _ ", .. _ .. %

6: DA SJI;(;;F. .. . .. .... .. . . _ ......• "

"-(),\I::OFOUR 1..l!.D.7_18 ""~It\· _., .... • .. LCO

... ------.,,~

• .. _. o:Q


We LClOO'U!, to \I1J 'Uvvelr 'Book! ,In ~hese 'i" g,es you w:i11 find meee i,miaJtwOinl ,alb'iilllJllt G([iirka.mOrrla=: w~s b:'litUjng mobs and 10 lher deJ1L~z.ens. Th· So book. diil:'lilCr;i bes ho'\,v. ~o. reerul I, )'om mll!b, ,;md I~mbark u pun a {',ialre! ,[ of ri8h~ int @jI1Jd_ spcmdiilfit ~n ,iI Sf! ,. (!'S, ef ~'i nlk'ed ,gollf1.C'S! cilUeiill 11, lil:ampaJign"


GOOOmDM I~ 5iL't 1"11. "i'II arid 'I<'IIorLJ ef ""j,:'.;.r:rl"" ..!r.u~

:\10,; , • dIu~' ~Ti't ... II i~'1i1 intlilft~i,.)M~ l'1.'o1.Im ';'" 00fiI:

l'~ref'l Illl' ~I ().rj.q, 1-IIiI!..I~t std'LI~le l41 "'Ur\·I'I'l·.

Yow ih.!ltlG o:r Goo'I<..m\I.~i'lJl lal.~· p1<'1"'" tn ~ S'l.t~ • .amI! I1i<!o dt~tt MimJtlll..JIln,g ir,. ~~ rh'.)[ I'mtb<. doi .. h 0"" or the

ap kil b)' ~ Orl.c.( n.rohed ...,.ace ""til T~· 11..w1" thi~ '5Clill' tu the- Mrt'koo)'.l illt M\otlOll Ii in Ite<tlJrfl fM

bell1.'f ~ ' .. ..I_ ... Ii."f.. fLu.1'II' ~ ih·,· .. uDllC'(i

I"hidt ..... "l'II£ <!,!i~ Qf 'i!'viI:ry Glw"ilmCl'lk:~ nhlib· i ~ to- bI, fi.' ' 'w .:l'Il11he !UW~.!OO ".l.f.d~"'J m..Jib.lrt the dt.~l"a.

..... ou' ... '" 11,"'0' 'U "." C' JIi, IIio,J~n' lit ~ Ii""" ,e 'y" ~",L "II'i;,I-1. .lHi,I,"~-jb,\,~!UI "'_o;}!

A~ ~,u as .u ·l:i:Iiljng. th_~ ,J~""'t'rt ~m'n 'l~fidll'~ I\'t~ll'wn 'i;h-l .. , boo1. e.ptlim. ~M· ~"(IJL.L .!Il~ p:w r mu.Fb 1,11;'1 i'i~'.' in an OOS1Ding c: mp.1~n. In ;I) cam,,,,lHll.. ~'~ .ch..Jrt th~ ...... .,."., ... -,... wi d~'(' or )"'f.II.IIJ' Ir_~' "'.:uri~ 1~'olt(ftSl'Il'l thl!'lli grow ill'~ J'1;1\~IeJ'. You (Lin ~m:l

_ r ~)' in bur'lrtlt IflI?'b' '10\ OIIm '(oJndI ~ ",ld rn.)locr oJ I'\'l~ dtl.,d oo~u.1dn) nnd u..,aditt )'QU1' KUru ')li'Id 'iili"i'f~ .. ~ i th 'j.·I"lb 'iii' 11fi,' M!.:li.roy7 11 nd DLI~" oJ Mi!kIalJffl.

In a CiIJIlpaign. ~.i1d, baltl is linked If I <11 '!1Pnl:ifl,yl i'8 ... !VI}" th.u ~i.lllLdll 1m...' La ~ rll ;'001' ~ in b,jm~ ~In~~ "'111 hopdullr ~'i.'

)' ur tijhtei"li dt!diJ1\'d no IfItig 'UrI<>'''' -

.... ~A:5 !i] kilt,. th..- ";'IJTd~ .11lld n\il .... t Mula'! W,llJDORlo ~nd o.g Gr~l'i'k<Imort"


'I,A UVV . II 'Il '. OK

D;.,11JJ\1'I.;,"J ~ ~''"fI'I.~ in'll. o;","'Io:ef.!ill ~lo(Jib .. ipe,'lwdl"8 EJ..!II!kgroull1d i nG(l/mai:ii;l'I~ Cn_"lti n~ .l 'i;;1~ .md Ilhc ~rnpa1g,i'11 ru il"o. YOIll i!fLlO"t nred to I~amr L'M' el,' l!'n re.)~i.~!: ,LIoJ~l!tl'll'S ~,!;

thl 1bet0re plJ)'il1g 'I.JoUrl...- morl...i,

11'1 (act,. .t·~p:ITI'b~'r ,l~ !0'P1ilY ~ I'c-w ol'!(:~ ~ii'1~ to Ie.un 'th!- rulct"" t;-'foul'1' trt\ 0:1 ftJ!: }'!;! Ir...cll In [fu!. mAre '~lJl'!1fll!::): 3".lIi~ ~~r a CO!Im1 "",1J8,I1.

I kI .. "L~ )"jJIJ l'ti'll probabJ)' '~y,.'if"t 0 r'Ji~' in ... c~mj!"..!~l'i ~ {I~ lab 't" 3~ th. I~ the- uHlnil.j]'~ i,-~I f;)1 ~ our ~kiLl:!l;. ~ _.Ill ~ rrior..JJ'ld ~ 1iJ'w ~ikr 11.,1 .,n 01 '" 1III(I!to.

'lihe ~oll' dOl'~n"C ... 1'.:1 hc.'N (!rth~·r. ThL" inf(l<Jn'.:s~ilJ!'i In D.l 1!JJ~''II .. er Ikx ~'5. iu~1 tIw .... .111 .. r a ((tn:.t.!iu1r Ioiii'!.-in~ ~·'I;.pan~lon h~ tlnJ(' l.;Lnk,')n'GJ M..J tl:aml', There 'i~ ,ll~, iJiL' (~I;th((JCliin~ O~l(.ln~ I!)pp!~'m"'ill" 'Whi~h ..... in i i'l!iiI'lrl ~Ic(! j"IL'~'!{ t)'pi."'" 'IJf 'mCI~, ,.l!'l.J .1Irli,'l €'\'I.!'i' more 10 th~' (;orl.ol!molil baii:~tuul,d. ~~·I,~· nmdd~ ,.JIITI:' ~LI~ I1I..jL"'~~ all ;h~ ~JiII(" and !~C1:r ,~';;:'I:rialil"'" InL'l.- d[i'l'lF: tiPS ':II~I other "r~i.(t..!~ iIIli\' n!tj.Uli;l rl)l I,ut-li hll.'l'l 'in h'lli iA' Uw.v' In~gil'i1'lrte. 1M G,:.iJ.oam(l1k'l &",mli .. i~ lUst ihL· <;ra:r1 ~f a \';]~I h.cbby - IJ '1.~pt.."JIkabl-i.." \<i5l.1~ or I11..!Y~A.!Ii), ..!11~

s,iLX)' ill" "jll~ I.m ,~ "'L-.rld I'" f.''''Ii:__.'!i!fi~~rI:"r

1 he bI rth of G!iir1an~!Jrj.w ~'g;m ~~'i rh th..c il ... llitn u·f AI1~,i:II~, l1liti'tCII,I!' "'.~ r1I in" .1 fl~.1'}' hiIJrbiHl:wr ~\r ~tDl)1ri plllmnwl1'd onr-D' Ihb IPJir\:h~{1I.. d~ad \",oDrld tl"l.lf1~ d~ ~~~-I~im~ 1(i"1~1tI· ~ i~l.Jn l!h!.Ji~.: w~1 ~I "r:pell:he IITL~ (101 rm:n fn):jI'ilIIIl;'I~ ""r Ihe l'.VfM T"hr di:ma!~ and II.t!po.~ri!ph~ (II[ A~~S~·II ... ~""lC"re im.'\·(truNr 4e~t :n;-d olIi11t"i ~l'IIIiiId~ in 011 llt"l'!.· ,lAc! iJ,'1'.'r"I. h,IN..'r im.l~~

1111~ d~"im.JdiDn. '~\fa.s JIll! W Nl~lliI:ht by some tot 't)~lt' @1Roi!1. (It ~\ oII,.'(W';'_"~ oiMitl'"iUid, rh..:- .JLj;.."!tt \\"hilCh imp..ltL..'\~ sm YIoi'l~!lCi~, was a ~paoo ituik.,. .Ii m..:U1~(" 'I,,~. Ill.if'i~~ '1rI)" dw ~ 'iil<'~~ miiI,lba.d:YJlf ,~. in thr· i¥lil"'~ ~ (')rk ....


11I!' ~\"Ji~ ri nt !hal su~", 'Ih~' ~'pao!!" tJu'il. ~ol"".lr...h Ih~ plon~i ~~O!~, ;!Q '5~lgdiL'n ,~.. i.t w..!~ '1) nJ<':..~.:.t~"-d, r'\ II (Vlnml,ll'lk.iJ1OO115 belwJremlllhtt '[il':-~nuil'i .'ifl.",j its ft.ltw"ud 1Io.~'iilliol:1i kd:ll'l ,,,Il'10 t~,· IL,.·-tlrl'd 'h· e k· ......... "'.Fi."(J i~tt·. AI Ih<!o S..!m!I' iimoJ;'. ~'N!IIII.~I:r.i. tL~ t!')fe ;lJU 1iJli." '~rir oli Ihr. !'lIarr" did," i~,II: Itw- [pt1i%i ~fl. ~mi ~ I,! ih dr!,'iliiJ~Lil:il 00 thL' iil,1n1.'1 l,"l('m'-

TnI.!' ~'\l;f(' hLl~k fthmgl:'~1 !hilClillSD' Hw ~hiili .~I' ..'I~. h)'~l'Ol1Ii{' ~_ A'"dl!n~ l"t'i!-!:tOf<; brok~ '~'I-Ya'l', ttl!..'"·1 cells rI.lF~1!IM1. q:lrijin~ lhi:b oJ.1Jj~lTu.d;;xl, contents 31'1~ (.;Iu~r~ " r"j:dlooiili ... ~ t"1~J'Ild till ~f'ft~J:>d1 ill tlko ·1i1!.ill.o· .. ,'!/'",kAo·. t~ wli'r ~:If'I.T5' bw1rRd iIi .... m.,I~ hu,: du~ W k pil!!.'!al,) oS ~ rJI~l'S ,.i'~jlI ... 'fi,' JIM .lcutJ!' ilfl$k~ i~f ii,I~!.. m~1 !Il'~ IDr ihuJk\'"t.~J i'J~tLKt too slri'koi!- Ilk: ~Ud.Kt'·, lihc- J.;L~f!l!tioJ' ~i'P' ·~~nJltl. ~h,.. ~LI"~Il.iiIiOli (!€'!>.J.:'ri, >'Iud zJtttU~J;I .1 ilVi~ Lr,l 'Hw I~I ~II'I(I! I!!Jo:~'(!Ild.1 fI:g fI\iO'frl)' ii I~JliIiJ",;md miles to the norlh w~ .... t, ~t5 pro,g~ dl'll'i!~' !h!!und~'f~~jllii: 11I1i!t'k... ~mtl' h,~h ,,,,,I~ 1iL: oil !'1i~'tt"~U" rIoU'NW,

Stilll 1T.J.."l,"t'Uing o'!l ~t'I1!! .. 1I,lo.>t'(l,. h Sp.!I'h' !Ill!!.: [oC •• m~~ 'iOOu~ml~ ll! !ooTi~ ~~t ~\'ro(~~,~ i 11 i~~ v.lth. r,uils L1~ lin<: ~..,l'IlbfD1e .!I\ .... .:Ly lfLlm the main bOO.)' IL~,l,!; Injl; .1 Ifoiill o~ il!£n and IW~5bed rii":-~Ill. ·!,II!!.'· ~ht">(~ \\'<I'I(:{!" ';r'l"fltl'\1.~ .at th!.." !l'~I'" etf !~~. h'tlll.;; til i"I..,,"' rt~ 11I1!:lr11!', oJ'I~ ~O-IQ jlf ~I~"·.!!'r! iitl;) tn(' ilii r, and ilie· e:;.;p~,..h '1" I~W\;iI.'T or 1M knp.J4 t ~'!""~, coou.~ !IZJ; sh.:d~r 'llI,'\lId;I~~' r~" 11100 ~r~~_ "'" rail ,or 'riMIlJlioiJin olOO ,!ltll:il ..... b (.l.....! .I~",-r

1Ih!2' ~I-o~M I~ .. I u""(tu'loi1l IWII 8i:'1iI!I~ 'or ~oo 'lli.lh.~e



b ~1a1ed ~ Ufity iWUo!'lii~~, ~MI IlJIlIWOtMfi I:!! Iii'!. 'fli ei a I'M1ttJm of d IH'tInII'I i (lifl1BiRti ion& ii"!!lI[Gd!lr1C1 ,,"~1i1 ~3;ot1'f otnor. TIilIQImal:el1ai 'W~ Qi!I wo I!.I'iOw il is. ~ o~ ibM!:! &i:'lQtlti~, ,md W.IlIp ~ tor 'IiIle 'W~rJ'iI) "III'IC!lhaIr. 1'h!3 W8I];I dON l'Ci!!,~ lIIOI iI.I!G III"Aii1I !Uf ~ erCI

Mao ,is 'IJ!I"9 bimt Iheri\ bu'i _ I M:h

~~~f_ ~,liil9waJPli!; • ~,~QI,,~ldi'l~ 0I'l~!j; ~Iil'! Wl!ir,j:I i'!tiUJ.. huDgering A'ltoC-f, t'lM ~hriWIg 00 1M u,.oug'!1!!O SJldI ,e~"lS 0'1 '1.!i!(I M-s!-ellal un~~,

$t);lci,!i lmatl can M'."Iga'I.o, '!hl.$1 ,fIi.::;!la:ooi:i& ~'S l!'IO ~ by 'dr~ ili'lW ll'ie ;gr::erna1'o ~ 01' wBr,!) ~ 'ilMa ~ I\U 00 ~ BfIIlI "",,:nIi'W'H_ I'!; mer,~.8 ~ ~. tIlan.8

. , !~J~Ul'M~'i '(l1I.1t liN)' lJ'ke ~ ., r- 'I ~llrbiIMD be! ~I!id ~ I!I rMt'l8J oI'Ii'{aE'k!5i'" WiI!'Jli ~

mliiO ""'~fiP is. !Ill realm 01 ilXl'dloiSl, CUrT-.BIiI1l3 8I1!Ii ifi»I. ~ ~ flfil w@p .~eo I!f.O no!: i"!ifI,!ig<'Jt-JJ M 1tUC};. 001 meT.ety IfOOW trcm one !itl:Eam ,a~ GllCifg'l !(I ~. ~ngl iIlMi iIl(MI d Iht

lJrmti~ to I ," iufi!lP~, ~ ~I

,~ ~ ~ INef ,or ifiiO!!!3J'1Illftfj ~.~'9. ~I MtIin, ~. ~~' ~1Orrs" 8M r~Oi~ 11"111 ISlr£iIl1:5J, SQ 100< doa!i. 'Il1(I, ~ SilDnIlSl ~~ '~h l~cetfo.nSl o~ II, '~11loi) cr,a!1lor ~ y Itrfii ,iilrCilllBd :;~ ooi QI ooirtrol'. 1/Joa,J~ ~ ~ug'ht in JtiI mei'(iI'Ei$$

eM s, ~ 'iJ'j;j) Iti'!k !:K!~~ wa.rp

~I Uid IhB II1iIJ'feruJilr '~ anrl"1

[r~ _ ~. 11:Iui'U ~ aJi:!I

Of IlIi ,ti ~. of ~~, - ~ :staf'!3. BtWI

~a. IRID p:la~ iM'iO!IO 1lIl!Y ~ II'~~

OOlIlIi:h~, spl'!IMililillJ !J!MlIMa, 'W'ItJi It'kJO:50 'Q~ lire arid iSt4QI wt'i!i::h bieeg '-"0' iIho voIa'" ~i1"e ;RN) i!1SY(jffj! ~ Willlpl'raaJ ~iDQ~ Intcl1ilGlRs 1h~:IIli1!3I~.1J\IIjII i~nml 04'~hem~"

tI'I!CI lE)'e ~ 'fei'l',Oil' ~ !IiO ,",' '~ ~,

~~!3! ~ JL\i)~,.tiI '" ~,le!rnpeSt m:!"I I;Ia ~ iRIo tIM!! resJ'~, ~ 01

~ yt!1.l"Ill~ Jtl!'iQiji' 00g 0hIfH; ~,~ • IIfSk liil'1Olher jump Into IIWL:Ip ~ 01' II!! ~ ''il'l,il! ICim~·II'Of I!!L'O~ni~;


'Oi'ks, IlJSB, i . ,. -~ Ihem .~ lM, S DeJwBOifli S!<lr51.illl "~ ~* cm~n,jCiI, irnm nss lr;!!i1i1lor team .gaMro~(lI'S" eal;lh 'U slz.c

01 a lI'lOi! ltZJwFi\. 1'Iwiy ~ lM to. !rap a

~t;idnn ' 'n .. ~ lIlefi ~"I1li;.iI'i.~ 1'Iti'II~

wi1h I:lIWo _ ~ .. , mne - lhBo CfHte an 'eOOl'l!!l' blllDbie irn ont pari! (!I' li'l 'u ~h Ihe OJikti can inhltbim, 'mI'l' if8SJ om ~no 18!W,l 1810 ~e.d MbOt'itO andl ih(I tral\:tor M~ ,i)r~

~liro.~1bo ~no'~.

Froml rheiJ sma1Il~ve,. i1bO Owb e~ ool:Wi1r&, O(IlIil~Wdlngi 1ffI0ltii Qf'U'~tgy ehlekl iIlrtdl

,efT;!. "'!'ItJ ~Jajll baIria~ ag .s.1!1'!Q OU1sld'O

v:~rn_ 0nI;>e IBn gJip nat ItItren ~~'

'__ !Ills may. _ huge. ' 'co' ~

Oits no. stee~ '011 I 'lin ,e. baSIC' 'r{ls.h"li;Jn, IbUI m!J!:h of In lim Ilt~. lalt IQ t!~ Ott gOOs GoUi; Iill'ICII MlIrk. to gultl'o Ihem ro a IWIltable

'If!iI!, __



Ii'IL' ~r,]_t'E! bulk W'k~ 11~: Unlm"ll1..!bilwJ .100. Ii ke I1'iLlili)' ~.d't.('~''''I,!<II~ iKroL"'I..iOO'> itl!f ~ dltbri~. ii, Riid .. I rJ,;,\lJ,' r'Ii'Dh td an, ~}~ af j~ -:m-p h~ ~ AOI'I .. ~irJ-ub: Ii:IntE w:e;re; ;lifll 0!1;. Itnl~ L!'" i'n~i F ~ <!Iv ~~~ t')Mp.rt ln fI ~tolljji'[ \'i'~J (.,f oonq ul-..L !..I-J W~l<!l~~i.. ,,~, Ort!,.~ ('.)1] these. ..... ili)l~'fllt mltr.i!I!hm~ '1 h,}~ Orj:,:~ shou id It;.;,: iMlbni!rd ~_hm:il)' oIi ~rpl'ii9!!-. !<t,r thli' o..k, r"I",-" I~ Wll,'11 ~~, I'i IIVr U"-JIl:)l: "pao:'" hull.. .... !,.,. o"!' lneJiilc'" .,,1 !I."!f!I.Ir'o.~lnx Ihe g,ll~ ~r. 'I!;mphl~·lill'Tl!<. f(ll~.('fL~ fil;.'l1!!!1'!o w, Mlp:jWTI a ~j.·]i1~ptJr.J:r)l o1!mosphl!fi! ,llll~ 1(!~1 bL~r~ i'11 1il'.11I}~FI! rrom ti'i~· nllli k !L"j;:1 p'l.;lnd'~, 11MI' th.. ...... Orts hsd ."!i~d"lll'nt!lUl,~ 1~lt~d .! Ui H ~I pvon 01 iI:1LiI1 ~~ \'io',l!!!; ~M~tI:o' ~l ~1T1~liI dlLloWn Ol'lh.l thco WI.rM of A~~is; 1OO!I..iJd tlft1r 00 pu!, ,Jw,~ n eo had l'IJclc

The !t'I".a~h killed .!IIDIH lill, II~ Or~~ .(:IFi bt"t.ill"(i. lioll! ,) r'-L'1\' L!,.w",L..,.J ~:th.;o~ lI"i1ti OUKF ()rf;;i~h .(~.)hj ~l'" '~lkih ,IB Cl1!t,ehin ,,:iI1d ilhi!' LI,'~' .1nl m.llL!.~i:'i: s.;1,U~~, QikfN. proWDly :!>:u~.rumbed tt"'i< t~ ~L[€':i .!IillL'l tho:

IbitlohirlS d~'!O (O'f IJi!!h"lfii)fiI k.nmt (I!JIl ~ro.m I~k' tsp:m," nulL 'Btlt ()t~~ bei I'IS, (Jrl.. ... and 1~~'I'uT,)lly 1It~1~i11, bi:i J:tI~iinti~111,. phy5 i-cllil d',I'II!~g'C!'. and ""'" ~Jd..~ of 'illl I!JI,d'~ Il'w!y ~.rolmlr~tr :-k"t ;'Ioout !~~, bU31I'i",«,.~ f1r 5Or .... " i I'lg.. Oi' ~l'IiI,U''''L'", ilU IM~ I~ ~l..i'lion.,~ tfhk._ n..n Ii! 11l~~"" Mn :l;':n,',\lil O]lJ."!:o rN riN'ORI [I;;!X"~ng and IIk'ir tDr,all~ .)Lhh~'n [)e-ih.l .. '1'4.:1 ~~r([" :5tiid~1 ~!l"m "wiJrm b,l:!;,h~"{j who and hi i\l.' 'bildly" 1i'"I~h~'r lhll'i L'lliplaqll'1,g ~hl" "'i'q Lli!'.I~~i ;11 or C,lLl .... 11 l\i!tllre !f;i' Iw.[;aFY, t-.,"nl1i..~~~ i I' ~hx: liSI~=: ~~t 1;1!1£'~ ~j"l:'n~", v.'~ '~n ~" l.!lrl_~· "'I.) r .. • I:t;~!' IM!o. I... 'LlUshly wh.l;i h.i,~--d.


"Fhb b MI, IiIiIi! pl~I;' to. t."lIl~!.i.Jn;- ,h!: ul'Lo:Jta.1n mirt·,-oI' );~'~' dwil I~ Or1. h-rt'iI"Ntl:'t""'. btil su~ I~ ';.!if t~ i/l,OO ~Lln .. h""N1 !h", ~:r..,m lJoLo.rill'nL" !hc''P'K'~L~llii't, .... o.f a.111liR! Orks on AI~L'li~ lDd.1Y. ()f n~1J~. i! i ~ iI!1'jXl;I't,lli! !IJ l;.t.:~r~f'I niiir.i,1 ~h .. ll Or1;.. ... 1'11;;1 HLlmJII~,i1I"i.' ~·!!"I'\·i .. Ml'L·fl1'I'I! ~~tLlI't-"'i;. OJts .Iml 'i~tn.:!t :S~'I!'n~!:,;IiV> .'no riid&.!d .... i Ih !oyrnli ~Jtk O!Ilg.a! aih ",-h~ {'I'1IIo'n ~p.ilr.!i." r ... 'il~hl!" &"'~lt1Irrni!'f'I! j, ooi'lh,!~! '~~~f mIilllNlL"I! 'Ii\'i~h In.,,:!! .,1' iheOrk .... I't i ... this ~jI:'lll~i'i'bC' ~t~.n~~1 ~\;hlch L'.:uril"S 11:(,l1di~·.~ II~' ('n~DJII.\j;1 mItIJl.Jr<l] ~i<.~II~, endc)1,'j,'ilf-IH O~ \'iii th i 1~li!lli.' kfl!)W~{~ ilLlld Olliidll ~i\n;. ] hU5 prlr'li.!!Fj' '!'(...hni(;j~ ,.ki Ih ;m:' p.,b .... "(1 on gcncl~' .IllY'. rii~r Ih.:in Il'-.<li:"lll!'d t'!i" !.j\!,~i in ~iI1II.:' fWJllffl1 i,tl' ! h'!'Il,)lt'o.

Dt~'I'i(l{\ ~n~L"Y.1 ~ I rom an ~'l1m~J{I~Lr 1"('S~ric.l'L-d ~;,t'l'I(, pool. th~' O,:k5 llilll' ~~H"!,'ivoi!'d i~~ C"f~h ~~l ... "'-11Jf'!.:11 I! 'CYltl.)J'Ii:' "",l1kih. is in li',lny waf:.. 'biJliI~ILI'" ,}mmLg~t tn.M OWil kindt, ~M~- Ih,: MYgil k"lo~" .14' I,nii.,'lioo h:;I~illg tfrom 1ll1l!." ~rvro'ka].C {'If ~h!.~jtr 5:_jJ'a0i!' Imll. Iludl '~UJnot:·dillll1i~ ~AlI dLl' .... ,~I'I Ihls.. mlll,'II!'i.lO i.1l." fmk(li£l ;;;d j;,: ~uMIIj! t;~ '111-1 ic s~r .. m-d~, db~'l' tr<l1l611~i ~ J.;'I'IDI .... I,edl:jL· ffil~m ~'I!II!I!l,1 1 i.~i'! ~(~ gL"iIk.",~'1 iOR.

r;iill~llilf': ~'h~'I1'iSIC']Vt'''1 .. trended U~f'I il ~os!LI~ ,;1~ b,lmrm \YLh1f;ll, lhoi!' Ork~ ,lifI'pe.:~t in have hl!n'!!.:d 'to Ihelr,1'CI!i."'f'llisl::i rtU' ~~1.~.ntioo. .ukII Ihu:s. Ihe ~~~~~ F~ .lh. Uk 'StI ... 'JIIj;;ts .'Ire ,~.).I_,:o.d!. maJDL· tho.:- I('ad(,b .liM rrifnl!' rnm~!"'o ,M t'htflIL"!,o,' ()r'k soci~ty_ '11,C' ~,ti!&'boy;r .d~'('i~'i.'!:! 1h~ L !h~'r would !:;r~i'['d f,~Clm IhI=- ~VE1..\j;[.;Ci,gC" of lhi.! ~lld spa!.'!? ~~~Il~ ,1 II(!l\; ..:r..lft I'hilt \\ oold I.~k~ ~hL"11lo ,"1,'",)\' f!!l..m ~h:i::;. 1\ ... rI~L and K't'llrli tl1an to ll'i!.:" ~ • .."ir.:;. ]],Il' 1'1~'I\ ,~-...M'I1 would (,I nv Iht;-in ba..:&. 111 I.Iw "'i'''_U.If,h 'SO 1hJ.\ Ia-.,.· 0C0lI'1'd n1\"Iri t~ r bf"!1lthi."F'" i n ,Blt~r1tj;i,J'i. ~'O!I('li C "" irll!~I~t. Fr.,fT'i 'thai kt-::lfmi ng lCln,f!j asll In.t!' Oi1;_o; J;.I\·~· :ji;fLmm ,ling rl"lO'"'p;:·I\i'd,

Ttl E HISlE. OF ]'H (, MEK I;OYZ

'\1riI-ll IIw- lir!o! !i.kM'('i~ lalld 1hL" ICIU I1Id ~li.m I"!!;> 1"-1 m~i .. ~1!I.j,o,' ("(ilL! .1 'I inI l1:rt. Ii< ""L ti~l· ruin« I~I' ehe old 11,,1" he u 111~1 i~1 htl'"dl)' harl ..... II'I'IC' 1,1,,18 in I!~ IIL{.i A::;. tlw Drks 'l"'lJ;piOI't'l1 d~ I ... C't'I·5.-,~~,," of. Lin' hu It... !hc~' \\"t'lliJ Ili"Iv,," fl'liii'i!(1 m,Ul~- .. rr,1llojiO'l." ,Lmi alr.:-n ,..1.\'" '. t .... , a;;. Ir\ ft'11 oJI'o. r!ML~ ('I( r...i~ ~,;!I~, 'Io'l,~L'h '" hl(11 IL' 1>1,lIld_ t1n.r 1C..:t1li 111l.~~~rx' hr"l/I,' !~C' ~k(,:ool t \'!!hn d i~._'\1 i hem .... ·uufl!l IIl.WC' O(i'lrt' r~l! Iy s-o'tl'li 'I i~~,~E' lJi'lI~I.:'~I;l!~ p~'IUiDJ.!i !!!~i"(" F'I<~I~'1i"I i ii'lill J LI!"<I.'Il!! ~Ll~II'h.I(\I_'nb, di ~milntLins '1ItM~'f~, (O~

~Pd I'll: p-~rn. <md u:titiMmg 'IIIo'i!1a! ~~~("Y (llJ~lld 1.0 build lUmacl!!;, g.eil1eJ<al~ ar'l[1 thr countless sarhi!'.ti,t.'~bI.'{l tool~, Ilr!CdOO to rompl!i!te the ~.

]be (lj M~nIoctioo work oonunued uua'biJl'cdi for year upon ]I!b3r, Ih:e e~pandi Ilg ~>oplJ_laniomJ oJ Oflt..'l; ~_rrjcdl oflI~i!f;,'" '(hI!' pl,mltt's 5urfi:1:a! In se.}jr'dh ot r.w" matena.1s. ""\\'iI11l the- pJ.S.!'ib'lJ!j &l~jll."iI";'1J'ijIJn:s one M~kba)' !1.UU!l;,-ediL~ an~~ o'm~II!hI:-lilumbiNo(If Mekl"lCJ.)o·".; 8;n'll· from just III f~f Iii! ~fU and lhe-o.l hl,l.tdJ4.'(r s, o...Ii'r the ),'I?iJ1'S :\tl.!'kooyz Ewah·e(I IlCW idl!ii.!i '"",'h.ld. 'ilwy ill1"Wrpora~oo iilJlA:! tht' ~~mt1un', P.Ui\n.4!~i'",CI:l d'iMll<lnLlins, aJde:r part-:.; of ~ ed.ft1Je tel ,mrrstl'Ul:t r;II!1\' !pil rCs,l!.l"nly '0 ha~'e th€!~~ .a\1 n w;;yrt.: f);--ibuil! or ignornd by '!heir :!1.Li~~!'.&mI. VVj~ so R1.:~lliy h~'XI,yz wIJI'kIlil;S {Ilil ~hl" ocmlil:, some bt."8:'.n~ ~~~ t.""~ .. op ratiic-all..!f dilkwliIl ideas. .i:l~ll! 11m .. ' it should \ ... ork,. ,""tit.I;' its rlllllCi:iti\l1 w~ and e\'en II, hat I~ ,,~';,<> dlll'"Y "';;;I:e. builldin;g!

~illl!' M1.:l-:hoyz d!(oo~N U,af UlL-Y \'Ii;.:'[l!' lbl<lkinS iiJ spamship lh~L \\<q)u~d. ~;I(5t 0011' from ttlhl!' ph!llll!~ o'md Qrry i!hI: Orb Ibnck '0 space 'l. .. ·mllL"l1L" th4.:-y would rejooi1l It III!' 1fII.aa.ash ,,~ t'hL-ir .1nIJWOOrs... "'Il"hI!y 111oo['purnt~_-d m.g~n~, t'lt.J~U~·TS. fuellanb SJldl ~nLl~~!iIg fOI"l.~·fii!'lds ~,O n:!lili'l1 a1mosphl!'ric' 1~rt'$5ure in spoKe. OLlwr.;. peured seem u poJiI lIhi~ 1lI001,lclfl - 1;>1".:J i' e "Ving ins! E\iI d tha! thl:) ,Pi11ip;;i'S(' e E thI: WiUlI' madune was it! tl:"lt·~t"t1rt ~he Dirks O[(~!fIi 111 [p'as:;!I1g. ~p.iln: hll_lI k whe-re Lhe)' C!.');IIW T'I,."SllrRC' ilieir jouml?'Jf to I!he- Waaash.

Ii. (; "W ,,.-[gderind I,rldllatl.~ 'ri.-;"'-.::t('{II ~ these tdeas ~I!"O ludicrolltS. pnl'tl;:1i"migg lhat the macchliTl1!' '~'(1Lllld ",nil' dillY rise '0 i~s r!?ll!r. ~p lh' Or~ into its hands, .&nd "',,",I'rry I.bel-Iii 10 ~ p:rol!lli!i€d "'(illlId8.~l!' In ~r\l'tih there ~ ... 'e're as man.y thKI,Ie.~ as, there W('~ M'li!kOOp~; If) ,·rn;:"t· 'f.{h~m.

A 5 the rnl!'dh a.1~ tL"<J I b 11110:. ji!i,mlf.' ib i &S eo r amJ I;J i_gg(' r ~ ts ~tmr:tIJiOC OOci:1!lil}l!' I f'I(R"!\l!' ~l)pfu'5Cd and d 1i.'1!ff.e'. MekOOyz m11.!' til!C1iion liIIOCil!IJr....'ld al'~'ar .III tl:!i,;'perl('1!'S LIU (1111(' side whilst otihl!'r.l ""'1'1'1' IJI)~~' liilin,g fuel !ank..:;, ~ Irl, the cll'lmilt.'ir. I>iKOrd rri~ aad fI'ly.;i'li~I1" became so (,11ItrencnE<d _h<!lj I\-Ih"kho.\/;r ho-]dil1l(l; ,Co.[,. vi~·'IIII:s. rL"h,.~ to 'C\'4!f1l 5!J'-"II?dlk. fo >I!'..5l'1a ol'hl;:'r,

Mattl!'r.-. ~n'ir'l.· cornplicsted by th~ hId th,,-~ the Oks had rc~ainoo nLt r~'['ml!1 n. .... "'rds or nkstDi'I.ea.l ~~p"-oc;-til"'~. nll!'ir :ow;it'n1iik krw~ .... I.edR.e io,'a~ 'iiTlhri~iV(' .m;:l Sooru!'lirr.ll?!l Ior..'d ~hem in bi F.illrn,· ... ..-.;r op;posi tl!' d I n"!d'iml~. Tht:' CXjo."i~·fl;('4.· (Iof ~p'ace i I~Lf II'''!"!. ()(X'nJ)' ((jLlE'5tion!?>d • .((J'L.I C\'en the 'lrul!' IllI"igi 11

d ~ huEk ~""i"e'CkagL' .lnd th ... i r jJ<1!t.'1li IPa:sL \~·a!'. f~~4]tk'11il,


Amon;.1.5ll iii I I HLis ;~I1;1l"!l;h}· of i\Ch"·lt~· the Oll"b n'lAIinL...-:i 'Un~! r3L",1T dlliJu(1iht - tli"I'I, flwy ll'; ..... 1"(' tlli.lii Idil1iJ1i !n.ellf s.1h·,alioll. Oll~ d..!\' ~h~· m.1l1"hine \ .... ooM 21~I'al.c o''Il1~1 carrY thi,;'~ o:1wa:r born ~n! 'll1d ~d: to the,gh.! Tlhi.s. l""1 .~ .crtt.:.iJ1 lind no Ork \ .... 01Jld !,b!)fi' bn [lnl~tiM the ,ra~i.~ I"~' lOr the lmputtiuin' of ~!iJ..11 5i niVe ob-\ lou~ faA-·t. l'k'siQ("5, .u.

the- '~·ll1"rJ.:. conti nued U"I!? ~hii'lIC" nnd sizli! of: n~1!' constructkltl had ~'gll.l['l to ~ille on • .1 rOl'lllL Hmt ~r[\."d primeval instim!5- amLln.&~t the popul.atl.iioo. Abo~'1! 1~11.· hues ,(1'11[1 w~rbhops thaI the Orbl!lll.-d M",ktM\'n, IlI'Ii!' I:nllgiing ou Ler shell bm·~"R.-d li'h=- a messlve tLlr.>rl. V.1~' ~.~~ '!JmJ 'I:'i~l" side i'iISr£!~r'lb.l~ lhe- broih:l ~ Df "" ;;q!U!tlt ook~I,I~. iro-ppil1lg the s!md u '" w.,~ ~n.-e ol;1Jirmm\nd-relil~ Ilke,l1J I'lia~i!ii~ KOwJinp, he-adl.

F~.l"r miles in lI!'\'l!I)' dI.I.FeCt1ofl1f'1 n~ t'quOlt fOO'1111, eou ld be ~11 ~r .1lL- (h~ O!S dJe)' dug, and hO!ti:~'i;1 .1I1JlQng;~t lhe '~·Ij('(, 6ESlrmif'lS f~1l mQat' materials to- add toll j~~ 'bulk. o.lil'(' wlilemJ the D~ began bl:1 lIhi nk or thel f creation 8:!i. II S,fIoli i ' impo:ssibole- to say. ~.rJ11"1~ !tlilit was ,i,lw03Ys !hI:!" illltm!ioil,. 'buE' 1lTI~~ I i~ly its 1io1!("l!'rmg presence \'!,i(Jrlttlf;1 its 'Way into thel r ((iiJk'¥'liV4~ rsrchc:.

Wn.:r.L ~adl :p:ro(lb.a'bly slarled QUit as 0"111 lItccicilfntiIJl n,"""'.'1JIb Ian a! 500.n beL";\; rn ~ n g dubEo r <I te P 21 ~t Llf 1],~' d!?!iiSJIm.. h .rorkl'I!o ,",ere- ,rea~L"al~gt"l!J .... nd sections K"Rl.O'oIOO to e.nhi:.llltlL· th . "ppr.a:rana- of tlhl!' B~. ~lOn .1JI !he O~ W(!11!" mJ'E!rrll1$ to. Iht.~r m'"JI~i'DllIi as ·G.orl:.· or 'Mori;." afte.r i1he hou.l Fi ... ·f'!C!J!' gods of Orl:.dom. A~ f"lr .... ~I!" Orb, ',\··l"il'l: mn02mi!'d a 1I\'Ii1\f'ldJrt'11~,g had h.a:pp.!llei:1. for tne ~h ilhl"im!ll!lves had! come In ~;V"." them and trl.'k~ them ruck 11.0 the;:~m~h! Oir at !east OO'II!' of Iln."JI1I h .... d. And 11 ... ,t, it SCiZms.. was ~L~ITI; 01 much of the trouble !hat lo'l~D>\\'I!Id ...


OV'4!'1 the p'':''; rs thr Mii'kboyz had. el'ltlun'l;l d~Hl!"rena-5 in opinion ,about tLt..l!llt iCn. ... 'tion,. thii~ had led '1.0 "IirgLlIT!I.!'I'1~5,'l~ and !protradl.ed! If~llDfl~ These had ~J"I InL~]y perrro'lal Mf,;jn; ~, ... h.ich hadlr.1'! n!'2IlI.y ~.()oPiPl'd progress f'I.1r v 'r.-:ry long. HClwiI.."'vI:r •• he O.ri::s W4!~ 5-I.')Oll hI ~uftl,·r thalr fu:'st crhil> si!lil('i]' ilrrrh<lng 4)~ I~~I!' phn(·t. TI;1(' CiUJ~ jJif ~his tral!lJl"fllaH.: d h .... iMon ~m bizarre 1(11 Ht~· 111,I'!ir\t1n mil~d ~ ,;.:'t human IU9!CIt')' i~!f ~5 lUll, of sec 1 ... 11'1.':111 vielenoe \\.~ I!)ri,g:i~ ~ e\'el)' bit a~ ~;!I."rV"!I..'15f.!" and'_hen.5~f.e.. Tht crisis sJe:lJiIl1Jlerll :fffiih Hw vi('l .... :J1i11J'ngJ;t ~ome Mekboyz 'lihiit ahi.·, god they .hadl bUilt l"";~~ CoIl ",,'ti\lms~ tlihi;.~T ~~ thi? .... ~. !ha1: Hi~ gtl'l~ WolIS '\to'lk.

Thl":S(' t'!."fO factilll\1. 1tieearT'!1.!' ~mn ~ the Go.rbn; "'11,d the M(IrL_·,,· and ~he dispWri:e ~I ,'"'p.;re..ld to. e"'ery 011;. 'in Meklio""·n., :Ilut ju~1' tni!" M~t..b(}yz. Soc«11 it Wi1l5 l'Ii]x.~bll:!" too" an 04: ~fti I!!.u ~n~(I! an <Jlehouse Or ~Iu~g mca:fio:.t:!t , ... i ~hoo~ nJIb15J£!Lf'!!"ll1Il,lIWillX1 'in ill d'-eb<rtli! <II!'. '0 th.e II1\efl~ rtf (1m,' vi('~'" or anothu Otb ~I,htl had diIL~r,li;Jiiy rd'@rrro, to .... COCd t~l· CO'rkw 5iru:e' tlh~1 'iII.'I!'!"l:' pups !S-uddt!llly C ..... !ild iIlhlfJiR:5i"!'hres ,dolen~lr 4Jr~ '0 r.'l'ighbou.lJ"1; v;'ho h2lp~f1t!d 'I]) gf\:\:'t tbA! Im'l'er each .dol}' l' CiiM,i'iI!!£! "'M~mi'n· Mo.r:t. ... Arglli"'1!£!l'd~ ~k~"l"I(Iopc-d il1~IJ' rtlIl1ITilng ruules.. ;!(~Id h>!ttk~ in~·o ill \o,'a~ ~]ut r..!gL"I.l through M![.~ and, f.he- Sktd .

DmATJil 01" ,1\, COD

A~ ~PI.r ~ u:f Go.I1. ,.:moil Mori;; fJlll_tg'kt ~!llht.· .. ~Ic,,~ .lni!l !I M'~p; I!!f :';.f(ll.;I£wwD,. i'i~·.l~ :;;"~~},~ INt~'l';l1 iJ\"<.iJ ... I~ bull;: ot thv IIlJ ... ~~ v ~, ~J!t it:. .... U. Th.!:!' GCli"Mr.r. did th",iT ~lbilIL""! ~Il !I.'l~troy lh!: \1j7!(j~ !1t1 IRe' M'Ol''''~F~ I"i"hllst 1IhI!' M.;:.rl.i!;1"o; U"L'n: ~.ljJailly '~I~ii'miftIi..";tI 1lJ< '''In;j~h iIhI!" ibi'l!- that C,lrL,,'r'o h:KI bull t. M,~h.~~ II~w I\\'(j. rD!.1 ttJ~,. II.o.J'!c' iJijt{~ <'\!Itt. L~kr II:i Iih ~ e .a:loo~. "',:WilSC!I)'. lHuoofJ;;.J .. 4-.! Md;,oo~,z oll!kl tn., bil." N~"'CW l:iLlnfi

!I 1\ il.~ rrtol]J.blo/ oduri~ Ihi .. l~lJi'],it'i, Ih.tL 'Wrir)~'·Q;:k pttl iI _iii 'lihrooJ.!:h one '!.'Ii ~h;. r~I~1 !.lI"Lks, and OOtL1fti .mllo! 'r.11!! eould dlJ' :)11}"~i.~g tL) ~'I,;)iJ' i~ t!1ii' g,!!:":,ollm I;, "tn!~lblh!' ~i'i5 'blli:i'll1l]: ifflM M~rl to 'IN!',

This, 'W~~ BI'I' nio:! JJlt!;t ti 1lI\'L" tk.,j rm~ .'I~~d 1?ili.P"lc .... ;~l!'i'!o h"d ko!~tl<d ~ ru;" on Gort"ffii!i~b. In 1Ihe- tpa5I. II';ll'kllmlo ~1JI'~ fie.M ._'i«1tSi'm~-.; 11.:LII.!, M!I i'I D\!l orhttnl.. .. ur ..... 11'11 puB. !u:mb:lin!'l, '~I~IIJ) M'd:!1J)\\ n bf",roL1W. iffui' ~R'I]s. ~"\ i~'i. 4,'1 I.h ... ~ntThi" Wob ColLilSlrophi!!:"! ell 'Ihl' 1Jt1O!" Tna.~i\ .... '. buIll.. of G£I!"l:...~mlJi'k,,~ ,JI.I HLi.~i n'r.n,~! [~~'I.~ \'i,"o)~ ,'I t.L-"'" b.'~ck~"i ribs ,and I-I~""l)~ of i,~""15tOO l1.1..:;tall, nIL· \\'Ll'ik etf s,O;:;I.1~rMl~li~ 4.,f Mork;['1[')'''' hold been undon~' In .!I ~1118,'1e ni)1,h! OIr m,)~1 i'lL~. TIil,:;, dl~~~r ilnlIlI_ .... I:t:!.~hl th c M'l1:b~ ... I"" Ihe1r ~~. Jillttl Ih~',· If.lUri?d .\I'i immt"lllt-il.1:.e holh '(I th{'" ho;;.tili Ii[£"'< 'h' Iu~h s..m r.11"-",1 .'IU .. -"'I!'f. 1I;:rel;.tm~"l'I


Ihl? GI,907Kl''l1:' ,'1111' M.(j~Ni i"~'Ii.!.thro <LIl1 'tl'I.hJ~y '>q'ttlL"ffi'I:nl i I'i IhL~ inI1l."A~1s. IIl(f ,.111 M~~iI~~\ i'I_ rihl!~' S\'j,'.Mi" ILh.)~ DI.·\~'l O'!g.lin '" l"lUid aR!!" simj'O'!J" illNblfDI!n~ sial'ld in 11K, "'''!Ii nf 111<i.'Ir ' .... hllTD kJo ~ "!,rJla~~ "lIlll._,~ ~ ttl ,'I'"'"1'1t Iheir dirfll-n.,'I1C'l"', .uW 1!OlJ ~ol!\' ili1~" 'I!'flillr~ .ur (!ijoi'l~ii'II.I<:~i)lJm h't'li'i'l,.'li !R.:!nl, reservi 11~ ~ri.~ questi.on ot tnt; goo':; .Li.clllli W ~]'f1~i I t\l1I.!' big. .d.:'!)' "iiht!n he 'W<1IS n'i!l~].y to ~t1~t' Ihffirl 11.1('1... 1[, thl! '1j,'!;.'a<lt1s,h 11'1 ~'lj".,ol)li_ M'(!al,),whllc-, in the in~"'F!.'~t~ ... f &1.'Di!la'l h.:lrm!&~r; th.:! ~ would b!.< ,.,,(,,'j'~.J. t,l &~ 'li.""".t>rLimlririka lL1,'it~~ul Implioralioo d\1l!t Iiii!' ~\'.l5; ~~lho.'J ~~~ ~ \'·m&'. b.u~, <Ij."i!U!d ;zoq!J'an~~' "· .. ~11b..· .. "l~ or toolth

Or q~blr"""l.!", thi::. 'SID1.lI1ioJ'l" ~Ir 11lLH'!! a ceu rill td)' '~'iLI,j9I!", pt~\i,1 !li.~ !1:" lVllI.'F<.' ~~I:4''1>I':;l' protlor.m~ l~r ~~~L· ~kj"l._1"l'!o·,~_ to LI'I"It,lIlHIL· ,1'1 .1. later (i..'ltQ. 1!.il,."lli 11~ illL" d I~~~~! Iif'i ,,~ ~~ 'Lhl~ ~, ... ~~ I natu iO€' ('If wr~ (,;om,1i I LtJ M1lI~k) ,1L~ ~1~'~'1.1· .11'. IlIn.t:LI'~ I ... ;'I."[_

~ h~' JI ... ~ml~.. ~..:a5> pll! "!1~k~ b~ ;}ny m;O;:-;'In.... dlll,J lib!!c: o tli,~,~ ,1D14,l MlIlli:.l:'r' Mi!"U·.I:l'Io· ... 1;>..'1;"_' rrn", i! ,1.11~·!hlli;';;" even Il"jfj,' t'n~&~rn:h~',jj. B..ih:!'!<~'i "t', ~h~, ;'·.!I!it Itl<liorit~' ~~r I'iw Q;rb, .!L~~1,,'iJ'I"11 th~' ha:r)" 141gLL~ II uh l'~.;!gg'l:'T~'I~'d ~"l,~h bI~iobm.. artd 'lhL" t;",·1i' f,)ctiol'lno; ... impl~· I..l,."lll hili~hll)).":. ",~C'h tl'lhl,."r ",~'h ik tl-M,\· ~I ere out 'l.'i1 ... i~1!hl ~,f \'1I!1k~c!\I,·n. "I'I1~'~k!.'~",* Iii.· !1 •• ijfi";IL~. of ()rt ... 1IIIm. IJ)['II~' ~ 1OOi~ .. mf'l~. ~II!' d D'I.!Ichu"l',,: Mo- ilM'I~: ",,.,, C,1II1l"!lIy!{Io~M

iOt'i i"i"iUSIlMii"!er~ ~. ShoV~ i!lMM'.k

i!) . I~O$I 01 ~'mQ!:io.. M ~ ~ :_i'iI!!!I 'to. IOG\ ~~lt1eJI'~, ~ead\t.

"SnIr.;m'k", ~k; ~t!ldl ~'it da tIli11ll31;)S, la'I "If!'! M Wi)iro "eire·"

TI'IQ, e:fIigDe!s ~ es i."hili buggy was OO'li.ptl!tIgd ~brW.&I\\I!J Ihroog:h 1100 Mllid itLlDlrn.

~AS, 1MiLJoRXeR$, ~ms~. I!b IbI:rifI wfilDli.

"G.ooK~Ri$ .. <$OARef\iS, OOF!Ii;,';EIR~, Cii!i"I)di t:M ~ Ifmm the albet CiJW/,

1a:iWu'tIl;,~ i51~O!.!!Il!CI!!:iOkifli!ll kir "m ona~', AI 1M eoIilII :sH I!!o'IiS :Sif!.f'!d

'"BOA" iCn'P$ dele-, ~loa oOOIe of 1M, ~ ~~baek !C!'i5Ot lhe ~er~ (1iono; lip tJehtnd lheim' No ~ t(ll ~ 'ra~r"

"&!liltfl1(ii!;"" Ii!ii!! Boolilea. "1'i\iOj"ii(!l·OU~ ~, ~ M" i!)'1~~wn.~

~Iifl:urt!cdl 'I)) '!.'Oil; i"Q 1 M '!fie lboyz, "R!.g'hI: IIads." ~ ,00 ~ '!iIIie till ~~, ~da.~'i!JiO~,~~

J~I :u, the· '!loud;Br,s, ,1IIl!i)IIIj:i~ killiiln, Sr!I~ i!o\i!llf'illJd ool"~' IhB ~)i' I:!I'id ~.~ As t~ iGlQI~~ r.Bcedilpa!il, ~!W:k;"$ I!I'iQ'b ~ 1hem !"iJ!{9 Il will) iEi'i',eo~ 'lhwild ~. Tti(I CClfke~ rmoo

. I~ '~er'~, shfIIl ~cr' she' !'Ill (11Ie: ~'!S, IIII'!IlIII!r ,*,~~;.

CIi!Iod'ih9 ~!'J'!iOIi; Jit:and'hwiTJ 0It,

iNn ~ ~1i'iO$ ~ II!L ThI3 6oild;J21f' ~ iII~ ~~LiJ1!t~ (IMino S/fIr~ f1l"K1l O~,'Il:rill!li (N~ ~ nl" aadrutk:fit:{dOO I'll, ,,~, 'rfOi'fl U~~ l*i$"~ ill'!d ~Mn 'Wa~ M Inc GCiI'kGr IT!QljI ia~~ ,~l3ted !iIboo1 00 L1itJ) ~:tfb:!t.,

"W~r. fr1e~ IQ ~~ hi fllB ~1»rE. l'

"W~I5lHi". repliedl '1110 ro~1 ~ ~li1e ooy:z ss !!"ioir , . ! t:luowY FBJ;:6iiJI'lllf~J:tIli1Ilbo ~ ~(jrrn, le&vtn; tl'[o ' ·1 Gorkh8 IBir behirJdI.

TIi'IO II:ruggy raced lil'mf! 1;1 iii n ~ t1 i!I' de:ge Ill! E,1oJ n1L :h.rwJ ;[JwUlild and III4etw Q'IIij~llJl!ir;B. No.'IhlliiIJ ooID::I IN

. -~ Dt~'(f$ ~ uwe~ ~ .".i;e 11 (Ii] dai ~.tnjW CoMe ttJ fin 'or I'. Ihcr,!J 1$ no lM"fj1 place, 00 IfiO rpiIIML ~~11:5i m If a ~ht! ~i:: ~I, mtj~ ~iii"i' srr ~irniIO!1" t!lle Qr,tly se'IUl)if'!eni: in 'Ihe wi'l0l \!i(ot!(J, i!lir<l~ i'3 ulIll(lSQ VOU count li'ii:i Oigga 1101025: ,jii'ltl [IliI) ~mld~, 'Wi'!1eh IS push-i.- ii'. ~:s wi'lt!r'O:VBr' .!tic! e~o:i£, :$iN!I~, ato P."lJo!~ J-YdIj, TMy I~ live IJIliIIeor I~

. l!';.a:t':s. haordy .... nal you an-"'O 'I'I1(RJi:!I ~ ~, ~i!1;~i;'7'

f! ,[!AI'! l'1an:l1f1 'nne Mekliowfi 'cos (II ,1111 1M: ~ (W!(IIJi50 !Igllii~, ~d l'1Ql5.iO'a. ~tf gfuiiI:scme gnli:ITs ihat iSpIJ nut Ilit:rDSS the de!J(,,1 1m miles aroonej M\!Iost hk.i:!fj i';',s not M(jiolkMTI plU"I r;IIiQ f i'5l! !:M!J' iht;l $..w:!L Thi:!o Ski;rlI ~'; IS ~.~ ,,"~. 'St~ .sided, ,,",:II l'I~'kkrI.Toi &1lhill' 11\11 COO, FIld IIl'Mi Sk~ W'!iJ1CI'l is, 'l"liJIrw:ir.ooslllll',~ ~

ndI! .1\oi!1g II EIlIdI '!iW1I CQi' re.. I,~~~ i5;ure i!iti-~' ~ too.! TM.s~ iUi; • ~ Il.oo.. IL"!: li'r>I) bes1 ~ I(lI ~ Ciu[!lil)' 'i\IT;:OO;;III~, Mo:!;1 15- hl1llr I:il,JftM Ii'1 ihe-

grQl.lI'id, bUI: 50i"f1l! ~ ~t OLJi!:jr.i1]l ~hIOlS""ld, l~idd8", ,;)IIII:ino ·!he· r.ocks.. ThoQ-Jo'SlJ!rlInl)' 01' !Miilclkillge ..... albl'1~ 'kIF Iful!'r.i as want::. it

~M. IMte'-~ a) :9O!'L1 01 ~,.... IlllI.i1e S&d ~'\1y a'I: IIIIe ItIWII ,ol'Wll ~~e lmene~ ,II! ~, big ,I;hufii( Q4 M!1l.'WtlCk. Wc; iMlh;i 'lfliB s..r;,J~ Pll;iw aril:l ~hi~ i~ wni!iru r. rc-. o.1lbad Grl:i~ iTIa..nq;:: ;;)1.1'1 o!.I!S !h'(I1i ilI~.,~ ~'ew Ii\,-'~If 'I~ 1Mt is t:l;!iJi I}\,flifl;;x! if'YOO ~r'!g ..... wo1'.s, go.:xl ~lJr ,!!,Ou. Still, !'ve hag il'!jl'l;l a ba5l'1 In 'Ii'! :3!U::I all' (i.ilIr~ !'!'Ie' o:lI some Iq) luee~ ie ~'rou ea:n ~ tilt IhI!i $!I-O ~ me.~ M .fi:l ~I ~ ~~ ~ 00 lIT1is1B'kAt ~ G!;.IfI.;,Ib-e pill!l ,$-(Id , •

MekCIJ\\,iIlI!fl. '~Im in!" a thrhlilll.g OOInnmn~L~·. ~ts buildl n 0Ij<~ t 111S~ru4!11t'dI in'm ,olru.l l~Ollg~ tJ;J!' ~Il' ill tI-K- 01.;1 o;pare hulk,and ever I]'H.' ~111~ 0;0 J1Llldll1oil!'l bt.o;;:n dll~In,'l1~t",·d ~ ndi <L!J!ln:iball:o-q"~ thall'l~ 11 ... tlIrtUaJ WI'\;'Clk:.aSl· 'l'i.,'ffiijIU,'" just dw ,oc'it.!5wn.:!l1 gig.<lPtit

~rr ~d;lng 001. ,~~ lhc ~fl~Jnd M.!t' a rrllA ....... ~·e Inll'~mc !lih. Ml"}..Ldlllo·u i ~ ~L'kl"ti !IIo illl Iw~N"" alla Wo:rksl)jlps. k1z.a.'!lb. ~quig; rI;.l~li'ts 011".1 Li I~~· ~ni.f,p .. oiIlI ~ _ ,unmoo "'" (kN;" 1(11 1«"~aJDI! Ir .... ' ~ !P' ... ....jM,... - •• lL1:>1.~ ~\. fL -hi:- ,d,li}·

Ofl'll!!-. i! I .. Mmrdy I j)lF:o!Jrtant I. ~ be .1'" ncar .l!' Y'CiU can ~-..


111(' l1ilLl<in l",1ZrlIJ r lies i 11 front (It COrl,lm4)r.l.a .~iUl ('OI~~,", (II n~INI" uf';1I'IJ 1"(111. Ij)~ ~.hi -t stal~ ... w~ rOrk W!}1'rio1'!.. ,"(IIIDI!" ~'" tr.,di!' tho_'l r ~h·o1Ig.!j,-d '.l'"!r".lp I trl n1um r('lf ..I Il'"l.-'Io' tcL..{ J he 1:-.10'11 .. 1'[' is tl~~ rnedlnm L'JIJ 'l·r.;:l~I'~ It)r ~;;r;)p; 'IJr .!III l.iu1'LI ~ - t~Llln h.n'"'" or ,·,lrTOOt·d m;e,1..:iJ~ tID! t~nctiolllll'lr. ll:e(11 dU.1li uul '" 'M1nI!['- ... h~t1lin' 'II!o '1Ti"('k. TIIIi.· II' ,1\!.'1'5 ooy .100 '0['11 d)Ltu ~ b.ib ,lI'rll:ln.g~t l.l'iI?i:lI!lI:.j;V,.'1'l, o'!l'ld the' n,.-i!'l' lik~ I~ lool<.itn;t;: p~~ .1Il11? b '~I~hl by tnc M 'k'bu~.., l!I')r 11IKUrpol.!,ioo 1~ln (Alil-A:rn('ll"


D tween Llw 1:to1i7.".1 r lind 'th .. ~qllLp; 11l!L'trb":!~ ~I.m,,:ts OJ t;Ji11 1'1'11<11' ~111lI"'~t flfly r~'rL'! hi'gll iI, him h..l'" l~'1'n th~'~ as iLUI.)!; .:t~ M''''ULI'IIo-rL I,L 1-" mad!!' I,~i '.JuI'lII1g. '!<II~~'II"' md.ll nh.allh..!~ k~~1 «ted olD! ;:It~C'mpl ... 11.0 ('U~. !break i1r Dl.!!lt 1'1. <loll W It n:r'llJilm ~1Jd ."ly oiI5 p~I't1iRC and ll~lJlIll·\[.j] il W;]~ the Jily l ~ hnl .r:. Me dlm'ft. All o.1tli'lIul!Il ill'" .m ,aW.I!l ' bcilL\i."fI ~rvlloo \\ 1 ere Or~~ ~~;tt'hl,!r lti th.e)· ,~r'L:'h fot I"Vrk. (un.~'YI~tL . th;r jcl, ktlmWl i1,. ... 'Ihl! Job I'ole ,m~L Ih ... i w l're.1n ~ \"..tiU g(> ~~ hr- 11.\. h to IUr ... IJ1 nt't'ds .1 f\"II!.' Bor;oL: 'or a ~I'" i.'llla .. 1.:

!~HJ: ~,'G MAR KET

"I he- ~~lli:r; rr'I<"lrki:'~ I~ .:!I i:t-I;!~UI !ii!), .'"rt';] >l'I"'IIO'oo~1 1.,1 '5h.3ibtJr h!J't-o. and ,,1II11m.iil [k'M I.":rolmrnali 'tJ(" I~ I&I,JIi'i'l,d .. ",·itJi.

'!>LIllI,! I;" for ~~, 1'1111' OIl... Ii'.a\ \,.] CiU !kif'II;'!' ;;]if 'lhe-

("1\'.lLLI n.'~, -- "r~ ,ojJ1'W it"" n"'l'!:C JX;t~, and othe~ ., ...

utlli,ari..all L'I!.;o<l5t ... _ SmliilL.-r "fI.'J1u;n.: fii.' "Old h'lL1n 5U1I ... «,I, -red f -il~.'IOO ooto. .... and Ih'rp On.. LO!I\ bid) I inr fluu('riu~ G![., .... ' ...qui)'l> h'ho5e t~I'1J1ih,L ('h~'I'I1ii(:,l I I igh! i'n~ .. ·"d!t'~ InLllilJn,l~LLLJlr f1r !-I.~ur ~~",ug .. 'h·h,~ IIW'I>fI\1'Uo in ~llh 1'l~'inMc and ~~"'kh o1I'iiI,' I.I~"(! ~" (kwr'.<IIi;.· <! II I...mdo; ~1or Ihing~ imllu::lili1~ ()/k~ iilil,'fll:5e!\,"L"'! .t-\ 1I:N!<lt ddl'c,])(~· r~ th~' i'..,11 ~ o;,qu i& ~\ [uch i ~WL"('~, ').llId '(wl1m~· . .lillli m.a j ... ,l pl'b,rll1i1 ""qUL'lll"II\~ II~t~'Ioi' " ... ,<!;rI o.r~ ffiJ lidlt .... , t:;1.'\~t hi'll1dl1d5 of dn.:-m.


AI~',]Y fJ"OOjl 11Ar: shadow of GoIll:.antlL1rk.i:i !.he li'ad~~ :t;i,'I.· waf to I!Jro"lII.~hD~ s!Dp 9i"LOp.'l, ;lll~rl lI:'iI\(~k"Rl Uttill" Ih-rorbhopo:;.. Thi!)' 1lIr.J? crude oon~ mC'hCt1L~ tJ.r Iw miliR st,andud5l,. 'L'!.'aUs oj" IJIIL"tal hnmmen . .'d into nat plates aad tlU~lIed or br,)lbI,.'1ll h1gl"thl:'r, bul Orb door! need OJ 3p-,p~'ia I~' ~ru.. 5O.rt 0 ('OII1lolJts \,' hi ch hu I~ Tlal'!; su IitiliU Ild 'IiIlL"lI1!".l" I v("\; wi th .

,MU Ih~ 1~1!.;~ "J1.·I~JUW"5 where an allk ~hi'e'l and 'IIIo'llub. HI,!' 1'110:'11-:..:"'5 ifWr1p in ,ill IlUlI!- 'worl!;shopo II. hJL:h rli'(lI:"I~ II)nl:(iJ ~~IM: ~~fj.'t;."t - ,100 the l~ol!ksi1!lP I.!I .i!lOO hi:~ ~h"r) ",,-hi.!"rJ:!' 1mt5rome-J'5 call ~valk round .i!l1~1iLI e.:".!Il'Ill f1I~ Uw w'i.1rk; in IPWI'!:Tt'S5. roor~r Olk~ 1~~II5~'1 L·~·t'n live ;md. 5~p ill ilhe ~l1l1n~ milln. Ri~hl,,"J" Ork.. btl i ld e~ tra flJOITTI5 <l00ve,. bt?I.o~\ .1 I'LL l;w~i,~1,!' their \'liorkshop and ,j1je-Mf[JU~I~ It'~ th!' o!J p~J ur. n Ii n' V (loI;if ~ (_\; cnllTljl; 0,1 ks) IlOO GIlL.~mllil 5-]':h.'~ ~lL'"'l'I' '1;I11I;I('r the wlJrkbmc:hes..


There .ue kte!1 ~J£ c:latL'l"['n! kijnd:§. of artisan of 'I:t.,hidlJ lhe Ir.i (10.; ! resp;.:'cti.:'d arc the MC!lbo) t: - ~ler'1~ i~I~. ml"'(Ino~ nics a nd iOV1entors m!le-d i 1~141 mw. The Nt-ekbo}'z sre also GC'ti'k.8r'1lLlo:rb""" pri~"::O~5 ,iNlci: rt!njo~' the ~~;:II f.'1fII~ur (11 c...;.ort. and Mo~k., so a II ~~1oC [tlht"r OrJ.:.'5 look up to th!?ln .inltd illlC~. ~ 1"1/1)1.· to thci r ullins,. kl!.1& d(l\!l.·n on 'l"\'('I)·Oru! elsel 1E~'l?n a .i'l~Ll'll~ II.J" trnpeverished Mt"'ktIt1_\· i~ ~iill a Mckboy and proud ollh.!:! fll~-t.

lilli'ill" mYrhllrlJ~ i!iI1.!" Ja~, rambl in,g piaL:"'" "hi ff.!.'(~ full oJ old mat"huIiL'ry "I~ ~:pLl>IT' bits \1/hic.h the 4'1~\ I'L'r fL1l~ convinced hi I"I1I~Uf ' ... ·IU ("1,rm.l" in h.mdl)' one dily Abandol)ll~"I[3 projiXt<; lie!" in mrl'T!e.r.l or ,~I n" pikd into n.e.arb)l she;j~ oCcJ1'!!!l:'!::.o.(L i~~ !;3upoill,lin5 and buried bell~,llJ, fN~ o.f du-st, The M~borz' YL"t4:·tf~ '","'[_Iorio: f('1-'"('ri'Shl \' upon h~<j, h.!lbL~! bmi 11~~~l\Tm "A an idea, b.1Jsl'JJns ~heeot rrn-tnl intol.l 'bod)' pilnc ..... 'IIIo·L·kiilig l)P ;:h,,~s riliils, _an-d g;mu:b~'L:g .311(..'1)' III beariili,g5.. b.a Il~101fh ;111(1 1('ilIf-5pmtl;5. Til!?),' are ooJ)' too 1P1('a'SCd 10 ,,'(lira.. 'k'r rill' M~.'kbt,_\; brew his llil'~gLl!> ~L"O:!, ;1I1( ~I;;:'(_'P under lTIis be neh, TI~I?'-C' ); Orks drerlrn .(If bt.~)Il'mg M~'kooyz one da~1 and lh.:wLn8, w[J'J"hhvp" of their 0\1'n.


AltMu8,h iVh'k~")'" "N' the mos! no'!.ilWI.!' Lit ~ il the inh<l~'llInt;. 01 Mekhmm .. t~L~'I'l.· OJOC ;:ounUess bUil.dU:l&,> d~' ... V1{'C! to all the- man)' 'lr.1Jd.t.~ ~Il;d keep Ork ;ori~~' gOlll,S- [n 1 h •. , brewhouses, BI:"e1",'br:,)"Z l11;!k;;:o pot 11" rn ,tuln,gU!S beeo.r aod d i!;..iil ~I rofllg liquors \~ hich ~ht'Y ~'n"l.. <'Inti sell bv Ilh~ ba~rt>1 1~'lI'iJ_ 1 he !olop shops sell allliLl!'ot t'~·L·ry ki nd of food imi:jsJfiI1bl~. In.,my kinds imillJ!:i nable 00'11,\: to <In O'rk, and ~, J{'~~. iJllAlgi:l'lat.l.e 1)'ll~· tL~ ,~11 Urk: wuth ;!In C5~iaily SJI fOfl8 ~01i1aA·h_

IEn·ry I'flrl.lmi nl':. the S:IOp~l'~: "t"!:"Iol)r.. TLIll n:.~I1t:1 the s..1l1i~ ma~k~l buril1!] up €K~b. ingredients ill .!Ir"liin,""lion of the da(!. f!reI\.IIL""!,I ,~I~'mi'!nd [~'cr.!o '5Ior,per 'I r~ 1>11 ~llIli"oi;Iv his :ri~'1lI1. b)' maki 1'6 !lU" ~rri(il-::.t tu ngus 51!?,,,, and Hill!' c:runrhii,:"'it o;;quig pies - rind ru(:r~l h"I\'1' olI ~JX'Ciilll i'~' 1)f ~he house wh itin .uh.~-t., customers from all. Cw~. :\fL~t~WIl. Somr:limcs. the IlILLradJL)JlI C .. m F,nT.W(' 'f.llal. oot OJi:s enJOY I,,)'-.iIIS ri~b 'I ..... '('n with ~h(:k di~JOik.


Otbri!r Wo:r'~iOr~ rm,,'kL" .a:l,d ~t!UL dothing.. boota, irtmmlJr'!~}.t'1'; ~Lllg hldes, and C!\'ri!\;g imo:1g,iI1;o1b!,", ~'T'Onll ba'rii'!:i!ls. Clof tar to- simple it:,('I...-gL!lW~ oiInd bri~J,MI,~· 001 01.11 red paint, EH·I'}'" profession i~ rel~~i!ltoo, ill'l Mi:''k!tmvn. Iii. pi1r:t1iiruloil~ll ~~'I,lr~hy .s~LJ:P' are ~lhi!' DIlC'S" the C.iOM"S'i: thin!)-'l. ~h3~ ()r1£ h.;l.\'e" to ii medical proft"SSiOOTI.

n~ [lrK.S 1I~'i!' behlnd the squill; m~Tt:J:'t rii!i.h~ oil!' HiL~ L~S(! of !he ,'aliE!:t' in ~'I!him ' .... Il"].:,~l'I\:n I ii:'~. The Docs' ~r",t:!ii.!!S, a~ buiit aill.l!ng the 'ri~i'l1l!i I::'in'!LI'I'd, 01 00 lhe lower slopes Il.Iif 'Iih~· v:I~Ii!r ~"i!lUI~ from where tht'Y ~('t en (''''ITII~'I1! vll!iN of Gor1:al1.1orL=i - ill grc.1t comf~l~t 1\1.1 4·LI ... 1411"i!'r~ 1.lIl1drNgoinf!; dang('C'I?uo:. ~u~!J·!

Orks are surprisi n&:ly 11.~iLi,:r.II, t:":rtL'I:iI~u~l£:!1 and ahnost '!JII'1;;1ff.r.~L-.d by dm~5!i!,(I~ pain. W'5 not that tlit('Y ,joo~''I' f~,,,'1 :1"<1.111 II!fi'I~~~~~ Ilh~' just don't ~'U!Hi."r 'l'roil~llm,~tit' ~h.;)c.k J 1'L"t:ffi. iniuries in the \\·,1Y I'h.~t fLlJm"lmN~ d. o, This !!fiii~l~ them to ltiIll;!'l"-bi."" 'llIi(r;I'I::i~t (tothl!'f lhings, .hl!" m(lS.l, horri fie W l"!!:ikO'lL prot,'iI."oijN~I:'!£!~. f~r.I,unil.~J~' O~1c. bodies heal ~'''';''~"Im·ly !!' and fBiI(Ii'I~" Ltlkr.l .... tr.1mpl,jlili", fmliij LUh,c, Ork..;._ The)' C.1n gl"t by in tho!! ~1~r."I£(!' ,of. \!' or 1"'1,'0 rnejor 'll~ri!'O\ L"lcC(L !~ hi!',;irt (th€' entire vascul ~ r ~~'~~I,."ITI l>1,,,;'~g provided with 1lTI11<;("ul"r ~1r1L'r.i,'l'; which C"lJ~ I'll [11IF' blood ,~·r'lJlliriIIJ thL' I:.tnJr a.11 en tho:oi r '01;,.'11).

iI(~I.J~" (kk: o!lIi!: !iO toosh !hi!y have never ,rtc'l'~'i~'~'tI' ,jI s.ophl!iilmc.a~d iippmach ~() trf.!"<Ilth C.1J"1.!". ln (,jI(iI', l11~m~ L'I!f d Doc"'S iknm,;ledgc' is 1tl~~o;;l .1T'~'~111[1 f ... ~khin:B: up Orks

who ha~\1! losl, bll5- in fi,gh~ and in this flefd Ih!o Doa. I\~m"rk"b~y expert, H;!Iru:I~, nrms .1110 LE'p CIII lip iR.iPllri~'t;11 \\Tidt. 1j(tU'I~)I!'!il: nl'~11l1 j1'rCf'o,lhet~~ ~hal work .. b.!!!I!~. E!"IM ',lfhoi:e' wd L~art5pl;iI115 M\'I!" been bIowtillD \ ... 'o:r~ <Ii « arnounr of r15k ;5 inrolved ... Cl15.1X!'JII;4,:n; c;n.!' ,~I'i~IIIr.3!i'L"il1 ~~1 ~hnHni ilv..'ir hNda ... 'dtl"l~i.i~I}' f'!)r. ,tli jli!'iir IlIIi' SOo iirt'ffi.1.'a.i'd~.

Ap.lrt rrom pa .• m 'e.rlIlilP !-1I~81)' and rulJ~ oIf lM edt :gamrn~' Ioi!g. IDoc5 do a 1.0iI2in;g trade iR potions IHIId remedies ~~r 'l"1,1ll'fYthing (rom SGlbb~· ~l,,;il1 to ~ (hb ,art!!' s,e1'1!r8'1ly loa!fu:! to ~s.II. 1M ~, ""hi) .. ·ca.mrr,10nJv .aocroditoo, wi~h 'lliLkin,p; customers lato unm"Q..~ry ;,md l"'5p;;rc'i!lI), p!)iTlfl,ll nlrgcry ill hi n!L~rL~~b_o;; l"lof bwild lilS !fu:!I~ sroek of ~f'JJti! ~ib or .. IMn ,,,,\O~ 50ca.1~ 'l'@!i!J.Tich",

Our!! 10 ,ill na.'u~;31 8m.d II..mdl!B'l:andabl.~ I'€']uct.a~ to ~ anylih~ng tOo do ~.'ili~ Iih!.!" '1n'l-Q1Q1 pro(T..~o;ilJn,. b~ 1M tin! ;;1m. iUI IlJr Uri,i.uli'!fld O~ &1i!1::!i: hlfflsi!'l~ III Ji Dec I'll! is ~ illJ SUM III mess,. and! so d;n.pefliltl!" ror Klid, !hat b!'1J. g'l.adl,y ~ the Doc do Wh..l~T.."ITT hr Li~l'S! \'''''Y all o.t I~a.,~ ~('J'I_ri! to \'O~a lhl! 0iJ,c Ilo h.a~'i!' :3i looih ftUUoo arid eorne back minus <II (oo~ find '!I.iu" 'SOIm· biurn:! ~~hillinf: a€ ... ~m!' ulJiipJamtm. i:n his hwudi,


M'e~ ~ty 'thi3irlrD' .amongst Itie ~~hopg. of Me~, ~ UII!I ~ bwgglE'9. bikes, 'lrukl!:<.l, .aOOI1ra1s. ~rW"iO .Improbable 'iYa.apiII!ISJ and ~ tMt LIlls.t lpoppadi irilliJ' iLhM he.a.ds_

Tl1Ie li;llgge~, l1ict"iegt ellllll'rKi&llnHlJetilJ.aJ ~bo~ ;pre alSO, p;;Ilit-liml!l 'pries,g,1 01' either ,

G~i!: Of MCtil!I:. IF-cir OI'I~ mI)IIltti II, tI1r~. 01 'i'lihill1l!tel pofiM or I.ii"!"!O seems jltS'L,firl{l I~ 1M ~_ "d@ U~ "''is ~1«10 ;;j,j~ ~!:;; ~ '~~il1lIrta., ThM!' M ~ &OWa'lQfi ~I~ Q~ tile O~, '!l!OCi, fl:.rlri!J 0li::l il';_ff!a~eilOO b1t:s plI!II,g~ Mill p3A9,

ie:~ hl~ ~lt!I.1fi' ~he !OOru'i1'l!lC1kiB ,e1100. He willi j)fQOO.N)i ~,~ '!me d~~ ImpDl'1:3flt . 'IftiFig5 !Mih ~~ ~'O!!Qti,I ~c'~-boVI'" ei(~

iplELaG, ,;100 ~mf'!tii Willill 1M ~(l1$I' Mbmii:rf:j, are IJ~ tOl TI'i(lI!' (lfWI: ~5 iimoiiJlii~, Q'I: ft!l'IgyfJ; b~ ;find 1000r ~~ dr8!l!Ji$ !ijJl.!idO tl'lorn im (~f ,~\'OOrs.

:!.. Il..

.. In: MID ~ ~.

11k- ~ij;;i ~'~IA!~.~~ ('Iii !L~ !h~ ~flifk O?;bl ,If ·Md,1~",,"1\ • .I bi'DJd 'O':lillL'y oobll!'!:lcdi II 11h juml~i!l. wall, ,(]f rncllcd .. !ir;!, wR~rn.>d "'IVI'N', fl.!l'"riln\lO a; 1(1f1i"" II .. • ~!.iiJ 1t.Jk., .... fi't:.!ny' gil}:;; (m .' bu~y ,)n,j ~~ ·IIL·1I;~. tu llli'l'[JO:iI>.lbk 01:11 fllo!.l!1- iii' th ... ' l~,]_t. titl t~t and "'_inds~~lf!i11'" d\[llf!.'~ !.:.iI[j ]!~m,. Lhie 'IIIo'hip

~Oft!." \!luI; ..... o!In{! 1't'P<W'lth..;;. ~~ ill ,\1 d ni,iI~.r 1

'pglgii;!; ~f.l('Lu:n.~ !!' tbil1 n::.ek \1<.,1I~ ;j)~ hLl~' !>JIljl~ dun ~

m.lIi0J!. ,It rMK~iIDk ttl drh'it ~~~ OlJ;~ ~tf ~ :»'i~i oL!OO ~11~1(I til,,' dL-..ffr1 Sblmmndlli~ it,

FlJfls alld ""1lki1'!l ~Uk"TT\>i,.'\I'~"".' rI_' ;JLlUKI llbl!'r'.!ILhl ;noi.J:llLi, aLi ,'km!l ,~Skl~l. '"J<I~II; ~l1IL'h",~· are old .m-d .at..uldono:d b:ilt qw Ill' ill f·i!'l'" .lit" OCICli p1t"d ib~1 It!Hhs O'J ('iTk:.;, ~ mob-. hunt tor u ...... ful 'o£r.,p .,]1"1I~ ~In!l.' Ski,d. ~)~~gh .lLL I~l > m.oi..:'t--st p~~ .... n ... ',) I :'\'iI,.';I.,~C!\\ II h;'l,\~ bt'l.-I'I ·<;nahilH.--a 'Ien~~ ¢>L'I. ~lIn~,th~lc~"! ~hi!'SkI1'1 i ... sti.llliUertY! I\i'ith i!jil ".[Jrl::s lit JUI'I.k. lIW~ii"~ r.,oIf1l!..-S; of .ullrim\ "'11";1ICiN'r..!il 'il-I (l'it!l. n:f ~ :S1'!i~[.Inti, hLlgoJ.!' 'ffi!l.'!<!! po'!" ~L~ .mt,'l f>1pl'" .U~ lli~-.,j 111M

~I.ili.~ oL'I~ pJibl:~l~"" .of .... tri fiN ~pod • .(J IJI~.., .1l'11J ~~'i,i 11;';

~,~!!' al'i~l if1i~;~11: ~Jw rock .. .;I!'Id d lr •• It~

n,,,,, hi,t!;h ro·d •. 1\" of tli~' ~!kjdlll~.;I.:~' it~ ~xlS't-~ r~I.!H~·L·lr moI-I aOO ..h."d~· 11'1 m.,'fi~, F.A~ 1M ... io; l~~rt>· :Smlt s-h'l!ltl~ {~I fLlI1£U"'- ~i!' r~'~i nod ::;_I"ll\i'i ng., .md 'Ih~! ul)l'!loll~bl1~i'" 'iI:lui~~ ru' til~~ an l'),i.;:;~t: tq"'!l'lliil1";: [tal th~· f1i.mSJU5 .!n~! each ,~her ~ Ili"lii;hino '1I!III"iI;rnI~~ s ~.~\jI'iR. fLI;'I' Mi'!~(o .JIm~ 'l"lIr1IUm~' ,~\\ .,1;1' rh:lnl ~]iIc' llr'ks,. .... nd up I urki ns IJ~ .'_. rU_f'lk'll~ gro'i'I"" unlii toc~' ~·l.h;,·r ~'I n.,(,"p~1;! [L"'li i)} Sl,H"('r.7. or W{1r'k ~I' '~I.!' i1i!.lt~ 'I!!' m.!l~~' Ihi!' r.J.· .. t or liM' ~~'II'Y J'!..'il Ii to Ski..d I<:!}l"",

TH rn:: r¥R.A MIHS

:"\,rL1T! ~Iio L .... '.1[1I1 M~1.!(l!I,o,·n kJ"r'lIat ~~utI: It:t(m)"(lm .~. t',n:t~lC'n by o;"! hllJi,J.!:i." I'U(ky ni~u.;,_" ut bll~~~' ,"'hkh OO~'l'r:o- lO!YI.'!!f,] I ~,I,':IJ\!' mlk,'S,. r\~lp dw m("';;)" Iht" o5lrkarp .!I~.d IJ 1~l!:!mk~'!,

~I ~ ~ ,81 M w en:ll of 'tli1(i $\idl iI'rnm MH!QMiI, t!lSrB (~ SMd 1M!91S ~_€i<.(Ii narrow. oSl'oplj1'ig iIH'~!S, ~~ W.ilh ~ lrom ~ _ h!O: IIiI$\ ~ 00 '!hi) des.ell

:ruHe!re. ~ RQ'W 19, rLil04 over I;r; thle ~ro!l!ll1lin Ri)'IlCilUli(N!l;311J ~mrm'Mi .[1:::;. ~ bj It.iO ~ Red '1SOObo_ TI'!C! RD'W M:s~i' Ia. ,III 1:;!I11\1y lntadl :~ ttir iI :steIaJ' I!ml~ 'W1tIiCh tm~ oH Ihi! ~ dmt'Ilt the Gifru;;h~ 0'i'I)!' ~ ~~ 11I\(I11IIlO&IJ ~eGI!~ otM ~I"!;!n~ ~rQ~illllfi ~1QWl'i h.3,'~i) !5~ ~ ~"i4I !(Ilno ~ :ii'l(i m3i;i ilhe ~ ~ <!!:I:Wn CW; ~ I~ k*'I.~ lMOi)'ier~ in a:rm$.

TI"itrI'II19rt!IU'~,~ ~ ~'l:o.,g IPlfioM 00 ~QllkL!;mo~, ~ Ii ICI~. 11I"iO C~ ~narel!ly ~lder th19, '1'0 Q.B a !'1ILa.~, ~ liI8d.afj) gbd 10 $E;I!I IJiiG ~ 0iI' ~ Uf'Igratahlilroo1i4efntlka1!6t '1iti1) IAed ~'I' '~)Jm ~181"1i! '1!bc!ralJ3l ~,' .~i~$ andl le"'I1'OO 't:riInC;'PO!t IIlQm I1'iO ~; G!'f! '~l, bl'ln~ing ~ !Lhl!! wr.lfth oQr 'inel mke ~ SKid] FIlIw. H!:M1I'i'Cr, 00 rO!~ 1(1, SVJd ~ hiM ~ lin,~ t!"IB ~ GUll Q( ,~Iuring nM Hied ~~ lii'Id .:;OO'I!) tE'i'tm ~ b&!;.k !!~ aUl

DiGGI_AS In -' (IIl:b(i;lbaiJ ~o1Ilhe ~ he ~ ® ~t O!'I W\!h !he iOi9gas • .IlI.1ikmg s., 11113 iO~!I dQrj·t !Ci!!!'ffli thli'n'lSiClYB~ GpOFI ~G baing e:J ur~ !i'ICI1~, This b OBI!! !jIOOd It! lIlIO ~$ I - _ I'Ih ~i?I1t)' or !Lei!; 'rom -. roonefs ff1I the 1'lIII):M. 'Ifl1;o:y ~ in to M~1!kNm 10 '!Tad ~er "(1111. '!~i era luallirodt. ~ ~ - . arad ~ ,QI ~·ItiJnG~ llhal rit a ~1X1Y h3~ ~t!l1i(j " r Fmtcsi· ikffiJ abour TiIIa DIDftl~ tll(1tl ~_ -I~ di:!iIi'l re.allit l.ll'Idelr!Ilnnd i:JMJ ilIn~l'ad$ ~

.... :""':L ,,-. I:iu!I ~ IIno'H IIhe Olts. W'i'II ~~ r~ ~nliv Iil1 ~Ii'j$, all'lfIOuf, I't:Jo:II (Inti II!'Vf'I

!oIe'h1J:l;i)jj forilMm. IO~:; GBn eveFl l'I!8ifj

0rIiy df ~!iU1d iIIl 8Wi.1d Iby'

righIl> ·and '~nd$ 01 M 'kkffll"J. If any"~ _

Olty ge. r breaf<S OOWlll, ~he DI!K1i1~ h 'tID fo

In . 1.0, M~jtljO"ln MId 'I ~I Rl!1)((1i 'Cd 101

11113 D~ CfIi'i\ilI ~l'OJll ~'iI~~ lliibe:!l. j;J dh kMil ~ ,i;IJ t;~ ~ .u Dill Wn3<ttn 1h DIigr;: I 'li'i'a11iOI~ QrM ~

C!l'm'li. IiXlgI)'S .Bnd ~rbaFJG_ .~ are 1M !by ~t" Mos!I 1:::!li:!SBIi: M'IO eI)i'I\~ 'lO IlrIila'le

'~iri~:fways.~ - I

.!haps pmin'ied !;Fif!9I'1. ,or I r !SiQuig Md Ih!l!9D ia.~ .B.JQrIIO!d their n s:;q_u;Q, ~ ~ ~

~~ Some -btg '_ ~.

• 5l'ioYICIc:rs to lIi.d9 rhom fram ~i, sun 00 Al!i!J 0 il'!em look blWer: 'IiitIIO CIrtM. 1'li)lJ'e

. - !J.$Cd 10 iJ'iO' ii!Je;a' _' I'. - : 8le ,ilj -,

~ -~OK:I e ~~ -it11a kiI 0'1 WlL)'S- Omr;iSi ~·1n!~11J.Iggnii'l with ~(I ,I;li"lil! S!Jil'IO I)a~ de:s.pcir{lte

iN!:ibz lie ~ -, jrDWW I mob:$ 1ft me.


Why IIle ~ <:<Lilli !iJ;Q $0 -

I to Ifto IuJ;dmd

• I r IqueS:1ior'1. Thij' ~ M:; 0 Wrec

Ii: - llie1l1 iJ.!lfa. i:M won~ .IJ.a)' - IMr

. 1. Tbe~~lh&~Ihe~,

&tmJneon WhO can' _ _ ~ to Ir:nd' . - and

l'Ih:la tflll'1'1~r i ~lJ$iIlII~BY ~_ hff~ hli\O .1fItl1n far i!I~ j:OtI!II. !ilit.rt IIb]i SksmtliiJ IifEJi'l't IIJf!I 'lM~i ~ 'll'lNl ~ ,db IIl'Irai 'IM:~$

, ~III:Q ~ flllO nif!!b:1 m ·ere. I bay?

,,(thou 'Ie.: of the p)'TO!1IlId .. noar ul!" Ill.' IeJI:Ik.

flPod)1 know \;"00 bili II IIIIt- p~ r mids ~Ir now Iont the-. " ·beenrH~fj·.byt~ "'~ nil ClTIhr I();rk:;. amvoo_ Th: ~'I IIk.Jr is 1'IId!dled u'Jth twnlll whl'l;h ..1]'iC' hllJiffic ih tr.i~ !)f I!Wlmiti\·C' hUm.lJl~ !1l.:M Orb call O~ (a:ri\tWr ... ~"l! r1Jth!.'I' t~ li~i!' I'}\-IO or lund». T~· rJ;:a'U dtcrn Inl1;ggas 1M.; US Itht:.")· ,..1 iii!; l1I'IlIrtgr(iUn(J 10 aveld fn ~ burni:fJ,g dootilli! ~LID:5J of CNrknrT\lOlk;;

llle 0fIl .. OOt'ltt gO _n}rn.'~n" nI!'.lt P,'lI"riI:Jt'ikL bui JQ 00r:a ·,ot i!hI? lli)l~ '"-'n: no plmt}r or Eiru'~' ~ \\·hid\ (if) It:I~J!' 1I'IJJ,cU1C!" in M't'IHc!i\<l,·m., ~u. 'hm~ H~a. B'

~{t.:n Wt'Ili" !.lip Itv,.~ 3';' rIJitly kilts. of 'Im CilIJ'A: k: Ill!'

~:"..:W'wor' Rt:ry. ~ um Di~ Ito ItJwi· _.

~t caul-iht out bj.' 'it ~tt:in" ~lik,. an' Iht.· "''00 11l'\'N ~ .1.tll3imt" .rhc p)',.lmld .tj\~ gcncr .. II)' ihUDlli.'d ~t'Id ~il~flI,,'il Ill) b: Mvmlro b)' IIhe -fin'~~ 'r.;iDl. bioi L '...-mOnre 'o:r II:lori(lJi! IC'Ii ro~1 gi'~N;'ID!Jn ~1If'I1:!' IW'llriQiIll~ i\:~ II ill ~'Ib!;;.. [) lIlt'" oE 1iK",~ !i'lgdhl'f and 'i Ur,lt to p'JUl1ldL'~ iIhe f)'f' i'Ili450 ..utiJ1 peo '1'1· .... ~ tb be

"fli~" fL.virnps. ~, oli'L'" ~'I\" .1-)'5< rQUnd in II't ~

'Nl:".lllei1! I areu I1d 1 til tru: dL"S!Nt IIJ r th~ jIDI ":lIl1'~

nlllplli!~d) ...

TIlt· ~~ .. !"ll!?ID CIJ! 00fi"i{' by night 100 wl~dl ght;. h,1I\'J!' 1;0) -1'1 <,.een gJ(lmin,g ooldt.!I)J • ~~idJ~1l r ~ (If IltoI· pyramids 01''1 I&!~ It!b~t n'ih~ of Ib Y"al. 0i!'t'I' Ih:~ ~<,l1J"o, il h. ,,~ mO'A'" iU1d ~~ d~1(IUI;. to rtP ~;aft« .;IlIIrik. A£lJi'llOOi!1S 10 the ~wilL~ lhe "'I'IEli~ Oi'lt}" LL"t-d 0Ci Sl;'t ~'LJLl I1l·.JI 1'1,;;;0 pyr''IITilid:>. i111;(·~ dad;. NO\";,J~"'~"" 00, ... ~~i~pj1i.· nigh!. OU~ in opm _ _. mile; .4)1;1) frmI 11M· P'~ r.lrnids iiltL'I iiQf"1'1I;:' 'Of ~ hil"e - n ftl!.md L'mpt};. tn':'1 r lT1ob'~ ,!~pan:'nUy IwN,lng '·3!1Bht.'iJ inlo U'ili'Ir iF


- ':Ill b.idl· 4~~ !hc Sl.iiJ. ~~IcIJ[MI.l'L :.tJ1di iJlt' 1;1) r~ Iii ... ltV! d~1 ~Ih.idk!" .. i(!,f mib Ln ~I di ' Thr ~ r. .... ·<lirin,g h.~ during !ke d~' ~!,!.j icyoold at ii'liJ:l'tI. Rod. .... ~.1!1.d. blco"!dripg i:I!;)oJlil'5 and FlL:'i.I:!n;g metal ail!! iIJI,.. ool)' [t·.lluiIL.... IIlf .my pm!:", .:Ip,;ull rl'lii"fIJ t!irJr OIl (.:orto; ..)NI11IiIm.;:'rWr. in IIlw ooat Ih.)~ "00 hu~e- drui\h of Wl'('cbiwj..l· shed h)' lIB! hum'" f!,. it ;C;l'i'\'Cd tHJ! ILfl. .. Slid. M'II1~' 01 !~Jj_. 1,1;·Ii'I."('K:<; 1I~ i i'l d.."3dly Nd - V(tid:. JIn.lOll~ I i!tl~ ... ljJ1/to ,J..-ath fN nr h ....

h ~l r.n1r.4'" .)WUIlJ;1 M<'k~iJwn ~ndl .1f. l'S lh? \"J~· ... ·rl boctt ,n:r.,-s l1J tn.,· Oil.: ~ i11eir ltwt:s. 1 mill .:md u- .... du , p1um~ I...i~ up by !:heit ,'t ,! 11 be l'L'!i'!'I !?~·l:'I}.wf!~JIl·. 11TH: In. ~~l1Jd ~~ ~lr their IIIYI~ mirlJ"~;!l: bu r.a~'iJ "l>brl~ ti"Llrn lin.(o h",lk and! ~i:lir !I\:,,'" iIh.- Itlk~· "'I.<ip "'rin I"in:§, riIDJlIJM lin IIhr ~ nkr.n.' "I'l' '11"~' d~'n.:'liCJI fl!rl~ ILKI'. Lhir miJb.. I't Iin.g ~.lll(1n \·j,r~II'I~ !L~ 1h~' jX'li[s ut the d~ __ . fl. CJ~ wJni30tr0;! Ihdr :mUll.' teo ~, ... fidlt"r J". 1i~ d~ fiw:rto ~ d( I... rOfllt·p 1:1('riJORW ~('mp ".u), mlll.1!n'" lo ..... G~ r. idil!.l~ .hi'i.a 411:1,;:1' .. vcm. Ll"''' s.n' till'}' gt"lllx;n<;, I;If


arDCDII !Ile 're ~ oJ G~ is a 1I#IffI.

1b;Jmaj -0: 0rM rlMie iil...n ~ iii

MIUf!IIawn w b~ in b'i IhB nrHXI8: The ~1'ICip'iO

, Of eid'l ngo Is eer 0Dfl!lIJl00 WfRI(J.ey

~CJ(,.,:~.lI'il!le"i' 1buIf· ~ ~

CDtIIdI wanl' e~~ for'llT 00Je Ihlng Ihal IIilry OOdoetw I

'1'Iio ~,I(ln or 0VI!'l1lY Cl;'1i; t:5 to li!O,(lim pa~ jg.e (:li1 G~ka~ - ror when Gc!tamOl1t.1 "",alk$, 11i~~ iiX ~ Ihei Ooyz ro, v.!Wravet ~ iii: I ~

1'1 ro'Ipparal1ll:'1lO!it fb&re mn.y 00'[ be 1~T11or

iiWP.'J)'~. Ellmli If theJ1!' W ~,f'I(I~

~can!110 " -,. I:rt' ~

6OiYI¢'bOOy IIka:s 10' go tast, !iindI mB.)' be somtbai:ly won"I ~, :0 SO::!it II, Ve - ~ gg Ll!'iv M~boVZ

Ii:Itf,'ed ~ ~ ~iIl'I ~

me IaI 1lGl; l:5 IIlIl Ui.fJ!l wt'i id'I! i:iIw. (,l!NDBrl r,ro,() r5 MlWnd' P8d!; 0!"I1ii $iout aI'Ia:n to ~ 'Iha~

has: "'IrQ(!d ~ ••

fie lMekOayz m ILW dulMi'i !l(ioIjnij iCkI redi,ll'KlaJiY1 jXI.J1$ ,Qij ~ . ~ bi;, ~ IilUt a hugo ~I ,oil meI81 wfrIidl ~ r;tI'I IliII'IOo 'SfifI,,'t1! Jags.. n-o ~ . liI!'Ti~ Mlr t:lllijo ~ag!l WI!I, M-orktt'f!. rna'fll<, IJ'I[Illhe ~ ,~ tne rllU'ii:ir hal Wilh

ViIl!!{!n all Otk predt:iffl!150 a S~i!l~t 'if ~ !014'

$(1mB .. ~'i:n

o.oM'~1(11'1 1e'1f.oiI, Lb9 NMt'bOy,[ @o:;Ilil'lto IlO1 big tr.Jg of rbils oodi EiWiII~d the 'Of'k 'witl1! tB,g, rl'la Isg

is (IA'SaIDIIdr' Ork.. . 40 thaI

dlDJU I3.Ild t!!~ boI!Irl fl!!M l'Ie IWl oorned his lag slKll not jy!'l ~~ Of lour!d 1.. I'IWI 'llilaJ .my Ori;

WOI.Id ~ 01 ,oil rdIJd CIt ~ I

Golt [Of Moi'lk) WOI.iId ikl"tO"W1 'The Ott ~ Ml; 1h - litlg PGiIl!M flit; ~ - ilXIfifidenE .hat wfl;Qli'I '1M, day COOlI!'I . d ft'I8J'd'i itIC5Ide' ~ m IfiO J:H,g W~1

PI'I.I!!tcn't O~ 1r'1f 1;0 otJtaID s m:aJl)' ~ M •

~ ! aM s.'I ~ 01'1!3 rMoJlila BfICIII!'.iQjI Got'ka tat !oO 00 01'l1he .s.~!1) !<ldi!o, ~LrunI).'. w1~ U'io bI!lJ da:;'l!:Orl'i - Wli Or)! with mor 'tags, ~ill 'I M pi~ iI!fIo!ell' 3fI 00 Wll'" sss, M Qf!;;. WiI!Iaf$ alii Qr hi$ mg~ ,ell Q'I the lImo, as yoo oCorln no-ve~ bo

SI.If wl1!;ln ~ dro l-iS ItIIlI'Igl A ndl

a:maI e~~fu1 00 !hi2!re'l'OiI& 'h'i'EtoaJi'1 ~ ~j.,e1I'Ja! i~Id.!IOO o't metaJ j:i40ce:s, Qnen ~Orlle.a Ie. ,[1.'5 Ih:ls "f:

N ~. f)1(1b-. r,;lrm II"! M'r;:'F;:hlNl. n.]11 Uh", tim ". ~lrikill8 oo~ Ofll Ihl'llr OlIn to b.lulco .!lUi {I'll!' ~;lIwr l11iI.1p., Iltr i:l pieoe of lh~ .(111IlfL Tlu:-j,' ,] n.· ffi<l,jc- up uf h~u~' Otll: Willunl '"f'~ ll!lidi Ad'"0ntunlrl.l~ \{1.;1=~ hL~';Il~ If I n~a~J!' .... h'Ftu~ lI!IuL ln ti'ir;:' dr,'iI,(l1\ itI1d ;}" 1'1", !h..., S~ld J,;,. 'rl,jI..~~lfIJo: 5«.dJr. M(lfk" rm.ror1,mtl~ "h,.o~' .~.~ nt tu h"I'H the 1.lth~,t n1Ll~ ~~) f'!ni~'~' d"L'y'1iI1!' HI(C' Pi',," i brut. I .11101 nl!lljll"LJ1j Ork... ~ Iri ~fiI.:,,'m{'lI'k..t!

J!!.l h n"I n~ (lrl..,,,, 1I"k- .... "'r 11!".iI\ e M - r-LWHI,. wr o"!N' p1L't' Ly \, .. h.o ;'1\' ~·,It·ly tL~ II LI'II:' QPpvnmllh ~If j ..... ini I'IR .1 meb arises, II~ lure oi Ufl i~,I~j lL-ch ..... , fl.."nt:1Wn ;'IInl .h- 1'1'1, 11;\' fl:g;ht ,) ~"(III oICnul~j ~l"mL L5 " ~tI'!'i I~ I i'1I::l?i"lb~'" !.~ lA, pJ(II'W'l 't~r1i If! CAd.All\f;1oJl.:iI. ("'1""'1..J1I~, an Or~ "\.t..o "" III rik''~' 1.4' . '1 ouq illl .... -..,'1 r~h o~· f<lm~· ,1ml iIIJl"fu~' .)111"wl~~ ~t about ~,JU 1""[ 111J!i ,} tn;t~~~· hll~il of likor.. .... mi Ijlkd Ol~ 10' 1i!.111~1'I,.\' hi m.

~ f1Jb 1~;11 ",(I throtlWm .~k· [l1II)"t'''"\4)I.I''' ..... oL'Ii _\I ... L..!Lio1Ii.P..

I" .. d he ktb 1·I,r ... • ,Jrld i1fM e InIlJ~iri .... Jfl1!r resoort"'f.'tul

Or' loo inr; tIl some .j1,h~'n;1J:re'_ Tlu 'JX' .... II ~II.!II \ no 4.c~rt.!fiC' (If \ (II ul'1l('l:~ %'' of "".n,nm .l fl' d r,h""ll by the I-~mm.i~ (lit e .... ." _ (I~her-s "iml,Ly "·I~h. LII l ... :~n I.II~ 1Ik.·u hI;"" ..,,;1h .... )U'I~ lighliT!~ .nk:ll (!onq .... 11.,.,. ~ob \\iII pi~l out thJio 111. ..... i4u.,~ 1('1I11.,11~"'; Llp'pliot;""lt~. ~n1r;:'timl"" b'!.· H~I,.'I r .;:tPP'1'~ r,mllJ.'. (Id~"T ti mL .... ~ ... } ~j(!~~ 1llJ.!; th e m tu tl,loili1 ,;llJ\l'I1~~o.,.1 lh .... m .... 'h ..... for Ilwi r,i1Xl 'ilnt! 111\ th.:' rr.l,i;t Onn' I.I"Ie- mob I", .~II~M..-..:I i't mlt~~ l'rt'[!"IIre fur i~ ... 111"1 ~ 1,.l(1Il~'y int4' !ll1C \~ <t<~

A~t'" 'llg,h j.'xt"'IfIt.'L\' Loug.'h :ind .. rn'lns,.. ".'\' '11 thL' Orl .. of Gt: r .. 1m rl.l Ilt.",xt ("'l, .... "llh.ll ~ppli('"o.. II '" food .lind ,i r, me t"1l rhl~. U1l!'1i ~.u" I. ~lf,f." t." m Ihr- d~. h..t~ i~ I~ .1 j~)'l'l1lo!rJy "";00 1.1" I ">'..'i.!< ou t i i'l!I' d"1I!' wJ.'t!l~~ ~I{ilhl!u L some L..(i1.1 ~~f b';lL:~~IP plnn. fJout'e Lhl? v ... ht.~I~~ ,~I,' H~Jd~' ~(10 ~~ .... \1'I(h rurn;:+ .. ~;f !''"tr.l ~ uel ,~nd pkllt>' ('Ir ';'Llrr1tl"'o" ~~ ItI4~ <,("{o;. (IIt~ inkl Ilhe g_re.ili! b1.1" nd.

nWfi"..J t'l!' rn.li1~ i'lllfliLl reoi.l .. 4~! mobs ""!.".jll it'n.'J .hrouJ!:I-MI t I"~' Skid a nd IllI' ilL>,;j[by l!lWo,oj.'rt. E .. ((h h.h i L'<o own (11fL "'+11 ",. AI if. ba ..... "'d, 'i'~11 I h." Iii ... · tl( I~ "<r, I 1';;( I~p"'->,(t[lr I~ h'\l'"',

Rumeurs o't l;uJil;1i' ";(1'.1p \ 'I!.n'", miry "~I .... '.i h·horc- m~"h 1lI lip ,I ml m.II'I!' i,4i a 111.0[<' E~flimi5Jllg ~it" if i b. ~"'I~LIfi.F. 111 inC" L5 runni r1~t LIU~. Itt!? N,*, o;"'IL'lI1 ' ... 'm-j ... ni-=. ~~'~ Iyi!~f'o! ~'1I1 int{lo!he d~",","'j L 10 g;.:II!hrr "mf~ y",ft Il.lRU.1Y .. rn.i i!t~, .... 1 1'i~I~tLlnll~ ..lJ"I .. 1 .. 'h .. ~~ d~"·I~~, II IS ~ r.'t.11i~ "Iu~h .l~ L,'l...d)· to 'bril'l!: ~h~· mob i'l1lttl 'l'mLfhd ~1Jo'llh 11~'h('r", " ... th~·~ bt~1h h~".Ild f,~r ~h~' same P,Lii'h o[l~ desen ~Li~ II oJ..'1lCL1U f'ltt1'r~ ilw~'lt"N,~' €'nd I f'l OJ ng~tt o.f '-I;lfi1(' J.:i nLI.

()y ... 1rta'","~.1 ;:-,m.'rn.."ft' .:mdu1.""· ~ .. 4'III~'r Iii. ot>-- I ~h.:- ~ III .1 ',11111'. ~l I)'Y h the l-';'!!t'r: ,If Ihl" I( "I', Ihl:.'\··11 .. ,,,,.1'1 j,.1'!.'l·.!I chance IL~ tlL'1 then' m'.:n bL\C!o;:. ·l .. .I!lw\.l~h ik mllh·. oL,a '.rk~mmb..i \,'111 hilWih. fOlid ,a.nd "lInl'u._h .'i!lL h ,.I)kr lIPLI ~lt.-.d Ihe .".lp I"'JII ufttl\,"r I .... IIfN.-, , •• CIk-tny". Ill) rc iliuk r~ll .... nmitv, [Ii,li tl!", roo~hi .lr-", ~umrl~' !~ p.:irL III Urk lifL", ,)1"111 Ir ~hor. tt;li." h,I" .!I clever ; rLI'1o.; IL~ ~\'~' lh":-li'l .III~ .1d .. a.ntap;c-, 'MiL,11 ·Ihat;.:;. 11,.1 ~t Ii 1"01."- Ii 1111' ~ -nvrny ,C~ LI~tht .!I ~l"(ob eut Ibi ... ~I ,,~, ~ ill~t I""I~ ... ~ ~~ j lro tbel r 1h..bL k.~ n~"'!il flr.rIlC' .. __

J\\\ ,I ~ rrom'l'1i ~hl!' m~'b· .... n,lllJr!~1 ;.'tLkl':iLln(\'~ bI'l G.;r 41r M!'r L1,·l'Id to re~' t thiJ.!iI:l··.d~'~ ~ 1;l'rin~~inj!: 1'~'~"l'1 1ll4'M,' oj; lililki ~\1!ht.0L!l!J1 Ilk". have (~bl;. eliot· L .ii . .w ....... t (..:1 '..... .I00u1 "'h.d Gt.:>1'- .1 :II "1" L.. 1.,'Ji'~I1. (lrl." d I~ ~~rL1 r "n LlIl~ ,!j111'1~' natur,,1 II,dUrlaticl['j h~ jt1i n Ll}! WI~~ m. ~I, II! Ilbcr?-m~r'i4.1J<'(l ~\'""'Tri~!f""" G~"r ......... ;liI1!1 :-"jl~1 ~~'r.. ,1 r~' ",I '" ,l~'_' ').oC('n II ~ L '.JIl"oh ('.len ll!ht.~·" br.lllL~ (OU~ ("In("t' 1hn Ml,; .rut of l;!linl Dt \1,.1..""" Il ::-"'.a'LL1mU) (" ... I..t....,.... wil't 1m ..... rLl.lII~ \~'jll injl; h, Nsb otn"r (;.l1r'la,l""o, .in;J.j '~!Jllorl:!?~ .1111.: j~I"'1 .;I'. k.t.'I:'rl Li~ ~lJjh'~l:I.i~h~ ~ ItllJ:!~ ~(Joflo.;'i'". clth~'~ lllr "" 1111!.' d}(Jire 't;ll~ L..:f ...... ~.l;p ,n III"L t(1 ]ll"~1\'" '1,.\'00':; th ... ~ .. t.

( .... ,.:M. .. fnOb.;.. 101._1 ~n bot> JJKI'~ -nkl'\ .... • ..... In hc-.n tl"l" .~l'nl00r, 'Pigg.-r ,Ioi1J.i1.5 an .. i "',lIn' Bm" f,'r .hI,oir m~tl •. (~Ifkc~ look ~il I h(,iT v;'hl~'1 ... ~ iJ Iql\, 1lt :-;,~tIJm\h !nim "1)1,,' fight t('l' tl-w fl~).L w Lh!..')' ~l'l1d, i4! ~r..'I;,J ""tlwlr 1.',-( ~'" ~Wlj L'\I" Ii Ij)~" II ,.' i'ig. ·Jun~ lu"' Jl,;111~~"" ~JLl\lk·......." fIon Ih,.· ~~ hai!!ld, 100e (h;;if I>-Jb--:. bt.1~ ... Ir,1'1o..... .mJ t mlo;l~ 'I/111It. O'l rp.1o;.sion ,mIl ,,~'iII ~ ~l 'fit! i Ii,'rd! !~,jt(' ~mLfui:l.'1S. of t~.'. ~1Il ~~~Hi lii>i, ~~n1 "''I.Il~tl!'ln I ..... ·d.

'~lal:'"'~ JtJ~· (I J( .i~lfi"TJ"l'JI I' r",n"r G:1d ..... ' ..... \ b "", Gtt<rkL'l'"S l~ hrllr~II'ljl oCljWIJ'I\· l'lrftlrA:!!'f5 i5 CIliJtllP;_'( hd Jirllr .' ~

.\M-N:oiI l4r:.:rJ~ ..


~ NClb~ are th~ epitome of the Ork <pecies - I.:.rgo.:-, brutal ,j]JjJd] po:5R'Miinl:; .' si 11!:l1~"-mi I1d!l.,d d<'tL'rln'iit~'I;[IoJ~ 00lI!1 I~I"'L" nil lIi.ei'l!i"S, 1E1Ir!!1i')' meJob on G.orhllll1'O(Ll is led ~r ,Il ..... '.ob,. and jl is. 'Iih~ ind~l!iduJlI~ ,,~'ho "'~"'_11 Od:, ~ty n.!JUli:m.g ;loS S'lfl:Q('ltli!)' .;~ ]!>ll6f.~btL"_ Al:1. Otrk C.'l~~ borolll'li!' iI Nob In L1, ..... o l ..... a)'s: b~' d!!S'lin~~ or by :fi:?hti,n;il., 'SDrrtI!' QrI!;s, from the moment th~'}' ~"'!I1('iI'g'l· hi.1i11 ~ffi'1r 'rn-rotJn.. ,,~ li.l!I!1!J r-allJ' bl;gsl!lt, s.m~l r!i!'1' and ,,}I i!' !ClL~d up h'!J !:i)' thi!' a!~ter Orks, So:rru!~hin.p; in the Orks' !ii.oZ'n"'ti-c IIlJiloo-lJp IJ)ilk;rs t'h;rm Il"ol!;;l~'r" .;,of ~~hl·r Ovb,

~ .. "; .. "';.--:-" -. .. : -_ - ';.

- 'I .. f.... I

! .• :. ......... -.z , ,~,~,

.. - ...


Fi9W Ort.:;, tr.:t'l'dotll il1ih) 'I!)(!, ,dee!) (f.(!$efl ~111(!1 «IrurT'llliill'if! IIlI tl~ !J!I~'" ~!.!'iiCl i'~, fi'4lU Qrk$ <aJ1Id ~91li1il1 {h~ ,,1"(1' blJil 'Ihe .I~~ QiII'1! o1fiiigers; ~'or e jiljI"OS~li\!'e' I!xplo~ar_ F'II';!I~ oi al! It Is. eas.y to

~ gi!'11G$1 .aMI 'Wander ~ha was-'as. unb~ IjylSt ;fil'!ll! 1'ieIl1' YQU, rtI the depliil::: oll4 1he ~ert tlIeJE!' {!_rCl.fie.ep ~aJIfi!l; of '1Il1e, dwg~ whE'1'e tHJggles. or ~ke!l. ,sinK lIMKier lin an 1ru1i3m, ApparBnily sDiil!l _

~iUJ.s; of rook can fra[;lme and drop ~r.a,,, to their ilfeB1h!l. ln 6.UiJlE'rlraJ1ean m!ilE'-rDS, 1I"OW81iir;;g WiI1dsoclrTr\SI caJ'1 whip U1l' wi'lho!Jl: w>:1lTIin!jl 'IQ bury warriola ,moo their m;;oollitl!!_; (lI' ~'" iJIoti1iri up 1:0

be tom apiIIrt in lfu:aiir ~li'Iir'!g v(M;tiot.M,

NOOEiIJitdBss SDTi18 ~ry ,md.;1 f~ Pliiurl'!, ~!~h, 1'lOOIiI' 0'1' ~hlM1 have rooli'K:! ,i.Vlyw,lliB.m \\'!Wrlii'! ~ back'[Q.

[lays away to '1M, WEI:;" ~hrDL!gh Ih8 degrt 'ljritlritl' is a gJBa't:&BtI ~ i'!!_; s~Il!" i'lQl' IIi1!~Cir !Jt1J1 ~ moo el4i~r ~I) 1M t!;j)iiZQlll, TO' 'Ili'ie ~I;1lIIi'i(l} Iall2l5, ~ ~S(I~S; OI)i)1)l(:; Up, 'l'iQfI1Ill'1e ~r~

ogroo !'Ill! , ~ei'l ,I'I~ t)Qiling sea ~ t.IlM! I';;i~,.i!l. a row r~ Q1 \OO!efIflCleSo int\i.C1lI ~r. $l,ill).hl,lir ;;ind ,<I&Ii iMto In\:I' ~J.;i(I$ ilil ,;)i'!I uifi~fI"in~ 1Qi'TeFIt.

To ~h9 oor1h aOOI ELaIi~ !iitl'Q!'¢&1 r«q. 1P!!;);ifi!S .a~ S<l!t Il<il!!;, 'lOr!1'lin;),limg 'i11l ,1'11)1 ~ii1lg I'liIIs; whl!f'4!

lJ'!o ~ fieliE!~ ililJe., In 'Ihe '~utn ea81. tllle mother '0'1' ~~r!ll$ CifII1I be ISeI!JlI e'o'eA froon Mek'hJw!i'l, a IlII,J!liB Ii"!lIlB.1IIl1g cdtMnn IlM wind and! dusl a hundrEid

l11i1es :(I"(lr!l;!lS!I. Uf' I!I!iDl~!t Ail1ha tl!Uly giant wii"llbtQi'm~ ~ra, bGrilll her,a aMI v.1i1er1 'Iiilei~ 'twlstll1lg «iI~i1IS dIIJ'I¢e 8f'.l!!lB9. '1liI!:!' ,de!l!3r.1i, 'Iiile Orts ha,,,,>E'~o I!:iIB:iI'\I=i !!!'i'e.rytii1lng dowru !lght ,Bnd be ready to d,'!I1 'lliia IlJSiI!h' E!!j, 011'1 wh Ei nil':&. aJ I ov Ei r.

1-". -

As !hi!' O~k malll~l!'!-, hti:=. sJl..ijl1J:=' increases and hibC'JligcKfl t "ui~lj,nfc' to' bossing ~hu Orb ,'ro~ln01 ~I;i il cause It h) ,Srm'\' r£!~''''11 b1ss,er, Oihl!'l E\',obiZ :s!.ut cut ~ 00111£' of all i:kJj.'z but hi2:h:t their "~'ar to' ::"'LIlfl'l!rio:ri~)'!by winniniS 101"1 oIlt Ifj!l~~i ... ~dti'I1!:l I~,<"k:r ,~H~II 'b<.~r~ '~I'I't~lli.e. u~u~]I)' in that erder,

Nobz are (,lim- Olks '!,IIi Ih ~Ll,31 measures o~ 1;~~i~ll1. ,Q('l.!:'rminolilijon,. 'l"nll"J:gY cvnd oI,.'flll~l,gtiw II.lfl,l~','Ili~}' 1(1 t~l: thll'L$~ done, Thi!' Nob Ls ~ .... hat holds <11 111100 .~hN ilnd gi'0l.:'S it purpose, th;;:: Ork5 in i:1i moo '11iU (~l(111- th<'i r 1('IL'1;ie~ inlu t'hl,t fli1~' (I,lrlgtn'l~I:' H~fi£h~!i, ;li1,dI (i\f'I the mos! sulddal missions. ,1l11~t W~th01lI, 'qllLof?S.tion,

Al11bitiollB Nobz DJnSt.mtl~' soour ~'il4;.~ln~'n 'J\\",mi i:ill!:) tli~' Ork~ I'hl:\' liL"!I"tL I~l klli"l~1 a. :ibt~b~ 'BL'w...:. ~~ do Iht!, fi;ghl.iutg. Yoof5 to ~, up' the numbers ,{oo {itl ,i)111 I~· !;T!.iI1il'l1i n~ oIIR1~lml. ~1I'lI.'1il'h)m~l:- "'l;im·I"iL~ M(!~o;.,. <C.!IIlk>d Sp.c~IIlIIi!'r7~ ~O n:;.: thl:! W!~ld~ aad so IOfI_

A.n :\"ObiZ aspire to be the bi:il,st'l!:lt5 aeeund M~kl(n"'n. the IUI!I,'~ ;:,Ii th.~' IIth~'r Olrb ,bL~p oI'ILI,i; ~)f I:h~ w.!~' Lit Lll'1l I.hl:' ~t~J?L~, Thev di\!,)m L')Ij a(qL;I~i f'li2; .'11,1 the ' ..... I£'.f;lth and the p!:111;'_"'r tor i~."..,.,.d~'~ ..... ,~nd ~r'1I'rTlplili1t; th"i-r rivn b, irLl~) !hI:!' d I~t. SLI c AJl!'SS or lail U~' .dli'!lf'I!ltds.o11 11()'L,' 'Iuck~ .:lind cunning th c ":ob i~ i'in.u unti I .' m."~' i\:.:.'l' h.,~ ." fil.'ll; victorie .... ~)nd,'r hi:. h.,II' .,11 d~L!' Lldwr UL1"!L.... II ill, h" .. SLii1ll1il1S lo.r hirn,

OnOi! k~'5 proved h i~ .jJ'bilit~' Olk~ hill ("]Llnl\'ur t~~ jni 11 Ihl· ~1)'0e~i,,;l'll, :"011[" Impi 116- bl1 I:).d .! ~Iin! of tho!! Sku~' .!I(Ki rich iPid,;il1g~, OJ mLJT!<l' ~'~'t'l'} O,i-. in the moo i~ .'1 .... 1 looki;".,g (~~T ;JJ11 \~J~pl)rll)lIi'ly 1'111 IILI",i: I'lu" :"-,bb in t'I;.!~,! i!lti . d 'l.lM L'rtII't ..... 1 Lhi!'lnf;l?h~. This is the Oil". \ I, a~' and any ::"\:00 weak or toolish !!'.."n!.lugh L\f.l b(o (ll;~nnfDoWn h~' (1i11I." ot Ili~ (111'11 Ilt"Y'~ h.~~ m~ n',I~'li ~~, nIJ~II"'1LI~~, ~~L~hl I~ ri,Sht and nr,,1l11.118. ~I~ m~l'i'l(!I'$,

'If one oJ the Boy.? 'lhi nk::, h~·~ ~IT'\lflg '_'1TI\11Igh. h~ \i:il! "h;]II<'njj.~: 'ilU" i'<.41b ~r~ i1gh:I' fLlJ' 1h~ll ]!>l Il> I ti.o I', Befol'(: t'tl' makes the (Rrll~INII~i!', lhi!' oontendsr ~\;iH pu t on ~:dr'l wcigh~: and muscle .,'11..1 ,u('t"l.·lop !In ("V'l"1"! m l1l\l· oIIW,l;n:'x ... i'I'C' ;~I:ti ludL·, 5h1rp-I:'~'oI2d i"\.obo! 111.'1,11 IlL't1JCi!' !h.i~ <ll\d 8.~'1£' lilti!' Ll fP.'i~a~t a ~ kiciiflf!; Itclori!' hIl' ]iti!'ral'l~' g,-1;o. '"TfljJ b~ f'l"r ';0; boo'L~'" - II' ~hl" (ll"V('ill~f'!IiI."lIIt Il)f '!hi.· }'L1:utt,gi!'~ Ouk ;!:.;;)b II.lDllOLi.cL>(1. tho:!~ ,!,.,'In (! I (!i'ltIl.tJ 11~ !!:ho11l1€'[lI~ !L'hl.:' N"'l1;l tv ." pi I' tight, ()Il (_:.rrk"nmri.:;J tn.,>;!· :1'rtL" ]!lLI,bLi":: ~pt.>dad(!~. .f(;U)j;ht ~I' .... IL::. .l! Inc fl'l!.liI l'tf Gorkar1'lOrka ilS€'1 r. Thl" [1;005 will (k'('kk In._· II i'rlln ... r,

["'iI' J'i)'l,ht5 tilN' birut."l.:i~fai r;. .'-=' rfll~rny .' ..... fil.lUgl'lt \mly w;~h tl"l."Lh .,,,d d.,w<, ~~r 'I1M~'llI· "I I..I~i.f~' LI'r ~'li1L· knudd~'dus,1t~r::., Tn..c Lll.o 01::"::' \1 II] ~ p'f~rnl>il Ll p .flOr Lh~ fight III.1r do!!:,"s, ~'l .... 'n \'!"~'I..'k-. ill ~d",'n~I'j,", ~'I1d Hu" 1,.,nlL· Ina)' ]a~t a Ions t~ln,"" dl?JX"ldii Il.,::..on hov. 'I<~'dllit." ",I.opo.;'oli th", (\lm'!('n~kr h.,~ 1;k:'{'ln'~', ~~ i ~ 'l"l1nm~ml i;l1r dill.' I~;o:..,'r .Ii ,'~ pi L iA) ~ ki Ik'ti Lli i ~I\' ~\'~l~' lTIiIlLlk'd_

In ntMt Crk '«xi;:ti..:"5,. d ij"le~nli' NIJ'bz Ifill 001:'1 h'nd '~'i th ;(!.ith 04her to ibet:Om'l'It' Ik~, \"arl'>! ..,. ..... ~;md ~1'.'!Idm1;I ... , HCI\\'l1: ... .,.r. 00 (;Or1.arn(l1rl .. ~hc M~ h;I~""" n5eO to Uw posjtion LtS L~ 11iT111Tl<ln.cJ and lliLJ Nob.z mu~t t'l1n:5lt~1IIitl~' b,d Ht' each oth~1' in ~io,;pla)' Ibl!'ilt status and illl,"O!1 tho Combil'lt'l;i r.vith the ha .... h l'm"iWlili1l\L·ut and batHe ~~lr 'Lorklll1llQrl.l I"I!!:~, lIhis mi!'am~~ rhat CVI!'.f'I fell' Ork 5.ocieoL), GlI~ki1J(1orl.a ls .1 ~.J\;,~,W:, OJ l-Lh rLl,]t ~vor]dI ~,,·IK~· ~h(' 1ft, !?l:k ,\'i II b(' qLlic Jy kd li'i I and ,!!'aft'n_


Once iii Nob ha .. n.."('ru~too ~t1.0Llgh 01'1<.5 Co fllJ'm .. mob and ~r"f'I=dl 'lhi!' 1'='L",f 1~1o:!~ ... hl2'r to- affll~J vehicles 1(:1 ('~Irry d~1Il1, !l:w~' (',''liI set out ~lil~) I~· desert, Ii hig cro1.,'dI .of I\'II.'U, Bo:!-7., tr.llth·r'1, inqui IIH~' l;rcH:hjn,. Dj~, .... and .a ny1:M.'Id y else JII:'O'lJlld 1I t ~he time wi I. g,a~oo ~o Sl"il' ~t,.!.!' moo nit - .' tl"L ..... '5h():uhr"~ ;J1;i'I"ire, o.fIJ,~r.. _\'~·lli fl~ .a'bu~ or ~hR"o:1t5.. :io.l~tc' ~,ffl.'ii 11~ to do 1,\·I,lrl.: or join !hc"l~I, i f thr~' iil,rl!t I.uti:y.

GnU! IlLI t i nro 1l'Ii!' Skid I h..., mob \\ I n ~Mrt 1(~kjFi8- fur ;11 place to hLl.] ... up .j1T1d sL.H1 ~fI]ildiJ1g their fmil_ :::.t~aoching llJol ,j]' place tLlo d;lj'm can 00 ;)j 4J"!1g.f.."'rOU5 bu ..... inl~ and Ililt'n K"quiles IliL· m,tl;. to' !II'.lwl many ..::I.1JSi fl'!l.lm Mek!(I'IIHI_ UlN:-r m"*,,, lI'i la ~1Jl:ht the 11~wL"llm('r'5.a L i!\,l:f!ry (~pporLUI1111}, n,b.;:-I Crets \\'111 l:r,li I the mob klo:"ki ng ler an LJojpptlnunily to ~!~,~ I thci r sLuff lInd 'iilJl1dShrl(l1~ "mwI ,..,·tu Lit' r.Ji~j[_'J"'<, ah ... a~5- IIm,~,t(~ to sw t.'L"J 1 ~1~1 t of Uw 4JL.."'lI!'r~

I,; ndaunted ,1111,· nwh 'I. ... 'ill kJ?icl; ~m looki ni21 f~-,t ,J ri en vein Lrl ~'r"p ""hE'll? Lh~y ."'1'1 !I.,,;lat!li.!,h ~hl';r ~tron~old_ J hl,;'n;:' are 1i1.1J1...,l1'l-d:; of S1IJiLt. v~'i n~ \\ !he- ~1·n.."CkllJ¥' .Q~ 'Ili~· hul], hils 1",-"_'n btl ried in f .... w ~nd ... 11)' (,(!IloLu'rit..~ of. S~OJTIl5- or lUI\."('d f<l r bJ,olow .Iit!.!' :rurf.:J.<Ce by Ih: violence Ll1 ,l.e ill1p.Kt. A~ t] rnes sectl ..... li!-. Ilf whole :;hLflh' ,m.' uAco\'ereLi, ~h('ir t~ ... 'i~Lllil!i- corndors l&ldmg beneath Llw "i,snds to a fllrt~1 ne jn lUt1.jllLlncl .... I'I..."CI 1""k. ~,I!tl";~ veins are si rnply ooml'a~-N'd masses, ,;Ilm lUI idcn~ifiJ.ble "r,g!tlrneraliClEli nf mesal ~lhl!'.lll"d to;il.e!~,.

Fil"!ot ~h~~ rn,~b \\'i'IJ C'Oli!l!n,I('t crude hub"; i .... nrn ,jebl"il~ flIL.1 nd on the ::'url.Jn". This is, the mmt JX'Ii!Du.s !i~I1~' i!l1l a mob's L ,m.'1.:'r, and fl1.:mr unluckv Orl,...; have tou liLI th e rnselves ('a.'~gh~ ou L m- tl'w \~·i kr~rness ~\ .Idm UI.l ~hi.!'Uer .!I~ nigh! clOSll!S ul. s.:~ln .... mob:; han' ~ri"'llPpi!ared til IJ .... 1I.10lh!mus (knj;reJrl!'o tl; .. ~ lu rl in Lh~ 1~1~'_t,. whili!' ~')'thL·~ ha\'1i! h.:Jd hnrritiyin.~ i!'i'lL:Ullnl tt"lS tha~ han" k,tt ~hc!m .MOJ:i:' thoi'll'! sli!1:hLlr unhing;f_'d. '1-Icm"L'~'~r, if.all !¥'L~ ~(~ l~i.j1n the Oub wi! I <;t.a11 Lo dig hi<'nr,i!Jth Lhi!' ~u ri'olIl."\:' bI mot'!:! ~T'~I:tSorn-e- \J 111m..; th(,)' '_"'ill h.llLI~~ with tl-Ti!' Mt'b" whik 1..=i1'J;i!' m~'tal p~abL.'S <Iud ~lth(', US>i!(ul hi I", ~ ... m Lx- btl imt mn~o ;J 5impl~ 11' .. 11.

As thli! lil~~ ai,ll:S- and fi I,[I~ mo-:re- sn.lp.. i~ wi II add !Q. I.b. ddC'nc~ ,1IiL~ ~r.lde i Ls ~r.lp t~ Rlore u~'f~11 biu in \ kl.;~()\,'n. 1t1. (L ui~;,:' " 5hor1 hrlW 11, .... mob':; k~"" ~\'i 11 ~

,'i~iblc from ql.!lil;J~ <ill ,rnsMnoo, i(~ T1JStro .i!lnI;1 mNlIOO ....-d! of buticJ;:d plales .al~ m-is.fed girdm. nl.':111.!!:. trom lilt dunes. [ ... 1Ta spikes.. .a l11!I..odnanised gilt;;:-, 1,'1,'it'ld .. nd gat. powered sei'tI~"'''lbrJ~.and .orll 'I1fJr15 "" IDIhl'f g\lbbin ~ ac!dl'e"t~ on as thi!' Otk.~ pOO'Spi!r..

A]ltIH1~lgh the Oii'J,;. .. m".~7 [Jl)Jft'I f"r and wid;r nil lIwir search f1!lr mlJI:\:' ~I'ap.. It ill ilicir mll~~ '11-h1ch "";111 prn'Ioidt a s~i,:'.jld)· SQU rOe oi :inoorne .5l1d their ~t-111I UtilI ad.... i!I ba.'!lI~ ef op;:-rlitloill.s. i ii<'ri!' the .mOO·5 capth"-'; .m! put 110 '~'I;'OJk bj.. ~~, SI~~'J!'.h' .. k'i&"r.r OX up Ute' mcb't ht~ggi~ and bilo:l'i5 ;mdl the Orb jii,et\er,1 I)' reI.D.. ftn iI hoar!,1 dar"s dlggiu' and fis,hLin'. j'05L Inql'Ortanlly thr ~ofl ..:.ri1.'r:> some IPmtl"C:tion .a~in5t sanJ ~tDl1'R$,. l.'OCffiie:s, the ~Klnilllg ~dil' of dtIi:! h. in qJJI!, JtId thP haum~tl'd nigh-Is. CIf fh~ deserl.

Murne ft,AIDERS

Mufie ralder~, ,attach from II'N) most delblily and ~liIOOspitablJ3 ,fti'Oas arotRllMQll;tl!7Mt. TihIo!f IIJfk in ~1'i13 ~$ ;al"ld amomg~~ Ifiti lIrB3~ wi'!! WI 'My aJ!I!Ji r.aDJ';D I'aJ 8CR!!S!l. '1M d9sefts., a

Ji'tOrIl.a4C ~I!'i~. The r -. rs hate Olf!:$ BI1

U'I'! !)ridled pa !i$.klIIl !lJ:J"Id 8 ra OOI"lsbn Iiy 01'1 11'1 kIOk wt ID Dp,politi,lmiUo.s. to kllllllCm and des11'0)! IhW 'rorts_

~ I!J1lMltie raiders ill9 swift end frMImIess, I3M'1:IlEi)i OIL\i3n USB raliii'ICS and! o[Rer kla1~ 10 gem dIOsO tg, 1tl'8 0rI!ls :andl ~ilka I~ !JI'Ja.'",a~ The ~Jder.:;, 'WiD 1M'e.1 'Ibnl'! wilh ulll1B~ rel't.5 Bt'(I WNm9" te Ifide dcfwni Ifti::jf .su~ fOQ$ in III Wi3!i'11!1 I!Id !1ia'~ tw:Iste<.1 wEIman and s:I.'EIaIli

. M!I: tJy te II1!In 00wn ~ af rll.!de:1$ ~

.hey a,~r but Ih!t r rS ilre ,crelt'j ill Ihe

ways OIiIM desell ;!Iil'ICI SI3-9fTl 10 eJlllCil~ and II'iIItI dj~~tur with !he ~sn ~I,y Or a desi!rI

The My~ ~h8m!H!t'i'eS .;iffi!ljd'~ J:ieroone.i! !C~e@'LIl!!'M thal, are rI(Im'lilllly :5\\ial11~ ill raooe<tI robeS f:!M tM;;odg 10 1l'i'·1l'3 frDl'l1 l1'l(I Ilumii"ig hBa' 04' Ihe !S1J!R6. 'They ride 1I[1i011 welrd 1Na_f~1 bsIIIst!I Wl~ DOOgh, IiCBlij hda&:aOO fai'lg91:l jaws. Fi;;li®rs usa we.ppons that Si'(l QUiIe QlI~f1~ .rom 'l1i1e Itllu'lil:l; rIIkSY $IIIO(Itas. of 'l1"li ~ - long f1l9H!;I; ~ I'!iiI r,8'ZailSi 1Nhid'i rirEI boII:$ of I:N!JfIi1 iJiSj !lgb'1.


lX-1ore ~'OJj .!In" n:;totIy to p~iLy C,mt.ll1ilo.rlo:.a ~'I)LI nl['l.'\i to !'It.lrt oi1 moh, Till:? Gmhn1(d::<11 00i0; t'l;lntiTIIliS 5um....,~l1i models bCl mfl .... k;;:o 1",'1.'0 mobs il1dudililg BoY'~ 01I11~ "'Il''hides in the fo:rm ef hll H:~ and traks,

l1:te Ork I1lL"jI!'I~ lMI"~ been di!';,.igm-.r;! !.TO that Ih~y 0::011111 be .i'I~Soi!1IliI~k-d in. ,1 '·.;ui,d~ 4'!t 'IIIi"~'5 and .i'ltrl~l'l;l II-iilh di r.r(!H!~U' Weapo.its. FllnhN ~'afiar.'lI .. can be H!2<.lh:.o;:.1 b~' runills. .jiJ\ .... iI)' We.apolh . .;mel K'1pI<l..:illS Ilwl11 ""'i~h diffei'1~;nt types, r~'i. ~.ll,Jr mob gi("W~ in J1Cn""oi!i a[1A.1 ",,"'(~.,Uh ~''''u'U dolJ!:!t~ ""'.:ml tnadd r~~IIn.' \\-,1TTi.ors and \iL"hid'es. from thr: Omadel 1t."iI;g(·_


First deeide wh('~h('r you ~,,~nt \"1.111 r mob to bt· GI.lrkCf's or .._'torkei'5. LIlt'I' .. tM1 to ;(.h~lO;~! }"lU.! r &yz. A .... 1::1I1ing [nub- .::I1"",oII)'s. oonsl~b; ["f .j1 t least ~t.I[~ II-01uiors. plLI::' a n~h.i;:]1? h) 4; .. 1 nry IDem. TCI ~t,!rt _\"Cll!llr mob, n'~l'r ~CI' i1he Mob FOI ~-ml n.' li..,t 00 page- 2<3_ 1 ht' li5t lI!).plaLIi~, h~\' Il:'Iuch it costs Ito h Ire ;m~1 equ i:p you r nO! l!:t. To boe~imli \~ i 111 ~'!Ju halo!:! .1 tll~,'! of 100 r,i!Ii!~ bn spend hirili1l,fl ;\'1 III r moo,

~ af!::' fh'~' t~'[IX"S of Ol'k \1":1 rrior that can Ix- hi red in y~lUT mob, IJ,I!' _'.II~, I:loyz. SpalfLl'L'r.r, ~il\'C"rz .,] nd Y(MJ€~, 'bhu (;In alse buv t ,.m~,. - G~t(hb, ~].H·~"S - iUhouSh these ,\n- of Ii mibed 1'.11 Ut' unti I your mob i~ l'5t.1bl~5hedl. ln add iliL'lIli ~h,'I'{' "[I<' thF€'ll!" t,1 ~'~ fit vehicle: buSt;i("I; CoIIl;o .k1~Lrn .. n ;Jo,; truklks.}.. 1 r.Jk~ nnd biko.."!i.


~'CiUF mob 1i1ll~t be led tJ..~ a :".(,1;1. This. model reprcscrns ~hr.:- pla~'1?1 h~nl-..;;:olf in his gLII~! ~ .. ill 111i:o::.hry It'lIu;;:or of Orl.: ... r\ rnob O(·ill' unlv hiW-e 00'Ie- ~\!Llb. 141 1;t.1 ~ with, if i ~ ~ugJ.1i~I~'LI th,,1 you CIKi'll'S<! Lllt4," ",r the O1'k Imiolkl~ from I Ill' c:..;orL1Jb1.for 1.;,,1. ~IM(' .j1S )'oUt \I [Io,'h.


(h I-. Rn~'" are Orolr'l.)l~· IJ'l,b warners, 8.nF can 'he fOLJ I,[n and Iln~d i 11 the bazaar II' :\h·k;~o<1.\'n. lb.c· baN, o1Inf.'l p1\.~~~ mtlll:"h iIIn~ I, hl?rL~ (JlI"k;~ gJlther. f:lLl'Y .... ,~I'I!:' na~lIr<ll \\",,1 rri4.1r<. and II.JHknord li~tl?r~ who- tortn the bulk ~lf "lH mobs. Tho<' mMd~ ill Iho: c..;N1..1AKlirb h,n:. I\:pfl?S4!"flt Boy,,_


5paJill"!~rz (or Spannl"ol"' 60. 2) ;ln' dtose 11JCk.)' (_)r~ who have", mll;l!:ur.alll:.alei1t 1~-nilh;gu1lS,. bug:gj!3 and ... m~ bit!l in gerteral. "'~ ~ho?"y set LIPdI,.'I' 1JMlrS.I. Sp'II1.11~1Z .are .ur-lllli"ll b;'J.otk to,J't~WII tiu kam Jllil;w ,ilooul Jfek~' .Md '1,{Ork tf(il~ ihe ~~ '111h ,11. 't1'e- Lo t"lo'I,_'fItiWl,. OO:omill;8 ~~d]~·Al?dged M~'ks dM!m:iI!'l\·t"",, En~ilI thoolJ,gh .hL'Y illr!? wCltl:ing pren)' III1!Jth 00 ir"tind al~ll'l('. Spanner.. tan usuall)' ~r.~p bu8t,i.i4.~ lI:raks .mrl bi~ \\"oorki11lg !f!\'~'n out :in !~e \~-oiIStes. 11,; ... m~ 5.pJnncr.z ~Ifil" viMJ for n'l(I~,. and hMjo [';:1;11 ,gcn!Niill)' 4'~m mot\! ~ ii' fh~ jt.1b 1JX!ft!'-


SI .... 1I'('rz <IN' at\;...;; I~D have- iI 1I1';,jlo;rucl:. fm 4;";"1td1i.n::; o!lI~ tr'lIrli~~ (;ro1S and [)iggas. M·O!i.l Orb Irl H~' p.l1~ <Ind. ,agi!ut_'tl to .folX'f! G~l> ilirou,gh !hr.;~ paces and tum them im1.o ~1'"4)mIt1whi Ie .. kill en'r, saa\'4:!r~ kl\"~ all ~hili stuff - cafehjllg the Grots ~~<tw" they d(1 i1l1Jj\i"It't 'e.<loM,'~ them s:irnpl't! tindol'S ln e.IU"InOli!ilgE! (or 'kM:f!Ii!, .tiId t{,1jnin,g ~11J tl1 ~ca~\env (til f!J'llld and S(T<1:P, ~~~IJM..11J' 'Slilvl;r7y Olh 'Woul~J ~pcmd m~t. of their ILII'IL' '.j]thrrnl~ ;cheeky Gruts i:nst~d ('If ftghmmg II!""Mlrn ,!':Ii:her li:k1" (j;OO.; (or Mori;.~ iL1~eli[k-d,


l:oof~ 01111.' :l'oonS itl~~loI.'1i ... need Orlq;. 'irbunS ()d~ hatch from (CJC(i'I"'n~ in !he 'Ii\'i(id;:~ .:!I1~r;l im! dr.ll"'·" leo M{'I-.;'own \\ hi!'"n:o th~ quleHy find "..'oft( .. 8rcallSe' or .. Jllhl!'nt many of •. ~ir ",b:iJities r.alh..;,,[ than deu'krp thetn .... ,'ilh e~ perience, ~,~ ,1Jo-eo M~ '101"('1)" d]ff~!"fiI' i:n ilPJli"ali" ann' Q( <!bilit I I!ci ~, Ho~ .... e~;.er:. U1e)' an ltoI~n to make a starll. so '~hr:y are dhii!'3p;'r to hire ~hal1 &~ 1.,. bll' less (!,Jjp.:!lblr: i~ a tlS]'!" ~"t.1 'I'OOIrI!' lilan h!!'u a mob ("om be rna de !!liP' nf 'f(001~ At a ~nch dN! medels ln Ihr Gorl;lBt-orkil OO); (" .... n !be- wed It!' ~resenj 'iooIs 'br polintll'i5 th{'11ll a ~ighler 'h~dc or SJft'~ Cooo &"~ d~ as ~ Si£!t !lJ1,ur:rt


C.n.lIi~ ,11'1:' GreimI-!, - ' s lI\illi ~~\;,tjrmed shn...; ~"OO 00 much (If tihl.!l.' t-ctdtins al~ C.m}'ln;s Iii Ork !ilk"'kl}' bul \·t'ry littL'e fighb'~' \HML:lgh a mob ean indl!!doZ' iGh r~~m the sUn!, \\'-\:' recDll1rne:ilI~ playel'!i 8,1.-" 1U-sOO !U fii;hhll1.g ~~'i th the-jr OIl:!! befL11'1":! bY)'in,g <iFI)' trots.. Many Gn')(l!> mOOr:ls. .are aovaiJ.j1blc- in lhe OitudoF] r.ail;tj\'.

'lI~fMJ'~1 ~ i!l mob ~e-r>eL and .1 OOW ~er sheet 1:0 wri I'~' (r.:J~I;n 1,,-1..; 0' yOUl mcib. A .cC!Up'~1!' lit !JIJi'lI>! !t'..s.b"r ~"'n'ts can IOC ~ound in the Ikacl :elis FUBL Ie.lfld. C[~py ell phoCuoop)' ,15 millil)' ~Ls .!I!'. _'I'LiU ileed. YJ; ll1:.t )'tit! can k~p' ill ru'!aL 01100 ~ruJil~e- rnoordl of f.ou:r' IUI~~1;. n .. it..:b.:'!l~ from ,..1]11,;' ~O' game,

WhM )'C!U !lan.'li! oCh~'mI;.'I1o F'II r mob,

!~I«' i! mob roster sheet and ""'lI'i l1!, ... 1~~~I·ll the di!'l<JIL~ of \'Ilani~lr, i'11k' '5'pOCCS p'J(i\·idt!d. H'~ ;u gct.'M'II;1 idea 10 ",'o.'k: ouL yoo.r moo rm .' poil"(,(' of :scrap p.l~'1:' llr.t •• , .... roo wi II ~neviILab])r nilile h~ ,I[I i"~1 \\'uri 015 JiI'ld \I!?!Ir:-o:I1r)' Illmdil:'r i'IIJgl1''CI~ w the perR"liU,,"'l1 un ~'('f. U YUIl hiI",-e dJ!1)' teef (.en e ... ·I!'r ;lIfb~T rlJli.~ ha ... -c hi red ~ our mob. IhM ill'I<)" l':q{"IS i!5 K't~i~dl and n('"I"I~'l1. dLlwm, ~n thor ix~ m~cdl T~fHo.ard'.


Du~I~ ~l1t' 'II'im.~..Q vehicles andl are 'Io'.uiousLy do?SCliil±lL>d ilii "bt~ggi~'~' I){ "rru 'i;I;,;prnding on th~if :SJll!' end e JJ r)IJi'I.tJi !C3ji1"a(Qly. Most rnoti:t:; 1t.m off ..... lith one Of two bu:ggie-; tv 1'rii.J~1! ~hllUl' in,

Traks IQI"t' trncks ... stands to reason, dceti't m OtM~'r~~'i~' traks <Ireo;irnir.r in 0','~;iJ1J des.ign to bUUi4.'S. 11li!' bill .II111.!l.l9" II.Ir .' trak i~ i'~ abili!y Lo mo~'t' Q\rer MLI,stl l.:rr.,i nand nrbble (plml)' of 'Lhat roLl.I~~3 Me.Uo\In) but th~}' are ~krn;C"r ilhilln



Orlo.. bikes ofleJTllhave a \\·hl"'\·1 iI nd <I tr"rk.. Thl."}' are smaller tl!noJ Le~ .. 'Stabk! Ih.ln ~~, tit" t~ ... h 1;;1.:)', b)' ~lork.are mey last!

MOS " 8U. "':GI.'

- _ .... Y


Ttte- rosrer iF'['m·it.I,'~ ~ l'\:'"i[)[IOO c,r ~'()ur 111111;10 and iL<; 1'I'!hi("I(";" and it is. u~Jul b~l kl"t'p il beside \~!LI .lI~ vnu pl'~r. [luuhlg a battle I L J~ I\'"uth !lThlkin;!!. 'nv~~ 4"1' ,I "=.('pt!laLeo sb~t, 'I~l record in.c.i(k'ul • .J d 1·1.,il ~ such ,b ~!~.pltldi ng 1\"(!'o;Ij!)Dns, ~i \'Ii1,llIIno;.l~. l~po.:-rll:·.IK'" L'I<llI1,'Ii and LheM.!!.

'11'01) ~~'i 11 need !o- 1->1,'8 )"IILlr rIIwb .' name, aad .!II~) J~~ In~.' .Jill ~ ou r ",,' .. rriON. \"'or leave It 10 ~"Lr1J !l! i nvcrn suitable names, ~ .Qu'Li fInd mi!in~,' exam pl .... ~ ~llwu,f!:m.{)ut Cl1rk"l1iIorka <15- ~~ clU 8~ 4,'l'lunpJf('h(,f1~i\-oi! n(1<1~·!'. 011 Ork names Irl, !n4." l'~k of this book,

......... Ir mob'e "clJjcl'e!; are recorded ~~rl the hock of the f!l(!,b lf05b:!r ~I!'O'L Wh .. ", you chOOS(" )'001' ilt!h kk ~)r lIo,:'hrd<.'S" note donwluJU ll'll!' ~tiliL'iII' [tl1 ... ils in the ,1\C"1!?1'.lll! l .... IXL~ 1!I1 t~, sh~~

Bl:r~re }'1fru if.~~ si:.1r~ p!ltlyif~ CIo'l'J~t..~ m-orkJ~ )'..:n1 mx'(~ ~!I} ~ )'OOF mob,

~ 1IJlIIJIdcl.; in ,this ·ro ... !iJI' e :!-~I l"ii1I"I'iIR,h Gill...., rllr th1' ~t.ifti·JW;g 1ILffi'r... l'1~l!'r Lin )'IJ~I ·L",lli !~"'rni~ mL!F~' Bcy~ .j'I~K1 'Ht.u ~o YOllr fl"-"po:1-"li,'l'r b)' ~~11111l111 bl$il:~r .t'i~I.ll!1. fhl' ~5 Lhi'lll ..... -lves iht,n,~' ~1'1 ,'!, ...... i~oo ';1,1 dlJ.L ~"([IU ("o"'In ~'jj) 1Ihm~ In dlUie-renl "."..01,," ~'<' n:'I~n":"'"i'l1 oi;l,ltlt'n'ill wdnilJ~, l1iiL' Wt'.fIpJrl;;' ·d1OS('n hfJ' \ ou r '~.1i'1OI().(S <ind \'i!.'ti'i,icll~ ml!,li~t ~. d~PlCil('d loin lh~ rnood~ 1J!:'I.,,!l !1'1I roplll,..;ent lfk.m_ rJ:i.t. ("t.wp:tiL"lil!ii .UIl' L~I~ il'\. h\1'hirtl )"!OtUI ;;:--,m ·~U"W t!f!.." lud:q'o,IIIT'L!:ol'll..:· dllthlrifi OF il"):'<ldll' <II M~t, ()b\'i~1U~~'~ if.., I'H,II 'j,o,'m~il ~Llll.!.ld~rm.t'O i~ IW y~.oJ;i lih' !I~ .1ITm )'ou.r ~"'.:l rrlers bI'tLHtI!' as6('mh1.11S the ii1ooel-s, !'r by)1ng,~'~

A ... .;'iilJ r£!:..ampl!.' i,",~ h;)~'~· im:ILi,d~~,1 n ..... I]!P.1 i~"r' ~wr~ I"Li~ "WI' have a\.'~ It'd! - D~ 1W'IJ~5 an~1 n.ll 5!lid;o,

TI'!I.:- t~I~'II~;';' li""r i ... llI~d ~1lI' 1~1r!.." rOll F ~1"1!!L.J.l m(l>'tl\ I,,) 5t~'rt ~'oo h.w~· ·~oo !1?iC'1 ~\'i~h 'i-'I.,niC"3, Y"'U m~l..,t n~I'Li II .~I k'i1t~L (hOC(' OIls ind~!L:I-In,g <Ii NIII'I", plus [lfliL' or m(J.;'k" ';"~I"if"'; "Ill'!. !O~I ffi.n .. '1\\ Colpo;K"iLy 101 .I["~ your ·;mlire ·l1Ulb. Ail)' hi'\'f Il!'fL !..Lfi~f,i\.';Ilt ean I;!t.. ,~Idt:'>i.j tJ.) }'Vuj

"It ..... r hoard end 'Used

llakl \'j,·b:\[i ~"'l>i,1 il).~t 1'__·oppo!1m! I!f-



There ~IR' .. I:.. dm('~L·Il~ kind ~ I~r m('lb~1.if~: Nob". Sp\)i"i1~""'" :lioI.l\"{'I"7. 8ulo ~~ Yoo':; .. I'!d Gr04 ...

Minimum . .3, W~rnmS, A. !T\'I.lh I~I"!.I~~ h,1Vl1' ,~~ i!l!~t J Orlo. w.,nIGrS- im:lLJdmj; ~I'" '\4"[..

No'lli. You F mrt- mu~ij' ilfl~]~ .11 ~liti:s.l!£':\" 11.1' iYloiJoi\:'

,;II1,oJ,~ n ~ less,

:S~~i"i·mr.i' B6'Y', (~n .sp;UIiFil;."r ..... filllr ' ... hl,W~).. Y.ol,! r Ili"lJ!b 1I1"~L in" rulifll" 01}('" ~iilDL'f" 101' ... 'oKh \'l'lmL...o, !h~·I,.;!'II ~I

~'".i!a"clZ- Ym! r limb ~.:'!)' Il1du-rl~' .,~ mall~' "51.w!!~ . ..!. Il"S ~'lm co'In.lflt)'fd.

'fi!;n,rz, Ymlr' lfI'i~ib m.l} i~IIiH.lI:'",~ m.m_l· 80.') I .1~ ~.,I'!I (,,1f1j .:'I1l~J;l.

Y,QOi~ y'j/luJ mob 1V'!IIi ~l!1Id!d(il;;;, '!I~I ~ up w...,. mi!l).i mum, if h.,u oUr lli..>·lor.,]~ mumb.." I~.f {'h~'i. In rllwo· .. 1iOb.

GI'!1iIB. Ii \~~U have .m>' SI.!WeT7;.. "Nj~ mot. 1'il,.1\, .11ltC1 L1~h· GfMo, 1~1\,\L.""""(,1 i i; nl.Ji>' Mit i !11:Jud(' rn~'!V c'rot~ rhan (l,il.. .....

!i:!·!.!I~Lil"S, TrThiO;!; .and Ink1!&, YO~Mr mob COin tncludc i~I'IL· ", .. ,kkk' LloJ' 1L!Ifl! to 1''hIl"!C'i:' blm for q'Kh 5~nlkr I}[l).'. 'i(!il,l mu~J 1.['j(ludt'·I·liPtl~ 'I,,""_+'i:cl~ ro ;('.1:n~; .:III {oj thJ;. Iru"I'I..lI


'1', I' '1~



C~ll~ R'CI1I!]~; 12 llN'f ,.Ire ~i InJ)I¥ .~ tri~~ hardess Olll:!;. around. ~) (!tJWr Oi~ n.a!UNlIy !oak IL'); i~il!'ln ~w 1L .. ,dt"T-:;rnp, ~r arc ~~red! 1:0 ItIE' pmud <I nd a~ro.s.:!ll~~, iniilktiTlg pUr'lbl'lnlEilit oBll a:'~ibn,;ly \\-hO' mt"('k:;, tthlmli or i2jel::!; O!!.l~ L"If lil\lF, An bill Ilbe dimllrf'lI!sL ark..:;, 3!\~ire tL~ be 'l\IoIbz ~ 4~~. ~, Nob-.: .,11'1111)'5 have to be ready ~(tI fIght III( ma 1~8es, ~b ,!heir ~~i4.ln "'''' 14.'~t;I('r,

A ld



We.ap'U1.s: You esn anll'l r"ll,l r N~ ~~'i th W€,.1pci116 iIInd! cqulpD\ll!n~ ffrorm, ~ H-aatld-lo-:E-h~lIfLd i"'~"'J:II;'1I1I!1,. c:.;1.lRZ, AIlfI'MJr1Jr. .t!Il:'Idi 'S~Iu.h[ln'b~ lists.

'wden.hlp. Yoo~ Ieadi;!1i' (mly ibt.:-ooml"S iii fuU)' nOOR-ed

'db OII,('I? hI!' has. WDn a battle, Hl~ Lt>:l4JL"rshi r thi:'n rises rt) 3 ,lItiJ1fll'l1l1 it;H'lUy Urttil hi:' ID!xo:rnes III Nob )'OO~ '1!MI,d~r can.noL atte:mp! 10 buy Ikll!sfCNYl jfl~~ .II~, 11w M('l.5 refuse 10 drill with S[lrncolllit' 0It such 101.\' status, OJ'ICl! tile i~ ,I :..!OO oIIher 0I'ks: mal!cl!' W3It (ill hlim ill 11-.4.· "'I'I"C'('~ and don'IL j2iDb (In I1im 50 mum.


(.DS-IlLo recrui~ is I.ed

Spa.rmr~ have got whal !h.:! Otk.s. tl!'nn "L::rIl1l'r.\\TI.,1t:5' - !hey :kJllIm' ",ha~·. ,,,.rtI'1'.g II'nr:n trungs don't ,,'wid mllhoum Ih!!' Ii:Dlt5ummale L,l!ICh nical s~ i 115- 0'1 the Sift!, l'f7., <Ii mob in tthc- desert h 'ou ld 5O(l(i1I i!':i'ld up' l5S " plle of.' breJdtl~ "bc,.te.

SPAN NlE R 4 j, ~ ::: 4 'L ,2, 7

'Mte.ilpoM:: Yau caa o'Irot~ )'i1J!l,Jr SiJI~nll1lr:r ~)'7. with W!:!"cl!J'l!ft5 and equipment from U~I!' .~~.I r"nd Mle.ll~. VtU'I_h;, . moor and Stikkboolru. Lis-Is.

SptQ.ilI'. r!.ll~h $pll.nm."T in )'Our mob ,allo~% )'00 1.0 buy OM 'oIehKle ,Dr IlIP iI.o lniI'L'E! 1b1:kiL~.


Clll5t !D recruil: ,6 !e@f

51i1il{lt'rz c.a!c.h and 1J'.tIjlll slaves (Grel!!'> .IIlidl )~Uoll5) for the (:irk~. • t is om ,IIKimt occu pa Ii 0 I!1J,. 1I!l1J ch 31 P'J-" i"!!-tI at be1:i ~ r}' !he of.her iillL1:!!, ,,·h.o ,eallf t be: IJ'I)~h{,rt'l;l with it,


<I :3 1 3 . .:Ii t :2,

Weapons-: ¥ou ['an ;;trlTTl ymrr Sla\'r<'rz with \\'€iJiIft-'ii'l!. a[)di ("qlll~pment from Ihi!' H2I1f!.d-I[Io· H;Jng I,!,.'r<'apo ns, Gunz,. Sl a ... LA rx' S.llf(. AImlCiUT and StikkoornbL ~Isis .

S[p!bCiaiL: Sla ... er.o: .t!I~ h~'g'hl]! '1d!:"p~ !ill dealing ,,'bt.h :!Irii~ oUr Rull'ltz .15. 000, ofhm iQ'J111 thh e--IJII , ~~I;:kl,lin,g, a :5I',nrer in ~.ou r lilLlh a.1mII\\·S ytlill to lilke- G~ as del1lilled L1;I!ml-. If ~1"J!.lU have a Sla\'e~ )'Clnl t:"~11 "I:>JfJ 1fo0C€! eaptured models fn,IUl r~hl"J mobs 1:0 I.\aJ:!our In 'the 111'10'1"::. !'oCrOlIP mine to ea m e:dt'Oi b~f (~.'I," ~h,c Income sectlen taler Clii).



:2: 1. 7

"~apol'l's': 'I'ou ['1m urn rom ltIoyz with Wi!'.!Ipt:rflS. arul ~'~I'!.lilP'mr.'flt bURl the Hllnd-ro-Hall[1 \. 4."J~n!l, (;Uil\Z, A~lnour atm' S1iU.'bomb-z lisss,


Ci'till ,t!(lI'l"r[n.llL~ ,} tN:~

'!J!31[1b1og 'CI~.~~ h;:Jm·'f1~l~ .• md IUII!r:elilllbl:e-, Yoc&. ~(trIl~IICU 1!IJp' fast aoo 'SOCii'll di!"i.~J0f' il:'l1~, lully.fl("("'d IkJ]!Z,

M l-'!IS BS S T W

A Ld

.J! 2 :2 1 3(.1)

i 1. -;

Wea po ns: 'too can arm ~ou:r YLKtf~ \\·~th \\·r.:-OIPfJrB and! ':''qlJiE~m'I.·;nt from the Hand-te-Hand ~\~iilfXlill~, C;~m)'", Armcue and SHllbt,lrml_,~ Li~L'S.

TIJOg.lll!L~: Yoor5- qu.ickLy hardl!ll'l UIJ m ti~b!' h;]Jrm desert oollditIOr'l~. l~loo3pt.-d <tloo.g by a diet of I'i?'SLJ'I.lI~ fj~ltiTl,I:l' When l'OO~5 have S.:!IlrlL~ i'm!!.l'~I:sh i:''''lX'n;:once to become iIi)lly Ik-dgcd Ikryz (5i!'ri!!ne hpt"!tloeilt'X! ~'ti.4m I.,t-l"r)d~.!y samii +1. hi +ln .. ir Tt!!l;!glhlllCSS in adodiliolli to ihl!'lll' m"tllnil;11 ad~'anrN!. fL Is ~"h'>iblL" th;]t ;I Yoof ,j)'Krrndi n~ to join .hoe m30')?: might rnallla~e to ~ach iuui!)hm's... 5- "Illis ]0; pe-lrectl~! OK lind t~J;l: Ywf i.-- ql'M.ion will ~a~i1 ::;'_i'Ii!'.!It n.~I;I4,.'("t for hi abiljty 113 cfl!II:!.h cans

mil his. IlLc'il;t;! ;m~1 consume prordi,gtDI!I5 qUilinlitl1?S of

f~ur'li!j.'.J~ l;H."rl'(,

.11 . .


u-...t ICI rr(!r'y-L; 2: ~"'i'

r.1~ dR' ~!"I!.:Jk)' ;;il'ldl Clllllf'ilm~ so !iw~' 11~.:J;l'l!' LI'{~'tLII ""I!IJ\!t. ,1I:'1d ".('.~~'I!~€,f!i, tm Ork mob~ (t'ilid thr.::.""~" ~h!.!" (IfI.i.), IR2S, ~~'bo ean oc,I;tq,II!C'd i nro ~f·:ht~i!'!' .;In: ~',>Ul )!II~·.

,",,'ltlpO'lJ" l"odI!.! (';iltlJ 3il'ffi ~"!iJIl!Ir Grots ~.:id~ "'I-.!I~n ... ~F\~n ~ I-Lkl"lIi"t&-til..lndi Wir,llJl"!"Il~' .mrl C.m ... II~~~

SPfii~n: Gmt ... !tom bi:! [pi nm.\:I by m,'M 1~~I~(1i. <i~ ,dd,lll~'I,1 In Iht., rukOOt .

~I~ I'll't'~ IIrnwm 00 Cofiirk.ilIT1~rk.!i ~~'I ~hoo~ ~\,hecl~ (~j.f It~\ P dL~ ~ ".~ ~'ifiU ~ .. : ~ 00,.... \!1.1I1!.:.,eIs th.lI I ..... trcrr"-"fi'lbt'o~ ,lh.--rl roo need l'nou~.h '!I'I'~IIIo\'~"" ~o (OIIB1'~' ~'~I'LiIJ ~\'11IIIk! moo,

TltL.'X!I{ 't"ir EM.:pG'fu' , •••• _ . , •• - - - • • • ~(Io I ·,f

TRAK , •• , • " , ..... __ • • . .. ••• _ _ ~:;, T ..

WARI:!lIi(E .". __ .. _............ , .. iO T~~I'

l..,jell w,iJlTior )fOUl rocplll, ~J i1I be :mllCdi ~11,'ill; m'li!' 'IX I'f'IlliR! 01 1M ~\·L..spcrm: h!:o.!1iI ~"'r dilL· P.lJ!P s.:~Hllil· \\'ar,r1[11'" .Ire ~00Ii'd in hNI :~ ... !.l'J ~'c,af'!'P'i .tl!.·) can I!:>o.~ .:I! 1'I~~"d 'Wlth,. (,iu(:~ ,".In OI1J~i 1!Ic~' h,'!),-lh:.:md 1'Ia~.l~ .'iHd S IJIIZ I1.w IY.O i'['] p.l~_

An ifttIiVldll!:l!~ i ...... uri.or ('.1111 ~llll~ carry 1I p t,[1 IW(1< :j!;II'IV, A 1'Io.,,1"Iic!r (,.J.n .J.h.o c:amy ~liy n!.1]p.'bt-.r ~-4 kt-liItL-to-h.~ flId 'I'I .. ~~ aI1d ~. i-\U "~f'OiK It,UUL>d, mu~i h_,. ~hail'lTl 0111 Ih~' :rJWi1M '~I~ ,Jrid r..,r d...... p.-u~"" Itf h.J1"!d.h'rmJ.ilt;I L"lI:!1'I1bat ir~ :bSum,..g lhi!it iii ~~'~lnri41' i~ .'IdI'Ied lonlh IIh.: 'WiN!p![I~~ h~""!l- ~ldlllR. un 11i''''~ the .(I\'1,I'iIFi:!ji pLl].w dAi.!J\"5 Q{1'ie!il!,\1~ ~11Il'li!' 'Sla.d: ot tn.r rom!;lo.;Jl.


\\1!EAJ'ONS, ON Vm,nCL~

Jl bi~ ",m (".!iJ1I t:ift1r 1>\. fi1Gl.!Ill~i .>iIfI a veh:itll'io ,b,..l ~'tOO Wl"'~lil; ~l€j(t whi~h ... ~L'i:I(' !~).Irb, the ""'<'1 p!l!l~ 00 "'~'hq'!'ii ~1'J];ltl ~)IJ'I,' i~, Rq'nll·li~i.;.:r ~IJ' ~-.ld ~h~' cost !I.lf tl'l" Ibi~ g~II'I to the 'II,'n i;;:11,!' [:.!I~f) ill,J.1: AI_ N.ol;e' 'i.hrll~ ,J , ..... .flIIc1e ~.'ft IliLly 'I!'!.~f 1I\a~\L' ,I "'1118le' fl1L(\ti \\ l~pn11l ffi;UllJfiltoo on Lt. IlJl~ ... M(" tar It!JI.~ 'lI":hLh ci:!l:!Jl' !,). h..i~ e a big ;gun moo:n~~..J ('In theme

1'1owli''I;'l'l:o ilhINI! {If h.1"ilill~ ,I Ibi~ I!;ll.Iin. ,,11'1)' ¥t'lti;;:l~ .eJil'l li.:!l'L';;O Lml1 g~IJ~!. lLI,Ik!l:'I.~ lo&,~~h0r J;~ " rl:wd ~1'l',ltK)lll. I1J:oth :Ij!i!..l.1'i}, mllJl~{1 Dr,:; ,pI Itw ~mt:" tH'II.~ aoo .11\' p.aid ~or ~ "'11~"y ()nn.. <oil ~~~r ,1<11 Sun, ill\'" mn'utl'Lo. .... _iP; .5,,, .1 fl ~~'t,1 W~'Cbrlnl~ th~')' ,:111'1' lrL'lak"t.i ':h ,I. ~1~1(' ~".t'.!IlX'n 11M ill'l1lI!lW mll~ ku ~tt~lhl-<.i n' <ll\d .'\'!!r~'~'h.nJJ; else, h'L'u 1 ill'!!o.l'll ~LlTL'" u .... 'c! J ... .j] ii-';l":! \~ \"~lJ.".ln (\I1LI'I1t ,,~ oJ! I1l.1rl~~,ll \~ .. ".lf"J'n ~,! iha'l j,1P'<'. l'Il~, i\,~~h .18 .Ridltw.1"I.JI1 ~'l.aiMd FL~' ~Ini'. Foof mol.lri.' lI,flllml.lliol'lfl, "l~ IIhor 11'!IiI.'III 'WIMp;ifl, rule .... I,[1 thlo! \'~'hil·k ... Sh(lJl:~tinl>': ~Io?lioo of 11\., itDui;.;.

InJ~ I VElR5 AN 0' GUN NEilS

,\'I"IlI."16' ro'll bid} ,L1I ,O;"htr.k j'r ,,)I 'I;I~ SUI'; ~~'~I 'i!w"C' ~I)J c1omll'i'Jbt~ .l 1lI\L'Il'I"..,.1 111 your 1'1,111:; 1.0 Ihc- 11-11.· drwer IJor fL1f :it. .Fn.I-1R lhen 0'11 jlL'l~)' Iln:.ll ~~',11 r"!'l'ir ('.;In ~ .l'i. Ihr." tdlf.~'er (fir ,li;1J 1~ll('r unlli ~, i" Ij)!1l~~~...:1 b)' .'I~[;( 11' .... i"I'INr ttr lhe ~ ill .!. ft,g_ht IIIi"' ~u~' f"-tO'!i' late1) Ir tnlJ;' dl!'.iig.;l'iittt'!.l dfLve-r ('I~ jl;UIf\IWf' i .. n,1-t LlNltllild iii,! &!J1IiI~ R'-.asoJTi (It''''':..'IIll<!<!!' 'llf d..,i iJ.mi(" \1 .oIl i"!~1 ~ m ~X!~ll).j, [';!IrL~"iIl...""! fm;r e~l'mj,1'h') "I'i'lotn,:.r FilL'liil:>i!or ClI' th ... Ill(1b ('<1'111 ou~lllht.·1'I1I ,aut()ffi."lI.,aLl~ ,,:Ind !.J'l'i' J['i\· ... r ti-'l!!'l~ ~i ti,m.

Ort-o,. WCI'LlI!OO ~ I'iilir Ilith i~, rr~kh- tv UOOI,·Fr..:lM--..lI lil~ ~'Il hi~h ;.iJ~·,!tn~~1 [1.' "n.lbi ng II .... , J:~~~r~ I'i'LlI ....... ~!i'! ~m hili 'ff:i[ IIJI1.e ,_1nd ~ ~I'>t'!~i fi:gh!_ 011(\· ~'~'U' .. '~ fl",,(,i"ili,red >'11U r f I fjj~ !liI!llh ~~'~ .1 ~ljt~1 idea I'~ ~;I't ~tUi:" in fll'ihL a1;l!~~', P'A...'J'l'f.l.lJ.h ~~rl'o.,' ,).rl~ ~t.u4.i!nh mot-.. I~il" ~i'"("<o \1I1U ;11 ch.'lRre· [.;:II f{lml11lni~ ~'1l1lr ..... l, ~~"i'I'" ~11o!' rill' e- ,]~ - <&". 111.1,., .. ~"lJll r mut, f"."tklofm .. In utll>n.

Of !O'i;lITSL· ~h('j('Killf, ,~ mob i~ iil~t th", hL"s!,lmlltlJ!, of i1" i'lh~~ll1l.;Jou5- i( .. lFL"Ji.'I. ~h('iugh ~ \1011 J(tln ~Ihll, (I~ht ~"'1L""".fr :t;am~'" i I' ~:>I1I1 1\ .:!fIIl tn_ Tb..- l~nk.:i IllCtf'l..." ('.]']up.:!ii~ ~11"..i!I~ tl!'lIs ~'~~ JII .J~'nf! )l.~liIl11H~ \\ eslth ~n.1 ~''''f'I''I'i~~" in .;'in ;(Il1soi'llll!: ;",'rlt"!o (1' l>./111 h--, Thi .. 'i1li· 1 .... "'=,; l:oi~ \~f LI ~lj.,.!mOJit.:l.

HA.t'i4D-l'O-JmAND WUPONS H.ind-to-hamt ~'o1e3POriS rind'ud!! evef}lflrlir~~ th." em bI!! !.II~·!d ,i!lt clOSE! iliJU\lli1l?rS mdlJ tkS_ pisbQ~ Itni'!tJ(!So and CRtide- 0!fl(1t"S N 5p?.aJl"'S. SI)i'llIt: Qf ~!!S@ I ~~"'_""ii~iIII:m,s can ~.a:lso 'be 1,J&-dJ fN' ranged, L'(lfllllb.,'I:. Ih.m.msh illl;:" r.1n,g~ lena bO be ~'~ry short.


Sl~;1 """", •. " " " • , 2:

Six Shoof..lJ . - - - • - •• ' ••••• __ ....... ~ 'Ug~ dub 'OUOOWiI "' • , , , s ••••• :2

, .

ClllLb or dl0pp.31 - - - . , , , , , , , , ... - 'j

:Knhre:o ~nd iknudlJl!!>< ..... , , , , firee

ClnabifiJ t"lt FI.,iL ",." .. "' • 1

'SpI!'olf ,', •• 1



Gunz <Ire' I'ong ,al'igt' '~\f(~P"DnS:. canllild, !!Illig llD't!di wadi! b!;7i[1 n.alTidls. We'~ ~mlu<l,ed bo\o!.'~ ~rlid ~)~\~ 'in .'i!~th SU'f'ly' 1:H."G!llJ.M! !hey dClait realJyo 1\iI. in. ;~lIfI,y~'lll'Ii: iIllse and !l!te)' 8..Pt used for. puH11'ig ihoo;;:"5 'in peopr.e. (tOrn il rusmnce iU!1~ friik(' iSh OO'L<is ~"I[ I IJ.;;v.JilJlonz,

.tIfll'ltS..'iil!>O~~i """, ..... .. - ••• I

II'JUOOIl!I'b~ .. , _ ••••••• .1

ShrJtd.l ", .. - - - ••••• , , .. 2:

:l%i!!IMtlfl! - ••••• ...... " , , , , , J


Stlkk~ iUIl! 'cr:ude 8~""l;'itks liI1ade by nmmS 011 can 'Wilh eJolf!ktsi ... ;;:':5 and SCJlI!\'!,li~ it 0000 dM!' end ,ifif., .::;lict. If:!fCi1!.ll bur ;;!I 1111001<'1, some ~!hkli:btf~lnb~ he 1£ a! U 11lI1,...q 'to' haool>i! a 5Upf't.~' 1.1£ ~ wlnkh l!'i

P..'1PJmished SlUer ~~h g.11DI!" '

~r.a8 ~ ... ~ .. , . ~~~ •• , '.' '.- - _. - - - - • - .. 3 '~ilik.", <:« .... - ... ; .... ,.------ .... ~


BIs 8L11~ ilK seriow.'I)' h,,~. :seri~lIJsly .&C'riD!J.sly ~l1,.Icti~·d In i&L"t big, gunz are SO fl!1l!1~ Uu!}' are too !Ct.nnbt..'f'9DJb1t! III 11,18 ~ lhey ;an:- i!~way5 mDUJI"-.,g OITi \'eh.icll$

'Efii!l"}' ~tili .. __ .. -., ••.. _. -.15- IRokkIH_allfKh~r , .. _ ... __ . , • , .. 11 HilT.PODl!1JGIIlI'I ...• " ••.. _ .. _ .• , '7 'Spt'.ur Gum __ .. _ - • , , ••.. _ .. _ .• , 9

SCiI:llitni\ .,";. __ ... _ , ••... _ . _ . I!I

ARM:O~1R lE'I.'e:n lhawgh Orb! and hard 1(1 kin,: ~hcy"1e DIllt alx)",'~ ~ .. "'('aJi.JTI,S I!'ktr~ ilTTIliOllJ If .twy oC1lI i'I .illilUrd it.


Slll...A,VERZ,' S Uf'iEl

El!IrlIlipme"llt vitOtl 10 'the Sblflli."I7' !'<lde: !m ... -dIJ"oTi ~~.k)' 5-lUff fo~ .mfei!11ng people loiithmJ!Iha\1ng 10 light Itll(!1nc

Struddedl All'WlCllUi ., ..... __ .. _ .. I

Shi!!!11.g .,",. __ •.. __ ." •• , .. _. _ 1

fJSlk A nilJ)I;II ••• ,' .. _ •. , • , , _ 2

"EBvy Arnll~r ." .••.. __ ...... , .• 7


Gi'3b1"'iJS~tk - ...... ,. _.:2

Net ••• ",. " ••. 2

!BnIas - .... , ., •••• , __ - , , !

Wihip .. ", .. __ .. 2


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To pLlIY Corkamor ka you need your own mob ~~ h"us,ty B?yz to bash your 'EmemleS so you U need to assemble some' of the models you get in ~h~ box and then pairn~ them" Co~]ecfuts. you r mob :is q'wte' straightforward and can be 'H:~'ry rewarding. This

section iJ(f the book shows )/OU a few way:s

to set abo~t _ building and painting YOUL _ models" w~th lots ofextra id eas fur l'ni!'lJking- a. batflefueld for them to fight over,

Ear), Ork mob has ~It.; own d ist~ch"re markings at! d m ob colours which are used to distingu ish m ls '\rehides. and

I wa rriors 'front those of oth ;r mobs, I These marking and colours ar decided b _ Ithe 'I'~obl, " Job. I ~ he II' any likes big glyph MUo()S then you, can be' SlUe' all his B rl'yz at\: Yo f S \,"10 '00 11 he,,· '

I these on the ira rms ,tIl nd r,a"es. Beca use I of this there are no h~ rd ~ nd fas't: rules about h sw to pa lnt your mob but It heJi are lots of wa ys 'to rna ke you r models took de, d Orky,

No two mob ' !i!lfe 'abc same, bui' d!.'Spil · th:~ GlrikeI ,(U1d Mo hr 11'11005: h,l'I'

..... hare cerla ~1'iI aniJudcs. F or i~ tance, Corm _ lobz Qftr:c.n reel Iba'l 'biG: g

- more im1i'pmta_]l~ UlIlMt :ffiImiihy busg5es.

Moi'ke ", '_ Ile (!ither hand, are ~ 111 . adtUc!oo to Iiligil speeds ;iiliildl Morkel' Nob..:

CO'mi~"Uy try ~0.ioutdo ach UX!r-n , ~'):~ who O<li'rfI1lS lnll! tjl'l..ault!st 1tlllj,g_gi. Their r!!hld1ii nLOS a ,. I L, piti in, (aim t) pen!?'C'a ,cofldiltio]fl .ilIpar~ Iirom the odd, 'liluiU!2t hal . .lmd Ilhe Il+u;I-Ae dell1'~ and ,sa I~ ';wihim ;ill\! th J' hallmMk o~ iiiI rolia\de: 'I,Ii!1hid1;1.

JlIi:!; 1l\'L~ ~ ~.I'\'I~i'I<d ~ ~ ra!tI~.

.. .n::I ~~, mtfr~1 [.'''1 ~)~ II'!

~I~r~~ ... :,;I

~ ~" ... I {y!ip )'(H' ro ~rliI !fIt1m ~t1I' ~.III&> gow.s' ~

~ ., ~ "'!d'

~i'r.b':\i1 ~ ~

'It', 1Il'QIIXII IOlnd' ~tw)Je' (0 1)31i1~)"QUi 1'nOdel5.. idea ~1:tIIe' or dOskwh re pr~l$ Can 1J(],lel' I>Ii)CEi Iratn OM da!;' to the il"!i));I'. TMru

~ rooro II'I"I;5UU-·iIIQi Ilhiin h4Wlg Ito ,~1"\lI:;' pack aW{l .imd se ~ yourW1Jrk ,pre-a.

A~ar r.abIo bra _._., __ i:!; ~I. a1ICiI yrN waiIIl Ktpan (Il,JMgIJ"i(! , 'i'elf1ing a de~k !fji1l'jp is uaefu1 - ~ral!11Y. Wi'lh 111 co1ol,!~ Wl'1"ected • )I'II.Oh' lIN w.lilioh Shows. the tl'illie oolOurs 0'1 mhe ,·1111:$, il ~s a gtiIOdI Idea to 1l)!Ui down ill g~!1tI '" r.a,,,,ror 0{ nQiWSpafJCIf '00 ~fOlIM1I [he'lal!lo[Q,p Il:IQneaLll~ nhe ~G:il:, ~~_ IAQme:rnt>or'. 1(il)U wlil I'}l\DbtIJ:,IV be eufl 11t!;j onro ,lie s,urfOO} we ns, ~[ ~ 50;} 'ye 0I1hd elJrd or toafd may <i!lIOO !:IO nsc.a &.81)'_ ~·~iJl"dbr:iru~ m~kl3s on Ideal SUrll"CEI ..... it!'! tha .... <CIded

_dlIal"l 9'9 I! 1 the I'l(I4e ~ ~!be - ~ alll(J i'T'iOI'OO lI"eqtI ~Od-


Yoo doIl't need much paint arnd 1'TiiOI:I~ ~iprii8nl t£l gel s!.8rtOO. ~ peope llFll.:d ti'1ilt lM:f aJr'Bsd!J'· have ITtol,lsotl~ itarna or looIs, ~I at8 use'l .... To qifl wilJii ~ need I;i ~iOtl ~ paints, brushos, a. IIICIdelng kn Ife. a 00 g!'UO.

To pailm your minimlJres. !NO raeornmElfllll y,ou use Oil<Ldel CaIoUf palflts, Tha&a WIII1i?1-;,;:oIuble p.o:a!i1lS ha!.'S bean ~lIy iOrl'rlu~.3i'1.ed iDr paintlil:g mebIl and !1la:s1ic mlnIilllJ!(lS, rui'iQ (lJrne in .B wh;l& ~nge 01 ootours. As well iJS a :sI!!IeoIioo of! Pi! i'nI!s J you wi 11 Ii ndI ~ h 8' kIll OIhi ilL~ i11Iin-s U:S8 r1ll1.

• A lIt.Jmber 01 difteIen'l si~ bl'ilJ!Sh9.S

• ~l'efI(I oomMt ~ror gJUimg IPla~1i!::" Fl'lJXl'Qk;.)

• SlupeIgJu;a, {for iljJ'uing 1~1 ~IS}.

• A rrtOOe1rng 01' Mft: knf-8 or lP(!Iir ,o~ ~h~rs II Willer tOOIiIIEliRl;!f told mugl 'Oli' plaslic cup')

• !t ~l(Jt1O N:if miXing pajn~ (an ~ lPi!5!~e or esramic tile)

• "[ISSues: (for Jtl .. i'Jifu:S:liJes end wiping I,I~ My spillages)

• It can 01 'WIVIa IIDilI!3rooat IipJiI"!I 00 p;ilJ'I4li )lour models:)

.I"JIh:iIiI .,;~ In I!ftII" G.n!b~ ~ c;m 00 ~

fl .., I'U:".ibr l!i .. - ~ 1111VU- ~ .. :s.l'I1I:Iilt hrI-nQ.1fiIL!" (:,t;'1 ~,tm'1I I'IlU'" c'lo:sa"lI ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1J\t!"IiIiI ~ -"""''1:1 I'Iaflldy ~~~Ih_~ .~GII1 bi:J W1oi)'

~ p ~ ~ ~ mt!HjI ,Lf.~l:1<I-r Jhpbs ~nd

~ I1'il! RMIi' lih' ~r ,~ ~~ Jo.t.ow I'J::! lp(I;iIIoMt SI.Y.I!t~~ fml'OOc01~

tr ~ IfItjJ w_tWM 1I!1m. ~

~~~ -~oItti

II«IfI rW\J' I'lIf ~

nor..-m I!!!Ir 'l!s:1!c

0I'l0l) ~our 11'IOdI)1s. ;;Ill!! M5amblttd a;Il!d 'Ihe 91uo IS Clry. 'fOU'I~ ne-ed ;0 ~. 't'hIlrn 1bIs; ~ !.hi) s:vflMe ,1lI'11Do mINot;Ull!II :so lI"IIll adl'iore$ wlilt Yt1U can cOj:'iply. i!I, 11l)'6r oe vd!ite ~t WIIlI'I :iii brlJln IIFI:Jro.81:i by VOltii ,get a 01rUCh sl'MO'll1er iii ISh kI ~u us, a $pi's)' unrJorreooa.

Cllitdem u,*rC(IDm sprays. OOi1l'l In both DlaeJ( nndilA nlto. Who1e is ~OO ff!ate o.'Ittn (In S ngle IiQ!ttte~ "'I1J~h BS an 00 ~. bocaoo, i; 1rni!!1y)s; reoIOcms, 'CO on lOp ,oi t!\Ct UOde~~ liOO.\ brriIjhte"r. - . . ~ L.J.:Sed I) ul"ld!3roca~ I!FI~I' lbat 'iMlll 00 j:laint-ed ~~(i!ljOn'llna~J3~ ~dl or mS~!llhc sUCh .ss. Ork ve-l1IidElS! likO lr;!;i.~ ,moo Inftks.

Voo Sl'ICuldiaPways IJ~!& aeroSOlI ~ra15. in f!l wml v.oolJl.:iiLN Area, or pfeter ~11f

~. USC ll'lem Ml n oodO:sed. ~

to 1~O ~ot)t away ~'rClffi rOU ~I ,aM


MOCI9ls il~ 'ille 'iJOfItaJiflCob boJI: <!! "0 !'Ni£Je tr~ pIM.lJrC: and ~iIiS' iDB' rBf11O't!IOO

car· t>i.lll)' 'Irom mheir!Spi'U S

using a .sft;)1p , Of

PIVfmab.I),. iii Il~r of eliplpOl'El,

More d)atatfed tnSl~ 00'- '[(Ii ;3:!I.;Ulliil:llQ Ihe rTl!!XliiIlS ,(irl!!' gtv. n ijri. Sep.HillCi r~8~let. MOOMs. may 0000 SOIT!(l' de3i"iIDgI up wtln i:1I srna "Olf all'l1 SffiQf)." OOilrd to rijifnl)',! ny l!M!Wantod bit!j. 01 ~. W' ~w doM' II fO I ean $h('Fol tntJ P'3Ir'i:$, tQg:e'lQf wiih Al'Q i!f.s,'lyra no re!JliIl! nt,

red piIX:e, HeW _, • Ip.r8y , wly in conf I,:IQIJS:., wn Ibtirsl!.

~.;M 'R! ~~ I!f!!IYt,rI:>i!P~ ~.~J'lM

~1I1~ II'Iilr,~~ OIr-'.!'~o!I!.II'~ ~rRlltJiI . ~ i'IVIllra' C1I1IOi.rfS ~ ~ d Pl6' ('.!\;Ia; ,~' ... i'd 4tJ(Iw:I ft.:u; ~ ~ ~ .

~....,~ iVI(I ~ ~ gI Ur/I>It .' "'4 rA~ ~ ~

I\i~~f: i.t1ll'1I' .toi'l{l;):;fIIrg ;I .--- ................. __ ...... _-- ... ~~~'"~ ~.~~'~

I'il'~~~~r~ l'-~"'~0lI ' ~~l~~~ It"'/!~ IUm' ~ti!d ~

~; ... ..;r;'!.mI r}'!j\ ilal'l'OO

rI'!i!;J~~' b~

~lom.L!i.:I~~ ~

~nJlI~. i'ar;1o,i'~ ~

~ ·~,rn

f1'ii:l;, ~ lIa:s ~ ~lfII'jomd~. {lj-My pijlMt'l'\5l ;¥ojf ii:li*iJ1' ~~.M,w.d'~' ~'" ,~r40

,tiJlb~ ~ oD:r IIla~ "'iP'o'

~ ~ Ji".H:I; ILI'I(i

~r~,~' ~~~tsudI


iJIn!j"'~_~JtII.Ii'~~~""'q;I tq."'J'I,~ 1'l!,'III1~I~LfI'''''''i1~"~ :r.t'Io3 .Lr!r:X !ihoIm h!en! lIaJ,~ ~ i'IJ. ~ 01.1, IiIrMlF 00Gi'IJ.'I~, ~~ t.'y~ N~~~~Ik1oNy ~drnx:d~~


Shading IS Ihe [I!'O«Iss of ad'dHilg d8.rlt:er ,CttiIJoUI'B!D lli1e ~M af lha model 00 r1eprm;enl ~dQws, It i&INtes .3i sense o~ d'ep~h. emf,lll'l!8.SiSir1g 1h8 na1\1~1 data] of ~he I1illnlalyf(t., Citadel war!lba~ ;h!'!lI deoignedl ror s;haCf"rng ovar Citaden !paints. Th8:.' are sem.i·transpa.relilit 1J1fj'5 Of 00.1001 ralher 1110:0 info;:;.

[fa also Mssibls to shade witI"J lCitmle'l pamt, as, long as yoo a.dd plenty Of waWr '[0 aetna ... e- .he consistency. ~M C'1rGe'L of waS:hes. All

01 Ciladel'-g. p.8.Ill!il:s ;)Ji)!llI 'W~s. can be • ;rlEtl1l11ixed te (;irOOuoo <Uil)f colou'.

Hjghlltl.h1s .ars' raised areas WhOre' lliglTlt cetenes and! brigJilt,en!j, ;) I!:aloor. TIi1w eIln bI!l1 produced by. using a 1I!iJn1Cli' shade of liiIa original colour Olf, If :t0IJ'itiI lIJ:5ing a 'o\ery pale 'OOIOUI, wtth ~ni'l&. Mi~ up a miglitBr colour using '1f19 OJiiginaJ balS!3' eelour 81na SOl'ne white. C8Jra.ull~ lPi~t out .fIoe rBis-ad 'dl!l.ajl~ with the, hlg'nl!gt"11 Go.lcur. USing a, Fine br.rii;I~.


O!'lt:~ ).'ou've lini~hed IPainlinlg your fl1100I)I:s if's <II gil!:lld idea to IPr~Eld ~nem Iror.n Uie mock;g, Il:!ey Will mli1.kJulJ1!3d1y get wh(!tlll you're iJ3!lnlng by ,l'!Ia~ng 8. OC!B~ (If \!"ljl'i"lislt

TnoF9"s nothing more 1iiUSlra'ing than ~Ii'lg ~oor earJ3.ul~ p;BIln~e<l1 iIFIodi9l:s ge1 chipped ;jjAij ,~hed .as vou pt&y. IM~; ,garners use f1iI8l1 ~(;ila)' ... ami'4il because It doasa'r aHect Ihe look 01 .ria II11IOCI i3 f:s .

Gloss v arnilsh iPrlWi~, ~I bi)ugtll9r liniish Ibu~ hes a, vel)" S!'ir'IY Id. toO it.. Some' ~1f1'lA)rl!; apply. gloss lirst, waJl '!'I~H ii to dry aJlld thsn at~ ;il ooal 01: matt tQ gel U'!o lbast of bo1b W(lir1ds,


lhIs :p3inlilllg guide shO\'o',~ ~il in '~5)'40-fCinOW ~!~s h.!jlW Ito paint )'!1MU lIt"ltillrlt'l5.Rl..""r in mind 'that (''1m ,,-,,~.1IDP.Le shGW~ (mly iOOiIe [lijod~l IlI.1d ,CII!w,imm~~y yOllli'U h iIV e I5e'!le ra'l In IF':i i IiI to [r 5, ra~

ea!'tir:"r iIu pailiim Il fe\oo' oQr,~-ar::_h 1)'P'i! <II Q~, n:unpletiJJ&

~t!:p on ,alllhe J~lIfxiJli'l~ bdDrE' p'aln~ln,g the [16.

Malu!! $I!I~ ,fOUl wall unHI 'blJr. I.mderooal L'I d.ty )'00 'rTllJ'il'(' onto JiM. pal:fl~ng, H' i.!. bel~ ILl mill; Ii li'lllk.l" 'Io,r;ith yOW' paint oc-rore you .llflpl)' it to

mood, "]1tis. helps: !Ii'll:' ~~ run ,1!'I!u t~ (J~ "'r:u~.~ or IIlRe ilIliniOltl;J1t! arrd ,Pt'e'I.'l!'I1 s full: ~lllIing thB fin!!' dl:'toill. A1'1!ora)'s kJil\;k ... rour ill pai~le befCIII'I:'1f01II oiId'd n l'O I.hl!' ~I This you gel.he ri;&ht 4mtlStstenc), or pain; ;mdI ~ you mix colD'ilR'l lI,\fith01l! (ontZlmill~ lhe



01lOlll )'D.UW' iII$Sen'l~i.fG1:l your m~ yoo'II1 i"lOO!lIlo mderooal 11lIe«I, You caI1i 'Oii.m!1i 1IJa9 a:sp1l"Eiy ~teOO.l (we've utSed ltilack ~,~ il'! 1!!Il!~ e;Ji;iIImplB ~o) (;If !SlighII)' watered do'M'l ~k paint ~Ied with 8, ib 1U!I1'1.

I~Mr way. you wanl1.o aoo.'lY ;in e¥I!I1I ~e:r of paint Ii;lIIIC:j' !lis 'i'iIIlde of 1:Ji(i' ~,iiii(;luding l> ba~,.

'1I"h9 nEiXII :&liege 1$ '10 a.d'd the ba!'lle cd_OOf8 10 ,¥OYr models.. IPalnt ht' O«s '1I~$II1 '!ilr9EIn I3JiIdl pal'nI hi!;!; ~r0L!lli8f:1i, and tl~o' brownl Leaw.e LOB a.m100r aNI lea.lher ~I'il!p$

iPail!ll ,eacm ~ Qti Ihe ITiI!!I;Iels beklr-e ~ifi!:lj on 'a the oox1i :!;lM~, This !;I!'1'll save ),OU 10'19; (I'r lime washing rut bru9he$ ID~ ~il11J (Of' oo1oofs to dry,

The' a.I is.189e 1$ CO US silVer palll1 '~ pick 00'1 ,~II 111 mirtaJflc obfec1.8 Ihe QdQ; li¥eLlr iIiIr ~ ~liICIudll'lg IS i'!fiQ] II de1si18. lIke ~, $~ on cIaltimg arM;il H'! at ~'ilq aro.tIoo1he ~ ~

Wfhe pain e;iiI ll"! (M;'a, lbase lin a I' , bml'ili"il !:!O!oor 00i liliaret'! !OOJ~ W'~1"floIIa I:<tlife. You CSJ'iI ,etll'1~~ IIU!,\'IJ il al lhiLt, 01 app'Jy texture' ~ lno base. IdIlowiBg J ilrTr!Itimli~ 00 'ibe 'facing pagEl.

WMan pa2l'IJng '!!IQUrGMilm~ '!f.Elhicl'ea, tt"B bI;!$l: ~Oo~<II!1Jla~ md\groe.a1'_ ~e

!Sure rou Ma'i'S lhBm"toodilhi'

~IJ;afur£l II"IO\!iFIgI 00 ~ lhe ne-1'1I:~,

HIIIIt ... III r'I'I4ta.Illl! I1esJ COIl.t ~ lIS. !'nO 00JiAiIi for ,;i IJI1OOi3S!i hi • ~ IJ} 'ijiJI 'tho h:JIii.iI ~I iIIfii!Ji i!IJl!l$Iy 1xill'lg5: OU], Ihe de'lj~1l1 ,~~ ~r IIIIIMIIL IJsirIg Blitoig bRl9i, GIp n !!r! 10 !fI1PGi 0:1 !Silv\!, I~ tI"'I!M \ripe i~ oar. !ill- pIfIItf iw.Ie lJI'jhl II ~:"i~ i;lJ:yl '!!hen ~gl"l~ dra,w ~ iXu.~ ~ ~ foItI 0V9t' h Ii'I'IDddI. Smr ~l'I'~ '1!i!!l1I ~ ~ ~ !DSd "iii' 00 the .... IIfN!I ~ ~_ ~ 1'tnJ3I'IlirIi.i!1 wJ you're happJ wUh lhe __ Oip 'f'N bn..Ish !:Iadi In iJ'Ic!l iBI~f ~: ~ ~ 'lJ'tc!' ~ .,., hi 0IIi0I.M' bIgnI.1D MIl CUI.

,.. 'rII'IId91$ ~ f$1li!tY 'rot )'IIMI '[00 1Nl1'fi! d'E!iilLib l e 1'iru'KI!'l!' iJ);];rti. ~15i .,_, Ixuca!t.llnd oIInylhlflQ !D[~ rov deft, I'Ii!lI9 I~ 18a....a me'liilllc.. O~ ~II .. paint IL'!o di)'. :IW can.Mfd ilLi'I:i ti'ri_1fi:!.t!:i'!9.


IFIQ(:i!; or j!ll"!di me H'LI'! 'EJil"Nt ~'O ,~d'di ~QII'1 e' ~-o:(!J u IrQ 1 i:io :f(i U ~ ~.os.. FJoe.k !:S, ill'1e oO!OII.!tOO ~!:l''w. cb!pp!JI99. !na! )'00 groo mmJ.glill onto YNr' ifMIde~ ;;!oo CCIflIO:S; ill !S!rI1vor!ll dinorll nl l!:eil)lJ~~ gIvoo. a ~'Orc~. kIo!ii !!!vI: l'!e~5 'to bo ~rM itO finisn Qtr ti'!<I, ~Oi.

TOo.;tOO a 11n_~!.IIGI:i lb.iU~ li:O yQ!I.!r ~I. lijf$~ p.:.inl tlbD ~0'JlI su i1If!Qe oi 11"10 0050 ......,l'! soma Wl1!Wf1!X!!-OLrWJ!l PYA giuo, 90 Gafofu.1 no~ 10' !ilE!~ ,~!'iy ~ on !M raG) of Ino ilnooo'i.

~.!Jije SIUA I.!i :IIill! 'War. dJp 1M IZ!f1~!iI' i!1~ ::i.m'le ~, .11 Ii oul, aM thOlfl gently i:i~ ;:ifjl oIlIi1'I;t (I~~

11~ ~~ rD' Wl ~"O sglll(i1 .in BI $.h;'i*" ,~ lid (Jl .a1iJcl' «W~ ~ ~ ~ ~~fIII 01 - ,~ ~

To 'fIinlsh O'lf IhO bota. P!).hi~ il in the ;<Iesired! mlCul, AS! wlm PLllntlng your rmGdel~, eiilOh StiQilI' or ;ht. b~in'lP ean be don!!!, (iii 9QlI(!I r·il I Orl!;5. !lit ~ ~i;i s:;J'i'e· tlm-ti.

I 000 a 1M I~ I "Os

Oooul GQiJiamoi!ko is 1Ml

I you lCtLi1I appmilQI'I

bu!ldlng up your "I)icles

just e 0. ~ ;boy: Or'k.s b~511 tMI~

I . " 'fOOB I' (IU! Q Ilt'l5 oti Wi3p SO

:rou can 1!,.I5:1 iIlI~1I'O in OM I/J!JO yours t1l9C' f .'I1tI CI'Ioeer1\d1 drJl\~ri!iI Of the, 1U5.I,J:jI1 nio:etIQ:5 o.r p~lnS;I~kjnol)' a~ng 1'01,1' modeli.

'l'l"m ~ iI'I'lealliS IIY'I' rOOI'l)'enli'lg your 'veM~ Ib!t d1 11r{f11'lQ1 g!"lfiS nd ,iodii'l!lj 00 a:nl.fll rQublio!F1S hl!;e wrrecker b.a'II!i ~

, ~. :' FiQ Otky ., ',_ L ,.,

~h s g~.s, y.oUI' mob Iha1 f~a.Jly J)Oirro.nfiJ r.auth ,!lIndl me3ii!S ~al M ~'0 roo4els. wI! rMier. I~ mho, :same

Conv "no a 1IlII!de! liS re ,~l!'leo ~.t'S 0'1 aOdl~ bifS t'O or If,aking It!it5. away rrom '!no orig-,llIal 1iUt- IMlan)' (j9F1 ~11i9(:& ~ [he~ MM'to tK;quim Io'Isor '!ipOF& bits 01' s~ap whl¢~ ean ~

~ 1ft <II bl.1;$ 1iJ;ooJ" and U$(Id '!'or' kInds QI f'll(ide!lIng ptOJoct:s...

1M pictures a'bO'o'Ei shOW Wl~ild can ~ done b7 JlJ(;. !.!Ising a er~1'L 'fe' II;J! ~J;ap(I <:LWilli bo'!.'S (J~ IPL;1!lOl;: <llfldl make 'YOI.Jr voniCle5: Ir:)o'k II:mfliD rd~magOO ~nd

rlddleoli~. i,~


As you fight more ba t tles you can add extm IN "rr; ors and vehlcles b) yOU r mob, 'toutl soon

. ~

need ,Ih',~ slam isrri' weaports, guiit;lim; for YOUf

\F~hfud es, and then you can :!ilart g~lting into. d(l IJinn,erbJ of the :t\t[elbo~lzl art by r(on\.ri~riting YOlllf ,.;,l·eapons and vehicles,

~ ill lAt.I!I»f~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~.JJ~~ ~ Ilil'. 1t'!'l'1 ~IL\M':il D.jj ~ ~,~~t'f(I.ol,r~ ~'r.¥Ij ~Moot.ll ~ ;i(;.()IJfJ(KI~b.

TJ':o.\s ~ ilII .:II ~~ tbIn1 '''·4Jj':i.~,.'"Itmi:'r oW, CI)!) 011! "" 'fIiW," I!f(f:o ~ i\M ~ .. I'f<;)"I .01 ~_ fluid! IId:k4to1' or

!Er~~~IWrrt~~~.tI'iIi ~~~ rro"dI iIIId ~~, "=b;ifoI ~ Ci'l ~ iI"'I!!'~~'*olii!!iI 'Tt\I.rroa.YII'WI;~ ~. l#'~cS ~ li:!vllisf ,~~

~J;I~ ~fl' Cr.II !". li.1' .IIiII'

plMk.oo~ ~~...,.

~ ~ ~ ~·i~"'~ 4"-- ~ ~fliil~~Fa~ .. j;~1J!! ddJ~oII~.I5'.i-!I~~.:Air..~~ ~1nQ'~ ~ if? ~~ ~I'" mDP ffl}hl.ll pem;c ~

rIM! ~I.· M' ~'ItI; h~ I'II!~ ~ ~ 001'G< t.;.ifIi-fll!iJ.'17 .nir.fJ,' ~ aI!d r~'riM<!Jd ~',I;iIl1il'~T.

MiHUliG A il'AIU:TOP .'IRI.!Efl'ElIL'l

~ eaD 00 ~ 0l'Il aR)' ~y laJge. Jfii(ll ,surJ[lOO. I~n 'tn.e' 11 IXI r' w~1I 1uifw::e, 001 this 1!Io 1I!I~F.!iI)' a reclpo ior' adting backs and !SlQlf~ knee;s. Playln-g QI'i a 'table-lOP Is rar beL'laf in 'the !loll!] '!~, IPraiarably in .a ~IMi;I whe~ :;'Ol!ll ceil'li l!!,i\ali-B' ¥Our \l..:LmOS, t!ie'~ I!JP, ~rt~liJ-

~~ aI'O I"IlIl!in~ 'o:ilfe~en'L w,u,!(15l te ue!:lte 'VO.l.!lr 0'iIi'fII !X!_~1d 10 rigi'll over. AJJ o~ '!.he Ci'X!1I'!'i!=ila!l ~hiil1 W(t. h,11,lll' S~llI are ~u;JIliy ".0 I II;! and ~rl'Qrm o~~enW=..lIy Ihe' s:ilm!9' iuricoon_ Ghoo;slr'l9 ,Ii! iSui!8ble style 0' toC'rrain 'for ~OWfS(lll l!Xi~s i1In ~~aOOm,!il.l(il as: ~much :apmi3' ~ ~ 100 fI!la~' y(loI.Ir Oi1mBS -iii aoo I'iOW mucn time '!r'DIJ 'WAn~ 1;0 i~ in m8J;;in(! !I~!) ba'L11!3:i8Id.

Gamill'l:S ~IM iilJI serts IJII: ihl~S;i!!l!g W;3,:"S too lfi"'pt~!(11!!1 (JiflilNlelil kifiCls. or IOrlotili. ,aJi'id what you 00cida is ·ffif~!lliIIlIy~' YOO~'~4il[liQi(]


Using a plQce o~ oo!go

Clifl1fi t.o r~wn~ <i ~11 W(Idd is .ill Ql,!Jd!i. aacI oom-ei'li~ w.ay to creal~ ~i~~orrl!,in r(Jr ~U~ "\{]!mte~. ti !i:an bi! (ilmpctII ifrI'ef

~ ~ ~!;I' ~ D'l V(IU ~iii mOOeI !JIOUI ~ iLOIirBin j'ei!1iJl!i)S 10 ~ on top. Q'I 'iiIfI c:iot!l!,

The mob sho1.:vn. on. thes'€' ~o paJges ('oniam a number of Ork Bo,yz 'tililnt h~'V,e beeFli converted IU sing a UlIJWX 'Of prnastic and g'u~rn'l models.

"~: ~ ,(M ~ r-;. ~!Ifl L4II9'" fil!i'I!" ¥IN)' M ~a7t/~ c.w ~ ffIiiIvA7i11i11t e., ii(mII!J ~ ~ IlL:or ~ .. ~1!;~~4I~.-o._

.:v-. ...... ()k l'bIi ~~ I»'IW ....

"_":r'1I'"I!'I:I s.:::. ~ . iIJ~ I

......,--.r ... ~

~ ~(K,~ .. i");H~,~ ,~'i:M'I~~.t!i'~' ~~~~~$~

~1l;I~~~ ~~'" 'b'fJ~ th6:: ~ JiJ ~ oI~ ,i'I¥m~ ...,r-~Citadot~

i'! dil.~.-.<J l.t,~n;;. i'II'.t1'l" ~ I!lOO ~ ~ j);jrfp;fl ~4~ I.-~ I!luId.:. ifN!; ~ PIIiT..v.ll,l;!! ~ -!.fedoo ~ rr..»: ·ID ~ ~ ~ ~,iJI m.;.


CoovertiflJ,g your own models win give you a unique collection which can be added 10 as you'r mob ge~ bigger.

Whr:lhct' )'I)U wa:ni 1'0 mate a model th..ili~' II!.l!:O'Idily :r:tlilll'Cne!> y;mu fl'quimm"llll2;~ 011 just ~US(' YOIII wan I' w h.i:1.'IIt! fun. m<lking yOlil!l" own Ods from scr:a~ CaliU1£S 1r''I.'(J~!llP pro .... ide!> a 1h1J.g.~ iF,jIT'Lf.1!;" (It Gt1i!d,e~ D'\iJ1..i,arure:;: ~'(iU ,",<l1Ili use '{.i ~~a!~ e)(4li('!! Iy ~'Iw O~!lI; you're ~ooklllg r'ol.1!1",

L~~ and A:t.w;o, ~ ~ !fIo:t W.uM.nt'liPr ~ ,~ ~ JK.(i~ Ia.t.:h: &! ~ tm y;oo ~~~.::ot.I~)'o..\'" .;.7~.YCtu.

fi'Ij,lflr .::;~ ~ ~ iiladto ~ ~I'II;.lrn[l':!;!;oo!Oi'~J~o!!l Pf'r!.;

~."IMi"~ ID"'.AD-';r: Man1 gallilers 1;I~.F.!n :;I1I-[!!l;Irpose .i1)_H~urt.aOOO

WUIIIa~ IU'\!lIH._n ,,;U {laJiTlin91 board made- 1'ram ;;I, P-i-~ Q'f

~, fiNe 00a..rd !fir pcl':.'s,.~ni;l'_ A.II !hese' ~!j; Q'F malerial can be ~ from DI'I( ~toJ>e5,. Pl;lil!l.1ed !he' coloor of VOWI ChOioOO or 'OilOFI I:;dI;ed ra '!live 'ifIeml tuiU'e, 'ihBy maka 8:w;o1l8n~ gl;lrming Mb!es.

As ~ as ~ ilklflll ~ a pleee ~ha"'s ~oo DIg; ~hl9f'II'8 e.ilISY ~D ::;i.O'.ra., You can _ 118m l.IJlI ,ao;:u"msta wall or sild~} '!hlllm !jfllldi:lrt aiDed when oot ii'll I,lS!;!'_.A. 4"):4.' piI!a IS abiiIJ~ too Mgh! slm ~'" ~in 'W111I, Ilf you 'Ifid !(tIu I'leed a bigge"l area, ~ cafI ~ rlfiQ!heqxooo 01.00 ~ .hem ~e try :Ma tClllIiab an sre8,.e'~".

II 'ytlu'ne usWg OIiJipboan;! ~ fib-r,e board, a coat or two 0'1 I!tIrJl,Jfo!iioo pajnt ii5- all n: 'IIli11 n8ed to ~in 'iIorilh_ 'Yoo can ;a:tways, Mir soma, Si3.!iid

into 1f1iB pain; to giv>B 1bei '$.Urf~ iii bit mOle 1:eltlurt', iif Y'l)L!'1f(j; USing poljt<S.1yr,ene fOr )lDIlfJ baitlli3lJi;1ld, fG"Ifll nece(ll a ptece aooul ~ ,!5~ ~hiCk. .any Ihim8T' 8IIld it willi I'FlQn;l '!han likel~ l;ir,eak. PO!~ljI'l>@n{t OOQ:sn't '~ pain~ 'i'81"j' ,",,811 8D if:5- bast ID pitim:e it Viilh ;(II layer 001 waterw·,aowFI ;).!"IoJPurp.t;tse '!iller be1iJf'e '!{Ow start, This. wi .aIS'O ,gl ... e Ihe' surtaeo a l!'lorE! t~tur13d

<lip pea ran Ci3'_

FkiCk Is iitlry 'hM, coiourod WGOO diJ,ip,PiFlgFS, lJ~at ean va .glued 10 gam-ng 'tables. bits ,o~ scenery tu1Id M;OCII)I ~, Th flild; )'oor gamirng !a:bi'(f, 'I!ts1 paiFlI a 'W~IMi9d-dOWfii layer of PVA glue- Gft'I'Q il_ SfJrinkle I~ hbe~y

wi1n IIOtk <IDd ~'1\9 1'1. to dly owrnigl11t flilen tIp oM a:my e:re!3i!iS '1Io!;!. QIiiiI'Q :!;Qm~ '5hee~s Q'f newspa,por ~o' IMIlISeCI.again 1l.i:91, To ,a.wiill ,aM palOl~ <iri:l8!!i. mak8 sure ~u pain! !fOl,lr tatJle' ~he. feqtllr,e<il ~!.Jr OOrlill~Q }'tIIJ M111hi!l~.

If !fO!J're f~ really am'bltlDLm, yoo can mak;e :tour> ,own putp;)s.8 built 'g3iJiiilii{l lab!e. Such .Ei 1~~ midhl ~!Wre ~·.e'):'4,' o~ even bl!.1(11ef:. YQu 'i'ilIJ need ~o MfQt1g'in.(l:i'llhl!lo IlXIaro Dr :screwi'ng wooden kIe'tt~ lln(h~ii.alh 'Ih~ IOI,lt:!;iide- i;I{I~!}. It. 'CQ!i\ple oj ib:;ll[ens a~ '[hj) rnilidlQ !Nill help l1Iiake il mora 15o'lable_ 'Whief1 !hIe ~I!I@O~ [r.Ei~rk is ljli1islil~, the, table, can 00 Ipa.!~l00 <iI sui~ablilli oolour. Wh-EIIl in USB it C8II be r;;~t;il;!I il)1ii iii ~l!)p'!l;! Qf smaller l'~ble!j;, (Ii any ~iJltab'!e piOCi!l1 Cil SPar'8 ~unn'iblr_f'l8.


Orks, 'being naturally inclined [0 band together into mobs, go to great lengths to display what mob tIH:~y belong to using tattoos, war paint and seamng.

::;~~&II,*~ .'1oIve boon paUl~ ~ :1115 Chi; to mpr~ .p1.!dtWy~ ~ Jb9'~1<$ ~I5't!~W.;,VI~ OrIr's~.

~ z.).·l$:;.l PI!'~rre o!Jlt'~ II:i'lJ:fMl Oi$ ~ ~ ~ ~ t~Wliu'f~ "'lj.ti Or~. fIo.I;w~oIl'IIw;' ~ ""~ ~OI'1IJVM,~ . .jI~(ltIl,ti..,;t. ~oo~'ot!'Ilfi:Ifl'J:I;~ QI'ti:><! r~~foo' 00 i-'III ~ IfhJ:r ~ry

fItolow.' ~ ~.jIfi!,1! ~ ~'IjjTtt ~ff .... OW.n ~ tdI:i WJ,~ ~

~i0<8 warpilu,r 15 /TIi!,]f'II to ~ ,,~ .jV1d ~ M~ -I.'!t' ~~ txxtcJll 0) ~ (Jf.II::!; P:l'I(IW ",JI(; "" i!II'kiI:lI' .riOfMm~.

I ,Orb of len u..<ie "!~.!l' PfWtI .-md tailtcos to show film allegiilRcc to Gotk or Mort;; and liiI'It'lb l.oyi!lltie:5~ Wa'!! p~jnt lis..\!l'.ItiJ:t.fu ~ I al\tlen,;fIi_1l O~k sop[y dips his hands :;ill1d/or head In <1lI blllclget of '~u;gy paiJ1.t,

, '

Orb f~1 liIill! p~m. honll sc"lImng SO '~hey scrape vff Ib:ooad. !5U'ips or 'til'lcir hide Ul,l'!:!i tl1ei ... fmoe and a ~ Of ~ acids ,to bum Ille .riltu;~ into them. T;HiU'(iiOOo O'!!re 'a,pplk..d' w,ilh rns.ty fiLiils; Ii'Ilml oo:rrmsi'l.l\e :pigmenlSo


WdVB, Ghos.en 1lJ, ITI!II!;orJI ou~ a .ac.Slifll gamil1!J tatlle so 01.- OR: 00s{l;S, lhave. the ~f!1o(t sandf' ~1J!j\J) rui'ldl ~n~ 1l:lI'roI.IIl"! t.OIcu, The sm.allIPI:iSIic lbases: iWI¥'IIId in the 00:( 1I'f13H1' deslgnM !ill«! a! I!; so IfOOI caII cram loads '01 Boyz n10 ),OLllr YE''hdes.. However, lfW ean of (lOO~ ,e;W;pl3rirrul'llft !.i!slilO dilte~ ,~ :and ma1ofilllS. P13s00Q out 10' 5hs;pes u$.(IM, 01' 'WaIi1ila:mmer 4(!!,'OOO Il:it<Lses CIII'I M rlJlSed lor ~ slUihty,

''T'he base We tIIis Ort ~ mD f/W1'i1 B' small ~ap!.T~rU. 1r;J(r Ort iIs8IJ ~ ItfIe I'1IlI!&I IafJi ~rt.J tifi; fr9iH ~awJil6II'I tJii!o fet;N W(lf61 qJt1i9d II) I:!irIt ~.

1li3' Orlr is !11(lfN)tso Ili'Ii 8 ~ WBr1l.lt1~1' ,40,~ ~, 'IWIlid'.! has; It.igl &WId :am ~ lIib: ot mot1f!I ;i;.it added' I'Q

Now you have' YOll.U gaming table you~U need some battlefield features to add to your gam@s.

Battlt"tield feawJ1..>S <!It.lkl tremendolls di\'eirSily, in!:i:rlrii1tL~['~ Md flCcillf'lllflfll 10 )i[}1.1[" ~lJm('s.. We·ve provided ill fort <Illdi scme baHl.tI:i~d aCC'E'S5Q'Ji1!!S iill 'lliI! box to ge't you going. However, Ws ei!ls), to m3i1h: more !ew-aill1i ,~ .... ilfmtlit' too mudh . .erfO'.l:t. This [h"Lge !;.how,!j. you OOW to mlc qL!.iC'li: and [easy sand dunes or low hili::;..

With a litlll!:' n'UlIdclllil:f/; ,!Iiruj some imaginatimi • .all sorts fJ' (" v ""ryd illy h(lll!il!l'm!d ~1t'.IJl'lS, ;L.i_]'1 be made into intef1?!:i.tilng il:t.-rr.Liu1 f~"HUi't"s,. There 1ft' tOOusands. of moo'elliflg techniquies you could lise bu! il:5 bt.,)'OOod ~he l'iL'Ope of Ihls. book 10 1;:.11:: about them in -ihnr tid, U. If

you're ~nti'i\e'sted i I:l n1lili ki ng more fv'r )!O'u", D"lt1ifl!odd. Ih~ h01 FI;.;Ib(Nlk cal~ed Haiti' '10 M'r.ri!.;(" 'Wil1rgl1~trt!.s TtPTI~b~ is ~\'·oiIiila.bbe from an)' C~TIles \'\I'orkshop s.iure.

~J.I~'~J.tK>se~~~~W~ 1It1II' ~ b;i mo:Jm 0",vsI ~.stJ:)r~ S!1!J' ~ ~ ;II ~i1:fi!law. Of! ilrourMi' ~rwr ~ Ql ~~


Simple )'iiJt ,ejf'OCti'fo :sBDI:d dunBS ean 00 iDOOo

lIIsMg ju~t roJUborud, some all-purpcs8 wall lill(!1. PYA, glue, and sinhaf !imine saM, '11G!:f(, or pall'll In ~11~ OOIDl!fI ,oi ~ur

d'1®ic::u. .

1. Flf-S11. is.I!!;&: ~wo piacas C1f ,c.a~d 1~tliler 'MIn IPVA 9 8. Wnetl d'I)", cllrl a Sh~pe {Jut De the CSJ"d usingl a craft kfli1e F-\epeal ~hi,g proOB85- a law 1IfI1jt~ ti IlI'io!).S; , I1lIEll!ling each new 1i3.)'91 ,:?>m-al!Or IhM the 'fircs-1. to re;prasan. '1nQ contours; of ~he dUM. See'ittl8 dlagrClfll'l1S OO'lOw 'Qr some' 8Ci!8rnple ahapaa,

2" 1lIE.'E! filler to lill illl 1M comlgli1lted edge<s tJf ~hB ,cardl <t'Il!d giN.;!' ),Our dune' ~, oven stces,

,J. S~101C" ail (!o1 y.our hi 18~8rs togaiMt will'! PYA glilcfle and leave to dry_ Mill: BJi O<tooi arnQ4,mt ;[If sand and PV.A .gluiIl: tQg~he'1 In a oon~8il!ler and appl).' mill:

Ff11:(tti~e al o\l',er )'DUJ hill 10' give liL <:Ii Rt!med. stony ts;o:WI'IEI. GrieB dry, yw can 8ilhar pain'i. yom Inl or ilpclt~ a ~r of f.lock on top of 1M Sillf!(fy' suneee .

. __

Hills and dUlI\lEls can 00 mllQ(t In ;jill kind's {]f shape5.. Pidm~ aeo .... e are ;;r few tBl(ampla:s 'of 1lii8 !;OOI}O$ we (:ame up wi'lh wh8l! wu InaOo 01.11'$.


A new' proiec t li ke Go."ka morka is ha rd to keep SI xret fo~' long. Soon. everybody wanted in on "the act uOrtl, dospera It: to ,car\',l' ou t A piece o:f Da Skid 'to call their own, In. If\O ti,m,e, evenings at G ames Workshop We're m led with the sounds, o~ mobs dashing, and t'lle- h'C~wrns, of ~gonw:5ed ,garne rs vying for sopremac:y:

lS1: ~ ~~ ~ GL'!I!I!o~~. ~ 1(JIJ:;Np ~ ~~ '"*" ~ D'!I;Io,~ reo ~1Il N I'JO!~~ n»lI"l ~iIC'I'I"" ~ ~ ~ ~~'IIiI' t ~.IIOO,root ~ ~jll' (u'lrj~ S ~~1!JiII1 ..u ~ ft06i'J, ~ ~ ,:=jIJ Doll;; ~r='li' I!IIfft ~ ~ ~,Ji'iOO t~ r:/f> II!iz' ~1Jt'o'l;l .~-rn l~ <tJ' ~ ~~ ""'c.:Ii'iIb!Qn1.t!!I.sJ[!I' N ~ ~"", ... N ~1,ti;-.~ ~,*. W' (~1'P;)'1 iflo:l C,!Irr.Is

oa"" dui1. ~ ~~ ~ ,~r fI':iI'~. ~lg ~ "'" Il"ij;lIIoJ.!'lJ:i!-SI'lII(Ib """ ~ OOY\...,....

~~~OI ~ ~'ii!JriO~~ iR'IlihII<iFn;~~~ .-

1. ~ Dl.vl .. : TII'IO ~ ~ 01' ,~,~ ,i\j!!I!liI~~Or~~. ~~ ~ ~ ~;n ,:Ii, ,ty If.~, "IiiIiP2 iYIOb ~19d IJ~ M~I:OWlf! li!t-u, !n 'Lh!l; ~. ~:i>d no ~ ~ ~ ~ '~ ~ I'ihiJ; 'lII a:5i ~

:to G4"tin ~ ru ~ Bay.l n.'Woe' I!V' ~ ~ ~ ~ .I:t!~ (i.;lI RBIJ ArTer &v.z ~l.'QItiI 'lhl:!lr ~r. tM' t."lIO t.:a:.!FIUJl:~ilII _. 1I=!r~ I:iesl. ~ ~ • 1Yd~ ~ Iir.l JOX~

:3. ~ IK.EItU~li: DiI ~~1lI'II ~C>f"~ lil(I try ~ Or~od, IIMP.a rjJJi1i1;. Ml'" riOl'llt !Is ~ IS, <II ~ TI'wj tioaI,j ~fIM!~I~IIlrJ,~~.

~. I!b!fk ~J;: ~!;]'ai rJOM-iIIZ ~!:i ,~~ IipIKO Ir . !IIlid 'I'!.'fioa~ ~_ Ii'IGy' iIfOnl I[l$Ill 1.[1.". o."'rc!n ~ IiIfIQf iICI;W q:! ~ 's;GI'. 'iI!'IlJE'1'I Lhtol encl'I'!:,' aN!l'Il


~, Amdn,'i' Sl'!iJriii~ri: Mn;;ld 61)~k6r. ~I Neb 01 N' IW~ ~Ilil: md). r,;; ~ '~I!O' ~ iii ~,b;I$f. U¥ri ~I)' 1lIooilI, ,!Ii rt.I~ ~ lewa;l(I~ lli~ L;IIJI~ ~ I-id" ~~dIOllI~'

'ai, Adf!:t!rl ~: Da ~ ~ 'Itt-.~ '1J'i.'U- • _~mEI(I nM!il~~~. i!W!o IN~' ~fiiI ru ~ fti.;l1'i'I1I~ ~ , p",ma I"itj'li't.I#II~

7. AI'i!;i'li EI<EiI!iIl:,,: 'TIItEi QIfi r i'IIQ1;;<!. bofI~ ni'iO ~~I:tre~~ clli!)'io ~ b!.rjlJ"f;j) 1lUL"i cI'IOO' ~ II'itII v.~~ ~

iI. ,AJl4f~ Orr m.'I!iI rili~ ~iI"J'uiI1i ,iI1iIiI I'll'" 1hd~1: :5W1tod ~. b;rj .rl: 1'IIhiI, ~ hil-.aoo~R!I'i Jti!)rdiJ;!lm, I.I~III ~ tIra1: Ie'll dJ;j, ~ ID ~!A 0'1I\%n.

I. II) ~!-d ~WC!I'I',",~11e:r= Dit ~Idi", lied !by SIQt;l.n:(j)i' ~~ 5!.iiI'ord:lli ill}Il (!JiI IhoNd ~1 iA rOl;er'iI It>a'~ ... IV!I gr

P'iMI' ~ IBOvl ,!!!IO I)(;m 1fIIIC'i) 1(i'i..'l11 a

!Un~ IIlQ!lt!l oil'!!;!! h Not; ~ t31<O" !O ~ hi!;; .._.:I 011 "NiVj' ~ Ur,~ ~i'EI

UK. If.I!n, !Pit .. t~lII:: ~ ~'n(II'lI II) iI';Ii!"t~~. GI'I~IIlI(!II,'l Gltz ~u!f!rl'![l;;l ,

. ~,~r.w~~r..g~

pr~nco(;M-~ ~

U. "~li II : II: llh1;1 ,sad ~ 011 IhII E. ... I ~' 1I~'~OlIIi]~1'f'ICC!o f1aFl'(l'Nl'y 9~~ ~ !'>~ I"i 1I':jI, 'r • ~ :and MPilId'i!) tidlH ~ ,ilftl' ~ bEt''); ~ \ti1ilCi ee Ifioe ~f~t klo e.QntP'<iruly aril1ll],ltI"I!J n


So tl!t$1. you een gel a OOtter idU cl jl,..l~ hciw much ~ ~ hg 'gcDD • to Ilia ~s.1!J'l 0Iit p;;:it8, 'thO l'io::t'!.I!res 1bo.1~ ~ fOO 1iI;i:nttfy fI!;w

1i:>I)'keI:lI1bG10f"e1 the!t IfIQrn M,

This is an exampllt o] i:~ fairly exp rlenred Gorka m()r],\;,'~ mob. All of t~ ~c '!;,', 'h:~des .and 8o,V'~ h~'i;.·,ii!' bt--e,rIi hr.!!'a\'~:lr converted 1[.:!sing all manner of Inat~in.ah, H nd Bp;lli'e b its of Ci'oiIdd milll1l,iatlllll'lC~, V\,1e\~ pWf;;'id'ii.'Id a mob ms'h:,'r' ~or K:ukskul';s Krbns on lli-,HlPP -i'tie pli],~.

601iZlij [1'11$

roob, ~

~ a:n~'~ ~~ Ifill" L~ ~ I'}I .. 1'-"'l"",,,,~00I,i0~. md N • QI 011 ronrM"~ G[IrIII Jl'lU'i.;a I'lllr:

wnl~e' ~J\1J;ilS 00 tho '!,till! h I eli:! S illlifEI ~ i'Il!td8 IJ&IDg p1astic tI cu, to II'ig ',~

'm 1--!WIt. ~m~kun, I(f~t I~'u~ 11"

_1)1' iIII'.
'IS: \liM,
a 81
~ '91 '7'8
7 d
II!Ii.Ifi I
4+ _~ltnil :II! ;fiij
Iklm ., it+ I
.f+. .... h.n
... ~
~ .. 8 U
,~~ I~ '1' 23 I ~q::= ~ II, f'~1

111 ~'I, .~
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'm\IJ.i"(tIi'i'Jj~t(~,1 .I;Il!l! IWlIllEMi I

b ,e, l~lrI~
!i ,I, ~'
1'1 to I~
~ ~~ i!tiIi.IU:I: :P~1lI




Wlli k' ;\'Oll' <"'I~ I u~+ fight "'lh'·L)ff .s,ln1li'~, I~I.:' most oi!l1rorb.Jmir~ rJlft IJIf ~~:k..J Ifl.(,ri..,l i~ Ullmp.;iiij.illi~ 1\, itt- <II mob !lI'Io~r, .I l'IIi'rioo !.'if 111"'-. Ihi ... gi"~ ~.I'!!! I~·

• '1~po.llTtl'JTii L~' h) IL\ .:5llL h ~"JI.~II r n'i,!_i'L' J~." .'h~p'. h' ";i,,' ,L'Jd II dHILIoTS f,,,i 11 iW'~' o;kilL~ \\"hil(·Ili~~' "'.!Ir.llm~ jmfl "."cI the mob ,gm~~,," L'\\L'F more IU", Thi~ section 'l-~mll-1lin~ hllll; the Cim~ ~l!l'n ILl k.., .,,1"10'\'10' !JI IHL"lb 1"4) p'rlJ~ r~~ J tL"lH"I. i"'IbCIll~t .1Ii1od 1~llIJm),' ~)(r~g.ilIi1'" ~L' r"liiO\\ Ii'rJ". Sl .. r.y .ll'l~~ rmOIl!' ~f .1ild, "l-Nn~'_'tI, .... ih."!in ~ Ou t.ln ~h.~"t' .i!i ~1l1:S .11.


!jl ~!,~~t ~ ".m't~""i~ri ~'Lln' II 'lll"1!.'Ji "t I t',"lh.i: 1'Il10'11 pM~';:t~, .lI"'IL'i. ~~Ii'.lbh thi\;'1i' 1il-1 mo~!£'_ TiliL· I'I'<LlOC p!..1\,oi!l ~_ Llh' ~'H'!1"r~ urn pl.!l; k'i l..ll'l M"C iInL~l· 11I.~1"! ~ moo.. 1 ... 1 oor' '"l:pMi'!:"nOC" .~ Lh.l! l!I'i..,~"('1"'5 iporcl ..... ~~~ run ~m.;:' ,'1 " 11m-(o .:!I~ tn Iii ,~II(1~I"" 1."c1, mClh iu l'I:lM dw m0'5! ,g.i~~L~ I i' .,~ ... h(lrt it !ime .!I5 Filb'!,b~l·.

M'ob5 come tn',"" the d~rb ;:lhlund !k Sik.j..:l(. I~(l!.'~~ ~ILI i!1i' .ti "',]I}" lrom M'~"m"Jl_ r~~.- ~~I!!..'!II} fll1~l.JI riol;:ti'i. ........ tm or ";"u.!Ip,.!!ml t--'.1lt!i~k.!l forhflL"III:'.~mr,m~ u, Hw filL. ~'ti to wo.r1. mlll1!l~ dll~ 5CJ,a p "md ~""'nik the mine i" l~i'llig \'h'd ~hA:: I.S~I)!'" ~L"l:mr ~h(' ~!I.!~rl~lIIlf1'ih~lg {;i("'l.:"'rI l~l!,~lIIl'lS r\(]~ ii-urf:IlI,'I.· ~1;V,l'j.'I', and f.l8-hti 11~ t~11 riN<l1 meb-, OnCl' in a \"lhil~ ~hl:i! N~i'b t.iI'Iu."'S some 1Jr ttk! ikl)lZ into ~"I~I..~~I~~ n to tr.'~ in 1hcI. 111",)1. I M ..... gi"~~ '!t.J~h rrulh ,1 'h'lt.lip .l •• l.(l~11I1 j,! Il1!I1ImiZ'. 1L\·i'tJd"I III ... ;,' C.l iii ... ~ 4lIt"IJ ,1Ii.~ 1i1I11'1 rn~'>IlIl. I1IlI."'>'K' ~i,ln.l~ su p'pl i~ ... , 1,'C'nidlS,. m.,u~it~m ~~ and \1 ],..!h·,.\~r d~ tn.;:; Not. • .!II>.!.'~ ., fllIK~' to,

r,lll ".m ~t.J r! Lh ... ' O:;-"IU~p.:'~1IIJ i'i~ 'J.'Il'!1!l ,~~ 11'10"", pl<i)' .. 'f'i. h."l1I~ n.>oL ruitL'!l;ilheit Wl,.b. .. :\;L-R' rt"}":l~ £.liill i'Olll t~I~" t.jlllflJ."'Jii~f."L .jl, .<ill} hiM" .hi,'i("JlfI!I!'J. Allillru~ 1lC\\' ffilIlh:.. 'Il1o ~I k Ic-;.:;. tl('\'"iI{JIped Ilk"",' II-m 5(IOJlj kant '1'!1~1"Io- -:.'killo;._ A~ \ I)U \vil i ""-",,'. tightin,j.!: 1;1I111!!., FI(;!"' .. errul rm~ \\;i I~ ('n.,Ij.I~· .~ i'l!?!11 ['!'!ob tL~ d('\'~'i l1P' q UI(~Jr-

rlAW .. :~C, T~ IE C.AM.lPt\ IIG, "

I.~ ""<'IT1'Li'hc (".;lJl\~","ir.1;'. l"'~""('i IPIL!~1i.'\I" 'aim ~~. 't~k\~ tl'i~'1 r n'LlIire. ;md ~k'(~ ;j'Ii'li!' [)if IliII." :.Tt't'f'!,)rJ(l6. to flghi

(~ !.IlL' &lI.'rlOl'rij'~ ~(.ion). Ii. t Ih~'

t!OO at I?<lt'h g,itn~' II'u!- pl.!l)l""r.> I .. jlrloz out 001' n,!:LJ~I! '~"""P'''''«'1KTL·- ;h,.. moo'.:, ~",'afflLlr .... h_n'll' (.....,m('(i M~ I,o~" md~\' '~L'I.~I' the mob- - ~·IIIIIt.,."'B ~ II~iflg.

L~~ri!i'm."!:i! 1;<;. 'n::i-'iK....cntedi by ,f.~ll'I" 1f"J~ ..,fUd! lil!I.lI'I'ii"tual 'h;<lUI!M'<o rn-ci'l'~ fur 5UN~"'I'I~IB.NI"iJg.ur.r:" ~ d;rM~ p.!rriwlillrl~· ",.('I. Iii t~ Ifj~ 1I!hi ....\"ed 4!:'tli:1II.o"!1!£'r; m Ihr." 1i:'li.f'l'"J1i<f1tle ~(I. h'tii-n oil ~,'amct" h,j~ ~'IIff:iciiim! E:r.. rt'riiI!DiJi!' pi1'lllIt~ M I'!E!oI."Il"lw"', In. • "11 \"1"1 !1r' .... - I'm adi\il1.M{" !"nighl: impm ... L!' hi~ cru.r-iil.1l!ti'!tk p~~fll~. ':lIklu\g to hl~, ws. iRS. 'S d~ 'L'I~ I!: rN,gh1 bt .II "'~'I-!.""("i,'1 skill SUli:n J.. ... UNi1&mg.l.ty er ',JW,ti ~~

1l"",I' are .:o{locfL.'lI .'IJi!t~ 1I]"ad"i. ~ ,;md i!iMed 1;1 d'IIt F::')I~~·~ tl~'€ hoard, i.'hJ~ R'prescn15 LhL" rro'l!- ("MJ'IOO ., th~' jll1'lb .af~~'r .i'll-;in~ 111I~ ;i!~lI!1ll U"~I\Il: 'l"lX'ru£::. Imd ~hil,; eost o~ Ii'I!'j;il.lllOirLJ!; IlD1lI"f'lii i'i1l1-Q1'i and dOlm'1~ \i "J!p..)'I1~. 'lioo 1[..:111 ..p.w the slash !iUI 1'!..'OU.itin&

~ .. ,) n I,)u<>" tllll_~'in& n...'"' ~,. E'".!I~ (1(' ~ In, thi:: :'I"~ M \·~f'I~illii.>d m frill" MIi\'l..OOrl.l."'n 'set"!lilvi'i_

~won~WQ'iS<'iIIl'~~l,.dqm~ M~~ gull!Y~ ~OO i3l1rat. ~fItI ~ ea o.alfb~Z,

"Urn, I~?~ II w.nS·~k. IjIII"IQ ar '1M ~r ~,wrn~.


i:"!\g. me, ,~m'!, tiC", ~ 1In'k, ! "t!d it· "V!IQ(!dy(l~'lml2lill'l'ii' roo I~ ~ 'wn II?"'

"Wtf!, I Gafl\t tell ro, ~!Jr>9, boss. '0» I ~'rI: fD:I ll4Wloo'd.:.!i,~ Mnm:i'oI ii£llI"IMIII'IOl!:IZ:1'8l!. ,~it ·''IlI"l!a)!llCDjOdl ~~ I'f:i1S!jratile. '

"OFie5l:i.v. II rtui'i'l~, !flO b.!ifl1c, ~er :[!, ~t,find fElr 11i!i1lt kialmi'iiritf;l, iNtO ,,00 i!J:fIt 'j) ~~, )'00 eat!

~ ~)3~ da Do!:~ 01' !iQ!D can IiJ!I' 'WNou!I .•

~~ r~,a'~'tI'iCI" ~

"" ~I~'ft 1'iO'1~ ~~ p;»r ott $kIVga WIlio I\;ldl ~ 1IIOI1ll"i 11ifE1 ICl'!Gl5t - no ~ IlII"fI!r ~ 1M s:antli3 (inti' 'IIi'IO IO!X. mg CUll olr Ibolh 1MB Ui~~,

~~rl'IlOOss- i r~ - , ~'i kI!ZIo Md wi".! ooe !Mr'I fI De' ~ M me [BE"t,. . ~ (roo IiII'Hror !jI&'ps.. dltJ ~ 011 '

~c~rs me 00f1"·~ Garal.


tacm, mob 11\.1$ ., mob - the h_i~~' I~I!' ralin:s the ~x:Ul,;'r Hl~" ·luIJb. nlll·lfl:4)l~ r71 i:il~~ ~~ ~iliT1rky ~h~'· ~i;.!'i·o1I~ an.'I' t,oI.l i"e('j~'UI.L.i'i1iltd ,111 !hA:! \'io'alfrJCI:r.\ ;:'!1I)d ,. el'illdeo. II~ Hw r'llLlb. pfus their rota] ~~ril!'J'l(!? po~nls divided by 10.

~"DB Rr .... T[NG '::

COST OF WAREUO:RS AND VlEHlC1ES T (IEXi'ERU_;N(:E ,10 rounding lUI')

A r'llLII:/_.:: r.<!Ihl~:S: w.iIL ('hi!l[i®L" i!li~<'r c'l,'ol':r~' i!:j..mi<' bt"'l','I'll~ 5!1.1.rv.i\r.i1'LJ2j ~~:.lITi~rs I.",m g.ailll (!:d~.l oI!');pe-j'~I!i\tOI!', 1"",~,[J'[1)r::, might iOC ki 1 kd, mow llo'liornOl'5 .,ddbd, or you could o11dJd In H~i!' i'a 1m" H~ ..... i!lrr.k!or.. by bU;\'i li~ IWW' l!;,·.~"ojIpl.mI}', h.lsLomi;;iill' etc, Hopt!'Jull)' yf~ut r'I~L"Jb rahl~S wllL to LIP-, signifying your ~1'1:g"~ in(T('.l:;jn~ [pO''''~'cr''

1I111.!' 1P~.jIyt'r ~ .... hose moo has .k highrrst moo r<l~jn.g i-s ~~.i~U1ili~. HI_~' 1:III1~p""~!:i.1i - hi::;. ~mnb ·i~. ~t~, t;lf i:hii:' hl".lP ,'I1~i;I i'li; l.eailE'r t5 'Iihl!' most i€'<l mil and r!?Spet:ted in the .!I~iII.

iii. moo cannot · ....... in <1 campaign in .m)' 'DWitrigM M'nK', but sometirrres one moo rises so tar .100VC

I]Ii!' Ii'(!~! U~i!I! I~(H)I~!£! i~ pn!If<cl:I!L-d h~ L'L!olILC' .Lln~ .ilml

:fight it ~f thi<5 h.1ppI!i1I5 1nm the pla~rer em ~!iro

·I~· iIJlldb (Lt moves on '0' more d!~ n~rolls. .:lIr'ld i-"mHl"bli!! l:c;rri'lm1L~'o;) ,illi1!l ~~.!d oJ

ru! ~h' OJ'II!'


In 01 lir)lt ~11)1.!' ~~.~ rriors wi! I 1':(10 out of

,lcb611 .!i[u.:i .1 rL~ [l!!~1:'I61\L"d frt'''lil i,I~,y. DLlr~lii!) ~hf' i!).!lrw it doesn't mil I. t.:! I ' .... hether 11 ""'illrrio-r who i1:0€'S OLI'

~1l ,I r~'i')I1 I~ d ~ .. ,d,

uIltCL)ruiCl.(:oU~, 'Llt b.!!ldl) iJllljurBd - in 'I.",ml~ of the ~~II'.r he is 1TI0 l()Ii:5'~·r ",11 p"'Ibl.l" ,J righhl~£ snd HIM I~ i'l1! ~h~ t n'I.'1'I'~'rs.

'wh~'n ~"'lll .,~. pi,'lyin.g

i!I (iIIrlll;,l.I$:II d liiMbL"r.\ a.

:sn!i'll deal. ' .... ha~ hwpfJ'l!m to wilirrioT5 wiho g{1 out of OIcllon! They ll1Ji1;h~' reoover 0I.m11P!('q;;:oly, f'i:ml y 1(10 Hgh~ in ih!£' Il~).1 bel Ltl!!'. CI'i Ihl!').' ~~J:gh'i. Su!i~a,III (khi it1ju ries rossi!J.:ly- 'hey a~ '.!i'tLlI'1'~:I b;\' i:hf' l~rlll'ill1y, Ilr ma);i;!;,;o

Ihe~' ha~'"" to spend ';1 ""'lIliiLI!'

.... "(Q\'I:ring th;;:o! r ~'~"fiI..gU'" ~'\\;;on:1' L~f.'lll dlll.'y l11Lghl: 1;1 it' ur ~It' :o;t ~ ~)JIdl~' II:'IJU.I ed thi!!)' have Leo .r!!'I:I.I'I!'.

Io find (rut \I;(h<'!lt'"I1~ to' ~,.,.~·rvi.tJ1il'1i who go oo~ of action ron '~~·o· dice and consult 1hA:! '5e1kous I"tu~ r;I_~,I!!!. TIll" r.~I: rl i0l.'· 'r1J11 ~.P'~nns. 'n e ns' and k;S.OCOJlid. 'uni Is' 5O,jJ m11 of 1 21M .5 I~ i!1.. a. run Ltf' . ..jr."I~! ~ ii:; ,36,. ond 5D on This. t)!~ ,o~ dice roll i6 ~Jened 110 as a Dfi6 n:ill.

¥oo l, .... ill notice Ih.Tt the Serious lniuries r~hl!? ;j~fi't j~~t indml(· K'rio;)'l.J~ Wjll·ril"S,. Lt 'CO-1{U5 i! ~\"hoLc! of thJ~~ lhalt bdilill ymu w.!urim_ l:k"olr in m~n,~ ·lh.l~· only warriors who- go 011' of .KtL'DIl<lJ1!' .obiig«l. to MI ,On thi~ I"blt.!'. Wo:'lrri(l'(1; 1h.'·I: !oufl'('r flesh wounds ;(10- nol !;LI!i.b!lI[~ ~ri[)iLl~ ~'iillri~'~ anrl ~ .... in .'Ih!;,·~,y~ n;""(\ll~·i."r tlill j' iii'! ti I'I1II!' fa-I the RI!'X' bilJttl.e.



~r'I. lJjL!t:hlni'L ~(!; W:lr.rtll.ln; whn gv l'Iut (If ,'Idi~ d~1 ring IIhi~i1iI'l1lI!', 'L'i.',UriON \\'00 .!!I['If! dLWi.'[\ M Ihi!' el~-d of .:lI :!)"!iI:'lL' rn:Jo~' .' IKI' i!';'l.l !l,,111'1' of action. Roll iJj D6 f·or C't\Cn l'o!olr.rior "' .... ho is l.:k'WlI II liL'li tht; gamL" f'n,I~. On 01 1)60 ((11] ·of .jI 4..Q ,~,

wa~dw ~L'Wer.\ II H]ILJut fnl'1lllool!r cIlL",d. 0iI1 .!

1-3 k gees out (IIJ .:1ctioo ol1nd m.lU~t roll on iIhI!

So!:UiHLl~. b~u n~~ Tilb!.i.·_ .N1:1!ii' ~h,"I' Ort-:~ 5(!! CI" Jire by $oColfll"hal~ .1 iii!' C!:'oo'$I~]t"r'i',iJ to till! e~tin~u ished .!II liI'IIl!' el:'i.d of th~' :I.}'lru.·-

S,':'E=8,'IIO' US'" INJUR' II~S' l'ABlE

" " 1",,' " ". Iii" M,

n-is DEAD

rhe lA'2JD'rio, ~ !tilLed in action ,~OO tru:s; 'body i1'IMrll::IiJl!1~ 'to ihe ;:!ll"[lIl"ru;umi n,g ,".)l1i;1S (!If ~he ~"'9t'rt. An {hI!' \I'~fim~ ;:rlll;1 'NJl~ilPl1\('n. earned by L"~ W''.:!Imfl!l' are I~t; 11'm(l\'~ him from .~ moo rosh.>t.

it6 Ml!] .. TIPLE ~ JU!I.lUES

1I"hc' '!iIOI_rriro- i.s noll de-ad but has ~ufll!lA..J I11lO!ny scngmi' ,~"OO.I!Icl.!i, Roll a r!!lf!h~ DIj. 'mn1L~ LJn !hi~ tIIbl'('. Re-mU alO'L~ 'lI)cad. 'flLln ~Re[lm"1"r::t ;111.;1 rurther 'MuJi:lpll!' ,&~jLlrii!'S'" ~'1.IIU5.. ik .. 111III11 dilpl ir,l'li7' ~IJ; or 'Capillcl .!u:'ldi "i8j_~ll!\r li.nmity'.

, I


~rbl!' w.u-nur hik'l ~n 'l:ti:!dlly \.\';(!IUndE'd in llrfe.~. He 1!WO\il('fS, b!JI~ is '~~d by mhe Injury all.d LuI'; T(i!J~ffilll'.ad_e.l~iC is ~!JJ,~ by .'~.


~ \'i,'.;:mio~ has SJM~l'M.'C!, ill I!l!& He lro['.m'('~ fmrn ~j~ U!i!urles bLl! ]'t(!, (,1In nu jLln~L"l II1i1lW;:" ~s qnidl)", 'fh.<. ~'!IZIrriliJiJ"~ l\'bl.'l!'!I11"nt I;:h;1~ri5lic is DNiLloodi by .1. Kondr;!mly g~('rmiM' which I-eg NS boi:ie:i:'i hun...


,23, ARM WOU D

The ""l11'rlor'iSo IlfID has! ~i'I :!ii;;l,lufi.Calfldy milnglil'd, A1." .. otl'~h he K'OOl."e5 rn:lft'1 !his ifljuF)' Bti.s 5bength illpem'&iiK!i'LLl~' tWw.«'Ii H ;. n!!lw'lf. '~ wilirrOOr'So SI.n:!n Pi t h d iii! roil ttl.. ..-i~ti c i:;; wd\i! 1;l!NII b;1)' ·1 IvI\.e [1 us] ng, 111M! 3irun, ~;:liTildOtT1~ QI;IIi'C'rminr. ~"rhJdl am) has beem, hi!. Br."r ill mji'K!l Imt most hand.~.(j!-ha.i~d ~,;,e.a~ l!¥' ~ flghte1"s own 9Lh:! 'ilfl. ilu'l16,. k.lii~'ei L'Ir.


A 54.'liloos. ooad lnj.ury ~eoa~'t.'9 ltit! \\'"~rri~u SI.UTIIC~~

, • ul!11TtlngeiiL At friI! ''S1:.ari of I!'.ach game- 'I'Dll .;I 06 to deli!mtine. hQ~v hI! i!l. .al'f'l<n\_'id, (lril ;]j I-J dK' warrior is ,d;:]keiJ ~nd I;;Qn~ - he i aIfm€id by the- fiill.\r!g fm ;fillip Ijj i~JI On iii ron 0 r 4,..6 1hI:!' w a rrl (iit :i.!l 'l!t'InI ~:c'!il o!Im.di I,IIJ1('OI~O]Jllbk - he Js i!i1lf'eC-ted by tI'ie 1'1Il~ fur ftmI.!J.

, lbrs.r .jJf!i! I'ound in [i.a, CilI!'!l'!f!?[, $tuff. SlNiiul1 (!if IJ'oII .Roolz.

.. ,



, .


'J1IM!' 'l,!al'li'l~ $lLIr'I,.i-~ bwi if ..... ttOO sight In one ~ r.tLl',l)I cl~rmilU" 'IiI.,hi'!:h one, A wafflOr ..... i!h unl,. ullli! I!')'I! ti\;u In~ fl:.;!;Ui.,:tic SkIU eedueed 1.0)' .1. r the \..,.arri,u is ~rnLlr blinded II' his ~21inir1& S!lOlil (')1(' kJ\ he Il'U1SI ~l:ire from thr ~ <1ft1i suffff!i 1M fare nf ~n.,g Ior !l[J'ap9 h:i M ... ~lOW'.n IQ !iLlnTli..-e,

,3,:2; COUSMlA'O((!O

1be ~""2Jii'ltiot 'SlIDV1'l"!!.'5 001' ~ .[I kI'Io.clu..:.d !!II!Ji! ThL" W.lImrii;1{ WMeS D6 Ik\.>i - ;vi'licl.. .., ni.clkr!d by l~ 'opposing moo snd adJ.e..I fill thc;r !ftf inall'Tl~. If rthr w.amOC' L~ ~ (lrr muo:re h'l'f fw [OUtm .1 fro!ll his, k.(jd~1' !!haradl!'ri .. l:ir a~ ~ ~ ~"'rt ffOOT! h1.!i oomnidb,. ami ~r.mkl)' i~ ~ embaJir<ISSL"ii hiJt'lS4!Lf.

33·35 OLO BA rrtEl WOU [ D

The witJ'Viijr. n.'cnv;:"J'!:; biJI IUs old w1l!lJ.l1<d !>I..TJTIl'Ii~ <!I!li.-'Cbl hi!> ~~!th r'lt's ill Wt glppf'l Rolt O!J U6 ~ ~m s .. ml". On Ilk mlJI of.a 'I I.I:'II! "",'aJlri!.!r'~ GIl!!! m:"Imd n~ .r""rmg u;P -illild hi!' I:; Ilnat.11! na 11IIa> jNirt in the lfo:rthoomlng baWl!'. li:L'mL'rT1bi'r tln~. III dm"f IJ!t g,lIIli11lE!r C'itill lie alLltullLllti!l'.'~ll~' ousted from !herr posIU~ if hy ml~.;I ~.

l6-JS.5 ru LL R:IEOOVER'it

TI1M!' ~'oI'aniPl' h.,~ t.«n lmoo;:lood unOOfbl.~uw.l.:!r I'hIfn-n a mildly i;n('i!~t.iltlng. weund hom whim f-w. m,l~ !!I ML rN'O'IIe'ry',

56 Bl1"1."iIDt. ENMmTV

Altboo;g.b I1e' md:.t..~ a wll ph~~~l rN)'I,'i'~, IIv wilmar has. k't.'I'iI ~..::i by his ('"I(perk'~~ He ..:iI~\f(!ro;ps a bittEr cnmily ('(I( u-e mob ill ~ ,,'_ fi.>sporiSi'bl e tor hi~ ilT.j1,l1)l- From oow 01\ the w,uriOI' 'i~ OJ ~~ b)' Ik rules. fo, HfI~t'1..'Il MLlIo'io'.11k tlw fu1lowing: (roll a (6):

l,·:;]: The iJlidi,vidu'aI, w,orri~ 1'.'00 tnructOO QIC :i I $It}' (i l un'k.n(nlTn,. tht:- mob'li N cob).


~ ~ ('ii~i~ mob 1l'!.."SP.,:!I'I£ibli!' mr lroi~ injwy

6 }\111'~:rfrmri dK'~ (aflJon~"l"SiOI'

• .... l\q;iil~'.il5 the md];. thaI u,J)idtld InS injury.. ~If Itbr ~ f-ii.!-'tlQi.l es It~ iishlrr. mil ~ •


w.a:rtior ~ins OJi1S!:IOIIJSII~ 1['10 find. hl~~ ... ~ by !fie nppibif'\io] moo, C-i!.J1i!i'·L~ 1'118)' be

')dI....,,~ rdflS(lnwd bilfk ,o~ put 11:0 \'iicdo.. :ir. fhe mjr'll!'_ ]f both ~ hold! capllh'cs then flu,), N ~ch4l,&eorl. on ~I ~r~ bask. ~t;'lTtin:s wo1(ri~ or lI'ie hlghCl'~ '1,1'011[_. My K'm.i'!i nins atpIk'fs I'IIIJst 'be ~ 'b.'Irk: IIJ' itl!?J.i' own mot H th.! pIqrr' j:o; ,1,UIirrs; to pit;,' the coIIplm's asking prili:'t"nm-lio I1Q lin-d 1'.ilLle j'or r~JjIij - it is I!J lYi.3l11. ... r fu:r the pbYCr5 I!'I d~ for II1em5('L1.~

Findl;,:. w.arrJol"'; 'I'fw .are n ... l~r 'J:"Xrlru!l'Is.oo lOr' ~ mil)! be pm Ibl:J, 'llrm In '1lPrr' mine if fhJ!o .. rins mob Induill!{':l'; il $iau'( eamIng ilj 'bmrrLl~ Mi ~ u cti\·il}'. C'aptiv.:u:; 'Whn an:! 1l'JI!.m.'ns-cd er 1"11 'd(IffII.'d rel:.iJ In ail oti thriT \ \'e !X'1)5.and 'C\l~lipmen'1;; if ("ilpth'~ ~~ puL 10 'V',J;lrloL in I,h_e ill1.l1111! 'thJ;:'ir'IW'Ilp.1II')' ~nd e -qulpml!f!, i~ lrepl! b],. IIbe (i!:pto~. Ii. INlIJ an ~mpl! to tlbcr ... ~ 'i!~ Cl!Jp!uiledl f:jg11!~ ~~, d.!billed in tlY ~'ila.tf05 ~lJn.


I~ ali thv 1:'1I6b'l5. ,"'f.lTI"io~ rt~;ly be !SE!lioosly iujLl J'1....a In .a tight. ill fl1ob's ~'l-lrrkl~ oos.nt Ja'li perl"}' to. ~he ellll!m~' i!'i5 welL 5pam\'{'r~ 3f1l! il!')lpem !'lit s.EJ~".IIi8i~ vehklii's. roI:Jblillg It'8ether iSpJm- p3i1i1s and fi;t;ilng '!1\lW! dama,gJ!', 11'Ie~ (an"t IJ'{'b ... lld a piml!' ollJTJ;rn~M \\'rec1.<Jge! It;;J \'t!hide- c"~l1d~ or' ls imrnobiliRed during a game it rtUt be p.'{II'I~l'H?ntL~r di!1li1~_

Any vehide whid1 Miffel'S an cngiJli: ~1"r.o!iion ms i'll\'I'.ly~ mpploo OInd haa 10 roll QI:'I ~he Vehick l\'"T~li.!lJil.I!!Jil.L I)~ Tablle (sec 10"11)1' II1e !page) at HlL' J::!ndi of the 1:M1tle_ Any vclitide ",,1r.lm is i'mmJjbiLI!1ed, during ._ gOilim' mao)' ~ If1'IIppled mW have 113 roll 00 HlL' ~.~b]J!'" ~.!Jlty If i' is odJ,'I100i'JJ!d lbocaUR' 'I'h~ 1Mb o\ -r n~ng i~ !\as to bol:llJ" 1)(11-.A whKlt' W~L1dJJ has 00 (,1'l"W I.Ir dri~"J!'r ilt t~ end 01 ilk- DidilJ;, L'OUI'l5 .as!bl'1[lg il:'liin®ili5e'd

Itdl ill [16 for ('"ch iil'lfi'lobllisedJ V('l;Lid!! at the end (If 11lL" g.ame-: 011 ;II ml] rnf 1 it OOlln""',<IS, Mng. crippled, U1i .l :2..or more tl1ll' lrulb !>a~V .. ges it n'p'al -s i! fuily in ~1I1'1J!' (or 01:;;:0 ~~t :g.<I1'f:'JJ!'. Ir dtc Irnt~'b L),lIIo'r.1:J1'L$ !nc .... 'l-hi,d.' boWed OItI."lhe \feRidl:- ('00 iiI:.<: as, be~ng clip~IL~~ m' .!J roll J;1f l-~ Oi'J ill [)6,. llnfJ til'l, a ill Of mo((" i~ n:~1 oJ!'~ and f~lll:f' ~irOO, N1;,11 fOr Ihe [["<i~~ of .;'Iny ei"lppled ~'C'hicl~'S 01; ~hJ!' 'ilblr CJ\ er dtc p.'I&I!'_ i\~I:e' that fi'~~ 'Lo.'eil.p<Y.Ilt5 ,1T1~1 g,ubbins ~ITiI1 be rep.aimd at ltliC· ~me om.;:',

16IJ-f;i5 IMP:RESS1Vl: 'SCAR~, ~ IW:JWLIj)J' ~~;n;;md '~'l' l.'cF.t ''"''ilt. il'l'!~~~"(' ~r:; as ~rT1II!n! •. 0 how br.;1 he ~. Add ~1 ro ttiI:' fl,ghw.-";; l.&Ii!t'I.l!rllii.Ip d\i!r."bt'1i!';ti~_ If 3 \'f!amor ~1:;5; j'wd''''T mm~'oI~ IimI"S ti!~ll"J ~I:tt=" ..... il~ also lll'ipJ'OV{' his l~.jJd('~ip' chilJ'Urlerlstk .as hr' 1rJ['Ji.t.~ rrl'lflt'!! and , fl'i.O:i'(! 1Ihe, mdi'.fIJ ~1'Iled Ofi:. WiUTlOr. ti !J;I\\'m~r. ~ Hut Orb. [h~ ,~I m~J;;it'J'!Jm l.,(I;J'.ijleJmhip tlf 9, t¥fdlless of the:- ~ 11Ir;(Jl[ Hili! adviimre-

00 SlIRV,IVEIS, A.G,t!.JNS,T TtlIlIE O~DSI Tl'te> "",raniOf' l!1.'gi3iT1!!l !fIriit$,CIOO5n~ .. lone in !hI!' dt:n.>ei"1,. gl~7t'r.1 up fJ;JU d~ by 11'\1;; ('OO'ipimi~14J6, end ~~d~ br his Cli'll':miB. Desplw hi;s; fu!j1,lIij~ heo 'In.lJ~ ~lJJ~WiIY 'h~d:, h:..1'TI!C, fisJ1;'Ut12; ollf rnlil~".3. ~di.ip ~l':rpuFL!l alTJd other hO!"R:rr.!., vlA![('J)mlng th(" J!:'"ndb 'dO!:ngN.S Df lli~ ~t (,1_11;;1 lite ni;strlm2ltJ!' stilO:;('rn.!D'f tl;u: lI1!i~t)_ He- reoo~ rfuIJ>' and his ,1'OO'J!!r'k.;ipll! ~~IT'J.'i1 .... 1 lMi'II11!l him !<In .. ddi,'iit!lul IDI6 '~fii~ pojn'L~.


P'ermanr:nt dal11i11.sJ!' suiJeu:dJ by i1 whiA.:l~ cam'L 00 fh,('(I by .' ~\tL·'k. Tt(!.!Jt this in tIM, :.;cal1~1!' n'.!J>' a'!o going, ~!Jo t~u; M(!k.!; bIl 8e~ the vehicle Lmstclfll ised (So.:""'C later], E~u::h p~e oi perrnanenr ...:I"I~IIol8-e ~5 ill iiI?P'1Ir,"I~" r,b .!lad costs [Jt !i;,"('1- O:n ", ~Joo·s. a Good 'l-"n~ nS'Ult drte- dam.lg;:.' is fixed!. If you, tak(' ._ rl 1JJ111"'8-edi ,'eMck i rrrn till!! M.els f'or l1l!l'(nil'li~ill' .:.mi, roll.l R.;'t ill ~'\'I~i II:! \'o'~ ~\w. <Ie I r" n,'7'.uli:. ", t3lldarn piece ",r pc"nrto!Jrn:!nL dama,g .... i~ HxJ!oL!i i nstead,

-1.' JI!:: - •


1~-U. . DES.'fROYED

lth~ 'T'I!hi.c1L~ is oo.rtifl!! wi'OCkOO and (.mnot be re~- I'F IJ!lW: rnMlb buit1k't'IJ (rui:. thl!' OIIJier mob GlJ1J Ie.wt' Of!(' !J~ !heir BDyz In !drip it. &1ini~IJoi an e:d.i'dJ 21J(i, ted (i!d.;t('(il to '~ir ilTlC!l.:!me) ,frum ~h'~ns. !heset'dlt!'_1he '!roy Ieft behmd Co1l1"it W('Iri: IIlli" m_~!b.!!i mim!' ilIfh!r Hie' IIMnle as w~~.


An immL"iI'UlL!ly ,jrri!;!iDiili< !li)lllI!'ak has, rJl'l f'!~ ""..,J,kh ~~ ~ (!lrin .... m~o!Il. 1ihc drin'l' ~ufkn. .1 teademhip wlilm mOins ~l!) ~W~. and whm llIyi. to ILiUm ~vhlll5t usiJlg, 1h.l'Ys:l"IT5.

35a36 UNREUAlB'LlE.

The vehllcil~ ~eIo'p5 4i ro-mrri:n;g pro'I:ikm r.m&rn d~1!'!l i1t1lt! S~1.IlIer·~ rifofl:§. to th 1I. RoLl a D6 bcfol'l! lI"~m gartH!'_ On i!I rnll mf 'I iJllII:! ~'l'!hlde i~ plJ.,·it'lJoj. up ,~~d II mII .... iAilllbl'e (or tht! (urlhru:n:'1l:r~ ('a'lk

41J1l~56 'FJX¥D.

It 1t;M)l;_ .. .II let ~~T1!II"5e than it ~ .!Inti \\il:h l!I ~w ~fII Mils ~M 01 lid<: of p;:dnt ~he SFD~r ft;>;e, die ,~ up as. good IMoI1!lW' (:s{I1t iJdl.

6t·63 'CAP'fUREP

1:IlK!' vehlde- k5 'lm'or-oo awa)' by h ~ID:g mOO, Ct.p!lun::-dI ,1EI11L1de!! 1ffiJIY' be,eox>Char.,ged.. 'hrm.J,g'M. 'N.I:k 01 fliripped &.~ I;l.l~ Iff !:loth mdM hold apiumd 'll'dhidL~ ~h..:.':n ~ iTll!Ist 'be ~dfi~ on a (H~~ (11K' b~ ~t,.1I'tiiml!i m~h vehidL~ nil 1m:. hfsht-'!oot 1'dL1Il!-. Any 1t'1JI.[Iil\illg \i('njrJes com ~ ~ght b_;:Ii::k by Imr 0'iI0'i'1 !nOb if the pl.iJ_'P'('r i.s !¥illmg to poiIIy tOC ("I?oor" ... aski'-18 ~f'l!'_ Thell'e'ls no Ike<ll \\ilIue ro~ bu)'If\g ruck vChilcl~ - if i~ Iii iiia1~i' rD~ !he pt:a.~'ei'9 la, dedtko for IthL"m2hre~. .tJMlLv. ~hiele5 'vo·hlrih G~ fl!!l.lI1!..'t ('~np rIG" bclUsN !bad;, ,c.:.I'I.1Ili!! ~lripped fur yicjdil1g; lD6 IOCTF tfw th .... I;4Jp'lWTins moo. Thco mub 'woo na'llll' lost the< wrudrr n~\iI[' OOl" ~nrl" ~o ~p!iJJt! Ihtl'lr priOl.@d rranspon bcl'ore it ls tom 31l11!1ri:,. aa. t3L'!1aik.f( i.1'IJ rltl!i! ~00s r;ecUOf'l.

1-1--116 IBADI;Y MANGl.ED

~ "Lohi cl~ i ~ rrut d es.I.royoo hu t hit!; 6U1f ero:l !Ji I'm QE ,[I;rIJl.ollgoc'. Ru!~ ,a, ru~lII:!~ [lID 1Ii!'l~ 00 !his IL.ibk.IR~ID11 ;my "[It~I.-rIfL!'!d'. ·.I'mpm.....oo', .,~.:«ld' and ,iIn~\· further 'B.ldljl M<1IflgJr.;!' res:!.IIl b;,. OOr.,-rnlll, dl!lpliG:l;1!' tteSW]ts .of <C.'J~ILLl'Cd· Mid 'fjlr('rr ~p;:'r"_

,21·22, .i.\RMO"UR 1,\fEAKENl'EIJ'

Tfll@ 'i'lehi!!le's arroom plates ;1'1'(' k'ft g'o1l;'bo;;! and birnt. or ooM,1l'~ ~Ly m~ n some o1rN!i. The "dUd~'~ ;rrnl,l)I.n i!Ii ,1lL>di1l!Z!L.>di b)' i point 01'1 all Joc.i:!tion!;.

23 D~1' 'C1 AS:sms.

lbc '~'I!ntdti'~ ..::h11&115 or flim'1ll' is knt,. m~ki!'i.,g 'iI' ",'[miMI: ilinp"'~ib.i~ t'Il' oof'ltrol at hL,gh 5~ro, ~""hCD('lo'('f th(" 'l,l'('hi'!;'l[" 'ta~~ ill Th~: ~ J:ilOM flDh'

,0P.1 11 Mh-~ a -1 JnIJIdj__ficr' 00l Ihc DIfI rull, it mOre Ijl"icly so fall,

24 1RXlE-1l UrPBR

The \'1!'31kle's reee ... e-ry is. oiIl! :m;I__(';;I 'I'!o<idli 'm'L!lth sl!Id.imf:5, 4~f !L~ilh aed lunl.n,g b). ~ Spmncr, Inoogh ,CVlI"li}'IhililS can Ibe tlJii~ hlt!'i'Y'liIllng ~ to ti!!' ,1D;oe-d, . "J::IE ....mi,j(o o1Im.;ll om: Spanr.lC'f oJ ),OUlI' clllll!iOl!' c.m't be

tI.:WLiI Jill the 'I'I!:!-Xt !tr,\'l~k iJ:N'.;;,',I8" il: t.~l= ~~ I~WLS I.'iJlI ffi_.."

:z.;..:2l6 S'WI3PlIING JAMS

Th vr;;:h],rdiC'"'S S-'lft'rilllg i'O'mllO .. t t11Il!' n1t-~t ioopporml!JJle 1li'I00'I~ w~ you 'til~C' !!I lA' .... ~'jp I~ ru n'I:lli

• ~ ~um ~ hili!- us1t1g 1hrustft5 willh !his ""rhidJ: ym.! ... I~ h3,'(: ~n rutll iii 06.. a:l'ld.!>role equal to Of !.lndcr the' ; ruh'Il'.r"~ Strl~bh. [f )'cu, fail, nn ~Ul:il is made IlJ1IclIIhe 'Vt''hbr_k 1JlJ;r""CS 1J6~ a'flL~d lire a Irllu"I~llai~d hJfII'J,

·,:n.,,n '19'0NilE:SiH.A.,KIE!Jt

'Od: Y(' h i'i1Ie'll, i!I.\o:n' I' 00I.hJ!. r ...... j Il~ 8.'U ifJ~' ~.I:U n.g 5: 'U koejSUs:~n. s-prin;p.. FddL'i!~ !iI.....ats. -r[J/ ':tll~'lhlfjS U~~

I 1lIuII. J\fheri k~ mmzin,g. !his vihi<:lll' ~h;;:.lM wild])"

.: giliim~, ~ryuM 00 board ,ill ~I to hi! rryooifjA'r w~

, ,~:tn.y ~IDI .

15+-158 'ARD LOOKING

lhc ~ape9. bulM 1:H)1~ mdlliOOfGA marks romblne tl~ ma~ the ,,!!',hi~ kooak reall)' tun:l, AlU Ilhe- \I dJ1r101".> IJtI oo.,nI the' ·anll lcokililS ",~hidc ~iL"l +1 lu Ihcir I..c.a([('mhip for 81cir jl,!lstifi>ill:il • 'PMl' in i,_

b6 [MrnOVI:UJl~

Once the 5pMlIliZ'~ hoilJ~i(" lfimKtcd ' thor \'~~.Ide I:taG'k Inlfo shape it :POOV("5 ILo Dr.' mum 'bcttcr i.~L:'JI' W<l!l MQfE'l AI] p...m.lr1ffil d'.mt!l~(l';l by the ,'!!hld(! lTII H~ illltlS~riIms' M€'tim ... ~~ m;oo. ~OO I;t.a S Ilil~ fu nhi!!t 1!f:fM!.

- -

-- .

, I!

1"'- I~ .arnOT:; I ... k.,. !pilr1 in figh!$.. those \\'ho su ...... ,j ... 1.!' ~me ml~1."Ii! I?xp.;:'ril.!'llrut.t and imlm'W'(!' their ibll.l:l:le skills. !n .ii Gork;;'II'T1L1rka campeign HLI~ is 1"Cp[\""IiI,,'11lbed b:r F...Ipt"MIC~· pclfJrr,..

\'\'arri!J~ ['a rn E).pcri('nn· pt 'I nts when tllA!~' ~ak(' pert JfL a b,LLLiIi'. OnIT .;J woIIl'mlf has I:'mru~ Expcri('~~"(!" pomts he F!:ain~ ?in • ,!lLi 1,'.31 11 ('(' , , Thb takes the tll<Tn~ of ei ther ,m inrn.""-'Ill.od ~harillc~C'ri,~iL: or a s.:p;:.'('"i<1l1 ~L.u.II. 'Warri(lr.. wiho Ml[vl~re IOllg ~'r~,us.h l!T1<lY pm,g~S6 to boNYJ'IIW l1il.i~ht), heroes wiili "tany :pl'(iolli i!Jb~Li LiE'S d-i;"i' !Lwy have pi rked up OV·L'\1 Lhe- CCI'lIr9.' 4,f thei r combat [,".!Ir\..~r.

whcrl ~~ srrior« ,JI:1I' re( rui Lcd rnr:;o:.t ha'!.'r<! SOR1(' i?!['.IenIT already, '1 hi~ I~ determfn ... o;:1 .!I~ soon as th.,."y il:tJ1lJ the 1T11~". The fll~l~m ,1H,g mil rII !\h(~,'s how nUJt'h e>"lX'fil'm'l' IhI!IDi ff(!~LtL t)'p..~ Ilr II anior.;. hOl"~ ~o begin ~ v: ill,. M.iJb:! thl:!" app1'l.1pri;!.I1i! dice w! I~ ~l1id record "';I~:h '!'Ie-\-'!;' 1\",1Trij)r.·~ f~pcl'le['lCC point-. l~i'I

~'CJur mobli'li,r..L-et_



~O iD6 2JJ+1D& 6O+1~ 00+]]])6

'~hl!' ExperiA:f\'OC" Jl1:.LilI5 your '~·;~nri.CJB Cdln i;.",1Tn. wl~1 depe'nd 1.111 the' s~n;'lri41 )!I1iU chOO~L" 'iicJ fii:'l.hl lI)ifif~lii£!fiL S«1jI,lll"ins have- diffl"I'l"l,t .abj.eClh'("';, ;II1LlJ L'0nsequ't'T<ltL>· the warrillTll earn C;t;p4.!1"il."JKe in

~'Ii&MLX dli ffermt ~~·~c_~. In .he- Lool,J') ~or 1!'};_.;_jllJ1pJl:'. ,a warrior i;:',1T'11'1!"> 1 extra E'!!;J)I'TM!nC!? ].XIIifLt (or rero"'r<'ring ~,'a;ll[JabLic' :;(I"af>-

'E:r.:F"!rielll« PI-,inl!i- are a.\ .... .j'IY'" a-ddoo to tn(' \l!ilirri~II"'g Lotal aftol_·T' th~ s.nne· is tlM..~_

It \'I'Iou look tlm..'~',gh .he- 5ci;:'n.uios. vou \,i,'~flI'lNict" 'i'h!!lt a \!rI<lJnrit'~ alwa~'s e.irw;


D6 l~xiX!tlt!Ra!" poi nl~ lor 5.1i.!i["\·i'\·i n~ a

hattle_ Hi<' enrns tlus 1I?!.'"Cn if .101:' i.s hurt or captured - so 'long ,1S Ire l~~'es to ~L·II thli' lal!e~

.~ Iiii!' ~o:> ~'liIOIll ~nclur;:l(~ full d.:-1iI.iL5 .M the :B'!!;~:JL·Ii'IA2"!'Ice poi'nl~ thttL can ~, etIlmecl ,for each '9!JI..'11I;"rill_


'iI\'~1oI:1l a 117100 eights iloot~r mob ~I iiJ, .i!I highi;?f mob raling ~h.", Ib, 01 .. '0'1\. then i.~ ,"'anicrr~ earn !f.."1!:1 r.,

;:.:pti!i'len« ]XIiir~b;. The high~'[" thli' memy"~ mob rati ... ~. ille I17IC1'r e pti4l:l.1s tt.e- u~dE'r .. !h"$ um5, The:r'IUm'Dl.!'r fd bonus F,1"Ili nts is ~tlJWIl, on thl.· J~'lkMing 'cn",Ft. rni!- sntllli~ !hl? ~tf,1 p(!;1 nts ~<lml...;l f.or each ..... · ....... lor \~-n~l :5'1.U'o'I\'e5 .he bil1 H<.! beth for ;" II li'I ....... od II. d'e1ut.


A~ ""';lrnLl~ t.";/Jri) it"Ilflife 'E:o:pe-lil!'J1tce poOill1l5- Ih~' ,1 r~' entitled 1,10 ffi.ah .tld~'I'.mc(' roJl~, -nlrC 'Ch~rt l::M..-lm,,,,· Sfloll\\ n(l""· !1lr;tI1:" I :Xr .. ~i4'rLoL~ l:>lIi Ilt!'l ;J wMtlr;lrr must earn before' hA" [".il~ l'la~ ,~;ch. rd~. The ron must bIZ' t-iJ,j.;;",n immediately after l.hf1' gamr.:- Wn('P1r 'l"lw i\J,\i;)Mi!' Is t~,jIi.n~, ,\·hill.!' buth p-lary4!"r.; are p'i1IS€'i'1! 10 , .. 'iIJl.rl!5.S. iLhl1' K'5tIll.

For examplC", .j]J newly 1'!I.'"n)i~<:,~1 '\';Irri~'r h"l~ 2~ "E:or;~'ri('rI("4· pnillt!'l .. DuthIe; lus n f·~t battle h~ d0!3 \I-cll aad f.eC1!ohres. an e:dr-3 ., E~ pcricrrce p"lint~. '1 hi .. t.!ik,L~ hii~ total to' 34 ,'!flt:! ro(l~'1,":'< I,i 111 i I'h~ tho:! Ilr£'xt E-.; 1:K~nl!'o bl""LoL'kl!'t CIt ]e~'el. i!'i'1litlin~ him to an Adv"nIT miL A l u rth Ii! r 11"011 is earned llVlrll'l11 h i ~ C'_"+'l~'r~l!n(J!' IT! II::. -Ii t 51" (IoJ. 131 'l"OC.

Yrm will I'I~Li!lY.! 'IJ,at 1M <lmD!JJ11 o~ r!!x[p'('ri('l'lrOC" 'nl"(~14."i 1~) make Ar:h'anoc;s. j~i1~'!' ;\<; thl:' lI".3rriOr becomes mere powerful.

Crub·Yoof ¥oo(



Boy ~ 'L~

S"k.:l rbraJ}1 Skarboy ~y Skarboy SkBlroo), 5 k;, rbJ)' Sk~liOO)' Bas

... 241.-280 Boss

I:k~, ~05S l3oss. lAigbHs..'i.

S,1nti n~ 1oi~;1 ,r~~ Gro~'\. l!IiC!)'2 aoo :sr-ilflo<efZ, l'OOrI> thill' 1:I.."oi'!d1 ,thlSl level become 1l3~'2: andl gain + rr in ;'14;!1l1Mi>l1li'l ~'~ii ad"'I!JITlCl!'"

A warrior ilhat rea,dl.t.'l! thm~ ltwel fii'l8)' not 1!Jd)~'ance any :fw"thcr. hii':s. just too W"!Ph" lVlirrly .wltd 'i:lim kr $ft an)' betterl

OnLll!' .1, ¥nu! hJ;". ri!.:m\i'\~ ,.i.l er mrlSO" F. ~'rt'ril'll]n!' poi f'lt~ Iiii!' hccmn~"" une of d~, 1511>""', " I·lln~· no!t;Ii~~'I.'I Or~ \,,"',ilrrlilr, In ad.ditii"1 h" £o,iniILJ!; .ll'! 1\4h·.a:['[t:'!!' th~; "':.._,- Yoof F!l}in~ ! ~ r('IIJ§I~"_ .1". iM inm. .... "lod mct.'l'i'II~INn 1I.tJ~ls!I~t1l~ up'- l.ou nl "fh I, ~~,'lIli hi ~ e pi"lIT' ¥i"'ll 1')1QI;I'""b" "I!h R.'J'~ mood~ W~I\ thL')" !\'.kh ~11L::o "M~· m the-'ir 't';~f .. 1!f, th'I\'!~,t-':h 1'1 i.,n'l: LIr':;<.(!I\I.i.,1 - .) qu ick !!{.j" of. r~'il~t I\~ 1Ii~'t 0) d.!n ~l ~l. ill 1111)0 ",'ill -uuioc

_ .... U!!A' Ib.,j \" h!.'IId ,",'Mflt.1f rc.Kh. .... "I ~"f 1II(IrJ!' EJ,,;~"'!o"'I"Ili'k' poim1.'" I!.\: od{-;;:"'i UI'"! ~~-.'n·.l!' -'t ~I!MIlir1~'~ 1Jl'f' N~'ib blli~ K-rni~hl;~ llii,4.!';;.lf ['1.1 8.i.1~':.o .!!-il.1 r-:"~icularly ~')~Ij.'!~ "'n~ ,lill~i1il!'mu, m\l!' called iI 5l.1 rboy,

1'.i[~].:;' 'Lll)! /\,j ... ·;m('(o t!;~1'~ tholl~ 3f1i' t11.I~' Imm!!di"I'i'~, ilft~r tLt.t:! baUI~; ~l~ 1h.lL ht."Jth pt.l)"l'f"S. (".jill \1 i1lk~ 'LIlL· rt."-.li1t. i;::.._,11 21D6 "n,J t L'ID-wlt ~hl' "'..1 .... illl'Ol.· J ahl" l'>t.~lv\\·-

ADVANCE TA III E . ,2~ 'ft~'IIU,

2 KlI1ill!lli-~lI'<gl$. ~ nY!(lf I!k-- 'i&.IU wbl0' .m-d'1:trnl)' g~'nl'r~ltll i!l ~'kill EW'!iA i!,

:l-4 Kml'w.WIl)1f, $clt!'Ct 00ll" lif ~.~ ~!ai'!i! ..J;.i1l1r.a'b1t"'1- hlr Ihe mOO ,lind f'.iiooomly ~riltL· .I ~1i IfPDftll II ..

,5. "Ar>i.1cr. ~w'll <li ~,:

l..,j, - • I S1:rel,~h: 4,.6 - + 1 Alt:,d;. ..

~ ·.!\rrd<eil'.I~~I.,] Ok

'1-]1 .. '" I ','f5~ 4-6 - '" I II1lS

'7 • A~d)~l', r~{l~1 .:I D6;

1·3 - ~] irnlill!ti\"!l~ 1II,,]!j ,.. 4 ~ IAIB1i1f!f&'h1 P

iii ·'jli;rJil;~~, Et~1 .! 1M

I-J; - "'1 WS;; 4-6 - "l ~

'5' • Arn~~, R~I a [)t.;

1·,3 = ~ ~ \'\~l,Ji'liJB::

.. ..6 ~'r~

n).n K.n:gw.'L'i'~ ~rM "if'1' I,r tbi! '~tandilird ~.'kIJI 'I:.a.bk~ ritJr )'1Ml~ Til)l'lb and nit~hmly S~,;)'L';1',;io ~~IL (mm It,

12: &!1tIl!!~tO'ts" ~ Jtfi~; !If !he '5l;jtl t.tb!es ,1.00 l1".lndlIlll1l~ ~m!ra'i:!:'" 011 ~Ii:lll ~rom It,

N E,\¥ S;KlLLS,

Th!.!'~ six lYJ"!o."" oE s'kllL <lnd "'-"~ h.l!o i!t'l (Wool' ~rat(' li~l: M~Ii<', f~'NlrJ IlJrillii~ CUnni""" DalJ:.lMlr;iOtJd. Tf ytii!J P.:"l."," bet llihl'"-J..' lo!t'ble!5. ywLl "'<1"1.' 1h.!t~ each l,ffl'l"o. .... ~ difflN','Ilt skill£.

Th...;-l}~p!.ar !ikiilt_.;; t'l''l.l! d h-a:mor If"J.n ru-,,~ i!;.lt'1Irili1tt'd ~ ~he mob's .E,a( "·hl'l'lf..,'r ~ I'o'a:niOf h " YooL 6QI.', ~j,'J.J!i'lMt, SohioJl!':r, (;,1'0"':!Jd Nob. ~r l'~:lll'lplt!', GDri<l" 'td~ can ili1nly ~ 1\.'h,.I"'i.'11!! and f.c-lOOl)' wl~ GoIih'r 110\'2 (",;'I;n II:.11e MU5Idt ... h"roci't:!l- aJd I~ ~m~ ;,N so 00- fh .. ~ m;tridlCtfL' ~ rind~t!".l~ IP'1 the SlJll Ctw.rt oQp~ll)l!'-

OIl! ~11l1' n)1I or a :t or '1:l:!Im the Advlil.l(fl!' Iabk, tbc warrior ,c~n. .SIH"~ t'l-k- ,~ K"'1ri«Jom ~1!Ir h~~ lM'tiorl or 1[..\ \rrim t}~" ,.lfII'ji ~ rnxn.'!n)' Il.~ lht!' w[l

rl,~ d\!l~'rrJ1iiliiPl!' :l n~' ~~ilI f.o~ :l ,"',j tIillOllt.. !lEd;. I"," L)lp." of ~&: III ;YOll 'I/i.'iml i~Jm ~ Oi\lill];:]bLll!., Ih!::tl 11.111 III 06 1(1 ddl'rminll:' wl1;ilt'tl ~ll ~~ ~ Ituml. U} ~ roll oil ~k,l] III.J,L 1M ~~n1ift!" alro.:!d}' ~ IU t.hot1' '11e i.s.1Mt 'km ed iI.([o 1.,1.1' lm' .lil~' mJt'~\. )'00 may ~&i13 !<If 1M l)l?'<~

For l·);.!i11.1Pl'er ,ill plJi)<lr!"J [DlI~ ii'1 :;I. indiC!jting,~ I'll'.,.,. ~kill ftlr .., t ;Il.rke.r Yoof, Rcc1~rri:rI.g to (00 .J;jU tit~ I'wo ri i\otft, Ih.;5I hI' m.._y ""r.'Ll)' ~ l'Iifuseit" !ll'f' Foemeit}' ~"'i'h.. Ht' .::'I-k ... _~ MU9CI'i!"..J..I1J.s iiDd rn4l~ D)(;.,.!<I!'W1l6 ~ J M~

.. k.i II numocr l I. .. "(;oo;d P_ij'll!l Ann". Ttu~ I~ i"ItIldI Wlth tl;;.:o '""inTilU'~ ;;ll~'f ~~~o:!tihi, !OOIlllir.' ml;lb, r..J6l!J2;1_

A.n i\,J,I..:I1'I(IjJ" ~I o~' ~ 1;,,;11 rilK'lfk~ O~ rtf ,III ~~ .rniof"~ dLj r.Kt~Ji5"ti¢o, For ~~mplo!! ~ roll "f '7 i~" ......... 'l,'i1~r ~ll!lli<1~hl,." Ctl' L~~(I)c-r.,.hi,['i'- RDll ,fi 1}6 ilo ~' \\Il'rtkn l)! 1Mi~·t~ ,h:ir.!l!:1l!'ri!'tlt' 1nc.~.a5i]'50 ~Wlks. :For (''IIoI!111,F1!l", Ili roll "~ I.J ~nr. II!.aI I~ N~'lIlfi1N ..... ~ ~d'Il!d t I In.il1liu~'i' .lifiJ oJ nJlll o~ -1.6 Il'Idi!l."'.l!.e::; ~ h..1 .. II)o2tlned T I Lr~

H~~'i"l'I"' .. r; M,ll'.,let~"ri~l;ks IIll\rly I'!~.! be increil."!.'!i.II 'b.:!yol'ld l'IIii'l ~llr)lini1Eimit~ as shown t~1l !he w~lL'r~ .... k V'~i.ll' t,1li\\'_ iF 1Mio· iiff Ilk t!~'"(I) d!ta:r~mti(:<o lmileli£dl>y .No ~W\·.:!R{'It ~1IloI1 ~~ ",1re.loQr ~~ i Is ma:...imum Ie',:'!!i. ~1\[ILi n\i;.i6~ !a'10!l" th~· oi±t.;:;r, It bo:i31i 1l.Jt~-e alP:'.j'!~~) bi,;~.,_ Lil:~~ I~' !hi:!ir mas imfL!.!iY1 kl"'~o.1" 1Bl!I ll'ioFt~· en~ let I~,-..e .:!tl"lf"l'!L'r th.ilra~tt!ir'~~~i(' ~h.!tt is no'I ,'ll'fliid~' ii~ rn~ .... ~mllm, b\ • ~ m.~!?ad. Il all ",hiirad.t'ri'-l~ h.n~ ~'ll rna:-irou'rTI r.1l1 .:Ii s:l'till 'iThKokI,

V~illlil' M, his Us. S T \11,1' rn A 1l.d
Orl .. 6 ,fl, J, 5 l s l 9
(,1(l~ -I ~ Ii ;]I 3 1 ;) 6 "kl'llrd ci1Ll1r"!;,,H'rMi-r ii1~~ il!Jr \,~h Wii!'J"!.oi' LJn It.1lur !~00I!"l"~'

rf .! il i'I'il'I~I' gJiI A~ .1 P(.m.l(.! .. rn'f~ .1)lh ~111{'i,;' Il-.c' tLh.,.. i\!:IIlm!. iR,!l: t."tto!.._ .... 'iI'JI .;i~('flRiil'l!" '!<~,h.,t !~. niW", '18i1imt, If).au l,"~'n,' Lu(\~' 'l.,11 'll.J;':h lID run ,jj l:...,~ ,;'II! ,I 'n th., Ad .... .::;no;:· 'I~H~' tffi· w.luior ill1l i~jj""~Li('ln h:.!:s ~Llrn .JI tJlindiil!> 11~ IJr ~''I.!.pi rJlIII'lll 1Ih.ll t.r- "<!lil ~Ck .;my skill t,~l'l~ ~O' n IlL nn, OLh;,"rwi~1t yll~~r 1\ <ini(~r 'I~ .fe:;tri~.....J to

('0111 b;(ul,j ~ ~~iIL L.lbl~"<; "jI'I"1)r~~ i'!'ilj!(lo h~~ fL\ctiHn ~Itd lvh!_'!11fi!1 hi-

bo d ~,'IoJol_ 80].- ',."'_ Slal"('~, _"'J'IDrwr 11iI'.i m~""'FOIb1l!' C I\~,

TM' dm .... rent .'~pjL'!(t5 or t""l~'~iLrnl'fl>..} mean th.l~ Or"-;;, I f'i till£' dltfl'lft'"lII~ 'l .. i:1I~("'i''' ho)~'L· <.! '"",'r,' ri*· L~~i~ ;~1111 '!>kiH 1'!~~ [1('1

!heir ri\ .Ib,_ Gor;' .. ,~ fur' -t,,,':. ."1rl' S'~L>,a1. "'.unCI1':> ~llJlitL" c.'[1oIlhll!' il~ 5n"~)plnloi k~M·r Or~f" i n ~wu, trW)! '~P"!mrl ,~II ~ik'ir tLml' Ik:lcki I'lr, h'l"'~(lIm .~iiild ~~kw;,"n:g ;;I\~''''f Ilhi n~'" 1L\;:h d'll,,"U" ..,'h.;J.t1o'l ... Co(lp'~"'-i'"ol'I~,' ~I-Y ~l-nd !(11 hI!' fnL-dioc,,· Ii rn·~~f1-. .jn~1 hoc)\ ..... n I!:l~~l .1 "'I'1Jl~' ..!~'t\I! U"~I1;g br<lill":' ill .. ili'old (l'f hTJl\\ n, whIch is. \I,'iwtl:!! lhc-

ii;,'j'~J.a.- ('~'IL

1..11,.8\\ i ~' ,] 1'" .In .. Il'~ .l)l,~' ,'md (!Ap..:ii('fl\l~ ! I~U-=-ilI""·

the ~II'L riou '0' ... kl Ib, he can ..... 1 ra\~' _1~:o..'IL Tiw cl~arl ~Im. ~ h",~,. II1\" .;t i tt'·I'''iii1 ~inJ.. ('Ij ~ 1-: II b (II)mrnl~IIL~ d'\,lli1..bt1!' ,~ ."0/11' e~~kA'j'I, .mdl ~ M.;;.r~<'r~

Mwdr iT Ii! iil!!ti 1 ~fi\!ilfii~ C'gJI._nin' _ _!_D'~, Olitii
V' V' .... ' ,II' ,!"" ~:
V V' '. :1: iV' iii:
.... :. ~ II: Ii'" 1111"
10"" V" :. ' ...... ~ I!i!i
V v- :1: i: iii, !iii
:iI: :. :If l!if' .' ,lit
~flJ~11i! f~~od!lf D-nr..ri58 'Cl,!:jIl_IDn" IUliD!~1! (lIIdd
Ii" :. ...... "'" " V
.; ,~ ,V' iIIi" .' :.
iI: :IIi: Ii!#' !/ !If' iI;""
I!!i" ..... ,V ,...... ,iii! •
III: ;II: V ill' ,. ' .
II: . : .: !ioo" :iIili ,_ ,


I ,"".l. ilo!!Si1: II 'I'YQnlor I~!iilj];j this &kiU :J!i'11h5. " dm.Lbl:e the number uf Attock dlee on hIS

p~l'ik "\'h,,,n h~' d'la~ lruo lrL.anrl·to·h;;lru;!

oomp;!Jt. I;u L ii\ily net !.IS{' ill shi'l,:1d I'(! Med. ,

,\,11te1ll ~ha.rgiUlg, NvW' Joo dmib!e !he AttiKk~

bef01't" ~dir'8 + 1 ler l!t5'ing t\~ro li;rmL·tCi'"htmd ""';'I~1Ig, ,

2 nlr~dl(l(rng Wf; wht..""n ~~ 'L"";!Jnr~m' Sli!ts

i r'IJ~ IIl.a 00 -te- h a Iitd '1;:'1.:1 fli'lb.iI', 'III:L l'h ve 'h i cles ' he 1.$ L1o\re~dfil.l~L ~r "'ro"lrl r<l~!·, UilI:!"

,,"",j)!;IIiI.u goail'lS. +t 10 thei r IJlJi';,l~i lit!' ",'hel1J a!tl!'l1Ilptinp; to jun'lrp 'l'tul:o ,j ~'i!"hkl.e.flF1di lTh1.y mlJClSl<' w~) 11'i!' fl£;hl$ OJ!ICC alxti?im!

3--: . , .. fe,'s Ork5:: Onl\' tlrt~ mOO'!! Nob IILil] R.1.~ J

du~ !rCli1l, It a1IQ~'5 CiU 10 ","mil ,it (3Lled 1X~1tlE! 11i.~l Qt1Ce' per mrn ~ ~(lIfiS 3S ilhl! "~ob is lOci tlrte Ib.attldicild ,ulod ~lOt diJ.\\'n.

4 Well Jaild~ ~~ (_~~~ 1Ii~)' haYi:!.lhis: skill,.

~ Je-r,alU 00; !;!WI! I~ .tiJ Grot ~ this

resalt. 4-lI1 Or'k 'l.,tJlh iLhLs skilJ _ ~ '!'\'pl!Jtal:loo

;II!'l $'l!Idl a~'lCil'ent cll;u,'~r i)llher. Qks -simpol)' I, SIi!! out 01: ru~ ~,v._'1l}' whoo he c.haT,gas. It 'W'i'I~~io1' M~h I"i~ ~~m may maTg:i2 any "'!1I'r1t)1 "",4lhin [ra~. oot just ~~,L ne:1 ~t l.a~.

5 Glnt'h;a: A \1famOiT wilh If;ti.s , JdIL rn:ar fl!'ap , ,; . osuo :an m~lJiiy '!.11l1i fOOl: (ron,l III moVLng , ' •• '

• \'lahidl.!' •. rh!.: ~wlTi'iA1~ rna)' leap at ..-rn}i 'FX~rLl dLJ_ti1rli illIte "~h.ldl!!,,s IT'ii;)V(" u\ 111''1 eneffi}f II'lSJhte-I (In root mthi'lil:2,B, llIe It.''3plillg. '1l100s'l:cr does oo~ tI:.,~_~ '1:tII)' , lhc- Cftol.'I1i'I}! bl'L~ks nis. il'1I!I1L, The ~Tli?lJliy ~'ffi1Ti'~~ !,aike-:sl a 53 ru~ from t~ impa(1l" H ~h-.(!' l~~rg.~! ~fVi\.res ~l" 1,",'(10 11~.I'ri'lers

, ilTiI,'! ~IIUOJ!loo in ba!lC"'rw.j!,liiSre ooin"UlIllL The'Ieapins warrier OOumls: ss MllIrgjn;g for ~~ A i'!lI" 1fOU-:m of h~oo .. tQ-h.aJHi combat,

6 ~liJI}' ~cloo(l_: Ira; \'ehjde ~tt~~ c~ rn~ ., "

I I '!.1'11{'!io ISwl pe !M' r.ake <Ii W,il![1fJ)IJf wlth tWs , , _

, 1.1[1 lilt!!). stand their g;r(nuid as th.e \l'll!h.icl€ •• '

iI:l1 Oses in o1!P'd f'i rLTI Is;lii gu I1i 'L'o' hill.!' g;rin n i iI1Ig, .

Mc:&.>lI)'. ]{ Ihe- w.a:rrim li1~ii~i~ so rumlil' 'out tiff l!he "'Ell)' r[I~ the [i1_rt; hi:! may shoo~ at ~nc

.. I!iaJ1!1lRing 'III!i!:'lMe_ 'U"he :shot is mWIt:

, i:fii\n~~Ja!eJy'ilinll'r Inc' ,~ro1l'l'rI(!Ir' jl1rnps 001' or thl1:

, , w,a,y and bcf!J~' the whkle completes its •

11I10\N;1' •


1 ~:fi D8; "ffila.;ClI:lIe: 1lw! w.j]J'fjor ~d~~ +-11~ ~ln£iT oornllll't sQ(i~ ",1~oo charsln,p". rnsk'did of (lglly ... 1,

2 · A.IId as I'~aits: JR';! t :1 mU ur J. :2 or 1 as a ~i\lI,,~ \'f.I4luoo lAfhi!n rolling for ~ 'l":\;I('TI~ ;Qf ail)' lnj,uliies sdcrOO by (h, ... \'Ii rOOt.

3 (; Ill. I;I~ lRi,8hE /m'u; A'~ arrim ""~iili t'hi~

_ i5kLll has <Ii +1 StR~ IN,M'Lm. ~\'lth hand!o-hand '!1'71L'tfEM~ ~Ih!s does not s.ppty to hi~ ushilS :o;;luSS/H andl sb:..moo.t.lli),

4 ':ea.4 Ih,!,t~ Tf ItLe ,,'affloo Illfliru 2 (lr [JI(IR' , liii IS Ii'!. h2lf'ld-to-htmd I;!umbi!l,. th~'t'I ~) Ma MOose to 'OOJIlbiDl.' ~mi~ Llr!he ruts into a 'singk hi~ wlEh aJ 'SLrelTl,gth bon "TN- bonl,l' .equal::;: ~ to. your ~ SiR"'illh fflf' 1!'3fh hiL al'te-r th~ fim tbOlt h oiill'blned. 5-0 )'Old rou]r;l

, i'r.Qhar'ls~:3 s.t hL~ for Ell 55 hil OIl1g ;!J $.I I\H. ur,l! 56 !hit, ~lpon ~"'i1jh bonuses rCarm.1l1 be

1l!I~ \~r.ilh 1M;. ~'klll, '

5 'Clmdr: n !he warri'lilr l~i~L".l roL:lIfl~ O,r han d- t1}-liia ii'Ld eem bdl. ins tc ad of !hi l1'ml )'IJIIHlf!poneRL )'00 Ci'ilil throw 'hiln 1ilID- illlihl:! dl.roction 01 :rot-Ii eln ,~oe. The !.hroWIIi warrior i"i1~~ .. !1I~e ttll, .aI, a Strmgth (.'(I~llIi t~l IIiII!'

d I:iiJnoe lifUlmm. 16 i~ l1Ji ~ :u'Cllher. ~,,'a:rr:ior !hen ooth w.;mUtM1:> toske .:iI hl! ,.,lith a Strmg'Ih 'l""~1~1 11lI' hill( the dls.'Lana! duown,.. mmnling u"

6 Thid;: 5k.11.d1, U II ~,f3i'dDr .... ilh ilii!. 's'k311 i!.

I Ihit iDlJ band-to-hand ro:mbi!t [l"(ILI~ t~

'S!ooUlsth of (',~dT! hit by - t.

- ..

. &


I l1tcsc d:ill:; oo.l~' ,o;!me I nto when .... ·.3rrlur I~ .. ,h~\ii n!:1; olIJ ,,{'hid!;!'.

1 ~gudaw: The mal'll;;)!:" ~ esr,":'ril~nf ~kiLioo

Ln rollcnr.'IJlI.8 .oU'IJi:i' vehides, I1r;e- driver ,

may re-roU 3ft}" I~~!t:n;mjp tt1 '~, he has !o taike .: wtl f:s.l ehit~r'1~ i!ri .... 'nl'mY vehicle,

2- Skill! Sti!'d: t-\ driver wilh this sIcln .lilly .. . j

, \!IM";1 V('nkiIt5 ilirust~rs arl:ei makIJ~t! ,;!Ii •

O~,v ~~ lUlo1f1lllleU\'re_

3- Gel· AWoiY DiII:I,er. The driver is wl."11 . .

pr<l(1i!iOO in ]oijOS rli:JLlo ..... J.1$ 'l,I"(,u('I;r.:.;,.lI"h~ dri""e-r dod~ . .and]" "'e<tri~ thl1J(lgh i.OC- desert 01.00 alms. r!l)r p0t h1.'r..~ ~ nd cracks in 1m a!!l!'mp'~ IL) ~[bilL: t"h", ~ij:lilin.g 'oIo?hide. TI-l!i? •

,~Jns dlti~·l!'r Ilim~ p"lSS a l...eadeJ~Wp II.e5I .1t 1M ~1·aT!"_' \·OUF rum; ta!llB~ maiUll. ~Dp!f cannot cha~ rOlJlI" ski lled d1miVl'!t_ •

4 S'hm.'_Dri: ... ~r:. The dl'h'eil' has had I~'MI~ IJf ii'xR'2r.lence '" II.h oU1: of t'(IgUrol \'{'hlde-.s..l1 drle venide splij.'i, rill' all}' l"I,;".t!l5O:n thE" ScalIer dice ffi-iiy !J!!! i"e-ii'IJ1IlIL.J if}"'!J1i.!I wiis'h. line dice "..ann~'}I, btr;! n~r;t)1k~ 1iIl0'J'l: dw,;m once 0300 th,e fl8tl(Iftd P..~ u l t ill I \'io' avs sI:a nds, lJ the ... eh ;ele ~""'i.."Nt.'S thenJ dte pl.!I)!er l1il.!ly ~ttllOt.1Sl: 'IiIrnm "~'il)' ,thl2 drilole-r '~l!Lm!I.

·5,.. IEme:rge;I'ICY ~1(Jt= U ~ifl[~lJIIKII)'

'., mO\'1!me.I'iJl. ClLk..! ;. 1f.,.I e d eurn undo?f th:rustoeJ'5.) fI1Ske!i ~ihte- W'rnrlm'· 'l,ichide ,cr.iSh i11l!0 S(e.I~ery ~r dtidr.:- ""ilh ano1l1e;r 'I,'e'hide. tnt' Ill~·er rnil}.' cheese to. make an e-JT~1,":I1ty ~tt.1p, IkfOfi!" .,,,,'Orking (M,I! Itl~e elflie,g:-b ~f !~.

0",' h or ,caUiiiOJ1l., !ne !lIn"e.~ 1I'fI'~~~ 1lc54' ilgilim!' hios ll!iildeii'!ihhp.. Tf he ~ ttih~ ''t!m.kJe stops juS'L _~OOn: ro It", .... ,.~dl" and no d.ama~

!IJoOC I!I: es, but 'eiIffl '1'01" M1i er Q Il1i board (ljUll 51 !"IlII1 aquwl h) .. ~!' tIIl:idt'f Ihcir 5m:m,g,h 000II iI D6 00

Io.! r ~j Ii d1c vehi dlJ'. If 1Ihi!)' I !.hey ail!! til; !'1J~ Il"n[)6" in dtc' direetien C1f llij,vel aoo I, 'k' ~ '5~ren,glh 3 Mt en BI D6 ffi11 of .J+, IHh~ II£sm 'f,ajls

, ~.he crash or. emll!'i;:IOI~ is .... ·o[Iikr:d, out as nermal. t·

!~: 6" : SlJ.dd l'dm~: A r;lri1«.'T ,...;!h lJAiis 5lciJl mar

• J • I '_ i1I'I.ilb (,Ii'le ~d rum in hi~ ,.f'elnlde; !!It lille. slid!ft ell (!~td 'tJf i ls g;J~ m,! :mo ... e. Roll a .~ Ili:'l, -t~i!i!' ~JP.' 't,f '" 'I~ the ~'l<'hide SOE!!I OU~: L)( MIIl1J1!1;rldIJuing tlnc csk[d, ~um a:J1Id n1,CJ1,,\1!S £w.," ill'l. O'! .F.moom djred:ioo (mll ;B ,Sc:atb~r djtto) .mdi ' IfIroo s:plns.. OlIi'1I1P1!;'~ ofJf 4-6 the's'kid lum ~.s 5UC'!.."'!i:!S:ilri..l. Thl!' ,,!>,,;'!rrnor miJIhI" ·ni.ake'SJ skid rum up IQ 1.f!:(r. h~ v(~~lc"mil")' co_l!lti~U~TII~'VI"6· ... an!?!!' • .,;':iJ!.::id t!.llD 1i!'ITffi i £.it ,is IffIS.UCl!'eSSful. I'

. . I

...... ~

~CU'" 'N~N'I SKIU .. S.

1 'DIM!' Mijfh~~ fl;i~ d;iU m<1y ,onl];!, ~. u~ by' No'b.z. E£-roJ! ~l:!il n!'SUit fwr '1J1iTK:J ty~ o~ 'lI!f"a~ri('ll: 'he ..... ~!Jbo!has sarnE! skin mil

I [iJ!!gQ~iatJon , .... hidi ~n_ be !oBCdI when ,<ismnS IIhl' 1)0.(:; SeJiie'ry O~ the Mells h~Jd:Shop, I€ the' Ae8eUa!i.i'l1l!1 ti!idic fails. the Mob can al'L'i.'i!i}'''i iL!I~ his ,coos:ldl!'i'3bh: SIO!; • i!fldl sbmgmh 10 persua~ Ihcc'J?'roi'esnl.llU1lal' Ib:!! do ,~+..,t h\" w.;mts 13IfI)'wll,~'.' If YIJIJH Nob has. lhis sldll }'L1iLi 'il1l;'"IrY 1\, ... roll the r::n;.t. ,elr ,II K\!!i4~!iin' job. or I>E!rje'J"}'- No d:ioOO may bE ~,r.'CiIl'edl il'OOf.t: "-'liljOC' <!JiIdJ !he :5e!J)1rl'ltU n..~tlt mUGU;!!!· ta.'km" l!'Iofm U It I~


2 IoOI.a: A 'IIO'a:l'ftij)~ .... ·1 bh fhis ~ki I] i,. l!..'1pet'1illly good o1l '5r,a~'!?n~11{: lIhe battlefteld. If Ihe h;,affl([r ,r;I..uL'SIl't go l!JUt oJ ,jli;:1DIIm. he- esms 03 • .eel (Clot \",hM t~: ~iI\~l'lilgizs

IfIDrnl ItliC' 'b1~l;tldicldJ aftl?'r !lhe battle. Th ~,

udded 1:0 .he mob'!llflil.'lfllli ' from IDe mine tn6m ttl i~l> 'porofiit],

3 0Il! A ~·;JrTIor wiah lhis. -s'1o;j1J has a 1P1'Il!!;:;rna:Ll.!Ii"1lI1 !al.effl~: ~("l' w. .. tin;g wI: O(ltni! W'*y v[ !/hol!>.;mdl bJ!lIL\'5,_ Ir !h.e)' ~uftf~u i!I hi;i:,. rrom i!fny ~lllli't', U:lCY get ill 6i sa'L'ijitS d],1i'I"m' ~, ~e; it; Tihi!! saVtln,g llhww i.s Mt modified iJ.)' , 'mmllIT '5«I,"e mooifief-s and ~ lItIhn ~'fIj)r<l!dy

!o.ili"lirll'lalumoor ~'r6, SllIbseguen!<o; vi tru5 skill add ,,1 m IDe I'Illl <:g. if ,il warrior has tli~ :>kil1t>.v:iore.. iit dodges mTI iii S ,(i*II!:\o on}, l1h.e best il GUt g.:t is 4+,

4 [!luek 'i'1{ t."IM~: iN.: werrier ducks and ~yca"'12S as he [[10'll4!S Ililllijllgt~ I ...... · d~

" ffia.\h'l.S.I1i ~I!!IPJJl"JJlll"f diffiru~t d.ilrge<L If IIiie' 1/!,'di.rrlOJ .I, IClili rOO'l;, .tllrr ~I;I4!io.jJ t him iIi~ at an ZI tfl;l-i ti_tII\il1 ~:I to rn t.

5 ,PiIa), D~ii1: If <II warrior \ ... ·ith thl5. 5kl1l ~s. .: "",. 'IIiJ'oundBiil and ~ d'QII"r!i Ilihl"Y lmi1Y not be ~'.~

:lttil«~ bf~liI!ml}' warl']ms,Ibt..~LIk UK':!," .

malite fiurh ;1 guod job of looking liL\:.e 1hef'1'I. out o.f aclioft ]f ll1~e willm'Oli is ilctu~nv !ak~ r "'1~1 t 0'1 !Jrnol1l dru: slaHL i.s oJ M tl4l4p ~'QI,I~' hll' ~ rila~ ;Fidru311y ~'(ilt'-i!ld! t"

, . 6' Slrlci\i!;. Of[: i1bis ",,'arrkliT :Is 31 llI'Ill~t .

, '

, ... iiiif;possible tljo Gl"pWl'Il!' .after a !battle., U '~/(II,I

11:011 a 'CaJJlu~ n'~lI-"lt oo·dJeo furH:n,t!l InJlllry 'f8~i! then Ihe.~~',lirtlol' '~pe5·rompktel,. 1II~...,'IiiIl-d 'miJlh .aU lIhe«r kit UJl'eo3I ,a. o'ii 'FIJ:II

iRem\ ). - "

DAKKA SlULLS I '1" K.!IlOl: ~ hl.aTI1m !o;8I!]p5. 1i.·fO()i] hl?'l_~ .'l1fid

I Pl'CR:; ru5 il:.ilH'gl!'ts w~H, \-\1TiNTI 1(}ji!'Y shoo!'

IhI!y ean p:idk ~m.y W;]ur101 ... s -ill ~;;!il"g!l:~', n-ot ju:;t the c.1.'o:sei;.~ ~If IDe w.anlor 1£ i'iltl'i'lB, :lit a ·\"I!'hi..;l!l;! ~'I(~ pidk ~ ... hi~ locaoom. ~. ~t; sheeting ,a;t. .'

2 ";,~h.QI!i1f:a: TIM! ·w.ilrn(¥r 'Virl"! ro.J1i ;)n~ ._ :shoot In Illi1!" same t!!Jim., \'/Ilili an eAliTa -,U !I[I; hi~ mooifiu:

3 Dail!:lk~ D\ik~! 'U'~ I"il'rri(lm ~~ d~,dl}i 1!!!lih .~

-il.1II~iJ! tuoo \i'eatpoIll5. You CilJl1 lI\"i!'-:roIi ~ $I.:t~A;1i ned 1~p.!·I(:Lk.j_, 1I'4rtl"M'VC[' ,th~ \-\,amiJr lihCil'1!l!i-;: ~hi!' .~rid r(Ioli 1i!lJSt ~ w-l"'!!J! 'l"l,."m i~ it'l> worse IIh B:n (h e fi If!i!..

4- [5o-mli<N": The 'Yo1Imrn-·lhas a .tlJili! 'i?)i>I!' ffar : 'lub'bL[,S ~!ild(ool'rflloo: ~rW '~Ji1I re-roll ~. di«' 1.0 rut il hI!' IliU55BS with ~ne· ..

5 JtolJlliliill [jf. !his ~.'!t.jJjm'gu dOO'ST1"t move

_ il1. !he- m~(!rlt 11;I;~fle. t.!('cimJ fiK' iL-wiicc

im. ~htI! shoo'lln,g. "['his. sklll unly ~\~~ ~I!'ith ,;Ij ~p!'.'Gfloo ki-:m ot ~.ur.t or ha:md}.ta..han~ ~,",.eapa[jjl- eg. ilttI,pTJ flr't - .~,. -r1i1il!i skill <ca:n."t tl!I' used in. oomblnatlort '~\I'ld!i auto fLm! Ct'i IbiS :f:i~flz~ b,ut it ~ bor 1UK'!d boy 'l.-v.a:rrioa'S on , l'i'iwtii"l\8. ~'i!'MeIes (U H~e w~rr'iw' ,p~~li1n move . -ilIDUOO the ~oclA!-).. A "':!I~.rki-T 'L<,(llh Rflpil! firf "'J. ~

- 'Six 5.i16!l:!rlll.(1 dlJCS"n·~: get !'1.\iiJ< sho:tJ;,. mu. does "'1-

'nOot ~'i.;lv(:' ~I}'~ ,i!i tum ro' :m'IOild,

~ .

6 Oe;ad~j'i!'.: Thi!' .... ',Sirrli:i.r has. a ha'bi t (!of ..

:J,.'IIllltgglng me till[gil!l: 'mlgh! betwE'eO ~ : j,

e-Ye;!I. '¥oo mil! 'fI.~.J1)'I~ the ii.IW.: wncn )'0-111 :mJ!: . I

:rQo!li]'lg to ~ 'L-vhed!ieT <lJTI enemy I~ n~h .• ~,~

'W'6iJ[lw(.'tL· ,~I.p~I.rn I!Jr oo"I!J( .1.rn;;m, ·tOO must f

a~pt ~Jhe ~\>!1 rull !l'"Vt.'n i~ if~ '~~[!.Iil'" '

1 DOC.. ~: The· war,nor rar.tdlS .1'I11'I'L'lI!lf a~ ;'Ii bi I' 'o(.ill Ll.oc i[(ld w~1J <lUElnpt ()Q fJ!!i:h 1;.I,j!!

Wo~!ng{-dI w.;:mwt5 ·I..mth great eJ'Irh~las.rn·. if 'lllU~ ;1ctucl ilcdmi.qult', Lucltil,r. 01L1:.ibodi.@. r,e5;~~t~ ,,,,~~I lID s~LIlpks..;mriI ,~ru~. AI ILhe end..r..f I:he game f(lu (fll1 !'I....-rolL ,j] ,Gm.gJi.'- Sll!IiiD!ltl in'jLUY resu~! ro~ eI'I!th Doe In Y;1Jl<rr 'mOO, ¥On must .iLOOI!pt Ihe ~LJ11' iIlIf ftliC' ~ '[oil. .

2 ~~.~H!I': 1be ~.,ar,aor bashes a.-I\'~ 1b1J]1!±i~ l!lIuDbjru be;I:Wl!'II!fIi rI$h~. 'R;n.111~ !)6"fk"T t."iI~ fi"i.l;ht: 00 III 611he ~-\I'.!Imo~ hJl.-;'

,Fil)li~'h~~ <!J H!'i~ .RundOntlr·~.IIi pSI!!!'!! 'lJf SI,lb.'biiM ;;!Ifl4 PH i~ w one 0. l"oor \'eh.icllS (or

3 W~~b: it. W31tn-CJlT ..,..,iiih il~i$ skill can

_,' ;i]U~lliIpt 1.0 gr.a.b ,OiltO.I!ii1H!i"ifI,y 'i~li¢k~.;rndl s.1id'c!- 'lIDd.@m~Ih IMnl [lQ S3ba~. ~hc' wor:ky li-titz~ lVhI!'Jii llihi! ,,....arrlo:r ~L!I~fl:il~y boILP~b • an !;!m~'ITIy 'ilcllld'e,. ~ dOimll't ~1..!i'L'!2! 10 Hg,M Ihl! CIil!lN:. l'nS!INIi1.t in each IhLll1d·to-hand phase hi!' ffi'll.y a!~~;«'k i{Ii:!lIe' itxaONW,. jus.-t -iHo if .heri!' Ii'tri!' 00, ~r.ew {In !j;IIl)','h\d. \'\\miiOf"S 0JTi !he'vebidli!

~ bi!ung. IlItlil:4llood !.'Jiiil"ll~·r:g~t I~' w;mim b"ut eac:h time the wh! eli!' ~ iJ ril.-;; I;)t 1!cI&i;:::S Ib!..'. . Ihru.5!iIi5 th&! waN'lA)~ M~t l1'l7I11 ('{Ll~i1I W OT uader his. S.~e:~h mil .a D6.. If lhlry ~tlil (til;;:,), ."I:kl:' OJ. Siimrng~ -3 .a:mdl :!Ii'll! immedls1e'1:r

, . PJ'.'~!itl(l1l-d rure:ti~'·lbehind. IhE 'l,f@_nkll!.

4_. H1!I~1I.h1,." I!:';I-iIiITi.or:.'bas ro:lbI!~115.Ei'. field! , _: tq1.;"Llln'l -lIJf ~1f 1I1:'Ig:s. togl2'V'!lfer'"' as W'!i ectm1nr.lliI~)' ki/l!)wn. Ifh!.!-"-"'~n"t iiRooto.r· 0'8hlilfi: haM·h) .. ,'IMi<t'!~~ 1tUj11.'b..1't tOOl' tum. !:hI!"

·'iIi.a:('fiC~ (-an ~pair a da;l~l~ ~L'IC;j~i(l!l'! oo,~ .

'jr~rud~ hI!!' is:in ron~lKt wu'h lilt lhe, !E!ifld ·0II~W.h<loo ... 1:o-hamd combat [phase 00 a DIS M'I111!f 9-1- -,

_ :$~U!ITlI: ~ns of ~hi5. ~'k11l all'o\,,' ~1'!I1!Li W ~~!-d +'1 ~u' liihl:' roll ('Uf I!!xilm-pli!'. two ~utl!s: ri'lOOI1I~'

~ ·i t is ll]);oo. «In a 5+ 2100 sO on), up' Ito.1II

:m;l!.r,jml.l.m ot .4-+.

~ _ . ,ti: Giiirt'bIif,Y;""I'be Ilr.ii:mHr has the goDII.ll SCMl!" , U to' Gl.1'I')' e;(~rd ·aJ'flli"im ffli' his ~!o1\'ilpJn .;mill '. . ~p i~' in IPI"@~o/ goad II1Ikk .. A ~~"I!Ii'riOr with thi;s .• ~ ~ can igllilDJe- falll!'d Ammo r.oIl::s. and ~\~,I~i!tJi11

t ~ C~f.dmiions on iii. 1M ron oQ( 4,+.. .-

~ 6···. 6~k S~a.t I1ilri ... ,~ Th:is '~i'"amar 19 ~~ . , . .• I g9t.Jd ",~. ·Ulgg~tmg IOO'III!"o6 0:[ .lKl100 '10 iI.J~e ,l;iti~ of ;! ~i{It'·, If 'I:1i!1Z' warrio-r is in-lll ....mlCl~. bil!~ iIlIQ! d_r" v!i!.· ·..,cludc'i50 diri¥4!r

I .. ~ use !he'~- .lIrt.i!!i!rs l.kad!!':!~i,p

.... -mau.l~ris:tiic rD-l any ,.e5e!lI,1ltey .ire ~lIJirot;l .t_u .lI).-LIk (~~ilil~ under diliU.5lE\~ IIIJ;l(jiilil~l."is. .i;"!If'I\j:,

I ..... <li1IIlI. li01on\K.. .• ~ _ '. '. .- I


Thoi' '5"llrf~![(' o{ G"r~oIIllT1...,rL~ ]~ dct!Uoo 1\ i~lA hu 00 rod s 0-1' tOlh~ ~i'L'I~~llgiri8. h) dl f.r(!ooi1L mobs, Forts s~art Ji5 fortitfi~ L~ijllll1o~. buill (]iI,~r ·1lI rich '5C!lllill o-f S'!:r.,[p. i\S, I~III.!' III";)!) .d-i~ .. deeper and find s more' tM}' 2Id!d. .m~' worthlese d('bDi~ w th., 'III":II'I~ (If Ille oC.'IJlnp u n!iL it ~l'm""5 into ·iII pr'rnHlIr'Ii!!"~ eu tpoSi. Fori;; can rillm.:g~ hom w~'11 established str,ol1i,ghokb ·t-I_1 'l1Iii'l1~ I"ft bI'J crull~b'le bar;;l ill'i:tl the .~I('Seri' ~1rI~.~. i];L" ~~.)'p' has been mined out, Every NLlh II ho bullds .) fOit considers the surroundili1g dl~'!it to Ibr.:! his and his OiL'Dn(' ,'ml <;oI.l(m ~i'oIIrt)'; buH~"8, h~d..~ with his m·I~;MI0I)n;.


E'II!!i)' IUob beo,gi ns !ne c,3l1ilpilign with.;1' fl!xl. rh~' fll:r~ :llI,"l~ as a base, b.:lrr.x'k'5",. pri\iOn.. 1~~1Ubh~~1't iill,d ~i.Wt\i! of i 11t;"tllm: tm !biIC IILOb. The mob works th~ mi nc and s.,lIi("'; out to, S('~v@~ in IhI!- d('9l"'r~ Wtr.l'Til.."V'I.~ II~l'Y ,tiL"t ~!f.~ ~,'i'llh iliAAin.g and Wo21fl1t ~(iI TI[}ht ;IIlLldiICiI" I"L"Ib il'ilr !iidh~·r pjri:;lIg~_


A~ the li'nd -D~ .1 b<liuk j) 1JII(11;1 can oIClJtk"C'4 1 11('(j<11W frQl'll

i'i~ 11:1;1111· :~~

described belov ....

1I11i~ is ot:l!l.l[1~'",~ ~.m. 1If1 ~illl· giill'IIL~ I~ over so lhat ~a~'i!'rs can witnees each

(I~~~';r'~ 01;1 i(~' mlk

I~~(:], ~1':l:rri41r l"'·h.f:, survives the' game ~I;i thoot going i;)1)! Ilf OI>l·tiot;ll1 L',ll' ~~n~~.iI~e income by ,;] tum diggi I"!:!j; S(T·,']p. W,a-rtl!O["S \'i,'OO

go oot ~lf

;:t(~~Ur.L [Ill rJ,~t

fill' .) f[(![f <i

;il..;:rmc 'i:ll!nl1lLlt

gt' i1 (' r,Ll:l("

mn·Ir.'li~'. 'fh!!'_\'


T'i.."""I}1I:rollting ;11o.~l.e>:!ld.

R'!NRC III il;;;:r; wolIrri[)or.';, 1I'i-l(l;

.are ~bJI d..o\\ 11

Ji~ thll:' trndJ ~ ~ ~l" mll!~ tl~' 'W ""-"I,." II,hdhl"f ~fR1' If\I..o;ruiV("i]'· (;Iff g(lo (I~lt 'Clf .;'It:lil)ri-

WanriQIS \",.J~() wPi~a:ll11 f.1l2:!'..h "'Oi..IIW~ can ooll~1 Li'III.YK'I~ as j,lom.l.!1U. 'fh.eir wounds iklm' superficial and mal«! 110 diffi!\Im'Jliro ~Q their IliiOm1oiJ.l adjill'iti~

Noo.z. :5p,)<lllTIt:IZ ,Ltf1[t;li si!il'iil"r;;!; [;\l"\fII.'r wl~l'd' income onl)' tw.y,~.,. t'oo'fs ~illcll (;:1I'!l)'Is, a(l; ~ Nnm ~~ !nl!lr Illri~ s.hootLns and bii.5n1ng I:L€\iId!; t~r 1:0 make 'SUmo some '~ifOrl g~ts done, Sp.lM'!::a ~nd ~h~jr rime ttinkorrmg, \1'1 tb ",~~~ioC~~ ~Tlah1l!aLi'lII1.~ !l1Iei, .0\1 ,i'II II'e.lprttL~\ r'E!pa.~.Ins the mob's o'Ihi?r '"",e,aPOIllry'. and lliradi~ for or mak~niil-II'I~'i,' ammo..'im'-a spcnril thioir ~im~ m~ an 'l"!f(" !lJI"! the GlTIJts ,lfL!l~ ~I*': 10 S'1!i¥j!! ItK!i'll ~hll~khl&

(lOLlIECTllNG 1iEI[f.

f .. ,en OR Boy ;IIlld each llj\1{." di.g~ IltJ. "'".'\1' '!",t"i1h III ~r~F1' !ill!.", ill ,gimliL'. "iioctfs, oiIJ1;4JI Cro:L"" ,In;' If?<.~ pn,,;lu(~h'E' .J~LtI 'IJI'l1). !ilI& ,00 1(it'1''S 'III""Oldw ~If .;;a.ap .. U e- r."'II g.oImio'. :'\:11 1fI!I.1'r..· Eh.m tnlliK!dt'I1.@J1 , .. ,g", 10 !hi:- mll'l!!'.

The WIlOO mU!l~ ~pi!I:i~1 ;'Ii jfHflporiliLl;\ ~1r j!,s, m ... ~"F1K OtlJ b.e-le ~""!ll(£ ~ilJm ;i.!j, :squ~~, ~Iop . .Jmrrell. lu~"1 ~,\l' ~l~Wil"o wi ~ on. TIl"," i .... dl"tt'm'ollBL"lrl b-y (If;~, 11'l-:1''ff'nC1I~~t lih~ mol;ii~, inl;)tlmC' wHh thL' number I!t moo1!"l~ In !he- mLit~, i~IUd""8 v,;;;j,lelC'S,. 00 Ilk' chert b\.'Ltm·.

Th.. .... I1'K'im" 1IDI!iI.I~-l~, in oil ~ !h.·IDIJir" ... It ,(liN'" h" ~ll~I."1\. !u b'1!!~1 am'llTl'm, FlfUb. 'biJt1;l{!" and "l~ fOl1h. "I he m.urnha litdlfJitcd 00 Ittl' chart D...'I~~ .... i5 the i I~ ~~"l L .. 'r!'1~,\1 oi&'f ~1Ktii!l~, IN.-sil!'" mJlll'I!!h'WIm'T' «osI!... AIl~· P!io)fll I~ ';:1I;rdl'dl !o.liw! mOO"s. 'I:C'!::[ 1!'!\i'lHf,

iNUMIrER Of ~~O:!!!i.;ns I:.! :rotO'
il.llCo.iI;,>Ill; ]..3 1" 7~ tl).M: U.B 'ijj.l!!I 19t
1)..1' J 'L :i!: :2 ] (I
3-Ei- ~ 4, 3: ~ i 'i
Ii;.,lI 'J (; So -Ii :I- ~ 1 •
9"11 'I '1 if! 51 !, 3.0
'kt:3>-r?' 11 '10 9 .::I, '1 ,. ',~,
l~ !1 'I'll [0 'IJ B i'io 5
N-:!(I '~5 [11 'Ii I~ .." ; 6
~~'-3s. '16 U. 'H n 10 S '1
L7 Ii" [5 a i2 'LD !Ii
~ij I:' 'LE- U '13 I ~ til
'I iii It" 'I' J50 I'll
'S l __ ...... ~:- .II -l; o: ~ fN.4tHPLf. ,,1 IfJilb ("I.'I~~I~h flf ~ ;"'h-;j" ~l!~ ~lil!rll\i'n, fi.'ltr ~;; jJ~i,J lial'l .... · l'IIf~, !.i.'IHI ilL'\) h[,l~J''''' ji.>J ~;.!III~r~l~r. l1re 11;\1" A,lIl~.:I Ml1 e .rJ;.;P l.:.I\l...,{I!;to 8.:1:-r:: fil'tlCil oJj iK'~ ~, ~rIIr:;: ..... f.!I fi~"lil IPI'('rrrCl' ,r,IY· A..ft.rr JJI~ go7lfJC I~ Ir.! ... .r ~hc 1".!J~·.r ;~~ h "Ifr rrJ~ im:wh~' ~ k h:l..~ j'lliv. t1i!\:1 1'"t'"I'I'rililrill;! &I'i,i:: ,'I} i'i.'W"L Jil J,k r'll",' ;dtil JJI,' rJFTfi"' J"L",:".,; 11 n Fft'J" rd~ JU6 ft,r r'rot' ~;; .I,d !,Lr~ t., ,m::!' r;.oi' ri"'r~ .l()J it!' !!:if ~;.,..y; ,J'tIJ' J'd~ li'm,tl'rtl f, frJr 011 1(lt.lli Gf].j 1.-,1 T1mf' 1lIi'i'" r;: PJfL...Jd. I![' rrM' 11Ji1~' jl) ~JIII'I'~'~t, ;!.!} rfw rr~u,l. i~ rlj_(r ~L'rtJr loI f{ir.!li c.f Ii m/ pfi.j'rf I,' ,,,,lJ ~.., F.. .... h.\.i,J.


It i~ IIiII.....-..1to'1('" 1,· •. 1' .:I 1mIt>(i; IN! !l.'"o4il~IJf!i: eik."iIIn"\. ~IJ.'drl Wi.., In bu!lil', Ji~ d!!'Ll'lkd in thL' h~ju ries ~\[ tion Tli~·"<t· t"n51.a\ "'1] l'nl.!"ltLI~,'~ 11J.·' 1'1 t;., fill i' tt' 11J.·il/l<. m 't'hi<' rf'!L"tb"~ 1m Ii"''''': tI~!I::k'r H~~· 'II1o·.J.i.:nlul ('\"1" I.t tM j"lrL!l.[·'''' 'Slw"l""(!i'. lMn s~" l· .~I!D'h·5- ~ ... lU !.;10 f!.~11 .,n ",,,,[ro'l L 'Itj, IIHr ~·('[,In mmm~·. Iu,ilt Ii 1..1,;' " ~. ~":I"'~'

Ih.l.i ~·UII 0)1,.lI .06 l(i1i' ~fi!. .J .. ~."-,, "" ~""I il I'_'~ .lre;ll Grot

.'r .1 "IOOf (S1.."i\'("r7. 'GLll ~ lh~ b t 001 tr'l' I·~'C-I"\'bl.ltj'l,'·t

Sl;.'j'l;'"'~ are kL'1 L~b the nWb's. ~crLli~' ~, thlZ'l" do n~ ~!J~~LI: 'i~'il.1 rds ~l'lli' ~i~' 'Or t~II' moo w~l!l'FI (";}kLJ1~tln.F!l the pr~'iit flPf'!'I lhe- mm .. •. ~I &i.' ~~ it'l1d "Jd n~ ,....,._1n"'o '~Ih.'I" ~IJ !lAd. [)1~1 the m1'!h"~ If'lWfnL·.

'5LJnR'ti m!§ ~]h' '1l~'7. CM~ jJ~~ <i ti i I ]<' too l·I~~fl:il~i,'~~i(,.l~]r ."I'I~U ,mu~' ;"11 oC.lIIl!'-i'l1.. ~""~~I.IIlly H· k,L .... ~ .. t i?'2Opk ,'I'll" lIJ.l'lkin,g. i 11 ~. mine. Ir \'Lll! riOlllh~ (If ffiIIm.· 6'':! 00 IIw d.iC'i.' (CIol"' t'hiL' i'J1ILllt"~~' ";~'!Ic-m ~~il!'... rtl_,11 " Db fm 'I. .... ch n~t}{k:1 ~n lib!' miru!: l1d~ ., roll !J(f l thq' ;}f.l' ~'.i!u!'iht b\ 11'>1" fail ~l!F~, M"'i£.jO ilru:I "':r..II'. wit",rI!'LS.1I ~rl"'U" in~ll f) n~ lhi;- p~~. Ro.1l if1"r ihcir Ira1.· t('iO !he '~riow 1f1lliJ Ff cI1,"r'4, R~~lJjl~ of 'C~pture.d', ·Uiu,Cir E!'lmity' ,md 'Go!;.~ma~h.,J' .'R!' ~ I"l .... j!~-..d, ill'!; ,lit 'Full iIi:~"(IJIj,~U\·' ·'in tj~l~



\,,·FI!.OI'I a mrot'i- ka'l.'!. .i'1~ rMm~ U Ilb.1 hi~'1 I1MI!b r.d.1!1lt; it f~'L·I-i \,'('5 e\ I F./I inc(Iolm', Th..: n,,~I,'5 r~'I'l1 t;!]tion !~~ M~·l.,tO""·r.I, .tIl!'lo~ u p" .m,d thli! ~,Jd, ... ~~ lc~'ij 'I"," dea I \1 uh Ih.,. JI("~"; • al!!ll~lo.~"'Z'

T.'hi" rh.,'r!j LJo.'j(!w ..00\\ ~ 'Ill .. ", ... t~.l In~'rn;: " mnh ~~I !~~ .:JU",r bi!-atil1H .7iD eoclRl;V with .1 hir.hI!ir r.n~ih F~ti nii:, NI~11i' th.i I' ~~i';. i~ okI\i.Jli'\il to lru· inOJm~' .. '".!m~.,;;:! h'I<!D ~~, mi~'Io!'. !Jij(ll! Lf1, i~,. pltl\ld.

lrW • L
~!~~S ~:2'
1,~·20 d.
21..,1.:1, -+.,i,
l6.50 .~
SI·7~ ..]11
~lOO &l~
un.15O .... l!~l
lS'I1-' 1lS S P ENOl NG n.A TEIlEF

'~O'L! ;t.!D"'~ 1..,4 (N1I ~I ~'I:I~HU'iI" .... "OOrl .... 1;'I,(IIi'Uk .... I,"hilfij II~'~I' '1,'.=11 d~~f~, 'l,'"iSJh"~~ 1ihc- :!\.~di." ('IF anI ~"I' the (Mha -ddlr:h~5 ,or Of!.:: i.;lj)Ill!dt ""11 ,olter ;ilt \kk~\lw~l. S;roi: ~h", M'iI"[l,;1m,,n ~ii£,ilI flur il'!.'IJiiL\:. ..... r 11>11,...· w ,J I"l~~ 01 .... lLtlr "o;1jl~""~mN ~\",'l.

Mcl.~~)L'm'~ g~)t. u ....... ,ry.hing an Ork could u·,m1 il he's. gnt the tecf to piL~ f 01' i i. I'hr' ~p'rilll~·li~ "5t~l!> 'IIre Cl"'l!"lfloil lug with h.lgglcrs, Meks., ttadL·r.-.,_ I :tt.~, SI,we[l. ,111(1 ~l ndad(.lu~ iYrll!'~' ,111 ·J:.1iil.ri!~ to m ... b .:!I l~l\," ~l'd Li' [..J the mobs which "::l)Ir·I~ jmil~' !m,~'p Jor supphe . AUer trad ii'lS IbLo:ir I ~'I~~~ "",I 11a,gc- <1'1 U11? b,:ii.o: .. Mr I'll .... Nob ;m~1 ni~ Hoy.? are ~OO!:' ~(~ 1\";111[.14'1 oIIWll nd and'ndl ~hL."iIr bas; LIt bL'1:'t on ., host ot I u).IJIr-iI?" Ii kl· n('w guru. and kustem j.or."5 .'II the M!,b.


Iter -even. ~.l.ln .. ! t~l~' rT1l.JQ c<ln 'Tad..:! ill I L.,. ~,JF' l,)r tt'('i ;'lot th{' bazaar as dl?SoCnbo:,d, L-.J[M~'~ in Da Fort secnon, TL"!!'t· can be- ~FJoil'n1 11111 l'~ Lr<l w<'IrriOiS "ll'd, L~Ll ipm('n~, veh icles, kustorn jobs c11'Id bl\lJii b.


l;vhile da I3DY7. dre "n·I;;I:.:i ng" il!l OIU! of !hc 1~1,111~· n:rn .. d~', in',,~nil.;lrj· snd crowded ~Io:p ~"""f?5 and bJ'IJ!'I":Mu~~ LIt :\'rcl..Loi', n, It'~ .. m il;l\~<lm op-pc'l·hll'it~· fm ~)I'",I.' I i'l:C'J)' ,u.'I;t.,tr: ,1'" 1.0 ~I ho 1[\ lJiL' 111r1i;J. would meko ~n~1!' I:>i.~! .d:tm:'r.. m ~un 11J:r> Ork$ are basl ... ·ilily f,1ir·mindcd types <'100 spirued dt·I".toJ., b!l1:I-;r.."CI lip b\' a suoJ bmLld&-'DlI1·ing ~Iolm ~n,Tt~ the matt~1 l'U! (![~ 11:11.' crucrtainment of tilt! other p.'1!l'IlrI!».

Ii you ~"'.iIl1rt bl! J:'htllJ1,t':i:' whi ch of j.'ou~ ~,,:JI'tio.~ ;m' rl rl'lrrrrs iJrml;:ol'S this is. LhE' !u:"J'I~ !o od!) it, l'iJu rna)' have d.!2\·ekrpcll ....... rrio~ I .. .ho are 1)1?'11~1' ~illb~ lX'1l:".11.1~ ~~r have an iarproved B.!Illi!'o~i;;:" ~ ill tCl'1 12">;.311:1 ptl!'".oJ:' IHlni,;j!~ II i~mn ~,p;."'I."i,11 .. I-.i lis. \\·hlcn U"I.akJO! llu-rn 'b'-1~rrr drivers, One thi n)i_ is r(~r L:"k'rl.linl, th ... old driver at ~LlI"wr i~n'1 goinl!.: ~r:) ~.'Irrp .,sjdl!" ' .... ithou~ .!I fig'h~~ The orii1jinal ..::I.n~·.,.r [!oJ" ;,::_ul'illll:'r 'ILI~m ... rL:"" (jff ~li:ilIi ns! Lh~ \'Iiillrrilll" W~l''<; d.j1 roo to d-!i1lkn!'i1i' his skin dn...! t~U')! punch i.t 01.11 LhE'~ dud ths-n. 1..ClI (;mlk.unr;;.rJ.:..1 decidel

Rosol I'I!" Llil~ ,J" ... hand-to-hand OOn'l~)olIt h.!.'twl'('n !.hI? originel d r.i\'E'r L1i i!).uiLlwr ,1Tldl ~hc '~ ..... arrlor ~ oOLI 1\",IIJ~t Ir;Jo n'F~l,!J;:l,." him with (it's bo:!~t if Y'I'~I can gc. anosher p]a);l?r to KIll lhe ~3in' €l~ one 00 them], ~I!'ilbc;r w;Jrnrl1 c,1n 1U'"5e" "II_\" homd-~o-h,~tld \~"oJ!'.:!Il"l1n~ ;lip-1ft from km.l(~lL"'" <!l:'ljJ l.fll~·1!"0 (,md ~1o:)11'I""" n.ITni'ulI£!, s.qu ii!).-"" Ildu.'I II riP k>l!"T5 and ~(~ ("In) -<;() th..:!>· flXh! u~ing ~hr['i r pil"5ic SLrr?ns'IJ~. j\Tlr.1~)lJr ollIld !:;,lLlmiih .1Tor.' l!~ . .35 0/1;.. .. ~ir'r'I'lr 'l·i('1\" th("Si(!" illS n"~llUal ad \'.lllt!Jt_;t' ......... !.'"i~ht'1" I..-.arrior. mUIlb'. a!> t·h~ rgilil1!_; i n ~hi.' jirst ~lIrn L11 OOI'lih.!~ ;lind the lil'!lnt ..::onLil1lu"'~ L.lli!il £11)1:,' 1'I.~rri()r Ill" the o1Jh~r is dmlf,'n LII !~ul IJt ,1,;:-tj(ll1

The w<!lirior ~till om. hi:!! fef!~ m~ iIhl' winr"H!r JIDd !5~1:o. 1"0 be diriver or guni"leI'.I't!> iilFPmpria'Le. !R1lI1 fI'll" .... 'rious. i~llrle!i. to tht; I~r i1 he WeJ1It IfIUt ItIl o"lrrtion: if he ~n'l1' down then ro.1I fllrr ~~nw5 in~~e;;01'I oI!I roll til· I-J 00 .. 0Ii.

Tw.a'l injul)' n:5ulbo; of 'BiUll"T Enrnll);" :md 'Captured' B'> a 'f.~ln RN.O\'rt!r~I'. A~lI)' 'ill'1':of Imocb:ed ,Qui b!)' Ihrl' 'GO'b!.flI'ifloe'kt.o;;l!' resalt are noL ~p'I' by tIhrr mob ("'!'our fi'l('f .,in·~ werf nllJimn'!" ),.

:PIT fmc tITS

lf ili l11obs.1er &!Is. ~tuo big for litis IKMlb. W hrr miglvl Lbi'lll~"I'gC' the Nob for II! ~t'~lUp oyer !nl!' n--.t ~. themoo. H11~, j~. oj! moM sel'ir!JiU!il .:ill.!1ir ~an <I bmorrllI.lU'II." bnrwa and the Mek.!l oCIfi..:.o.n ttoj!_~C' an in!eres,L li'l !:N' 'P~ o(r~ leadl?r.J.ilj b.t!UIcs. "Ibis. rneillt!"; tihl,.1' haye to be fwgh.1 in pits al the reoe! of CorkamrOO'kll.

IJ .. my 011:. member fill th· mob aLLairu .. b~~:h.'nhip c.h,ua(1t~tb!ir whim is hi,gher ~~jmfll the HII!' will rrha.l'I€'ni<:,e the Nab 'or ronb'ol, The MI)'hr has 'to pro\ ~ hllJIt."lI..4i oiIbk to handle- iltiC' \'Io',.lTioa; 'wno follu ... · him, Unl.ib!- flighl:s foil' l;.i,.'ililg. drivel!'.and 8)!l11011('r!' )'DLI ha.\'.e iYl dloJJiolJl.!" 'lJi ~her 3 !pI t ilght octOJJ5:.' the i'l1'''Qlx'r with the hishL'r ~ldJcr-!;hip wil] i!I~~'3} , make BI malJen&", ~~ tnrr li~t i[I~i'lUI.lj.y - 1;."1'rl'1)' Ork ~'rI"iinl!l, ~B ~ oil Nob ~r am

~t I~ fK~il;Jte 'ilh;rt ~W·O ,or nl'lCln! w.;uriors 'IIr1lli be in ... ~i~i-on to cr.alJl!'illgl!' thi." ~b after the sarliI;' biL.Ue-, ~n I],ts r.!l'lll.· rollm.dOfli1I)' de,teML111!J; tIfW, o~ Ol~ d1a'1k-I~l'fS,. 1'1,'00 sel:5 !L' fig{ht tim If itht; chi!ll~I3t'r kat!o the- ~ IlifI..'Y become .he :ilt~· ll,. ... ;;k'f ullless ooe OJlrf ,~ oilier mJlll!lIigL"nI sLilL has a hlShei' b:lI~tl'T,;hip .man ~ irl ,,~' hi ch case ! t~ r ~vii I i ~~'g'h.:.aoo th I!'.i' :p a f~.g1'n t.

If ~hJ: incum'bmt!r wins In~ rnus] filgk1' thoi.' otOO '(OnI,(!M~r.(~) im a [pit f1~hL Thl~, MIi~ill!.:Jl'i5o until all th:o contenders are lx"l!Ib:'l1 or !he old Nob t:.: aOO LI~I?~ j~ nobod~' 1(10 dl.'J[lei'll!l,e lht.' new Nob. h'aniltlrs rr?ga:i n ~llII}' ~ ~,""'I,.I ~~cls ~ os ~ i:n BI IP re 10' I m,o s p ~ t ftp,h\ Ibeif o re another pilli,gn1, !'ot.lr1S_

.131 >lddi~ion, the dealh Lll o!I mOO'"'s lCOO~J' ~\f,lrl ilMlJl11y kid 10 a brief Pffi'w ~trugg;l~ 1.0 see 'h'M la\.ii.~ dw drlltJe"ased i"ob"s pL<lrOO, If you I.~ yoor' ~ob!hen &II!' l'1;aTri:oor ""ith the ht~hJi!:!i;t I A'-.;!J;I('rsh~p' ' ..... <i[1 I:.ilke fl,1'I;"r.. Ii )'00 run:! hl·l~ \\".1 lTio['S. \'I!ith 'hi!" 5ai.ilILoJ." 1.A,.~{,00i!p they '110m h~,\·\." il pjt f1£hl .. !'; ~'~'pli!:incdl below. If flI~1;\' thiUl Iwo 'h'<lmor... hll~"(' the !4l111.oJl' 1-4!'l!~t('p_;hiiP'r the- two 'If,'.t1nir;tro ..... i'lh !.he- ,TrtJll!.t !!'I(pr!"l"ii!.'noe' 'POlnls ",~n ful!jl1.t m ~he pi! lo deeidi: 'V!fho. is 'lhl!' '.l.rdt!!'i~.

1'l1!t :\1'"" .... 1J ... IL1U~· IM~ 5D.I11l' n ... uiroons on p;l11 !~ .... 50 CNt Lh, ~' liI!>t1Ilf~ 1I..''1u'iugh to ,"",l",<Jt.:liin C~b:~rrll)JIta. Rvll, U6 to find out wh1l'! 11.'Slrlr::ti'!'!f'!'" th~ M~'k.. li~',

1..2: Sh.oot}". Th: ~1il<ili.~r.a11 ,'i'iUJis4: shoal Jt

0ItI! ,'Ili~1ri ~. W' .. ~- iw.1C'.

5Iilrt llih~ Iw~' w.1!J:ri.ors I - _p f1I: llnJ. JVJI

or:. eath,. hJShest ~iX' tl> the :fIiI';;t


Cunnui'il". ~ mmbalim' "" m"ru ght i:n ha[ld-~~nd combat aJid ("4111 n.!I~ ,,~ ..,nr1 i'l~1 I\Mdl.:i)O..~lIl'Il!d 'III.·l .. 'rons lhej.r ~':Hl, 'U"h~)' 'ffiIii)' 'IJ!'IIt! .'irlnoor 2100 bl.onJIk.'l. N <ukr waJ.Tior ~~n.!S :1..;, c!n:argins, Li'ii ~ lfi r.d; ~ndl

'" ~ " rd, iIibc ~111il'b: ifii,iq n:g,ht in .h2l00-'h)~h..'1nd oombat WII~III !.:I~; My'm t~lr narnJ;..ttl-himd ~ .... t'.j];JX!~ ~pat~ flf(iiJII 1';.Ri;l{eSo.afld 1I1,[1u k1I~ '1'1'11.")1 m.<1r slim! I.1.W . 'QJ\QIl!j' _ b~k .'~, ," oarrio~

'~n'~ _"" ~rgi:r1f; ill lOO I ~ mlmd-

TII1(" ... ~rll"n ~~In ~)il II'" tltct ~. ~ 'lit! uno', ;'Indlt"b ... ~;.~~ (I:_r ~LIIUll! ) ,.1 .. Ilk- moo's lNd~I. ThL' ",.",,~ "Ill ",.nn " .... f'lvriC"l'Ice <I", dl'I,!lli.",,! below 1I ! 11;h:1 in' ,h~)j'IWnfi!'~ and (:rllm tlk1l1 poi n~ ui\ '! I'll? \\'1I)l1I.~F L'l i~m~' as the ;\:i Ib II!

lb.: il\4lIb_ }Lny l'Ir-P""k1lLL<;; ~lri(ll I~"" "'. I~ lh· M. i1IliI'llllt .In cn009l!' \1{c.J.JJ!.~~" lli\'llili1l'b I.." 'I~i ,lJ N~ilh i)' ... 1hcir KI~l\""W{)t:; ~ riJn~ Lhl? ~lIh 1 i~1 and Sf) on. Tht, ..mly ... 'oQ.>Plll':lIl tu Illi ... I ... 1n~' 5 pe .... l.l I I ... I '''llJipl1lfflL ~~~ 'il..ilb i~~ hold bl-forl' 1.: ",moning th e N'oto Ii.:!!" ~ n'l"l !d lfDr t'l, 'mrl1r.- a Slar1.:-cr "lit. ""lin.' :i-Io'l\ lI;'u' S'LUff ('.:1.11 wfltil1!J(, l'l'l I.l • u~. ~11ll1<11t;h. ~h~ caRnv'l ~l\' :tIi\1['n ~. merv Llnl .. ' I'h~>' l'>["('Oln~ the ;\l .. ~~). I ik ... wi~', 'll, fo..,(:ib wll.1 111,'{(~1m! a Boy, r~~r the pu rpo .......... ~f g.'m~illf, ~1J,._11L~ and 5.1.) 011, Ihllligh h ' I'I~. )' L..'l:'~' .m~· ~~il~ aLrli\,ijd~' l'.IIm..."d Ii a new i:'.ub. b.~ .... tot ~ m et. r~ ... ~~ iR,g dw dc.Jilh "j II .. • 'pn.~;(111,11'" '-00 .. Iht,' !;,:i11 gain"l ·.}d .. r<.hi p o)t~ r Lh..,j r fi I mt\~,,>' lil.o.e a . 1~1 til; , rntJt. I""", "f.

rh ' !Q....e--r wiLll:01'olr 1'10 ill-~".'i 11 ~o th~' vi(1or - 'lll.'i 1,,,,Ir'Lj!i .l1,J "" .... ; f'i~ pit righb l~ ~U~! ;'l raT1 ,e 01 .... ""'to n·t} .1 1'1 iii no m.'Ih,,· h bomc w L~ ".ht,m • '1" iJ) 00t:!& l'h!r:-m,",,"~'C"5 lR~i I t •• r M"rii~J~ i f'li!.lri~ lCJ. Ilk' Il ........ r i~ h ... ~., t'nl L~Jt j~f ,1"'-100: if he '1", ~Fl1 duwn iIh~J'i C'\'}IJ fi"t:r "''Ti>l)'I,J~. inp)!"!"'" 0Jll 01 n;~11 (If ] -j IOn .1 IJ+;,

iif'lll.ll injury re..uL~ tJ! ·C~p:t,lilT;;J- md 'B11.h>r b mity' !IS a "full RN ..... 'II'I;o·· i\n~ lfic-l II4K. 'Nt 0I.1~ b, !h.'0. ' i1l ..... ult 11 re 110'1 l'pl by I'h~ gil n~ (!~)' 11,>· .. lq'rious.!)' di pJX'.ir 1'.1 II In ,;wttl'j' the light) .

Cn'l ~ "'fllI)\'- thci r pi.).; (nm~to1 nt bi.' l1j~ hl:'1 P them eo

a\:f!1t·!11h..·rl. olln(il ~ ,h. , ~'Ie'>."4.'1' ri Ulmg_1? ('(lr k<.I!J 'N-til'

o'l ... ' MlJob._

~, \,~ J r~iA.'r \1 .. 1111 !iik~ pa~ l III ..JI j,llt light or Iii 1~i:I1g. m.'lt<+J 10 IJlItto lW .. , d'" iI driv ... 1;, I'tUp! or 'lj,lq' :""00 ~Ir.t'i ~5 Ih,f'Ii enoe ~nt.. 'if eMfl "~'oond I~k'y inDict. j~I"'1 .l5 ir 'IJ~L'\' V;.""n: in i! b..lldl.', IfIJ1is ;]1 1m .. '" 'Ihern. iin a~:h.Jf1n'. roll Oil Lh; n!'I"'\',m= t,.l,l4,o; immMlabL>l)' .• !tlt'r clru: rom'b.,} I.


iiJrlL"lI!' ~'\I~'[lL1i"j" lini,.ht'tl tx ...... tmg .,,,,;(h oII!n'!:'f ll.llpo. 1'I!e~~' ~k.f5. (".'IQ b<e h~l'i.J ,at ih .. · ~, ~;: j!JI;J, li~' hiri I~fi. th.' Lll'i&ir"l3l1 11~(Ib. RJi:l1~'r to. ilie c:.i1L)(lr'o.'II1I,~ .~ );.~!Jt. ~timj. NI2I11" 1'1{ ,n riLlflc 1lI',1I\ hr., C'Il~ldjpp..-d wjth lhe ",~.jJ~ and annnur 'tl-il'"} "'~' ,.lU(m·l""d i!l tlw {~i'l'\~ lJi l11~tJ ]i~t, b~!t C.'n·t ~~",'l(! ,In\· ,."u .. mm~1 r( m' biul~ll.~ ~J.i'ilil ~ 1i'i'Ol\'''' ll(l<tl8hl liil ." ~ml.c'_ ,';;U IhL' U$'U.lL r~.'~IJicliiOn;;. oIp~I~' so (!~I$ ~,'n·t be ~''LII'~h;.'j;r.''l1 unk~ I'h~' miJ!J. iru::ltl~t,,'So ~ S!,jI~ ... sr, !'!I.'I' ,''''',[Inri., • .:!il1'lli Ih.i;· m(<4,; ('~'tll' L ~i,)~·-i!' oj'I ~'I'I.d N~iob ('i: lIKilJrJ!!' fliKlfJ..' ,·cnill:'ll25 'lhJlI.l i I' i1IiI.~ !'ip;lTIFil::!r7

... IE·~V 'IEQ'lU PM lEN

h pi.:ly~~1"'" ~~ oj'Iilllt ~OI ~'Yr n.'w t'l.'~p,l~ ,DII!!bbil\~ 01" tl4hl,t l~\'~~I,PI"iWI11 tilt ~'); i'ioLilll!) I' .jTm~f'" U'~'n (J,.'hn to fh1!' Il'r.I~"\' ("n.!ifl ~'pP'l, .. d(" lhoi.· I(h"l t ii"-'l.'5 .. II ~h!£' '"'~1 WilPR1(!nt .l'!{.,il,~bk" In 'iVk'j,;~m"'n. ft~·rnL·!"l:M.·r. ~'ll ~hl(' [~~tri~ LiO<'lh~ In.,lt .lfJ"pll~"\1 "hi,'I1 ~ W ~Hn' ,dlil~kPi~.a ~ ;jP~~' ~~re 11. ... '~"011" W Lti-.h- ll.c'i1aitL ki f'I~i5 (1,1 ~I .1uior-;. cs n ~\' {'tlftain

, ~l1"lh (11 t'\illl"iprn('II'I', y~ IIt1l~, h.n ~ (l'_' ~,1IIIt1.i"'I~·r I n Hili! if"lLIb I~"r' ,~rlI~ \\~~~i.c'I\' pJU buy. til' ~~.,mplll!, only .! 5~\"iI.'l ("o'In tJ.:i1\' ~!~""(,17' !.'-Illft ;~I~~ :<U lWi.


yoo~ rnob'~ S'p.iIln!.YZ c;m ,fill: DlJllik.r ,flIi b':Utlblm; 100 ~·(I'Il~ ""l~~I.{[(..;; 1.'!I..·L1I!o~'n b.o:'IllIe-;.,. !oiP'lf,!~y P.ij' iIfw ~ In ~~"I"'r il1lfi(.l"~'. R1!ft'iL'i'i'i~r l!h,lt ,gt!t>bl~ mll!~: Il'!!.' ~!i!!J lon:l'(li ItJw ,"ehk.k>. Just '!D ,~~'0Cid)~ ikoow'! ,"NL .II bt·Hi rj·int 'cn.'Mi.o:n 'l11!!j" !It\.. ratir'l,l!:r

F.!I5t~,r' oo~~ :!!h!i)!i)'lil1!'1' gUI:1I'. Hn.,;. M!J''k. ... 1Z'.lllI do It alii 'I,.'ii5i Ling !M Md;s i .. d£illl, 'With 'in lhi!' (k",xl i5ftIIlon !.){ t1i ~ t>.:~ .


"~nn)'P; ",ito haft, mfl'ned 1J«i:otl~, lnjJJ i'Ie5,(".m "", f10r ~ if ihc,].' btl'lIli~y~ chence II-...::ir .urn .'IL t!i~LL'l'iI!!i, ~1IT.i.e l:riu.f'lik Iti.'plii«~t ~~ C~ ~IJ Ehit ~ is d""ta'iIL'd JiltL!"f in 1h:i30 'boo".


1~I.l)·il'1iS ~~"I.IM ~~Ir3b1} rom~il'Ii.t'-llhru ~jti~, MId tJ,ildlfig .,f~~f Ihi!' b~'nli!' !~, oQ",~r" m:t'ldns ::!In)' ,JPpn~!lri~~ tl in: r.oU~ ",·lti!i!' ~h pr.j)~.;iE' rrmm'r.


Ii. :p~~~t 1'f'I;,I:Y ,,.·istli to ",I1'ili!' !i'iJ \\.~~ iil!t iIJIE ~i'i'I,(' hlll('".u..1r bu~ .... new ~ Atk~ all. ~ rmh!; ~:U rn)I't' lJOl'l.'rr./'U1 tl1l<')' ![ifb!.~ ii~l~doli i~i, ca:dkr armament 1111 'Li~·Uu ~ ~"t'1 Wi"j'W:thing b:ltter, liO'\'lo~ "'Ji. !);c -..ccond1lliliPid \'.,luli! ~f eq1.liprn~i1l i!l. oot h~ lihJ~ ~IJ ~hl.!" b.:IJtb!.'fl ng rinl'1k!!o.'ld 00 i~ by your '" 1lnir11'!i (.J'Id th .. y·,""(· ,ro'b.'IIbt;'I! ~1!i~chI..~ t~lr li~D11r into tl1r .... tiI.>iJl.,

M'ot:... .can alll.lys. i'<!iIJ ifi9l!ripmm't ~r h.Ju i~ ~ prirr!..'. wu.l'1di liS d[i~"n. Tni;;. mi£'.0Y\5 • il;li or the ;rh~lp.."T I\~IM~'" ~i't' \\'onI" nolti.!i'i.g ~~'I;'i ~ . .m: ~d.

AltL'll:fiM1U'Iy., iIlIllIj '~itI:tptMli"j." ean be ~~,d, Jm ~utl,1l'\· U~ {m.lkc- ;.I IIlIll~i!' un ~h~ mOO l'O:'L~r) lOr il IOdJIi be ~\!'i.:!;pf>!..-d oIi'O'!.md ~ mdb .roD~ 'ooK' N17"Ti!kIi" 10 ,~r (lhlrlJ:il,h ill.'il ~~ ","'Ii!!!'1'i rlIl;Ulb~l A£ ~1~i!' '!I~lu", liir !!lid 1\ !.!".lP'll'I13, j>;;; I~· rump.mNI Eo, Ih..o ~I oIi ;rqW,~ nt",lI'ii'(nlii"" .(II !'1~oh .t>iln !.IWiln~, fl!'1d ,ii ~ rOt" illol GI~L off ,).(fi1.;!1U"i{'!ilL<>.


'''''II'~:~ I,) 1"" i~ k.uu~. u.I~ of t~ii§. oi.'\'j,.ui;pml']'It Ilnd. l'II:('.1~I)! i~, It ..... lltL:i h.3J ';Ii,"i)' imJ!'ll'I'I,UL', II'Idli!'. 'iO I!e di...u ,a.bNJt it rif;hl troll'll ~, ['!.Iii lit , ~Il: 'is liol: 'po:;si'bl..: ttl K'alll'i[,ij~ .1 I\.J rrios's \'I! !."apOms (oIr «p;IipiP~"f1,'t QIl('e be 1i3.~-


I f ~~U h;.!\,., ~!:..~ \'ellKks diu(' ·1)1..1 II ~iliS a Sp.!L.nru![ ~'OO h..,I·'" hI o choices, Y(lU '1;01111 ~,~th~r ~11 o:ff ~'ehicb f.!.m holilf thci r normal p:rin!' lile, J.ny O~her cql~i~m~.'lIt. 4)[' ~·!'t;u can keep thl"lli i-n ~'lrut f;ort .alOOf!: \\;i th ~h.~' I'!l':.';t or the! mOb·s. hn,artl_ If you :keep a vehicle in ~[rul' flltt >'00 Rlay not II <;(. it if'! any ot you r hili LI",,~ u n!il YOll ha ... e ",uHicil£'Llt;.:or 8~1:>'''' 1-41 iolL:! i1 oot.

~n ,1ddi rion, 011 "o!!hlt'le II hicb i~ kh in fhm~ ~~'ii.) ~I in ,h"l,'rior.~!!? as tlleoo is noc'l:II:1y ~~l ILM.1k atter it (iilOO iJ'IItdl It 1Jp after those im pmr.lil~hl raci 1'1' session .. ). 1~11~1 ~~ iDti al!€'r C,1C'h v.1111~' fur oi!'l erv vehicle in 1{!I,JI,IT hoard, 0.1'1 a ·mll L~f ,I 1 I' has dE't(!'rior;'I~.'1:1 1],mu:gl~ lack of care ~n(l ;1 L1u. shou1di roll (In t"hL' VL41icle P!?r1nl-ilMTIt nill1il;'lg<' Table to !ON' \~'h,'1 ~I;I"" happened ['.0 it, Ii': e- 1'1.' I I J\L'~';IJ!t~ L"Jl 'I k~trll:vcJ'. 'Badl~' M a ngl('~j'. 'Captu red' ,liIl'.;:t

'1I'ITiprLw(,'1i' _ U you roiL the ·Fi:«."f UI)per' f.l!SI.I.ll., thevehlcle-.and.a S'PLlinf\('r rnse .... t li~is.s, Lhi!' nrst b-att~ in wroch )'00 \\"!!JII!d nrl<rlfr'li!lLI}" bt! allowed to ~i:1ike LI:,. ;'Ill thi!' rle"'~y ;mi\,t."I.:L Spanner Boy !rill'" ~o L'oIIrn hss M'l!P ~trai&ht .mr<l}' by [Ii!'-vtlimp'·ing the :,b:Ui(iL1[tl£!d \'ettidt!'_


H your mob otoliiaLI15 Grot:. and ("apL1,J""'~ ~l~n ~ then !he I~ [~f ~LI r '5la'~r C.1Ti1 hOll~'L' ~r-H.'JiLI~ consequences, ~\~'I.hoot th e ·~ v ."I(1',~ul t:!~'i!' of the S]tl~'cr, the rl,mi.,o: ·!/Io·m stafil: &('t~ilng UI~l"ltr andJ \1/iil rd1l.l'Ol,!' ~,~ 'l'llrl. 5.lfice .:MMr ()li:~ IJ1:'LIIltCIt be bolhered wi!b ITym[L;S 10 keep slaves in II fii!', .hi;; has ~f:,(' (QlIL""...L,lS dfe-ct. YOll r mnb L~llr.'I!)t recruit i'!ny lR"W G«Jts ~I'Mlc it hi)!' nil SI.!\·e[' - lhefi!'s, IliiObu.:J:r ·"""hoFIl SiD 10 th~ 5LL!~ m:!rld and measure 'Up' i~~1! Soods. \"'ith ,1 p'r04~''Q;iml.!JL e)'e .

I!t'IiA 'ND- TO-HA.NU \/irI'[M"<.)<'NS 'ifiElEf

~u~a ".,",.,'" , 2

Sil; ShOO'ti! __ .... __ , , , , , , , ••• _ _. _ _ _ 2.

'Uge I(Iw..b o:r 'Owppa , , , •••••• :l

CihJ.h or dropP'i'l _ - - - - - , , , c' , • •• ]

Kf'lI\'e:!I and. lmuckJ.c5. ,. " .. , Ifme.

(1m}J; Q~ IF'laLi. •••••••• , , _ 1

Spear " _ .. ••••••• < , , • •• 1


mkWlo' • , . e •••••••••• 1

Crossbow - - - __ •••••••• , , • , - - ~

IB.Ju[1dl:rbtJ.~ .. •••• , , , , , , _ 1

ShDOta."""" ., "'" ,.,:2

!<.aihlM """", ••• . , , , , ;3.


F&'Il3f st!~01 . , , , , , , . , ., • _ _ ];io

IRokkil Laundil:r - - - .... , , , , , , •• ]3

Haepeen Gun. "', •• , 7

S]:JI."4lT GLi f'I __ ..• , , , , , , , , , •..•. '!II

So:J~l,,"r ....• , , , , , , , , , • Ill:

.. RMOUR 'ifiHEF

St!,Jdtf;ed AmLOur ""',. : • '1.

SJucld .. , , , , , ••.. _ _ _ _ _ _ 1

IiJB:'k ArnloLu' •• " - - ~ .. , , ••••••• :l

"Havy.An:noor • - -" __ , .•••••• 7


GTabbiIJ St:ik .... • _ , , , , , , , , , .. _ 2

!Net ••••••• , , , .... •••• <"'" t

~€iIla:!l .""", ,.,. ,.,' i.

VihimJ ... , , , , : ' ••• . 2.

·VII!lHt:Cn.ES DEll'

Bugs)' 01' Truk'k. , , : _ • , , , , , 2(J

1Ir.:ik "., .. ",15

6iNI.:' .... •••• , , , , , , , , . . . 10


E!cb'ilI ArntOUJ' l1i1:L1: . • , , , , , , ; 4

SJj;Jke:g _ ••••• """ ... ..•. ",,5

'11b";!! Spiry , .••••••• __ . . . . . . . . ... 10

·'\~rockl:r RiiU ••• , , , , , , . . .. 10

Big OrabDii!r ••••• " _ " _ ••••••• .5

Relflfi!lllDeii Ram ••• , ............• ,.". 5

B~rdiL1.S Plank , " 3

LoiI~, Am~mo ,.,.,',....... ].I" ~';l'E!apon 00s~



Fr~ ,' ,." •• :)

Krilk , •.•••••••• - - - . . . . . .. ~

Gr.oo . .and ·CiliP!1I.II1:'0d Digg.':; L!!1'P~ldy i!ITI the g<ilflg Dl,'y fi1l/'hit i1i5 nermel. 1·II,}WL·I·.~·r. (;:n;II~ ."n~1 ['j~~¥hlll'l:d ~l;l\,'L~ 'r;11mtl! be- LI~'I ~o l""otk tho£! mob's !'c~'<l'p mLne il thefi! is no 51<lycr - do not ron <iny dice fo;)' ~Rl"m \\-11"'[1 gC[1i."r,)ti'l1,t': inrl'lr.I1t'. A~ ~:-;111 lk'o; YULl I:iL·~ .!I li~~ .... Sla:loer ·thl!' ~t.l\·!£'~ .~If(! 1\ hJPf-1":.~d back i nso shape and lhey ",,'iii li!:ertC'r~'1i' income .'~ n(lom~,'1.


[ust 515 warriors can sometimes meet I\-i~h .;1! prernatu re ,l1'r~li.rI i:nw~Lt \'I,'~lh CAlui.::.!In"Li.lil"bc.l. ...~hl.di!'~ ~""~LL ~~l5.loihlll~' be 5I:.' ~(., iu nk pil..:! of da :!l.Ioo:~ too. when " ....... hicil" i ~ ,ul."">troYol."d ,,11 o:,:.t j~~ J:::~,bb~m .. ~lmll

i~~, flwd !Sun ~ has lOll!?) 11;0. up \\ .1.111 i l. VOW'

not re-allocate any of. the ' .... caponry, ,gljJJbbins OJ k'IJ~t[loJl1. i()b~ it has h.Jd.


-rh!!- mob- rating o.f. ~rn gilDJ!; is equal to the OMI of ir:s. '\hi!'h~dlS and 'III.'arl:ii'h"l~ IPDi:I~ ~Iliei'r ~pt'liil'(1(ll" :plIiJ1~~ divid'ro ibjl 10, A5 the' va]!lI.e' of marn05 i[ld~ ~IM!I' ("(]ui pnWi1't.. lPio'!)'{,~ musr altt-u t]iI!=' :w_Mot.ah DR ~ Ilf~oh'~ .:rCIt1!i!'r ~h8l!1' C'ileli'}' lii'llli!' ~uiJ~II'njl'n~ i~ Mg,ht (I( sold, or iF kll'stom jobs o1rn do:riII!' 00 we-apons, Lil<J!",'I~ \'L-3ii,cll2.~ 1~1i':::lmli(! jllil:!' vo'llLl;>! of any :gl,!lbbi m~ tlMT 'Al!li(';md <In),' kusiem jobs do~e 00 !Mm ')!!\N?n Ibod~~

A.n~' l"'Cl.'IIpomy or (lI1lh~;r '!21Ij,lIi1pm!mt '!hal: IihI!' r:nolI '~ but LI~ 'IIO! gi'!.'~ Iflo o!I w;'trti~ ~ :hl,)"rdl~ 6ooyl;liItg vehicles 'be;ins ]I?(t behiad OWl! Ito I.ltic-k. o:f ~i'lI'Il'r:tl I~ 11:'f'fl;'1in~ lInu~"d ilfTi YO!H roo' und i~ Vit'lue- is ool

lncluded In 100 mob rilling.

04 M--E'I H8- O·······Y- I'Z" W··O·····R···HS- HO·-·····p_·····

:_ _' J _ 11__ ' 1 ~>: _I .,.' I .•. ,

1IJ0:11irn,g wi th M('~b("y~; ~,"m be ,"1 -r-m~tr"~1r.L:g hminf"'~. M~I' ~ YHUU NI(ILl1ri~'~ wi 11 bt· mid u,y <!i ~h.:!lrp ][l.i:.clM .Q~ broa,1h OJ .1 fo-rebod~l1p; shake 01 ~hc! head, They r.:1re1~', if C"l.'"('r, :!7iy(' ~"()U an idl~ of !liJ'W nw,<"h :.;!.lm;;:othinr; wil i o{'ll~! ,lllti I !b~'y h..!l'ld yml nlooi! ullL .. _ kl:l6Wl~ ti!'C.h~,can_v ,~s ·Da IB.ldi Nooz'.

~l all this 5Ol1nd'5.1 ihi t hit and miss I~ is a positive 5~d(' 10 .dealin!!: with 1'1,I1,eJ.:b!.lY;':· They I\,i! i ~r~' 'il'!1rj~iji'l1!l 1m,. ~""I!:' !'::('!·tin_g Ih('ir h1md~ ,Iiriy. Hili'\' .ilre OOI;!,;~.!II:l:Uv trillm~E!I ~Il [I'IIW(Io L"o:!Idli other in t,~,rm;; ~\f the s'h(l(l'i:i~t ~lIn.. ~Ii~rt~~ b:U,SB-Y- or f.l::.l:e5~ bo:iL"!. Whatcv,t"r'~ 1lIl'(',;:l~'(11 )'O-.JI' I] ..'Ih~:,],~':;. hn<:! ~ \"k"'b.llY ~I;1UU"!N IWr-!!' W 116 L~ PR'P"I I'!l ,(I I,~ h..!~·" .!I ,I"Ll'-

WE C"AN D' 0 IT'

I _',' II.. ,"

Af.tcr Il Ii:"nll:" ynn cen t111..1· :In~' '"·f\~]!>t."Nl Llt vehicle thaI ),~lUr IUA,b ]!>t.~.:,~ to,.1. Meok'lx>y IOU can lake i115 rn~nl! (I!fIj~~t thin~ ,1:;' ~1"('IU W~fl t ~l be kll!l-oi"oi.m1llW.:I I~~ a'll), time, b-ut i.1<ny '1·'lo.Jli,d(" or ~~Im t',LI; (111),' bt! L\:u!'.tO!l.)jSi!'od (1[1~~ .Wt~\"I~'11 L"';ldi ~IM ()if'U can't h.1.1{oI!" i! LW5tOl1.lj500 ~'''''() or more ~inK'5 .:11 a go.) ","'h('[1 Y"l~1 1;;1h' .II '!H.,h'irlL· or "'"l!l3ipG~ ,dong 10IJ ,r ~4otOOjf you c.m d arm to do (itrI(:" at 1fAr,~ ~hlng5.


"'~f'Of'I!I can he- 1'Rt1o:k Sh~;ooti~!r CM~h~~ '5t~[1f,t'h). ~h.'l:y can k lIlodi fi~'I,l tn ~hoo' over a lo~'iI" R.1~1!!1,." (+[1tt}.Q~ gil;m Mlln' D.lkkii. (k'U5t(lmi~ :;0 thO'll u ~tllOO~~


\.:ehidlS can be rnndc ~'"11:.1~!l. Sin:.ri.r!!?r ~which I'lK.1!1T!5 il' ~ums .1m! m1Lm~!lI'l r.~ mere ~.:1Si~~i), (1[ "f~"'j/iL·r (U;t~k8~ OiIml>DlllI').

lliI";Iii'li!'inbe:i' lholit li I inkt'd In."i!Ipnli L~ 'lri!',;lied ..'15 .1 single :gun so if's d eelt widl <!i~ a'lg.ll!" pL~'C 'Of b;U'5bll!iT1i~il;' work.

[)c<1il'rmim· hm v ilhi!' Mel::'boy h.1~ ('opm with his. ~.!!Isk b~ 11(:il1l1)8. on ~h@ 't.:1bk ~'M!j!~'. TI,I..~ m~ dOJ1lI!" LITm,lo;',::I'i<!itl"ly - iIIlthoosh in ret1I~it¥ it ~~~vi(:!u~lv t.1h!s.3 '~i'hiLc '1:.;;) \\"'I.lrk [1(11 ')/'OUT' job, ~t i~ ~t1iI.l~: ooll~'er.ti!?n"i to W~~ 'Ollt H1L~ detii.ims .utl"T !'a . eh 8.<iffie alDrtP.: wjth .1dv.llII.lllS ~M ) "oOu.r HJ;oyz LInd fIlhe.r ibi! ~\'e!m g.lflil;r' '~i~ leu l ill t 1.0 ns,

, .......


1 \VI;:' i\o;Il;;I~ ~m", Tf\I!ibM(!- ~'iill i I;Ul 1M' EodSi!' tabl.!!. Despl!eo !h.! J<'Id thO::! job h.:is 'b€en ~\;~I and truly bodged the ~4!!Jl.:OOy ,1;I...cfUlo:'lM~ llti, ,t..~f If'Qr 1;1'i~ II~rk.

:2 wM11!: we \'¥.nl: ,a.t [L 1be ,M~!;, h~ rCiW'id some e_!i5e~t~iIIl repair which hI!" hils ~omptdm 'I.~·illiooi' 'bo'r~i!I..'\"Iin~ ~IJ' 'if~fQni. ,1;1:11. TIil: 'M~)' de~~:!lmd5 D6 teeff for ihI"Ls 1"'-c4)~'k. llf ii, 'lfmiil!i! h.:r5 permtrmnt d,uT.lal,ll!", ORe' type of pennancnt d.ilmilgt" :i50 f~'ll'iI;;~1 r miigiil<fi I, jiOlb has OOi?i1J Jiol'gCJ!lJU?n

a:bm.lit, C!~ OOI!J];iiJi!, '

3 Cari.', Gi!'~ da :H":Uit5" "¥lle Mekoo}' bas dlJlM:

~tIill!.g wi~ )' . _ ,


~1Jb':& <1 ~ Otli!l .!UI!1!- !-~~II1I'llJ'I;! TIu::! MI!.'kbay , .~

11.'1$ ~1~~I!iHy ffimplt!h!d the. lob. He' pre5!Nli~];, YODi ''flilih Q !OOli Jor '!J6 'blNf ~tI .. ~i~, •. .iwpd.: Jl!:Ji,! Ill' ~ir: ;~p~tJ~e ).ob!'1il a Good ·UI~ ~~liti1. ..



llllil~5 the M;rk:~ Ciui'~ ('~L Da f.jjJ~5 ~'O\!l have to' ~y your b-m ... "!(("J; ytlll ,i!'Velll'!{oI!" to pa~' ror LL Ixto:Jw."'!,l jcib !(!If t~r nnw!lili,i~, I:l!'mti!dial WO-1~~ Tllfl.!" ~t i~ D6 teef: .1'100 you h.!l~'e 10 pay this i!lJlm~"!:!,a.belr ,(il'lC~<l:S@" th~ cost o-f the I¥e.lpon or 'L"h~d~ 00'1 )'Ollr II1I.Ob ro~!t"r o"!pp'rtlpr.i .. dl!'l.y~. Ir ~'ou cen't .. rfford it, th~' Mt"k'btl¥ hoa-w ;OIl te )lour vehicle or woNIpun \'Il;ll5t ).'OU !il:rape- 'I:o~hrr the Co:l5n W pm ,"klom~'L &~t ~(lo I!I;S@ th€" l.'oI''tlli:t't" ! \\~"i!jp.illl'l ~IH~~I Y[)iIl'\,,1!' PJ id YOlJJif bill

The ~'!l"khi")I, m ~-n.oto::! I ikel\1 one ,oi ~,i~ ~.:I~~-1~amjoo 5pi~I'IK:iI'z.. hils bedged th e j(li;l. mmr~I;Hi!']y- ~t's a mess, held to,W"I'h('r wHh ~pl.t and stri ng, i ~IJ\'o,"~~Tr.. HiI!' M.c:kba~' J5, far ~oo proud to ;,Id rnj] hi5- inlsLake (no mL!ltb!:'r hm,' haed yOIl.!J pU!IlIch hl~I:i). fmr l'Im,.· all you need btl !!mow ~5 Ih;ii' th~' ... rd'LI(~i!'.or \'~oI!"i'Ipon is bol:;{llSt't;l. 'ftl;1l don'! ~'t il:lo fiJld out IhI!" (')(toffit of H1L"!lnl~8ISi!' untiJ ~'0111 .!!IChiill]~' use th e V!I.'hi.:-lf'/w~l:f)(l~ iua i'1ftI!lK,

mn the rli?'d gallJ'!!' in wl\id~ tM "Ii!h_k:klvnwpi.)111 is used roU U.PI .he re!:e";mt Booge tabi'l' 40iHret numroi."I .. 1 \" b!i~fQ~ J'OI!! f!!"!'om liLO\'1!" th e ~· (liJ just brFiiJlT4.· ~hooUII'I~ 1.1w 1 I'",., pm'. )'ou never goe~ 10 fi nd Otlt l\·h.ll! normJ hns N'\.'"11 ffimmilh,Q l~nIJ~ ) ou ac!uiIIlly ~It the \','€ilIpolll ol)r auempt 'W ,I n"lo'~' ~J,i!' \'""ltic'k' i[1 rumbat.


Onn' ~'LlWJ ha\"it? fi~1ctl'd th,,· \'e'hi,·de {,"Ir Wl';rpf.lU In a same }~ru esn lab; ... i~ bal'k tel .1 ~ii!"l:,hoy ;"11m) h3~'1? it "5Oroc:-(U ~.11,l1 pro'p!?rlj:, '11,i ~ costs ~'01J n.;nhi Ill!) and does lfifl,t llft"',m'l the- M~·L..Lt;~.1 Vi.·()-J"kil'lg on al14~th~r job lor p.lU ..!It the same ti lIre. ThE" lxH:lg'l' i~ fJJu~~.,miIJti(".'lIy '>I11'~e-d out, k'"o1l'l!il~g LHtl~' an inell rable ~.lule as an ~'lIl'r-pJ\L"X!nt ~mindl"r that .be \.f(·j,ir1ll· Lid ~\ ~apClnw·.'!!O 'I,~t bodged

'WHTL( WE WliZ AT IT .. '.

WI:lJL!.t \~""Qr"'iT'!l- on }'Qur ~·C"h~~I;J· 411:" ~~.e-apon the l...'Id~ Spotii.('(! ;:,oJ}li1_!!' '''''ell doogy wmk· dOJ!tt'" br ~.t,lIl1Je ~ ~tclo:wX' T~I"@ is. 1111.1(,1, l'l.!Jt!hlS, iIlndJ ~n.'kilig o:f heads >Slid !h.! 1iel::boy mll.~l"C:r.i .hI!- dan1J11illl$ word's • KoJ.-ll{:ot.1~·l':; and '~Ipwn..:.' se~'e-ril~ timl~. Lucky for pm rh.iJ! Lhe~"'tl"kl1t I)' has SJ:mM. Lt "LI Ill!.Iit. ]·'.ourp;(!",'T is Tll)\\' jill lip-t'op di.1 !-"t!' .. - 1:1.ot th .. ,~ ~·LJu·.d ever ootl{'l'!:! ,1 l"o'asn', fu,)r onl!:il1<'~ jtJl!, lidS been rorgtlt~L~' ... bout. Et roul~1 h.I!,·e ~.fI .j] 1'L1t 1'IiltJ'Sl!'.


. . '

Just Don'! JU't- Gic:k... dic};:_. t:lIklc.. .• nO<1hing ha~}pem. Not a ~~d~ sausage. '

:2: Djl~ I~rl: 0 III. Thl<' l!;i1.'"l;lPQ[;l. s.h~ onre ~s,. ro:mnrll then WJli to 'bit:.'l.ln )'O"IU w!)mO('!j. I1r.and. (

J SI&<11I1:5 Dodgc~ .. AU ~a.ngcs LUt. redu~ b,_, ·half.

Aim HU',idiS'J'!d. You m1J~' lOubtJl'act -1_ ~mm ,.,.11 dilc:e' rolls to hi t.


lRilr¢d. fire . Il«,hil iI Ism Bodgd~ If Ihe

\lri2-il.JX'f1 oollld auto fire, It Ol:Jllnot QO W ~Yl1li1ui'il!! ml.c~aift'Lf'IW OH!·.ii,~~'ir11r:!ol' I~'iio' ~ ~' It ",m aUOOI[!'IilllL'CillJy b:1.asr .aU '11:$ iH£IJ1'LQ ill, '._: one' bulit.~ ~.,.}ow "1'f.l!.1S1 m.jlJ:~ ,mJ'I· .-

wl'I ~'1!Idl ~me'yOl..I·~: -

I 1 , .1

JkrmJn . H!:'II-!Boq!N;l-. ""~y '/un:rnci 'IJ..~"

la~n. are- ",l~!w~Jk~Uy toir~,. .'

The ene gleam v:f hope IS th.iiC it )'tm ha\'e Ibroughc in ., vehicle wi!LI f!!tIlunent a;:1lmaSJ! the M:ekOOy will i1..iH,'e ij)<oJ 0;: I u, ~f ~~ Vllo.hi~·I~· is. on~y 5l1f'Kori[lg ene !kJnd of m)t!"fIllafl.('l1l.t d,m1..!1_gI?, the }'kktx:,,), (.'i~ up Olli that tllil~ and fil!J. .... iL If :I! has more th;;lli [In~. randoonly ~'I~~ I~l.!!' d?irT'olI!il" fJxoo_


Tn"1:: Mti:.:oIl~·ha5 rol1Tlpk~l~ !irre job and. 'ill"1}' lILlY:! H loof;.~ 100! Ji:.efl!"r to the "JII!'lL"va.n! "Sertioo tpr you' '11.leapoR 4lr \'ehllcle-. ]!171 ~k ,c;.u..c of a ,"chid", frl..!lkl? <II fl04e Dti tru on the v'l-hkl; .. ·~ ~r.d shc-ct.

11"'1 the: c.'1I-l" II~ 1'o·€'J.f.""J'JIi5 ~'0'I_1 1l11u~1 :Ill<ll.ri! iI ni;)lil,!' I,'n ~"ill.I~ ·).,'vIi, n'~bi!'r ~h('d i)1(!in~ \\ i~l, L'he- ch.'T;)("bJ"l'~ et'L~I)',

t 'fl:ijrusl~fiS ll'!lI;;igJ:d- AU '!1-Jmsl: rolb 'fo.;it Of.] a score t,f 1-3 each lim;;: iIht:-y 3t'e usedl.

2: - ,\lh0e"ilrRdt!l. lBodiged. 'ea(h, hrl'lJ! roo

~ttI."iMflI: 1.0 turn t'!i1 t ",l!I'hld'e during i"l~ .engine iIn!J'IIi."S ;)Imd slo-w ma:JTltx,"'m\lIi'e'l,·} 00 mUM 'tiJ.k'\:' tJ lLeadJ!rsRip tt$t. H you, fiiil }fOUl lr.rtwl oowill"'lis m aM, LnM'st(!li?TII1IFII1ln,g 1Il00~~ IIII:lII~ter.s is. oot ~fk'(fed-

:3 .~~ "Elog/iJJiIl! BilIdgd., YoU.f moves "!.J~lA.s gas E'rlgiim'$. an!' !liI!du~ k;J naIr 1ID'.I'mi!..l s.p..'\'dl (u~l!J!Il'll)' 1~ iR5'l;(~dllI1if ,r::t) •

II 'Gem RMgedi. ·E.l:!rn aJl"I,e roo Bltt,~t !lI !>.lm..· is-;peOO (p.,m"i!ru'i.'Je II'jJl~.jJj IIJ6.. On I~ ron uf '1-3. Ihi! gl2'LIlr 00):: drops i::m~ i:o:AmobIJ~.5ll'1S your "',,,>hkle (or 1M relit 01 tliiegami!..

!j, ~1,JA!1 1nliB'fIM iJo~~d Jlf >'00 tML.j'IJ 'TbrtJ.:S,1"!, 'DO iii. wH '{If 1 ·!:hen Iht:. ff~ld Hn~ M\fe Ibic:x:ked lind. yoouu ilhnl1l('I'!S.B:1I'I! IIl~Jcz fO[ Hie :rest of abc bIIiUli!_

'6 .i8T.'ilim 'Bo~dl. UITII.'ess lhc \'\'hldi!o is. im:unu'i;Jilised, )'01.11 must miJ"'e foru\BJTd ,aj. ]fi!.if~Ii" maximum :g,i!S ~peed each 'turn. l:'0iI!

_CllTl dlOO15e' ,·~~t or 1I1I1J~' )'00 'wO!III'II bCJ -

'U5E! ,~k,'tS, a5i oormail, b~lt yuu must, 'rn~ rlmt.'.al'd yOW" fuU SH peed wlI~ b-row;ght Ito -ill hal] i I' some 'II!.·ilY. Y01.II t#lr'iri.Ol: pedorm !lJ ·~LJ.l1 s.peed rn~'~~l/re ar. aU ... ·

l[(."!.r(.or.iLI1;S; i-s. Jight wl-. don't eV1m 1IhID\: :iiOOulLt.

1j,'~POI'!'l (0:111) b::! made' .slJooJ I<'i" (-1-1 :i1:i1M,SH1.1.. J'..wrgN Ra~ ( I D6-), er Mw!? .DdJ..bJ ~Au 1:0 Fi re). This ensbles a !-'UccCMJul Ork N"",'t:! to ('(I.'Uipo himsel f <lind hi'S fo~ltll\""(!l'5 wi Hi ~:<,nril!!)rior ~\'NLI'"-'Iol~ty i!I!'. bJ:!flt!'. hi ... i.I'ipm...-«1 ~~!m,. n al5J:1l aUim,'s a mIming ~obo ~(" ..:!)( his 0'1 ... '1'1 fill\,'ol!u.ile !.Ktic. whe-:lhr!"r th.;rf'5 shoo1jn.g from ,1 dli-st..moit OJ outt!:~ll1rl'il~g 1hl· ,L"1u·lny 4·loI.l'1'I~ LI p-


SnootLeJ! The- :Nii!'kboy mod ifJes !.hi!' 'L\'€<ilpan.. i Mp-mv:ing thl: 4.l('~'ipl ot its b." rrc], (itt! ng ,t 11-, th superi ur Jlln«l,U ... I'I.I\'tII~ or hI ~ak.ns It Ir.l. soma L"tb:icLi:fii!' Inalllllil!t_ i'\.Q lIM,bay will reveal his secrets se tn-ere"'S 00 point in trying ~o g.ort ,'ny more d~of.."o2'iils tmm him.

}\ Sh-(II.1ti lor WL';II;K.I(Il ~in~ -1 ~'fi\"iI"t!:th. \'i'Jh· 11 n[yit.! hlS~!~J' II iil' tho£! ~ha~.ld:et'~ O!hoi!1 detalls O~ Yof.JiJ:t "-4:.ob Rosl.:!lf shE1!l_

/\ ~\,,!!!"<lpon 'C!l1n ~ made Shoo~j"-r once \\-i tnolj)Jt rom[N"u'lll i~,i~g i~~ o;)l"l"r~!! 1X'!1iij)on0i." &:;,. an (lrJinuy O~ ~I~I !l.U<!I oC,~ll be- 'IiIp,Sr.a(:k:..d i;iiQ~I' 'Shl:!lfL;gth 1 'Iu ,I without suHcrinp; an)' redaction in :ran:ge' or r.;rlE' of ti Dr, '! 1(11 ... ·i."\·l"r, thi~ {1~lly o1Il)polil"t' C'!lIT· I' lfWl \\'illlt to rnoke oJ! l""L"'IJ:>i,I~1 CVOI!II I'liL'li1Tl!' SliL"IL'fI;L'r 'ihL"ll yoi1u wlUI rol'l'l)ml~li~ lts performance ilrll some l'>'iW

Should \'OU want to ulPwade a

,,~'(!',,:pon "~IJ th~t 'it is even

Shoutu!.t plu In~t 'wllu! II ~o.;r ~"kkboy Olt~ ag..;rin

i~ ('X~KtI Y ~hl: ~'ml" lIIo",I_\' .!I~ ~i'!l'lrm.·. Olin' Hw

'[eb's .{i. C.ood] 'L'n' you,g,aL,) a (ud]'l!>t + t 5.11A!i"lS'lh ,1)I'I1H;~t \\"eapon_ Hm.\,II!"1.'"!N" )'00 a.50 incur some toss .of cwerall pertorrnencc, This i'S an ine v it~tj,r R"S'LILt of modifying, th;£! \'I,"L>olJ!>Ll~. "m1J e an ~(!'l 1'lIa'kilil::\ iiifl)' )].1]1'1 .... hl1(l~i~'r. but each lirne you add ~ i 5.too"Stil >'QU rm.Ii!.L ifl:.':duDi!' S!:'m'Ie 'D~her aspect of the ,'\'~apon's performance, So.. roil a D6 'tm~ '~hL' t'Il,iI(!-li;(!ilI.m" Hu· "",,,,md ,~11[~ L"o'I['b ~LI~Io&L'I11,J1;.""ijt time the l'1o'eJipo1ll is made '5hool.ier..

~h!l'~~..d fir,~_ ff ~~ll!' wi!'.iiJlI;Ii1I ;)Iu~!l) i1~

then. i,t loses I Sursl:ainedllFire ,dJC'£!. D~ il

~i.rOO "yith :~ S!IIl5t.iliiM"d Fiir12 d~OO' it DOW

f~~ rn~~y ~ :l':il'll.sil! ~!;I)t If H iired ~~ligli!'

's.ho'ts it IriIOIW ,retI,Il![i.!I"i!;; mOm! ef.f.On: to

D1:toa.g <M'Idi :so lDc 'I'i".;rnrior 1lJ5iJTI~ il: ,,"iI'~ 1iTi~ ""lid S'1II..1IJ~' 'i1~ Hi!,;: f;.!ulif,i! ~1un_!.f - - _ du;plica1!1!' ~1.!I11!:s rsduee !he r'l1:I:e' of fi~ 10 ~,,,.o~ 'tThm ibis. ~l'"il1 the w~"lp!J[1·is ij'~Ii.1S ,OV11d 'll1l1!S't ~ Hm.lIIrli ,;w1¥y, I

2: Alitlitltl!) it,;Lci.n:II!II" The Ammo, ,roll ~ reduood to ',ilIulto:matic" _ u Bin Ammo ~~, ~5 iIlequired thirn the gun is. .jLUtumatL'1:<illy Di!.!idt:!M~ u~1!S5J f1l)r t~ n~t ffl H:lt! g.oflli~. 'If}'oo shool\r:il, roll !!his, rBSlJBI: t1i\liice Ibm _ re-roll a diff'i!'J)C"liII' eNcd,

M, .[Gi~ Sum"!!". AJU :sho~]; i1.T.~:!" at a pmalty 'of -] 'l!) hi to. ~~ ll>e'i'laIJi!!!."l, lin!' CI.J ilIll;lh!lt~I,.,e."

,~ S#i""'llii 'Of1f. l1~e Imfjl :i'I~lIfi~' fs ~llIQ?od 'by' , ~- Iii) ilI.mtrximum tif U" ~:so... if the [ang{' i.~ W i~' 1!'o!iiU oor:\.'id",~' ~I} 24i~ ~1!,!l(li'l~l1IH~lly_ "M,(I~~.! M~l;'_d ~he ;...;hc~t (;~&e'b'f l& ~iI.\~pon:Su& pma.1~1?S i!I~ ~rpu1a~~.

I ~ •


The Mmbo)' has Lmprovedl iIh~ df!SigJll of .~~ ,,.wpoo.. b«i5ti ng the ... clocity of its projectile, lip':h~JrJiiin:1!: Ihc 'lIliT1m~l11i ti':';'l1, ,;_:,r 'jI~un~ hi'" ~'CU"\1' !k,I1~!\i.,;;~,g1," ~tI' iliTll)!'tI<Vli;' lIs j',llinge in some \\'<i.y. It is ,nQ! "",,~, to ask ,!hi!' hli!l:bDy ,..x.lCtly what he hes done, I [~ citlrer ~~'D[1"t tell. you ,ilJiIn s:rinnan'~ 'i~~ .IJ~m)y';m1J." OJt yunr ilfriljl;l~IL"JiI('II)' l(li ;ilski lig. mumbl'es rol'l''"l. ~'agu.@ about !he- "'~n!~] vii~,a!ll.r of. the gmuhmkit". OJ hc"~l wink koo~'!7i.ngJy aoo p!I'QI;:!.;'Ii,n, "Tricks of dll< iJ~tk. G~11.I""'_

1\ Longer Bt~n!:,:c w,("'PQll g.l!in~ .... Uti·· 1"01.1 i~ ... tlllt~,1 r,)n~il"- I ~ ~1L-41rl' r.mgL· d~, 1;0+ L·hla~',8L~. M<.!I!.:IO! <.!I liL)'!!!! 'Iuti.-lil'i!';r ~ ... Hh !h!:! charac lIf'r·s other d!l!"taill5. Nobl!" !hal )'0.111 ;(In])' NIH the tl(l[l1 ~I~ r,1nF!;C' om e when ~h(' joo is "ni~hN .1 II'! 1;1 '!'h~5 c~~.lIbll!'>.hL~ !t"i.C ~'\'i!!llJ~li'$ .... (!\'I,' l~i:ll~lmum tii.li8-!£!.

A \\~'\.!pmi 'L'lIH; b;_-, 1~I~d~1 [J.'IoJ~.sL·r R.llI:"l8"! 'ljrtNl 1\ HiliC'l!u~ rornpmlllllis.illJl: its overall perforl1R<lTIce. 50, !lin ordi.nary Ork shoots Co21n IDe upgr.1,kd from range I¥' ~O' r,j1ng; 1 ~- t-116·· wi!~1;4.111'1' ~,)ff:!.'rril~f.l allY 'r'I"'l~u~h~lrL 'in SI:I'1;'l1glh 'ljr la.~i.- .of flme_I-to\\1oi2"I. ct. this lOll!)' .:lpp'iml!'S- OI}C(!. !f y.oU ~"".:lillt ~O make .1 '!,",~lJjpen 1i'~'E'n Longer H:..mli:c th e n Y{'iU '~.,..inl ('.:>mpn;.l'lf~i~' 'ii~ pl.';r(r,lJ"m,m0l." in ~1l1L' l/;;ar.

SlIl.1L11c1 ~TIJI WOIIli1Jt 'il:) upgr.,,,IL· ,J w'~'arQH I'14l i~ll1 t i! "'IIi O:O~'~ll lonB-O:Of iRat'LJ¥', yoU mlil6t ~.!Ike it to a ~\~ekooy .tgiliirr in the !>:11n1C w,~~· .'s before, (~e the ·100'5 " (;00<1 'Un' ~'"Oll g.:"Iin " hl'r1~"iI 'ot 1)6~ (m I ht1 'i' l!;,·l~p1n. H.:)W~'~";;:'r, ~·~1! l'!IL'-'U mr."LCLI,r S6I:t1i(o I~ or ;;)\'i!'I'.lILI, I""'t f'4:lt'.I'111iLliCO:O. This is .lEll iru!\'ilillbl~ result of mOOii~cin.p; the \.\!c<lpon,

]!roll can go ,on millking th e ~lI.In LcmRoI'r R~n~E' but e.l('h ~i~r.w yml ,a~M I )6 .. y~lU riuL$;~ n..o;:l~IA'I.I' ~lr'liL" LI~hcr l'!Il'Olf'CL'lI' .of ~ h i!' \'\~.lI po n'!- p>t!li' fa- rsna t1Q!" _ Ii: 0-11 a [16, OJ'I IhI!" L.;r bl e be.101.'\', ~~I!" second ,ilndi Ii!lKh subsequent 1111.1 c the 'I.';!C,1pDmJ is m",di." I.nngi"r !i:01ong'l".

1-:2 ;S!!i¥,.;,I'(!iiI ,Fii'il!': If !!1Ie ~\~POI~ ,~,i.J11'r; fi~ 1l~1!"J'I i'l, krsI!"s 1!airr!Nil FiI"l1!' dice. ~f :il:

'fired 'w·i'lih 1 Sllst.1inNJ FiJ'l: ;;l'ire it mw,'

HIN,.~ Llnh,.. l'!I SiliaJe. :$1i!W1:. ~f ,ii' flr.Bti ~11~~lt'l

shol5, u n.eM ItI!1ujres r:na-Je eJ1fcrl. to reload .jIml ::;'0' ~b(' w,lHi(llf tlSing iI' 't01<noot 1~i1W~ ..!I1'i!d fn'!2 .in iliP. ~l'Iil!! h,!ln~_ If

drupHc:a!e r.suUts lOOUCI? II)!!" r.;r~e of fire to. . , .... orsa 1ihilLl"i, this, lrum U~ \'f&lJpon is useless ,'I1_r;I 1]111~.' be' ilirQWlI ~~,~.@y.

.J\jnIlJlJlll CIl,I;g,:I'CIr,. The AI:11IJl'!Ji !l'\1m i!S

,fI" .. :h!lCM, lfi ·ilJLI!OO'Iii~~r:'. Ir an Ammo. tlS'L is req uired !hen 1Ihr=- ,gun ii5 <!i IWOCI ma ~ i.'G!U}' :h.~l1t~~"I'l~ ~I~k.~ fl;tl" '~hr.!' ~'tL1' 'Il( ~h~ ga~.~~ ~f ~iJ. ~oou.1d .roll !lHJr~ [)is'l.lllt IL"",'ice Ilhl!"ill D?-'roll .:J .diffeH!nt ii'EEiKt,

,Ki~lk.5' s.mme'. A~I, 'sooll!; i'lH!' <Iii: ,ar pi!'Jiiilllw 01- ·1 ~ZYhif- Sur::~ pl'q,~1tir;.ot; ,LI~ ~um!.!l~tii\~r:_

'I.i:gIll-r~~~i!JI'ij:., Sbn:'~s.'th ~~~~br -'j. ~m :reria~~~ ,ilJr>t!' 1:!)llImtaJlMo:E!.,


Th;;:o ~!;,·l~pt . .1r1 shoots t~~lt't lmJo<'<I~b'tinI,; ill Mil of '5hDI5 u,I"t-'IoJ~ th~ (!rn:!~~~ \",'~li!!~ ]; .... : v illLll'Jr i I: ~!lwot 0f!Ii:'('. Th~ Mi!"J.:.t.oy Rlooif.~ U\Ii! weapon, hmproviPr,~ thl! 4~i&1lI ~J i,i;,:;; m"r;o'l.l~n~', fi ttilltl i I' \'I,"~tj, r~E!'id ('j1X'l:oo'5 or <ld.1Ptirl.1; it Iii ,snr.liL" d<'\·L"r};~l1Lln. [)t1n'~ O!~L.: hl;mr ju~t IOC grri1td~tI it's turned out sll ri).1M.

A ~'ltbr!!" Dakka ',",'i!"apon does IWL sheet ('1[,)(12' bilit 11'L~t~ U~ <1 'Sust<1mnord Fire [)icc lf 1'hc- w c upon .;'iil"!!"ady !J~ <I, SLII>I'.!Iim'tl F'ire d.i('ol'· the-n ~t l11,I1/;1 U!';l~ nne 1T.1[1I"('. A lin~ \'ie-apoon \~:hjch is g.i\'~>n. ~"ore DakkJr ~i.f'L!, J.i'lolh~t Sustained Fired icc,

1\ ', ... -eapon 'C;:IIn biZ' 111i'!~~ i' .... hlf(' nil'","""'1 ,(mIT \~'ilhOll!t t~Lil~f'ml;ili.!;b,S 1~5- .o\'l!'ri!lll, p!!rfLllI'r'li'IU~l"r:>. S!.lo, ,,"in oOr.'tli,1<.!l1)" shoets o(ilin be 1!Ji~r..!Idl!"d from one shot to iii 'singl!!' Sustamed Fire diet' wiU\out m~fcrir!g i:IIny reduction in i?'fl ..... ~u [1([' r"j~~_ ,J-ILI1I';L~\'LI':r. 'ilir.So miL_I· ..!IPI"!i.CJ': !:"N1It4"!. Uf }'Li~1 II".lTIt bogi\,'i!' .!I \\-lI!".!Ipool1 I?\·i!'n MD~ [}.likkill 'Ihr!n )'O!l1 'IIIlilL compromise its renf0I'n1.1l\(e in 50J11 ... l'1!iII)i,

Sn'-"I.J~;;l ;1"01.111 WolIli1Jt 1"01.1 Ilp~r.1;r;I~· ~, w~'~,pnn w ,11;j1t it n01<5 ,!!'i"i!;r~ M(:In~ D.l1'l.;.,l jI~u r."I'IIJIJ':! ta!.:.,!!' I~ [ij:, .!!I M~k.,bt:iy L'IIlrli! ili,giLilrll in e:o..ridly Ulol!' same \\-.l.Y .!IS before Onci!' the 'Job·:~ ," G~ 'Uri' ~I.J g~li1'i olI fll'~hr.."iI .... i ~~5t.jlinOO FiR' dice \~'i.lh HiM 'III.'i!'.:!If'Or."I- H(l'i,~'l!'i'(O.r, )I(t;L!I .!I!~ lr."lCUt sceie loss. of 'O\,l!:!~.ll1 perf'4:lrr:l'I~me. Tlus i6 an inl!"jla:ble T;~!!J]I oJ mooii)'ing th~ ~~·(!'oj1p(m. y~u c~n. :g(1 ;:m m~].;.i~:g 'liM' goo Mol'(! [Ja.k~.!!I but t:lilC'h bin!!' jl6url,dd ... i Sm.l.lll~i!d Flfii::! dioe rml, rnuet Md.U(·~ some other as~ I, of the ' .... eapon's performance. Roll .1 D6 ort the tabk below .... nch S~11;~""lu~M hr'liL" ~I~LI' w'c>:ill?tll'l j_., 8,n'~'r."I I'i'rm:t'! !D.:!rkl.\:a.

.'lI iLig,MwiZ"ight, $tJ('ngth ~'I.J('("I;I b)' ·1- pi!fl.iImi!'5- ,are eumulatlve.

2: A,.irlllfrn!i) GI!J.L:iiJ~~_ 'The l'!Ii1iIiYi!l1I Mil .15- reduced to Au1Gmil1jc_ 1 r i1Ln. Ammo 'I:e5t

is required then the g~m is olIl!JtQm~Jtic~kI:y 1't11II..'I.(I1'(,(U 'IiI~"I!"'$$ -f\lJr !h/l 'I'i\"S~' (i~ Hit· ~)1i~- ' H vou shc[o1l1~d roll this result t'Wl1:i!' !h.e.n.

re:rolL a diftJrN.nI' clj'iXt,

li<id::5 SllImr;:-- All moil> O!K "~' ,j'IJ pl'Riillty IlI'f

-l to liLt. Such IP'i!'Jli:lJl:lilEl::. ;hi£! ci.iffi'LiIlr:rIIvi!'_

s;..o SWi\f.I~ Drf" TtQ!.J'l R;1I~&r:! ,i'iI!dUCi!!il by 06·

10 III miiXirr.lum of 2.4-_ 50,. if !hI! r~' is, M- it \. ... iil ~,rcd.Llooi 10 24,n 81!1ibQ:1tr'I1l!I.ClUy_ Thb:, d~I~'~ arl1furi: lI~1! iibort FiIiTi,l;e of (be 1N('\ltR'OO' Such

, ~i!ii:iiil"S~,~td~ti'lo!'('"

. ~

~-"S __ "",,,.~~.....:T~' _~. ~~g;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;jj

'\4.flid~, C,lfl1 00 ma .. :k flBler (t-IJ.]." Tn m~tl, S1Jl'(~rJ~ (- J L:iI bonus on turnsl, or '[.:Ii;\lf'T (+'1 r'\nl'lor.rLld_ ThJ5, 'l'1't'bf.l.~ 011 ~u~~~~l!lll Or1. ~oo to equip ~i m~lf ~lndJ his fol]C!\\"(!rs wi tn superior vehicles ,~~ b<_'M b.; m,i...;; ~!<.ihJi£.,

1 DJ" Thruvt


Faster" TIlf!.!. ;~~kboy !11lll;li fi4,'~ dlool'!' '!.'>:!h.ldl?'~ eng,ines. iml,ruving t];1:' [1!L~I&i'l 1)[: Jts. fu.!!1 intakes, iitting ~t with superior Ln~c10rs. 0'[' !wl;:'.'kil1!:': it in :-;':)IUI!' ul~fa,lj'lClIL)abill!' manner, 1'-11 M~·'kl:>1lr~ ];<!I\'~ !t"iot!l~ secret meibods which'! IJ'I~ k~p to Ihm1S1i!h'~ - dOIi1:~ d<il'(" oj'I~'" w1,;"t h_~:'s .JOli~ or ;'011 ~ig>ht jj\", 'i'4,l TTL"gI:!:!~ ii!

1\ t'{'hi;::!l~· 'Ih,~~ gLM:!~ fMi.eil' S.!Ii,ns DJ." '~i-h~n it uses Lhli'u~~~5. Roll;) DJ i mm .. '.:i'i~tch' ~o l~I:.,l;;i~~h h4,JII- I~ud~ I','~~~r ~ht,· \,.,hidL" :g'IJL~ 1". :t' ,o~- 3" Ju.rthl;er_ The' ~'ehick-·5 ma,mU'Llffi thrust s~d is imret1iSl'>d Itl<_\. thi~ ~i'!l)l1n~ amount. :Not(' Ih~t ~·ou ooly 1"4;111 !l)11[",' when 'lhl? lob'5 H'l1i~I~L.,J ;~I'Id th IS estabhshes l:he ~'rrni,ck''S fl('W In'll); i m III m t hru 5 t ~ peed,

A v~hidc C,1TI 'b~ JIil,~(i(, i;;]~~'!l NI~i." l,,"'lthtOU! n.m'I' lt~, overall perfiOrmanIT, ilrTlcK';)5in!:,; i!s thrust ::.~dI trern 6~ (ilJliJliT1 5~ fl;)r " tr"l) bl1 i~ l~~;'hocII'l~lLIIm of. 'I', i l(lll"1,'V!I.'r, ~lli~ tmly .Ii)P'lmi!".i, l)J"lCI!'. Ef ~IOtii \ .... ant 10 111.!L::i!! <!I '!.'iI!tllL(]"" i!'~'€,1:1. Fas!rt!r ~h"n this, }"t111 \I,i II compromise i L'5 J1i1'rf~nJIl~nU" in t;I,II~i!! ~1·i1}'_

S'houL.rt ~"tlU w"m ~o:) upt'ir,a~]L' a 1'!£!hJl,,;ll!' so 'Ilhat i~, is e'I.'~m F,lo. ... bi!l. vou .I111u;sL!!' Lt to <L ~""kkbo1{ OflIT ,'g.,in. ir~ exactLjl ~ s.'1I1e woj'If ,'I~ 1}I~.:f(!orL·. OI~L't! tID::! Job's a Good 'C'n ylill 6,11in il f!iJll:'~hc,f .j.,oo" to ils thm5~ speed. Ho\\ iI! v >:!~, veu a~51) incur '9Dm~ loss of IX'rfitlnnil'liL'1." ill other i115~-d~. Th i~ i .. ,m i'li~·\li'I"Lbl!£! l1iS'Liilt oJ ri,)ooir~,ijnr; th,' \'"h:idl!'. 'W:.u ,c,)ll 8,iD on rnak.i11S th€ vehicle h';toI."T, 1;1~llt esch limE' ~'OLl .1dd t-O']''' ~~rru~~ Y'I,1~1 ITrm~t :f!(-duCl? ~1'I~e otru.'i' "'~P<'l"1! ()f thi!! v;£!hj':.'lo£!':; pe.d<ormance, RoI'I a [)(i. 00'i th.:! !.!Ib~!!' bl!lo'l<\.' €',lch subsequerrr 'tim'I,·

~~, \i~h~c!.\l.· is m ~~!L' l~oII~~t'r.



Omd},gy :Skoi!Rng.. ~t'('riP:g i~ ,,1tl,.-ctLl,,"!i. m~ji1:6; IIiie' ',,"l$Iicle e~1!!Il INiroer. '[,Q ILtffl.. \-'VaTii!'Jll a, C-eiidem>hip 1I:es~ is, ~ui:red Ito ~um the v('njdl,," ~me ~1r1'M'1':1f ~~I flfer.;..) - t

j!>eiil lilly_

,2._ :n.1&!Iner AIffi:'IOllll". All, armeur '!f,!iLu~ ~ p_-dlm.-d Ib,)'~'l- Th~ Mek'bcJy ~1Ia..<. reiM.11!~ - ;!!I!,!, f'I,~h..Dlm1O'lIIf 85, ~ d.3Je5 l!ind drilLOO holl5 i:n 'Iih~ dl.i:tssis into ~hc,~-

,34 :Sbiif.pcd A<rmg~. AU arrrnL"liJ r '1iNl_1i1JiI!:'l ;)~

'r,OOJilited, 'boy -1. 1be M:ekOOy has 5bippro <Lwa~' armeur to ma&1;:' ~h 'M'I!.,rn~ ligm'oi·r_

Sm~l;:'li ,(!ioi!~, Kl'oIIm_~IT$. C.a!'!,~, I,s; red:i:I!'.."ed1 by 00·_ R'oU to !&'e !hOlY rmm:h il

i.s red!!J._~ by," ~Ijvi&l-d i~1v thl,," ... e'l;idtr'~~ 8.1'15 mcwe ~n lhe- normal way, FOO' lI!((amplii'. <I! '\';ihKte :norrmuly ifIW1oI'I!;':!" !Jill!' to< In, 't1,-lJW;,. m(J"'~ ~ flllwlih~ :~r and h.ili'li'lL!l, ;Ei8/Zl11.1- !rlm/,ifter.. ~\<.illh i'I'~ooucro g_.15 :1irKI'!!"c iI' mCWJ<$ ur' ~(I; h~1 f 11;0;: ni~l;~Ii1IUki'fl WIIQ"'~ ILiI,n~1S,. moves, up fri' h.a~~ its, mwnt'llm InGV(!' .1g,_BiirL.;rnd ~1JJllS ~~_ Ii gM S~~I ~~ IA!dIliO!!!lIlo 0 H~. 1M \'e.hkW:!I s;as en-gi:nJ:'iS h.3\~ boron ~ ... m ,ililll.ogc!thcr ;md ot1J mu\i~, m,!.!I~!' ~ i'riI~!:!' lL!I~iflS: Hi1.f:i.iSh!W!i .

NI!)'iJl!:, All IRe a'OOviI!o effect5 are CUlm'l1l1ll1tL¥oI!'.


Tn€' ~id:ooy moo~fi(":S the \'~hirf,",~ fe11~~r.l!1hof'l (m s,I~\1!:!I i I; ~rL(!~), adds li,Shh!t \\'M1!'ls" the!5,. or 1f~1!o I!i ID!t"li![1\ set of Iy~f'~ (1l1iIT liI"idl:!' '0[j1~~ p:~ubill"ly). Ma'k.iIii!j.;I!I vchide ·''IIn~IIA'~ ~ (:!I'I~ ;;,;f: lhe ~t ;(;Iosely f,l!Ill1rd'ed a.nd <'i1l:'C.)J1;(!' oJ ell Ml!'koo)' tricks, Aldtiough th-!::' Ml-lOOy "'"'lliii'I' tell you or:.;~('tl:r Wil~i' ~~:':;; [,~I'Jr.l_~ he 'iII.'Lll :stadlly 'spend <in ~I:4)Llr ;:)r ~ talll:f'lS, about 'Luc}:y wistioomi'5'$ '~ljIDjng kilrllos· <il'ld 'ind!!"pendmt suspenders',

A S:milrl e r vehicte ic5 1iIo,~il""r 'bi,1 im-n, ~il>Ctial~)1 <lit 'Ule ~'~IW I~'ht!['>:! it mlaLl.:!r!I. 'L-'W'I!!'JlI <I, leade~hi,p' test is j1~uirod to tum lIhe vehicle q~r ~11"!!.'fVl"S ~tI' ;"l,T(Ji~! 41 'rflftI1" ('!I,llli~i'lm. <,td \'00 Co:hl'l r)("ffi' .iirlJ~'1 Ilo !Rrt! dri\'o!'r's Le.Jrlershi,p' v al{JE', So,. OJ dri'f('l \'Ii~th l.d ')' "om K~~ ll,eailL'i!

8, " ari'I'l"T ''''"'ilh I.~I g '~'7~li bL~ 1lI.siili~~~t 9'. 811,ld :00 0'1'1. A roll of !\'i,"L) t:~ (.J. ~C(i'M' ,or 12) is ilIl:wi"i)'::' ,ill 'illi I !VI I'(! no llTiillttol."l hO\~: miIn~' modifl'l"J"S ,'J1ply.

A vehicle c.m be 1I1.",dl" 'S!'T1;J1ul>i.'IT with.(1u~' t'lll~ril;ruli~ij,il~,S i~~, rll!.'"!l1ral~ !l'!!rfLliI"l~I<'!lI~,;;X!.. However; this only ill P'P 1 ies (:rIlL'!:' . .I r "'00 'III."lII.l~, to make ill ~'ehick even Sm~ ncr 'i'hl,;'n vou V!,'~I'((omp'roIi11i:;c its INr~llr!lTi;'IIn('<;' in ~fl!l~ \\T.IY_

Sh(1lo.!lld ~'()U \'Ii!)nl ~i;.Io npgr,'ldL' .'I ... ~'hnii!' ~); !ha'l. II Is e\'en $m~'rI!~'r yLm ~I~uf.i la,l;.e H, to 21 Ml!ikooy once ilI,I!;ilIill'l in i!!xa:-cH),' I~ ::..iI1In.!' \,..a~' as, bdo:re, OJ'ic;r the ,~00f~ oJ! (:~J 'Un you g.,g[j1' " fu,th~'r ..,1 II.'l.oJi;:,Ii!'r.-1~Lli:I'" OOflhl.S.. HoQ\Ii~v(!~, Fll~ ;II~) i'IIL .... l~ ~<;QIl~e !OiiS 01 perJ\Ormili:nce in o'lih~r aspcm - ~his. :I~ an ifl(!v.ilabl~ :r!!sl]~~ ,of I1Jl.orljf~<jn,g the 'lil"hi d(·'\'(}'U C.j]JlI gp 'O[i1 making th(" VOI.'lli.;;I~' $.~.illti!'r lI.;u~: (!j!II~~ HI~~I! yun mmt rerl~I~i!' ::.o1,lIe. other ,i16pooct a-f ,Iti~ vmi'!:I.c'·s fl"'!~fCltrn<!lnC(!_ So, :roil, .a: '06 'On the t~.'bi~:' bd(1\\- oi."iJIdii '5Ut.s.eqLlCITt ~im..- thl1' vehicle i~ m;!;tl!~ SUiilfr1~r.


1~.lgl1l!~1i" j\':miI",m • .Am, IIrrinaWlr ..,a~u.€!i are Ii\OOUIJOO by -2, lhi;! Miikooy has I'(![[[~'d as mu;dt ;\r;mIJl/Jlr ,;l"$I~ ,dla'~ 211~d .dlf'ul.led hll!(.~ i,I' lhe .. :iha!'ii'll.s hIto ~i! ba~n,



$~;rIlI?p~d Affi''!. Ani arfliiOlJlr valui!S a~ :11i!d'u(OO by 4, The M~l!:w}i ~~ik";; Sh"~P1~ <l,WilY mmOI,IT bo, '11I~11J'k.i! !hi:!' ~'~~d'!:!' ll~rl!',~ -.~

:8mil'L'tru- 'ID1u~:s.ll(:-TS- T~ut~l£:t ~~. . :n;.d!l.!lf'edl by D3ft• 11:0]1 now 'to ~ '!lr.m\r' TIIlI!!L'Ch 'i~' i~ :~dlloo:ll by, 1I1l~ 1ftJflii.d&:s. 'lJiiill!:imnID tllhf1,l~' SI~1 is, ~ileed: 'b.y

[)or _ H~ii'OO ilL'DOO to-!ilI !nen the 'lilirru5bN:S' h;.'i'!,1'€! ~n. 'K'IiT.1@'1!<;r_-d .rr'i.~~ ... w

i mp-W'!f!I: tb~ '\,,,,"hill,'llI)'s ',iill,.dUll1lJ'_

!lj :;im~U~, G1iiS Kl!iiruei$" G~5peOO is _ . ~dl,iced !by 03-_ :Roll tOr see hm~1 m1'Jclir ~f" ~ ls If1I!iiiIU000, ~, Turms ,;tOO di~<id'l'd mb!J' lihe: ~whidlts g~~ mlJ\'J!i! in ~~fil! OOm1!d llt.Eiy_

NIJ~e: AI' '~I:;i;! ~OO":;I! ,e~r!OOl!i a~

JEAVnS.:R. ~

ThI1' !lil\r..ibt)): R'fIl..'~':,; ~iM' vehicle's ,iITJIil.~ .. ~'t'I p~~l~ \\-i~~1 H~ic.'kci L11 ~tffiIIS)?~ <!I'rotou I 00 p.12l~1S.. 'Fnls L!..11I'1 :31 diffiruUt job, bllJit the b_i'i.1I\·i('r., V!!."~ic11' is the slower ~t;gc:t'5 ,;EndJ iIlhl' 1T1.;)1['1." ILInpp.'~1 id~,bl~' itS h;umlliri)J. t3l,'(t)li1('!i;. .

,\ V'f..-hiJ!:irr IITmC" i~ • J::.jllii ~"T ,t!:;lim; - ~ arrnuur ~'I~ln(!' o(il~ ,~n i I~ ~L)(";,lhCl~'i.

A ... ehidp oCo"I'l~ bt! made' 'E.<1'Itie~ II i~~out ,eom,1IPrcmn1sinJ; ills oveeall !PI!'rfoflblanre_ ~o~OWi!"i"lcr, tb io:. ~lnl,.. "IPp'li("; OOIT· ~t )'00 l'1!i:lirt~: 'b!.1 make ;'! \iL·M~·~· '~"'~'rl '.Eilrl"i.ct than ~hi~, ~'ClU, '10'1111 CfI~IiiJ~I'(!I'~l<,e 1,1s If'I!',r(o.m1iinDi!" ~n some ~f ,!<~',a~',

'S~L(lI,l~['1 J'ICII!JI '1o'i.!ll1!t ~,q) Ii.!ip,gi,iVde .1. 'i/@n:id€, so ~a;t it is. '~1"('n ·E:ivler )''OU I1'IU'5"t il:.l!oc il: to' ,~I Mr.!'kbtry' ~I~I!I,~:' ~Igmi Ii ~1i'I, ~:or.JIlct'i~' the o!.illil~1: w,;r ~1!"1, bc{i"(!Iri!'. Oil':€! the 100"5 a ,Good ·U~~" Y'~1II ~i!I~&I, ~ l'l.ltUlli!'~ ",1 !o i 1:5 <1 rmour ".j]lu~. H!J;W!?'>II!'F, ~'0lJ <115-0' incur some 1)I:1S:; tl'f f:l'('uN.1nR>'Inol:'l', .lIii, inc\'ii~<1ibil' '~h (Io'f m~Mrili'l8 HL(! '~r.i!tlj,cle. Y.ou Grlfl go, an m;I'kiHI!i ~h_r£! \'i!'hi,cl.(! 'E2I"'Ii!'r, but each l.irne YOLl il'ildl +] armour you IIilm~ reduee some olj!l'hL'r ~Pl"l,'~ [)of Hii!' 'i''lo.hi,d~'''s !J'("~l1un~IWlin:. RJoII '" IJi.r1, on the tiLble be I 01,' e.iich ~Ild i!l1,d ~'I.Ib~LJefiL ti,1'ri1!' the "enid.;! is rn<ld!e- ·iE:.W];:;o[,

Oud$)' ~Sl[)~ertifr$' SOO€!rins is. ,a.f:from mlliking !he- ''I!;r'hid!! if..'"'f!L'fl h~ ... w ~\1hm a L;;:'L!.-!.A'i,"_~fhilp ~e8t is, Ii'I1'qI!J:iii'l1!d M him ;!!I ~'I!';hl'Cre the driJlr'l!'f '5UrJ'4!l"5 a -1 pe~I~)\

Smill'llr,!f ThlEot!!.f50. ~ lidhfd~··~ ~8~· ~p!..w ~ l!(-dt~~-(9 by rnr_ '!roll to, ~ 11;0""., . ffi:iJlm II Is: rediu.oo::i iby_ if ~dll]!OOdi to IQ Ibm dlII! ~11..1'1!Ii5t'1!"l50 have been [l"'rn!JY~ aiikJg,l"'Jhli'r .~IJ' 'iu'!p:rnvc t'lil:! V'il!hi!!il~s ' ',:lilldIlId_


lll: lhii:



Si1i'iii!i!~Ii!ii" Gas, BUIiIliri!rs, Gas :Spe!OO,:is UU0i!i[, by 1)3,", :RoLI to' SCl" 'oom mud;. it ~:s. ~'!.l.n-dllJy. TI,l[~ iite d~~Ii,d~ Ei,ll!l) lne ,,,l$Iidi!;!'S: ~5 I'ri~' lin Ibe- rlOInll.'ii way:

.N!i1Ih!:.AiL !he- ,iL'bo~'e ,e:tf.eru. ,;m;; ctlmu:lilitil""l:,




_,I -'I I -, ••.•.. I

Gol ng to tl'w [b,: I .... r~·i'iU:!I:hl. ~ itt- u 11~'rt"'~i~L~' - ~~ 111 Ih..~ UtI( .r1ClTl~·!tlbl'r whICh hi i, !C! Ci:.: 1 \,\'j]! lu- ~t 4h~! rwctl."l,i ,~ k':onl." ~h<- it"''' hr.l~llll\i~bi,"IIP WilL lill!' d«idc- I~i.., iillBL" (£I l.r)· !hi]'1 1liL'1~' Dr,lm Lf..'l~ ... tl!Jllll ~~'Io hllL1.l~L1· he·'5 thoug.'h! ur~ AI~ i~1 Jill i I"j" l·ll(1Ur.h ~(lI 5;,';,.p ,C"'("tI! h.:mk!j~...:I Orb "'.'IirPi,'II'>..l~ .. ~ .•

n~~ ~1m~ 'f'1~~i'livoi! ~hl~, b) ,1]1 t~I'I~, i, Ih.l~ Dil(". ~Ii!t I~rl 1'!o'Ii'1l "iih iLl"Ie '''I!nIJ."iO~ ~ {i'>l.'1n21. 1,1} .I '!'imllJ I' lin ... ~;.;f ~'lo ork, k .. .i rt~ end im!lWvili1:!( Lhin&", ..:! I]:,,;,·! t Orl;:;. rlll~h""r 11i-'1I1 ,1'1 dtim"l>~, Thi .. il\t'.:m!> Ihl·~· ~ Ift~11 ~~II"(:' lul~' ~lI.f "'ll;I>'J.~ bw>rirk 'biD' whitk l'!i.lll hL~i.dI.1,.;,. oo"""'~ .i!l1I fh{k'.;_ pT!lW~~ nIt ICmi. IA,,;ir;'lhk' .;]~ bl~)nij:.;, m~~n't h •• " onlr 1D.! ~ W~LI~" ,m.· 011 r(\o,~j:,! u'i.ill n-d v;,ii I n~j..: h.ilv l!lilo!i th"[ll fillJ:\d. ~H m miA.1 (rut f,lt!- iil,tlN'lllS, blumls Mi..I-.!I. 00 ~h.,lwn 'l1!i tru:- n~IIi,1L'l (11 th.\!· ~~·arr~Dr thi'l ,.J.n.." f!ll!i:d t~l, Thl(;li.: i'R IC'\" ~ .. r>lJ!r-~' .... ';w.iI~ ...... \\·.11 r!l1'r- hi LI;~. il}('>( l\t.:-":-oIIlIIM" YO~I 1\,I!r. h,~;'.1t! ~ ~I,,· !r~m;'!?ftll1l::l·..:lii"i~1 11l~f ~!I~ n] veur own,


r' i l't'l' .,jn~, ~i.oimlt' ~tllJ .can i:.!~ ,;In iil,il!l ~ \1; .!Ifft;or 11(11 .i'i il.)(lI('. I.t ,IIJ.L~ not m.1~.lX'r w~ ~1,!.'" "'\·':Hl'i[ir s.ulkr~"Ljl ~n., iPjiIllr}:" ~. ~p~~. ~I ~ ~11! the r"I;,-.r',,- oil! ,~n.~. 5111;""''"qll~'n~ Uml·. rll i.'lti.. i,t r.; m~'[h' lil.., ·hi" lhil L Iht.· ,~.1 ffrol'i' "It! ~\·.:I]I. WI 01 b b.,ttk>s a~ II 1l.1.:i~' !.lb.!.;, snm ... ti m<" ~I)f Ih!.· '1'1.:::.1 of 111!1' 1:IWi;1 IIi 'J .... rul,1 .. k' hilli t() oW ~

W~l'n }'0L] ~~'kA· ,~I~ i njmJ::oil w"rm)t ~IJ ';1 o.oc yml ':,1110 ;]~I., him I~) pr.<"C'r~'tm ~I'I~' Lid" ((\'In l;JlAd~ ~tf :>I!'r}I.>r~·:

1, KI!l;s;tj)jj'j A.m11 [(~pIJ,t mi!'i:'I~:' ! IIr il oHfI4'~-S \'!Ilif.i .lflll'l "".01 l!I(:h.

'2!. ,KI,l~IH!;[Il Lt!!'g. RtI!pl~~~·mi,1"I"!~'. FlD'r " .. mio-I"'- "lib rl!:'g ,"·fn!lll,.9~

]c lilt!!"!:! ulh' Kr.!lill!!,lll1i1L F~.o;t ' .... lmi')I,Jroo; \ulh hi:I.:uj "·~loUlid", (i(f ' .... hi! .l f'I!" i;111I1d",'.(l ~fI ~1i1!!' ~~'q',

-I. Doc," Si.llj]iJrl~~~~J Flv ,\.a.rril 'J .. wilh cl)("St woooo .. or ~~l~ 'b,1 Itl.,:. II ~l(lmL~,

DJ!< D"O'C--!C~ C'O' n'!:: r.-i. :" ~Ji ".". ·.U.':1

[lit>!; ... ~""lif m!N1~ \'i,·ith. .,nl.liWf I hl'{'s 1,"~'f:k,. (it \\'oold br~'"'J&. d,~ I).~I "".Jc). .... .1 1 .... 1 rfwJ m".~ oo! h.n!!" Ilk· ~11'i1., l).f"." t~r bl~~I'i~· rli!ri,1('i!,[lW!~~ nU!~ ~h.;'lll '1)11('('. ,'\ ~'iU1l"tL"lII.- r"l>J iI!'.!JI.1Impll!'. D'I.."i~. ~l(WL I'i..n e 1'I.\'t~ ,~JU~~~1<Jil ~ 1I<;~'pla(~·Il~!';ll~S. vr LI\"'O Uo!'I!."'"~ SUf~1 rblC' Qillnik bit .. , 'k"t(:,

J~ 1 ..... -.. ~JiIl· ~i<lk~ ~'~·\.i!ir rn~~~~ with .,l!IW ~ }tIe",~ W,H!-. Ln 17-1~" !h~'~· g-ct! illj~1 r'i!'td .nH:~ !<I'loi.'n !U S!1"1I',.,;.~ Iht,.' ~ ..... lbe-h> b""'lI! 'ht:.-"':-fI ~unwLl f~ ,oi I lLI!2S J!:~·llif'g. F!..'~'IA1Sri! ~I[~ Lh€'i r

p..1'lll·nt!;; b)· lYi'i~ iiJii!ND "o!.~ui8. b:r:QI,n 1r..m~IJ(lan~ N~ t[]~ !~~ [)I_,,_-' ~ tKl;!~tmi~ B11M1i~ ID.·p"'~'ffi~fl!=> L'r1a~· ~ ru~" lU~'It_I(Ii1.i~~1 ~~.I Ih~ Mi!&£.

IDi A B· ··I~ O-_ Aill

."' ." V 0"1 or

~'~~'ninilW ntrL'o' ~~~I,;' 1 )CM; hil"~ ~tl\(1gm«;j his ~'~I). by rotl'~'8 01'1 it~ !.lbll· 1I:;e;1ow-. Thi~ I~ .JIOIk".' lD~mi·.n~i.\."'} ~ <!i lh(1-lIF!;.n in K'iIIIHy it O'b'L'illU'S'ly !,,'Ib.(~ OJ wnik to work on ~"(Ii!.!lll" '"li.:lII1~J". it I~. «m\Tt\irL'nt i'I:) 'Wook tI'I!.I'. thl"'"", (k·t,;il", aftlln.!ocPili r;"nlli!£'; .11rllt,S \, Ilh .JdI~ ,} f'I~ (.:;r ~;nnJ ~ ~~7':.!OO O'lh~·r 'br.'tWlc'rl!i:l r."U'I1!i!' Ci'iklllati.tlll ....

I)!A 'I:I!G D,~l' T.Alnl. E

VIS 1R(":S~~i

1. Di~, Is, ,.1i r.~I:~J,f Tt~hlii.L!tiii.l;o;. Roll 00 .~ Ek~,I'i~eJ'I! 'niblL'. Dt'i$J,iU~ t~ f~li:t Ih.: lob h.ib b.c~ WI.."l.i iInrIIlfttl.y 1Ik~ ;.'iro1J~. ~ [!;;1( ~"!Irut)lIId'l5l)6 b~'i:" ~t l'i.j:s.wLilfiL

2 ~;JJ !Jil:;lJUlj-nt 1s.1R)~~li'II'.", '1l"he Oi);!;: ha& p!!'rl0JliiL ... 'i:li ~rjcr:r' Ib~rt 1M 1\1<'Hflor ~s Ilml 1HtfIo~->rlng. ~ r.b f'.i!"~1' ~ ~i~. t.H.:r.m~f.. r'Q~ l!fity ",Hi . .od.s..

a '''1JI!il(i1il1 noll]]. '"18 i!~~' l~iII!' I:>!tIIf 00s ro:r;gDu.,:.n ~ .... hi~h IPI'OC'''tIUK": hi: \\,,~ MlP'JXioSi..n 1(10 ~ffIJIIi' ,Ilnd Ill:'!..,;: dlJi1~ ~"8 eI~. lbe 0Ik" ','<iU 'I.\'.ii:'i.l£d d\i!fin:i~:dy ~n' ~ bI!' the O;~'" G;lroiOO. our. :!ioO ro'Il. DJ.II;(J] r<1!ndM'LJy ,k1i'tmmt' iW'lltIm o:f lhe oI~'1' IlliI'{olZ' l~ ¢" Sl?*,-,,~., \\/.&'5 pL";I'ro:mt'~ IliSocOO', Whfn )'00 hr.:i"'~ r~ oo~ wh!.on (,}H,-, i!:oil'.;vy the· Doe Ht..!is dQ~. mil !i):n iIJIie [lPpt.opl1~!ti!' Joo·:'i,.;'i Goo-rl '. Un !a'bllc-. I~ 11lt"iC sri II &!m.1jljOO!l- 1J(i.1~llf.or hi ... Nliioik.

,oji-6 ff·!Jb'·~ ~ G~liMI '1!JJ,n. .. I"~!JJ7'lah! ~. pee h_.:u;

~DfiW'idl!illr ~1ip1l!il(ld i~lIl! 'Sil'rr'~~'. l-:liI;" p~~1l!,. )'"OWI wLIh a blii ror U6- ~i f,lr 1m; ~'i.\CI!,k. liif'r~ '[10, ~~~I,' !.!p'p11'1pnil~~ J~)b"5 ·,1 lGood 'a..'n La.'bIL>.


Unless .he [k;.c·s pa!i-oot is k'S!in· you h.n"e- to pay your b'iIU" }"!!3,. even fOJ .1 00dgt'd job or for urn .... .;]~ ted himloik_. s-: 1'h:4_', «11'~ i~ L'Ih !l<"I.'( (~(M~ .. d tu 'i'hl;;' ~~.~ rri llr'~ ~t) p..)! ImmooJ.1tc~~'. [f ~'L"Ll (.lIF.L'1 l1Iffooo .II ~bi!' DoI)C 'Iook.~ sfter ' your ' .... arrior Wh.i~5~ you scrape- 'i:ogl!"LhI!"J IllITtl!" (".1::.h - <;I.' Y".1~1 (",~n '. ~I;:(' hi,m I)ntii :rrm",''1.· p."Ii~i Y'I.l~"r'bi I!.


Tbe Dc;._. has tried olllll!'!,\', ek.!'ipelfiml!"l'ItiLl t~hi1oiqllO:O. ~t''"" iL complete lailurc hut .hi:" Do(' insists ~~ j).:1.iCTIt is, fine, olIllid jmt ,'~ IiUI~' tl1'l.'gr,y, h,r m.oI)lI";)[I ~'o,1.! need to j.,:n'twF i5 Ihlt 'Ih!' \,1,),1' no~ has ~~ !2Lt.~f'iSII~Ii!'Jlk>od LI[~ lJjl'ld Ui~ promised bjollJib either hill~'en·~ been fi,tredi or den't wmL Yml d[t~~''I' g~ .. t ~tI' filltl' tl'H~ 1~1l" 'l~'t'n"!lA Ik Q?lliT1<lig e llrtl il ~'LlH .!~~U'l.I'I)o' ~,Id.oi! tho!! Wi!lrd~r bi ..l ,SflJliIL".

ln tho:! I)o:oxt ii,jll'li!' iilo 1,,'hi£.h. !hi!" b':1Ir.nOt Is II.I~ 1'011 :11 ID6 ci thor inl1Redi.TI:djl bef.o~ ,0-111 f.Lrst move him or before h(" shoots a 'W'('lIIpo:n, '~ .... hicn(''i!rrr happens fi rs.1' Yo-u M'L~r ~et ~\~ fulLl L)lIt 1""~10!1~ ..:h.llbllO!.llS_f.t;r.-.:!IL'lilL'!::5 H~ 1D0c'~ 1x.~li up 10. lu)lil you 1jJ[~ the ' .... arrior in iC-D!1.1001

CORRE'C[' rv'E SiE.[\J ERr

O.liL 1:' pm h..i\·!"' lllii~~u''[~ th!"' S,o!lr.·Ii~' ~"Ili you 1,!Ih· HiI,!' Wlnlorlul\r)Ie 1,,'arrio.l back to lhe Doc.

The Doc ,dl, perform the 9Njery t16kl?d rGJ', (i.rr, the one you .1~h~ of;:_)[ before rlllj)J rolled .11.-c His. is ,ill i'o,'L"W 'fhdmh~~1.(."" ['!l'~~~I'I:~. IRnll Llil ~hf' IIPlm~pli."l~l' JUD'S a Good 'Un .abll!"

'Wh~liI! he is a~ u; the Doc ,.,..~I'I SQ[t out arli)1 eff0l:t"!i the

~ I~',~ rrior 511 fk"l't'd hum the 'Dis is <i NI:"W T('!(Ml.q~IC" n:.~ul,t. The ",HIl"i::"Is.) re cu n.-.d .:!I1i~ dL'1o l'LlI .lIffL"'tt H~ ~lli;"iJrnl'l~ any mo~. This costs you J'loUliTlI!!l, iIInd does not prev~nt ~hc I)o.r dC'in.g other scfj;:-ry ibr you at t'h€' same ti rn~ i'vhltl! oI·.l".Il'f'["inl!l'~~b; room ~ft' .. mbnr.l1..!till,·OI,lly ",nrt...,,1 ()Il~'. \J.'Lt'h. loIs of [1.!K~J.ry !2'! '5(, but 5r.rd fife! ill'!:' pNl'11ol'1nc~t ol'IM "':!y Dr",iJr ·U.!1's must bE' tre,11ro with. ill (1'01,,,," ,1I:'~·-hljFlJ K,.lllJum ;!It ~m'[" [~I~wr ti r.m".


The Doc hilS firushedl i1h1!" SiNjer.y snd i. has 0311.1 gone to plo:'!p, C"'I;(('I>t 0,,1'1' ~~(" 'W,1uior h(lm'l' 11I'!!)b;C'.n up ~1"('~' I' k ,!,.'0;lI'rL'" '111L~ IR.~'I' [~f ~~~L" !rIo1, Hmt Uwi r ~Ii..!h" j~ OK ,'Illd. 'he~' e~'erlflJollly , ... 'alk a\~·';ly r:nWlttl!",rinS lhings like ., He I:l e tt~ l;;I. •... " "nod NZo-g:gin" 'll\t1d Llox". '[he II.)c.;: l;;I.'gi~ 'I~ ll;;Llrr.-), HIo.!I~ hL>~ r.l!!fJu~.lIhC'l'~ ~v i~~ bt· J~'!.tli'li:l.\\L-.:J" {IIL"iiI '1;(1 menl.iOOll his serjery], i r ~hl!" p.l'ljen' does not '_"'olk!!" lip, SO he t~ f;;l~ special !Go1 rc of ,th~ warrior .1nQ even replaces 'K111I1~' (,f i'lw k'1,"f I"'.· ni~A.'I;I!

Ilw W."lni~lr mi~'~ th_~' Iwd g.mlll~ h11t tho' 'lI'ljL"ry i~ a ~Uof(!!SS ~() j!Oll 1mIiI.y roll .on the app·mpr.iillt,i!' JO"·'5 a Good,

'Un Iiib<Je ,~flet It"u! I::>.:!IUli!'. YLiu di.U Ll:.l'lv(! ILIo p,l,y i~'fI' i)o.l:" IJ6 ted fOT h15 work,

],OI].'S A;;:; OOD ~UN

ihl,!' fk...:: ;~nr\I.1II'n~t'S .~11' thrr "'P;,:-r<i~i.l)n 'W<i5 ill complete ~ll~i!'Sa.. TIIIi!' hl,~ rll'llO~ II"i."-JI"bl!' I;~~ liiLlh L Ulll,pL'L!IL" wi,l:h hi!'. new bit to 5h.OW off to rus JlfI.\rl'l:t>5. fu?fl!"J to the rf'I('\'.,lIl~ ~pl,.~(I,;'ml,."l1~ i"I;i!l" t.._, :>1.."(' t\ih4l~' Hll:!" L)j_1( h4l~ IItl;('I;I to yoClH~ 1\1.1 r1[.o~.


Uti, 1!kspe-;r.hnenl,

111 Not IEno!ilp;'l:1. Naill:. The' new bjOfllit ~! looks Ilne b!JJI: o!JlKC" in 00[[100" :i't ~~lttir~ <!Iruulficl. Il'Li!ItI~}(" t.'"i!:ph1'1.!1!S [loT simply faU5;, off. Tbe 1\I,ifnior. g!J'€"5 Oil! ,or .(i(;LiOO'l :im:rnOO.~;ilk ~_Ii,

~ !J<U!,l!IiI'!!!I1, •. $.unw ,n. .. mb~n,~ti.·4.Jn 'I.,~ 81l1le:gth.etk (Ie, bi!'Jn,g !i,intl.ol:kl!d ;01'1, the Ihi!'ad wl.h ill milHl!"t) iIIM ffW18;1II5·basedl ~1I'1j1:g~ 1h~'5 !mn~ ~h(' warrier i.Jii~o' oj! ;(hoo!lf'l8, ildJCJ!I_ He may onLy mm~i!' or . snoot iif 'ilhl!"J"!!' i!; anothi!r (riendly model wiilM 2" ~(I! f('l1'1mtt t\:im oo~.,.., J l'(' m~y Jl ~h I 11'1 ~I.o:i!I! 00 ffiOO~, no tmIl] I)' I(TU! w: ra ~ 'iR5ti'nc'~).




~ g!lutlllilrdfs :Misiii.Il', The Doc has '~I'T'!IJ\'~ w,ln(· (1~"~ ,tb1!lt Hw p~'i'i~'n! "~i' 1i"ll1!eod~ .lIR}"i ..... .tli}·s .... Ul.lf'lllth.llll.ll!~ly, the pwtili!:nt ~ need the[l.l and wffl!"f5,-t TQ~lgh(1..c:;s flDr 1M [j{"5~ g' ilhl!' g;lIlTI(,.

It My ~~:I!I[n "Urn. f'!11;;' lIJIu.c's over-

e .. Hhu.~i...~~k 'bi'.i'lil ~~ has .Infl.I;::-1:ot:!dJ i!I :he.1rl wound 00 the '!!J,lrTior, ~t\CU:J! the ::;."Ime.j'[:; !he "}I~"d ~IO;)!Ilj1"(l' &'riol)ll~ b~ju~. RolU 11I D6 IDiU"l!!:!d 1<!IIL·ly. On, !tu'! SoiJOI"e of 1-3, the "'llIrrim Is i!lw,bj«t 1.0 .d'ltpli"liJy.tl1'ldi iOO'i ,th~ :;rom' 00 ,44 he:is S"1,J1~>;:"t !n fr.en.~y.

5-6 Stb~ii!1 Th~f. "['h~ II)i.;.)c J;a.:s; ~oo ... oo !ll~ patimrs Iw and, IT'I!"pliKJi!'d th.1i'.1J'I wiiln sbeel ~ (sijrnur !.)ocs gl;:-t t'try rich, ~IY qi!.ilk:1Ly). n,oog.h U~L" \\1,a_rriA:i~ f3 il;ciW' imrmms Ito the ~Gob5.lIiladood.' ::uiOU5, ~ju~J he wff~.r& ~'I L~ruP'!li5, his st'l'l;!I. dl!JEJ',IX'lro' il'»~' ~r!('P'1I: p'~p:"fl~\i' Orl.)t

~ --~-----


Irol~ Ji [16 Ii!i d!:'iL'"lmipo" \'!oflid'lIo'lrtP h.·h ~'n !wst ... ~1'1 i~_ 011 !l l ... ll~ i~ i·hi!' !'I!l~ "l n~1 ~l a .; !& it L~ ~~~I!' ~ ISohl- Th~~ I111r lis ~I:' ~~.:nilill00-~ Llf " huh :1FIU hii.;. 1'it"'l.'ilI il'!~i:lmJ' II the W./IJrI·Dr h.1 ~ P'rl'" I .... LI~.r -u tt'''!'L'\ll '11i11 :\rJ!l~ '''~tmwl !v th .. ~[11!,! Ihl!it I'!J)~ ~)('~'!1 ku~'trI~~I~'d ~h",f'I ~1L~ i~ 11<11 1~'[1g(!~ ;]Jffi,l'ltt4..'!iI b'l; Ilk· I11]UI'\'"- ".\l'1l1I.' !,at~a' Injurn"S 1(11 lh c b.H.o:mi:;;,J 02'!rn~ .l'if...,-I j th€' I~:I rri",.lF LI~ (Wi1IIliIIL


Ii .' il!,,\,j,r~11;11 .I'1.'11~ ;:! b.i~i k ,1 rm Iw m<!i"" i\< L1o'>t' "I~ . ." \"~',I r'!.)j'J~ I"'~! .f1.;";,IUln!' tw,p h,] "ir~ i()o:I u~_

Io iuuli (IILIi' ,,'I\;, 'i' jIll!!' U!l'l.' ju-; hLLOO ~I'I Y·M,r ,"'aml'f .m-!I <'I 1.16 ';lrl;!j (IJflt.~L! I! ~ru- I>t~Llll"Villl~ '<ill!!.'",

1 Hooll;. .i'\mi. Tk II"Mri< ~~:; '\'KI~1l"Jl 'up iJtl fuid hi .. f~liD~ Ir.l!lrlMied br.ll ~ 'fht;. 1Il0010; I_;I! F'~lbly !il.H'f1-i!' kind of Iw.n), ('ngin!J' IIJ'tlrt !hiJ't tld'lif,"~ th,,· Dor·~ CrebLhln f,~u!\!;l in 1Ihe~r.L Th." i\,.liHim· SlI~"L~r.; -I h' hi~ 'Ir,\"I!\iip-i;It"f. 6&..iil b!:KilLl"lll! 'i:h!1' ",ns,-iJ\.i.· p.<i[~ i,. ~. ~,~j

'2: Kuttil! .t\miJ: Thl.!' ~ 'i~'iI;~ ~!{:.v~"CJL~iy ~~rt O!f ~ ~ !he h..1'!; "ll;~1 II)(' W.iilrit,'l'S, ,Urn wilh II brnlillL·Looj:;;~I'I~ knit!.!_ The wanrior 1l1i:ly ~. Uc~.ui}l i!lI~t "'NI~ with ~,i: ,a.fUJ;.

;J. lil:~!I"~roptt ~\rrn- A td~~pi.o: i!ltrn if, ~1!'nrJy ;l1li li!'~ i'("lKil iM~ ."!11m! In i.s. e;;;ji'Ic'Ctiallr lilSl!'Ju~ rIi!t ~lC1'S";; ~om!:t.,! as il' (,J n 1)!'1I;!!Lndi i'I00 hol'd .m enernv 00;:':1.;, 'L ... ~i~1," drt,=" ~\;.fLIYKnr ~!:O!.~ 1LIIMhl'q" "j"'~i!lpun I'lli rmlhil tlllTTl. off. 'V1I'ie 'W1~rii11Ill" t; .. ml::< + 1 lJ1i~~j_<1~h'~' 11~ hand-to- hand (,l1aJl.b.l1· a:mll ~.~ iIIUt"~~rlint> Ii,) ib;:to!Ii\l[ ,~l:ucl~

iii S~u!l}'~ I\nM. -I he W;Hric.r''5 ;,Irfl) h;~~ bc\:'11 n!plil(\"d winl .'!I Si'kif't.l~ 11k!' lrixtj)."l' is ~UL\dlil!d 'btl d~1!' v':'.iLrlKir'~ nerve ends wh.k:h IIN"IU!<!o dw ~1·",ffi;Ilt~ «'im :alOCll tli-t' W€'a"IJ."On j!.lM. b)' 'W'I~hi:n£i. ~1.lS. ~11'T1'I!~ NetltiJng. !nl.Sy be Itr~!d in .hi· ~tw>t,~tJ. arm,

~ c'~~pp:r~ i\.ffrn- ~ Fi®,hh:,r'~ ~i'lfi hil:!'i ~~ mt~"li ~\l'i1lh .:![ 15J?Jifi$'<!f"l'r.;li:ed Cr.'iipp.ling ho{Ik lCillt.'IpuW T1h~ I1.o!Jk mIl)' only b: I'iR'i1l a.: 'j/~)hldl;.'$ :l.~ toot ~J'IXIf'~ .."Ire '91!11(1i; ('ru"li.!g'h t(J dud. 001: ifif '!hi? WJi)"_ 'iI!Iht.- f>Tap~J.CI:g 0001.:. m1.l)' iM flrudl in .he '5h(1'Ii~tin.g: ~ in!,~NJ of, JI.~itcilY '\~F.Joif:!"rl •. at ;,l 'I;.\clrtk~ !.If!' t~1' i9;~ !i!1L'oI:!I.)/, R~11 ~~ hit ,"DJ U5l!.ll i.JSijng 1Ihi!' mob:st~r·!'- &S. If ill vt1lieJ.r d!> hil' ,th.:m. the ~rapp'k hn ... llIt~iOCj,&i i;~U tQ, ~l J:r'Id ~ '!!O<fI·!1'Klr "1,!(I(tI:aI~.)Llr ,a.i"!d ~mfli'[!Lod 1"'!~'I:y ho.,ii'Ir;ls I~ ~'I!hidt:_ Ah.'~ ~l£h ·sho:l(.lhil or miss, !he iir.iFipl(· h·ook i~ ~l'Iilrnel;:!-ii:!!C'ly d~.,')~"IIbI1'C[l: I~to- th .. ~rrn,

~II"" [' iif'I.~J.!I1 ri.g~LL b.rt~ iclil~' ~lI. ,;[[00

'~;,;i Il be I'(';ulirvo '0 rlre:in ~ rl:("AI rum, N'o - ;;'~nlJ'ilJ' r\\iis' ;'Ii)'(" nred~~, NtrI~d,J1g 1i~i1ir'l;Ic l'io.'lod in !l\r-lt!iu<!lpp'I~· ')i1"i'l

~ CI~~\I' A1Im'f, 'fhi:!o 1;1;,)(: ruN flttoo "I. hLl~' 'jXM",r <ei.l!w 10 Ihc IIJK"~h.'r"~ ,urn li'hc- ':I~w is sc\i~ .. pl'l\~T!N\,-4 .lnd_ Co:']n tiI'~"'ih ibl':!%'il;l".!'.;. bu!ldir~ ..lIJl.iJ jillt ~baul .i'ln}'~. Lh.€' \\',]1 r.uoo ~'.'!Iil~

~ .... i til e.15-!.. ... The {'~.w ·iHm m."IY I,ml~- ~ U5I......rJ illli c'!i~ romba~ "mi .._., ... FitK'f1y;H'L {,, .r;'l'l.!l~ '1

·ttl m.:t£,!,.;'1 nc! 1\.]; .. .:II -3 ~h'il!1g IhnrW' i"f'IQollft..,'t No.othi'r we.l:pi!U ffi..II~' be IhIl~M in ~hl' claw 1II1lUi

Nilil ,1 m)6. tCI ~ ... ' wMrh les hl~'" ~"'''''~Il vtormsed. OT'l th e ro)tL' 4,t ~ ~l then If ~ th~' t-loJ L I~~ on .:I ,~ r'. it is (j.:i 1!.I"''I!i:'~ t'1lI.' rt-h m" i,o:. irr'I.ld~ n..~1>dll,"%, IIId' ",,'hl h k..,; h",~ ~Il i"i lll'1,;", I If II ~. ~ \.' Ff'W,f Iw,... I~ Wl 'iott~'I} ...... Ute" WOL! .i I~~ WL~lIFi,II(~ the I...:~ [!i<!lt h~", l-w.: 'm. kU.!'.ll ![111"!"'('j then hi' ,I~' !~Il lonJl;~ r h .Ift~,(~l"(! b} lhe IliiiIJ!",!>', Any 'I..Ikr unj:l.Jri-r.. ..... w th~

J:>ii!..'nl'" 1 .lIfclL't< t iln..: \~' arnor J. ... It; , I

J 11 Ii I1li ut ",ii.!. ~hi!' llo!: h~.. In."!!' C(1o rI!!I1f ~,'..1 nwr 1r'l.'1U JJ r.H1 .n d COO"I5Ui'L !.I>I' tII1l4.1\\ i I'!~ L.lblt!,

1 I?-eg, L-, lll1.B i.3 th.: .. li'l1~' _Dd] !l'rud,~1 i'g, n!plaa_;'i'~;'(lt 'lind u U.!III, ani' kap.~ I~,h.."n Ih.!- IJUc I!U¥.dn.'1-lwl), 10\ 00' urpl~ 'Ii'I\t lee; is OftL"I-' jl;b ....... en a S~ er..t01~ Qe N'd P.lJnt 10 m£t\iD.."(o .t.£. Ifrnli-.' ::r'1Iha1 h~ .. ~ 1Jt'8. b ~ • uf i1hJ:' ,u'i, 0ii1o.)I'I1.' noa~ee" l'b!' '~11iIf0'lf1o!F! ~

\ .. ~,lIi'~lor' ... M ovcn'I...'rL I; i~ ~'I!I~'{l ~I -1 g

:M, ~'I..lI~ IKi;~king Lt:g. ~. DM has n?ptKll.'C

1thE! "'"olIn1nr"'S Jl"g ,,;th .!I dli!-lu~ ~cking 11..11' 'T'hl,!' k;; !1Jil.!I a SJn 111 I I moto.r in Lhi" IknJi'!l:!' a'llrn,;:iIt18 ~ w<l!Nki, til! ~\'C'.'! ~I,JIJ:IE!~

PO~'Vfl"U~ I;:itk in" tnf'llNI. A rnOO!,k!r

!.'<ith a d~h.lio: k' 'I n leg ru; ,:In ~i!!

AJll.J:iclln clOS4! mmt,.,!"

TiI!l~, .. ;~,l-e le,g,s.. ii t • ..,;nfp"(' I~".ili'e 3 ;ifi:i.nI4!l

'(ld",: CUnnir(" Th..-.'. 4: >Ii'll 'It'Atend ... ..J r

~r,:J~<d to allo",," ,j Willmar [(!I Jf!fll ~\r~ f, !!J-r and SI."\" .jJV('~ • .!IIL ~llJollil rclcs, li'hi: I?Ilie!tt: i~ '1'-.;0 N'I'I~ .:In d~ <l.(h",j!ltJ®L~ IiIf t(!lllg ~ ['o.~III"

.;md i!! " d!et O!U .11 ~"..Iii. .... olIl11'IDr' "'ith Jl(~~~I.e ~~5 mJiY O'IdJ;lJ 1J6~ Gn!C' hitlo '~n and ci1:.a.:r-g!l' moves, Now thl,!l! (hi !,! _Ira ffiQ~'L"Inl~t is iKl'dt.:d ;)!(I~r Ib: ij .urior·:!lIM:'!ik MIW'Ii!I!i:i !~I,

.h}!ll~ 001 bet ~.

. 5 G~,.abilis.ed M nlJwb~l. The :arms~abi~ixJ m-lJnO\",hc I ~, 1m")' n single

1JIo'~Ilh-,n n:pl.a ","',11', 01" .. leg!; ...

l!It~tht-d 1001 a pu!lll't'IiM,Ii?lII\g.iIk·. I'i!.llIirst i't I'" 'l,"N)' LIHllruU 'to m~li'lI' .II~' ~ :t'rI11l~, ls dl!n'_; Ib}' I!.!'.;mln~ ~I~ tl:1~ n.."!:9~il1\,--d dl i'L>cU4~fI, and 3t('I;!k~i'U,i.e1ili aru:I br..'l!.mng. are ~Clr~i:d '!;;I,. tw'~I~1!I cnft.aiin my.-;d , &t.Hi Ibe ~ !I'Ih"'''}'t! ~~ n}(O:iltro'llirlJ .ella IIlIOI1I,JII. ... hct;:ol ~ pil~! ilit.:e n~j'i' a bike - )'" Dl(!'!rer I '~'I", frur: it]; ILhIs, ~. no 1'"d1f' . r P,"I.!> GIlIt')t,i!JIli'1f'iI hWl!~Y Ill)

mn~ dleIi' iiiiijIi'IiOWheelI- ~lp~r bee .... I'H.~ l!!l rjicaU)' :.l.ttlldliro. to'i'l:!

A ~~'a.rrjl'lll' with a ~~bil' cd Jl Oifl~· wheel adds 2: (I m!>" !c M' • ~ 001, IThII POt 'II!O\"C \'.ei! dlffiolll leITlirln. The~" ' 'n~ .. ru)'I: bo: rd iln®!.."F ~'~hid~ of c1 I1fIb up hi Us) [.add 'f!!, (!!tdi OOW\tro as \rk!M iiI!' when Wling ni[1~i:I"II~li'l~1 ~"e5 in "I(l'rwios,

~ T!r,d;~iN!I£.. m~ oEtm 1I'~'p4~ !'""i.UIi

1J!'8!l with a i5't!l of 11niiC: 'or wl!twl~ 'bec.m~· thii! parts [Iiii;' JI'i(-.!di1y !i!!v.!Llaltilll!', Tk..,. lUi! .3 I!II..'"Ir)" ~p!.i!lM!es ~. '. "".arriot' "PI [p'«!liJdl)r face a:rowid ~~ d ., "'hill" I~ mt

of dri Ik!)'~ ha ... '(' I(l; !r~ 'I:ct ilIf(1!: all BO:5,~' •

~:;II.!gg)· toO loll''! 1ft J~n fun.

;-\ r. II. ~ h;jth drib k;: ~"'I'II!1:"''I: (11\1 ,cl1oclll4." ro ha\'i! tw; 1.;>;, IIJ!, Viihc ·'1 ~l rht,- 'i ... ~mOO' has. 1'14~ ~ts IIhm ~ ~ r~ILI'IIIi 'I" ~ same rull'"", itll I!tIIl" iJil$.u.<i. a b!;i ~\ Ir tIru:! WJl'rii<II" ~ 'fLl!k~ "

IIIL"'1 ~ tDn(!l~'II£ Ilk· ~ n.:!t (1l);r'ImI;)"ojii'll'as

Ifak~ HllId!.i.di1tg ~ C'JlginJ:"'"nd t~11ft,R).

lib!!'w rrier still I,!~~ ILh~ ~,Jrn rules (or 1"mI~ ~I <mdI L1ij. I~ rooC modcl. l1I-K! w;i!imor rna I I bo."Ird anotiru 'f \«_-ruclc ijJf' Ihlfl'b'1;I~ wll IIa.ddLoffl undOO\lii~as,.j1 ""k de\;,;h"rI u"ng

n"inf~>uneilIls;,I'~'1!S in' nos.. ..,;;~

~r fI'K'il.fuI mav bt" Itriim!ipo'f! l'd ICHi1J OJ ""II n"il!r \ ... i~ JLr;.,~ 'Ol w~ ·I'i...

Ii <II ""'J!JIft.or with ~roilb suffl!it .. .1Ii k!g 'l/r1iJl..Llldi ihm.hi: mo\"ftfii('fI.1 lPi'his.g- '~gi~ ~ duusll'r. t'l'!.ginn iN. n:..(I!!Iced ~. "1-.

1::'· ...... '1; JJ.. ..... in tlii.· b .... ino~" III h,'I] :!")i!oU Ihctt hi ... I'.i~"ourill· "'l.'I~~ h Ln..!ll n '"-!.'T]I'~ .1, Ih.c 'i; ... r~ pil'll'lI!,,,I~ ,of til..: l'l1:oe' .. nllJt I 'i~;,:o th e ir 1:'1'11.'1 il"5.0 Off;. brssns ,11n!' ra~ IIWfL' robu~1: iho:.n HtLll1'1I.l PI 'l'r"I~ "·~i.-lj I~ fWWn.:l!i." " ... IIJ\rIo;. Ii 10.1· [(TJ iht"~'I' .l1~ .. :MiS iI!IWl.lI".t 011 pa!imt" ..... !.lIll 'h!.!-lit'lru'fiiiloil'l); Iviln!, Ii'll "'<I'l!iW (~""''''' t'hL' ,Otx~ h01'11.' oc'l;.'n "'~I\\ n to II~ teol ... II1....,de loci r ~lil!;l'It~i liiL",~n:ts!

Ii il'k· t\,aff'io,r hoD, s.ufl"fI:'d a "1~"sK!1 ~"111Ind· ~~Illi Ito &!UU1J,; i.l i:.;Nm!Jm D'('bll.llid th!!n i~~ i.!; no k~iig~t .'~fll'il:"l)....1 Ib)' thl' ir"lli.J:f)'. Ap'}" l;~tC'r i.njUriL"" r.'irfoct n1m ..!.5 milJ'~1.

To hIM.! 001, h.1u! Ib.: l~ l L.l~ rctI!!!il L Ihc Wo1!u'lIJr"'S ']0: r.'~·l.Ii11m wi1h. rell .1.! and CiJf!i~Lll! thl£' ~.~IIII1I.,i I~i?l, t,,;:"IL".

~:D'.A :1.'IE,Im,W'l T KR4NIUM TAILI~ SoU it 061)

:;l: I)~'J; 'I'OO11iS.1br IJoe ~~ '< iI woo, 'Ii 'b Df !~f!.& ~ wHdM~. s:om..:. iI~ l4.U!'Ii' '!hough ~ N.rl~:hi!-!has ~D'l:t I:!r.IC' 6'f I'I~ tor.!i)1!:l .. _

"ltv! 1"'~Cirlm ~ 1I'i(llj bMJw ;)_f!~·t~hin;K: ~ .. t thi ... Il;.u~ hi!- ~'IIIIn liIrd a h~1i~ l4 p.tlP oil'Io""i!'11I DO'h" .:~' i~, Ir iNo loO~ mt~ ~8'-'1!11 hi ;(Im.c t;j,.'ifrej~l1N ~;Ut or l~ iH .. 11~. Ji. ' ..... nmm wlllh ~I l'lol'ot looL in hL~ h.:l.:l 00 m .!Id,~'!if1~~ "",[1 dK" ~ddlGL'd. i.HJ.t t~ Jii'rr In .... ruiiOO Ilh hr~ 1~"1M!Ii.3"

j St~i!!i'~ ~f.IIs. Thr WUJ'r.1or 'i~ now Iht; p.l'Ui.iId.

~ (II ;I pair ~f kiJ:!i;e 'skrllul"lS.. ~~ ~1 ~ 'I th.."1n ['!Ii ill ~~ bUIJ-Id:'I!' th.:i~_ \~-"'i'i 1M' ""';,'fOOf ~'IJ~'S M ~lv!l';S; ,ll'llll!;.,lm A~,acik tf!~ hiS. 'ho:rruI,

~ ~tHlllSik~'i i\. ~ Fr.ll~ M"',-, b...""'.crI1 MlhI to tMo' W,a~r.i~~~ ~~J!J1i!CI .:o",~' 11'p .t!lilhr·~, TIh.Il" ~~I.'I..~ s&'l!,!11 m;\;.~ l~ \\\~'rrijl;ir I.ook IDurn ',;;:-r ,tIrIl~ biL~. A "i"~ """.Ilt! ,ij 'skd ~J ,~"jn.~, H 11.0 his t~"!.II!I0"~hr,f1l'Of ~ K--;;;"PL'rl ~ - g:t1n.~. fin"lJ1iI the rr.~i illf di:1 ~1~

51 BIGirt.lJk .,10 'I'Iw Door !1.l:!i: ~ the ~.;uri_"'J 1i:f!2' 'Mt'h Ji ~p!(iI.:tl ~ooi:l \'1!o~!iID ",,'~ll1 __ ~ hnlr '~!!IOO' and d r.l~ d1n.;k;, r.u. :1111arw ihc _"'~ff1o:r 1t).:Jv::ioI, i1wfu:;>1i. if'Il'll' w~mllr ~JI'\5 H ~n M If'I\I\(o,n ~n:K rwj!h any "'N~c

:S"1'1.1~g 'Dr~;f~ .t~I'I.!i·P~~fil Oh i,'I§'I;]~ '1illlL' D.x ihllIs lIi'~fi\miDd b)' ~~.~r.s ~ wa:n~r·~ Il,i;r4in ~Im <II ~i~ TI'IL;:; i ... .li '~.y ft~k]" iJ[rM.! :Kr,uI,lndhruaMlli1l rill'oU! r.lof W~I'}'. ,fJ!'>.I~ "I! dL'lX'I~J.'!o 'Olii !~ Ork bod,\" 'lIr"!D!';PtililS ;iii 1!lIi1li.t; ,) .. I'I!- 1ITIl'1\" ~'~ilIn ,w w1' I~~ o;f, ~.i); II W iI'l:v: .... is'm fIo.'iiI w;noo . ""II II b..>llj<l,,11' ," li~tii:~ .1 !ffCfl:'mLY jrom tM ili.,,;t ni nht- mOb ~~ 1'1.5 ft'Umv [k.yz. win :l:SSUl11;;:; ~:]ul Ihi£ I,g!;!' .. lii!l!l!' dfcn .~. ~ Dor"'t R .... ",

~ ,n h:w~ng .. Sl,:llJ~g 'n~oc!1d or <1 hrilll'll.1JI. d\aro1G1"'htla. in th!.' warrior'"" pto:iilko ;.r..hlhw. I1I!!..Uld,n,g u,1fI'. 1-I1l' miIi)' ~ '0 figN. ~ln ("A1fI!o.'f'1~"j'i(('", .j!_OO ~1Ii1t~T: d~fii'i~ as jj~liJ .. i oI!f~r. hi ... ]ilro:f.11i! ru~ bi."ZI1i WT1gL'!ilI. IItJZljI .j '11m ~t'ld '1""!..'fiSUilt lhio {t!lllYl\ Ji'i)t 'I:.;]~ !o- ~ ~m ElqI,II~ h..H:1boon rum into Itr ~",~ni~~ ~

~:i:~rd Sq'L!.i,g., Hcrd '~\l~ .ltI!' 1I.l~ ~~ Sr~""!!.!fZ till' fuUOO up ;SIr,J.t Gn?t(]'lt'I. n.ey ;'Ij~ t...,rocitm~ el"I2,,:L!ww.; oot ,~I thi:l~k ((II' t~~\~ .i.nill: ,ah"'~~i.s ,i:liCII. 00 omL"h.. A h·~ "" ilh:il tIen:I.ig: 10m ~ If,rJin i.l. 5U Pjj:.'>t'l 'to ~~lIpjJ j !¥.

F'~~~r SqiiUg. F.;WN'ali<" '!i£]1l! l!l.!' !lm iu5A fbi1'il ~ ... they liM: 100 ~!Ilfi'!U.ITIi3 (fI]~ ~'h' ~~ ;mQ ~u~ oIm}""ili1~ 'lhtil lIMIo:~liI!l!> tlwtJ,! loohlldiTllg'~ ~)' a~ IIur4 lLo ~rimrL.Ihu' ~I"l" \lIN:}' 1tlI~1~1 ,.mod ",.j,11 i1kJmd 1~1 mas!iltf~ 1.0 1Iho:!' ~_ A w,lrl'3Df ~ii~1n. 011 ,Ir,ij~~bi!' !It:!liJij:J; r!ii' ,ill lio;~UliIIllI~ oitIl eoomr ~

~'1I.l~~t. S'qu r. ~ '>Lll,Jig:s an:"!ihI;o' maio! anPl'lf aJ1d hL!lil'lsp)' wi .!"1m ~lIi~ Too,y rLY 8tPt!.!fid in ~~iN,)rrn5 and ",-'\lit ,~_h!n& Ihill' gIl't ~I'i tlEir w.1lr- Ji. ~=rriIK "'i'I~,~ Itm'zn ~!.J 1.8}!IJI" a ~to'll f! is !';u~'t't ~Q'ji'fi!:".

i\ ,,",, IJJjth ~ b!!iinTh q'!.'" b not (1,1 Ilt'lilI[If alii_¥' ~ WOL!Iid I"<' p,,-"VII!iI!5IY'"'llIT'ered. fru:lA._oo ~~ ~I [[l5.!i!) '..i,.,;:,,.,..-hi-dw~!;.' Ls mp'r~~~ '1-3, nile k.4l. ;I..r;.l!w ~h!, If'tJw. I!)oc Npl.ln..~ a 'Nlfi~lLodi ~ _ iJTirn ~!h!t" w~~ I~, 00 ~r ~et'1JN:1 'L'I.'ijh rhe ~ M~ 1iI!1N ~.d:f'm: 1frM!. wal'rior a;: oonRitl,

Ifi, lrutil m ... ~. l'he. ~ ..... i1fi~ r '~ tli'i;;_~ ~:;; ~-"n _ !O'mIfOO!~)' ~ \\"ilh 1II" iO~~,'tN Imn ~'" in IIh ifRL!~ of 'Gu!L o.r ""~!I;l ThIi!'L'i.\;\],~I!!~ 1 ~, ~~rum'l" 5i~1: ~nd CiW"'!2~ jcJr lrrI b;;.ttii!. ,oI!!. W,iirOOt ~lc3th ~ iwm ~ m;I1 00 ~ ~ .. l!'oo~ !;I.yk'l~" iniufY,


\'\'hli'n <I DDI:" ,r{'(i,I"'u;; to' perform some cHperirn e rnal S€'rp:orJ' I.t Js!lter I i~ ill h.llck~ .dIp. YOU 1;U~! 11C1~~'! ~lllD\\' g~li~(!' I ITh' 'I' :rOO wiUI I.': .... t,

O!1:s ~11~;;;'11 ".I'lnp'!;:;i'n violently '~.,.J,"'n I~' 'W.jJh Up' to lind! lhl!"Ji chest stlll 'u 11ma', .1J}d. .1 hu:g,t!' 1o:!Il~!rnn H;n.I~I!'r boostn f!<Iil('dJ to thci r back, but OTIce e~'ef.!, .(In€' hi16

calmed down P.!IIti(!flis usua.l!.., ~Li~ ~h<il! ihcir. J~L"\'I,' biA)nii.: b~t 'fIllPl"4,;'iiiC"1 ~t.R.~r 'fi~ti'ng prowess no end,

~f ill 'Wi!llInL'Ilr', ~~IIfN,"J'il,."'! ,I ~'hl~t W~III-.d or ,~In '!.1Ltl battle li'"Ound.lPrtI!vioo5L~,' [,0 ~~Jilii .j, [I;,'J;t'~, Su f1'r.i~ 11i[,loJlill;tjt 1''h1,!'11 hI,." ~~ (1!JII1:'d ojIl1-d no longll'r mflicirs fTOI1Jl, the injuC1. Any llJ.llt~h.t!~ ir"l'Ul~ ilrfA:!d' tht, w v ,lrri;;,r <'S f!0'm1.,11,

... ' _ .....

'[)"O,- ~S 5'1 UlI,'D'D'1iC'.r.TJI< iDLE tR]] [)""".1L :. , .......... ", .... .Il\.1Ir .l'Ii..i,;,iC 'w,nu, .. ~o ,:a. .. ' OJ'

.oil! <!I ~ Clf IlIiI»:i~ gill-l. .II~' ""in. An)' i:!~'rnr ffisll'iiing. 'ihc wu~t:!r 'in ,d~JoS.C' ~1iI' ~l,JffNlS ,[I> rnlr;['<r' ¢ ~ 1 ~\CI' '~Hr 'lr1'!~i!;p!liI'i SkilL. T'hc- m,lelL puis 'ihcm i:!IIi!

5. F!.1~'U ~''Il,jmllll!n [mp'nm~ IfH!. Doc has IW~ 11 " w.mO!:dlile- '0'Ur.1dtor oJ ~!JJ1GU~ rw~], ,oom,pik~l1:! ""'·.iiffi. !(';;]OC' tL!p i:lIiid'~ lrn!!l< Ih.! '!.'i!<iJi'riOr 's 1L'IIiid.!f and ~ .11.11.0 hl;; blood ~1IIW:1.y- 'J'I)I! . wai'"flai' ClID 5iImply ~Jllrll ,1)1; iIIij(! hlp ancl allow 011 ~1B<ld.Y' flDilo' t:!l fUI;,gIl~' flllC~ d:imrtl)' illl..1n Ihi~ hl!X>dsl!i'l"tlrl~.

'~. 1!Il;s;,p;;rriD1l~iIIt.i1UDn. ~ Doc llii!d out an, ('k5T.ii2fiflfilIDl:.ill ~NfmlI!LW! 00 fh~ warrloi; llrut hall ww1f ~h~ IHte op!2'J:"otbiQf.), ~lM! ~(Ii: oon:.od. ,::uiid dood~ to Lry is(Jf'j1~fi1S. d~~r't'.re.wL.. 'D'I:'L~ ,(!end Jli!5uJt 'Of Ilhr! op!~tloo is bhal, 'i~: ,f;di.loo .. _ badLy:.

. 1'hI! w3f'ti61 R;<!IiliS :1'10 li!icrl~ik bi~z am.:i 'mlllst 1I1,1ili I[]Ifl;CII! CiifiJ '1illM!' Seriou~ I~ifuci(~, "1!:l.'I111!'_ I€ Iifli!! roll!! • ElIttLJi!~ 'EtiJYlj~i" .c.a~!IIr.L.,J' (.'Ir. .Dt..=li. '~hL'I1I !Iiie L'i:suk,

2. .~I"(n'! '~I;I_~.s, The warrior's Ilings h.I~ ~ Ir~!~ 1J.IIp' with h.llgorJ' iroo po3i!l~ 'Ibe Oik

~~I rt1);'~ I1o'IJ! ill dfoo:;. rrom the- SII:'*[)I. &1:C!pI, 11iha_1 i1IL' lin.;!;§. i1 '[~Ihn hard to itlroalne '!iOJll~lIli'IlS. A ,,,,,,r[ior 'IN!!.t.. iroJ! lungs 6!ill~ -,1- to' his, bask M{iI!,f('mr:ml' when h.? 1lUr.1.5 1M dl.a~~ m.!l mearts !hat ill 'ifr,a~,rlo.r wUh ill MO'!.'"!2! 'Q~ ~ mar mm a iIl~1 mo~ of ~,~ I!;I!J~: ,l]lIfIr !iluJ), dr.a~ .mcl run 6- (hZi").

.Ali: thl!' ~;:ItI, 4~f thl;" WOlrr10'·S tl,;!ffi fO'Ili rnuat (kd3l'E 'W'h~liH, ... r hi: is 1!!~l"\g, IIhr impntlnl or no'I~ If 1:iJ!' drM.~ hiis b~!l'iic M'ilWt"mJ:'rT!t .'tlTi1ii IniJintiV!!J"

.II~ i'~~m I!;;y +~. A~ IIbr stnrt of ('.Urn tum . tIh.!~ tOC ,~r.,1Jri:o:r I119r5Ini9 lmplMiI 00'11 a [)t;. On ilk ;(Q['JI'.ru" :1 the ,l'lgJlll2'.r Im"IInledJ9'LeI.y ~ dOWl1e On k' 5(;:O~ ,of :liT hl5. mQliioo'iJ!EIl m['lt~¥e5 ._m. ~u~ fOj' Iha~ !!Jj_fr.L 1lij(!' WMr.Io~ :llliIjI USii! !L1e fi:i~ i~~~:l.lIt fur ,3!:lll'1;:1n), U.l.fnS. <is IK' 1'II'.!IfI~.!I 'ltiut ~I!e Ifl'i.u~t rosE i!lt 1hL!' ~riI: uf, e\1'rI!.~ rum In whi.dt ~ uses ml'.

!S.. Cii:!erk iBoo)'!. Th~ '[)n;r; t'hiJiilq; ~hot't tlte 'wiI.:rI'7ior Em.!: too! many imjllri~ 'br~ liil!ol 0l1l1cl) ff'1;;l,liildi!; t~ . 'IIoT.IIrnim"'~, rmnn;"!body with ~onik ~ 1m lm~ IrJ!.lng~I-;'Ii'ul::1 piatons g~~;e' ~ !~?.jIr,rlnr ~K'IJ1('1'1;j1oo-s; '5'Ilrumgth.and ilIll dill! eo:;ct!'.:r rn~L pJi!l("S nailed 1:0 hls oo.d)' mak'i!" iITIlJirl hl1J'.d~ I,Q< rn:m in ~n"~,

AL11Ihi:! rnl!4al pkillS IlIailJ!d ~!l) ihc- wa:mcr·s 'bmd)' gh1'!t! hlDl al~ ;!in1'!uur \'.!Il_·!ll& 9. iruil=d ,e~ .. ~h[~ \!;!I'Iu(!·. If :l.Jwy llUis ~lr.llID ~hIo, ~~3rrij[Jq·!!; aTIi'I'1Ullr II1IIU ,3r [)fie On !I!.r., ~Iit'!IJ~ if-tl' tlie- ',",'atmllr 4.."Xlf'kt'IJL~, and. i.::; 'I:.;]~~ 'I;I1;I1'!(!if ,~dbn 'ill"lllmLodiOl~d'y;mod 00 01; roIll!Jlf Jm3~ ~loIi.miot.l!! I,lIllNm!m by 'th!=- ,1~tiLd;.. 1he w,arr.lor. rna_'ll MI. WNi~ ,~ny ""frK-r 'Umt of ,LlJ'mDlU, ,n ,ill WIl!i'"fI.M ~ilih; 0lI glood:,"b!:I;dy giilim <1Af <l.dl~l~ 1:0 hE!! Too~ 1i':D;:IIJ IIha J31d"'ilIn~mll§l4; ..

3.. IKIIJ~m Ti:llrl.l~l~r 'B~{d'ili. Th~ '!N'OIIrriOI" Ih~ 'ti.._1:d o'!i nu~ nl':l'1,l~tN 000::;1',l Illitbcd to 111s b.KJ:.. tMbowi", =n ilIrI..l)' ~ ~I~ ~ pr~ 1;;."ulX- es It Gllll'IIIt be-:;wi I~ (!!r1' ,~*~r i~ h.niGtLtrtcd, A 11I","!' wil" ,il< 'k!.:lGrom ~hrustt'r'~ 1I1liry m..,'=", !!i tDI1!.I5t [l\ll)1"C' lust tlM ,ill 'bLl.ggf. 1M tI'ifiII5t c,;JJlj'~ ~.1~ onoe pcr gamtl !MId !J5i§ IIhe same rules iI.S i! ~ ~ (!);'IX!pI, 'llIvIl h wiIlrr:lor C1lJlLLiO! Ii!QP ,llI1:<Ikb~ H~iru~~ iJ:lO~"O(~, un~il he- f,alJs, hJ6l 'iruus! T1!SI! N1I, Wtij(!i'l ~tlii! w,arr:i!ir!r. J,aLlS.8 Thrust !_esI, rail Oil! !~ fbru.sfLV ~Ll~~r 'li.mle Il.S iilHlDii'laL Hj~, Uiill¥("ilIliL"iI~t lln:med~t~.:r li'llds ",UI!'t IH! ha.!l !tlfImp1L~L-d .he ~nn.!lst ~ ,~;'1n"~ e~/(!m. 'lul1IlI in rl.l!l~)_

I!o, w.arner 'with ,l h~!:om '!Wt.nI~U boostiIJ [lira), n!~I: h~~ anr h.1o~lo;I11 '!~ re:p!iJwniliI"Jllis. If d!:ti! "",;'!Tlliior ,~~re.'l;;ly 'Ms.j]J 'I~ wp~~;ml:,. re-roll,

t IFUl'igus! [lh'ref. Lung,&. 'Thi:! 'LI,\(i.tnC!r has Ib.!.ocIllJ ni!Lodi 'l-\111h ,Ili f~ f1!!"I'IM!~I~liioli'L '\!: ~ .. ~~ [his d:l&!3U I) n, 1ll1'L60~!jJjrll:l_!cl)' AlII'(! 1ifu"'La! fiDdllJlre.lIO 011 kit o(I~ ga!I SoO lEv:! Doe tei tiEt;{lC .a ~!MaB!!' . OOl"llpaliti'r'l~it,. wl1i:dw a:llllm,'~I~ 'llr.llliJiirur nn '1;;-:1:

'IlII'hm ~ril"!i!i. a cam:p.1I~1, .here .a.r~' ("'fti'l,~n lhins-'" }'~lU Im!5I do b..--o{1l'm:" .arnd oi!U~'1 ..,.,~m I!:lt1!tUc. 1\"!lJre ~C' &-inlt' )'til.! nt .... <d t~ ~i1 ,(ILl I' w!fk.,; ~~ Pi!' [~f b.1U~~ !~ b'~ng prl1}'!f. ..... ~OO a.m" t:!tI1!."F p:r.l!'-~HI,i!' d'l.!t.'1i,ls. t'\ fl~r each b2lHI",,·.j'Ci~~ m!J51: \~ork ('jul' 1M C'~~l'11 r et 1,-';l1rioF''': i ni;Uri~ iw\\I' I!I~ il"n"rnw ~1iE- rru.:>b (\1~! .. -.cIf.___ u.!'Id wl'i"n !hr~,- spmd ~t ill oo:! 11l1i~ i; ca [I e.d, lhi,· pi.lU I~!~lll;" ~(\~i"i~i'iIOi!'.


lIIfto.m tik' I,i..;uk". "i,llit'll( IhrLlI!lgh !he C!Jit'lw,ing. ~l"'j~!t.

I. Dr.1!Nm~t1.r $«n;rrio, 11~,· !~!",~ e r ~~'i L'h the lowest 11l~\b f.tli I~ p:,I1~ ,206 i!md ,,!IJn~'I!I! ~ th ... S~;rlil""f;g, ·!~ltd(', J r Llw !"M!riulo h,l" nn .all<i('kcl .mel 51 .defl!'iltt1.~r, d'll!' pl.:!l)·l'r, iII,'11C1 ,~-",;, i.l'II.." ~'I"1 nlZl' is Ik .I,! r.1("mr

t, I!iN\UITiI'!it;: IIDjll,!lriiL'S ;inrjl n~m~,iL', Iltu!i .{'If IL1.'.l!rfH'f'o II\'JI:B HL'.JIi,.'I \~u rll::l:~ .L1lt1 (,,'tIl!;! B;lI'IJt' WI'~lInd!i ttl "".0;;:' i!' '11r !win' thi!'")/ .I,n· "ff!OC1!i!d h)-' their IflJ~lry, AhlJl mil r~~r ·UnP.1i<lb~' \','h iclcs,

:ll x:~ I!.!f! "'fii!ll I!)~pl~)'; S!.'I, 1L!111' lhoc kl r.J!m 0I1iid d ... ~~)'iOOJ' mLlI~ ., ... deI~iloo ill Ihc- 'SOOI1i.:!ln!, d~ripl""(r11.

"00 ,m" fim .. ' ,~tilitl ~lg"~1 inr,i


~ k \",),111., i!O f~hhL ,;,Inti 1\"On, lhi- p11!i}'cl"S ~hl"!old~1 1'1.~ 1t.'I'IJ~I~h .hi!' f(;lllV\\'lfI~ ~q'LlL·l1n~, VGu d!CI not h,wl)' liD oornpllL!tL· the enti fi!' ~"'II~liI.!n'Ol!" '5t~.:i] .'WI1)1 f~ILI rn .. '~' WiII1.llllnl~' I'~ ~llil-~jllfuir' ~ (Jill' 'li'u~lli)!ll<~ iU'Lf .:i]1l\! ,,~II~ iMdi!" ol-woo~ '~ "il~ ~ .! p1.l) i?1'.

'1_ In.j'I,lr!iI:', lRoH till the- $~lrhi;u~ [nj I,! ~;e~, T"MIZ' rf'~ fi~btl!'n, 'l!i .. n~1 ;l~ out Lt'l ~ti1.)n ilit .hl!' 'L'l'Id GJ !h.i! b,i,l i Ir<', ~~IJINt tM.I! d1J1'I."i1I!!Ji fi'.l>h'I"'~'; '11"ili ~L)o 1.I!lt Q~ a(tlilri ,UId "'Ui"fl{l' .. ~ ..-.elf~~)u', inill~ I)f;. nillll<l II 1 '~N"' 11-

:t, F~lliri('i'i !:Ie', ,;.~Jh:oli;r l!\~nL'll1~ ~~n I? <!is, ",'hryL\'1'i! I!'L ~ '!-i(]!i'1.lrl~I'~ descri I"I:iLt:i1 ."ina r.o]i ~il 'Ih"" Ad\,'anCl!! r,'il,li: if roquirt..g , s.:_\; .• lite ~~IiI~fl.i\II!IT. scrtim, r'l'ir mort' dl!'l.lII'~,

1. lnoeme, ~\'m~ out hlOO'io' 11141~,r I~ .'I~. mmed ff!l.'l1J'Io ~ WI' Inl.ol>· ... Mi~ ""11~1 ~'''.P rolJli~l~~ ll\i!')· Ipjri:1:'d l1,li$""ll'htm odd>I.'ffl'IlllC hOlA' m:m.y 'lWf ,nt" ,~ddoo to ~~ '~I F 1l00Jd, ~ ~':..p.l'li I"!i:'d in. DtlJ ~ro~ :;..-..rtl'IJll.

4\, M'l!1ktQWI"IJ! 1'4111 ![?In ,.,~i.t iiu:- M~;ji,;lbO'y" 'iI~~bnop. !I!o.." ~~ ~q(if)' .1100 Ibtl~' ~i'V!" Ik"" "'''''m~ :gIJMtin~ .~ addlll~I1,j,' 'L"lIILliprnei'lL

5. 'I!}~ lP.ljjJ"t'If'i"'~rnk, 'l"iJ'd.!lh· yi1~~[ mob- hl'.kr ;ulil wo;rl.: ml! :rOOf n~'~1 1'I.~~jp r.lti ng

~~n.. D(m !l.~~- l'i,l!r ,iUlO",3vl h .. ~h'

D',ISUA..JJI ,-C ~C~Vl,' j' 'UF.!~

fh~"" Mily t'l;JoJlI'!!:".jI lillYLi"' "·Mm. "}n rom ~68,k" n",~ allla,lllI\j.!; diJI.m~, hill f }IOLI r ~~tl)'/. ~pt"l1d !I.."<'Iel'i! 1.I.~I:H~' nUl'!oh'll!; thA.!ir o'id't:, wou nLi, .... ~Irhi'le ~lI'Ic' "-"II .l~ !.I) ~~ !.iJ.)' ~- h.'il"1:' h,1 1rJ,"IM*'!(" i~to <Llrnoo~ i~ Ihi ... h.J~, '~'llll i:'I' bo!- :l>l' il"~r!~ ~')L 'Ullil "'~I1' M '.11:,,11 ~fl'l ...... h. ~,r rou sJliiJt .l 1H"'l'l,' moo.. r"u (".[ID .ri!'-Jlj 11.. \'!O'~I!'J afL~, frum )'ijlur ~I1St m'IJt) ""~l1r\!j; , .... ith ~·t)l~r n;:w [l;.xmi I .. , You iI.',;;lili iJfily do tl:1i~, ""!wil ~'Cltl ~~iilrt i.! ~ ~l,1!' mob, '~~'LI ~ .. .,~'t bblrf 1b.'In iml na~,_

r\ tI1L.~~lredi \l,-.Urioo ifi!.~ ~ l1il!lmb.~r ,fIif l'ei!"'f h' lhetr. 'n~rmJ~ cool plus ia~i,:'i IT C!');:peri1.~I1Ct· dh'ioeit!d b1)" .... n (r.tll.JrI",Ung up). $1.1 .~ ~I wi~fnI .;I n(i(M'I.~1 ~hoo.'l..1 ,)00 J\!i. E),p.!fl'L' w~lul'd oosL 7+ (:v.t"l D=:l.6) -Y.~ •• ,..hic~ 'rOOf''''''' U;p1!ll:1' 10 It'!I.o(.

~'[I(II (,,,Il i!'~~~ in1"1i;1 ~ YLrul "'00 il );00 \';~5h OJ b. Nub)! .1 ro ru'~[lriousl)' d!'IL'rrnill!lOO .:i'lld "I'll' nmount (,t .,.",> wm {] i'I<Wllrag~ UM'_ trom t..:!11t!'!.' i~~,II; th<ll ILhl;o. 1I me WIll ~ "i),jI Bit': tMII~IW,


On C:::1~r~~m(!!rkii IL I~ every Or:I-;: ... ~lrt'~1fllI to ~.Hii l' t1:"ltf o.'!M .!lItltul'!'nlllllL1.:' ~"~"ttlgh j.mJ.;)l"' .. ~"" IOC .abk ~Ii wti r .... II! M~~liIm ..:irwl •. n\'",'iil u~ itump1('li(lr1"li I)'JCJjM~'.:l.....i in Fe bLr\'t" rom((Ht. Yllmr 1"11113,'1" I~ ("~Ili~dek·d II) ha~e "mic-h,\t thi~ tlnc...' It~ In",,'b r'IlLi~'if.': ~~'~f. reaxhed -l(k1 or UiLl.1~'. !";.~, ~J,li; ~in~ ~Iw InLib 110 illt"i;&.(!;t tilkl"lo 'jjML 1111 UiL· l(;ilmj,1l.'ll,;~ eJI.~ii!p:t i Pi WI'}' ~aie .lml ~~!.ciilll.cUmJiIi'I .. t.lllO!S..

u:hi:-n I~'hj~ ha;ppen~, Ih: mob PiJlI~ tt1JiI .. rn its !f1L'l1i!' ~Il;..all iIlhlC' !:o-Ct,i!Jj> ~iL~ ~hc Io'kj"l;i..l' ... '.md !;[:llll'~ down in !'o'k'k.h1\\·n, F'rtIIln ~ro thl:: 1IT1~ 1",'111 ,~CIt: ;)Q OO;tdY;G.LI"'~~ ~or ~Ii!.\' M",l'l\, or m.lyoc ~n ~!.ut ~r m .... ,ll!i;£t,. tr.l1flll1:!l: and g.i1ill$ . .1!~I"'it'l" to thi: ~~"iUIlP=f ¥oof .... l~' and Nc~~-oi G.o~~MIl!iL!i ~~. Ith..· 1b~1 r~~IT "<1l ~1"lI.!I~).. S-lIm lI'IIL~ af1!' h'ki!d in high il'£iilrd and ~ L"'I."ri"in amcwl1j 114 ,1\\<!' 'by other ("j,k~ and !.L·rVq' i!I~ an jn."'pLr\1lliolli lID )'~Hn!l~ Ork \I~ ~v 1!:'i:L) OInd I[."!r"~' ,I]u-i, d~LiJ~)! in rhc d(~r~, !;,"~'II dP:lli', ~(iU h.lili~~ 's!l'!'1I.'OO

Go d.;,lJIJII(I'rrka \,,~!Ii }l"~,timC'!o slart

b\l i Ld lI'L.¥", ul,O!n~ mr,lN,1



'iI11l!.' ~ It! G!;:;r ...... lliuril...' ,~ .... III I,LW am' !!'lKU"'l" 10 (J~ht L-a~h o~h.'r, Sol1wtLrnt'::- th~')' rn~l~' ,<I.~~h over tho£! ng,'l'il It) oLijg,!.;N" ~I~r, ,~'hlk ('iI1J '~tht>r ec "~1('ffi~ tl'u.'y Jll,]y ~\'''l~llo pro!' II! iLl~t 1/10'00'<;' UtC' ·.1 ..... 1'i."5~ nlLlb il!roYIlidL Th4,' 'LlI!oO\~'mg

::'!i.'!'1 ..... nil h allow YL'IJJ I() ftght in m,III~' {'If 1fi1L~ difh'f!.!i" 5i~l.I,lhuil~, Inln"\ ~fi;r ~1"~I~UOH\"m:l .,;,. ~"i'iI:"[To!" lit 1'"51 I to th~ InO,., 1111'01\;'1, .. ("1 ~~ SIL':;'-,

8t' lre.... II b..~'II'rr. ~ i!lu w1il! hiI\"t' 10 d Idll.· fIo·hid;. :o;I.'l'fWuio yllliJi wI\": ~toilAl!l I~ pl.~y Tl'w '1Idi~"C"'f \-1;'11t05!? nwb h.a .. IlhL· luw~I' moo 1"~lIil ~. roll~ 2[16 ,lnd IOTisull .. lhe Scl'11J.rlO l,,'lb'i!', bI:lnw.

t~ d rJa.~It~ d~J(II)oI,"" .!I iC~'n.jIn(l wh..-n ~hC"re ~~ Jilt .!I~I.l~~wr (l,r J(! ICIlY~r. then I~i~ I'Ii'iqi4;. L, ollm'1I.1 ~ lhc-., 1~("Pill1:t:: '~i:J~.

~f .... "'fI(' •• 1' ~:o!.'ijJ r 1l\',.lrri!J'T'" 11.!is. ~'li j',ilJ)1111K'C1 h .... an ~'Iwm~r In :tl;r. ~'Lill Rl.,~' ,ILl tom,itlol:<1illy pr.!~· Ul .. • (1rl" L OPT' ..rJ;: is MI~,jt{' S(\I,'U,)110 ,'wlin~! the rnob N)It'lmg thii:'n1. 1r ~'OO \, ~tt. Ii, 'h"'h' JUSI h.xJJ a \ ('hi ~r. (.(1' .I!'i cd. ~"c)1JI !:.IJ"} pl"~' !M \ " n,ll)t fit O"fJ,' (,/ Oll r f.ollijz f.; r\ l'IS.llt' .'~ ilL,,' ne» t h.lnie (i '.,. ttM.') biro .. fl .... r [hntl],

I r the 'filii ib~ bwi\'~' an l"!i~u.!J1 nwb f,LLinlij.. t·oII~h pl'.,:Jyer :iht>lIlf~ ... 11 i! I lri'r. The- b,~h~t !£"!I,dl\fll pll')'I'r COUI'1b. ,~ til.WIn ...... IIh!£' J;;:m·~ .... 1 :mn~ r.:r'linJ!; .,.1dI ropt.;. m. 1M "l'bk.

SC N AR~rO l' ABllE :m. !)tIEs-un

2·3 11"k~ rtl'.~-el w;th ~ highr .... mob i'.li:iill IWIr dloOOSC' 'II','~~It"tr K'Cfl;'LrII,Jo Is pr,,:!o'rOO. Tbe ~ 1llIC" i~ pIs.~ iTii a W'<) T1ic'u I 11' .,riJ fM1'1 ' tnt" d~, iu[I;Or du '51 ~ \\'C-Illlm\S m,l>' UI'!)' hi;' linod LIp b ~ 1lHJf'~ rm"Jl."'. Thcru IS; .!I -1 mOO I roo n!t,' t6'1. .. I:u u; , Ihgu~,~rs (!'<~ lhe !i~t Ihr-u " P"I' ~ ~J1J ill '+. 111 !o{'!(!lldiU 001 " 4,~ and

u~'quen~ rhi'Ii!ibi I!J'I1 .:t ~~.

,,~, mi'li.~' h'he l'ilr ~'!liJ'T .~ 171' r,ll~ !:<C~I'''rlo,

7. n imt' jJJrljlcr \vLfh t"~, 1~~"I.\,\"1'1 :mnb rlii!ting fl'1ill'; thlJC~' 1'II'i!T1icn ~'!?nill'i!i} u !pI ,>\~t

12 rl.~~· I "t [l,o{Jrr ~-.'tL.jrL-o,


In 1'Il.1Ji1~" "'rL"l"lari Po. l~ is Imj1Ql L n'~! 10"" whirl'! j .. ;''I.'~.n 'cLi,wL!' .ot 'Ilw i:;I~lc', Sr;~lnetil1iw~ ini. ... ~~ di£t,HC(iJ b.~ Ih£ "" ,"f},iOO .'bIitd rol'itlZlrn~llio.~ Ihr- .r!.I\TF. i~ J]Io\~'\t,"tI be! oCl~~' .lI'~),. Mhl~' ,oo~, Wh!:!f11 )'~1Il t'!rl!~"~ ~I'! ' dKl~". lhc r.,hlf<o' M,I!:[" ,·iI.J'I brr OUI' ,<"of the Il'i"LJ?; OO'l~"-"i. rulC' tlf H~ boort il .... !<i.r?5 ~r .:'·r£"r11 " tuil'ill,'r (in," hidno ("4"':- dt!.~ i'..1bl 'Il'dgw.- i'ir.~~W, !!,llfWiII)' ,1krn;ii. 1Iit! [-Drib ~it· iIInJ h.lLti,y;/l~' .lllon~ ill!? shrrrt .. ..:1 '(' lb.' d~m beb w .... 11101 \', Ihi ... more clearlv



8cfIDfJ: "'9"""r~· _g" nI ... • Ii ~~ 11i."l'\·!, ... ,IIY I!I~ pIitQ.. II!!!.· ~.f) !n.]t "na.kt'~ II p lh!.'. b.IWdirrltl, /'1. Lot 0-1' tll'~. df::'~'l'ii;.b 1Iolf'C'1'i 11. IYI Il'rl.:lll~ HIIIJI .I;.lI'I!~' 'WI Ilil !,J aJ\'P t~1'I! ·~!2C"'n[lor.l~~ ~'c!-1I <'I'I'L' pa,lI~ lliot. lE.l.rh ~jrr..~ IIo!Iii .1 ·0 .. ~ ..... ~I:'I."'~ "-aud"} gives an ld,.;.1 of the Lm"\iL the i~iU.le ~ ... ~~k,ng pl.?i~1.' hl~ U ,~. ~·Ih.ii~ ) ~1i!JI Viiill !,~ lI.t'i~ wt!'L.1Iril''r ~r{'j1J .:Ire 'U~ili~ th e (~J.ft 1~1'1i...lmpr..·,

Y.:"tUr tl"fr11 il~ ~l;1llld be pi ~,~,j so Ih,~t It IHll'nillS i11'1 lil~'h. ... JII.):il. ~ulL· 'II~~L~lt .lI11t"I"Io;ns t..."th mil!; ..... <1 I:citlloi~)' tfi..'l' h!in or h.lIbl.p"f111;t:1 ,"clll<"~· ffi;O\'ij;'mi!'1.'!. 1!)t1o ~_dl .In c:r.,~~'nt lk~t 'i.hil1~ !)'L'~ bo~~~'\1 dewn, C~ner.l!~~' .1. (OUFI'I,' or ffi.L~'(hu m ..... ~iOd d],liDt.~ . .1lIld i'I du"'l",'j (17 hl1l1 {Ii 1"!Il{.kt,. will pro .... i;! . .i..: {!no~J~'II1 ~1i;;1~ ... '1.'00 ~-;qlim.' somii' l~lI;lu~ht. S;!' ~"i! ril;1~ ~p...',j.y :'11.!i~ I..:"nolli:l lilt'Ll 1111 'th~""-t! c1f11."1.l~al'lQ.""; ~·ou ~\',,"111 ~LJS~ .,'I ~in)3.·h .. Cill~i(ot ,M rocb ~m~J '1iW li!I'~' !iliUM, ,If ma~·'_' 1m.! d ~l.a~. d~'f1 \o"iti1 ml1y ~~, nJiI ~~k 'L:Io:-..LLI!"I~ th~: ~!Jjlilin.".

"1 .... o.n il. ("{1m~"S 10 r1.-L~n:g ilok· ~~_ i ~u IbhJ<lI"1' at!' ,jl nu!!'l.~~'r L~· I~il'thf,lo,h '!tOU" ·mn IJ~ -i!nd ~!·s u iii' too YOU ,~~ ~r,J~J1.· ~\, I~h ~'~Tl,lr ~~ilII.'r~t \\:hKh ~)'~..:rn F1IL· pri:'6~r; I hI,! ~i!1~FI('"';1 .... ~ulion i ... kJo hal\~' ~'!J.tili pl,'~~j~ sit dm\"lll J.1'Ir;i pl,)L-L".1 OOLrptl!' of tl!'f,,)in f~)'\!Ire; ~I.o!'h m \ ... h.,~~ [~~_ ~n" i ... ;<'i11. iIl1i'~'~hns ~i11~.:JtL-QfL I'n fiii!II.\Y ~'nl:iljl1)~ ),'IJ~I "IN\~I"'Ii t .~_ nh:'I,,· P:1Q_1r loO .. ml: i ... "~~·JIlIli:rJ.~'in;g ~d" 5(Jo i f ~·ou pl.'~' ·tl'uoliL'L in .l i~i tion ym . .II !hl1'll.: iri. .l{I'f~·.~ n~l.!.s.!'o!JIl.!~ i! In.'Ir 4'1\1.'1 up l'll'ii~f!: mOil' hol p t'["i ·Ihl..' 8nem)'~ ·W!?·\'(' f,1lllHi .l!ib ~il'I'i!l;'l, .. l~}' ~ l~~" ~., ll"!'-'ip!,: to d(~ ,1Ilytni 1'18 mlil.1l1lmil!nl~,

)!;,ooth;zor ruvthod i .. rm cerh pl . .ayrL'J i~~ roll .j'i nc. Thl.!' h~h.;...! :"mnng Fi'to} cr p~t:, .... ~ ·11'.j~U" CIf h·H.Hn. IftoJ. .. , !h~' ether ,~I ,J.~ er .f!:~'I-, to p'b["L" .dlK!t"~,~ pj~ iLl't h~n.lID ,~i'I~i th~'li ~h~ loir..;t ~~lJ.1;""!N ".10,1;;.11 n and .. \~ on. A I' ,~iW rpt.1IFi1· (loI'!Ji' p].!\;:or o(",m ifi'l"H ~o;ir i~m ;'lUdi r!;ii!cc· lill ~.I'!l.' In whl .. h c .,~ their II)PptJru!llJt ·L',III p'.l' .... \~ 11(I1i!' mun:· pLeLi!." '1<11 1~'rr';lIll and ihL"I~ ~'rrui re if:ilill~l"d.

F'H oJ IIn!Li"r'll" r.:J~td",m ,)Vpruaor~ ·tl~· !"__·I~km !rt8 mCilhi."d_ 'I~,l("h P~~Y'l' r 1akc-<; 111~~ ;:'I~ .'ihLWfI!". II~ll\rC,'~~r, ,I fllL!iI' ~\J'!."h !!1"IY,liJ~ pi~'C", i'~ ,Fi'l.!l~~"'-d, mil ,) xo:'!th'r rdIC€' "1l~1 move lilrl!' f.·r~.J In p'i1lX\.' 2D6 iP1:'I~~ In tn.;.·(JiJll!("!loIJin indl¢",nro_ Ii, (Jill! \1 ·lll~t oil 1"1·,)11;.- r"ru·I(~m lhil ttktkM you L rnl~l~ ~"IoJ.'iI' Ifour· tm'l:" Scalbl!"r oriIi~' .!!Iin. ,~tb~r. t~· ~"(']lj!."r: piL.o.Ci!.." has l~",:11 Ifll')1,~ !'i ~ ,j'd~nJIi~I'lt.'" Vlo·hicn. ".a~' ~ -.a~' h ~JiJ"fOO~l-d ("IFI !hc bJiUldi~·I~l

l~ IOIpCiri'.1ld ILlun~ It~ n?i"'I~~'I11~'r ,1l"Out .:Ill. tm.:is. is tli..l~ L!Jrblmo:5...! .is <II ~l,.'iili"ili!· o~ IJo'n:>CL,Q!l-';' (hh ~illimi!i: e.:}(h 'NI~~'r w !~ dNth .. 1'(1~ .~·n ~'lIi~'l'\.i!i1l" in i·Lies€'riI: pl.'ii\nil'l)t~


iL"nl["".;Q; ,(;)'Ib~~,","·i~· "h'l~OO itll dltC" 5-('('n."'irlo d€"9rrll,t[on,. .i'in;i' \ .. ·.mior· wl,~-(Pib I-e-.w~",. !~ 'b.1U!diI!'·I'tH. ('i'the, '-('Ilml .. m~~· L~r I1iLh~!"'L"'~"'I.!". i~ ·wUll'l.!!di ,}<i 111 t'J6ualt)' ~ l·hL"lUlIlh thmtl£! L" !'i~

~ 1iWIi'~'W! ~~ i.!l1!O !l'ie nanow e&:nyOO. P.i~ ~ ~ Iik!$:i. g,1lngi!"iO N.a elj'1l!1I. w.a!I. :5~1 ~I'!:O ~ ~ rw;W.!> dosc!iIlO IB'M'!iII'I II'I"IIfher. IIII!!'~ I»lnrutj· ~ ·1biJ1 Otltf OII!II< ~ rCOIM ~ !11I~ i,U So Dme,

~ . - hili puled iIh!!! "d~' ~8VCi~ 300

!J!;tj; ~ Rt'~. re'a~ ~ ~,"" ~$ !M "";f!!d.!£iM tbo !:IuS! mildi:i ~1gb'I: .a'mo.~~ ~~. HQ.WiI$ 'dOi'Jiy awtJir,1li 1Iiia1. $I"fH~ bQrr"1!rai!I ~.~.1'I'1Ei1 i;'i'.lo ~ ~Bre ~~ ;;Wtor (Iiie I~ ~ ~ MI ~ .!fMdI apart Doth drlvom ~if~~~t~ iO ~ rheWvtNdes UI'll;lOf oonllOi~

~Jha ,. Wd 1I!f-M. ~~i"!g towardl iIfdm

8~ "n ."", . .rno;I""" -1e !'"'''' u_, ,..::....II ....... i.:o,

!Ii!. 1l~.II'I'I",.Q.~~1 ~!II.!'-~~"~"N'!II~

0011.00 (I'i8 W!'oe!';~ hMn~ li.ho l"lOCk,y pjrE<6, lliml ii!irTD!!rd ItI~ n~ Q'I ~tie:~W\ft, .

fiilmty, he gA'i/OlIl"l'll;!I!O'i!IW ~ ~_1"LlI; tfI!iI 8C1~'1A iilii!l ~(j! ~~ lDJ"K!{id~ 1M S'11!Q!!!nlii 1r.Ll!ddiH ~I in ~ ~ J .til ~ !l.nlm~

1I.l1M very ~·I r:r6U he I'Ia . (W'E'II. ViCI

,~ to :!iW1~' .s.1liBid~ioi: ,oot olll1!e ~~,

T~ .~. hCi reaJtso:!l '!hal ~. w-am"l !MrO\ ~~ his rki1!.Il'Iadl WD ~* 10 L"igp up BlIJdi r&i~ Ihnod IJIllli.edl ,ill~~, "!I'"J1Q ~.~ fi\':'UIiIly,I~IIhD~1)!'I ~!Oof. ~ otII,1I ~ oi'~'~;and

• :(;IM'lmEid ~ IhE! willI.

~ _ ~.~~$!lIlt'ih9 ~.coriJFTWI·!lI1 ~ ~ INMniN I~rtfloo wr!Xk&;ge i!!M decidQd ~1iIs~ ~~ DOl ~.eDI~ lID loD,p 11lIp· ~ iI'i \F~ ~rid:Y',

~"h,a.B!N !Iff .!I .re.ri('iLL~ ill;iu I). ~T r~tm,)n~'ni L"I .. mi.lgl.·~. ! r '1M""'1l1r W.lHlOJ"So (l't ;,Ii Int:ib Idl oJXI tn.... ioilile ,:m,· Ik"Wi. i'II l.jInd ili,y 1/~h.i~l~ 1'1'~'nl· art! ~n~l1i1!l)bil!"l"d ~T ~ .... r...'(~i).. tll0"f'I the mot~ b COOli~~i.1('rod t(1 h"!lve. ~'ohu'~.!Itl1)' ool:U,)r,:! Nll l!o!l""· l:>.:!fo'llio") ,;1m! ~ kn!_

Arw w"r["iwl' th.i'~ L1!i!I ... ~.... ,[Ill· !<'!bk (";u!,"~ i l1ioi. ~ !">!,:,ap (QtInlo:'l ,h:J\OOIITIII!j-(,.tl"lr S-;~'lJi!o· ~t <lIl'!d lil8W j ... ii~' ,r::b~ f'I~. (11" th~' :-;(r.!j;l' wini!) dlropp\'1:! (~·s.."""1J1'C:(lUmo"l'~. be-10W")


SuI11Il' or ~hl.!" fo,lL{lll·inF=: scenarios i nlrodLlC€: I'eiItUI"€"5 such ,~-.; nlJ1r1i~~s .H\·a;\· '·'i~IIUliln· WI"), $I:,.,p' eounters or filil.hl i.l'l;.i. around an, (!It 1:. JOt!. 16 ~.!I'!H:!' ~p;t~1!' .:!I~~d r..'pi.'~iti~1n, tn(";<.' u1.1k"':5 ,~In.:" F!;i'L'('n here, UnL~ otheri .... ise ~bll.(!d 'in iI~1!' ~1f'L'C"iI1i1!" """"'L"iI11U'-j[~ dlll=' il"l,11,,~ olI~' 'l;Ik~ e-xacU~' .1S ~h";:m. \,'ha,U!\,li!r seenario ~.ou at)£! pL,),} h~g_

As much as Orb ILl1'1i! .iI ,gCI!."Jd fi;ghi. ~hi."'rri." ll.::.u<.!My Col1lHL~ .' 'I·!'!II>I." whl.!"n OO'II.!" mob or the ~'-''T ilihi nil; irs liil1.lli' to qu iI, whi Ie 'ilil!'y"n!' ,i'l;~'ild ('lit ~~'ILI r.-.t'. Hw [IoJlPI.l'1i'iiQ11 O::.j'III ~~i~ mimi n~ a,.,,'a~'~). As a mob takl!'S mo~ l'.!I~u"l]t[1S,. i t i~ u~lm' Ijh'i;\·1~l ~!olIrt Ihinl.:ililig of ~~I~h ~\I'I:~t Wm~(I[t5 ,':;..' b.1.rl(!l of lu '~8,u~ l:'I!o:f!~ a ~"'~"Y ~.UI.S ki!lba_1b i!ltlJi.l i'1(L;1' ~i li~ ~1;1~ lilt 'b)' .j1 load of I30yz with boj~ shootss. To represern i],is,.. Ir"I .. I~w~t rtf HiI!' ~"iI~il.niLII\, dill!" m'llh~ 11;i!l ~A' n'l:l~uin"'lj :btl Mb;.(' .:i &1rtl~ tL~:.t.

'I F ~ moo L-O!;i!$ 2.5-'Io of H5 fi~.nbi!".r5.. the res! of the mob '''j,'~1'1 ~<:Irt !hi:nl...m:g 11'l>IJUt running <1'166. Cmlful: lip IIw ml'ITllbt,'r of ~1/"<1Triors and vehicles in the 11II01:lo_ Onoe ~lhl!" mob has JI,tt;! ;!~ I(,;"!~t ~I '1~loIIrtl"r 01 I~i'!' ml'm!:li:r, it w111 !l1:,'rt t~'I(.i'n~ !Boule !l~~ .!It the 5!.!I['t L"Jil 'Nd~ l"1il i.~ ~,! .. tib~ui!![d: hl.nill. l;,\r~ rri l1~ ~h.,"I' ni'!'L'~' ~'I1'n ~','~.('n .;:t~l~l/"n or ou~: count .1SIt.bou';) l'l,i(!~, i!ll1.d ~L)o dl:lo \"L·h'id(..~ ~ v l;idi Ilali.' been im rnobuised or wrecked, For i!'~~mpti!', If .l mob "m~i~tl,"lJ rtf Sl;'1; I,_"I 1 II-.'ni!l.l~ ~nd t~~·'l1 vehicles (nine 'V;,'ari'1lCrI5 in t,cotal).. I L ],o,'IUI hii.ioi!' h) ~tatd i~~:.1I1.;g B(L;I.I:I!£! 'I(!~t!'l, Ci'JlICC iI' AuS taken three casuel ties, ~o~e that ,OlJ m-ob' ~![~P !..!kir.t.g H'IlHIA~ If'st~ if snm,' I'll i~~ ,h11~·n~',t;1 'ITtI1,.,nl;M."r.:; lill:eir ~cm ~ to, Iili!":ih h""OU nds, takin:;:. dTtl!" number ,or ~olI~11 ~ hies o1Ib.;!,V'1.!" 25% LIo.J!;LIoin.

rL~ ~..!I!.:<' ,I Ei..;lttI4!' ~<'st, ~111!' ~iI1>I.1h"~ NoI)b p~~ oil ~~.;md;,rd u-adkrshi p l!i'5t, If the Nob is .dOI.,,'T! or out of. actien (OJ ~1~hl·r'lI1ii~" 110~ [pl'(u;.;;:'n~), ~l~1' on ~hI.!" warrior with tlil.'I:· h'.sh~~ L(!<cldli!l'~hi.1f U·hL) i.~ i'll a,-c.ii[)li_ i f ~h(! u'>:ld'l.!"r-;ni P' 'OC-S~ i~. piIJ9!lOO, the moo fi,!!;hts on ro?p:;ardllll!S5 Llf i.b; I[lO!, ........ ,~. H !~IoI" ! A,~"]~kil·};hil' 'I~,'~~ i ... foll~lo!.',~ th~' ml1i;J. h;!~ L-ost all hl!"ai"t fa-J !h.t!- fJ:;ht ilild 'uli'l~ :lJ~~a)l_ N~ooli!'::,$ 'i£o ~a)~ ,1 m>l.1h th.;tl 1xrIf!('S O;;Oll~ n.,:; L{15t, LIond thi5 mL!Jr hi.1ll·c CJ!thc.:r i!'rr~('ils hl<.';1 (w(h .!I~ .d I C'lf'p.ill1l£l $.Cr.ll ..... ~ II..'It!~Ll'lllo· } ..

Dnce i L !-I:.l rls. hiWi ns to tilik.!!" H01I'1..le tl!S'Ls.,. iii Inob-

molly ''1:11 ~111t1)lri~y ~.1W('· o;ro~ i'!~

th!:! ~~,!II ~ Llf .~"'r Llf Ji~ ~UI'I~!i-befOl'1!" .m<liki.n~ .:i !BoHle

t L .... I'. ~imp,iy ~"'); 'l'h1!lt

~'I"Ll' ro? 00' LI i n· .out

;:lind tn~ gam ... 'i~ (10'."1:'"1"

(you ('..'1'I100t l ... ·;:1Iii, bt:, ~(',_.. iT you p~;55 ~1I.'flln" Li4."t':idi I'i!i-).

SeR.A P coo NTERiS

M'u(.1'i QlI the lsnd .l1'OLlliot.l ('""'Hl.:olImlJ,k~, 'l~'CiaUly th ... S!.;.id, is liu;:on.'it! with ilh~ ~ .... ~cka,~1!" ct:f ilie' Oil.::.!:i,' c['a!'l~ ~~L'I? hIli k, Th_~ ~Ii"'h',; oI)f ClUk.~Tl1(lrt..1 ream the- sur.F.:iCE! S-ilil .... a@.ins these parrs to ;S(!H h) thO:.! ML·'kbl.lp:: ond ~'''m '~Ol'('· ~{'l.;j_ Sl::r.,p pl'l}'!o an importanl P.1Tt i f'I thi!' 1I ... es of ,lfti!' arks and Is I(!F'~~ti!'d Lil ~~i!II:l.y l'lolf tn.' -filJ!lIOI\-ilflo._g Kl:niu"tos !by Scm/I ('I:JrmJ"fl:

I;i?!~n. scenario dl"l:.,iD5 ttOI\; 'ilhl.!" 5crollp' couruers <LfII! placed on il,i!' batttl.eimi!'ld" ,MtlCl !i-'luLi:. i'll ilil!' J ir] or ~·.'IlriL";! 00 'ilh1C" vehicles oJ one or the mobs.

Any w.j'I!I"rior.; 1I11.l1'~' piid:. up Scrap' counters l~ril\P.: on I~ Srooflod Ib)' enrJLns, ~hei r 1~~01'!£!r."I'~I~~ 'Ili!'~i: bn diIC' .t(:ru1i11~'r. VI,farriors col'iHyilril.g scrap h..3h'e thcir :Mo,~ ~I .may shoot '!lIfiA!l It:i:tJIC.'k in h,nIJlJ-~il)-h;;!md (\J;lml;o.;,l' n'.l'mn,'ll!y. '!"'!,I';:Iorri'llr,; 'ilhat i:}rE' down or 001 of action drop .U'I)' ser.!lp' lh~ .):f(!' (·oiITry!ln~ r~lo!IT th~' ~1i1·[('1 next too iltil'1i1l, J::iJ"4:h member o.f UlIi!' m(lo.b UUly ctJ~ly CMIi")" (:11'L~ Scr..!!~ ~[)mul~!l.

VE"'hid~ dri v o?l:S mill\1 pick WiP' scrsp if Ihci~ ~'ehid1!' spends a ~ ... ·I;(:;lf' m~IIi1~li1t ph..'~ i n ro!1~1)'t:t with ~~" counter ~'lhi!' dldV!!i' I!!'aF''!! Clo'H hls \~i!'!, di~ up ~ht! ~>!Ip anrl dTil'1Tl j!.lIl11.~ bnck on ,'g.l.ilil), A S<"ro1ip COOIiiOOf may also be moodcd Oll!O at wllklli! b)" Inn ... m~1i£ HIP 'II'iilrrillr i:'.i!rIi";\·i'11!:l i'i' into contact ' .... itn the vehide wf<o!'e it uses its ~hfu~!lm, !l ... ,viilii_g I·n c w~rli01 free to rnnvc <1~ normnl SIX"l"d .1g.~1in!!lF' L'1."Iour."li1£!1i'!S; CNlI vdridL"" r"[)ml.l· 1l.~ ~llhlbiil1~ olIr.l4l .'IiI~)· I~i'i' 10 that ~!Xa!iot.1 m!!'<lD!! at 5cJJip' counter fiLH~ rnf the '!I"!I.,hio::i;;-. in ;)I;Iotliti l1n ~l1 any o1l-il.!"r do:'lllhl~o<' Ik ~h(1~ 'm.'~' do, [f th.o::! ~'ehJcli!' has Ill) subb"l~, 'illi!' !iCrdf' ab<,('l[b., thl!' b'low· (o21nd iOiII~ 0:1'1') .1(1,'(j ithe dam,,!!;€" is. not poa5500 on to iI~1!' [t<.!:;,:t IUoi·.iliiLlu.

A 'I,,' c.:iHyi ng.1 Scrap ":i:IIUIlL,l!"r ~,'hi!'i'l ~b; «100 bt"t'l!IL~ (IoU~ 1111 ust pass " i..t'illdcrship tt'""=;t or d rop lhi!- mLlnl:!!r. Roll '-! 06 l(L;r (.·,"!L~h Sr.r'lr~ ['"[mr.d~'r l[1o~,h·d ~ml() i!l ~ft,i"k' wn('n IN- mob bQ1~]~ Gut On a ron of a ~ J! fills I)ff oJu !"Ins ,lifI"ir h"'~ly (.1nti ~IT1PJ!' 11:'~If'4::>1!~ ,'Tio;! i~ lorft lx+ti no,

r'~1.·h 51·rai' ['"[mm:I~!r adJ~ 11l'6 'I~."t?f ~~Io 'Ih~· m~tb:~ in«m;,1.!" 'f\ lhut ruH~, before '1.,,'ort..i1lJ1j ou.

L·~ IlI"n~' ..... mri' "'~ ]lUol)fi'l'.

I - ... ~')lo~' too 'Shl'i'I; ,"if ~II<."""- rid, lIiI.:O ' k~ and J~I:IIM ((1011'S ~11J~ oJ '~p..anr ~~iI'Jip' to iI;"I'~'L"r their m n.' ,)nd J;."!.'II{'r."II_~ ,1i!'L e\' 'rybl ... !), lit '1il~1." ojIlI'1l"a !o..ftO\\' th .. ~ ~.Ioi'Y·~ ",vll- ,lid .rna It,J\"I,''1ato; ,.J( teer. ~ lion. ~1"I1dJl:r.']o h,.1f 1 .. 111 OC' th ' locolLlvn for ;~ t-.."Jul '.

(""JiI' foWl" an.' JJi..x'!('" (Io~ "ofl'.'IP Ifid.11 h unci III Ihc l'ft~r1 <1M "'[1.' bu il! in ~ ~Ymli< JJ]~' (.lri...~· r,l-.hi.on \ ... i.h I,· ... C~~ jf'iiIILllj~ ... ~l.f 'oolt~, 'iftJ~<'~ and .iUrnm:n 1'1 <1'[('<; ""1.m_", unt'!i:Js.

:<L·P.iJ1 ~!II.rlo..f!J L' (Iof -","11".,1" in ~ll II f.JJl1~ fA" fl'nlh'(~ i! 'rum C1t~('( lJ1I1b-S. un ti I '1Iw\' can "W fl·1\ Lran"'p,prt '11 '00 ~b4.11m 11 l-nh 1l1l1...!!L·!;: Ihi .. j .. igWCI:"'ir ~ iI'II'oaOIlJlliw'.l. I'n""m~ m~ ,!UtI."b. fDrt~.

~. simrl~ 'II~ L'.i~">oNiI';' t~ (.i!.rl....!mi'ltb,,", C.lJlliolliL jJ'I?M I f.' '11c' ~I'i..:' ho.~"f .lJ1:" ll~ 1\!1rb so _'111_\' 1111'~1;r, !h.n .1W.'111 pI ~o ~'_L~' " f.rtrL mL~ .. t ",2\, ... on f",';im~ f~III~''''''l .., p.iI'" the ~I olrJ ,aMi'1 .1itll.:u ~n~ ~- olft~·o!itd('rs INfti Ilk' 1n. ... hiI(' 1I~' '~~~~(:h' ........ ~m ,gil In ~'l1Itr.\ to th~' rlJl~ h,.. ... i ihor !Jl"'ln~ "'11: 11ht.· ~~L~ ~~ iby "af..11ni " .1 c ~\:.jIIl~


If .. "IN: '1IIiI\l;i mlilXlJ pi;:: tlow h.d ~J.'I 1 [11/..'1 o,;lwlny \~'olJm{'!""a .J1"e I~d\·. dllC" p].!I~' 'F m.,~ ,dccL IltJI "p!I'rL ~'r close I hm' ~':l1!!.: at I~ slaflt 'tI11~ hi m, ~~ th.-m: j", Ilubod~' loord,' Ihe ~0'1i.. 0(' tlh('~ .1n· '","'3ff.Or., trom b1.1<1h f'I~~~ in-hle, U~l' !l:._t~· '''·lll. l'I;'rI1lIlii - .. il ~s, '~'.Idilt ilf'iCO m t 11~:.d.

"Jlkl.~, '(' i ... \11 d I al1nD1in.-d "liIl flIDi ,ji~ l~l~~ as Ih!.' ~ 0(d1(' ~on_ n 1M.:!)" 1),. ... hot oJ t ' In \'to'" i..:h (~ i~ munt-. :J.:S, " l1l rt:~' 1l<I1"p;'c1), .:I.~~.ilL~clI in h, tul -bl" (LIfiIIIJ.'!.~ (i"~t ~i.k'" a 'iL~cloZ' \\ IIh no. ('I"('ftli.') t r.J:ffirn N! U lowl'iJ [tin.> ~' h rar.nm\'tU II, eou nt.; ; i'; .1 oormi!ll ht.'.!ILI.-oI)r.i .;roll'5h, 1)1)1 th'l' g.lI'I.' .ll...o La Jt"" U;:;I J.ln~ Cbi ....'!. ,inn ict J 1'!41Ilnt IlIf 1~.J!~J,,,,"lC" T~ :g.d.:- has <In "lm'luu r \"aI U(,' I!r Y. ,RI'I II L)j:, 00 Ik tIJI14l\\ ill'lF!; t.,bl(' h,r 1'.,]...-1"1 .hit 'llul: p!.·I~i!fIrabi;

ill • 8fi.~' holi;!~, A rr.!llTlming 'Io."i.'Mrie 1t.)1.cs. d.'l m .jI~' 4", m:rOOl1ll<1l iI\iI r ~ t:r iliS.h.

a The hi~ ""''I.!oll!l~~ 11l1i<' gI'Ih~, FuLu're roll~ en lhl", ,rlr,a rl .Jldd '" I, A l'"oiImmilnn v~id.· Mki!;5. dlll'!'.~ lk~ OOf.ID,l! rOO" ., L·r.JSh.

~ 11w hit ~ • a hol in I"'" J;.olte 'btU

!il!rtI~ fool ~1'!I)II)Ip:;. ID:UliY mlJlil~ lhrough it, J\ lI""mfil'''I ,m:cil 'll:<!.b: .... d.ama:ll,~ ojI5o l'III~rmai _ 01 q;

.5 TI fort - • i mmph.'~ .Jy ~ ~OOI btmJ

~.IT:' ~ ~,~ Nlmdll ~.,.A

'fi!i Ii'I1 ml DiG ¥'l: l<e t.a.'ke!i. cl oIlmillW' .11:.0;. Ilt'Ifrnilti r ~ Q ;;J,.. AI\)" ~ ~d1it:k> mh.1.: rom ~ h'!1!i ~ f.Ciift lo!ilo:es; i daJ1iL."'~ - II) th.l! wI ~i'b' Ii! ljJ!C;,'j,lIoo <B II' nuNr.

00," H !:he 10 ' ~-lfOOC ltI;OO'P'" 1'f'Ul.!"

1l\!;I\,~ OVIL' the w~'n\' i'inm'l it;.",

The . rrti ~i!' 1'5. (l)mplt1rl]ol de"ioliftl]l7Cd b ' ~lw lMi~' .. i\ ramm 11 'vell'YcaE' I J,; d3li"li~Ei

. _ OOIrn 'I rw- Iii a;ash ~ dk' g 11i!' M~" ep;;::n.

Ar.'I,y H"II.1~ 'I,'I,'.)fn()J' djmb I,lf! VI down I'Iw fnrt \\'.a1l .. .as Ihr.- hurl..I~..:I 1'1.11 ,... .and I.use ri\1I;"'M p" .. 1Li4.'" p1 n~r 0 n,1!!.llhL.!d..,. r~ 't.1!.:"~ ·IB .of 'm'll~·i."mL·ljt to el illi1'b 1hL' ~" ,111, ,I ~ir' II'LlmN fi1:Jo~' LiNIlr;t;_(' or flm ~~J'lIoi! dimt'i'OJ!; th\, ,,,,'oill~ U • \\';u;rtl,lf dbl~ 'in!. rollfib_", im ~y«~" ol wmh.lot mod Ifll/!~ ~L1re of ·1, .tt. s ili!,)d of tN.· u .. ual • I for cn.rrglli",

U'f ,] h.,hl.::! \\;lh· Bu,udm1; n., ~ 8L1lJt.i "" n~ Ih i'I:'i:'~'lrll.!"5 m~I~'L'll~I!\I~~ phil~' i1till Iir'lV\'i n;:::. ,~Fid i~ wLLh.:m. 2' ~-,f tn"· "".:Ill • .In)' ,"'''iinit~ Nii ~rd !DlIo~' d,a:f.N._" lif d~· pcli1lnL. ,Hid ~11llCt"' Ith-· tllp. \\"o'Imor .. "tl.)'tl n;.i in 1 ,,, 1Iio ,i\ ~ufti;!r no r-;fl~lt)' ood F;illn ~~,~ ","ual .. 1 mud, rl..:'r for chou til'S .!lIP (1(IoSt- nNnOOI

Oi'k~ han" ,j fllIh.l~.ll hl~llllrch~' 'Ihe b~l5yr nnd '<1'jld~lr an Or .. i;;" the 1'~I're impt'rr"l1~ ~~':-' !IJ~' Hi'iIITt'YCt

~ lIlIXiW"1ii":!loi1!r J\{';...,a ''' dilr:it.~ .. 11fi't'IJ crill ~his 11, .. tter ,~rlLt ~'fld sorms 0'[ !h1!lr f:ifl'!:.;;t to LJ 10M. on ,d 11 i,'~!JIcr5, 1 h,'%' <1111.:'

'\ m bmt.ll ,)ill.:[lJ"'-,. "'i~ti'i. 00, I~fl:) ~"i'"1'11 (1, ~1;rocbcd,


Th~ \'i,';inri I'r-. l'ie.OO Il~i .. of I01.llm to nw~'1." I f'i ~lAi~ ~nCiriCl', ~ 'Ih;· tl.!'lTd!in ~~11I1uh:i N P~'U}' ~p.l~-


AI'i'" m.llm~ir ~Ir m!Jb-o mav wL.- r<'J~, in tb i-.;,

. -


iE:.~~h 1~~l.Ih i'~ ,~II')I\ {'tt 'i~1 ,)1 '~I"'ili!i!' butit~Y, If!1 kk or L~oIlo, \".itn Ib ~I ri ... ~'r, If,I, ,lI[ldiHDfI, Ill'!!.." \',dj,k" JTl~\ ,~"",'f' l1<u.r ..! f~1Xi "'L-.:Ipc!III .. nd

Ii-- Jl,LllIlIf'I""r~ ~'r .'" (]I W,I fFi ors. r.:o 1~1'hC'r ~'djir~['-1. or W..Irri41r<o rn,W ~!t' ~"F-;xoI1

EM1, 11L~""« .,JI!IJuM fli:'1U .i ,ifJit!., S.~I [lUg wllh ~~I!t" hi~-"'it ~il'lfl)1. pl,' .1'4" r, e'JIcn. l'l~rC':r p'1.,jn·~ rhC'i r \,~Jhkk \, ... thin '12" ~!f ony ~i!iiJh· 'I'd~ M~~I ,!t k.l:;,i ~,t, frosn I;'llL"I1l!Y 11~1~!;!$;"


['N't A' 'S'H QUlIN! ROl'L tHE REVV., ,'"

~", plili~''''1 f!,l!!-.o oil ~, ,.,.11 I .. ,<dll .. !~I!t' In!.l~N-I' !if (]I,},. .. 10 ~ht'IJ' ffi(lb ~," !hI!' !..!b!l· (GfrliI~ ,Ii'!.;' too ~iH:~k.yn b i '"l,,{, \~il0 nrake- the 'I O'UIfL .... 'I' noise, ! nil' pJ.iwr \\'i th iii"' ~"''''.l!' O;;;:~ ~'Ii. ... ll ... ~· h!""~ 1.1Jl'n" ~il' ~mJ 1rU~1il"'1 :t!,,~, ~d, .tllld ~n 1~1lI (oo-roH ,~llIr ~L'C'".~,


A~ !tM.'Ili) oII'lIl" u tuall,\' Uil'lT lh.!lll til-\(! mol~ rI!~h~,jR$ if] Ib IItLimb10, ,he- r~III(I(L~iF.\;'!: !'1lk i::;. 1.1",,"11 '1:111 -d..:tL"!"II1l i~ W~11I1 fJ.Sh~'" ill "~'~l~1'i b't..!m,i' t(Io~ ... d WQ'lbdl :P~~' 1RaU-1il~'i' ift.m .:III I1i1il.">!!cl~ II'! iI~ lC'!nlllllru~ fi;l~tI!1I~ ijn 1["1/ t'~' haTiL1 <II~' haml rh~rSC', 4111,i, W<lml~r.\- -f-rQm ~ho;:o In.;.:iQ ~~'h(If>I!' ~ll.Ir!'! ~t j.,:. ",I llS,Mi n~l. ;l~irl.'!ii' ,j "".:!I~m~f tWI1ii. llh.:it moo.. fl,ghll' in Ifw hl'oo-~I",h,'lolld ph,I",,"- I ~1'KI"!LI'ot.<md ~l~ 1Ih.l! 001\1 !m';:Jol\'1l' Ii'!,;n;or; Ifi"lCii 'l,~lw.t !llCl~~ ,U\' not n":'",01,1!;'~ _I'Oilil !l'i!' ~1:."li~l"tD-haml rh.<i5e of d'DS!? pl..l~,tlr<' tu rll.~,


N~\' (:';111 t.nJ.ltlli! m,1t i fill ru ml:J~1i' - thi!'f",'~.l."if too much rt~1!!."'; <It ~~,.... tor !o('(o,luL!lI 1~.sM .... - 01\ mob t~ n ill!l 0Il~":- ,lU '1."T1t"my ~1o'<!irril;1p; .1i'l!' CIi!ht,'1 clLlmi [If' OM! of ..!["hcm'!


.. '


!'hi!' r.noh~ m.l~ c()IIL~I: iflOOlnL' ~~ normal.


W.:!l~du:r~ tn..'l! !~~k, ~i't i I' tn~ fight oI,'Cim [~'f1'li'riC'ncl£' ~nl!o,~, ('{~UO'h'Sc

+'[l6 ,Su:r:v~'V('8

;'-\~_I( \'i,'~rn~)i 'Who !<!.1' v I ... f,,> tl;;: ootth" ~'\M~lo;. ~ 1' .... ~"l<;l'K'I· points.

-s 'WOu"lidm De:; au

1\ '!"iiamo(i~ ";1I,m,s,.!in !."~!Ir.!i.5 E:'Ij~~'flN J1!i.lil1l~ oor .... ..lJih h~1I1ItJ 11r~i m~ i"ul n ~ inllll,\s, &u nf1~ !~, b.:i'I~~~, ~t\'hu[lilhftfi dol)\i-ne.d l ... ',~rri:DB 11[H.."IO not eount, Not.! tlmt you ~Hnly ..r1,il1· 5 J"!.'i I~!!> tor \'i,'ltYr:'I~Jing .ll~ CI~my. rl,,"l}).rtLl(~ of. ih.. .. l"lumhrr (I{ 1,/;,i[l1IJ ~k iKhi.l'_lIy inili..:;t't-d by ~ hll' •

+S 1''c,Ii.~I:Fal~ DE; Hii'

1-\ Warui!<if l';II!TI5, <In .... "i,~Ir..! .J. ["Ijp..:-!iL-nliX ~!LL .. h)r ..:~d"w 1'1.11 !h.l~, ~""I;.:!,ll1;"" ~l \ ~'I'I~rI~"'"" ,['Iflilwr; n,·tiViro]~ .... rl'l the I\&;;UI L l'l(f dirl,' d<irn.l~l.qi,

+,'11 ~ti I!l" Dill . (!Igdl~l,

r ~r" ~~',a:11I L(!Ir in ~hr. ~I.m~~~'l ni~l' <'3 m~ ,~Ii\ (~~ i rO! 1 ~llI1It IJ"! i!'lo;~rkf'ie€',

.. 11111 '~liiInrun,g,

Ihe Nob o~ ~~~ \I:j nn ill(!!: mob 'I.""rno;. LO r'l~int~,

M,.""" I ill.:.' ill ~i"('t~ 1hro\JI~ ilie oi!I~r1lbnki'm& I\I:lIr scrap l'lll .... ~1I1(T1 th .. ' ~~~1..3. OJ b 'i'l.i\-\·J~~ 100,", Upon anr ai1.;a J!f dilL' d ........ ~ tlw_~.· ~n;:' ruFm.f'ld~,' 11\ .l>;. d!~I-ir mOO-So Ili'niWJ)'_ '~rhi?.1'1 h,·,) 1m.""" ......... {,Mh otber I~ e.:rdfi ., ....... li.fmc- tba~ 1ht~ other lIn .. ' i.:;. In" ddLli:ti. ill<Ioir patch arid <iUaclL

''hi~ scenario U50IS 'Ili!!' IiHttl in' Out and 5or.f'.!Ip' G:nmilL..-; pt"'Cl.!ll 5 LlI.,~.


"llli' mrrl;K meet in a ~tallJ;!ird ,~n:'''' of ilJhc- desert, IkIth pb)·I?r.i. :>r?1: ~ml' krr~i n in iI mutuiill)1 .I'ISrt"ol'\3bl': manne-r.

AftC-T th~ roualll hd~ h."I."J~ 'If.''t up iIInd b€!kwl!' 1l,1!' 111L~ "n' .dt'p.h.~y.·\ll. ~hc- p'la~\i!'rs. jake !ur:m Iv p1LLU' Dlt:) 5r:fa.p(('IUI'Il,i!'.IS (II' tllt.!I. TID' C'ilch) iJn~·\~·hel.'!i! ~""11 tho' b!.,.,Td.


RoJ! .!I J)h._ I h.~. [1'lil}'C"r ~\ i~tr .1Tti!' hISlK.~1 ''«."1.111:'' mill)' choose 11 t~'bl(' ('(~I!:!? 10 dCf'kr)l Ilwir 'moo on and dep!-o)'~ Hrst, ~ C1f'p.:~ .. i!'\g moo dc-p~C!ys Oill lhe '·'I'FI(J·~il{' I",bok €\dse-

[k~h p"].J~'r;'r... m.,y deploy thei r moo ~ v i!ilillil ;If' of thei r 1;/1bl.: .. age

S AltT]' i'

U{lth. pl,')'!?5 fflll ~I [)f.,. '! ~"4." r~ilrc-r ' .... .-j!h !hc h~.sf.l~·!,;~ ~l~ (!:d:;~ 1111" tlr;t turn.


!" ,-.-h N{~b Ibl~l~ I'~·~LI~.J dllJll~j·J1g .... {1I1a! in tlus ~~["r.ilri4l. 1\1 Jill ~ pull" 4Juri ng tl1(" 't>,Ittle 0J'Ii!' N.ob m~~_\" ~h4.1~1 t i:IIbu'S(!' al another .lnJi ;;:h3L1~fLg-l.· him .0 a figllt

A "111;10 m,ll,' ~"h~ i(~ .L\L·n·p~ 41r ·dil,("]~1.l1i' a cruUI!\I"'I8):'. I f h.· d.:·dl.llt~~ fl~lthirL;g R.1Ppe-ru ~oou;gl; th, i r Rprat.atio.rr k!:. reduced. :1 r lh",~' .JL.L~E~t ho.h'1)Oz· if.r1,ly ~h4.lIJt at <I!.;d~ L~11 ....... r {lr rth~ vehicles 11J,r~'}" '.'In.' I n. until thl?\' .1"IIl:e!£!t ]II ck~ '(Oilfl~l1~ I ~l"Y m"~' mO\~ aod flstl~ in rll~ C{l'ffibat II ilh l:1~hcl models .us, I'LI'.nr.1.JI. Whll'll th""y Il.lli'!L.>tl Jil ,1!!.rJt,C' oom~~' th,.· (·h.!illt·l!.g<C" 'I.'TId3.


, .. ~.Jf1!!" li'nd~ \1,'1w1'r I!):I~ m~lb f;}i 15> i13. I[!:ottl~ !~t Ii)]" "m~"", !!iIi ~)Ul,,· ml r. II1l this Slf-:!l1.'ai"r..o, ~lbOI..Ilr.4_..., ·tha~ '[IIDI!re 4111 ~1iJ' t.,bfc- d10 rUM ~"l[Julli .r:. ri.'l'iUi]IU .. zs, If .(ine mwb m"IIl~y 1'I.l."f< m".,J~·L" ,h.,.t i1Ik' e,/lsooUj~ f n uti dlA.· 't,'bk~ thE' F!l,ume un flllI.'tiilltcly ~ hhlh. .d'4.'!o. ... !'lot ·Hl(· oolUnt iIl"llIt~. I'~

IIlin~ ~fl[" bQ'~tl('5 ('Iu'1,. IIitrr LJdbl.~ 1h0l'. "'Of\, oth I"'l'o ~ 1IJlic' "iinn.rr. is lhe ni~ \b ~'IMh 'k ~l 5cr'!f' t"'l.In;~ 011 !hei'rlold ~~f ~lhr::" 'rum!!"_ ~f 'I:>osh atm,'I"" h"" ... k same nUmh" 'l1( Scrap tlfJilllfllJ."l"O the Ib.a'HI~ is af.l.WII .mel ~1 'ob g,airu. 'hi! ,..:dril expenMiJI!' lm' I~"illninb'


Ir one- moo 1x"Ji"L~ 4)1,11, ~f-H:<y mu 'I. LN for dn'N,ing Ik ... nO'J11!l .. tI. The- other :'ldL~ .~1,I1Q'mii Lie,,11 r ;Cl!> JJ"I)<' ~;"Ip I(!ll fIoJl t'hf' t<"Ii.'blc· IJ'1 dropped. ~f ihL' &'~n(' ends \. .... ith L'FI ... side ~~.a,rjn,g lh~ ba~tl["tidr:t .hey kEq) any ~'r ... ~,. th,cy <1["(' cil"l'Tying ,'00 ~Ilc other mob p·i ... ollnr KTil(J' tdl LIn th[" [.able. Af~~r dr.r· g., I!l1 ![' •• m~· Scrap' OOiJ lih~r.,. hr:ld by ('.am mob rnsy be lrllldM in ~ur 1)6 ted each, v,,'1 mil i~ ;rdi;l('1.; ~o !~ IilLrI!is income for ,hi!" gam!!'.

'Vr.'ollt~i(m •. d\iI t took piLrl ILl 1]'L~ figh~ 1,.",'ITl E).(X'~it·IKI!' points <I.S fCtlI(]w~.

+D6 Su['Vh'e"s

Any warrior ,,,'00 SU'\'I\'L~'; 1~1 • oo~~k earns Db E:O:pr!ti!L.'ul,'II." 1;>1.11 n~~.

,*-5 WDumdilf'ig Hit

A warrior e.!Il'l'Is ;1 n ~'1I; 5 :Exp<!rill'!il.«!' P'I,i I't~ f-nr l'lil.;:h ~"'lIl,l,nding rull. he inflicts. tlurilng ~hr: b.:,Uk. ~blJnJi!J,~ downed ""';lIr:rir:llr~ d.1X'S not count. !\'u!L1 jhl t }'ll)ll (JIlly o.;.c~ 5 poi<nts fot 'Lo,·m.mdilTIg <'lUll l'ncm)·. reg..liiILIILt'.. .... u! tht! IlLI rnber IJ wounds aCluiilIJ), i I1l11i r;:~r."(! by ~hII'! h~l.

+5, .P,el1l<eln'tin,g HB

A 1 .. ·.an!A)[' ~:nll'. om ~"!!;IJili 5 E:;,peri.~"'Ir:!!' j!l1lun' .... tell (,LKh hi t .h;rt pc'nl~tri!l!e-s a ,·(!blid~·~ OIInruJll r. [\;'l!:ardk~ ~A il"H!' rll?SUlt (!If dM!' ~1.'·IiI:.i!gc.

·D6 D'8di I1Ji['l:g O'! ChilU!i!ng.e·

If <1Ile-ad~,r dlf!l:li I'~ 01 rn.,llknl'; .... duri.ns thli:! g.lln4,· th", li'lrm~'r of. Ex(tIErill!no! pmnb. Ill: 1lo1TM fmm th.e b.:i11l1!' i, rrou~"I£!d] by nill.. C)nly the E:o.per1.t!'1.W pili n~l' g')inr.."11 from IJhi..s seenarto ...... :111 bIc n...'(l1.J~-d ~f the '~Jidl!'f c.Jnll."S onl)' :2 [x~rrio:"n('(' points (rOrlfi th_~ :(§.~mll', f.tJr ~'~;umpU:!. hi>5 b.peri.eiKe ~iJlb. (";"111 (l'ni~' !be- ~,juo..<d 'b~' 2_

+1 Can:yi:ng: :5 rr r.Jl PI

;, W<i!nio:r e-arms an ~tr.JI I '''f'l'fii!1We poiJ'it r~l~

(3tm~ mg .:II Sri;r>1lpJ ';;:lIIUn.ter a! uh!t! k'lfid 4,r ih~' &-'IiI'1 .... ~r,dp !Il1t'!rledl oorr;o 'i!1!I'hL'Cb cl!1I;"'!;n't '~'ldm a.nJ'onlL' !tlO+"",rillll"la'

-If i1li) Winoi D,g

Ttlii!' ["iab~' Ik 'h:innim ~ moL !t'.J m~ ill (piIi1J'


Lookillf; fL).r ~'r"'i' i~ .' n5k~' buslness a.~ ri ... al rnClbs ro.iIffi Iihr r;lt""{'rt "l-.ritn ~~~"lIJ'1!' Pl,l-rposc-, Man) mobs ~]~, 5IC1KI .ii !fi!'\'i.' B(~r~ to kl("<lle some, who send '!!I.'on:! ![~ !hl.!' ~ of U'I? 1'l1[11, when the~., find ~flml1<'. ~1opduny. the ~~m IlIf da moo h ill OOli1L~ til' hl.!'llP ~~ 80~.,,,,: <1111:'.1 pi!!;"k tll!!" '5cr.ap WI) h'i.,llIf'l." i1 ri val f'110b Jlm}Li" iI;,c."QI,

SPiECJ A l RlllJ'itES

This scenario U~'~ ~~w Uo,Hlin· Oui "'min:! $I;-r.,p Counters ~pt.."";ill ruL1?S..

The bo..:!!I\ll i ... moil.;)!!.!' -of sl.<mdMd Lk'M'rl' terrain e)LC'l!'pf '1]',lt d" .... defcnd'er pl.jL:-t'~ I )J-J Scrap ,(oorl'l:r:r,.. ,fI~wh€'1'!? 1N1ithin ~ .. of the ami II? L"t.f dl(" oo~m


lhe- att.!bCkl!'r ~''htl{'''''''''' a tabLe- edge 10 dl'VI(1~1 ~hcir rnob OJi ~Jt oClCSnl place .!Im~r '~'l/OIrrio~ th ... re ~ e:t_

TI1M' ,!~·IiI.'lld('r fl11Jsl th81'l L·h~"ij.'I'lI!' OI:lC of 'hcil' ,"!,h icles plu~ D~-:;; w., rriors and depl"r d~'i11 witrun 6" of' Hw OCI:1'11"! 01 ~tle bt ... an:l. The- K'ID..ain-do£!r.of tile [IL·IiI.'(Iding moo i'n.l,!I~t he ~plil LIp into 8.mllp~. L:.,.dj1 [1;rou.p' oon:<j,_I~h'l.lf lIl1I!:!" ~hlcl[! and j)'~ many ~\ .HtiN~ .3:;, ftlU l";am.t (.or .e<lili i'm), ridi 1'1~ on niL' n."hi de If th~~~ 81~ ,1Il~' warriors thaI (";;mno~ fit into- an:!-, '1I!hi~'I,' rhen ~, do oot I:.<IL' !JIiIwt in ~!lJ:' 1!,,;'IH1L". TIi\c dti'fcndiins mL)h'lI groups move onto tn,' board .:IS 1~lrl f'l.m::tI.'m('nt~ ~5 dt?S(dbctl larcr on,

After the- -d~{iO'l~dL'r ]u<; ti lli5~,j] seLLIi'lS !lp •• k o:1UJicl!r;.e.r !'!lolly ~1'I!ploj' all of lus l¥Iolf~ vehicles ~O'uchi ng hi:,; chosen f.ilblt, L"'llEL." i\ 11 auac!tin8 warnors must be- mmJJI)~ed I'm" whirele. Allir Ltf 'l'hl."' nttacki nli:. mob's \~·;~rril.l~ \<rhi-ch are !11.~ mounted onone of dl!l.· vehicles ma~' nat ~.:s~.' iP~II'1I' in 'Iii£' b;~ it k'.


1\ vehicle's .f!;a!l '1~;i'lgiril;':S tilh!- it ""'h.!tt.o 11m bu i~;;:I] up' Plessul'!!! ail~~ W o1II'C not \'el1 $'I"il1I;1 NJr ifmergency ~~.'lTt::;, . For this reason, III! thli" nut of the 8."'~IW ~h~ ddendl~ "dLidii' 00 the' table roar 1m')' uS(' its ~bl'u.~l~'T','. ;\1 the s!arl of l'IiL' l'll~md ,m-d subseque-n tu m5 roll .1 Db .:In,1 ad d the tum nllt"li~F . .r\ t~a~ crJ 'l o.t I"Lln· ITll"'rlS ~hal the ~s '.'ngim-s .'1'C' on-Ii ne aJi[.m rnn be used as I'ltmlTlOlI rrorn then OJ11. r\ ~:'ilrt' ~f ,6 (1-1 Jess roB;~n~' thrlls'I!t:!1"!. i"l:'ldly -..lill be ur5C'd.


The ddeJ~(I~, ~1 fi rs.l,a;; U~l!r ~Pllt ~ht.!- ,1U<'ICIk.iIl1$ \ .. ""htt:I'I,~ 'crcs~ing lhe- t)t~.irr'I,''Jt I:IJo~


At t.M ~tar+ I)t e .. ,m defendL,)~ :p1~Y'I""""'s. ~)Um allr?r Ili!!' fi r.I! mrn, roll fOl relll~II~""f1i1('nts as follL1""'~,

~(I!lm a D6 f.o~ L~rl~ (~d,(,l:1din~ gt,uu.!l' I,ff ~ht_· l.jlb'le, 01) .il ml.l 4;- the Iil.fOl!1p' I!"JltL~r.I the table IJOlin a r,m1;;iom board edS~ '~'I;' ~h(' dia,~ra_m bekm"l. {)'l_ ~ roll of L-J thl:! group does nCt~ t.'1T1h·r rhc t<ll;).l;:, Ihal h,IIi'I~.




ENDI .~'

Tn.e game e-m;l~ I\·t~[\ one mob (.;Ii I~ i'l~ I:Io!,Hlc i~t or !!:"]1IIL1~~ to boule nut. In t'hi~ ~fulll.1). models l"'~i("h move olJ thl,· t,1 111<, do ilO! count <IS casu ill I ries. If (I(Ill!' mub ,t'ln~jlllll!"o. wdl~r.lru5 ill!"€' Cill5U.ll~~l~ I~'f~ (j'11 .he 'Lrlble, '!.hI!" ,gaMe unmed i-21tiZ'I~' ('nd~ (I'hi~ does no! count as bottl in' out) , 1 f Ilrw ~d.1(o bonles out, the ether ~idL· L~IS ~\ .oIL Othl:.'[ ..... j~ !n.e \\·inn('r is the rnnb \\·i Lh the most Scrap OOUIf!I~!!r5 at the 'l..'\Tid 4,f the willi!'. U both 1I.10h5 ha ... e thL' ... ,rm' number of Scrap counters ~ht.. oottll!' u~ dr.!m nand] no Nob g.lgn'5 .ne- oI!'1':,T,! RxpetiA!iH.'"lI!' 101 \'1 inning,

U ['[(I~i!' mcJb 'botU!!$ OU~, tnl['j! ml.l~ lA!~~ for.d fL1F'p'il"L,$ screp ,iLS normal. The- ~,~h.~r. ~iot!l~ 8Iu'l,iOi'I"I.!IItii(.d_lI~' ~~s. 02!1\} ~(lFI;P IA'll [~Ii !~~ ~ab-]i!' or. dropped. Ii lhi.· I!'li& hr ~mi!' ::jdteIt!a~'ing Inc- l'LIlttk,tI:t.·jd ILIICY k~p ,hi!" scrsp Ihc·y arv ("rryil~g ~ I1d th~ other moo ge1 tlJn~' (T0IIp' ltd-I' mi 'Lhi!' rable, An",r 1M g<'m;: ;'Iony ScrI.Lp" WlJJn!~['S. held b)' C\'I(h mob !l'I,'y 1"11.· tm-;Id~ In for D6 I~f <.!"<1d\. Wlli-rh mlLy be .-ut~t'll ~!., ll1oi! matts inCOJl\'C' fOI thl" g.-um'.


Vlfarrilloo th.ill look part ~n the f,g,h oI,"olrii 'E)..~~loi!aa! points i115 klll""",",.

+D~ S.utV'i v es

/\I1l} wojIJrior 1\·hL~ su Po IICS the halt!€' earns I)f., L tJt!'r,l!?'nce point'S,

+,5 WDlJIndin;g H~'!

A \ arrier earns ~n oI!<lo:lrii 5!"lf!lco? points for 1[';'I1I;h Wlrl)tL4JUI;G tlH hi!' infllcts duri n~ the b.~1I'1t;'. ~"''ouiU::bilS dLl'llio"ll.o:!J ~ ... -arriers does net (Ul)lIt. N!.,~ thal )'00 on~~' <;(,(~r\.' 5 po:~'inb; f.ilr \'io"cl'lladltlg an e-ne-my, K"gili~dmL""'" Ll1 !OO number ot wounds <'Ic1ulIoi i:y i lij]h~t~ b~' tho.:! hLt.

+5 .r"illildir.,;."ti:ng H U , A \I·,lr/i,()[ ('.1 m5 oIIl!1l ;;;,){t,roll S E:OO:fl"2ti~ru:x! points fer. (!",lm hi t 1h;~t, 1"l1.·''IL·tr..l~~~ ,) .. 'o?hlCk·s 'U11fI(11lI, R.'1';ond I~..; (~f IIiii!' re5.u]! (jf the dama~ ... ,

"'] C"'-Ii!)f!ilIi, S>Cir.a,p

A warrior earns ;'1111 t',,;tr;L i E:O;;pe',ril!"lf!lC'o? poi nl for

.,ur.yi li~ a Scrap counLer <II the ('m1 oj. ~h!' glm~L"_ Sc:raj1' loaded oruo vehicles d(M.o;.,l'I' t ";iI"1I' .~llrL11U! <1'.1'1)' iE:oo;pc:ri(:I:I«-

+.10 Wi DII:I,ing;

I flO!; Nob of U)B winning mob (,iJom~ 10 ]l1.JojI"L'Is..

Bod'rr::rfdi. ~$ ~ na~ ;;i.good 0311'.

Ha~ dRYsn f~ ~'IJIII\jJ1 ~~O.!li mciI;., 'Wtirila

I S~I QfG ~t1 ~lglr1 '~ manoovsrs·_1It had b900 hlJ~ii'!tl ~,...:i1Tlg ro palsh IfiIe. I'Wis1ad 'WrQdo;;lgC II'I~~ MektoWn, ha ~'. irag {Ii ~he e Il'1ls EJnce !he ¢Oi'I'1(!~ 'IN'ee~ ago asd now '!hi's grimmilflg Mek, ~$ IPQil1l1ill"lg 00'1 'ltIs hul'KlillEdl;, 0'1 d9Sign 1'~ullS 11lIa1 ihatll caused 'tiIS' '!Xa!5h,

"TOO.much pb,y in t/rIei&.e 'eJ9 fJn~. ~kets Is~'i! ,t.:Ilefl!, gl..l'lnol1 Wo~ kind 01 !1,JI~br,~irwlldoWn putJ:1le IllllfmJ!tShun b8-3Ji'ngl l.I!1dfJ:ru"il];(i.ll'l ~l'Ie ISl'Ir~ ro'kklt:'i' "Oh ~ O!i dC!~IJl(r,i:!Ip. Tell you w:at, )'Dli giI'!I me in a ~ ~, aJlI' tru.h 10 tall, \flOOr .stor;~, f!!MtV' ~~ me, Now, I gam a braoo ri~J '

";:ti ·a~ ~I (ll'iv.ei!li mid, soop.a-rlSI!.l:.~; l~ wflt I ean Del YDU • ra\'B.. Woddye'r s.1if 7"

-TI1(1' Mek waved an s~ive ann in tno. ~iOn Q'!' a !Signtl'icaRtly Emalier vBhil;le • .m~1 wr

~1}~, 1ilc!Ie0:9, VBno!!JS:Jy roIourBd !jJ(~

'rrom cr.ack!Eld pipes;md 1!1IM~ Ii1Ii'L'1Ied fH'1 pa.1~

Ekidrukk :sighed il'lw.aKl;. aiidl'tne<II to cll'Bg ~ha, MIe&':s.atliEHiltlon Ibito<;k t<li !I'Ii$ own 'Io'ei'llcle,_ '1 ~:it'i.& :f'Il'U too SI~~i!al'li)(!li"i1 ',er iI!!lI'I_ JLlI!II ~ it go." A:Jn,.evi~ lig'lll'L 'Ci'il-er.efi 1tril!! Ml!!ki!r eyS5!. ~Rig:/irl: y'ruu, I:Ios5. ~'ill ~ '1ilri!J:i!i."

GmCefu!ty, Bodru1iJ( l'ert_

_ . he next day, I'!~e ~, ,Bodru1k an~ 1Jne Mek"ls .U'o ~~. -Y,er goona love';Jcd I!_I'i IMek. 1alrty 5< PP IiIIlI ~a <II tarye ~t· oQ(Wef~ Mlh :III ~ ~1IdaaJ Pretty ~, , '1'17 G!l)e£ fI ·e s:tfnfL. it'8 aven !iIIJI an ~~r;) ~ct "!lI!f'I1 iSt)!lilll' ItlI 'WlJ~ Ilhr;e'W' lim fnr frne. 'Ocs., I lik;t- . , ' you.~,~ 1m3 itIi1raw bad!; IhlLI (U~r. tie 9:Hfl1I1!!d to

itIa,1lilMli ng ~rtiUb1 B I'I'i9Q'U "!ill I30ilI i11,ilo!I<:'s awaJied '

15.1B.rEI., ~'s nItiI !MJg~ 'MliI "{Kra, '!{1lLJ dooe Iorith ml!!cl~'j' WHI:1RC',$ 1MEi: .zcOGI3It4' . ElUGGY1-

"¥ieI; wh~~ tli!c $IlllilirmlnQI ,Me!!;, '·1 woz fOOn'

, )!Our OOgW; ;11"1' r, $On ,on ... ~me spalL. in liTIS

.'~ 1),.,1 So ,~~, i ·sez ~D' 1I1113S4!11'. Woii IfIO

W;)J'I!;$ ~ ;f!! new roodeI" sunl'lln slrtlJ!Jtr. sl..!Jililijl

~ '!;"lrcl.·:So • 1hDiJUh1 ...... 9'11, 100 ~ too .

$~e.1'! 'er,ouI!" 110m you forgoi k:I My ~ QI!IS - wot ""Uh )'DlI no'I bIIillllJl'!IfOOI$ll1'1f ~n' ;pJr

~rul:k ~EIIlIIW!;, ifis.'s IIJ"Id ilhiO!n 'lfIOV£lht 11!Ie'lfer 0.11'1'. He·d bean ihsre billlrlir9, -0« ml.ld!r.?" r· 'he slghElill.


SC:II5'N--A-' 'R,II-O , .. 1,. 'D'A' f11G': HI

' ,,' _d-_, : ••• ' II _ II

, .. ~ ~~\ . ..., i'nL~'''' 11 'i/o' ~ di~!~ubc. ()IW ~ ~t· 11Jj~I~! l;Illp:i'li~,1r W:l)·~. of ~~'!IIII:I1~ the p'w1,;h'rn i ... tn i[h.'i]kn~ the cp~ii1~ rfloo Ito .! ... tr.i!lisili dl~U_

FI~III" sre ht'ld. .d!'l·P m ~J1C' d~"".'l~ ILl ,HlruJ ,In~' O'ljijj:r mf~. I"rum ~rI(',)"'d~' joil1.J~LJC i n, ,lkIth IIU~ lin!? Yp or ' -[eo 1'J('n OUIiI'I' .lnd llill.ili,.~·,a.'1 mllll h ooi • ~ ~"'I!'ire '1.0 -":-.,rc 'I1,L"i1r or:)j I~}('nl$. A 1 L~J 'lIlt' - !)~imc ~ -v ... ~ns .. nd 01.1,1 1I.·llo~~ iug. tooth mob.~. ma~;.:".~ I~ IIdh,. t ..... .lim I .. ~lidl

DIi~ r to I nit "'hI;! I"" tbi:- WI.I :h~t

S,P ,eI-

D O[l!S 'UT

'fh • t,!!'/I'"lin Ivr thi~ ~'n-ilIilJ -J'IlJI.!.II.d 1 • po;! Jt3, ~'I,..-.n.'

Or .. ~, . .a.nb. r.t .. b: .h.. .... ·n~lm right I,. IIh '~'l"" bt.·{lfJi!_· d\.ll 'l'I1g

DIn])' ~',,",lllL'fl"" and \,i,',) ... nW'llm bed on \'t!h.ld~"5.}· Iil.!...' 1",'11 iill 100 fli¥ihil E..:iIcl, r!.:.;.'1L'\I"' ~lln ~ Ith~'1 r ~-'l/ool~' 1T101, I~l lhe- fl~\h I'.

F~n ~]Jlyltr ~~),~uldl r~I~1 .jI Dt>_ tnc rug! ... .t ~IKrii'l 'f'~"(" ,ohill.""I: .a. m.l ,,.. ,t"d ')1:' "itt.! d('r1(i_I'~ tlk'ir mob.. 1 nQ CJ~JIII" mob i~ de!,:IL~ rd 011 th . or..PJXJ"'ltl!' I.ll;! ;: -!'d~"

E.arI:h lru'lb d"'I~III.IYs \l; .thin I:~- i:" '00 . '.

51' .. Iffl-' ~

Tf - R ~ 'V ' .1 N~ A '. ~ StIOmr[N1 RO LL

E.<1I:~·el pl.JI)·~·r 1't111~ .• 1 06 l~~r 'l'>:l~h vch i{I~· III ~hrt!~r moo. 3nd ridroh IDe Iklli'lbr...'t .. '! Orrb 'in ~'h.:! m,,:t. «(,;rob ,i're ~(jI" '.(jlJrri!_l.~·! J eo ,",'C "_~'ru' rna~ ... ~ dill!' 1~~I,IiJ~ I. n~i'ol;'. -rhe 1P1'~Y~'r 'IInth Ill,: high..., I !Lio:Ial ~jnr g.L>l .. tint! ih~~ iII.un_

Thel,,· n: ofik Ib (Ii ~uL.'" III a h:l:,h _ rh· liN i~ II;) make .I':.. mud; TIN~. l!~ po:,.. ... I~1c ~{LHi~ !hc tlj.:;h1. ~'gi n~· .. "'I h~' ~1I11,_~ ,i~ th.,~ m~ Ork nM:>' sh, 'It UlaLl] I'nir:'~' hJlirlil' ~'n irn ol1(l'ir~ in .I Mm (II,' .1 t-: •• :I:r.;ii,..~ .Ir1ioo. ~\Ui!'r mJ'k1~1'i a ram 01 r!t~l"l11Ipl.i'ljF!: a hi 1,1 rdi nO. 1Io1,'tion [th . e]cl-!>L.,.;t Li (Llol1!'r .car.l t"~ I~l III1.l\.ll~!i .' rd!'ll~l\ <Iln'll Uks. 111~"il-h'!£'J Ff1.l)· .l~ oorrn...U~

rCro!;,. .Jf.!' <lr ILM "'1"Ie-<l"'~ .1 nd 110'11''':' n~~ (0111' Ttitm LlJ thl! .rul~"5 I'gr .... ·Itlill'l·" ~ru~)r'" Gh'I "" Ill.l_~' rr 1i'Wi!' ornd .J~ no.rm.ll. '\ "'i~ _ LI!~ b...--ilfii~ IIl'l!"oh t ... ! in ,a 1.1'111<.


,U.mpo:~llIinl:· i!kfl11t'· ~!o,. ~lff." Il;ll"'__'I.'1l IlttN ~l' " C_..iblu'l Li~ Ilh~I'~' be ..... 'ill M!!fkn'iL~ ~.jJilht.'r Ihall rh~ tl~u,'!I12S' c;

ihli' Ei."lril'!!b' It'nd wN-n ;uIW moo Mil - Itr.. Dol I I.e ~ .... _ nr !f{o1un'l..1 ~. OOt I~ JI1!u1'.

m mp.ortoH'I.: DUl' ~i,) th,· "'~n' br., ... h .mJ OrL~ olPV'~IIII.l h hI f~~ aDI.1l 1'01\\1111.", j1J 5n1ol 11."1 1m'" :h.U ,II \ ~'" 4'i t>.Jr.~~r me , in d h<·. d-en !lgh. \~ ill ro0:.'l VI' m~).I'l· n.·i'lL~\'iin tli.m if II LI'ii~ ~lri'II?I'I;inili. :;;'lll:01l.~·. 1\ mob ~hi1t IrJ)e..I", tll .JI hi,lOhii'rl.:!nkiJ'lS moo l~Jllfi'·.iLll i~",.) I 1- ... P"'u,,11('(' F"I Int ((Il[ '!r-,ffi Ff'IIi"II~~r M!.:in,g Fl'-'T1. aml l''i!lm!'i .11'1 'I.!),l ,2 E:tp"'rk'!in;' 1l1,-nnl5. i( Il:i:cy \'i,'~lp. thi~ h in J~jl[j I'll <lJh 'Lltlri;:oU h~""" ~i'll!'th~ ri'unl ."klm.g 00 0 Nr~h'l mob.


.x.p -RIEl'.

W.I rriors 'Ilmt to[l5.; pill.r~ im Lhl:' ti:JI.h~ t.·,' m .~pcri"·r'!~"t· ,.,1 i'll-<"" Ih>lm .. -

+- !)!i, Sill!"' ~"'Il's.

,r\n.~ ,"".lIHiI r ~~:tw ~ 1\;'Io:n t~ mtlli' ('dl'lb 1)6

E~ ~niI:'I1Q,' 1f"'l.Ifll .

-to l'\!ournillm n . It( il

r\ '1li,'arnLl I.'lim~ .'11'1 '" i r" 50 - .. ~1l;;'ri"'I1I,_" point, .. I ~r !!".:IL~. W und i"J.l: hi t hI!' ulI'flicb J I)'; nl<> th(· L';~LtI(·. 'Ii'o' '!.In..i ill.,iJ: d(l\'lo'lk'1ll I. "rrin~ ..u.'!I.~ 00't ,,!!'lInt. :"<oi, - ~ lhai ~ ll]1l~ ~~,~ 5r F't'll'Ii~ f4;!U \,i,~~n~!inp, !,'In C'nl·ln~·. rcg.udless. Ltl 'LillI.!' number of: 1- .... ·ouibdo; ;)l"h_lill>' ill'li.ri.<-'1li b~' Who &tiL

t$ ~'iIl'n(";E'-il!:in:R; ~(il~

A \\ !l!nior 'L ... UI1S iIlll 4,"i(tiJI 5 I~\~i('n(\:' ~)int!o l~~r "-'\3ch nit lW . re ·!r;1Jtn.JJ 'Io'dlid!i1' ... umou • res-.u-.U -", ~Jj thi._. n.-.ult of ~h· ;;ia.,n;t,!;'t:'

-if .~

E.lFIil 11).:lIlWr in. t'hl:·I~~LiI""I.'~t nhtb earn .. an !:!'),If.i ] poli~i of E~.IX'rj~ ilL ;.

,j;. wI) U1ilf'mi ng

Till' ."flb of th(' ·1 .... jill,1 1'1)1. rt'I~o4) l·.lrrh n~ i"'Li'ipt,~ •

:S.l:r..!lf' in ~h~' dL~"l'~t ... m be i~"".1 t.~' th~ :i"llilb imd. Ill! Sp.iruk'I.t. "~Il' ~~ ~.Ik'"'! '·~Iuc ~, "'~I Ih.,- ~'k'ks 01' ~;iktl;l"\ I~ m ... m ... ·I:lo'C'ir • ...,.p;1~~L· '(1IJInAli'!; lru>hs "'~'II, M.",· ~O' do iii I Ih~ i'P ubhu'i' "bo.L!I! ,1110:1 dliJ;s.ia' ~1'i''i'lI,,\i!'d 111 (Q]~( II~l,!I: ';CT,1 p, and 'IJ~ I' har.l}l; 3WblIl'rI the 31h~ I~nd )'l;i'~ ~'h.,,~~ lIIJi ,Jin.~ II1»dt> d~~~n~ti~'g ~ p~ I~ ~~;rI..toO\~ Il1J ~,~-i th lllo'lr ""'l11li .... ·.lin~L'II! ~!


This ~~·f'Uiri(ll ~, Ib.- tl;::ttUin· 0i.I~ .'100 :SCI'.I' C.nmIN~ sptXiil!i H!!~'''.

Lh ChJi"'l." I"I.;~ pb'lll: in Ihe- '51.J~~ '.0 111I()'I rn Ih hi ~'NT.ji)~n ~h'.l'l.lld l'~' u~'fl ,'pM~ f!'!ilm ~ f;:l/I,' fCl("k.~, lOll,' ('j,iiJ~~ 01100 thl:' ~'("c;hloClll.!! ~'I iff Ii r'iFi~ .ol'~' ~If the skIL~. ~~ '11. 1.r£!~r-.!Iil1 1[11('O!" m~I~"'~ iliff Uw !!1.b~ (!o',:~' ~'!(II'h .. ) ooLi"L i1'I,)I~· ... r~ ... h!n1Id loAl .:lI I)t}. lll!.· hl8~1 ~.t>rl~ l~oJ~''''r' !lU~ p!'~iJ'" ! !-ill , i'I(~' etf I!r.;rr.'liri: ;mY""~IoI'n.' ,)~fi£; ~h;;' Il~'cI iTig i.!l[,]~· oi!dR.e, t'nii~ti fii<:. iii rni~~inllo-u5 Slfl'bL'i'-! "i da Simi.




Two:! (Iik I~ olin;; r~~hi~ Iib!!:., NI ~ 'I!I'tR ~ [, hM~~_'" iYId~r~i1'ICI'-t! ~ 010$' I.ItIm IhII ~QI'[h(j~


60th rh>lL"ofS. USiI!' ibllI!,-,l'F whok- IDl~ On.I~· \ d'I,dc-s; 0100 W,ilrriD~ riding on. \"iL~!I'fI('S ffi.rly' t,ll..l· part LI~ Ih Chase. Th~ (I;rflNl!(I,1~1I£i moo I~, d.q)~lll""l:l \',,'ltI:·UIII 24 - fJ(1 (')JIIc.- ~hQIi! !a.Me '-'tlg,.., an ~:liClPi:t: in the dlLf~"i'lior.t .or LI~1i' dllll:iJ:'. TIk, ,ill!.iK.iUn,;:: mob is SIil\~ up IS'" khiDLI Ioc- ,jd~·OOI·r.-. klo!:in~ il'lj tOC loJl'!i.,. ,~~tiliJiJ~ (Ilf JI ~· ..." ~" 1'1(Ii kil1)j. ~(~ M't 'tiP' Ihls (,H i1I~ .... ly, jU5iI' ,d(iPI'o}' H, ,(jill jl~' !Ilbll!' L.J~~i)

'0.1\, R10'LUN'~ ~'{OA n

~I ~ CJi.iJ~ i'ikf..':;. pr.l.:t' .;II m v n the lof'lI~th (If lhi.- 'I,"~~"l~ "!IiI;;i roll 'lTIIil"~ .doctd~, \, .. h,I~·'h rJLri:lt:iDl,.JI'I th~ ~ha",,' 'I~ 11I}(I~'~r."IS 111. ~n tlri..J..~, -'(!l'n:.:uio iillil''i'!l"1nIm1 'IIIioL:!,k~ ~li~)n11\' ".Mtltlrmlh' hi ~,"C lb.- ~mp;~joo (J~ ~ ~\I ,Ik' ~!,llit (1'1 ,"ok 11.1i11,hll' .!IUi!l~~~·~ lLil r."Ib (.JIlh'r !hoi:! fi.r.--i~, i hG'r€' 15 <II ""f'I{-eI~1 111:(,,1111'· lOO'ld 1~it.,~, Dllrllj~1. 'I i'ii: .. phsse, tn€' pl.j]~'"(!~ w~~T5; OLl! U'L' ;rfl'lNi3 iJ« ~h1IX1li1g .:!!ilo!':r:J: !k Ski",i ,\~ ~li;gh 5p..."",,1.

11lt;1'rif1;r:; Ih;.· !!tid!m· ~ 'ph;\'S(". '~~Lh !"l.l~1il\r n'u:i.~ ,Ii:"('idii' whi,d, ;f.r rhl?rr' \"'!:'I1,e!i!'5, .!In.- lJ~ll'iS. rhBI r go,,, i(iRJ!;uW- .. i~i :h!ep' 'Uf~ th e chase ;!IlfId 'Wh:ic~ ,a f!,' J.J:i:ling to dMP' b.l!cl:.. The Rdiim" ~d ~ ~ljifl(!f:'~ till' be ~~'I~ i;'hj(tU'.!I'iI!I!> 0111' iI'i-

I~ c, ~ :e:)

.' '(I t=,

IE -~


AI 1M! !a.r'I ~ b 'Iud! 'N! .~

'~~~0I~~'5I' ... ,.'

~n~~ I~ _1IlI!Y ~ ~

iijll'Jiop~. Thie~.Ii I!'IMj' IJISoII Iflj p~ ,~~![,II i'i»t~ h II!;m :u IXmIiIIJ

~ tu m u., nol."'" .... U'"'-"" 11-.. g.:ll\ ~~J~~DCS 10 ,k1."!I1' ~';~'. ~n it ... t.J~·,," III F',!,l,,"(,. ,.".,F! !...I ...... .!I~ fi't'" • th.;'In ,l" - {rolTtl lh-, din'l'fLl m (11 In._· ~l,l""l.! I~ III drop thl~'" ..!I~ oU.LlIi1(',j .,I;>I, v ~ •• as ~I ill , 11~' \\"1I.rJ, II~ 0011 I~ I:. Sno"l.t" 1 ntcrs ,~n~J bL~ .. .a in.

M'ILII!d~ tf,.a~ •. IJoL· ll!Jt ~,""~jll1h 'IlIf' ~~ ttl, ~],;." ~·tI.!I5t:' ., 1'1,,' 1TJI'I"4.'d ~i" t>.Kk~\ ilfLL ... i:I't th·, Rollill'l' R'i'old ph,}""! ~k~:ld ... hhich 4~ ITIp b..'i i n thi- \\'.:lIy' III~~:C' nl~FIlIi.l!L~' lli'L

rhrir m,n, .. 'flb.'"il! ph-' \U,h.:otJt 1\. ln<l"fi1 11 h",ohidr;:o;:;. ;Cill'!

pcrf('ri1~ ... I()\'o! ""I "1,.1 ~naru"'_·l.l'll n -lnLI. :s.o on). VI'"hit·I.,,,

that u ""L~ IliH.'JI i>i,.l~ rL'i1,!!;i 111-~ h~ It.''''~~ r'<'("(' m,l~ Llnl~ UiYI,' lhi,-ir ! h{Ush'f~ in II"'J r m(l\"('"m~-ht pJJu"",,,' ,j"I'!O I~' m1)~<I!I1~~'I'I' rl1~ t'",.'Ir ioi,:!I~ ~'i"i~inl'" holi~ ..!Ifrt'<ldy h.,"!i'1:1I u .... .,J1 kN'pi nr, U I~.'r.n in 1"1".,'. 1)','11' L foWt rh.,' tlw t..-rrlliin l.,,-ill I11m,'(o , ~ I0'Io {,II _,~ ~hL~ Orl.. i'l;!Irni r.L; .... 1,)("oC" [p.tq !'!: ... ,h ':I]~ct

JUIW hl{".JI .. h nut (or cr."'" .nl.d t'it,r 1":IlIfhIl.

With tILl.!" "")i.c~'rhtm uf I he ddL~nllL'l""\ 1 ... .:'1'1;' 111~ thd r .'IcL:i,;"~ .• ·C""o t:-.i'hif1.l~ (~"'l" J:")C"h.~! .. ~ • .;mr I~'! ,J&J!i Lhat It'a,n' dI!~' il.Jt...l~ t'tf"M' l'~h1"1 .he k.1!.hP:l~ ,odSi!' ",11'111"01 flthl r,ll to !h ' 'light ,Im.i .1 fl.!" cou "~L"II .I!> _,y1, of .Ktit"IfI ~""h_'II' t.l!..LI1g Boi II~' tesl!~. TI'tI.,:", nmnL .J~ hi'l\'~I1J: 1:>I1ttlt..J 4)U L (or tlw 'l'Ut pt~'~ of 1;('1', Iq;; .K"f.ap


E.Kh ,1"'(l"'IL'4.flli;iO ,mi,,11· .1.1'> D3 I XU I' ~OU1\~l'''' III"00PI .... • ... \~t\l It, t\., U~1JJi!. ~~ ~.("ri'l) L.LIII,II)1 .. ,,1~ ;!;lIlblbi"ll~ lind il i~ i~ hIt 411"l-._' counter ~~LI .. Lid"f ,1~1[()mi.llti('.111~· - 1'1..'1_ ' Ib.r c.ltm~"·J t'b.'\ ~ t:> Ih..· ... ,-hi-de' R.i.-To 'ilnita..., lha moJI1 Dlru'I'~;r"', ,d\l I\.nt 1l1Ll'\'~. ~I ~I~ill\f! 11,1.:' Ifit,,:,llin' R1.',l)Il nI_L .... the (ll~1i I~l'r.;,. H;,_' !"!'I1;1'.'L,\1 1" down I h;;:- bt~rd It1 (1.)11;'" I(.rftllin' Rrudi[ph.N'.

1i:'.00..:tL· 1('I'I~iin.!'l: n·lndL: Ih,iI~ m.~ ,'.., vIi Ul!!" ~hl1rt t.I'bI~ edge if! th(! dl f\.'(~i l'n ,~f Ihl' chase I~ ,~~~Lllm~l..._g W have (':!<[.3,p.'IiI lhe <lLt/lot~L~r Cum ... ' I'" a g'" 11,1 F . ~JJlt IAl! ,.hoot -!..,/It In} d'L1~l ~ ,1 ,bmll'O~ .,,,,,,1 r"'l1.~ II. L ~rO'I.Int ,1"< ,I I:".I.'>WII) Vi:'hid~ ... \\ l)lLh "l,I·I·4.· 41tt .m~ Ottw1 ,.,hlL" oL.<d~ count jJ .... r-d!>!!I.~IlI''''' .'~ n'lflIL,1 L

~'!i'iI'ii~. d,.I~ \Ii'hid,.... ! Dt"t.1l'l~ up <:;(f,11~ rema!~ "YIati,lfl.1J'I' .)I\d ~u \\ i II 'Ill! I'o!~; 11M,'''' 1i104" RLllLllf ~o.lJ ,l~ JetlallL •• ,b!lWI· (;,'j~ ~I ill Lh' .. ~r.~r').

STAR l·t

"ifhp-.;,U ( ('r rn!1~·.~ If.i ~ !l~ hi5 mLlh "-1\ LJi!l~f"'" '.;!'{'iWn "1fI t1"!eiI~ ,I\L:"-'


The'i1L' L"ml-. ...... ~(I ·,Jm~' m;lIb t .... ,ul ... Oll' .'r'ol II ui lh dlt:!tL:fIdlll~ tn('lh'" \'~'h1t'lL'~ 1L'<1\'(I Llw ~O!Ihll!'. I r (10m' ~id~; bo:t.uJ .. ~ ~"'Il!l lillL-Fi thl' <l.llh~'r Ill' ~ ..l~ IlJh(' wwlI1in"J .... i.">I.hen'I"'II' r"ht' r~wl" 110. itl1 tilA!' UllL.O:>i $.trilp i;"'I1U n!~'n a! lh..l'fld h.j~ Ii'. 1111.

m )L'~ 'l'tdref5 \~'I!,.o I:".K'~P<' ,,(f d'Ie ~,ltl illg t.lbl • 'L'-d:tlJL: tkl n,pt f"L:)",,-.' to N"-' L11 Iu.."'I!'P cliH..u 5.a,'p it ILhl! mob i'.i!tt'f kJi(5LLI ... -s ..'jut ~t Ilk" • U~f Ix I L-' 006 make b-JdI!if5h.lp ndl '!lmtl pii'1:-l. .1"""~lr t~fi ... ('"'-"Ie' the 5(.-,1 P' CL) IMtlC1"S roL. ... "11 PJi~r' ~~ til 'rd,.-,! Ilf thl?>' ~1J1.ip 'lhl"lr 5I.."Tap " ... 11[1J"1i11.,b, n\'C dL~h'il~d~ iLl.l'~~ "my ~r!.!P'l' ~~~, 1/1, ~'~ .n~ IJIiJij. at tn.r !';~ and ~- dn '~fiAd ~t.,'! rd. l~:Nndl (ift(' ~,dil1g ~f.Jp dlMI~I;>I.,,1 b~' Llk lrk'cil'l)~ L'I1L~il~').

H Ilw d~ft'!lh;fl:"<r 00 Iko.: out, iii.i!~ ,I~' J~fship .",d 'bumping m'll'f h"Sifi hJo 5IOC' i~ 1Ik.1 di"Of' lli.!:-ir "iCI;,'!1' ~ I)vfl'"."i. I b .. _, ;.macl!;~fIl 'Ih m l't.) .... 1I! Ijn1(, t\, fllLk up ,m~ .j rl'i'f"'-'1i S("r~r-' ,~t Hit~i!, kl:;uK',

r'.~to..'f lhc K-'IfiI.' .I1\~ $r~.p ~_ nh.'t ~ld~: lho· mot,,·:,. Ill,W t:o:' tr.·IJ~'!i:l in wi 111 t~l~ M~'kt-ovz I'I'~ 1.IIil I~f ~ ... ,,,h, 'I.\'h~(]~ is. .a.dd\'1~ til thi!! r income flli ~h~ NUll!" j)"1; trlllnnal

'IEXr,ER][ _NC'E

~\' .. mmrs. !n.,,~ I~.tmk p.'n I i.n 11x· flltht (~rn [~JX'rI~fW'~ ......... ~ ~"!"o I,,,"

't"O~ S'l,!JrvivcS

\n~' ~~'OI;n'!I1I1' NIL 00 WI'I,-ll"ll. .... 11k~ l'l,)btir- (':,lnl~ ILl{. I .., FI\.'f.JI:.'i1fi' !f;'Ntm r....

+S 1" iIlIllJlndlinl{; Uil'

~\ N\.:t~r '-;H1t'> an e"v.:J :;. I "'1""--I'~.lWIt'" p!.1111'i1"- fm L">Kh l .... ~llJiu.1m~ NL he- inm~·t~ .d'll~ii'l~ tht·I;;."11~', WUCUll.dli'l& .rlLIWncd w.'rf;m~ tic.: ... not COllr! I, N\'TIll' Lh,,~ :\'I1U L~nl \ ~r ' :;, piGnL ... rOor ~~"(fIU.lkli~i.s.lJl .. 'fli('fI'I~: I'I,-~.ndh! 4JI1 thl' m.iln~r it'! "..-mm~.~ Jq"Lu"ll) In flu1t:'<1.1 1>\ !he nit

+ s: r'(~ IIi. '"II alli ".!li U ''t

,\ 'I!Io"Prior ~~"'irli~..!I1l i!'~~~</I j l:;~r"'-lllo."ll(1i'" ~'i;."'I1l[", tm L">Kh hit ·~lli.·tr<l~It'S a, ~'icl~'" JllI'lnt1t~r. n.'l't,lirdLt.~ ()f Lh' n'~LJ11 ("It the 't~l11l11.gL",

-If IJ'J· D. Ki:li1Jg15 of I!),~ Rn.,.dl

E .. , 'rr drh'l·r III the ~'Ll'lui"l11S 11100 earn« nn 'L'~ I r .. I[lJ ["'~'iij'noI'" ~jnL5.

-1-010 "an filing

lll!..· :-"00 .r"ll tlw 1II"m~f'lII~~ MI.., ... ".JriI1. ... 10 point.;

,·.In (or '" i ........... ' In il)'L1 'IUQ n. lh. ~.f(lu;ps rn.,~

..:nto'.'\I' t'hr 1 .. "-1 r!dl as ['J.'inrt11'n'1J:11:'1'i:1:i { v ~...r(li~l,:~.

AIi1~\' w.!ir.rnlJ oJ the dl·r'i!'IiiLlmg mob '!I\,hll 1~ 111.1! ,J~plr;llred ;j_"1'1 th" ~ ... IIl'Ir,d. o.!L !\he- 5t,1 Ii ill Lh"" ~m~' ,;TIr part (Ii~ ,1! n-jn(, g,1II1 lP'L 111.. ... 1\iJlI tal..c Ji'i'I r1 111 hrt fi .sid.

AJtl!'r '!he- d .. 'l 'n~h'r ml;l~ ~! 'Plored hi ~ m!..b th.:!1\ th-, maci:.('r may dli!ploy hi .. ~'i~tin· nsub ,_l1ywhl'W L'n Ih· !;3b!L' but liiot ~~-ilhi I'! 1 i'i. ~J.f lhe- fort


\\'h .. ,1'1 r!1,,'b~ {I~kl .1 104 tl! .... 'r.IJ' ·Ih!.:'} l';,o..:~~m .... ' ~·L·ry rle h. Ofl..~ II ke tc ~hm~- ~"''''JI'n'ltnL' mU::.L h,~",,' 'f[l h lhe~' ~,',\lir .IR," and . I.......... ~"4~ IliJ kling 1111 I~ ~ bui I ,Ul !,'m Hmml .. i.'r' II'iI dIiC mi~hlr ... iLlr mlll__.. ... iJ; 'rt mtLJ'l !i','1'11 be

- -I' fur mill. .... ,I n mnd, Ot~t III ,,]:1<; ,Ut' n.,j'ur<lll~' 1:'11'1,' I ~Il~ ,Ii II,. ~1rl '!I~tl ,.,'ill 01,1 ',, L'H!l'~' .:-ff ... 1FI Lll ('.1 pf II ,,' ! l I""r I'h.!ilo it IJI'~

,"'ECIA L n. UL!E:S

1111~ ~I'L'I"!I[ II' u ..... :!o the f""llllln' Ou~. '!;cr,'r C~'um~bL'J' L!IM P'oI h.'ll "P--"('I,I m .........

~ ERRA]·

I hL' hId ~h, Lll~! n..:- (1'1;3,'t.,;.1 IIi ~hC' centrv I Ii LlI"" board 111 .... , [I be Ib.- • ~~ p.;(u: III h'l r.lin UII II • 'iII~ btlll • 11l!.'"

~1 ,i'~ !I..'m r.!rll~ m-il. ~ ;'I\llfl.·,j Ir \ eu "I~II;.. I n~ Jd'~'II'I,J~'r

mu L place I)'·l St:r.lf' oi'41~1 !~k'~ in~id.i-· th..! tort,

lll~' ddl'11J~'r IT·il.\· ~h'p!L1~ DJd· ~m''III.7~ uf Lht>ir ffI!i(, ! Il'ld1.' the I~ If I , [.rd'r i "-i'ri.el,, ""111mb .. ~ I'lli.!' mrrTlbo;'~,

1 h~· '1'11.---1 L~f ~ 1l" ddrod illo,t: 111LIb iYI w .. ~ N 'fl"r1ll"",J III1IL\1 ·1 .... up- be MI,' IIR' hILtk"_ I n.rIl IU oJL ..:-~. "M' ~~hidl(' ,n.d ., .. 11'.!r11~ 'I-\.lH1ur ... I!> ttL"" ddl'ndin~-;. E~!.'I~~'~


'rh€' attil"rk~·F'" g.:!1 1M .I iw~t lum .!I~ th~')1 ('htlf)¥' 11-'I,'~'r 111M.!' ~'lUnwn.. Intl:'n-,· ;:1<11 Ill!!.il' mi~S<iool


,\i t~lii! ~I,:\~! ('iI' i<'ilch ~idl·ndil.~/'· tu m ~iIL'r t~l~ JIJ,t loJl iaJ D6 1'(111' " • .Kb SlfllUp h.: inn. ...... ·" .... On lk- roll f'! .'1- ~Fn., 'O'"hLd,!' and .]11 II., rl'im~ nd In¥: Q(i1 i~ .'nt,,:

II n,~ tJible- I rum .1 r,~liJilm Marti q'LI (oiL-' hl!li! th .. , \1 iaJ!:r~m [3\'iIH"'~. On tho "'<'~In" t~ J.-3 !~. '{('hide rl~'!ii'~ 11Lr.1IL"iI~fl?r LI"I .. • i.w rd ~~Ii" nnn.


[E • [DI r'~

ln _"i soeneri 11 J;")' .:mackil1 rr rtllll:!L·I!> ,h,),L 1'rI0\'(' on th,' 1..1'b1" dn noL ':"~I'U <15 CilS1m!! k,,;

111.,' ~ ('I}jj, ""~ 1_ (I'!' ~ mob<; .,ltl"IL ... a.:.u.I ... 11. ... ; Urnj.) n'aJ1J~:' 1 h~; !.'l~'fL~inj!i III'IW 1.11.:.. .... 8t~m\." h . ..."t.,,; <'I11,;r 31.'1', ~,f tlil' i'ih)b ')rIi' (',""'1Mllll'" ralht:!-r th.m 25'•. I h ' ~!..rIl'I~dlj!r does !\lit h.!l1'!:! LCl ~MrL 1..1'kil1r, UL~IlL' le5!s, un~ Ii .!II I..:'Ols,t Om!' .t:~!1II11!i l>1' Il'i!:'iIllI'L'I'(\'iIl!l'I1;'(:'" Jl.:l~ "m~·ro. ~!lI' ill! I.II~ IillCIb ',:jr~~ ItrI ttt..' l:-.b ~.ll'r dw u .. u<i!I .:!:Y, ~,}~IJ.J!~j'l~ Th~' b .. lU]t> ;)1$0 'l."I'Id", i,f I~ .1'M~kr 1'1<1 .. 1111 lv c.:NI.l'I~I~ koi~ L)nilhe- he-M. '

U 4 IW ~Iiilii! tr.c.LlI ..... ~n)1 miI:1L"iI1 tf .... , other moh h.l .. ~H"rl. Ii 1 W

.11'1 {'rui .. olI~ .~'lhtr .... '.ay Ilk· ",[...Ill' ''',1m lhe- m~ s.,,,. ~. al~ll'ih'r.. hllo; \~('J1'i

Mlng IJeahind a ruS'llng l"Ie!:liJll 0.1 ~: •. Soglbd qtjcklly rook ~oo'k er l1iS siluation_ 1-lf.9: blJ,ilgY had ~ ali 1111.:11) Irl(l {;!IJSeIl1i, leaving IIWt1 bIlhind .and was rno;lflOQLl¥Jlngl for llnolber M~,

!he Bed &!:abs" il)~' was QfI1 ilE side Wr!n ~tJeo wNMng BBIi1 $lI;.j!J:!, limity. ,srrllfElnct\edl benirtiil l, Alilhe eiher me~ iMli"tS own mob were still on Ihe buggy. For tl!ie [;lUX!. ['8'"" minutes he' ws£' (Ifl his own.

OaU1loo~ IIl(i lill59d his. headl Bnd """"'9; tol),l"cOO 10' d.ooIot ,i;!I~, e ~u~e of &_/iICiIE, rang awl, bli.11i(li:::;

ra'litl ng air ['jJljl $&trap !pi Ie in fromJ rn ffirm, n '1Ni1J ~ ~I'$IMt ho WiJuld 1iI9'!I!3r make: il 10 ilho'IBud ,S&.abs 8S I(toJU ~$ Uley were lYing 11'1 willi! Po@r him, [HIe (;Il!III$li;eroo lmiii .avallable, ~i1I(J £jminnEicl, ai'll!! cl\i1ril(:(l r'~m;aUn9d 10 htm, 1~1I11i19 ~ ~~ _ kllomb .rom Itil$ bel~ M I;U_r~ully ~ 1he Ikloh.wOrk. rwt~

to 1'ifIdl1~ ~l and wi1hout ICICIkiilg, ~ tru;!, :splul10ring gTe1llade in ;!IJ slcM! -"r(;' 'l:(w;oiLrds ~h8 ~lblJ9lJY'

~I(:; il Mdi rEliliGliledl irs mark, i)iJ.I w<liS 00 Iilis. ieat ,w sprinling row-ards. the ~dl SKtl.t)$" 'posilJoo. To.: ~'Ii$ ;tilier tl19y Mad aJ~ ~J 11XI!I(!f !lind oo-ooe' Wi'IiS ~hOotilil9 lit him.. As M rflIl'I. 1"10 :sfIiriilm9d his ~ilC rwiiJiJ his hands, I3gall'l~ ~he' ~~9!!I o:qil'o:!iioo.. IHaweYer_ Ihe is ~b WEiS fi:zziJ!JgJ "w.ay rTil8.lIiy_ ~ 11'1 ~h(l W1i(ll;l!.:.1I!i1B,"'hoort:

ctooIly going ail

Griltilng hls teah he 'o\i.\u1led awkwBir,dly.Q"vet" 1J1~, I:!ugg!J 8ndIIBOO~, I'IOO!i!a:il9d ~ ·fiJE.1~ 00 a OOW1llrillfl Bad SI!:$. AlJt(, ,Soglod

. :sta.mpe.rlI haro ~ was, rewarded [by :till!!' &,i!I1Jf1I!!-1i!11!l1 Cf\JifICiI~ liN boo9 under lht}g, ·Ibcif. NOlI boI:herllllg '1:0 aiM, 11>Ci ~'<ized 8J'Q!!Ind iITIlm, Wltn ltil$ pislD'J,.1lJ1IIlI . ~ CiJ.fF1i3 close enough ~ kicked 111'_ Ill) 11 or ~ it All3round hi;!ll'leard IBe r,attle QlII'tO l~~' 'fIBBpI!!It9_ riliX-e tM:i. 0I1C!3 iIM!o telll ~ii"l ~ II1iii was hit. bu'I hi!! ~ tlsed ro,p&R.

ne~e 't;'.i.\S, no lime ID Ihlnk. Ili::i &t~ WI3~9

.... hOltr iilLStir;(;[jy.s. VaarB ~ Ilg'fil11ng h~ !i."il:l:lih'1. him I~I: l!1in~ jlllSi. madi3I"!f.OO1 &Iower';(In!) ~9r iT1~ ~ d'9ad. 61fi3dlually II ~m(l',;}J:IJ:Iaren:l

~ h ~ ~lotIIh i Il(jl If8ITllli ned :RII\! a be:g Ide s 1'1 i i1I'i$91f. ~Uii'lg dIIQIiI~'1IiIB pokedlup ~ho 1IJIl~ $LillklXlmb <!!:lId, tlammbg II !lll®r hiS< belt, :slnllledl 1iI~ 10 1ltj0i1'l hl& buggy.


lf LIIW ~itl{·l;oj)ttl('5 out it mu!';~ h'""'t rn 5f,,"'JC" whether J! dwl-'~ scrap as. nurmal . rh", o~hcr side [1;i!'Ls. ;'tlIl1 MT,'Ip::' Id. on !I\t! l,l~l", I t th~ !'lam!? !?Ild~ b_\' 11101,· attacker lflli)~'lng: Lid t,hl" I~llll-. ~hq' keep .illn)' S(:[ap HI!'~' WI:'f"(' (illr~'in;g and ;Jill\' SCUjJ Id~ UI~ IIIII.:' table is. claimed Dc} dill· ,rI('tl,."ndf.."T .

In oKI~M~11r"I, it" 'Ihl" attacker 1"0 ins bt."t',ILl!>l.- ~h(' dC'i\cnd"'r<bonlod out, th~y can r"ll!1 quite it lot of ~r.!~J 1"1 ~h(' fort i1~.'lf be ore fhe~' ·~carf-"'i"r. 111 thi .. (,.jJSC, the ~ttJ.;(kllll:.i mnb our ,add i'J11 ;1dditi("lnal 206 t~1 !L~ IIIM'ir income for !hl~ baul e.

Scrap C"()UIlJIA:!r.'. ~'.1l1 1;;1" tr"doo in h j!h lhe> 1\ 1~'b tllr [J6 1[-'oI,~f each, \~;hidllI5 olddt.,,1 I~l ~~ll- IIIl.;,'h'" i nc"OBW ,h LJ .


~,'aHI~');I"!'i. !il:o:l~ ~ook pnrt in U~ fJsi~t 'L-.!lr11 ,1;~lX'ri~ points as tollews,

,..06 SUlI"Vive:5

Any ' ... .arrior ",'00 s.un;un-. !ht,. battle- earns 06 hf~'iI"i("I~ points,

+!50 ';vQ'!.i nd ong, ] !.it

A l/I,'arr.:im j~nl~ .1Jl1 exna 5 E:tpo!!tll!![IA'II! FI()in~~ ~or each woundl ng hJ! h~ mflk!~ du ring the- battle, W~'ul~I.:iing dmnll"d warriors ,j01.."::, not n'unt. K(ltc" ~h.l~ V(I'U 01,11 score !') pni I1tS tor wOJLmdil1:L!. an L:'IIL'm~', ro.'!i:ol!~kss of the nu rlllL">I!'r ~ II W'Ql,Jf~;:l<; !lIc!uiLIJ)' i nOi..cbL-d h~' th~' hi l

+5 .Plf!ne't..-alill'i:g Hit

A W<I rrior ~.ill'rl!> ;11; 4"1l:~lI"lIJ 5 b;po.:-r1l!"lT1cl? p'(lII'!~ fllr L'OI,h hit !hilt ~rates a v~hidL··~ iII!1J1Ii,ll] r, r·,_1l..J rdl~~~ of ii"ll· n!SUH of dill" tl,1m.lgc!",

+11. Carry.ulflg, Scrap

A '\'<!Ili'ciLtJ" j';"!jnl~ .1n ~:dra 1 [:t~~ I~nt't! poiint €oo '!:ilrI},g a Sci'ilP m~l"Iitl,!'r he holds at the end L),f HI!.' gam!;!', Scrap ilYd~d1 (i1'tL~ whidl"S dOC'Sl1t! eam lilillyLIII>I'

.lm 11)" F. llt"ril!"TI CC', .

... 06 GeUiln' ]iIi

The fj r..1 <JttOl"("kr:r tha~ g<UD:5; !?1l!1I"~' ~II ihL- ~"Jl~)j) ... i nl': tort ... arns IJ6 e h~ E:"TIj.'ri~'!ilre points .

rD3, lLo!!iin~ D\Ji Fon

It the defi!'i'ldh'lS 11iLlI" ~~k:5 out the mob- Il!!iid<!u wil i 141"",- credi bi lilr ~11 M:.e~.:lifi ..... n If thl:' cllC'k'TIcU:!f"5 ·IOS>..' Ih!' battle ~h~'n tnt' detendi nl!!l mob Ic.!d~'r d;;:'("iu(t-r. I)J rrom the EX~/I!l!1"iL"IL!' pili nt~ ~'\lIrnt"CI i n this b.-li.LIl:'. J 1m i~ 41n1~' dfXlll('t(..,j from .he EX~nL·nn.' -r rorl1 tn.i~, batH!!", nllt . f rl.'HIlI EXl:l4'ri4.'n« earned ill prL:'d4'u .... h.lIulL ......


The i\"b of 1];1- '~'i 11m inv; mob earn ... to f."l'll1t~.

También podría gustarte