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Escuela de Lenguas Modernas, UNIVERSIDAD DE COSTA RICA


Facultad de Letras
Escuela de Lenguas Modernas


Material desarrollado por M.L. Juan Carlos Saravia

Escuela de Lenguas Modernas, UNIVERSIDAD DE COSTA RICA

Esta gua est dirigida a las personas que ingresan por PRIMERA VEZ a la
Universidad de Costa Rica y desean tomar el Examen de Diagnstico en Ingls
(LM-1030), pero desconocen el tipo de prueba que se utiliza.
Se pretende eliminar el factor desconocimiento de dicha prueba, con el fin
de reducir las posibilidades de que el estudiante incurra en errores por no saber
cmo contestar cierto tipo de ejercicios. Asimismo, el estudiante podr
prepararse ms eficientemente para la presentacin del examen de diagnstico
mediante el estudio de esta gua.
Este documento DE NINGUNA MANERA pretende ilustrar todos los
ejercicios que pueden aparecer en el examen, sino ms bien las destrezas que
stos miden. Adems, el nivel de dificultad del texto a leer y el que se provee en
esta gua puede variar. Sin embargo, aunque los ejercicios o la longitud del texto
o la cantidad de ejercicios del examen varen, las habilidades y destrezas de
comprensin lectora evaluadas son las mismas que se representan en esta gua.
El Examen de Diagnstico en Ingls LM-1030 es un instrumento dirigido a
medir las habilidades de comprensin de lectura del estudiante en el idioma ingls.
En consecuencia, los ejercicios determinarn la experticia del lector en diferentes
destrezas asociadas al manejo de vocabulario, gramtica y anlisis de un texto
autntico en ingls, que se le proveer al estudiante junto con el examen.
La prueba consta de dos partes: la primera, que evala la capacidad del
estudiante para manejar aspectos de morfologa y sintaxis inglesa especficos, y la
segunda, que mide la capacidad de anlisis de la persona que realiza el examen.
Para cada uno de los ejercicios, se presentarn diferentes opciones. El estudiante,
despus de haber seleccionado la respuesta correcta para cada tem, deber
marcar la opcin en su hoja de respuestas.

Material desarrollado por M.L. Juan Carlos Saravia

Escuela de Lenguas Modernas, UNIVERSIDAD DE COSTA RICA

El texto:

Making Your Home Secure

By: Jamie Hanson
Submitted 2009-07-09 01:23:22

I. The thought of having your home broken into is a very scary one - even if you are one of
the lucky ones and it has never happened to you - but with just a little thought and you
really can make your home a much more safe and secure place and give yourself some
peace of mind.
II. It has been reported that somewhere in the UK a home is broken into every 30 seconds.
However, the statistics on house-breaking very clearly show that criminals always target
those houses with the least protection. Also the majority of house break-ins are not in
anyway planned but driven by opportunity - an open window, an empty house - in short, a
house that looks easy prey.
III. It is generally agreed that the top deterrent is an Intruder alarm. As already stated it is a
fact that the vast majority of burglaries are by opportunists so when a burglar is checking
out your property , seeing an external bell will make them think twice about targeting your
home. If the external bell box has a flashing "comfort light operating 24 hours a day, it
will be an even better deterrent.
IV. One of the first places to protect are any side entrances, sheds and fences. Also any
area where an intruder can work away hidden away from sight. Install strong, heavy duty
padlocks on any garage doors and outside sheds doors too. Don't forget, the tools you have
in your shed, such as hammers, ladders and indeed screwdrivers, can all be used as tools to
break into your home.
V. All windows that are on the ground floor, and even those on elevations which are beside
flat roofs are prime targets. The first rule of security is to always keep these firmly locked
when you are going out. These windows can easily be fitted with key operated locks to
prevent easy access. An intruder will not really want to have to break any glass and draw
attention to the noise. Key operated locks can be fitted to all types of windows and can be
fitted onto frame types such as wood, metal, or plastic. Remember to keep the key in a safe
place as you may need it yourself in the event of an emergency.
VI. Any burglar will of course first try to gain access to your house by the door, as this is
the far easiest way in. So, in addition to the normal and standard locks and handles, exterior

Material desarrollado por M.L. Juan Carlos Saravia

Escuela de Lenguas Modernas, UNIVERSIDAD DE COSTA RICA

doors can be given added protection by a number of discreet but effective locking systems,
such as a 5 Lever Mortise Deadlock for the front door and a 5 Lever Mortise Sashlock for
the back door.
VII. Rack bolts for French windows at the top and bottom of each door can provide great
added protection against break in, but don't forget that if you have Patio Doors, these also
can be broken into (or simply lifted off their runners if the main lock is forced). There are
now purpose-designed Patio Doors locks are on the market which will prevent this.
VIII. Deterrence really is the first role of home security and good lighting to the front,
aspect, rear and sides of your house, especially if it is one with a side alleyway is a really
simple, cost effective and highly efficient security measure.
IX. Choose your lighting to match your situation. Some security lights are designed to stay
on, from sun-up till sun-down, whereas others are activated by electronic sensors that detect
even the slightest movement or even body heat. With very thoughtful placing, your home
will be visible from any angle, and provide a very effective first line of defense against
Article from Free Articles Directory

Material desarrollado por M.L. Juan Carlos Saravia

Escuela de Lenguas Modernas, UNIVERSIDAD DE COSTA RICA

Ejercicios de la primera parte

Part I
Claves tipogrficas.
Estos ejercicios miden la capacidad del lector para identificar y relacionar
tipologa (nmeros, formatos, signos de puntuacin, tablas o grficos) con el
significado asociado en el texto.
I. Typographical Clues. Read paragraphs I - III and choose the option that best
completes the following statements. Use the indicated paragraphs.
1. The hyphens in paragraph I, lines 1 and 2, enclose:
a. a comment
b. a sarcastic idea
c. a definition
2. The quotation marks in paragraph III, line 4, enclose:
a. a quotation
b. sarcasm
c. a title

Este tipo de ejercicios evalan la comprensin entre un pronombre o adjetivo
posesivo con la frase que sustituyen en la oracin. Es importante notar que el
ingls emplea EXPLETIVOS (pronombres en la posicin de sujeto que no
tienen referencia alguna) en las oraciones impersonales.
II. Referents. Choose the option to indicate the referent or select E for expletive
for the underlined words in paragraphs III and IV.
3. It (paragraph III, line 1)
a. an Intruder alarm
b. the top deterrent
c. E
4. you (paragraph IV, line 3)
a. the tools
b. E
c. The reader

Material desarrollado por M.L. Juan Carlos Saravia

Escuela de Lenguas Modernas, UNIVERSIDAD DE COSTA RICA

Funcin de las palabras.

Estos ejercicios evalan las relaciones sintcticas que el lector establece entre
una palabra y la oracin en donde se encuentra. Se identifica si la palabra o
frase funciona como un verbo, adjetivo, sustantivo, o adverbio.
III. Parts of Speech. Identify the parts of speech and indicate their function by
writing N for nominal, ADJ. for adjectival, V for verbal, and ADV. for adverbial to
each of the words in paragraphs VI - VIII.
5. side (Paragraph IV, line 1)
a. V
b. N
c. Adj
6. easily (Paragraph V, line 3)
a. N
b. Adv
c. Adj

Derivacin de palabras.
Mediante estos ejercicios se evala la comprensin morfolgica que el lector
posee de una palabra, as como su capacidad para identificar afijos e
inflexiones. Se requiere identificar prefijos, sufijos, races y palabras
compuestas. No se toman en cuenta sufijos que denotan plural ni tiempo verbal.
IV. Word building. Circle P if the word has a prefix, S if it has a suffix, B if it
has both a prefix and a suffix, C if it is a compound word, and R if it is a root word.
The words appear in paragraphs IV and V.

7. screwdrivers
a. prefix

b. suffix

c. compound

d. root

b. suffix

c. compound

d. root

8. elevations
a. prefix

Material desarrollado por M.L. Juan Carlos Saravia

Escuela de Lenguas Modernas, UNIVERSIDAD DE COSTA RICA

Organizacin retrica.
Estos ejercicios miden si el lector es capaz de identificar un patrn retrico
especfico mediante el anlisis de las palabras que conforman la idea dada.
V. Rhetorical Organization. Read paragraphs XII - XVII and choose the option
that illustrates the dominant rhetorical pattern of the following statements. Use
the indicated paragraphs.
9. All windows that are on the ground floor, and even those on elevations which
are beside flat roofs are prime targets. The first rule of security is to always keep
these firmly locked when you are going out. (Par. XII)
a. Hypothesis
b. Problem-Solution
c. Exemplification
10. exterior doors can be given added protection by a number of discreet but
effective locking systems, such as a 5 Lever Mortise Deadlock for the front door and
a 5 Lever Mortise Sashlock for the back door. (Par. VI)
a. Classification
b. Definition
c. Exemplification

Se le pide al lector que identifique en el texto una palabra cuyo significado sea
opuesto a la que se le da.
VI. Vocabulary. Read paragraphs XVIII to XX and choose the letter of the word
expressing the OPPOSITE MEANING of the word given.
11. deterrence (Par. VIII)
a. incentive
b. intimidation
c. determent

Material desarrollado por M.L. Juan Carlos Saravia

Escuela de Lenguas Modernas, UNIVERSIDAD DE COSTA RICA

Part II

Esta serie de ejercicios miden destrezas ms elaboradas de la comprensin

lectora, tales como si el lector es capaz de distinguir informacin factual de
opiniones, o si puede discriminar entre ideas explcitas e implcitas en el texto.
Tambin se mide la habilidad para inferir a partir de material textual, sintetizar
las ideas en el texto, as como evaluarlas y examinar el tono, propsito o
pblico meta ideal del texto.
I. After reading paragraphs I IV, look at the statements below and indicate if the
statement is a fact or if it is an opinion.

It has been reported that somewhere in the UK a home is broken into every
30 seconds. (P. II)
a. Fact
b. Opinion


If the external bell box has a flashing "comfort light operating 24 hours a
day, it will be an even better deterrent. (P III)
a. Fact
b. Opinion

II. Analyze the following information in paragraphs V and choose if the statement
is implicit or explicit information.

Because of the noise, burglars try to avoid breaking glass.

a. Explicit
b. Implicit

15. It can be dangerous to forget where the windows key is.

a. Explicit
b. Implicit

Material desarrollado por M.L. Juan Carlos Saravia

Escuela de Lenguas Modernas, UNIVERSIDAD DE COSTA RICA

IIII. Read paragraphs VI and VII and choose the right option to complete the
16. From paragraph VI, we can infer that the author:
a. believes the door is a burglars first target to get into a house.
b. trusts 5 Lever mortise locks.
c. thinks that exterior doors can be made more secure.
17. The main idea in paragraph VII is that:
a. Patio doors are easy to be broken into.
b. French windows on doors are not safe.
c. Even special doors can be reinforced today.

IV. Choose the alternative that makes the statements true according to paragraphs VIII
and IX.
18. The author believes that appropriate illumination ______ an efficient
deterrent for burglars.
a. is

b. is not

19. Paragraph IX states that ____ is a good defense against burglars.

a. an electronic sensor

b. appropriately located lighting

V. Do the following exercise.

20. Purpose. Circle the letter to determine the purpose of the text.
a. to investigate
b. to advise
c. to complain

Material desarrollado por M.L. Juan Carlos Saravia

Escuela de Lenguas Modernas, UNIVERSIDAD DE COSTA RICA


Part I
I. Typographical Clues.
1. The hyphens in paragraph I, lines 1 and 2, enclose:
a. a comment
b. a sarcastic idea
c. a definition

El guin aade un pensamiento adicional del autor.

No hay sarcasmo en la idea.
No se est explicando ningn concepto desconocido.

2. The quotation marks in paragraph III, line 4, enclose:

a. a quotation
b. sarcasm
c. a title

Se presenta fielmente el contenido del mensaje.

No se aade un significado negativo al mensaje.
El formato no corresponde a un ttulo.

II. Referents.
3. It (paragraph III, line 1)
a. an Intruder alarm La oracin carece de sentido si se sustituye it por la
b. the top deterrent opcin a o la b.
c. E
Es una oracin con un verbo impersonal donde it no
sustituye a ninguna frase, sino que cumple con el requisito gramatical de que haya
un sujeto para el verbo. Se lee en espaol Generalmente se acuerda que... La
calidad impersonal del verbo es evidente al preguntar Quin acuerda?

4. you (paragraph IV, line 3)

a. the tools
You no hace referencia a objetos plurals.
b. E
You no cumple funcin de EXPLETIVO.
c. The reader
Se utiliza You en el texto para involucrar al lector en
una especie de conversacin en donde el autor habla y el lector escucha.

III. Parts of Speech.

5. side (Paragraph IV, line 1)
No hay ningn pronombre de sujeto ejecutando side
como accin.
b. N
En ingls, un sustantivo no funciona como tal delante de
otro sustantivo. Es equivalente en espaol a la frmula:
(sustantivo+ de +sustantivo). Ejemplo: Gold chain (Cadena de oro)
c. Adj
Corresponde a la explicacin anterior

Material desarrollado por M.L. Juan Carlos Saravia

Escuela de Lenguas Modernas, UNIVERSIDAD DE COSTA RICA

6. easily (Paragraph V, line 3)
a. N
No corresponde a ninguna funcin nominal.
b. Adv
Caracteriza a la accin verbal. La mayora de los
adverbios terminan en ingls con ly, que equivale a la terminacin
adverbial mente en espaol. Ejemplo: Suavemente
c. Adj
No modifica a ningn sustantivo.

IV. Word building.

7. screwdrivers
a. prefix

b. suffix

c. compound
(Screw + drivers)

d. root

8. elevations
a. prefix

b. suffix
(Elevate + tion)

c. compound

d. Root

V. Rhetorical Organization.
9. All windows that are on the ground floor, and even those on elevations which
are beside flat roofs are prime targets. The first rule of security is to always keep
these firmly locked when you are going out. (Par. XII)
a. Hypothesis

No se explica un fenmeno desconocido.

b. Problem-Solution

Se establece un problema y cmo resolverlo.

c. Exemplification

No se dan ejemplos para clarificar un concepto.

10. exterior doors can be given added protection by a number of discreet but
effective locking systems, such as a 5 Lever Mortise Deadlock for the front door
and a 5 Lever Mortise Sashlock for the back door. (Par. VI)
a. Classification

No se establecen categoras

b. Definition

No se explica un concepto desconocido.

c. Exemplification

La idea effective locking systems se ilustra con

productos concretos (en negrilla).

Material desarrollado por M.L. Juan Carlos Saravia

Escuela de Lenguas Modernas, UNIVERSIDAD DE COSTA RICA

VI. Vocabulary. Read paragraphs XVIII to XX and choose the letter of the word
expressing the OPPOSITE MEANING of the word given.
11. deterrence (Par. VIII) Significa disuasin, convencer de NO hacer algo.
a. incentive
b. intimidation

c. determent

significa motivacin
implica uso del miedo para detener algo
es un comunicado intimidante para disuadir.

Part II
I. After reading paragraphs I IV, look at the statements below and indicate if the
statement is a fact or if it is an opinion.

It has been reported that somewhere in the UK a home is broken into every
30 seconds. (P. II)
a. Fact

Es un reporte basado en estadsticas

b. Opinion


If the external bell box has a flashing "comfort light operating 24 hours a
day, it will be an even better deterrent. (P III)


b. Opinion El autor juzga la calidad del recurso. El uso de adjetivos

(even better) implica una posicin personal.
II. Analyze the following information in paragraphs V and choose if the statement
is implicit or explicit information.

Because of the noise, burglars try to avoid breaking glass.

a. Explicit

Es la misma informacin textual usando otras

palabras. No se est leyendo nada entre lneas.

b. Implicit

15. It can be dangerous to forget where the windows key is.

a. Explicit

b. Implicit

Esta informacin se deriva de palabras como

emergency, pero no se aparece directamente en
el texto.

Material desarrollado por M.L. Juan Carlos Saravia

Escuela de Lenguas Modernas, UNIVERSIDAD DE COSTA RICA

IIII. Read paragraphs VI and VII and choose the right option to complete the
16. From paragraph VI, we can infer that the author:
a. believes the door is a burglars first target to get into a house.

b. trusts 5 Lever mortise locks.

c. thinks that exterior doors can be made more secure.

Tanto la opcin a como la c aparecen explcitamente en el texto, por lo que no

son inferencias. La opcin b es una interpretacin del uso de la palabra effective
por parte del autor.
17. The main idea in paragraph VII is that:
a. Patio doors are easy to be broken into.
b. French windows on doors are not safe.

c. Even special doors can be reinforced today.

Tanto la opcin a como la b presentan informacin parcial del prrafo, por lo
que no pueden ser la idea principal de ste. La opcin c resume todos los temas del
prrafo (French windows on doors y patio doors) y lo que se dice de ellos.
IV. Choose the alternative that makes the statements true according to paragraphs VIII
and IX.
18. The author believes that appropriate illumination ______ an efficient
deterrent for burglars.
a. is
b. is not
La ltima oracin providebreak-ins) establece el convencimiento del autor de
que la buena iluminacin por s misma desmotiva a los ladrones.
19. Paragraph IX states that ____ is a good defense against burglars.
a. an electronic sensor

b. appropriately located lighting

El punto focal es la iluminacin, no la tecnologa. (Ver ejercicio anterior)

V. Do the following exercise.
20. Purpose. Circle the letter to determine the purpose of the text.
a. to investigate
No se est averiguando algo desconocido.
b. to advise

Se presentan recomendaciones.

c. to complain

No hay quejas en contra de algn fenmeno.

Material desarrollado por M.L. Juan Carlos Saravia

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