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B.E.S.T English Institute Module 1 Page 1

FOREWORD The following module has been designed as an answer to the markets demands in terms of providing personnel with a high level of proficiency in the use of English as a foreign language in Colombia guided under all the regulations based on the BRITISH COUNCIL CORE INVENTORY FOR GENERAL ENGLISH and THE COMMON EUROPEAN FRAMEWORK OF REFERENCE FOR FOREING LANGUAGES which provide our standards that allow a student to be trained to meet the requirements of a demanding and evolving market seeking new leaders for an always changing economy. As a local company with a Global view of teaching we at Fundacin Aliarse understand the social responsibility we have to teach with state of the art resources, ideal tutors and all the human and technological resources necessary to provide a satisfactory and pleasant learning environment that guarantees the acquisition of the language with an appropriate rapport.

Yair Herrera F. English teacher and modules editor Boston International School

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UNIDAD FUNCIONES GRAMTICA VOCABULARIO TEMAS Generador de discursos Lectura Document os e informaci n personal Escritura Redactar un prrafo con tu informacin bsica Escucha Escuchar informacin personal y completar formatos. Respuesta a saludos y despedidas. Formulacin de preguntas de informacin bsica. Respuesta a informacin requerida. Se adapta a situaciones comunicativas bilinges bsicas y sencillas. Respeta las intervenciones en clase de sus compaeros y procura aprender de ellas Muestra inters en cumplir con las tareas y actividades asignadas.

El verbo to be en oraciones afirmativas, interrogativas y negativas Preguntas con ayuda de What y Where.

Informacin personal. Expresiones usuales dentro de in saln de clase y en la vida cotidiana El alfabeto Nmeros de 0 - 10

Intercambio de informacin personal Deletrear nombres y diversos sustantivos Pasatiempos

Preguntas acerca de otras personas Dar las gracias

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UNIDAD GRAMTICA VOCABULARIO TEMAS Generador de discursos Lectura Conversac iones en el saln de clases FUNCIONES Escritura Hacer preguntas sobre la ubicacin de diversos objetos y lugares Escucha Seguir instrucciones. Extraer informacin sobre preguntas especficas. Solucin de aplicaciones. Improvisacin de pequeos dilogos. Expresa como se siente en trminos simples. Se esmera por participar en situaciones de comunicacin oral en diferentes tipos de agrupamientos (parejas, pequeos grupos, todo el grupo).

El verbo to be en oraciones afirmativas, interrogativas y negativas Artculos: definido e indefinido Pronombres demostrativos: This, that, these y those.

Objetos personales Objetos de un saln de clase Pases nacionalidades e idiomas Instrucciones bsicas

Nacionalidades Identificar objetos del saln de clase Uso de instrucciones bsicas en el saln de clase Preguntar por la ubicacin de objetos en el saln de clases.

Solicitar ayuda en el saln de clases Respuestas a preguntas de interaccin bsicas.

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UNIDAD FUNCIONES GRAMTICA VOCABULARIO TEMAS Generador de discursos Lectura Un rbol familiar Escritura Escribe sobre tu familia y amigos. Escucha Escuchar conversaciones y completar prrafos con informacin especfica. Identificacin de los miembros de la familia. Construccin de un vocabulario comn relativo a personalidad y apariencia fsica. Utilizacin de los posesivos al sealar pertenencias. Descripcin de un amigo o familiar. Realizacin de prrafos cortos describiendo algn miembro de la familia. Valora la lectura y escritura como medio de comunicacin. Aprecia la calidad de las intervenciones orales propias y ajenas.

Possessive Case Whose Adjetivos posesivos Pronombres posesivos Posesivo sajn Preguntas de informacin con ayuda del verb be.

Adjetivos bsicos Miembros de la familia Nmeros de 10 1.000.000. Das de la semana y meses.

El mundo de los famosos Descripcin de personas Conversaciones sobre amigos.

Mostrar inters ante los comentarios hechos por otros. Uso de frases para mostrar agrado o desagrado.

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UNIDAD FUNCIONES GRAMTICA VOCABULARIO TEMAS Generador de discursos Lectura Artculos que ilustrar el estilo de vida de una regin Escritura Uso apropiado de los signos de puntuacin: el punto. Escribir un mensaje a un compaero o describiendo tus actividades rutinarias Escucha Escuchar preguntas y pensar en posibles respuestas. Obtener informacin sobre rutinas para completar tablas o prrafos. Descripcin de las caractersticas fsicas de los lugares, tallas, objetos, personas, etc. Solicitud y respuesta ante la hora. Descripcin atmosfrica del da en su ciudad y otras. Expresin de la fecha de su cumpleaos, actividades y eventos histricos. Se esfuerza por captar las ideas principales en los textos propuestos Es diligente en la adquisicin de palabras, nombres y frases de supervivencia.

Presente simple de forma afirmativa

Verbos bsicos que expresan rutinas. La fecha Expresiones de tiempo para rutinas.

Describe un da normal para ti Habla sobre tus actividades cotidianas. Obtener informacin bsica. Estilos de vida

Responder de forma extensa preguntas. Decir si, no y uso de palabras para ganar tiempo en una conversacin.

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UNIDAD FUNCIONES GRAMTICA VOCABULARIO TEMAS Generador de discursos Lectura Artculos sobre el uso apropiado de medios masivos de comunicaci n. Escritura Escribir un mensaje acerca de tu opinin sobre un programa de televisin. Escucha Escuchar conversaciones que le permite predecir ideas acerca de lo que las personas en la conversacin van a decir. Empleo apropiado de las preposiciones de tiempo de acuerdo al asunto en referencia. Descripcin fsica de su cuarto y su casa. Localizacin de lugares en un espacio determinado. Valora la lectura y escritura como medio de comunicacin. Aprecia la calidad de las intervenciones orales propias y ajenas.

Presente simple. Oraciones afirmativas y negativas. Adverbios de frecuencia.

Tipos de programas de televisin Actividades de tiempo libre Expresiones sobre gustos y disgustos. T casa.

Discutir sobre actividades de tiempo libre. Hablar sobre gustos y disgustos.

Formular preguntas que le permitan aclarar informacin. Usar la expresin I mean para explicar sus ideas.

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UNIDAD FUNCIONES GRAMTICA VOCABULARIO TEMAS Generador de discursos Lectura Avisos clasificados Escritura Escribir anuncios para dar a conocer un evento Escucha Escuchar programas de radio o televisivas donde se muestran eventos Extraer informacin sobre temas de actualidad. Lectura de un mapa. Solicitud, expresin y entendimiento de una direccin Emisin y respuesta ante rdenes dadas en el aula para poder desarrollar una clase. Se esfuerza por captar las ideas principales en los textos propuestos Es diligente en la adquisicin de palabras, nombres y frases de supervivencia.

There is y there are Presente simple, en todas las formas.

Lugares del vecindario Adjetivos Expresiones para decir el tiempo. Frutas y vegetales

Describir tu vecindario Hablar acerca de actividades de

Usar frases para mostrar que tienes afinidades con alguien. Frases para demostrar tu acuerdo o desacuerdo sobre diversas temticas.

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Whats in this unit? The verb to be Personal information questions Classroom expressions The alphabet Numbers 1 -10 On line resources Listening // Dictionary // Pronunciation Grammar and vocabulary.

WARM UP: Introducing yourself

Duration: 8 hours Describe the pictures. How do they make you feel? Are they true?

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LISTENING 1. Say the alphabet in English. Listen and repeat.

Aa Hh Oo Vv

Bb Ii Pp Ww

Cc Jj Qq Xx

Dd Kk Rr Yy

Ee Ll Ss Zz

Ff Mm Tt

Gg Nn Uu

2. 1. A 2. G 3. I 4. B 5. E 6. P 7. D 8. E 9. M 10. O

LISTENING II. Listen and circle the letters you hear. I J Y V A B T I N U


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Read the text and choose the correct answers. 1. Pepa is her nickname. a) true b) false c) doesnt say

2. Shes Italian. a) true b) false c) doesnt say

3. Her favourite thing is her cat. a) true b) false c) doesnt say

4. Her favourite film is Destinys Child. a) true b) false c) doesnt say

5. She is a musician. a) true 4. b) false c) doesnt say

LISTENING III. Listen and mark the correct spelling

5. VOCABULARY CORNER. Do it yourself!!! Instructions: Look up the following words / phrases in your dictionary. Make sentences and a dialogue using them. WORD / PHRASE DEFINITION / SYNONYM TRANSLATION 1. Spell 2. Listen 3. Repeat 4. Practise

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5. Say 6. Circle 7. Mark 8. Letters 9. Greetings 10. Complete 11. Answer 12. Write

6. GRAMMAR Normally we use the verb to be to show the status or characteristics of something or someone. It says what I am, what you are or what something is. Table # 1 (Positive form) Pronouns with the verb to be (am/is/are) and its Contractions Subject Pronouns 1St 2nd 3rd I you He/She/It Verb (To be) am are Is PLURAL 1st 2nd 3rd We You They are were you re theyre Im youre hes / shes / its Contraction

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Table 2 : (Negative form) Pronouns with the verb to be (am/is/are) and its Contractions Subject Pronouns 1St 2nd I you Verb (To be) am + not are + not Im not youre not / you arent hes / shes / its + not or he/she/it + isnt PLURAL 1st 2nd 3rd We You They Are +not were not / we arent you re not / you arent theyre not / they arent Contraction

3rd He/She/It is + not

Table # 3 (Questions) Verb (to be) 1St 2nd 3rd Am Are Is Subject Pronoun I you he/she/it PLURAL 1st 2nd 3rd Are we you they ready? at home tired? Complement (optional) a good student? married? your friend?

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Table 4: Short answers (Yes and no answers) Positive 1St 2nd 3rd Yes, I am Yes, you are Yes, he is Negative No. Im not No, you arent No, he isnt / No, hes not No, she isnt / No, shes not No, it isnt/ No, its not PLURAL 1st Yes, we are 2nd 3rd Yes, you are Yes, they are No, were not / No, we arent No, youre not / No, you arent No, theyre not / No, they arent

7. GREETINGS Formal Good morning, afternoon, evening Hello Hi How are you? How are you doing? Same old, same old Fine thank you, and you? I'm excellent, great, good, doing well, super! I'm okay I'm not so good, bad, terrible I feel awful today Informal Whats up? Not much, how about you? How's it going? Pretty good! how about yourself? What's going on? Not much! How are things? -Everything's cool. So far, so good Farewells Goodbye! Bye! Take care!

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Informal Farewells See you! Catch you later! See you later! Later! 8. PERSONAL INFORMATON A. Complete the box with your own information. NAME MIDDLE NAME



B. Ask the following questions to a partner. a. Whats your name?____________________________________________________ b. Whats your middle name? _____________________________________________ c. Whats your last name? ________________________________________________ d. Whats your nickname? ________________________________________________ e. Whats your email address?_____________________________________________ C. Ask your partner to spell. Practice with the question: HOW DO YOU SPELL YOUR..? 9. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. LISTENING IV. Spelling names. How do you spell the names? Listen and check () the correct answer ___ Jon ___ Sara ___ Steven ___ Katherine ___ Kris ___ John ___ Sarah ___ Stephen ___ Kathryn ___ Chris

10. LISTENING V. Listen and write the names. a. ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ b. ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ c. ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ d. ___ ___ ___ ___

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11. How do you spell ? Spell the word below, practice with your partner Example: A: How do you spell window? B: W-I-N-D-O-W - chair - Desk - Book - Board - Notebook - Teacher - Eraser - Student - Pencil - Dictionary - Pen - Backpack - Ruler 13. THE NUMBERS 0. Zero Oh 5. Five 10. Ten Answer the following question: Whats your phone number?_______________________________ 6. Six 1. One 2. Two 7. Seven 3. Three 8. Eight 4. Four 9.Nine

14. Classroom English Commands Pay attention. Open your book. Questions Do you understand? Yes, I understand. / No, I don't understand. Are you ready? Yes, I am. / No, I'm not. Do you have a question? Yes, I have a question. / No, I don't have a question. Could you repeat that, please? How do you say this_________________ in English? May I go to the bathroom? Module 1 Page 16 Raise your hand. Close your book. - Don't talk/chat.

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Student Responses Sorry, I'm late. This is easy/difficult. I forgot. - I don't remember. Teacher, I can't see.

This is fun/boring.

Directions Listen to the directions. - Repeat after me. - Say the question.

Answer the question. WRITING Instructions: Write basic information about you and your classmates and come up with a dialogue using the greetings you learnt. _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________

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UNIT 2 MY CLASSROOM Whats in this unit? The verb to be Definitive and indefinite articles Demonstrative pronouns Nationalities and languages Classroom objects On line resources Listening Dictionary Pronunciation Grammar and vocabulary.

WARM UP: A tongue twister A noisy noise annoys an oyster

Duration: 6 hours Describe the pictures. How do they make you feel? Are they true?

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2A. Reading Read Marks letter Dear students, Thank you for your letter. How are you? Its dark and very cold in the Arctic! My house isnt very big but its my home. Theres a kitchen, a bathroom and a bedroom in my house. In my bedroom, theres a bed, a desk and a chair. My computer is on the desk. Theres a small cupboard. My things are in it. There are some drawers and shelves next to the cupboard. My books and cassettes are on the shelves but there arent any CDs because there isnt a CD player! On the walls, there are lots of photos and postcards. My favourite things are the photos of my friends and family. And there are three warm mats on the floor. Write to me again soon!

Read Marks letter in exercise 10 again, and choose the correct answers. 0 1 2 3 4 5 Marks house is in the Antarctic. a) true a) true a) true a) true a) true a) true b) false b) false b) false b) false b) false b) false c) doesnt say c) doesnt say c) doesnt say c) doesnt say c) doesnt say c) doesnt say There isnt a bathroom in Marks house. His desk is next to his bed. There are some drawers next to the cupboard. His photos are his favourite things. There are postcards from his family.

3. VOCABULARY CORNER. Do it yourself!!! Instructions: Look up the following words / phrases in your dictionary. Make sentences and a dialogue using them. WORD / PHRASE 1. Address book 2. Wallet DEFINITION / SYNONYM TRANSLATION

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3. Envelope 4. Umbrella 5. Calendar 6. Credit card 7. Backpack 8. White board 9. Computer 10. Wasbasket 11. Desk 12. Dictionary 13. Pieces of paper 14. Blue 15. Yellow 16. White 17. Black 18. Red 19. Orange 20. Green 21. Brown Warm Up: Discuss the following questions with a partner. 1. What color is your hair? 2. Do you have a blue chair? 3. How do you spell orange? 4. What color is your pencil? 5. Wher is your dictionary? Activity: Write your family tree with as many members as possible B.E.S.T English Institute Module 1 Page 20


LISTENING VI. Match the objects with the pictures. Listen and repeat.


Listen and list the words from the previous exercise in the order you hear them.
1. 3. 5. 7. 9. 11. 13. 2. 4. 6. 8. 10. 12. 14.


For reviewing the use of the VERB BE, please go back to unit 1; pages 15 and 16 to refresh your memory.

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6.1. Put the conversation in the correct order. Start with: Good morning. I am Kate. a. Bye. B. Good morning. I am Kate. C. Hi, Kate! How are you?

D. Im Janet. B

e. Im fine. Whats your name?

f. See you tomorrow, Janet.

6.2. Choose the correct word and circle it. 1 Hello. I am / is Peter. 2 This is / are my brother, Sam. 3 This is John and this is Stacy. They is / are my friends.

6.3. Underline the mistakes. Then write the corrections. 1 You not are American. 2 She arent here today. 3 I is not on your team. 4 You ready? _______________ _______________ _______________


6.4. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb to be in each gap. 0 1 2 3 4 I __am_ a doctor. It _____ my bag. _____ you a teacher? She _____ a student. _____ he a waiter?

6.5 Complete the short answers. 0 1 2 3 Are you an engineer? Yes, I am. Am I English? No, _____ _____. Is he Spanish? No, _____ _____. Is your name John? No, _____ _____. Module 1 Page 22

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6.6 Write the question to the answers. Choose from the box. You dont need all of the questions. How do you spell Mexico? Good afternoon. What does that mean? 1 ________________________________________ ? B. In English it is called a classroom. 2 ________________________________________ ? Can you repeat that, please? How do you say this in English?

B. Sure. My name is Tom. 3 ________________________________________ ? B. Its MEXICO. Mexico.

4 ________________________________________ ? B. It means father. 6.7 COMPLETE THE DIALOGUES. 1 ____________________? B Shes my grandmother. 2 ____________________? B Im twelve. 3 ____________________? B My sister is eighteen. 4 ____________________? B Its Juan. 5 ____________________? B Its J - U - A - N. 7. INTRODUCTIONS. Circle the correct words to complete the conversation. Maddie Good (morning / afternoon), Mrs. Binks. Mrs. Binks Hi, Maddie. How are (you / your), today? Maddie Great, (thank / thanks). How about you? Mrs. Binks Good, (thanks you / thank you). Maddie Mrs. Binks, this (is / are) my new classmate, Arturo. Mrs. Binks Hi, Arturo. Nice (meet / to meet) you. Arturo Nice (too / to) meet you, (too / to). Mrs. Binks Arturo, how (you do / do you) spell your first name? B.E.S.T English Institute Module 1 Page 23

Arturo (A-R-T-U-R-O / A-T-R-U-R-O). Mrs. Binks Whats (you / your) last name? Arturo Valdez. Mrs. Binks V-A-L-D-E-S? Arturo (Yes / No). V-A-L-D-E-Z.

11. Complete the dialogue

Peter: Hello my _________________ is Peter Smith. Im a new student here. Whats your __________? Tina: Hi, My ______________ is Tina Atkinson

Peter: How do you spell your _________ ____________? Tina: A-T-K-I-N-S-O-N

Peter: Whats your _____________? Tina: 45 B Street and 24-85

Peter: O.k. And your phone number? Tina: its ______________________ 1. COUNTRIES AND NATIONALITIES Colombia - Colombian USA American United States of America Canada Canadian Mexico Mexican Jamaica - Jamaican Peru Peruvian Brazil Brazilian Venezuela Venezuelan Ecuador Ecuadorian Argentina Argentinean Chile Chilean Spain Spanish France French German Germany Italy Italian Portugal Portuguese UK British United Kingdom Ireland Irish Poland Polish Sweden Swedish Switzerland Swiss Scotland Scottish England English Russia Russian India Indian Japan Japanese China Chinese United Arab Emirates Emirati Egypt - Egyptian South Africa South African Australia Australian New Zealand New Zealander

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8.1. Write the nationalities of the following countries

1________________________ 2________________________ 3________________________ 4________________________ 5________________________ 6________________________ 7________________________ 8________________________ 8.2. A. Find out the COLORS of the following flags.

9________________________ 10_______________________ 11_______________________ 12_______________________ 13_______________________ 14_______________________ 15_______________________ 16_______________________

1. Colombian flag: _______________________________________________________ 2. Japanese flag: _______________________________________________________ 3. South African flag: ____________________________________________________ 4. Jamaican flag: _______________________________________________________ 5. American flag: _______________________________________________________ 8.3. What s your favourite sport team? What are its representative colors? ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ B.E.S.T English Institute Module 1 Page 25

8.4. Where are you from? Talk and write about you and the people in the picture.

Shes Irune. Shes from Spain. Shes Spanish. The Spanish flag is red and yellow.

1. ________________________________________________________________________ 2. ________________________________________________________________________ 3. ________________________________________________________________________ 4. ________________________________________________________________________ 5. ________________________________________________________________________ 6. ________________________________________________________________________ 7. ________________________________________________________________________ 9. INDEFINITE ARTICLE A = indefinite article (not a specific object, one of a number of the same objects) with consonants

She has a dog. I work in a factory.

AN = indefinite article (not a specific object, one of a number of the same objects) with vowels (a,e,i,o,u)

Can I have an apple? She is an English teacher.

9.1 Odd Word. Fill in the blanks with a or an, Find the odd Word and write a sentence 1_____ orange 1 _____spoon 1 _____ stamp 1 _____ cat 2 _____ apple 2 _____ knife 2 _____teacher 2 _____ tiger 3 _____ peach 3 _____table 3 _____ actress 3 _____ rabbit Module 1 4 _____ wallet 4 _____ fork 4 _____ salesman 4 _____ chicken Page 26

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1 _____ dress 1 _____ eraser

2 ______ ring 2 ____umbrella

3 _____ bracelet 3 _____ notebook

4 ______ chain 4 ______ ruler

9.2. Complete the following sentences with the correct article a, an, the or n/a He is ____________ electrician This is __________ orange She is __________ secretary They are ______________ cassettes. You are _____________ architect I am ____________ clerk These are _____________ English books 10. SINGULAR AND PLURAL FORMS Its time to learn how to change form singular to plural SINGULAR + -S singular a car a cassette a lamp a hat a cup singular a box a sandwich a suitcase a rose a garage plural two cars two cassettes two lamps two hats two cups plural two boxes two sandwiches two suitcases two roses two garages

Add -es after sibilants:

Substitute y after consonant with -ies:

singular a city a lady plural two cities two ladies Module 1 Page 27

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Add -s after vowel + y: singular plural a boy a day add -s singular a roof a cliff a sheriff plural two roofs two cliffs two sheriffs two boys two days substitute with -ves singular a thief a wife a shelf plural two thieves two wives two shelves

Nouns on -f or -fe:

There are two forms possible:

scarf - scarfs/scarves hoof - hoofs/hooves

Add -s for words ending in -ff. Always use a dictionary if you are not sure.
Nouns on -o form the plural by adding -s or -es. add -s singular a disco a piano a photo plural two discos two pianos two photos substitute with -ves singular a tomato a potato a hero plural two tomatoes two potatoes two heroes

Some nouns can have two plural forms:

buffalo - buffalos/buffaloes mosquito - mosquitos/mosquitoes tornado - tornados/tornadoes

There is no rule when to use -s or -es. We often add -s with technical words.
IRREGULAR PLURAL FORMS: singular a man a woman a child a mouse a tooth a goose a foot an ox plural two men two women two children two mice two teeth two geese two feet two oxen Module 1 Page 28

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EXERCISES Instructions: Change the nouns in exercise 9.3 to plural 10.1 Write sentences about what can you see in the picture. After you do it, change to PLURAL

Example: Its a chair _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ 11. DEMONSTRATIVE PRONOUNS A demonstrative pronoun represents a thing or things:

_______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________

near in distance or time (this, these) far in distance or time (that, those) near singular plural this these far that those

11.1 Work with a partner. Ask and answer. Use this , that, these, those.

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1. A:___________________________ B:___________________________ 2. A:___________________________ B:___________________________ 3. A:___________________________ B:___________________________ 4. A:___________________________ B:___________________________

5. A:___________________________ B:___________________________ 6. A:___________________________ B:__________________________ 7. A:__________________________ B:__________________________ 8. A:__________________________ B:_________________________

11.2. Complete the sentences this, that, these, those.

11.3. Complete the sentences. Choose words. Write the words on the line
1. _________________ hat is black. _________________ hats are beige This/These That/those

2. _________________ jeans are tight. ______________ jeans are loose. This/These That/these

3. _________________ shirt is dirty. ______________ shirts are clean. That/Those This/these

4. I dont like ___________ yellow blouse. I like ___________ purple blouse That/ those This/those

5. We dont want ____________ cereal. We want ___________ cereal This/these That/Those

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LISTENING VII. A. Listen and number the pictures in the correct order.

B. Listen again and find the people in the pictures. Mia - Jo Dan Clara Toby Simone Alfie/Miles- Jack. Picture a. ______________________________ Picture b. ______________________________ Picture c. ______________________________ Picture d. ______________________________ Picture e. ______________________________ 12. WRITING Instructions: Write about everything you can find in your classroom and the characteristics of them. ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________

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UNIT 3 MY FAMILY Whats in this unit? The verb be Possesive adjectives Possessive pronouns Family members Adjectives to describe people Numbers On line resources Listening Dictionary Pronunciation Grammar and vocabulary. Duration: 10 hours Describe the pictures. How do they make you feel? Are they true?

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READING Read the text and choose the correct answers. My names Charlie and I go to a special school for music students. I play the piano and sing, and I want to be a professional musician in the future. The school is in London and its for students from fourteen to eighteen years old. We study normal subjects in the mornings and Music in the afternoons. My favourite normal subjects are English and History. Some students want to write music and others want to sing or play professionally. I want to sing in a famous pop band and travel around the world. My parents are musicians. My dad plays the drums in a jazz band. My mums teaching singing and music at my school at the moment, but she sometimes sings in my dads band. I dont like jazz and I dont want to be a teacher.

1 2 3 4 5

Charlie doesnt go to a normal school. a) true a) true a) true a) true b) false b) false b) false b) false b) false c) doesnt say c) doesnt say c) doesnt say c) doesnt say c) doesnt say He plays two musical instruments. The school is for students of all ages. He likes Geography classes. All the students want to write music.

a) true

2. VOCABULARY CORNER. Do it yourself!!! Instructions: Look up the following words / phrases in your dictionary. Make sentences and a dialogue using them. WORD / PHRASE 1. Infant 2. Young / old 3. Middle-age 4. Noisy / quiet 5. Toddler 6. Senior citizen B.E.S.T English Institute Module 1 Page 33 DEFINITION / SYNONYM TRANSLATION

7. Well-built 8. Average weight 9. Thin / fat 10. Skinny / Chubby 11. Gorgeous 12. Handsome / ugly 13. Shy / Talkative 14. Wife / husband 15. In laws 16. Aunt / Uncle 17. Straight / crooked 18. Wealthy / poor 19. Stuffed 20. Sharp / dull Warm Up: Discuss the following questions with a partner. 1. What is your mother like? 2. Are you married or single? 3. What is your teachers name? 4. Name some gorgeous actors / actresses 5. Tell me about your grandfather 6. Describe yourself 7. What is your best friend like?

Activity: Write your family tree with as many members as possible

1. My grandmothers name is Millie. 2. Millies son is my father. His name is Jack. 3. My aunts name is Betty. Her husbands name is Tom. 4. Bettys father is Bill. 5. My brothers name is Mark. B.E.S.T English Institute Module 1

2.1 Family Tree. Read about Debbies family. Write their names in the picture. 6. My moms name is Cathy. 7. Toms son is my cousin. Jake. 8. Sandra is Cathys daughter. sister, too. 9. Laura is Jakes sister Shes my His name is

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2.3. Here are some more family words. Match these family members to the descriptions! 1. Twins _____ 2. Triplets _____ 3. Step-sister_____ 4. Step-father_____ . 5. Great grandmother_____ a. She is my new dads daughter. b. Two children born at the same time. c. Three children born at the same time d. She is my grandmas mother e. My mom is married again and I have a new father 3. Use the following words to make a physical description from each group of pictures. Write a number next to the word.

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4. Find and circle the adjectives in the box below.












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5. LISTENING VIII. Numbers. Listen and repeat the numbers.

6. Solve and write in words the following mathematical operations Example: 4 X 7 = 28 four times seven is (equal) twenty eight 8 X 2 =___________________________________________________________ 18/ 9 =___________________________________________________________ 45 24=__________________________________________________________ 72 / 8 =___________________________________________________________ 61 + 32=__________________________________________________________ 49 / 7 =___________________________________________________________

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7. LISTENING IX. Listen and complete the dialogue. Then ask another students for their phone numbers Lisa: Hey, Brad. Whats your cell phone number? Brad: Its _________________________________________ Lisa: Can you repeat that, please? Brad: _______________________________________. Whats yours, Lisa? Lisa: My number is _________________________________________ 7.1. Ask a partner about his / her age. How old are you? Im __________years old.

8. LISTENING X. Listen and circle the correct information about Clara.

9. GRAMMAR. POSSESSIVE CASE OF NOUNS adding 's Usually used for people Example: Ronny's brother If there is a relation to people often the s is added instead of Example: Germany's economy or When using the possessive case Example: a three weeks' holiday of phrase Usually used for things Example: the name of the school

when using the possessive case with unanimated things, using an of phrase. the economy of Germany with a time, s is added.

EXERCISES 9.1 Fill the gaps with the possessive case of nouns. Decide whether you have to use 's or an of phrase. 1. The boy has a toy. It's the _________________________________________ 2. Peter has a book. It's_________________________________________________ 3. The magazine has my picture on its cover. My picture is on _________________ 4. Our friends live in this house. It's _________________________________________ B.E.S.T English Institute Module 1 Page 38

5. There is milk in the glass. It's _________________________________________ 6. This house has a number. What is _____________________________________? 7. The walk lasts two hours. It's ___________________________________________ 8. John has a sister, Jane. Jane is _________________________________________ 9. The film has a name, "Scream". "Scream" is _____________________________ 10. This school is for girls only. It's a _____________________________________ 9.2 PERSONAL PRONOUNS, POSSESSIVE ADJECTIVES and POSSESSIVE PRONOUNS Personal pronouns I You He She It We You They Ex. We have some books. USE: Use the possessive adjectives before nouns Use the possessive pronouns after verbs and prepositions EXERCISES 9.3 CHOOSE THE CORRECT POSSESSIVE TO COMPLETE THE SENTENCES. Example: I have got a sister. ___ name is Susan. Answer: I have a sister. Her name is Susan. Hi Daniel, ______name is John. This is______ friend Jason. He's 12. ______sister is nine. ______pet is a budgie. ______name is Dickens. Jason and I go to the same school. There are 450 boys and girls in ______school. Jason's form teacher is Mrs. Peterson. She has got a pet, too. ______ pet is a tortoise. Our form teacher is Mr. Smith. I like______ lessons. He has two dogs. The dogs love to play in______ garden. Now I have a question for you. What's______ pet? Yours, John B.E.S.T English Institute Module 1 Page 39 Possessive determiners my your his her its our your their Ex. These are our books. Possessive pronouns mine yours his hers its ours yours theirs Ex. The books are ours.

9.4 Write the correct possessive 1. John Anderson forgot ___ book. 2. Sarah and Susan talk like ____ mother. 3. Alex and I were late for ___ class . 4. Princess Caroline is wearing ___ new Gucci gown. 5. Where are ___ keys? I can't find them. 6. Where do you keep ___ money, in the bank? 7. Everyone should bring ___ signed receipt. 8. Kelly________ parents live in New York. 9. John and Jane like________ house very much. 10. Whose car is it? Is it________ 12. Look at this car! ________ 13. Madonna and ________ ? 11. I don't like your shoes ; I prefer ________ door is broken ! musicians are in Paris.

14. Who are these people? They are my parents ________ friends. 15. Paul is dancing with ______ wife. 16. English people know ________ Queen very well.

9.5 Complete with the correct possessive word. 1. She is Marion. __________ birthday is in July 2. They are my brothers. _________teacher is Japanese 3. I am Mark. __________ fathers name is Henry 4. You are tall. Is ___________sister tall, too? 5. It is a beautiful house. __________rooms are large. 6. I am Robert. __________last name is Redford. 7. She is from Peru. _________nationality is Peruvian. 8. We are happy. Today is _________ graduation day. 9.6 Look at the pictures and write the correct words with s

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9.7. Complete the sentences. Sometimes you need s, sometimes of. 1. What is ____________________________________ (the name / this town) 2. When is ________________________________ (the birthday / your sister) 3. Write your name at _____________________________(the top / this page) 4. What is _____________________________________ (the address / Jane) 5.______________________ is near the city center. (The house / my parents) 6.__________________________________ is very good. (the English / Maria) 7. For me the morning is _______________________ (the best part / the day) 8.____________________________ is very interesting. (the end / The street) 9._______________________________ is blue. (the favorite color / Pat) 10._______________________________ are very thin. (the walls / this house) 9.8. Choose the correct answer Peter: Whats your name? Marie: a) Nice to meet you b) Marie John: Where are you from? Frank: a) Im from Colombia b) Im sixteen Margaret: number? Alex: a) Its 3652582 b) Fine thank you Margaret: How old are you? Alex: a) Fine, thank you b) Im nineteen years old 9.9. Choose and complete
What Who Where Why Whose When What

Peter: When is your birthday? Marie: a) no thanks b) Its on October 12th, 1975

John: How do you spell your last name? Frank: a) B-A-Y-U-E-L-O b) My first name is Rossie



phone Margaret: Whats your address? Alex: a) Its 3452517 b) Its 45 Murillo street Peter: How are you today? Marie: a) Not much b) Very good

a. _____________is the market? b. _____________is your birthday? c. _____________are you wearing boot? d. _____________is hungry? e. _____________is your rubber? f. _____________car is that? g. ____________ is your dog like? B.E.S.T English Institute

Opposite the toy shop It s on the twenty fourth of January. because Andrew. In my pencil case. Terrys. Its name is Stacy and its playful and sweet. Module 1 Page 41 its raining

9.10. Write the questions. 1. Whos this? This is my best friend. ____________________________ ? His name is Tyler. ____________________________ ? I think hes 14. ____________________________ ? Hes from Australia. 2. __________________________? This is my new classmate. ____________________________? Shes not from Canada. Shes from the U.S. ____________________________? Her name is Carolina. ____________________________? Shes 13. 3. __________________________? This is my e-pal. ____________________________? Her name is Maria. ____________________________? Shes from Mexico. ____________________________? Shes not 14. Shes 12. 4. ____________________________? This is my science partner. ____________________________? Hes not from China. Hes from Japan. ____________________________? His name isnt Jeff. His name is Yoshi. 9.11 Answer the following questions using possessive adjectives and the names in the box. Example : Question: What is Toms last name? Answer: His last name is Cruise. 1. What is Fridas last name? _____________________________________________ 2. What is Kennedys name?______________________________________________ 3. What is James last name?______________________________________________ 4. What is Montoyas first name?___________________________________________ 5. What is Marilyns last name?____________________________________________ 6. What is your teachers last name?________________________________________ 7. What is Bill and Hillarys last name?_______________________________________ 8. What is Michaels last name?____________________________________________ Marilyn Monroe Hillary Clinton Frida Field Juan Pablo Montoya Michael Jackson James Bond Bill and John F. Kennedy

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9.12. Answer with your own information, and then ask the same questions to your partner 1. Whats your full name? __________________________________________ 2. How old are you? ______________________________________________ 3. Whats your address? ___________________________________________ 4. Whats your phone number? ______________________________________ 5. Whats your e-mail? _____________________________________________ 6. Where are you from? ____________________________________________ 7. What do you do? _______________________________________________ USE REALLY TO GIVE EMPHASIS TO YOUR ANSWERS. 9.13. Put in the following forms of be (am, are, is) into the gaps in the text. Do not use short/contracted forms. Example: He __ a boy. Answer: He is a boy 1. Peter Baker _________from Manchester, but Paul and John _________from _________a London. Manchester and London _________cities in England; but Seattle city in USA. WRITING. Fill out the following Fundacin Aliarse Language Centre. Use your own information.

Cd.: FT51V01 Vigencia: 27/09/10

Pgina 43 de 1
Resolucin N 0361

Personal information: Full Name:__________________________________________ Age:_______ I.D:__________________________________________ If you are under 18, please complete your parent(s) name(s) Parents name::____________________________________________ Address::_________________________________ Phone number:___________________ Cell phone number:________________ Schedule:________________________________________________ Pay form: cash :_________ Credit: ______ Limit time to pay:_____________ _________________________________ I.D


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Whats in this unit? Present simple Routines Arguing at your work place Writing about what a typical day is for you. Vocabulary about life styles On line resources Listening Dictionary Pronunciation Grammar and vocabulary. Duration: 7 hours Describe the pictures. How do they make you feel? Are they true?

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1A. READING Read and listen the following article as you check your pronunciation HOMEWORK HAS FEW BENEFITS, SAYS STUDY (29TH MARCH, 2012) The under for notion attack. younger of younger New children not doing really homework that provide is any research does suggests homework


benefit and teachers only give it because parents want it. Professor Richard Walker of Sydney University said that elementary (primary) school children do hours of homework effect on every their week test but it or has minimal, He if said any, the grades level.

situation was little better for junior high school kids. He suggested: I don't think anyone except senior high school students should be doing a couple of hours of homework. Dr Walker said: A little bit of homework is probably OK at all ages, if part of the reason is to help kids become self-directed learners. The study from Sydney University comes days after calls by parents in France to boycott Parents homework Association and read If a the book child instead. hasn't Jean-Jacques succeeded in Hazan doing of the the French at said: exercise

school, I don't see how they're going to succeed at home. He added that schools were pushing the responsibility of teaching onto parents, which causes family friction. We're asking parents to do the work that should be done in lessons, he said. A teaching necessary spokeswoman knowledge agreed, to help saying: their Not all families French have the time or still the give offspring. primary schools

homework despite a five-decade-long ban on it. READING COMPREHENSION EXERCISES 1. TRUE / FALSE: Read the headline. Guess if a-h below are true (T) or false (F). T/F T/ F T/ F T/ F T/ F Module 1 Page 45

a. New research suggests that no one benefits from doing homework. b. A professor said homework raises test scores at elementary schools. c. The professor said only Sr. high school students should do homework. d. He said homework that leads to independent learning is good for all. e. Parents in France want to boycott homework. Fundacin Aliarse Centro de Idiomas

2. SYNONYM MATCH: Match the following synonyms from the article. 1. 2 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Notion ____ suggests____ minimal____ effect____ except____ calls____ boycott____ succeed____ offspring____ despite____ a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. triumph impact besides idea avoid negligible children indicates in spite of requests

3. PHRASE MATCH: 1. 2 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

(Sometimes more than one choice is possible.) a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. effect how they're going to directed learners read a book instead attack their offspring decade-long ban children doing homework be done in lessons bit

The notion of younger ____ under ____ it has minimal, if any, ____ A little ____ help kids become self-____ boycott homework and ____ I don't see ____ do the work that should ____ the necessary knowledge to help ____

10. despite a five-____

4. VOCABULARY CORNER. Do it yourself!!! Instructions: Look up the following words / phrases in your dictionary. Make sentences and a dialogue using them. WORD / PHRASE DEFINITION / SYNONYM TRANSLATION Well Do homework Exercise

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Watch TV Pretty busy Get up early Check my e-mail Listen to the radio Talk a lot Make phone calls Go out On the phone Spend Average Both
Warm Up: Discuss the following questions with a partner. 1. Do you do your homework? 2. When do you go out? 3. How do you spend your free time? 4. Do you talk a lot? 5. Do you listen to the radio? Activity: Write a dialog including the words you have just learnt

LISTENING XI Instructions: Listen and complete the missing information about these people WHATS A TYPICAL MORNING LIKE IN YOUR HOME? GREG ONEAL Well, Im pretty busy. I 1._______________ early. I 2.___________my e-mail, and I listen to the radio. Then I 3._______________ Fundacin Aliarse Centro de Idiomas Module 1 Page 47

JENNIFER LEE Oh, I dont __________mornings. Our house is so noisy. My sister _________ TV, and my brother ________________ games on the computer. AMANDA SANCHEZ Its crazy. We _____________ late, so I _______________ breakfast in the car. My husband doesnt ______________ breakfast he drives.

ALEX STERN Well, I have breakfast, and my wife ___________ coffee. We _____________ read the newspaper. Were pretty quiet. We dont ___________ a lot. VIDEO TIME. Watch the following video to learn about peoples daily activities VOCABULARY Underline the correct words. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Can you open the bath /door, please? We have a basin / sink in our bathroom. The furniture in my house is a bit cosy / old-fashioned. The fridge is near the cupboard / upstairs. You have to walk past / right the chemists. My father has got a lot of books and a computer in his study / hall. The sofa is at / on the left. We havent got some / any plants in our flat. a. breakfast b. t.v c. computer games d. lunch e. with friends f. jogging g. homework h. a book i. up Centro de Idiomas Module 1 Page 48

Match the words 1.______go 2.______get 3.______have 4.______ read 5.______ watch 6.______play 7.______ have 8.______go out 9.______do Fundacin Aliarse

PREPOSITIONS OF TIME Preposition in months year IN seasons part of the day duration part of the day AT time of day celebrations fixed phrases days of the week date ON special holidays a special part of a day Fill in the blanks with in, on, at 1. She is at home __________Saturdays. 2. We go on vacation_________ the summer. 3. My favorite tv program is______a quarter to nine 4. We always visit my grandmother_________August. 5. School ends________ June 26th. 6. I have my English class__________Monday. 7. I get up________ half past six. 8. They go to work __________weekends. 9. We have a holiday_________ winter. 10. I need my lunch _____ 12 oclock. 11. We usually call our mom _________ the evening. Fundacin Aliarse Centro de Idiomas Module 1 Page 49 Use Examples in July; in September in 1985; in 1999 in summer; in the summer of 69 in the morning; in the afternoon; in the evening in a minute; in two weeks at night at 6 o'clock; at midnight at Christmas; at Easter at the same time on Sunday; on Friday on the 25th of December* on Good Friday; on Easter Sunday; on my birthday on the morning of September the 11th*

LISTENING XII. Listen an repeat the days of the week DAYS OF THE WEEK a. Sunday (Sun) b. Monday (Mon) c. Tuesday (Tue) (Tues) d. Wednesday (Wed) e. Thursday (Thur) (Thurs) f. Friday (Fri) g. Saturday (Sat)

What do you do on?

LISTENING XIII. Listen to the pronunciation and spelling of the months. Repeat afterwards MONTHS a. January (Jan) b. February (Feb) c. March (Mar) d. April (Apr) e. May f. June g. July h. August (Aug) i. September (Sept) j. October (Oct) k. November (Nov) l. December (Dec)

Note: The months and the days of the week begin with a capital letter.
EVERYDAY ENGLISH Circle the correct answer 1. A: Whats your new flat like? B: a. Its very nice b. really? 2. A: Has your new house got any furniture? B: a. How about the kitchen? b. Yes, it has 3. A: How many rooms are there in your flat? B: a. Theres a small living room b. Five

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Whats the weather like? Match the words with the pictures.

LISTENING XIV Listen and repeat the weather

. LISTENING XV Listen to the two conversations and complete the table.

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GRAMMAR. PRESENT SIMPLE. Affirmative form We use the Simple Present when we talk about something which happens repeatedly.














Use 1) repeated actions My friend often draws nice posters. 2) things in general The sun rises in the East. SIGNAL WORDS every day, often, always, sometimes, never Form infinitive (3rd person singular he, she, it: infinitive + -s) Examples Affirmative sentences: I read books. We sing pop songs. I play handball. My brother reads books. She sings pop songs. John plays handball.

1. If a verb ends in ss, sh, ch, x, o, z ADD es Example Carolina finishes her job at 6 pm Example A bee buzzes in my garden every morning Fundacin Aliarse Centro de Idiomas Module 1 Page 52

2. If a verb ends in Y and a consonant before ADD ies Example Karol hurries in the morning 3. For most verbs ADD s Yair works as an English teacher EXERCISES Put the correct verb forms into the gaps. Watch the example. Use the Simple Present. Example: I swim - she _____ Answer: I swim - she swims I sing she _________________________________ I play she _________________________________ I read she _________________________________ I go she _________________________________ I ask she _________________________________ I carry she _________________________________ I enjoy she _________________________________ I wash she _________________________________ I call she _________________________________ Put the correct forms of the verbs into the gaps. Use the Simple Present in the statements. Example: I _____ in the lake. (to swim) Answer: I swim in the lake. 1. We __________________________our dog. (to call) 2. Emma__________________________ in the lessons. (to dream) 3. They__________________________ at birds. (to look) 4. John __________________________home from school. (to come) 5. I__________________________ my friends. (to meet) 6. He__________________________ the laptop. (to repair) 7. Walter__________________________ and Frank hello. (to say) 8. The cat__________________________ under the tree. (to sit) 9. You__________________________ water. (to drink)

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Choose the correct answers. 1 He ______________ work at 8.00am. a) goes to the 2 b) finishes to c) goes to

We ______________ our homework after school. a) do b) have c) study

I ______________ TV at 7.30pm. a) have b) start c) watch

Unscramble the following sentences and conjugate the verbs. 1. Pili and Sofia / like / ice cream____________________________________ 2. she / study / every / day____________________________________ 3. brother / your / friendly / look /____________________________________ 4. my sister / parties / enjoy. ____________________________________ WRITING. Instructions: You are going to write about a normal day in your mums life. Use the following verbs: Get up, watch TV, go to work, brush your teeth, take a shower, have breakfast, have lunch, have dinner, go jogging, go shopping, do the homework, etc. ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________

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Whats in this unit? Present simple questions Frequent actions Leisure activities Writing about what you do on your free time. Vocabulary about weekend activities and the phrase I mean. On line resources Listening Dictionary Pronunciation Grammar and vocabulary. Duration: 7 hours Describe the pictures. How do they make you feel? Are they true?

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1A. READING Read and listen the following article as you check your pronunciation SCIENTISTS DEVELOP PILL TO REPLACE EXERCISE US researchers say they have developed a pill that makes you fit without exercising. Scientists at California's Salk Institute for Biological Studies tested a new drug on genetically engineered marathon mice that could run non-stop for hours. They then developed a pill that could reproduce the positive effects of the running. Researcher Professor Ronald Evans said the pill helps cells burn fat quicker and at the same time boosts energy levels. The new discovery could benefit those who do not get the recommended 40 minutes of exercise per day. Professor Evans said: "If you're out of shape, and most of us areyou have to do some exercise.If there was a way to mimic exercise, it would make the quality of exercise [we] have much more efficient." Fitness experts are unconvinced by the new discovery. They say there is no substitute for real exercise and a balanced, healthy diet. However, it seems there would be enormous appeal for a pill that does away with the need for strenuous workouts or sweating it out jogging. If the effects can be reproduced in humans, it could become one of sciences biggest money-spinners. It could additionally reduce a large number of diseases related to obesity and seriously cut the number of hospital patients. Scientists also say such a medicine could be used to treat muscle-wasting diseases. The pills are still in the experimental stage and the researchers are not working with any drug manufacturer. READING COMPREHENSION EXERCISES 1. TRUE / FALSE: Look at the articles headline and guess whether these sentences are true (T) or false (F): a. Scientists have developed an exercise pill that could make us all fit. T / F b. Laboratory mice were able to run without stopping for a very long time. c. Scientists say jogging and other exercise will be a thing of the past. d. The pill will increase the efficiency of any exercise we do. e. Fitness specialists are very excited about the new discovery. f. The pill could make its developers extremely rich. g. There could be fewer people staying in hospitals because of the pill. Fundacin Aliarse Centro de Idiomas Module 1 T / F T / F T / F T / F T / F T / F Page 56

2. SYNONYM MATCH: Match the following synonyms from the article: 1. 2 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. pill fit reproduce mimic efficient experts appeal strenuous treat experimental

a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j.

exhausting copy specialists in good shape tablet test imitate cure attraction productive

3. PHRASE MATCH: Match the following phrases from the article (sometimes more than one combination is possible): 1. 2 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. makes you fit run nonreproduce the positive boosts out of experts are unconvinced there is no substitute a pill that does away with the reduce a large number of diseases

a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j.

effects of the running related to obesity shape for real exercise stop for hours need for strenuous workouts without exercising muscle-wasting diseases energy levels by the new discovery

10. used to treat VOCABULARY CORNER. Do it yourself!!!

Instructions: Look up the following words / phrases in your dictionary. Make sentences and a dialogue using them. WORD / PHRASE DEFINITION / SYNONYM TRANSLATION Surf the net Eat out Go to the movies

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How often Survey I mean Cartoon Soap opera Talk show Game show Documentary Reality show Sitcom The news Well, actually
Warm Up: Discuss the following questions with a partner. 1. Do you go straight home after class? 2. What do you do after class? 3. How do you get home? 4. How often do you go shopping? 5. Do you have breakfast in front of the TV? 6. When do you go out? Activity: Write a dialog including the words you have just learnt

LISTENING XVI Instructions: Listen and read as Robert completes the survey with a friend. FREE-TIME SURVEY Name: Robert Acosta Occupation: Student

Please answer the questions You can check( ) more than one answer.

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1. How often do you go out? ___every night ___ once or twice a week ___ other 2. When do you usually go out? ___ on weeknights ___ on weekends

4. Who do you go out with? ____ my family ____ my friends ____ my girlfriend / boyfriend ___ other______________ 5. How often do you eat out? ___ every night ___ once or twice a week ___ two or three times a month ___ other __________________

3. Where do you go? ___ to the movies ___ to clubs ___ to restaurants ___ to the gym ___ other___________________ VOCABULARY

6. What do you do in your free time at home? ____ go on the internet ____ relax in front of the TV ____ rent movies ____ other ___________________

Complete the sentences. Use the words in the box.

work / homework / TV / up / bed / breakfast

0 1 2 3 4 5 They get ______up_______ at 7.15. He usually has _______________ at 8.00am. Rachel finishes _______________ at nine oclock in the evening. Matt always does his _______________ after school. I often watch _______________ after dinner. We usually go to _______________ at 10.00pm.

Choose the wrong words in the groups. 0 1 2 3 watch ______________________________ a) a DVD b) a video c) the radio c) to the cinema c) the radio b) school c) 500 metres Module 1 Page 59 go ______________________________ a) shopping b) a caf a) TV b) music listen to ______________________________ walk ______________________________ a) a kilometre Fundacin Aliarse Centro de Idiomas

4 5

read ______________________________ a) a book b) a magazine c) a computer game do ______________________________ a) swimming b) homework c) Tae Kwon Do

Complete the sentences with the correct words from the box.

blue / bald / straight / lively / middle-aged / hard-working

0 1 2 3 This dogs got big ___blue___ eyes. No, hes not young. Hes a _____________ man. Lindas got a _____________ nose. His nephew is a _____________ student, because he learns all the time.

TIME EXPRESSIONS How often? Every night On Friday night Once a week Three times a week Twice a month LISTENING XVII Instructions: Listen to the beginning of three conversations. How do you think each conversation continues? Circle a or b. Conversation 1 a what are your hobbies? b where do you work? Conversation 2 a I take French, too. bthe food is good. Conversation 3 a do you watch TV? b do you live around here?

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LISTEING XVIII. Now listen to the complete conversations. Check your answers. ADD a second question to each question below. Then choose one and start a conversation with a partner. 1. How often do you watch? I mean, do you watch.? 2. Where do you usually have lunch? I mean, do you eat? 3. What do you do after class? I mean, do you ..? GRAMMAR. PRESENT SIMPLE. QUESTIONS AND NEGATIVE FORM Use:

the infinite verb (play) with the personal pronouns I, you, we and they (or with the plural form of nouns) the verb + s (plays) with the personal pronouns he, she, it (or with the singular form of nouns) affirmative negative question


I play.

I do not play.

Do I play?


He plays.

He does not play.

Does he play?

SIMPLE QUESTIONS We referred to these ones in this way because they are usually replied YES or NO Example: Do you cook your breakfast? Yes, I cook my breakfast. No, I dont cook my breakfast.

Questions without question words in the Simple Present

Auxiliary Do Does Subject you Peter Verb read play Rest books? football? Yes/No Yes, No, Yes, Subject I I he Module 1 Auxiliary (+ n't) do. don't. does. Page 61

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INFORMATION QUESTIONS We referred to these ones in this way because they use a WH WORD that clearly states the reason of the question. Example: How often do you jog? I jog on Saturday Some common WH WORDS are:

When Why Who What


How often
Questions with question words in the Simple Present Question word What When Where Auxiliary do does do Subject you your mother you Verb play go Rest on computer? to work? Answer your I play games computer. She goes o'clock. I meet stop. to on at my 6 bus

work at the

meet your friends?


Tips on how to form negative sentences and questions Negative sentences and questions are formed with the auxiliary verb 'do'. The 3rd person singular of 'do' is 'does'. This means that in negative sentences and questions thes of the main verb is placed behind 'do'

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EXERCISES Exercise on Negative Sentences Make negative sentences. Ex. Carolina doesnt watch tv / Carolina and Veronica dont watch TV 1. I watch TV. _____________________________________ 2. We play football. _____________________________________ 3. It is boring. _____________________________________ 4. She cleans her room. _____________________________________ 5. You ride your bike every weekend. _____________________________________ 6. Sandy takes nice photos. _____________________________________ 7. They open the windows. _____________________________________ 8. He buys a new CD. _____________________________________ 9. I am late. _____________________________________ 10. She has a cat. _____________________________________ EXERCISE ON QUESTIONS I Arrange the words below to make questions. Example. Does Carolina watch TV? / Do Carolina and Miriam watch TV? 1. she / to collect / stickers. _____________________________________ 2. they / to play / a game. _____________________________________ 3. the cat / to sleep / in the cat's bed. _______________________________ 4. she / often / to dream. _____________________________________ 5. he / to play / street ball. _____________________________________ 6. you / to be / from Paris. _____________________________________ 7. the pupils / to wear / school uniforms. ______________________________ 8. you / to go / to the cinema. _____________________________________ 9. she / to have / friends. _____________________________________ 10. he / to read / books. _____________________________________

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EXERCISE ON QUESTIONS WITH INTERROGATIVES Ask for the bold part of the sentence. Example: Where does Karol live? She lives in Recreo neighborhood 1. Julia likes pop-music. _____________________________________ 2. Maria comes from Spain. _____________________________________ 3. They play in the garden. _____________________________________ 4. Rick rides his bike. _____________________________________ 5. I go to the cinema on Saturdays. _____________________________________ 6. We go to Mallorca because it is warm there. ______________________________ 7. Joe repairs his bike. _____________________________________ 8. Robin drives his car carefully. _____________________________________ 9. Peter runs with his dog every day. _____________________________________ 10. Eric goes to Italy for a holiday. _____________________________________ Complete with the correct form of the verb. Rob

(live) _________ in London with his dog, Fred. He


(work) _______________

in a caf. He

(start) _______________ work at half past ten and he



_______________ at 7 oclock. He

(not have) _______________ dinner because he


has a big lunch at the caf. After work, he he


(play)_______________ football. Then,


(meet) _______________ his friends and they


(go) _______________ to a Latin

club they

(not like) _______________ pop music.

GRAMMAR II. ADVERBS OF FREQUENCY Use adverbs of frequency to say how often you do something. Adverbs of frequency are often used with the present simple because they indicate repeated or routine activities. For example, They often go out for dinner.

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The most common frequency adverbs in English are: Always Frequently Usually Often Sometimes Occasionally Seldom / Hardly ever Rarely Never EVER Note: The percentages here are rough estimates only. Use the question word HOW OFTEN to ask for the frequency. Example: How often do you read a book? I sometimes read a book 100% of the time about 90% of the time about 80% of the time about 70% of the time about 50% of the time about 40% of the time about 20% of the time about 10% of the time about 00% of the time

A. If the sentence has one verb (e.g. no auxiliary verb) put the adverb in the middle of the sentence after the subject and before the verb. Examples Tom usually goes to work by car. Janet never flies. She always goes by bus.

B. Adverbs of frequency come after the verb 'be': Examples I am never late for work. Peter is often at school. C. If the sentence has more than one verb (e.g. auxiliary verb), put the adverb of frequency before the main verb. Examples She doesnt always eat spaghetti. Marcus and Karol can usually stay after class Fundacin Aliarse Centro de Idiomas Module 1 Page 65

D. Other frequency adverbs and expressions are as follows: Every day /week /month Every other day /week Once a week /month /year Twice a year /day, etc. (Every) once in a while EXERCISES Rewrite the complete sentence using the adverb in brackets in its correct position. Example: I play tennis on Sundays. (often) Answer: I often play tennis on Sundays. 1) He listens to the radio. (often)____________________________________ 2) They read a book. (sometimes) ____________________________________ 3) Pete gets angry. (never) ____________________________________ 4) Tom is very friendly. (usually) ____________________________________ 5) I take sugar in my coffee. (sometimes) ____________________________________ 6) Ramon and Frank are hungry. (often) ____________________________________ 7) My grandmother goes for a walk in the evening. (always) ______________________ 8) Walter helps his father in the kitchen. (usually) ________________________________ 9) They watch TV in the afternoon. (never) ____________________________________ Unscramble the following sentences. 1. dictionary / often / use / The / the / students____________________________ 2. me / Paul / helps / sometimes / my / with / homework _____________________________________________________________ 3. visits / Jonathan / usually / dentist / the____________________________________ 4. I / fish / often / hours / for ____________________________________ Fundacin Aliarse Centro de Idiomas Module 1 Page 66

5. see / usually / Jennifer / out / goes / a / to / concert ________________________________________________________________ 6. often / money / Sally / her / borrows / friends / from ________________________________________________________________ 7. my / My / spoils / neighbor / holidays / always _______________________________________________________________ Answer the following questions 1. How often do you go to class? __________________________________________ 2. How often does your mother cook? ________________________________________ 3. How often do you use a pen?_____________________________________________ 4. How often does your teacher ask you a question? ________________________________________________________ 5. Do you always pay attention? _____________________________________________ 6. Does your friend sometimes call you up? ________________________________________________________ WRITING. Instructions: You are going to write about what you normally do on weekends. Use the adverbs of frequency and the verbs that we studied in this unit. In addition to that include: So, but, before, after, later and because ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ Fundacin Aliarse Centro de Idiomas Module 1 Page 67


Whats in this unit? Present simple, a general review. Quantifiers Speak of your neighborhood and local events The time The date Writing about what you do on your free time. Using Me too, Me neither, right, I know to agree and disagree. On line resources Listening Dictionary Pronunciation Grammar and vocabulary. Duration: 7 hours Describe the pictures. How do they make you feel? Are they true?

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1A. READING Read and listen the following article as you check your pronunciation

Half of Europes citizens are bilingual

Residents of the European Union (EU) are becoming better and better at languages. Almost 50 percent of the EU population say they can speak at least one foreign language very well. That figure rises to nearly 80 percent for students. To celebrate its linguistic diversity, September 26 has become the official European Day of Languages. The days website shows a Slovak proverb that says: The number of languages you speak is the number of times you are human. This is to encourage all Europeans to brush up on their language skills. The results of the Eurobarometer survey put Luxembourgers at the top of the language ability list. An amazing 99 percent of Luxembourgs population is at least bilingual. Those with the poorest language skills are the Hungarians (29 percent) and British (30 percent). English is the most widely spoken foreign language, used by more than a third of the population. German (12 percent) is in second place followed by French (11 percent). European enlargement means Russian has risen to fourth place tied with Spanish. The EU spends $36 million a year on language programs. READING COMPREHENSION EXERCISES LANGUAGE OPINIONS: Do you agree with these opinions on language? Talk about them with your partner(s). a. If the whole world learned English, thered be fewer communication problems. b. To be successful in the world, its now better to learn Chinese. c. English should become the official world language. d. The English language is changing many other languages and cultures. e. Its the duty of all countries to make citizens bilingual. f. There should be just one world language in the future. g. My mother tongue is too beautiful to die. Fundacin Aliarse Centro de Idiomas Module 1 Page 69

TRUE / FALSE: Look at the articles headline and guess whether these sentences are true (T) or false (F): a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. Europeans are become increasingly better at other languages. Eighty percent of European students are bilingual. September 26 is the official European Day For the English Language. A European proverb says you are not human unless you are bilingual. Ninety-nine percent of Luxembourgers are at least bilingual. Britons are amongst the top of bilingual speakers. French is the most widely spoken foreign language among Europeans. Fewer and fewer Europeans are speaking Russian. VOCABULARY CORNER. Do it yourself!!! Instructions: Look up the following words / phrases in your dictionary. Make sentences and a dialogue using them. WORD / PHRASE DEFINITION / SYNONYM TRANSLATION Me too Me neither Right I know Stadium Shopping mal Museum Lets Exciting / Boring Classifieds Advertisements Convenient T / F T / F T / F T / F T / F T / F T / F T / F

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Outdoor Caf Movie theatre Do the laundry

Warm Up: Discuss the following questions with a partner. 1. How do you like your neighborhood? 2. Whats on this weekend? 3. When do you use the expression that sounds like fun? 4. What time does your class finish? 5. Is there a bulletin board in your classroom? 6. Tell me about your daily activities Activity: Write a dialog including the words you have just learnt

LISTENING XIX Instructions: Listen to the radio show, and complete the chart. Event 1. Concert 2. Art exhibit 3. Soccer match 4. Play VIDEO TIME. WALKERS Instructions: Watch and listen the video about Tatiana, a Ukrainian who migrated to the U.S.A. She makes some mistakes, Can you identify them? 1. a. She gave birth to triplets. The three babies made her gain a lot of weight. b. She gave birth to one baby. The baby made her gain a lot of weight. c. She gave birth to twins. They made her gain a lot of weight. Where is it? What time does it start?

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2. Gain weight - Lose weight Tatiana gained weight when she gave birth to her twins. In fact she gained 25 pounds (11.4 kg). What about Jenny and Jo? a. Jen and Jo both gained weight. b. Jen gained weight and Jo lost weight. c. Jo gained weight and Jen lost weight. 3.Instructions: Listen to the video again and complete the following dialogue. Tatiana: Tatiana Ann (the interviewer): Last name? Tatiana: Uh, Tatiana Burnett. Ann: Can you spell the last? Tatiana: Uh, B - U - R - N - E - T - T. Ann: And, uhm, is walking to you in your life? Tatiana: , especially now, after I to my twins. Cameraman: (Can we show) a picture of your children? Ann: Yes! Can we show a picture of your (babies)? Tatiana: Yes, absolutely... But they make me of pounds, so, now it's walking, walking and walking. Ann: Walking is very important. Tatiana: Yes, very important. Ann: How important is it for you to be able to walk to the stores, and, uhm, , from your house? Tatiana: originally Ukraine, so in my country people don't drive much cars, at least they used to not drive as much. They use transportation, to everywhere. So, uh, when I to the United States, I a lot of, a lot of weight just because I don't move as much. Fundacin Aliarse Centro de Idiomas Module 1 Page 72

And, so, it's a big problem. We live in a small town here, in Dupont, and everywhere you have to go, you drive. If it's some business, or doing shopping, you everywhere, and it's, it's a little bit hard. I don't know if I can talk politics, but I think that when Barack Obama says that we need to our communities a little bit better, speaking... meaning that we need to walk, to more places. More places need to be more . Yes, I think . Ann: Cool. Thank you so much, and good luck with your beautiful... Your twins are beautiful. Congratulations! Tatiana: Thank you. VOCABULARY


What time is it? Explanation There are two common ways of telling the time. Formal but easier way Say the hours first and then the minutes. Example: 7:45 - seven forty-five For minutes 01 through 09, you can pronounce the '0' as oh. Example: 11:06 - eleven (oh) six More popular way Say the minutes first and then the hours. Use past and the preceding hour for minutes 01 through 30. Use to and the forthcoming hour for minutes 31 through 59, but . Example: 7.15 - fifteen minutes past seven Example: 7.45 - fifteen minutes to eight Another possibility of saying '15 minutes past' is: a quarter past Another possibility of saying '15 minutes to' is: a quarter to Fundacin Aliarse Centro de Idiomas Module 1 Page 73

Another possibility of saying '30 minutes past' is: half past Example: 5:30 - half past five Use o'clock only at the full hour. Example: 7:00 - seven o'clock (but 7:10 - ten past seven) For times around midnight or midday you can use the expressions midnight or midday / noon instead of the number 12. 00:00 - midnight 12:00 - midday or noon Example: 3:15 - a quarter past three in the morning OR a quarter past three at night More formal expressions to indicate whether a time is before noon or after are a.m. (also: am - ante meridiem, before noon) and p.m. (also: pm - post meridiem, after noon). Use these expression only with the formal way of telling the time. Example: 3:15 - three fifteen a.m. It is not usual to use a.m. and p.m. with past/to. Example: 3:15 - fifteen minutes past three OR a quarter past three EXERCISES Visit the following website and practice. Write the time next to the digital clock

10:40 am 6:00 am 8:15 pm 3:45 pm 2:00 pm 12:15 pm 12:30 am

11:00 am

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a. Its midnight. d. Its quarter to eight. e. Its half past three. f. Its twenty five to ten. g. Its six oclock. h. Its noon. THE DATE 1. How to say the year You write 1900 1901 1995 2000 2002 2010 You say nineteen hundred

b. Its quarter past five.

c. Its five past eight.

nineteen hundred (and) one nineteen oh-one nineteen ninety-five two thousand twenty hundred two thousand (and) two twenty oh-two two thousand (and) ten twenty ten

You normally "split up" the year in tens. 1985 is split up in 19 and 85. (You say: nineteen eighty-five). From 2000 until 2009 the year is normally not split up. You say: two thousand; two thousand (and) one. The word >and< is often left out. From 2010 on the year is split up again. 2010 is split up in 20 and 10. (You say: twenty ten).

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2) Writing and saying the date in British English RULE: day - month - year day You write: You say: the 1st first of month January, January year 2010 twenty ten

NOTE: The two letters at the end of the number and the comma are often left out. 3) Writing and saying the date in American English RULE: month - day - year month You write: You say: January, January the day 1st first year 2010 twenty ten

4) Sample sentences and the correct prepositions: I was born in 1999. (Use in with the year.) I was born in August. (Use in with the month.) I was born on 12th May, 2000. (Use on in the complete date.) Somtimes BC or AD is added after the year. Example: 1060 BC (ten sixty Before Christ) 1060 AD (ten sixty Anno Domini) - This is Latin for >in the year of the Lord 5) Note It is common to use numbers instead of months. British English 13/11/2010 13-11-2010 13.11.2010 in the USA. American English 11/13/2010 11-13-2010 11.13.2010

If you write 4/8/1995, it is the 4th August 1995 in Britain, but it is April 8th, 1995

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Write the dates in words. a. 8/10/2011________________________________ b. 20/9/1909________________________________ c. 30/4/2017________________________________ d. 15/7/1994________________________________ e. 11/5/1900 _______________________________ LISTENING XX Instructions: Listen to about? Circle a or b. 1. a. the restaurants b. the people Sam talk about his neighborhood. What topics is he 3. a. concerts b. sporting events talking

2. a. his neighbors b. places to shop


A. Complete the sentences with the correct forms of there is or there are: affirmative, negative or question forms. 0 1 2 3 4 5

There is_ a microwave in the kitchen.

_________ a bath in my bathroom but _________ a shower. _________ any chairs in her living room? _________ some shelves in my bedroom. _________ a lighthouse near the harbour? _________ any armchairs in the room but _________ a table.

B. Using the vocabulary above, write sentences using (There is/There are, and prepositions of place e.g. Under, behind, etc.

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1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________

GRAMMAR II. Using QUANTIFIERS A LOT OF: Use to refer to plural and singular nouns. For affirmative and negative statements. SOME: Plural form for affirmative statements MANY: Plural form, usually used for negative statements, but it can also be used for affirmative sentences. A COUPLE OF: It means that you use two of the noun you are using. EXERCISES Instructions: Complete the sentences with the words below. a a few any Many an a little much a lot of a lot some

1. How children do you and Tony have? 2. I don't have patience and I find jigsaw puzzles boring. 3. We only have carrots. We should go and buy some more. 4. "Do we need any mushrooms?" "No, we have . Look, three bags!"

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5. There was an explosion at the injured. We don't know how many yet.





6. When you make the pie, put wine in too. But not too much! It makes it really tasty. 7. When you go out, buy me apple and a bottle of Coke. 8. I don't need problem! GRAMMAR III. QUESTION WORDS Question words (verb to be practice) English Where Why Who What / (time) Spanish Donde Por que Quien Que / Cual (a advice from you. You don't understand the

que hora) Which How long Que / Cual Por cuanto tiempo / para medidas How often Con frecuencia Whose De quien que

How many/much Cuantos How old How How + adjetivo How come Edad Como Descripciones Como asi

Remember: In questions with the verb to be, only the question words can go in the beginning. Nothing may go in front of the question words in full questions. Fundacin Aliarse Centro de Idiomas Module 1 Page 79

EXERCISES FILL IN THE CORRECT QUESTION WORD 1. do you live? In Miami. 2 .is his father? 3. . brothers A pilot. One.

do you have?

4. ..films do you like best? Action films. 5. you have lunch? At school.

6. .do you come home on Mondays? Usually at 6. 7. .old are you? Twenty. 8. .are your hobbies? Skiing and tennis. 9. .is your English teacher? Mr Herrera F. 10. .are you today? Fine, thanks. 11. .are you late? Because ... 13. .is in the box? Sweets, I think. 14. . is your mother? She's in the garden. Instructions: Write the correct simple question. Example: I am hungry. - Are you hungry? 1. He goes to school. .? 2. She wants an ice cream. .? 3. We are ready. .? 4. Lions eat meat. .? 5. Tamara likes sweets. .? 6. The cat is on the chair. .? 7. Pam wants another T-shirt. .? 8. Mother irons the shirts. .? Fundacin Aliarse Centro de Idiomas Module 1 Page 80

9. They listen to the teacher. .? 10. I like black shoes. .? 11. We run to school. .? 12. They talk about stickers. .? Instructions: Ask for the underlined words. 1. He runs across the street. .? 2. I spend my holidays in Switzerland. .? 3. I play three times a week. .? 4. My brother teaches me a lot. .? 5. The children go to the counter. .? 6. They meet at the station every day. .? 7. He does some press - ups. .? Circle the correct word. 1 We dont / doesnt leave home at 9 oclock. 2 3 4 5 My father dont / doesnt sleep late on Saturdays. They start / starts work at half past nine. Terry doesnt wear / wears a uniform at his school. My brother hate / hates fruit.

Underline the mistake in each sentence and write the correct word. 1 She dont go to college. _______________ 2 3 4 5 They watches TV in the evening. _______________ Does we have dinner in the kitchen? Where do he work? Do you lives here? _______________

_______________ _______________

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Complete with the correct form of the verb. Rob












_______________ in a caf. He he

(start) _______________ work at half past ten and


(finish) _______________ at 7 oclock. He

(not have) _______________ dinner


because he has a big lunch at the caf. After work, he football. Then, he

(play)_______________ and they







_______________ to a Latin club they (go)_______________ to bed very late

(not like) _______________ pop music. He at 1 oclock in the morning.10 (he


______________________________ his life? I think he does! WRITING. Instructions: You and your brother/sister are on holiday at your aunt and uncles country house. Write a postcard to your parents telling them about it. Start like this: Dear____________________________________ How are you? Were here in _______________________________________________and were having a great time! The house is fantastic!__________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ The weather is _______________________________________________________________ ,we _________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ Thats all for now. See you soon! Lots of love, _______________and_______________________

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