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JAIME SERRA arcet ene iti obra de Mawuat on ermuccionts nara "Brant sn". Duchamp, 196. Ducharmp trabajo arteen aboluo secret. Unave finalizada,confeccond till poradocumentos de anillas, que contents en 25 fundas de plistico lass operaciones de montaje gene ral faseinants pola simple forma de conta algo com plejo. El manual reueria gran detalle para poder ‘entamblar sin erroruna obra de arte de gran comple Ad: el interiorde un abitseuo en el que intra ‘sels, elementos meednioosy fotografia cream una nguietanteescenografiaeampestre donde yace una ‘mujer desnuda sosteniendo wnalimparade gis. Aunque lfinde Duchamp fuse reliear un manval de instruc ‘ones humilde ens forma despreacupadamente ete ‘ano pasa inadvertido que a mane que To realias fe a ‘dlarita mds influyente del sgl XX Isstaveriow Masta ton Eras pox", by Mare nblajesun sen Dachanp.1966, Duchamp worked secretly on his lst wworkofart- Onceit was ished, hewrotean instruction ‘anal to absemble it simple spiral notebook that ‘contained 35 plastic folders "the fifteen genera assembly operations” The simple way he explained something so complexisfecinating.Inorder to proper i esecmble the complex masterpiece. many de required, Inside habitable space, painting, sculpt Imechanical lementsand photography erate disturb lamp. Duchamp's goal was toereste ‘manual without considering aesthetic concepts. Hower itis mponsble wot to ogee that thie was done by le instruct he most influential arts ofthe aoth century.

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